dsp blackrock us flexible equity fund - nfo application from with kim form

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  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    Off er for Units of Rs. 10 Per Unit for cash dur ing the New fund Off er Period and at NAV based pr ices upon r e-opening

    New Fund Off er Opens on: July 17, 2012New Fund Off er Closes on: July 31, 2012

    Scheme Re-opens for continuous sale and repurchase: Within ve Business Days from the date of allotment

    l Name of the AMC : DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. l Name of the Mutual Fund : DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund

    vestment Objective The primary investment object ive of t he Scheme is to seek capi tal appreciat ion by invest ing predominant ly in uni t sBlackRock Global Funds US Flexible Equity Fund (BGF - USFEF). The Scheme may, at the discretion of the InvestmeManager, also invest in the units of other similar overseas mutual fund schemes, which may constitute a signicant pa

    of it s corpus. The Scheme may also invest a certain por ti on of i t s corpus in money market securit ies and/ or monmarket / l iquid schemes of DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund, in order t o meet l iquidi ty r equirements f rom t ime t o t imHowever, there is no assurance that the investment object ive of the Scheme wi l l be real ized.

    It shall be noted similar overseas mutual fund schemes shall have investment objective, investment strategy and risprole/consideration similar to those of BGF USFEF.

    The term Flexible in the name of the Scheme signies that the Investment Manager of the Underlying Fund can inve

    ei ther in growth or value investm ent characterist ic securi t ies placing an emphasis as the market out look warr ants.

    set Allocation Patt ern of theheme

    Types of Instruments Normal Allocation (%of Net Assets)

    Minimum Maximum

    1. Units of BGF USFEF# or other similar overseas mutual fund

    scheme(s)95% 100%

    2. Money market securi t ies and/ or uni ts of money market / liquid schemes of DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund

    0% 5%

    #in the shares of BGF USFEF, an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) III fund.

    vestment Strategy Of the Scheme The scheme will invest predominantly in units of BGF USFEF. The Scheme may, at the discretion of the InvestmenManager, also invest in the units of other similar overseas mutual fund schemes, which may constitute a signica

    part of i t s corpus. The Scheme may also invest a certain port ion of i t s corpus in money market securi t ies and/ or monmarket / l iquid schemes of DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund, in order to m eet l iquidi ty r equirements f rom t ime t o t im e.

    sk Prole Of the Scheme Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of principal. Scheme specic risk factors asummarized below :

    1. Risks associated with underlying schemes: Special risk considerations relating to BGF USEF, viz. (a) Emerging markets (b) Sovereign debt (c) Restriction

    foreign investment (d) Smaller capital ization companies and (e) Derivative risk

    Liquidi ty r isk on account of investm ent in int ernat ional funds Expense risk on account of investm ent in int ernat ional funds Country risk

    Currency risk

    Investment pol icy and/ or fundamental at t r ibute change risks associated wi t h investm ents in internat ional f unds Portfol io disclosure risk associated with investments in international funds Credit risk & Market risk

    Term Struct ure of Inter est rat e (TSIR) risk Risks associated wi th m id-cap and small-cap com panies Risks associated wi th US equit y market s

    2. Risks associated with overseas investments3. Risks associated with investment in debt and money market instrument4. Risk associat ed wit h tr ansacti on in Units th rough st ock exchange mechanism5. Risks associated with trading in derivativesPlease read the SID carefully for details on risk factors before investment.

    An Open Ended Fund Of Funds Scheme Investing In a US Equity Fund

    s Key Informat ion Memorandum (KIM) sets forth t he informat ion, which a prospect ive investor ought to know before invest ing. For furt her detai ls of teme/Mutual Fund, due diligence certicate by the AMC, Key Personnel, investors rights & services, risk factors, penalties & pending litigations etc. investould, before investment, refer to the Scheme Information Document and Statement of Additional Information available free of cost at any of the Investvice Centres or distributors or from the website.

    e Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with Securit ies and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, as amended ti l l da led with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The units being offered for public subscription have not been approved or disapproved by SEBI, nSEBI certied the accuracy or adequacy of this KIM.

    (*The term Flexible in the name of the Scheme signies that the Investment Manager of the Underlying Fund can invest either in growth

    or value investment characteristic securit ies placing an emphasis as the market outlook warrants.)

    DSP BlackRock US flexible* equity fund


  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    k Management Strategies Risks associated with underlying funds/overseas investments

    Credit Risk & Market Risk associated with Fixed Income securities will be managed by making investments fcash management purposes, in very short duration xed income securities (including Collateralised Borrowing

    Lending Obligation, also known as CBLO), which have high credit quality and are preferably rated P1+ or equivale

    by rating agencies like CRISIL, ICRA or Fitch. Term Structure of Interest Rates (TSIR) Risk will be managed by making investments for cash manageme

    purposes, in very short duration xed income securities (including Collateralised Borrowing & Lending Obligatio

    also known as CBLO), which have low probability of negative returns on account of increase in interest rates.

    Liquidity Risk on account of investments in international funds: The investments are made in internat ionfunds, w hich provide dai ly l iquidi t y. However t here exists a possibi l i t y that di f fer ent set t lement cycles and foreigexchange conversion could leads to delay in receipt of redemption proceeds. To mitigate this risk, daily casmanagement monitoring is performed by the risk management team by taking into consideration future cash ow

    on account of r edempt ions as wel l as subscript ions into/ f rom the domest ic f und. The endeavor is to mainta

    an adequate l iquidity cushion in Indian Rupee terms by making investments in very short term money markeinstr uments and/ or l iquid schemes in India.

    Expense Risks associated with investments in international funds: Any increase in the expense structure of thint ernat ional funds is not expect ed to have any impact as th e aggregate of expenses incurr ed by the Indian Fund-oFunds scheme and the underlying international funds is subject to l imits prescribed by SEBI.

    Portfolio Disclosure Risks associated with investments in international funds: Although full portfolio disclosurenot availabl e at t he end of each mont h, t op ten hold ings as well as sector holdings are made available at t he end each month for t he internat i onal fund. Ful l port f ol io holdings can be obtained f rom underlying internat ional funwit h a three month lag i .e. March port f ol io can be obtained at t he end of June.

    Investment Policy and/or fundamental attribute change risks associated with investments in international fundInvestment s are made in such internat ional funds, w hich have simi lar i nvestm ent obj ect ives to t he domest ic funin India. However t here exists possibi l i ty that there is a change in t he fundamental at t r ibutes of t he internat ionfund. In such circumstances, the Investment Manager wil l seek to invest in other international funds, which havthe same investment object ive as the domest ic f und.

    Special Risk Considerations related to International Fund: To t he ext ent of th e investm ents in BGF-USFEF, the risof BGF-USFEF wil l exist. The investors should note that these risks cannot be defeased as this is an internationfund managed by BlackRock. However, as part of our due dil igence, we have chosen the fund, which has long terperformance t rack record, stabi l i ty of fund management team and is accredi ted by thi rd party funds evaluators l ikS&P, Morningstar and Crosby Forsyth.

    Risks associated with investment in debt and money market instruments

    Market Liquidity Risk and Liquidity Risk on account of unlisted securities: The l iquidi ty r isk wi l l be managed anor sought to be addressed by creating a portfol io which has adequate access to l iquidity. The Investment Managewill select xed income securities, which have or are expected to have high secondary market liquidity. There

    good secondary market liquidity in government securities. As far as other long dated xed income securities ar

    concerned, the endeavour wil l be to invest in high quality names example bonds issued by public sector entit ieMarket Liquidity Risk will be managed actively within the portfolio liquidity limits. The rst access to liquidi

    is through cash and xed income securities. The investment in unlisted securities will be minimal and regular

    monitored by t he risk management t eam. Credit Risk & Market Risk: Credit Risk & Market Risk associated with xed income securities will be managed b

    making investments in securities issued by borrowers, which have a very good credit prole. The risk manageme

    team assigns l imi ts for each of the issuer (other than government of India); these l imi ts are for the amount well as maximum permissible tenor for each issuer. The credit process ensures that issuer level review is done aincept ion as well as periodicall y by taking into considerati on the balance sheet and operating strength of t he issue

    Term Structure of Interest Rates (TSIR) Risk: The Investment Manager wil l endeavour to actively manage thduration based on the ensuing market condit ions.

    Credit Rating Risk: As the endeavour is to invest in high grade/quality securities, which are preferably rated AA+ equivalent by rat ing agencies, the pr obabi l i ty of rat ing downgrade is low. The due di l igence perfor med by t he rimanagement team before assigning credit limits should mitigate company-specic issues.

    Re-investment Risk: Re-investment Risk is prevalent for xed income securities but as these are all long duratioschemes, the primary risk is on account of interest rate risk. The Investment Manager wil l endeavour that besidthe t act ical and/ or st rategic interest r ate cal ls, t he port fol io is ful ly invested.

    Risks Associated With Derivatives: The credit risk associated with equity derivatives is defeased as only exchangtr aded equi ty derivat ives are permit ted. On the performance, port fol io and regulatory l imi t s, t here is an establ ish

    daily monitoring process. As limits could be breached because of changes in the open interest, which is a function omarket-wide activity and not specic to the Scheme and are not in control, there are hard and soft limits. Any brea

    beyond the soft limit is immediately rectied and brought within the limit specied.

    ptions Growth Dividend (Payout Dividend & Reinvest Dividend)

    Note: in case the dividend dist r ibut ed (net of tax deducted at source, wherever appl icable) is for an amount equal or less than Rs. 250/ - , t he dividend, instead of being paid out t o the Uni t holder w i l l be r einvested.

    nimum Application Amount/mber of Unit s

    Purchase (First Purchase during NFO & Continuous Offer) Additional Purchase(Subsequent Purchase)


    Rs. 5, 000 and mul t iples of Re. 1/ - t hereaf ter Rs. 1, 000/ - and mul t iples ofRe. 1 / - t hereaf ter

    Rs. 500/ -

    nimum installment for SIP Rs. 500/ -

    nimum installment for SWP/STPpplicable only during Continuous


    Rs. 500/ -

    SWP and STP facil i t i es are not available f or t ransactions carried out thr ough the stock exchange mechanism.

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    nchmark Index Russell 1000 Index

    The Russell 1000 Index measures the performance of the large-cap segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includeapproximately 1,000 of the largest securi t ies based on a combinat ion of their market cap and current index m embershiThe Russell 1000 repr esents approxi mat ely 92%of the U. S. m arket . The Russell 1000 Index is constr ucted t o providecomprehensive and unbiased baromet er f or t he large-cap segment and is completely reconst i t uted annual ly t o ensunew and growing equities are reected. (Source: Russell).

    The investm ent uni verse and benchmark of t he underlyi ng fund is the Russell 1000 Index which compr ises of t he large1000 companies by market capitalisation in the US equity segment. While these companies are classied as large-ca

    by Russell, these could be classied as mid-cap or small-cap by other index providers and/or market participants.

    Composition of Russell 1000 Index (as of May 31, 2012)

    vidend Policy The Trustee intends to declare annual dividend comprising substantial ly of net income and net capital gains. ThTrustee, in i ts sole discret ion, may also declare interim dividends. I t should be noted that actual dist r ibut ion odividends and the f requency of dist r ibut ion indicated above are provisional and wi l l be ent i r ely at t he discret ion the Trustee.

    me of the Fund Manager Mr. Mehul Jani and Mr. Laukik Bagwe

    me of the Trustee Company DSP BlackRock Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd.rformance of the Scheme This being a new scheme, there is no performance t r ack record.

    penses of the SchemeLoad Structure Entry Load NIL

    Exit Load (As a % of Applicable NAV) Holding period f rom date of al lotm ent:< 12 mont hs: 1.00%;>= 12 months: Nil

    Recurring Expensesthe average weekly net assets)

    Total expense charged by the Scheme along with the expenses of the underlying scheme shall not exceed 2.50%of thdaily aver age net assets.

    In accordance with Regulation 52 (2) (6) (a) (i i) of SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulation, 1996, the total expenses of thScheme incl uding t he management fees shall consist of :

    (A) management fees for the Scheme not exceeding 0.75% of the daily average net assets;

    (B) other expenses relating to administration of the Scheme; and(C) Charges levied by the underlying scheme

    Provided that the sum total of (A), (B) and the weighted average of the total expense ratio of the underlying schem

    shall not exceed 2.50%of the daily average net assets of the Scheme.

    x Treatment for the investorsnit Holders)

    Investors are advised to refer to the details in the SAI. In view of the individual nature of tax benets, each investor

    also advised to consult his or her own tax consultant with respect to the specic tax implications arising out of his o

    her part icipat ion in t he Scheme.

    plicable NAV (after the Schemeopens for sale and repurchase)

    (i) For Purchase and Switch-in:Where the application is received on any Business Day at the ofcial points of acceptance of transaction along with

    local cheque or a demand draf t payable at par at the place of submission of t he appl icat ion: Upto 3.00 p.m. NAV of the same day

    After 3.00 p.m. NAV of the next Business Day

    (ii) For Redemption/Switch-out:

    Where the application is received on any Business Day at the ofcial points of acceptance of transactions: Upto 3.00 p.m. NAV of the same day

    After 3.00 p.m. NAV of the next Business Day

    With respect to investors who transact through the stock exchange, Applicable NAV shall be reckoned on the basis o

    the time stamping as evidenced by conrmation slip given by the stock exchange mechanism.

    spatch of Repurchaseedemption) Proceeds

    Within 10 wor king days of t he acceptance of t he redemp ti on request at any of t he author ised centres of DSP BlackRoMutual Fund.

    ting The Units are not pr oposed to be l i sted on any stock exchange. The Unit s wil l however, be available for pur chase/ sathrough the stock exchange mechanism. Please refer to instructions for details on Trading in Units through StocExchange mechani sm.

    t Asset Value (NAV) Publication NAV will be declared on all Business Days and will be made available by 10 a.m. of the immediately succeeding BusineDay. NAV will be published in two newspapers and can also be viewed on www.dspblackrock.com and www.amindi

    com. You can also call us at 1800-200-4499.

    Market Capitalisation (US$ billion) Number of Securit ies %Weight

    > 50 54 45. 91

    25 50 63 14.87

    10 25 182 19. 83

    5 10 206 10. 00

    2 5 361 8. 03

    < 2 110 0. 94

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    r Investor Grievances,ease cont act

    Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd., Rayala Towers, Tower I, 3rd Floor, 158, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002. T

    : 044-2852 1596/ 0516, Fax : 044 -4203 2952, Email id : [email protected] OR DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund, Natr aOfce Premises No. 302, 3rd Floor, M V Road Junction. W. E. Highway, Andheri - East, Mumbai 400069 OR Mafat

    Centre, 10th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021. Email ID: [email protected]. For any grievances wi

    respect t o t ransact ions through the stock exchange mechanism, Uni t holders must approach ei t her t heir stock brokor the investor grievance cell of the respective stock exchange.

    it Holders Information Account Statements/Allotment Conrmation:

    Allotment conrmation specifying the number of Units allotted shall be sent to the Unit holders at their register

    e-mail address and/ or mobi le numb er by way of email and/ or SMS wit hin 5 Business Days fr om t he close of the NeFund Offer (NFO) Period.

    Consolidated account statement (CAS)^ shall be sent for each calendar month within 10th day of the succeedi

    mont h to t he investors in whose folios transactions have taken pl ace during that mont h. Transactions for t he purpo

    of CAS include purchase, redemption, switch, dividend payout, dividend reinvestment, SIP, SWP, STP and bont r ansact ions wi th r espect t o Uni ts held in physical f orm. The stat ement sent wi t hin the t ime f r ame ment ioned above is provisional and is subject to r eal isat ion of payme

    instrument and/or verication of documents, including the application form, by the Registrar/AMC.

    A consolidated account statement shall be sent every half yearly (September/ March), on or before 10th day

    succeeding month, detai l ing holding at t he end of the six mont h, t o al l such investors in w hose fol ios there habeen no t ransact ions during that period.

    For Unit Holders who have provided an e-mail address, the AMC will send the account statement by e-mail.

    The Unit Holder may request for a physical account statement by writing to/calling the AMC/Registrar.

    Despatch of account statem ents to NRIs/ FIIs wil l be subj ect t o RBI approval, i f requi red. Where investor desires to hold Uni ts in dematerial ized form , demat stat ement shal l be provided by t he Deposi to

    Participant in such form and in such manner and at such time as provided in the agreement with the benec


    ^Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) shall contain details relating to all the transactions carried out by the invest

    across al l schemes of al l mutual funds during the month and holding at t he end of the m onth including t ransact i

    charges paid t o the di st r ibutor wi t h respect to Uni ts held in physical f orm.

    For the purpose of CAS, common investors across mutual funds shall be identied on the basis of PAN. Accordinglinvestors whose folio(s) are not updated with PAN shall not receive CAS. Investors are therefore requested to ensu

    that their folio(s) are updated with PAN. Further, such consolidation shall be based on the common sequence/order

    investors in various fol i os across mut ual f unds.

    Unit holders are requested to note that for folios which are not included in the CAS, AMC shall henceforth issue month

    account statement to the unit holders, pursuant to any nancial transaction done in such folios; the monthly stateme

    wil l be send on or before tent h day of succeeding month. Such stat ement s shall be sent in physical i f no email idprovided in the fol io.

    In case of a specic request received from the unit holders, the AMC shall provide the account statement to the un

    holders within 5 business days from the receipt of such request.

    For more det ails, please refer the SID.

    Half yearly port folio di sclosure: Ful l port fol io in t he prescribed f ormat shal l be disclosed ei ther by publ ishing i t in onational English daily newspaper circulating in the whole of India and in a newspaper published in the language of thregion where the Head ofce of the Mutual Fund is situated or by sending it to the Unit Holders within one month fro

    the end of each half-year, that is as on March 31 and September 30. It shall also be displayed on www.dspblackroccom.

    Annual Financial results: The annual report of the Schemes or the Annual Report or an abridged summary thereof, wbe sent to all Unit Holders not later than four months from the date of the closure of the relevant nancial year i.

    March 31 each year (i) by em ail only t o all Unit hol ders whose e-mail addresses are available w it h the Mutual Fund a(i i ) in physical for m t o the Uni t holders whose e-mai l addresses are not avai lable wi t h t he Mutual Fund and/ or t o thoUni t holders who have opted/ requested f or the same.

    Whenever the report is sent in a the abridged form, the ful l annual report wi l l be avai lable for inspect ion at tregistered ofce of the Trustee and a copy made available on request to the Unit Holders. The Annual Report sha

    also be displayed on www.dspblackrock.com, a l ink t o which is displayed prominent ly on the homepage of the MutuFunds websit e.

    Investors are requested to register their email addresses with the Mutual Fund.

    spension of Subscription/Switchest he Scheme and ter mination of

    P/STP under special circumstances

    The AMC/Trustee reserves the right to temporarily suspend subscriptions in/switches into the Scheme, or terminate t

    SIP/ STP int o the Scheme, if the l im it s prescribed by SEBI for overseas investment s by the Mutual Fund are exceedeexpect ed t o be exceeded. The present l imit al lowed by SEBI for overseas investment s is US$ 600 mn for al l schemes the Mutual Fund put together.

    e: June 28, 2012

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form



    DSP BlackRock USFlexible Equity Fund

    DSP BlackRock WorldGold Fund

    DSP BlackRock WorldEnergy Fund

    DSP BlackRock WorldMining Fund

    DSP BlackRock WorldAgri cultur e Fund

    vestment Objective The primary investmentobjective of theScheme is to seekcapit al appreciati on byinvesting predominantlyin units of BGF USFEF.The Scheme may, atthe discreti on of the

    Investment Manager,also invest in theunits of other similaroverseas mutual fundschemes, whi ch mayconstitute a signicantpart of it s corpus.

    The primary object iveis to seek capitalappreciat ion by invest ingpredominant ly in uni t s ofBlackRock Global Funds World Gold Fund (BGF

    WGF). The Scheme m ay,at the discret ion of the

    Investment Manager,also invest in the uni tsof other similar overseasmutual fund schemes,which may const i t utea signicant part of its


    the prim ary investmentobject ive of t he Schemeis to seek capitalappreciat ion by invest ingpredominant ly in theunit s of BlackRock GlobalFunds World Energy

    Fund (BGF WEF) and

    BlackRock Global Funds New Energy Fund (BGF NEF). The Scheme may,

    at t he discret ion of t heInvestment Manager,also invest in t he uni tsof other similar overseasmutual fund schemes,which may const i t utea signicant part of its


    The primary investmentobject ive of t he Schemeis to seek capitalappreciat ion by invest ingpredominant ly in theunit s of BlackRock GlobalFunds World Mining

    Fund (BGF WMF).

    The Scheme may, atthe discret ion of t heInvestment Manager,also invest in the uni tsof other similar overseasmutual fund schemes,which may const i t utea signicant part of its


    The primary i nvestm enobject ive of t he Schemis to seek capitalappreciat ion by invest ipredominant ly in uni t sBlackRock Global FundsWorld Agriculture Fund

    (BGF - WAF). The Schem

    may, at the discret ion o

    set Allocati onttern

    1. Units of BGF USFEF or other similaroverseas mutual fundscheme(s): 95%to 100%2. Money marketsecurities and/or unitsof money market/liquid schemes of DSPBlackRock Mutual Fund:0%to 5%

    Units of BGF WGF or

    other similar overseasmutual fund scheme(s):90%t o 100%; Moneymarket securi t ies and/ oruni ts of money market / liquid schemes of DSPBlackRock Mutual Fund:0%t o 10%.

    Units of BGF WEF

    or other similar overseasmutual fund scheme(s):50%to 100%2.Uni tsof BGF NEF or other

    simil ar overseas mut ualfund scheme(s): 0%to30%3. Money marketsecuri t ies and/ or uni tsof money market / liquid schemes of DSPBlackRock MutualFund: 0%to 20%

    Units of BGF WMF or

    other similar overseasmutual fund scheme(s):80%t o 100%; Moneymarket securi t ies and/ oruni ts of money market / liquid schemes of DSPBlackRock Mutual Fund:0%t o 20%.

    1. Units of BGF WAF o

    other similar overseasmutual fund scheme(s)95%to 100%2. Money marketsecuri t ies and/ or uni ts moneymarket / l iquid schemesof DSP BlackRock MutuaFund: 0%t o 5%

    jor Theme US corporate growthstory

    Overseas Gold miningcompanies

    Overseas Oil & Energy

    companiesOverseas Mini ngcompanies

    Overseas Agricultural


    vestment objectiveunderl ying fund(s)

    BGF - USFEF seeksto maximize totalreturn. The Fundinvests at least 70% ofit s total assets in t heequity securities ofcompanies domiciledin, or exercising thepredominant part oftheir economic activityin, the US. The Fundnormally invests insecurities that, inthe opinion of t heInvestment Adviser,exhibit either growthor value investmentcharacteristics,placing an emphasis

    as the market outlookwarrants.

    BGF WGF seeks to

    maximize to t a l re turnby investing mostly inequity securit ies ofcompanies worldwidewhose main businessact ivi ty is gold mining.It m ay also invest inthe equi ty securi t iesof com panies whosepredominant act ivi ty isother pr ecious metal ormineral and base metalor mineral mining. BGF WGF does not hold

    physical gold or metal.

    BGF NEF seeks to

    maximise total returnby investing mostly inthe equi ty securi t iesof com panies whosepredominant economicact ivi ty is in theal ternat ive energyand energy technologysectors with emphasisgiven t o renewableenergy, automot iveand on-site powergenerat ion, energystorage and enablingenergy t echnologies. BGF WEF seeks to maximise

    tot al return by invest ingmost ly in t he equi ty

    securit ies of companieswhose predominanteconomic act ivi t y isin the explorat ion,development, product ionand dist r i but ion ofenergy, and addi t i onally,in companies seeking t odevelop and exploi t newenergy technologies.

    BGF WMF seeks to

    maximize to t a l re turnby investing mostly inthe equi ty securi t iesof mining and metalscompanies w hosepredominant economicact ivi ty is the product ionof base met als andindustrial minerals suchas iron or e and coal. Thefund may also holdthe equi ty securi t iesof com panies whosepredominant economicact ivi ty is in gold orother pr ecious metal ormineral mining. The funddoes not hold physical

    gold or metal .

    BGF - WAF seeks to

    maximize total return.The fund invests globaat least 70% of its totalassets in the equitysecuri t ies of agricul turcompanies. Agricultura

    companies are t hosewhich are engaged inagricul tur e, agricul turachemicals, equipmentand infrastr ucture,agricul tural commodit iand food, bio-fuels, crosciences, farm land andforestry.

    nchmark Index Russell 1000 Index FTSE Gold Mines (cap) MSCI World Energy (net) HSBC Global Mining Index DAX Global AgribusinesIndex

    tal number of folioss on May 31, 2012)

    N.A 78,400 9,497 7,630 2,240

    M (Rs. Crore)(as on

    y 31, 2012)

    N.A 794.96 154.89 77.19 40.86

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form



  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    Please fill only in the space prov ided. Any additional details/notings/instructions or those provided at a non designated area of the form may not be executed.Kindly strike off the unused Sections of the Form to avoid misuse. Please use separate Transaction Form for each Transaction and for each Scheme / Plan.

    Please read instructions before filling this Form

    Application No.:

    Distributor Name and ARN Sub Broker Code For Office use onlyBranch / RM Code


    Amount in Figures Amount in Words


    OR (Please note that the Switch can be done either in Amount or in Units and not in both)

    Switch-In To Scheme

    Units in Figures Units in Words

    Name of Sole / First UnitholderExisting Investor Folio No.

    Additional Purchase (Cheque/DD to be drawn in favour of Name of the Scheme)

    Payment Mode: Cheque DD RTGS NEFT Funds transfer

    Amount in Words

    DD Charges (ii).

    Amount in Figures ` (i).

    Total Amount ` (i) + (ii)

    Cheque DD/RTGS/NEFT/ No.

    Cheque / Payment Date

    Payment from Bank A/c No. Pay In A/c No. (Mandatory)

    Cheque / DD Drawn on / Payment from Bank & Branch

    Documents Attached to avoid Third Party Payment Rejection, where applicable: Bank Certificate, for DD Third Party Declarations

    Account Type Savings Current NRE NRO FCNR

    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Scheme Name / Plan / Option^ / Sub Option^ (^Default Option may be applied in case of no information, ambiguity or discrepancy.)

    DSP BlackRock US Flexible* Equity Fund Growth Option (Default) Dividend Payout Dividend Reinvest


    Sole / First Applicant / Guardian

    KYC Letter Attached KYC Letter AttachedKYC Letter Attached

    Second / First Applicant / Guardian Third / First Applicant / Guardian


    Having read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document and Statement of Additional Information, Key Information Memorandum and allInstructions and Addenda issued from time to time of the respective Scheme(s), I / We, hereby apply to the Trustee of DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund for Units of therelevant Scheme and agree to abide by the terms and conditions, rules and regulations of the Scheme. I / We have neither received nor been induced by any rebate orgifts, directly or indirectly in making this investment. The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode),payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.Applicable to NRIs only: I/We confirm that I am/We are Non-Resident(s) of Indian Nationality / Origin and I/We hereby confirm that the funds for subscription have been remitted from abroadthrough normal banking channels or from funds in my / our Non-Resident External / Ordinary Account/FCNR Account(s).

    Second Holder Third HolderSole / First Holder


    Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered distributors based on the investors assessment of various factors including the servicerendered by the distributor. Transaction charges may apply depending on investment amount and opt-in/opt-out status of the distributor.

    Switch-OUT Scheme: From

    DSP BlackRock US Flexible* Equity Fund Growth Option (Default) Dividend Payout Dividend Reinvest



    Folio No.:

    Acknowledgement is subject to verification. Request may not be processed in case of incomplete/ ambigious/ improper/ incorrect details in the Form.



    An Open Ended Fund Of Funds SchemeInvesting In U.S Equity Fund

    NFO Opens on: July 17, 2012NFO Closes on: July 31, 2012


    Purchase Cheque No. Switch

    Application No.


  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    Distributor Name and ARN Sub Broker Code For Office use only

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP (To be filled in by the investor)

    Application No.



    Name of Second Applicant (Should match with PAN Card) Title Mr. Ms. M/s

    Name of Third Applicant(Should match with PAN Card)


    Name of First Applicant(Should match with PAN Card) Title Mr. Ms. M/s

    Name of Guardian if minor / Contact Person for non-individuals / PoA Holder name:

    Correspondence Address

    City StatePin Code


    Gender Male Female


    PAN (2nd applicant )

    PAN (3rd applicant )

    Received, subject to realisation, verification and conditions, an application for purchase of Units as mentioned in the application form.

    PoA PAN^

    Mode of Holding (Please tick ) AnyoneJoint (Default) or Survivor Single

    Branch / RM Code

    Cheque no. Date Amount Scheme

    Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.

    ^PoA PAN & KYC is mandatory



    KYC Acknowledgement

    KYC Acknowledgement

    Status of Sole/1st Applicant (Please tick ) Resident Individual On Behalf Of Minor HUF Sole Proprietorship NRI (Repatriable)

    (Please specify)

    NRI (Non-Repatriable) LLP Partnership Firm Company AOP/BOI Body Corporate Trust Society FII FOF - MF schemes Provident Fund

    Superannuation / Pension Fund Gratuity Fund Bank / FI Government Body Insurance Companies Others


    Proof of DoB#attached

    For Investments On behalf of Minor#( Attach Mandatory Documents as per instructions).

    #Guardian named below is : Father Mother Court Appointed

    Birth Certificate School Certificate / Mark sheet

    Passport Any other ....................

    Yes, I wish to have a PIN for internet / telephone transactions and agree to terms and conditions of PIN Issuance andUsage as available in SID/SAI and www.dspblackrock.com

    Mobile Fax+91

    STD Code Tel. (Off) Tel. (Resi.)

    NEWDSPBR Online

    PIN (Please tick )

    DSPBR eServices Email ID(in capital)


    Email ID, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, PAN are mandatory details for issuance of PIN and Online Facility.

    Please read instructions before filling this Form


    Application No.:

    1. TRANSACTION CHARGES (Please refer instruction 1 and tick any one)

    I am a First Time Investor in Mutual Fund Industry.(Rs 150 will be deducted.)

    I am an Existing Investor in Mutual Fund Industry.(Rs 100 will be deducted.)

    Applicable for transactions routed through a distributor who has opted in for transaction charges.


    An Open Ended Fund Of Funds Scheme Investing In U.S Equity Fund

    NFO Opens on: July 17, 2012NFO Closes on: July 31, 2012

    Date of Birth


    (Mandatory for minor)

    Enclose KYC Acknowledgement

    (1st Applicant / Guardian)


    DSP BlackRock US Flexible* Equity Fund

    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Title Mr. Ms. M/s



  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    4. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS (Refer Instruction 4)

    Bank Name

    Bank A/C No.


    A/C Type Savings Current NRE NRO FCNR Others

    IFSC code: (11 digit) MICR code (9 digit) (This is a 9 digit number next to your cheque number)

    Branch Address













    ) Sole / FirstApplicant/Guardian



    8. DECLARATION & SIGNATURESHaving read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document andStatement of Additional Information, Key Information Memorandum and all Instructions, I /We, hereby apply to the Trustee of DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund for Units of the relevantScheme and agree to abide by the terms and conditions, rules and regulations of theScheme. I / We have neither received nor been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly orindirectly in making this investment. I / We declare that the amount invested in the Schemeis through legitimate sources only and is not designed for the purpose of contravention orevasion of any Act, Regulation, Rule, Notification, Directions or any other applicable lawsenacted by the Government of India or any Statutory Authority. The ARN holder hasdisclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode),payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongstwhich the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.

    Applicable to NRIs only

    I/We confirm that I am/We are Non-Resident(s) of Indian Nationality / Origin and I/Wehereby confirm that the funds for subscription have been remitted from abroad throughnormal banking channels or from funds in my / our Non-Resident External / OrdinaryAccount/FCNR Account(s).If NRI ( ) Repatriation basis Non-Repatriation basis

    7. UNIT HOLDING OPTION: (It is mandatory to tick any one option or Account Statement Mode option will be considered) Refer Instruction 7).


    Payment fromBank A/c No.


    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Bank Name

    Account Type Savings Current NRE NRO FCNR

    Cheque DD/RTGS/NEFT/ No.

    Amount Rs.( ) (i)

    DD charges, (Rs.)(ii)


    Payment Mode: Cheque DD RTGS NEFT Funds transfer

    TotalAmount(Rs.) (i) + (ii)

    Pay In A/c No.


    Documents Attached to avoid Third Party Payment Rejection, where applicable: Bank Certificate, for DD Third Party Declarations

    (Defaultoption will be applied in case of no information, ambiguity or discrepancy in scheme details)


    Name Option

    6. NOMINATION DETAILS (for units in physical mode) (Refer Instruction 6)

    Nominee Name Allocation %

    Nominee 1

    Nominee 2

    Nominee 3

    AddressTotal = 100%

    Guardian Name (In case of Minor) Nominee Signature

    I/We wish to nominate I/We DO NOT wish to nominate.Individuals (single or joint applicants) are advised to avail Nomination facility.

    Contact Centre: 1800 200 4499Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.dspblackrock.com

    PAN Card copy KYC Acknowledgement

    Checklist All Investments Bank Mandate is provided

    DSP BlackRock US Flexible* Equity Fund

    Mobile no and email ID is provided

    Growth (default) Dividend Payout Dividend Reinvestment

    In Demat mode, in demat account provided below: (Switch not allowed. Redemption through SE platforms/ DPs only)

    Enclose for demat option: Client Master List Transaction/Holding Statement DIS Copy



    Depository Participant (DP) ID (NSDL only) Beneficiary Account Number (NSDL only)

    In Account Statement Mode


    (Switch/Redemption throughFund/RTA offices only.)

    I N

    (*The term Flexible in the name of the Scheme signifies that the Investment Manager of the Underlying Fund can invest either in growth or value investmentcharacteristic securities placing an emphasis as the market outlook warrants.)

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    Having read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document, Statement of Additional Information, Key Information Memorandum, Instructions and Addenda issued from time to time ofthe respective Scheme(s) of DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund mentioned within, I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and express my willingness to make payments referred abovethrough participation in ECS/Direct Debit/Standing Instructions. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I would not hold the user institutionresponsible, I will also inform DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund, its service providers and bank about any changes in my bank account. I have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of ECS(Debit)/Direct Debit/SI mentioned overleaf. In case of Micro SIP application without PAN, I/We hereby declare that I/we do not have any existing Micro SIPs with DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund which togetherwith the current application will result in aggregate investments exceeding Rs. 50,000 in a year. The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trai l commission or any othermode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.

    (For SMS Alerts)Mobile Number: 9 1

    Please refer to Instructions of KIM and asmentioned overleaf before filling the form.

    First SIP Cheque

    and SIP Debit Form

    REGISTRATION CUM MANDATE FORM FOR ECS (Debit clearing) / Direct Debit/Standing Instructions


    Sole / First Investor Name


    Plan/ Option

    Each SIP Amount (Rs.) Frequency Monthly^ Quarterly

    SIP Period

    (Note: There should be a minimum time gap of one month and maximum time gap of two months between the first cheque for SIP investment and first instalment of SIP Debit)

    I/We hereby authorise DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund and their authorised service providers to debit my/our following bank account by ECS (Debit Clearing) / Direct Debit/SIto account for collection of SIP payments. (First Unit Holder should be amongst one of bank account holders.)


    Contact No:

    Sub Broker Code For Office use onlyARN:

    Email ID: (In capital)

    (For Email Delivery instead of physical account statement.)

    (Minimum Rs. 500/-)

    Sole / First Applicant / Guardian Second Applicant / Guardian Third Applicant / Guardian



    Start Month

    First SIP Cheque No.: Cheque date D D M M Y Y Y Y

    This is to inform that I/We have registered for RBIs Electronic Clearing Service (Debit Clearing) / DirectDebit/Standing Instructions Facility and that my/our payment towards my/our investment in DSP BlackRock MutualFund shall be made from my/our below mentioned bank account with your bank. I/We authorise the representativeof DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund carrying this mandate form to get it verified & executed. Mandate verification chargesof the bank, if any, can be charged to my/our account. I have read, understood and agreed to the terms andconditions of ECS (Debit)/Direct Direct/SI mentioned overleaf.

    Bank Account Number

    Authorisation of the Bank Accountholder (to be signed by the Bank Accountholder)

    Acknowledgement (Subject to verification)

    Investors Name

    Folio No. Application No.

    DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund




    (As in Bank Records)



    (As in Bank Records) (As in Bank Records)


    Existing Investor Folio No.

    Accountholder Name as

    in Bank Account

    Bank Name

    Branch Name & Address

    9 Digit MICR Code

    OR Application no. for New Investors

    KRA Reference No.

    In case of Micro SIP (Refer Instruction 3)

    (Cheque amount same as Auto Debit Amount. Should be current dated & drawn on bank whose details are provided below.)

    Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.

    SIP Debit Date:st

    1 ^th



    21 (Please tick only one date. Use separate forms for different dates)th


    (Minimum 12 instalments )

    Branch / RM Code

    (Including cheque)

    PAN & KYC

    Mandatory Enclosure(If 1st instalment is not by cheque)

    SIP Amount (Rs.) Cheque No.

    M M M Y Y ^Default Options

    Cheque Copy Cancelled Cheque Bankers attestation

    DSP BlackRock MF will not be responsible for any bank rejection or failed debit or transaction reversaldue to funds not received from investors bank for any reason including mandate not received by bank.

    Growth Option (Default) Dividend Payout Dividend Reinvest

    SEP 2012

    DSP BlackRock US Flexible* Equity Fund

    End Month OR DEC-2040^

    DSP BlackRockUS Flexible* Equity Fund

    A/c Type Savings Current NRE NRO OthersBank Account Number(Core Banking No. in full)

    NFO Opens on: July 17, 2012NFO Closes on: July 31, 2012

    An Open Ended Fund Of Funds SchemeInvesting In U.S Equity Fund


    94 8300 8300

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form



    oApplication Form is complete in all respect. Name, Application Number/ Folio,Scheme, Plan, Option are mentioned clearlyo

    SIP Date, SIP Frequency has been ticked correctlyoStart Date and End Date is clearly mentioned as Month Year.


    been mentioned clearly and legibly.o

    Form is signed by all applicants as in bank records in two places as specified.oAuto Debit is from first Unit Holders own bank account only.

    Bank Name, Full Branch Address, Full Account Number, MICR Code for debit has

    SIP ECS (Debit Clearing) / Direct Debit / Standing Instructions: Terms & Conditions

    1. Please refer the SID, SAI and Key Information Memorandum, all Instructions,Addenda issued from time to time and our website www.dspblackrock.com forinstructions, terms and conditions, Applicable NAV, Risk Factors, load and otherinformation, various requirements of the respective Scheme / Plan before investing.

    It is deemed that the investor has agreed to all the terms and conditions as prevailingon the date of the application and investment.

    2. This facility is only offered to those investors having bank accounts in certain bankbranches as mentioned above. The list of cities, banks and branches may bemodified/updated /changed/ removed at any time in future at the discretion of theAMC without assigning any reasons or prior notice. If the SIP auto debit facility isdiscontinued in a city for any reason, SIP instructions for investors in such city via ECS(Debit) route/Direct debit/SI may be discontinued without prior notice.

    3. PAN and KYC requirement is mandatory for all investors. However, investmentsthrough Micro SIPs, i.e. where aggregate of installments per financial year perinvestor does not exceed Rs. 50,000, are exempt from the requirement of PAN.However, KYC requirement are mandatory for such investors. Such Investors need tocomplete the necessary KYC requirements and get a unique reference number fromKRAs system. A copy of the KRA issuance letter containing the unique referencenumber should also be attached with each application/transaction.

    4. If SIP application form and cheque is submitted with bank details of a city where theMutual Fund does not provide auto debit facility, first SIP cheque may get processed.However, future debits may not happen and SIP instruction may get rejected.

    5. In case of rejection of SIP form for any reason whatsoever, the Mutual Fund will notentertain any request for refund of proceeds of first cheque which is alreadyprocessed. Investors will have to redeem the units allotted through first cheque atapplicable NAV.

    6. To avail of SIP in separate schemes/options via debit facility, an investor will have tofill a separate form for each scheme/plan. A single form cannot be used for differentschemes simultaneously and may be rejected. Facility to register multiple SIP withsimilar details, i.e. same folio, same scheme, same amount, same date and sameauto debit bank mandate is not available due to system constraints in ECS (Debit) aswell with some of the banks offering standing instructions/direct debit.

    7. Complete application form and SIP debit form along with the first cheque (drawn onthe same bank account which is to be registered for ECS Debit/Direct Debit /Standing Instruction) should be submitted to the Mutual Fund or the Registrar. AMCreserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.Incorrect, incomplete or ambiguous forms will not be accepted and will be returnedto the investor within 20 days via normal post.

    8. Existing Investors are required to submit the SIP debit form, indicating the existingAccount Number and investment details in the SIP section of this form.

    9. In case the first cheque is issued from a different bank account or is a demand draftor in case of renewal of SIP debit, then investors should attach a cancelled cheque ora copy of the cheque pertaining to the bank account which is to be registered for ECSDebit/direct debit / standing instruction. Alternatively, investors can also get thebank account mentioned on the form certified from their banker with the bank seal.

    10. It will take a minimum of one month for registration with the bank and hence the firstdebit will be carried out only after one month, on the SIP start date mentioned on theform.

    11. The SIP period should cover minimum 12 installments, whether monthly or quarterly.The Mutual Fund and the Registrar reserve the right to modify the SIP perioddepending on the one month period for registration and to ensure minimuminstallments, even if the investor has submitted the form late or requested for aperiod less than minimum installments.

    12. If no start date is specified, SIP will be registered to start from a period after 30 dayson the SIP date as available / mentioned. If no end date is specified or in the absenceof SIP end date, SIP will be registered till December 2040.

    13. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of ECS facility of theReserve Bank of India (RBI) as applicable at the time of investment and as may bemodified from time to time at a later stage.

    14. The Debit mandate signed by the unit holder(s) will be duly sent by the AMC/RTA tounit holder(s) bank for registration under various arrangements as Direct Debit (DD)or Standing Instruction (SI) or RBI ECS (Debit) facility through AMCs agents, within aperiod of thirty days via courier or post without any responsibility on the part of AMC.

    15. It will be the sole responsibility of the unit holder(s) bank and its branch to ensureproper registration of the debit mandate and confirm registration. If no confirmation

    of registration or rejection is received, the AMC/RTA/its agents will deem the sameto be registered and confirm the registration to unitholder(s)/s entirely at the risk ofunit holder(s).

    16. Some banks and branches may have charges in whatsoever manner for mandateregistration and / or transactions to their bank account holders, which will be borneby the account holder only and will not be borne by the AMC or the fund.

    17. The investor undertakes to keep sufficient funds in the funding account till the dateof execution of standing instruction. The investor hereby declares that theparticulars provided are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or noteffected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information or due to anyreason by the investor's banker, the investor would not hold the Mutual Fund or the

    Bank responsible. If the date of debit to the investor's account happens to be a nonBusiness Day as per the Mutual Fund, execution of the ECS Debit / Direct Debit / SImay happen on non business and allotment of Units will happen as per the terms andconditions listed in the SID, SAI, KIM and all relevant Addenda of the scheme

    concerned.18. The Mutual Fund, its Registrars, Direct Debit Banks and other service providers shall

    not be liable for, nor be in default by reason of, any failure or delay in completion ofits obligation under this agreement, where such failure or delay is caused, in wholeor in part, by any acts of God, civil war, civil commotion, riots, strike, mutiny,revolution, fire, flood, fog, war, lightening, earthquake, change of Governmentpolicies, unavailability of bank's computer system, force majeure events, or anyother cause of peril which is beyond their reasonable control and which has theeffect of preventing the performance of contract by them.

    19. The Mutual Fund, AMC, its Registrars, Banks and other service providers shall not beliable for any late registration of SIP with the bank for whatsoever reason orrejection of SIP registration with the bank with or without any reason, and will not beliable for any transactions not processed or reversed or rejected till the registrationis successful.

    20. For change in bank mandate, the SIP dates and the amount will not be consideredeven if mentioned. The SIP amount and the SIP tenure will remain the same asprovided at the time of initial registration.

    21. For the purpose of SIP investments, the investor and/or bank accountholdersauthorizes AMC, its registrars, bankers, correspondent bankers and serviceproviders, to raise a debit on the mentioned account with the bank branch. Theinvestor and/or bank accountholders hereby authorizes the bank to honor all suchrequests received through AMC, its registrars, bankers and service providers to debittheir Account with the amount requested, for due remittance of the proceeds toAMC.The investor/s or the bank accountholders shall not dispute or challenge any debit,raised under this mandate, on any ground whatsoever. Investors will not have anyclaim against the AMC, service providers, bankers, correspondent bankers andservice providers in respect of the amount so debited pursuant to the mandatesubmitted by the investor/account holder. Investor/s and/or the bank accountholders shall keep the AMC, its Registrar, bankers, correspondent bankers and otherservice providers, jointly and or severally indemnified, from time to time, against allclaims, actions, suits, for any loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses incurred bythem, by reason of their acting upon the instructions issued by the named authorizedsignatories / beneficiaries. This request for debit mandate is valid and may berevoked only through a written letter from the investor submitted atleast one monthin advance withdrawing the mandate signed by the authorized signatories /beneficiaries and acknowledged at AMC/registrar/bank counters and givingreasonable notice to effect such withdrawal.

    22. To modify SIP debit bank mandate, the investor may fill a separate form, viz.,Change of Payment Mechanism form which is available at all the offices of theMutual Fund. Instructions in any other form / manner are liable to be rejected.

    23. This request for debit mandate is valid until it is revoked by the investor through awritten SIP cancellation request in the designated form withdrawing the mandatesigned by the authorized signatories / beneficiaries and acknowledged at bankcounters. Such request must be submitted atleast one month prior to the due date ofthe next SIP, failing which SIP debit may be processed. If thecancellation/termination / withdrawal request is submitted to the AMC/Registrar,the customer agrees that it is an authority to the AMC/Registrar to instruct the debitbank on discontinuation of SI and Customer will not hold Bank responsible for any SIcancellation based on AMC instruction.

    24. Investors agree that the AMC may discontinue the SIP facility for any investor / folioentirely at it's discretion and advise banks for SI cancellation in case one or moredebits are rejected and funds not received for any reason.

    25. The Unit holder(s) agree that the Fund/AMC / RTA and their agents shall not be heldliable for any unsuccessful registration and or transaction due to any action orinaction of the unit holders bank including but not limited to reasons mentionedbelow and agree to indemnify the Fund/AMC/RTA for all liabilities, losses, damagesand expenses which they may consequent sustain or incur either directly orindirectly:

    a. Loss of the debit mandate form in transit from point of acceptance of the form toRTA head office and further to the unit holder(s) bank branch;

    b. Non acceptance or rejection of debit mandate for whatsoever reason by the unitholder(s) bank branch, with or without any reason assigned by the unit holder(s)bank;

    c. Non registration of the debit mandate by the unit holder(s) bank and branch;d. Deemed registration due to non confirmation of registration or rejection by the bank

    and any subsequent rejection of debit of bank account for funds;e. Non availability of funds in the bank account of the Unit holder(s) at the time of

    debit;f. Rejection of registration or transaction debit for any reason or without assigning any

    reason whatsoever.

    Customers with a bank account with following bank branches can avail of SIP Facility using this form.

    All bank branches participating in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Electronic Clearing System (ECS) /National Electronic Clearing System(NECS)/Regional Electronic Clearing System (RECS) facility.

    All Core Banking branches of following banks, irrespective of location:Allahabad Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Citibank NA, Corporation Bank, Federal Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI

    Bank, ING Vysya Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, UCO Bank, Union Bank of India

    (*The term Flexible in the name of the Scheme signifies that the Investment Manager of the Underlying Fund can invest either in growth or value investmentcharacteristic securities placing an emphasis as the market outlook warrants.)

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form



    se instruct ions form an integral part of scheme related documents and investors aresed t o read and understand t he same.

    se read carefully the Scheme Information Document (SID), Statement of Additionalrmation (SAI), Key Information Memorandum (KIM) and all relevant Addenda before llinghe appl icat ion form. Investors are deemed to have read and accepted the terms, asai l ing on the date of appl icat ion being accepted and uni ts being al lot ted even i f theyusing an old appl icat ion form, subject to which these offers are being made, and bind

    mselves to the t erms upon signing the appl icat ion form.

    applications will be accepted subject to verication. Invalid or incomplete applicationsliable to be rejected after acceptance and verication, and information will be sent toaddress by general post.

    documents required to be submitted with the application form or later, like power ofrney, etc. should be in Engl ish language or not arized t ranslated copy in Engl ish language.

    m submission: NFO appl icat ion f orms/ swi tch t ransact ions from exist ing scheme(s) mayubmitted at any of the NFO col lect ion centres as l isted in this document upto 3:00 p.m.he NFO closing date. Forms can also be posted to any of these centres, in an enveloperessed to Client Response Team and marked as NFO Application Form, subject to thee reaching t he centr es latest by 12:00 noon on t he NFO closing date.

    application received after the specied time or after closure of the NFO period mayejected at the sole discretion of the AMC/Registrar. In case of switch transactions fromt ing scheme(s) to t he NFO Scheme (during t he NFO), t he swi tch-out shal l be done at t helicable NAV based on the cut-off time for the existing scheme and the switch into NFOeme wi l l be treat ed l ike a purchase into the Scheme for al lot ment pur pose.

    lication Forms to be usedxisting Investors, having a fol io number and who wish to get uni ts al lot ted in non-demat

    mode, in the existing folio number, should use the form titled Existing Investor Applicationorm and provide al l detai ls as required in such form.ew Investors who do not have a fol io, or exist ing investors intending to get uni t s al lot t ed

    n demat mode or who wish to open a new folio should ll up the form titled New Investors

    Application Form and provide all details as required in such form.ew or Existing Investors who intend to invest through ASBA route should ll up a separateedicated ASBA Application Form.

    eral Instructionshese appl icat ion form s may be used by both resident and non-resident investors.he application form should be lled in English in BLOCK LETTERS and the applicantsames and address should be provided in full (P.O. Box No. alone is not sufcient). Pleaseck () in the appropriate box (), where boxes have been provided. In the case of NRI/PIO/I investors, an overseas address must also be provided.

    pplication forms that fall under any of the following categories are liable to be rejectednd wi l l not be returned to the customers. I f appl icable, the money paid wi l l be refunded/e tu rned wi thout i n te rest .pplication forms incomplete in any respect or having a whitener or where there is any overr i t ing on the form wi thout the appl icants counter signature.pplication forms invalid / incomplete /ambiguous / without supporting documents in any

    espect.pplication forms that are not accompanied by a payment instrument/instruction for themount payable on t he same day.pplication forms that the Trustee chooses to reject for any other reason determined at itsole discret ion.o separate receipt will be issued for the application money. The Investor Service Centre /ollection Centre / Ofcial point of acceptance of transactions will stamp and return thecknowledgement sl ip in the appl icat ion form, to acknowledge receipt of the appl icat ion,ubject to verication. The acknowledgement receipt should be retained by investors tillhe receipt of conrmation of transaction acceptance or rejection.respective of mode of holding, the sole/rst-named holder will receive all accountatement s, dividend or redempt ion/ refund warrant s, and al l other relevant

    orrespondence.ll allotments will be provisional, subject to realisation of payment instrument and subjecto the AMC having been reasonably satised that the Mutual Fund has received clear funds.ny redemption or switch out transaction in the interim is liable to be rejected at the soleiscretion of the AMC.ny subsequent changes in static information like address, bank details, dividend subption, nominat ion etc. wi l l be based on wri t ten communicat ion from investors. Thesehanges wi l l be effected only for uni ts held in non-demat mode, wi thin 5 days of the val idgned request reaching the ofce of the Registrar at Chennai, and any interim nancialansact ions wi l l be effect ed wi th last avai lable/ registered detai ls only. In case of uni tseld in demat mode, the stat ic detai ls as recorded in DP records and avai lable to theund as part of Benpos le will prevail for all purposes, including redemption and dividendayments.YC Requirements: KYC compliance with any SEBI designated KYC Registration AuthorityKRA), for example CVL (CDSL Ventures Limited), is mandatory for all investors (including

    oint applicants, guardians, PoA holders and NRIs), irrespective of the amount ofransaction. Investors shall note that they need to comply with the Know Your ClientKYC) requirements, by submitting requisite documents to the fund or any SEBI registeredterm ediary, where they wish open an account and wish to deal / t r ade/ transact, gett ingnd attaching the KYC acknowledgement with their purchase/SIP application. For moreformation, please log on to www.dspblackrock.com before invest ing.

    pplications are liable to be rejected without any intimation to the applicants, if KYCequirements are not complied by all the applicants and KYC acknowledgement is notnclosed w i th each purchase/SIP appl icat ion.

    nvestors should further note that KYC applicability for various investor categories andreshold amount may change anyt ime in f uture. Hence, investors are requested to apprise

    hemselves about KYC applicability before submitting their transactions to avoid rejections.hile PAN shall be the sole identication number and is mandatory for KYC, for certainet of customers, PAN requirement is exempted. Such set of customers, however needo complete the necessary KYC requirements, get a unique reference number from KRAsystem. A copy of the KRA issuance letter containing the unique reference number shouldlso be attached with each application/transaction. The PAN exempt entities/ transactionsre: a) Investors residing in the state of Sikkim; b) S IP of upto Rs 50, 000/- per nancial year;) Transactions undertaken on behalf of Central Government and/or State Government and

    y ofcials appointed by Courts e.g. Ofcial liquidator, Court receiver etc.t he in ve st or w ish es t o in ve st di rec t ly, i. e. w it ho ut in vo lv in g t he ser vi ce s of an y age ntr broker, DIRECT should be mentioned in the space provided for ARN Number. Anyubsequent change / updat ion / removal of broker code wi l l be based on the wri t t en

    request from the uni t holders and wi l l be on a prospect ive basis only from t he date when tRegistr ar executes such wri t ten instruct ion.

    k. Investors should mandatorily use the application form/SIP debit form & SIP/SWP/STP foin the KIM booklet, and other standard forms available at the ISCs/www.dspblackrock.cofor any nancial/non-nancial transactions. Any transaction received in any non standafo rm, i s l i ab le to be re jected .

    l. Investors should provide details/instructions only in the space provided in the form. Adetai ls/ not ings/ informat ion/ instruct ion provided at a non designated area of the standaform being used, or any addi t ional detai ls, for which space is not designated in the standaform, may not be executed and the AMC will not be liable for the same.

    m.The AMC and its Registrar reserve the right to disclose the details of investors and tht r ansact ions to thi r d part ies viz. banks, distr ibutors from w hom appl icat ions of investors areceived and any other organizat ion for t he purpose of compl iance wi th l egal and regulatorequirements or for complying wi th ant i -money laundering requirements.

    n. Process for change of address: Investor investing in DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fushould be KYC compliant. In future if the investor wishes to change the address in thefo l io, t hey shal l submit change of address form, proof of address, and any other documenform that the KYC Registration Agency (KRA) may specify from time to time. AMC reservthe right to collect proof of old address on a case to case basis while effecting tchange of address.

    1. Transacti ons chargesa. SEBI has al lowed mut ual funds t o deduct transact ion charge per subscript ion of Rs. 10,0

    and above and be paid to the distributors. Transaction Charge shall be deducted only ft ransact ion routed through such distr ibutors who have opted to receive such charges follows: (i) Rs. 150/- with respect to transactions from a rst time mutual fund investo( i i ) Rs. 100/ - wi t h respect t o transact ions from an exist ing investor; ( i i i ) wi t h respect SIP, t ransact ion charge shal l be deduct ed only i f t otal comm itm ent ( i . e. amount per Sinstallment x No. of installments) amounts to Rs. 10,000/- or more. The Transaction Chargshal l be deduct ed in 3 or 4 instal lment s. Uni ts wi l l be issued against t he balance amount

    b. Please tick the appropriate box as applicable to you. Please tick the rst box only if yare a rst time ever mutual fund investor, i.e. you are investing in a scheme of mutufund for the rst time. However, even if an applicant ticks as new investor, the mutufund reserves a right to check wi th investments in other mutual funds to ascertain new exist ing i nvestors.

    c. I f no opt ion is t icked, i t is deemed that the appl icant is an exist ing investor in the mutufund i ndustry.

    2. First Applicants Detailsa. Applicants should ll in all details as requested in the relevant section. Name should

    provided in ful l .b. Applicants should provide contact information such as correspondence address, telepho

    number/s and email address, status of rst applicant and occupation.c. Applications under a Power of Attorney or by a limited company or a corporate body

    an el ig ible inst i tut ion or a registered society or a trust fund must be accompanied by thoriginal Power of Attorney (or a duly certied true copy thereof) duly notarized, or trelevant resolution or authority to make the application (or duly certied copy thereof)the case may be. All documents should be in English language or notarized translated coin English language.

    d. For Investments On behal f of Minor: Where the investment is on behal f of minor by tguardian, please note the fol lowing important points.

    i The minor shall be the sole and only rst holder in the account. Nomination facility is navai lable for appl icat ions/ fol ios on behal f of a mi nor. Joint holder s detai ls and nominat idetails, even if mentioned and signed will not be considered. Guardian of the minor shouei ther be a natural guardian (i .e. father or mother) or a court appointed legal guardian.

    ii Details like minors date of birth, Guardians relation with Minor, Guardian name, PAN, Kare mandatory, along with supporting documents. Photo copy of the document evidencithe date of birth of minor like i. Birth certicate of the minor, or ii. School leaving certica/ Mark sheet issued by Higher Secondary Board of respective states, ICSE, CBSE etc., or Passport of the minor, or iv. Any other suitable proof should be attached with the applicatif o rm .

    i i i Where the guardian is not a natural guardian (father or mother) and is a court appointelegal guardian, sui table support ing documentary evidence should be provided.

    iv I f t he mandatory detai ls and/ or documents are not provided, the appl icat ion is l iable to re jected w i t hout any in fo rmat ion to the app l i can t .

    e. PIN Issuance Instructions: A secured PIN for internet/telephone transactions is issued the request of appl icant/ investor subject to t erms and condi t ions agreed by the appl icaninvestor and avai labi l i ty of mandatory infor mation l ike Date of Bi rt h/ Date of Incorporat ioEmail id, Mobile number, PAN availability of all holders and Name of Guardian/Contaperson (where applicable). Applicants who wish to receive a PIN should read the terand conditions of the PIN facility in the SID and SAI. A PIN will be mailed to the Unit Holdent i re l y a t h i s/ her / i t s own r i sk.

    3. Joint Applicants Detailsa. Joint applicants must ll in all details as requested in the relevant section.b. PAN and KYC compliance is mandatory for all applicants, irrespective of mode of holdin

    For more details, please refer to KYC Requirements mentioned earlier.c. Applicants should specify the mode of holding. If the mode of holding is not specied or

    ambiguous, the defaul t opt ion for such appl icat ions wi l l be Joint .d. In the case of joint holders, the rst-named holder will receive all account statement

    dividend or redemption/ refund warrant s, and al l other relevant correspondence.

    4. Bank Account Details/ Multiple Bank Accounts Registrationa. I t is mandatory for al l investors of mutual fund schemes to provide thei r bank mandat

    Applications without the mandatory bank details are liable to be rejected.b. The investor agrees that t he proceeds towards redemptions and dividends wi l l be dispatch

    by a reasonable mode of despatch like courier, post, UCP, etc. in case of cheque/demadraft or di r ect ly credi t ed to the bank account (as per the detai ls mentioned by the investoin case of using di rect credi t faci l i ty, RTGS or NEFT, ent i rely and solely at the risk of tinvestor. The investor will not hold the Mutual Fund or the AMC or the Registrar responsifor any non-receipt or delay of receipt of redemption & dividend proceeds due to anegligence or deciency in service by the courier company, postal authorities or the baexecut ing di rect credi t s/RTGS/ NEFT, or due t o incorrect bank account detai ls provided the investor.

    c. Multiple Bank Accounts Registration Facility: The fund offers its investors facility to regismultiple bank accounts for pay-in & payout purposes and designate one of the bank accouas Default Bank Account. This facility can be availed by using a designated Bank AccounRegistr at ion Form . In case of new investors, the bank account menti oned on the purchaappl icat ion form , used for opening the fol io, wi l l be t reated as defaul t bank account t i l l t

    investor gives a separate request t o register mul t ip le bank accounts and change the def abank account t o any of ot her registered bank account. Register ed bank accounts may abe used for verication of pay-ins (i.e. receiving of subscription funds) to ensure that

  • 7/31/2019 DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity Fund - NFO Application From With KIM Form


    third party payment is not used for mutual fund subscription. Default Bank Account will beused for al l d ividends and redempt ions payouts including FMP schemes maturi t y proceedsunless investor species one of the existing registered bank account in the redemptionrequest for receiving redemption proceeds.Consequent to introduction of Multiple Bank Accounts Facility, the existing facilityof redemption with change of bank mandate is discontinued by the fund. A new non-registered bank account specied in the specic redemption request for receivingredemption proceeds wi l l not be considered.Bank Account Details with Redemption Request: Please note the following importantpoints related to payment of redemption proceeds:Proceeds of any redemption request wi l l be sent only to a bank account that is al readyregistered and val idated in the fol io at the t ime of redemption transact ion processing.Uni t holder(s) may choose to mention any of the exist ing registered bank accounts wi thredemption request for receiving redemption proceeds. I f no registered bank account ismentioned, defaul t bank account wi l l be used.If unit holder(s) provide a new and unregistered bank mandate with a specic redemptionrequest (wi t h or wi t hout necessary support ing documents) such bank account wi l l not beconsidered for payment of redemption proceeds.Any request without the above mentioned documents will be treated invalid and willnot be acted upon and any nancial transaction, including redemptions, will be carriedwith the previous details only. Valid change of bank mandate requests with supportingdocuments wi l l be processed wi thin ten working days of documents reaching the headofce of the Registrar and any nancial transaction request received in the interim will becarried w i th pr evious detai ls only.

    Investment and Payment DetailsInvestors should ll in the desired Plan / Option / Sub Option clearly in the space providedin the application form. In case the investor does not ll in the desired Plan / Option /Sub Option properly and clearly or in the case of incomplete detai ls, lack of clari ty orambigui ty, the defaul t opt ion wi l l be considered and appl ied. The Fund wi l l not entertainany request f rom Uni t Holders for a change in Plan / Opt ion / Sub Option after t heappl icat ion is accepted.Any change in dividend sub option due to additional investment or customer request willbe appl icable to al l exist ing Uni ts in the dividend opt ion of the scheme concerned.Payments by cash, stock invests, credi t cards, post-dated cheques (except t hrough SIP),and post-dated account-to-account transfer instructions to credit the Designated Accountwi l l no t be accepted .

    Investors residing in locations where Investor Service Centres or Collection Centres arenot located are requested to make payment by demand drafts. Demand draft charges forsuch investors will be borne by the AMC, subject to the standard demand draft charges, ascharged by the State Bank of India, and the investors att aching proof of t he charges.The cheque or demand draft should be payable local ly at the centr e where the appl icat ionis deposited, and should be drawn on any bank that is a member of the Bankers ClearingHouse.The cheque or demand draft should be drawn in favour of t he Scheme Name, as the casemay be, and should be crossed Account Payee Only.A separate cheque should be given for each separate investment in a different scheme orplan or opt ion.It is mandatory for NRIs to attach a copy of the payment cheque / FIRC / Debit Certicateto ascertain the repatriation status of the amount invested. NRI Applicants should alsoclearly tick on account type as NRE or NRO or FCNR to determine the repatriation statusof the investment amount. The AMC and the Registrar may ascertain the repatriationstatus purely based on the detai ls provided in the form under Investment and Paymentdetai ls and wi l l not be l iable for any incorrect information provided by the appl icants.Applicants will have to coordinate with their authorized dealers and banks to repatriatethe investment amount as and when needed.Third Party Payment Avoidance & additional documents/declaration required: Tosafeguard the int erests of appl icant/ investors and avoid fraudulent t ransact ions in any

    other name, the mutual fund does not accept Third Party Payments. A payment towardsmut ual fund subscript ion by cheque/ DD/ RTGS/ NEFT or any mode w hatsoever is deemedas a Third Party payment , i f payment is issued from a bank account ot her than t hat of t hebeneciary investor. The rst holder of the mutual fund folio has to be one of the jointholders of the bank account from w hich payment is made via cheque/Demand Draft (DD)/Funds tr ansfer/ RTGS/ NEFT. Therefore, i t is import ant f or investors to mention t he bankaccount number, bank name & branch address from where the payment is issued and thesame should match wi t h detai ls on payment cheque/ document (wher e appl icable).

    Where the payment instrument/ advice does not ment ion the bank account holders name/ s,investor should attach bank pass book copy/ bank stat ement/ bank let ter t o substant iatethat the rst unit holder is one of the joint holders of the bank account. Where a paymentis through a DD, a bank certication of bank account and account holders name of thebank account used for DD issuance should be att ached, in t he required f ormat.

    In specic exceptional situations where Third Party payment is permitted like i. Paymentby Parents / Grand-Parents / Related persons on behal f of a minor (ot her than registeredguardian) in considerat ion of nat ural love and affect ion or as gi f t for value not exceedingRs 50,000 for each purchase, i i . Payment by an Employer on behal f of Employee or i i i .Custodian on behalf of an FII or a client, KYC of the investor and the KYC of the personmaking the payment is mandatory irrespective of amount. Additionally, a joint declaration

    is also required t o be submit ted.The AMC reserves a right to reject the transaction or call for additional details, if paymentbank account and other det ai ls are not mentioned on the form and/ or do not matchwi t h payment instrument and/ or necessary documents and declarat ion, as appl icable torespective investors and transactions, are not attached or are insufcient. In case thefunds are t r ansferred t o the m utua l fund account p r io r to the app l i ca t ion re ject ion , thenamount transferred may not be refunded or redeemed unless the investor establishes KYCwi th add i t i ona l documenta t ion .

    Investors are advised to visi t www.dspblackrock.com > Services for m ore det ai ls, includingdeclaration formats or approach any of the ofces of the fund.

    Investors are strongly advised to avail Multiple Bank Accounts Registration facilityand register thei r various bank accounts wi th the fund and avoid submitt ing addi t ionaldocuments every t ime.

    Ret ur ne d che qu es ar e l ia bl e no t t o be pr ese nt ed a gai n f or co ll ec t io n, an d t he a cc om pa ny in gappl icat ion could also be rej ected. In case ret urned cheques are presented, the necessarycharges including retur ned charges may be debi t ed to t he investor.To safeguard the int erests of appl icant/ investors and avoid fraudulent t ransact ions in anyother name, i t is important for investors to menti on the bank account number, bank name

    & branch address from where the payment instrument or funds transfer is issued and thesame should match with details on payment cheque (where applicable). The AMC reservesa right to rej ect t he transact ion i f such payment detai ls are not mentioned and/ or do notmatch .

    6. Nomination Detailsa. Nominat ion can be made only by individuals applying for / holding Uni ts on thei r own

    behal f singly or jo int ly. Non-individuals ( including societ ies, t rusts, bodies corporate,partnership rms, etc.), Kartas of Hindu Undivided Families (HUF) and holders of Powerof Attorney cannot nominate. Nomination facility is also not available for investmentsheld on behal f of minor.

    b. A minor can be nominated, and in that event, the name and address of the guardianof the minor nominee shal l be provided by the Uni t Holder. Nominat ion can also be infavour of the Central Government, State Government, a local authority; any persondesignated by virtue of his/her ofce, or a religious or charitable trust.

    c. The nominee shal l not be a trust (other than a rel ig ious or chari table trust), society,body corporate, partnership rm, Karta of HUF or a Power of Attorney holder. An NRIcan be a nominee, subject to the exchange controls in force from t ime to t ime. Wherethe nominat ion is in favour of a rel ig ious or chari table t rust, t he investor should att acha certicate conrming that the nominee is a religious or charitable trust.

    d. Nominat ion wi t h the Fund can be made only by investors who opt for al lot ment in

    Account Statement Mode. In case of Units held in demat form, the nomination details asrecorded for the deposi tory account w i l l be appl icable investors who hold uni ts in dematform may approach thei r DP for avai l ing the nominat i on faci l i ty.

    e. Transfer of Units in favour of a nominee(s) shall be valid discharge by the AMC againstthe legal hei r.

    f. Cancellation of nomination can be made only by those individuals who hold Units onthei r own behal f singly or jo int ly and who made the original nominat ion.

    g. On cancellation of the nomination, the nomination shall stand rescinded and the AMCshal l not be under any obl igat ion t o transfer t he Uni ts in favour of the nominee(s).

    h. The right s in the Uni ts wi l l vest in the nominee(s) only upon the death of al l Uni t Holders.i . Nominat ion can be made in favour of more than one, and upto three individuals.

    Investors who desire to m ake nominat ion in respect of mul t ip le nominees should clearlyspeci fy the percentages to be al located between the nominees. I f no percentages arementioned, nominat ion wi l l be done equal ly for al l the nominees.

    j . Nom in at io n w il l be m ai nt ai ne d at t he f ol io or ac co un t le ve l an d w il l be ap pl ic ab le f or al linvestments in the fol io or account.

    k. Where a f ol io has joint holders, al l jo int holders should sign the r equest f or nominat ion,even i f the mode o f ho ld ing i s no t j o in t .

    l. A new nomination request will imply simultaneous cancellation of existing nominationand request for fresh nominat ion.

    m.Applicants who do not wish to nominate, must at the designate space conrming their

    i n ten t ion on no t to nominate , fa i l i ng wh ich the fo rm m ay be re jected a t the d i scre t ionof the AMC/Fund.

    7. Unit Holding Opti ona. Applicants are provided two options to hold their Units viz. Account Statement mode

    and demat mode. For units in Account Statement mode (non-demat), an accountstatement wi l l be issued. For Uni ts held in demat mode, Uni t s shal l be di rect l y credi tedto the investors demat account after the real izat ion of payment funds and deposi torieswi l l i ssue a stat ement.

    b. I t is mandatory t o t ick on t he required opt ion in t he designated space in the appl icat ionform . I f no opt ion has been t icked by the investor, Uni ts shal l be al lot t ed in non-dematmode.

    c. For credi t of Uni ts in demat account, appl icants are advised to mention clearly thei rdemat account detai ls wi th deposi tories and in block let ters in the designated space.The demat account detai ls, as provided by the investor wi l l be considered for credi t ofuni ts in dematerial ized form after val idat ion wi th relevant deposi tory ( ies).

    d. Applicants are also advised to attach a copy of a document like demat statement /client identication master/ delivery instruction slip, that provides the applicantsname and demat account details, in support and verication of the mentioned demataccount.

    e. In case Demat account det ai ls are not pr ovided or are incomplet e or the det ai ls do not

    match wi th the records as per deposi tory(ies), uni ts wi l l be al lot ted in non-demat formand an account stat ement w i l l be issued.f . In case detai ls of more t han one demat account are provided, t he Fund may choose any

    one of the demat accounts for the purpose of verication and credit of units.

    8. Other Facilities / Email Communicationa. Account statements, newsletter, annual reports and other kinds of communication

    wi l l be sent through emai l only instead of physical , for investors who provide thei remai l address on the appl icat ion form. Should they wish to have a hard copy, they arerequested t o send an emai l t o [email protected].

    b. I t is deemed that the Uni t Holder is aware of al l t he securi t y r isks associated wi th onl inecommunicat i on, including possible thi rd-part y intercept ion of documents sent via emai l .

    9. Declaration & Signaturesa. Signature(s) should be in English or in any of the Indian languages specied in the Eighth

    Schedule of the Constitution of India.b. Thumb impressions and signatures in languages not specied in the Eighth Schedule

    of the Constitution of India should be attested by a magistrate or a Notary Public or aspecial Executive Magistrate under his/her ofcial seal.

    c. Applications by minors should be signed by their guardians. In the case of an HUF, theKarta should sign on behalf o f t he HUF.

    d. Authorised ofcials should sign t