dream squad. themes rejection of studios and museums countryside to paint nature directly...

Impressionism Dream Squad

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Impressionism Dream Squad

Page 2: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

ThemesRejection of studios and museums

countryside to paint nature directlyExpression through personal interpretationNature of light and atmosphereChanging effects of light on objects in natureOrdinary subject matterLiterature closely connected with symbolism

Convey sensory impressions of scenes/incidents

Page 3: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Styles/TechniquesSmall, thin brush strokes Emphasis on lightSoft edges of objects and comingling of

colorsShadows boldly painted

Page 4: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Camille Pissarro 1830-1903One of Impressionism’s founders


Page 5: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Claude Monet1840-1926

Soleil levant

The Saint Lizarre Train Station

Page 6: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Virginia Woolf “Orlando”Famous works:

“Mrs. Dalloway”“To the Lighthouse”

Auditory and visual impressionsTook her impressions of life and

human emotions and portrayed them in novels

New form of expression

Page 7: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Claude Debussy1862-1918Musical compositions inspired by visual artsStressed moods and sensations through

sound“Claire de Lune”

His interpretation of nature - water runningPrelude to the Afternoon of a Faun (1894)

Re-created in sound overall feeling of poem

Page 8: Dream Squad. Themes Rejection of studios and museums  countryside to paint nature directly Expression through personal interpretation Nature of light

Connection Nietzsche He talks about Christianity as being a set of false morals He says you must come up with a personal set of morals to rise above as a,

“super,” version of yourself How it Connects

The key point of impressionism is personal interpretation, for example an artist paints his own interpretation of the scene he sees, and the viewer must also make his own personal interpretation of the artist’s painting.

This coincides well with Nietzsche’s ideas of creating your own personal set of morals. You must make your own interpretation on how you should act based on what you know about yourself.

Freud Freud stresses that your actions are inspired by your subconscious mind Your ego, or normal self, is a careful balance between your super ego, or perfect

self, and id, or naughty self How it connects

Your actions are being determined solely by your own mind This coincides with the idea of an artist painting his own personal interpretation

of a scene, and a viewer making their own personal interpretation of the painting.