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Dreams Can Come True Spiritual Business Empowerment E-Course Kimberley Lovell Holistic Business Alchemist™ Transforming Your Purpose & Passions Into Gold! www.KimberleyLovell.co.uk

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Dreams Can Come True

Spiritual Business Empowerment


Kimberley Lovell

Holistic Business Alchemist™

Transforming Your Purpose & Passions Into Gold!



Table of Contents

Using Positive Energy to Reach Your Destiny .................................................................. 4

Using Nature to Improve Your Mood ................................................................................... 7

Your Goals Are Closer Than You Think ............................................................................... 9

Unleashing the Power of Your Dreams ............................................................................. 12

Taking Charge of Your Life .................................................................................................... 15

Preparing for Your Dreams ................................................................................................... 18

Finding Your Inner Treasure ................................................................................................ 21

Discover Yourself and Find the Hidden Positive Spirituality in Your Life ........ 24

Somewhere, Over The Rainbow - How to Make Your Dreams a Reality ............ 27

I am closer to my dreams and goals every day. ............................................................ 30

I am blooming right where I am planted. ........................................................................ 32

I know how to find my inner treasure. ............................................................................. 34

I know how to unleash the power behind my dreams. ................................................... 36

I prepare myself for dreams that are coming true. ..................................................... 38

I reach my destiny through positive energy. .................................................................. 40

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 42

Why Choose Me As Your Coach or Mentor? ................................................................... 43

30 Minute Complimentary Holistic Business Breakthrough ................................... 44

Business Resources For You ................................................................................................. 45


Hello Sweet Heart

Thanks for placing your trust in me and embarking on this ecourse. I hope

you find the information fabulously useful for making your dreams come

true and growing your business further.

As a Hypnotherapist, I have seen first hand just how powerful our minds

can be. Indeed your mindset creates your reality and is one of the biggest

influences on your business success.

If you’re willing to put the work in and take action, then this e-course can

help you begin to turn your dreams into reality and will bless both your

personal and business life. Ready to take some action? Great let’s dive in!

Love and Blessings


Using Positive Energy to Reach Your Destiny

The type of energy that surrounds you is an important determining factor

in how you feel. The energy you have on the inside can also affect your

mood in a positive or negative way. You can use positive energy to manifest

your ultimate destiny. The power is inside of you, and you can begin to

harness this power starting today.

How you think about yourself and your world shapes what you do. The

way you see your future often manifests itself in reality. If you see yourself

as happy and healthy, you're more likely to feel that way. If you see yourself

reaching your goals, you're more likely to work for and attain them. Hold

on to the dreams you have in your heart.

Even if your dreams have yet to come true, your destiny still awaits you. It's

only a matter of time before you manifest the result of the energy inside of

you. Hard work is often required to get to the destiny you know you can

realize. Hard work can be made easier by the way you approach it, and

that's where positive energy comes into the picture.

Meeting Your Goals Through Positive Thinking

Many people today have a negative mindset, but you can choose to be

different. You can keep your thoughts positive and ensure that you're

working toward the destiny you want to experience. Avoid negative

people who tell you what you cannot achieve. You can achieve what you

set out to accomplish as long as you remain focused and positive about

your experiences.


In order to stay positive about reaching your destiny, try to:

• Avoid spending time with or listening to negative people.

• Take time each day to meditate on what you really want to see in

your life.

• Plan your time and energy, so it's not wasted on less important


• Focus on reaching your goal and visualize it in your mind.

• Spend time with others who share your goals, dreams, and values.

Shaping your destiny using positive energy is easier than most people

think. The key is your refusal to give up. It may take some time before you

begin to see the positive results you're after. Your destiny is worth the wait.

As long as you have life, you have hope and a future. Internalize and

meditate on this truth every day.

The more you hold onto this powerful information, the more likely you'll be

to succeed. This is because you know that you're strong, brave, and capable.

You're capable of far more than you realize. When you tap into your

potential and think positively about that potential, you'll receive strength

that'll help you grow and develop as a person.

Look at where you are today. Embrace it and tell yourself that you're ready

to move forward. Visualize where you'll be in a week, a month, a year,

and in five years. Take the time to see these pictures in your head, so you

have a clear image in your mind of what success looks like.


Set big goals, dream big dreams, and visualize about them coming to pass.

When you speak to yourself about these dreams, talk about when you reach

your goals and not if. You really can harness positive energy to manifest the

destiny of your dreams, starting today!


Using Nature to Improve Your Mood

Everyone gets a little down from time to time, but you can avoid letting that

control you. Nature is one of the best mood boosters available. The beauty

of your surroundings can help you feel happy and whole again. Focus on

the cycle of life and the beauty of your surroundings.

Go outside and take a deep breath. Enjoy the smell of plants and flowers.

Stare into the sky and listen to the chirp of the birds in the trees. All of

those things are excellent ways to feel better. Live in a city? If you feel

like you're surrounded by concrete and glass, it can be hard to feel peaceful.

But there's almost certainly a city park within a short driving distance from

your home where you can take the time to look for the peace you crave.

Commune with Nature for Emotional Health

When you're looking for emotional health, keep in mind that many

approaches are available. Some people attend therapy or take classes that

are aimed at helping them succeed. Others meditate in a quiet place where

they can be completely alone. How you use nature to improve your mood is

a personal choice that only you can make.

Here are some possible ways to help improve your mood with nature:

• Sit near a body of water, such as a river, stream, lake, or ocean.

• Take time in a city park or other green, grassy area where it's cool

and calm.

• Listen to birds, a purring cat, or lapping waves in person or on a CD.


• Visualize yourself out in peaceful nature, even when you can't be


• Make time for something in nature each and every day.

There are many ways to harness the restorative power of nature, and

people who do so find that they feel more at peace even when they aren't in

a nature setting. You can be one of those people. Think about the type of

environment you like. Rugged mountains? The ocean? Something else? No

matter what kind of scenery you most enjoy, you can find inner peace

and harmony there.

A Good Mood is a Choice

You can choose to be in a good mood. Even when things fail to go your

way, your mood is completely up to you. Every day, when you start to feel

anxious or upset, think about something that makes you feel peaceful.

Spend more time taking in the beauty of your natural surroundings. When

you do, you'll be storing in your mind a reservoir of relaxing memories that

can be called upon at any time to restore that peaceful feeling.

As you visualize what makes you happy, you'll be able to hear and see it in

your mind's eye. You may even believe you smell the ocean or the grass.

You'll feel more relaxed, and your good mood will stay with you instead of

being lost in an ocean of hurry and busyness. No matter the worry, big or

small, natural surroundings can help you improve your mood and stay



Your Goals Are Closer Than You Think

Whether you realize it or not, every day brings you closer to your goals and

dreams. You may feel like you have a long way to go, but you're closer than

you think. Avoid giving up or getting discouraged. Keep moving forward.

Every setback is a learning experience that brings you closer to your goal.

When people tell you all the reasons you'll fail, or when you try to do

something but receive a less than perfect outcome, avoid taking to heart.

People always have opinions, and they can be - and usually are - wrong.

Each failure can be a stepping-stone if you turn it into one. Even

professional athletes and actors make mistakes. It's okay to be human!

Your successful outcome may arrive next month, next week, or even today.

When you stop before you complete your goal or dream, you lose the

chance to see yourself completely fulfilled and reach the destiny that you

were created for. You just might be hours away from your goals!

How to Keep Moving Forward

Moving forward is critical to reaching your goal, and you can find ways to

keep going each and every day. When you look for ways to move ahead,

you inch closer and closer to your goal. As you see it getting closer, you'll

put in a greater effort to reach it. That speeds up the process and it makes

you happier and healthier, both mentally and spiritually.


The correct approach for you depends on how you work best. Thankfully,

there are plenty of things you can do to stay on the right path until you

reach the goal that you've set for yourself. You can:

• Keep a journal so you can keep track of what you've accomplished every


• Surround yourself with like-minded people who are also interested

in achieving a common goal.

• Remove negativity from your life by choosing to focus on happiness and


• Stay busy, instead of allowing yourself to just sit around and make


Reaching Goals Can Mean Significant Life Changes

Remember that reaching a goal can mean a dramatic change in your

life. This is often a change for the better, however. With change comes

uncertainty, and uncertainty is uncomfortable for many people. If you're

willing to leave your comfort zone, you can experience an abundant life of

prosperity and joy that is filled with everything you've always dreamed

about. Embrace the changes that lead to the future you deserve.

It's important that you understand the value of change and accept that

it can bring much good to your life. Certainly, there are unpleasant

changes that can occur in your life. However, if you keep taking steps

forward toward your dreams, most of the change you'll experience will

bring satisfaction to your heart and fulfillment to your soul.


Accept, enjoy, and celebrate the changes that come into your life. Learn

to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, and you'll be in the driver seat

toward your destiny. If you confidently go after what you want, you can

confidently expect that the changes you experience will be positive ones.

Keep an open mind and a positive attitude. Expect success and you will

attain that success!


Unleashing the Power of Your Dreams

Dreams have enormous power. Think about the dreams that reside deep

within your heart. They mean a great deal to you, or you wouldn't hang on

to them, right? Well, it may only be a very short time before they come to

pass. And even if their fulfillment is a long way away, hold on to those

dreams as you experience progress towards them.

When the time is right - and when you're ready - your dreams will be

realized. In the meantime, you can unleash the power that your dreams

offer you. But how do you do that?

Do your dreams bring you wealth? Health? Love? Something else?

Whatever means the most to you and brings you immeasurable joy will

often appear in your dreams.

Your dreams might not even be for you. They might be for someone else.

You can bring joy, love and light to many people by using the power of your

dreams for the good of others. You can teach others to realize their dreams

and unleash that power as well.

Dream a Powerful Dream

Your big picture goals can keep you going. They provide motivation and

fuel for life. Many settle for less than the best life they can live, but you can

decide today that you'll accept no less than the fulfillment of your dreams.


The key is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, taking small steps

in the direction of your dreams. At the same time, continually visualize

what your life looks like at the finish line. As you complete each step along

the way, you'll gain more power to complete the rest of your journey.

You may have a setback or two before you see your dream completely

realized. That's normal. Roadblocks only serve to show you the strength of

your desire for this dream's fulfillment.

You can unleash the power of your dreams by:

• Taking small steps each day toward their fulfillment

• Using them for your own joy and for the joy and good of others

• Turning a small dream into a large one by thinking big

• Staying brave and courageous when challenges come

• Spending time with people who are encouraging and helpful

• Encouraging others to follow their dreams and realize their desires

Always Remember the Power of the Dream

Your dreams are an extension and expression of who you are. When you

dream something, give it everything you've got and see it through until

your dream is fulfilled. The only thing stopping you from achieving your

most important dreams is you! Refuse to accept defeat and resolve to

keep taking action to get what you want until you achieve the victory you



Dreams have power, but you must continue to feed them. Do everything

you can to realize your dream by taking massive, consistent action. As you

go, notice what is working and isn't. Adjust your course continually, and

nothing can stop you from experiencing the realization of the dreams that

you hold in your heart.


Taking Charge of Your Life

Your life belongs to you, and you can avoid letting others control it with

some careful planning and the courage of your convictions.

Doing what others want you to do with your life robs you the success,

fulfillment and happiness you deserve. Stand by what you really want to do

and go for it with all your heart and you'll achieve what you desire.

Are you a people-pleaser that tries to make everyone else happy instead of

focusing on your own needs? Finding a balance is important, and it's within

your reach. You can begin taking charge of your life, right now, by

remembering some simple rules and making a few choices about the

direction you want to take.

Life is Full of Challenges You Can Turn Into Opportunities

Do you hide when you see a challenge coming up? Instead, you can take

that challenge and make it into a great opportunity to do something

important. Challenges help to shape who you are and what you do with

your life, so face them and get through them to experience the truly

fulfilling life you crave.

You'll be a stronger person for taking charge of your life. Prove to

yourself that all you really need is your abilities, as they're sufficient for the

task. You can face and conquer anything, provided you refuse to give up.

Even when things don't go your way, you can learn from the experience

and still press forward toward your victory.


Ways to Take Control of Your Life

Try these techniques to help you become truly in charge of your life:

1. Learn how to say 'no' to people. This can take some practice, but it's

important that you realize it's okay to say no when someone wants you

to take on too much or do something that you aren't comfortable with.

2. Take time to focus on your goals. If you're unclear about what you're

doing or where you're going, how can you have control over your life?

Decide on a direction and take it. You can change directions later if you

find that you're not following the path of your heart.

3. Enlist help. Taking control of your life means drawing strength from the

support of those you love. Advice from a neutral party can be very

helpful. Just remember to take it only as advice. Trust your heart and

give yourself permission to go against the advice you receive. However,

seeking wise counsel will speed you toward your goals.

If you follow your heart and take steps toward what you want, taking

charge of where you're going will be easier than you think. Acquiring this

control may take time, but you can start working on it right away.

When you begin taking charge of your life, people may disagree with you

and challenge your direction. Remind yourself that you have the right to

your own life, without interference from others, even if they mean well.


Show those who challenge your new direction your happiness and love.

When they see the smile on your face and the spring in your step, they'll

know that you're following your heart and chasing after the dreams that

matter to you.


Preparing for Your Dreams

Everyone has dreams. Many people miss out on the best that life has to

offer, however, because they fail to properly prepare. You can choose to be


You'll see your dreams come to pass if you recognize and seize the

opportunities that are presented to you. You can realize your dreams if

you take the time to prepare for them. Being ready means you can tackle

whatever obstacles that stand in your way. It means that you refuse to be

denied the destiny that is rightfully yours.

Sometimes, dreams get fulfilled in unexpected ways. While it's not

possible to be ready for everything, it is possible to be as prepared as you

can be for anything that might come your way. This includes both the

challenges and the blessings that come with the journey toward your

dreams. Preparation is the key to recognizing, receiving and experiencing


Ways to Prepare to Realize Your Dreams

Everyone is on a different path with a unique vision for his or her future.

Whatever your dreams are, start preparing for them now. You never

know how soon they might come true. Dreams can be large or small, and

some can take a very long time to come to pass. Refuse to give up, and plan

to succeed. If you do, your dreams will come to pass.


There are many ways that you can prepare for your dreams. Consider:

• Listing the steps you need to achieve a dream and working through


• Keeping a journal about what you're accomplishing toward your


• Using positive thinking and reinforcement to bring your dreams to


• Seeking out the people who can help you realize your dreams

• Continue to be your best and work hard, even when things appear


The most important thing you can do, though, is to keep your dreams

before you. Think about them every day. Visualize success. Constantly

remind yourself why your dreams are important. Replace the negative

thoughts of your inner critic with successful self-talk. Preparing for your

dreams means deciding that you're worth it and that the fulfillment of

these dreams is your destiny.

If you continue to take steps in the direction of your dreams, you'll become

more prepared for their realization automatically. Overcome both the fear

of failure and the fear of success with consistent, positive steps in the

direction of your dreams. Notice what is working and what isn't, and

change your approach until you get what you want.

Get the Dream You Really Want

Do you settle for less than your ideal life because you haven't taken the

time to really think about what your ideal life actually looks like? In a


perfect world, what would your career look like? How would your

relationships be different? How about your health? Your finances? Write

down your ideal vision in a journal.

When you begin to think about what you truly want, without limiting

your imagination with doubts and worries, you'll find your true

passions. You'll find what matters most to you and you'll begin to get

excited. This is what it means to prepare yourself for your dreams. When

you're prepared, you'll automatically seize the opportunities and see your

dreams come to pass.


Finding Your Inner Treasure

Everyone has treasure deep within. You are no exception. What people do

with this treasure can shape their level of happiness and the direction they

go in life.

Some people use their treasure wisely. They make a living, but they also

bring great joy to themselves and to others. They get a lot back for the

amount of time and the level of talent they give out.

You can have this kind of reward. If you know what your inner treasure is,

share it with the world. If you don't know what that treasure is yet, you can

discover it through some questioning and soul searching. Seek to find out

what's really in your heart and mind. Your spirit will tell you what you

really should be focusing on. Listen to that still, small voice inside of you.

Sharing Your Treasure With the World

There are countless ways to share the inner treasure that you have with the

world. These can include:

• Getting a job using the talents you naturally have

• Volunteering to use your talents to help others

• Teaching others to find their own talents and treasures

• Becoming an advocate for something you passionately believe in

• Being a spokesperson for something that matters deeply to you


There are many other ways in which you can share your treasure with the

world. You know you’re using your treasure in the right way when you

feel true joy and fulfillment.

Locating Your Treasure Can Be Easy

What makes you happy?

What are you passionate about?

What causes do you support?

What kinds of world problems make you sad or angry?

Ask yourself these kinds of questions. Give yourself permission to give

completely honest answers without holding back. When you answer these

questions with a pure heart, you'll discover where you should be

devoting your time, energy, and expertise.

Take those things that mean the most to you, and see how you can affect

them. Do you write? Play an instrument? Sing or dance? Are you a good

teacher, motivator, or public speaker? Can you help others reach their goals?

Everyone is good at something! Just spend some time to figure out what

your unique talents and gifts are.

When you find that talent and couple it with something, such as a cause, an

event, or a person that really matters to you, you can be unstoppable. You'll

be able to use your treasures and talents for the good of many. As you help

others, you also help yourself.


Some experimenting may be necessary to discover your treasure, and that's

okay. Everyone goes through times of uncertainty. If the uncertainty leads

you to search within yourself for the answers, it has served its purpose.

The most important part of discovering your treasure and giving it out to

the world is the journey. The process of exploring your heart's desires and

discovering what's important to you will bring more meaning and

fulfillment to your life than you can possibly imagine - and you can start to

enjoy those benefits today!


Discover Yourself and Find the Hidden Positive

Spirituality in Your Life

Do you ever feel lost, with no idea where your life is headed? Do you wish

you could find a sense of direction, meaning and purpose for your life?

Thankfully, you can discover the passion inside of you and experience the

truly fulfilling life you were born to live.

To truly experience this rich, fulfilling life, you must become familiar with

the dreams and aspirations that lie deep within your heart. For some, these

values and hopes have been buried underneath a life of obligation, stress,

and worry. Today, you can begin to chart a new path by embracing the

hidden positive spirituality within yourself.

Try these tips when you're ready to take your life to the next level:

1. Make time for yourself. In as little as a few minutes each day, you can

revitalize your mood and energy level. Simply take a few minutes today

to pamper yourself. If you lack the time, remember that you must feel

energized before you have the energy to give back to others.

• Find simple pleasures that give you rest and make you smile. Relax in

a warm bubble bath. Read a few pages of the book you've wanted to

read for so long. Take time away from the craziness and pamper

yourself. In as little as five or ten minutes, you'll emerge from your

"me" time with renewed vigor and a fresh perspective.


2. Try prayer, meditation, or yoga. When you're stressed, the skill of

quieting your mind and hearing the still small voice inside of you is vital.

Prayer and meditation takes you away from the world and into your

inner sanctuary for a few brief moments. With practice, you can activate

your sense of peace anywhere and in any stressful circumstance.

• Similarly, yoga seeks to connect you with the spiritual part of who

you are. Through body movements and exploration of the body/mind

connection, you gain a greater sense of who you are and where

you're going.

3. Choose to see the good. A healthy mind is the key to a happy life. Every

situation offers a unique set of challenges and blessings. When you're

faced with a challenging situation, ask yourself, "What's great about

this?" Shift your focus to the blessings, and focus on finding solutions,

instead of lamenting over the problems. When you do, you'll find peace.

4. Take a vacation. Sometimes, a change of perspective can only come

from a change of scenery. A few days of relaxation or pursuing hobbies

that you're passionate about can invigorate your life and help you regain

a positive perspective.

• You can take an unforgettable vacation in as little as a few hours. Visit

your city's bureau of tourism for ideas on attractions that you may

have missed right in your hometown. You may only have to travel a

small distance for a memory that will last a lifetime and a perspective

that fuels you toward the peace you deserve.


If you follow these tips, you'll discover the hopes, dreams, and values that

lie deep within you. Once you've discovered what matters most to you. You

can orient your life in a way that brings meaning to you and those around



Somewhere, Over The Rainbow – How to Make

Your Dreams a Reality

Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I dream of

once in a lullaby…

Ever since we were children, we've had dreams. The sad thing is, over the years

we convinced ourselves that our dreams could never come true. Because we

assumed that they were mere fantasies, we didn't even try to make them come


Believe it or not, your dreams can be reality! However, you won't get

anywhere by simply making a wish. You have to take specific actions to

increase your chances of living that life you always dreamed of.

These are some simple techniques that can help you get started:

1. You must possess passion and desire. These two elements are crucial

for living your dream. Interestingly enough, you really can't have one

without the other. You must yearn to have something in your life so

much (desire) and for the right reasons (passion).

• A good example to illustrate the difference would be if you always

wanted to be a professional singer. You know that you have the talent

and all you want in life is to sing on a professional stage some day

(desire). Your focus isn't the money, fame, or prestige; you just have a

true love for singing. It's all you think about all-day, every day



2. Patience. Patience isn't easy, but in most case, our dreams don't come

true overnight. You need to work hard to achieve your full potential.

Though it may take longer than you hoped, once you're living your dream,

you'll realize that practicing patience was worth the rewards.

• Just remember to remain positive, focus on your dreams, and keep

taking action to make those dreams a reality. After all, patience is a


3. Sacrifice. Achieving your dreams will require self-sacrifice. This is

usually where most people can gauge how serious they are about turning

their dreams into reality. Whether it is giving up your TV time to work

toward your goals, or spending extra hours at work to further your

career, you have to be willing to sacrifice something.

• If you're truly passionate about your dreams, this shouldn't be too

difficult. If you do find sacrifice extremely difficult, it may be that you

don't possess enough desire, passion, willpower, or self-discipline to

see your dreams through.

4. Confidence. If you truly want to make your dreams real, you have to

believe they can happen. You must possess an intense confidence in

yourself and your talents; otherwise, your dreams will remain dreams


• Sometimes your confidence may waiver, but as long as you can focus

on your ultimate goal - and you can actually see yourself achieving

this goal - you're heading in the right direction.


Final Thoughts on Achieving Your Dreams

No one can steal your dreams away from you except you. Sometimes we

can be our own worst enemy, biggest obstacle, and harshest critic. But that's

not what you need! You need to remember that, by taking action and

implementing these simple tips and suggestions, your dreams can come true.

Keep your focus on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; it will happen

if you only believe it can!


I am closer to my dreams and goals every day.

I have goals and dreams that matter to me. I see these as important, and I

work toward them each day.

Goals and dreams are important and attainable. Nothing is too difficult for

me, because I believe in myself. My dreams are coming true, and my goals

are being reached. I know I have what it takes to see continued success.

Each day I move closer to the dreams that are in my heart. I visualize what I

want in my life, and then I go get it. Because I have goals and dreams, I have

plans for the present and the future. I have hope because I have dreams. I

meet my goals and encourage others to do the same.

I enjoy making plans, setting goals, and following my dreams. I move

forward with my life quickly and confidently.

I am brave, strong, and powerful. Each day I work on improving myself

and improving the lives of others. People like me and want to emulate my

work ethic and planning abilities. I am proud of what I can accomplish.

I know I am able to see my dreams come to pass. I am able to reach every

goal I set for myself. I focus only on goals that are really important to me.

I avoid worrying about what others are doing or what they think of me.

What I think and do is all that matters when it comes to reaching my goals

and seeing my dreams come true.

Today, I take action to accomplish my goals and bring my dreams to reality.


Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to move closer to a goal?

2. How can I set realistic goals for my future?

3. What can I do to pursue my dreams?


I am blooming right where I am planted.

Where I live is not relevant to how much joy I feel. I can find joy and peace

no matter where I am.

My station in life does not control my joy. Joy comes from within, rather

than from outside circumstances. I bloom where I am planted, both

physically and mentally. Blooming is a choice that I make every day.

I am strong, and I can bloom even when I have challenges. I am much

stronger than anything negative that may come into my life. Negativity rolls

right off my back, and I just let it pass me by.

I hold onto joy, peace, and beauty because those are the things that are

valuable to me. My joy radiates out to the people around me.

I am well liked by others because they see my happiness. I shine brightly,

and other people want to be around me. I have so much joy that I can

freely give some of it away to those around me. Others enjoy being around

positive people like me, and I help others bloom because I show them that

it is possible.

When it comes to moving forward, I see the importance of goals. At the

same time, I see the importance of enjoying what I have in the present day.

I balance the present and the future so I can have happiness and peace

no matter where I am.

Today, I bloom and radiate joy, no matter where in life I am planted.


Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I continue to bloom in all aspects of my life?

2. What can I do to help other people bloom?

3. Where can I look for further joy, peace, and love?


I know how to find my inner treasure.

Like everyone else, I have a treasure inside of me.

I have the capacity for great joy and beauty and I am willing to search for

this inner treasure. Finding it is easy for me. I keep my mind and heart

open to my inner treasure. I find great joy and peace from the treasure I

have in my mind, heart, and spirit.

Each day I look for my inner treasure. Because I find it, I radiate happiness

and joy outward to those I come into contact with. My inner treasure

brings me happiness. I know I am capable of anything. I have talent and

treasure inside, just waiting to get out. I take a leap of faith and let that

treasure shine forth.

When others see my inner treasure, they want what I have. I show them

how to have the peace I have within myself. I am liked and appreciated

because I love and care for others. My happiness and inner beauty comes

forth in anything I do. I enjoy helping others and discovering new things

about myself.

Every day I seek out love and light. These are the things that matter in my

life, and I freely share them with other people. My inner treasure is not a

secret to be hidden, but a wondrous joy to share with the world. I am not

afraid to share my inner treasure with the people in my life.

Today, I seek out and locate my inner value and beauty.


Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to bring forth my inner treasure?

2. How can I help others find their inner treasures?

3. What is the best way to use my inner treasure to bring joy to my life?


I know how to unleash the power behind my


Dreams have power. My dreams are important to me. They show me what I

have and what I desire for my future.

To make my future into what I want it to be, I must follow my dreams. Each

day I dream and work to make those dreams come true. Dreams are

valuable in helping me to shape my future.

Each dream is separate, yet they are all connected. When I follow my

dreams, I am happy. I radiate joy and love. People around me want this joy

for themselves so I help them discover the power to make dreams come

true. I like to help people and I want to see them happy. I bring great joy to

others and myself.

I am brave and strong. I have the power to make things happen in my life.

When I dream, I see the potential it has to change my future. I think

about my dreams and I determine what I need to do in order to make them

into reality. When I see my dreams as reality, I start working toward them

more clearly. I avoid giving up on my dreams.

Every dream has value. I make my life into what I want through the

power of my dreams, goals, and desires. My life is happy, fulfilled, and

joyful. I change and adjust my life according to what I need and want. I am

pleased with the direction my life is taking.

Today, I unleash my power to make my dreams come true.


Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to help dreams come true for others?

2. How can I move more boldly toward the fulfillment of my dreams?

3. Are there ways in which I can unleash more of my power?


I prepare myself for dreams that are coming true.

Dreams are a valuable part of my life. I see the beauty and importance of

having dreams to hold onto.

My dreams come true because I am focused on what it takes to achieve

them. I know that some dreams take time. But I prepare myself now, so I

will be ready when they come to pass. I know my dreams are being


Every day, I move closer to my dreams. I keep them in the forefront of my

mind, and I work toward them. Even small steps matter. I avoid giving up

when things don't seem to be moving fast enough. I know that my present

and future are meeting up just the way they should. My preparations are

helping my dreams come true.

I am ready for my dreams. I see the value of them and I know that they're

important. Others see my dedication and appreciate it. I inspire others to

realize and prepare for their own dreams. My life is happy and I want to

help others experience this happiness, too. I know I am able to handle the

challenges and joys that come to me.

As my dreams come true, I revel in the joy that I feel. I love accomplishing

my goals and seeing my dreams come to pass. I continue to appreciate what

I have, even as I strive to build my life into something more.

Today, I see my dreams coming to pass and I am ready for them.


Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I keep my dreams alive?

2. What can I do to be ready when my dreams come true?

3. How can I give away joy and dreams to others?


I reach my destiny through positive energy.

Positive energy flows through my body. I breathe it in with every breath

and exhale anything negative.

Unhealthy energy avoids me. It rolls right off of me, and I refrain from

allowing it to be a part of my life. Only positive energy has a place in my

life and destiny.

I am full of healthy, happy energy, and I give that energy away freely to

others. Because I have so much positive energy, I can give much of it away

and still keep plenty for myself. People like me because I am a positive

person with goals and dreams. I help others feel better by remaining

happy and positive.

Good things come into my life because my positive energy draws them to

me. My life is always improving and I am happy with each moment of my

day. Positive energy is very valuable to me, and I feel rich with it.

I know that my happy attitude and positive energy matter more than

money, education, or any other kind of riches. Because I am positive, I use

my energy to attain the things that I want in my life. Helping others and

myself is very rewarding.

I enjoy being an inspiration to other people who want to have more

positive energy in their lives. I help them as often as I can, and I keep my

mind and heart open for people who need what I have to offer them.


Today, I use positive energy to move myself closer to my destiny.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to bring more positive energy into my life?

2. How can I give more positive energy and love away to others?

3. How can I set a goal timeline using positive energy?



I hope this Free E-Course has given you that belief deep down that your

dreams really can come true. I hope that you’ve been inspired and

empowered by some of the great ideas on how you can start living your

dreams right now. Of course if you want to manifest your dream life and

dream business, you’ll want to do a lot more than dream and it’s vital to

take inspired action, so if you’re feeling inspired and would love more

support in manifesting your dream life and business, I would love to

support you by sharing some more resources here so you really can live

your dream life, dream business. Dreams can come true!


Why Choose Me As Your Coach or Mentor?

Because I have:

• A background in Psychotherapy, Education, Energy Psychology

• Been through my own journey and personal struggle to build a

thriving and prosperous business.

• An amazing Connection to Source and Spirit

• Laser sharp intuition and the ability to powerfully zoom in on the essence of your blocks and challenges,

• Powerful healing processes to quickly help your shift and

transform your unconscious blocks so you can take quantum leaps

in your life and your business on all levels.

I only work with clients I love and can whole-heartedly support. My ideal

clients have:

• Big Heart

• Big Dream or Vision

• 100% Commitment to taking action to receive the results they want

When you choose me as your coach/mentor, you’re guaranteed my whole

hearted support.

My programmes are purposefully designed to get the transformation and

results you need, saving you time, money, energy and stress. When you

show up powerfully in these programmes and take action, like me and

countless others you’ll receive many times your investment.

I look forward to serving you. Together we can, make your dreams come



30 Minute Complimentary

Holistic Business Breakthrough

In this Holistic Business Breakthrough Session I’ll walk you through;

• Discovering what is unconsciously sabotaging you from creating your

ideal business

• Creating a clear plan that describes in detail the steps you need to

take to take your business to the next level

• The one simple step you can take immediately to get into action.

Here’s how it works:

This is an exclusive offer for loyal community members, so, if you have not

already done so, please ensure you have signed up to our Business Alchemy

Ezine, full of wonderful articles, tips and resources for transforming your

purpose and passions into profits and then simply take a little time to

focus on your purpose, your passions and your business or business idea

and complete the following questionnaire (you will be amazed at the

insights and revelations you discover as you go through this simple

process) Download your questionnaire and application here:


Complete and return your email and you will receive an email with full

instructions for scheduling your session.

Love & Blessings

Kimberley xx Holistic Business Alchemist™

Transforming Your Purpose and Passions Into Gold! www.KimberleyLovell.com & www.SoulutionsHolisticTraining.com


Business Resources For You

I offer a range of Business Mentoring Programmes, products and services

so that we can dive deeper into your Business Journey and Transform Your

Business by taking it to the next level. If you’d love to transform your

business and join me on any of these programmes simply drop me an email

telling me which programme you’re interested in and complete the

Business Breakthrough Questionnaire to receive more details and schedule

a time so that we can make sure you get the right programme and the right

support you need.

Programmes VIP Day (Live or Virtual)


Monthly VIP Mentoring http://tinyurl.com/7alwecg

Holistic Business Mastermind http://tinyurl.com/6p24g4n

6 Month Private Platinum Business Alchemy Programme http://tinyurl.com/6paksqt

6 Month Group Platinum Business Alchemy Programme http://tinyurl.com/7v78ofk

Holistic Certification Programmes http://tinyurl.com/cmkukfp

Products Hypnotic MP3’s


Ebook “Messages From Heaven” http://tinyurl.com/bs2u5u6

Attracting Abundance Course http://tinyurl.com/683gkg2

Soul Purpose Discovery Course http://tinyurl.com/6zqmfoo

365 Business Marketing Tips & Strategies http://tinyurl.com/c2ygumt