dublino - aprile 2012 - classe 2al

Photo with James Joyce, the first morning DUBLIN APRIL 2012

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Viaggio a Dublino - aprile 2012 - Classe 2AL. Presentazione a cura degli studenti della classe.


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Photo with James Joyce, the first morning


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Our meet point, the Spire, was built in 2011 and it is 120 meters high. It was commissioned in 1999 for replacing Nelson’s Pillar.

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Walking tour of Dublin

It was called Liffey Bridge, but now is commonly know as Half Penny Bridge. Its name comes from the tip that people had to pay to pass.

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Christ Church

Christ Church Cathedral is perfectly located in the heart of Medieval Dublin, it was founded in 1030 by the Viking and was incorporated into the Irish Church in 1152. Today, it houses the important Treasures of Christ Church which features manuscripts and ancient artifacts as well as a spectacular exhibition of original 16th Century costumes from the historical series 'The Tudors‘.

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In Dublin’s fair city where the girls are so pretty I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone.She wheeled her wheelbarrow through the streets broad and narrow crying cockles and mussels alive alive oh!

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The National Gallery of Ireland houses the Irish national collection of Irish and European art.It is located in the centre of Dublin. It was founded in 1854 and opened its doors ten years later. The Gallery has an extensive, representative collection of Irish painting and is also notable for its Italian Baroque and Dutch masters.

The gallery contains paintings of many Italian painters like Caravaggio, Luca Giordano, Canaletto and Filippino Lippi.

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Hard Rock Cafe in Temple Bar. This is the most famous chain of restaurants in the world, each Hard Rock Cafe has got a lot of objects (such as guitars, photos and awards) of famous musicians and other unusual things…

Its white t-shirts with the brand and the city where they’ve been bought are the most sold souvenir.

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The Dublin Writers Museum was opened in November 1991 to promote interest, through its collection, displays and activities, in Irish literature.

The museum includes works of James Joyce (two copies of Ulysses, George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, Patrick Pearse, Bram Stoker (the first edition of Dracula) and Patrick Swift.

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At the Natural History Museum we spent two nice hours even if the embalmed animals created some sadness.

This whale skeleton is huge!

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That was the baeutiful view we had when we entered in the

Trinity College

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This is a photo of the Book of Kells. It is a manuscript which was written by Celtic Monks in 800 A.D. It contains the four Gospels of the New Testament.

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Jameson Irish whiskey is produced from a mixture of malted and unmalted Irish

barley. The barley is dried in a closed kiln fired by natural gas.

The whiskey is triple distilled for optimum smoothness. Our

philosophy is balance, ensuring that no one flavour element

overpowers another. The end result is a sweet-tasting whiskey.

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Hey guys, don’t forgot to

touch the millstone

because it brings good


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Unluckily we are under age so we could drink only a fruit juice while our teachers could try the whiskey.

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Behind us you can see the Wellington Testimonial which was built to commemorate the victories of Arthur Wellesley1st duke of Wellington. It was completed in 1861.

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This is the only tower which survived from the medieval castle.

Originally the castle was of the Norman, then it became the seat of British rule in Ireland. Finally in 1922 Michael Collins settled it and established the Irish Free State.

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After a shopping hour in Grafton Street we could enjoy a few seconds of the traditional Irish music while we were coming back home.

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On Tuesday we went to the Guinness Styorehouse, the building which shows the beer’s history and where you can try it. Like in Old Jameson’s we were under age so we could drink only a coke.

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Guinness Storehouse was designed on the shape of a giant pint of beer. It is also a very tall monument, we don’t know how, but when this photo was snapped we where drinking our coke at the fifth floor!

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On the right there’s the Lurgan long boat, it was built with a trunk of 5000 years ago. Down there’s a part of Or, an important collection of golden jewels.

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This is the walk through the Lower Valley in Wicklow. Here a lot of movies were filmed, the most important are Braveheart, Excalibur and P.S. I love you.

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The Round tower

St. Kevin’s church

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During the travel to Kilkenny we could see only this....fields and sheep, fields, sheep and sheep again. The traditional Irish landscape

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This is the Browns Hill Dolmen, we didn’t manage to see it because the weather was bad. It was built 5000 years ago and it is very heavy.

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Kilkenny Castle with its nice park.

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We’re tired and sad, but very satisfied... Bye bye Ireland!!