
SVEDALA COMPACTION AND PAVING Svedala Compaction Equipment AB Box 504, SE-371 23 Karlskrona, Sweden Telephone +46 455 30 60 00 Telefax +46 455 30 60 10 Telex 43041 dynkar s DYNAPAC SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE LF 90/90A SLF090EN2

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Catalogo Dynapac



    Svedala Compaction Equipment ABBox 504, SE-371 23 Karlskrona, Sweden

    Telephone +46 455 30 60 00Telefax +46 455 30 60 10

    Telex 43041 dynkar s



    LF 90/90A


  • Spare Parts Catalogue

    We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.Printed in Sweden.

    Published catalogue issues valid for these plate compactors:Catalogue Issue date Valid for serial numbers



    Forward Vibratory Plate CompactorLF90/90A


    L-S-10362-1 Replaced by SLF090EN1SLF090EN1 1997-05 Replaced by SLF090EN2SLF090EN2 1999-04

    Robin EY15D/EY20D Farymann 14DYanmar L40AE Honda GX120K1SX/GX160K1SXHatz 1B20

  • II

    ORDERING SPARE PARTSTo avoid errors in delivery, please give the followinginformation when ordering spare parts:1. Type of machine.2. Roller serial number.3. Quantity required.4. Part number.5. Parts denomination.6. Dimensions when ordering per length.

    RESERVDELSBESTLLNINGFljande uppgifter ska lmnas vid bestllning av reserv-delar fr att undvika leveransfel:1. Maskintyp.2. Vltens serienummer.3. Antal av nskad reservdel.4. Reserdelens artikelnummer.5. Reservdelens benmning.6. Mttuppgifter vid bestllning av metervara.

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    ORDINI DI RICAMBIPer evitare errori nelle consegne di ricambi, Vi preghiamodi comunicarci le seguenti informazioni al momento dell'ordinazione:1. Tipo di macchina.2. Numero di serie della macchina.3. Quantit dei pezzi desiderati. (Quantity)4. Numero di codice del pezzo. (Part N)5. Descrizione del pezzo di ricambio. (Denomination)6. Misura, in caso di ordine per metro.

    PEDIDO DE RECAMBIOSPara evitar errores en las entregas, debern indicarse lossiguientes datos al hacer un pedido de recambios:1. Tipo de mquina.2. Nmero de serie.3. Cantidad de piezas deseadas. (Quantity)4. Nmero de artculo de la pieza de recambio. (Part N)5. Denominacin de la pieza. (Denomination)6. Indquese la medida al solicitar un artculo que se

    expide por metros.

    COMMANDE DE PIECES DE RECHANGELes indications suivantes doivent tre fournies lors de lacommande de pices de rechange, afin d'viter toute erreurde livraison:1. Type de machine.2. Numro de srie.3. Quantit dsire de pice de rechange. (Quantity)4. Numro de la pice de rechange. (Part N)5. Dnomination de la pice de rechange. (Denomination)6. Longueur en cas de commande au mtre.


  • III






    Text pagesThe text pages is structured as thepicture on the right.1. This is the remarks forspecific items and the descriptionsof the remarks is at the bottom ofthe parts list.2. Parts indicated by a dot andmoved to the right are includedwhen buying the assembled unitabove.3. Spare parts and service codefor a specific part, mainly forinternal use at Svedala Dynapac."A" = Service part, "B" = Fastmoving part, "C" = Suggestedexchanged part and "D" = Regularspare part.


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    LF 90/90A


  • LF90 and LF90A SLF090EN2

    TC 1


    LF90 and LF90A SLF090EN2 2

    Ground plate 4Ground plate Engine plate, frame 6Sprinkler 8

    Eccentric element 10Eccentric element 12

    Engine 14Engine Robin EY20 D 16Engine Robin EY15 D 18Engine Honda GX160 K1SX 20Engine Honda GX120 K1SX 22Engine Farymann 14D 24Engine Yanmar L40 AE 26Engine Hatz 1B20380545 28Fuel tank Hatz 1B20 30

    Transmission 32Power transmission 34Power transmission Hatz 1B20 36

    Handle 38Handle Transport device 40

    Decals and equipment 42Decals and equipment 44

  • 2

    LF90 and LF90A SLF090EN2


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 3

    LF90 and LF90A SLF090EN2

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description10 Ground plate ( Page 4 )020 Eccentric element ( Page 10 )030 Engine ( Page 14 )040 Transmission ( Page 32 )070 Handle ( Page 38 )080 Decals and equipment ( Page 42 )0

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 4

    Ground plate


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 5

    Ground plate

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description10 Ground plate Engine plate, frame ( Page 6 )020 Sprinkler ( Page 8 )0

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 6

    Ground plate Engine plate, frame


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 7

    Ground plate Engine plate, frame

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282581 A Ground plate cpl. 1

    282606 B Ground plate cpl. 12 282584 V-belt cover 1

    282655 1 Belt guard,outer 13 500030 Screw 24 904230 Washer 105 586018 DLock nut 46 500027 Screw 47 282075 V-belt guard inner 1

    282604 1 V-belt cover, inner 18 282151 BShock absorber 49 902041 Screw 4

    10 516050 Screw 211 282149 Distance 412 282150 Absorbent 413 500053 Screw 214 904640 Washer 615 282152 BShock absorber 216 500096 Screw 217 600006 Washer 418 586003 Lock nut 319 282095 Distance 220 282097 Distance 221 282096 Distance 222 282094 Frame 1

    283047 3 Frame 123 500029 Screw 224 282043 Engine plate Up to 290048591

    283065 3 Engine plate From 29005191125 500019 Screw 626 500021 Screw 127 282093 Lifting eye 1

    283046 3 Lifting eye 128 282284 Grab handle 229 508019 Screw 430 282202 Bracket 231 904230 Washer 232 500090 4 Screw 2

    500029 Screw 233 282652 4 Spacer 2

    282096 Distance 234 282651 4 Spacer 1

    282097 Distance 235 282654 C Block pav set 136 282656 .Plate, polyurethane 137 282612 .Protection plate 138 902520 .Screw 439 283053 Bracket 240 904556 Washer 2

    1) Engine Farymann 14D3) Hatz 1B20 and Honda GX120,1604) Engine Yanmar L40AEA) With eccentric elementB) Engine Farymann 14D, with eccentric elementC) Option

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 8



    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 9


    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282129 DWater tank 12 920819 D.Filler cap 13 923570 Connection 14 232150 Nut 25 615102 Washer 26 923140 DBall valve 17 901650 Nipple 18 902160 A Plastic hose 19 282089 Holder 1

    10 500029 Screw 211 615044 DConical spring washer 412 586018 DLock nut 213 282186 Sprinkler tube 114 287370 Plug 215 516012 Screw 416 282286 Clamp 117 615042 Conical spring washer 818 500012 Screw 119 282612 Protection plate 120 513003 Screw 4

    A) L=500MM

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 10

    Eccentric element


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 11

    Eccentric element

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description10 Eccentric element ( Page 12 )0

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 12

    Eccentric element


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 13

    Eccentric element

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282581 Ground plate cpl. 12 282154 Eccentric shaft 13 902005 DBearing 24 151029 DSnap ring 25 903360 Nilos ring 26 282157 Cover 17 160033 DO-ring 28 500013 Screw 89 615042 Conical spring washer 8

    10 282156 Cover 111 901654 Seal ring 112 282135 V-belt pulley 1

    282605 1 Pulley 1283059 2 V-belt pulley 1

    13 351041 Key 1350031 1 Key 1

    14 901688 Washer 115 615043 Conical spring washer 116 500053 Screw 1

    500047 1 Screw 1

    1) Engine Farymann 14D2) Engine Hatz 1B20

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 14



    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 15


    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description10 Engine Robin EY20 D ( Page 16 )020 Engine Robin EY15 D ( Page 18 )030 Engine Honda GX160 K1SX ( Page 20 )040 Engine Honda GX120 K1SX ( Page 22 )050 Engine Farymann 14D ( Page 24 )060 Engine Yanmar L40 AE ( Page 26 )070 380545 Engine Hatz 1B20 ( Page 28 )075 Fuel tank Hatz 1B20 ( Page 30 )0

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 16

    Engine Robin EY20 D


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 17

    Engine Robin EY20 D

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 281250 Engine 12 921886 .Air cleaner assembly 13 921887 A..Air filter element 14 921880 D.Oil dipstick 25 910267 .Gasket 26 935659 .Fuel tank, cpl. 17 922118 D..Filler cap 18 910270 A..Fuel strainer 19 929357 ..Fuel cock 1

    10 929478 .Muffler 111 929479 .Muffler cover 112 471003 A.Spark plug 113 928986 D.Recoil starter 114 920405 B..Spring 115 920404 B..Starter rope 116 922294 B..Starter knob 117 920406 ..Ratchet 118 920407 ..Friction spring 119 920408 ..Return spring 120 920409 ..Friction plate 121 922142 ..Washer 122 920412 ..Clip 123 238326 ..Starter ring 124 238429 .Carburettor 125 710099 .Stop button 126 239773 .Oil alert sensor 127 282078 Governor yoke 228 615043 Conical spring washer 429 586003 Lock nut 4

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 18

    Engine Robin EY15 D


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 19

    Engine Robin EY15 D

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 271426 Engine 12 924580 .Air cleaner assembly 13 910273 A..Air filter element 14 921880 D.Oil dipstick 25 910267 .Gasket 26 935657 .Fuel tank, cpl. 17 910269 D..Filler cap 18 910270 A..Fuel strainer 19 929357 ..Fuel cock 1

    10 921881 .Muffler 111 921882 D.Gasket 112 921883 .Muffler cover 113 910264 .Screw 214 471003 A.Spark plug 115 922293 D.Recoil starter 116 920405 B..Spring 117 920404 B..Starter rope 118 922294 B..Starter knob 119 920408 ..Return spring 120 920407 ..Friction spring 121 920406 ..Ratchet 122 920409 ..Friction plate 123 922142 ..Washer 124 920412 ..Clip 125 922281 .Carburettor 126 710099 .Stop button 127 239773 .Oil alert sensor 128 910268 D.Plug 229 910266 D.Gasket 230 282078 Governor yoke 231 615043 Conical spring washer 432 586003 Lock nut 4

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 20

    Engine Honda GX160 K1SX


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 21

    Engine Honda GX160 K1SX

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 281125 Petrol engine 12 239059 .Muffler 13 239060 .Muffler cover, upper 14 239062 .Deflector 15 238322 .Arrester, spark 16 239063 .Gasket, muffler 17 570005 .Nut 28 533023 .Screw 49 100900105 .Screw 1

    10 239323 A.Air filter element 111 239685 .Cover 112 238314 .Nut 113 239771 .Nut 115 239065 D.Recoil starter, cpl 116 239374 B..Starter rope 117 239375 B..Spring 118 239376 ..Reel 119 239377 ..Spring 120 239378 ..Ratchet 121 239379 ..Friction spring 122 239380 ..Guide 123 239381 ..Screw 124 239391 B..Handle 125 239321 .Fuel tank 126 239324 D.Fuel tank cap 127 238262 B.Fuel strainer 128 238303 D.Gasket 129 238306 D.Oil plug 130 238298 .Stop button 131 239325 .Carburettor 132 238310 .Needle valve 133 239565 A.Spark plug 134 238301 D.Gasket 135 239664 D.Gasket, cylinder head 136 238416 .Valve spring 137 238417 .Washer 138 239680 .Oil alert sensor 139 282078 Governor yoke 240 615043 Conical spring washer 441 586003 Lock nut 4

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 22

    Engine Honda GX120 K1SX


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 23

    Engine Honda GX120 K1SX

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282190 Engine 12 239059 .Muffler 13 239060 .Muffler cover, upper 14 239062 .Deflector 15 238322 .Arrester, spark 16 239063 .Gasket, muffler 17 570005 .Nut 28 533023 .Screw 49 100900105 .Screw 1

    10 239064 A.Air cleaner element 111 239685 .Cover 112 238314 .Nut 113 239771 .Nut 114 239065 D.Recoil starter, cpl 115 239374 B..Starter rope 116 239375 B..Spring 117 239376 ..Reel 118 239377 ..Spring 119 239378 ..Ratchet 220 239379 ..Friction spring 221 239380 ..Guide 122 239381 ..Screw 123 239391 B..Handle 124 239066 .Fuel tank 125 239324 D..Fuel tank cap 126 239682 D.Plug 227 238303 D.Gasket 228 238306 D.Oil plug 129 238298 .Stop button 130 239061 .Carburettor 131 924842 .Spark plug 132 238301 D.Gasket 133 239854 D.Gasket 134 239680 .Oil alert sensor 135 282078 Governor yoke 236 615043 Conical spring washer 437 586003 Lock nut 4

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 24

    Engine Farymann 14D


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 25

    Engine Farymann 14D

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282595 Diesel engine 12 239783 .Air filter 13 239754 A.Filter element 14 570005 .Nut 45 600006 .Washer 46 239782 .Gasket 17 239789 .Cover 18 239790 .Gasket 19 239794 .Holder 1

    10 239795 .Plug 111 239799 .Fuel tank 112 239801 ..Gasket 113 239800 D..Fuel cap 114 239807 .Strap 215 500239 .Screw 216 239784 D.Fan 117 239786 D.Recoil starter 118 239815 B..Spring 119 239816 B..Rope with handle 120 239817 B..Knob 121 239813 .Muffler cover 122 239810 .Muffler 123 239812 .Gasket 124 239811 .Pin 225 239755 A.Fuel filter 126 239797 .Fuel pump 127 600004 .Washer 228 500012 .Screw 229 239798 .Oil dipstick 130 500033 Screw 331 500091 Screw 132 615044 DConical spring washer 833 570006 Nut 4

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 26

    Engine Yanmar L40 AE


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 27

    Engine Yanmar L40 AE

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282148 Engine 12 239722 .Air cleaner assembly 13 100901722 ..Filter element 14 239295 ..Gasket 15 239276 ..Wing nut 16 239198 .Fuel tank 17 238457 D..Filler cap 18 238458 D..Fuel strainer 19 239307 ..Sealing 1

    10 239308 ..Screw 111 239156 ..Rubber protection 412 239196 .Bracket 113 239187 .Tank bracket, uppes 114 238459 A.Fuel filter 115 239360 ..Gasket fuelfilter 116 239193 .Fuel cock cpl 117 238460 ..O-ring 118 238454 A.Oil filter 119 238455 A..O-ring 120 238446 D.Gasket valve cap 121 239723 .Muffler 122 239365 .Screw cover 623 239366 .Gasket muffler 124 239724 .Muffler cap 125 239298 .Key 126 239362 .Oil dipstick 227 238447 .Oil drain plug 128 238448 .Sealing washer 129 239005 D.Starter assy, recoil 130 238450 B..Knob recoil stater 131 238449 B..Starter rope 132 238451 B..Return spring 133 238453 B..Spring 134 239352 ..Reel 135 238452 ..Ratchet 136 239355 ..Friction plate 137 239356 ..Washer 138 239357 ..Circlip 139 239361 ..Screw 340 239358 ..Pulley 141 500091 Screw 442 615072 Washer 443 615044 DConical spring washer 444 586018 DLock nut 4

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 28

    380545 Engine Hatz 1B20


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 29

    380545 Engine Hatz 1B20

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 DEngine 12 937001 .Oil strainer 13 937002 D.Plug 14 937003 B.O-ring 15 936975 .Throttle control 16 936974 .Alternator 17 936982 D.Recoil starter, cpl 18 936983 B..Knob 19 936985 B..Spiral spring 1

    10 936986 ..Recoil starter assy 111 936987 ..Washer 412 936988 ..Screw 413 936989 B..Rope 114 936990 ..Reel 115 936991 B..Spring 116 936992 ..Friction plate 117 936993 ..Screw 118 936994 ..Washer 119 936995 ..Ratchet 120 936996 ..O-ring 121 936997 .Screw 322 936998 .Washer 323 936999 .Starting pulley 124 937000 .Decal 125 .Air filter 126 937011 ..Washer 127 937012 ..Screw 328 937013 A..Filter element 129 937014 ..Screw 130 937015 ..Protection cover 131 937016 ..Screw 132 937017 ..Nut 133 937018 ..Plate 134 937019 ..Rubber hose 135 937020 ..Edge trim 136 239517 ..Washer 237 937021 ..Protection cover 138 937022 ..Gasket 239 937023 ..Gasket 140 937024 ..Vent nipple 141 937010 ..Edge trim 142 937007 .Protection cover 143 937008 ..Edge trim 144 937009 .Muffler 145 937005 ..Exhaust pipe 146 937004 ..Exhaust pipe 147 937006 ..Gasket 548 936976 D.Injection pump 149 936977 ..O-ring 0,2 mm150 936978 ..O-ring 0,3 mm151 936979 ..O-ring 0,4 mm152 936980 ..O-ring 0,5 mm153 936981 ..O-ring 0,6 mm154 937608 .Oil dipstick 155 937607 B.Nozzle 156 937606 .Sleeve 157 937604 .Lock 158 937605 .Socket 159 937415 .Oil strainer 1

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 30

    Fuel tank Hatz 1B20


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 31

    Fuel tank Hatz 1B20

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 936946 Fuel tank, cpl. 12 936947 DFuel cap 13 936948 .Stiffener 14 936949 .Hose 15 936950 .Adapter 16 936951 .Hose 17 936952 .Ventilation valve 18 936953 .O-ring 29 936954 .Adapter 1

    10 936955 .Gasket 111 936961 .Gasket 112 936962 .Gasket 113 936963 .Pipe 114 936964 A.Fuel filter 115 936965 .Gasket 116 936966 .Adapter 117 936967 .Hose 118 936968 Pin 119 936956 Hose 220 936957 Hose 121 936958 Adapter 122 936959 Hose 123 936960 Hose 124 936969 Adapter 125 936970 Hose 126 936971 Hose 127 936972 O-ring 128 936973 Adapter 1

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 32



    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 33


    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description10 Power transmission ( Page 34 )020 Power transmission Hatz 1B20 ( Page 36 )0

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 34

    Power transmission


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 35

    Power transmission

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282077 DCentrifugal clutch 1

    282076 3 DCentrifugal clutch 12 935635 .Retainer ring 13 935636 .Nilos ring 14 111183 D.Ball bearing 15 929360 B.Clutch lining 26 239290 D.Weight 27 912498 D.Spring 28 935638 .Screw 49 912480 .Cover 1

    10 935639 .Hub 1935637 3 .Hub 1

    11 912479 .Cover 112 413065 1 AV-belt 1

    410006 5 AV-belt 1413049 4 BV-belt 1

    13 901688 1 Washer 1615117 5 Washer 1

    14 500022 1 Screw 1500053 5 Screw 1

    1) Engine Farymann 14D3) Engine Robin EY 15D, Honda GX120 K1SX4) Engine Yanmar L40 AE5) Engine Honda GX160 K1SX, GX120 K1SX, Robin EY 20D,EY 15D

    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 36

    Power transmission Hatz 1B20


    Svedala Compaction Equipment AB


  • 37

    Power transmission Hatz 1B20

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 283056 Centrifugal clutch 12 937029 .V-belt pulley 13 111178 D.Ball bearing 14 151023 .Retaining ring 15 150015 .Snap ring 26 100901023 .Nilos ring 17 937030 .Hub 18 912477 D.Centrifugal weight 29 100901018 B.Clutch lining 2

    10 239732 B.Spring 411 239857 .Cover 112 239539 .Retainer ring 113 935808 .Cover 114 239734 .Retaining ring 115 500053 .Screw 116 615117 Washer 117 413049 BV-belt 1

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    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description10 Handle Transport device ( Page 40 )0

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    Handle Transport device


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    Handle Transport device

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description1 282650 Standard handle for 12 282649 .Handle 13 282594 .Plain bearing 24 500109 .Screw 25 904230 .Washer 46 586018 D.Lock nut 27 282618 Handle, cpl 18 282608 .Handle 19 282592 Vibration damped handle 1

    10 282596 .Handle, upper 111 282597 .Handle, lower 112 282600 B.Shock absorber 413 500019 .Screw 814 904556 .Washer 815 282603 .Plastic plug 416 282212 Transport device 117 282204 Wheel carrier 1

    283048 .Wheel carrier 118 282213 D.Wheel 219 282203 .Shaft 220 600014 .Washer 421 150008 .Snap ring 622 282209 .Knob 223 582007 .Wing nut 224 500029 .Screw 225 904230 .Washer 426 586018 D.Lock nut 2

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    Decals and equipment


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    Decals and equipment

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    Decals and equipment

    Rem. CodePart No.Ref. No. Qty Description2 282196 Decal 13 282139 Decal 14 281269 Decal, lifting 15 281898 Decal 16 281270 Sign plate 17 527002 Screw 48 Documentation SLF090EN119 .Instructions ISLF090EN11

    10 .Spare parts list SSLF090EN11

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  • NI 1


    Part Number Page Part Number Page Part Number Page

    Svedala Compaction Equipment ABSLF090EN2

    100900105 21,23100901018 37100901023 37100901722 27111178 37111183 35150008 41150015 37151023 37151029 13160033 13232150 9238262 21238298 21,23238301 21,23238303 21,23238306 21,23238310 21238314 21,23238322 21,23238326 17238416 21238417 21238429 17238446 27238447 27238448 27238449 27238450 27238451 27238452 27238453 27238454 27238455 27238457 27238458 27238459 27238460 27239005 27239059 21,23239060 21,23239061 23239062 21,23239063 21,23239064 23239065 21,23239066 23239156 27239187 27239193 27239196 27239198 27239276 27239290 35239295 27239298 27239307 27239308 27239321 21239323 21239324 21,23239325 21239352 27239355 27239356 27239357 27239358 27239360 27239361 27239362 27239365 27239366 27239374 21,23239375 21,23239376 21,23239377 21,23239378 21,23

    239379 21,23239380 21,23239381 21,23239391 21,23239517 29239539 37239565 21239664 21239680 21,23239682 23239685 21,23239722 27239723 27239724 27239732 37239734 37239754 25239755 25239771 21,23239773 17,19239782 25239783 25239784 25239786 25239789 25239790 25239794 25239795 25239797 25239798 25239799 25239800 25239801 25239807 25239810 25239811 25239812 25239813 25239815 25239816 25239817 25239854 23239857 37271426 19281125 21281250 17281269 45281270 45281898 45282043 7282075 7282076 35282077 35282078 17,19

    ,21,23282089 9282093 7282094 7282095 7282096 7282097 7282129 9282135 13282139 45282148 27282149 7282150 7282151 7282152 7282154 13282156 13282157 13282186 9282190 23282196 45282202 7282203 41

    282204 41282209 41282212 41282213 41282284 7282286 9282581 7,13282584 7282592 41282594 41282595 25282596 41282597 41282600 41282603 41282604 7282605 13282606 7282608 41282612 7,9282618 41282649 41282650 41282651 7282652 7282654 7282655 7282656 7283046 7283047 7283048 41283053 7283056 37283059 13283065 7287370 9350031 13351041 13380545 15,29410006 35413049 35,37413065 35471003 17,19500012 9,25500013 13500019 7,41500021 7500022 35500027 7500029 7,9,41500030 7500033 25500047 13500053 7,13,35

    ,37500090 7500091 25,27500096 7500109 41500239 25508019 7513003 9516012 9516050 7527002 45533023 21,23570005 21,23

    ,25570006 25582007 41586003 7,17,19

    ,21,23586018 7,9,27

    ,41600004 25600006 7,25600014 41

  • NI 2


    Part Number Page Part Number Page Part Number Page

    Svedala Compaction Equipment ABSLF090EN2

    615042 9,13615043 13,17


    615044 9,25,27615072 27615102 9615117 35,37710099 17,19901650 9901654 13901688 13,35902005 13902041 7902160 9902520 7903360 13904230 7,41904556 7,41904640 7910264 19910266 19910267 17,19910268 19910269 19910270 17,19910273 19912477 37912479 35912480 35912498 35920404 17,19920405 17,19920406 17,19920407 17,19920408 17,19920409 17,19920412 17,19920819 9921880 17,19921881 19921882 19921883 19921886 17921887 17922118 17922142 17,19922281 19922293 19922294 17,19923140 9923570 9924580 19924842 23928986 17929357 17,19929360 35929478 17929479 17935635 35935636 35935637 35935638 35935639 35935657 19935659 17935808 37936946 31936947 31936948 31936949 31936950 31936951 31936952 31936953 31936954 31936955 31

    936956 31936957 31936958 31936959 31936960 31936961 31936962 31936963 31936964 31936965 31936966 31936967 31936968 31936969 31936970 31936971 31936972 31936973 31936974 29936975 29936976 29936977 29936978 29936979 29936980 29936981 29936982 29936983 29936985 29936986 29936987 29936988 29936989 29936990 29936991 29936992 29936993 29936994 29936995 29936996 29936997 29936998 29936999 29937000 29937001 29937002 29937003 29937004 29937005 29937006 29937007 29937008 29937009 29937010 29937011 29937012 29937013 29937014 29937015 29937016 29937017 29937018 29937019 29937020 29937021 29937022 29937023 29937024 29937029 37937030 37937415 29937604 29937605 29937606 29937607 29937608 29