dv8 oxford july 2012

DV 8 dv8online.co.uk oxford july 2012

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DV8 Oxford is the leading magazine bringing you a round up of what goes on around Oxford after dark. dedicated to the socialites and posers of Oxford, check it out to see if you have been papped!


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forewordBeing Staff Writer at DV8 for the past couple of years has beenace, but when the idea of being the Guest Editor for July cameabout, I was very excited! It has always been one of my dreamsto be an Editor of a glossy mag, so this was my time to get asnapshot of some of the limelight and it has been an absoluteblast! I hope you’ve all been enjoying all my facebook postsand tweets and my cheesy ‘story so far’ posts! It’s been a lot offun getting to know lots more people round Oxford andfinding out just how much happens in one month. I’ve reallyenjoyed putting my mark on the magazine and getting to findout more about what’s involved with creating the fullmasterpiece! Being a local Oxford girl all my life (well,Wantage!) I have always enjoyed a good night out on the townand I don’t think I realised just how many differentpromotional nights actually go down, this month has been agood one!

The Jubilee weekend was definitely one to remember, I saw somany cocktail filled teapots, some of the best fancy dress I haveseen in a long time and all the bunting you could ever dream ofover that weekend! Personal highlights were the Super Heronight at Purple Turtle and the Wah007 Casino night. Two greatpromotional nights and definitely some sore heads afterwards!We have also chosen our winners for the ‘Face of DV8’competition which we’re dead excited about. Getting you guysinvolved with the magazine is very exciting and I bet thewinners can’t wait to see their face on the cover, we think theyare all going to look gorgeous!I’m also really excited to let you know about an exclusive partyhappening this month...introducing the Nelly High Heels Tour!On Friday 13th July (it’s going to be lucky, wepromise!)...Nelly.com (think a Swedish style ASOS) will bebringing their High Heel Tour to Camera in Oxford. Be one ofthe first 150 guests to arrive and you will get to choose yourfavourite pair of shoes from their upcoming collection forFREE! We will also be giving away 5 pairs of VIP tickets in theweek leading up to the event, which will guarantee you getyour free high heels! Keep a close eye on the DV8 facebookpage to find out more ;)Thanks to everyone that I’ve met and worked with over thepast month, it’s all been loads of fun and I’ve loved being theGuest Editor! I hope you enjoy the issue, I promise it’s one ofthe best issues I’ve seen in a long time ;)Lots of Love

Sally – July Guest Editor

meet the team...publisher

andrew [email protected]

guest editorsally ‘isle of wight’s most

fashionable’ daythe editoralison hill

[email protected] editoriain matthews

design editorluke pattonstaff writersalison hillsally day

iain matthewsvicky knowlden

official photographersandrew allen

chris [email protected]

charlie watson

DV8 OxfordSpeakeasy Marketing Ltd

25 Maple Avenue, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1HNtelephone: 07790839457

email: [email protected]: www.dv8online.co.uk

DV8 is a registered trademark. DV8 is published 12 times a year by DV8 Oxford, Speakeasy Marketing Ltd, 25 Maple Avenue,Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1HN. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, photographic prints and transparencies are accepted only onthe understanding that DV8 accepts no liability for loss or damage. It is assumed that the model release or prior permission toreproduce has been obtained by photographer or sender. Reproduction of pictures or text from the magazine without writtenpermission is forbidden. No responsibility can be accepted for any breaches of obligation by advertisers. The views and

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THIRST BAR GETS A REVAMP - One of our fave bars, Thirst, is enjoying a makeover.What’s it going to look like? We’re excited to find out! Keep your eyes peeled for itsexciting new transformation finishing soon! http://www.thirstbar.com/oxford/

GLEE CLUB DOES SPEED DATING - Looking for the one or just up for a laugh?Oxford’s Glee comedy club is hosting a speed dating evening on 3rd July. Why not bebrave and join in? We think it’s an ideal location – even if your dates aren’tentertaining, you’re sure to find someone funny wondering around that place ;)http://www.datingtrail.co.uk/event.php/15887.htm

BLUE RINSE - 14th JULY - The Turl Street Kitchen hosts another one of their fab BlueRinse nights! The night celebrates the good, the bad and the old, the mad, the rowdyand the senile. Serving cocktails in teapots and making sure no mouth is without aboiled sweet and a piece of cake. All until 3am! www.facebook.com/Bluerinsenight

Festival SeasonGuest Editor Sallyrecently went to Isle ofWight Festival andloved it ! Torrentialrain and sunburn all inone weekend whilstgett ing drunk in afield with all your bestmates? What morecould you want?!

Whatevs and Totesbeing in thedictionaryThis is the best newswe’ve heard in a longtime. We can sti l l beintel lectual and wellspoken, but a good oldbit of slang alwaysadds some charm!




Your mate telling you‘I told you so’Didn’t someone writein the friendship booksomewhere that you’renot allowed to be smugand correct wheneverything hits thefan?! Even a pat on thehead would go downbetter than the words ‘Itold you so’ .

Sending a back to backmessageNever reply to yourown message, that’sdefinitely not cool!

Leading Oxford hair salon,Mahogany, have made theirmark in a national creativehairdressing competition bybeating salons from all overthe UK to win ‘overall bestcreative team’ at theSchwarzkopf ProfessionalCreative Team Competition2012. To celebrate we arepleased to be running acompetition for one luckyreader to win this haircutand finish with PaulJamieson, at theMahogany’s Turl Streetsalon (value £62).

The team won with a stand-out interpretation andimpressive presentation ofnew hair trends for thecoming year, which stole theshow. Oxford hair pros PaulJamieson, 22, Senior Stylistand Educator at theMahogany Turl Street salonand Poppy-Sly Wallis, 20,Colourist from Mahogany

Hairdressing on MarketStreet, won over a panel ofindustry judges to securethem the trophy.

The styling team of fourpeople had just fourminutes to present fourmodels, explain their use ofcolour, styling ideas andinspiration fromSchwarzkopf’s annualEssential Looks trendcollection and include achoreographed routine.Mahogany chose to focus ona sports chic theme withsleek, super clean andprecise lines with dashes ofvibrant colours throughoutthe hair.

Completing the team wereStylist Adriani Matheou, 25,and Assistant CreativeDirector Natalie Hoursten,24, both from the Mahoganysalon in London.Congratulations Mahogany!

How to EnterTo enter, all you need to dois [email protected] 'MahoganyCompetition' in the subjectof the email. Simple!The competition closes andthe winner will be drawn atrandom on July 31st at12.00. Terms and conditionsapply.In the meantime check outtheir websitewww.mahoganyhair.co.uk



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The new venture promises to be anexciting addition to Oxford’s finedining Oxford scene with a strongfocus on customer service and beingcreative with food and drinkofferings.

We would recommend you pop in tofind out what the hype is all about!In the meantime check out theirwebsite for full menu and cocktailchoices!

We popped in for a drink oneevening and were waited on by thefriendly and attentive staff as theyshowcased their fine drinks menu tous. We also noticed that there isHappy Hour from 12-7, a perfectplace for after-work cocktails!

The independent owners have aproven track record of running barsand restaurants around Oxford, sowe are sure the new place will have afantastic launch.

Florio is the latest bar and restaurantoffering to hit the Summertown highstreet and it certainly fits in to thisgorgeous part of Oxford.

The place is full of glamorouslighting and glittering chandeliersand is a beautifully set out. The‘kitchen’ part is on the ground floorand the ‘bar’ part upstairs with aview of the Summertown high street.

Oxford Fashion Week is delighted toannounce Popham Hairdressing asthe Official Hairdressing Partner forOxford Fashion Week 2012, which thisyear runs from the 5th - 11thNovember. Popham is a SassoonProfessional Salon that prides itself onhigh standards of craft, creativity andservices. Founded in 1981 they havetwo salons in Oxford, one on NorthParade and the other in Summertown.DV8 is really excited to see the haircreations that the OFW2012/Pophamcollaboration brings. To find outmore, visit the OFW blog at:http://blog.oxfordfashionweek.co.uk

Following a successful first year, theOxjam Oxford Takeover is back tocelebrate the best of the city’s localmusic and to raise money for anexcellent cause. Aiming to raise over£6000 for Oxfam, the Oxjam OxfordTakeover team is planning a multi-venue city centre festival for 13thOctober. Last year’s event saw venuessuch as the Turl Street kitchen, Cellarand Modern Art Oxford taken overwith top local talent like MattWinkworth, We Aeronauts and TheScholars, and this year the hopes areto make it even bigger and better.The team also have several

fundraising events planned for thesummer including a gig on the roof ofthe Said Business school; their veryown ice-cream party and some pubtake-overs in Oxford’s surroundingtowns.To keep up to date with everythingthat’s going on, make sure you checkout the websitewww.oxjamoxford.co.uk and follow@oxjamoxford on Twitter. The teamare also on the lookout for bands,sponsors and volunteers, and anyoneinterested in helping out can get intouch via the website.






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to seal the plastic ‘Starbucks like’cup). The tea is slurped through a fatstraw, which pierces the top. Theliquid itself is cool, very sugary andfilled with little tapioca pellets. Tothis (uncultured) DV8 editor it tasted abit like a blend of milkshake andLipton's tea. To order, you chooseyour tea base e.g. jasmine green, blacketc., then add topping and flavour likehoney or lemon then customize byadding ice or sugar. It definitely madea refreshing change!

A Superheroes Run is returning for itsthird year on Saturday 4 August andis a charity event that we at DV8encourage you to go along to andsupport! The 3 mile event, held inhonour of SamWilliams, raisesmoney for Teenage Cancer Trust.Participants are encouraged to dressup as their favourite superhero, oreven wear an event t-shirt, or perhapsjust come along as themselves. Maybeyou will win the best-dressed-superhero prize! It’s great fun for allthe family, with entry £3 per adult and£1 per child, and there’s even a raffle!www.asuperheroesrun.posterous.com

Do you like your tea with a twist? Ifso one of Oxford’s newestestablishments, with its very ownclaim to fame as Oxford’s first bubbletea bar, is for you! Formosan is locatedat 128AHigh Street, hidden awaydown an alleyway where you’d beforgiven for missing it. We stumbledacross this gem by accident whilstheading to House Bar so decided toswap our after work mojito for ourfirst taste of Taiwanese tea!Formosan follows the traditionalTaiwanese way of making tea (butwith a very high tech looking machine


culture to a drunken night out!We think this is an exciting and funopportunity for local young artists toreally showcase their talents andindividuality. Their work will bephotographed and displayed on thecompany’s website, Facebook pagesand in local media sources. We willbe following the competition closelyand look forward to seeing thefinished designs!

We are sure there are going to be someimaginative and experimental pieces,and with graffiti artists encouraged toenter, there could be something reallycool going on!Each artist will be assigned their owntoilet cubicle and they will be able todraw, paint, graffiti this in whateverway they wish. This will not onlymake things more interesting but willhopefully discourage customers fromadding their own graffiti to thecubicles. We’re sure it will add a bit of

Wahoo are opening up their doors tothe talented artists of Oxford! Thequirky concept is an uniquecompetition to showcase new orestablished artists’ work in the toiletcubicles of Wahoo. There will be 17artists chosen to get involved and thewinner will receive a £500 cash prize,a £500 commissioned art piece andwill have up to 2000 people viewtheir artwork. We are excited to seethe artwork and see what the artistsdecide to create in the small space.


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Punt Sessions is an original way ofshowcasing local live music in away that you wouldn't normally

expect. Are you familiar with BlackCab Sessions? Think this but onlywetter. This is live music performedalong a beautiful Oxford river, filmedin one take, squeezed onto a singlepunt. We’ve heard even 9 people wereon a double punt last month - that’s agood effort we think! Recent sessionsinclude Matt Simpson, We Aeronauntsand Goodwin Sands. Check out theirwebsite for up and coming puntsessions. www.puntsessions.com



The key to a successful comedynight is to find a goodcombination of acts that feed

off each other’s momentum, andthat’s what we discovered when wewent along to Mild Friends ComedyNight at the Library pub on CowleyRoad. Though having award-winning comedienne, Angela Barnes,headlining definitely helps!Any concerns about not laughingwere quickly dispelled by the sharp,self-deprecating humour of thecompere, Jack Barry, who easednicely into the proceedings with

some banter with the crowd.The first act, Kishore Nayar hit theground running with some sharp,observational humour that quicklyhad laughter rippling through thesmall, atmospheric Library venue,which turned out to be the perfectsize for this most intimate of gigs.Liam Williams’ set got off to a trickystart when his train was late, butonce onstage he quickly got in to hisstride with some caustic situationalhumour that, in his own words, trodthe line somewhere between ‘SylviaPlath and FHM’. His final skit about

beer was a highlight and meant thatthe night moved smoothly into theheadline act.Angela Barnes, winner of the 2011BBC New Comedy Award, no less,was a force of comedic nature onstage. Some of her observations onher dysfunctional family causedwaves of laughter to move throughthe crowd and quickly showed howshe has become a rising star in thecomedy world. Her snapshots of lifetold from a world-weary, butsarcastic and knowing perspectivewere a great end to the evening.

Images: www.puntsessions.com

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OnSunday 10th June our goodfriend Jo the founder of Fe-lineWomen (the Oxfordshire

women's circle), hosted her very firstfashion extravaganza in Oxford! Wewere really excited about the event aswe’d heard loads about all the localbusinesses getting involved and all thedifferent elements of the day, and ofcourse as DV8 had our very own standtoo! We were excited to spread theword about the magazine and meetsome of you guys (with acomplimentary glass of Prosecco whywouldn’t you want to come and sayhello?!).

The day’s tag line was ‘a celebration offashion’ and it certainly didn’tdisappoint! The Pegasus Theatre was aperfect venue to host all the elementsof the day, with the stalls in the mainarea showcasing clothes, jewellery andmakeup. We had DV8 favouritesLenie’s Revival, Booty Bea and TheMake-up Bag there along with manyother local businesses and boutiquesshowcasing their latest trends andcreations.

A personal favourite of Guest EditorSally’s were ‘Eat Your Heart Out’ whocreate all their own jewellery and hairdecor from scratch. People were giventhe opportunity to have makeoversfrom local hair stylists and make upartists including Anne Veck, ElectricHair Salon and SAS Nails Boutique.We saw some very happy ladies walkout with new hair, new makeup and anew lease of life! A perfect start tosummer we think! In the ‘studio’ therewas even more inspiration andexcitement with clothes swapping,refashioning, photography andworkshops.






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SHENANIGANSWe particularly liked the clothesswapping! Getting rid of unwantedpurchases in return for something new,what more could you want? SLRPhotography were also on hand to takephotos of everyone in their new frocksor sporting their new looks.

There were also engaging and thoughtprovoking workshops on personalstyle, fashion craft and fashionblogging, so we boosted ourknowledge as well as our wardrobe ;)All in all the day was lots of fun and agreat way to showcase some ofOxford’s finest fashion and beautyofferings, all in one place.

We also want to say that Jo had thebest soundtrack for the event ever(which is available to subscribe to onSpotify – check it out!) ! We lookforward to more Fe-line fashion eventsin the future, watch this space!

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With all the jubilee parties, wejust had to visit our favevenue Wahoo who hosted

WAHOO7, a fantastic casino night fullof bond girls and gentleman in theirfinest suits! The back area showcasedCasino Royal authentic Blackjack androulette tables and live croupiers!There was even free bubbly on entryfrom the bond girls, which all the guysseemed to enjoy a lot! The partygoerslooked sexy and posed for us as if theywere on their very own red carpet. TheQueen would be proud!




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There’s nothing quite like headingout for a night of sophisticatedfun with an energetic atmosphere

and a real buzz. Well, we at DV8 foundexactly that when we went along toThe Living Room’s new night‘Mosquito’.

On arrival, we were greeted with a freeglass of champagne before headinginside the Private Bar to get our firstglimpse of Mosquito. Soon, we wereenjoying the combination of shots ofCrystal Head Vodka in glasses shapedlike skulls and a great variety of tunesthat slipped seamlessly from dance todubstep and even to soul. The mainpriority seemed to be to keep theenergy levels high and to make surepeople kept enjoying themselves.To get involved you need to be aMosquito Member or a Living RoomPrivilege Holder and this will give youaccess to a night of excess, refinement,with more than a touch of glamour.

We were left looking forward moreexclusive Mosquito nights at theLiving Room. See you there!


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Whatwe liked best about thisyear’s bank holiday was thefact that there were four

possible nights out and the fact thatthere was so much going on in Oxford!

One of our favourite Jubilee weekendevents was the Superhero night atPurple Turtle organised by our goodfriend and awesome Oxford promoterTom Plested.

Every superhero needs a night off andthis was the perfect night to celebrateall things superhero and see anamazing array of costumes! Ourpersonal favourite was banana-manand the Avatar girl (amazing contactlenses!). The place was rammed withcostumed up partygoers with everyoneenjoying the amazing drinks deals (6jagerbombs for £8! yes, that's 6, withchange from a tenner!) Plus peeps gotin for free if they dressed up! The nightwent on until 5 in the morning if youwere hardcore enough; it certainlylooked like everyone was there readyto say cheers to the Queen in style!





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For you avid readers of DV8, youwill know that we are massive fansof the bartending talent in Oxford.

Some of the girls in the office have theirown hotlist of bartenders around town(but that’s a feature for another day!).The Living Room gave the opportunityfor some of Oxford’s finest mixologiststo showcase their abilities in anotherfun-packed battle of the bartendersevening. The night attracted a lot of newtalent on the Oxford scene and reallydemonstrated why Oxford is a cocktaillover’s paradise!


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The Living Room played host to anight of high energyauctioneering as the Miss

England Finalist Fundraising Auctionrolled into town. We at DV8went alongto see what was up for grabs and takein the atmosphere.On arrival, we settled down with a freecocktail to settle the pre-bargainingnerves and watched the crowd arrivefor what promised to be an enjoyableevening raising money for Brent KnollSpecial School. The charming host forthe evening was Sarah O’Reilly, therecently crowned ‘Miss Charity’, in theMiss Oxfordshire heats.

The compère who led the event wasfull of energy, cracking jokes andencouraging even the quietest peopleto make a bid in the name of a greatcause. The atmosphere was buzzingand by the time it came to draw for theraffle the crowd was cheering andgetting involved with proceedings.Items generously put up for auctionincluded; a signed wing from aFormula 1 Force India race car, signedby racing drivers Paul Di Resta andNico Hulkenberg that was snapped upfor £370; darts shirt signed by Phil ‘ThePower’ Taylor, which went for £80;four hand painted canvasses featuringthe members of the Beatles, whichmade £180; a signed Oxford Unitedfootball, which went for £60, as well asmany other great items. Indeed, a full-page business editorial in this verymagazine was auctioned and wastaken by Abingdon Sports, whogenerously gave £100 for the cause.Overall, the event raised a veryimpressive £1,770 and we would like tocongratulate Sarah and The LivingRoom for a great night.




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The Diamond Jubilee was theparty of the year, and a greatplace to go in Oxford to sparkle

was Lola Lo’s Jubilee Diamond Nighton the Saturday. So we donned ourUnion Jack hat and headed over tocheck it out.

Outside may have been cold and wetwith the rain lashing down onOxford’s streets, but this didn’tdampen the spirits of the peoplepartying away in Lola Lo’s.

In fact, once you’d bought a cocktailfrom their impressive range andtoasted the Queen’s 60 years on thethrone, all thoughts of the bad weatherdisappeared instantly. That is if youhadn’t already been distracted by the600 diamonds decorating the bar areas,backed by glowing skulls and flankedby tempting looking bottles of vodka.It would have been rude not to have ataste and make sure the drinks livedup to expectations, which they did.

A range of uplifting tunes from theresident DJ’s helped to raise theexcitement levels further and peoplethronged the dancefloor, making themost of their long Jubilee weekend.The night was over all too soon andpeople left the club happy, knowingthey still had three more days ofcelebrating to go.

Overall it was another great night inLola Lo’s and the diamonds just addedthat extra something special.

Woul-Jubilee-ve it!


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This month we say goodbye to oneof our favourite Oxford venuesof recent times, the Junction!

Hosting many nights of fab live musicwith an array of awesome cover bands,the Junction has now closed thecurtains and will be no more. Weenjoyed some of the last parties thrownby the Junction with all the long islandiced teas we could consume. Asalways, there was a great buzz andatmosphere in the place as many partygoers partied hard before the Junctionshut it’s doors. Goodbye Junction, wewill miss you.


JUBILEE JAM02/06/2012

More jampot than jamajesty-Jubilee Jam was an amazingcouple of days of live music

in Jericho Tavern. Oxfringe livemusic sessions hosted man gigs atThe Jericho on Saturday 2nd andSunday 3rd June for what theydescribed as ‘a festival musicalantidote’ to all the usual Jubilee

celebrations!On the Saturday there was a coolafternoon tea party with arts andcrafts to raise money for Fusin Artsand The Gatehouse homeless charity.In the evenings there were too manybands to even think about, includingWild Swin, We Aeronauts and ourpersonal favourites The Original

Rabbit Foot Spasm Band (we sawthem last year at the Cowley RoadFestival and they were awesome!).

Check out Coo events on their blogto find out more about their gigs andevents coming up soon!http://coocooclub.wordpress.com/

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SUNDAYS @ THEMALMAISONHOME GROWN ANDVOCAL1st and 3rd Sunday of eachmonth. It’s hard getting yourbig break, so come and see thesingers and songwritersshowcase their musical skillsin the Malmaison Bar

SUNDAYS @ THE LIVINGROOMLive music with the 15 MinuteClub, offering local talent 15minutes to showcase theirtalentsfrom 8.30 until 1am

SUNDAYS @ THE PURPLETURTLEOFF THEWAGON…The new weekly night to fillthat gap in the clubbingcalenderCredible music and Partytunes to make you jump anddance.......Dubstep, electro,funk, soul, dnb, boogie,reggae, dancehall rnb, indieand even more!Free Entry and open until 2am

SUNDAYS @ THIRSTIt might be the end of theweekend? Are you stillwanting to party? Check outThirst Sunday night for tunes,drinks and dancing, taking

you through to Mondaymorning!

SUNDAYS @WAHOOAfter spending the afternoonwatching sport why not stay atWahoo for a high energy setfrom 10pm – midnight withtheir resident DJ playingthrough the best Dub, DnB.Simply the only place to be ona Sunday night.

MONDAYS @ LOLA LOCOME PLAYCome Play UK are one of theUK's biggest student eventparty throwers! Lola LoOxford is proud to presenttheir headline night 'ComePlay' for your pleasure (towallets, ears and feet alike!)Expect the biggest tunes, theprettiest people and the bestdrinks in town! Drinks dealsinclude: £1.50 Jagerbomb /£1.50 Carlsberg / £2 VS / £3Double Absolut and more...!10pm-3am (Last Entry 2am)

MONDAYS @ THE BRIDGECHOICEThe only credible Brooke’snight 9pm – 2am

MONDAYS @MAXWELL’SMONDAYMADNESS!Fancy something eat whileyou have a few delicioushappy hour cocktails? Buy two

main courses and get thecheaper one for free! Go on,you know you want to!

MONDAYS @ THE PURPLETURTLEPlaying hip-hop, garage, r'n'b,dubstep, chart stuff, dancehall,pop music, whatever requestswe get from 10 till 3Great drinks offers with 2-4-1cocktails and shots from £150

MONDAYS @WAHOOMONDAYMASHUPOur resident in-house DJ takesto the CD players to play themusic he wants to hear!Giving the pre-club scenesome much needed credibilitythe vast majority of drinks arebeing flogged at £2 and don’tforget your willies!FREE ENTRY,9pm – 1am

TUESDAYS @ BABY LOVECocktails, DJ’s and dancing.The best Tuesday night party!with some of Oxford's serialparty-goers, everybody'swelcome to a guaranteed nightof a-little-bit-of-what-you-fancy!Open til 3am

TUESDAYS @ CAFÉ COCOFantastic drinks and food in a

beautiful cafe setting.

TUESDAYS @ CLEMSOne of Oxford’s hotteststudent nights continue toplease the mid-week partygoers. So get ready toexperience the sheer madnessof ‘Taboo”! It’s the night withno rules, so expect theunexpected & join us everyTuesday night at Clems tomake Taboo one of yourforbidden Guilty Pleasures!10.00 - 03.00am

TUESDAYS @ ROPPONGIMUSICA!Come request your favourite2011 songs from LMFAO toDrake you request it we playit!! Don't forget your favouritedrink deals including a freeshot of Tequila or Sambuca . . .Happy hour drink deals allnight as well you know whereto be tonight :)Open from 7 til late!

TUESDAYS @ THE BRIDGEJUICELegendary student night withRock student. Expect cheese,r'n'b, hip-hop and chill out.9pm-2am

TUESDAYS @ THE PURPLETURTLEKARAOKE/JUKEBOXKaraoke 9pm-1am and then allyour favourite tunes on thejukebox from 1am-3am. Twojukeboxes and loads of cheapdrinks!Free Entry

TUESDAYS @WAHOOCheap drinks and Live Sport +Burger & Beer £4.99! And ifthere isn’t any sport? It’s just agreat place to start a night out!

WEDNESDAYS @ LOLA LOCRUSH4play Events Introduces VIPWednesdays Sponsored ByBelvedere Vodka At Oxford'sBest Tiki Club. With DJ Kidfury playing original hip hop& DJ Jean Paul mixing thevery best of dance & house,this is an exclusive night forBrookes... PLUS we have ourTWO CRUSH SHOT GIRLSmaking sure everyone is






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having fun!!Drinks Deals: £1.50 Carlsberg/ £2 Jaegerbomb / £2 VS /£2.95 Cocktails / £3 doubleStoli & mix / £7.50 Sharkbuckets // Bottle Deals: £70Belvedere, £150 BelvedereMagnum.Open 10am-3am

WEDNESDAYS @ THE CAPEOF GOOD HOPEOpen Mic WednesdayAre you musically gifted andwant to show the world?Having a little set here couldbe the start of big things!! Justpop along, sign up with UncleLee and SHINE!! Can't play??No worries!! Come alonganyway and enjoy the musicand great atmosphere!!From 8.30pm

WEDNESDAYS @ THECORRIDORWARM UPWEDNESDAYIt does what it says on the tin,with great midweekpromotions go to The Corridorto get your midweek partystarted.

WEDNESDAYS @ THEBRIDGEINTERNATIONAL NIGHTMAMBOOxford's top internationalnight9pm - 2am

WEDNESDAYS @ THEPURPLE TURTLEMUTINYAlternative Rock NightMutiny against crap music!Metal, Punk, Old Pop toHardcore! DJ’s 10PM-3AM.Free Entry.

WEDNESDAYS @WAHOOTWO @WAHOOArguably one of the biggestnights in Oxford! expect acombination of the best musicand best drinks deals around!£2 entry and open until 2!Remember to arrive early toavoid disappointment!

THURSDAYS @ CAMERAKLASSCamera offers a perfectThursday night. Tunes andcocktails all at a great price,this is a student night not to

miss.Open until 1.00am

THURSDAYS @ LOLA LOBEWARE THE KRAKENNamed after a sea beast ofmyth and legend 'The Kraken'is coming to Oxford to take agrip on the beautiful Lola Lo...Excellent drinks deals allnight, and remember to checkout the Kraken rum!All welcome, this is amidweek party for all!Open 10.00 - 3.00

THURSDAYS @ ROPPONGIDON’T TELL YOURBOYFRIEND!Oxford’s sexiest ladies night,offering a fantastic range ofcocktails and shots, andsoundtrack appropriate forOxford’s sexiest ladies! Checkout their V.I.P packages if youare celebrating somethingspecial!Open until 2.30am

THURSDAYS @ THE CAPEOF GOOD HOPELIVE LOUNGEOxford's very own version ofBBC Radio 1's The LiveLounge-Ish.Ruddy marvelous homegrownOxfordshire acousticgoodness. Tantalise them eardrums!!From 8.30pm

THURSDAYS @ LAVAIGNITELOCOMONDOLava Ignites premierinternational night, offeringgreat music, great people andeven greater drinks prices allnight long.£3 B4 11.30pm, £5 after.

THURSDAYS @ THEBRIDGEFRESHThe finest student night intown. Party music, RnB andHip-Hop.9pm - 3am

THURSDAYS @ THELIVING ROOMOffering music and fantasticcocktails from 8.30Open until 1am

THURSDAYS @ THEPURPLE TURTLEBIG BEAT THURSDAYSHappy hour prices all night!DJ’s Dutty Moonshine playingswing & Bass, Dubstep,Electro Swing etc... Check itout!10-3AMFree Entry

THURSDAYS @ THIRSTWe all know that Thursdaysare the new Saturdays, and ifyou are looking for a placewith fantastic drinks,awesome bar tenders, goodmusic and a place to see someof the sexiest party goers inOxford? then check out Thirston Thursdays! It’s a hit withus, and we are sure it will be ahit with you!7.30pm-3.30am

JULY 2012Wantyoureventlisted?Emaildetailstooxford@dv8online.co.ukbythe20thforinclusion




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FRIDAYS @ ANGELSCocktails and happy hour4.30pm - 9pm, enjoy theintimate surroundings and thefunky décor and of course thefantastic drinks!.

FRIDAY @ ANUBAAnuba offers great qualitydrinks in a sexy venue.Anuba is also the pre-bar to theBridge nightclub, allowing fasttrack access to the club.Enjoy some of the fantasticcocktails at a great price duringtheir happy hour8pm-2am

FRIDAY @ BABY LOVEWith two bars, an explosivecocktail list, frequent DJs andsociable 'tenders, Baby LoveBar is one of the safest, funkiestand varied venues for Oxford'sserial party-goers, everybody'swelcome to a guaranteed nightof a-little-bit-of-what-you-fancy!8pm-3am

FRIDAYS @ BABY SIMPLEBaby Simple is the choice forafter-work drinks, parties,celebrations and late nightsoirees. Sit back relax and enjoya wide selection of some of thefinest cocktails in a laid backatmosphere with funky barvibes. 6pm-1am

FRIDAYS @ CAMERAFridays at Camera are the placeto get the weekend partystarted! Camera is definitelyone of the finest venues inOxford City centre with someof the best drinks to match!2 floors of the finest Fridayentertainment you will findanywhere in the city!Free before 10pm and £5 after

FRIDAYS @ KISSKISS ‘N’ TELLPROMOTIONZDJ AC alongside resident DJ’sDolton & Money with GuestDJ’s playing the best in UKFunky Old Skool Garage, R‘N’B&Hip Hop Dancehall, plus lotsmore!9pm-2.30am

FRIDAYS @ LAVA& IGNITEVIBEWhat is Vibe? It's about themusic, it's about the peoplewho love music, it's about thepeople who love to dance.Playing the best in R’n’B / UKFunky / Hip Hop / Garage /Bashment / Dub-Step. TheFinest Urban Session in the UK!

FRIDAYS @ LOLA LOTIKI BEATSOxford's best place to be whenthe sun sets over the Thames!With their resident DJ takingover the wheels of steel toprovide a soundtrack ofcontemporary classics and

dance floor fillers and ourmixologists blending yourfavourite cocktails and sharersit is going to be a party toremember!1/2 price cocktails from 10pm-11pm10pm-3am (Last Entry 2am)

FRIDAYS @MAXWELL’SDJ’s, Dancing and Dining,come along and grab yourself abite to eat or enjoy a deliciouscocktail while you dance thenight away. DJ’s and happyhour throughout the night.

FRIDAYS @ O’NEIL’SOpen till 2amwith Friday nightbands to get your weekendstarted.

FRIDAYS @ BELL &COMPASSAll of your favourite biganthems spun all night with 2-4-1 cocktails all night and otherfantastic drinks offers! Open till2am

FRIDAYS @ ROPPONGIWE LOVE FRIDAYSThis is the ultimate destinationfor your Friday night full offun. EVERY Friday at RoppongiLounge & Club.We love Fridays, so why don'tyou???Open until 3am

FRIDAYS @ RAOUL’SClass, cocktails, sophisticationfrom the international awardwinning bar based in Jericho.Kick back and relax to smoothdeep funky tunes after a longhard week!Open 5pm – 1am

FRIDAYS @ THE BRIDGEDISCOMASHFor the best party in the city onFridays! 3 rooms of music anddancing (and of course bars)offering you everything youneed to get the weekend started10pm - 3am

FRIDAYS @ THE CORRIDORYour answer for the weekend...Come For The Drinks, Stay ForThe Party!

FRIDAYS @ THE DUKE’SCUTGrab a drink and sit on thedecking overlooking the river.

FRIDAYS @ THE LIVINGROOMLive music from 8.30 until 10.30Resident DJ until 2am

FRIDAYS @ THE OXFORDRETREATOffering beautiful and intimatesurroundings for dinner ordrinks.We love to sit outside onthe decked patio with softfurniture sipping at one of thefantastic cocktails on offer!Open until 3am

FRIDAYS @ THE PURPLETURTLEJIVEDancefloor ClassicsGuaranteed tunes to keep youon your feet and dancing thenight away! All the classicsfrom the 70’s -10’s squeezedinto one night!10pm-3am

FRIDAYS @ THIRSTResident DJ’s lay downeverything from pop to disco,funk and hip hop to electrohouse. Get there early to score aspot in the garden and checkout the talent!6.30pm – 3.30am

FRIDAYS @ THE JUNCTIONPICK ‘N’MIXPick ‘N’ Mix is Oxford’snumber one Friday destination,two floors of mayhem! All thebest dance floor fillers spun by



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some of the regions finest DJ’sand the best drinks prices intown. You’d be a fool not tocome and play.Open until 3am

SATURDAYS @ ANGELSCocktails and happy hour from4.30pm - 9pm, enjoy theintimate surroundings and thefunky décor.

SATURDAYS @ ANUBAAnuba offers great qualitydrinks in a sexy venue in thepre-bar to the Bridge nightclub.Come and check it out and getfast track access to the club.Great music and drinks allnight!8pm-2am

SATURDAYS @ BABY LOVEGreat drinks, great bar tenders,great music and a stripperpole!! A great premier club,with intimate booths to getcozy in.Open 8pm until 3am

SATURDAYS @ BABYSIMPLESit back relax and enjoy a wideselection of some of the finestcocktails in a laid backatmosphere with funky barvibes.6pm-1am

SATURDAYS @ CAMERACLUB CAMERASmooth grooves played by topDJs and even smoother drinksand cocktails, join the partyelite and party until late.From 6pm until late

SATURDAYS @ KISSSmall and intimate bar, friendlystaff, wicked DJs, great place totake the party to on a saturdaynight!Open til 12am

SATURDAYS @ LAVA &IGNITETHE SOUND OFSATURDAYSWhat Saturdays are all about...The Sound of Saturday is LavaIgnites premier weekend nightout! Join them for the biggestnight out of the week and thebest opportunity to make themost of the weekend beforereturning to the weekday grind.

It's a night fueled by Oxford’smost discerning clubbers in itsbiggest and most establishedvenue.10-3.00am

SATURDAYS @ LOLA LOZOMBIE NATIONEscape to the exotic island ofcool with DJ C as the weekendgets into full swing. Cocktailbliss from the skilledbartenders and table servicefrom their beautiful waitressesguarantee your night to be thebest it can be! Lola Lo invitesyou to sample the fun and jointhem at what is set to be thebiggest Saturday night inOxford! With complimentaryentry before 10pm and 1/2price cocktails before 11pmyou'd be silly not to!!10pm-3am (Last Entry 2am)

SATURDAYS @MAXWELL’SDJ’s, Dancing and Dining,come along and grab yourself abite to eat or enjoy a deliciouscocktail while you dance thenight away. DJ’s and happyhour all night.

SATURDAYS @ O2ACADEMYPROPAGANDAA, TRASHY& ROOM 101Main Room – Propaganda: TheBest New & Classic IndieAlternative MusicRoom 2 – Trashy: Kitch glampop and guilty pleasures

Room 3 – Room 101: Rock,Metal & Punk anthems10-3.00am

SATURDAYS @ ROPPONGIVIP SATURDAYSRoppongi presents a night forthe smart, sexy and stylishWITH VIP Saturdays offeringOxford’s party elite a 'chic,luxurious lounge and club'.Situated on Oxford's GeorgeStreet, the club is a uniqueplayground, designed foraffable debauchery andindulgent fun, withoutpretentiousness but exuding anabundance of class and style.

SATURDAYS @ RAOULSClass, cocktails, sophisticationand smooth deep funky tuneswith award-winning cocktails,from award-winningbartenders.Open 5pm – 1am

SATURDAYS@ THE BRIDGEOld-school, dance and RnB on3 floors.10pm - 3am

SATURDAYS @ THECORRIDORYour answer for the weekendCome For the drinks, stay forthe party!

SATURDAYS @ THE LIVINGROOMLive music from 8.30 until 10.30Resident DJ until 2am.

This is a perfect Saturday nightif you are out for dinner ordrinks or maybe want toimpress a special someone.Open until 2am

SATURDAYS @ THEOXFORD RETREATThe Oxford Retreat’s Boutiquebar offers fun surroundings forlate night drinking withfriends, unwinding or gettingcozyOpen until 3am

SATURDAYS @ THE PURPLETURTLEJAGODJ Jago playing the biggest andbest hits to make you wannashake ‘what ya mama gave ya’for 5 hours, every saturday!10pm-3am

SATURDAYS @ THIRSTOne of Oxford’s biggest partynights, don’t miss out!Cocktail promos till 9.30pmOpen 7.30pm – 3.30am

SATURDAYS @WAHOOTheir resident DJ spins all thebest music ranging fromMotown to Chart, Dance toCheese through til’ 3am.

JULY 2012Wantyoureventlisted?Emaildetailstooxford@dv8online.co.ukbythe20thforinclusion


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Upstairs in association with BBCIntroducing continue to present the mosthotly tipped bands of 2012. On Thursday5th July 2012, Upstairs brings you fiveincredible alternative rock and indietalents to the O2 Academy Oxford stage.

With a high-energy kickstart to thesummer, don’t miss the home-growntalents of ArtClassSink and Yellow Fever,the heavier rock sound of four-pieceHighway Alaska, the indie highlights ofDeer Chicago and America’s own WeAreAugustines currently causing quite a stirin the music press.

‘Growing up in the States you alwayshear about the amazing universities andphenomenal music from Oxford(Radiohead, Supergrass, etc). Nowthanks to the BBC we have theopportunity to play there in July. We aresure that our first visit will be incredibleand can't wait to rock with the people ofthe "city of dreaming spires!!!"’ – EricSanderson, We Are Augustines

Get further information and tickets atwww.o2academyoxford.co.uk

BIG BANG THEORY -SEASON 5DVD Release: 24th SeptJoin Sheldon, Leonard,Raj and Howard as theybring us another brilliantseason of geek chic! WillLeonard get backtogether with Penny?Will Sheldon and Amytake their relationship tothe next level? If there isa box set you need to geton pre-order,this is the one. Weabsolutely love the BigBang Theory

THE BEST EXOTICMARIGOLD HOTELDVD Release: Out NowAgroup of Britishretirees travel to India totake up residence inwhat they believe is anewly restored hotel.Less luxurious than itsadvertisements, they areforever transformed bytheir shared experiences,discovering that life andlove can begin againwhen you begin let go ofthe past.

WE BOUGHT A ZOODVD Release: 16th JulyWe Bought a Zoo is afunny, inspiring and truestory about the magicalpower of family topersevere in the face ofextraordinary challenges.Matt Damon is BenjaminMee--who, looking togive his family a muchneeded fresh start, movesto a home situated in themiddle of a dilapidatedzoo which he sets aboutbringing back to itsglorious state.THE AMAZINGSPIDERMANJULY 3RDAndrew Garfield takesthe title role of thiscomic-book adventureabout a gawky,wannabe journalist...ICE AGE:CONTINENTALDRIFTJULY 13THBlue Sky Studiosísseries of family-friendly cartoons aboutthe adventures of threeprehistoric chums isback.THE DARK KNIGHTRISESJULY 20THDirector ChristopherNolan closes the circlewith the last in hisglobe-conquering seriesof Batman movies...TEDAUG 1STFamily Guy creatorSeth McFarlane makeshis big-screen directingdebut with this bad-boy comedy about aman and his livingteddy bear.






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The Rickety Press is relatively new on the Oxford foodscene, and we are ashamed to say that we have only justventured to this fantastic Jericho Pub. Some people regretthe things they do, we definitely regret not coming heresooner! from the moment we arrived, we just knew wewere in for something special! The pub is decorated in arustic chic style, boasting fantastic olde-worlde fittingsenhancing the beautiful interior or the building.The pub was really busy for a midweek evening (which

is really nice to see), but we understood why, when thewonderful looking plates were being carried past us fromthe kitchen to their appropriate tables, we were left withour mouths watering. As the Rickety Press promised us atraditional pub experience and after much deliberation(it was hard to choose what to order), we decided that wewanted some traditional pub food. First up, The RicketyBurger, topped with delicious cheddar cheese, servedwith French fries and a homemade ketchup. Oxford hasits fair share of burger places, but this has to be inamongst one of the best the city has to offer. It definitelymade our top 5 burger list!The other meal we opted for was the steak (always a pubclassic), the 28 day aged rib eye steak was cookedperfectly to order and simply melted in the mouth, with agenerous side of French fries and mixed leaves, this waspretty much the perfect meal, however, we did find roomfor dessert. We chose to share the cheese board selection.If you are a cheese lover then this will be right up yourstreet, with a variety of cheeses varying in flavour andstrength, we would even recommend this as a sharingplate to enjoy if you are just going out for a few drinks.

This is a pub that deserves to be a success and by judgingby the draw, it looks like it will be! If you haven't checkedout yet, we strongly recommend that you do.

JOE’S BAR & GRILL 262 Banbury Road Summertown 01865 554 484

THE RICKETY PRESS 67 Cranham Street Oxford 01865 424581

Joe's Bar and Grill has been a firm favourite of ours,situated in the heart of Summertown, this bar and grillhas been a firm favourite of DV8's for some time,particularly during the summer months, when their isnothing more relaxing than sitting out the front, relaxingwith a drink and watching the hustle and bustle ofSummertown.As regulars to Joe's Bar and Grill, we wanted to trysomething different to our usual favourites. As there was

two of us, we decided to start with Joe's Deli Board toshare. Offering a great list of Antipasti foods, we weretorn on which ones to choose. In the end we opted for agood balance of meat, cheese and bread. We would liketo draw particular attention to the delicious Oxford BlueCheese, which was simply wonderful.Having hit the meat, cheese and bread food groups in thestarter we wanted to opt for something different for themain courses. First up was the Joe’s Fish ‘n’ Chips, adelicious piece of haddock encased in a crunchy ‘OldHooky’ batter, served with all the sides of home madechips, mushy peas and tartar sauce. If you are a fan offish and chips, this is one for you to check out.

The second dish was the grilled goat’s cheese and crispybacon salad, which comprised of a fantastic selection ofmixed leaves, red onion and tomatoes, drizzled withsome of Joe’s dressing. Salad isn’t always our first choicewhen eating out, but sometimes, when it is preparedwell, it makes for a pleasant surprise.As we said, Joe’s has continued to be a popular eatery inSummertown, and we recommend that you take a tripthere soon to try it for yourself. Check out their websiteto look out for some of their live music nights they have.www.joesresaurants.com

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This month we're really lookingforward to the Nelly High Heels tour!Hitting Oxford at Camera on Friday13th and various dates around the UKfor the rest of the month. This is theperfect night out for shoe addict! Gettogether in a stylish locationsurrounded by an extravagant arrayof high heels. Be one of the first 150

guests to arrive and you will get tochoose your favourite pair from ourupcoming collection for FREE! Thefirst 150 guests will also get a goodiebag with products from the Nellysponsors - another reason to be ontime on the night! Competitions withgreat prizes will also run throughoutthis amazing night for all the guest.

Look out for an exclusive competitionrunning on 9th-13th July on the DV8facebook for your chance to win VIPtickets and a guaranteed pair of FREEshoes!

Find out more here:http://nelly.com/uk/events/high-heels/

HAIR GGeett yyoouurr hhaaiirr rreeaaddyy ffoorr tthhee ssuummmmeerr!!

Anne reveals how to prepare andprotect your hair for summer hols,sea, sand and sun!


These days everyone is aware of thedanger of too much holiday sun toyour skin - but what damage can it doto your hair? Sun, sea, chlorinatedwater, hot temperatures andhumidity are hair's biggest enemies.Preparation and protection is vital toprevent colour fade, porosity andeven damage to your scalp.I strongly advise a completeprotection programme before you go,during your holiday and, of coursedetox or (hopefully not!) repair whenyou come back.

Before you go To get your hair in top condition,update with a great cut and colourabout a week before going away. This

gives your hair time to settle andhelps reduce colour fade. Ensure yourhair is strong and healthy by keepingto a balanced diet and keeping fit!Treat your hair with weeklytreatments for added strength andprotection too- in salon or at home.Matrix Biolage Cera-RepairHydratherapie is ideal.

While on holidayTo protect against sun, sea and sand,pack the Matrix Biolage Sunsorialsrange. These contain sunflower seedantioxidants and UV filters and therange includes After Sun Shampoo,Sun Repair Treatment and After-SunRepair Spray. Their Protective HairNon-Oil is a brilliant shield againstseawater, pool water and the sun.

Detox To moisturise dry to very dry hair, Iam a big fan of the Matrix BiolageHydratherapie range, including

Ultra-Hydrating Shampoo and Ultra-Hydrating Balm. These formulas areinfused with Aloe Vera and Algae,great for nourishing sun struck hair.Time for your next appointment withyour hairdresser too!

See you in the salon soon


“As an Artistic Director for Matrix, I'moften asked which is my favourite Matrixcare product. For protection against theeffects of summer weather, I alwaysrecommend their Biolage Sunsorialsrange. Consisting of four products,Sunsorials contain advanced UV filters,naturally occurring antioxidants foundin sunflower seed extract and a botanicalcomplex for luminescent shine anddetangling. Essential summer holidaypacking and available at our salons,naturally. " Anne Veck

TThhiiss mmoonntthh,, MMaattrriixx AArrttiissttiicc DDiirreeccttoorr AAnnnnee VVeecckk iiss ggeettttiinngg yyoouurr hhaaiirr uupp aanndd rreeaaddyy ffoorr aallll tthhoossee ssuummmmeerr ppaarrttiieess aanndd ffoorrmmaallbbaallllss..

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Get your hair ready for the summer!

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WWhhaatt wwiillll yyoouu bbee ddooiinngg ttoo celebrate

Oxford has been the home to many literarymasterpieces throughout the years, especially in therealm of fantasy, creating some of the mostbelievable and exotic worlds captivating theimagination of adults and children alike the worldover. One of the most famous worlds, is of course,Wonderland, the magical realm visited by Alice, whoadventures through the weird and wacky world,meeting the most exotic and exquisite of characterson the way. Iʼm sure we donʼt have to remind you ofthe story! Each year during July, Oxford hosts aseries of events to celebrate the first ever reading ofAlice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, and this Julywe are celebrating the stories 150th birthday!

Alice in Wonderland has not only just been a storyconfined to the pages of a book, but it has inspiredthe creativity of so many people to interpret their ownversion and vision of the story (we loved the Tim

Burton movie), the story has encouraged creativeminded people to create their own art and fashioninspired by the book. The image to accompany thisarticle was created by Anne Veck in an Alice inWonderland inspired photoshoot.

As massive fans of Alice in Wonderland and with somuch on, we wanted to bring you a selection ofevents not to be missed this July:

Mad Hatter's Tea Party at Ashmolean MuseumYou may not have had chance already to check outthe amazing rooftop restaurant at the AshmoleanMuseam, so this is your opportunity to make the mostof one of Oxfordʼs most fantastic restaurants with aMad Hatter's Tea Party.Enjoy a “frabjous” rooftop tea party with jam tarts anddrink-me potions and eat-me cake. Sounds delicious,we canʼt wait.

AAlliiccee DDaayy 22001122??

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What will you be doing ttoo cceelleebbrraattee

The Moonlight Stroll at OxfordDonʼt be late, a very important date! The MoonlightStroll is a night time sponsored walk through thestreets of Oxford. Every year over 1,000 take to thestreets in aid of the Sobell House Hospice Charity atannual night-time 9 mile sponsored walk.

This year's Stroll takes place on the 7th July and willagain set out at 10:30pm from St Edward's School onthe Woodstock Road before making its way into thebeautiful and historic city, taking in all the majorlandmarks and sights the city has to offer, beforesnaking its way back to St Edward's where they willreward you with a nice cup of tea and something toeat!

Illustrated Editions of Alice at Bodleian LibraryDisplay of illustrated editions of Alice in theProscholium. These illustrations include the originalTenniel drawings to the 1950s, and show the appealthat the stories have had for outstanding artists bothhere and abroad.Mad Hatterʼs Tea Party at Mosquito (The LivingRoom)For those of you who will have had their fill of tea andcake, The Living Room is transforming their newnight into a Wonderland inspired tea party, this is onefor the adults as the we are sure the delicious rangeof cocktails on offer will have a kick to them.Remember to dress to impress!

Alice Day 2012?

Hair: Armonie Ducroux & Anne Veck for Anne Veck salonsPhotography: Bella KotackMake-up: Hannah DowsonWedding gowns by The Ball Room Oxford

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1. Unlined Lightweight Parka, £58.00, Topshop 2. Gold Speckle Boots, £85.00, Hunter3. Beaded Leather Shorts, £75.00, Warehouse 4. Womens Lace Trilby, £18.00, Fatface5. Petites Aztec Stud Tee, £22.00, Miss Selfridge6. Cat Eye Sunglasses, £12.00, ASOS


4. 5. 6.


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403Q Name: KieraAge: 23Occp: Dancer

1. Tequila2. Spiderman3. Abroad

Name: PaulAge: 28Occp: FitnessTrainer

1. Jagerbomb2. Spiderman3. Abroad

Name: ChezAge: 20Occp: Student

1. Both!2. Batman3.Abroad

Name: JamesAge: 22Occp: Student

1. Jagerbomb2. Spiderman3. Abroad

Name: JohnAge: 28Occp: Traineesolicitor

1. Jagerbomb2. Batman3. Abroad

1. Jagerbomb or Tequila?2. Spiderman or Batman Movie?

3. Summer holiday in the UK or abroad?

Where would you go to let of steam at the weekend: Thirst! It's very rare that I miss a weekend there.

Describe yourself in 3 words: Fun, friendly, down to earth.

What's your favourite place to have a chilled out drink mid week?The Living Room. They have incredible musicians there too.

What would be your recommended place for a first date?I always feel awkward trying to eat while talk on a first date, somaybe somewhere you can both feel relaxed and have a laugh. I'mquite a sporty person so I'd probably enjoy something more active.

Where's your favourite place to dance the night away in Oxford?Probably Thirst again. Or Camera too. I love both those places.


DDVV88meets Kirsty Beer, you may have seen her out and aboutaround Oxford, you may also recognise her from Miss Oxfordfame. You will also soon see her on the cover of DV8.

In the meantime, we caught up with Kirsty to talk about whatmakes a good weekend in Oxford and her love for Thirst!

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