
DT AS Coursework Ross Wilkinson- Boram

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DT AS CourseworkRoss Wilkinson-Boram

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The BriefDesign a new point of sale display unit for a male grooming company. The unit must display at least 1 product from their range and must clearly identify the brand. Possible brands are Old Spice, Fish, L’Oreal Men Expert, Mr Natty, Lynx and Hackett.

The SituationI have been researching lynx’s marketing and they have always got new products and themes, out this is a problem as they keep changing their marketing ideas. I believe they need to stick to one marketing technique as this will be good for the consumer.

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Task AnalysisEnvironment:The Lynx point of sale unit should be in the male grooming section in cosmetic stores. These cosmetic stores could be in the high street or shopping centres like blue water. I think it would fit in with other male grooming products. I think it should be by the till so people can buy it last, as it would be the last thing people see as they leave the shop and stay in their head. I believe the target audience is boys aged 12-16.Safety:They unit should have no loose objects or tripping hazards. It should also have no sharp corners. No small objects that small children could swallow. Lastly the electricity wires should be covered for the customers safety.

Social Media:The stand should have a range of social media attributes like Facebook links, twitter trends and online competitions. There should be a screen that shows all of these pages. These social media attributes help advertise the brand online as well as in store.

Originality:In order to capture peoples sight in the store the unit will have to stand out and be unique, this means the unit will have to be something new and that they haven't seen before. Therefore the customers want to see what the brand is selling.

Usability:The unit must be intuitive so the customers are always happy instead of confused and bored. One example of this is Apple, they let you try out the items in the shop and you can instantly learn how to use it without any skill. Customers should be able to work with the unit and product straight away otherwise they will not buy it.Cost:I feel that the cost should be reasonable as people earn different wages and this way everyone can buy the product.Lynx is for teenagers so the price should be lowered. Most teenagers aged 12-16 do not own a lot of money and have jobs so the price has to be reasonable.Purpose:The point of display unit is there to display the products in a new and innovative way which increases the popularity of a brand. It should be eye-catching and attract customers. The main purpose of the point of display unit is to sell and promote the product and brand.Aesthetics:The unit should look aesthetically pleasing. This will immediately grab the customers attention also a computer screen allows customers to interact with the unit. The theme will be women as this is what the brand advertises.

QR Readers:The barcodes have been very successful and have become a must with a unit. So I believe a unit should have a barcode direct to the website and product. The or readers make customers interact with the unit therefore helping them remember the brand.

Recyclable:The unit itself should be easily recyclable. The unit should be plastic as it can be recycled therefore contributing to save the planet. The units should not be thrown away instead they should be reused in other shops.Size:The unit should be big so it catches customers eyes, but also wont be to intrusive. the size should be about 5 foot tall so it stand out from all the other stands. The unit has to be seen but not too big.

Ergonomics:The point of sale display should be easy to use and understand. It should also be efficiently designed. The space should look good and be intuitive. The unit has to be ergonomic so the customer is satisfied.Position:For the unit to be effective it needs to be in a popular position. The unit is interactive for it to work well, people would have to interactive with it to understand it well. It should be centered around men's grooming products.Interactivity:The unit should be very interactive to attract new customers. It should show the product and also information on the brand. The unit and product should be user friendly and interactive with the customer to make them want to buy it.

Easy to Build:The unit should be easy to build so that the cost of labour and materials should be kept down. We should use popular materials so the price is cheap and easy to assemble. Shop assistants must be able to assemble it quickly so it should have instructions.Functions:The products should be on display and with a specific theme. It should also have the screen for interactivity.It should have a mirror so customers can try their products. Their should also be facts about the brand. This will increase the customers knowledge of the brand.

Materials:Lynx is advertised as a company which is stylish therefore do modern things. This means modern shapes and objects. Some metal should be used to ft into the lynx theme also neon should be used because it links to lynx deodorant cans. Plastics should also be used as they are easily recyclable.

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Aesthetics- Some of the aspects of my point of sale display will be theme, style, colour and studying shapes. These will decide whether customers are attracted to my unit or not. I will look at which themes and styles fit with my brand .

Customer-the unit will be aimed at teenagers so I should use things they like and

colours they also like. It should be placed in the right shops where my target audience shop. My customer will like video games and modern things.

Cost-the main thing I need to consider is the quality to quantity ratio. I need to think about the cost as my target audience is teenagers and they don’t earn a lot. The price will vary depending on which materials I use.

Environment-when I am looking at the environment I need to look at the position in the shop and how it fits in with other products/ sections. It needs to live near similar items to attract the right customers.

Size-the main things I need to know for size is the stability, and height because I need it to be tall for people to see but don’t wan it falling over all the time. I want it to fit in with the specific shop itself. The unit will be medium size so its cheap but eye-catching.

Safety- the unit needs to be safe and some of the things I look at are loose wires, sharp corners and small objects this is because loose wires can trip people up, sharp corners can injure customers and small objects can get in children's mouths.

Initial Specification

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Hackett London is a traditional British gentlemen's grooming company based in London. The men advertised are dressed smart and this inspires men to look and be like them. Its style is mainly traditional British. Hackett was founded in 1983. Hackett sponsor lots of big brands like Aston martin and events like the oxford and Cambridge boat race. Recently Hackett has branched out into more diverse areas like tailoring, hairdressing and tax-free shops. Hackett has thirteen UK locations and sixty-four across the globe.

Mr Natty is a male grooming company originating from England but spreading throughout the globe. All of Mr Natty’s products are made in England this is good as it keeps its traditional English theme with it.The target audience is the older generation because its traditional, like when long beards and moustaches were in style. Mr Natty’s products are unusual and unique this is good to have in a brand as it helps you stand out from all the other brands. Some of these products include moustache wax and beard wax.

Lynx or ‘axe’ is a brand of male grooming products owned by a british/dutch company and marketed towards young males. It is aimed at teenagers because of the advertisement and it is cheap. The lynx advert implies that if you spray the deodorant women will want you. Lynx’s main lead product is the deodorant. Lynx advertisement portrayed various ways the products supposedly helped men attract women. For “pulse” it showed how it supposedly gave geeky men confidence to dance with women.

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Old Spice is an American male grooming brand which was opened in 1937. Old spice have stuck to the same type of products since they started but modernising them a bit, this keeps the old customers and also brings in new customers as well. Their target audience is a lot wider than most there male grooming products and I think it is between 18-60.Old spice won FHM’s 2006 Grooming award. Old spice is an older brand that is newly re-established. The company's new advertisement ideas are brining more sales and maybe more customers as they are bringing different ethnicity's into their advertisement.

The loreal group is the worlds largest cosmetics and beauty company. It is based in Paris. L'Oreal own many more grooming company's including Lancôme and garnier. L'Oreal is a famous cosmetic brand and is known across the globe.Loreal is aimed at the older generation for slowing down the aging process and helping with scalp and grey hairs. The advertisement has a lot of famous older men this could make older men and young men want to look and be like them.

Fish Soho is a new male and female grooming company, fish is sold in all cosmetics stores and also runs its own barber and hair salons in Soho. The main target audience is teenagers as the price is cheap and easily accessible to all children. Fish has used famous actors like Robert Patterson to advertise their brand. Fish is mainly a barbers so it will have one of the best quality products as they will use them in the salon

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Lynx’s first deodorant was released in 1983. The oldest flavours were amber and wild musk but the new flavours are young, attract and instinct instantly showing their new advertisement process towards teenagers. Lynx has a lot of TV advertisement and has a specific target audience, I believe this target audience is children age 12-16. I have chosen lynx as it is one of the most popular male grooming products which has a unique selling point. The lynx advert implies if you spray the deodorant women will be instantly attracted to you. Lynx advertisement portrayed various ways the products supposedly helped men attract women. For “pulse” it showed how it supposedly gave geeky men confidence to dance with women. Lynx’s older products were original flavours but now they are ‘attract’ because they want to fit in with the modern teenager fantasy of getting girls.

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Pick ‘n’ mix-WHSmithThis point of display unit is very good because the bright colours make it stand out, it also has the brands name ‘Candyking’ this helps people remember the brands name.Candy king is very popular all over England. Having the brands name on show helps promote the name which helps sales increase.

Blackberry-VodafoneThis display unit is for blackberry Smartphone's. This display has simple colours and this makes the pictures stand out. The stand is not eye-catching but is still unique.The text box is hard to read though this is not good for customers.

Playstation-HMVThe display for playstation is very clear and good for sales as it has pictures, prices and lots of displays. This display will attract children as they like games. They have used different colours like blue, white and yellow. PlayStation's advertisement is vey popular and catches your eye automatically, this is good for a sale unit for sales.

Disney-PrimarkThis unit is very simple and works. The price stands out, this is good as it is cheap and will sell more. The brands name stands out as well because Disney is known worldwide. It is only made out of cardboard so it is cheap and it looks easy to make, on the other hand it looks tacky and cheap and people might not want to buy it.

Havaianas-OfficeThis unit is very basic but does the job, it has poles where shoes hang off of. There are different heights this could be good for children and adults. This unit does not stand out boldly. The unit has nothing that catches your sight, this is vital if you want a unit for getting profit. Sunglasses-Spec

saversThis point of display isnt very good but it displays the logo. The large picture catches your sight as you walk past.The unit is logical as it stands out and advertises the company and its deals. This stand has a good base which is sturdy and will not fall over, but the logo is very small and this need to be one of the first thing people sees.

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Itunes Cards-WHSmithThis display unit is small but holds a lot of cards. It is right by the till, this is good as you'll get lots of sales because the cards are cheap.The colour scheme is very simple and this makes it look good. This card is very popular in all shops and the simple unit is very effective and all the paper can be recycled or reused.

Coca-Cola-WHSmithThis point of sale display is very good as it is clear who's brand it is and also it easily sells all the different types of drinks without making it look crowded.The prices are also very easy to read and understand. Coca Cola is probably the best brand for advertising as it is well known across the globe and on TV.

Books-WHSmithThis Point of display unit is not very good as it is messy and hard to understand and read. There are too many colours and this makes it look confusing. This display is right by the door, this is bad as you will lose sales.This unit is boring and doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing. Not many people would but this book.

The National Lottery-WHSmithThe national lottery unit is one of the most famous displays as it is easy to remember and you can interact with it. The layout is also vey eye-catching. The national lottery makes the customer use the board and maybe take home the pen which helps advertisement.

Toiletries-TopmanThis unit is not a good advertisement stool as it is bland and boring. One benefit is it is near the checkout so this will increase sales. The one colour makes it look boring. The units colours are bland and boring and not nice to look at and you cant identify what they are selling.

Shoes-ClarksThis display is behind glass so is not very easy to read or look at, this also makes it not eye-catching and does not attract customers. The colours look good but the brand name is not easily readable. The advertisement is fun and looks good also it will attract children who are the target audience so it works well.

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Logical: The design and the use both have to be logical. The brands name should be clearly displayed in the eyeline sight. I also think the price should be logical so its not too expensive. It is logical to have the product on show so people can see what it looks like and interact with it.Illogical: I Think it is illogical if the product is displayed in the wrong place or somewhere it doesn’t stand out. It is illogical if you put it near different brands, also if you put the product far away from the till people might change their mind about buying it.

Need: The biggest need for a point of display unit is that it needs to display the brand and has to attract customers. The display should also show the product. It should be safe from any injuries and have security tags on them to reduce stolen products.

Keep: The point of display unit must be kept in the male grooming section of a shop as it is important otherwise people will think its hard to find the product. The unit must have safety checks like sharp edges, loose small objects and wires must be kept away. Facebook links must be kept on the product as everyone has facebook and it is a good way to promote your brand. The unit must be aesthetically pleasing otherwise customers wont look at the display, the unit must be interactive with customers like or readers and twitter.

Links Fx

Scrap: The first thing I would scrap is the boring statistics which people hate and bring in polls and competitions. The brands need to be original and they should get rid of all the bad ideas. The aim of the brand is to make money so they should cut trying to recycle and keep more money. The units size should be made to an average height so all people can spot it easier and the position should be in the middle of the shop and 360 degrees around.Form vs Function: I believe with a product function always win as the product doesn’t need to look good but always has to perform to its best. Take a car for example, the car can look great but if it doesn’t work the its useless.I think company's should sacrifice aesthetics for function first.X-Factor-I believe the x-factor is what makes one product stand out more that the other for the same priced objects.If both products had the same functions you would pick the one which looks better afterwards.

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Aesthetics: When a customer enter a shop, the lynx point of display unit wants people to look straight towards it. It will look good because customers first impressions have to be good as they are vital. The unit needs to look like the brand and have the same colour and theme. Lynx’s theme is neon colours. The unit should also be the same shape and style as the product to attract new customers.Cost: The cost is one of the most important factors of a product because this depends how many sales you get. The cost will have to be cheap as the target audience is between ages 12-16 and they do not have a job. Because the brand is popular they make more because it is cheap. It should be cheap to assemble and could be reused to save money. The cost should be reasonable as people earn different wages and this way everyone can but this product.Customer: The customer should always be satisfied with the product and the unit. The unit should attract the customer then moment they catch sight of it. The theme should fit with the target audience and the trends should be in with the year. The unit should look what they want it to look like . Teenagers will only be attracted if it looks good.Environment: The unit should live in the middle of the shop and should be a 360 degree unit so you can walk all the way around it. This product should live in cosmetic shops like boots and Superdrug. I think it should not be near the till as this is where all the products that don’t sell live.Safety: The unit has to be safe or its not allowed in the shops. The unit has to have no sharp edges so no-one gets injured hitting against it or bumping into it. No wires should be loose because they can be tripped over by customers if they are loose you can tape them down. There should be no loose objects that can fit in children mouth so they cant swallow small objects.Size: The point of display unit should be the average height to most people can easily see it, it should be 360 degrees around so you can walk around it. It should not be small otherwise you cant see it but not to big that it is in your face. Function: The function of the unit is to promote the brand and get sales for the company. The unit should emphasise how good the product is and how popular it is. There should be a specific theme and also a mirror if the customer wants to use it also their should be information on the brand to increase the customers knowledge on the company.Material: Lynx is a modern company so the shapes and objects should fit in with this theme. Metal should be used as this fits in with the lynx theme also plastic as its easy to recycle. Neon colours should be used because it links with lynx.

Access FM

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Questionnaire:I am going to put together a questionnaire, which is going to ask questions about male grooming units. The questionnaire would have to be tested to see if it is simple and easy to read. I would like to learn other peoples opinions on units and see what they like and dislike so I can adjust my unit. I also would like to know what cat6ches peoples eyes when they walk through a shop. I will give the questionnaire to customers of boots and Superdrug because they shop where lynx is sold. I will conduct the research outside the shop after the customers have finished so its fresh in their mind. Will need to know what the units are like before I make the questionnaire so I will have to visit the two shops. I will document the evidence on a poll or a bar chart.

Customer profiling:I believe it is important to know what the customer likes and dislikes to increase sales and to create a point of display unit. To complete this research I need to ask people aged 12-16 what they like and what hobby's they have, this will give me an idea of what to base the product around and will help give it a theme.. I will also look at what they wear and their styles. I want to learn what they lime to do in their free time and what they like to wear. I will speak to teenagers as they know what is selling and what is bad.

Research PlanInterviews:I am going to compose some questions to give too specific people of all ages and genders to get a mixed opinion and idea of the brand. I would like to learn what people like and don’t like so I can add features to my unit and get rid of the thins most people don’t like. I will speak too people that work in the shops, family and friends. I will conduct the research whenever possible I will need to get a lot of information from some people. I will need to prepare my questions before hand. I will document the evidence as a question/answer style.Environment Snapshot:In this part of the research I am going to go to the shops where the product will be sold and take a variety of photos and put them into a separate page. I would like o learn what the shop looks like and how it entice customers to go to the shop, also how they advertise the brand inside the shop. I will not speak to anyone instead I will take pictures and I can write about them on the computer. I will conduct the research afterschool or weekend, this shows how busy the store is and if people look at specific units.

Person and Product Interactions:In this research I am going to find out information about my customer ands what they like about the product. I would like to learn what customers like about products and dislike. I will ask my friends what they think of point of display units and get ideas from them. I would need to know some basic facts about the company so I can question them. I will document my evidence on a PowerPoint slide.

Mood Board: On the mood board I am going to find images that relate to my brand and product. This includes colours, textures, objects and themes. This will give me an idea about which helps my product expand. I will research what most people like and put the pictures in my mood board. I will need to know my customers before hand and I will document this on a PowerPoint slide. The mood board will show lots of images which relate to lynx and point of display units.

Access FM of products:For this piece of research I am going to pick 10 products, 5 from the internet and five from shops and analyse each unit of what makes it look good or popular. I would like to learn what most popular selling brands use on their unit to make it stand out. I will not speak to anyone, I could speak to the manager of a shop if I wanted. I will conduct the research in the shops. I do not need to know anything before I complete my research.I will document the pictures with a paragraph of writing next to them.

Ten Minute Observation:On this research I am going to go to Superdrug and boots and observe customers and what they do when testing a product, this will help me while making my design. I would like to find out what people do around point of display units like habits and techniques. I will conduct the research around the units for 10 minutes.I will not need to know anything before hand. I will document the information along with some pictures.

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Environment Snapshot:

These pictures were taken from boots in Bromley.Boots had there own section of the shop just for men's products so they were easy to find. The shop is very easy to find and very well advertised with large logos. The shop entices people in with deals on the windows. The shop was very busy when I went in. the lynx section was very big and had a wide range of the products on one stand. There was also deals which stood out and easy to see. Boots could improve if they had more deals and advertised a bit better. The point of display units are very boring and have no style or theme and also do not have any nice materials. If they used a more expensive material it would look better. None of these units are near the till because they don’t need to be sold there.

These pictures were taken from Superdrug and Wilkinsons in Bromley.Superdrug and Wilkinsons was all spread out and hard to find mens grooming products. Superdrug and Wilkinson's were harder to find as they are not as popular and not very clear from outside the shop, also inside the shop it was hard to find the men's products. On the other hand they had a section for just lynx's products which were on sale as in picture 4 above. Outside the shop there were no signs advertising deals. Overall the shop had all of lynx's products which were advertised well. Superdrug and Wilkinson's could improve if they had better directions showing where the men's products are. Lynx do not sell any products near the till.


Superdrug & Wilkinsons

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Questionnaire: Q1)what makes a point of display unit eye-catching?

Q2)what size should the unit be?

Q3)What should be the main material of the unit?

Aesthetics Size SoundFunction Position

Male Female



Extra Large

In this questionnaire I have asked questions about point of display units. I hope to find out peoples opinions and dislikes, in order to make mine better. I have asked 30 people to fill out my questionnaire, from all ages and genders. The majority of people asked were boys aged 12-16 as they are my target audi3ence but I asked other ages as they may buy male grooming products for gifts or for family members.

Plastic Wood CardboardAlamimium Glass




15Glass is the most popular choice of material with 43% of people choosing it this is because it looks good and modern. Plastic is second this might be a good choice to pick as its cheap and aesthetically pleasing. I will not choose cardboard as it is bad looking and no one likes it.

The majority of people asked think aesthetics is the most eye catching I think this is because the first thing people see of a product is the unit by eye and good aesthetics will stand out and catch your eye. Colors and pictures will attract new customers as well as old ones.. The least popular was position so it doesn’t matter where in the shop it is placed. I think this is because people don’t really think about the position of a unit when they see it.

50% of the votes chosen were for the size of the unit to be large this is probably because extra large is too big.

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Q5) Where in the shop should the unit be placed?

Q4)what interactivity features should the point of display unit have? Touch screen, social media, qr readers, mirror?

Social Media QR Readers Touch Screen Mirror

Near Door Near Till Middle Of ShopBack Of Shop

The most popular choice was the middle of the shop and the least favourite was near the door. 45% of people chose middle of the shop.


The most popular was touch screen and the least was mirror with no votes.

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Ten Minute Observation:As soon as I walked in and started observing I noticed people testing out products by spraying the aftershave on their wrist and smelling it. Not many people used the sticks. Then someone else came in and got two products and sprayed one on the left wrist and the other on the right wrist and smelt both comparing them. While the person was trying the smell someone new came in and was just looking at the range of products and asked the person working there to open the cabinet as she probably already knew what she wanted to buy before she came in the shop. There was quite a big gap between then before someone else came in. 3 minutes later a women came in and I assumed she was buying it as a gift for a man she sprayed the tester on a stick and did the same for three other products, she picked the tester stick she wanted and put the tester stick in her handbag and walked to the women's section. A couple then walked in and tested out both men's and women's and sprayed the testers in the air to smell them. Meanwhile some boy was taking a photo of a specific product, which was 1 million by paco robanne he was probably taking a picture to show a friend or family, or maybe to put on facebook/twitter. From then on no one bought anything, some people took a glance but then walked on in a rush and most people looked but didn’t buy anything.

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Person And Products Interactions:

This table shows that the majority of people talk face to face about the interactions for products advice and the least is instant messaging. (texting)

All products now are tested to please the customers. lots of people have different habits inside shops

and from watching I have noticed some. All people have a shopping list which they buy from and they

buy anything on the list whatever the price is. Also people buy in bulk for special occasions and don’t

worry about the price like for Christmas. Most people look For deals and double up On deals and

sometimes spend more money than they should have. The worst habit is when People buy items just

because they are on sale. I noticed s0me people take pictures of items either to remind themselves Or

to send to people and the most popular thing I noticed is that most people didn’t even enter the shop

they just window shop. From watching people I noticed that everyone is different inside shops and I

need to know this if I'm designing a point of display unit. Lots of people took a glance but then

walked on in a rush and most people looked but didn’t buy anything.

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Access FM Of Products(5 From Internet)

Waspinator:Waspinator is a product that gets rid of wasps and is handy in the summer. The unit doesn’t look fantastic but gets the job done. It wouldn’t cost a lot because the product is made of cardboard. This product would attract customers that need to get rid of wasps. This product would live near the till as people would buy it last minute. This product would need safety precautions like no sharp edges that could hurt people or no small objects that could fit in children's mouths. The unit is small and needs to be to fit on the till, the size doesn’t matter when its on the till as they are all the same. This unit doesn’t have any special functions to it. The only material is cardboard as its easy to assemble and take apart and also recyclable.

Adidas:This product is from adidas and is selling trainers, adidas is a good company for selling products as they have a good selling technique used on all units. The unit looks good as it has a picture, product and a good style/theme. The product would cost quite a lot as it’s a brand but the unit would cost not much as its plastic. This unit would attract lots of customers that are fashionable or do physical activities. This would be in the middle of the shop and would stand on its own. This unit would need to have no sharp edges as people are constantly walking past this unit is large as it needs to stand out for people to see it. This point of display unit is made out of plastic this is good as its recyclable.

CandyKing:This product is selling sweets and is very popular across the country. It uses lots of colours to attract customers especially children. The colours are very eye catching. This unit would cost quite a lot to make as its plastic and extra large. This unit is attracted mainly at children.This would be in the middle of the shop as it doesn’t need to be anywhere specific. This product should have no sharp edges or loose wires. This product is very large as people need to see it across the shop. The main function is opening and closing to get sweets and also a hole for cups to be taken in and out. The materials used are plastic and cardboard.

Robinsons:This product sells squash and is very big.The unit looks good as it shows what product is being sold and also uses all the colours in the bottle. This wouldn’t cost a lot as its only cardboard used and that’s very cheap. this product would be used and sold In supermarkets and would need to attract customers to buy their product instead of other competitors. It would be placed at the end of aisles for specific products only. This unit is extra large in order for people to look at it when they walk past. The only material used is cardboard which is cheap and recyclable.

Mini Eggs:This unit is used to sell chocolate mini eggs. The product has its logo clear and has pictures and the colours of the product which is good as it links to the product and the theme or style. This point of display unit is very cheap. It would need to attract customers to buy it so it has bright colours for attracting children. The product should be safe for any customers. This product is medium size so children can reach the top. The only material used is cardboard.

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Access FM Of Products(5 From Shops)

Lynx:This product is sold by lynx and lynx has a very distinct selling technique and/which is always changing for every different product sold. This unit has a specific theme relating to the product being sold. The unit would be cheap as its cardboard and very small. The customer would be teenagers so it need to have the colours teenagers like and also the theme they like to sell more. This would be on the shelves in the middle of the shop but would be on the top shelf as it has an open top. The unit would be safe for any customers so no one is injured. This unit is very small but you can still see the logo and style of the display. The unit sells deodorant cans and is splitting them up into different sections. The main material is cardboard, this is good for recycling and saving the planet.

Giorgio Armani:This unit is by Giorgio Armani and is sold in boots. It looks good as it has a picture which catches you're eye and also the logo is showing clearly. This unit would cost quite a lot as there is loads on it. This would attract a lot of customers though. It would be in the middle of the shop on its own. The product shouldn’t be small enough to fit in your mouth and the corners should be smoothed down. Plastic and paper are the two materials used on this unit.

Joop:This unit is made by joop and is sold in boots. The unit has the logo and the products name clear. The unit has the product out so you can test it and handle it. This unit costs quite a lot. The customer would be middle aged men to smell good. This would live in the middle of the shop because it is quite a large unit it would live on its own. The materials used are plastic and glass and this gives it its modern look.

Dolce & Gabbana:This product is made by Dolce & Gabbana and is sold in boots and Superdrug. The unit looks good and automatically catches your eye when you walk past it. the picture stands out the most for me and then the product itself. This would live in the middle of the shop. The product would need to be safe to protect customers. The size is very big so it is visible by everyone to increase sales. It sells the aftershave very well. Glass, plastic and paper are used in this product.

Diesel:This product is made by diesel and is sold in boots. The unit is very aesthetically pleasing as it stands out clearly, as the bag ,product and colours catch your sight. The unit would cost a lot to make but you will get a lot of sales. This unit would be sold anywhere in the shop a it looks good everywhere. The product has to be safe and their should be checks to make sure to help the customers. This unit is big as it has to make people look. Fabric, glass and plastic are used in this unit.

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Customer Profiling

Customer:My customer would be between ages 12-16, this means he is a teenager and has just started secondary school, so they are expected to compete with who has the best electronics or best fashion sense. This is why I have clothes and shops which teenagers likes. They would also either have an iPhone or a blackberry because they are classed as the best. They will like pop music like jay-z, or rap like Wiz Khalifa. When they get older they will start to go to festivals and their fashion will get better.All teenagers enjoy video games and this is why I've got fifa because most teenagers have played fifa. Overall this page contains the styles, fashion and hobbies of most teenagers.

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Mood Board

Mood BoardOn this mood board I have found images that relate to my brand and product, for example colours, textures, objects and themes. This will help me review my product and adjust to what people like and help expand my product. I will research what materials people like and also I will need to know my customers before hand. All the pictures give me a better idea of thinking

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Keep And Scrap

This point of display unit is in Superdrug in Bromley. I do not like this unit as it has no theme or style, and customers will not be attracted to it. The products are all aligned in rows and columns which makes it look nicer to the eye. I would keep the products because they all link to my unit also I would keep the materials. Plastic is good to use in a unit as it doesn’t brake easily. Also it is cheap so you don’t have to spend a lot on the unit and save more money. I would keep the paper as it is easy to print on to display information and it looks good. I would scarp the shelf as they don’t look good and I would create a new style.

This shelf has Hugo boss and Diesel and was found in boots in Bromley. I like this unit as all the brands and products are split up into separate shelves. I do not like the colour scheme and I would scrap the colour orange and replace it with a colour that links my unit and lynx. I would keep the products as they are male grooming products. I would keep the materials which are plastic and paper as they are both cheap and easily recyclable. I would add metal like aluminium as they look modern and stylish this would attract more customers towards the point of sale display unit. Hugo boss has a very good advertising techniques and so does diesel.

This point of display unit is made by lynx and is found in Wilkinson's, Bromley. This unit is very small but effective as it catches peoples sight as they walk past. The deals are very bright and stand out I would keep this on my product if there are deals on as they attract more customers towards the unit. I do not like the shelves as its hard to see what's on the bottom shelve. I would scrap the shelves, I would keep the theme/style as it fits with lynx and my unit.I would add more metal and get rid of plastic as it looks better and more in the theme of lynx. Paper looks good as its cheap, easy to recycle and easy to print on and display.

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What have you found out?How will it help you with designing?What was the most useful piece of

research/why?Which piece was least useful?How would you do it differently next time?

Research Summary

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Aesthetics- the colour of my unit will be silver/black as this goes with my lynx theme. The brand logo will be visible. And the theme will fit with my target audience.

Cost- the cost of my unit will be relatively cheap because my unit is small/medium and do not need much materials. Also the materials I am using are cheap so it will not cost much.

Customer-the target audience will be 12-16 so mainly teenagers so I need to find out what they enjoy and like/dislike. Ergonomics need to be taken into consideration for this age group.

Environment-the environment for my point of sale display will be inside shops, preferably near the middle and not door, as this is where most people look. The unit should be placed with similar items to steal customers.

September 4, 2012

Further Specification Size- my unit will be small/medium

to save money on cost. The unit has to fit the product inside it and be visible to customers walking past it.

Safety- the unit must stand up and be stable this means if it is given a slight push it will stay upright. It must have smoothed down edges and wires tucked away.

Function- the unit must have a function like a cupboard or a mirror to make it more attractive or noticeable. Testers get the customers involved.

Materials- the point of sale will include mainly wood as its cheap, easy to cut and shape and widely available. Also glass for a mirror so customers can see what their doing

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50 Initial Designs

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4 Final Concepts

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Development: Construction)

This is the design that I have chosen to develop. This development will help improve my design to make it look and function better. I thought of my design to look modern and catch customers eyes.

I got the idea of the hollow boxes from a different concept. I liked this idea so I have adapted it into my chosen concept. The hollow 3D boxes can be accessed from 2 angles, one at the front and one at the back. The box can also hold one or more products.

What I now must choose is what theme/style I should choose, I have chosen modernism as my target audience is teenagers and they like new ideas. I am going to develop my concept around magazines. I will take a look at a lot of different magazines to gain knowledge and ideas.

I got the idea of the hollow boxes from cupboards in offices .(like below). My unit will be held on top of a desk with a wooden top and metal legs for stability.

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Development: Construction)

In this part of the development I have looked at ways of joining two pieces of wood together. I want to join the table leg to the base four times so it can stand on its own. I need to think about the manufacture of my unit and how the components fit together, and how this may effect my design.

I might use the bridle joint for the leg stands to connect them to the wood.

I would probably use the mortise and tenon joint as it is usually used when making tables, and I can add strength by adding pva. The mortoise and tenon would be stronger than the bridle joint.

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In this development I need to find a way to connect the table to the 2 hollow boxes on the side. It needs to look aesthetically pleasing but also be sturdy and strong. These hollow boxes will hold the product inside.


I was thinking of either putting a nut through the wood and a bolt the other side or a screw but this would not look attractive, on the other hand it would be the strongest option. Otherwise I could use a joint to connect the two together. The product will be held in the boxes so it will be in constant use, so it has to be user friendly and sturdy.

I have chosen to use a coach bolt to hold the wood and box together. The bolt will face upwards and the nut will be inside the box. This might not look the best but it is the strongest way of doing it. I will use 4 bolts and nuts per box so that’s 8 in total.

If I do this technique only the nut will be shown because the bolt will be hidden under the table. I could put a cap over the nut to make it look better and to cover it up but I don’t think that is necessary.

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Joints-I need to choose which joint to develop on my hollow box to connect all the edges. Mortoise and tenon looks more aesthetically pleasing but the finger joint is stronger.


The mortoise and tenon joint is very strong and could be easier to make them join, but is weaker than the finger joint. Mortise and Tenon joint is extremely strong because the tenon passes all the way through the mortise and is wedged at the other side.

The finger joint is ideal for box constructions and is suitable for use with natural woods such as pine and mahogany or even manmade boards such as plywood and MDF. The joint is strong especially when used with a good quality glue such as PVA (woodworkers adhesive) or cascamite.

When I made my smaller model out of wood I connected all the piecesusing the glue gun, this

has worked fine for the small model but I don’t know if it will work for the real bigger scale because it might brake.

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Gq mirror:




My theme for my unit is gq magazine and the gq mirror.The gq magazine is a mens monthly magazine focusing on fashion,style and culture for men. The gq magazine has had many famous celebrities on the front cover and the gq mirror is showing what you would look like as a celebrity on the front cover. I will get a plain mirror and stencil out a template where the customers head will be. Around that stencil will be articles and text just like on a normal magazine. This will boost the customers morale and make them buy the product it might also boost there confidence.

The mirror will be a plain mirror with stencils all around the outside with writing. I will stick the mirror onto the wood with pva or super glue.

This was what handle I was going to use but ergonomics say that it is hard to use so I chose a different handle which you put your finger in for more grip. Also it looks nicer.

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Hinge-In the middle of my unit will be a glass mirror and this mirror will have a handle on it and when you pull the handle the cupboard door will open. And for this to work I need to pick a hinge.


I will either use the butt hinge because it comes in a range of sizes and is normally used for cabinet doors. They are also very strong but they cannot be adjusted once they are fixed. Butterfly hinge are also used on lightweight doors and they are easy to fit. I will pick the butt hinge because they are widely available and strong because lots of people will be using it each day.

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Big wooden

Development:(Material) Small wooden and foam

I made this big wooden model using old wood I found in the workshop. I cut the wood using the hegner saw and smoothed it down using the belt sander. The real box would be made using the hegner saw as well. But instead of using glue I will use joints.

I made this wooden small box by making a hole in the middle and cutting it by the hegner saw and sanding it down using the blast sander. This was my first model so it gave me an idea of how to make it. The foam was made by doing it twice and sticking them together. I cut theese by using the hegner saw.

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MDF-A quality board, relatively cheap. This board is composed of fine wood dust and resin pressed into a board. This material can be worked, shaped and machined easily. Paint can be applied to it without the need for an undercoat or primer. Used in the building and furniture trades. I could use MDF for the wooden legs because its cheap, can be shaped and can be painted.

Plywood-This is made from veneers (plies) of timber with each grain layer being at right angles to each other and bonded together by resin and pressure. A number of grades are available, designed to suit a variety of situations.1. Marine plywood that is moisture resistant.2. Weather and boil proof plywood.3. Boil resistant plywood.4. Interior plywood. Plywood would not be very good for wooden legs, because it doesn’t have any enhanced properties over the other woods.

Blockboard-This is built up with a core of softwood strips bonded together with adhesive and covered with a sheet of plywood on either side. Used as a building material and for furniture manufacture including fitted kitchens / bedrooms.. I might use blockboard for the table base because it is really cheap, and easy to cut. It also looks good as it has plywood on the outside.

Chipboard-This is made up of small chips of wood bonded together with resin and formed into sheets by compression. It is not as strong as plywood and block board but it is not expensive. Chipboard is often covered with a plastic laminate or wood veneer and used in furniture. I don’t think ill use chipboard because it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing.

Hardboard-This is made from wood fibres that have been pulped. The pulp is put under pressure until the fibres bond to produce a tough board that is smooth on one side and rough on the other. It is not as strong as the other boards. I wil not use hardboard as it is not as strong as the others.


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Pine-Is a relatively cheap wood used in the building trade and for furniture. It is pale in colour, quite easy to cut and shape, and machines relatively well. I will use pine for both my hollow boxes and main box because its cheap, easy to cut and looks good.

Mahogany-Is quite expensive and is used for good quality furniture and hardwood windows. It is light brown in colour and more difficult to use compared to pine. I will not use mahogany purely on the colour.

Oak-This is an expensive material and is used in for making quality, expensive furniture. Steel fittings such as hinges will stain oak so it is important to use brass ones. I might use oak but I need hinges and they might stain.

Teak-A hardwood that contains oils which means it is resistant to decay. This is often used to make garden furniture or for wood block flooring. I would not use teak because I don’t need and of its specific properties.

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Metal ends:

Plastic leg:


I might make the legs for the table out of plastic for theese reasons. Its cheaper, easier to shape and durable. I might use polycarbonate because it is tough and resistant to damage. It is an insulator, often used to insulate electrical circuits.It is supplied in a range of colours. Also it can be shaped and formed through a number of manufacturing processes. It machines well and can be solvent bonded and welded.

For the end of the table legs I might use metal ends. I might use alaminium because it is cheap. It is also ductile, soft and malleable. It will also be easy to shape.

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Aesthetics: my unit will look modern which fits the theme of lynx. My unit will be on top of a desk which will hold the weight of the unit. The shapes used for the unit are all square based.

Cost-Cost- the cost of my unit will be relatively cheap because my unit is small/medium and do not need much materials. Also the materials I am using are cheap so it will not cost much. kept the same)

Customer-the target audience will be 12-16 so mainly teenagers so I need to find out what they enjoy and like/dislike. Ergonomics need to be taken into consideration for this age group. kept the same)

Environment-the environment for my point of sale display will be inside shops, preferably near the middle and not door, as this is where most people look. The unit should be placed with similar items to steal customers. kept the same)

Safety-my unit will have to be safe for customers so they don’t get injured. The desk will have to have smoothen down edges so no one hurts themselves when walking past. There should be no wires because my unit has no electrical.

Size-my light will be medium size as this is visible and catches peoples eyes. This also means that the material wont cost much for the materials.

Function- the unit must have a function like a cupboard or a mirror to make it more attractive or noticeable. Testers get the customers involved. My unit will have a mirror so customers can use it. I also think my unit will have testers.

Materials- the point of sale will include mainly wood as its cheap, easy to cut and shape and widely available. Also glass for a mirror so customers can see what their doing. My unit will mainly be wood so its easily cut.

Specification check: