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Drive Test SOP Drive Test SOP

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Drive Test SOP

Drive Test SOP

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Revision History

Date Version Issued By Approved By Changes

01/31/2005 0.1 JUAN Original

Drive Test SOP

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How To:

Drive Test Using TEMS Investigation GSM

I. Starting TEMS

First, make sure TEMS investigation GSM is already installed

1.1 Start TEMS from Start Menu

1.2 This is TEMS investigation GSM user interface

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II. Connect Devices

First, make sure all devices are already connected to the laptop.

II.1Before we start, we must identify equipment first. Click the Identify Equipment

button on the Equipment Control toolbar.

A dialog named "Port Properties" will appear

make sure that mobile station and GPS is connected to a COM port on your

computer and the COM port you use is checked. Than Click OK

II.2TEMS Investigation now scans the COM ports for external devices and enables

these devices automatically. A Port Configuration window is opened (if not open,

you can look at configuration tab), showing the progress of the scan. When it is

finished (after a few seconds), the text "Ready" is displayed at the bottom of the

Port Configuration. Red circle in the icons means the device is not yet connected.

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If automatic identify can’t find your equipment, you can add them manually:

Choose your Port and Equipment, and click “OK”:

II.3To receive data from the mobile and GPS, you must connect those devices:

Click “Connect All” on the Connections Toolbar.

If the connection is successful, then red circle in the icon will change into

green circle.

II.4If you want to disconnect the device, just click “Disconnect all” from the


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III. Recording

Before start recording, you should open maps (or GeoSet) and cell definition

III.1 Open Map

You can view map window in the Map worksheet above the status bar.

In the Map Window you’ll see map toolbar. To open Map, click “Open map”

Locate and select your Map Files and click open:

or for fast layering, you can open “GeoSet” instead :

III.2 Open Cell Definition

From Menu Bar, click Configuration, and click Cell Definition :

than Cell Definition window is shown. Click “Open”

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Locate and select your Cell Name Files (*.cel) and click open:

III.3 Start Recording

You can start recording by clicking Record Button on the toolbar

Then you’ll be ask name of log file and where to save it.

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III.4 Stop Recording

If you want to stop recording, just click Stop button on the toolbar:

III.5 Replay Log File

If you want to replay your log file (or to make sure you’ve recorded well),

click “Open logfile” on the tool bar :

Warning: You can replay Log file only if your devices is disconnected

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IV. Testing Mode

4.1 Idle Mode

In idle mode, the mobile station is standby and not making any call. You can

just click record button to start recording idle mode. Use Idle Mode to test

sectorization and cross feeder on the night of cut over.

4.2 Idle Lock and Idle Prevent

When the mobile station is in idle mode, it can be locked to one channel or to

a set of channels. This inhibits all reselections to other channels, regardless of the

signal strength and quality of neighboring cells. The inverted operation is also

possible, namely to prevent reselection to a specified channel set.


on the toolbar, and select which channel you want to lock

To reset the lock on channel function, simply click

on the toolbar.

There is another way to lock on channel, by using Equipment Properties :


on the toolbar.

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To prevent reselection to a specified channel set, just choose Prevent Function :

4.3 Dedicated Mode

In dedicated mode, the mobile station is making a call. You can do it by either using the TEMS mobile phone, or click redial

on the toolbar


To terminate an ongoing call, simply click

on the toolbar

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4.4 Force Handover and Prevent Handover

When the mobile station is in dedicated mode, you can manipulate handovers. Specifically, you can do one of the following:

Prevent handover to specified channels. The mobile then reports no signal strength for these channels.

Force handover to a specified channel, or restrict handovers to a chosen channel set. The mobile then reports a RxLev of 63 for any such cell, 10 for the serving cell and no RxLev for other neighboring cells.


(Equipment Properties) on the toolbar

To Force handover, simply select “Target HO” Function, and choose target channels.

To Prevent handover, simply select “Prevent HO” Function, and choose target channels.

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4.5 Command Sequence

Command sequences are used to automate testing of voice as well as data. They

allow you to prerecord all the commands to be given to the mobile stations during a

drive test. Use command sequence for NQI drive test.

Go to menu bar, click “Control” and than click “Command Sequence”:

If you’ve created Command Sequence before, just open the file:

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4.6 GPRS Test

Before doing GPRS test, your mobile phone has to be configured based on operator parameter. Example of manual configuration is presented on Appendix 1.

To start Testing, press Record, Browse using WAP browser on the mobile phone. Wait until you hear “GPRS attached” and “PDP context activated”. Start browsing for a few second, and than close your wap browser. You will hear “GPRS Detached”. You may click Stop to stop recording.

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V. Exporting Log File

To process log file data to other software (e.g MapInfo), you have to export the logfile first. Go to Menu Bar, click “Logfile” and than click “Export Logfile”

On the Export Logfile Window, click “Add order”

For Example, we export logfiles into MapInfo Tab file. Click “Setup…”

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Choose the Information Element (IE) you want to export. Usually we choose “RxLev Sub (dBm)”, “RxQual Sub” and “SQI”

Go to “Options Tab”. If you want, you can check “Include file name in file”. Than

click “OK”

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After finishing setup, fill all the inputs in the “Add Export Order” window, and than click “OK” :

Than click “Start” to start exporting logfiles.

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APPENDIX 1.Manual Configuration WAP over GPRS on T68 Mobile Phone for Telkomsel

Just follow these steps below :

Use this Parameter : APN : telkomsel, User id: wap, Password : wap123

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Use : IP Address :, user id = wap, Password = wap123, Security= Off, Show Pictures = On, Response Timer=150 seconds.

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Start Browsing :

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Tools Needed:1. Power Inverter

2. GPS (with data cable)

3. TEMS Handset (with data cable)

4. Laptop with TEMS software installed

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5. Dual Serial I/O PC Card (If needed)

Drive Test SOP