duisdale house hotel in the sunday express

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  • 7/27/2019 Duisdale House Hotel in the Sunday Express



    AM staying at the only hotel inScotland which has its own 50ftyacht, the adjective luxurybeing a given, exclusively for theuse of guests. As intros go, this isso satisfying I almost feel like

    ating it.wife and I have been guests at

    s with a head-turning Porsche inackage, where guided tours in age Rolls Royce were included, ande the most expensively decadentreatments were on offer.ok into the enchanting Duisdalee Hotel, near Armadale, on the Isleye, as we have, and the Solus ain, all sleek lines, polished woodleaming brass is available for hire,her permitting, bringing a wholedimension to the luxury break.pect to be transported, champagnend, with the tantalising prospect ofous seafood lunches to come, to

    ds like Rum, Muck, Eigg or Canna,rhaps berthing near silver-whitehes, all small, secret and hidden.e yacht, whose name translates asof the Ocean, is skippered by Ken

    n, who was the captain of theidean Princess for seven years.s crewed by Anne Gracie, who,Ken, owns and runs Duisdale andarby sister hotel, Toravaig House.re then is a couple, pun intended,e hands are firmly on the tillerding understated hospitality of the

    we enjoy at Duisdale House.t dont take my word for it. The

    ng panel of the Highlands has justed the 18-roomed former hunting as the regions best hotel notingt, offers a level of pampering thats a flow of people back time andagain.t on this, our first visit to Skye anddale, we have been caught totallyard the island completely failing

    e up to its reputation as a dreichnation of constant downpour.ad, it positively shows off with theof autumn weather while the hotelks every rule in the country housebook, but in a very good wayd.

    a previous life it was a 40-bedroomaimed solely at the coach touret and, according to local talk, just

    bathrooms.e rebirth came in 2008 when Anne

    and Ken took a deep breath andinvested an eye-watering sum to turn itinto the award winnier it is today.

    Inside it is a revelation all chic, noshabby with not a thread of tartan.Rather, there is a palette of creams,silvers and restful blues, bedrooms

    with four-posters, piled high withpillows, designer bathrooms andeverywhere a sense of calm coupled

    with the warmest of welcomes.At this point, I must mention hotel

    manager David for his unfailingattention and the tip about how much

    water to add to a malt as well asassistant manager Morag who belongsto the no problem school of hospitality.

    David Alans kitchen producesdelights including willd Mallaig seatrout with black olives and chiorizo,fillet of Black Isle beef and hand-divedscallops with black pudding. All locallysourced, it goes without saying.

    The hotel serves craft beer from theIsle of Skye brewery at Uig andTalisker in all its glorious expressionsfrom the islands only distillery.Talisker Storm in particular goingdown, well, a storm with this writer.

    It takes some effort next morning toleave the comfort of Duisdale to spendthe day exploring, especially as themisty isle is about to live up to its namebut frankly you would need a heart ashard the rocks of the Cuillins not toappreciate its rugged grandeur atevery turn in the road.

    It is, for those with the energy and

    inclination, a paradise for walkers andclimbers, but we do nothing moreenergetic, or enjoyable, than admirethe scenery. We have come, in fact,over the sea to Sky(v)e.

    GETTING THEREDuisdale House Hotel, Sleat, Isle ofSkye, IV43 8QW; 01471 833202,[email protected] orwww.duisdale.comSkye Winter Escape between

    November and March - 2 nights B&Bfrom 225 per couple with dinner at35 per person per night and acomplimentary glass of champagneon arrival. Christmas and New Yearsave 10 per cent when you book by endof October. Christmas two-night house

    party from 295 pp. New Year two-night house party from 450 pp.

    DkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkRIANWANSONets sail onn amazingcottishoyage ofscovery

    kZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkkZgi]ZhZVidH`nkSTUNNERS: The rugged beauty of Skye and the magnificent Duisdale House Hotel combine to the point of pe