dresden codex, the mayan tree of life

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  • 8/12/2019 Dresden Codex, The Mayan Tree of Life


  • 8/12/2019 Dresden Codex, The Mayan Tree of Life


    Ancient Sign Language was transposed from Gesture signs into a tangiblemedium that utilized Form !mager" and Gesture signs among otherstructural rules to create compositions that were intended to preser#eimportant information for posterit"$

    %he present state of the art in using depicted sign language to translateancient compositions is one that cannot guarantee that e#er" detail is correct$&e cannot be aware of all the associations used in a gi#en composition$%here is still room for mis'perception of Form and to some e(tent !mager"$)owe#er since translations are based on *nown signs the general thrust ofman" compositions can be grasped$ )opefull" as more researchers becomein#ol#ed in stud"ing the s"stem our translations will become more accurateand detailed$

    %he original Ma"an composition +!llustration 1, as pictured abo#e shows a

    Illustration 1: The Scene or Setting

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    relati#el" Large Figure + a great one) Sitting +the Stance for waiting , in positional the %ree$ !ts bod" appears intermingled with the tree$ -ne istempted to label this Figure as a tree'spirit but the issue is a bit morecomplicated than that$

    The great one,Waits,

    Within,The tree.

    !n order to better understand the intent of this composition we must first loo*at the Forms that appear within the composition$ !t is not alwa"s eas" toseparate out one Form from another$ .ach Form and its contents actssomewhat li*e a paragraph and contains further signs within it$

    %he first Form we will translate begins at the base of the %ree$ %he Foot ofthe %ree its /oots$ %he Foot of course represents a journey while /ootsrepresent beginnings +in the sense of the root of the problem,$ %he +tan,Form of the Legs Feet + a long journey , ma*e up the form of the %run* of the%ree$ %he +red, compound % shaped sign was based on the straight Linefor a surface and the Line the one, positioned , below it. -n the Left oreastern side of the %ree we see the %wo +light blue, signs for male-spirits.%heir Form means turnings $ %he %wo male'spirit Forms are connectedtogether. as one.

    Illustration 2: The Two Onthe Side

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    Below the surface, In the east,

    The beginning,of

    The long journey,On the side,

    The turnings,of

    The male-spirits,The two,

    Together, as one.%he /ight or western side of the %ree has a Leg and Foot e(cept that this Foot

    has a different Angle to upper arch than the one on the Left$ %his Angleappears to be the /ightward Leaning sign for distant or far.

    In the west,The beginning,

    of The long, ourney.

    !ar, below

    %here is a Form of a +orange, Loincloth hanging from the waist of the Figure$

    Illustration 3: Form:: Loincloth

    Illustration 4: LoinclothSigns

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    %he Form is one of a Loincloth + the co"ering , and refers to the 3ar* of the%ree$

    Among the signs that are part of the Loincloth Form &e can see that thespace between the Loincloth and the %run* of the %ree there is a +light green,"ertical-place sign$ %his is followed b" the Form of a Foot + a wal# or

    journey , positioned on the side. The +blue green, 3ig %oe is in the Form ofa &ater'drop + a water-particle ,$ %he Stance of the water'particle is one ofheading downwards but the Angle of the Foot as /ightward Leaning meansstopped. %he an*le of the Foot +the journey sign, is positioned as on theside of the Tree and between the Loincloth the co"ering, and the edge of the%ree the 3ar* of the %ree$ %he edge of the Sole of the Foot was created from%hree +the many , Small roo* signs indicating ta#en upwards.

    The co"ering, $ "ertical-place,

    The journey, In between,

    The side,and

    The co"ering,

    The water-particle, %eading downwards, &topped,The many,

    Ta#en upwards,

    %he +green, "ertical-place sign separated b" two +light green, hori'ontal- places signs$ %he +light green, hori'ontal places, positionall" the Middle orthe center. Abo#e it is +green, the "ertical-place whose sides are cur#e in theForm of the sign for arising.

    The hori'ontal-placesThe center, Between,The places,


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    and $bo"e,

    The place of arising.

    !n !llustration 5 we are able to see how the Forms cluster around the center of the composition$ %he Large +blue, 3ird in the center connects to the LegsArm %run* +of the %ree 3od", the Limbs of the %ree as well as the Mouthand .ar areas of the Figure6s Face$ )opefull" b" following these connectionswe will find some logical order in the resultant message$

    At the center of the omposition is a relati#el" Large Form of a +blue, 3ird$!t appears to be one of the larger Forms within the composition$ %he 3irdwith its #er" large bill and short wings is similar to that of a %oucan$ 7erhapsthe presentl" un*nown association for a %oucan had something to do withusing its rather short wings to hop and fl" high among the branches of theforest$ %he 3ird Form is /ightward Leaning which indicates waiting. !ngesture signing the motion made for a 3ird and flight are the same thus arelati#el" Large single bird would indicate the great one, awaiting flight.

    Illustration 5: Forms Connected tothe Center

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    3ecause the Form !mager" and Gesture Signs depicted are all interloc*ed ina non'linear fashion translating into the .nglish language that uses a linearalphabet cannot be done in a direct one to one relationship$ &e can see that

    the 3ird Form is also related to the Form of the Figure6s Mouth as well as tothe Figure6s Arm and %high$ )owe#er we can onl" translate one Form sectionat a time which results in a rather m"opic translation$

    !n !llustration 8 we see that the !mager" is that of a Flower in 3loom$ Suchimager" was used metaphoricall" to indicate a spiritual unfolding or theconclusion of the growth and de#elopment of a spirit'seed into a flower that


    The positional , center of the +pin*, Flower is -#al or .gg Shaped and an.gg represents the one that will emerge. %he ircle is at once both a

    9umerical indicator for the number one as well as representing a location $%he +pin*, petals of the Flower represent the :ouble Lined + hidden orunseen , in the Form of the sign for co"ered. %he +green, parts of the plantsuch as the ; shaped Sepals + the ones turning on the sides positional, and

    Illustration 6: The Flower The !looming

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    Stems +the

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    The water-source,

    )ere is where the interloc*ing of Form and !mager" gets difficult$ &e can seethe :ouble Lined hidden or unseen , Form of a Leg + a long , and Foot + wal# or journey , crossing through the surface +the Line made b" the upper Lineof the 3ird6s bea* ) the -#al creating a = sign$ %hus %he ."e of the 3ird isalluded to here as the ircular sign is superimposed o#er the area where the3ird6s ."e would normall" be$ The ye, the one, his location, %is long,

    hidden, journey on a trail of moisture. Although not e(plained in thiscomposition %he ."e has been found through its conte(t in man" othergl"phs to refer to the ye of the &un a metaphor for *enus. %he Lower 3illof the 3ird is in the Form of the sign for arising and its Stance +/ightwardLeaning, is one for waiting. %he >aw of the 3ird li*e a )inge the one, thatopens and closes.

    The ye of the &un, *enus, %is long, hidden, journey,

    on $ trail of moisture,

    The one, his location, %is unseen,

    (rossing through the surface,

    Illustration ": The

    Flower The !looming

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    $waiting,The one,

    That opens and closes,The unseen, arising.

    %he +red, %ongue +the one who spea#s, the spea#er , of the 3ird is in theForm of a Leg and Foot + the long journey) that was positioned as on theside. %he Foot6s Stance is downwards. %he Form of the Foot is the%riangular shape used to indicate the female'earth$ %he Leg and Foot arewithin the < shaped +the sign for an opening , Mouth + the water-source ,of the 3ird

    The Speaker,i!hin,

    The "a!er#source,The opening,

    $is long journey,Do"n,

    The sideof

    The ear!h#fe%ale.

    %he 3ird Form is connected to the Figure6s %high which is in the Form of arelati#el" Large Slug +indicating the great one, mo"ing slowly ,$

    %he )ead of the Slug +lighter brown,is facing to the left or eastward and downward. %he +light blue, Slug6s )ead is the ; shaped sign for turning $%he ; is :ouble Lined indicating hidden or unseen ,$%he ; is also

    positionall" below the #ertical'place sign$

    Illustration #: The Slug

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    The great one, +o"ing, slowly,

    astward, ownward,

    %is %idden, Turning.


    %he uff on the Figure6s Leg is tilted /ightward indicating waiting. %he+white, /ectangular place sign combined with the tilt indicates a waiting-

    place. %he upper part of the place sign fits into and alludes to the Slug6sMouth +a water-source ,$

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    The center,The stopping,


    The one, his location,On the sides,

    Below, $waiting,

    %is journey.The hori'ontal-place,

    of The mo"ing water,

    ;nfortunatel" we do not *now the association that was made with the uffson the arms and Legs$ %heir function ma" ha#e been protecti#e and ordecorati#e$

    %he right Arm + the warrior , and )and of the Figure is connected to the 3irdForm$ The great flight of the Arm the warrior), the )and + the steward ofthe &un a Sun'priest,$

    Illustration 1&: The 'rm The (and

    and the )essel

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    %he uff on the Arm and )and is similar to the one on the Figure?s Leg$

    )owe#er it is positionall" different in that it is )orizontal as opposed to being %ilted$ %here is also a subtle difference in the +"ellow, signs$ %he Formthat is held in the )and is difficult to recognize$ %he onl" wa" in which themeaning of this Form could be disco#ered was b" searching all thecompositions in the :resden ode( for similar Forms and conte(ts$ 3ut firstwe will finish translating the meaning of the Arm uff and )and$

    The great flight,of

    The warrior,The hole,

    Illustration 12: The 'rm The (and

    and the )essel

    Illustration 11: The 'rm The (and

    and the )essel

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    On the side,

    The %ouse,The one, his location,

    at The center.

    The stretched out places,in

    The upper-side,and

    The under-side

    &e will now search all the compositions in the :resden ode( for similarForms and conte(ts to the one held in the Figure6s /ight )and$

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    not limited to Bust one culture$ %he 9ose alludes to the holes of the nostrilsagain in the east and west $ %he relati#el" large sign o#erl"ing the nose areais the sign for great,*ain or su%%ering- The com*ounded signs indicate ta/endownwards mo+ing %ar,.elow- %he Mouth +a water,source , of the #essel isin the Form of the :ouble Lined unseen,ca+e sign that was metaphoricall"the wom. o% the %emale,earth- %he !mager" at the Mouth of the #essel is alsoa Mouth with %wo %eeth + the ones that .rea/ things u* possibl" an allusionto the brea*ing up of the deceased bod" within the earth$ %he /ectangular%eeth are also *lace signs thus the *laces with in the ca+e the water,source-%he -#al base of the #essel indicates e+er0thing,.elow- The Foam at the

    outh o% the +essel indicates a *ath o% moisture turning in the east and west-

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    stars Din effect not fl"ing straight$

    9e(t we see the )ead or Face + his a**earance , of a &asp the de%ender -!nternal to the &asp Face is a Mouth + the water,source , that is in the Form of a Sitting 3ird + awaiting %light ,$ %he ."e of the &asp is tilted /ightwardsindicating waiting- %he Stance of the ."e is loo/ing u*wards- %he 7upilappears to be a small +)alf' ircle or underside sign referring to theunderworld- 3eneath the 7upil is a Se#ered Finger indicating here$ %hus waiting in the underworld here unseen- %he 9ose alludes to the 9ostrils as dual holes- %he ur#e of the 9ose forms the sign for %a*en upwards untilone reaches the ; shaped series of .ight :ots +an association based on theeight intersecting lines that ma*e up the asteris* li*e s*irit sign$ %he ;shape is the sign for turning- %he combination indicates this is a moisture

    s*irit trail- !n the center of the ; there is a Se#ered Finger pointing thedirection here-

    Finall" it should be noted that the Lizard )ead6s open Mouth +a water'source, has +blue'green, water *ouring from it$ %he Form of the water is thesign for ali+e %his means the water o% li%e or the li+ing water-

    From the man" e(amples of #essels in the :resden ode( we can see the

    importance of water in the cosmolog"$ !t was considered the medium throughwhich spirits were carried through the underworld to portals +springs poolsetc, of flowing water from which the spirits made their flight to the s*" +i$e$e#aporation,$ !t also informs us that the ode(6s relationship to

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    In the upper side,and

    The under-side,

    The "ertical places,The two,

    The steward of the &un, %is place,


    The earthen-"essel,


    The water pours.

    %he )and the steward of the &un held in the +green, %hree the many&er!ical Rec!angles "ertical-places. %he +pin*, Flower the one thatblossoms. %he Flower is in the Form of the standardized sign for a flower$%he flower is positioned ;pside'down meaning dead. %he 7istil has an .ggshaped base +the o#ar", indicating the one who will emerge. !nternall" thereis a ircle the one, his location. %he ircle is surrounded b" the ; shapedsign for turning. %his is followed b" a +green, SEuare or house sign$ 9e(t is

    Illustration 2&:The ead Flower

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    the +light green, )orizontal /ectangle or hori'ontal-place sign$

    %he abo#e refers to the hidden de#elopment of the seed that will e#entuall"emerge as a plant and e#entuall" flower$

    %he center is the female'part of the flower and on each side is a +"ellow,7hallus Form +the stamens, the male in the east and west. %he male sign onthe reader6s left is composed of a +"ellow, Leftward leaning

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    %he references to the male in the east and west are related to the mo#ementof

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    at The edge

    of The water source,

    The place that brea#s things up,The tunnel ma#ers,

    $rising, unseen,On the side,

    $ warrior of the &un,

    %he +light green, st"lized Small Serpent Form + the ri"ulet) alludes to the .arand its orifice or hole on the side. %he Serpent can be di#ided in furthersigns$ %he lower part of the Serpent is a +tan, Se#ered Finger pointing here inthe Mouth the water-source. %he upper portion of the Serpent is unclear butseems to be two male-spirit Forms connected together$ %his would mean thetwo male-spirits together as one. 9e(t to the Serpent are Four ircles theones, their locations in the Form of the arising sign$ %he 9umber Fourindicating the four directions or e"erywhere.

    The ri"ulet,in a

    %ole on the side, %ere,

    Illustration 22: The Ser*ent

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    at The water-source,

    The two,The male-spirits,Together as one,

    The ones, their locations,arising,


    %he Form of the +green, 9ose +alluding to the 9ostrils the dual holes , is in

    the Form of a 3reast positionall" the pores of the leaf . onnected to it is theForm +brown, of a Large Snail meaning the great one, mo"ing slowly, positioned as on the leaf. 3elow the Snail is the Form that alludes to the."e !t appears to be a +blue, bab" 3ird the fledgling. Also the Fledgling isin the Sitting position + the one awaiting flight ,$

    %he Shell of the Snail is in the Form of a 3ird6s )ead +a :uc*, the one whosubmerges his head beneath the water ,$ %he :uc*6s head is .gg shapedmeaning the one who will emerge.

    %he Four ircles abo#e the Snail Shell is in the Form of the sign for arising.%he number Four refers to the Four :irections or all o#er e"erywhere.

    Abo#e the ircles is a +blue, 3ird in the Stance of using its %ail as a bracebracing itself against the side of a tree or other obBect$

    Illustration 23: The 9oseThe outh The Chin The


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    %he +green, 9ose of the Figure the 3reast is entirel" Form and has nointernal signs$ )owe#er the 9ose does allude to the dual holes of thenostrils$ %he 3reast of the female'earth alludes to the holes or pores of the

    Leaf$ %he )ead of the Snail is positioned as on the side.

    The ual %oles, The poresof

    The 0eaf,The great one, mo"ing slowly,

    The one,That submerges

    %is head beneath the water,The One,

    Who will emerge.

    %he :uc*6s ."e is a ircle that alludes to the ."e the eye of the &un *enus,and as a sign indicates !he one, his loca!ion. %he +"ellow, :uc*6s 3ill is itsMouth a water source. !ts Form is that of a male-spirit that was based onthe Form of the glans penis$$

    The ye of the &un, *enusThe one, his location

    the male-spirit at

    The water source.

    Illustration 24: !rea/down o% Forms

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    %he +blue, Form that alludes to the ."e of the Figure is that of a "oung 3irda fledgling. The one that will fly. !ts Stance is one of Sitting awaiting +asthe fledgling is a 3ird it also is the sign for flight ,$ %he ircle that alludes tothe :uc*6s ."e the eye of the &un, the one, his location,

    The !ledgling,The one awaiting flight,

    The eye of the &un,The one, his location,

    9e(t we see the roo* sign that compounded with the Spiral indicates ta#enin the direction of the Spiral downward. 7ositionall" below we see two

    small ircles that indicate !he 9umber two which are together within the blac*ness or dar#ness. %he Form of a +tan, Leg and Foot indicate a longwal# or journey.

    Ta#en down, Below,

    The two together, &urrounded,

    by ar#ness,Their

    0ong journey.

    Abo#e the Snail6s Shell we see Four small ircles in the Form of the ur#edarising sign$ %hus the ircles the ones, their locations in the four directionsor all o#er e"erywhere.

    $rising,The ones, their locations,


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    At the end of the Four ircles arising sign we find the Form of a +blue, 3ird posed +the 3ird6s Stance, as if supporting itself on the side of a tree using its

    %ail as a brace. %his 3ird Form is composed of two Legs and Feet in theStance of Sitting on an .dge of something$ %he Leg on the Left has itsoutline in the Form of a cliff or edge. %his sign appears as an in#erted andupside down capital L$ waiting, at the edge, of the earth their journeys.

    %he Forms in this section +!llustration 28, are Euite difficult to interpret ore#en recognize$ &e see the #er" ob#ious Arm$ the warrior and )and t he

    Illustration 26: ore Form

    Illustration 25: !rea/down o% the Forms

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    steward that is holding a +brown, @ shape that is the sign for tree orwood $ %he < part of the sign represents an opening. %his compound ma"represent a doorwa" of wood or a portal$ The opening in the tree. On theside, positional of the tree is the Form of a +light blue, &ater'drop or a

    particle of water. 7ositionall" , below we see the +green, Form of a +green,Fish the one who swims or the swimmer $ with its wide open Mouth awater-source. %his Mouth connects with the Mouth of the Form of the 3ird$

    9e(t to the &ater'drop and abo#e the Fish is a +dar* blue, Form of a 3irdmeaning flight. %he /ightward Leaning Form + waiting , of the irclesindicates the two their location $ From the 3ea* or Mouth of the 3ird stems a+red, roo* meaning ta#en or brought with the cur#ature of the lineindicating the direction up to the Straight Line of the surface.

    %he translation of this section+!llustration 2 , is Euestionable because themeaning of the form of the 3attle A( is not *nown$

    %he Arm the )and the warrior, the steward, The +red, hole in the surface.%he +white,

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    %he part of the A( that holds the 3lade or Cnife is a compound Form madeup of a Large &ater'drop + the great water-particle , and a +light blue, male-spirit sign whose Stance is heading upwards. %he &ater'drop is positionedalongside the 3od" %ail of the 3ird that is in the Form of a 3reast + a hill ,

    The opening,

    onThe 0eaf The great water-particle,

    the male-spirit, %eading upwards.

    Illustration 2#: The

    ;reat 7ater,dro*

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    their rebirth,$ Although not mentioned in this composition it is possible thatthe metaphor of flight to the s*" was e(tended to the appearance of )air li*efibers that are windblown from the mature seedpods$

    %he Ma"a li*e man" other ancient cultures li#ed close to nature$ %o be*nowledgeable about nature was a necessar" sur#i#al s*ill$ %his ingrained*nowledge was then applied through metaphor to depict their understandingof the culture6s and the indi#idual?s place in the ph"sical and cosmologicalworld$

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