drifting toward war

Drifting Toward War Section 3 and 4

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Drifting Toward War. Section 3 and 4. Drifting Toward War Lincoln and Douglas. One Term in House of Rep 12 Years in Senate Defended Compromise of 1850 Favored Popular Sovereignty Favored Fugitive Slave Law Most influential Democrat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Drifting Toward War

Drifting Toward War

Section 3 and 4

Page 2: Drifting Toward War

III. Drifting Toward WarA. Lincoln and Douglas

One Term in House of Rep 12 Years in Senate

Defended Compromise of 1850 Favored Popular Sovereignty

Favored Fugitive Slave Law Most influential Democrat

Tall, Angular Frame Short, Thickset Frame

Page 3: Drifting Toward War

1. Debatesa. Douglas tries to prove

Republicans and Lincoln are abolitionist

b. Lincoln corners Douglas on Popular Sovereignty question

2. Freeport Doctrinea. Douglas won the senate seat but lost Southern support for the Presidency in 1860

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B. John Browns Raid1. Radical abolitionist that believed he

was sent from heaven to free enslaved people and punish slaveholders2. Fought in Kansas against Proslavery forces3. Oct. 16 1859 with 21 followers

a. Seized the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in an attempt of arming enslaved men and womenb. Colonel Robert Lee captures himc. John Brown was hanged for

treasond. Becomes Martyr in the North

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C. The Election of 18601. Democratic part splits into 2 groups2. Republicans gain strength

a. Platform stated that slavery should be left undisturbed where it exist and excluded from new territories

b. Criticized Know-Nothing Partyc. Denounced John Brownd. Called for protective tariffse. Wanted Transcontinental Railroad

3. Nominate Lincoln as their candidate 4. Lincoln wins election

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D. The South Secedes1. South views Lincoln as an Abolitionist2. The Confederacy

a. Deep South votes for Secession1. withdraw from the Union2. 7 States (S.C., Miss., Fl., Al., Ge., Lo., and Tx)3. Reasons:

a. Free States broke their contract to enforce the Fugitive Slave Lawb. equal right to new


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b. Drafted a new Constitution 1. Confederate States of

America 3. Uneasy Truce

a. Last ditch attempts to get states back into the Union

1. Crittenden Compromisea. 36/30Line-Lincoln

refuses4. Lincoln’s Position

a. Believed no state had a right to leave the Union

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We, therefore, the People of South Carolina, by our delegates in Convention assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, have solemnly declared that the Union heretofore existing between this State and the other States of North America, is dissolved, and that the State of South Carolina has resumed her position among the nations of the world, as a separate and independent State; with full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do.

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