dr.elwassiela salih md. thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces...

Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD

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Page 1: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD

Page 2: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs

Divided into two: -hyperthyroidism


Page 3: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Two pregnancy-related hormones—(hCG) and estrogen—cause increased thyroid hormone levels in the blood.

Made by the placenta, hCG is similar to TSH and mildly stimulates the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone.

Page 4: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Increased estrogen produces higher levels of thyroid-binding globulin, a protein that transports thyroid hormone in the blood.

These normal hormonal changes can sometimes make thyroid function tests during pregnancy difficult to interpret.

Page 5: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

1st trimester, the fetus depends on the mother’s supply of thyroid hormone, which it gets through the placenta.

At 10 to 12 weeks, the baby’s thyroid begins to function on its own.

The baby gets its supply of iodine, which the thyroid gland uses to make thyroid hormone, through the mother’s diet.

Page 6: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Women need more iodine when they are pregnant—about 250 micrograms (μg) a day

Thyroid gland enlarges slightly in healthy women during pregnancy- enough to be detected by u/s .

Higher levels of thyroid hormone in the blood, increased thyroid size, and other symptoms common to both pregnancy and thyroid disorders.

Page 7: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Usually caused by Graves’ disease and occurs in 1:500 pregnancies

In Graves’ disease, the immune system makes an antibody called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin which mimics TSH and causes the thyroid to make too much thyroid hormone.

Page 8: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

A woman with preexisting Graves’ disease usually improves in 2nd and 3rd trimester.

It usually worsens again in the first few months after delivery.

Page 9: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can lead to

-congestive heart failure -preeclampsia—a dangerous rise in

blood pressure in late pregnancy -thyroid storm—a sudden, severe

worsening of symptoms

Page 10: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

-Cardiac arrhytmias including atrial fibrillation

-Diarrhoea -Vomiting -Abdominal pain -Psychosis

Page 11: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

- thyroid stimulating h. may cross the placenta and cause fetal thyrotoxicosis and goitre

Page 12: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Main complications for baby: -fetal growth restriction -stillbirth -fetal tachycardia -premature delivery -miscarriage

Page 13: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Some symptoms are common features in early pregnancies, including mild maternal tachycardia, heat intolerance, fatigue, weight loss and heart murmur

Other more indicative symptoms: rapid and irregular heartbeat, a fine tremor, unexplained weight loss or failure to have normal pregnancy weight gain, and the severe nausea and vomiting

Confirmed by high level of T4 and T3, with reduced level of TSH

Page 14: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Mild hyperthyroidism in which TSH is low but free T4 is normal does not require treatment

Propylthiouracil (PTU) or sometimes methimazole- use lowest dose as it cross placenta

Beta-blockers may be indicated initially before antithyroid drugs take effects

Radioactive iodines-contraindicated because it completely obliterates fetal thyroid gland

Rarely, surgical used

Page 15: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Causes: -iodine deficiency

- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis -atrophic thyroiditis - congenital absence of thyroid - inadequately treated existing hypothyroidism - treated hyperthyroidism : surgery, radioiodine

or drugs(amiodarone,lithium,iodine,antithyroid drugs)

Page 16: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Some of the same problems caused by hyperthyroidism can occur in hypothyroidism. Uncontrolled hypothyroidism during pregnancy can lead to

-congestive heart failure




-low birthweight


-cognitive and developmental disabilities in the baby

Page 17: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

High levels of TSH and low levels of free T4

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in pregnancy include

-extreme fatigue -cold intolerance -muscle cramps -constipation -problems with memory or concentration. 

Page 18: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Synthetic thyroxine-identical to the T4 made by the thyroid gland

Women with pre-existing hypothyroidism will need to increase their prepregnancy dose of thyroxine

Thyroid function should be checked every 6 to 8 weeks during pregnancy

If the dx is made in px, in the absence of cardiac ds, consider a starting dose of 100 μg daily.

In practice, aim for a TSH level <2.5mu/l Thyroxine can be safely taken during breast-


Page 19: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided

Based on symptoms and not biochemical results

Most recover spontaneously

Hyperthyroid phase: Beta-blockers

Hypothyroid phase: thyroxine – treatment should be withdrawn after 6 months to check for recovery

Long term follow up should be with annual TFT

Page 20: Dr.Elwassiela Salih MD. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone than the body needs Divided