dst 215 milk hygiene and public health

LECTURE NOTES ON DST 215 MILK HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH (1+1) A.MANOHARAN Associate Professor, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu – 614 625.

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A.MANOHARAN Associate Professor,

Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu – 614 625.

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Veterinary medicine is a field of study concerned with diseases and health of Non human animals. The practice of veterinary medicine and human medicine were brought into contact by shared interest in zoonoses and behaviour of disease in population and economic aspect of population medicine. Public health is human population medicine. Human health problems are said to be public health problems when they can no longer be solved by unassisted effort of the citizen and uncoordinated resources of community. Veterinary public health is the areas of public health in which veterinary medicine shares an interest. Diverse group of activities in which veterinary skills can be directed to the solution of community problem of health and disease in man. Veterinary medicine shares with public health. The practice of vet medicine and public health are based on population concept. The hard flock have assured more important place in veterinarian than individual animal. Similarly in public health individual is not the patient but the community is taken, as whole, public health is therefore the practice of human herd medicine. Veterinarian thinking is more disease centered than host centered. Both public health and veterinary medicine are governed by economic thinking. It is said that veterinarians must know not only the best and most uptake procedure to follow in any situation but also least expensive reasonably satisfactory procedure. Similarly in public health the circumstances will require the choice of less efficient and also less expensive afford. But the most parallel relation between public health and veterinary practice is an emphasis on preventive medicine and disease control veterinarians working on public health should possess technical skill and knowledge interdisciplinary co-operation, team approach is important in public health practice. In this term there is physicians, nurses, engineers, veterinarians, social workers, lab scientist that no one of them alone could perform. Public health practices required the combined skill of variety of specialist. In a small local health unit the entire team made up of health inspectors, sanitation workers and nurses. In a larger government department team consists of physician, sanitary engineer, Veterinarian health educator, dental hygienist, Social workers. At state level the team may include all the above personal but lab person, statistician, nutritionist, sociologist and anthropologist. In public health scheme the veterinarian training in population medicine and health economics and his comparative approach to study disease quality him from participation, specific areas of public health practice for which the veterinarian skills are best suited are epidemiology communicable disease control, lab services, environmental hygiene.

Zoonoses-are defined as those infections disease that are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and humans. Persons at greatest risk at occurring zoonoses are those who work close proximity c animals like farmers, veterinarians, slaughterhouse workers and animal researches. Most common sources are domestic animals. Zoonoses are responsible wide spread illness and deed among humans zoonoses also result in reducing the production of meat, milk and eggs as well as work output of draught animals. Zoonoses this contributes to human malnutrition and lowering the resistance of large No of peoples. Only a few zoonotic diseases cause major epidemics e.g. Anthrax, Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Q fever, Influenza, Japanese encephalitis, Yellow fever, Rift valley fever, Equine encephalitis. In general bacterial zoonoses all related to occupation clinical signs are found in persons who has close contact c domestic animals and their products. Although the risk of zoonoses covers all members of societies certain occupational groups are at special risk.

1. Farmers, Veterinarians and livestock owners are most commonly affected. 2. Animal product manufactures- butchers, slaughterhouse persons, animal product

handless. 3. Sylvan group – Wildlife workers, hunters and naturalist. 4. Recreational- these people come in contact c wild animals, pet animals and pet animal


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5. Clinical and lab workers- lab technicians, nurses. 6. Epidemiologicals – Public health workers and veterinarians. 7. Emergency group- refugees, disaster victims.

Zoonoses are classified according to mode of transmission

1. Direct transmission- Rabies, Brucellosis- may be transmitted in nature by single vertebrate species.

2. Cyclozoonoses- Hydatid disease -there are transmitted through cycles require more than one vertebrate species.

3. Metazoonoses- Adenovirus infection and Trypanasomiases – in these both vertebrate and invertebrates involved in transmission.

4. Saprozoonoses- Histoplasmosis, larva migrans-in these there is an inanimate reservoirs or developmental sites of vertebrate host is involved.

Zoonoses also classified based on reservoirs host Man to animal – Anthrapozoonoses e.g. Streptococcal infection. Animal to man – Zooanthrapozoonoses e.g. Rabies. Either man or animal acts as reservoirs- Amphizoonoses. e.g.. Strepto and Staphylococcal infection. Zoonoses according to etiological agent Bacterial zoonoses – Anthrax. Viral zoonoses – Rabies. Fungal zoonoses- Parasitic zoonoses – Hydatid disease Zoonoses classified on basis – wild animal man shared infection. e.g. Tulasemia Domicilated animals and man-shared infection e.g. yellow fever. Domestic animals and man shared infection. e.g.. T.B. Based on products: Meat borne zoonoses – Diseases and intoxiciation transmitted to man by meat and meat products. Milk borne zoonoses – disease associated with raw milk. Prevention and control of zoonoses

1. detection and treatment of cases in human being. 2. Interruption of the pathway of infection from animal to man. 3. Interruption of the pathway of infection from wild animal to man. 4. Interruption of man to man transmission 5. Control of animal and man reservoirs.



Shape of all bacteria with few exceptions can be derived from spheres cylinders and curved cylinders. Basic forms are

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1. Cocci 2. Straight rods 3. Curved rods are called vibros. 4. Spirilla, having the form of corkscrew. 5. Flexible spirals are called spirochetes. 6. A club shape form and a tendency to vary in shape is characteristic of genus coryneform

bacteria. Many species of the genus mycobacterium show tendency for cell branching. In streptomycetes formation of mycelia similar to those in fungi, but distinguishable by their smaller size (less than 1µ compared to 5µ in fungi).


A virus particle or virion consists of nucleic acid DNA or RNA that is covered by a protein coat called capsid, are symmetrically constructed. Two kinds of symmetry have been recognized.

1. Helical 2. Cuboidal.

There are two types of viruses

i. Enveloped e.g. Pox virus ii. Non-enveloped viruses e.g. Adeno virus.


The vegetative body of the fungus is called phallus. It consists of filaments about 5 cm in diameter, which multiply, branch and spread over the nutrient media.

Filaments are called hyphae, consists of a cell wall and cytoplasm inclusions. Total of hyphal mass of the fungal phallus is called mycelium. In higher fungi mycelium may also form thick strands called rhizomorphs, which functions to transport nutrients. Spore formation is the most widely distributed and most highly differentiated mode of reproduction.


(Bergey’s Manual of ‘ Determinative Bacteriology’ 9th edition) (Total groups- 35)


Genus: Leptospira Species: Leptospira interrogans

b) Group 2. AEROBIC/MICROAEROPHILIC MOTILE, HELICAL/VIBROID, GRAM NEGATIVE BACTERIA Genus: Camphylobacter Species: Camphylobacter jejuni


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Genus : Alcaligenes Species : Alcaligenes viscosus Alcaligenes aligenes

Genus : Brucella Species : Brucella abortus Brucella melitensis Genus : Flavobacterium Species : Flavobacterium sps Genus : Pseudomonas Species : Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fragi Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas aeroginosa Pseudomonas nigrifaciens Pseudomonas viscosa



Genus : Citrobacter Species : Citrobacter freundii Citrobacter diversus Genus : Enterobacter Species : Enterobacter aerogenes Enterobacter cloacae Enterobacter intermedium Genus : Escherichia Species : Escherichia coli Escherichia blattae Genus : Salmonella Species : Salmonella typhi Salmonella paratyphi A Salmonella typhimurium

Genus : Yersinia Species : Yersinia pestis Yersinia enterocolitica Yersinia intermedia


Genus : Coxiella

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Species : Coxiella burnetti


Genus : Micrococcus Species: Micrococcus variens Genus : Staphylococcus Species : Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus hyicus

Staphylococcus chromogenes Staphylococcus epidermidis Staphylococcus caprae

Genus : Streptococcus Species : Streptococcus agalactiae Streptococcus dysgalactiae Streptococcus uberis Streptococcus salivarius sub-sp. thermophilus

Genus : Enterococcus Species : Entercoccus faecalis

Genus : Lactococcus Species : Lactococcus lactis sub-sp. lactis

Lactococcus lactis sub-sp. cremoris Lactococcus lactis biovar diacetylactis Genus : Leuconostoc Species : Leuconostoc mesenteroides sub-sp. mesenteroides Leuconostoc mesenteroides sub-sp. dextranicum Leuconostoc mesenteroides sub-sp. cremoris Leuconostoc lactis


Genus : Bacillus Species : Bacillus cereus Bacillus subtilis Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus stearothermophilus Bacillus coagulans

Genus : Clostridium

Species : Clostridium butyricum Clostridium tyrobutyricum Clostridium perfringens Clostridium putrefaciens Clostridium sporogenes

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Genus : Lactobacillus Species : Lactobacillus delbrueckii sub-sp. lactis

Lactobacillus delbrueckii sub-sp. bulgaricus Lactobacillus helveticus Lactobacillus helveticus sub-sp. jugurti Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus casei Lactobacillus plantarum Lactobacillus curvatus Lactobacillus brevis Lactobacillus fermentum

Genus : Listeria Species : Listeria monocytogenes


Genus : Corynebacterium Species : Corynebacterium bovis

Coynebacterium striatum

Genus : Microbacterium Species : Microbacterium lacticum

Microbacterium flavum


Genus : Mycobacterium Species : Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis

YEASTS: Saccharomyces cervisiae Candida kefyr Candida lacticondensi (Torulopsis lactis) Candida pseudotropicalis Deabryomyces hansenii Kluyveromyces marxianus var marxianus (K.fragilis) Kluyveromyces marxianus var lactis (K. lactis)


Geotrichum candidum Scopulariospsis brevicaulis Sporendonema sebi Penicillium roqueforti Penicillium casei Penicillium camemberti Rhizopus stolonifer Aspergillus sps.

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Cladosporium sps. Alternaria sps.



Flexible helicoidal rods, gram negative, motile, obligatory aerobic chemo-organotrophs, optimum temperature range 28-30ºC. L.ictohaemorrhagica and L.interrogans cause leptospirosis in animals and man. Kidney is the natural habitat of these organisms and is shed in the urine, which contaminate soil and water. Clinical effects vary from an influenza-type illness to a severe jaundice.



Microorganisms are slender curved rods, appearing as “S” shaped to form short chains. Chemo-organotrophs, microaerophilic found in reproductive organs, intestinal tract and oral cavity of man and animals. Of the species C.jejuni is important with regards to its pathogenicity as important causes of fever and gastro-enteritis, and is the most common organism for diarrhoea in the whole world. Raw and improperly pasteurized milk are sources of this.



Alcaligenes viscosus is a gram negative, non-motile, asporogenous rod shaped organism. Certain strains possess capsules. Optimum growth temperature is 20ºC and is killed at 63 ºC for 30 minutes. They are aerobic and do not produce acid or gas. These are lipolytic organisms, and cause ropiness in milk and cream, where the product or fluid may be drawn into long, mucilaginous strands. Alcaligenous viscosus, Alcaligenous caligenes organisms are aerobic, lipolytic and produces ropiness in milk.


Rods, non-motile, catalase and oxidase positive. Brucella abortus causes abortion, in cattle and other animals including man. Brucella melitensis affects sheep goats and man.


Cells rod shaped, non-motile, aerobic and chemoroganotrophs. Produce yellow to orange coloured colonies on media. Flavobacterium aquatile contribute to the psychrotrophic spoilage of milk and milk products.


Classic examples for ‘psychrotrophs’, capable of growing at lower temperatures (7ºC). Straight or curved rods, motile by polar flagella, gram negative. These organisms are objectionable in dairy industry, as they are highly proteolytic and lipolytic. These may be

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introduced from soil, water as well as dairy equipments. They produce large reddish-gray, dirty-brown, cream, or porcelein-white colonies. But, Psedomonas nigrifaciens colonies impart black colour to the medium.

Pseudomonas fluorescens:

Commonly associated with spoilage of foods, especially, if refrigerated. Spoilage is due to lipolysis and proteolysis. Causes bitterness in UHT products. Produce fluorescent pigment ‘pyoverdin’.

Pseudomonas fragi:

Found in soil, water and widely distributed obligately aerobic, causes severe lipolysis in milk, cream, butter and bulk condensed milk and in cottage cheese. Strains are also caseolytic and produce a brown, diffusable pigment. Produce a characteristic ester-like odour that of ‘May-apples’.

Pseudomonas putida:

Predominantly proteolytic. Has two biovars, viz., A and B.

Pseudomonas aeroginosa

Isolated from water, causes urinary tract infections also causes mastitis. Produces both pyocyanin and pryoverdin.

Pseudomonas nigrifaciens:

Isolated from butter showing reddish-brown or black surface discolouration. Causes surface taint in butter and produces cheesy, putrid flavour defect. Imparts black colour to the medium.

Pseudomonas viscosa:

This produces a yellowish-or brownish-coloured, slimy film on cottage cheese, which together produce flat, bitter, or putrid flavours. Occurs chiefly due to post pasteurization contamination.


General characteristics:

Straight rods, motile by peritrichous flagella or non-motile. Aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. Grow well at 37ºC and often produce acid and gas. Generally referred to as coliforms, which may be defined as “gram-negative, oxidase negative, non-sporing rods, which can grow aerobically or facultatively anaerobic in thorough presence of bile salts and able to produce acid and gas within 48 h at 37ºC.

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These are responsible for food infection, S.typhi causing typhoid and S.paratyphi causing paratyphoid. Microorganisms are transmitted in contaminated foods. The microorganisms produce endotoxin, which causes symptoms after 30 hours of ingestion in both animals and man.


Y.enterocolitica is considered as pathogenic for man and potential opportunistic pathogen. Y.enterocolitica are psychrotrophic and have been isolated from raw and pasteurised milk.


Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes together form the coliform group of organisms. E.coli are motile, grow well on nutrient agar and colonies have an unclean odour. Their optimal growth temperature is 37ºC and is killed by the pasteurization temperatures (63ºC). These ferment lactose to produce lactic acid and gas in the ratio 1:1, hence are known as ‘Pseudolactic’ group of organisms. E.coli are found in manure, dirty utensils and soils and occur always in intestinal tract of man and vertebrate animal. Most raw milk harbours these organisms. Due to wide distribution coliform bacteria have been used as ‘ indicator organisms’ of sanitation in the dairy industry. Since they are all destroyed by pasteurization, their presence in pasteurized milk and milk products signifies either inadequate pasteurization or improper pasteurization. These microorganisms produce lactic acid, formic acid and gases CO2 and H2. This mixed acid fermentation enables the organisms to be differentiated from other coliforms by means of the group of tests known collectively as ‘IMViC’ reaction, i.e., indole production, methyl red, Vogues-Proskauer and citrate utilization tests. E.coli gives + + - -, whereas, Enterobacter aerogenes gives - - + + results. E.coli under suitable conditions can spoil milk and many products usually with the production of gas are responsible for ‘early blowing’ of cheese and some strains even cause ropiness in milk.


Enterobacter aerogenes is the most important organism in the milk industry. It ferments glucose. A positive Vogues-Proskauer test is usually obtained. Organisms occur in natural environment, like water, sewage, soil etc., and are common in man and animals and these gain entry into milk from several of these. These microorganisms bring about unclean defect to milk and milk products, along with the E.coli.


Found in water, sewage and food. These do not ferment lactose promptly. Also occur in faeces of man and other animal, and are opportunistic pathogen.



The genus coxiella is the only important genus of interest to the dairy microbiologists. Coxiella burnetti is a rickettsial organism. This is the causative organism of ‘Q’ fever. The cells are short rods and exhibit a filterable phase in their developmental life cycle. C.burinetti has a

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high degree of resistance to chemical and physical agents, including desiccation and will survive for long periods in tissues or faeces of infected ticks and in wool etc.

C.burnetti is a rickettsial organism like, intracellular parasite, which will localize and proliferate within the cell vacuoles. Ticks and ruminants including dairy cattle, sheep and goats are common asymptomatic carriers of C.burinetti; with most human cases being traced to dairy workers, farmers and meat factory employees who work close contact with animals. Ingestion of raw milk has been linked to ‘Q’ fever in the United States and England. Heating raw milk at 62.8° C for 30 minutes or 71.1° C for 15 sec. is sufficient to completely destroy C.burinetti. Infected animals, which may apparently be healthy, may excrete the organism in their milk and large numbers are released during parturition. The aerosol route may infect man.



Non-motile, asporogenous, gram-positive coccus. Grow best at 30ºC produce yellow, orange or red pigments. Micrococcus variens, Micrococcus luteus are found in the lactiferous ducts of cow's mammary gland. M.variens can survive pasteurization temperatures (65ºC for 30 min). Micrococcus pyogenes varalbus causes mastitis in dairy cattle. Commonly found on skin, water and in milk and milk products.


Cells are spherical, non-motile, aerobic or facultatively anaerobic.

Staphylococcus aureus:

Potential pathogen, colonies are yellowish if yellow-orange stained. 4 types of exotoxins are produced (α, β, γ and δ). Atleast 5 different types have been identified (A, B, C. D and E) with enterotoxin. Facultatively anaerobic, growth requirements are complex.

Staphylococcus hyicus:

Occurs on the skin of pigs and sometimes on the skin of cows. Facultatively anaerobe, optimum temperature of growth 30-35º C, causes mastitis in cow's.

Staphylococcus epidermis:

An opportunistic pathogen produces haemolysins similar to α, β haemolysins. Facultatively anaerobe.

Staphylococcus caprae:

Isolated from goats milk. Produces β haemolysis.


Cells spherical or ovoid, occurring in pairs or chains. Facultatively anaerobe. Homofermentative.

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Streptococcus pyogenes:

Pathogenic for man and animals. Found in upper respiratory tract, skin lesion and blood. Causes ‘Scarlet fever’. Produces beta haemolysis, optimum growth at 37ºC.

Streptococcus dysgalactiae:

Animal pathogen causes mastitis. Has a complex growth requirement, optimal growth at 37ºC.

Streptococcus uberis;

Causative agent for bovine mastitis along with Escherichia coli. Serologically heterogenous, optimum growth at 35-37ºC.

Streptococcus salivarius sub-sp. thermophilus

Old name is Streptococcus thermophilus. Useful thermophilic starter in ‘Yoghurt’ manufacture. Some strains have antigenic mutagenicity. Produces small white colonies, rapid growth at ‘45ºC’.

Sherman (1937) has divided streptococci into four groups viz., pyogenic group, viridans group, enterococcus group, and lactic group. All Streptococci except viridans group possess species serologically active, group specific “C” substance (polysaccharide). Pyogenic posses ABCEFGH antigens, viridans (no antigen), enterococcus (D antigen) and lactic group (N antigen).

Differential characters of four groups of streptococci

S.no. Test Group of Streptococci Pyogenic Viridans Enterococcus Lactic


Growth at












Growth in 6.5% Nacl broth




- 3 Growth at pH 9.6 - - + -


Growth in 0.1% methylene blue - - + +

5 Ammonia from arginine + - + +/-

Pyogenic Streptococci include the species like

1. Streptococcus pyogenes 2. Streptococcus agalactiae 3. Streptococcus dysgalactiae

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Viridans streptococcus group include the species like

1.Streptococcus bovis 2.Streptococcus salivarius sub-sp. thermophilus

3.Streptococcus uberis.

Enterococcus group includes the following species.

1. Streptococcus faecalis 2. Streptococcus durans.


Enterococcus faecalis is present in the intestines of man and animals, hence organisms associated with ‘faecal contamination’. Cells spherical or ovoid, occurring mainly in raw and pasteurized milk, butter, icecream and khoa. Optimum growth at 37ºC. This also causes mastitis in cows. Have complex growth requirements.


Initially the organisms responsible for milk souring were known as Bacterium lactis, however it was subsequently changed to Streptococcus lactis, then to Streptococcus lactis sub-sp. lactis, and most recently as Lactococcus lactis sub-sp. lactis, as the genus Streptococcus has been subdivided and the genus ‘Lactococcus’ comprising the lactic streptococci (Lancefeild group N) has been separated.

Lactococcus lactis sub-sp. lactis

Previously known as Streptococcus lactis, cells spherical, and mesophilic. Used as starters in various cheese preparation. Some strains give raise to a malty flavour defect in dairy products. Optimum growth temperature is 30ºC

Lactococcus lactis sub-sp. cremoris

(Cremoris is the Latin for “of cream”) Formerly known as Streptococcus lactis, mesophilic starter used in hard –pressed cheese, and soft-ripened cheeses. Has high level of beta-galactosidase activity and ferments lactose slowly. Optimum growth at 30ºC.

Lactococcus lactis biovar diacetylactis

Previously known as Streptococcus diacetylactis. Used in the cheese prepartion as starters. Heterofermentative, capable of producing carbondioxide and diacetyl from citrate. Also capable of producing acetic acid from citrate which suppresses the growth of Pseudomonas, coliforms and salmonella. Optimum growth at 30ºC.

Leuconostoc: (‘Aroma Bacteria’)

These are spherical cells occurring in pairs and chains and are heterofermentative. They produce acetic acid, ethanol, carbon dioxide, DL or L (+) and D (-) lactic acid. Citric acid is fermented with the production of acetoin, biacetyl, 2,3-butylene glycol, acetic acid and carbon dioxide. Leuconostoc mesenteroides sub-sp.mesenteroides, Leuconostoc mesenteroides sub-

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sp. dextranicum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides sub-sp. cremoris are very useful organisms in the dairy industry. They are aerobic and require yeast extract for optimal growth. Grows best at 25ºC –30ºC. As they are involved in the formation of desirable flavours they are termed as ‘aroma bacteria’. Some produces characteristic slime of dextran. Leconostoc lactis does not produce dextran and can also survive 60ºC for 30 min.



Relatively large sized bacteria, gram positive. The spores are ellipsoidal to cylindrical in shape. The cells occur singly, in pairs and in long chain. These are very much heat resistant and produce a defect called sweet curdling, in milk. These also cause broken or bitty defect in cream.

Bacillus cereus

Important is an important species causes food poisoning due to enterotoxin production and it give rise to ‘bitty’ cream and sweet curdling in pasteurized milk, due to production of phospholipase and protease. Spores of B.cereus are most heat resistant.

Bacillus subtilis

Grows readily at 20-45ºC. Organism causes ropiness or sliminess in raw and pasteurized milks. It is proteolytic, implicated mainly in spoilage of UHT, concentrated and canned milk products.

Bacillus licheniformis

Commonly occurring mesophilic, aerobic spore-formers in milk. Causes ropiness in milk, and spoils UHT products, pasteurized milk and cream.

Bacillus stearothermophilus

They are thermophilic organism, grows well at 46-65º C, with maximum growth at 75º C. They are the most heat resistant species in dairy industry.

Bacillus coagulans

They cause spoilage of UHT, concentrated or canned milk products. These are aciduric, and unusually produces lactic, acetic and propionic acids. Optimum temperature of growth is 45º C. They cause coagulation in evaporated milk.


These are found in soil and intestinal tracts of animals, although species may contaminate the equipments. Typical of these bacteria are Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium putrefaciens, Clostridium sporogenes and Clostridium butyricum. Clostridium perfringens causes ‘Stormy fermentation’. Clostridium sporogenes causes ‘late blowing’ of cheese. Clostridium tyrobutyricum causes rancidity in finish Emmenthal cheese and late blowing in Grana cheese.

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Cells vary from long and slender rods to short coccobacilli, homo or heterofermentative. Heterofermentative species may be differentiated from leuconostoc sp. by formation of DL-Lactic acid. Currently there are 64 species in this genus. Based on their metabolism they are divided into three groups.

1. Group 1. These are obligate homofermenters, of hexoses and don't ferment pentoses 2. Group 2. Which are facultative heterofermenters of hexoses and ferment pentoses 3. Group 3. Which are obligate heterofermenters, of sugars.

Lactobacillus delbrueckii sub-sp. lactis

Previously known as Lactococcus lactis. Thermophilic and used in along with other starters in cheese manufacture. Some strains are inhibitory to psychrotrophs.

Lactobacillus delbrueckii sub-sp. bulgaricus

Previously known, as Lactobacillus bulgaricus is a thermophilic used in yoghurt preparation. Some strains produce an antibiotic, which is active against some Pseudomonas and staphylococcus sps. Growth is optimum at 40ºC.

Lactobacillus helviticus

Thermophilic starter, used in the production of lactic acid with ultrafiltered whey. Optimum growth at 45ºC.

Lactobacillus helviticus sub-sp. jugurti

Used as a starter for Yoghurt manufacture.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Used in preparation of ‘acidophilus milk’ and Kefir. Used along with Bifidobacterium bifidum in preparing health-food ice cream. This species has a number of therapeutic properties, which are:

1. Antimicrobial substance production (H2O2 and lactic acid) 2. Hydrolysis of lactose and making suitable for lactose intolerant. 3. Prevention of constipation 4. Reduction of blood cholesterol 5. Restoration of normal intestinal micro flora after antibiotic treatment.

Optimum growth temperature 45º C.

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Lactobacillus casei

Mesophilic starter. Can inhibit the growth of Salmonella typhi, E.coli and Pseudomonas aeroginosa sps. Has the ability to produce antibiotics and peroxide. These are heterofermentative with the production of diacetyl and acetylmethyl carbinol.

Lactobacillus plantarum

Involved in cheese ripening and brine cheese preparation. Optimum growth at 30-35ºC.

Lactobacillus curvatus

Isolated from milk, cow dung and silage, only some strains ferment lactose.

Lactobacillus brevis

Mesophilic starter, used in Kefir production and optimum growth temperature is 30ºC.

Lactobacillus fermentum

Causes ‘split and blow-hole’ defect in cheese, optimum growth at 41-42ºC.


Listeria monocytogenes is the most important species, gram positive, aerobic/facultatively anaerobic, pathogenic to both man and animals, and especially neonates and elderly ones. Usual clinical manifestation is meningitis, sometimes accompanied by septicaemia.


Genus: Cornynebacterium

Cornynebacterium bovis and Cornynebacterium pyogenes causes ‘mastitis’ in cattle, they contaminate milk and some species produce exotoxins. Cornynebacterium diphtheriae causes diphtheria in man.

Genus: Microbacterium

Most species of microbacterium are heat resistant, esp., Microbacterium lacticum that can resist severe heat treatment.

Genus: Propionobacterium:

Pleomorphic rods, non-motile. Fermentation products include large amounts of propionic/acetic acids. Propionobacterium freundenichii is associated with “Swiss Cheese” for its typical flavour (due to proline) and for the production of ‘eyes’ in that variety of cheese.

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Genus: Mycobacterium

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, produces tuberculosis in man, primates, and dogs. They are non–motile, aerobic. Examination of bulk milk is of limited value and samples should be taken from individual udders or better, quarters. Mycobacterium bovis causes tuberculosis in cattle, man dogs, cats and swines. Infection in man is usually by ingestion of dairy products.



Yeasts are unicellular, ovoid or elliptical cells, gram positive, non-motile and larger in size when compared to bacteria. Reproduction is by ‘budding’. Grow well at 25-40ºC and can tolerate pH 3.5 and are strictly aerobic.

Sachharomyces cervisiae

Used in the brewing and baking industry and in Kefir production. Cells are cylindrical to ellipsoidal, occurring singly or in pairs, short-chains or clusters. Lactose is not fermented.

Candida kefyr

Associated with kefir, buttermilk and cheese. Produces ‘pseudomycelium’, some strains ferment lactose.

Candida lacticondensi (Torulopsis lactis)

Isolated from condensed milk. Lactose not fermented.

Candida pseudotropicalis

Reffered to as false yeast. Ferments lactose with the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide. Associated with “yeasty” or “gassy” cream and Kefir grains.

Debaryomyces hansenii

Has been isolated from cheese, occurring in short chains and propagation by ‘multipolar budding’. Does not ferment lactose.

Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus

Previously known as Kluyveromyces fragilis, associated with manufacture of kefir and kumiss. Cells occur as sub-globose and singly or in pairs.

Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis

Previously known as Kluyveromyces lactis. Associated with yoghurt and has been isolated from milk, gassy cheese, buttermilk and cream. Cells ‘amoeboid’, lactose are fermented.

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Moulds are complex, multicellular organisms, aerobic growing over a wide range of pH. The colonies appear cottony or wooly and are generally white, creamy, green or black. The individual mold is composed of an aggregate of branching protoplasmic threads known as mycelium. Individual threads of the mycelium are termed as hyphae. They are vegetative, concerned with nourishment or fertile concerned with asexual or sexual reproduction. Some produce sporangium, which in turn produce sprongiospore and some, conidia, which produce conidiospores (Penicillium sps).

Penicillium sps.

The Penicillium species usually form blue green spreading colonies e.g., Penicillium roqueforti, which is used in the manufacture of ‘roquefort cheese and ‘blue veined’ cheese. It is mainly responsible for characteristic flavour and appearances of these cheeses. Another species namely Penicillium camemberti is used in the manufacture of Camembert cheese and Brio cheese. Its colonies are pale grayish green in colour and have the appearance of typical ‘Paint brush’. Spores are produced on specialized structures called as ‘conidiophores’ and the spores are known as ‘conidiospores’.

Rhizophus sps

Rhizopus sps are present in foodstuffs like bread and dairy products. The mycelium produces 'Species stolons’ which inturn give rise temperature ‘rhizoids’ (root-like), and ‘sprongiophores’ spore (sporangiospore) producing structures. Rhizopus stolonifer is involved in ripening of ‘Gammelost’ variety of cheese.

Aspergillus species

Reproduce by conidiospores, which are borne on ‘sterigmata’. These spoil sweetened condensed milk often, and the mould mycelia and the coagulated casein form charecteristic “buttons”. Some species (A.flavus, A. parasiticus) are capable of producing aflatoxins (G1, G2, B1 and B2) in dairy products. The aflatoxins are elaborated in animal feed as well, which consequently get secreted as M1 and M2 in milk. A.niger produces black coloured colonies.

Geotrichum candidum

This is responsible for yeasty flavour in dairy products. Important is lipolytic in nature and colonies appear yeast like. They grow on the surface of the sour cream and hydrolyse it and reproduce by ‘arthospores’, which are cylindrical with rounded ends.

Cladosporium species

Cladosporium is deep olive green to black colour, often associated with surface discolouration of butter.

Scopulariospsis brevicaulis

Contamination of these in the mould ripened cheese varieties gives raise to ‘ammoniacal odour’. The conidiospores of this species are characteristic in that; they are truncated spheres with a thickened basal ring around the truncation.

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The sources of contamination of milk on the farm can broadly be categorised as



The interior reflects the health of the animal, while the exterior depends on the farm condition, equipments persons, water etc.


The animal by itself is one of the most significant contributors of microorganism in milk. The bacteria in the udder usually enter from the teat opening and get distributed internally by their own growth and physical movement. In the normal healthy udder, the types encountered in milk are most predominantly Micrococci, followed by Streptococci, Corynebacterium and others. Most of the bacteria are excreted in fore milk.

When the animal is suffering from some disease, the causative organisms are also likely to come into milk depending upon the severity of infection. The most common disease in milch animal is mastitis and the primary causative organism; Streptococcus agalactiae is commonly present, even though no clinical evidence of mastitis is present in the cows. This organism is normal inhabitant of the udder and is not pathogenic to man. The other common mastitis causing organisms potentially harmful to humans are Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, occasionally Streptococcus uberis Streptococcus dysgalactiae. Some of the other organisms encountered occasionally are Listeria sps, Leptospira sps, Bacillus cereus, Pasteurella multocida, Clostridium perfringens, Actinomycetes, Coxiella burnetti and the Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. The other organisms, which can come through the animal, include, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Brucella abortus. etc.


1. Animals should be maintained in clean dry environment free from dust and dirt. 2. Milk from the first few strippings should be discarded. 3. Milk from the infected udder should be discarded. 4. Dairy animals should be periodically vaccinated against susceptible diseases.



A number of bacteria multiply in teat by entering from the teat orifice, especially when some milk residue is left in them. Teat may become soiled with dung, mud and bedding materials such as straw, sawdust or sand. Similarly, the entire body of the animal may also act as vehicle of contamination by adding bacteria directly to the milk during milking. The common organism likely to contaminate are Micrococci, Staphylococci, Streptococci, Enterococci and less frequently Coliforms, Bacillus spores and Clostridial species.


1. Residual milk should not be allowed to stay in the teat.

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2. Dairy animals should be cleaned before milking and the udder and the teats should be wiped with clean towel. 3. After milking teats should be dipped in antiseptic solution.


The house keeping practices in the milk producing area also decide the level of contamination. The accumulation of mud, animal urine and faeces, the left out straw and feed in the milking barn can directly or indirectly through air milk can contaminated. Air, as such is not an important source of microorganism in milk. But a small number of organisms always gain entry in milking bucket from the environment. Micrococci, Corynebacterium and Bacillus spores are likely to contaminate through this source however, it is shown that air derived bacterial counts does not exceed 5 cfu/ml of milk.


1. The environment in the milking barn should be clean. 2. Sources of air borne contamination should be prevented.


The improperly cleaned ‘milk contact surfaces’ of milking equipments including bucket, pail, cans, bulk tanks etc. are the only source of contamination in milk after it leaves the udder. The most hazardous situation arises when the milking utensils are not thoroughly cleaned after use and the milk solids with some moisture are left on the surfaces. These allow growth of microorganisms and heavily inoculate the fresh milk, which comes in contact with these utensils. When mastitis is prevalent in the herd, the utensils may contain Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphyloccus aureus, E. coli or Corynebacterium sp. when hot cleaning of equipment is done, the predominating organisms are thermoduric, mainly Bacillus sp. and Micrococcus. When cold cleaning is followed, a heterogenous microflora are present.


1.The milking utensils and equipments should be cleaned and sanitised before and after milking. 2.The tanks used for bulk transport of milk should be cleaned and sanitised immediately after the unloading of milk.


When hand milking is done, the contribution from milker is high. Mainly Staphylococcus aureus and coliforms come from unclean milker, if the milker is unhealthy and carry some infectious disease; it may contaminate the milk with human pathogens too. Activities like sneezing, coughing etc. increase the risk of contamination.


1. The hands of the milker should be clean and he may dip his hands in antiseptic solution before milking. 2. Unhealthy milkmen should be avoided.

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3. Bad habits like coughing and sneezing should be prevented within the milking barn.


Water used in the milk production and collection areas and for cleaning equipments should be of good bacteriological quality. It comes in contact with milk through milking utensils or through milkers hand. If not properly treated, this water adds coliforms, faecal Streptococci, Clostridia, Pseudomonas and less frequently Coryneforms, Bacillus spores and lactic acid bacteria to the milk.


1. Water used for cleaning should be free from faecal contamination and water may be chlorinated before use.


Milking machines are used when large numbers of animals are to be milked at a time. As milk production in India is mainly through marginal farmers in very small scale, the milking machine is rarely used. However, when they are used, proper care is required not only in its cleaning but also in its use, because its improper use may damage the udder and thereby increase risk of contamination. In a survey, about 20% of milking machine clusters had shown rinse count of >1x 10 6 cfu /cluster. This shows that its significance as a source of contamination. When pipelines are reused for direct milk collection, their improper cleaning and sanitation add further to the microbial load of milk. The types of microorganism coming from milking machine are similar to those coming from other equipments.


1. Milking machine should be cleaned and sanitised y using iodine sanitizers as a routine practice.


Mainly the psychotropic and thermoduric bacteria contaminate the milk through unclean milk cans and bulk milk transport tankers. Among the psychotropic genera in stored milk, Pseudomonas sp. Mainly P.flourescens generally predominates. Moreover, the type of contaminating microflora depends on the temperature of storage as follows

0-5ºC -- Pseudomonas fluorescens. 5-10 ºC -- Pseudomonas sp. Proteus vulgaris, Micrococcus sp., Alcaligenes viscolactis, A .marshallii. 10-15ºC -- S.agalactiae, Lactococcus lactis subsp.cremoris, S.durans, S.dysgalactiae, S.faecalis,Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis, S. uberis. 15-30ºC -- All streptococci especially Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis. 30-40ºC -- Enterobacter aerogenes, E. coli. and lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus brevis, L. bulgaricus, L.casei, L. fermenti, L.helveticus,L.lactis, L.plantarum, and a few Streptococcii. 40-50ºC -- lactic acid forming rods L. bulgaricus, L.fermenti,

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L.helveticus, L.lactis, L.plantarum, L.caucaicus L.thermophilus and thermophilic streptococci like S.faecalis and S.thermophilus.


1. Milk should be stored and transported between the temperatures of 0-5°C.

HYGIENIC MILK PRODUCTION The concept of 'clean milk' production

Although milk is nature's most ideal and perfect single food both for the newly born and the mature human beings, the possibility of it's being a source of biological and chemical hazards cannot be excluded. In view of the immense dilatory importance of milk, the need for production of safe, clean and wholesome milk is emphasized. The term 'clean milk' does not mean milk in which all visible dirt is absent or milk from which it has been removed; rather it does denote raw milk from healthy animals, that has been produced and handled under hygienic conditions; that contains only small number of harmless bacteria and that possesses a good keeping quality without being treated by heat. In other words, the unhygienic production of milk may lead to inferior keeping quality of the fluid as a result of rapid microbial multiplication under unfavorable storage conditions apart from serving as a potential health hazard. These microorganisms cause the milk to sour quickly, putrefy and develop undesirable flavours, colours, ropiness or bitterness. On the other hand, the pathogenic microorganisms, which may gain entry through various sources, may cause many diseases to the consumers.

The practice of milk production in India The two principals, which universally safe handlings of raw milk are

i) Avoiding or minimizing contamination during various stages of production and handling of raw milk;

ii) Reducing the growth and activity of microorganisms in raw milk.

In developed countries, these principles are effected utilized in the practice of clean milk production, rapid chilling of raw milk 40 C or below at the farm level and transport of chilled raw milk under hygienic conditions from dairy farm to milk processing plant. However, these set of practices cannot possibly be important under the existing conditions of milk production in India, where organized dairy farms with clean milk production and chilling facilities are limited in number and negligible in consequence. Milk in this country is produced mostly in the rural households, through their arte three sources of milk production, viz., villages, urban centers and organized farms. 1. Rural milk production

Rural sector producers over 90% of our total milk supply in India. However, poverty and ignorance in the rural masses have made the condition of milk production at the village level highly unsatisfactory. Animals often share living space with the farmer or they are tide to adjacent open space on mud floor. In view of the prevalent unhygienic practices, the milk thus produced under the tropical climate cannot be kept for long without any chilling facilities. With scattered and small-scale holdings, mechanical refrigeration, of small lots of milk at the rural levels is not practical. Hence, there is a need to rapidly collect and bring the village produced milk

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to the processing center for chilling or heat treatment. Depending upon the method of transport of milk from village to the processing plant, the microbiological quality of such milk further deteriorates. Moreover, the use of ice-blocks made out of poor quality water directly in to milk and frequent addition of neutralizers by many milkmen often make the situation still gave from the public health point of view.

2. Milk production at City Stables ('Khatals')

The quality of milk produced at Khatals (city stables) also suffers seriously due to the location of these Khatals (plate 5.1) in congested living areas without appropriate sanitary conditions including drainage and ventilation facilities. As the milk produced in urban areas can be distributed to be consumers with in a short time of its production, there appears to be little incentive for producing better quality milk.

3. Milk production at organized dairy farms

Only a limited protein of total milk supply is produced under organized farm conditions in this country. Such farms or bill equipped with different modern amenities for producing clean or hygienic milk. From the bacteriological point of view, there is a definite impact of the source on the bacterial load of milk. Organized dairy farms produced highest quality milk due to better clean milk production practices. Private dairies on the other hand handle milk from various sources and distribute lowest grade milk. The beneficial effect of low temperature on milk quality can be seen from low counts in winter milks, and in the milks at the south Indian town with a more temperate climate.

Measures for production of clean milk

Since safe production and handling of raw milk implies low count milk, we have no obtain but to think of practical ways of achieving clean milk production, especially in the villages and preserving this milk from further deterioration until processed and consumed. A comprehensive system of public health supervision and quality control program which is being followed in western countries is not applicable as such to Indian village producers due to lake of certain facilities like (i) Suitable buildings, (ii) adequate clean water supply, refrigeration, and (iv) rapid means of transport. However, it is possible to enforce gradually a systematic quality control programme. Mean-while, it is very essential that some efforts should be directed towards improving the methods of milk production in villages. The maxim “where there is dirt there is danger” should attract the attention of producers and also of consumers.

I. Package of hygienic practice at farm level

The problem of improving milk production practices at the farm level requires a renewed attack. It is necessary to establish a minimum set of practices that would cause significant improvement in the quality of milk at the individual producer level. The following hygienic practices are required to be strictly adhered to by the producers.

1.Amimals hygiene

2. Milkers hygiene

3.utensils/equipment hygiene

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4.Hygiene during milking process

5.Environmental hygiene

1.Animal’s hygiene

The milch animal needs due attention with regard to its health and cleanliness for producing hygienic milk.

i) Animals health- The animals should be periodically examined for udder infections and other diseases. Infected animals should be got treated by the nearest veterinarian by giving suitable treatment. In case of infections animal should be isolated or discarded besides adopting sanitary precautions to control spread of infection. The milk of infected animal should not be mixed with the bulk supply until the animal is fully recovered.

ii) Cleaning of body and udder- The body and udder of the animals should be cleaned before milking by washing and wiping with a clean cloth.

While washing the teats and udder before milking, care should be taken not to damage the teat orifices and clefts between the quarters of the udder. Some producers are averse to udder washing, being of the opinion that this practice may lead to chapped or sore teats, but it is a false view without scientific foundation. A plentiful supply of clean udder cloth is necessary, together with pieces of rough toweling for drying off ands these clothes should be regularly boiled. Disposable paper towels have much to recommended them, but the proposition seems to be relatively impractical under Indian farm conditions. In some instances, it may be necessary to give the udder a preliminary rough washing to remove excessive fifth. During severe winter, tepid water should be used to prevent chilling the animal. The employment of lukewarm water for udder washing will also condition the animals to let down their milk by distending the udder owing to increased pressure. Usually the temperature of the warm water should be below 550C as it causes no harmful effect upon the udder skin.

The addition of hypochlorite (21/2-oz per gallons of water) or some proprietary udder wash has also been recommended. However, some workers believe that chlorine, being irritating to the teats, may predispose them to infection and it has been suggested that quaternary ammonium compounds (200 to 400 ppm) may be better substitute due to their less harmful effect on tissues and lesser effect of organic matter presence on their activity. Use of soap for udder washing may serve only cleaning purpose as they generally have no microbiological properties required for sanitation.

The dairy coat of the animal which may contaminate milk directly or through surrounding air, needs regular washing, clipping and/or brushing. The problem of dirty coat is more serious in buffaloes which visit the dirty ponds and carry fifth and mud on their body. There is falling of hair and manure particles from cows’ body into milk which can be avoided by regular brushing and grooming. The role of cleanliness of animals body and udder in reducing the bacterial counts in milk is apparent from the foregoing table.

2. Milkers hygiene

Persons milking the animals should take care of the following points for them to avoid contamination of milk:

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i) To be free from infections disease and to avoid coughing and sneezing over the milk pails.

ii) Hands to be cleaned with soap and water before milking. iii) Nails to be cut regularly (since these may harbour staphylococci which cause food

poisoning in consumers or mastitis in animals udder). iv) Clothes and hair to be kept clean.

4.Utensils/equipment hygiene

The pails or other containers used for milking and storage of milk under farm conditions play a significant role in determining the microbiological quality of milk. In case of machine milking practiced on organized dairy farms (Plate 5.4), milking equipment’s (machines) need regular care. The following measures need to be adopted:

i) Milk producers should be advised to use clean and tinned utensils having smooth surface free from dent and crevices for milking and storing of milk.

ii) Milk pails/buckets/other utensils should be cleaned with detergent-sanitizer solution and property rinsed with water immediately after use (Plate 5.5). A number of detergent-sanitizer formulate have been suggested for cleaning metal utensils. At farm level, use of washing soda coupled with exposure to sunlight or rinsing with scalding water or use of detergent-cum-sanitizers like iodophors may be practiced.

In villages, where co-operative milk collecting centers and community milking byres are functioning, the societies should undertake the responsibility of providing washed and sterilized utensils to the producers.

During machine milking, proper cleaning and sanitization of various parts (metal parts, rubber parts, pipelines etc.,) should be done regularly. The metal parts are cleaned and sanitized like other metal utensils. However, the rubber parts (teat cups, tubes etc.,), need different cleaning method. Use of 0.4 to 0.5% NaOH (lye) or any other suitable detergent-sanitizer should be made for the purpose. Cleaning-in-place (CIP) is preferred for pipelines of the milking equipment.

iii) Use of milk pails or utensils with winder mouth should be discouraged to minimize the changes of contamination from air during milking.

4.Hygiene during milking process

i) Complete milking- no milk should be let inside the udder during milking. ii) Elimination of fore milk is desirable since this portion of milk has considerably high

bacterial counts, which get mixed with the subsequent milk lot and raise the overall bacterial number in milk.

iii) Wet milking, which increases the bacterial number in milk by dripping or washing down of foreign matter of teats and dirt on milker’s hands into milk, should be discouraged. Dry milking and “fat milking” (use of a flavorless fat as lubricant) have been found preferable over wet milking. “fat milking” which though has not found extensive use, is superior to dry milking as it avoids injury to teats and also results in low bacterial contamination on milk.

iv) Milking by full-hand method and not by knuckling methods is desirable as the latter has more chances of teat injury.

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Environmental hygienic

The place where housing, feeding and milking of the animal is done, should be kept clean and hygienic with respect to aeration, humidity, lighting, floors, walls, ceiling, insects etc., In this regard, the following points may be kept in mind.

i) Separate premises located far law away from human living quarters, sewage, manure pails and stagnant water pools are advisable for housing and milking of the animals.

ii) Proper ventilation. iii) Avoiding direct air currents and dust in cowshed and milking byre. iv) Ample sunlight. v) Dry bedding of the animal. vi) Tick-free-bedding-DDT may be used to kill the ticks. vii) Control of flies by chemical sprays. viii) Cleaning of walls, standings, gutter and other surroundings. ix) Effective disposal of washings, manure and other wastes.

II. Educative propaganda

A propaganda for clean milk production through personal advice, film shows, demonstration etc., will help the producers know the harmful effects of their carelessness and unhygienic practices of milk production on the health of population as well as on their own long range economic interests. Village producers should be educated about the hygienic measures necessary for clean milk production.

III. Incentive payment plan

Incentive to produce quality milk must be preceded by a desire to produce and market milk. Organizing rural producers into Anand pattern co-operatives will help initiate that chain of action.

A better milk production campaign should somehow be linked with an appropriate incentive payment plan. Payment on quality basis implies at least two additional elements of expenditure.

i) The first is related to the cost of determining quality-Low cost but reliable methods are needed for testing microbiological quality of milk that can be performed by the society secretary or village milk tester.

ii) The second is related to the payment based on quality- For this the Indian consumer, who has been compromising so far on the quality score due to his/her limited buying power, should be willing to pay for quality. The reluctance of consumers to exercise their option for quality to the fullest extents evident from the survival of Nemours vendors of adulterated milk of poor quality in many towns and cities. The following measures may be helpful in this direction:

a) Making public quality-conscious through consumer education programme utilizing mass media and other means.

b) Protection of their right to better quality milk through appropriate legislation is necessary. In this regard, a model ‘Milk and Milk Products Order’ has been under the consideration of appropriate authorities for many years. One of the provisions of such order is to license all milk vendors, essentially in terms of their possessing appropriate premises, equipment’s and

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facilities for safe handling of milk an milk products. Enchantment of such order will go a long way towards improving the supply of quality milk.

II. Practice of raw milk handling (collection, cooling, transport and distribution)

In India, the collection, transport and distribution of raw milk involves a number of agencies and persons at rural and urban level – village producers, milk collectors, halwais (Sweet-makers), milk vendors, dairies, producer-retailers and wholesale or retail markets.

1. Collection

Usually, the milk collectors approach the small village producers to collect milk and the same is sold directly or indirectly (through agents) to a dairy (milk procurement centers) or halwais or city milk vendors or consumers. The producer – retailers themselves, in some cases, supply the mil to the above said parties. As described earlier, the production of milk in small-scattered holdings in village causes problems during its collection. It involves visits to many villages, some of which are not easily accessible for the purpose.

2. Cooling

Due to tropical Indian conditions, the cooling of milk after collection is required though usually there are no good facilities for cooling or refrigeration of milk at rural level. As stated earlier, direct addition of ice, which is usually made out of unhygienic water, is sometimes practiced. Such unhygienic method of cooling may aggravate the problem by contributing pathogens in milk.


There are different modes of transporting milk from production to processing or consumption point. Depending on the quantity and the distance involved, the milk may be carried by persons as head –loads are by suspending over shoulder slings or on pack-animals are by Tonga’s (horse-drawn) or on bicycles/ motor-cycles or by motor-lorry or rail or boat.

Different types of container are used for collecting and transporting milk. These may be earthen or metal utensils or vessels of different shapes and sizes with or without lids. Cans or tins are the common types of conditions in practice. These are usually unclean and rusted, badly dented and are solid with milk deposits and other dirt. In general, the private handlers for short or long distance transport of milk use iron cants. Cans made of aluminum or tinned steel are used mostly by organized co-operatives of dairies, which practice the cleaning and sanitization of these cans before sending to the collection points. The unorganized sector rarely practice cleaning and sanitization of milk collection vessels. Moreover, use of dirty are polluted water for washing utensils further complicates the problem of unhygienic milk handling. Milk held in such containers source quickly under tropical Indian conditions. The bacteriological quality of fresh milk obtained within two hours of milking has been observed to be much better then distributed 4-5 hours after milking by private dairies and city vendors.


Milk is distributed to the public in both raw and heat processed state by following different milk distributing agencies.

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i) Village producers-retailers: Milk produced by small village producer in rural areas in distributed to near by city public.

ii) Urban producers distribute milk to city consumers door to door. iii) Halwais (sweet-makers) get milk from rural and / or urban producers in raw state and

sell eat at higher prices after boiling and sometimes after skimming the boiled milk. iv) Private diaries. v) Retail and wholesale markets which collect milk and cell directly. vi) Co-operative unions either sell milk directly or supply to large dairies.

The hygienic practice of milk supply and distribution has been a matter of concerned has given encouragement to co-operative movement, which has succeeded not only in supplying milk hygienically but also in producing milk under improved conditions in rural areas. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), which is responsible for co-operative movement in India, has contributed significantly in this direction.


Mainly the psychotropic and thermoduric bacteria contaminate the milk through unclean milk cans and bulk milk transport tankers. Among the psychotropic genera in stored milk, Pseudomonas sp. Mainly P.flourescens generally predominate moreover, the type of contaminating microflora depends on the temperature of storage as follows

0-5ºC -- Pseudomonas fluorescens.

5-10 ºC -- Pseudomonas sp. Proteus vulgaris, Micrococcus sp., Alcaligenes viscolactis, A .marshallii.

10-15ºC -- S.agalactiae, Lactococcus lactis subsp.cremoris, S.durans,

S.dysgalactiae, S.faecalis,Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis,

S. uberis.

15-30ºC -- All streptococci especially Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis.

30-40ºC -- Enterobacter aerogenes, E. coli. And lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus brevis, L. bulgaricus, L.casei, L. fermenti, L. helveticus,L.lactis, L.plantarum, and a few Streptococci.

40-50ºC-- lactic acid forming rods L. bulgaricus, L. fermenti, L. helveticus, L.lactis, L.plantarum,L. caucaicus L. thermophilus and thermophilic streptococci like S. faecalis and S. thermophilus.

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Milk should be stored and transported between the temperatures of 0-5°C.

HYGIENIC ASPECTS OF DAIRY EQUIPMENTS Dairy equipments and utensils with which milk and milk products come into contact are the main source of contamination in the products. By the use of effective equipment cleaning and sterilization methods on routine basis, milk of high bacteriological quality can be consistently. In composite milk plant, a variety of equipment and utensils are used. The use of stainless steel for the fabrication of dairy utensils and equipments provides highly polished hard smooth surfaces that can be cleaned readily, apart from showing resistance to corrosive action of detergents and bactericidal solutions at concentrations utmost care is taken to avoid dents and scratches, which could be the possible focal pints of subsequent contamination. To overcome all these problems aluminum and stainless steel vessels and equipments present an ideal situation. Micro flora of dairy equipments The micro flora of dairy equipments includes Micrococci, Corynebacteria, Streptococci and gram-negative rods. The microflora of equipments is related to type of detergent, sanitizer, cleaning methods and temperature and magnitude of bacterial load. The thermoduric micro flora from dairy utensils and farm milk supplies consist mainly of Microbacteria and Micrococci. Besides thermodurics, incidence of psychrotrophic organism in poorly cleaned equipments and farm bulk milk tanks has been reported. Sanitation of dairy equipments Sanitation of dairy equipments and utensils depends upon two district operations cleaning and sanitization. They are complementary procedures each of which must be effective to achieve desired end results. a. Conventional methods There are four basic steps involved in the cleaning and sterilization of dairy equipments and utensils.

1. Rinse immediately after the use with cold and luck-warm (460C) to remove most of the residues.

2. Wash with a hot solution of a suitable detergent to remove milk residues remaining on the surface.

3. Rinse with hot water to complete the removal of surface film of detergent and dispersed soiling materials.

4. Sterilize by an approved method to destroy bacteria after cleaning. The common sterilants used in the dairy industry for the dairy equipments may be steam, hot water and chemical sterilants like chlorine, quaternary ammonium compound and iodophor depending on the desired requirements. This ensures the elimination of the risk of bacterial contamination.

b. In-place cleaning and sterilization In a composite milk plant, cleaning in situ also called cleaning-in-place (CIP) by circulating detergent solutions and sterilants in a closed circuit, is aimed chiefly at reducing labour, time and cost. In this system, stronger detergent solutions may be used at high temperature (140-1600C). The cleanliness of equipment as assessed by bacteriological, tests, can be good and effectives as by the conventional dairy dismantling.

1. Surface sampling methods

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2. Agar contact methods. These methods are applicable to those surfaces that have been previously cleaned. 1.Surface sampling methods. The flowing different methods fall in this category.

1. Swab contact method. 2. Surface rinse method. 3. Adhesive tape method. 4. Vacuum method.

2.Agar contact methods.

a) RODAC (Replicate Organism Direct Agar Contact) method. b) Agar slice method. c) Direct surface agar plating method.

Hygienic aspect of processing of milk products

The hygienic control of any dairy product, whether it be fluid milk or any one of the various milk products and by-products, is dependent upon the quality of the raw milk and the conditions under which this milk is produced. Butter The requirements of a satisfactory butter are that it must

1. Be free from diseases producing microorganisms and toxic substances of any type, 2. Be of high nutritive value, 3. Be free of undesirable extraneous matter and 4. Have a pleasing body and flavour.

In gravity method of separation there is opportunity for contamination of the cream while

it stands in a shallow pan. Good farm practices in the production of the milk are necessary and special attention should be given to the thorough cleaning of the pails, milking machine etc. If a cream separator is used it must be cleaned carefully after eat use and sanitized with hot water or chlorine solution before re-use. Collecting cans for the clean should always be cleaned and sanitized. All clean utensils should be stored in a clean, dry area free from dust contamination.

At the creamery, if whole milk is received and separator, the separator may become a source of contaminating unless properly and thoroughly cleaned. Tanks and silos must be cleaned and sanitized to prevent contamination of the cream. The cream should have clean odour and flavour. Putrid, bitter or stale odour or flavours indicate poor quality cream. Sediment tests are frequently made on cream, this indicate only the care with which the farmers has handled the milk or cream. Sour cream normally contains many bacteria, but if the sanitary conditions on the farm are satisfactory, these organisms are usually the lactic types. A goods potable water supply should be used in the preparation of the naturalizing solutions when neutralizing the sour cream. Cracks and crevices in the butter churn offer excellent opportunities accumulation of organic matter and subsequent growth of organisms. After churning, the churn should be rinsed by revolving it for about 10 minutes when one-third full of water 43.3°C drained and then

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washed with 60°C water containing a washing compound and sequestering agent, by rotating for 15-20 minutes. After draining, water at 88°C is added and the churn is rotated for 15 minutes as a second rinse and then drained thoroughly. The churn is standing with opened doors at the top and the opening covered with a screen. Prior to re-use the churn should be sanitized with a 200 ppm chlorine solution. In the churning operations, the water supply used for washing the butter granules may be an important source of contaminating organism therefore, the water supply should be checked to determine its portability and whether or not psychrophilic bacteria are present. It is these psychrophilic bacteria of water origin, which can cause the development of putrid and off-flavours in the butter on storage. During working and packaging care should be taken to avoid contaminations of the butter with hands. Yeast and mould counts should usually be below 10 per gram. A satisfactory keeping quality test, which can be used to predict the shelf life of the product, has long been sought by the dairy industry. These test constitute in placing the sample of butter is glass jars, incubating them at 37°C for 48 hours and for 7 days at 22°C and then observing for odour, flavour and body characteristics. Cheese In general terms cheese is the consolidated curd of milk used as food. The milk must be from healthy animals and of good bacteriological quality. The milk must be inhibitory substance whether natural to milk-caused by the growth of antibiotic producing bacteria, or due to antibiotic residues for the treatment of mastitis. Milk must be free from toxin producing strains of Staphylococci. Pasteurization of all milk is desirable from the standpoint of them destruction of disease-producing organisms. The culture and the rennet used should be of high quality and free from disease producing microorganisms. Throughout the curdling step the milk should be protected from undue air contamination. Curd knives, paddles, draining clothes, presses, forms, etc. Must be handled in a sanitary fashion and cleaned and sanitized after each days use. The water for washing the curd can frequently be a source of the Pseudomonas types which later cause spoilage. Yeast and mould contamination from the air or improperly sanitized containers may also due rise to trouble. Spraying or fogging the area with chlorine solution may be of value for the control of this type of contamination. During the ripening period the storage rooms must be maintained at the temperature and humidity necessary for the particular variety of cheese. Insect infestation of these areas must be avoided. Fluid milk products Flavoured milks The hygienic control of this type of product requires that all milk ingredients meet the same specifications and requirements as apply to fluid milk. In addition to the bacteriological

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quality, sanitary conditions of flavour, syrups and colouring materials must be checked to eliminate possible contamination of the finished products. Only colouring materials and flavours approved by health authorities should be used. The recommended pasteurization for chocolate milk is 62.8°C for 30 minutes or 73.9°C for 15 seconds. Product distributed in an area lacking home refrigerators should be sterilized preferably in "in-bottle" process. The ingredient should be checked before use to determine their bacteriological quality. The coliforms test is of particular value in this instance. Bacteriological standards should be the same as for fluid milk. Fermented milks The milk supply should be of high quality have a clean flavour and be free from inhibitory substances such as antibiotics, natural inhibitors, or residual sanitizing agents. All equipment must thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. However in the sanitizing operations care must be exercised that residual sanitizing agents to not contaminate the milk. This is particularly necessary in the case of the QAC as it has been found that as little as 5 ppm of such compound can inhibit acid production by Streptococcus lactis. Hot water at about 82.2°C is regarded as a satisfactory sanitizing agent and chlorine solutions if properly used also sanitize equipment in a satisfactory manner. Bacteriophage Bacteriophage contamination should be prevented in the fermented milk products. In the control of final product, the coliforms test is frequently used to determine the care with which the fermented milk has bee produced. Since these products are made from adequate pasteurized milk, the presents of coliform organism suggests in adequate pasteurization or recontamination after heating, either of which might mean an undesirable for the consumer. Ice cream The bacteriological standards in force in many areas are the following. Mix 50000 per gram 10 coliforms per gram Cream 100000 per ml. (pasteurized) 200000 per ml (raw) Condensed milk 50000 per ml (pasteurized) 20000 per ml (raw)

All ice cream and frozen desserts are pasteurized. In general the pasteurization standards are 68.3°C for 30 minutes; 79.3°C for 25 seconds and 87.8°C for no holding period.

Cream High quality sweet, un-neutralized cream should preferably be used as a source fat.

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Condensed and dry milk solids These products should be of high quality and have low bacterial counts. The cleaning and sanitizing of tanks for the storage of liquid sugar and of pipelines for the transport of ingredients should be carefully carried out to prevent possible growth of osmophilic yeast and thermophilic spore-formers in the equipment and the products. Stabilizers Gelatin, a frequently used stabilizers should never have a count exceeding 100000 per gram. Fruits and nuts Fruits and nuts may be important sources of contamination, particularly since they are usually added to the product after pasteurization and immediately before freezing. Fruit products also present the problem that they are not generally subjected to heat treatment during processing because of the fragility of the fruit and the desire to maintain the delicate flavour of the fresh fruit. Attention should be given to the quality of the water and the sanitary conditions in the fruit processing plant. Nuts may be sterilized by treatment with ethylene oxide carbon-di-oxide gas mixture to destroy insects, yeast, moulds and bacteria. They may also be roasted. Fruits and nuts are usually examined bacteriologically for total counts and for coliforms, yeast, moulds and β haemolytic streptococci the presence of coliforms organism is generally considered as an indication of human, soil, utensil or water contamination. Colours and flavours Only colouring and flavour that have been approved by health authorities should be used. Since theses ingredient are also usually added after pasteurization of the mix. Microbiological checks on colouring and flavour materials include determination for total count, coliforms, yeast and mould and at times tests for β haemolytic streptococci. Egg products Egg solids may obtain in fresh, frozen or powder form and unless they have been produced under sanitary conditions they may be a source of bacteria in ice cream. These products are usually examined for total counts, coliforms count, yeasts, moulds, putrefactive, anaerobes, β haemolytic streptococci and species of salmonella. The total bacterial count should not exceed 10000 per gram. Processing For vat pasteurization foam heaters should be used at the top of the vat. Otherwise the insulating effect of the foam will prevent all mix from residing the necessary heat treatment. All possible opportunities for contamination should be avoided. Quality control tests

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Bacteriological tests include counts for total bacterial content and for numbers of coliforms, yeasts and moulds. Sanitary condition of the dispensing equipment is important. Dippers and utensils are often subjected to a cursory rinse in water heavily contaminated with ice cream solids. These conditions provide an excellent opportunity for the growth of bacteria; contaminate the dippers and thus the individual serving as well as the bulk container of ice cream. Utensils should be washed thoroughly and sanitized with hot water. If a container of water is needed for the dippers there should be either be a continues flow of fresh clean water through it or the water should be changed frequently to prevent the growth of microorganism.

Thermocdurics: Those microorganisms, which survive, pasteurization, e.g., Micrococci

Thermophilics: Those survive a normal pasteurization temperature (72°C), and have optimal growth temperature at about 50°C and are called heat loving, e.g., Bacillus.

Mesophilis: They have optimum growth in the range of 20-40°C, e.g., Streptococci, Staphylococci.

Psychrophyllic (cold-loving): These grow best at 20°C, many of these will grow at 0°C.

Psychrotrophics: These are those microorganisms, which are able to grow below 7°C, and this group includes both gram positive and gram-negative rods. e.g. Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes



Numerous characteristics of food determine its acceptability to consumers and to regularly officials. Before accepting a food for consumption, it must be attractively presented, must have desirable odour and flavour characteristics and other qualities and must be free from potential pathogens or their toxic products. The ultimate nutritive qualities, flavour and appearance have been preserved and no harmful organisms or substances are present to affect the consumer adversely. If the quality of the product is good its keeping quality is also likely to be substantial. Conversely, there are more chances of spoilage of an inferior quality food product during storage.

Quality is a very broad term as it refers to chemical, physical, technological, economic, bacteriological and aesthetic characteristics. It can also be defined as that which the public likes most on the basis of subjective (organoleptic properties) and objective (recognized scientific tests) tests being invariably used in the quality control laboratories. ‘Quality Control’ or ‘Quality assurance’ is an activity or procedure, method or programme that will ensure the maintenance and continuity of the specifications and standards of the products within the prescribed tolerances during all stages of handling, processing, preparation, packaging, storage and distribution. It is also further ensures that all the original and desirable characteristics sustained during these operations will remain unaltered until consumed. The terms ‘quality control’ and ‘quality assurance’ are used, interchangeably. However, the quality assurance is now a more acceptable term and is invariably used for all types of foods.

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Need for microbiological quality control for milk and milk products

It is well known that milk constitutes an ideal and perfect food in human nutrition by virtue of possessing all the essential nutrients. However, the same food is extremely susceptible to microbial contamination. It may easily undergo spoilage due to microbial growth and activity and may also form a potential medium for the transmission of disease producing organisms derived from the infected animals and handlers unless special precautions are taken to protect it from contamination. Protection against pathogens can be achieved more or less by pasteurization. Boiling milk before drinking also renders it safe and improves its keeping quality. However the usefulness of these processes is dependent on the adequacy of heat treatment given to milk, initial load of bacterial contamination in raw milk and protection from post-pasteurization contamination. Initial pasteurization and prevention of recontamination from plant and equipment are important parameters in this respect.

Role of microbiological criteria/standards

As microorganisms including the undesirable ones can gain access into milk and milk products from various sources, there is a need to improve the quality of these products by adopting certain microbiological criteria. In this regard, various specification/standards both at national and international levels have come into existence for the dairy industry to follow. The microbiological criteria include the following aspects.

1. Microorganisms and/or their which are of great concern. 2. The methods for detection and qualification of milk and milk products. 3. Samplings plan which defines the number of samples to be withdrawn and the size

of sample unit. 4. The microbiological limits which are appropriate for the specific dairy products. 5. The proportion of sample units that conform to these limits.

The microbiological criteria should be periodic revaluation as new technological methods are developed. The following microbiological criteria are in vogue.

a) Microbiological standards. These are microbiological limits incorporated in a law or regulation controlling the food produced, processed or stored in, or imported into, the area of jurisdiction of regulatory agency. A microbiological standard may be enforceable through civil or criminal courts.

b) Microbiological specifications. These may be incorporated in a code of practice which is of an advisory nature and is intended to increase assurance that the provisions in the codes relating to hygiene have been adhered to Specifications should address the maximum number of microorganisms or type of microorganisms as determined by prescribed methods.

c) Microbiological guidelines. The guidelines designate the requirements such as sampling and analysis to achieve the prescribed standard. Usually, these may not have legal status; hence are not enforceable. Such guidelines are rather a transitional step towards the establishment of standards.

Constraints faced in establishing microbiological criteria

The following problems must be recognized in a attempt to establish meaningful and useful bacteriological limits.

There must be complete and thorough knowledge of production, processing and distribution of milk and milk products.

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Limits for each type of food must be derived depending on the type of raw materials.

Processing procedure must be employed, i.e., lethal heat application

It is of utmost importance to recognize the influence of storage upon the different kinds of microorganisms in each and every dairy product and must be properly accounted for.

Level of sanitary excellence must be maintained.

Uniformity of legislation at national and international levels must be ensured.

Deep-rooted habits must be discouraged.

It is now possible for one country to adjust its requirements so that they will satisfy those of all other countries because the rules in various countries conflict and what satisfies one will be objectionable to the other. It may be exemplified by the existing microbiological standards in USA and India for dairy products.

National and international agencies on microbiological quality control of dairy products

A. National agencies

Standardization, by and large the process of formulating standards, can be developed at various levels such as company, association, industry as well as national or international. The process of development of national standards is basically the process of coordinating the three interests represented by the producers, consumers and technologists. In India the following national agencies are involved in this connection to cater to the needs of these three groups.

1. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA)

PFA came into force in 1955 and has been subsequently amended in 1968, 1973 and 1976. The standards are formulated and revised whenever required by an expert committee called Central Committee for Food Standards (CCFS). However, PFA does not prescribe any bacteriological standards for the milk and milk products.

2. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)-formerly Indian Standards Institution (ISI)

On 6th August 1979, British and American standards had been adopted for India. But due to diversity of raw materials available in India and the process employed for manufacture, it was felt necessary to have its own standards than following the British and other standards. Hence, ISI was established for which the proposal had first been raised at the 12th Industry Conference held in December 1940. It is not mandatory and it's functioning purely on voluntary basis. ISI constituted the ‘Dairy products Sectional Committee’ under the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council in 1958 to prepare Indian Standards for the milk and milk products. The scope of the committee is to formulate Indian standards for milk and milk products and the related fields. The Indian Standards aim at precise definition of the product and laying down physical, chemical, microbiological and packing requirements, together with their sampling and testing procedures. The microbiological standards as given by ISI for milk and milk products are adopted by all the industries and at research institutions. They publish manuals, which give information regarding methods as well as standards. Recently, ISI has been renamed as Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

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3. AGMARK (Agriculture produce)

The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection of the Government of India set up this agency. The Grading and Marketing of Agricultural products Act, 1973 (AGMARK) defines quality of butter and ghee. However, AGMARK does not give any microbiological specifications for milk and milk products.

B. International Agencies.

1. Codex Alimentarius.

The international Codex Alimentarius is the principle organ of a worldwide food standards programme under the joint agencies of the FAO/WHO, two specialized agencies of the UNO. It was established in 1962. Its main aim is to develop international and regional food standards and publish them in a food code. The Codex Alimentarius is to include standards of all the principl foods, provisions in respect of food hygiene, food additives, pesticide residues, contaminants labelling and presentation, methods of analysis and sampling. Acceptance of the Codex standards by individual countries is voluntary.

2. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) world Health Organization (WHO)-

The FAO/WHO committee on ‘code of principle for milk and milk products was created on the initiative of international dairy Federation and by decision taken at FAO conference in 1958 in order to product consumers health and to establish definitions, designations and minimum standards for these products. The committee has developed a standard for a number of important dairy products. These standards meet international requirements as for as consumer aspects and conditions are concerned.

3. International Dairy Federation (IDF)

IDF is the pioneer in the formulation of international standards for dairy products. IDF collaborated with FAO in 1956 to control unfair competition between milk and margarine products as well as for a series of individual milk product standards. This method was followed by FAO “Code of principle Concerning milk and milk products". About 30-40 governments accepted the code. Later, emphasis was given on milk powder and also for the microbiological quality of dairy products, as they are potential carrier of pathogens, food poisoning organisms and undesirable spoilage promoting microorganisms.

4. American Public Health Association (APHA)

APHA provides a compendium of recognized methodology, “ Standard Methods for The Examination of Dairy Products”, which deals with different types of quality control tests for pathogens as well as microorganisms associated with milk and milk products. This compendium is published regularly and revised form time to time. APHA has been making an attempt and insists for the uniformity of microbiological criteria and the procedures adopted throughout the world to promote and bring about smooth export-import international polices. Each activity comes under the administration of a council called ‘Intersociety Council on ‘Standard Methods for the Examination of dairy products’ generally has required publication of the method and of a collaborative study on the methods before accepting a new method or modification of old ones and has sought to establish criteria for retaining previously accepted method. A published method is to be studied collaboratively before accepting it as standard method.

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5. International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)

The ICMSF was formed in 1962 by the parent body, the International Association of Microbiological Society (IAMS) in response to the need for internationally acceptable and authoritative decision on microbiological limits for foods commensurate with public health safety and particularly for foods moving in international commerce. It is linked to the International Union of Biological Societies (IUBS) and to the WHO are hence, is a body of the UNO.

6. International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians (IAMFES)

Due to the epidemics caused by consumption of dairy products, food sanitation programmes have been developed by the “Committee on Communicable Diseases Affecting Men” (CCD) of IAMFES. The principle objectives are to provide public health workers with a procedure for guidance when confronted with outbreaks of diseases and to prevent outbreaks through application of knowledge gained as a result of epidemiological investigations.

7. Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United States (AFDOUS)

AFDOUS expressed their concern in 1956 over the quality and handling of frozen foods and undertook studies on the microbiology of frozen foods in which they were joined by National Association of Frozen Food Packers (NAFFP) and local regulatory agencies. In 1963, a sub-committee was formed under National Academy of Sciences (NAS), namely National Research Council (NRC), which established a committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (CFMH) of IAMS to “formulate principles on which microbiological aspects” could be based. The objects are:

i) To recommend microbiological limits for specific type of foods. ii) To offer guidance in interpretation of significance of microorganisms in foods. iii) Public health aspects. iv) To recommend methods for isolation of microorganisms and toxins from foods. v) Absolute absence of pathogens.

8. British Standards Institute (BSI)

It is partly mandatory and partly voluntary and is virtually same in many aspects as ISI. They also publish manuals like ISI, which give standards.

9. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

The microbiological specifications under these agencies are established only after the detailed studies are conducted to determine the number and type of organisms associated with raw materials. The FDA’s Bacteriological Analytical Manuals published in 1972 test procedures that are used for the determination of aerobic plate count (APC), confirms streptococci. The objectives of FDA are

i) Establishing a rationale for the setting of microbiological quality standards. ii) Developing of identifying a data base for use in establishing standards. iii) Creating, publishing and revising a proposed standards.

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iv) Enforcing the standard. v) Updating the standards as appropriate to reflect current technology.


The quality of milk is tested before acceptance at the dairy plant. These tests check the suitability of milk for further processing and human consumption. The milk is also graded on the basis of certain tests. In some developed countries the system of certifying the herd is prevalent that enforces strict hygienic standards and certifies various grades of milk.

The various routine tests employed for raw milk testing are as follows.


1. Smell and Organoleptic tests. 2. Clot on boiling test. 3. PH 4. Titrable acidity. 5. Sediment test 6. Alizarin alcohol test 7. Ten minutes resazurin test 8. Direct microscopic count.


1. Methylene blue reduction test 2. Resazurin reduction test 3. Total plate count 4. Coliforms count 5. Thermoduric count 6. Thermophilic count 7. Psychotropic count 8. Spore count 9. Proteolytic count 10. Lipolytic count.


1.Tests for Mastitis 2.Test for Antibiotic, Pesticide and Mycotoxin residues. Among the above tests smelling the milk in can and COB routinely used to decide the acceptability of the milk by the dairies on our country.


S.No Name of the test Purpose Remarks

1. Acidity To determine final acceptance /rejection of milk

Applied as such or in a modified form as a platform test.

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2 Ethanol test To determine the heat-stability of milk. Applied as a platform test.

3 Alcohol-alizarin test

To determine the heat-stability and salt balance of milk Applied as a platform test

4 Clot on boiling test To determine the heat-stability of milk Applied as a platform test

5 Dye reduction tests

To determine the extent of bacterial contamination and growth in milk

2-min. resazurin applied as a platform test.

6 Direct microscopic count

To identify the type of microorganism present in milk. Applied as laboratory test.

7 Standard plate count

To determine the extent of bacterial contamination and growth in milk --do--

8 Lactometer To detect adulteration of milk with water Applied as platform test.

9 Freezing point --do-- Applied as a laboratory test.

10 Fat and/SNF to make payment for milk received --do-- 11 Coliform count To determine the faecal contamination --do--

12 Thermoduric count

To determine the bacterial population which resists pasteurisation. --do--

13 Thermophilic count

To determine the number of bacteria that require higher temperature for growth.


14 Spore count To assess the extent of air contamination --do--

14 Psychrotrophic count

To assess effect of cooling on milk quality. --do--

15 Proteolysis To assess the extent on protein decomposition and flavour changes on storage


16 Lipolysis To ascertain the extent fat hydrolysis on storage. --do--

Milk hygienic practice in India

The term clean milk does not mean milk in which all visible dirt is absent or milk from which it has been removed; rather it does denote raw milk from healthy animals that has been produced and handled under hygienic conditions; that contains only small number of harmless bacteria and that possesses a good keeping quality without being treated by heat. The practice of milk production in India. The two principles, which universally guide safe handling of raw milk, are

1. Avoiding or minimizing contamination during various stages of production and handling of raw milk;

2. Reducing the growth and activity of micro organisms

In developed countries these principles are effectively utilized in the practice of clean milk production, rapid chilling of raw milk to 40C or below at the farm level and transport of chilled milk under hygienic conditions from dairy farm to milk processing unit. However, these sets of practices cannot be implemented under the existing conditions of milk production in India, where organized dairy farms with clean milk production and chilling facilities are limited in number and negligible in consequence. Milk in this country is produced mostly in the rural households

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though there are three sources of milk production, viz, villages, urban centres and organized farms.

1.Rural milk production

Rural sector produces over 90% of our total milk supply in India. Poverty and ignorance in the rural masses have made the conditions of milk production highly unsatisfactory. Animals often share the living space with farmer or they are tied to adjacent open space on mud floor. In view of prevalent unhygienic practices, the milk thus produced under tropical climate cannot be kept for long without being cooled. With scattered and small-scale holdings, mechanical refrigeration of small lots of milk at the rural levels is not practical. Use of ice blocks made out of poor quality water directly in to milk and frequent addition of neutralizers by many private milk men often make the situation still grave from the public health point of view. 2.Milk production in the city stables

The quality of milk produced in city stables also suffers seriously due to the location in congested living areas without appropriate sanitary conditions including drainage and ventilation facilities. As the milk produced in urban areas can be distributed to the consumer within a short time of its production, there appears to be little incentive for producing better quality milk. 3.Milk production at organized dairy farms Only a limited portion of total milk supply is produced under organized farm conditions in this country. Organized dairy farms produce highest quality milk due to better clean milk production practices. Milk hygienic practice in Norway

Milking machines are now widely used in Norway. After milking the milk is rapidly cooled to 80C or lower at dairy plant. Cooling of milk on the farms is often carried out by setting the milk churns in containers of well or spring water. It is also quite usual to cut ice during winter and to store it for use when cooling in the summer.

Norway is free from bovine tuberculosis, Brucellosis, and foot and mouth disease. It is strictly prohibited to send unpasteurized skim milk for feeding calves etc., from back to the farm.

All dairies take farm milk samples for compulsory fat analyses and methylene-blue reduction tests in order to comply with the regulations of Ministry of Agriculture. The price paid at the end of the month is based on the hygienic quality of milk based on the reduction tests.

Liquid milk or cream to be sold in towns or densely populated areas must be pasteurized. Only one kind flavoured milk has been produced in any quantity in Norway; that is chocolate flavoured milk, which is sold as a sterilized product.

Control over the hygienic quality of fluid milk is very strict; public health officers follow the progress of the milk closely from the dairy farm until it reaches the consumers.

The bacteriological standards of cleanness from milk delivered to Norwegian dairies include a maximum total bacterial count of 100000 organisms, and 100 coli forms organism, per ml of milk. The standards for pasteurized and bottles milk is not more than 30000 organism and 10 coli form organisms per ml of pasteurized milk. The local authorities decide these standards.

The Government laboratory for dairy products in Oslo is responsible for the special quality brand known as "four-leafed clover".

The retailer should install a refrigerator of sufficient capacity to sell the milk. It is also prohibited to return the empty glass bottles to the retailer if they have not been rinsed from all visible remnants of milk.

Milk hygienic practice in Egypt The ancient Egyptians left evidence of their interest in dairying in writings and carvings portraying cattle and dairy practices as early as 3000. B.C.

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Milk production of the animals in Egypt is low, being one ton of mil a year per buffalo and half a ton per cow. Small farm. The cattle may be housed in the farm courtyard or in the mud-brick farmhouse without adequate ventilation, flooring or drainage or a clean water supply. Milking is done by hand into an earthenware container previously sterilized in the baking over for several hours. The milk is not sold fresh except in villages adjacent to towns' it is usually left for "stetting" in earthenware vessels covered with a cloth until the creaming of the fat and clotting of the curd is complete. The dairy farm The cooling of milk is not practiced in the farms. Milk hygienic practice in Kenya Three-quarter of the country has a rainfall not exceeding 20 inches and much of it below 10 inches. It is in these areas that the nomadic tribes as Masai, Samburu, West Suk, Somali and Boran lead a life little changed in a thousand years, continuously on the move in search of water, salt and grazing for their herds. Rural milk centres have been established at strategic point and were equipped with sample home-made boilers, double washing troughs, separators, filters, double sets of cans and cooling equipment, operating on chilled water. Hygienic milk production is enforce by quality payout for butterfat or by rejection of milkers unsuitable for sale, so that the rural milk centres have laid the foundation for sanitary cooperative milk handling. Farm hygienic. A licensed milk supplier must be in possession of a properly paved and drained cowshed and a milk room constructed of permanent materials and made both fly and dust proof. Steam sterilization is encouraged otherwise quaternary ammonium compounds are required for this purpose. The resazurin test is the routine test followed by plate count and coli forms count or both. If member supplies poor produce, qualified staff visit the farm and advise on hygienic and improved methods. Milk rejected for human consumptions is coloured with violet dye and returned to the supplier. Staff in the dairy plant are subjected to medical examinations on appointment and regular intervals thereafter. The examinations include stools and urine tests and examination for venereal diseases, tuberculosis, sore throat etc. Regular inoculations are carried out against typhoid and poliomyelitis and also regular vaccination against smallpox. Staffs is also taught personal hygienic in relation to personal cleanliness in such things as hand washing etc. White clothing and a weekly ration of soap are issued to African staff. All staff must appear in clean clothing each morning.




Milk legislation and regulations are designed to prevent fraud and adulteration. But they now cover many factors that affect sanitation and public health. Milk generally is classed into grades according to the care with which it is produced.

Grades of Raw Milk as per BIS (Bureau Of Indian Standards) in India

Grade Direct Standard Methylene blue One-hour Presumptive

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microscopic count per ml.

plate count per ml.

dye reduction time in hours.

resazurin disc no.

coliform test.

Very good NS <2 lakhs > 5 NS Absent

Good <5 lakhs 2-10 lakhs 3&4 4 or higher Absent Fair 5-40lakhs 10-50 lakhs 1&2 3.5-1 Absent Poor 40-200 lakhs >50 lakhs <1/2 0.5 to 0 Present Very poor. >200 lakhs NS Ns NS NS

NS- not specified.

The microbiological quality of milk is also routinely tested by MBRT or RRT, standard plate count and coliform count. However, these tests are not used still for pricing the milk in India. The Bureau of Indian standards is the official organization in India for voluntary standards and it has laid down standards for grading raw milk based on several tests.


United states public health services milk ordinance code has formulated certain codes for the following categories of milk:

Grade A raw milk:

Raw milk that confirms with all the items of sanitation required by the state and local authorities. The milk must be obtained from cows tested and found free from T.B and Brucellosis. Milk must be cooled immediately to 50°F or less and maintained at that temperature until delivery. The bacterial count may range from 15,000-50,000/ml.

Grade A raw milk for pasteurisation:

The raw milk should be produced from dairies that meet the required sanitary conditions. This must be cooled to 50°F or less and maintained at that temperature until pasteurisation. The bacterial count from the individual producer must not exceed 100,000/ml prior to mixing with other producer’s milk. Prior to pasteurisation, the bacterial count should not exceed 300,000/ml. The antibiotic content must be less than 0.05 units/ml.

Grade A pasteurised milk:

This is the above grade milk, which has been cooled and placed in the final container in a milk plant that conforms to state and local sanitary requirements. The milk pass a phosphatase test. Bacterial count not exceeding 20,000/-ml and coliform count not exceeding 10/ml.

Grade B pasteurised milk:

It is made from raw milk for pasteurisation of not less than grade B quality. It has bacterial plate count after pasteurisation and before delivery not exceeding 50,000/ml. In many areas the retail sale of grade B milk is prohibited and is known as manufacturing milk to be converted to some product.

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Grade C milk:

Produced under inferior sanitary conditions. It may be used for animal feeding.

Certified milk:

Produced by dairies according to rules and regulations published in the methods and standards for production of certified milk issued by American association of medical milk commission, New York. The rules are intended to ensure purity, uniformity and adaptability of the milk for infants and growing children. The production of certified milk involves veterinary examination of the cow and sanitary inspection of dairy farms and equipments, the medical inspection of the employees who handle the milk. This supervision is conducted under the auspices of medical milk commission appointed by the local medical society or their approved agency.

All the cows whose milk is used for the production of certified milk must be free from T.B and Brucellosis infection, mastitis or any signs of disease. The milk from any cow must not be used for a period 45 days before and two days after parturition. After the milk is drawn it is removed from the milking place, strained through a modern single service filter and cooled to below 50°F before it leaves the farm the milk must be boiled, capped, and sealed.


Total bacterial count not more than 10,000/ml. Coliform counts not more than 10/ml.

Pasteurised milk:

SPC not more than 500/ml Coliforms not more than 1/ml

Guaranteed milk:

Raw milk should contain not more than 10,000/ml of bacteria at the time of delivery to the consumer. In pasteurised milk not more than 3000/ml.


In England the designations, under which milk may be sold as per milk special designation order 1936, are

1. Tuberculin- tested milk 2. Accredited milk 3. Pasteurised milk.

1. Tuberculin tested milk.

Every animal of the herd shall be submitted to a tuberculin test at an interval of not less than two and not more than six months after the last preceding test. Animal born and bred in the herd shall be submitted to such a test before it attains the age of 12 months.

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*** The milk sample should not contain more than 1 coliforms /ml. A sample taken at any date from 1st May to October 31 St shall be regarded as satisfactory if the test fails to decolorize the methylene blue in 4.5 hours and a sample taken at any date from 1st November to 30th April shall be regarded as satisfactory if the test fails to decolourise the methylene blue in 5.5 hours.

2 Accredited milks:

The herd shall not at any time contain any animal, which to the knowledge of the producer had before its introduction to the herd been tested tuberculin and proved positive.


a) Tuberculin tested (pasteurized)

Sample of milk must satisfy the phosphatase test by giving a reading of 2-3 Lovibond blue units or less and fail to decolourise methylene blue in 30 minutes at any time prior to delivery to the consumer. The milk shall be labeled as ‘ Tuberculin tested (pasteurised).

b) Pasteurised:

Sample of milk must satisfy the phosphatase test by giving a reading of 2-3 Lovibond blue units or less and fail to decolourise methylene blue in 30 minutes at any time prior to delivery to the consumer. The milk shall be labeled as ‘pasteurised’. Milk should not be heat treated more than once.



The significance of milk in human nutrition is now well established as it is considered as the best, ideal and complete food for all age groups. However, inspite of being so, milk can also serve as a potential vehicle for transmission of some diseases under certain circumstances. Moreover, by virtue of possessing almost all the essential nutritional factors, milk can also serve as an excellent culture and protective medium for certain microorganisms, which may include potential pathogens capable of causing serious health problems to the consumers. In this way, milk may serve not only as a vehicle of transmission of disease causing organisms, but it can also allow these pathogens to grow multiply and produce certain toxic metabolites, thereby making itself an extremely vulnerable commodity from public health point of view.

A variety of pathogenic organisms may gain access into milk and milk products from different sources and cause different types of food-borne illnesses. Milk and milk products may carry organisms as such or their toxic metabolites (poisons) called ‘toxins’ to the sensitive consumers. Ingestion of toxins already synthesized in the food (i.e., pre-formed) brings about poisoning syndromes in the consumers. This is called ‘food intoxication’ and the toxins affecting the gastro-intestinal tract are called enterotoxins. On the other hand, the ingestion of viable pathogenic bacteria along with the food leads to their lodgement and establishment in consumer’s organs. This is termed as ‘food infection’. There are yet other types of organisms, which can infect intestine when ingested along with the food and produce toxins in situ to bring

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about symptoms of poisoning. This situation is called ‘toxi-infection’. These three categories are better covered by the term food-borne infections and intoxications. Apart from these food-borne illnesses, a number of other types of diseases whose aetiological agents may be bacteria, fungi, rickettsiae and viruses can also be spread through milk and milk products. Such food-borne illnesses and diseases and their respective causative agents have been listed in Table.

The microbiological health hazards arising from the consumption of contaminated high risk foods like milk has grown in recent years and has resulted in national and international intensification of food hygiene programs. Although the occurrence of incidences of food-borne illnesses has been considerably reduced in most of the developed countries chiefly due to adoption of strict microbiological quality control and sanitary practices during the production, processing and distribution of milk and milk products, the situation continues to be grim in developing countries like India where such practices are impractical. This coupled with heavy expansion of diary industry in the third world countries has actually increased such risk of milk-borne intoxications and other illnesses.

Common milk-borne infections, intoxications and toxi-infections

Sl. No. Type of milk borne disease Causative agent Disease/disorder A. Food infection Salmonella typhi and

related species Shigella dysenteriae Streptococcus sp. (eterococci)

Typhoid, Salmonellosis (food poisoning) Shigellosis (dysentery) Septic sore throat, Scarlet fever, food poisoning

B. Food intoxication: -Bacterial Staph. aureus Cl.botulinum

Food poisoning Botulism (food poisoning)

E.coli V.cholerae

Summer diarrhoea Cholera

-Fungal Aspergillus flavus Other toxigenic mold sp.

Aflatoxicosis Mycotoxicosis

C. Toxi-infection Bacillus cereus Clostridium perfringens

Food poisoning Gas gangrene

D. Other milk-borne disorders (uncertain pathogenesis)

Aeromonas sp. Proteus sp.

Food poisoning Food poisoning

Klebsiella sp. Pseudomonas sp. Citeobacter sp.

Food poisoning Food poisoning Food poisoning

E. New emerging pathogens Listeria monocytogenes Listeriosis Yersinia enterocolitica

Campylobacter jejuni Vibrio parahaemoyticus

Diarrhoeal diseases Diarrhoeal diseases Diarrhoeal diseases

F. Other milk-borne diseases: Bacterial Mycobacterium

tuberculosis Tuberculosis

Milk-Borne Diaseases-Infections, Intoxications and Toxi-infections

Brucella abortus Brucellosis Diphtheria

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Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Bacillus anthracis Anthrax Rickettsial Coxiella burnetti Q fever Viral Entero viruses Infectious

hepatitis virus Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus Foot and Mouth Disease virus (FMD-virus)

Enteric fever Infections hepatitis Tickborne Encephalitis Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)

The pathogenic organisms may be derived chiefly from: (1) dairy animals (2) human handlers, and (3) environment; (1) The health of dairy animals is a very important consideration because a number of diseases of cattle including Brucellosis, Q fever, Salmonellosis, Staphylococcal and Streptococcal infections and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) virus may be transmitted to man through the consumption of milk. The organisms of most of these diseases may be transmitted to milk either directly from the udder or indirectly through the infected body discharges, which may drop, splash or be blown into milk. (2) The diseased persons may transmit disease like typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, septic sore throat, and infantile diarrhoea by contaminated hands or by coughing, sneezing and talking. (3) Dairy and farm environment may also introduce a variety of pathogens into milk and milk products at different stages of production and processing. Some common air-borne pathogens include Group A streptococci, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Coxiella burnetti and some viruses of respiratory origin, Water, fodder and unhygienic conditions at farm and plant level may also contribute pathogens in milk.

Prevention of milk-borne diseases is one of the most important problems of public health. Success in controlling a disease can be maintained only by the constant vigilance over the health the cow udder until it reaches the mouth of the consumers.

a) Diseases of Animal Origin:

Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis):

Human beings are universally susceptible to infection with the bovine tubercle bacillus. Bovine TB is particularly common in children. It is most common pathogen present in raw milk. The milk from single infected cow might contaminate the entire milk supply by mixing. The bovine tubercle bacillus is chielfly responsible for the non-pulmonary type infection in man. Children become infected most commonly in the alimentary tract, cervical lymph glands, bones and skin. Organisms enter milk directly from udder or by from dung. Pasteurisation kills the pathogen.

Foot and Mouth Disease:

This virus produces gastero-intestinal disturbances on consumption of milk and products like cream, butter and cheese prepared from milk of infected animals. Children are more susceptible. The virus is present in the fluid of the vesicles and from this they gain entry into the

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saliva, faeces, urine and milk. Lesions also occur in the udder, milk ducts and secreting portions of the udder is also involved. Pasteurization is a simple method to destroy the virus.

Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis):

Anthrax disease has been reported in people following consumption of infected milk. Bacillus anthracis may be excreted in milk shortly before death of the animal. Samples of milk drawn from cows that died of Anthrax may shows numerous anthrax bacilli.


Rabies virus has been found to be excreted in the milk of infected animals, although spread of disease through milk is rare. It has been found that milk from rabid animals is avirulent and is not capable of producing the disease. It is also reported that there is no danger in the ingestion of infected milk unless there be any abrasions on the lips or along the alimentary tract. However milk from suspected cattle should not be used for human consumption. Pasteurization is effective in destroying the virus.

Cow Pox:

Cow Pox is transmissible from infected cows to the human especially to the young. In the case of adults the attack will be mild but in children can cause fever and malaise. Infection of milk is through the lesions on the udder. Pasteurization is effective in destroying the virus.

Undulant fever or Malta fever (Brucellosis):

Infection is primarily acquired from infected animals. The species involved are Br. melitensis, Br. abortus, and Br.suis. Man is infected directly by contact with the diseased animal or their tissue or discharges or through the consumption of raw milk and milk derivatives or diseased animal. The organisms get establised in the udder and multiply there and are excreted in the milk in large numbers. Br. abortus can also get into the milk from insanitary barns as the organism survives for long periods under a variety of conditions. The safest method of disease prevention is to discard the affected animals milk. Pasteurization is effective in destroying the microorganism.


The possibility of infection of human beings with Actinomycosis bovis is certainly remote though not impossible. The microorganisms if present in milk can affect the human body only by gaining entrance through raw wound, such as a new tooth cavity or intestinal ulcers etc. Milk should be discarded or atleast pasteurized.

Digestive disturbances

Food poisoning cases have been reported following consumption of milk from cows suffering from intestinal disorders, and which might have reached the milk through the faeces. Pasteurization is effective in destroying the concerned microorganisms.

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b) Human diseases transmitted through milk:

Cholera (Vibrio cholerae)

Outbreaks of this disease due to infected milk have been reported in India. The infection of milk may be through carriers or through infected water used for adulteration. Human carriers have been proved to be very potent source of infection of the milk. The causative microorganism Vibrio cholerae apparently is easily destroyed by acid development in milk and cream. Prevention consists of periodic medical inspection of all persons connected with farm operations and pasteurization of milk, as the organism is destroyed at 55ºC.

Typhoid or Enteric fever (Salmonella typhi)

Milk forms the chief source of infection, which occurs through infected persons (active cases) and carriers are potent sources. Use of contaminated water for washing the utensils is another source. Infection through flies is possible. Better water supplies largely eliminate the chances of typhoid organisms entering into milk through water. Elimination of human carriers is very important. Pasteurization kills the bacteria.

Paratyphoid (Salmonella paratyphi)

The spread of paratyphoid through milk and dairy products shows the same features as typhoid the sources of infection are the same as in typhoid. The paratyphoid bacilli are destroyed at a temperature of 59ºC for 10 min.

Diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae)

Milk borne epidemics have reported from lesions on the teats from which the organisms were isolated. However, the primary sources of the organism have been traced to either the milker or some farm worker. The organism produces an extra cellular toxin in the respiratory tract of man, which sometimes cause death. The animals got infected secondarily, and the human carrier is an important factor. Prevention consists of rigid medical inspection of all dairy workers and pasterurisation of milk.

Streptococcal infections:

Streptococcal infections like septic sore throat, scarlet fever, and food poisoning have been traced to the consumption of milk and its products. Few strains of group D streptococci or enterococci have been found to produce toxic metabolites in milk.

Streptococcus pyogenes: Scarlet fever, septic sore throat, tonsillitis, and septicemia.

ii) Streptococcus agalactiae: Mastitis in animals.

iii) Group D streptococci: Food poisoning

Scarlet fever is primarily a disease of man, but cows may be secondarily infected from human sources and pass on the disease through milk to man. Large number of streptococci shed from udder of single cow infected with this organism may contaminate a large bulk of milk. Pasteurization of milk is the only safeguard against this.

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2. Adequate heat treatment of milk and its products. 3. Holding of milk at low temperature. 4. Rejection of milk suspected milk quarters. 5. Regular check on the health of the dairy workers. 6. Faecal contamination of milk and its products should be avoided.

5. Bacillary Dysentery (shigellosis):

Shigellosis is one of the common food borne infections caused by Shigella dysenteriae. Milk borne outbreaks have been frequently recorded and unpasteurised milk appears to be commonly implicated in such outbreaks. Shigella multiplies readily in milk at a temperature of 15°C or above.

Milk may become infected by contamination with infected materials like utensils, water, flies, etc. Milk handlers (carriers) may also cause contamination.


Rigid sanitary discipline should be enforced among dairy workers particularly in pasteurisation plants and retail shops dispensing milk in bulk. All the sanitary attendants looking after patients should be prohibited from contact with milk or utensils. Flies should be controlled.

c) Others:


Listeriosis is a food-borne illness, the causative organism, Listeria monocytogenes is capable of growing over a wide range of temperatures from 1- 45°C. The pathogenicity is due to the production of extracellular haemolysin (alpha, beta) by this organism. Infected animals are the main sources of this organism. Handlers carrying the disease, unhygienic practices during production and processing, faecal contamination of milk and water, contaminated refrigerators,dish and clothes may also introduce the organism into milk. This organism appears to survive heat treatments like pasteurisation. The possible reason for the survival of this organism is the ingestion of these organisms by the leukocytes in milk, which may give some protection against heat treatment. Ingestion of L. monocytogenes through milk and milk products can cause listeriosis in man leading to the death of the consumer. The symptoms of listeriosis are acute meningitis with or without septicemia.


1. Strict hygienic practices should be followed during production and processing. 2. Prevention of source of infection. 3. Proper heat treatment of milk.

ii) Bacillus cereus poisoning.

B. cereus is one of the causative organisms for mastitis. The herd raw milk sometimes gets B. cereus from mastitic animals. The raw milk also gets spores from animal’s teats and

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skin, and the milking machine equipments, especially cans. Soil may introduce B. cereus directly or indirectly in milk and milk products.

Three types of toxins are elaborated by toxigenic strains of B.cereus in milk and milk products.

1. Haemolysin, 2. Lecithinase, 3. Enterotoxin.

Enterotoxin is responsible for food poisoning outbreaks, while lecithinase and haemolysin play important role in the pathogenesis of the organism.


1. Prompt cooling of milk/ product during storage. 2. General hygienic conditions should be maintained during production of milk and

marketing of dairy products.


Aflatoxicosis is common type of fungal intoxication caused by the common moulds Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus by virtue of their ability to produce aflatoxin. A. flavus can produce aflatoxin B1, , B2 and G1 ,G2 and types in milk and milk products. Upon ingestion, the Aspergillus toxins are metabolized by the milch animals and are secreted into the milk in the form of M1 and M 2, which are also toxic to the milk consumers. These toxins are extremely heat stable, potent and exhibit very strong toxicity apart from being highly carcinogenic.

Aerial contamination is one of the most important sources of mould spores. Soil and contaminated food may also introduce spores in milk and milk products. Poor storage conditions may flavour toxin production.


i) Prevent fungal contamination of milk and milk products as well as feed by taking appropriate precautions. ii) Prevent fungal growth by storing the products under proper conditions and by use of fungistatic agents. iii) Detoxification of aflatoxins by physical and chemical agents.


Bacteriophage is the term applied to bacterial viruses. Bacteriophage having the ability to lyse certain sensitive living cells. Phages are small particles, which can only be seen in the electron microscope after the application of suitable staining techniques. All phages have a head and most have a tail. The head may be isometric or prelate with a hexagonal outline.

There are two types of phages virulent and temperate which enter a different relationship with the host, the lytic and lysogenic cycles respectively.

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1. In the lytic cycle phage multiplication occurs in four main sequential steps. 2. Phage adsorption. 3. DNA injection 4. Phage multiplication and 5. Phage release.

The phage tail adsorb to the cell through special receptor on the bacterial cell, the base plate and the fibre if present are involved the attachment and phage DNA is injected through the tail channel. Ca 2+ ions are often involved in phage attachment to the host.

The phage DNA then takes over some cell function in order to synthesize new phages in an essentially parasitic relationship. Normal metabolism of the infected cell ceases as the host first replicates a phage DNA and then phage protein. This process called “maturation” ends with self-assembly of virion within the host cell. Initially heads form around the viral DNA followed by the attachment of tails. Finally the lytic cycle is completed when a lytic enzyme (lysine) encoded on viral DNA is produced, resulting in cell lysis and release of infective phage particles into the surrounding environment. Lysine released from infected cells can lyse non-infected cells. The time from initial adsorption to the release of phages is called the latent period. For lactococcal phages this period ranges from 10 to 140 minutes. The number of virulent particles released per infected cell is called the burst size. This ranges from less than 10 to more than 300 for lactococcal phages.


1. When a sensitive host is infected with temperate phage two responses occur. 2. The phage multiplies like a virulent phage and causes cell lysis or 3. In a small percentage of the infected cells, the phage either integrates into the host

chromosomes (prophage) or is maintained as plasmid in the cytoplasm. 4. In both the later cases, the phage replicates with the host cell and does not cause cell

lysis. Lysogenic cultures normally contain free phages without an effect on their growth or acid producing abilities, since prophase integration makes the other cells immune to this and closely related phage (lysogenic immunity). Lysogeny is wide spread in lactic acid bacteria.


The simultaneous presence of both free phages and bacterial cells is called pseudolysogeny or the carrier state. When the phage is not integrated into the host cell chromosome and when only some bacterial cells are infected, but the culture apparently grows without any problem

a. Infection of phage to host cell produce b. Retardation or slowness in acid production c. Slowness or retardation of flavour production d. Loss of production due to impaired starter culture metabolism.


Phage strains against lactic streptococci may be found in the atmosphere of cheese factories. Finely divided particles of whey emitted from the whey separators appeared to be the

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main vehicle for air-borne phage. Whey contaminated dust also play a part. Sources of considerable phage contamination were the culture utensils and equipments and milk supply. The major means by which phage enters the plant is in the raw milk, trucks and personnel entering the plant.


Two fundamental methods are used in the detection of phages, 1. The phage assay and 2. Inhibition of acid production.


It is evident that existence of bacteriophage is a recognized problem in the dairy industry and the following precautionary measures may be practiced.

1. The propagation of the starter cultures must be carried out employing aseptic techniques. 2. Heat treatment of bulk starter milk ensures the destruction of these viruses; it is vital that

the starter tank must be filed to its maximum to avoid prolonged heating to eliminate the phage in the air space.

3. Daily rotation of phage unrelated starter strains phage resistant strains must be used in the dairy.

4. Effective filtration of starter room and the production area. 5. The equipment must be properly sterilised 6. Location of starter room away from the production area and whey-handling department. 7. Ensure that plant personnel particularly those from the cheese room are not allowed into

the starter handling area. 8. Propagate starter in a phage inhibitory medium. This is the medium deficient in Ca ions,

to prevent phage adsorption. 9. Do not use starter culture sensitive to those phage categorized by having short latent

periods and large burst size. 10. ‘Fogging’ the air in the starter preparation area and cheese production, area with a

solution of hypochlorite or alternatively use of UV light can control phages 11. Development of phage resistant strains 12. Use of mixed strain starter cultures.



Normally raw milk contains different levels of inhibitory substances, which restrict the normal development of bacteria and some times may even kill them. The degree of inhibitory activity varies considerably in milks of different species, viz, cow, buffalo, human. Maximum activity present in human milk, variations occur in the milks of individual animals and some times even at different milking or from different quarters of the udder of the same animal.

There are two groups of antimicrobial substances present in milk, which are basically,

1. Inherent or naturally occurring substances in milk.

2. Non- inherent compounds secreted into milk from other sources.

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Naturally occurring antimicrobial substances in milk:

These compounds may be ‘Specific’ and ‘Non specific’ in conferring protection to the newborn (neonates).



These factors are responsible for the immunological protection of neonates. IgA is the chief immunoglobulin in milk and confers passive immunity. In human milk, the chief Ig is called secretory IgA (SIgA). It is present in colostrum in concentration up to 50mg/ml, which drops to 1mg/ml in mature milk.

Functions of SIgA.

1. Neutralizes toxins and viruses. 2. Inhibits bacterial adhesions. 3. Prevents absorption of food antigens. 4. Suppresses bacterial growth. 5. Aids in phagocytosis by bringing about attachment of bacteria to macrophages. 6. In human milk, anti ‘E.coli IgA’ has been identified which is active against infantile

diarrhoea. 7. They are associated with bactericidal property of milk. This complement act by causing

lysis of potentially pathogenic microorganisms.


Viable leucocytes are present at a concentration of 2x10 6 cell /ml in human colostrum, which gets reduced to 2% of this value in mature milk. About 80% of the cells in colostrum are macrophages, which are associated with phagocytosis.


Human milk contains ‘Bifidus factor’ responsible for the domination of a bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum

i) In breast- fed infants, mother’s milk containing bifidus factor leads to the dominance of this organism, this inturn has three beneficial effects.

a. Inhibition of enteropathogenic strains of E.coli, Shigella and other pathogens due to production of lactic and acetic acid.

b. Acidic pH in the stools, which is necessary for the absorption of Ca, Fe, and P.

c. Synthesis of vitamin B- complex that helps in infant growth.

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ii) In infants receiving baby foods- the following adverse effects such as

a. Over growth of E.coli in the intestine

b. Increase in pH of the stools due to over growth of E.coli.

iii) Decrease in the synthesis of vitamin B12.

In such cases Bacteroides conjugate with bile salts in the intestine and reduce their function in fat absorption, can result.



Consists of Lactinin 1 and Lactinin 2. The concentration of lactenin fractions varies. The bovine colostrum is rich in L1 and normal milk contains higher quantities of L2 fraction. Recently, a third fraction L3 has also been detected in raw milk. This differs from L1 and L2 on the basis of its source and inhibitory action. It is prove that these two components when interact are more bactericidal than either one of them alone. Lactenin is mostly active against Streptococcus pyogenes.


Lysozyme is present in different amounts in different species of animals. The average lysozyme content of human milk (30 mg/100ml.) is 3000 times more than that of bovine milk. Breast fed infants have greater resistance to enteric infection than those fed on artificial foods, and lysozyme is possibly associated with the mechanism of natural immunity and local resistance. Most of the gram-negative bacteria are very sensitive to the lytic action of lysozyme due the hydrolysis of beta 1, 4- glycosidic linkage of the peptidoglycan component of their cell wall. However, Gram-negative bacteria are normally lysozyme resistant.


Lactoferrin is one of the important antimicrobial substances in milk. Human milk has a higher amount of this protein than cow or buffalo milk. The concentration of lactoferrin in human and buffalo colostrum is very high (1.2g/100 ml and 100mg. /100ml respectively) and falls during lactation to 160-mg/100ml and 50mg/100 ml, respectively in mature milk. One to 4 % of the lactoferrin in human milk is saturated with iron. It is mainly a whey protein 70% found in whey where as 30% bound in casein and fat. The inhibitory effect of lactoferrin is based on its ability to squeeze iron out from the medium, thereby making it unavailable to the bacteria, which compete with the lactoferrin for the limited amount of iron as an essential growth factor. It has antibacterial property against organism like Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albus, Pseudomonas. aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Bacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis. Apo lactoferrin (iron free lactoferrin) at 0.02mg/ml concentration in milk inhibits growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and E coli.


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Lactoperoxidase is present in cow milk in considerable amount (30μg/ml) but is absent in human milk. This enzyme has been found to be identical with L2 fraction of Lactenin. In bovine (raw) milk, the inhibitory action of this enzyme is due to formation of an antimicrobial system called Lactoperoxidase/ Thiocyanate/Hydrogen peroxide system or LP- system under normal conditions. The concentration of thiocyanate component of milk is governed by nutrition of the cow. The third component viz. hydrogen peroxide can be contributed by either the polymorphnuclear leukocytes (PMN) or by hydrogen peroxide producing udder flora. (e.g. Streptococci). The LP system is bactericidal to the growth of group B and group N (lactic) streptococci whereas bactericidal to group A Streptococci, E.coli, Salmonella typhimurium etc. It protects calf against enteritis problem and may have some role in providing defense mechanism to mammary gland against infections. LP system is used as methods of preservation of raw milk (cold sterilization) By this method; there is no inactivation of antimicrobial substances and other heat labile constituents of milk.


There are certain proteins present in milk of some species, which bind some essential vitamins firmly, thereby, making bacteria (which are fastidious for such vitamins) starved. These proteins particularly bind with vitamin B12 and folate in milk. In milk of both cow and human the binding capacity of folate binding proteins are far in excess of the natural folate content.


Medium chain saturated fatty acids (C8: 0 to C12: 0) especially actanoic and deconic acids. Some unsaturated fatty acids (C18: 1 and C18: 2) are more active against Gram-positive organisms (virtual absence of living organism in the stomach of rabbits is attributed to the action of decanoic and octanoic acids released from milk). These acids are inhibitory to lactobacilli and lactic streptococci.


About 23 enzymes have been identified in milk and in general, their activity is higher in human milk than in cow milk.


These are antibiotics, sanitizers and other chemicals substances used at some stage in dairy industry, which may gains, access into milk and exert anti microbial effect.


Normal raw milk contains certain antimicrobial substances like lactenin, lactoperoxidase system etc. which prevent the development of microorganism.

Quaternary Ammonium Compounds

QACs are used in dairy industry in combination as detergent sanitizers for farm use and as bactericidal agent on previously cleaned equipments. These compounds are also used for controlling mould development and walls of cold storage room at concentration of 200-500 ppm e.g. Alkyl dimethyll benzylammonium chlodride. QACs / quarts have bactericidal activity at relatively high concentrations and bacteriostatic ability at low concentration. Quarts may find their way to milk accidentally when residue of germicidal rinses containing them gain entry to

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milk by the result of incomplete drainage /incorrect positioning of valves in tank outlets/pipelines. Important produces trouble at 5 ppm concentration. Salt

NaCl seems to influence microbial growth in a specific chemical manner in addition to its effect upon osmotic pressure and the availability of water. Many bacteria are capable of producing proteolytic and lipolytic effect on butter are sensitive to moderate salt concentration. Fatty Acids

Fatty acids such as oleic acids in the salt or ester form are stimulatory to certain bacteria such as lactic streptococci, and lactobacilli. Lower fatty acids are inhibitory to the above bacteria. Pseudomonas microorganisms are able to split fatty acids and reduce the effective concentration. e.g. Penicillium roqueforti. Miscellaneous agents. Light: certain wavelength of UV light will kill many types of microorganism. Propionates: its calcium and sodium salts are inhibitory to moulds. Sorbic acid at the concentration of 0.05% has got fungistatic ability