dylan issue #3


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Post on 01-Apr-2016




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Dylan issue 3 is all about adventure and living your dreams! Read and feel inspired to explore the great out doors and perhaps your inner self.


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COVER IMAGE TAKEN FROM @HELLOECHO (thank you we love you)

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IN THIS ISSUE Summer is all about soaking in the rays, kicking back, trying new things and living the adventure! Dylan is here to inspire your summer adventures and suggest some new things for you to try.

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Maddy is 16 and is currently in high school. She is a shopaholic and a hopeless romantic, spending most of her time online shopping, watching cheesy 90s rom-coms or reading A Mid Summer Night’s Dream. She also spends a lot of time writing her beauty and fashion blog Maddy Scribbles which she writes because she wants to study Fashion Journalism at Heriot-Watt or LCF when she leaves school. She is also interested in music and has played the trombone for five years.

Maddy writes for the books, people, beauty, fashion and food sections of DYLAN.

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Eilidh is 18, studying graphic design at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee. Her interests lie in music, art, films and food as well as being far too emotionally invested in TV shows like Game of Thrones and Utopia. She likes to think she can skateboard but really she spends her time collecting vinyl, working on personal design projects for her blog and trying to figure out what all the photoshop brush presets look like.

As well as writing for the film, music and people sections, Eilidh also designed the entire publication including graphic design, photography and illustrations.


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If you don’t watch, or maybe you’ve never heard of, the television sensation Game of Thrones then I will not judge you, except ask where you’ve been for the past few years? Okay, Epic fantasy dramas with multiple story lines and a cast of 40 strong are not for everyone, although those of you who are familiar can sit over here

with me. Game of Thrones, based on the ‘Song of Ice and Fire’ series by the unpredictable George R. R. Martin, has just concluded it’s fourth season to the disappointment of millions of viewers across the world but with the highest ratings so far it has over taken The Sopranos to be HBO’s most watched show. But what about

Bad-ass Arya Stark was portrayed perfectly by Maisie Williams, a fresh new face in the world of cinema. She’s set to appear in ‘Heatsroke’ released this month along side Steven Dorff, and in The Falling at the end of this year directed by the BAFTA nominated Carol Morely. She’s also rumoured to be in talks about playing the lead ‘Ellie’ in ‘the Last Of Us’ movie adaption. Go Maisie!

Starring alongside fellow Game of Thrones cast members Sean Bean (Ned Stark) and John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Isaac Hempstead Wright (who brought to life the ever mysterious Bran Stark) will play Octavius in Caesar. Released next year, the thriller is an adaption of Shakespeare’s chilling tale; Julius Caesar.

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Richard Madden, also known as our beloved Robb Stark, will star along side the likes of Helena Bonham Carter and Cate Blanchett as ‘Prince Charming’ in Disney’s revamp of the classic story Cinderella next year.

the actors? The series employs and has employed some big names like Sean Bean, Charles Dance and Peter Dinklage but it has also brought us new and fresh talent who the fans, like myself, have welcomed just as much. One family in particular, even though it was headed by the great Sean Bean and Michelle Fairley their children were

all relatively unknown and new faces; the Stark children. All new and young faces when they started in season one and all have grown and blossomed into handsome youthful actors and actresses. However as season five looms further and further into the distance of spring 2015, what will they do now?

My girl crush and pretty much my television hero Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, has already blown people away with her moving performance in Bastille’s new music video. However she’s due to hit the big screen too later this year in Barely Lethal and next year too in Alone.

BONUS ROUND: Ned Stark’s Bastard son Jon Snow played by the magnificently melancholy Kit Harington has probably benefited the best from his Game of Thrones experience. Having already starred in films like Pompeii and How To Train Your Dragon 2 between seasons of GoT he’s a sort of star in his own right now. But what will he be doing next? Well next year he’ll star in three movies so far; Seventh Son alongside Jeff Bridges and Ben Barnes, Spooks: The Greater Good, and A Testament of Youth. Whoever said he was already typecast was seriously mistaken.

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WRITTEN BY MADDYWARNING: Contains book and film spoilers

After sitting in the New York Times Best Seller list for one hundred and twenty four consecutive weeks, ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ by John Green has just been released as a big-budget block-buster movie. Nick-named by fans as ‘TFIOS’, this is the sixth title by John Green and his most recent but by far his most successful. The young adult novel is narrated by sixteen year old cancer patient Hazel Grace Lancaster who tells the story of a whirl-wind romance with the charming amputee Augustus Waters while she also deals with her terminal illness. The book discusses the topics of love and loss as well as the ideas of living a ‘worthwhile’ life and fearing oblivion.

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I have read a lot of works of fiction that are considered to be young adult novels, some that I’ve loved and others hated. In a ‘good’ YA story you need a relatable protagonist that is usually slightly sarcastic or quick-witted, resentful of adults and has a never-ending list of big questions that they want answered. Who am I? What constitutes a ‘meaningful’ life? What is death and should we fear it? Mix in a charismatic love-interest, a passionate romance and an unexpected road trip and you’ve got yourself a best seller. ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ definitely hits these marks, but there are a few added extras in this novel that push it over the edge from just a ‘good’ novel to a really excellent piece of fiction.The most important feature in a good YA novel, for me, is the protagonist. While I rarely ever stop reading a book once I’m a few chapters in, the few instances that this has happened is because of a pretentious, unlikeable protagonist. On the other hand, a very good protagonist can hook me in the first few pages and I’ll read however many sequels and spin-offs, and this is what happened to me with Green’s Hazel. Hazel Grace is a perfect example of a very good protagonist as she is realistic and relatable. Green’s occasionally pretentious soliloquys are made appropriate once finding out that Hazel studies English Literature at college, while her love for trashy television and constantly texting or phoning her love interest makes her very 21st century. She describes herself as ‘puffy-faced’ from drugs and is very modest when she is complimented, something most teenagers can relate to in some way. She is intelligent without being traditionally ‘geeky’; she doesn’t wear glasses, she talks about her school friends and she doesn’t bombard you with too much information as if she’s trying to prove her intelligence. But more than this, I feel like Hazel goes further than heroines in other novels and while reading this book I have a real emotional connection to her as a character. This is a credit to Green’s writing as he taps into the true emotions of the teenage experience. Despite never having had cancer myself and neither have most of Green’s readers (although the book has been very well received and in some ways legitimised by teen cancer patients) as teenagers we find ourselves dealing with issues of who we are, who we should be, what we should and shouldn’t do, and even if Hazel makes a decision that as a reader we might not have made if we were in the same situation, the decisions she makes still make emotional sense to us.Green’s other main character, Augustus

Waters, is the perfect companion for the strong heroine. Rather than cooperating in perfect harmony, the two challenge each other emotionally and within conversation. Waters, unlike the level headed and modest Hazel, is ostentatious and wears his heart on his sleeve. Some of the novel’s most memorable quotes come from Augustus, including “my thoughts are stars I can’t quite fathom into constellations” which is also a personal favourite quote of mine not just from this book but perhaps of all time. However, Water’s grandeur is a mask covering a scared, confused teenager just like Hazel. He has to deal with his fear of oblivion and the fact that he will not be able to lead a life that he deems as extraordinary. As his health deteriorates, Augustus becomes ‘Gus’ and his mood decreases. As sad and heart wrenching as the chapters are in the second half of the novel (after Amsterdam) they are possibly my favourite in the whole book as the change in Augustus is very moving. The pivotal scene for him is when he asks Hazel to pick him up from a gas station in the middle of the night. When Hazel arrives, she sees him at his most vulnerable and broken as he stares at the infected g-tube sticking out of his gut. Crying and vomiting, Hazel eventually calls an ambulance to pick them up as Gus screams in the background. This scene was very close to my heart and I was quite nervous to see it on screen as it was so raw and stripped back and I was afraid that a big, shiny film could quite reach that place.Honourable mention goes to other characters in the book as there was no one that I disliked. Green managed to create the perfect amount of characters; no one felt unneeded. I really liked Hazel’s parents as I could see a lot similar qualities that my parents share within them. As a parent himself, I think Green did a great job at incorporating his experience as a parent and his memories of teenage relationships with parents to create very accurate and realistic characters. Hazel’s relationship with her only close school friend Kaitlin and her interactions with Mr and Mrs Waters are both helpful to show more of Hazel’s character however they are still well-rounded characters and don’t feel like they are there just for the purpose of being extra characters.The book, to me, is one of my favourite young adult novels (along with ‘The Sky Is Everywhere’ and ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’). Now, when I say this I know that some people might be offended. There is this idea within society nowadays that says that young adult and teen fiction has to be cheesy, shallow and predictable, and that anything that is better than that is

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considered a serious work of adult fiction. This is not the case. ‘Watership Down’, ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ and ‘Catcher In The Rye’ are all examples of famous, successful and excellent young adult novels. None of those stories are cheesy or predictable but they are in the same genre as lots of average fiction that has been written in the past 10 – 20 years. I read ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ a few weeks after it was published in 2012, and the only hype I had heard about the book was from Green’s brother and vlogging partner Hank. Also, having never read any of this other novels, I did not have the same problem with the idea of a repetitive storyline throughout most of his novels that some people do. This, most likely, is one of the main reasons for why I hold this book in such I regard, and I confess that after I read it I posted about it non-stop on social media, told all my friends and gifted it to some people so that they would read it. I am, like thousands and thousands of others, responsible for the hype that now surrounds this story. I love this book, do not get me wrong, but recently the hype has been so heightened I am starting to disagree with it slightly. Now, I am not going to name and shame, but one online magazine has considered John Green ‘the saviour of the young adult genre’, something that, in my opinion, did not need saving at all. What genre needs saving when it includes some of the most famous and important pieces of British and international literature? With the hype around this book now sky-high, the film had a lot to live up to.Josh Boone, the director of ‘TFIOS’, was a new director to most viewers and critics of the film alike, but I was already aware of his work as he had previously directed 2013 rom-com ‘Stuck In Love’. I am a big fan of

that film and love the kind of ‘cute’ way that it’s filmed; every shot is very light, the colour palette is muted and soft and the romances are innocent. So I kind of knew what to expect with the ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ film as both are of a similar genre and even include one of the same actors, Nat Wolff who plays Augustus’ best friend Isaac. The movie certainly was shot in the same ‘cute’ way as ‘Stuck In Love’ (forgive the word choice, I can’t really describe it in a better way than ‘cute’), and although that made it quite technically boring in places (those of you who are very knowledgeable about filming might not enjoy viewing it as much),overall I did like the way it was shot as I felt that it really knew what it was as a film; it didn’t hype itself up to be one of the most important or ground breaking things you would ever watch, and instead understood that it was telling a beautiful and sad story about beautiful and sad people.When Shailene Woodley was first cast as Hazel I did think to myself, “Not her again!?” after the casting of her in Divergent and her rumoured part in The Amazing Spiderman 2/3, but I was more than pleasantly surprised by her. At 22 she is six years off of the age of Hazel and at a very different stage in life from her, yet completely convinced me that she’s sixteen, in love and slowly dying of cancer. The film opens with a classic Shailene-voices-over-what-she-is-doing for the first few minutes (if anyone has seen Divergent then you know what I mean) but once that’s finished her performance is impeccable. I love the subtle changes in her character that happen the longer she is with Augustus as those make it feel like the story is over the space of months and not a few hours.

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Ansel Elgort certainly looked the part of Augustus and played his part well but I was not as blown away with him as I was with Shailene’s Hazel, particularly in the first half. I feel in the second half he did very well at tapping into the emotions of Gus and I truly believed what I was watching. However, I feel it is not his acting but more the script that lets me down a little with Gus. In the beginning we are meant to see strong, confident and over-the-top Augustus who uses his arrogance and charm as a mask, and once that mask is removed later on in the story we are meant to see the change as he slowly dies and his mood becomes more and more negative. I feel that in the beginning of the film, if I hadn’t read the book I would have just thought that Augustus was just an arrogant teen. In love; yes, caring; definitely, but I didn’t feel like I could tell it was a cover, which Hazel almost immediately recognises in the book as she talks about when she’s with Grand Augustus things feel staged, unlike spending time with Gus, the loveable and cute young boy who could show his vulnerability. Ansel’s acting really stepped up a few times during the film however, and that ultimately saved his performance for me; Augustus telling Hazel his cancer returned while they’re in Amsterdam was great. There was a silence after he said his line that not only hung in the air between the two characters but I felt most people in the cinema screen also hold their breath. The scene felt very heavy and emotional, but Augustus still managed to make light of it, saying “Would it be totally ridiculous if we made out right now?” afterwards to Hazel. Another great scene from Ansel was the gas station scene. While it was a bit too short for my liking, it was truly heart wrenching and

I may or may not have shed a tear or two watching Waters ugly-cry and repeated punch his fists into the car wheel. The pivotal scene in the film for me, however, was not the gas-station scene, but Gus’ pre-funeral. Situated in the Literal Heart of Jesus and only attended by Gus, Hazel and Isaac, all three actors stepped up their performances in this scene. I was surprised by the emotional depth from Nat Wolff who did a stunning job at re-enacting Isaac’s witty and sarcastic eulogy. I had already caught a glimpse of Ansel’s potential for this scene from the gas-station scene and was pleased to see him take it even further during Hazel’s eulogy. However, Shailene, as usual, completely stole the scene with her beautiful performance. Her squeaky voice fitted perfectly as she cried her way through the eulogy Hazel had written for her ‘star-crossed lover’.Other characters did not get as much of a look-in in the film as they did in the book but that is understandable for time reasons. Excluding the pre-funeral, Nat Wolff’s Isaac was good but not particularly exciting and we only briefly see Mr and Mrs Waters. Hazel’s friend Kaitlin is cut completely from the film, however her scenes in the book were not crucial and so I didn’t mind her absence from the film. Instead, a lot of the focus is on Hazel’s parents, particularly Hazel’s mum. Laura Dern and Sam Trammell do an excellent job of being Mr and Mrs Lancaster, and when watching them I felt the same connection to them than I did in the book. The only interesting camera sequence in the film is about half-way through, just before Amsterdam, when Hazel’s lungs fill up with fluid and she is rushed to hospital. The scene is without sound apart from some vague instrumental

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music and yet I find it one of the most moving scenes in the film which is a true testimony to their acting. The only other main character in the film is Peter Van Houten, the drunk, recluse author they visit when in Amsterdam, played by Willem Dafoe. His short but intense scene was very believable and close to the book and I was pleased that they kept the character hateable throughout the scene rather than Holywood-ising it and making him quite mean but not enough to hate him. The soundtrack to this movie was released before the film so I already had a good idea of what was in it. I am not a big Birdy fan and so after seeing that she had three songs in the film I was quite disappointed as I find music to be so important to a film. Most of the songs (Ed Sheeran’s ‘All of the Stars’ and Charli XCX’s ‘Boom Clap’) were a bit ‘meh’ but there were a few instances when I really loved the blend of music and film; when Hazel keeps checking her phone for a text from Gus and Jake Bugg’s ‘Simple As This’ is playing in the background was really nice as it helped link together the different scenes. These scenes weren’t actually in the book but I really like their addition as it’s very real to the life of a teenager. Another great musical moment was when Hazel was staring at the swing set in her back garden as it is a very

emotional scene and Tom Odell’s ‘Long Way Down’ started as I think that all of Odell’s songs are beautiful and very emotional. The simple piano backing really fitted the scene. The final great musical moment in the film was at Gus’ pre-funeral when M83’s ‘Wait’ played as it really captured the moment perfectly. I was already blubbing at this scene but the music, which is by one of my favourite bands, really pushed me over the edge and I might have grabbed a tissue from my bag.I could nit-pick tiny bits of this film and the book about how they made Gus and Hazel a year older without any real reason or that I felt that the two of them agreed too much or that neither of them actually looked very ill in the film, but I wasn’t expecting a complete copy of the book on screen, but more of an interpretation which is what I saw. I think that if you’ve read the book you 100% have to see this film, and if you haven’t read or seen either then I would suggest reading the book first. While not everyone might enjoy this film as much as I did because of certain scene’s acting ability or the simple and sometimes boring cinematography, this story is so emotionally powerful that I think that it is definitely worth investing some of your time in.

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RE-KINDLE YOUR LOVE I am a big fan of reading stories; falling in love with fictional characters and getting lost for hours in a different world is by far one of my favourite pastimes. I also enjoy the experience of not just reading a story but reading a book. I love the smell, the way they feel, and the how book covers look. These are all the major arguments in favour of books in the debate over Kindles. Even as a big book lover, I own a Kindle and in many ways I love it, especially in summer. If you’re totally against them then don’t just turn the page but hear me out on my reasons why and maybe you’ll start to love them too.The most obvious argument in favour of Kindles is that they can hold a very large amount of books and this makes them extremely practical when packing for a holiday, particularly recently with the insane luggage allowances on flights. Last year I went to Spain and I stayed in the small, seaside town of Torrox. During my week there I read four books, and in my second week in Barcelona I read a further two. Not only would I not have been able to have taken six books with my on holiday, I only brought five on my Kindle but because of its wireless internet connection I was able to buy and download my final book instantly while I was in Spain rather than trying to hunt down an English bookstore.Another reason why I love using my Kindle on

holiday is its shape and design. It is much lighter than a book, and the arrows on both sides mean that you can hold it in either your left or right hand. The fact that it is a single and not a double page makes it easy to read when lying on your side sunbathing or in bed, something that can often be difficult with a book, especially large ones. The screen is not like most electronic objects with a light in it so you don’t get any glare on the screen from the sun if you’re reading outside. Kindles also have amazing features that can be helpful when on holiday. The font size can be made bigger or smaller. This is helpful as it means people of different ages can read it, or if you’re like me and you wear glasses but don’t have prescription sunglasses then you can just increase the text size and continue to read. It saves your page so you have no problem with your bookmark falling out in your hand luggage (this has happened to me and it’s a pain!) and the built-in dictionary that lets you look up any word with the click of a button is so much easier than having to google it on your computer/phone if you don’t have very good internet connection. Kindles are great for holidays and travelling and I will enjoy using mine over the next few weeks. But what do you think? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us your opinions.

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Across The Universe by Beth Revis was met by a wave of good reviews when it was first published in 2011. Set in a futuristic dystopia, Amy has joined her parents on the spaceship Godspeed to have her body frozen for 300 years so t so they can be woken up on a new

Brand new this year, We Were Liars by E Lockhart is another novel that has had rave reviews. At 260 pages it is the shortest book on this list, but by no means does it make it any less of a worthwhile read. It is intense and gripping, and some serious plot twists mean that you’ll want to re-

The film ‘Never Let Me Go’ got quite a lot of attention in 2010 with the star-studded cast of Kiera Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield. For those who haven’t seen the film then it is definitely worth reading the book as it is an exciting dystopian thriller with

Free To Fall by Lauren Miller is your classic romantic YA novel but with a twist; it is entirely updated as the story is about an app. Rory is young, impressionable and living in a world where the app Lux tells you which choice is right for you when it comes to every single choice


planet. But when someone tries to kill Amy by waking her up 50 years too early, she begins a desperate quest to find out who did it. Despite featuring a romance between two teens, this is not the central plot of Across The Universe which is refreshing for a modern young-adult novel. Though the romance is slightly predictable and Amy is hardly a new or inventive character, the murder-mystery in the book keeps it exciting and fresh. 3.5/5

unusual characters and gripping plot twists. If you have seen the film then it is still worth reading the book; the twists in the plot might not be as exciting but the book has a different focal point and tends to focus more on the characters when they’re young than when they’re older in the film. 4.5/5


read it the minute you’ve finished. As it is short the book doesn’t quite have a plot in the tradition sense of a novel or short story but it makes for an interesting and unusual read. 3/5



you make? When she meets North, a young boy who lives nearby and doesn’t use Lux she becomes intrigued by the idea of a life where she could truly make her own decisions. The romance has been recycled many times, but the characters have more emotional depth than your standard YA novel teenagers technology influence throughout the novel gives it a very modern feel. 4/5

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Whether you’re someone who reads a lot and you want something a bit lighter, or you’re someone who rarely reads but needs something to do when relaxing by the pool, everyone needs at least one good

book over summer. But there’s no need to make reading such a laborious task when instead it can be a fun pastime. These are my favourite easy-reads for this summer.Written by Maddy

Now, I’m sure most of you have seen at least one of the Bridget Jones films, but Bridget Jones’ Diary is an equally hilarious book. Very relaxed and laugh out loud funny, Bridget is relatable to all women and makes for a perfect summer read that you can lend to all of your friends afterwards. 3.5/5

Changing genre completely, Sarah Lotz’s The Three is the new horror book on the block. It is imaginative and a compelling read with a unique structure. The book follows the messages, interviews and articles from a non-fiction book that is published in response to the unusual events that

This year’s The Fault In Our Stars, If I Stay by Gale Foreman will make your heart flutter and your eyes fill with tears. Cellist Mia has to make the most difficult decision of her life when she and her family are in a car accident. Floating in limbo between life and death, Mia has to

From the highly acclaimed, multiple award-winning Anthony Doerr, All The Light We Cannot See is the beautiful story of Marie Laure, a blind French girl, and Werner, a young German boy who accidently cross paths and survive in the devastation that was World War 2. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this as



decide is she moves onto the next life with her family or if she stays with her best friend and boyfriend. The story jumps from her memories to real-time and so makes she story exciting. The end will definitely make you cry (and if you’re me then so will the middle and beginning!). It is set to be released as a film this autumn starring Chloe Grace Mortez as the lead. 4.5/5


follow random four planes crashing; it is a book within a book. If you can get your head around that then you are in for an intense read of a gripping story. This book received mixed views when it was published in May this year, some loving the interesting and quirky style while others struggling. 4/5


i tend to read novels set in modern times but the characters are very likeable and complex and Anthony Doerr does an amazing job at making you as a reader really feel and experience the life a WW2 child. 4/5

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WRITTEN FROM INSIDE YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK BY SEAN AYLWARD LEAD SINGER & GUITARIST FOR HELLO ECHOFor me, adventure and traveling has always been about nature in some way. When I was 18, three friends and I saved up enough money to travel around the U.S., camping and staying in National Parks, eating canned food and only buying gasoline. A few years later, when music became a bigger part of my life, traveling around the country became all about hauling ass to a club or a college to play a loud rock concert.

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During these “Apollo Sunshine“ days, I would steer us off course to go to some amazing natural wonder, like Yosemite or Big Sur, every chance I could. Getting some nature in was always great for balance, and would often inspire a new song. Hello Echo was formed spontaneously on a Mexican surfing road trip back in 2005. After

camping and surfing and drinking Tequila at Salsispuedes in Baja (back when it was just a dusty road), we happened on a restaurant that had a band set up. An impromptu jam started, the vibe and chemistry were immediate, and the Hello Echo project was born. I had only met drummer Mike Silva the day before.

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In 2008, Hello Echo embarked on our first tour. We brought a generator so that we could set up our gear and play in amazing nature spots. We were playing on the rim of Crater Lake National Park when the park ranger came and shut us down, citing the park’s “No amplified music” policy. But he liked the music, so

he asked us back to the park’s Recreation Center and invited all the park staff to hear us play, drink beer, eat pizza and enjoy an all night concert party. We became official Junior Rangers the next day - we have the badges to prove it.

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On our last tour, we continued our nature concerts. Sometimes for Hello Echo the best audience is the wildlife and scenery. I’ll sign off as I sit in Yosemite National park learning songs for one of my best friend’s weddings, where I’ll do an Apollo Sunshine mini reunion at the reception. The musical nature adventure continues…

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FOLLOW HELLO ECHOFollow the band on their musical

nature adventures:


All images courtesy of sean/hello echo and their twitter

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1. WHEN/WHY DID YOU ORIGINALLY START USING INSTAGRAM?I started on Instagram in the spring of 2012. A friend of mine, @markweaver, had posted my picture on his feed. Someone I knew from years ago was following Mark and commented on the photo “we need to get Patrick on Instagram!” I loved that this platform was making worlds collide, and I decided to join so I could be part of the network, too.

2. WHEN WAS IT THAT YOU REALISED THAT PEOPLE REALLY LIKED YOUR INSTAGRAM PHOTOS?After a few months, I realized I was getting some good traction. My first big bump was when my friend @lifeserial (who I met through Instagram) posted a screenshot to his thousands of followers and told them to follow me. I think I got nearly 800 followers from that post alone!

3. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FILTER ON INSTAGRAM/FAVOURITE EDITING APP IF YOU USE ONE? OR DO YOU PREFER UPLOADING YOUR PICTURES NATURALLY?I don’t use Instagram filters. But I do edit all of my photos. My favorite apps are snapseed, afterlight, and VSCOcam.

4. WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER ONE PIECE OF ADVICE FOR MAKING A PHOTO LOOK GOOD?Take more photos than you think you’ll need. I rarely get a good shot by taking a single photo. By taking many photos, with various perspectives and compositions, I’m more likely to get the perfect shot. And then edit the best photo!

5. DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FOR RUNNING A SUCCESSFUL INSTAGRAM?Engage with the community. The thing that makes Instagram so great is that it’s so personal. It about connecting with other people and finding others who share similar values, tastes, and interests. The only way to grow that network is by engaging with people. Comment on images that inspire you and be respond to people that comment on your photos. And take really great photos.

6. HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO EXPERIENCE ANYTHING BECAUSE OF YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT AND THE POPULARITY OF IT?I recently won the award for the first-ever CFDA fashion instagrammer of the year. I started getting invitations to men’s fashion shows in Paris. So I went, obviously! In general, because Instagram is a showcase of both my personality and my creative work, it has allowed me to connect and network with people that I otherwise probably would not have had access to.

7. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER?I’m on the road currently, about to meet up with a bunch of guys at a retreat in Wisconsin called Camp Wandawega (@campwandawega). We’re calling ourselves @flockoffools, and our goal is to go on periodic adventures together. This is is the first of many (we hope). We’ll see how it goes!



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Tumblr is a scary place to venture, for some. Most times it seems that if you’re not part of the supernatural fandom or have a benedict cumberbatch shrine in your bedroom... you’re entirely unwelcome. However this is not the case. Tumblr is a great platform for hosting portfolios, pictures and artworks and - most importantly - built for sharing! So my tips for a successful tumblr blog are:

Your blog is your own - on a site with millions of users it can be hard to ‘get noticed’ but that’s not really the point here. If you reblog and share what you like then you’re doing it right! Tumblr is all about you and what you like and people will follow for that.

Embrace the community - reblog and share other people’s work as well as your own and soon you’ll be part of a close knit community of like minded people.

Tag your work - if you’re uploading your own content then tag your work with relevant tags because it’s a great way for people to find your blog and artworks/writing etc.

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If you want to document your travels more in a written form then a blog is a good option. Blogger blogs by Google are very easy to set up and use. These are a few tips I would give to anyone who is thinking of setting up a blog;

Design - Having a well designed blog is key but it doesn’t have to be fancy to look good. If in doubt, something clean and simple with a lot of white is the best way to make your blog look professional. It will look great with colourful photographs of your travels. There are lots of free blog templates online that you can use instead of having to pay money for one so it won’t cost you anything either.

Photographs - Try to get a good balance between pictures/photographs. It is always good to have at least one or two photographs in each post but make sure that you don’t bombard a post with photos either. Make sure your photos are large and are all the same size.

Writing - Make sure you have a substantial amount of text to each post, at least approximately 500 words if not more. Unlike a magazine/newspaper, a blog doesn’t have to be very formal so you can write as colloquially as you would like.

Updating - If you’re going to make a schedule then make sure you’re not posting too often or too little, once a week is a good amount to start with. If you’re going to be posting irregularly or you’ll be travelling somewhere without internet then let your followers know.

Social Media - Using social media is the best way of gaining followers and notifying your existing followers that you’ve updated. I would strongly recommend adding your blog to the online site Bloglovin’, creating a Facebook and/or Google+ page for your blog and linking your personal twitter and instagram accounts to your blog so that people can be updated easily.

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We have our first full record coming out in a couple months and I’ve been super focused on that. We’re going to be out playing shows around that time too. Preparing for a tour is cool because you get to super focus on the songs you’ve written vs being in the writing mode. I’ve been running through the songs in my room just on an acoustic guitar everyday. It’s super fun to do that. Its funny cause doing that kinda makes me want to put out some music like a bedroom acoustic thing. Not sure but it’s fun.

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE THING ABOUT GOING TO FESTIVALS? Festivals are great because going means you’ll always be seeing a bunch a friends in other bands, and it’s cool to catch up with people you haven’t seen in a while. I love playing CMJ in New York because I go out there for a week every year and play shows, write music, hang out with friends, and meet new people at shows. YOU MUST LISTEN TO A LOT OF MUSIC, WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE SUMMER TUNES?Summer time I love to mix in old stuff with all current bands and songs I like. I’ll go from -- Pavement / Beach Fossils / Dion / Edward Sharpe / Bob Marley / Youth Lagoon / Michael Jackson / Gap Dream / Bob Dylan. Kinda all over the place, but I’ve got my gem songs from each of those guys that I just have to hear, even if I just found something new and cool.







This year we’ve been graced with some stunning albums by the likes of Paolo Nutini, St. Vincent, Tune Yards, Paws and Mac Demarco. These beautiful albums are such a great listen that they’ve earned a place on our favourites list!



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ready to play live for the tour. Also a few festival slots which we are really looking forward to playing!

YOU’RE PLAYING LOTS OF FESTIVALS THIS SUMMER, WHICH WOULD YOU SAY YOU’RE MOST EXCITED FOR? I’m not sure to be honest they’re all pretty fun, I think Boardmasters has the best line up though so probably that. WE’RE COMING TO SEE YOU PLAY IN GLASGOW ON THE 25TH OF SEPTEMBER! WE’RE SUPER EXCITED. HOW DO YOU GUYS PREPARE FOR GOING ON THE ROAD?Sick, cya there. We practice a lot obviously to make sure the show is tight, personally not much preparation apart from packing a bag but I think im going to start running so I feel a bit fitter on tour haha



YOUR NEW ALBUM IS OUT SEPTEMBER 15TH, WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR SUMMER? we’re just going to practice a lot, make sure the new songs are


8OUR 2014 SO FAR

I’ve been touring since 2008. I’ve been on a full-time tour situation since 2010 when I embarked on a year long tour where I played a show and recorded a song in all 50 states. This tour was my preparation for my life on the road. I haven’t lived in one place for longer than 3 months in 4 years.


I am playing Lobster Fest in Chicago next month. I don’t really like festivals, but I love playing them. The pay is always better!


I listen to a lot of my own music. My new album that I am working on is my favorite summer album It’s called Ladyfriends. It is my love album because the ladies need to know what I am about and it isn’t what everyone assumes from a touring musician. I also have a punk album called Logan Square that I bump when I am biking around the city.




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Cassette tapes were slightly before my time but they hold memories for some people beneath the muffled crackle of ancient singers. But it has come as a surprise to many that their beloved tapes have come full circle with a huge resurgance in sales last year, what could be next for the little cassette?


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Things have a funny way of coming back round. I remember when I was about six years old my mum had a yellow walkman that she kept in a drawer. There were some days that I would do nothing but sit on her bed and listen to that yellow walkman play and play. It amazed me. Then when I was eight I received a clear portable CD player for christmas and I felt like the coolest girl in the world. You could see the CD spin and it amazed me. I was eleven when I got my first mp3 player and was gifted the iPod generation 1 for my 13th birthday. They amazed me too. After collecting and learning about vinyl for a while last year I became the proud owner of a beautiful record player which never ceases to amaze me. And now that I’m home for the summer my mum came to me with a familiar box and set it down in front of me. “You might like these” she said, and I did. The sense of nostalgia that clung to me was strange as I never really lived through

the tape era, but it was welcome. Things had come full circle. The small cases in my hands were old but through the dust the tapes sounded as muffled as new. I liked the sound, and it seems I’m not the only one.

The cassette tape; a fond memory for those who witnessed it’s rise and fall only for it to be packed into boxes and forgotten about. Until now. It seems the interest in the tape has had a resurgence, much like it’s predecessor the vinyl record. Though not emerging from the darkness with quite so much force, last year on september 7th it was given it’s own day. To the disbelief of the organisers it was a massive hit with fans resulting in another one this year! Yes, 27th of september has been announced for 2014’s Cassette Store Day. And with RSD having it’s highest sales yet this year there can only be good things to come for our forgotten friend, the tape.


1935 Saw the release of the first reel to reel tape recorder by AEG

PHILLIPS Invented thecompact cassette

pre recorded cassettes or ‘musicettes’ were released in europe

SONY Walkman released

85 manufacturerssold 2.4m cassette players

Compact disc or ‘CD’ launched then taking over tape in the next few years

Studios stop releasingcassette tapes

September 7th saw the first Cassette store day in 2013 with a huge response!


1965 1962





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The UK’s Glastonbury festival is known for it’s alternative, boho-chic fashion sense. Folk inspired crops, army-green parkas and fringed kimo-nos are all perfect for the on-trend ‘hippie’ look. Oh, and don’t forget your wellies!


One of Europe’s hottest festivals, Exit offers some of the best live dance music. Make a statement this summer with a fun and flirty print or bold and bright colours and pair with some exciting bling.



Joules Wellies (£20)

John lewis fringed kimono (£55)

New Look Patterned dress (14.99)

River Island necklace(£18)

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Vanessa Hudgens rocks the perfect Coachella looks every year, wear-ing crochet tops, long tribal-print skirts and adorable flower crowns. This year she looked as good as ever with long blonde hair extensions and statement earrings.

(Aussie - pop + surfing and skating): Laid back Aussie festival Splendour In The Park takes place in winter time when the temperature is a cool 19-20 (degrees) C. Caps, denim cut-offs and ribbed tanks are the attire of this relaxed beach festival.

Festivals always bring together crowds of some of the most fashionable young people as well as a host of celebs, making them great places to get a sneak-peak at the latest summer

style. But who says you can’t rock festival fashion all year round? Be inspired by some of the biggest festivals in the world for your wardrobe this year.



Tika2 snake-skin skatershoes (£20)

Monki Top:

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Cool, contemporary and occasionally crazy, co-ords are the latest fashion craze. Wear as a bold two-piece or mix-and-match your items, there is something for everyone in this diverse trend. These are my favourite co-ords this spring/summer.


Circle Jacquard Tee and Shorts from Warehouse, £85

Grace Co-ord by Lily Collett, £50

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I started up my label in October 2013, despite studying fashion design at London College of fashion, I’ve never been one to pay attention to or follow trends. I very rarely shop in high street stores, and buy most my clothes from charity and vintage shops. I had a vintage playsuit which was too small for me so rather than throw it out, I chopped it in half and upcycled it into a coord. This is where the idea came to make vintage inspired coords. Although I’ve alway wanted to work for myself and start my own business, I originally only made a couple for myself and as a gift for a friend. After recieving a lot of positive feedback I decided to try them out on instagram and it took off from there.


The fabrics used for the coords are all vintage. We do not buy fabrics from high street fabric shops, only vintage stores and markets. Because of this all our coords are complete one offs. Remakes can not be made making them all completely unique, this is really important to us as we think its rare nowadays to be able to walk down the street whist being 100% confident that you wont bump into someone else wearing the same outfit.


Co-ords are huge at the moment. They’re bold, brave garments which can make the wearer feel confident in their statement outfit. But they can also be worn separately making them very versatile, I think this is why they appeal to everyone.


Nadia Blazer and Shorts by Mother of Pearl, £385

Flower Power Crop

Jacket and Skirt from Topshop, £108

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In the summer we have to take extra care of our skin as UV rays can have a major impact. As well as serious burns or sometimes even skin cancer, prolonged exposure to high UV rays on the face and body can permanently alter your skin type and make it very dry or dehydrated. To help protect our bodies, I have found some great summer saviours.

SMASHBOX BB CREAM: If my skin needs a bit of coverage on holiday then I’ll opt to use a BB cream. This one from Smashbox is great as it has SPF 35 and it controls oils well on the skin. It also comes in a very natural shade range so even pale girls like me can get a shade that matches.

MAYBELLINE BRONZER: I don’t always like to wear too much on my face but if my skin looks a little pale then in-stead of letting it tan and be ex-posed to UV rays I will use a bronzer to give my skin a healthy glow.

KIEHL’S LIP BALM: There are certain places we sometimes forget also need pro-tection from the sun, and our lips are one. This lip balm from Kiehl’s includes SPF Sunscreen and Skin Pro-tectant to help protect lips from sunburn.


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LA ROCHE POSAY SPF 50: For your face it is very important to have an SPF. Some foundations and moisturisers already have SPF in them (usually between SPF 20 and 30) but it is always good to have an SPF 50 with you at all times on holiday in case the temperature suddenly increases or if you decide not to wear make-up.

NIVEA EXFOLIATOR: I always take an exfoliator with me on holiday in case my skin starts to get dry in the heat so that I can remove the dry skin. This one from Nivea is great as it is a daily exfoliator so it isn’t too harsh.

THE BODY SHOP CLAY MASK: My skin tends to change a lot in the hot weather. This sometimes leads to breakouts so I always have a clay mask on hand to help as it reduces any oiliness, calms breakouts and clears pores which helps prevent any more from happening.


SANCTURY SCRUB: A body scrub is also important to bring. These are usually more abrasive than a facial scrub but will do the same job of remove dry and dehydrated skin.

MOISTURISER: It is very important to keep your skin moisturised when hot weather so a thick moisturiser is key.

ST TROPEZ GRADUAL TAN: A gradual tanner is also a good option for holidays as it moisturises your skin and gives your skin a glowing look while also being protected from the sun.




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Summer is officially here and no matter where you are in the world you will be experiencing some sun and that means the opportunity to lie in on the beach/park/your own back garden and try to catch some rays. However, if some of you out there are like me then you know that it’s not always easy to get a golden tan naturally so these are my top tips and favourite products for getting your faux glow on.

Before you tan it is always really important to exfoliate your skin, whether you are tanning your face or your body. Exfoliating removes any dead or dry skin that you may have. This is important because without doing this, your tan will cling to the dry skin and it will make your tan appear more patchy and less natural and even. A good exfoliator is the Soap and Glory Smoothie Star Breakfast Scrub which retails for £9. Unlike other Soap and Glory scents, this scrub smells subtly of maple syrup and the different sized beads within the scrub makes it work well without being too abrasive.

1When applying a tan, using a mitt is always the best option. It leaves your tan looking natural and even unlike using your hands which can leave your legs looking streaky and fake. Tanning mitts are available in most cosmetic stores and some tanning sets even come with their own tanning mitt. 2If you need to adjust your tan (maybe you have orange hands or some areas are too dark) then use lemon juice mixed in with your exfoliator to remove it. The acids in lemon juice help reduce the tan while the exfoliator will remove the top layer of skin that the tan is on.3

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Personally, I think paying to get your tan done, whether a spray tan or tanning beds, is a lot of money for something that can be done successfully at home. I would only recommend a spray tan or tanning beds if you need a full-body tan and you’re not in a hot country. Other than that, self-tanning at home is by far the cheapest option and, if done correctly, can give you the exact same results than in a salon. There are three different types of tan and they can be used depending on the occasion. Gradual tanners give you an instant boost of colour that will wash off the next day in the shower. This is great if you’re going out for an evening and want a bit of colour on your legs and arms. The best gradual tan is the Rimmel Sunshimmer Instant Tan + BB Protector in Light Matte as it gives a beautiful, healthy glow but also has a bit of coverage so is great if you have any bruises or red patches that you want to cover.

4If you want a tan that lasts longer than one wash then there are some great long-term tanning options out there. With a long-term tan you apply the tan to your body and then wait for a few hours depending on how dark you want the tan. Then you wash it off and you can see the tan slowly build up over the next 24 hours. These tans will last about 3 days and will gradually wear off and can be reapplied at any time. These tans are great for people who might not remember to apply their tan every day and want something that they can do as part of a routine for the whole summer or apply before they go on holiday and let it wear off as they tan naturally. The Zen Tan Dark Lotion Absolute Luxe is perfect for this (don’t worry, it’s not that dark; more like a light to a good medium depending on how long you apply it for). However, the Zen Tan is not cheap at around £28 a bottle, however they can last you for over eight weeks when applied every three days so the price can be justified.

5The final kind of self-tan is a gradual tan. This comes out of the tube white light a moisturiser and can be applied quickly all over the body. This is reapplied every day or every second day and over the course of the first week of application the tan will slowly build. This is great for people who don’t have the time to sit around and wait for hours with a sticky tan on their legs but want their tans to last longer than a day. There are loads of gradual tans out there, and my favourite is the St Tropez Everyday Gradual Tan Body in Light/Medium. This tan is also available for face.


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Unfortunately, the one disadvantage of self-tanning is that not all tans have the nicest of scents. To combat this, try using a scented body moisturiser to hide the smell or even add a few drops of perfume into your tan while you apply it to your skin. Most tans only smell bad when being applied and once they are on they become odourless, but nevertheless make sure that you do not smell of sun cream or chemicals before you leave the house!

7No one wants to have a beautiful bronze body and a white pasty face, so it’s important to remember to tan your face while you’re tanning. Facial gradual tans/longer-term tans are great products for holidays as it means that you can apply an SPF to protect the sensitive skin on your face but still have a matching face and body. They are also great for holidays as they can be an alternative to foundation. One of my favourite gradual tanners for the face is the Clarins Liquid Bronze Self-Tanning as it builds up very gradually and never looks orange or unnatural.

8If face tanning is too scary an option for you or if you still want a bit of coverage then there are a couple of different options to choose from. You can buy your foundation in a shade or two darker than your natural colour so that it matches your tan (this works well as long as you’ve tanner your neck and you have time to do some serious blending), you can add a tiny drop of a long-term fake tan into your foundation to make the shade slightly darker or you can use a product such as the Bourjois Bronzing Primer or the Bourjois BB 8 in 1 and add it to your foundation so that it matches your tan.

9If you’ve not tanned your body or you have tanned it very lightly and just want your face to look healthy and glowy then a bronzer will do just the trick. Bronzing, unlike contouring, is applying the matte or shimmery product to the highest points of your face which would catch the sun most naturally. These are the same places you would put a highlighter (bridge of the nose, cheekbones, centre of forehead) and can also be used in some other places in the face (sides of forehead, under the jaw) to create a natural all-over tan on the face. There are hundreds of bronzers out there to choose from, so I have narrowed it down to three based on their prices; the budget option is the beautiful The Body Shop Honey Bronzing Powder at £13, the cult NARS Laguna Bronzer at £25 or the brand-new Marc Jacobs O!Mega Bronze Perfect Tan Bronzer at $49 (approximately £29).


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BUT I’M A DUDE?The summer weather can be tough on all of our skin and that includes you men out there. Skincare should be an important part of every persons’ morning routine as it helps prepare your skin for the day ahead. For those of you who’s morning routine currently consists of waking up, washing and eating then don’t fret, some simple steps will add less than 10 minutes to your morning and will keep your skin looking and feeling a whole lot better.

Exfoliating is one of the most important steps in anyone’s skincare routines but it is often forgotten by many men. This step should be done first in the morning but only has to be done once or twice a week. Once you’ve exfoliated the new skin underneath can become dry very quickly so it’s vital to moisturise straight afterwards. To make sure the skin stays soft and healthy, you should moisturise every morning. After moisturising comes a skin-protector. Whether the sun is shining and you need an SPF or your skin starts to crack from the cold and you need a moisture locking layer, this step will help make sure your skin is safe during these harsh climates. This only has to be applied when appropriate.

And that’s it! See, that doesn’t sound so hard, does it? And you’re right, it isn’t. It also doesn’t have to be expensive, and while some might enjoy to treat themselves to the finery of Molton Brown Men or Clinique, for those of you who want a more budget-friendly option there is plently to choose from.

If you want a very purse-friendly, no-nonsense option then Nivea Mens is a good place to go. Sold in Boots and Superdrug, it is easy to get hold of and does all sorts of different products for shaving, skincare, body care and a shower range so that you can get everything you need from one place (yippie!). My favourite item they do is a really excellent post-shave balm that is cheap and also very effective.

Bulldog are another great men’s skincare brand that sell within Boots. While their products are more limited and slightly pricier, the quality of their products are amazing and they do different ranges for normal, sensitive and ageing skin. They are a favourite of my Dad who loves their Original Facial Scrub.

However, my number-one skincare product for men comes from The Body Shop. It is their Hemp Face Protector and is amazing at protecting the skin from harsh weather conditions. At £8 for 50ml it is very reasonably priced and lasts a very long time. It works wonders for the skin, especially facing colder weather (such as Scottish winters!) and is an absolute must for anyone living or travelling in a colder country.

So there you have it! These products and steps can help improve the look and feel of your skin within days and are very easy to get into the swing of. But don’t just take my word for it; try it for yourself.

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Ultimately the most important part of any adventure is eating well. You’ve got to eat the right things to stay focussed and enjoy yourself so we’ve come up with two foods we think you’ll love for your next adventure! The first is a healthy wrap filled with

whatever you want. The thing about wraps is that they’re healthier than bread and they’re a clean easy meal for when you’re out and about so we’re showing you how to fold yours creating a no nosense snack.

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The trick to a tidy wrap is to tuck in the ends after you’ve wrapped up your filling. This creates a secure container for your filling so it doesn’t go everywhere in your bag! Neat huh?

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Probably the simplest recipe I’ve ever come across, from the genius people at ‘The Kitchn’, 3 ingredient energy bars! They’re perfect for adventures or road trips and they take very little effort to make. Basically they’re the perfect snack.

Ingredients:1 cup of stoned dates1 cup of nuts1 cup of dried fruit

once you’ve got your ingredients all you have to do is put them all into the food processor for 30 second intervals till they’re all nicely mixed together into a sort of dough. next place cling film or wax paper into a square tin (8” x 8” preferably) and press the mixture to cover the surface in a thick layer. Leave to chill in the fridge for at least an hour but over night works best. Slice into squares and voila! You’ve made delicious bars to keep you going on your travels.

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This great snack is a melt free power bar, but feel like mixing it up a bit? You can add chocolate, peanut butter and digestive biscuits to create a delicious new treat!

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DYLANWelcome back to the page where we thank everyone who supported us during this process!

First of all thanks to Hello Echo for letting us feature them in our magazine and providing brilliant content and pictures. Also cheers for letting us use your photograph for the cover issue!

to all the people we interviewed; Patrick Janelle, Lily Collett, Jaws, Netherfriends and Blonde Summer, thanks for contributing to the issue with your great answers and stories.

Thanks to our parents for understanding that this is a time when we do as little socialising as is humanly possible and our friends for still being friends with us after this period of no contact.

Thanks to all the bands on our playlist for getting us, especially eilidh, through the editing and designing of the magazine - without your deep song lyrics about drugs and love she would not be here writing this today.

And finally, thanks to you for being here and reading our third issue of Dylan. We’re so glad you’re here and we can’t wait to see you next time. We hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we’ve enjoyed making it.

See you soon,Eilidh and Maddy

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