dr.burisch end of world (most interesting interviews with area 51 microbiologist)

The following text is copied from Bill Hamilton's website : The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments: “With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings . The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode). I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place. When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of the Groom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. How could a videotape recorder, set to record what was right in front of its lens at that location gather any data on the Middle East if it were still stuck in the middle of the Mojave desert when it got to the future??? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it - a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world

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Page 1: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

The following text is copied from Bill Hamilton's website:

The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments:

“With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode).

I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place.

When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of the Groom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. How could a videotape recorder, set to record what was right in front of its lens at that location gather any data on the Middle East if it were still stuck in the middle of the Mojave desert when it got to the future??? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it - a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world away.

To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. However, such an item placed into the injected atmosphere, might experience a different time, if only briefly. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. I was given to understand that the tilt or positioning of the electromagnets would allow different views or positions in the environment to be reflected in the gas column.

Page 2: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

(I feel confident that at least two rings of electromagnets are employed and that the rest of the device is composed of a barrel and the gas* injected into the barrel. (Two different sources have indicated that these are the basic components.) These magnets spin in different directions, creating a charge of some kind. Then the gas is injected into the barrel. Depending on the direction of the spin (I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect) time space can be warped forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present. I have reason to believe that the scientists have completed a map of the exact positions and speeds of the magnets necessary to reach targeted times both forward and back.)

Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a teleprompter or crystal ball, for lack of a better example. But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move, or that mass is not affected. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. (I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected).

I wish I could offer you more information. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with some kind of gas [an independent source has stated that the gas concerned is argon. Project Camelot] ...these components seem necessary for LG to function as a viewing device. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space....I really don't know since my information sources would only tell me 'so much' about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.”

The following images were created and supplied by Dan Burisch.

Page 5: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


The Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch

A synopsis or summary of Area 51 microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch threads continuing since Oct. 2003

Page 6: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch Retires From Area 51, 5/30/04 Dr BURISCH & MARCI (BJ WOLF) POST TO THE FORUM & ANSWER QUESTIONS -:- With PHOTOS



This message was a response by Dan to another member of the "Projects" and contains plain language about his work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, and his beliefs as a person and a scientist...http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/2012theSunStargates.html

Linda M Howe audio interview with Dr Burisch discussing J-Rod.

HERALDhh 6:38 am EDT Volume 9:) PAGE 22

"The person expected to find the model in 2091, in the event that we avoid a 2012 catastrophe (which at this time I fully believe we will avoid) is not yet born under that name (as that particular person). The person expected to find the model in the 3400´s, should a 2012 catastrophe occur, is certainly not yet born. I personally look at June as the beginning of the footsteps toward Renaissance, and a gathering toward ancient prophetic visions, rather than anything else. :) Now, back to sleep! DBCD" [HERALDy also retires]

HERALDkk 5/22/2004 7:12 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) PAGE 24 "Passing info along"... comments on J-Rods, objective of S-4, the "model's" timeline explained, etc.

Page 7: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

dondep 5/19/2004 2:31 am EDT

The One and Only Public Appearance of Dr. Dan Burisch


herald2012: Mr. Deppeller? // herald2012: Are you online yet? // drbknows: yes // herald2012: Good. // drbknows: who am I speaking with? // herald2012: Herald // drbknows: a number? how do I know you? // herald2012: you don´t know me. // herald2012: you are being given the opportunity to carry a message to the ragtag group // herald2012: on the GLP. //drbknows: go on.... //herald2012: everybody will have one chance //herald2012: and one chance only.

herald2012: Dr. Burisch will be personally attending Mr. Hamilton´s final speech at Rachel Nevada on May 30th at 9 am

herald2012: it´s a small town, so you can´t miss him // herald2012: He will be in a meeting for approx //herald2012: 1 hour from 9 to 10 am //herald2012: then going with his Operational Director to the Little Alien Inn //herald2012: there are no restrictions //herald2012: to camera, film audio none //herald2012: nothing "... CONTINUED PAGE 7 2:31 am


Subject:  BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Dan Burisch coming to Rachel Sunday May 30th


"It is with great pleasure that I announce that my good friend Dr. Dan Burisch, although retiring in silence as of June 1st has informed me that he has permission to visit Rachel, meet people, and chat as he wants to show that he is a man of honor. He did not want to just slip away into the dark.

This is a last chance for those who want to meet him. He knows what he can say or not say. He says he is coming to honor me at my last public presentation on Sunday morning at 9 AM. He and his Ops Director will be my guests of honor in Rachel. It is fitting to end his career for the men of majesty next to the enigmatic Area 51 which he once worked at to just have a cup of coffee with us common folk at the Little A´Le´Inn. Honest, sincere seekers are welcome. ...CONTINUED...http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Skyopen/message/13865


Page 8: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Boomerang Picked To Meet With Dan -&- MEETING RESULTS


Dex 5/18/2004 6:57 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) PAGE 6

Electromagnetic-light wave radiation. The Ganesh , possessing magnetic properties may not principally be magnetic. At any rate, I believe the Ganesh particles are thinking corpuscles of Light wave radiation. Resembling a form of thinking intelligence. A principle coder of codes... CONTINUED PAGE 6 6:57 pm ..." Dan is experimenting with things of great importance."

Post Hole 5/18/2004 2:24 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) PAGE 3

This now seems relevant, what with all the wierd ending talk going on, I got this from Human Subject´s opening post, (this volume), about Dan and the Gulf War Syndrome connection. I read about this somewhere else (not at Godlike) months ago, but it never registered like it does now.. Mentions John McConnel, who some say is J, and Dan (Crain). Where does one find the whole letter? ~~The association between Dan Crain and Sky Spiders in the Gulf War was made in a letter written by a soldier desperate to find Dan and delivered to me in hopes of gaining information about Gulf War Syndrome. Excerpt:....PAGE 3 2:24 amDAN ANSWERS GWS: HERALDz 5/22/2004 5:31 am EDT Volume 9:) PAGE 22


Anonymous C. 5/16/2004 3:35 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 8:) PAGE 35

That´s exactly how I feel about it Ubleck. For the past several months your fine people were fed an extraordinary amount of information and the most you were able to do with it is excercise your heads, but a few did exercise their minds.

Why did Dr. Burisch ever want this strange concoction of fools, wanna bees, fantasy players to see or hear about Lotus? I asked him more than once and he said they someone

Page 9: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

in here was supposed to pass the message on to the right person for the future. He also told me that that was done some time ago, by of all people Harry Dschaak. That´s right, it was Harry Dschaak that talked to the right person at the right time. Funny isn´t it? A _ pig farmer talks to the right person on the Hill and the message gets passed to the future. He said that the message was meant for him to carry on. Harry did it and then predictably stepped on his _ like most of the rest of you in here.

He found out about the T9 real schedule about 10 days ago and rushed and finished the work. So he will take his smelly J-Rods, and we will take out baby cams and woddle away never to be heard from again. He would say Peace to everyone. I would say that to some and f.u. to others! He´s not that way though. He even said that he expected to be scourged by you idiots: congratulations you won! So go ahead and erase your library and links because you are the first people to say that there is no truth to be found there. You can all go back to your fulfilling lives now. Like I said: you got more proof than you deserved.


The little guy just walked in and I asked him for his message. IMO you don´t deserve this but here it is:

"To the members of GLP, thank you all for carrying the message into the future! The model has been completed and the conference has been made witness to the subtle beauty of the process of continuous creation. May the One Creator bless each of your through your days and may we all find a future filled with love and happiness!

Dan B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D."


J 5/16/2004 5:34 am EDT PAGE 35

Your answer Mr. Deppeller: "...am called to testify....." :) Dan´s work nears its end. He has been permitted this response. to David Wilcock, [email protected] "Dear Mr. Wilcock: ==>> PAGE 35


Uncle John 5/14/2004 10:43 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 8:) Page 32

Peace 2/11/2004 12:32 am EST Volume 3:)

Page 10: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

"...Question entered: 0200 11FEB04

Dearest Danny,

I know, from the onset, that this must be an intrusion. For that, I apologize. Some of my colleagues and I have been discussing the vast leakage of material from your project. The content of that leakage, understandably predicted by the Doctrine, casts a certain public light upon you for all history. These, in particular, contain disjoint information, incomplete some may say, that would be entirely confusing to scientific peer review. If you could take just a moment or two to discuss with me that issue, we would be grateful...." CONTINUED AT Volume 8 Page 32 10:43pm

Kiwi Cocky (nli) 5/11/2004 4:30 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 8:)

Another, so what is the latest on Kit Green? Vol 2

"It´s about time 2/4/2004 2:22 am Long before most of you ever heard of Dr. Dan Burisch, efforts were being made to get his situation to the attention of lawmakers, media, researchers, and others.

The person responsible for Eagles Disobey sent out an information packet to one Las Vegas investigational group hoping they´d be willing to help, but instead, the ´ramming speed´ order was given by General Colm (any relation to Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.,

Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry is strictly coincidental). He said, while scoffing at Dr. Burisch and his situation, that his trusted advisor, a Dr. Kit Green (physician and renown neurophysiologist) had said that the objects designed by Dr. Burisch as test equipment for the Ganesh Particle, and planted on Frenchman Mountain during early tests were nothing more than medical waste. Outrage, and indignation ensued. When challenged, nobody at that Las Vegas organization would declare what medical proceedure in the world they thought could yield, as medical waste, the objects recovered, photographed and displayed on the internet.

Years have passed, and efforts, spearheaded by Bill Hamilton have once again placed information about Dr. Dan Burisch in front of Dr. Kit Green. But this time with completely different results.

It has been recently disclosed that Dr. Kit Green changed his opinion, completely reversing himself after viewing the videotape of Dr. Dan Burisch being interviewed in Las Vegas. He now supports Dr. Dan Burisch - and validates his knowledge and vision within the the field of microbiology, specifically regarding emergent biochemical and genetics postulates. To briefly quote from a letter from Bill Hamilton: Subject:

Page 11: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Comments about Dan I have sent a confidential copy of an interview with Dr. Dan Burisch to Dr. Kit Green for evaluation. His response: Thanks, I have looked at the DVD and can tell I need to study it at least two, maybe more times. The DVD is a "keeper" by the way. He sure looks intact and serious, human and humorful, and about as non-pathological (read: psychiatric DSM IV or Paraphrenia - delusional) as any one I have seen. So much for all those who say Dr. Burisch is crazy, or delusional. This evaluation comes from a man with a doctorate in the field of neurophysiology. Dr. Green went on to write: "It would be foolish for me to ask about a specific area of molecular biology in which I am not as advanced as is he(Dan):

his writings on profound biochemical and genetic postulates are beyond my single medical school course in pathophysiology..."

I must agree with Bill Hamilton´s comments following the letter from Kit Green: Today, as we gaze on those images of Mars that suggests life elsewhere in the universe, I would like to offer thanks to all those scientists exploring new worlds. To all those on this forum - Now is the time to take appropriate steps with courage, and without fear. Humanity is at a fragile point, and coveting knowledge for the sake of power (even power within such a small group as this) has never been the way of those history chooses to remember kindly "


WallRace 5/4/2004 6:31 am EDT VOL 7 PAGE 14

320X S McCleod, Las Vegas "Harry and I got lost in Vegas trying to find Dan´s place, coming from another route. We arrived at around 3:05 pm PDT..." (continued Vol. 7 Page 14) -:- A CONTROVERSY EVOLVES http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Burisch/ -:- http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/HarryMeeting.html -:- An "Insider" Comments 9:55 pm Page 13, 5/19/2004 Vol. 9

BJ Wolf 5/2/2004 10:17 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 6

Somebody give me a Yahoo ID please, I don´t know who you all are........... IMPORTANT Yes, this is really BJ

Uncle John 5/2/2004 11:23 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 6

Page 12: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Uncle John here: Oh My God. Here it is friends, not edited, except for the yahoo id used by BJ Wolf. BJ: Hello? UncleJohn: Good morning BJ, UJ here BJ: Standby, switing to the OpDir Proj Lotus. BJ: K-W proceed with switch. BJ: WiB are you there? BJ: Yes I am...(continues) ..."BJ: What is different now is this: there is a concerted effort underway right now, by the Illuminati to get Dan out into the public where they can have at him..."

"...BJ: Before I get switched, you need to tell people to please back off. We need to get this work done. Lives are at stake not just the egos of a few people who are trying to make a big noise BJ: and if they get their way, BJ: Dan will find himself relocated up north where he can finish the Model in peace, and ON TIME without any interruption. BJ: They DO have the power and they WILL use it..."

AS OF ==>> 5/1/2004

Harrdrawk (Harry) 5/1/2004 8:21 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 3

"I am not in a great mood, but I have some long posts to make, so bear with me. I am having a harrd time with the recent developments involving Dan and disclosure... start with this:

I would like to make some observations using some material I got from links provided by Seion9 and others, as well as my own experience here. Be prepared to read several lengthy posts, as I doubt they will all fit in one slot..." Page 3

Crackajack 4/30/2004 12:23 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 1

"...FWIW, here is the text of my short interlude with Dr Burisch. Yep, it´s only text, and could be anything. Take it as you will. The webcam stills to support, are posted at the library, and soon at "Boomweb"..."

Page 13: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Crackajack is told to get rid of material accidentally sent, that is dangerous to the timeline.

numero who cares? 5/2/2004 6:26 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 7:) Page 5 "...You got me a little wrong there Boomerang. I am the gatekeeper. I even read his mail then send it on to him..." I clicked OK which made you one of the last two from your group to EVER see Dan on camera again. I even passed-on a quote from Dan.

Like I said there will be no encores. That isn´t my decision, but that decision has been made from above in the chain of command...."

#7 5/2/2004 7:21 am

There is one person in this group that REALLY did the right thing when the chips were down. He knows who he is and his words WILL last the test of time (crackajack). For one more time, on behalf of Dr. Burisch, thank you! This situation and decision on his part changed the minds of many people about your little group. It reflected positively on the average folks. (other insiders also post positive for crackajack)

Brian 4/29/2004 11:22 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 6:) Page 48

Oh I am not sure about that, Boomerang! ;) But I have to say something, I have enjoyed this time speaking to the open world. I real time limit is set on us all here. It coincides with the end of this coming month. Once May 2004 leaves us forever so does your interaction with any of us inside players from the Vegas unit. The REAL bell is sounding, not the fun we all had with you some time ago. So sad to go! :)

We have been informed that Dan´s message to you to "tell the world" has reached the right people. That´s wonderful (even for a guy like me) because I know that a ragtag group actually did something worth while.

For those that don´t feel in themselves the reality of the information about Dan it is better you regard this a hoax or a myth or whatever you want to call it. It is better for your minds and souls. (Yea I do still have one of those! :) )

Once June 2004 arrives, quiet will happen and the people playing games with you will just be yourselves and a few freaks that come in from the storm.

A storm is coming. How the storm arrives or what form it takes hasn´t been determined, but it is coming

Page 14: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

AS OF ==>> 4/26/04


Sterling Allan (Wallrace) admonished for original Press Release "Burisch Arrested? Lotus Manuscript Has Escaped?" changes it to "The Saga of Dr Dan Burisch"



AS OF ==>> 4/23/04

Linda Moulton Howe on www.coasttocoastam.com talked about and played tape of Dr Dan Burisch

REMINDER: All Posts at the Dr Dan Burisch GLP Thread Are Not Necessarily Valid

AS OF ==>> 4/19/04

Reply From (Assistant) Director of Project Lotus to Dr. Michael Salla in Respect to Dr. Burischhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/exopolitics/message/27


Harry & Sterling X-Conference - Congressional Visit REPORT 4/17-19/04 and others comment on the X-Conference, bottom of page

"Congressional Hearing Requested for Area 51 Microbiologist" PRESS RELEASE & PETITION 4/21/04 www.emediawire.com/releases/2004/4/emw120155.htm

skywatcher22 4/12/2004 11:50 am EDT Page 56

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Page 15: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


Both Bill and Dan comment on the turn of events http://ufoconspiracy.com/news/dan_burisch_update.htm

Bill Hamilton UPDATES Dr. Burisch www.ufoconspiracy.com/news/dan_burisch_update.htm



Just What Is This "Disclosure" About?

Do We Choose Sides?

Dr Dan Burisch, Project Lotus And Disclosure Of The Extraterrestrial Presence

Exopolitical Comment #12 By Michael Salla, PhD

Dr. Burisch responds to the above along with reply to Dr Burisch Comment #12

Anonymous C. 4/10/2004 2:57 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) Page 47


"To: MAJ Distribution CC: Marcia Ann McDowell, M.A. Asst. Dir. Project Lotus

From: Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D., Dir. Project Lotus



Date: 09 Apr 04

Page 16: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Pursuant to a directive from the Maji, I am being moved by security to seclusion due to recent events.

Due to the pace that must be kept in order to complete the production of the model, such ordered seclusion is incompatible with my continuing in the position as Director of Project Lotus. The necessary information, in order, has been provided to Ms. McDowell, and she is also in possession of all my private notes regarding the philosophical issues that will be interwoven into the model. She is to be allowed immediate and total access to my diary archives, which span from 1986 to present. Therefore, with the kind permission that was granted from the Majestic 12 at 22:30 hours UTC this date, I am submitting my announcement of immediate retirement from active service. Once security indicates that I am safe from the drama that is playing out regarding the Tau-9, I presume that I am to be moved to my permanent place of retirement. In either case, my first order of business is to get some rest, get a new cat (as my current one can't be brought with me), and dredge up an unused scope from the labs so that I may be able to watch some protozoa for awhile. : )

Just looking at the beauty God has given us, that sounds so nice. But, you know, that is all it has ever been about- just observing. I am so blessed.

As of 03:00 hours UTC, Marcia Ann McDowell, M.A. has been directed by the Majestic 12 to have been appointed Operational Director of Project Lotus. I wish her the best and know that she will complete the placing together of the "blocks" for the model in her usual smooth style. May God grant her the necessary wisdom to bring this to fruition and may the One Creator of the universe give to her the protection of the Cherubim while doing so.

Gosh, it came so quickly and I thought I had so much to do! But, isn't that always the revelation? So, it is time to just...fade away. May God Bless you all!

Truly in Christ, DBCB"

Anonymous C. 4/9/2004 3:10 am EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) Page 42 / 3:10 EST

You´ll never get your way. You think anyone will let him talk about those sensitive things? Those sensitive things are but a marketing technique to get him "outted" for the Rogues.

Page 17: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

It has been determined that the driving forces behind many good people here is the Illuminati. The Illuminati, in turn, is advised by the Rogues, with an ultimate Luciferian agenda.

Yes, there are many good people here. But the movers/shakers have been found out.




We don´t get in the way of people talking about him, that is free speech, but he will be protected and the rest will be stopped.



AS OF ==>> 4/9/04 Sterling Allan's PRESS RELEASE www.emediawire.com/releases/2004/4/emw117400.htm "Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to Talk", Linked to Major alternative news outlets & 3 pages from this website linked to it.

AS OF ==>> 4/7/04 Page 37 Vol 5

WallRace 4/7/2004 5:40 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Face-to-face with Dr. Dan Burisch


Area 51 microbiologist in lock-down, working with the Lotus project and ´J-rods,´ meets with two "outsiders." by Sterling D. Allan Greater Things News Service April 6,7, 2004 LAS VEGAS, NV

Page 18: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

I imagine you folks at GLP have been anxious to receive a report from Harry (harrdrawk) or myself (wallrace) regarding our recent three-hour, face-to-face meeting with Dr. Dan Burisch...


Above page linked to Press Release www.emediawire.com/releases/2004/4/emw117400.htm, which is linked to Rense.com

-:- coasttocoastam.com -:- Etc.

AS OF ==>> 4/6/04 Page 36 Vol 5

Boomerang´ 4/6/2004 12:19 pm EDT Page 36

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Indeed, extremely interesting Skywatcher, thanks.

"My interest in the sun has recently been stimulated by reports I have received from a man, Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch, who claims he is a microbiologist who works for a shadowy arm of the government. He tells me that preparations are being made for a coming catastrophe in the year 2012 that involves changes in our sun and its effects on the earth. This is, of course, related to deciphering the Mayan symbols that seem to point to the winter solstice of our year 2012."

And below Dan´s own words....


AS OF ==>> 3/31/04 Page 20 Vol. 5

Anonymous C. 3/31/2004 1:17 am EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Dr Burisch has planted seeds from the 'Tree' in the Lotus Process. And yes, others have taken liberties with this knowledge that Dr Dan refused to do. They have begun to genome the Ganesh Particle DNA. 'Reversine' apparently is a synthetic molecule which can reverse a developed cell to the stem cell level. Advanced Cell Technologies is an organization which sought to profit from Ganesh Particle technology. Recently, we received notice that research from Los Alamos will be used to create life by engineering

Page 19: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

the molecular components of life forces into different patterns. As Dr Dan said, 'the genie is out of the bottle.' Can't say he didn't warn us!

What will Dr Burisch's research be used for? It is part of T9. The aliens get the right to 10 million humans a year and the working Lotus Protocols for genetic manipulation of mankind into alien hybrids. What do we get? Well, only the military knows for sure. Bigger bombs? Stargates? Coordinates for off world terraforming operations? Wow, why bother to 'tell all the world' our leaders have sold us out to Satan for their continued success?

Whatever good could come out of this research will never see the light of day for the benefit of mankind as those who control the information will utilize it for the manipulation of us all.

But which tree has Dr Burisch cultivated? The 'Tree of Eternal Life,' or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? I think the latter, and this Tree will kill those who eat its fruit. It will kill in spirit those who think they know, rather than the essence of life itself. There is no way to cure the cancer except thru death and the dying experience, the very fact of material existence which those who manipulate life forces through knowledge are trying to avoid to save a dying race of Jrods which are not worth the time of day, let alone the fate of a single human being.

Oh, about fertilizer, it is used so much that now the oceans are dying off in its surface runoff. Great, we need more genetically modified crops to feed the cattle to give them all sorts of unheard of diseases. Lichen killing elk? Impossible. What about man? Just so long as the flowers grow the graveyard won't seem so empty.


Anonymous C. 3/31/2004 2:10 am EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Interrogatory 03NOV03 Submitted:

Dr. Burisch, there are many within our tight group as well as those laterally interested (specifically authorised contacts in the Society of Jesus), that have concern over the involvement (Good/Evil) of the being alleged to visit with you on a regular basis. Can you clarify and comment? Submitted, Reviewer #098 (Religious Doctrine Division)

The following was received from the Desk of Dr. Dan BC Burisch on 06NOV03 0400UTC

"Dear Reviewer #098:...


Page 20: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

AS OF ==>> 3/28/04 Page 14 Vol. 5

Harrdrawk (Harry Dschaak)

3/28/2004 4:19 pm EST

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

For those of you too lazy to make breakfast, here is your Sunday Brunch: http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/project_otus/DanBurischForumLibrary.html

Peter7, (one of our most quiet contributors) has obviously been very busy these past many months organizing and saving so many pieces of the Dan Burisch Threads for reader friendly catching up and catching on.. Everything you need to know about the first 4 volumes, (and now this one), has been set to light, in a museum type display, including easy links to all the GLP threads, and other helpful Forums .

I would gladly recommend Peter7´s link to anyone just arriving, (those who want the two paragraph summary of 10,000 posts), as not just the Library and the Alternate reading room are repeatedly referred to, but main characters and numerous posts from within the threads have been displayed in such a setting to give the newbie insight as to what the all the hype surrounding Dr. Dan Burisch stems from, and why the threads don´t die. After spending most of the night and this morning perusing the angelfire.com site, I am completely refreshed.

I realize now why Peter7 chose Alfred Hitchcock the Mystery writer, for an Avatar! The Mystery of Dan Burisch site gives the reader a peek at what critics and debunkers (and the earthly Powers That Be), want you to ignore ---> The Story behind the Mystery [hinted at] by the appearance and persistence of these ongoing discussions.

Will Dan ever speak to us again? Are enquiring minds left to the reports and insights from Remote Viewers only? Will the Maji ever agree to any type of direct communiques with the ailing Doctor? Will Dan´s health see him until Mar 16th, 2005? Will Bill Hamilton (the Lone Ranger), save the day? Will the upcoming April X-Conference be another feigned attempt at disclosure? Who will be the next daring insider willing to risk life and limb to get the curtain torn down? Is 2012 really the final curtain for the inhabitants on this Planet? Stay tuned. (Mystery unfolding ahead)

On behalf of Dan and all of us, I´d like to publicly thank Peter7 (this website's creator) for working so hard behind the scenes to preserve this story, and thank you Kiwi_Cocky for pointing me in that direction. (I can´t believe I never clicked on the links when they appeared on the threads along the way... not like me)

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Since Peter7 is obviously not the type to draw attention to himself or to his work, (I´ll take care of that part). PLEASE, everyone, (including Dan´s self appointed courier), do yourself a favor and take a look.


AS OF ==>> 3/25/04

"Regan" and "Bill H. differ on Dan's 'captivity'. Is it sinister or benevolent?


AS OF ==>> 3/17/04 PAGE 33 VOL. 4

Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2004

From: Marcia A. McDowell, M.A.

Subject: Acceptance of Appointment

To: Members of Project Lotus, Maji To the Members of Project Lotus and Distinguished Maji,

I am both grateful and humbled to be asked to accept the position of Operational Director of Project Lotus upon the retirement of Dr. Dan BC Burisch in March 2005.

While there is no way that anyone could hope to fill his shoes, I hereby accept the appointment, and will strive with what modest gifts I possess to justify the confidence that is being placed in me. I want to take a moment to thank the scientists who have agreed to stay on, as well as those who will be coming onboard to fill gaps in the biological sciences after Dr. Burisch´s retirement. Your efforts are crucial to the success of our mission on behalf of humanity.

Project Lotus touches many aspects of the human condition reflected in science, philosophy, theology, and ethics. We tread remarkably close to the Tree of Life, guarded by the Holy Cherubim.

Therefore, be advised that on March 16, 2005, when Phase 2 becomes Operational and I assume the responsibility of project leadership, we will continue our commitment to respect the limitations, established by Dr. Burisch in cooperation with the Holy Cherubim, that have been placed upon this project by Almighty God.

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I will tolerate no trespass upon the Tree of Life while this project is under my guidance.

Respectfully, Marcia A. McDowell, M.A. Assistant Director, Project Lotus

AS OF ==>> 3/16/04 PAGE 30 VOL. 4

Clark Otis Hayes 3/16/2004 1:19 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

Well, now you have a name to put to the so called "protector". I think I will respond to the "Service to All" (?) posts of recent, concerning a 1 year from now retiring Dan.

>>Thanks for the info.. Hmmmm..., no offense, but why fade away, and not grab a microphone and ´tell the world´? Just a q...<<

Good question Danny. The use of the catch phrase "tell the world" is nice, but as I understand it, Dan was asked what others should do. He responded "For the sake of humanity tell the world." He was right, I believe. He spent what time that was afforded to him, when connected to members of the GLP forum doing just that- telling the world. (Making the assumption that you and the others that he spoke with, feel part of it.) Now he is dying, has spent the last 18 years of his life in a virtual (and sometimes literal) prison, is completing a project that will help the world while under enormous suffering, and has decided to "go" in peace and dignity. From where I was raised, that counts for something. He has never been a soap-box man, but has plainly spoke his mind and has shared more than any other scientist I would ever expect, with a group such as yours.

No offense as well, but he has told the world, and for the most part it refuses to listen. May I cite a case? Look at yourselves. Nothing lately but derision and negativity amongst you. If your group truly believed what he was saying, then you would truly believe in angels. If you truly believed in angels, you would truly believe not to act the way the group has been acting....and this is coming from a strong arm kind of guy. :)

Before anyone gets all righteous about the real Human Subject, please remember that Dan knew him, quite personally, before the man died. While some of your members let the words so comfortably roll from your mouths, about things that you have not seen and places you have not been, remember: he has lived it. He watched people die. He has felt the pain of the JRod.


Otis Hayes 3/16/2004 2:35 pm

Page 23: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

I have asked to be extended beyond Dr. Dan´s retirement as his security specialist and that request was granted. You see, just because he retires that doesn´t mean he loses security.

AS OF ==>> 3/16/04 PAGE 29 Vol.4

Security Unit #7, Las Vegas 3/16/2004 6:14 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

"Yes, crackajack, he will.


>>>Received 05:45et from the Office of Dr. Dan BC Burisch, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

"To the fellow members:

At 00:00hours, March 16, 2004, I accepted the most kind offer of near term retirement, from the Maji.

The retirement will become effective, at 00:00hours (GMT) March 16, 2005. Insodoing, they accepted my terms: all the Chinese food I can eat, coffee I can drink, and slides I can consume while playing with my microscope. I have accepted a generous placement of secluded retirement: one that would make most jealous. It was chosen by me to be in a location not shielded from any mistake that humanity may have made in its attempt to prevent a future we have the capacity and responsibility to avoid. I accept my responsibility and share with humanity its destiny. I hope I can relax for my remaining years and look at nature's beauty. Yes, my health is bad, but I can only hope to accept with dignity that part of the suffering of the Christ that He may allow me. My retirement will come after the completion of the Lotus Model, a project that has been entrusted to me, for fulfillment, to that level. I trust in the God of Creation and his angels, to continue His protection over this project and those who seek to understand the beauty without their corrupting the perfection, by touching. I truly thank and love all those with whom I have worked, and to all those that have helped me in the endeavors of this project. To all those who have looked in on me and honestly offered their help: thank you, I love you. You have freed me in the way that is most important. For that, I owe you all, greatly.

The Lotus Model will come in the form of a "paper", bound with two letters- one addressed, by name and date, to the person that will find it, should we avoid catastrophe. The second, will be addressed by name and date, to the person that would find it should we have failed in our great quest. Together with the "paper" and letters, the image and data files will be included.

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Following retirement, the Maji will make decisions as to the future of the project, if any. They have come to understand the seriousness of the Cherubim, in this matter. So, I am confident they will make decisions, carefully.

So, there you have it! It will be time for this scientist to just...fade away. With everlasting confidence in Almighty God, I wish upon all who read these humble words, written by a humbled man, the Blessings of the Beauty of the Cosmos, the protection of the Christ, and the comforting protection of His angels.

I love each of you. Dan"<<<

AS OF =>> 3/15/04

PAGE 27 Forum 4 (Vol.4)

A. C. 3/15/2004 5:45 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Skyopen/message/13155 From: "Bill Hamilton" Date: Sun Mar 14, 2004 8:02 pm Subject: Another Meeting with Dr. Dan

I have had another meeting with Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch.

For all of you who have been following this saga of which I have become a small part, I have had another even more enlightning meeting with Dr. Dan and another. However, this time I am not going to say much outside of what he is working on because our meeting was observed, recorded and photographed by seemingly more sources than I had anticipated even though I had my own people present.

Dan has become the real focus of both wanted and unwanted attention. Dan is someone I relate to very well and enjoy his good sense of humor and quick wit and now consider my friend. I am even trying in some small way to contribute to the project and thus had a project briefing. Believe it or not there are those behind the scenes who favor the idea that some of this information be released to the world. I hope so, but they have concerns that I deeply sympathize with as we have all found out that there are "fruitcakes" and "nutcakes" out there who will do all in their power to swerve all of us off course in their misguided attempt to interfere with human destiny.

I have, even in UFO research, been primarily interested in new science, new discoveries, and any attempt to unravel the mysteries of life and the universe that we are all an

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integral part of despite the forces of suppression and those who want to keep us under an evergrowing darkness.

Dan has conducted an enhanced replication to Lorenzo Spallazani´s famous experiment, wherein the notion of abiogenesis was sent to its rest. Results from this ´enhanced´ replication confirmed Spallazani´s original results. Dan has also produced protocells that differentiated into cycling eukaryotic cells. Also, some of the results he obtained are suggestive of neurogenesis, something which will be of great interest to an M.D. associate. The results of these experiments and replications of been forwarded to the higher ups (the 12).

The work is what is exciting. But, Dan is careful. Why? Because so many want to acquire his methods and results and prevaricate its use. You can put any scientific findings to do greater good or evil in the world.

We are now finding out there is more in that microsocpic world beyond our senses than we have dreamt of in our philosophy and that the dimensions of life are greater than our best scientists have even imagined.

Dr. Dan is not in the best of health due to a heart condition and I am only hoping and praying that he has many years left to complete his mission in life.

Sincerely, Bill Hamilton Executive Director Skywatch International, Inc. Website: http://www.skywatch-research.org Fiat Lux et Veritas

AS OF =>> 3/9/04

Page 16 of Forum 4 (Vol.4)

A Personal Protector of Dan?; replies

A. C.

3/9/2004 4:58 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:)

"Pagemaker- you are welcome. >>>This claim suggests you are but ONE of his protectors, right? Yes. >>This asserts that you could tell us whether or not he is "traveling" this week or not, as was rumored in an unconformed report? Will he be back to work on Thursday? He has never stopped work, since I have known him. As for "traveling", when someone

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wishes to film him (at the distance it was done this evening), not a problem! :) The sight-seer gag was quaint, not new, but looked good. Better crew than the last time it was attempted (library). We watched from 8 and across the street, when they were on 7,....tonight. :) >>Would that make you a body guard? Cause it has been suggested he has none. Since the "Project Freemason" business, he has quite a crew watching over him. I wish someone would step up and say that it was not meant as a threat. Please? >>As his personal Protector, and as one who seems to hold a wealth of details about his life and family and background, would that make you Maji material, or just a self appointed Dan Fan? (Light Beings don´t type, right?) Light being don´t type as far as I know. ;) I have been told I have good mettle, and I am not self-appointed. >>How long have you been Dan´s personal protector, and is this a "life time" postion? 6 years, 6 long years! :() Yes, until reassigned. >>Did you transfer in from LA? No. >>Who´s protecting Dan while you´re up here posting on the thread? Answered above. >>Have there been threats on Dan´s life recently? Can you describe these (if any)? Answered above. >>Are you interested in seeing Dan freed, or do you think it would be safer if he stays put, (in relative isolation) No. No opinion. >>Would you consider a Congressional Subpoena a threat on Dan´s life? (In the event he could not remain secluded, or had to appear in some court to testify about something, or in some way putting Dan in harm´s way)? (thinking Sniper here) No. I believe in following all laws and believe in our Constitutional form of government. >>Would you expect to be with Dan and would we be able to recognize you as his protector, in such a court setting? Yes. No, I doubt you would identify me, but I could be wrong! :) >>In your opinion, would you be able to protect Dan if he were ever to leave the safety of the environment he now finds himself in? Too hypothetical for a reasonable response. >>In your opinion as Dan´s Protector, will Dan undergo a heart transplant before he finshes his work on the Lotus Model? No I don´t think so, but I don´t render medical opinions. >>Are you aware of, and have you been involved with, any of the Secret meetings that have been arranged for Dan to have outside visitors in the not too distant past? No. >>Do you know Bill Hamilton or any of his team? I know of him: Internationally known and respected researcher. I cannot speak to the term "team". >>Could you explain briefly who would want to see Dan harmed, and why? (Maybe this can´t be explained briefly) I was thinking maybe you were debriefed about each of the factions or alien groups who wish to see his days on earth terminated. Is the US Military one of the potential assassins of Dr. Burisch?

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I don´t get into anyone else´s head (metaphorically that is). >>Does Dr. Burisch know you are his Protector, and does he trust you? (2 questions) Yes. I believe so. If so his trust IS justified. :) >>In your opinion as Protector, is the work Dr. Burisch going to benefit Humanity, or only off worlders and a small select group of elitists? Not my area. >>AS Dr. Burisch´s Protector, are you in favor of public disclosure about the sensitive past and present projects Dan has been involved with? Not my area. >>If a private citizen of this or another Country, (say a civic or political activist of one kind or another), attempted to draw attention to Dr. Burisch the person, by holding a Press Conference, and say this caused a public out cry, and say that the public out cry neccesitated the transfer of Dr. Burisch to destinations unknown, which transfer might cause elevated stress or deteriorated health on the part of the doctor, which may cause a stroke or even worse, a premature heart attack, would you in any way retaliate upon that well meaning civic or political activist or his family? I don´t believe in any form of retaliation, unless by legal process. As for the specifics of your question, too hypothetical- I lost track after the second "say..". :) I will suggest to you that Burisch is not going to travel, anywhere, of any distance. That is according to his docs. >>As one knowledgeable of Dan´s past, is there anyone living in the world who could enlighten us, (possibly be interviewed by a member of our group) that you could point us to? (Yes, no, or I don´t know) {Will have follow up question for that one if answered yes} No, I think that there´s just about no one "left" that could say much, and the others know better. ;) Unfortunately, there will be no follow ups. >>AS one knowledgeable of Dan´s past, do you have knowledge of, or access to, any of Dan´s personal journals that may have been confiscated from Dan´s parents home? Or information about any other source of documentaion that could help establish the identity of Dr. Burisch? If you have access to these type materials, I don´t suppose you would be interested in sharing? No. I know nothing of that. I know that "sharing is caring" but that is not my area. His identity is known to all that need to know it. :) >>It has been suggested that although the story of Dr. Burisch being a twin is believable, you realize that it is true that proving this would take an act of congress, Does Doctor Burisch himself support these allegations? I don´t know. Not germane to my area. >>I have asked only a few of the hundreds of questions I would have for somebody who knows the whole story. Are you somebody who has taken the NSA Oath? I have taken an oath, but not for them. >>If not, Are you a US citizen? I am! >>Do people sometimes call you Sir? No.

>>Jadian >>3/9/2004

Page 28: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

>>3:28 am EST Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan >>Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 4:) >>Knighted - Sir? >>Secret Society - Bloodlines? Love the twist on the time! Knighted, no. Secret Society? If I told you it wouldn´t be a secret now would it? I do have a bloodline! Nearest is my parents! :-( ) Great people- I again hope that the "Op. Freemason" business is a misunderstanding. If so, I can allow many people to be at home with their families in the middle of the night, rather than having to work double duties to watch our man. Best wishes to all the truth seekers out there: maybe you´ll find some. If you do, I hope that it will be a pleasant truth.


Dan's Guardian CHERUBIM

AS OF ==>> 2/26/04

Page 42 Forum 3 (Vol.3)

PageMarker 2/26/2004 2:02 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

MJ3: Don Dep? Dondep: yes MJ3: This is the last time I can try to connect, they are getting closer to finding out what´s happening. Dondep: okay, am listening carefully. MJ3: They know there is some kind of info breach but I am not sure how. MJ3: I can´t get caught. Dondep: We are keeping a lid here. Dondep: only inner circle receives info. MJ3: Happens once, happens only once. MJ3: Something is wrong...I am afraid they can see what is going on here tonight so I am having another Dondep: Need you to remind the few here that this is not for posting on the thread. MJ3: person type what I say so it comes out a little different. MJ3: That´s what I need you to do, but I think they are watching right now, so MJ3: don´t disclose any secret plans in this conversation. Dondep: roger.


The group has received criticism for not immediately releasing transcript logs, yet we have only been done what our informants told us to do.

To say that the thread died because information was being withheld is not entirely true. Dr Burisch recently discussed with Dondep the results of the first ever Spallanzani experiments with the Ganesh Particle, and not much followed. I guess it depends on the audience. Maybe most would rather hear conspiracy theories of aliens and their spacecraft. Don's chat with Dr Burisch began with the 'test image sent to J'which had

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been a 'test shot with the new cinema unit.' POS is an apt name with all those 'alien cells ' Maybe SG productions needs their help, but at least let's hope 'J' doesn't need new glasses.

Nevertheless, Dr Burisch's Spallanzani experiments seemed to have gone fairly well (Please see http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~bemused/transcripts.html for the full text and the corresponding image) in the Lotus Model composite.

AS OF ==>>2/15/04

Page "21" Forum 3 (Vol.3)

Boomerang 2/15/2004 3:57 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)


I don´t understand all this anger? I have spent over four months wading through information, looking for answers.

To date, the only thing I know for sure, is that we don´t know the full story. Yes, Dan Burisch is alive (or was last time I saw him on a webcam feed). Marcia (BJ Wolf), looks like she´s been working with Dan for some time.

Initially BJ Wolf was fighting tooth and nail for the release of Dan/Dans work. Now she asks Bill Hamilton to relay a message to us all here: "Please leave Dan alone to finish his work"

Fine, lets leave Dan alone, but wait, after BJ says that, we hear from Dan again, Dans message is: "Tell the world"

Ok, lets tell the world, but tell the world what? That we know of a man who is doing important work that we can´t access the full details of, a man that wants to warn the world of a possible impending disaster that could wipe out billions of people, but the event may not happen if we act in a certain way, a manner that cannot be revealed because it could change the timeline. And dont forget the increased abduction rate that will come into effect March 15th 2005, that is if they dont get the model handed over on time.

I can´t tell you how releasing the details of this mans work will help or hinder. And for that I am ´attacked and ridiculed´.. Oh woe is me.....NOT!!!...(cont.)

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AS OF ==>>2/11/04

Page "10" Forum 3 (Vol. 3)

From A.C.

2/11/2004 9:25 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

well--isn´t it convenient that someone came and erased the last part of this post. The entire message from J and the message sent by Peace directly from Dr. Burisch are conveniently gone as well. Anyone buying that this is just a "computer glitch"?

Anyway--to those that think they can just erase all of this--think again. Many have saved those conversations, and you have no access to those saved versions.

Can´t wipe out everything--can you?

AS OF ==>> 2/11/04

Page 16 Forum 3 (Vol. 3)


2/11/2004 5:42 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

Human Subject and Mr. Don Deppeller:

At 0600 ET this date, a decision will take effect concerning Danny Burisch and information concerning him being distributed to your kind participants. It has been agreed upon, by people that you will sadly never meet, that all information flow about him will be ceased, permanently.

Dr. Burisch will not be harmed, nor will anyone else involved with your participant´s investigation of him. I know that some of you have had concerns in that area. Put them to rest, please. The disclosure of information concerning Dr. Burisch may be categorized by each as you may. The information itself has done its job and its impact has assisted in affirming a particular road. What is that, you may ask? The road to peace.

I would like to apologize for the more rude individuals that you have come across during these last few months. Many of our employees are, shall we say, less cultured than others.

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They will be reminded of their position and extreme privilege, being involved in our business.

Why write you and tell you this? Quite simple. If any informant comes to you regarding him, from 0600 on, that individual is either acting for evil purposes or is just a liar.

My best wishes go out to all members of this so called "fringe" community. You are true fighters for the truth! We, more than most, can appreciate that! The best wishes of a small group of individuals is also extended to you both. Carry on and God Bless you.


To all Units- the bell has sounded. Peace

AS OF ==>> 2/10/04

Page 14 Forum 3 (Vol. 3)

Further Considerations

2/10/2004 7:13 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

TO: Boomarang

Re: Questions "While you await a reply from Ambilac, may I ask you a question?

The group of scientists/researchers you mention, are you/they qualified in your fields or keen amateurs? Also, can you say what your particular interest is?"

Yes, Thank you for the inquiry. We are a group of professionals from the fields of Geophysics, Bio-Tech/Genetics, and the Geological Arena including several disciplines related. We have a general interest that has been cultivated via a member who follows this forum occasionally. There has been a lot of research as you know regarding the areas you discuss/research. This particular item is of some interest and deserves some further elaboration it would seem

Regards, Further Considerations

AS OF ==>> 2/7/04

Page 32: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Page 6 Forum 3 (Vol.3)


2/7/2004 6:11 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 3:)

Re - Video stream

Any serious researcher who wishes to request the links, high and low bandwith, just ask, and ye shall receive...

Just mail ambilac on the ambilac-uk site http://ambilac-uk.tripod.com/index.html "


MORE MATERIAL http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/project_otus/DanBurischForumLibrary.html HERE

AS OF ==>> 2/5/04

NEW THREAD Forum 3 (Vol. 3)

AS OF ==>>2/4/04

FROM => PAGE 69 Forum 2 (Vol.2)

dondep 2/4/2004 6:24 am EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

To the ac of 3:11 and all the other interested readers that have followed the story so far: I can tell you that within the next 24 hours the videotaped affidavit of Dr. Dan Burish will be available for both lo-speed and hi-speed video streaming (don´t worry if you only have dial-up; you will be able to watch it immediately and continuosly). That is, subject to the approval of the team that has made a committment to serious review of the evidence. Bill was gracious enough to ask Dan the questions, Dan was gracious enough to answer them, Howard was gracious enough to put the first video stream on the internet for the public of the world to see, I was gracious enough to send him a copy, and the team is gracious enough to review it - as the body of global citizens we are - and to say it is time for the

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world to know. It will now grow beyond all of the individuals to reach the status of ´buzz´ in preparation for the Moment, soon to happen.

A special thank-you to Howard and the folks at Ambilac for hosting the first video stream; within days other streams will be available world-wide. Howard will be along shortly to share his addresses. The rest of us will be back within a day or two to share other addresses, after sufficient discussion and debate.

For all those that might grumble about the ´selectiveness´ of ´who´ and ´when´; that´s an obvious question. The prudent reader knows what John Henderson, Boomerang, and various anonymous cowards have said: If we give all to you immediately, there may be blood on our hands. And no more info. Or worse.....

As to the new DVD that Bill has that has Dr. Kit Green eating sufficient crow and crowing agreeably regarding Dr. Burisch´s authenticity, I hope he will make it available soon. After all, this is a real honest-to-goodness PhD, who can qualify DAN as a real microbiologist and not an occultist minister. Which of course is a good measure of credibility. Coming soon, in any event.

AS OF ==>> 1-11-2004

FROM => PAGE 31 Forum 2 (Vol. 2)

skywatcher22 1/11/2004 5:29 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

Bill, can you confirm where/what is ´THE SHADY REST´?

This is Dan´s colloquil term for S-4. I have just returned from Las Vegas and had a few things sorted out.

First, they do not want the video up on the web. That is a request. I can only ask that this be honored as it threatens their security.

Second, the MEMO from Dan is authentic.

Third, you may not be hearing again from Dan, not for a long time, not until sometime in 2005. What he is doing and what BJ is doing is important and they should be left to accomplish their missions.

Fourth, those among you are sincere are a good group. The catcallers are just immature and like to make empty accusations, ones they can never prove anyway like I work for NSA. My real employer (a state university) would blanch at this. I was in USAF Security

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Service many years ago that did crypto work for the NSA. Many in the Army, Navy, and USAF do this to this day. It is TS work, but none were employees of NSA. This is a statement to the real truthseekers among you and not those A/Cs that cannot discern truth as it seems to blind them.

I have a feeling there is more, but I am on hold now and will occupy myself with other things that are going on in this Aerospace Valley I live in.



1/11/2004 5:51 pm EST

Re: Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the clarification re Shady rest. We will need to discuss a few things, I cannot see the group just sitting back now and letting this go...

We will be meeting tomorrow (Monday) evening usual time, can you join us please?

AS OF ==>> 12/24/2003

FROM => Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Volume 2:)


The first post of a NEW THREAD after reaching 5000 posts on the first...; who´ld had thought that when it was started on October 2nd 2003?!

AS OF ==>> 12-22-03

FROM => www.ufoconspiracy.com/news/dan_burisch_update.htm

PROJECT LOTUS UPDATE www.ufoconspiracy.com/news/dan_burisch_update.htm

AS OF ==>> 12-20-2003

Page 35: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


Harrdrawk 12/20/2003 4:09 am EST

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

Okay People, It's time to get more Serious. I say (more) because we already ARE serious. We've been working our tails off, logging lots of computer minutes here at GLP and other sites, reading, sorting, trying to follow the Burisch Story, and a host of other seemingly related issues. We have made HUGE progress in several areas of research. Our collective consciousness has improved dramatically these last few weeks. We have established somewhat patchy contact with Loyal Patriot Insiders who are straining to bring us enlightenment. As individuals we have toiled over a boat load of material that has appeared on these threads from out of nowhere. We have learned that the Good and the Evil are ever present. We understand more clearly the various AGENDAS and their different selling points. It is noted however, that most who post here are people like Dan Burisch… just trying to do what's right no matter what. As some of you have noticed, a rather small group of vigilant Volunteers (20 or so) have gathered together, to form a sort of task force help organize all the pieces into a clearer picture for those just joining the odyssey. These Brothers and Sisters try to meet daily (juggling jobs and time zones)to discuss and sift through the volumes of information we [have and] are gathering about a REALITY that is about to emerge from the shadows. As a result of these sessions, we have become closer to one another and to Dan.

It is TIME to direct some SPECIFIC energies, and thoughts, and FEELINGS towards Dan and his Desire to see the right thing happen. This much we know: Dan is presently working on something known as the Lotus Project. It's discovery and significance has the focus and attention of every dark agenda in the Universe. Dan's confessed desire to share this WONDER with the main-stream public has alarmed the Illuminati, and other such communities. They cannot afford to have him speak to a world of gentle beings… If he should in some way FIND a means to speak to an audience of his peers, then he must be discredited absolutely.

Dan Burisch´s credibility with us is 100%. His intentions are pure and simple. His agenda is not unlike our own.. As a humble servant to God and all mankind, he has resigned himself to completing the task at hand. It is painful to think about which of his few remaining privileges might be removed, as Dan's project and work nears completion. His handlers follow an Ancient Order that loves themselves more than God. We, on the other hand, have a desire, that is selfless....Effective immediatly, we will be gathering questions for Dr. Burisch, to be posted on the thread...

AS OF ==>>12-13-03


Page 36: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

skywatcher22 12/13/2003 1:00 pm EST

Sorry, but I am in dreamland by midnight so when someone tries to reach me at that hour instead of during the day or early evening hours, then I have to rely on others to do the pickup. Thanks to harrdrawk for being a monitor on these messages. My associate in Las Vegas who has also met with Dan and B.J. has some concerns. Please read this through as I have a major proposal I am presenting here.

He says, "BJ told Sandy and I that her mother was still in Canada and that she (mother) was wondering when BJ was going back. BJ did not think she would be here this long and told S.... and I she had no idea how much longer she would be here. I suspect that BJ will be around here for awhile also. I´m not sure that we will have another meeting. I hope so, but I can´t think of a reason why. If they want info fed to the general public they better find a better way of accomplishing it.

BJ´s original purpose was to gain Dan´s freedom, that was years ago. All the meetings in between were to show how important he was. With BJ on the other side now, that game plan is out the window. Her interest is no longer in gaining his freedom. Since she has gone over, in the several meetings with her, she has never mentioned Dan´s freedom. It is no longer the prime directive."

I have to agree with his assessment as Dan told me now that he is no longer as interested in obtaining his freedom and he is afraid that some faction is trying to target him. B.J. no longer seems interested in getting the word out at this point. We are all concerned that after investing a couple of years into this that we are not achieving what we set out to do. Though I have managed to convince a couple of heavy weights in this field, many remain unconvinced and demand evidence of me that I do not have. I was hoping that Dan´s parents would have documentary evidence, but the critical pieces they needed to have were not there. Now, they have been robbed of all they did have.

We both like Dan and B.J. very much, but we need to negotiate with Majestic or its reps directly sitting at the table. That is what I would like to see. A core group of us and a core group of them sit down and decide how we can use Dan to disclose the truth to the American public and in what stages. I can muster some fairly heavy backups if I need to. I will be telling this story in Washington D. C. in April and have even invited Dan to join me (expenses paid). He seemed to warm up to that idea. So, how can we make it happen?

This is a bold proposal. I admit that, but we need to move this in a big way to give it focus or else, as my associate says, it is going nowhere.

AS OF ==>> 12-12-03


Page 37: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

skywatcher22 12/12/2003 9:41 am EST

Wolf, this main page link is good in order to get whole story on Vishnu Schist and the Great Unconformity at Frenchman Mtn. http://home.earthlink.net/~llanitedave/rainbowgardens/

Frenchman´s Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before present. The research was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team members. (Note: some scientists believed that the origin of eukaryotes was about 1.7 billion years ago. However, older evidence has emerged making it 2.7 by ago -skywatcher)

Soon after research was initiated, and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on video during a test of the rock´s electrical properties. As electrical current was applied to the rock, thin heat streams, emanating from that area were observed on infrared. At that time, a heat target was also observed, nearby. That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics Unit...and the so called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP unit. " - Dr. Dan Burisch

Early form of Ganesh particles in Hinduism... "In ritualistic worship of Ganesh, the concluding ritualistic worship (uttarpuja) is the final step in augmenting the frequencies. During the concluding ritualistic worship all the pure particles (pavitrakas) present in the idol are expelled suddenly. This ritualistic worship is concluded by shifting the idol from its place. Consequently all the pure particles abandon the idol and the one performing the worship can acquire them."

AS OF ==>> 12-7-03


"The Sun is the world's largest 'optical telescope' and is being used to look into the past and future via the Ark as sunlight is redirected back within variations of solar gravitational attraction in conjunction with other off world devises. Accessibility to systems older than our own might be more interesting from an 'historical' perspective, but then beings of that temporal order might not want their timelines screwed up because we cannot accept our own past....The ARK is indeed a time-travel device. There is a small one (a ´seaworthy boat´) and a large one (Phase 2). The Yellow Book, relies on emanations from the Sun to be read, hence sunrise/sunlight...Yellow Book: Holographic device given by aliens to U.S. gov´t. to see into the past and future.

Page 38: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

AS OF =>>12-3-03 ~ GLP Forum

dondep 12/3/2003 3:32 am EST


He´s serving his purpose there; he´s not a total prisoner, but as I pointed out in an earlier post he is actually being protected from others who wish him ill, or wish to have what he has been given to accomplish, but on their own terms. And from this he has to be protected. His benefactors in the power struggle appear to be in the minority though, which may explain why they are seeking allies to help publicize the situation. Just a possibility; another is that once the intitial leak had ´gone public´, they perhaps went to the strategy of co-opting, of which we are the target. I would tend to go with love, faith and reason, rather than fear, skepticism, and mediocrity.

AS OF =>> 11-23-03 ~ GLP Forum

Dan Burisch and BJ Wolf are fine, although Dan is still under "house arrest".

Dan is infrequently communicating via internet, with participant(s) of

Participants Chronological Update: 7/02/2004 Vol 15 http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/CastOfCharacters.html

dondep 11/13/2003 3:09 am EST - GLP Forum

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

"Friends, I have just finished interviewing the great Doctor Dan Burisch himself..." DonDep Interviews Dr Dan Burisch

"The Golden Thread" starts Oct.2, 2003 at GLP Forum: http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/project_otus/DanBurischForumLibrary.html

Page 39: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


NOTE: This not-for-profit site's creator, is not accountable for commercials.

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~


Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch Retires From Area 51, 5/30/04

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

The One and Only Public Appearance of Dr. Dan Burisch

Rachel Nevada 5/30/04

Page 40: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

"Boomer"~ Winston ~ Marci ~ Dr Burisch ~ talk over breakfast at the Little A'le'inn

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

OpDirLotus 6/5/2004 6:36 pm EDT PAGE 6

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 11:)

To say that it has been a pleasure to have this rare chance to speak to you personally, would be such an understatement.

I really don´t know how to thank everyone who came to Rachel, even if we did not always see eye to eye. Boomer, you are and always shall remain in my memory, one of the most treasured people I have met. John, you are irrascible, but loveable. Serg, quiet and powerful with cutting questions that reached into the very heart of many matters. Ike made me feel so special, welcoming me as an old friend. The people we met there, even the ones we didn´t know were kind spirited and hopeful for a brighter tomorrow.

To all the great people I have met on the forum: I can´t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate your grace, curiosity, humor, talent and warmth. Even those who have made themselves a nuisance asking questions that have been more than adequately addressed, spamming the board with nonsence posts, and spewing anger at every turn have helped to make this experience memorable. They have served to show how wonderful the majority of the people on this thread are, by comparison.

I thank you, each of you for talking with me. Thank you for talking with Dan and forwarding your questions to him even when he was not able to post to the board. I know

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that we haven´t been able to answer all of them. We have done the best that we could in this brief window of opportunity.

All I can say is that each and every person here is important. I don´t know what is going to happen. But I do know that everybody can make a difference. Even if it is just a small difference in the world. If catastrophe happens, and even if we manage to avoid it - I am hoping that everybody here will do one thing for me. Aside from garnering knowledge of how to cope and make the best of a situation, I would ask you to do this.... please select something of kindness, beauty, music, maybe a story or a poem or a song, or your skill as an artist..... something personal that you can carry forward into the future...... to help bring the best of our world into tomorrow - whatever tomorrow holds.

Thank you, and God Bless you all.

Marci (BJ Wolf)

OpDirLotus 6/5/2004 3:29 pm EDT PAGE 4 Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 11:)

Hi everybody,

I have just been informed by security that Dr. Burisch has said that it is time for me to go back to work - I have got to concentrate on the next phase of the Lotus project although it won´t be called that any more. Go figure!

So at 13:00 hrs pacific, Dr. Burisch will be vacating his email address as he has indicated that a reasonable question set has been answered. Dan says that he wishes all of the good people on the GLP forum all his best in their lives, great happiness, love and peace.

I have until 16:00 hrs pacific time before my email will be similarly vacated and I will be concentrating wholly on the project at hand.


Dan Burisch 6/5/2004 12:54 am EDT PAGE 2 Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 11:) [ Dr Burisch answers some questions, some highly technical. ]

Page 42: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Boomerang´ 6/4/2004 2:37 pm EDT PAGE 31 Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

Illuminated one... Re, "Boomer Id like to hear your opinion of Burisch and his story on who he is. Do you believe it? Is he lying? brainwashed?"

These are my findings. Dan Burisch sounds level headed, articulate, intelligent. He did not at any time appear to be drugged or ´mind controlled´, he was sharp, quick witted, a pleasure to converse with. Ditto for Marci McDowell.

You answer your own query when you state that nothing is being sold etc. So the question is......what would be the point of creating such a hoax? Who would benefit from it? I went to Las Vegas specifically to meet Dan Burisch, what better way to judge a situation than first hand. I have no regrets, given the opportunity I would repeat the trip without hesitation. Speaking for myself, I´m relatively well educated, possess qualifications in both electronics and electrical engineering.

One of the guys I met in LV is a retired high ranking police officer, he treats Dan with respect. From the information I have, this person has also investigated Dans story for a long period of time and appears to have satisfied himself regarding its veracity so far.

Bill Hamilton has been looking into Dans life and work for many years, from the meetings and contact he has, he would have to be ´in on it´ too. Do I believe Dan? Having met the man, yes I do. Is he brainwashed? If so, then Marci is also, let´s not forget Bill, and many others... The bottom line is, nobody asks you to believe this story, do they? My life wont change because of it, what´s the point? Whatever happens is out of my control on the planetary scale. The problem as I see it is that disclosure on a wide scale would be met with hostility, I´m of the opinion now that perhaps disclosure will occur to those that seek that information.

Thessa 6/4/2004 6:20 am EDT PAGE 29 Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

I would like to ask one question, if I may, but I'll not address it to anyone in particular. First because I don't know who is more qualified or more willing to answer it and second, and more important, because I don't want anyone to feel left out. What I would like to understand is why it's not an issue anymore to talk about and with Dr Burisch. I remember when this thread started that we even didn't know if Dr Burisch was dead or alive and just a couple of months ago someone came here saying we were all delusional because there wasn't any Dr Burisch and we all had a massive dose of "conspiranoid" theories by watching x-files... Also, if I remember well, just last month someone told us that Dr Burisch was retiring and that after 1 June he would disappeared to some quiet place to never be found again. And the Rachel gift and all that...

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So... what changed? Why all of a sudden can Dr Burisch be openly (with an avatar!) at GLP chatting with all of us and by that to make this thread even more visible to all that have a cherished place in their beings for the deception/disclosure subject. Even if he is not anymore directly tied with any secret project and by that to security matters, unless his memory was erased and/or his will messed up, he stills has the knowledge to keep us all busy for quite some time.

I'm not complaining (not at all!...) it's just that "group dynamics" (LOL..) always triggers my curiosity and even if I'm not that thrilled anymore to expect to see the "whys" and "what for" of human/et involvement explained here (some of my answers have been answered elsewhere), I'm still curious to observe how this thread will evolve and the role that is reserved for it...."

Boomerang´ 6/4/2004 6:01 am EDT PAGE 29

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

Good morning all, I agree with Shady about trying NOT to inundate Dans mail box if at all possible.

Dan and Marci,

"In fairness to other posters I´m leaving the questions to them and sitting here enjoying your company, however there is one thing......I would like to ask you about the pen that Dan kindly gave to me."- - (the pen that was used in the creation of the "model". )

"Almost immediately I realised that there was a small inscription, I could feel it but my eyesight without specs´ didn´t allow me to read it. Winston on the other hand being young and untainted with the rigors of old age (LOL) had no trouble, he was able to tell me what it said straight away. To be perfectly honest, I´m almost afraid to ask this question....is the inscription significant? I like to think it is, but would rather know for sure than kid myself! Thanks for your time."


Page 44: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


Boomer~Dan~Winston~Marci ~ ~ Dan~Marci~UJ~Serge~Boomer




Boomerang´ 6/3/2004 4:20 pm EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:) PAGE 25

Hi Marci and welcome, my gut feeling is it´s really you, please stay as long as possible. I haven´t read the previous pages as yet, i´m busy downloading photos etc here. I find it impossible to comprehend that John would dispose of a gift from Dan....ever, he was ´over the moon´ with the gift on the day, no matter what the gift was. I´m feeling confused right now, this doesn´t sound like the actions of the John that I met.

I would like to tell you one thing Marci, the gift that I received from Dan came home with me in my personal hand luggage, I didn´t want to run the risk of it going astray in the hold luggage. I would have been distraught at such an occurrence. It will be treasured

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always, I have plans for it too, it will be mounted on the gift that I received from Alan, it will look fabulous sitting on the small piece of Frenchmens Mountain (such wonderful colouring of the rock).

I´m overjoyed with my gift and can´t thank both yourself and Dan enough for all you did for me. Over the next few days I will be showing some of my own images on my website, I hope you get the opportunity to visit.

To all posters here, please treat Marci and Dan with respect, they are real people with feelings just the same as you and I, not some cyber creation. Marci tripped and injured her knee at Frenchmens, she bled the same as you or I would, she is a lovely lady, pretty too, her photos do not do her justice.

Phi(re)/Serge 6/3/2004 4:31 pm EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:) Hi everyone. Now that Boomer has safely returned, and Dan (and Marci!) has showed up here too, I feel like I can start posting again myself....{Continued PAGE 25}

OpDirLotus ('Marci') 6/3/2004 3:25 pm EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:) PAGE 25

Well, this day has certainly been full of surprises. I got back to find that Dan had managed to push for, and get a concession about posting to this thread. I don´t know how he did it, but he has to carry a great deal of clout.

Ok, so everybody is probably saying, yea sure, it´s not her. You know what, I don´t care what everybody says. Think whatever you want. I know it´s me, and I´m posting, at least as long as I can, so believe it, or don´t believe it. It´s your choice. One think I want to say before anything else - I want to thank Boomerang for coming all that way to meet us. It was such a pleasure to talk with you, you absolutely made my day. You are quiet but fun, and curious, and insightful, and you represented the good people of this forum with grace and integrity. I was sad that the day had to end - I really wished it could have continued.

I was also happy to meet John Henderson. At least I ***was*** happy to meet him - that is until I read the last few pages of this forum, and learned that he didn´t think Dan´s gift was good enough, or some crap like that.....and threw it away.

That is simply too incredible for me to believe, after he was so very nice to our faces. What the hell possessed you John? If you didn´t want it, at the very least you could have thought about the other people on this thread who weren´t able to attend, and who might have appreciated having something like that from Dan. Why didn´t you send it on to somebody who would appreciate it, instead of throwing Dan´s gift into the garbage.

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I am serious, and I want an answer John. I am sure that there is somebody on this forum who would have appreciated having a gift from Dan, one given from the heart, even if you didn´t.

Look, if any body wants to talk with me, or ask a few questions, I´ll do the best I can to answer you but right now, I am so pissed off at John I am going to end this note here and now - before I vent my frustration in those four letter explatives that I am so (in)famous for.


oh, and by the way, in case nobody has figured it out yet, I was the one who threw out those five Belgian media people/cameramen from the Inn

Dr Burisch continues to answer questions PAGE 23 => onward Vol. 10

Dan Burisch 6/3/2004 6:04 am EDT Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:) PAGE 22

Now it can be started from a little A´le´Inn in a small town named Rachel. ---"No! The truth, in my opinion, that began in Bethlehem will be finished with the rejoining of humanity to God. Rachel is not the birthplace of a truth. That birthplace is with God and its seed will grow in our souls. The Creator´s LOVE is the TRUTH. QUESTION: Did you enjoy the meeting with those nice people.

---"I was afraid at first because it had been so long since I had open conversation with such beautiful souls. I will treasure the experience for the rest of my life. So many people said to me how honored they were to meet me...the truth truly is that the honor was mine to have had the privilege of meeting them.

"It is the danger to Earth that must be heralded to the people; if the Lotus comes out as a consequence, and if I.....´am called to testify´...." ---We are now part of a mass extinction process. We have the power to halt it. We are the only earth species that does.

And yes, if I am called to testify...I will tell the truth, but for the sake of humanity, I will not divulge (under any circumstances) the key to the blue apples, which is the access point to the fruit of the Tree of Life.

Dr Burisch speaks directly to the Forum for the 1st time

Page 47: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Dan Burisch 6/3/2004 2:45 am EDT PAGE 20

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

"Well? We all do very well when the cat is away. The cat is here for a time. Hard fought argument won. Here I am. The poor soul, the gift giver from the heart. Ready to be called names to my face. Idol? No copy and pastes if you are able. Speak to me directly. Here´s your chance lady! Mr. Henderson, I am glad you found some small use for the gift I had to give you from my heart. That´s what "have" meant...from my heart. I can stay as long as I wish. What do you wish?

Dan Burisch 6/3/2004 2:47 am EDT

John: I petted little Garcia while your wife reclined next to your motor home, in the shade, at Frenchman. The dogs were on a rug. Confirm my identity if you are able.

Dan Burisch 6/3/2004 4:15 am EDT PAGE 21

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

All of the individuals with which I had to work, were volunteers. I have never used the science or art within it, to harm anyone. On to housekeeping issues...

Dan Burisch 6/3/2004 4:22 am EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:) The OpDir, at this moment, is unaware that I am posting here. I returned a few hours ago with hard fought freedoms under hand. I am aware of the things that I must not say, ref the timelines, and am clear as to those things that I can say, ref the same. I must say from the onset that I have read many things that have made my heart feel glad: the caring for the truth, the questioning as to whether I have been telling it, and the concern for the people of the world.

On the other hand, I have also experienced reading things that have not made my heart so glad. The first item, is what I perceive as the expectancy that I should be something that I am not. I confess, that while I am a Christian, I may not be as Christ-like as I wish to be. No, John, the angel that was given to me two weeks ago will not jump off its chain, vibrate with the Schumann resonance, nor will it provide a whizzing multi-media extravaganza for all to see. Do I sound upset? It was just a simple gift from the heart. If you feel that it does not meet your particular tastes, throw it away...or better yet give it to someone that may find some introspective use with it. :) (I see now that Freedom of Expression may also be a dangerous afterglow. :() ).

Dan Burisch: "...I CHOOSE to continue my research soon. I CHOOSE to quietly try to help the earth out of the damage we are inflicting upon her. I KNOW that I cannot do that by setting at my VDT and typing. I MUST go out (however quietly) and DO things to help..."

Page 48: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Kiwi Cocky 6/3/2004 4:25 am EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

Hi Dan, if it is you. What a weird scenario. Hope you can find the time to answer the questions posed. ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Vol. 10

Uncle John 6/2/2004 3:56 pm EDT PAGE 19

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

{ Uncle John has some Major misgivings about Marcia (BJ) & Dan. }


Dex 6/3/2004 2:09 am EDT PAGE 20

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

Uncle John´s compiled posting helping those who have a hard time cutting through the inconsiderate´s...

Uncle John 6/1/2004 12:36 am EDT PAGE 13

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

Uncle John here: Just back from a 12 hour drive. ... .

Met with Dan and Marcia at Rachel and Frenchmans. Much to tell. Got lots of it recorded. Dan even cautiously went over the blue apple thing. Got to unwind the road jitters. Later

Uncle John 6/1/2004 1:52 am EDT PAGE 13

Uncle John here: Kate, any pictures I sent out on email are public domain and can be posted by anyone. { PHOTOS at http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~bemused/Rachel.html } There is going to be some discussion about the videos and audio that were taken. I'm mainly interested in securing the rights to all videos taken to be available to all in any form. Lots of camera's were rolling. It's going to be a trading rights sort of thing. If you think that I'm crazy on chats, wait to you see how I am in video and audio. LOL.

Page 49: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Uncle John 6/1/2004 1:58 am EDT PAGE 13

Uncle John here: Have to quickly add that Boomers and CrackaJack's letters were read out loud to the three different groups of ETs at the T9 meeting. We're talking history here.

Uncle John 6/1/2004 2:46 am EDT PAGE 13

Don, I'm soo tired, but I keep typing, so don't be surprised if i'm wrong. The T9 had already been agreed upon, it will not be signed until 6/8

Phi(re) 5/30/2004 10:02 pm EDT PAGE 10 Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma:Volume 10:)

The meeting(s) went extremely well, well beyond our first humble expectations. It will take some time for the participants to put all things together. Of course, Boomer and Uncle John should have the first say and present the collected information in a more digested form, although, some may prefer to share raw data... It was also emotionally intense. When certain sensitive areas were touched, we would hit the no comment barrier. The apple question was addressed too. Some interesting details surfaced about the Hebrew speaking entity that Dan said could speak English, and as a matter of fact it sounded like this was their preferred way of communication. Once again I feel that it is not my privilege to present the conversation(s). But I also feel that at least something must be said to help those who are desperately waiting for any news from Rachel till Boomer and Uncle John get to a place where access to the Internet is available

Boomerang Picked To Meet With Dan

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Sterling's Friend 5/19/2004 7:42 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) Page 11

Boomerang, It looks like you are the one that Dan wants to meet and will be most open and comfortable with. Are you up for it?

Boomerang' 5/19/2004 7:43 am EDT

Herald, "...I will speak with Bill Hamilton to confirm the veracity of the situation, if Bill confirms it, then I am coming over. Please inform Dan I look forwards to speaking with him..."

Page 50: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

HERALDh 5/19/2004 7:48 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) Page 11

Sounds good Boomerang. I have a note here that the Operational Director informed Mr. Hamilton of Dan's decision and his bosses ok yesterday. He WILL be there. A bit of a side note here that I called Dan and informed him

HERALDi 5/19/2004 7:56 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) Page 11

And Boomerang he said after you three (he and the OpDir) get done talking if you want to follow them in a car he would be happy to show you where he has done his research at Frenchman's Mountain. A bit of a tour. He won't have others come along though aside from personal company that you might have with you. He really seems to like you. :0) He said the cost of showing you around where he did the research would be a small rock from your homeland. Can you bring one to him?

Boomerang' 5/19/2004 7:59 am EDT

Herald, I can fetch whatever Dan would like. Rock from any particular location? I would be overjoyed to have the 'tour'!!!


Ok he said it would be about a 3 hour drive back to Vegas. Then he would show you the mountain, "without a circus" and he said that "any rock he would feel that is representative of the beauty of his homeland." What a night! Bushed! ;0)

Boomerang' 5/19/2004 8:07 am EDT

Thank you Herald, For starters, I have some beautiful lava rock from my favourite place the Isle of Anglesey. I will get a selection together for the trip, have to watch the weight allowance.....

HERALDk 5/19/2004 8:11 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 9:) Page 11

Ok he just confirmed: "Ok then it's solely Boomerang's day after the Hamilton speech until dinner. Proj. Lotus in it's last day will be Boomerang's from 10:00-16:00! We will need to break at around 16:00 hrs because we have another commitment that evening." Time for me to get shut eye Boomerang. I don't know if I will be commoing again, so it's been a real pleasure. Project Lotus looks forward to meeting you.

Page 51: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

5/21/04 -- Bill Hamilton will also take the trip to Frenchman's Mountain. Much advice & help on the GLP thread as Boomerang gets prepared for his 1st time journey across the 'pond from the UK to the USA!

Dan at Frenchman Mt.



http://stargateforum.greatboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=8&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=270 Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:54 pm    Post subject: boomerang wrote: Hi Marci,

"What was I saying just the other day to a fellow forum member? I intend going back to the States if the circumstances feel right. From your 'tone' this 'sounds' like it.... No media circus this time.....PLEASE!!!!!!

How much notice would you require? I can leave virtually anytime subject to obtaining a suitable flight. (Have to ask Ron for the fare again...sheesh!) Wait 'til my little oppo NS reads this one, he will be steaming at the ears!! --------------------------

Boomer, that sounds great. Give me a couple weeks notice ahead of your arrival, as I need to get Dan's schedule freed up. He will set up one of his personal scopes for you to use in his office, and we can see what Nature will provide in the ganesh-particle runs. In the past it has generated positive results for portal formation 2/3rds of the time. Ganesh particles are much more discreet and hard to observe, but we will take film of the events and process it right then and there, so you can see yourself what we find. If Nature does not cooperate, we will schedule additional runs while you are here. But in most cases we do get something. But this is only for you - no media circus, I promise. Just for the record, no other people are going to be invited into Dr. Burisch's office for this run, except you.

Later on there may be other opportunities for people, but this is being set up just for you. We'll outline a full description of the Lotus imagery if you'd like, as well. It would take about a full day if we are successful on the first run. If not, we may need an additional day or so, to do subsequent runs. Nature cooperates at her own pace. (If this

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were easy, everyone would have found them ) We can also share with you some of the early (prelim) work we have been doing with the tones in music if you'd like. Marci

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

MARCI (BJ Wolf) RETURNS "OpSci" Vol 15 Page 11

OpSci 7/3/2004 2:42 am EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 15:)

Vicky said:

I cannot speak for all ufologists, but in my book he´s a genuine hero. My opinion isn´t likely to change on that. He is a brave man, a genius, a godly man...a good man. What else can I say? God bless him.

Thank you Vicky. I agree with you. Of course I have one advantage that most of you don´t, I actually have known Dr. Burisch for many years. Yes, strange as this seems, I have been allowed to recontact this group, as well as those idiots who decided to wait until after Dr. Burisch went into retirement and could never again comment before they leveled their cowardly attacks. I have a few things to say to those illustrious people.

I am not too pleased with what I am currently seeing. In any event, could Boomer get online or somebody else who can identify me? Marci

Marci (Opscinsn) in conference with some Forum participants

7/3/2004 Vol 15 Page 13 4:56 am EDT

Opscinsn: (Marci- BJ Wolf) "...my bosses turned me lose on those damned bastards who keep trying to attack Dan. Opscinsn: I am concerned that all this negative energy is having a toll on Dan. He doesn´t know I am doing this..."

"...Opscinsn: well, what I got in briefing was that this Noory guy started out all nice and everything Opscinsn: then about half way through ambushed Linda on live radio Opscinsn: tried to pin her against a wall about Dan and a polygraph test..." Continued -> Vol 15 Page 13 4:56 am EDT

Page 53: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Anonymous C. (Marci) 7/3/2004 4:15 pm EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 15:) Page 17

I just finished reading a redacted collection of the posts since I logged off last night. Noticing several cockroaches slipping out of the woodwork, after I´d left. That was only to be expected. first off, I never said I liked or disliked Linda. She certainly has my respect, if for nothing else, for the way she handled those circus ring masters who tried to corner her on C2C. She is aces in my book, for being cool, composed, and professional. Boomer, I know you are hoping for firm evidence, but that´s not really why I was allowed to speak at this time. Perfect proof my friend? I don´t think it exists. Most of Dan´s background was destroyed several years ago, including the BlackOps funded Ph.D he earned at SUNY, through professors who have long since been paid off to dismiss any question of him in exchange for their quietly lucrative contracts, grants, and perks. You don´t think it really works that way? LOL.

Everybody has, under your hands right now a lifetime worth of research material you can evaluate.

If some people don´t think its enough. That´s fine. Handing the UFO community a finished case, with perfect evidence, all neatly tied up in a package with a big pink ribbon is just not realistic. And quite frankly, if the world were handed that kind of a thing, it would probably be dismissed anyway. The current actions among the UFO elite are serving to prove Brookings was right. Most people who are demanding the truth, when faced with things they can´t understand, cope with or validate to their hearts content, things that don´t fit into the perfect little image they have created for themselves of how everything SHOULD work, start jumping around with their hands over their ears, whooping loudly so they don´t have to cope with stuff not going their way...." CONTINUED -> 4:15 pm EDT -> Followed by 4:21 pm EDT The Salla/Marci Exchange on Disclosure 4/20/04 OR THIS --> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/exopolitics/message/30


Vegas Cockroach 7/4/2004 5:31 am EDT

Re: Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 15:) Page 20

I am here to defend all my insect friends who have been handed a negative announcement by the wanna be world(s) savior Marci McWolf and her team of dipshits, being coached by "J" who used to coach for Charlie´s Angels before he got dropped.

Page 54: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

I am not impressed. Wasn´t it Marci herself who lied to our faces regarding the interview those guys had over at Sam´s Town Casino not too long ago?? That she personally had coached a lulu through several hours of questions via some link up to her glasses? Her ability to come here and think that she is above us cockroaches reminds me of her ability to keep the poker face up while "directing" you worthwhiles just who you´re supposed to believe is worth wasting your energies on. What an elitist b___h! She comes by permission of the puppetmasters to keep us honest cockroaches, ( who are not owned and operated by anonymous chickenshits), off balance. It is pretty obvious to us sub-human life forms that Dan Burisch did not do anything for us except let us know that he can´t do anything for us.. another elitist patsy is all he will ever be. What´s this lame excuse about he "can´t affect a timeline"? What kind of stupid bullshit is that? He should feel pretty good that he saved the world, and we should feel pretty good that we didn´t have to know from what... She calls the unearthly light visitors HOLY? Their description and track record fits nothing HOLY... more like they want you to think they are HOLY because they say HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD. What else would they have to say to get someone who believes in the LORD to trust them? I am personally an offended Vegas cockroach because I don´t have a poker face, don´t lie when told to, would die for any of my species without any prompting, and HOLY, HOLY, HOLY never comes by for even a visit... too busy over there visiting the LIARS, CHEATS, and THIEVES that make this city famous.

Think people. Before you get stepped on by the inducted OP/DIR who thinks it a pain in the ass to address "the few" here worth saving. FUMB.

MARCI & DONDEP CHAT 7/6/004 VOL. 15 Page 25 2:22am EDT

VOL 16

Crackajack 7/7/2004 6:02 am EDT

Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 16:)

Great to see ya back again HS. Hi All. Timely new thread. ;) Rather than argue with each other about hoax or not, right or wrong, science or belief, occult or otherwise, woo-woo or sane etc etc etc, how ´bout redirecting those energies to further research? No question is a dumb question but some questions will just not be answered. Why? Because not one soul here can answer some questions with 100% certainty. Get over it already *smile*.

Then again, it appears all over as far as "The Effort" is concerned, so may as well return to our "normal" little lives....lol Private choice of course. ;) This received via email recently from Marci (thank you). Discern for yourselves as you will.

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The following letter from J came in my pouch today, and after reading it, and re-reading it I have decided that I need to send this out to everybody as soon as possible. For reasons of privacy, everybody except for Linda (using her public email address) has been blind cc´d. Since J´s letter seems to refer to something that was posted previously on the GLP forum, I took the liberty of going there and making a copy of that posted entry for reference purposes.

I don´t know if it might be of any help to you, Bill or Linda, as you are the ones having to weather the brunt of the firestorm right now, but it does refer to the free-for-all that is going on right now. Maybe it will help, I hope so. If not, at least it is something you can read to help put things into perspective.

To the two GLP members I have addressed this letter to: I am using your email addresses on behalf of the whole forum. I hope you don´t mind. There are just too many to handle. So please feel free to send this on to the rest, and if you wish to post it, go ahead. I can see no reason why not. I don´t think it was meant to be a private communication between myself and "J". Marci


Letter from J [an "insider"] regarding Dan Burisch

Mr. Deppeller and all, you may distribute this letter to whomever you choose. Or, not. As a preamble, I do not believe that the library addition under the name Noory should be given to him. No good would come with doing so. I personally doubt he would remember it after receiving his next paycheck.

To the children here reading,

You have been witness to a truth, a truth that shall be called otherwise by those whose destiny is more simple than others. True enough this man is a hoax to them, as their world view will not grasp otherwise. In finality they used all that they had left and soon the man who started the pressing at my boy will hold up his and those of his ilk´s best banner against him: their love of money and their dependence on your also believing in such societal rules. Hundreds of pages of information exist, including verified documents, eyewitness reports of confirmation, his work that could be studied, and direct encounters that have resulted in many feelings about him as a man. That will be given over to derision soon, to the fools of the time. He was informed that this would happen, in 2000.

He smiled at me and said, "Okay." He knows the purpose for which he was called. Those close to him and those in power have accurately said "bread and circuses now". Discussion around my boy lately has been subdued for his health. He will not know all he is to be called. He will not read the articles destined for a magazine that headlines, "Alien Ghost at Roswell" or some other nonsense tabloid spew, nor ever have to deal with the

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equally nonsensical tabloid headers Arthur Bell, George Noory, George Knapp, and some guys called William Birnes and Donald Ecker. The tabloid rag offered by Mr. Noory and the last two names have promised the complete story of my boy.

They offer this by showing a rubber monster for a science fiction movie on the cover, speaking to some of our information releases, misreads of his complicated life and honest loving decisions, and holding up his checkbook. They should know that it was that response that damned the entire community from our moving forward. They have written their check and we have determined that they are representing insufficient funds to move forward. I doubt they have the capacity to wrap their minds around that.

My boy does not need to know anymore about this. Years before many of you were born a decision was made to set a test before the public, in defiance of the prognostications of the famous Brookings Institution report of 1960. That test, using a man with simple brilliance, was carried out.

In 1971, a decision was carried to use my boy in this effort. I had no idea at the time that he was to be much more than I knew at the time. He was to encounter another child under extreme circumstances and my boy would only live on through him. I have known the person as my child ever since.

The ball was put in motion in 1975 when he first began to show brilliance with a microscope. Powers decided at that time to offer two roads, in a test of his mettle. He chose the difficult road. He chose the only right road. Some of the greater truth was showed to him and his simplicity of heart and love of people drove him forward toward them.

We of the smaller group have felt too that this community was not necessarily the best to offer this test of human immunity against disillusionment. It was determined the only contiguous community now available, set apart from the bars of the Brookings Institution´s findings. Given the great proximity to the time of changes, it was the only course we could attempt out of respect for people that have so long yelled for truth.

The power plays that happened prior to his success with the model and ultimate retirement ultimately wore him down too. But he survived. Some of his work has insured that you will too. Laugh at his name at your own moral expense. He prays for every one of you daily, anyway.

It remains my hope that one day another offer will be made to the public. Maybe they will then show that they can grasp what is before them. Or, maybe they will fail again. Only time will tell us. I hope that this letter has reached each of you in good health and that you remain so for many years of happiness. The time has come for me to go, and so you will also be returned to the reaction that has driven our decision to step back instead of forward: outright dismissal, entertainment value headlines, the hoaxed-truth boxes of the recent Century, mocking, moving cartoons as responses instead of human value, and self aggrandizement. In my deepest heart, I pray for each person here. J"

Page 57: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


Dodep 7/14/2004 2:13 am Page 24 Vol. 16

"...( Marci)..."Being "taken care-of" doesn´t necessarily mean receiving gobs of money. Majestic is very subtle, and often by the removal of obstacles, and faciliation of a member´s efforts, they are well taken care-of. Other members are taken care of by having scientific equipment appear upon request, even if it does not belong to them - they are allowed to use it, and pursue their passion. Majestic has been perfecting methods to move undetected through society for more than 50 years.

That´s why nobody has ever been able to pin anything down...........there are literally hundreds of methods available (again, I am only being authorized to speak to the issues being lined up against Dan for the purposes of helping to offer some balance). What most of these methods have in common is their brilliant simplicity, and subtlety. BlackOp methods work to perfection.

In essence Majestic is expert at keeping our people in the public without ever being part of the public. BlackOps has been designed this way. And nobody has ever caught on - because it´s very difficult to pin down. If it was EASY to figure out, the coverup would have already been over. But it´s not. It´s still going strong... "

The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of Dan and Deborah Burisch by Linda Moulton Howe

(With documentation) July 13 2004


(Starting at this post) Boomerang´ 7/15/2004 4:37 am EDT

Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 16:) Page 33

Boomerang´ 7/16/2004 8:08 pm EDT

Dr. Burisch. The search continues Volume 17 Page 3

New mail received from Marci, with thanks.

Additional Information - Regarding Dr. Dan Burisch

Page 58: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

It should be noted that Majestic employs many legal first ammendment hedges (such as the issue of freedom of religion) in order to prevent people or agencies from prying into specific operations...(continued) > 8:08 pm EDT

Dr Burisch backround information also available at




UPDATE 8/10/04 reading files now allowed only to "moderaters"



Links to reproductions of emails from Marci McDowell (BJ Wolf) Regarding Dan Burisch and academics also at


8/9/04 DAM BUSTING LETTER FROM Marci http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~bemused/


AUTHORIZED MESSAGE FROM MJ1skywatcher (Bill Hamilton) 8/15/2004 1:11 pm EDT

Dr. Burisch Catselas. The Re/Search for the Truth Volume 19 Page 16

UJ, Here is the full text of the message I received from J1 - I think the time has come to share it with you. It was also a revelation to Dan according to him.

As received via telex 02MAY040630U, authorized directly from the working 12 "01 MAY 2004

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Page 59: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

It has been determined that an answer to your genuine human question about Danny should be provided. Danny has been the unwitting star in the release of information that was determined important long before he was born. In 1958, as part of an information exchange program established four years prior, the jrod that was later to meet with Danny informed the United States government of a need to establish regular treaties leading up to a culmination of a human time loop paradox, 54 years later, in 2012. The timing of his information was driven by numerology. Once informed, representatives of the working group established by President Truman confirmed it by the jrod's government's representatives. The beings from Orion confirmed the information in 1967 and an immediate meeting was held at White Sands between all three groups. Unknown to us at that time, they had established a base some 15 light years away, in our 1958.

In 1973, in the last year of a 15 year sampling agreement, grandfathered by 9 years of abductions that had already taken place, Danny was taken by Crain family agreement to help preserve the future, while playing as a child in a California park. Many other children were taken as well. He has believed, to this time, that he was taken as a random sample and is only being told of the truth today, with this letter. The intermixture between he and another's son, Michael, did occur as he was told, but it was a planned operation. Michael was dying of cancer.

During the 1976 treaty conference it was determined that Danny may be placed in a position for later disclosure of sensitive information regarding the paradox, depending on his life direction. During that same year Danny was introduced to the Los Angeles Microscopical Society, via a physician with close ties, and so was brought into the external sphere of our influences. Those influences branched out during his tenure in England and we watched as he came to a decision on what side he was on. He chose the Maji's direction and not that of the Illuminati.

By the time of the 1985 treaty discussions, Danny was making a distinction for himself at the University of Nevada: as a scholar and a rebellious trouble maker! We extended the discussions for another year as a suitable candidate had not yet been determined. Robert Lazar was in this group of candidates. By 1986 we had decided that Mr. Lazar was possibly one of the best to steer that way, but he quickly got out of control and didn't realize the doors that were being opened to him, rather he was too much the rebel. Several other characters have since also been assigned to assist in the information release. While Mr. Lazar pulled himself apart, and we were helping a little because of his loose cannon nature, we set our eyes on Danny. Danny was inducted in 1986 and was almost immediately given a small bit of information to hide. He wasn't aware that his information was of little importance at the time, little more than Mr. Lazar had already released. The first test release was done to reporter George Knapp and Danny performed brilliantly, denying everything but showing a psychological willingness to tell the truth about a subject so important to mankind. Such metered releases from us continued to Mr. Knapp and progressed as time went by into a treaty-authorised set of releases to the public for two purposes- 1- to fulfill a moral and ethical obligation to evolve certain information as required in the treaties, subordinate to an open government release that would eventuate a panicking populace, and later -2- we found to release Lotus

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information to the right sources that would carry it as a myth into the future. That myth will eventually prompt the Lotus model being found at the right time.

He was put through University at New York, but the later decision of the Committee of the Majority to censure Danny for his unauthorised release of information about Mars resulted in his paying a price for his disobedience. That censure is still in effect as the Majestic 12 has not taken up old decisions, during the tenure of the Committee's reign.

In 1991 Danny was assigned for a short time to an operations group that served in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq. The nature of his service has been alluded to, but is not germane in this context.

In 1994 Danny was selected by the jrod to be the front man in the biological research into his nerve disease. His selection came at a price as there existed a big rivalry for the spot. That rivalry was quieted when we released to the other scientists that the particular jrod was aboard the same craft when Danny was taken in childhood. They were not informed of the intermixture, and such issues now remain moot as all but the few that were not directly involved with Aquarius in those years are now dead.

Danny served as the leader of the Aquarius - J-Rod Biological Working Group with distinction. The group failed to resolve the disease but made many inroads to that end.

We decided to release the information about the paradox to Danny and it was not a quid pro quo. Sorry Dan! (We hope you understand all this and you forgive me. It was decided for the best.) Danny provided us with the information that he had received from the jrod, while still in a twilight state after the incident. We knew that Danny would find it impossible to keep such information to himself, due to his moral and ethical outlook on life, even after the penalty he paid several years before.

In 2003 we met in treaty discussions. The treaty was set into abeyance for the period of 1 year, for many reasons. Almost comically, one of the reasons listed was so that the next conference would not be held in 2012, but as three separated species in 2013. The numerologist jrods were superstitious! A more sober concern, and one other reason for the abeyance, is the presence of a faction of jrods that do not share our vision for a happy future. They feel themselves superior to other groups, including us and have allied themselves with the Illuminati. Their numbers make the issue formidable. We, in concert with the jrods and Orion Universal Brotherhood, are acting to suppress the threat. Contact with bona fide intra-galactic alien intelligences (not at all relating to this issue) has occurred throughout the years. The counsel of such intelligences, always greatly advanced beyond our own and benevolent, is being sought by those assigned to do so. Their opinions, just as those representing many cultures and religions, will be taken into account as we move forward to counter these threats to mankind. Danny has never been involved with projects with those intelligences. This is the first he has heard of them, from an authorised source.... You may provide the gist of this information to those picking your brain.

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We hope for a bright future for mankind. Submitted, J1 for the Majestic 12, as approved."

skywatcher22 UL 9/27/2004 12:41 pm EDT

Dr. Burisch, J-Rod, Ganesh Particle.., the quest continues.Vol.21

I am posting this on behalf of Marci... To Whom it may concern,

On October 30th, Marci McDowell will be going into retirement and will not be available for any future public discourse as of October 30th 2004.

An open invitation is being extended by her to any individual who would like to talk to her about any issue she has publicly addressed, realizing of course, that there are some issues that cannot be addressed for security reason. She would like to extend this courtesy as her last public action.

With that thought in mind, and the problem with logistics, a two hour public forum will be held at the residence of Alan and Sandy Gudaitis in Las Vegas, Nevada. The time period will be from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on October 30, 2004. No emails or telephone calls will be allowed during that time slot. It will be a face to face meeting for whoever wishes to attend. This will be the last time Marci will be speaking publicly.

Anyone wishing to attend is requested to send a notification to the following email address: [email protected] Thank you,

Alan Gudaitis P.S. All of the issues contained herein have no association with the Mutual UFO Network Inc.

Posted at http://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=50&start=30 -:- GLP thread discontinued. gnosis Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:49 am  

Glad you're here too, PR So, the consensus is to have one thread. That's cool with me. Who will do the honors?

Now, about this 'Bennie' e-mail... "I am the blackbird! I know all that I can know and see all that I can see! I have risen from the ashes and am no longer a Raven. They thought they got me, but no. I have my ears inside this little get together. My ears have heard many things. Ms. B.J. Marcie McDowell is retiring that is true but no one has really said why. I know why. She is being inducted into the fraternity of the few people that know the code of the 27 blue apples. Her precious family ties finally paid off for her.

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None other than our little Dr. Burisch is going to fill her in on it. She will be silenced the same way as Burisch was, but oh what a life she will have! I hear the get together has a working side to it to. But I am not sure where Burisch will be. Burisch has been a busy boy over the last months but no one is talking about what it is. I have NEVER seen so many shut mouths. If I guess I would say it has to do with the whole world.

McDowell is facing having to give away her precious Eagles Disobey rights too. My birdie ears hear she has to give up all rights to any money on everything she has done in her past. She has a short list of people that she is deciding from to give full rights to. My birdie ears heard a rumor that it is one of these people: Bill Hamilton or Ron Garner. She is working on the "best" way to do it right now.

One hell of a party is coming and there is some kind of angle to it yet I haven't heard. Something about Burisch to, but I can't figure what. Black Bird"

"She is being inducted into the fraternity of the few people that know the code of the 27 blue apples. Her precious family ties finally paid off for her. None other than our little Dr. Burisch is going to fill her in on it. She will be silenced the same way as Burisch was, but oh what a life she will have!" What's wrong with this picture?

My feelings towards burisch and cohorts are getting pretty fired up, as I keep hearing him say & write: 'They are only interested in controlling the proces, not the solution'...

Well, hello! HE IS DOING JUST THAT. IMO, pure evil, and I mean it. Secret fraternities are the cancer of this world. But of course, they, and all those who support him, will see that otherwise. "We're all equal, but some more than others" Orwell. That still stands.

Crackajack Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 6:25 amhttp://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=128&start=345&sid=02fba66c658e    Post subject: An observation.

"I posit that one does not and/or cannot retire from the Black Ops community, save for the wooden box or window push variety retirement.

Under this assumption, which is all it is, the Lotus Model is now nearing completion (ie: December 2004), and the meeting will go ahead on March 15th 2005.

For anyone living in the DC area, it sure would make an interesting day for a cult/ural visit to the Masonic Masonic Temple on 2800 16th street.....

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Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:52 am    Post subject: Coffee http://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=128 Page 35

Burisch NO more? No way! He lives a mile from Sunchase apartments where he lived before. I live right at the same apartments he does now. He comes from the North east area but I am not sure exactly which apartment. I live in the south central buildings. Nearly each and every day about midday he takes a walk usually alone but sometimes with another guy, one of 3 different men, and with a woman I think is McDowell. I see him carted in an out by Miz Pink Purse Deborah in their silver car at least once every week too.

When he walks alone he's got his coffee with a blue mug and a white microscope on it. He doesn't walk on the pavement but in the grass between a really long two rows of trees on the north side of the grounds.

Two months ago I saw a little girl that visits my neighbor's kids run up to him and another little girl. They talked for awhile and she left. I asked the little girl who that was. She told me that is Victoria's father and that he is a scientist and a nice man. That proves it was him! He walked right by my place 1 week ago.

I'll keep watching but I won't get any closer. Shorty

Corvalis Guest

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:17 am 


 Post subject: Doctor Danny Burisch and the future

My name is Corvalis. I don't work for anybody but I work for everybody. The name Corvalis is my seeing name not my real one.

I'm one of 4 that have finished about 3 months of remote viewing and seeing Doctor Danny Burisch as part of a project about prophecy my group is working on. I started with simple questions like "Is Dr. Dan Burisch alive" and "Is Dr. Dan Burisch really retired?" After I was satisfied with the answers the univmind gave I started on more difficult questions like where he lives, what his surroundings look like and what he is doing right now. The last question is where it got weird not weird but really weird weird.

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He is alive I know that certainly. When I encountered his spirit in the univmind he turned in his seat and smiled at me and then looked really serious and waved his finger back and forth like to say "no no" so I back away. His spirit still breathes and reaches out among the living. His office is adorned with colored lights, strange shapes hanging from the ceiling, and there is some kind of decoration of splashing water made of concrete slabs built into the wall. There's serene harp and heaven music coming from everywhere in there. One whole wall is covered with a screen that comes up and the whole wall has built in T.V.s. with world news on them. A couple of the T.V.s. go right to people he has working for him like a close circuit at a seaside place. His desk is covered in paperwork, bags of really small bottles, and computer disks. He is definitely not retired! He spends much time on the phone, in front of his computer, and in meetings in his office with small groups of people, 2 or 3 at a time. Recently his attention has been on the tsunami for some reason but I haven't pinned down why? He watches colored moving maps about it on the computer, like colored moving clouds in the ocean. I have no good idea what that is. I think I know what he is doing and where it will be but if I tell it it could interrupt it.

That is the weird stuff and I think it could be one of the biggest stories ever. I am not sure if I want it to happen or not. I am not sure what is the right thing to do. Maybe I'll go there early this year and ask him myself. Maybe I'll just watch and do nothing. I don't know right now. Maybe I'll just say what it was after it happens. You have been following Danny Burisch's life for longer than me so can you give me your ideas? I should say this that he is going to run a test into the life of the Pacific. I am not trying to mess with anyone here. I am just trying to figure out the right thing to do. Sincerely, Corvalis Seer

Abstract: Maybe not all work & no play?


? South Mississippi Contract Procurement Center, Inc. (SMCPC) Marcia McDowell, ACAS   Director ?


"Guest" Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:02 am eaglesdisobey.org Forum    

"Ok, thanks. This should work fine. We will give it a try over the next few days and let you know if there are any kinks. -opdir Okay! seeing that it is still going...it appears that the kinks are gone! -scidir I am in receipt of this image, is this from the new software that they send down from Dreamland? -opdir Yes, this image was processed with shadysoft. It is the second of two images...

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This one shows a mature portal. Looks like a spinning mirror, yes? Geeeeeeee...I wonder why? ) After your physics people take a look at it, let me know their comments and if they want to see the first of the two! -scidir www.angelfire.com/magic2/auth2628nv51/


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:16 am eaglesdsobey.org Forum

     Oh come on now kids. I am not one to betray 'insider information' but this lack of anything being put out for 'public consumption' is a bit weary.

Bill Hamilton was allegedly thrown out by BJ for overt disclosure relating to the '27 blue apples' and tonal manipulation of the 'shiva' for ganesh particle production.

Cabrillo Beach was induced as an attempt at bioremidiation but was subterfuged by elements more inclined to 'alien craft retrieval' at the Port of Long Beach than environmental concerns.

After a week of preferring to ignore this site, it is amazing to see that those who know something or anything have preferred to say nothing at all. Shame on you smug bastards!

Lotus '2' was allegedly disbanded and there was such a 'hub-ub' over having been used by the Maji again. Some things never change. If Dr Burisch and BJ are too stupid to realize the reality of how they are being used by the powers that be, then let them go on believing that others would refrain 'where angels fear to tread.' I would never resort to such insults towards those who befriended me, and hope they realize that now that the 'cat is out of the bag' they would be far more skeptical of more altruistic manuveours employed by their superiors.

Really, kids, so much information has been passed behind the scenes that the casual observer is totally unaware of what has transpired to the detriment of critical evaluation and common sense. Many who have an honest interest in this situation are left in the dark not knowing what has transpired since communication with Dr Burisch ceased.

'Tell all the word' has been replaced with 'keep shut about what you know' as others with something to contribute say nothing while playing the audience for a fool.

There have been massive files transferred which have yet to be made 'public,' but since we are not of 'right' to know, we are kept in ignorance by those whom we sought to help. Thanks a lot. Hope all is well with you!!

Page 66: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


Location: Alberta, Canada

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:15 pm    


To my fellow Eagles and the 'interested few' that have followed this saga and in many ways contributed:

Today begins a process of Disclosure that, as I indicated over a year ago, would have to have at least the tacit acceptance of the Maji. This is not to be confused with a Maj-orchestrated operation, simply that they will not interfere..."




NOTE: This not-for-profit site's creator, is not accountable for commercials.

Dr Dan Burisch Area 51 Microbiologist~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Page 67: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)


CONTINUED FROM Updates Part 2: The One and Only Public Appearance of Dr. Dan Burisch Rachel Nevada 5/30/04

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~eaglesdisobey.org Forum


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:37 am    

eaglesdisobey.org Forum

subject: YOU HAVE MAIL



Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:22 am     subject: Humanity's Never-Ending Quest For Compassionate Truth

SALUTATIONS RETURNED WITH A REPLY, GUEST. TO THE READERSHIP: I have requested permission to post my reply to the mail I received. "Humanity's Never-Ending Quest For Compassionate Truth"

Morpheus Guest Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:56 am     subject: I am watching from outside the Matrix

I am following the trend of communication here and see that certain terms that were not to be disclosed, have been. The white pieces and the black pieces move in strange patterns. The good Doctor has made a decision and has knocked on a door. Someone unanticipated was on the other side who has compiled extensive notes. This I have

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learned and I am concerned over the good Doctor's state of mind. The butterfly has flown beyond the sky, yet fails to disturb the wind.

I await eagerly to see what the good Doctor does next. Someday I hope to share my new discoveries with those who are sincere and seek the truth. Peace Who am I? Someone has guessed. Are they right?


Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:15 pm     subject: DISCLOSURE COMMENCES

To my fellow Eagles and the 'interested few' that have followed this saga and in many ways contributed:

Today begins a process of Disclosure that, as I indicated over a year ago, would have to have at least the tacit acceptance of the Maji. This is not to be confused with a Maj-orchestrated operation, simply that they will not interfere. As promised, if allowed I would post the exchange referenced above. -----------------------------------------------------Hello Don,

I hope that this note finds you and Starry well. I am aware of your efforts to get the Crown to grant your petition to remain in Canada. I have actually been aware of your plight for some time, but certain restrictions have prevented me from trying to assist.

Suffice to say that things are happening here, which a month ago I could never have imagined, so odd as this may seem, I've been authorized by the Maji to discuss a relevant matter with you.

Please refer to the eagles.org forum, page 105, where the person identifying himself as Seion9 has posted something which appears to have merit; a proposed affidavit, set up to identify a body of facts to be placed in evidence, which might then be signed/sworn-to by Dr. Burisch.

If this might be of benefit to your case, I have been empowered to discuss details of any proposed statments with you, and if we can craft such a document, to present it to Dr. Burisch for his approval/signature/oath. I have been advised that 'they' are willing to come to terms to a certain extent with respect to certain issues concerning Dr. Burisch. It's not carte blanche, but it's certainly an opportunity no one would have predicted.

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Needless to say, it is of the utmost importance to have your statements of fact crafted well.

Statements containing multiple subjects/ variables (some of which could be identified as true blended with some that could not be so identified) would render the entire paragraph/section useless. Anything like that would need to be reworked and this would take time. As I understand it, time is of the essence to you.

My suggestion would be to restrict each statement to one topic. If you need to have many individual paragraphs/topics, it would simply lengthen the document, but be of no other consequence.

If you would be interested in pursuing such a route, please email me at this address at your earliest convenience and I will work with you in this matter.

All the best to you and Starry. I think of you both often.

Marcia McDowell, M.A. (BJ Wolf) Representative

And my reply:

I'm humbly grateful to have received your email, Marci. [xxxxxx...laudatory comment redacted to save a fellow Eagle some embarrassment] I had suggested Form 255 as a basis for corroboration of the important facts, but other key 'advisors' to me have opined that a Form 41 would be more useful to our present efforts of Disclosure. However, as our mutual friend may have told you, I anticipate that nothing is allowed that isn't at least tacitly acceptable to the Maji. I'm pragmatic, despite my "shooting off my mouth" and "getting awfully vocal in the last little while" [you realize I'm quoting some of your recent remarks, I trust].

Yes, I think that if you are of the opinion Form 41 is too extreme, even for the now-reasonable majicians, I believe the Court would be pre-disposed to a Form 255, if the essence remains the same. I am not interested, as you may have suspected, in proving or disproving Dan's involvement in BCW activities; he is one of the greatest American heroes we've had in the past generation, and any focus on those issues would only serve to discredit his achievements. Those truths are left to Dan to avow or disavow. The evidence I currently have regarding them only marginally validates any related activity, although evidence is continuing to pour in.

In my interpretation of the cumbersome Federal Court Rules 1998 (the "Rules"), I believe it is within the discretion of the Federal Court to allow for evidence to be submitted that may not correspond to a more-traditional form of testimony. I'm also of the opinion that, since the beginning of this amazing adventure, we may also be pioneers in what manner and type of media would and should be allowable in a Court of law, insofar as presenting an accurate picture of a pertinent Truth utilizing digital and web-based electronic

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communication (Yahoo Messenger as well as emails and screen-prints). In printed form, the printed evidence in our case now exceeds a stack 6" thick. In my estimation, any presentation by Dan could be resolved via electronic deposition, and this could be engendered under the perquisites of Form 255. We would need to communicate quite closely over the next 48 hours, as this is for the Ages as well as Toni, I, Dan, you, and the rest of the disobedient Eagles and those we purport to be working for. I don't think it's necessary for Dan and/or you to physically attend the proceedings on Monday, if we can arrange for a video connection a-la the famous chats or even one of our IRB hearings, where the Member interviewed us via video camera from Calgary while we remained in Edmonton. We will find the pertinent subsections and I will email them to you for your perusal and consideration. Paramount will be exactly what Dan and you will be allowed to comment on. Bluntly put: this Form, as interpreted, would have Dan validate the chats that he took part in with myself and the other Eagles, the interviews he gave Bill and Ron on videotape, the entire meeting held recently between the two of you when you gave him a CD of Queen (yes, with Freddie Mercury, live in the '70s), and his documented writings such as the "18-page Document" and the relative documents that describe the Lotus. Also, as one small request for the benefit of the readership,

I would like to post this correspondence to you, (even if no permission is granted to post your query to me) on the Golden Thread, so that the 'interested few' that have helped the cause tirelessly can experience some sense of validation. I trust this rather minor request won't generate a flippant reply.

Ever yours, in "humanity's never-ending quest for compassionate truth"; Dondep --------------------------------------------------


I have no problem at all with you posting this to the forum, and/or any replies and discussions we have regarding this issue are fine as well. I'll try to be as available as best I can be, during the next 48 hours.

One thing, I will need to see the forms you are speaking of because I am not familiar with the differences between them.

An internet conference might be possible, but I would have to run that by some people for the ok. One problem I can forsee is the fact that before Dan could attest to the truth of any information you have presented to the Crown, he would need to see it (what you would like him to verify) in its entirety to be sure that all was correct to his recollection.

I am not sure how this might be done on an internet conference without it becoming too time consuming. I am open to suggestions.

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And yes, I do recognize some of the phrases you have quoted. This has me concerned. How is it you are able to quote me? Sincerely, Marcia McDowell _________________


Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:26 pm     subject: Reply MY REPLY:

Good Morning, Marci;

I will be sending copies of the chats I (and the others) have had with Dan, going back to the initial interview on Nov. 13, 2003. The only exceptions are where I redacted certain responses that Dan asked me to keep confidential, regarding his personal life. There are also items that he would be asked to verify such as his (and your) Nobel Peace Prize nomination, the photos of him following the March 2003 physical attack that showed his injuries, etc. We can sort through them after you've had a chance to see what is all there. I believe our mutual friend came to see you within the past 24 hours, and he has a complete copy of what the Court has received. I will be speaking with him shortly, and if possible, he can bring the copy of the record for your perusal.

Regarding how I was able to quote you; please do not be concerned unduly. There are apparently quite a few 'patriotic insiders' who are the real heroes of this disclosure process. Without their courage this process would never have gotten to this stage. I doubt there will be any need for additional 'leaks', at least to this source, following the events of this case.

I will be focused during the day here on other more mundane day-to-day concerns, despite the enormity of the time constraints in this case (namely, ensuring I have transportation to accomplish the necessary filings to the Court). This coming Thursday is the last day in which motions can be heard; it is a guideline that all motions be heard or presented at least 2 days before the date they are heard, except in urgent situations where the Court has the discretion to waive the requirement. Form 41 is an actual subpoena form, whereas Form 255 seems better suited to our present purposes. In either event, I will have to file one of them by tomorrow close of business, or take the chance the Court would be amenable to a filing with less than the 2 days notice. I would implore you to speak with Dan candidly about having him proffer a statement that would be in his OWN words. The fewer the filters between Dan and the public consciousness, the better for history.

All the best until later today; Don

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Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:27 pm     subject: Thanks Pagemarker

Thanks for that Pagemarker, so if Bill has 'allegedly' been cold-shouldered then Ron Garner must have got everything Marci 'allegedly' signed over?

Quote:Lotus '2' was allegedly disbanded Was it really? Totally missed that. Quote:Really, kids, so much information has been passed behind the scenes that the casual observer is totally unaware of what has transpired to the detriment of critical evaluation and common sense. Many who have an honest interest in this situation are left in the dark not knowing what has transpired since communication with Dr Burisch ceased.

And many others have given up in disgust, seems a bit like the little boy crying 'wolf' perhaps?

Guest Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:15 am thinks its over the top, but how can any of what Pagemarker has posted affect the court decision? Entertainment - I don't think so Guest, take a look at what's happening in the real world.

Quote:but since we are not of 'right' to know, we are kept in ignorance by those whom we sought to help. Thanks a lot. Hope all is well with you!!

VEGAS UNIT Guest Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:28 pm     subject: SAYS THE VEGAS UNIT, IN A UNANIMOUS VOTE, SAYS THE FOLLOWING-



Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:12 pm  

Page 73: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

Dondep, I'm in awe with the last events. All the very best wishes for you and Starryeyes. : ) Thessa


Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:52 pm    

subject: In the Year 2525.....

Thanks Thessa. And thanks to all who've hung in there; at the very least all the records of our conversations with Dan will be validated, whether or not the implications of the knowledge is true. Perhaps I was a bit euphoric in my expectations, but I am so NOT complaining about the recent events. At the very least, the fact that certain key elements of the Saga will be finally vindicated gives me a feeling of serenity.

Here is the latest exchange: ---------------------------------------------------- Don,

The overall emphasis of the form 255 was to isolate and reduce to writing exactly what you needed to have the Crown be aware of concerning Dr. Burisch and his work, as it might apply to your case to stay in Canada.

That is precisely what will be required before Dr. Burisch can review any statements. There will be no internet meeting, nor question-and-answer session, nor will there be a freeform statement written by Dr. Burisch for inclusion in your proceedings.

If you are willing to present a series of exact statements for him to review I can arrange for them to be hand carried to him for his consideration. He will make any changes he feels necessary and/or eliminate entire blocks of text at his discretion, before he determines whether to affix his signature. There is also the possibility that he may decline to affix his signature at all; it is ultimately his decision, and that decision will be based upon what you present for his review. Therefore, take all pains to ensure that there are no ambiguities. Once he makes his decision whether to sign what you present, it could be notarized and returned to you by FAX, followed up by traditional mail for hard copies. But that is the extent to which Dr. Burisch and I are prepared to extend ourselves at this time.

Dan has an implicit willingness to help you, Don, but if this proceeds, it will only do so in an orderly manner without any room for misunderstanding. It is my responsibility to ensure that.

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I wish you the best, but personally I think you have got your hands full trying to accomplish something this complex within a two-day window.

Sincerely, Marcia McDowell, M.A. Representative---------------------------------------------------------

My reply:

Thank you, Marci;

I will prepare a short Form 255 for Dan's review. He may accept or decline to answer, as you point out. There is no 2-day window; apparently motions aren't heard every week. I will be sending the Duty Justice in Ottawa a letter requesting that a Form 255 be allowed into evidence. Upon composing the 255, I will email it to you so that you may review with Dan. If he would wishes any changes, please return with any notations.

Please thank Dan from the bottom of our hearts, as we wish you both the very best. Regards, Don

the reply:

Thanks Don,

Once you have prepared the form, email it to me here. I will have it presented to Dan for his review. All statements that he is willing to sign to will be returned to you on a separate form. They can then be transferred to the appropriate form (word for word as he has approved it) and sent back for his signature and notarization under oath.

As an aside to you Don, I am currently under discussions with the Maji to allow Dan to be officially debriefed, for the totality of his 19 years of service. This will be a slow and arduous process taking a year or maybe more. If Dan agrees to sign off on your form then this would be filmed and I would petition for this to be added to the videotape archive of his debriefing.

The possibility of this longterm debriefing becoming public are unknown at this time, but all options are currently on the table before the Maji. I am doing my best, not only for you but for Humanity and history.

Again, I have been informed that these conversations between you and I remain approved for publication to the forum.

Sincerely, Marcia McDowell, M.A. Representative

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Morpheus Guest Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:16 pm     subject: Vegas Unit Vegas Unit,

Whoever you are, you don't know much about my work and no one on this timeline has made the discoveries I have made.

As for my worrying about the good Doctor at least I exress my compassion for Dan despite your rudeness. I have a feeling that now he has been caught in a web of deceit and has expressed to me his concern in our previous meetings. Do I know some secrets? You bet I do, including the blue apple tones. It was Dan who gave me all the clues and it was just a matter of finding what fits. We are both trained to look for patterns.

I am grateful that I have a powerful contact that none of you know about and he is well connected to those who are TPTB. I have set a wave in motion and we will see whether it turns into a Tsunami. The Games must stop. Many have been disillusioned. It is time for the Truth. Truth beyond the Matrix you are caught in.

FYI: All the above posts from http://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=236&start=1575

Guest Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:37 pm eaglesdisobey.org Forum     subject: DOES DAN EVEN KNOW ANY OF THIS?

No he doesn't and he doesn't need to right now! All he would need to do is type in www.eaglesdisobey.org into his computer and he would know. His register history currently lists him not having visited this website. He visited 883 websites last month, most of them scientific and esoteric. I am not even sure he knows this site exists. Right now he is sitting in his office drinking coffee, reading a selection from National Geographic "Death on the Nile", and waiting for American Idol to come on. On Friday, April 8, a call will be made to his residence. Mrs. Burisch will be made aware that an entourage carrying orders is enroute to see him. The entourage will arrive and be escorted to him in his office. He will be presented with 4 documents: a cover letter, the request, a transcript and a set of intentions with detailed information (replacing orders) from the Maji. At that point the entourage will leave his office. On Saturday, April 9, he will be transported to a location for a preexisting meeting. At that meeting, Dr. Burisch will be supplied with a copy of the complete packet and offered to sign it under oath. He will either stand for the truth or not. He doesn't need a week to decide about the truth! By Friday night he will know what is at

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stake. What do you all think? Will he lay it on the line and become a hero to some for the truth, someday dying once, or back off like a coward and die a thousand deaths? I know the boy like a son. He would walk into Hell itself just to save a flower from burning.

Morpheus Here Guest Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:15 am eaglesdisobey.org Forum    

subject: One Last Post On Sacred Geometry METATRON'S CUBE

First, Don, I hope you got what you want and need now. Yes, there is more as there is always more isn't there?

As to the message from the INNER SANCTUM, I will not answer that here on a public forum, but there are some things for the thoughtful to consider.

As we tip the Metatron cube forward, we see the sphere of the center now occupy the position where the three planes meet. The spheres in motion are toroidal vortices.

After the creation of the" Seed of Life, the same vortex's motion was continued creating the next structure known as the" Egg of Life". This structure forms the basis for music as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division. (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight ).

It was Michael Helios who discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tone scales for each of the Platonic shapes. He even tuned his keyboard to specific frequencies in order to achieve exact proportions.

In the Circle of Fifths we see another way in which the musical scale is related to Sacred Geometry, for the musical progression is an exact parallel to the Fibonacci sequence.

As we know, the Fibonacci sequence starts with the number 1, and proceeds by adding the two previous numbers. So the second number in the sequence also is 1, then 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on. And a graph of this sequence almost exactly matches the spiral graph of the Golden Mean sequence. One is finite, the other infinite. "As above, so below."

Fibonacci realized that the natural branching, flowering, and spiraling forms in Nature followed the same uniform laws found in musical scales, for his sequence mathematically predicts all of the intervals that comprise the chords of music. Plato, discoverer of the "Platonic" solids, believed that music was the strongest of all life's influences. In his treatise the Timaeus, he describes the numerical (vibrational-musical) creation of the physical universe and the soul that animates it. He called upon his students to activate the

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ancient shrines and sacred temples of the earth with sacred song, employing "perpetual choirs" in order to echo the harmonies of the Heavenly Choir.

The work of German astronomer and mystic Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) focused on the five Platonic solids, their harmonic ratios, and how these shapes correlated with planetary orbits and sound frequencies. He found the musical tones of individual planets, and the musical scales of planetary movements. As Stephen Hawking reports, Kepler was even able to determine that "four kinds of voice are expressed in the planets: soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass."

Excavating Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the Knights Templar discovered vaults of hidden artifacts and scrolls that described the alchemical sciences of sacred geometry and architecture and their relationship to sound, astronomy, and genetics. Ancient sacred relics also are said to have been found, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and secrets pertaining to Mary Magdalena and a Holy bloodline.

Inspired by this material, the great Gothic cathedrals, including Chartres, Notre Dame, Salisbury, St.Denis, and Cluny, were designed and built using the principles of sacred geometry and harmonic acoustics.

The angel appears with sphere in hand and an emanation from the flaming letters of the Hebrew alphabet emit a tone and windows shatter. The tone of creation and destruction. The golden spiraling waveforms produce a set of notes related to the flower of life.

The Aleph is symbolized by the "apple" and has the number 1 or 1000 and one proceeds to the left as in the archetypes until one reaches the 27th symbol Zadi and has the number 900 (9 x10 x 10) which is symbolized by the "tree" so one can see that the apple produces the seed which produces the tree and thus the cycle turns upon itself as in the fruit of life, the tree of life. As above, so below and tree and the fruit are also in the body and in the mind. These 27 compose the music of genesis.

This can be modeled also as 3 coils with 9 letters on each coil, now you rotate from Aleph to the right to BET symbolized by the House and Open the gate. Each of the 3 coils corresponds to 3 layers of a 3x3x3 cubic matrix. Aleph is ALL. Aleph is Oneness.

He who occupies the Inner Sanctum may be interested in this rendition and will comprehend its meaning. To those who are wise, this will have great meaning and to those who are otherwise will have little significance.

I will be away on vacation for a few days, but those who know me will know how to reach me. My salutations to the Good and Wise doctor. Blessings to the wise."

{Also archived at http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/2012theSunStargates.html }

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PageMarker Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:28 pm eaglesdisobey.org Forum  

"I am following the trend of communication here and see that certain terms that were not to be disclosed, have been."

Indeed, Morpheus, the "breach of confidentiality" is a bitter indictment on an honest conscious knowing 'the ends do not justify the means.' With the recent developments of more hopeful promise, what is 'disclosure' for others feels more like 'closure' for me. I must commend you, Morpheus, on your 'last note on sacred geometry.' That was the most meaningful and comprehensive post I have read during the 'saga' of Dr Burisch. Thank you for sharing those insights with a 'bioinfoton' of lesser understanding fascinated by the piecing together of various aspects of human knowledge and science as we seek an understanding of the nature of Our Creator.

I apologize to you as personally as a 'public' posting allows, having realized in advance that "allegedly" means little in the 'gossip talk' circles.

Even so, it is readily apparent you have made discoveries others have not, and so I express my gratitude for making them known, and think of the beneficial aspects of your associations with Dr Burisch and Marci (amongst others) who have helped you in your journey as you have also helped others.

DonDep & Toni, the prayers of many are with you. My feet have been a 'little to close too the fire' to say much else, except that it has been truly wonderful to see Ms McDowell come to your aid in coordination with Dr Burisch. Lastly, is this A#1 worthy of Majestic consideration?


Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:59 am     subject: Service Accomplished

Dear Don, With this letter I am formally advising you that Dr. Dan Burisch has signed and sworn to the document presented to him, Request to Admit et. al.

His words were: "Before Almighty God, I do so solemnly swear." Then he signed in the appropriate place, and went on to sign each page of the document - all twenty pages. Each page was then individually notarized.

Congratulations Don and Starry. Please stand by for FAX transmission.

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Sincerely, Marcia McDowell, M.A. Representative http://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=236&start=1665


4/9/2005 4:37 pm EDT Dr. Dan Burisch UPDATE: DISCLOSURE UNDERWAY

This has been a LONG TIME COMING....

To the quarrelsome, loving, babbling, reflective, thoughtful, snarling, scoffing, blabbing, etc etc denizens of GLP:

Today, Dr. Dan Burisch, Phd., Majestic 12 badge #H-6196-Maj-E-ret., has solemnized by oath the admission to the following, docs to be found here: http://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=3865#3865 -------------------------------------

A LITTLE HOLE IN THE DYKE KNOWN AS THE "COVERUP" HAS COME UNDONE -------------------------------------

YOU ARE REQUESTED TO ADMIT, for the purposes of this proceeding only, the truth of the following facts:

1. You were made aware by Mr. Xxxxxxxxx (Deppeller) that he and his family were placed under surveillance, by persons unknown in early 2002, and that such surveillance continued until the Xxxxxxx (Deppeller) family moved to Canada in early 2003. You have personally heard allusions by individuals with which you have associated, that the allegations in the aforementioned statement are a fact.

2. You have been allowed online (over the internet, using text and webcam) conversations with Xxx Xxxxxxx (Don Deppeller), known by his public internet moniker "DonDep", and other apparently similarly-interested individuals, representing that they were from various locations from around the globe. Said internet personalities represented themselves as separate individuals, giving the public internet monikers: "Human Subject", "Boomerang", "Crackajack", "PageMarker", "Seion9", "Harrdrawk", "WhiteRabbit", (and others), at various times during 2003 and 2004.

3. The facts relevant to the subjects in this document, as stated by you during the conversations recalled at the time of signing this document were then true and

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correct to the best of your knowledge, and were not conveyed with the intention to deceive. This includes the handwritten statement "For the sake of humanity, tell the world".

4. You have been formally associated with the group known as Majestic 12, since 1986, were formally dissociated from the public on June 8, 2004 (then at the instruction of Majestic 12), and were professionally dissociated from Majestic 12, albeit under emeritus status, on March 21, 2005, at 05:00 hours (Greenwich Mean Time).

5. Some of the projects you have worked on have been named "Preserve Destiny", "Aquarius", "Lotus", and "Preserve Mother".

6. You state to the best of your belief that some implications of these projects (listed above as "5.") are of such a grave nature that, were the general world human population to know the entirety of the information contained within them, the resultant reactions of portions of the present human population may vary from "no reaction" to potential "panic."

7. You have also been a party during the negotiations of a treaty known as the "Tau-9 Conference for the Preservation of Humanity", between present human authorities and certain individuals representing themselves as extraterrestrial peoples, with their origin alleged to you as the star constellations "Reticulum" and "Orion." You have had physical interaction with at least one such extraterrestrial.

8. The normally required secrecy for these issues, as a consequence of the gravity contained within the aforementioned statement ("7."), stipulated that individuals entrusted with such relevant information – including yourself – must swear a secrecy oath upon pain of death. You are not currently under such an oath, the previous one having been discharged by the issuing authority.

9. Individuals that receive such information, from sworn agents of Majestic 12, but who have not been sworn to secrecy – including the principal Applicant – could possibly be subjected to many forms of harassment, by non-Majestic agencies that have been requested or otherwise authorized by that group. -------------------------------------- God bless this scrappy bunch of fringe lunatics and scholars of the impenetrable.

PHOTOS OF Dr BURISCH SIGNING DOCUMENTS www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/images1/BurischPhotosSigningDocs.html


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RAVEN Guest Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:09 pm eaglesdsobey.org Forum   subject: I FLY AGAIN IN LAS VEGAS!



I NOW FLY UNDER THE STARS AND SING FROM THE FREEDOM OF THE WINDS! (((((((((((( (((((((( (((( ((( (( : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------- (( ((( (((( (((((((( (((((((((((( Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 20:53:59 -0800 (PST) From: "Dan Burisch" <> "TYPE=PICT;ALT=AddtoAddressBook"Add to Address Book Subject: Session Distillation To: "TYPE=PICT;ALT=SendanInstantMessage""Binah" <> && &&&&& Binah: What follows is the distillation of the session conducted this morning, basically read to you over the phone. You may share it with the XXX as you wish. Pope ----------------------------------------------------------------- 31MAR05 I/C Session J1 Notes 1. Cause of Issued Untruth: Majority in the 12 was tipped by Tenet/Prodi, to prevent my disclosure by Illuminist Elements, 7/5 against. 2. Cause of Change: With Prodi/Tenet gone, shift has now moved to 6/5 in favor. J1 advised that I can proceed with what I am doing under the assurance of no negative from the Maji, yet no vote authorizing. As the Maji have been informed of my intent and that I have now been told of the untruth, they officially sit in a "not convened, no actions taken against operator, no further presumption of wrong doing" status. They (6 of 11) have signed on that, and that prevents future votes against me that could yield greater than a deadlock (6 of 12) with no action. 3. Import: Some disclosures are good and some are bad. (Could feed Illuminist elements, ex. military disclosures.) My particular history, truth to be told, and my orientation to it, will do nothing but act to hasten our survival and 2012 success. The 33 (CotM) voted in 1994 that I should be the one to disclose (at an undetermined time) the relationship

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between the ETs and the timelines, as the received info from the positive ETs indicated it would hasten our ability to resist the negative influences as we approach that time. J1 was unaware of that vote and it had been removed from the records by Tenet. J1 just became aware of the vote and the Illuminist Elements were exposed. 4. Possibles: If deemed appropriate from the data provided by me (and possibly others), the Maji may allow my (and others) exposure (Congressional) to "do the deed." end notes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life." Gen. 3:24 (NKJV) Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. H-6196-Maj-E ret. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 13:48:41 -0800 (PST) From: "Dan Burisch" <> "TYPE=PICT;ALT=AddtoAddressBook"Add to Address Book Subject: Monee makes zee verld go alound, zee verld... To: "" <> && &&&&& 12MAR05 XXX:

I received a very interesting personal call from one of the Maji this morning (not J). It seems there exists a temporary disagreement as to what is owned or not owned by the Maji, relative intellectual property and my discoveries/inventions/etc. I am sure this issue will be worked through fairly quickly, just as soon as J becomes available. (He is currently out of position on an extremely important assignment.) For the record (so to speak, as I know these letters are watched closely): When I took my oath, in 1986, I swore allegiance as an operator and then junior scientist to Majestic 12, insofar as I would carry out to the best of my ability the following: 1. I will follow the moral and ethical orders of the Maji, to include those actions in keeping with a "just war." 2. I will protect the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. 3. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America. I also signed a "Secrecy Agreement," which was formally revoked in 1995, by a 32-1 vote of the Committee of the Majority, with an indication that another would be forthcoming in the near future. While I considered myself ethically bound, no such replacement (to this date) was forthcoming. Included at the bottom of my original oath's sheet (which I signed in good faith and had to do a little digging to find the original wording), was a codicil concerning "intellectual property." That addition spelled out quite clearly what was and what was not the intellectual property of the Maji, and how said intellectual property may be defined in terms of financing and formal operations. "A. All items purchased through formal or informal Majestic funding sources, being dispensed to active operators, and all real and intellectual property deriving from said

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items is the property of the Maji." "B. All real and intellectual property, deriving from an active operation of the Committee of the Majority or Majestic 12, is the property of the Maji." "C. While preserving a secret status, funding sources unrelated to the Maji may be obtained and said funding sources may be used in projects not considered active by the Committee of the Majority or Majestic 12. Such projects are not considered under the power of the Committee of the Majority or Majestic 12, so far as such projects do not interfere with the mission of the Committee of the Majority or Majestic 12." Simple enough. Point 1: I will be officially "retired" and I have the Majestic 12's signatures on that statement, as of 16MAR05. The document was presented to me at my retirement party, held at the end of May, 2004. On 08JUN04, I filed my intention to retire, which was accepted by the Maji at the Consistory in Washington D.C. on 10JUN04. In 4 days I will not be considered, from the point of view of the Maji, Project Lotus or Project Tiamat, as an "active operator." Does anyone truly believe it just slipped my mind? Point 2: Project Lotus (including all subprojects, of which Tiamat is one) was assigned as a "Provisional Operation," under "Project (and its related Operation) Preserve Destiny," and under the complete control of myself, insofar as not violating any of the above stipulations. It was basically considered as an "in between" project, while I awaited more official operations, related to national or world security. Point 3: Insofar as I do not apply my continuing emeritus funding to the upcoming research, it will not belong to the Maji. Now...this fuss is all about a device which has not yet been built, a device I call "the widget." We can do this the nice way or the hard way. The nice way includes private funding (in keeping with security issues), the present OpDir being allowed to continue with the project as detailed in the previous letter's preliminary outline, we supply the Maji with ALL compiled scientific data forthcoming from the project, and she and myself are the only people "in the know" on the internal structure and function of "the widget"; (What a good deal, huh?) ...or... Nothing. The Maji gets nothing. Research stops. I watch movies and eat popcorn. Pen me up, I do nothing. Hey, Porter and Richard...remember the POLB: "Fool me once..." ??? As a side note: the OpDir and myself have been exploring (the first time ever for me) sources for private funding that would not violate security issues. So, as stated above... ...this disagreement seems only a "temporary" one. Dan "So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life." Gen. 3:24 (NKJV) Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D., H-6196 MBV, Science Director, Project Lotus, Lotus-2, Tiamat TD- Blue Marble SF/PD/MJ Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 03:03:19 -0700 (PDT) From: "TYPE=PICT;ALT=SendanInstantMessage""Dan Burisch" <> "TYPE=PICT;ALT=ViewContactDetails"View Contact Details Subject: MOVEMENT TO TRUTH To: "Binah" <> && &&&&& Binah:

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As you are aware, with our return from assignment(s), I have been informed of the true nature of the information provided us concerning the mandated silence as of June 08, 2004. As I was formally retired from active service within the Majestic 12 on March 21, 2004 (05:00 UT), and as there exists no plans for me to be again (even temporarily) moved, I hereby request the reassembling of the Loop Group, to that extent authorized by the Honorable Members of Majestic 12. I am given to understand that in the recent knowledge of my release from the tortuous psychological operation applied upon us, a fabrication used against us, as well as the reality that I was legally released from my secrecy agreements in 1995; discussions have been undertaken concerning the production of a biography relating to my professional life in Majestic. To the extent that this act gives pleasure to the honorable members, and in the understanding that I know not where this may all lead, I do freely give my permission for such discussions to continue. Please keep me informed of their status.

The only admonition I feel necessary to apply is that I will not accept monetary gain, should discussions bear fruit, in my debriefing (oral autobiography of sorts). As I wish to continue in my emeritus status, doing research into the beauty of the Lotus, and as my health is somewhat unstable, I wish to bring to the table my suggestion that XXX. In respect to my somewhat failing health, I submit the following notion: I would humbly suggest that should there be consideration on the parts of the Majestic 12 or anyone else integral to it, of using this debriefing in any official public manner, that I be placed under lawful Oath with penalty of perjury during its extent. Should public contact, or closed or open session testimony be later required, the contents of the oral presentation may be entered into evidence, thus reducing the possibility for my presence. May God richly Bless and keep you, the Majestic 12, and the United States of America. Respectfully submitted, Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. H-6196-Maj-E ret.

"So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life." Gen. 3:24 (NKJV) Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. H-6196-Maj-E ret. "


~ Addendum ~

"...Danny has been the unwitting star in the release of information that was determined important long before he was born..." http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/MessageMJ1Burisch.html

Skywatcher {/ Morpheus / Bill Hamilton} Guest Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:27 am eaglesdisobey.org Forum     subject: All That was Hidden will be Revealed

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Thank you PageMarker, now for other items in the news---- Another document has surfaced with data that corroborates the data in the Q94 document ~ 2. When I have it you will know it. Too many of the wise men have aged and passed away. Edward Teller was one. Last year was another. Now since then, two more. And more is happening than anyone here knows. The assembly of the chosen has begun. We were here before you and chose to be here now before the end of this age. Now my work with the Good Doctor has completed this cycle and a new one has begun for those I have waited for sent an emissary to tell me of their return. Watch for changes to come. I will reveal that which I have kept hidden and others will come to reveal as well. A wall that was black is black no more. Peace


Addendum: From Bill's site

"As of March 21, 2005, Dan B.C. Burisch has assumed emeritus status with MJ-12. Dr. Burisch has gone on the record and sworn that he was formally associated with Majestic 12 since 1986, and was professionally dissociated from Majestic 12 under emeritus status on March 21, 2005. He also swore that he was a party to negotiations of the Tau-9 Treaty and had physical interaction with an extraterrestrial.

Dr. Burisch found out that he was lied to by Majestic. They told him anything he said about what he knew would cause a 'butterfly effect' that meant his Lotus Model wouldn't be found by the right people, in the future. That turned out to be a lie, just to keep him quiet. When he found out he got real mad.

Now, Don Deppeller is trying hard to get the Canadian government to let him stay in Canada, because he's been so involved in Dr. Burisch's case he's afraid of retaliation. It looks like Dan decided to do something to help Don Deppeller with his court case. And why not? His secrecy oath never got renewed after 1995, and he doesn't have to worry about people in the future suffering because of the butterfly effect and he doesn't answer to anybody now except God and his conscience......BH"


Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:04 pm     subject: Body-blow

Friends, I have some very bad news. The Court DID NOT EVEN LOOK AT IT. The judge had his mind made up. HE DID NOT EVEN CARE. He obviously wanted to rubber-stamp what the counsel for the Respondent (this would be the 'prosecutor', who in this case is the Minister of Citizenship & Immigration) said in his response. Basically,

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because the Respondent did not respond to my Application for Judicial Leave last year (and this is what he said in response to my question as to why Leave was granted in the first place), this was only an opportunity to assert that there was no error in the original ruling by the IRB. That is to say, the judge agreed with the findings of that tribunal, which was: there is no public record of Majestic 12, no precedent, and so it cannot exist. There is no grounds for plausibility, therefore any affidavits concerning these things are rendered moot and inadmissable. In effect, I was told: "Yes, you seem sincere in your belief, but it isn't possible, so it doesn't matter how many affidavits you bring me."

The Court DID NOT EVEN LOOK AT THE DOCUMENT. I had prepared 5 copies, with clear cover and nicely bound, in the required format. I had all the applicable Rules of the Federal Court Rules and the Immigration & Refugee Act, complete with section and subsection, but when the judge on duty for that week is a small-minded strict-constructionist (euphemism for 'hanging judge') who is bent on not accepting any additional evidence, despite its historic import, one can only go past them.....TO THE SUPREME COURT.

Incidentally, even if Dan himself were there, with J-Rod in tow, this particular judge wouldn't have admitted any testimony from him, and would've probably told him to 'get that freak out of my courtroom'. Had the judge who ordered this proceeding actually presided, I'm certain that at the very least he would have actually LOOKED at the document. Just to make clear to the reader; there is no longer an APPEALS court for immigration cases, due to the abuse of the system in the past. However, once judicial leave is granted, it allows additional evidence to be presented that wasn't available at the time of the original hearing. It is also an opportunity to show any error in the reasoning used in the original ruling. Since that original ruling was based on the lack of a public record, the assumption that it is too fantastical is supposedly acceptable. Here is a snip from my motion: -----------------------------------------------------TAKE NOTICE THAT the Applicants will make a motion to the Court in writing under Rule 369 of the Federal Court Rules, 1998 (the "Rules"). THE MOTION IS TO request leave to enter a Form 255 "Request To Admit" and its concurrent Form 256 "Response To Request To Admit" from Dr. Dan Burisch, Phd., Majestic badge No. H-6196-Maj-E-ret., of Clark County, Las Vegas, NV, pursuant to Rule 8 (1); Rule 41(4) (b) and (c); and Rule 312 (a) and (c) of the "Rules". THE GROUNDS FOR THE MOTION ARE that: (i) Rule 8 empowers this Court to extend the time fixed by subsection 341(1) of the Rules after such time has expired; (ii) The following sections of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act are applicable:

(iii) Sec. 150.1; (1) The regulations may provide for any matter relating to (b) the disclosure of information for the purposes of national security, the defence of Canada or the conduct of international affairs, including the implementation of an agreement or arrangement entered into under section 5 of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act.

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(iv) Sec. 113; (a) an applicant whose claim to refugee protection has been rejected may present only new evidence that arose after the rejection or was not reasonably available, or that the applicant could not reasonably have been expected in the circumstances to have presented, at the time of the rejection; of the Federal Court Rules, 1998 ("the Rules"). (v) Sec. 182; (1) In conducting an inquiry, the judge is not bound by any legal or technical rules of evidence and may receive, and base a decision on, evidence presented in the proceedings that the judge considers credible or trustworthy in the circumstances of the case.


Now the fight gets serious. I just hope the judge hadn't gone duck-hunting with Dick....." ( X )

skywatcher (Bill Hamilton) Guest Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:59 pm     subject: Message from Jason

I do not yet have the time to answer everyone's question today, but I received an important message from an old friend who is also an INSIDER in security. His code name is Jason and I thought what he had to say was important enough to post...

The problem as I see it is how to simply it into a form where it can be made understandable to the general population.... or even to just a few people. It is SO Complex, having elements of so much Science and Mythic secrets... (Continued at http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/billHcomments.html


Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:35 pm     subject: GENERAL AFFIDAVIT

Marci has just informed me that there would be no objection to Dan signing a General Affidavit, to the same information, so long as Dan himself is willing. Dan has indicated his willingness, with the proviso that no more pictures from inside his office be posted.

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I offered to assist in drafting said General Affidavit, if necessary, and offered to remove any offending pictures. We aim to accomodate.

Dondep Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:35 pm eaglesdisobey.org Forum subject: Jeff Rense Show

Friends, Jeff Rense has just sent the following email to me: ----------------------------------------------

Hi Don...

I'd be happy to hear you out regarding Dan's story. I am booked up for the next two weeks but had an availability open up tonight, Thursday, from about 8:30-10pm Pacific. It would be a good follow to Bill's appearance if you are available. Please advise immediately. Thanks, Jeff

I accepted. Let's hope I wasn't late getting in and responding. ------------------------------------

~ Addendum ~

DonDep gets his interview on rense.com


Dondep Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:57pm eaglesdisobey.org subject: General Affidavit



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Location: Alberta, Canada Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:34 am eaglesdisobey.org     subject: Bleedin' Canadians

Thanks for the sympathies Shady, but it isn't over by a long shot. Perhaps you might think it's more of a case of "okay, now we've given you the 'truth', who are you going to prove it to? Think they'll listen?" The original Form 255 and 256 are historic documents, even though they have been superceded by the General Affidavit. It was apparent after the Judge strolled into his space that he was bound and determined NOT to allow his Court to bear witness to what could possibly be proof of everything that had gone into the case til then. He probably thought he might even be doing the Maji a favor by not even examining the evidence. What he had to assume was that, even if true, to admit the 255 and 256 into evidence would mean he had to accept the reality of what he was (ostensibly) there to rule on. There will be many like that in the weeks and months ahead.

4-22-5US Govt Scientist Confirms Allegations Of Harassment Of American Asylum Seekerswww.rense.com/general64/acce.htm


Guest Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:05 am eaglesdisobey.org subject: a gift to the public

Hello Don and Pagemarker!!

Don't be the least upset about the low brow attacks on my Danny Boy! In the past hour he sat at his desk and typed a reply to a series of questions put to him by a researcher, actually a series of researchers. He is now settled down for the night and is listening to his radio, doing of all things soaking in a hot bath. After you read his letter, I think we all may allay or concerns that such attacks would bother him or even need to be replied to. By the looks of his letter, he doesn't appear to be the kind to involve himself with such meaningless things. He is more interested in the important items.

BTW, Marcia, I am that guy that "signed his whole name", so I feel entitled to make a decision here. ;) I know you and Danny's tight associates will understand. Danny's reaction is unknown but I will apologize if he's upset and his big heart will forgive me. My turn to give a little disclosure to the world! The importance of what you are about to read rivals his and Steve's now infamous Queen-94-109-alpha document. Can you just imagine what gifts he is going to give everyone when his debriefing is made public? When the full story is told? When he unleashes great gifts of healing?

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Good luck all..." (continued at ) www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/DanBforWhatPurpose.html

Dr. Burisch Elaborates On 2 Types Of ET Physiology From Bill Hamilton 4-23-5 www.rense.com/general64/2typh.htm

US Government Scientist Confirms Allegations of Harassment of American Asylum-Seekers



Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:40 pm eaglesdisobey.org    



On April 28, 2005 I was informed, by those around me, that the beginning of my debriefing is imminent. All of my time will be taken up between engaging in that discourse (19 years of important events is quite a bit to recount and schedule for presentation) and those activities already underway in my life. So, please consider me on a sabbatical leave of sorts until further notice. Any email will be picked up for me by my former Operation's Director and filtered. Should anything of a critical nature be included in that email it will be brought to my attention.

Please forgive my absence, but given my health concerns I need to appropriately deal with all issues while maintaining my personal balance. See everyone on the other side of the equation! God Bless you all!

Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. H-6196-Maj-E ret


Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:40 pm eaglesdisobey.org 

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  subject: Thanks, Skywatcher.

I will remember to pass on your message. Marci and I are organizing a hug-fest along with Deb and Marilyn for "Dan". He deserves it! I can tell his desk is mighty lonely at this moment.

And thank you Nightshade for agreeing with your not being Illuminati. How ridiculous! :)

My presence here will last for a little while just to make sure that the message to the poster about "Dan"'s past gets through. Our presence here is only really for that reason. Yes, J suggested that no further posts about "Dan"'s experiences, life, and background be made, but now there are competing feelings. After the arrival of that post "Dan" became concerned that the great eagles group would become a true target of them. Signals have been sent and are being sent that such will not be tolerated and a reaction will occur if they don't cease immediately.

"Dan" is the only one who should really be speaking up about his childhood, unless Doreen or John wishes to make a comment. They were the intimate ones there. The misguided ones only have a outside appreciation of him. Knowing "Dan" as I now have come to, that is as close as they will ever get.

I have read every comment, as part of my briefing, ever said on all of the volumes, plus much other information. The thing which most holds true about "Dan" was a comment within the first 10 volumes that an Angel surrounds him and "gently" moves people out of the way who shouldn't be around him. The comment went on to say that "Dan" had a 6th. sense about people around him and that is so true!

Anyone who has ever had ulterior motives in them and tried to get near him, have been pushed away I am certain by that Angel. Some struggled and the pushing was increased just with the degree of their struggle, just enough so they wouldn't get hurt. Some tried to walk up, but mysteriously found the time pass and away he went. It all depends on motive. The Security Staff near "Dan" calls these people Pinnochios! When they try something they became as plain as the nose on your face. We have ;earned that we only have certain control over "Dan"'s security. Some things, some exposures seem destined to occur with him, even harm, no matter what we do. The strange thing is that he knows about it ahead of time anyway. I was picked somewhat for that reason. I can roll with it. But, we won't hesitate to personally defend him. That goes without saying.

Please understand I am not here to defend the former security staff, defend "Dan"'s account, your pursuits or beliefs, defend or account against anything aside from the above reason what I said. "Dan" has made it clear that the Illuminati must hold everyone here as hands off. He has the authority to declare that at this moment and have it done. He has also made other guarantees to individuals who know what I am saying. I can testify that if I ever met anyone good for his word, it's him. I have only known him for a few months.

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A quickie note to the poster who posted WARNING. Please stop listening to the individual who gave you the information that there was an error in the account of "Dan"'s past. That person is receiving information from a group within the Illuminati called the Followers of Tabula Rasa. They are followers of Satan who believe we aren't born with souls and only accumulate what they call soul-charge by material and physical experiences. Your friend believes they are harmless gnostics. They aren't harmless gnostics. You made a mistake in the past when trying to investigate "Dan" by coordinating with a harmful person who enjoys "physically hurting" others. That strongarm is willing to beat people to death to get information. This is part of the reason I'm sure why you were one of those who were ever so gently moved away. You didn't intend "Dan" to be harmed "in that way", we have evidence supporting that, but the danger isn't to "Dan" it is to yourself now. We will watch over "Dan" but please watch over yourself.

Blessings to all here who post from the heart-love, Ann

NOTE: This not-for-profit site's creator, is not accountable for commercials.

Dr Dan Burisch Area 51~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~


skywatcher (Bill Hamilton) 8/15/2004 1:11 pm EDT

Dr. Burisch Catselas. The Re/Search for the Truth Volume 19 Page 16 GLP Forum

UJ, Here is the full text of the message I received from J1 - I think the time has come to share it with you. It was also a revelation to Dan according to him.

As received via telex 02MAY040630U, authorized directly from the working 12 "01 MAY 2004

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

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It has been determined that an answer to your genuine human question about Danny should be provided. Danny has been the unwitting star in the release of information that was determined important long before he was born. In 1958, as part of an information exchange program established four years prior, the jrod that was later to meet with Danny informed the United States government of a need to establish regular treaties leading up to a culmination of a human time loop paradox, 54 years later, in 2012. The timing of his information was driven by numerology. Once informed, representatives of the working group established by President Truman confirmed it by the jrod's government's representatives. The beings from Orion confirmed the information in 1967 and an immediate meeting was held at White Sands between all three groups. Unknown to us at that time, they had established a base some 15 light years away, in our 1958.

In 1973, in the last year of a 15 year sampling agreement, grandfathered by 9 years of abductions that had already taken place, Danny was taken by Crain family agreement to help preserve the future, while playing as a child in a California park. Many other children were taken as well. He has believed, to this time, that he was taken as a random sample and is only being told of the truth today, with this letter. The intermixture between he and another's son, Michael, did occur as he was told, but it was a planned operation. Michael was dying of cancer.

During the 1976 treaty conference it was determined that Danny may be placed in a position for later disclosure of sensitive information regarding the paradox, depending on his life direction. During that same year Danny was introduced to the Los Angeles Microscopical Society, via a physician with close ties, and so was brought into the external sphere of our influences. Those influences branched out during his tenure in England and we watched as he came to a decision on what side he was on. He chose the Maji's direction and not that of the Illuminati.

By the time of the 1985 treaty discussions, Danny was making a distinction for himself at the University of Nevada: as a scholar and a rebellious trouble maker! We extended the discussions for another year as a suitable candidate had not yet been determined. Robert Lazar was in this group of candidates. By 1986 we had decided that Mr. Lazar was possibly one of the best to steer that way, but he quickly got out of control and didn't realize the doors that were being opened to him, rather he was too much the rebel. Several other characters have since also been assigned to assist in the information release. While Mr. Lazar pulled himself apart, and we were helping a little because of his loose cannon nature, we set our eyes on Danny. Danny was inducted in 1986 and was almost immediately given a small bit of information to hide. He wasn't aware that his information was of little importance at the time, little more than Mr. Lazar had already released. The first test release was done to reporter George Knapp and Danny performed brilliantly, denying everything but showing a psychological willingness to tell the truth about a subject so important to mankind. Such metered releases from us continued to Mr. Knapp and progressed as time went by into a treaty-authorised set of releases to the public for two purposes- 1- to fulfill a moral and ethical obligation to evolve certain information as required in the treaties, subordinate to an open government release that would eventuate a panicking populace, and later -2- we found to release Lotus

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information to the right sources that would carry it as a myth into the future. That myth will eventually prompt the Lotus model being found at the right time.

He was put through University at New York, but the later decision of the Committee of the Majority to censure Danny for his unauthorised release of information about Mars resulted in his paying a price for his disobedience. That censure is still in effect as the Majestic 12 has not taken up old decisions, during the tenure of the Committee's reign.

In 1991 Danny was assigned for a short time to an operations group that served in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq. The nature of his service has been alluded to, but is not germane in this context.

In 1994 Danny was selected by the jrod to be the front man in the biological research into his nerve disease. His selection came at a price as there existed a big rivalry for the spot. That rivalry was quieted when we released to the other scientists that the particular jrod was aboard the same craft when Danny was taken in childhood. They were not informed of the intermixture, and such issues now remain moot as all but the few that were not directly involved with Aquarius in those years are now dead.

Danny served as the leader of the Aquarius - J-Rod Biological Working Group with distinction. The group failed to resolve the disease but made many inroads to that end.

We decided to release the information about the paradox to Danny and it was not a quid pro quo. Sorry Dan! (We hope you understand all this and you forgive me. It was decided for the best.) Danny provided us with the information that he had received from the jrod, while still in a twilight state after the incident. We knew that Danny would find it impossible to keep such information to himself, due to his moral and ethical outlook on life, even after the penalty he paid several years before.

In 2003 we met in treaty discussions. The treaty was set into abeyance for the period of 1 year, for many reasons. Almost comically, one of the reasons listed was so that the next conference would not be held in 2012, but as three separated species in 2013. The numerologist jrods were superstitious! A more sober concern, and one other reason for the abeyance, is the presence of a faction of jrods that do not share our vision for a happy future. They feel themselves superior to other groups, including us and have allied themselves with the Illuminati. Their numbers make the issue formidable. We, in concert with the jrods and Orion Universal Brotherhood, are acting to suppress the threat. Contact with bona fide intra-galactic alien intelligences (not at all relating to this issue) has occurred throughout the years. The counsel of such intelligences, always greatly advanced beyond our own and benevolent, is being sought by those assigned to do so. Their opinions, just as those representing many cultures and religions, will be taken into account as we move forward to counter these threats to mankind. Danny has never been involved with projects with those intelligences. This is the first he has heard of them, from an authorised source.... You may provide the gist of this information to those picking your brain.

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We hope for a bright future for mankind. Submitted, J1 for the Majestic 12, as approved."

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Crackajack 7/7/2004 6:02 am EDT

Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 16:) GLP Forum

Great to see ya back again HS. Hi All. Timely new thread. ;) Rather than argue with each other about hoax or not, right or wrong, science or belief, occult or otherwise, woo-woo or sane etc etc etc, how ´bout redirecting those energies to further research? No question is a dumb question but some questions will just not be answered. Why? Because not one soul here can answer some questions with 100% certainty. Get over it already *smile*.

Then again, it appears all over as far as "The Effort" is concerned, so may as well return to our "normal" little lives....lol Private choice of course. ;) This received via email recently from Marci (thank you). Discern for yourselves as you will.


The following letter from J came in my pouch today, and after reading it, and re-reading it I have decided that I need to send this out to everybody as soon as possible. For reasons of privacy, everybody except for Linda (using her public email address) has been blind cc´d. Since J´s letter seems to refer to something that was posted previously on the GLP forum, I took the liberty of going there and making a copy of that posted entry for reference purposes.

I don´t know if it might be of any help to you, Bill or Linda, as you are the ones having to weather the brunt of the firestorm right now, but it does refer to the free-for-all that is going on right now. Maybe it will help, I hope so. If not, at least it is something you can read to help put things into perspective.

To the two GLP members I have addressed this letter to: I am using your email addresses on behalf of the whole forum. I hope you don´t mind. There are just too many to handle. So please feel free to send this on to the rest, and if you wish to post it, go ahead. I can see no reason why not. I don´t think it was meant to be a private communication between myself and "J". Marci


Letter from J [an "insider"] regarding Dan Burisch

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Mr. Deppeller and all, you may distribute this letter to whomever you choose. Or, not. As a preamble, I do not believe that the library addition under the name Noory should be given to him. No good would come with doing so. I personally doubt he would remember it after receiving his next paycheck.

To the children here reading,

You have been witness to a truth, a truth that shall be called otherwise by those whose destiny is more simple than others. True enough this man is a hoax to them, as their world view will not grasp otherwise. In finality they used all that they had left and soon the man who started the pressing at my boy will hold up his and those of his ilk´s best banner against him: their love of money and their dependence on your also believing in such societal rules. Hundreds of pages of information exist, including verified documents, eyewitness reports of confirmation, his work that could be studied, and direct encounters that have resulted in many feelings about him as a man. That will be given over to derision soon, to the fools of the time. He was informed that this would happen, in 2000.

He smiled at me and said, "Okay." He knows the purpose for which he was called. Those close to him and those in power have accurately said "bread and circuses now". Discussion around my boy lately has been subdued for his health. He will not know all he is to be called. He will not read the articles destined for a magazine that headlines, "Alien Ghost at Roswell" or some other nonsense tabloid spew, nor ever have to deal with the equally nonsensical tabloid headers Arthur Bell, George Noory, George Knapp, and some guys called William Birnes and Donald Ecker. The tabloid rag offered by Mr. Noory and the last two names have promised the complete story of my boy.

They offer this by showing a rubber monster for a science fiction movie on the cover, speaking to some of our information releases, misreads of his complicated life and honest loving decisions, and holding up his checkbook. They should know that it was that response that damned the entire community from our moving forward. They have written their check and we have determined that they are representing insufficient funds to move forward. I doubt they have the capacity to wrap their minds around that.

My boy does not need to know anymore about this. Years before many of you were born a decision was made to set a test before the public, in defiance of the prognostications of the famous Brookings Institution report of 1960. That test, using a man with simple brilliance, was carried out.

In 1971, a decision was carried to use my boy in this effort. I had no idea at the time that he was to be much more than I knew at the time. He was to encounter another child under extreme circumstances and my boy would only live on through him. I have known the person as my child ever since.

The ball was put in motion in 1975 when he first began to show brilliance with a microscope. Powers decided at that time to offer two roads, in a test of his mettle. He chose the difficult road. He chose the only right road. Some of the greater truth was

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showed to him and his simplicity of heart and love of people drove him forward toward them.

We of the smaller group have felt too that this community was not necessarily the best to offer this test of human immunity against disillusionment. It was determined the only contiguous community now available, set apart from the bars of the Brookings Institution´s findings. Given the great proximity to the time of changes, it was the only course we could attempt out of respect for people that have so long yelled for truth.

The power plays that happened prior to his success with the model and ultimate retirement ultimately wore him down too. But he survived. Some of his work has insured that you will too. Laugh at his name at your own moral expense. He prays for every one of you daily, anyway.

It remains my hope that one day another offer will be made to the public. Maybe they will then show that they can grasp what is before them. Or, maybe they will fail again. Only time will tell us. I hope that this letter has reached each of you in good health and that you remain so for many years of happiness. The time has come for me to go, and so you will also be returned to the reaction that has driven our decision to step back instead of forward: outright dismissal, entertainment value headlines, the hoaxed-truth boxes of the recent Century, mocking, moving cartoons as responses instead of human value, and self aggrandizement. In my deepest heart, I pray for each person here. J"

SKYWATCHER (Bill Hamilton)

Site Admin Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 142 Location: California

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:39 am 


Post subject: Dan's induction

Ed and all,

It needs to be understood that Dan was recruited in 1986 as an undergrad at UNLV showing brilliance and the ability to "think out of the box" which seems to be a hallmark the maji look for. As time passed, it became apparent that Dan had already been chosen when he was abducted as a boy and his friend was also taken. It turns out that the friend died and Dan may have had a DNA transfer from that friend who died. It seems as the story unfolds that the friend is the son of MJ-1 and Dan was then "adopted in spirit" by MJ-1 and treated as a son to replace the one he lost. Whether Dan now has some of the traits of MJ-1's son is unknown, except the son was brilliant. When Dan showed his talents in the lab, he was approached. He was not immediately briefed on ETs

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or the history of anything, but simply brought in to look at some peculiar cells under a microscope which he asked questions about and received few answers. In fact, after that first phase of his work, he was given leave and only brought back later to be briefed on the EBE nature of the cells he had examined. Before that, he thought that all talk of EBEs, ETs, and UFOs belonged to fringe areas and just ignored the subject as at the time he had no conscious recall of the missing time period when he was 10.

I am paraphrasing a lot here, but I was also told that he was also selected for disclosure when Bob Lazar didn't work out. I think Bob was brought into the program not to solve space flight, but to dabble in the reverse engineering so he could talk about it when the time was ripe, however he was what would be called a "cowboy" and went off on his own whereby any further plan to use Bob was scrapped and Dan, who was already talking to a couple of guys under duress, was then thought to be the choice for testing the waters. I must say it was a good choice, but the reaction of many was appalling in that many jumped on a debunking bandwagon without doing a modicum of investigation and seeing the rich amount of material that Dan was giving us out of his sense of truth, justice, and the American Way (any resemblance to superman is purely coincidental. )

When Marci did all she could do to signal that this man Dan needed attention and help, few responded. I was one. Don was one. She needed help in bringing out the story. That she was recruited to do this or just chose to do it on her own is not as important and the REVELATIONS themselves and those who have posted on the Golden Thread in support of those revelations. We all question: Could this be true? Is this information we can align with or disinformation to mislead us? No argument could persuade you from any one of us, not even Dan because each has to examine the evidence, analyze, be guided by your intuition and ESP if you use it, and decide for themselves. Soon enough, the truth will shine brighter than all other lights and the shadows lurking around these revelations will dispel and fade back into the nigh

Not for profit site. Not responsible for commercials

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~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Bill Hamilton, Stern Words About The Situation

With Other Comments

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Area 51 Scientist Dr. Dan Burisch

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skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton pictured above left) 4/12/2004 11:50 am EDT Page 56Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5 GLP Forum GLP FORUM

It is easier to ridicule than investigate, but not as profitable. - Alan

Many have taken jabs on this forum at the authenticity of this story, of even the reality of Dr. Dan Burisch, and then there are those who seem well meaning and want to hear more, and even those, who like me prefer investigation (with a sprinkle of intuition) as a route to truth.

Then Harry and Sterling come along and talk with Dan and B.J. in person. Then, without exercising good judgment IMO, issue a Press Release emphasizing something misleading about Dr. Dan, a wrong emphasis that has the following result: removal of Dan from Las Vegas and sequestering, Dan´s resignation from active service, and terminating the step-by-step progress I was making to acquire proof. To date, I have probably collected more documentation than anyone except for B.J.

Now, I look at all that has happened, centered around messages in this forum, as a circus with few genuinely interested in discovery or truth, perhaps never to know the truth.

It has been an adventure for me these last two years and I do not regret it, but I will be damned if I will go on with something I started back in 1979 - before Steven Greer or any other. I interviewed those who claimed experiences while in the employ of government with UFOs and UFO technology (a really inadequate way to describe this involvement) and now, after many years involved with this, I am coming to the conclusion that the majority are not seeking new knowledge, enlightenment, or the advancement of mankind, but find new ways to joke and ridicule the entire subject.

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When I finish my obligations to speak this year I will try to gracefully exit from the public involvement and continue with my own private research in Astrobiology, Cosmology, and Philosophy and retire from the endless noise and argumentation perpetrated by those who lack critical thinking skills and those who lack a heart to grant other humans beingness without vicious character attacks that are symptomatic of deficient emotional quotients.

I wish Dan the best and only hope I can meet with him again one day when the clock ticks on. I only wish, in the face of much gloom and doom on this planet, for a brighter future for all of us.


~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

Boomerang´ 4/12/2004 1:33 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5 GLP Forum

Dear Bill,

It is with a sad heart that I read your words. The road to truth is not always an easy one, either when trying to lead or just following along. please try to look upon the experiences here as being to your advantage, apply some of the positives and put the negatives where they belong.

I have learned a lot here in the last six months from a lot of people, both about human nature and matters ´alien´ to our everyday lives. Not that long ago, you and many others believed Dan to be with us no more, rejoice in the fact that we were wrong, examine the revelations that have come to light recently. The information gathered through these pages has swelled the information base available to greater levels, Dans name is known by so many more people now, he isn´t just a figment of anyones imagination. You are at a particularly low ebb, the reasons for which are understood and I sympathize with you. If you care to look back can you not see times when the outlook was as bleak then, but a new day comes around and with it appear new horizons? Keep your chin up Bill, I and many, many others appreciate your research and countless thankless hours spent trying to tell the world in your own way.

Wishing you good luck in your forthcoming schedule.


~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

skywatcher22 4/12/2004 3:40 pm EDT

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Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) Page 57


"Bill, don´t go away just yet,-are you William Hamilton III? Can you speak about Com-12? Will you explain the difference to us of Satanic controlled Illuminati and MJ-12---different demons maybe?"

Yes, I am he.

Com-12, I believe was an invention of a guy named Mike Younger who I met a few years ago in Orange County. It was believed at one time he was an insider, but that did not bear out.

As for the Illuminati, I only know from what I have read. Most agree that it doesn´t exist under that name anymore and may have been absorbed into Masonic Lodges. I don´t know. I have not found anything definitive and have no special knowledge in that area.

Read the names of the original members of MJ-12 and you will see some remarkable people who were appointed. They had a difficult task to manage the UFO situation. They needed expert studies without interference from the outside. We now know why the secrecy continues. Even so, we have still learned a lot from leaked documents. I am not sure the world at large is ready to handle Disclosure

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

Both Bill and Dan comment on the turn of events http://ufoconspiracy.com/news/dan_burisch_update.htm

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Harrdrawk 4/13/2004 8:22 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) Page 61

From Skywatcher 22, page 56:

>>Then Harry and Sterling come along and talk with Dan and B.J. in person. Then, without exercising good judgment IMO, issue a Press Release emphasizing something misleading about Dr. Dan, <<


Which part of the press release was misleading? I think it´s a good thing you added the letters "IMO". The emphasis was placed where Dan placed it. The meeting obviously wasn´t a result of Harry and Sterling just happening along... but go ahead and make

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yourself out to be a victim, and that now the world isn´t as saveable. I like to think I have my priorities in order. I warned everyone many times I don´t keep secrets well. That may have been one of the reasons someone such as yourself was passed over this time. Maybe after all this time disclosure of a potentially deadly machine doesn´t weigh heavy enough on your conscience.

>> a wrong emphasis that has the following result: removal of Dan from Las Vegas and sequestering, Dan´s resignation from active service,<<

Dan and Marcia seemed confident in sharing with us the things they did. The subject of boiwarfare and designer viruses was not one we brought up. It could have easily been avoided.

>> and terminating the step-by-step progress I was making to acquire proof. To date, I have probably collected more documentation than anyone except for B.J.<<

Oh, now I understand. You were working alone for 25 years building the killer case that two uninspred no-accounts ruined over night. I hate it when that happens.

Who here had any idea what the hell you were doing or why? Funny how no one bothered to tell us... I guess they just didn´t know.

Personally I think you´re making too big of a deal out of this. In a few days we´ll all be staring at the latest developments like they are the new pivot point, still empowered with the same training and ready to adjust to the moment. Nothing got lost. No one got lost. Quit if you want to. I wouldn´t.

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

skywatcher22 4/14/2004 11:58 am EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Hello everyone.

IMHO, there has been an abundance of miscommunication and misunderstanding that has occured on this forum regarding Dr. Dan Burisch. As I have said before I started the investigation as an offer to B.J. Wolf to help her out and it has gone in directions that I would never have predicted when I first got involved. Also, when I first got involved very few were paying attention. Now the world is watching (or so it seems), not in small part to many who have participated in this Forum.

I hold no grudge or malice for anyone here. You came here to seek out the truth whether you are believer or a skeptic. I hope you have all found some morsel of truth that satisfies your search. There have been many valiant efforts on the parts of many to disclose the testimony of those who have worked on secret projects, but many of these efforts remain

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thwarted by the excessive secrecy and the inaccessibilty of documents. And this goes back to the 1940s at least. I believe that excessive secrecy erodes communication and the social order and may be a destructive practice that will only lead to the Late, Great Planet Earth.

For various personal reasons I have posted the following on Skywatch:


After this coming Memorial Day weekend I will be retiring as Executive Director of Skywatch International and Ufology in general to pursue private research and writing. There are several personal reasons that have led me to this decision. I will remain on the Skyopen list for a little while longer after that.

I am happy to announce that Skywatch International will continue and that Jim Hickman, former VP of Skywatch, author, speaker, and radio host and a rising star among UFO researchers will be taking the helm of Skywatch and it will continue. At that time there will be a new Skywatch website. Oh, did I say, Jim is excellent at crafting websites as well.

The corporate status of Skywatch is currently uncertain and I am looking into that now. It has been a real pleasure corresponding with all my new friends out there in netland and I have enjoyed the many exchanges we have had. Hopefully, in an uncertain future, I will make another appearance on this stage. Peace and Prosperity to all,


Skywatcher {/ Morpheus / Bill Hamilton} Guest Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:27 am eaglesdisobey.org Forum     subject: All That was Hidden will be Revealed

Thank you PageMarker, now for other items in the news---- Another document has surfaced with data that corroborates the data in the Q94 document. When I have it you will know it. Too many of the wise men have aged and passed away. Edward Teller was one. Last year was another. Now since then, two more. And more is happening than anyone here knows. The assembly of the chosen has begun. We were here before you and chose to be here now before the end of this age. Now my work with the Good Doctor has completed this cycle and a new one has begun for those I have waited for sent an emissary to tell me of their return. Watch for changes to come. I will reveal that which I have kept hidden and others will come to reveal as well. A wall that was black is black no more. Peace

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skywatcher (Bill Hamilton) Guest Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:59 pm     subject: Message from Jason

I do not yet have the time to answer everyone's question today, but I received an important message from an old friend who is also an INSIDER in security. His code name is Jason and I thought what he had to say was important enough to post...

The problem as I see it is how to simply it into a form where it can be made understandable to the general population.... or even to just a few people. It is SO Complex, having elements of so much Science and Mythic secrets.

I've gotten "PRESSURE", in the last last few weeks, to watch what I say to "WHOM". Those pricks are "paranoid". They think the general population could get pissed (if they start to find out) and then DISRUPT operations currently in PREparation. Yep....They are right. I agree. But, I'm also still a REBEL. I don't like how a few WASPS are making the NESTS (DENS).

All these ideas spinning around in my mind...Like pieces to a puzzle. Here is part of it : A "SIGNAL" (Vibration = Energy containing information = Knowledge) is pulsing . A SURGE (Gamma Ray Burst ) will come from the GATEWAY *Stargate in the GC (Galactic Center), in 2012. The Ancients knew about this Cyclic Event. The OPHIDIAN CURRENT. On Earth the PULSE is received and reRADIATED.

* QUARTZ "Vibrates" to the Frequency. At certain points on Earth there is large natural Quartz (and also very Important to the process, GOLD Deposits).

The VIBE coming in 2012 will stimulate the chakras (wheels) or energy vortices of the body are depicted as various lotuses. Side Note : The lotus is one of the 8 glorious or auspicious emblems not only to Tibetans, but also to the Chinese where they are called pa hsi-hsiang. Kundalini.....The serpent that is psycho-physical energy is called, in the tantric or yogic system, Kundalini [Sanskrit : coil of rope.] It is a form of energy that is referred to as if female, and it is described as having the thickness of the hair of a boar, and coiled 3-1/2 times around a symbolic lingam at the base of the spine where it is in an almost dormant state. "The origin point of these (Ganesh) particles has been determined. It's quartz. That is, the vibrating quartz crystal." - Dr. Dan Burisch "OR" = Latin for GOLD

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* PHI is the VIBE (cps = Hertz) OphiR = the Serpent Energy The word Ophir is derived from the Greek word "Ophis " meaning a serpent. The Hebrew word for serpent is "Nachash" or "Saraph" (the Tamil word is Sarpam). Related to REPTOIDS from within the Earth. Side Note : The Nagas were of Tibeto-Burman origin and by about 4000 BC, driven by some political disturbances from Central Asia into India, through the North- east frontier. Nagas-Hybrids were a prominent non-Aryan race in India.

The GC PULSE sends the DATA Energy Stream which vibrates the Quartz/Gold. One location of the Quartz/Gold deposit is ....MARIPOSA County (Centered in MIDPINES, just outside of the City of MARIPOSA). "a stargate area" SIDE NOTE : There is another site in the 4 corners area. And in many other locations (around the Earth). Many underwater. These so called "Stargate" areas are responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the Galaxy Center (Gamma Ray Pulses), from CME (ION Pulses) from our SUN, from HAARP and other Sources (like EM Pluses from CRAFT hovering above the location or from LIGHTNING STRIKES (during storms). One of the largest ever lightning strikes happened in Midepines, just a few years ago.

* The Flaming Sword is formed by the Natural Order of the Tree of Life. It resembles a Flash of Lightning. Another source could be SHIVAFIRE. * Shiva Star is the Air Force's largest pulsed power system : http://web.archive.org/web/20010303073639/http://www.de.afrl.af.mil/pa/factsheets/shiva.html Can be used as a weapon system that can stimulate a "Stargate" (Quartz/Gold deposit) and cause a destructive Explosion.

There is so much more to say about this. The Feathered Serpent (CHRIST) taught in the Americas, Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe...there was cultural exchange among ancient peoples. This guy proved it was possible: http://www.genesavoy.org/ The secret societies are keeping SECRETS about "Quartz & Gold". Locating Ophir - The Search for El Dorado Search for "Ophir," the gold rush source (or 'El dorado') of the Biblical times continues.

SIDE NOTE : The Off Planet "Aliens" used humans for Slaves to mine the GOLD. The INNER EARTH "REPTOIDS" came up and disrupted that operation. Later, King Solomon knew of the location of one of these mines. Earlier, the ancient city of Ur, a prominent Sumerian city in Mesopotamia, dominated the trade in gold. "King Solomon's merchant fleet was in partnership with king Hiram....There were more than one location where the GOLD came from....they shipped Gold from various secret locations. One of those locations was in AFRICA, another was North-west of Sri Lanka.

Solomon obtained the vast quantity of gold needed for the temple in Jerusalem. Secrets were ENCODED into King Solomon's TEMPLE.

Ophir-ric-a....."snake kingdom" "America" means "heavenly kingdom." "Amer" is of Saxon origin and means "heavenly," "ric" means "kingdom" . Christianity is consistently

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identified with the serpent. Christianity is the bronze serpent on the pole, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with the deceiving serpent indwelling it, the staff that is changed into a serpent, and as we will begin to see here, Christianity is the snake kingdom. * OPHITES = (From ophis, "serpent.") A Gnostic sect believing that Christ was the incarnation of the serpent of paradise. Since the demiurge tried to prevent Adam and Eve from acquiring knowledge, Christ as the serpent persuaded them to disobey the evil creator and eat the fruit.

So...In this belief system, the current day CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Catholics, Proststants, Mormons, etc.) are really Demonic(Satanic) perversions of the truth of CHRIST. The bible, King Solomon making a pact with the same Hiram of Tyre to build ships for him to go to Ophir in search of gold: Volumes of speculation have been written about the exact location of Ophir. BUT...I believe there are several OPHIR Locations, NOT just one. If the Phoenicians first 'discovered' the New World at the time of Hiram of Tyre and King Solomon (in the 10 century B.C.). did they very early on set up colonies in Mexico, Bolivia, etc.? There are Carthaginian 'Tanit altars" among the so-called "Yopi" Indians in Mexico. "Yopis" were a Phoenician colony in Mexico and that probably the Olmecs themselves were derived from Phoenician settlers. The AMERICAS Phoenicians were In Peru.

The Ganesh Particle (the seed of life) oon = "egg" oolong ' = "black dragon" Ophidian = "pertaining to snakes," 1883, from Gk. ophidion, dim. of ophis "serpent," of unknown origin. Hence, ophiolatry "serpent-worship" (1862), and the 2c. sect of the Ophitæ, who revered the serpent as the symbol of divine wisdom. Ophiuchus = constellation (representing Aesculapius), 1658, from L., from Gk. ophioukhos, lit. "holding a serpent," from ophis "serpent" + stem of ekhein "to hold, have, keep." The constellation is equatorial...NEAR THE GALAXTIC CENTER !

*Ophthalmos = "eye," originally "the seeing" (related to ops "eye," see optic) + -logia "study." * Ophidian Current.... The Draconian and Typhonian currents are variations on the O.C., Od, or the Fire Serpent is a vehicle of it. The SERPENT FIRE comes to Earth, it stimulates human "Energy Centers" and TRANSFORMS those who do not "die from fear" (or from destruction of various areas on the Earth). Is a new phase of creation about to suddenly unfold?

We must prepare. If you feel you will be alive in 2012. to survive you must be in the SERPENTS NEST (a Den inside the Earth). In an UNDERGROUND Location. This can be a CAVERN; a Government "Below Ground" Base; or your own BUNKERED Inner Earth House. ******************************************Side Notes : Sol Philosophorum-- The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Gold--the refined essence of heat and fire. Kerub ( Cherubim) : ....multiple sightings of a huge Kerub like creature sighted in Alaska, which is where the HAARP array is located.... . The Kerubim are the Living Powers of Tetragrammaton on the Material Plane and the Presidents of the

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Four Elements. They operate through the Fixed or Kerubic Signs of the Zodiac and are thus symbolized and attributed: Kerub of Air----------Man--------Aquarius Kerub of Fire---------Lion---------Leo Kerub of Earth--------Bull----------Taurus Kerub of Water-------Eagle---------Scorpio The four letter name of the Kerub is the four letters above the arms of the Calvary Cross....* Air, Water, Earth, or Fire. : http://www.vialarp.org/GD/practice_6_enochian_3.html

ZON is the KEY to the POWER. Draw a Circle.."O" put in it (touching the circle) a "Z". ...now put in an "N". What you see is a symbol. It represents a PYRAMID (as seen from above... or below), inside a CIRCLE ( Egg). The Pyramid is really an OCHAHEDRON. * Two counter rotating VORTEX Spirals, inside a BALL (SEED). Wheel, the dharma-chakra En-lightning The other KEY is a DORJE. Also called a "THUNDERBOLT". (Lightning bolt !) It REPRESENTS the two counter rotating energy sprirals. Bill, go here to see a drawing of a DORJE : http://www.greenkiwi.co.nz/footprints/faq/dorje.htm Also see : http://www.geocities.com/tdspj/pics/syambhunath/sy06.JPG Symbolically a dorje represents the 'thunderbolt of enlightenment,' that abrupt change in human consciousness which is recognised by all the great religions as a pivotal episode in the lives of mystics and saints. DORJE... The word for the ritual implement held in the lama's right hand has been translated as thunderbolt but also diamond.

A DIAMOND CRYSTAL is an OCTAHEDRON ! Dorje is the Tibetan word for vajra. Do-rje means noble stone > Do = stone and rJe = noble or prince. It embodies not only the brilliance of refracted or reflected illumination, but it also symbolizes the impervious and fixed solidity of the point of power around which all else turns -- the axis mundi or hub of the world. In 2012 the Earth will line up with the Hub of the World...the Galactic Center.

A dorje, then is like the diamond, but that gem is an inadequate symbol for it. The Dorje symbolized an OCTAHEDRON, which is also the crystal shape of MAGNATITE (Magnetic) and GOLD !!!! J deity....(Jain deities are attendant on the Jinas [heroes, Perfected Ones, "saints"] and subordinate to them.) J-ROD is a Lightning Bolt. Ju-i is the Chinese, and Nyo-i, the Japanese, word used for the thunderbolt. * Discharge of electricity is referred to as a bolt or rod. Purification.....The tail of a peacock, called El Barak (Lightning.) The peacock was associated with the Middle Eastern deity, Tammuz, consort of the goddess, Anat. The motif of two peacocks, one on each side of the Tree of Life, is a well-known feature of Persian decorative arts. The peacock guards the gates to Paradise. In the iconography of European alchemy and hermaneutics, the peacock represents the soul. In Christianity, it stands for immortality and the incorruptibility of the soul. It is an obvious solar symbol, too, because of the resemblance between the rays of the sun and the circular fan of the tail in full display.

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The Vajra, or Dorje, is also known of as the "Diamond Thunderbolt" in Tibetan Buddhism. It represents wisdom cutting through ignorance. Structure of the Vajra At the centre of the vajra is a sphere representing the dharmata as the 'sphere of actual reality.' THE SEED. This sphere is sealed within by the HUM. AUM....OM. The tips at the end of the central prong may be shaped like a tapering pyramid or four-faceted jewel, which represents Mount Meru as the axial centre of both the outer macrocosm and inner microcosm.

The twin faces of the symmetrical vajra represent the unity of relative and absolute truth In Buddhist iconography a thunderbolt or a dorje in the hand of a deity or a teacher represents the determination to apply "skillful means," technique or method. It stands for the ultimate solution -- the application of Dharma. There is a security level called DHRAMA BLUE. It relates to information gotten from non-human beings.

Thunder Stones The term thunderbolt refers not only to dramatically, powerful energy, but also to the mysterious, heavy and dense irregular objects that were occasionally found on the ground. Even in olden times they were not regarded as ordinary stones, but rather objects from the heavens that could have possibly originated in the realm of the gods. Today, we know them as meteorites. The sacred Black Stone of the Ka'aba, the Islamic shrine at Mecca, Arabia, seems to be a meteorite. Classical Mythology The sky gods of Greece and Rome, Zeus and Jupiter, were depicted hurling thunderbolts. This keraunos (thunderbolt) is virtually identical to the tantric thunderbolt, the vajra or dorje [or benzar] sceptre. Kerub ( Cherubim) ...The keraunos is also an emblem of sovereignty. Authority of what is referred to in Buddhism as the dharmakaya. In the red-on-black figure of Zeus(ancient art work) which is an element in the decoration of a Greek calyx or wine bowl, the keraunos resembles a lotus flower. http://www.khandro.net/nature_plants_lotus.htm The various other nations and peoples of the world reside on the outer petals of the Lotus where, on the underside of those petals dwell rakshas or demonic beings, and also the nagas, serpentine beings. In mythology, the category naga comprises all kinds of serpentine beings. http://www.khandro.net/mysterious_naga.htm The Blue Lotus..... a blue water lily Nymphaea caerulea. It appears to contain apomorphine, a drug with psychoactive properties. The Bolt in the Symbolism of Tarot: One reading of the tarot card that is the 4th in the series of 22 called the major arcana, The Emperor, finds that, "the bolt represents Zeus' dominion over the universe: the central orb is the earth, the upper point and the four surrounding tongues represents the four quarters of the heavens, and the lower point and its tongues represents the four rivers of the underworld. Four is ... the number of cosmic order and completeness which is also reflected in this trump's Greek letter, DELTA, which is the numeral four. " Notice that the thunderbolt is depicted as having, at each end, four tongues around a central point.

The numbering of the major trumps or major arcana in a tarot deck has to do with the Hebrew alphabet. The fourth letter yis daleth or dalet which is also used for the traditional numeral 4; it represents a DOOR...... The GATEWAY....A STARGATE !

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Side Note : Part Human/part Reptilian....REPTOID. In Mexico, it was believed that Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, was one of the four gods to create humanity. The GOOD NAGAS (REPTOIDS)... http://www.khandro.net/animal_serpent_good.htm The Pelasgian Great Goddess, Euronyme, danced with the Wind to produce Ophion who mated with Her to produce the World Egg. On the 3-sided blade of a Tibetan Buddhist phurba [pron. p'urba] sometimes referred to as a spirit dagger or spirit nail, we again see the pair of interwined snakes. SEE : http://www.france-in.com/secteurs/antique/arcit/dagues.htm Phurbu = a magical device used by lamas in Tibet to impale or drive off demons. Phurbu, signifies a three-sided ritual dagger sometimes made of meteorite-stone or otherwise from or iron or wood. Its handle usually depicts either the head of a triple-faced deity, a small sculptured skull, and sometimes also (part of) a dorje. With such a dorje/vajra, the Sanskrit name is vajrakila. SEE one at : http://www.yoniversum.nl/dakini/phurbu.html * NOTICE the DORJE is part of it's design.

The ritual weapon is used in monastic Buddhism to destroy obstructive powers and influences on the way to enlightenment. In other rituals it is used to transfix or symbolically kill demons. Side Note : A synonym for both vajra and dorje is mani (Skt., "jewel"), and these terms are often used as a code for the lingam.

I am receiving information like this from others including those who have CONTACT with those OUT THERE.

Take care, my friends Bill


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:37 am     subject: Clues We Should be Looking For...

Jason is now sending me pages of material from his POV inside the black curtain...

This is only part of a 7-page piece he sent to me. Does anyone want the whole thing? And where can I post it all? Clues... CLUES...We should be looking at. Report quickly pieced together (somewhat) by JASON

Something is really happening. Changes are happening on and within this Planet. An immense transformation of Earth's environment is taking place. The cells of our body (little transceivers) are also effected by these Energies coming from Space and from Inside the Earth. We need to watch Gamma-ray Bursts coming from Space. Gamma-ray Burst Real-time Sky Map : http://grb.sonoma.edu/index.php Like the one on DEC. 28th, 2004 (GRB 041228A) coming from near the GC (Galactic Center), of the Milky Way Galaxy. In just

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a few seconds a gamma-ray burst can pour out more radiation than anything else in the Cosmos. Some people believe that the "Gravity Wave", that arrived BEFORE the Gamma-ray Burst was detected, "triggered" a Major Earthquake and Asian Tsunami on Earth. (NOTE: The seat of the old Galactic Confederation is toward GC)

Did a Neutron Star Explosion from across the Milky Way Galaxy cause the Asian Tsunami? Nine (9) Alternative Frames of Analysis : http://www.ecologynews.com/ecologynews103.html ******************Please read the following article : Gamma Ray Bursts, Gravity Waves, and Earthquakes : http://www.etheric.com/GalacticCenter/GRB.html ******OPPS...More Gamma Ray Bursts Gamma Ray Burst ID = GRB 050326A March 26th, 2005 BURST TIME.... 12:56:04 UTC NOTE : March 28th, 2005....8.7 Quake NORTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA The U.S. Geological Survey said the March 28th, 2005 tumbler hit at 11:09 p.m. Sumatra time (magnitude-8.7 earthquake ) was among the 10 most powerful quakes recorded since 1900. But, was not as big as the quake in DEC. 2004. *****Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun? READ FULL ARTICLE AT: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2005/03/did_a_neutron_s.html Galactic core explosions actually occur about every 13,000 - 26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events. ***********************************the Starburst Foundation : "When cosmic rays from Galactic superwaves impact the Earth's atmosphere, they produce "electron cascades." Each primary cosmic ray generates millions of secondary high energy electrons. Many of these particles scatter upwards and become trapped by the Earth's magnetic field .....

Such energized radiation belts could cause a global problems. The resulting atmospheric ionization would destroy the ozone layer, and increase skin cancer rates, due to high levels of UV reaching the Earth's surface; the cosmic ray particles penetrating to ground level would significantly increase cell mutation rates. "Galactic superwaves may also produce an intense electromagnetic pulse (EMP) whenever a cosmic ray front happens to strike the Earth's atmosphere. ***************Might our SUN react to Pulses from other STARS ? Inside the Sun: What Triggers Major Eruptions http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/050412_inside_sun.html

Scientists don't know exactly what triggers such eruptions. They are associated with strong magnetic fields, however, and emanate from sunspots, which are cooler regions of the Sun that correspond to bottled-up magnetic energy. "Sunspots are at the surface of the Sun, and are essentially the footprints of the magnetic field." "Below the surface of the Sun a dynamo process is working creating magnetic field," Harra explained in an email interview. "When this becomes buoyant it can rise to the surface of the Sun, and into the atmosphere."The plasma collided with a strong magnetic field at the surface, and the interaction triggered release of "phenomenal amounts of energy," the researchers

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concluded. ********Energy CASCADES : We need to watch CME (Coronal mass Ejection's) from the SUN. SPACE WEATHER : http://spaceweather.com/ Geomagnetic Storms: We should watch for significant disturbances in Earth's magnetic field. The "K index" measures the deviation of the most disturbed horizontal component of the magnetic field. Relationship between Kp and the Aurora : http://spaceweather.com/glossary/kp.html The aurora is understood to be caused by the interaction of high energy particles (usually electrons) with neutral atoms in the earth's upper atmosphere. These high energy particles can 'excite' (by collisions) valence electrons that are bound to the neutral atom. The 'excited' electron can then 'de-excite' and return back to its initial, lower energy state, but in the process it releases a photon (a light particle). The combined effect of many photons being released from many atoms results in the aurora display that you see.

The K-index updated every three hours : http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/kp_3d.html * K-indices of 5 or greater indicate storm-level geomagnetic activity. Geomagnetic storms have been associated with satellite surface charging and increased atmospheric drag. Current Space Weather Conditions : http://www.sec.noaa.gov/ -----------------------------

On 4/19/05 Bill posted this link on eaglesdisobey.org to his new website. http://www.astrosciences.info/CLUES.htm  "CLUES...We should be looking at. Report quickly pieced together (somewhat) by JASON  "Something is really happening. Changes are happening on and within this Planet. An immense transformation of Earth's environment is taking place..." 

Dr. Burisch Elaborates On 2 Types Of ET Physiology From Bill Hamilton 4-23-5 www.rense.com/general64/2typh.htm

SKYWATCHER (Bill Hamilton) wrote:

I'm back from a whirl-wind weekend in Hollywood at the National UFO Conference. I gave a lunch-time lecture on my two coming books" Time Travel NOW and Project Aquarius, but little did I know that destiny awaited me in the audience which materialized at lunch today.

I went to lunch with Linda Howe, Ron Garner, and Richard Sauder and about 5 other people. Among those other 5 people were 3 special people who are producers. I thought what I told them would blow them away. It went the other way around and what they told me blew me away and confirmed everything that Dan has told me and went

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BEYOND, yes, BEYOND when I learned that their source is very very high up and they want me to join them as an advisor on this project which has some big people backing it because it is about DISCLOSURE! ... Continued at http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/DisclosureCommencesUpdatesPart4Burisch.html Sep 05, 2005


SKYWATCHER Site Admin Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 241 Location: California Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:35 am  NOTE: This URL amended after server change. http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=9&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=210

Post subject: The Alien Exchange Program

I heard of this some years ago and had a friend who met a Colonel who said he was involved. This was posted on Victor's list by anonymous...

(addition) Project Serpo The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program


Date: Wednesday, Nov 2, 2005, 1:44 p.m. (PST+3) VICTOR:

First let me introduce myself. My name is Request Anonymous. I am a retired employee of the U.S. Government. I won't go into any great details about my past, but I was involved in a special program. As for Roswell, it occurred, but NOT like the story books tell.

There were two (2) crash sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and the second site at Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico.

The crash involved two (2) extraterrestrial aircraft. The Corona site was found a day later by an archaeology team. This team reported the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff's department. A deputy arrived the next day and summoned a state police officer.

One live entity [EBE] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food. The entity was later transferred to Los Alamos. The information eventually went to Roswell Army Air Field. The site was examined and all evidence was removed. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because they had a freezing system that allowed the bodies to remain frozen for research. The craft was

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taken to Roswell and then onto Wright Field, Ohio. The second site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers.

They reported their findings several days later to the sheriff of Catron County New Mexico. Because of the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to make his way to the crash site. Once at the site, the sheriff took photographs and then drove back to Datil. Sandia Army Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico was then notified. A recovery team from Sandia took custody of all evidence, including six (6) bodies. The bodies were taken to Sandia Base, but later transferred to Los Alamos.

The live entity established communications with us and provided us with a location of his home planet. The entity remained alive until 1952, when he died. But before his death, he provided us with a full explanation of the items found inside the two crafts. One item was a communication device. The entity was allowed to make contact with his planet.

Somehow, I never knew this information, but a meeting date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo New Mexico. The Aliens landed and retrieved the bodies of their dead comrades. Information was exchanged. Communication was in English. The aliens had a translation device.

In 1965, we had AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM WITH THE ALIENS. We carefully selected 12 military personnel; ten (10) men and two (2) women. They were trained, vetted and carefully removed from the military system. The 12 were skilled in various specialities. Near the northern part of the Nevada Test Site, the aliens landed and the 12 Americans left. One entity was left on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay 10 years and then return to Earth. But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven (7) men and one (1) woman returned. Two (2) died on the alien's home planet. Four (4) others DECIDED TO REMAIN, according to the returnees. Of the eight ( that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002.

The returnees were isolated from 1978 until 1984 at various military installations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) was responsible for their security and safety. AFOSI also CONDUCTED DEBRIEFING SESSIONS WITH THE RETURNEES. I have never seen or read anything about the exchange program. I once heard a little bit of information from Linda Howe, but she didn't have much information.

I've monitored your e-mails for about six (6) months. I've read e-mails from you and others. But I've never seen nor heard the truth about the real Roswell incident or the exchange program. I'd like to hear what others say about this. – ANONYMOUS


NOTE: NEW server change, may not show the exact page on older links, only the Index page.

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--------------New server page link for continuing description > http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=510 AND Timeline 4, Page 22http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/

A comment about "Serpo", from Dr Burisch

Excerpt from http://danburisch.info/b2/update1.html

"...The planet name is called SERPO, according to this tale. This is unfortunate, because there are actually certain elements in this story that are true, as is the case with all 'disinfo'. However, the central contention - that humans went to a Zetan planet and lived among them - is patently false and an example of how the true Disclosure effort will be interfered with in the coming year, according to Dr. Burisch. In a recent posting at the Stargate Forum , Dan claims that the name is derived from the following capitalized letters spelled backwards: OPeration RESearch .

This is to be followed by another planet in that star system, to be known as DROPO (OPeration ORDer) . And allegedly we may hear that this is where the famous "Dropa Stones" come from. The humans live there for over a dozen years and tell of the life of these Zetans. Now, there may well be a world like that where our once-and-future beings were in residence there in Zeta Reticuli, as we know that some come from there, but according to Dr. Burisch there was no 'exchange program'. However, being that we DID have guest visitors from the Zeta Reticuli star system (the J-rods), Dan has been kind enough to share this bit despite the fact it will be more fully covered in his debriefing: ..."

SKYWATCHER (Bill Hamilton)

Site Admin Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 265 Location: California Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:40 am http://stargateforum.greatboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=9&start=480

Dan at work in his office

Ok, here is a photo I took of Dan when he showed me some computer images and video on November 5th. Everyone was a gracious host.

~-~ -=- -=- ~-~

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Dan (Burisch)

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:43 pm     http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=540 Post subject: ---FOR BILL---

Hi, Bill... I've decided to make a public post about this as I feel very strongly that you are on to something very important here.

During March, 2004, I had reviewed two of your papers: "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" and "The Continuous Creation Process". Further, I printed and have subsumed the links for both. You recently remailed the latter of the two to me.

As you are well aware, the presently weakest portion of the Lotus Theory is concerned with the actual physical process whereby the portals open, and as a conduit of sorts, emit their "cargo." Hypotheses regarding this process range from micro-worm-holes to effecting holography.

What no one may know is that it has become my intention to eventually bring the Lotus Theory to a publishable form. The working model (what happens after the "particles" are on this side of the veil) is, of course, already "stored" somewhere. I have held off publishing because the data is still being collected and I must be very careful with certain numbers. I am reasonably certain it can be done, however, without handing anyone an energy weapon. The "widget" may be used in that process.

I believe that a few of your papers, when combined, will form the accurate physical definition of the "formation ---> emanation" process. Of course, you would receive the credit due. Your name will be placed as the discoverer of the physical theory. I should be able to integrate the counterpart metaphysical definitions into the physical ones.

Can you produce a physically viable combination of your... (1) Vortex work (including Moon's work and the platonic-atomic description). (2) "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" (3) "The Continuous Creation Process" ???

I have been watching the reality of process court you for some time, and I feel that you are very close to the condensation of the physics. I am aware that implicit in this process would be the temptation to produce a Mathesis Universalis (God forgive me Leibniz and Descartes!) and then concretize it via a calculus ratiocinator...I believe that the integration of your papers into a single one containing the above information is the

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appropriate first step (together with my team's Lotus Model) toward the same. We will leave the implications to the Darwinian paradigm alone, for the moment.

It would take a bit of work on your part...but you are a hard worker! Wanna do it? ... (Bill agrees) Dan

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

More Posted here (Dec 4/05) ->http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart7Burisch.html

NOTE: This not-for-profit site's creator, is not accountable for commercials.

Dr Dan Burisch Area 51 Microbiologist~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~


CONTINUED FROM UPDATES PART 6 DR DAN BURISCH ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Dr Dan Burisch Forums, Library, Updates

Dan Burisch

Joined:(Stargate Forum) 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 184 Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:22 am http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=165 

 Post subject: Hello, everyone!

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I just stopped by the forum and noticed all the fun. All I can say, on all accounts, is "what goes around comes around." I read Marcia's post and have a little update in that regard. GK's (George Knapp) fun is still on, and is currently scheduled for airing on Tuesday night, 11/29, on the 6:00pm KLAS-TV 8 news broadcast. It has got to be a good, negative, and juicy one or he wouldn't have begged his bosses for the dinner hour! So much for the big surprise! He'll get a few people to say some bad things about me, a scientist or two to protect themselves and thereby declare what is-isn't, act sarcastic, and it will be over. He'll get a hit in on Deb, and she has already advised her attorney to be on standby. I understand that Doreen Crain (my Mom) is ready with the same. God Bless you Mom and Dad, I do love you! No matter what the personal situations, you stick by the truth! Me...what will I do...aaah...let him rip! The non-event will be taped and I will respond in my debriefing...Marcia maybe sooner. I am reading that he has excess issues to work out and if this helps him along...well...what can I say...sometimes people need to take things 'one day at a time.'

The letter from a radio personality, in which I found out about the airing said: "Remember Will Rogers said it best, "there is no bad publicity, just make sure they spell your name right." (paraphrase)" I thank the personality for that one...it gave me a laugh!

The letter also said: "We will probably do a weekly show on the entire over all situation leading up to whenever Dan wants to go public with his side."

It's actually not a situation of sides at all. The secrecy over my life and background lend itself to those who would pre-judge before the facts are out. It was actually constructed that way by those above me (and by my own unwillingness to live in a more restricted environment) for deniability, and the gullible (borrowing the term from Jeff German's above article) will just fall to it. The ones who will fall for that kind of thing...will. It's okay. This old world needs all kinds. Unfortunately for those wanting to hear the rest, we will wait until the debriefing comes out. For those who don't, GK's 2-5 minutes may satisfy them, like others were satisfied by websites that call people dirtbags. People find what they want to find...

Next year, at a certain point, I will be in a position to speak of my own accord, on radio (I have 4 invites in hand), and other places. A smear will add more. I am counting on George. It would have been so easy for George to wait, but I knew he wouldn't, it is just his way. He had a week to wait for an interview and it got the best of him. As I have said, yellow journalism...but it seems to be much more than that...


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Joined: 25 Nov 2005 Posts: 24 Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:06 amhttp://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=210  

Rand_B you make some very good points. I have been in touch with Dan and I now have an appreciation of where he, as the person under orders, wishes that I go and not go with my postings. He also 'disciplined' me over some issues not pertaining to this forum. I will point out that not even Maj1 possesses the necessary authority to restrain my present actions. To the extent that Dan wishes I not continue to beat those already defeated, I will agree with his idea of restraint. To the extent that the rampant and paranoid blocker of IP's continues to reign over what is most probably an actual cult of hate in the making, I will take no guff, and point them out at each turn of a phrase. She presently feels that our presence on this site serves her negative purpose. Very odd.

Rand_B makes the point of building trust. So I shall. As Dan's debrief is now a matter of his being ordered, his place in it is subject to open Maj knowledge so he has no authority to prevent me from commenting on it. Presently, Dan is debriefing over the q94 document. He is engaged in a line by line effort to explain the content while juxtaposing that content against normal biochemistry. He is also explaining the history of the full document and showing where the particular draft document, now in the public venue, rests in the entire history of drafts which led to the final version. The public is in possession of draft #3 of 5 drafts and a final. The particular draft was hurried to the cover committee under a deadline.

Dan has been engaged in a lengthy debrief over the precise physical anatomy of the Jay-Rod. That portion of the debriefing has taken weeks to complete. A physiology treatise is yet to come. I would expect the anatomy and physiology treatises to be placed before the explanation of the q94, so the observer has the requisite foundation to understand it.

It is further my understanding that Dan will take the observer on a simulated guided tour of S-4, the Groom Lake Laboratory in which he operated, and the U.S. L.A.N.L. S.30/T.A.49 facility. As Dan possessed a highly regarded "H" badge, his access was only restricted by entry to confined areas within S-4, and therefore his guided tour will be extremely comprehensive.

As the bleat, in dondep's words, is once again engaged, I wonder what those now gnashing their choppers with false calls of "fraud" and "grifter" will do once the entirety of his debriefing is ultimately released? I fear that there is more than dissonance operating here. They are protecting something, but what? Whatever it is, it must be something they don't want in the public eye. Too bad, as Dan's actions will lead to greater public scrutiny, it seems that the cream will rise, and the rest fall by the 'whey'-side. By the way, Dan and others are quite right: there is nothing they can do to stop it. K

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_________________ "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible


Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:59 am    

Yes, dondep. The fight in which Dan is in, is much different than what ufology persons would consider their disclosure. The information that Dan must present at the exact time, is important to be heard only by a segment of the population and certain members therein. Dan is not so stupid as to get caught up in foolish attacks or traps. Those who feel he is, are just showing their intelligence level. Dan has grown to a wise "old boy." ..."


Joined: 25 Nov 2005 Posts: 27 Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:26 am http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=375

  A little while ago Uncle John requested that Post Office, whom he calls Forum Snipper, cross post a post of his from eaglesdisobey.org. I am requesting that Post Office, not Forum Snipper, as I don't know who that may be, comply with his wishes. I doubt, however, that he wished it become known that he is still playing to the crowd by crossposting Skywatcher's comments there, juxtaposing his answers to Skywatcher.

As Master Dan has rightly put it, that website is only to smear him. The alt.tags read: "UFO/ Conspiracy Hoaxer: Dan Burisch". In any event, I will give Uncle John exactly as he requested:... Addendum: (Uncle John Cries Uncle, & discontinues to post here.)

~ Dan Burisch

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Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:00 am    http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=480 Post subject: THE BEAT GOES ON!!!

Okay folks...THE BEAT DOES GOES ON!!! Remember now...this list comes from about 3 minutes of Knapp-time... List of inaccuracies (primary): (above link ^) ..." Then...

HOLD YOUR BREATH... George Knapp (KLAS-TV 8) COMPLIMENTED ME! He said I was 'very interesting and intelligent.' He then said that quite a bit of my "case" was not verified and he called for information if it can be brought forward. It will be, next year in the debriefing and even some before. HE WAS NICE TO ME! Well...you know what George...nice goes both ways...my door to a possible interview next year... IS OPEN!



Dan Burisch

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:51 am http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=495

    Hello, everyone, it's been a good but hard day. Another large (X>10) cache of confirmation background documents and information fell into my lap! Hey...just call me lucky! So, I handed them off for documentation for next year! Also, we found my original NASA microfossil images, so I will be able to reprocess the matches with better technology. In fact, I have already done two, I called them the "heart" and the "dot" during the original comparison between the 1972 and 1996 images. Wow! Hey, wouldn't you know it, they're still there! The importance isn't just the matches, but where they are found, their sizes relative the rest of the fossils, and the determination which photo was shot first. I'll speak lots more about that in some time.

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I also wanted to inform everyone that I will be out of commission for a few days...until after this coming Monday...some tests and procedures. Then, after that, back at it! I will catch up on email as well, at that time.

Have a good weekend! Love, Dan

Dan Burisch

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:04 pmhttp://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=525    Post subject: Re: George Knapp responds to Dan

Hi, Bill, my response...FOR GEORGE...or whomever...whereever... Dan

SKYWATCHER wrote: OK, a guy named Eric sent Dan's comments on to Knapp and we have Knapp's response. Because not all parties are talking to each other in the same room at the same time, we have some miscommunication going on here. Anyone like to post a counter-response? List of inaccuracies (primary):..." (Continued at above page)...

Dan Burisch

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:08 pm    http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=525".................." "...P.S. and I really hope no one minds, but I have isolated the identities of the people calling themselves "commajx", "post office", and "countdown clock". I have interceded as I do not feel their continued comments would be productive. I have "strongly requested" they cease posting immediately. When I have something to say about my debriefing, either I will say it, or those close around me will.

Dan Burisch

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:43 pm     http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=540 Post subject: ---FOR BILL---

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Hi, Bill... I've decided to make a public post about this as I feel very strongly that you are on to something very important here.

During March, 2004, I had reviewed two of your papers: "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" and "The Continuous Creation Process". Further, I printed and have subsumed the links for both. You recently remailed the latter of the two to me.

As you are well aware, the presently weakest portion of the Lotus Theory is concerned with the actual physical process whereby the portals open, and as a conduit of sorts, emit their "cargo." Hypotheses regarding this process range from micro-worm-holes to effecting holography.

What no one may know is that it has become my intention to eventually bring the Lotus Theory to a publishable form. The working model (what happens after the "particles" are on this side of the veil) is, of course, already "stored" somewhere. I have held off publishing because the data is still being collected and I must be very careful with certain numbers. I am reasonably certain it can be done, however, without handing anyone an energy weapon. The "widget" may be used in that process.

I believe that a few of your papers, when combined, will form the accurate physical definition of the "formation ---> emanation" process. Of course, you would receive the credit due. Your name will be placed as the discoverer of the physical theory. I should be able to integrate the counterpart metaphysical definitions into the physical ones.

Can you produce a physically viable combination of your... (1) Vortex work (including Moon's work and the platonic-atomic description). (2) "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" (3) "The Continuous Creation Process" ???

I have been watching the reality of process court you for some time, and I feel that you are very close to the condensation of the physics. I am aware that implicit in this process would be the temptation to produce a Mathesis Universalis (God forgive me Leibniz and Descartes!) and then concretize it via a calculus ratiocinator...I believe that the integration of your papers into a single one containing the above information is the appropriate first step (together with my team's Lotus Model) toward the same. We will leave the implications to the Darwinian paradigm alone, for the moment.

It would take a bit of work on your part...but you are a hard worker! Wanna do it? (Bill approves.) Dan

Dan Burisch

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Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:29 am     http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=570

"...Now...this is one great question! Thank you, Bunny-chan! After I respond to it, I will be retiring for the night. I had the night off, so that's why I even have the time.

"Without covering too much ground, is it your intent by publishing the Lotus model that production of Ganesh particles will be possible (and feasible) in a widespread manner? If so, what end will that serve? Are there risks in the application of the technology?"

We should first indicate that there is a difference between the Lotus Model and what would most probably become my life's magnum opus. The Lotus Model contains the specifics of what was known of the phenomenon at the time of its filing. Encoded in the model, are the precise numbers for the production of GP's. The cipher for the code is located in a presently available "document," but I highly doubt that anyone will be able to decode it, even if they figure out within what "document" it resides. So, even if the Lotus Model is found early, no one will be able to do anything with it (meaning destructive) as they won't be able to decipher the code.

I hope no one thinks that I would have been stupid enough to place the Model in a publicly available location, and leave such a crack in the armor as to hand away the secret?

The production of a so called magnum opus would have to be predicated from a discernment of advanced Darwinian evolutionary philosophy, then a tweezing out of theory gaps which would be directly filled by the existence of the Lotus (GP's) etc. I am not sure if you are aware of staining techniques in cytology/histology, but we have positive (direct) staining and negative (indirect) staining. In a positive stain, adherence to the molecules comprising the item of interest occurs. (Ex. You stain a bacterium and it turns blue!...for instance...) In a negative stain, adherence occurs to the molecules of a substrate or other medium surrounding the article of interest. (Ex. You stain a bacterium, and the background becomes blue, and the bacterium remains partially translucent, and therefore appears..aaah...white...for instance.) Such an "opus" (in this time) would necessarily have to be first posited from the negative direction, leaving a logical conclusion for the presence of the Lotus phenomenon. Then, evidence supporting the phenomenon in nature would be presented. While I would not share the internal optics for the viewing mechanism (nicknamed "widget"), nor the in-laboratory numbers (thus preventing any military making a weapon of it), the amount and kind of presented data would allow other biologists to make observations on their own. Such observations, when confirmed, would inexorably lead to the declaration of the existence of the Lotus, thus a continuous and intelligent, yet natural, process.

Love, Dan

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P.S. You know, when I officially retired I thought, "Great! No more interrogatories!" But, I have got to tell you, I kind of miss them. When I get a good question like that, it makes my day! I suppose that when the debriefing is marched forward, I will have no shortage.

Dan Burisch

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:18 pm     http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=615

Hello, everyone. I wrote Jeff Rense, and sent some copies of letters. Here is a copy of the letter I sent. Boomerang or Harrdrawk, if you guys want to write him and tell him about your visit, I am sure it won't hurt. Your choice, of course.

I sent the letter to [email protected] Dan ---------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Jeff:

I have had a chance to review the poorly done article by KLAS TV8 and Mr. Knapp, and have observed the question "...total fraud?" The answer to that question is "No." I am as real as ever. George had an interview with both my wife and Marcia McDowell scheduled, but began talking behind their backs to other folks in email, to such an extent that they cancelled their interview. (If this is ever in contention, I have the emails.) To give you an idea what is going on, I am currently engaged in a videotaped debriefing covering the 18 years of service to Majestic. This debriefing, which may be issued to the public in segments, will cover everything from the true Majestic 12 and Committee of the Majority, the J-Rod, to my private life and education...it will run the whole gambit. Further, Ron Garner, who is handling the process of my debriefing coming to the public, had indicated to George that he would have an exclusive if he would be patient for the work to get done. He wasn't. Here is a primary list of factual items that George got wrong in the short few minutes his article took.

1. George Knapp said my name was first: Danny Crain, then Danny Catselas, then Burisch. Wrong. My name was first Danny B Crain, then Danny B Catselas Burisch. It was legally changed in 1995 and the court docs are KNOWN.

2. George Knapp showed a sticker on a vehicle claiming it was mine and or Deb's, and said that we could have got it as Deb has a family member in the U.S. Military. Wrong. We have NEVER had a Nellis sticker on our vehicle for Access to NAFB...never. HE GOT THE WRONG CAR! ...God Bless him! Further, Deb has no family member in

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the military. The last one she had was her father. He died in 2000, and the last time he was in the military was the Korean War!

3. George said he had a tape of Marcia uprooting a "SPACE PROBE" at Frenchman's Mountain. Wrong. Oh, my God! It was the Aug 14, 2001 probe I placed at Frenchman's Mountain as a first attempt lure for GP's. ...and I am still very upset at Marcia for stealing it.

4. George said even my Mom had doubts. Wrong. Look at the film. She was so pissed off when she said, "well if my son is the biggest bullshitter in the world, then show me..." She said it defensively and with extreme anger, as she was pissed off at George at the time, and even George had to admit that she backs the account as truth. I had Ron here, who was at that meeting and he verified what was going on at the time. Perhaps he missed her affidavit...as well as Byrd's, "Spangler's", and mine? I am sure he missed Tom Mack's letter.

5. George said that I graduated with my PhD at SUNY in 1990, then showed my work evals from P/P from 1990. I know they were mine, as the copies of them originally came from me! Wrong. 1989.

6. George said that the SUNY said "no way." Correct tack from them...you better believe it...as if they ever say "yes way" they are so sued!

7. George got Bob Lazar's position, who said it was crap. Wrong. In Bob's response he said (a) he never met me "aka knuckle-head", and (b) he never worked at Tonopah. That's correct, I believe! (but I liked the knuckle-head line!) ...and I wonder where George got the bad info? I saw someone who looked like Bob Lazar one time out there, but I never identified him, have never met him, and have never said he worked at Tonopah...the DIA guys who now say they can fly you to Planet Serpo {"Project Serpo" The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program - http://www.serpo.org} claimed that, I believe. You will find no such quotes from me, anywhere. Bob was prejudiced with the double lie first, that I allegedly said I knew him and that he worked at Tonopah, then what else is he going to say? ...that the rest must be too! An honest reaction by someone fed an initial set of inaccurate information.

8. George said I have DVD's for sale. Wrong. The particular DVD issue that he showed was Bill Hamilton's. I have never received one thing from them, when they were for sale.

9. George got retired John Alexander to say "highly improbable" about me. Cool! I'll have another Bigelow (brand of coffee), I hear John's employer will like that. To this, George then replied that Alexander was not now involved with Bigelow. Go to www.nidsci.org and click on personnel. NIDS has been critical of me from the first time they learned of me, so it is no surprise they still are.

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10. George mentioned that the UNLV Alumni journal doesn't check post grad status. News to me...but...better check with Deb as she is the one who put me in it.

I have indicated that my door is still cracked open, a bit for next year, after the debriefing is complete, for a possible interview. I think George is suffering from lack of information, which is brought on when no one will set down with a person. We will see how his conduct goes, for next year. I have also been recently courted by a number of radio talk show hosts for interviews and most of them have understood that the debriefing must first be completed before I begin giving interviews. My life has been so complicated, it is requiring a carefully produced chronology of events, so that a target audience may understand the facts.

I have always been appreciative of your radio show, and once the debriefing is complete, next year, I would be honored to accept your offer for interview, provided some time ago. We will need to go through Ron Garner at the time, to get it set up. In the mean time, I will supply you with my private email address, should you wish to converse.

Further, Deborah, Marcia, and myself recently hosted two out of town visitors, and showed them a bit about our lives, and propagated portals and Ganesh Particles, live, before their eyes. Perhaps they would like to speak with you, as well? I will see if they will write you.

Respectfully, Dan Burisch, Ph.D.

The shocking testimony of a microbiologist, currently captive in the famous Area 51

An article by Gregorian Bivolaru

Senator Hatch, the Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee Senate, has answered some questions about his meeting with Dr. Dan Burisch concerning artificial viruses (which aim to be used to secretly

contaminate hundreds of millions of people), the secret contacts with the aliens and the ultra secret treaty TAU.IX.

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Washington, (PR WEB), April 22, 2004: Doctor in microbiology Dan Burisch has spoken publicly about some secret operations and even said he would testify publicly. Currently a prisoner in the famous Area 51,

he is about to get immunity and testify in front of the Congress as he requested.

Harry Dschaak and Sterling Allan met Dr. Burisch on April 5th, 2004, thanks to the help of a contact person from inside the zone. They traveled across the US in order to present the case to several members of the Congress, on April 19, 2004.

According to a previous report, concerning his wish to give evidence in exchange for his immunity, Dr. Burisch stated he would answer as sincerely as possible if he was summoned in front of the Congress. Dschaak and Allan have approached Senator Orich Hatch (Utah) especially, because of his function as Chairman of the Judiciary Commission. Also, they had meetings with groups of senators from Idaho, Utah and Nevada, where reside Dschaak, Allan and Dr. Burisch respectively.

Ultra secret security matters about to be disclosed

A member of Senator Hatch’s team, who met Dr. Dschaak and Allan in order to find out more about this subject, stated that the Security Select Committee would probably deal with this problem. Despite a full schedule, Senator Hatch was kind enough to be present for a short while in the conference room where the meeting took place.

The Senator’s P.A. informed Dschaak and Allan that there are thousands of problems already waiting for a Congressional hearing. Allan answered that this extremely special case of Dr. Burisch is of special concern to thousands of people all over the world and he would be glad to make a petition to help prove the role that Dr. Burisch has in this astonishing case. The petition of Allan would enable people to express their wish for Dr. Burisch to be called for a Congressional hearing a.s.a.p.

Dr. Burisch’s Evidence

Dr. Burisch’s statement would include unquestionable proofs for the creation of a deadly virus design about to be secretly spread in order to infect hundreds of millions of people and the existence of some genetic sequence used as a signature (which could prove that the virus is man made and originates in a laboratory). This terrible virus is similar to HIV and SARS, which are man made in the laboratory, according to some researchers, such as Leonard Horowitz. They have been created at the order and with the financial support of the freemasons.

The evidence would also contain a report that covers a period of one year when Burisch, according to his own statement, was appointed to study a living extraterrestrial - who had offered himself as a volunteer for a certain exchange – in the ultra secret location, S4 of Area 51, North of Las Vegas (Nevada).

Dr. Burisch could also give evidence about hearing that there are human beings in theS4 location, prisoners against their will, treated as lab rats.

Besides, he states that he saw some star gates, by means of which one can travel in time (both into the past and into the future). Nevertheless, this evidence must be clarified.

Dr. Burisch states furthermore that he has some information about certain research made to extract genetic

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components of some serious extraterrestrial diseases, in order to insert them in some microbial vectors, which could have as target human being. What could follow is a mass contamination on this planet. In Dschaak opinion, this presumes the deliberate and criminal release of an epidemic, just like the cholera, for which there is no previously developed immunity in the human beings.

These deadly viruses are to be released in large masses of people, in order to decrease the world population down to only 1 billion people.

The most important aspect of his evidence, is the information he has, about an alleged ultra secret Tau-IX treaty, already signed, between some alien fractions and an international secret group of some very powerful racist and elitist humans, who are the FREEMASONS.

During the second half of the 20th century, this powerful occult organization of the planet is assumed to have employed the little secret technological information of the aliens currently available at the time, to exert a greater control upon the people of Earth. This influence took place in the political domain as well as in the energetic, technological, educational and health domain.

Members at the top of this powerful occult world organization, the FREEMASONS are preserving with a lot of care these ultra secret technologies (which also imply amongst other things some ways of influencing and controlling which are used in a insidious way at the psycho-mental level, by means of computers, TV, radio and INTERNET). These are kept away from the public eye, being used in the same time only by them for evil purposes. The aforementioned treaty gives the aliens authorization to abduct human beings for some terrible experiments.

Various viewpoints on Burisch case

The professional investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe, reporting on April 19th 2004 about the Dan Burisch case, has offered some evidence which indicates that the American President Harry Truman, as the one who in full agreement with the American leaders of the world FREEMASONRY, decided to maintain these facts in absolute secrecy. The secrecy also was meant to protect the public from this very serious situation, which if known, would have triggered in his opinion a general state of hysteria and panic. From that time on, the official policy of the American government was to vehemently deny any involvement or information about the alien’s existence and any collaboration with them.

Howe considers that although it is good for certain information to remain secret for reasons of natural security, because of their military implications, the whole world should at least be informed about the existence of extraterrestrial interaction with Earth.

Another researcher Michael E. Salla recently published some report about Dr. Burisch and managed to meet him on April 16th, 2004. He considers that there are more alien races that have visited the Earth or even living here and he even wanted to know if Dr. Burisch had been contacted by more that one alien species. Dr. Burisch answered he had only met one race, through a member of the small grey type, named  J-rod. According to his statement, there were 3 members of the same species in Area 51: two males and a female. The female has been allowed to go back where she came from and the males died.

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A research group headed by Robert Wood is already taking interest in a highly important secret document, which states alleged communications between an important State leader and Dr. Burisch.

Although Dr. Burisch is now under even more stringent supervision, some of his superiors agree for him to make certain revelations. Secret meetings have always taken place. Allan is of the opinion that those responsible will facilitate access to Dr. Burisch as soon as the summon will arrive so that he would be able to appear in front of the Congress.

Stephen Greer, in charge of the Disclosure Project (see his amazing book Revelations) thinks that the thick armor of the secret is now beginning to crack in America because thousands of witnesses are beginning to step forward spontaneously. They include important members of the US government, including the military, CIA and FBI. Dr. Greer sees the Burisch case as a “screen” for all the scientists and agents already involved in all those criminal aspects of this “kleptocracy”, as he calls it. He says that this freemasonic elite in particular, currently ruling the whole world, does not want for their actions to be revealed, because in their view, the spin-off technologies which they keep secret and only use them for evil purposes would become common knowledge and would quickly loose their power after that.

 “If people knew what the FREEMASONS know and use for evil, every house would have its own generator of free energy or in other words for free. Also the problem of starvation in the world and many serious health issues could be solved within ten years”, he says.

Besides certain investigators, the Burisch case has attracted constant interest from a group of volunteer amateur researchers, who have already obtained a serious amount of information considered SECRET, straight from the source. Their forum on the Internet has recently become victim of junk messages, which obstructed the legitimate ones. It appears that the freemasons don’t like that these people have begun to find out what only they knew.

Speculations concerning the highly important research of Dr. Burisch

Dschaak considers that Dr. Burisch is being protected from any murder attempt by the freemasons, despite his inflammatory past and future disclosures (which normally lead to the death of the one who makes them) because he is working on certain ultra secret technologies, of which he is the only one who has the necessary knowledge and can develop them further. However Dr. Burisch wants to be sure, that these technologies will be used for peaceful purposes and not for further oppression and crimes on this planet. His project (“project Lotus”) aims to discover a “Ganesh particle” which can quickly and efficiently cure all the affected cells and even damaged tissues in the case of some diseases considered incurable. This is some universal medicine, a kind of “fountain of youth”.

Allan is of the opinion that, if they could, the freemasonry elite that rules the world and who at present aims only evil goals (together with diabolic groups of extraterrestrial with whom they cooperate) would inoculate themselves with this panacea particle of life and then ruthlessly exterminate, in cold blood –5 or 6 billion human beings, who have no immunity against the mortal disease they have recently produced.

As Dschaak says, “Dr. Burisch has been given a term by March 15, 2005 to present his handlers the written notes describing in detail his technology concerning the producing of this all-healing particle, called “the GANESH PARTICLE”. They would report then to some important secret group of freemasons who keep close contact to an

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evil fraction of aliens.

Those who have imprisoned Dr. Burisch are former members of the “Committee of the Majority”, who Dan refers to as “Maji”. Therefore, as Allan and Dschaak explained to senator Hatch’s assistant, the time interval in which Dr Burisch can testify for the Congress is very short.

Many of those who kept a close interest in the terrifying secret of this case of the malefic aliens called the LITTLE GREYS, know that the days of the people on Earth are numbered unless these disclosures are made as soon as possible. Dr. Greer make a suggestive comparison of this situation to that of a plane taking off “you reach a point in which you either take off or you crash off the end of the runway”.

Dr. Burisch has already made lots of amazing disclosures. There are available even some recorded interviews with him such as the 68 minutes interview given to Bill Hamilton on September 18, 2002. Another one, more professional, made by a former Fox News cameraman will be released soon.

There are also some shocking revelations, which Dr. Burisch is not going to make unless he gets his immunity. He thinks he is able to justify his involvement in these projects, but is yet afraid that some people will rush to judge him and accuse him of war crimes. He wouldn’t reveal certain staggering facts that he knows before he is protected from such accusations. Besides, he wants to respect the oath he has made. A subpoena would provide him the legal protection and let him speak freely as he repeatedly said he wanted to.

Dr. Burisch is not afraid of death, since he feels at peace with himself. Dschaak has seen him long ago facing the idea of a premature death. We have already a real mine of information with his testimony. He wants and it seems that he will be able to give his knowledge to all.

November 2004

DATELINE — December 7, 2005 Edmonton, Alberta

Recently a serious effort has been mounted by several well-known names in ufology to "disclose" the alleged "reality" of an extraterrestrial "exchange program" that sent a team of 12 humans (10 men and 2 women, 12 men, or 11 men and 1 woman, depending on which disinformation specialist you may be listening to or reading) to a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system in 1966. The planet name is called SERPO, according to this tale. This is unfortunate, because there are actually certain elements in this story that are true, as is the case with all 'disinfo'. However, the central contention - that humans went to a Zetan planet and lived among them - is patently false and an example of how the true Disclosure effort will be interfered with in the coming year, according to Dr. Burisch. In a recent posting at the Stargate Forum (click on the link at the corner of this page), Dan claims that the name is derived from the following capitalized letters spelled backwards: OPeration RESearch. This is to be followed by another planet in that star system, to be known as DROPO (OPeration ORDer). And allegedly we may hear that this is where the

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famous "Dropa Stones" come from. The humans live there for over a dozen years and tell of the life of these Zetans. Now, there may well be a world like that where our once-and-future beings were in residence there in Zeta Reticuli, as we know that some come from there, but according to Dr. Burisch there was no 'exchange program'. However, being that we DID have guest visitors from the Zeta Reticuli star system (the J-rods), Dan has been kind enough to share this bit despite the fact it will be more fully covered in his debriefing:

"We taught them a certain type sign language. Once learned, matching to concrete items, photos, models, and film were used to teach our language in depth. Then they could communicate telepathically into our minds, with our language. With that, they partially taught us their language. They DO NOT regularly communicate as we speak (use of vocal cords and acoustics), as that is considered highly emotive and does not fit well into their utilitarian outlook. They have a writing ability, but I cannot speak to how that works, until it comes out in the debriefing. Safe to say, it is quite an elegant multidimensional method they employ.

These guys from the Aviary [editor's note: the 'Aviary' is allegedly a group of former officers, officials and employees of Majestic that have made it their business to 'manage' as much or as little Disclosure as they personally feel the public should know of, and were 'cut away some time ago to operate as loose cannons'] make it look like the J-Rods are a bunch of monks chanting away in Organum...or is it that they just took the tonal stuff from Spielberg's "Taken"? The account involving their work, women, etc. is all science fiction [expletive deleted]. I wish I could say something better of it, but truth is truth."

EDIT to add: I have been asked, via a couple emails, to specify which J-Rod's to which I was referring, with the above statement that read...

"They DO NOT regularly communicate as we speak (use of vocal cords and acoustics), as that is considered highly emotive and does not fit well into their utilitarian outlook."

Good question. Normally, when I mention a J-Rod, I am thinking of the one with which I interacted, a P+52K {readers note: these would be those J-rods from 52,000 years in our future}. The P+52K's do not usually audibly speak language, but can make " 'vestigial' language sounds" The one I was with had lost the ability altogether. The P+45K J-Rods can {those J-rods from 45,000 years in our future}, audibly speak language, to a very limited degree. Those of a lineage prior to the P+45K, to which I am privy (ex. a P+24K...there's a tickler for everyone...), are capable of uttering audible language, but they would less be associated with a so called "typical gray," than a diminutive present day human, therefore not having been covered in the wholly imaginative Serpo framework."

Also in the news this week is Dr. Burisch's post-expose exchange with George Knapp on the show that aired on post-Nov sweeps on December 1st. The KLAS-TV8 website that

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George Knapp works for sported the following notice which was picked up by Jeff Rense, followed by Dr. Burisch's rebuttal which was posted today on Rense:

Dr. Dan Burish - Area 51 Scientist - A Total Fraud?

UFO stories don't get any wilder than this one. A Las Vegas man has developed a cult-like following around the world by claiming to have worked with a live extraterrestrial at Area 51.

The story told by Dan Burisch is a whopper, but can he prove any of it? George Knapp of the Eyewitness News I-Team has the story of Dr. Dan's alien adventure. His name today is Dan Burisch. Before that it was Dan Catselas, and when Eyewitness News first ran into him, it was Dan Crain. "Doctor" Dan Crain, he says. But is he a doctor, and has he really been face to face with an alien in an underground lab? This story has a little bit of everything, including a lot of unanswered questions. When Channel 8 produced a story in 1994 about this volunteer teacher at the Boys and Girls club, he was introduced as Dr. Dan Crain. At the time, Dan Crain, now known as Dan Burisch, was supposedly participating in the most secret program in existence. But the secret is now out. Burisch has a worldwide following -- websites a message boards, books, audiotapes and DVDs. He has a publicist and a biographer, a high profile for a secret scientist. Burisch says he worked in an underground lab at S-4 near Area 51, the same place first made public by Bob Lazar. Inside he met an extraterrestrial named Jrod and they became pals. He also met angels in the lab and they spoke in Hebrew. On Frenchman's Mountain, Burisch discovered the first seeds of life on earth. Who believes this stuff? His wife Deborah for one. She signed a sworn statement saying she too works for MJ-12, the secret government. Family friend Marcia McDowell, another alleged secret agent, supports the story too. It's grown more complex ever since we first heard some of it in 1990. It's more complex now. There are photos of Burisch and his wife in military garb saluting each other. Neither ever served in the military. Intriguingly, they have a sticker on their windshield that allows access to Nellis AFB. Would a real government scientist be allowed to openly dribble out government secrets? We asked former army intelligence Colonel John Alexander. "It's highly improbable," said Col. John Alexander, retired army intelligence. What about his PHD? Burisch says he earned his doctorate in 1990 at Stony Brook University in New York. The school says he was never a student there. Burisch says his records were erased. But at the time he supposedly earned his degree in New York, records show, he had a full time job in Las Vegas as a parole officer. He now says he flew back and forth to the school on weekends. Ridiculous, the university says. He met his wife as a parole officer. She was there on drug charges. She's spent 12 years in the PBX department of the Mirage, but that's just a cover job. We asked MGM Mirage if they know they have a secret agent working for them in a cover job. They do now. Marcia McDowell, another secret operative, who solicited our coverage a few times, is seen in a video as she uncovers a space probe on Frenchman's Mountain and then

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meticulously dissects it's sophisticated electrical tape and rubber tubing. Someone else who believes Burisch is his mom, Dodie Crane, although she has some doubts too. "If my son is the biggest bull****er in the world, I want to know about it," said Dodie Crain, Dan's mom. Like everyone else in this story, Dodie declined an on camera interview, but told us her son, whom she hasn't seen in 12 years, is telling the truth. She's written her own book about it. For a final opinion on this story, we turned to a man who helped to inspire it and who supposedly was in the secret program with Burisch. "This is the biggest bull***t story I have ever heard in my life. Anybody that actually believes this guy should be ashamed of themselves. I never worked at Tonopah. I never met this knucklehead," said Bob Lazar. The sticker on the windshield is from Nellis. The United States Air Force says it's a low level sticker, easy to get, allowing access to the commissary, and that you can get one if you've had a relative in the military, as Deb Burisch has. Also, Eyewitness News did talk to UNLV where Dan Burisch really did earn a B.A. in psychology. He's listed in the alumni guide as having that PHD from New York, but UNLV told us the alumni guide doesn't verify someone's post graduate credentials, so just because it says PHD in the guide means little. Dan Burisch is a smart guy and this is an interesting story, which a lot of people seem to believe. We think it is sorely lacking in verifiable evidence. If any surfaces, we'd like to see it.



Response From Dan Burisch 12-6-5

Hello, Jeff

I just wanted to touch base with you about Robert Byrd, the man who filed an affidavit under penalty of perjury, and who actually confirmed my doctoral degree at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He has been located and he will be interviewed by Ron Garner ([email protected]), for the record and on tape. For further information, there is an independent site (I have spoken to the person, and provided an affidavit for him, but don't have any alliance with him) which can provide you much more information. www.danburisch.info My affidavit may be found at the above site, together with the clandestine photos taken of Deborah (my wife) in possession of the SUNY SB Ph.D. It is this type of affidavit that certain people in the ufocommunity and press don't want to ever see the light of day. Funny, isn't it? All these docs are public, yet KLAS TV 8 couldn't find them. They were able to locate an completely unrelated person's car, though, and spread that person's information all over the net.

This will give you a very small clue of what is coming next year. For instance, a certain neurophysiologist now has doubts, but before my account gained any traction...well...read for yourself. Further, the Aviary, now spouting disinformation about a nonexistent place called Serpo, has a now deceased acquaintance named Tom Mack. Tom, a vetted person from Groom Lake by the same group just mentioned, saw me at Papoose and confirmed it in a letter before his death. We have the letter.

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I have attempted to attach files, but each time I do, they are sent back via mailer-daemon for excessive size. For further information, please also feel free to contact

Bill Hamilton ([email protected]),

Marcia McDowell ([email protected]),

or even Deborah Burisch ([email protected]).

I hope to chat with you next year, Jeff. At that time, Ron Garner will be doing all the scheduling.


Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.

H-6196-Maj-E ret.

The next day, the further rebuttal:

Response From Dan Burisch


Hello, Jeff

I just wanted to touch base with you about Robert Byrd, the man who filed an affidavit under penalty of perjury, and who actually confirmed my doctoral degree at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He has been located and he will be interviewed by Ron Garner ([email protected]), for the record and on tape. For further information, there is an independent site (I have spoken to the person, and provided an affidavit for him, but don't have any alliance with him) which can provide you much more information.


My affidavit may be found at the above site, together with the clandestine photos taken of Deborah (my wife) in possession of the SUNY SB Ph.D.

It is this type of affidavit that certain people in the ufocommunity and press don't want to ever see the light of day. Funny, isn't it? All these docs are public, yet KLAS TV 8 couldn't find them. They were able to locate an completely unrelated person's car, though, and spread that person's information all over the net.

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This will give you a very small clue of what is coming next year. For instance, a certain neurophysiologist now has doubts, but before my account gained any traction...well...read for yourself. Further, the Aviary, now spouting disinformation about a nonexistent place called Serpo, has a now deceased acquaintance named Tom Mack. Tom, a vetted person from Groom Lake by the same group just mentioned, saw me at Papoose and confirmed it in a letter before his death. We have the letter.

I have attempted to attach files, but each time I do, they are sent back via mailer-daemon for excessive size. For further information, please also feel free to contact

Bill Hamilton ([email protected]),

Marcia McDowell ([email protected]),

or even Deborah Burisch ([email protected]).

I hope to chat with you next year, Jeff. At that time, Ron Garner will be doing all the scheduling.


Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D.

H-6196-Maj-E ret.

The exchange between George Knapp and Dr Burisch was played out on the Stargate Forum also:

Dec. 1, 2005 Midnight local Las Vegas time:

Okay folks...THE BEAT DOES GOES ON!!!

Remember now...this list comes from about 3 minutes of Knapp-time...

{editor's note: the following exchange shows Dr. Burisch's first reply to the on-air presentation of his 'story', followed by a reply posted on the forum by George Knapp, shown by the initials 'GK', followed by a final reply by Dan as shown by the initials 'DB'.}

List of inaccuracies (primary):

1. George Knapp said my name was first: Danny Catselas, then Danny Crain, then Burisch.

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Wrong. My name was first Danny B Crain, then Danny B Catselas Burisch. It was legally changed in 1995 and the court docs are KNOWN.

(GK: No, YOU are wrong. That isn't what I said. I'm looking at the script at this moment. And as of tomorrow, the off-air version will be available on the klastv.com website so you can all see it for yourself. The exact line was "His name today is Dan Burisch. Before that it was Dan Catselas. When we first ran into him, it was Dan Crain." Isn't that the order? My memory--which certainly isn't perfect in light of the case of beer and ounce of meth that I consume every night--insert smiley face here--is that Dan used Catselas for a period before Burisch was added. I could be wrong about that, but I'm not wrong about the order.

Furthermore, Dodie Crain told Jerry Pippins during their interview that the last name was Catselas first but that it was changed to Crain as "the only way to get the blessings of the parents", whatever that means. I don't have any interest in belaboring this point and have never known of any other example in which there was this much confusion about someone's name, with the exception of families that have assumed more than one new identity after entering the witness protection program. Suffice to say, there is some confusion, but there is no confusion about what I said, as everyone can see for themselves soon enough.)

DB: I agree that I may have had the order out of place, but it makes no real difference as the base assertion is totally wrong- 3 names? No. I HAVE NEVER CARRIED THE NAME "DANNY CATSELAS"... I was born on 2/2/64 under the name "Danny B Crain", and at the end of 1995 my name was changed to "Danny B Catselas Bursich". I have never carried any other name than those two, period.

2. George Knapp showed a sticker on a vehicle claiming it was mine and/or Deb's, and said that we could have got it as Deb has a family member in the U.S. Military.

Wrong. We have NEVER had a Nellis sticker on our vehicle for Access to NAFB...never. HE GOT THE WRONG CAR! ...God Bless him!

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Further, Deb has no family member in the military. The last one she had was her father. He died in 2000, and the last time he was in the military was the Korean War!

(GK: Put it this way, there is a Nellis sticker on the windshield of the car that sits in the parking space assigned to Dan's apartment. Did a neighbor who also has a Nellis sticker accidentally park in the wrong space? The car with the sticker that was parked in the space assigned to the Burisch apartment sure looks lke the same car that is featured in the photos taken at Frenchmans Mountain. And, as Dan's supporters have pointed out , he and Deb have been able to enter Nellis AFB at will, a point that seems to hold great importance to some. A sticker like the one on that windshield would certainly make access to the base easier. Nellis told me, in writing, that this particular sticker is pretty easy to get, so long as someone in the family had been a member of the military, and that the sticker expires at the end of this year. I recognize that Deb's father wasn't an active duty military man and that he passed away 5 years ago, but according to what Nellis told me, this would still allow her to have such a sticker in order to access the commissary, for example. If this is an error, I will own up to it, but I think you can see how this conclusion was reached. For my own edification, I will call Nellis again to ask if they can release the name of the person to whom that sticker was assigned. I will also use other resources to run a DMV check on the license plate of the car, and no matter what the results show, I will pass the information along to anyone who is interested. Fair enough?)

DB: That's right, George, there may be a car that is parked in our space, but the car is not ours, nor any friends of ours. When one assumes, one makes an... We don't use that space. Why? That's our business. Maybe I don't want my car photographed without my permission? Seems to have worked! We have never had a NAFB pass, as whenever we would enter NAFB, it was done with a liaison from inside. Yes, pass the information along, and find out that you are wrong.

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3. George said he had a tape of Marcia uprooting a "SPACE PROBE" at Frenchman's Mountain.

Wrong. Oh, my God! It was the Aug 14, 2001 probe I placed at Frenchman's Mountain as a first attempt lure for GP's. ...and I am still very upset at Marcia for stealing it. ...

(GK: This is pretty weird. I had no doubt that someone in the group had planted the object there, since Marcia had no trouble in finding it. The fact that she knew it was created by Dan but STILL went through this whole dramatic retrieval, followed by 20 or more minutes of a dissection procedure, comparable to the alien autopsy, is perplexing. Anyone who has seen this tape would think it represented the discovery of the century. Dan says this was a probe. Well, again I admit my ignorance, but this contraption was made out of common electrical tape, some rubber tubing, a couple of syringes, and what looks like a meat thermometer. I realize I am opening myself up to some cheap shots, but I have to say that this device--to a layman-- looked ridiculous. MM's very intense and lengthy dissection exercise of something she knew was made by Dan seems all the more theatrical. I have the entire tape, supplied by MM, and will make it available to others who can judge it for themselves. As with everything else in this case, I am willing to be educated about any gaps in my understanding of this . My characterization of the object as "a space probe" does not seem out of line, especially in light of the comments that Marcia makes on this tape. If it was designed to detect GP's, which, as I understand it, arrive here from outer space, then I don't see how my terminology is so objectionable. I did not say the probe itself arrived from space, as viewers will see when they view my story, but I can see how this could be misinterpreted. Again, there were time constraints involved. I could have spent the entire report explaining the history of the hidden probe, I suppose, but chose instead to move along to other things. Note

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to Dan---since your wife stole your diploma and Marcie stole your probe, you might wantt to hide your wallet.)

DB: I will admit to not reading the entire reply, above, as the facts have never labelled the item as a SPACE PROBE. I put it there...it was a biological experiment, which was remobved without my permission by Marcia. Wrong is wrong.

4. George said even my Mom had doubts.

Wrong. Look at the film. She was so pissed off when she said, "well if my son is the biggest bullshitter in the world, then show me..." She said it defensively and with extreme anger, as she was pissed off at George at the time. I had Ron here, who was at that meeting and he verified what was going on at the time. Perhaps he missed her affidavit...as well as Byrd's, "Spangler's", and mine? I am sure he missed Tom Mack's letter.

(GK: Okay, we can take Ron Garner's word for it, as told second-hand to Dan, or we can view my tape of the interview. Our camera was rolling throughout the encounter. I know what was said and can prove it. Dan seems pretty certain what his mom meant even though he has not comunicated with her for many years. She didn't seem pissed off at me, in my judgement, especially since she and Ron were the ones who ASKED to meet with me in the first place. The real issue is this--did I accurately report what Dodie expressed to me? Yes I did. As you will all see in the tape of the story, my exact words were these: "Someone else who believes Burisch is his mom, Dodie Crain, although she has some doubts too." Another line was this: "Dodie declined an on camera interview but told us her son, whom she hasn't seen in 12 years, is telling the truth." Explain to me how this is a misrepresentation. I especially want to hear from all of those who were not present for this exchange. By that, I mean everyone else who is reading this. Dodie believes her son but has some doubts. That is an accurate assessment, whether anyone believes it or not. I have the tape. You don't. )

DB: I have simply said that I observed her behavior at that was my take. It is very true that you quoted her saying that I am telling the truth, which is correct. No, I don't have the tape. I'll live with it.

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5. George said that I graduated with my PhD at SUNY in 1990, then showed my work evals from P/P from 1990. I know they were mine, as the copies of them originally came from me!

Wrong. 1989.

(GK: You've got to be kidding. Dan, are you trying to say there is no confusion about just exactly when the degree was earned? Look at your own accounts of this. Look at the assorted, sometimes conflicting website bio info. Sometimes it is 1990, sometimes it is 1989. Dodie says the copy of the degree arrived at her home at the end of 1990, a few months after the three professors supposedly flew to LV. I'm glad that we finally have a definitive , on the record statement about exactly when you earned the doctorate. Now we can move on to other things. As for the P&P records, they show that you had a full time job in Las Vegas from 88-90, so whether the degree was earned in 89 or 90, the same pertinent questions apply.)

DB: No confusion from any quote I have ever provided to the public...none. 1989. I received the cert from them in 1990, but it was eraned in 1989. One problem with taking information from the internet, is sometimes sacrificing accuracy. Being that it was not my report, nor my inaccuracies, I find no need to argue about it.

6. George said that the SUNY said "no way."

Correct tack from them...you better believe it...as if they ever say "yes way" they are so sued!

(GK: I'm not sure who would sue the school if it acknowledged that Dan was a student. I hope someone could explain this. Surely the secret government would do something more dramatic than a mere lawsuit. I have a fairly thorough log of my conversations with the university and will make this material public in the near future. They emphatically state that Dan was never a student, was never a doctoral candidate, was never there. This is the view of the Registrar's Office, the Graduate Studies Department, the Public Information Office, and the chairmen of the biology and genetics programs. One explanation for this is that the records were erased and the school was ordered to keep its mouth shut. Another explanation is

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that Dan was never there. Take your pick. Occam's Razor comes to mind.

One of the most interesting points made to me in the last week is that Stony Brook (two words, by the way) does not offer graduate-level courses on weekends, at least not in the hard-science disciplines that Dan claims. As a state school, SB's only weekend course offerings are in subjects that serve working adults who are seeking a career change. They have a few business classes and a few nursing classes, and that's it. When I asked if it is possible for someone to earn a PhD in microbiology and/or genetics by taking only weekend classes, they laughed out loud. This is one of the top research universities in the world. They took offense at the proposition that someone could waltz in on weekends and earn a doctorate, especially since classes in those subjects are not offered on the weekends.

My opinion about the PhD controversy has been expressed in great detail elsewhere. I asked for someone to step forward to offer a rebuttal view to the many questions that persist. No one has stepped up to that plate. Even ardent supporters of Dan's story must admit that they have to accept most of this on faith. It flies in the face of everything we all know about graduate school, and I do not think it is unfair or out of line to suggest that the burden of proof is on the folks who are championing this scenario.

One simple way to move the discussion to another level would be to produce the diploma. We've all seen the photos in the park. Why not produce it? I tend to believe Dodie when she says she saw a diploma of some kind. Obviously, Deb and Marcia did too. Since the diploma is not available for inspection, the rest of us are unable to determine whether it is legit or not. I suppose the response is that all will be revealed next year. Okay, we can all wait. But I would add this--once the debriefing is unveiled to the world, I hope that the diploma is also released as well, athough I have my doubts.

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As for the impending affadavits from people who will verify Dan's connection to SUNY, I look forward to reading them. I hope they are more substantive than mere assertions from people who say they called the school and were told on the phone that Dan had been a student. I made that same call in 1994 and was told there were no such records. Much has been made of the evidentiary value of sworn affadavits, too much, I'd say. Making a sworn statement to a notary about something that is not in dispute in a court of law is pretty weak. If I made a statement to a notary that I am a visitor from Neptune, that I robbed banks , have two wives, and work as a hitman for the Illuminati, what is the risk if I am lying? If I were on trial for being an unregistered Neptunian bigamist bank robber, a sworn statement might matter since it would subject me to possible perjury charges. If I made the same assertions in a courtroom while under oath, the same thing would apply, but who really cares about sworn statements that carry no risk? I posit this in the interests of a fair and open exchange and am willing to listen to contrary views.

Produce an affadavit from a former classmate or lab partner or professor or school janitor. Let's hear from someone who saw Dan at SUNY. This is not an unreasonable request. As I have stated previously, there were only a handful of doctoral candidates in genetics during the period when Dan was supposedly at SUNY. Anyone who is reading this can check the online records for themselves. The names are all on the SUNY website. If Dan's supporters want to prove this part of the story, please look at these names and tell us which of them remembers seeing Dan in a single class. This isn't hard. If it is important for your case, then get on it. I don't think it is unreasonable to raise this issue and I have to believe that even those of you who are in Dan's corner must have asked these same questions in your own minds from time to time. Where is a single witness who can confirm he was ever on that campus? You can produce as many affadavits as you like from people who say they called the school, but there is no doubt whatsoever that such statements fall far short of actual proof. I will make this promise---if any such witness comes forward, I will

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report it, assuming that there is reaonable proof that the witness was ever at SUNY himself (or herself.)

DB: Again, I didn't read the entire reply from George here...as I am busy...but to the question of who would be sued if they were to acknowledge their lie...I'll sure as hell find someone. As to my attendance, that will be explained, but looking for a prosaic answer here...is an error in method.

7. George got Bob Lazar's position, who said it was crap.

Wrong. In Bob's response he said (a) he never met me "aka knuckle-head" and (b) he never worked at Tonopah. That's correct, I believe! (but I liked the knuckle-head line! ) ...and I wonder where George got the bad info? I saw someone who looked like Bob Lazar one time out there, but I never identified him, have never met him, and have never said he worked at Tonopah...the DIA guys who now say they can fly you to Planet Serpo claimed that, I believe. You will find no such quotes from me, anywhere. Bob was prejudiced with the double lie first, that I allegedly said I knew him and that he worked at Tonopah, then what else is he going to say? ...that the rest must be too! An honest reaction by someone fed an initial set of inaccurate information.

(GK: I did not tell Bob Lazar that Dan claimed to have known him. Nor did I tell him that Dan personally said that the two of them worked together at Tonopah. But if Dan is going to claim total ignorance of any such claims made on his behalf, then I would have to say he is being a bit sly or disingenuous. I have the somewhat lengthy email--it's the same one that asserts that I had a copy of the travel itinerary which proved that Dan was on the passenger list for flights to and from A51. The letter alleges that Bob and Dan were both at Tonopah, that they were both part of the same disclosure program, and that Bob worked on "avionics" while at TTR, which is where Dan signed the nondisclosure form that has been widely distributed.

Since Lazar is the first person to publicly describe a below-ground facility at Papoose Lake, aka S-4, and since his claims have been selectively used to bolster parts of Dan's own story, I thought it would be interesting to hear what he thinks of the larger story. I don't know what Planet Serpo has to do with

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this, but it isn't something that I find credible, nor have I ever mentioned it to Bob or anyone else.

I used only the broadest description of Dan's claims to Bob, and I requested that he take a look at the Burisch website before our interview. There was no need to prompt him or to shade the questions. I only asked him one--what is your general reaction to the story as you understand it. At some point, I will figure out a way to release his entire statement, but the soundbite included in my report is fairly evident. J-Rod? Angels? The Ganesh particle? His opinion is that it is total and complete bullshit and that anyone who believes it should be ashamed of themselves. Months ago, I told a wide audience that any assertion about Bob being at Tonopah or that he ever worked in "avionics" was a complete fabrication. If you didn't take my word for it, we have now heard it first hand. Lazar isn't hard to find. If you think I am distorting his view, contact him yourself. Whereas Bob's story has been used judiciously to support bits and pieces of Dan's claims in the past, I suspect that he will now be characterized as untrustworthy by some of those same people. To those who choose to believe Dan no matter what, this won't mean much. To the larger audience of people who are still trying to make up their minds, come to your own conclusions. )

DB: Again...a long reply from George, my statement holds as Bob Lazar indicated both of those things (Tonopah and not knowing me) as a concrete portion of his answer. Further, there have been such allegations (ref Tonopah) on the net, relating to Bob Lazar and me. As for claims, I think we should stick to actual quotes made by me, rather than groping in the dark through the web, in hopes of finding the right sticker or evidence. Anyone can write a letter and there are many out there mixing up the situation as much as possible to cause harm. It just depends on what people wish to report on. In this case, an insinuation of relationship between Lazar and myself was present. I have never met Bob, flown with him, or worked with him. That's pretty simple.

8. George said I have DVD's for sale.

Wrong. The particular DVD issue that he showed was Bill Hamilton's. I have never received one thing from them,when they were for sale.

(GK: Look at the tape of the story, Dan. I did NOT say that YOU are selling dvds or videos. I said that

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you have a worldwide following, and to demonstrate that point, I listed the following; "websites and message boards, books, audio tapes and DVD's for sale. He has a publicist and a biographer, a high profile for a secret scientist." Don't put words in my mouth. I did not say that you are selling vd's, nor did I say that you are profiting from such sales, so you are refuting something that was not asserted in the first place. The point of the list is that you are pretty well known for someone who is working in a secret program. Of course the DVDs are being sold by Bill Hamilton. The shot that was used in the story shows as much. Personally, I don;'t think there i anything wrong with the sale of such merchadise and I'm sorry to hear that you are not getting a cut of the action. Hopefully, you will get a real agent before the movie deal is finalized.)

DB: You are right, that you did not "say it," but slants cause implications. I have no real problem with this portion, but as you say, you have the tape. I am not going to shadow box over insinuations. It's really okay by me.

9. George got retired John Alexander to say "highly improbable" about me.

Cool! I'll have another Bigelow, I hear John's employer will like that.

(GK: I don't know what that means. John doesn't work for Bigelow and hasn't for years. I asked him for his opinion about the likelihood that someone like Dan could leak secrets from such a classified program over a long period of time and still be alllowed to carry on. You all know what the answer was.)

DB: The likelihood is 100%, as I am telling the truth. Others have already asked, what would be that same likelihood, reference Lazar.

{editor's note: a "Bigelow" as used by Dan probably refers to the coffee by that name, a picture of which is to be found elsewhere on this site.}

10. George mentioned that the UNLV Alumni journal doesn't check post-grad status. News to me...but...better check with Deb as she is the one who put me in it.

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(GK: No matter who put you into the guide, it has been used many times as a form of proof about your PhD. UNLV officials told me, in writing, that there is no attempt by the Alumni Guide to verify post-graduate credentials or claims. If you told them you have eight kids and won the Nobel Prize, they would print it, so long as they knew that you had an undergraduate degree. If we agree that the mention of the PhD in the alumni guide is no proof of anything, then perhaps it will soon be removed from the website, no matter who submitted it in the first place. It's similar to the oft-cited inclusion in the US Navy Memorial Foundation log. This too has been prominently featured on various cites as a form of proof of Dan's military credentials. When I informed the foundation that Dan was never in the military, the spokesman explained that the foundation does not attempt to verify the military credentials of those who send in a check and a photo.As I recall, the explanation from Dan's camp was that the application haad been sent in by Dodie Crain, without anyone's knowledge. Okay, so why was it presented as a form of documentation on the same website if you knew that it didn't mean anything? Just asking.)

DB: It was in fact my Mom who sent in others, and Deb still others. I find no problem with their doing so, but have equally little passion for it.


What I liked about the story was that George showed film from the Straight from the Hart Award. It was nice seeing "my kids" again. He came down pretty hard on Deborah. That is for her to handle. He showed dondep's website. Then he indicated I got my B.A. from UNLV in Psych. Correct.

(GK--I don't think I came down too hard on Deborah, but viewers can judge for themselves. I felt that since Deborah has worked for MGM Mirage for so many years, it might interest them to know that she has signed "a sworn affadavit" that she is an employee of MJ 12. MGM executives were unaware of this, but were interested to learn about it.)

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DB: Neither do I, I was really reflecting how she reported she felt. But, that is her problem.



George Knapp COMPLIMENTED ME! He said I was 'very interesting and intelligent.' He then said that quite a bit of my "case" was not verified and he called for information if it can be brought forward. It will be, next year in the debriefing and even some before.


Well...you know what George...nice goes both ways...my door to a possible interview next year...



(GK: I said a couple of things at the end. One is that I feel Dan is a smart guy. I do. Two is that I think this is an interesting story. There's no question about that, even though I have serious reservations about it, as everyone knows. Three is that I am willing to listen to any evidence that surfaces in the future. Also true. I have said this all along, and I mean it. Dan is amazed that I was "nice" to him. Okay, I'm glad it is being viewed that way., but being nice or not so nice never entered the picture. Put it this way---what I say in email exchanges is one thing. I am more than willing to mix it up, especially when someone is coming after me on a personal and professional level. I acknowledge that I have dished out my share of invective. What I say on the air is another matter. Despite the very harsh evaluations of my abilities and motives that have been widely disseminated for many months now, I take my job very seriously. My opinion about this story has not changed, but I'm not going to put something on the air that is vindictive and unfair. If I did that, I would not have survived this long in a very competitive business. I believe the story is better told if it includes many viewpoints. This isn't a

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concession--it's fundamental. If there is a chance for an interview next year, put me on the list. It should be obvious that I am not going to pull any punches and will ask pointed questions. If Dan answers them honestly, I will report them honestly. Everyone who is reading this knows that I think the story is an elaborate fiction. Anyone who knows me on a personal level also knows that if my suspicions are proven wrong, I will report it, whether it's about this or something else. I have no problem with backtracking IF there is something to hang my hat on. To date, I haven't seen it. Prove me wrong and I will report the same.

One final note, I've heard some feedback about my suggestion regarding a possible longer-format program. In the opinion of some, I have presented this possibility as some sort of teaser or ruse. Whoever said this doesn't know me at all. )

Dan Burisch, if you want to call me, you have my number, and from what I've heard, my address as well.

---> Naaaaaaa. <---

In the meantime, I am willing to exchange views on these issues with anyone, anytime, anywhere.)

DB: For now, I am strictly concentrating on my debriefing. Should the opportunity present itself, next year, and be recommended, I'll have no problem with a sit-down. For now, there will be no further "mixing" from me, as I have a legal arrangement with Mr. Garner not to give interviews right now. GEORGE I APPRECIATE YOUR REPORT AND I ANTICIPATE AN EXCITING YEAR, NEXT YEAR. MAY GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU.


(GK--I don't think I came down too hard on Deborah, but viewers can judge for themselves. I felt that since Deborah has worked for MGM Mirage for so many years, it might interest them to know that she has signed "a sworn affadavit" that she is an employee of MJ 12. MGM executives were unaware of this, but were interested to learn about it.)

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DB: I just now read the affidavit. Deborah never said she was "employed" by anyone. She said "became an agent for" and she also said "...and remained an active agent until 2005, when I retired."

In the interest of honest reporting and journalism, tenses are important, so are words describing status.



Area 51 Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

Boomerang´ 4/6/2004 12:19 pm EDT Page 36

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:) GLP FORUM

Indeed, extremely interesting Skywatcher (Bill Hamilton), thanks.

"My interest in the sun has recently been stimulated by reports I have received from a man, Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch, who claims he is a microbiologist who works for a shadowy arm of the government. He tells me that preparations are being made for a coming catastrophe in the year 2012 that involves changes in our sun and its effects on the earth.

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This is, of course, related to deciphering the Mayan symbols that seem to point to the winter solstice of our year 2012."

And below Dan´s own words.


Dan Burisch: In 2012, the Sun will shower the earth with waves of energy, bound to the Einstein-Rosen Bridges that are clumped together at the Galactic equator.

DonDep: is this the same group of et´s that "gave" us the saucers and then sat back and laughed as our war machine tried to use them, fallingflat on their face?

Dan Burisch: All of the natural stargates will turn on...and as they say in Hollywood...

Dan Burisch: Well...yes, kind of.

DonDep: is one of the stargates in Iraq?

Dan Burisch: Two.

Dan Burisch: We have 1 of them.

Dan Burisch: All of the natural stargates will turn on...and as they say in Hollywood...

Dan Burisch: something wonderful will happen.

Dan Burisch: What that means...I don´t really know.

Dan Burisch: But, if we do not capture and disable the manmade ones... [scroll down this page]

Dan Burisch: the record books read that we will undergo a tragedy.

Dan Burisch: 4bill at minimum dead.

DonDep: why must we disable the manmade one?

DonDep: ones?

Dan Burisch: The excess energy from the activated stargates was theorized by the folks from the future to have been a main cause of a pole shift, first

Dan Burisch: magnetic, then geophysical.

DonDep: so how does the Ark and Planet X fit into this scenario?

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Dan Burisch: The Ark is being built in the United States. Where? I shouldn´t say to you.

Dan Burisch: It is the progentor of the ones that go to the moon and Mars.

Dan Burisch: progenitor.

DonDep: I learned from good-hearted people close to you that you finished the project for the Ark back on Dec 4; (typo excused)

Dan Burisch: The remaining peoples will comprise that group which will lead, through microevolution, to becoming ds.


DB: You know of what has been happening?

DB: Aside from the big Sun-flap.

marcmann318: BEEN PAYING ATTENTION....

DB: Good. Look to the cornona...many archetypes escaping the gate.

DB: (corona)


DB: So, too, we find that the orientation of magnetci swirls from the Sun follow such a shape. Yes, with sound...Fuller investigated that well...standby.


DB: So, too, we find that large clumps of strings of galaxies orient themselves into octahedra...

DB: Not that it isn´t applicable...sometimes.] marcmann318:--------------

DB: So, I ask...why not manifest in the macro?

marcmann318: ABSOLUTELY

marcmann318: AS ABOVE SO BELOW

DB: Yes.

DB: You are the second person saying that to me within 24 hours

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DB: We are nearing the central rift of the galaxy.

DB: We bobb up and down, so to speak.

DB: The looking-glass was built to study time differentials and the manipulation of time on a small scale--as I was told.

DB: The technology came from the Orions. As I was told.

boomerang19582003: Told by?

DB: It was also based on ancient Sumerian technology---as I was told.

DB: J.

drbknows: But the Sumerians are our offspring, as well as our ancestors, no?

DB: I remember reading from the briefing docs about it, but the primary info came face to face.

DB: The so called gods of ancient Sumer, yes.

DB: The people were basically linear descendants.

drbknows: Is the "seaworthy boat" you and others prepared what is to become the Ark of the Covenant in our past?

DB: This technology, LG, was witnessed by me when the LG team was trying to move a human being from one point to another.

DB: The human being did not survive.

drbknows: Did any other object?

DB: Later, I hear, yes.

DB: Inanimate cbjects were transferrable


DB: Einstein-Rosen Bridges....

DB: Point of fact 1- I am not a physicist.

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Now, the follow up questions......, have you any theories as to how these events stimulate the (so-called) Stargates into activity?


4/6/2004 12:29 pm EDT

Re: Dr. Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 5:)

Notice the figures mentioned here? What´s the current world pop? approx 6.5 Billion, so 2/3rds of world pop zapped...But what is being worked on that can prevent this?

It has been said that if all the manmade gates are destroyed, the event can be curtailed?

Hmmmm, something more to this than first meets the eye I feel.


(12th November 2003)Dan Burisch: But, if we do not capture and disable the manmade ones...

Dan Burisch: the record books read that we will undergo a tragedy.

Dan Burisch: 4bill at minimum dead.

DonDep: why must we disable the manmade one?

DonDep: ones?

Dan Burisch: The excess energy from the activated stargates was theorized by the folks from the future to have been a main cause of a pole shift, first magnetic, then geophysical.



April 20, 2006 6:15 am

Dr Burisch relates an updated view of "a cataclysm" www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart11Burisch.html

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5/15/2006 ~ Dr. Dan Burisch

"...the trigger for the catastrophe is being handled. That trigger is a variety of technology which would perturb the earth as we experience higher energies from the Cosmos and our Sun...."

"...We then viewed the confidence data, suggesting that the amount of time spent in one scene, versus the amount of time spent in another scene, indicated mathematically that there remains a LOW LIKELIHOOD of catastrophe...." - Project LookingGlass www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart13Burisch.html  

April 10, 2008 ~ The Orion Cube

What follows is then what is new. Mike McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence and old MJ-1 - and who is a good man (in Dan's words: Majestic's moral compass) - was so incensed at the current administration's glee at the prospect of Iran attack that he instructed his intelligence apparatus to publish the National Intelligence Estimate, in which it was stated that Iran presented no nuclear threat. This was the first major change in variant 83. [Timeline 1 variant 83] www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart35Burisch.html  

March 29, 2009



March 28, 2009 Transliterated from the private diaries of Dr. Danny B Catselas Burisch, as listed on August 1, 1995 and September 8, 1998: "Beenie, record we minus to stars home star of ancients joined brethren ert. See. Waters cover half 24 Nsn6 72/24 ing universa ante end Marse 5769 Nsn3. Joined no more see. Time ancients must decide joining.

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"This basically translated: 'Owing to sidereal and solar days, the conjoined people of earth saw the oceans overflow at about Noon at Universal Time on March 28, 2009. The joined resonance was no further seen by us.' (We separated as a species.) 'We have the ability to decide to remain together.' www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart41Burisch.html

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Boomerang 7/15/2004 GLP Forum Dr.Burisch and His Enigma: Volume 16:) Page 34


This message was a response by Dan to another member of the "Projects" and contains plain language about his work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, and his beliefs as a person and a scientist.

This is recorded for posterity for it will be those who inherit the future who will discover the truth or falsity of these statements. The first information will be Dan´s ´non-technical´ statement about his work.


Quoted as dictated by Dr. Dan Burisch Dear Politically Prepared:

This question stirs memories of my best buddy (we will call him "Mike") and myself when strolling near the Old Chem Building, it seems not so long ago. He met with me, between my having to attend a lecture and going to another session with a seasoned professor trying to straighten up my youthful "problems" at that time with my "melting point unit" technique--but that would be another story. :) [I still hold that it was that particular damned machine´s fault! ... :()...]

Mike told me, between my over-eager questions about the blackops community I was preparing to enter, that a man of science, in our community, was only as good as his ability to explain himself: to his God, other scientists, and the non-science members. Thus far, I pray I have at least fulfilled the first two in the list. I feel comfortable with the first (God), and given the support of the various National Laboratories and their quiet assisting scientists, okay with second. The third seems to be the greatest challenge.

If you have college preparation in political science, I am hoping that you have had at least some basic undergraduate preparation in biology. If not, I fear that I will not have the time necessary to explain myself, before I am due to return to the Shady Rest (Area 51). If I fail, I apologize in advance.

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For so long I accepted the classical mechanisms that Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian Theory provide (together with other genetic / population dynamics data), and extended my science into their accepted belief system: the one that leaps from micro-evolutionary changes that result in speciation, to the dogma of the common ancestor which links the evolutionary path (albeit dated) of the earliest bacteria to the human.

I laughed with my fellow theorists at the Creationist´s "misinterpretation" that inanimate rock gradually yields life. I relegated the Creationist belief system to fanaticism and the Darwinian belief system as science and truth. Frankly, my experience in "training" for Project Aquarius and the J-Rod extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) did nothing but enhance those beliefs.

As our future plays itself out (within the conditions I have read), the genetic divergence which caused the difference between we (now) and us (the J-Rod species, later) fit well within the same mechanism posited for our gradual development from a pre-hominid to the modern humans we see today.

The interrelations with the Neanderthals, and our current body shape also promoted me along the trail of Darwinism. This, together with the psychological nature of the J-Rod (a future, evolved, logical, and mathematical / scientific kind), made an easy fit with the dogma of modern evolutionary biology. It was all good, and all my training seemed to match. Then I became his friend.

My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to suffer for his (and our) kind entranced me. Was his willingness based on logic and/or the preservation of favorable characteristics? Well, it could have been, and that was my supposition before friendship.

His current state may have had sequences that drove him to the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made, I found that while he was aware that his nerve degeneration disorder could have a future treatment, that was not his major concern.

Rather, this logical being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to long to help set straight a series of errors in judgment and events that culminated in our being separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching for something lost, not being driven by something gained (a mutation). I had only really heard about the so called "Orion Beings." He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother´s" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the bio-molecule...something he called the "joined resonance."

I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called ´Homo sapiens sapiens´, and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn´t the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics

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through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him. He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember)

´We are here in your present presence asking for help.´ This statement struck me dumb and made me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers," yourselves?

I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth. He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance."

In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time.

The J-Rod rapidly approached me and grabbed me, knocking me to the grated flooring of the clean sphere. For the next 20-30 minutes (until my fellow scientists could drag me from the clean sphere -- they didn´t have secondary suits ready to immediately enter ... and we are all told before entering of the possible things that can go wrong!), he flooded my mind with moving images (like a 3D movie), thoughts and dulled emotions.

Some of the thoughts appeared more as metaphors than concrete reality. He showed me the process of genesis from the perspective of his interaction with the "Brothers." [So, I guess you could say that it is some kind of extraterrestrial hearsay? :) ] The images, I later found, were close to the ancient mandala of creation, the sri yantra. I saw a pearlescent lotus flower emerge from a near spherical crystal matrix, in which resided an object that looked like the sri yantra. The sri yantra collapsed into itself through successive stages that looked like the platonic solids, and was carried along like a seed in a river of light to an oscillating drop of water. It entered the drop of water.

The drop of water divided into 12 parts by pinching itself off into 12 separate locations while each location stayed in contact with the seed. The seed divided (or ´budding´?) itself into each of the 12 drops. I was aware enough to count the parts and see that each parts´ substance coalesced into what appeared as fully functioning prokaryote and eukaryote varieties. I witnessed one of the drops, with rapidly dividing cells, as it seemed to become covered in a dark red material.

The material pushed itself away and a looked into the face of a man. He felt like he was there and I could swear I felt him breathe in. Was this the dawn of humanity?

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I struggle with the potential and am torn in my soul, to this day, with the possible reality. I didn´t see the destiny of the other drops, but since that time of experience, my thoughts have been very fertile!

For a few years I plodded along with the Serial Endosymbiotic Theory of Eukaryote Origins, (This is a cute way of saying that the so called complex cells are composites of simpler cells that once danced the minuet of "I´ll eat you or you´ll eat me"; then almost mystically agreed to remain one within another giving a competitive edge in survival) and then posited a large virus which may have seeded the garden called earth. (Sound familiar?)

The totipotent virus would necessarily possess a unique genetic package sufficient to be the forerunner of all earth life. I covered this research, as I was still engaged with the Maji in other pursuits and had not informed them of the content of the message from the J-Rod, within the framework of an endosymbiotic research project that was originally called "Mission Genesis", a staged logical next step from an endosymbiosis project with which I had been involved for a number of years. (In that early research I was originally looking for ways to extend lengths of time for bacterial and algal samples to remain alive after they had been engulfed as food by protozoa. I was also conducting research into possible chemical signals being exchanged between the foodstuff and the hungry protozoa.)

During the early stages of Mission Genesis, I began looking into the data points and resultant statistics of that very early research project, which had become known as the FBM Project ... or Fresh-Brackish-Marine ... as salinity levels were employed as one of the variables (oxygen levels another). During that project, I found points at which the hungry protozoa began to behave unusually, that is "predictably," in their retention period of either respiring foodstuffs (for example a variety of bacteria) or phostosynthesizing foodstuffs (for example algae). I thought, "My God, have I found some kind of biochemical or behavioral trace to an original engulfment, which according to the endosymbiosis theory ultimately gave rise to mitochondria and plastids like chloroplasts?" Looking further into the data, my team observed clusters of data points in areas that could be easily mathematically related to the Golden Mean / Phi Ratio (an important number in nature), the age of the earth as currently determined by science, and the incorporation / retention rates of viral strands in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.

Mission Genesis was then moved forward to confirm the original FBM results and to further elucidate the data points. Further, I determined that it may be good to test these hungry protozoa in the presence of strata of differing ages. I placed this subset of the project in motion just in case variance may be found amongst the behaviors of the hungry little protozoa, when they were in the presence of the minerals from rock of various ages. (Refer the data points relating to the earth´s age!)

Frenchman´s Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before

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present. The research was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team members.

Soon after research was initiated, and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on video during a test of the rock´s electrical properties. As electrical current was applied to the rock, thin heat streams, emanating from that area were observed on infrared. At that time, a heat target was also observed, nearby. That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics Unit ... and the so called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP unit. The infrared streams interested me and I repeated the experiment using a great deal more electricity. This test (May 31, 2001) resulted in a heat liberation I termed a "flare".

Further tests were conducted using varying electrical pulse levels until the high limit was found that would be detected on infrared, but not visually. That level was employed during microscopic analysis of the rock´s crystals, in the presence of strands of algae. (This ultimately led to the discovery of the so called "Ganesh Particle.") At that point, the Maji asked me ´... just what the hell ...´ I had in mind with all of this and where did the idea come from? I seemed too prepared for the results and was the one that had requested the massive infrared study be concurrently conducted during my early tests at the Vishnu Schist. From their viewpoint I seemed to be working a process with one stated framework, but really was engaging in something quite different. Oops, I was caught! :)

A deal was struck, one that you will readily understand ... quid pro quo, anyone? In exchange for knowledge of the "big" interaction with the J-Rod, the day I saw the images, I would be placed in the need-to-know about the Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox (DCTP), something I was barely allowed to know about ... and only because I had told them about some of his (J-Rod´s) responses to my early questions. As I saw images, that day, of what looked like Inca City, Mars, but in its heyday ... I wanted to know how all this figured together. The totality of my knowledge of the DCTP is known information within this community. I doubt I could add anything of interest (save one aspect to come that could possibly utilize the Lotus to assist the J-Rods and "Brothers"). The thought that the gods of Sumer and other places, were the misinterpreted future humanity; viewed as magical instead of technological, strikes me deeply. What could have they been thinking, to tinker with the pulse of time and alter our genome and history?

I hope that my giving to you the association between what is now called Project Lotus and how I came upon the idea, satisfies that part of your request.

After the deal was struck, the research continued. I had long felt and related that should a huge virus have been the progenitor of life on earth, that its artifact would be found in the strata as well as within the living cells. The aforementioned data also leaned me in that direction ... "[This letter continues at another location in it's entirety]


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Dr. Dan Burisch

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:34 pm  

"For those new, I know exactly what it sounds like, but it is at the center of a great problem being worked by many people the public will never know about. The issue relates to something called the DCTP, or the "Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox." In other words, it's a paradox situation within which we reside, the more the tinkering with future-past occurs, the greater the number of "overlays" into our reality which then exist in our apparent "linear timeline."... (continued at www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart11Burisch.html)



Location: Eastern England Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:58 pm http://danburisch.forumup.org/viewtopic.php?t=6&start=1680&mforum=danburisch 

 Post subject: backburning the eschaton


The above link [WM's Corner regarding "the DCTP Debriefed" Part 1] at ED.net may have slipped by unnoticed from some readers, but it's a very interesting read.

After reading the tract a couple of times, I get a better impression of the reasons why Dan wants to leave all mention of the possible catastrophe on the backburner.


DCTPkerry 8/4/2006 Location: Los Angeles ~ posted http://danburisch.forumup.org

"... Hi Don, Thanks for the considerate reply to our posts.. I wanted to pitch in regarding the question as to a coverup aimed at absolving the PTB from blame..

RE: The Powers-that-Be...in the guise of the '45s and their role in the so-called coming catastrophe..it is significicant that those who go underground to avoid the results of their bad deeds and the overloading/use of the man-made stargates/looking glass tech are

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really one and the same --in time they become the P+45s...which means they are responsible for what may ensue in 2012...

The point here is that the emphasis on the P+45's being at fault for bringing in the Looking Glass tech and encouraging its misuse is in fact an effort not by Dan (who is only telling the story) but by the PTB to distract blame away from themselves in the 'now' by concentrating on their 'bad guy' future counterparts the aliens from P+45...and figuring most people won't see the obvious link between the two. Best wishes, Kerry _________________ www.projectcamelot.org

"A detailed page on Project Looking Glass (including images)" www.projectcamelot.net/project_looking_glass.html


The Ganesh Particle, under the correct electrical impulse levels, were observed being liberated from the crystalline rock. It is currently believed that the Ganesh Particle is a dense collection of electromagnetism or a collection of electromagnetic waves, containing information, and floating in a river of less dense electromagnetism.

As each particle (dense collection) passes a nearby living object, the image of the shape of that object appears to bend over and onto the particle, giving the false appearance that the particle is actually such a prosaic item. When it nears its destination (the method of that target determination not yet known), it hovers above the target cell, then chemically communicates with it by spraying what appears to be chemical substances upon the target cell´s surface. It lands and instantly begins a rapid division process that ultimately results in a bridge of cells that connect the target cell to a nearby cell. The cells of the bridge stop their life sequences at particular points, offering some kind of frozen library from whence the target algae cells could be given necessary information to change and help them.

A tube with a needle-like penetrating end, enters the nucleus of the target cell and the cell at the other end of the bridge. This tube (for purposes of name assignment called the Shiva Linga) winds all of the way through the bridge between the two cells (the target cell and the one on the other end of the bridge). The tube can be observed entering the nuclei of all of the bridge cells between the target cell and the cell at the other end of the bridge. After a few minutes, the bridge detaches and disintegrates. Biochemistry of the surrounding medium revealed no traces of the substance that created the bridge.

It is possible that the bridges are composed of some kind of condensed electromagnetism, taking the form of cells. Damaged cells were exposed to the particles. The actions of the Ganesh Particles resulted in both partial and full restoration of normal cellular function.

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It has been recently determined that Ganesh Particles will attach to normal cells, use the penetrating tube to enter the cell´s nucleus, but not form bridges to other cells. The results of the communication between the Ganesh Particles and normal cells remains unknown. The cells of the crossbridges are as tenuous and fragile as clouds. The restorative ability ascribed to these particles is being investigated as a possible treatment for the J-Rods neuropathy. To date, the Ganesh Particles have not been used in vivo, in J-Rods.

Theorists are also working on the possible uses of the Lotus (rock emission component + Ganesh Particle + cell interaction component) for everything from ecological remediation to how its use could reset certain aspects within the DCTP. I remain opposed to any application until much more is known about it.

The origin point of these particles has been determined. It´s quartz. That is, the vibrating quartz crystal. I am under direct order that "I am not at liberty to at this time announce the form of quartz or how the crystal may accommodate the liberation of Ganesh Particles. That order also holds for known changes in the genome of the cells targeted by the Ganesh Particles."

There are implicit weaponization issues that cannot be broached in this medium. Albeit this whole paper will be set for some kind of classification I am sure! :)

The base pairs, decoded from a world-wide detection of Ultra Low Frequency emissions at 1.618033Hz, appear to match certain base strings found in the target (injured) cells while they are being repaired through the actions of the Ganesh Particle created cells of the bridges.

The strings, working in concert with resident viral components of the genome (what I will call the "Vishnu" part of the Lotus) appear to set in motion a rapid cascade of activation and deactivation gene switches that promote cellular repair. I am not allowed to speak more to that issue at this time. By the way, if you are from Sweetness or working for, or in cooperation with that unit, I won´t help you anyway.

In nearly every paper I have authored about the Lotus, I have given a warning that the Ganesh Particle (what I believe could be the seed of life) is not to be toyed with.

Further, that it may play in the higher scheme (the Tree of Life and the Fruit of the Tree of Life), found detailed in sacred literature throughout many cultures. My warnings have seemingly come true in a few instances.

Some attempts to use this project in manners that would immediately lead to an applied technology have resulted in bad things happening to those doing it. Reports of angelic beings, described in a manner very like how the Kerubim allegedly appear, have been detailed to me.

A noted occurrence at the Shady Rest resulted in physical injury to certain personnel and massive property damage. Other reports, centering around the Staar-Flower (originally

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called Star Flower by me ... I guess they like their spelling better!) team at the Frenchman´s Mountain detailed severe physical and emotional injury to personnel, and the loss of personnel altogether.

The alleged beings have red-coal-like eyes, multiple (4) faces, and are dangerous to those not heeding warnings to give distance. It remains unknown whether the Frenchman beings related to the Lotus or the alleged stargate. The beings reported having done damage at the Shady Rest, were described in a way that could lead one to the belief that they are Kerubim , and such beings allegedly did directly announce that the Lotus is related to the Seed and Fruit of the Tree of Life.

I say: be careful! That´s all I can say. I am trying to be careful and respectful. We have enlisted the assistance of a very professional remote viewer who is attempting to help us clear a sacred path that doesn´t upset those seemingly in spiritual charge of this phenomenon. Results of the remote viewing exercises have assisted us in seeing the phenomenon from a philosophical, spiritual, and sacred geometry perspective. Some may conclude that such application (even in such an advisory capacity) isn´t doing science. That´s fine with me. We will continue to use it and hold its results in the right frame of reference. As previously stated by me in other papers: the Cosmos, Life preceded the tool of the whim of man, called the scientific method.

In conclusion, I want to thank you for the request, and say that I hope I have in some measure answered to it. I suppose when we arrived at our mutual destiny, we will know whether this project was of benefit. I seek a future not filled with the paranoia of such projects as the Rain Dancer, and its needless introduction of an agent to the sum of humanity. In that vain and with those things of this project to which I have just (in the last few hours) been made privy and am sadly not allowed to say: I see a future filled with the "Fruit of the Light of Loving-kindness" and "Healing through Togetherness".

Yours very truly, Dan Burisch

ADDITION: 8/11/2007"... life beyond earth may not necessarily use carbon-based molecules as its building blocks... a possible new explanation for the origin of life on earth..." http://physorg.com/news105869123.html

Dan Burisch

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:43 pm     http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=540 Post subject: ---FOR BILL---

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Hi, Bill... I've decided to make a public post about this as I feel very strongly that you are on to something very important here.

During March, 2004, I had reviewed two of your papers: "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" and "The Continuous Creation Process". Further, I printed and have subsumed the links for both. You recently remailed the latter of the two to me.

As you are well aware, the presently weakest portion of the Lotus Theory is concerned with the actual physical process whereby the portals open, and as a conduit of sorts, emit their "cargo." Hypotheses regarding this process range from micro-worm-holes to effecting holography.

What no one may know is that it has become my intention to eventually bring the Lotus Theory to a publishable form. The working model (what happens after the "particles" are on this side of the veil) is, of course, already "stored" somewhere. I have held off publishing because the data is still being collected and I must be very careful with certain numbers. I am reasonably certain it can be done, however, without handing anyone an energy weapon. The "widget" may be used in that process.

I believe that a few of your papers, when combined, will form the accurate physical definition of the "formation ---> emanation" process. Of course, you would receive the credit due. Your name will be placed as the discoverer of the physical theory. I should be able to integrate the counterpart metaphysical definitions into the physical ones.

Can you produce a physically viable combination of your... (1) Vortex work (including Moon's work and the platonic-atomic description). (2) "The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix" (3) "The Continuous Creation Process" ???

I have been watching the reality of process court you for some time, and I feel that you are very close to the condensation of the physics. I am aware that implicit in this process would be the temptation to produce a Mathesis Universalis (God forgive me Leibniz and Descartes!) and then concretize it via a calculus ratiocinator...I believe that the integration of your papers into a single one containing the above information is the appropriate first step (together with my team's Lotus Model) toward the same. We will leave the implications to the Darwinian paradigm alone, for the moment. It would take a bit of work on your part...but you are a hard worker! Wanna do it? ... (Bill Agrees) Dan

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~

More Posted here (Dec 4/05) ->http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart7Burisch.html

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Publius "...we have the Ganesh. That is: Dharmakaya. When most concretely conceptualized the Dharmakaya is personified as the Tathagata. This is therefore an apellation of the Supreme Being. This entity unfolds time and space and transcends time and space. Dan Burisch of course claims to have discovered the materialistic Ganesh particle that transcends time and space.

So to restate a Buddhist gatha in Burisch language: The Buddha Body fills the world (Ganesh standing for Buddha Body) Being immanent universally in all things It will make itself manifest wherever and whenever conditions are matured

Though it never leaves the seat of Bodhi What I am saying is that the Ganesh particle is the Buddha Body and not a materialistic atomie. The Ganesh we are told penetrates time and space and we encounter everywhere this indwelling body universally immanent in all things. Like the Tathagata, the Ganesh we are told animates all that is. It's essence is infinite, but its manifestations are finite and limited."

Dan (Burisch)

Joined: 08 Sep 2005 Posts: 181 Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:44 am http://stargateforum.13.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=105   

ubleck wrote:...some biophotonic information, one pretty good sourcepage... http://www.lifescientists.de/ib_003e_.htm

Ubleck...that's fantastic...thank you! It's going to be quite a chuckle when all those who say that the Ganesh Particle doesn't exist, find out that it is simply a composite of biophotons. Let me see here...aaaah...egg of zee face, no?Have a good one my friend. Dan


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skywatcher22 (Bill Hamilton) 8/6/2004 10:19 am EDT

Dr. Burisch Catselas. The Re/Search for the Truth Volume 18 Page 34

There are those who have come on this list who seem to be missing parts of what Dan has said or are not reading the documents.

The question has been asked as to why the J-Rods need us and would travel back in time to seek our help with their neural condtion.

Dan has answered this question some time ago. You are free to reject his answer, but this is what he discovered...

He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother´s" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the biomolecule...something he called the "joined resonance". I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called ´Homo sapiens sapiens´, and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn´t the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him. He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember) ´We are here in your present presence asking for help.´ This statement struck me dumb and made me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves? I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth. He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance". In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time.

Dan is not the only one who has revealed that some of these beings travel to us from the future. The formation of a number of diverse species from a single ancestral one is called an adaptive radiation. Geographical isolation is one of the many mechanisms of evolution or the adaptation of a species to a new environment. Zeta Reticuli 2-4 would certainly constitute a new environment and would isolate the migrating population from its origin.

Also, there may be many types of Gray alien and they may not all have the same origin, mission, or psychology.

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Morpheus Here (Bill Hamilton) Guest Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:15 am eaglesdisobey.org Forum    

subject: One Last Post On Sacred Geometry METATRON'S CUBE

First, Don, I hope you got what you want and need now. Yes, there is more as there is always more isn't there?

As to the message from the INNER SANCTUM, I will not answer that here on a public forum, but there are some things for the thoughtful to consider.

As we tip the Metatron cube forward, we see the sphere of the center now occupy the position where the three planes meet. The spheres in motion are toroidal vortices.

After the creation of the" Seed of Life, the same vortex's motion was continued creating the next structure known as the" Egg of Life". This structure forms the basis for music as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division. (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight ).

It was Michael Helios who discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tone scales for each of the Platonic shapes. He even tuned his keyboard to specific frequencies in order to achieve exact proportions.

In the Circle of Fifths we see another way in which the musical scale is related to Sacred Geometry, for the musical progression is an exact parallel to the Fibonacci sequence.

As we know, the Fibonacci sequence starts with the number 1, and proceeds by adding the two previous numbers. So the second number in the sequence also is 1, then 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on. And a graph of this sequence almost exactly matches the spiral graph of the Golden Mean sequence. One is finite, the other infinite. "As above, so below."

Fibonacci realized that the natural branching, flowering, and spiraling forms in Nature followed the same uniform laws found in musical scales, for his sequence mathematically predicts all of the intervals that comprise the chords of music. Plato, discoverer of the "Platonic" solids, believed that music was the strongest of all life's influences. In his treatise the Timaeus, he describes the numerical (vibrational-musical) creation of the physical universe and the soul that animates it. He called upon his students to activate the ancient shrines and sacred temples of the earth with sacred song, employing "perpetual choirs" in order to echo the harmonies of the Heavenly Choir.

The work of German astronomer and mystic Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) focused on the five Platonic solids, their harmonic ratios, and how these shapes correlated with planetary

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orbits and sound frequencies. He found the musical tones of individual planets, and the musical scales of planetary movements. As Stephen Hawking reports, Kepler was even able to determine that "four kinds of voice are expressed in the planets: soprano, contralto, tenor, and bass."

Excavating Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the Knights Templar discovered vaults of hidden artifacts and scrolls that described the alchemical sciences of sacred geometry and architecture and their relationship to sound, astronomy, and genetics. Ancient sacred relics also are said to have been found, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and secrets pertaining to Mary Magdalena and a Holy bloodline.

Inspired by this material, the great Gothic cathedrals, including Chartres, Notre Dame, Salisbury, St.Denis, and Cluny, were designed and built using the principles of sacred geometry and harmonic acoustics.

The angel appears with sphere in hand and an emanation from the flaming letters of the Hebrew alphabet emit a tone and windows shatter. The tone of creation and destruction. The golden spiraling waveforms produce a set of notes related to the flower of life.

The Aleph is symbolized by the "apple" and has the number 1 or 1000 and one proceeds to the left as in the archetypes until one reaches the 27th symbol Zadi and has the number 900 (9 x10 x 10) which is symbolized by the "tree" so one can see that the apple produces the seed which produces the tree and thus the cycle turns upon itself as in the fruit of life, the tree of life. As above, so below and tree and the fruit are also in the body and in the mind. These 27 compose the music of genesis.

This can be modeled also as 3 coils with 9 letters on each coil, now you rotate from Aleph to the right to BET symbolized by the House and Open the gate. Each of the 3 coils corresponds to 3 layers of a 3x3x3 cubic matrix. Aleph is ALL. Aleph is Oneness.

He who occupies the Inner Sanctum may be interested in this rendition and will comprehend its meaning. To those who are wise, this will have great meaning and to those who are otherwise will have little significance.

I will be away on vacation for a few days, but those who know me will know how to reach me. My salutations to the Good and Wise doctor. Blessings to the wise

Bill Hamilton speaks about 2012, Ophidian, Ganesh, quartz crystals, chakras, Galactic Center, Stargate, Etc.www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/billHcomments.html

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"...So if these ideas are accurate; the outpouring of energy from the sun at the Winter Solstice of 2012 could stimulate and reprogram our DNA. Enabling us to get back the missing information lost when the J-Rods attempted a genetic change at the time of Genesis..."

"...William Henry writes how in 2012 a healing ray or tone emanates from the Hidden Sun at the Galactic Core. This transforms our souls, which then emerge from the heart centre or core of the Milky Way galaxy. (This is where William Henry interprets the location of Christ's Court to be.) He therefore believes Christ's Court is located at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy at round 26 degrees of Sagittarius..." [Refer To the near bottom of this page] www.danburisch.info/b2/analysis/an_simple1.html

Dan Burisch

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:31 am   http://stargateforum.greatboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=11&start=780

"...I was recently solicited to produce a statement on Lotus, for a meeting of minds in the United Kingdom. I am attaching it as it may assist you.God Bless, Dan

Project Lotus

During the "time before time" and that of the Vedas, a cosmological paradigm describing a hidden order was revealed to humanity. Visualization of the geometry within this sacred order was said to connect one with the Universal. Immersion through music, dance forms, concentration on mandalas, centering meditation and reflection, all walked the Initiate toward oneness, as a process of revelation and life renewal. Shadows cast within "meeting tents," worldwide, forever connected their Holy Scripts as the nexus between we, our simple utterances, and the sublime; the same being found in the Universal's Supreme thought forms and frequencies.

Following a gap of time and presumed cataclysm(s), not unlike the fits and starts found in the fossil record, a re-emergence through Divine inspiration and rediscovery, matching the precision of mathematics to philosophical boundaries and discourse, once again brought forth the notion of this same order – calling us all, connecting each of us to every

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other being, and we to the Universal. Nature was 'captured' in the mold of transmission from the "ideal forms," and from thence to the "platonic solids" and their Archimedean composites. This assisted our glimpsing of an unfolding reality, infinitely and perpetually recursive, and only partially judged by our perceptions and the relationships they revealed.

An ever expanding statement of the holographic underpinnings of this matrix, we term the "Fabric of the Universe," has borne us along in the tributaries of time as counterparts with the Maha Vishnu, sailing within the beauty of the foaming cosmic sea. Our observations of the worlds of soul and spirit, the Holy Flame Letters from the breath of the Creator, thought origination in the "One", then to emanation into our physical reality, has once again united with the testable. We, in this thought from the progenitive 'Oneness', have conceived of Quantum Physics, the definitively active yet seemingly temporally recumbent chance and necessity of genetic mutation and recombination, and the force of "natural selection." Fractal models now allow us to empirically justify once only philosophically-based beliefs in the recursiveness of Nature and the patterns of equilibria within her machinations. Geometric relations between nodes on basic shapes, such as circles, are found related to ratios in music. Each of the aforementioned are uniquely tied to the 'Platonic' exposition of "Timaeus." Now, they give rise to yet another metaphor for the sustaining, multidimensional Tree of Life and Continuous Creation. We humbly call this metaphor: "Lotus."

Uniting, in process, the Creator Spirit to the Merkabah, its light code to the sacred tree, and on to the deca-delta mirroring manifold to the directional attributes of DNA-RNA and their legacy – the proteins; a new science emerges. With light frequencies and a defined level of force maintaining an electrical pressure between two points in a system, any silicon-oxygen bearing molecule bathed in the saline of the oceans, may act as an antenna to direct and temporarily sustain an extremely low energy hyper-vortex from the "matrix" – the template which some have called the "Higg's Field." This hyper-dimensional vortex of the formed, emanates to us as a microsystem of colliding photons moving in angular paths. We have called this structure, appearing as would a rotating oval mirror make one reflect to a child's gyroscopic wind-up top, a "Shiva Portal." Upon collision and intermingling of the photons, a bio-photonic-like burst yields discrete bundles of "subtle matter," believed to be the "Pavitrakas" of the ancients. They follow access rivers which proceed as tendrils of electromagnetic field concentrations, to cellular target locations in their immediate environment.

Three classes of such bundles, we have labeled "particles," carry (depending on their category) genetic-modifying packages and direction-of-path modulating capabilities. Simply put, some of these particles modify cells, others seem to act as "direction finders." Adherence and penetration to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is a primary function of one class of these particles. Once done, delivery of genetic-modifying information eventuates in manipulation, repair, and/or reconstitution of target cells. The particle's material, after completion of activity, diffuses back into the medium (and possibly the matrix from whence it came) in a nearly undetectable fashion. By population, most

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particles appear to reabsorb immediately after emanation, with no known action on cells or their environment.

The elucidation of this phenomenon, currently underway, may help us understand not only such grand events as the Cambrian Explosion, but also the interplay between Gradualism (G) and the dynamism found in Punctuated Equilibrium (PE). We should not dismiss any such evidence, such as for G, in favor of a sole option of PE, even while defending the Darwinian paradigm, but rather look to incorporate the two with the "Lotus phenomenon" as the common bridge. Such a synthesis would fuse evidence for 'far from equilibrium' thermodynamics (such as Belousov-Zhabotinsky) between the two competing approaches (G and PE) and possibly offer a resolution to the filling of biological "gaps of potential," by the exaptive pool, while removing the sting thought to be incumbent within the so called 'specter' of directed variability. Just perhaps, a peace offering between the infinitely ancient reality of God and the young sciences promulgated by humanity, is now being given to us, in this next stage of history.

Respectfully submitted, Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. _________________ "And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life." (Gen. 3:24 NWT)

Dr. Dan Burisch

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:27 pm  http://danburisch.forumup.org/viewtopic.php?t=6&start=600&mforum=danburisch

   Post subject: Re: Is it possible to see Ganesh Particles ?

Alpha Grey wrote:Dr. Burisch Is it possible to physically see Ganesh Particles around you ??

There is a reason I ask this.....although a bizarre one.

Great question! I can't do more of this, as I think Marcia wants me to produce an individual video about Lotus, as we are now up to tens of thousands of hi-res images and hundreds of hi-res videos...but...

Yes, possible, via two known modalities... (...there may be others...)

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1. The right light pulse and an excess of electrical voltage are applied to any SiOx bearing crystal, from SiO2 to the beryllium aluminosilicates (look up what X-Ray diffraction pattern the mineral "Beryl" makes...hint, hint)...if the right excess if provided, a flare trackable in the visual spectrum and the infrared can be produced. It appears that an energy conversion occurs, moving to the infrared, and such a flare can become macroscopic.

2. It appears that Ganesh Particles may (I say "MAY") enter our dimensional fields over varying scales. I have some imagery suggestive of huge particles, but hesitate to publish it publicly at this time because of so many nonsense factions trying to establish false claims about me. The subject will be dealt with, properly, if I am able to do such a product for public release. Dan _________________

Dr. Dan Burisch

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:09 am     http://danburisch.forumup.org/viewtopic.php?t=6&start=600&mforum=danburisch

Damn! There goes Pagemarker drawing me into the public, again! What is it about this guy?

PageMarker wrote: Did someone say 'Ganesh?' Those tasty little tidbits go so well with whole milk!

(Dan)--Welcome home.

Careful Dan, wars with 'Barbarous Pirates' have been fought over things less civil than adherence to copywrite and patent laws.

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(Dan)--All my Lotus research is now under copyright. I am not worried over usurpers. So, beryllium gives us the hexagonal form but the SiOx provides the tetrahedronal platonic solid designs you tend to be so fond of? (Dan)--Just a personal thing here, but I am less fond of the tetrahedron than the octahedron. I am going to proceed a bit "coded" here and the truth be told...and this will be shown to the public at some point, that the right relationship between spinning ankhs and the linkage of octahedra forming the vesica pisces...one can find interesting things, some say a grail cup and a cross of equal arms. Play with the constructions...you'll have fun! (Yes, I hold a dated copyright that too! If not, you would think less of me I'm sure! )

Is the application of the small electrical voltage possibly releasing the negative surface electrostatic potential of the crystal? I think a couple of test runs with your rock collection (I have one too!) would bear that out. (Dan)--Any such potential would necessary go right before the presence of portal formation, I'm reasonably sure. Remember the drop in resistance?

Think of the 'widget' as 'Spock's locator device' or a 'Geiger counter for gold!' Induced or natural phenomenon? Both, I suspect, but not naturally occurring enough without HAARPs help and a solar reflector?? (Dan)--We'll know if the Widget is possible within a year...rather, more succinctly said...we'll know if Lotus is natural within that timeframe.

Have you considered the possible existence of an 'antiparticle' to the Ganesh particle? (Dan)--The so called "Ganesh Particle" is not a "subatomic particle" but has been called "particle" for convenience. We had to call it something! It's a bundle of highly organized electromagnetism. You will find, sir, given a universe built with contained dualism, that "anti's" exist to everything. From me personallly to you personally, speaking formally, an approach to the Tree of Life as I would posit a Kabbalah-construct, for instance, must be made with the humility of a broken heart and through Love, and should be preceded by oral instruction from an adept. Even then, its unbalanced counterparts must be left alone, or we may find ourselves experiencing negative veils for which the human mind has no capacity to understand. At that place, my friend, the meaning of "Here be dragons!" becomes real and a possible danger to one walking that path. It is difficult to remain balanced when when goes to a place without fulcra. Take great care...while the spirit and soul may fly the flight of angels, the rooting of the mind by the brain imposes limitation.

"Just as the emissions originate from a matrix which may be modeled by us as an infinite flower of life, so too may the circles be drawn on an infinite scale. "

I don't buy this, Dan. I don't think this is how the universe functions. For example, you have a limited emission rate to begin with, and 'originate' implies a source. The 'flower of life' I perceive as 'eternal,' and not 'infinite', much the same as you draw the distinction between the 'seeds of the tree of life' and the 'tree' itself. I know you are not playing semantics with these terms, either. A circle is inherently finite. (Dan)--No, not intended as a semantic game! I suppose an infinite holographic overlay

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with infinite depth, and infinite scale. While the course of a single circle about a point is finite, given its defined radius, the numbers of such are not, nor are their variations in circumference. Such is the beauty in a gift (our universe) of the Eternal!

"I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space." (Ham. II, II 264). Thinking it doesn't make it so.. (Dan)--Indeed it does not, making our toilings in the soil even more important, but perhaps only to us!? It also makes us take stock in a common concept, often times with friends, so that we may perceive the subjective real to the many versus the even more subjective real to the one.

Take care, talk with you soon. Dan

3/30/2006 ~ the Solfeggio

" 'It' has arrived on the front page of eaglesdisobey.net. It appears to be a 4 dimension tesseract made of a mirror of cubes. Burisch and McDowell lifted the Solfeggio into 3D then 4D. When the Solfeggio is lifted into a 3D cube, it creates a matrix of numbers including 219Hz which is an A-tone just like they said..." www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart10Burisch.html

Dr. Dan Burisch ~ the magnetic poles

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.    Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:33 pm

"...While not a geophysicist, I do not regard the present movement of the magnetic poles as any false alarm whatsoever...nor to I regard their movement as an alarm either...aside from the many effects which may impinge satellite function. The present movement seems to be a natural event, part of a long natural cycle. That said, natural events (of other kinds) seem to be increasing in severity, if not in number, worldwide. Some of those events seem tied to natural cycles, others seem anthropogenically perturbed, and still others are being expressed as a function of our present position within the galaxy. Are the magnetic poles moving as a function of a "flip" of such poles? The reports I am reading suggest the answer to be "yes" however, a reversal of path, as the function of some sort of oscillation of the poles, may also be the answer. We will know as it "shows" us.

I am here to learn too! Could our current position, and vector, be promoting the movement of the magnetic poles as we are observing. Yes. Do I know this as a certainty?

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No. The information on T2 to which I was privy stated that just prior to the alleged future event, a magnetic pole "flip" had occurred. That said, given that we are as close to completing the transition as we are, and given the movement of the magnetic poles...the present evidence supports either conclusion...that we are going to survive the events within T1, or that T2 would occur right on time.

We are in a very pregnant moment right now...and the solar system is ready to give birth as the time of flowering. www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart12Burisch.html

Dr. Dan Burisch ~ J-Rod

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.   Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:29 pm


UncleJohn wrote: Uncle John here: Dan, were you able to ask any question to the jrod? If so, what were some of the unexpected questions and answers?

How many separate times did you have contact with the jrod? Were you debriefed after contact with the jrod? Thanks

Yes, the conversation between myself and the J-Rod flowed freely. It was, however, totally against the rules. We were only supposed to have formatted discussions, indicated precisely in our protocols. I fulfilled those protocols, but we also chatted as friends. The most unexpected things, just right off the cuff, was his explanation to me about Christianity, his concept of a Cosmic Christ and the integration of certain ancient symbols (like the Ankh and the galaxy) into that explanation where I had never thought of the two together prior to that occasion. His first occasion of speaking to me, while I was part of a B-Team on the s4-4 floor, preparing the receiving devices for another's (A-Team's) entrance into the Clean Sphere, was the most shocking! I initially thought it was extraneous thought as we were warned we could perceive while near the enclosure. I slowly figured out that he was speaking directly to me, even while he was at the far left...his normal position, and while I was across from him almost the diameter of the hemisphere's circle away.

His wit always gave me profound pause... While in the introduction gantry, just prior to entering the sphere, he told me we were "both captives" at that moment. Then, his statement to me, during post enclosure egress protocols... ..." an indepth report by Dan continues in follow-up threads...(continued) @ " 11:29 pm "

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Dex ~ J-Rod "joined resonance"

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006     http://danburisch.forumup.org/viewtopic.php?t=6&start=1875&mforum=danburisch

From Bill H. (Hamilton)

Regan, Here, from Dan's own writings, are the original statements he made concerning the "joined resonance". I do not know if they will clarify anything for you. It is my considered opinion that we know only what Dan has said about this which is not much and I have not heard it from any other sources to date.

"My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to suffer for his (and our) kind entranced me. Was his willingness based on logic and/or the preservation of favorable characteristics?

Well, it could have been, and that was my supposition before friendship. His current state may have had sequences that drove him to the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made, I found that while he was aware that his nerve degeneration disorder could have a future treatment, that was not his major concern. Rather, this logical being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to long to help set straight a series of errors in judgment and events that culminated in our being separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching for something lost, not being driven by something gained (a mutation). I had only really heard about the so called "Orion Beings". He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother's" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the biomolecule...something he called the "joined resonance".

I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called 'Homo sapiens sapiens', and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species? Didn't the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him. <>He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember) 'We are here in your present presence asking for help.' This statement struck me dumb and made me numb. If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves? I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth.

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He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance". In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time."


"...Dan discusses his experience in Area 51, where he befriended a captive J-rod called Chi'el'ah; his complex relationship with Chi'el'ah, extending across decades and timelines; his connection with Majestic-12; the war between Majestic and the Illuminati; the race to close down the Looking Glass technology and secure the man-made stargates leading up to 2012; the calculated chance (19%, or 1 in 5), that 4 billion people will die from natural catastrophes triggered by the activation of the manmade stargates; the twists and turns of the convergent timeline paradox that affect the aliens from the future as much as they do ourselves; and much, much more.

In this unique interview, Dan is entertaining, humorous, serious, emotional, articulate and sincere, as he responds to incisive questions... all the questions we ourselves wanted to ask in order to better understand his experiences..." http://www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart18Burisch.html  

Alledged J-Rod footage from 1993 - Given Feb 2007 disclosure date. Updates Part 24

Dan Burisch 12/19/2006 neweaglesforum (majestic 12 created forum)

Transcripted from "Part 21 updates" 12/19/06

enki wrote 12/18/06:

"As you have said before [Dan] the deconstruction or total destruction of the Looking Glass technologies will cause the earth to travel through 2012 with the mental evolution of it's people... Will these technologies ever be used again? can they? It seems to me that such technologies would be dangerous in the wrong hands. So... who has the right hands? - En.Ki"

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Dan: The upgraded technologies, along with the cylinder seals from whence they were originally taken, will undoubtably be used again. The deconstruction of the units, in each case (including the ones taken from governments by force*), was done methodically.

The parts were stored. [*For instance: During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Deborah (wife, Remote Viewer) actually supplied the location of one of the stargate units to military (with blackops) entering an area south of Baghdad.

The raid was reported by the press as a suspected possible WMD area with a "ring-like device" they thought was a centrifuge. It was no centrifuge. Another ring unit was destroyed by coalition airraids.]

I'm not sure what are the right hands. My personal feeling is that those damned things should have never been built.

What I do know is that the devices are in the hands of people who know when NOT to use them. Further, they are being transferred to the hands of people who have every intention of living long lives and handing their service off to their own children. My service ended, in that knowledge. I suspect that may not give anyone a warm feeling inside, and it doesn't me either.

The stargates are now in the hands of the "new body", who will store them until such a time as the transition is completed and I understand until well after.

Once done, I would expect they will hold long and hard conferences as to what to do with them. That's all I can really say.They certainly won't be handed to people who might just want something negative to befall humanity. Dan


Interview with 'Henry Deacon', a Livermore Physicist confirms Dan Burisch

" ... He said the Iraq stargate was what the Iraq war was really all about, that its location was one of the biggest secrets, and that the war was at least partially about control of it. ... "

" ... Henry clearly confirmed the existence of " Looking Glass " devices which could "see" into the future, or into possible futures. It was the details of the type of technology described by Dan Burisch (see this page) which Henry was unable to confirm personally.) ... "


NOTE: A Criptic Message From Dan About The War in Iraq - Updates Part 26 - 4/28/2007

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Addition:From '"notes" thread 12/19/06 (majestic initiated forum) ^

» ... I have received a few PM's...most this time aren't for public view...but...and I'm saving the best for last...(1) One person asked if there was any other person who could testify about the Looking Glass? Yes, in fact, DVD #2 will include the eyewitness testimony of Will Uhouse who observed the Looking Glass function in person. Further...there's more...much more...but I cannot comment on that at this time. The public will have to wait..."

Addition:"ClearEyes" wrote at PWR ...... I used to go to the chat rooms that were set up with him. We never knew when they would happen because it was up to Burisch and those of our little group who could be reached were invited.

One night the discussion was star gates, which he said was the reason the US invaded Iraq, to control the star gate at Babylon. He said there was another one in Bam, Iran, at the Citadel, and he thought if the US could not control it, they would destroy it.

Within hours of the chat there was a major quake in Bam, Iran, that destroyed the Citadel.

Dr Burisch 12/21/06 (excerpts)

Transcripted from "Part 21 updates" 12/21/06

" ... During the time of the Cycles' Cross (a time to begin within a two year period before or after 1982 AD, with a middle danger point within a two year period before or after the Summer Solstice of 1992 AD, and ending within a two year period before or after the Winter Solstice of 2012AD), that the efforts of the militaries of the aligned nations, of the world, sealed by their representatives in the Tau-IX treaty, with the Future Potential Extraterrestrial Intelligences, would require that assistance deemed necessary by the ruling organizational body (Majestic 12) to avoid the time of the determined cyclic catastrophe ... "

" ... "During the time of the Cycles' Cross" This is the period of the erection the Holy Cross...where we stand at the intersection of the Galactic Plane. The period we are now in...the one spoken about by the Maya ... "

" ... We learned a little more with the Looking Glass...that the period of greatest danger (physically) wobbled forward just a tad...to 2006 and just beyond ... "

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Dr Dan Burisch 12/28/06

" ... The facts behind that "truth," certainly enough to establish it as such, will be presented in the Lotus DVD, in 2007. (We will take great care with how the information is presented...as there are many scientists...worldwide...who are concerned with the possibility of being treated as we have been treated ... "

" ... I think it's wonderful! With respect to my previous statements, I have made it clear that I believed the electromagnetic bundles we called "Ganesh Particles or Class "A" Particles," "Pearls of Brahma or Class "B" Particles," and "Selkies or Class "C" Particles" were probably at least associated with the ancient Hindu Pavitrakas. I can honestly say that I am certain that I will be the first one to embrace postive claims of replication, previous discoveries, etc. ... "

Transcripted from "Part 21 updates" 12/28/06

Dr Dan Burisch UPDATE: ~ 2/4/2007


As for the Ganesh Particle...I have to be very careful here before certain publications and such come out...but I have concluded from reviewing the work of at least 2 others ( I HAVE THEIR MICRO-PHOTOS! ), that the Ganesh Particle (Class "A" 'Particle')...albeit named differently...has been previously discovered!

The Class "B" (virus-like transmission 'particles'), Class "C" ('Selkie's' which act like acoustic crossing guards), and "portals" seem to be (as of today) our sole novel discovery. Give it about a year...and quite a bit will come into focus for everyone. We have things we have to do, which will come to fruition in about a year. Patience. Dan Addendeum so I am being wholly and completely correct and truthful: One of the images I have may show a Class "C" Selkie (a Platonic cycling form...however I have no comment at this time as to specifically what Platonic Form), but it appears that the scientist producing the photomicrograph did not realize its presence or novelty, as he did not detail it in the description of the objects in the image. So...the realization of the Class "C" 'Particle' existence still seems to sit in our favor. Once more...I am not out to make a discovery...we may have...but I am trying to describe a phenomenon in nature which may act as a direct conduit of natural forces which interplay in evolutionary processes.

Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy


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" ... Dr. Hyman and his his fellow researchers detected an intermittent signal that seemed intelligently directed. The signal consisted of five highly energetic radio emissions of equal brightness that lasted 10 minutes each and appeared every 77 minutes over a 7-hour period from September 30 to October 1... " "... The discovery has left Professor Scott Hyman and the entire astronomy community "scratching their heads ... "" ... Radio bursts from the Galactic Center (Hunab Ku)... " " ... Hunab Ku was, to the Mayas, the supreme God and ultimate Creator. It represented the gateway to other Galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the Consciousness that has ever existed in this Galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayas, is also the Consciousness which organized all matter, from a "whirling disk", into stars, planets and solar systems. Hunab Ku is the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth. They also believed that the "Creator" directs everything that happens in our Galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic "Consciousness Energy" bursts ... "

" ... There appears to be a convergence between what the Mayas believed and understood and what modern scientists are discovering about our Galaxy today... " " ... On the Mayan Long Calendar the day designated as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin ( falls on December 21, 2012 and this day will mark "El Fin de los Tiempos" or the end of the long cycle at which time humanity will experience a new beginning... " " ... The number and magnitude of "natural" catastrophes appear to be increasing exponentially. Scientists have detected extreme and   erratic behavior in our Sun that in turn is having strong effects on our Earth's atmosphere and measurable effects on the other planets in our solar system as well... " "... Could the strange rumblings detected by Dr. Scott Hyman at the center of our Galaxy be a cause of the weather and other changes we are experiencing here on Earth today?... "

" ... Will these energetic bursts from Hunab Ku increase in number and intensity as we approach the year 2012? The Mayas would answer "Yes". On December 12, 2012 the Mayas said that mankind will enter and begin a new Era of heightened Consciousness. Perhaps, a colossal emission of a yet unknown form of energy will burst out of our

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Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 that will change the very physics of our World, a new physics that will last until the next cycle... "



Cosmic Rays Triggered a Rapid Acceleration in Human Evolution

" ... What caused this sudden leap forward? The Cygnus Mystery proposes that it was a dramatic rise in cosmic rays reaching Earth - and provides evidence that the rays, which left subatomic traces in those same deep caves, emanated from a binary star system known as Cygnus X-3. These findings, Collins explains, challenged the certainties of the scientific establishment - until, in 2005, a U.S. think tank went public with its own conviction that a binary system producing powerful jets of cosmic rays triggered a rapid acceleration in human evolution during the last Ice Age... "


".. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm of the Milky Way. We have now been "adopted" by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energy." http://viewzone.com/milkyway.html

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~Dr. Dan Burisch FORUM, LIBRARY, UPDATES



Interviews & Debriefing: "Project Camelot", Rense, "Tell The World", etc.

Page 183: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

~ NOTE: This not-for-profit site's creator, is not accountable for commercials.



STAAR° PROJECT Transcript of Dr.

Burisch's "Last" Interview of Sept. 18, 2002

Page 184: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

{With extensive notes by Ananda and elaborate Emmanuel material}

AS TIME GATE 2004 APPROACHES [now unfolding], THIS TESTIMONY SHOULD REKINDLE SOME INTEREST IN THE IMPORTANCE OF A CIVILIAN SOVEREIGN BASED TIME GATE. Dr. Dan Burisch, formally employed by the MAJI, herein confirms a whole series of levels of information that were predicted by Emmanuel. We have taken the time to add some of our own commentaries in this text and to add several excerpts of Emmanuel communications from upto 17 years ago, that are being confirmed herein...

The most important thing is the empowering nature it implies on a Civilian based Time Gate on behalf of the Sovereignty of mankind... Much of the Time Gate 1998 and 2003 signals have been documented by civilian scientists (as we have publically presented since 1998), and are being utilized by the MAJI as some of the most important national security domains, for those of the MAJI who want a harmonious transition through 2012, and beyond...

These are the galactic signals of the MANU, which are affecting the DNA "Light Body", which is increasing its 100 UPS coherent light signal output at present, as a result of the PHI signal from this Manu Gayatri network, effecting our Sun and Earth.

Most importantly, the work we have been doing for the last 2 years (with Manu Emmanuel guidance), on the Sri Yantra/hyper Sierpinski triangle, the Rg Veda DNA Omni-dimensional code, is also the highest prime directive of the seeding of Life research in MAJI (their work with billions of black budget dollars — so this area is one of the most advanced topics on the planet at present)...

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Their, so called, Ganesh particle, more properly the Maruta particle (the Maruta's outdate "ganese" by 50,000 years in archeological finds), actually is nothing new at all. The Sanskrit and proto-Vedic paradigms of the Manu accounts for it in vivid description, and many other similar families of particles (we have already presented the different particle clases in SION MANU III, and a PDF Manu-Script already sent, lists some of them), the "Ganese particle" is of the "Manu Anu" class of atom's, primarily...

This essential testimony of prime importance, gives added substantiation to the Vortexijah LOTUS vehicle... As you can see when comparing the Manu-Script III DNA Helix & Omni-D, with the enclosed pdf Manu-Script on the Rg Veda Lotus DNA and the Sierpinski Triangle. These stills from our animated slide shows will give you small idea of the significance of these findings of the last 8 months... In other words, this testimony, like Dr. R. Santilli's hadron physics, is another amplifier and verifier of the prime importance of the Vortexijah Diamond Body, and its activation at present, as the Vatarata vehicle of the Manu, to the Vehicle of Vehicles, the Manurata (Ati-Purusarata).

We first presented the STAAR Lotus documents of Dr. Burisch, in our Austrian seminar November 8, 2002, and linked the global PHI signals and some of our "New Universe" material to its contents... The signals from the galactic ETI, as gamma rays of 24 tetrahedron pulsed geometry, we presented already in TIME GATE 1998, in our Diamond Body Training in Thailand, when perfect conjunction with the Galactic Center was at hand, and the global PHI signals begun to become majorly apparent.

Our CD MANU & THE ALIEN PRESENCE, covers several 1000 pages on Dr. Burisch, as well as hundreds of other pages on relative testimony from others, and radio interview with former MAJI scientist Major Michael

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Wolf Kruvant — and with a copy of our book THE ALIEN PRESENCE: The Evidence For Government Contact With Alien Life Forms, some 108 covert and declassified government memorandum on the alien presence accompanies the text, together with short film interviews with military officers... Alain-Yan Mohr created a ingenious and humourous CD cover, very appropriate from "Bear technology".

Several more pieces shall be coming way of the Grailvine, to inspire the Time Gate Sovereignty.

At present microbiologist Dr Burisch, is willing to disclose his above top secret work in congressional or public briefings, if he is granted complete immunity, since he has been forced to recombine human and time traveling human/ET DNA into new DNA viruses used in the MAJI"s "Raindancer" chemtrail projects (an early variant of which some of us were subject to during the Time Gate 1996, at Vale, Norway... The CIA "stay behind" planes, from their local training center nearby Tonsberg, flew over our then southern Norway house, repeatedly, at low altitude, expressely during the Time Gate time portals we were active in, and on several occasions, 7 of us had to vacate the entire premises due to intolerance of chemicles sprayed on the surrounding land, and the nerve-toxin reactions we all were experiencing as symptoms... That various star ships came in the process of some of these Time Gate portals, probably did not help our case too much, in terms of the LOW chemtrails, but in terms of the Extratemporality of Coherence that we chose to personify on behalf of Sovereign mankind, the results in the years that followed have been spectacular... Not my idea, but one that was seeded here by Emmanuel, and especially at that time Omni-Temporal PTAH and Athena in Service of the One Creator, as Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness...

One of the most uncanny things to experience, was that after Athena showed her Golden Vehicle of coherence to

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Antje/Miranda Korth, and I pointed out the other vehicles in the sky that had detected her co-vehicle, that within a week or so, a microwave antenna was placed on the exact spot where she manifested her vehicle, and showed as its gateway nature in the "Tonsberg Zodiac" (a Druidic mirror of the Glastonbury Druidic Zodiac).

The brave testimony, and One Creator loving intention of Dr. Burisch, is one of the shinning lights emerging in the midst of this present world translation process. We are far more deeply in the midst of translation than most people have any idea of, except that "reality is not what it used to be, or what it appears to be" and the amplifications of polarities in just one day, are the equivalent of those that may have occurred in one month 10 years ago... We have often spoken about the converging timelines, since the Time Gate... Dr. Burisch gives testimony for other multi-time line paradigms he had the "need to know" above top secret security clearance for... The Time Gate, coordinated by the MANU, and the OT/ET races that are alirned with these Manu-Emmanuel"s, Manu Devakasa "Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness", has emantated a stabilized variant of the MAJI"s time loop paradox, right in the midst of their program, and it is irreversible, thankfully, for humanity...

 MAY this testimony Inspire you, to further the Compassionate Technology of a Civilian Sovereign TIME GATE, grafted to the NUMINOUS Omni-Temporality of true Immaculate MANUfestation. Towards ever greater coherent realization of Emmanuel's NEW UNIVERSE, in Golden Via Media.

—Ananda, April 7, 2004

REFERENCES: With TIME GATE 2004 rapidly synchronizing us towards it, we highly  recommend that you study, once again, in light of the Burisch testimony, the entire TIME GATE pages:

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Some pages also provide further substantiation in the form of radar data and graphs of the Lotus signals appearing over the world, during the time gate.

Emmanuel communicated the following on Time Gates of our time with implications on the MAJI Lotus Staar project testimony and beyond, some 14 years ago in Geneva:

"...As the Earth moves fully into a 4th dimension... in consciousness, in the consciousness time zone of 2000 years, (which is not as you count time, but is a level of consciousness) — it begins to merge with the other planetary systems and the consciousness"s that are exploring the other planetary systems.

"They begin to collapse into a harmonic resonance, where they indeed meet the future, and meet the past: the past and the future converge into the present, and thus turn into Sun/Son Light frequency [{ANU: All-Oneness wavelength}].

"This has an affect with the unification with the particular star systems that are connected to the Oversoul [{ANU Virtual Neuron}] that this sun came out of [{Vivasvan SIONA}], which Sirius came out off, and which the Pleiades came out of.

Therefore, this direct Oversoul is connected to those local star systems, and any transformations that take place within this star system and within this planet, naturally

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affects those star systems, affects those planets, and therefore, those consciousness"s are naturally aware of the interchange, are bringing in their quality to interchange. Just as many individuals, so called from the Earth planet and plane, are projecting themselves to the Pleiades, so that there is this interchange.

"The Key Note that is being reSounded within this planet and plane and, indeed, within this solar system, is the Key Note that is going to resound the awareness of the total universe to move into one unification [{the Ganese particle is just one glimpse of that Key Note NU tuning (NU = N-ew U-niverse)}].

"That unification comes through the bleeding together of all colour spectrum dimensions [{multi-timeline blending... the MAJI"s DCTP is only one aspect of this}].

"The common denominator to bleed together all colour spectrum dimensions is the consciousness that is being born in Earth, the consciousness of Love, to feel Love [{Love = ¯, the 1.618033 hz signal is the pure gold of Love, PHI}].

"That is why it has such an important influence on all other colour spectrum dimensions, whether they are in past time frames, or future time frames.

"You see there is going to be a converging of all "evolutions", so to speak, in the past present, and future, in other time spectrum dimensions, in other time frames. This is all happening through Earth."

—EMMANUEL April 6th 1990, Geneva Public Audience Transmission

"In some of the high mountain ranges in Scandinavia, the gate way has virtually remained completely open, from other ages, so to speak and to your perception, but in other time frames to our perception in this simultaneous

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mode... It will help the gate way be opened for the whole planet Earth. Within Norway, particularly, within the mountain ranges, and within Northern Sweden, there is the that pure energy which just needs a little reallignment within the consciousness...

"The 4th dimension is also in the process of ascension, and is relying first on the unification with this dimension. Just as many of the dimensions within the solar system are merging with their counterpart dimensions first.

"There are many dimensions within each of the planets that need unifying, and so move into a greater sense of unification. And so the counterpart of the third dimension is the fourth dimension, they are being united — all counterparts are being united...

However, many of these consciousness"s are not looking at this from the state of time — only if they choose to, now and then. And thus they are in a state more aware of being Sun/Son Light consciousness.

"They are more aware of what you see as the future. But they experience it NOW. They experience it in the Living Moment — because the future, the past and the now are the Living Moment. And, therefore, they are waiting for you to move into the unification with the fourth dimension, so this planet may also be perceived as the past and the future merged with the present."

—EMMANUEL, Exploring The 4th Dimension, Ascending The Universe, March 6th 1990. Sanctuary Meeting at Marina Munks.

MAJI"S STAAR LOTUS PROJECT Dr. Dan B. Catselas Burisch, (Ph.D., State University of New York, Stoneybrook), as a microbiologists was in covert operations at the lab facilities underneath Papoose Mountain Site-4 (S4), {Nevada Test Site, near Area

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51/Dreamland} since the early 1990s. Working on extraterrestrial tissue obtained from a live source. The aspiration samples were gathered and evaluated in his capacity as a microbiologist for the United States Navy.

Dr. Burisch is involved in a new covert project, the details of which bear a striking similarity to his work at Area-51 — his current participation, literally at gunpoint, are attempting to use his skills to alter certain elements of our DNA and RNA codes: reverse engineer and recombine human and non-terrestrial DNA.

The strenuous objections of the microbiologists on the project several years ago helped to slow the research, but now if left unchecked. DNA recombining of the human genome with that of the Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBE"s), appears to be one effort of grafting extratemporal time lines... About extraterrestrial biology Dr Burisch indicated that:

 "They use a somewhat combined variety of oxidative phosphorylation and ARF mediated COP-coated vesicles. It's also involved with an analog of clathrin-like coated vesicles (see, http://www.public-1.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~ubcg16s/research.htm

for mechanism by which clathrin coats mediate receptor-mediated endocytosis). Through their electron transport chain, both ATP and GTP are formed simultaneously. The organ, that corresponds to their lungs, gulps or traps the hydrogen which is then pumped through active transport using 'spiracle'-like tubes into an analog organ, much like our alveoli."

THE EBE"s rather than be ET"s par se, are considered to be a part of the human race in the future that mutated, according the MAJI briefing documents...

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Dr. Burisch worked both at the S4 underground base and the Bechtel organisation"s Dulce base, both having 9 main hive levels, and recently popularized in the sci-fi film Resident Evil (the Hulk, also features aspects of the Nevada Test Site, as does Hellboy... Resident Evil, however, is the first fiction film that has emerged with such uncanny accuracy of these clandestine underground bases. Dulce is the biggest in the USA, and we have detailed it since 1990 — some of the most outrageous projects have occurred there, include the Matrix/Walkin technology, human animal hybridization, and human cloning, but that is just the surface of the thing...

In this interview Dr. Burisch deals with the many timelines that are interacting with the covert government, MAJI, and our timeline, and its effects on our future and 2012...

WILLIAM HAMILTON: You were taken to the Dulce facility?

DR. DAN BURISCH: This was the first time I was taken to the facility at LANL, yes... {ANANDA: LANL = Los Alamos National Labs. Archuleta Mesa, Dulce, is tube shuttle vehicle connected to Los Alamos National Labs}

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Go ahead and just describe as you would...

DR. DAN BURISCH: Initially I was not told why I was being taken up... first to Watertown, then over to the Sector 4 facility.*1

I was asked to view certain slides from the Sector 4 facility which showed the papilloma [sp?] virus, and these slides were set up under a transmission electron microscope.

There were maps [virus maps] there... I was asked what my knowledge was of the papilloma virus, I told them it

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was limited, and then they told me they needed to take me to another location.

We boarded an aircraft, a very small Lear jet, and we flew east – we HAD to have gone east, for the geography was east....after landing, I boarded a chopper, I think it was a Blackhawk chopper to the best of my knowledge, as I"m not an expert in military aviation.


*1 Note: the infamous S4, outside of Area 51, at the ultra secret Nevada Test Site.

The Blackhawk was "blacked out", no pun intended, and we flew from the airstrip to what I was told was part of LANL.

From there I was loaded into a white van and taken up a road which was very bumpy. They finally, after about 15 minutes, allowed us to raise the blinds on the van. I saw a couple of road signs, one of which was a square white sign with black lettering that said "R4" {ANANDA: Major Dr. Michael Wolf Kruvant, may have provided info that could indicate R4 to stand for RET-4, that is RETiculum-4, the name of one group of EBE"s}.

 I was then told we would be taken to (myself and 2 other gentlemen) a facility code-named "Sweetness". They asked me if I had ever heard of the "Dulce Facility" or the alleged "Section D", as you mentioned [here Dan smiles as he leans towards Bill Hamilton]. I believe that"s what you"re referring to the other day. I told them I"d heard of it briefly, that it allegedly existed, that there was a lot of unique tinkering that went on in the biological field in that facility.

The van rounded to the left and stopped in front of a large door, where we were met by 2 gentlemen, one of which was wearing a US Marine Corps uniform

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[{ANANDA: MAJI interface through the Office of Navel Intelligence, and CINPACT}] and the other who wore a grey polo shirt, with black collar, and a red patch, very prominent red patch with a black triangle — something written in the triangle....you had asked me about the orientation of the triangle, and it was an equilateral triangle, with the center point facing down.... flat on top.... it bothers me when I can"t remember a pattern, but as God is my witness I can"t remember what was inside the triangle.

 {ANANDA: from security guard Thomas Castillo we know that there is a Greek Tau-T inside the black triangle of the NRO/Navy Delta Troops at Archuleta Mesa, Dulce, New Mexico. Variants of this "Trilaterial Insignia" have been seen on security guards in underground mountain bases in Arolla, Switzerland, and Holmekollen, old norse "hollow mountain" base, Oslo, Norway. Telenore (Norwegian telecom), being the stooge front of the clandestine operation center at the massively deep and extensive underground, and under ocean base. Spanning from the telecommunications tower at the Holmekollen pinnacle into several dozen subterranean storey levels, extending beneath the palace to the Oslo Akerhus ocean, and under fjord, to the Nesodden peninsula, using the extensive underground base utilised by the NAZI"s during WWII, as  well as having tube tunnels extending to the former NATO underground base, at Kolsos}.

 So.... we went inside, to the left, where a guard greeted us and provided us with an orange badge. We went within a series of roll-up doors, to a small foyer, with an elevator to the right, which took us down to the first level down....while we were going through the foyer I noticed there was an "FM1" sprayed on the door.

The FM1, I don"t know what that meant, I have not been told. If it"s anything like the 4-1, for Sector Four Level One at Papoose Lake, I would make the assumption that the "1" stood for "Level 1". The "FM" I don"t know. After

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travelling down one floor, we exited....this turned into a crazy bit of funny business [here Dan smiles wryly]...we exited the elevator, and they changed our badge for a blue badge.

We re-signed in and were fingerprinted at that point, brought into a small room, and were told that they had some business that they needed to attend to with regards to the papilloma virus, and asked if we had been briefed on the papilloma virus.

At that point, myself and the 2 other gentlemen kind of looked at each other and went "UMMMM?!?!?" [Dan makes a weird sound and chuckles], just what we had been asked a few hours ago. They basically looked disturbed, like someone had dropped the ball.

We then went with our blue badges in hand to a second set of elevators, went down one more floor, exited, where they gave us our orange badges back (or what looked like our orange badges). Following our orange badges, we entered into a –well I"ve never been to the New York subway, but it looked like a small monorail system, like something out of Disneyland....this business "it"s a small world" monorail. We travelled about several hundred yards on the monorail, exited, were greeted by a staff scientist, who then told us he would escort us down the hallway to show us our areas of responsibility.

At this point they had a near civil rebellion on their hands because we didn"t know what the hell they wanted us for. I was starting to get worried at this point, because they were basically taking us further and further into the facility and gradually doors were going to lock. But given the number of guards they had in the facility, and I should"ve said all along the way, there were people with what looked like AR-15s, clearly not a place to fight. So we went down the hallway and into the briefing room, at which point we were requested to perform an analysis of plasmic recombination involving restricted enzymes on a

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variety of tissue to remove segments of...of...a retrovirus fragment and to...if possible, associate that retrovirus with the genome of a papilloma virus.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: What was the source of this tissue?

DR. DAN BURISCH: The source of the tissue was listed with a J number and a K number. The 2 scientists that were with me did not immediately know what that meant. Given my experience at Sector 4, I knew fairly quickly that I was dealing with a J-Rod sample.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: An extraterrestrial biological source?

DR. DAN BURISCH: Yes. The J-Rods are still defined, despite what we know concerning the issue of the Paradox, as "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities", given the dissociation of time between Earth and where they end up.


DR. DAN BURISCH: I don"t do things without reason. The 2 scientists that were with me I didn"t know from Adam previous to the meeting, but I kinda spilled the beans and I let them know about the K-24 samples.

The K-24 samples from Sector 4 specifically involved the research project having to do with Project Aquarius for which I was one of the Working Group leaders. Ummm.... pardon me, but these are very difficult things to say with a camera staring at me [Dan is nervously toying with his glasses as he speaks.]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Proceed at your own pace.

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DR. DAN BURISCH: [smiles darkly] I have no choice! BUT. [laughter from the hallway; Dan stops and stares darkly at the doorway for a moment].

 Following my spilling the beans, now proceeded the interrogation; they wanted to know why I told them about the K-24 samples, and it"s the old axiom if you"re asked why? you ask Why Not?

The interrogation was ceased fairly quickly at that point, and we were brought into a Clean Sphere environment, external capsule Clean Sphere, where we were told what the real purpose of the project was. [long pause....] ummmm.....now I have to be VERY careful [smiles grimacingly]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Is this something that...

DR. DAN BURISCH: [interrupting, in a rehearsed, anunciated monotone:] Having had no previous experience with biological warfare [looks around] (and I don"t have a polygraph hooked up to me here)...[repeating] Having had no previous experience with biological warfare materials, it came as quite the surprise to me that they could possibly be considering the usage of an alien retrovirus recombined with a terrestrial viral genome for possible use in BCW or at least possible activities that could move toward biological warfare as applied terrestrially. [long pause]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Hunh! [long pause]

DR. DAN BURISCH: The potential for its use in that kind of environment was inconsistent with my ethical boundaries. It would have exited the ethical boundaries I place upon myself as a scientist, and that I believe society places on me as a scientist, it would also far divert from moral boundaries I believe my Creator has placed upon me as a human being.

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Therefore my answer was No. [pause] And I thought that was it, and I don"t mean my participation ... I thought that would"ve been "all she wrote". They agreed to house me in the facility, where I went with my cute little orange badge to a residential unit a little further down the tram line and one level below that (they did not change my orange badge when I went the level below). My experience during the time I stayed there was horrifying. You know when you hear human beings screaming in pain?


DR. DAN BURISCH: [long pause; he grimaces, sighs in anguish with eyes closed, obviously in pain at remembering] I think I"ve said all I need to say about that.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: So, have you seen any similar activity at the Papoose Lake site, S4?

DR. DAN BURISCH: (nodding his head yes) Yes, S4, Level 3... which is basically considered the "housing unit"...its been called different things; the "Museum", the "Housing Unit", the "Hall of Tortures"... the "Animal Retention Facility".

One of the horrifying things about the S4 facility is travelling in the elevator system and there is enough of a sound conduit in the elevator system where you can hear the sounds of the "test subjects" from the 3rd floor while you are in the elevator system on various other floors, and the sounds are akin to what I heard at the Dulce facility.

{ANANDA: Level 6 at Sector-D, Dulce, is akin to the Hallway sector in the film Resident Evil, where animal human gene combinations through biowarfar technology were housed... In Dulce, this section Ultra C above top secret security clearance, as testified by the now

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assassinated Thomas Castillo, is way beyond what Resident Evil described, dubbed "Nightmare Hall," here animal-human combinations of all varieties have been seen. In our MANU III series of seminars we describe the MATRIX reality engineering projects that these are part of... The editer of the Swedish X-Files magazine (formally "Hard Times"), told us in Dalena, Sweden, April 1994, that he has interviewed military personal and other agents, who have testified their observation of similar animal human mutation research in underground bases in Sweden, including the "Twin Peaks" base near Stockholm. There are less reliable rumours of similar bases throughout Europe}.

 Every once in awhile you could hear the sounds of other vertabrates... dogs, cats, monkeys, screaming....some of which are just natural behaviors due to how they"re being kept, in sterile –when I say sterile I mean not conducive to a [?] environment, more like a housing facility such as a kennel, and occasionally you can hear the sounds of [here he chokes up] your brothers and sisters....

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Now the J-Rod was kept on the fifth level, the bottom-most level, in a clean environment?

DR. DAN BURISCH: [nods] A pressurized hydrogen Clean Sphere, yes.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Part of what the J-Rod breathed; was that different from our own nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere; that was different from our own in what respect?

DR. DAN BURISCH: In the respect that the larger partial pressure was hydrogen, and in so doing we have a pressure differentiation and a temperature difference. It was an extremely cold facility, in the Clean Sphere. There was insufficient oxygen in the gaseous mixture to

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support human life, human as we understand it presently.

In other words, if I had been introduced into the Clean Sphere, not wearing the TES [suit] I would have died... rapidly, from asphyxiation and from cold.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Was the mixture flammable?

DR. DAN BURISCH: [nods vigorously] Yes! Well, not flammable at the temperature it was being maintained at. Yes, it was extremely cold....I don"t remember the exact number [degrees]...it"s been a long time since I was in there.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: So when was the last time you were in there? "94, was it?

DR. DAN BURISCH: ummm...


DR. DAN BURISCH: [smiles knowingly] Oh, you"re probably referring back to the Q94 document... that is, in fact, a date...[murmuring as BJ comes in to the room]... the infamous "109a", and b, c, d, & e....unfortunately, the rest of the document didn"t....didn"t leak....

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Now this latest [here Dan interrupts, finishing his thought, obviously experiencing painful memories, saying "I"m sorry...I just thought about how it got out, and what happened to my friends....."]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Now this request, which you turned down at Dulce, and they weren"t too happy about....

DR. DAN BURISCH: I re-turned the request down the following morning, at which point I was threatened to be maintained as a permanent resident [smiles sardonically] and I asked whether or not I would be taken to the

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"kennel", would that be the result of my residency, and they kinda laughed it off almost scurrilously, and I was transported later that afternoon back to the Air Force base here at Nellis, from where I was taken back to Watertown [insider slang for Area 51] and released [chuckles darkly] to my own recognizance....

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Did you feel like you gained further insight into what the Program was about, and what Majestic was doing.....

DR. DAN BURISCH: [interjecting] Well I know full well what Majestic is doing on a few different levels; I don"t know all the activities, I wouldn"t be privy to them, but I know full well about the activities involving the association of the J-Rods, I know full well about the "work" that they have undergone involving Raindancer, which is a compartmentalized project within the chemtrail project, [Duncan Kunz should fall on his sword now], and I know full well what their involvement is regarding BCW work (Biological and chemical warfare) involving the retroviruses.....

A: I agree with trying to help, but moving cautiously... B: The second of the two, I am in disagreement with the philosophy, because it was the employment of a heli-case restriction virus, and C: I am in total disagreement with due to moral and ethical reasons.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Now, was there any indication to you that we"re still caught on a timeline that is probably headed for future catastrophe?

DR. DAN BURISCH: [long pause.....he mulls the question over] You"re talking about the Doctrine of Convergent Timeline Paradox?

WILLIAM HAMILTON: You might want to talk about that a little bit...

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DR. DAN BURISCH: Well, as I understand it, as I understand... I"ve got no personal, how can I have personal experience with a time paradox? [shrugs shoulders, gestures pleadingly, smiles almost incredulously] aside from living in the reality within which we exist... but from what I understand from what I"ve read, and from the conversations to which I"ve been privy, we are in fact living in a chimera....a reality chimera, which hodge-podges together the reality time-line that we would normally associate with moving from A to B, cause to effect, with the nexus being the passage of clock-time... and a hodge-podging together superimposed onto that in our reality of errors that we made in our future, to attempt to go back into our past to correct the problems of our future.

Those results have hodge-podged a ... rather than splitting a time-stream as maybe such people as Michio Kaku would posit. Now I"m no theoretical physicist... I"m just a lowly biologist that looks at patterns.... but it hodge-podges together, in a real sense to us, those things which happened... are to happen in the future with our present timeline due to a...a...an interruption of the time-stream.

Instead of splitting into two time-streams, what happened is as soon as we mucked around with something, we overlaid a second time-stream into the present reality. And the problem with that is, as I understand we did it more than once, so what we have is a snowball effect. A time-stream, upon time-stream, upon time-stream......[loops his hand continuously in the air]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Okay, I understand what you"re saying....a loop within a loop....

DR. DAN BURISCH: Yes, more of a ... well, from my framework, moving from A to B [here loops his hands again, and points to where the loop returns to rejoin the string] looping like this, and each of those nodes would

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be an overlay of a time-stream. So the more we muck with it, the worse we get.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: And the critical period of time is coming up within about ten years?

DR. DAN BURISCH: [starts to half-nod diagonally] The critical period, according to the history [here face breaks into incredulous smile] of... which has not technically been written yet... if you walk outside and say this [gestures grandly towards the door] they will charge you with incoherency! [laughs, then whispers "I had to say that!"].

The history has not been written yet, if you walk outside here. [now he is extremely serious]. But according to the history books that I read, there is a "difficulty", unless they further overlaid something in the time-stream that either corrects it or gets us out of the paradox in which we live, which I don"t know how the hell that would happen.

I don"t pretend to understand that kind of stuff. Put a slide in front of me and I"ll do a micro on it, okay? [here he is smiling and addressing his response to BJ]....[returning to Bill and the camera] but yeah, around 2012.

We"re talking about the famous Dec 21, 2012, the Mayan issues... the Catastrophe is alleged to have and to occur around yeah, that date.... and what we can do about it I have no clue.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: But we have a split, so to speak, in the human...?

DR. DAN BURISCH: [nodding] Following the Catastrophe, there is a split between those individuals that take a more spiritual path and will move forward to places such as the Moon and Mars and then onward from there to Orion, and those folks who take a more

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rudimentary path because it"s the alleged "spiritual" nature of humankind, from their philosophy at that time, which led us to not deal with the pressing problems of the day because we were too busy fighting our petty religious battles, that then go off into a more "logical", "mathematical", "numerological" philosophy.

Those folks who then progress SLOWER because of the lack of ambition –spiritual ambition – then gradually moving off to the Reticulum area, who then become the J-Rods.

{ANANDA: We gave extensive information on Alternative 2 and 3 in our 1992 Radio Nye Tider and Radio Unicorn broadcasts. The ultra secret Moon Base ADAM, and Mars explorational base EVE. We cited from the "M" project documents of president Rosevelt, by the Manhatten project scientists, after WWII, that started these secret space program initiatives, including extensive lunar minning operations (hiding the actual nature of mars and Venus was central to this planning the documents allude... Only now is the public being told that they were lied to by NASA on Mars, with water announced, and now just recently Methane in the air, indicating that vegatation is growing there — something we stated in our press conference on the Alien Presence, January 1991, Copenhagen, Denmark). We cited from the testimony of astronaut and physicist Brain O Leary, on his knowledge of the secret space program, as well as reviewing a former architect who desgined the Lunar subterranean buildings, under covert contractorial conditions, during the early 1960s. When on air, we received a phone call, from a person who gave inside information on a secret manned Moon landing, before Apollo 11, and other material of similar ilk... In the 12 years since then, the case of Alternative 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 has strengthened, and the projects and operating Operations are highly elaborated and extended therein... A great deal of these projects central Nexus is temporal fidelling...}

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WILLIAM HAMILTON: Now, by what process do they become (J-rods); is it some kind of radiational mutation that takes place in their cell structure?

DR. DAN BURISCH: Well the adaptive radiation occurs time past the Catastrophe... now this is according to what I"ve read. Now the only thing I can say for sure, say for damned sure, is the interaction with the being that I had at Sector 4  [S4].

Now I can say nothing authoritatively about the peculiar adaptive radiation that occurred toward Orion, the spiritual half of the species, following the Catastrophe... aside from the few things I"ve read about it and petty chat going on at, uh, Jehovah"s [Jehovah"s?!? Did we hear that right?!? –ed. {ANANDA: There is Project Jehova, under MJ44, AKA MJ12, ergo the MAJI. There is the JeHOOVA computer intelligences from the future — see THE ELOHIM COMPUTER series of Grail Vine"s and Grail Zines for details}], but the J-rods undergo adaptive radiation to the form that we see presently... uh, the word "presently" is kind of relative when it comes to these issues now but, "presently" due to time and exposure after they"ve moved off to Reticulum.

The height began to decrease as a function of microevolutionary changes. The eye size, the same; the eyes started getting larger...which by the way is an interesting thing, because as the eyes were getting larger, and this was before the true darkening occurred, via the cover lenses, and the double lensing, the double lid system that they have [here Dr B toggles his fingers to describe the double eyelids of the J-rods] which is a very beautiful architecture, but the... something happened, with their travelling back into time... it"s part of the problem...where they actually landed in the Land of Enchantment [tag line for the State of New Mexico] before the structures changed for their eyes.

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WILLIAM HAMILTON: [slowly, amazed] The land of enchantment...

DR. DAN BURISCH: [knowing nod] Um-hm. 1947.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Okay. New Mexico, right?

DR. DAN BURISCH: Yes, and I"m not so certain how close the young lady was and how this all fits in even in my own life. Miss June Crain. [remember that Dr B"s given surname was Crain, which he changed in "95 at his own request; June Crain is mentioned in much of the lore surrounding Roswell]

But the little folks which were obtained there were not fully, what I would say, fully "greys" at the time, and could not be considered fully J-rods at the time because they had not moved later on to the Gliese system to gradually hopefully try to correct the problem that they"re making worse for us but......[here Dan heaves a huge sigh] paradoxes....

{ANANDA: We presented extensive information and paradigms of Gliese, in our April 10, 1997 Berlin seminar... Showing several slides of the unique anomalies that are occurring in that star region, as part of the galactic unification process to the N.U. of MANU.

Emmanuel"s ATON-RA communication series, such as The Andromeda Call, The Universal Harvest, The Universal Game, and Maintainers Of The Dream, share paradigms that surpass the present MAJI Alternative 3 and 4 projects, at the security clearance level that Dr. Burisch has his need to know clearance on. There are higher levels of MAJI that go further. Actually the changes occurring at Gliese are a signal that these projects and future time lines are in the process of phase-conjugation and thereby phase-cancellation, through Omni-D Coherence.}

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WILLIAM HAMILTON: So this may....

DR. DAN BURISCH: I can sound incoherent! [laughs out loud toward BJ, she laughs too]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: So this may have been at some point where they had developed space and time travel, but not at the later stages, maybe the earlier?

DR. DAN BURISCH: Well their evolution hadn"t even been completed at that point. Completed to the point where I had had experience of meeting the "gentleman" that I met at Sector 4. [pause] It"s difficult... we were trained to call them "specimens" and they"re just frankly not specimens. People are people. But they had not developed the darkening system yet.

In fact that was a microevolutionary change which occurred because of the particular solar issues which were going on on the planet that we – meaning the shorter folks – moved off to, and these changes were just beginning to take place at the time that they were working the time travel issues and landed in "47, so their eyes actually contained a structure which while larger were very similar to ours. Which they don"t have now.

But that may account for the varying opinions between the darkened eyes and the structure of the eyes that the eyewitnesses provided from I guess it was the Brazel ranch or something like that... I understand there was some sort of differential between the two descriptions. I have not seen any of the bodies or anything like that from the Roswell issue, so I can"t speak for certain,... you asked me to free-wheel in this situation, so I [here Dan leads forward and gestures apologetically toward Bill and the camera]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Right. And you didn"t get briefed specifically on what happened at Roswell then?

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DR. DAN BURISCH: In the briefing books there were mentions...okay? And there was probably a very heavy specific briefing in there, but when I was first brought up to the Groom area [part of the Area 51 complex –ed.], when we were provided with the briefing books, frankly I didn"t care.

I thought I was up there, to be very honest with you, to work some sort of ... bio-remediation project? uh, more leaning to what ended up in reality as the Raindancer program.

You know, the Raindancer and the chemtrail program...because I was extremely interested at the time not only in the histology and the histopathology but I was also extremely interested in biospherics, which is what got me interested in, what forwarded me in with the NASA folks, and the AVL project, the biological laboratory project, etc etc... so I wasn"t particularly interested, and in fact, before I experienced the "gentleman" in the Clean Sphere, I frankly thought, honestly thought, that people who believed in aliens were tin-foil heads. [Here Dan shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head, then chuckles wryly saying "egg on my face!"]

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Were there not any other aliens at the Dulce facility, or were you not made aware of any?

DR. DAN BURISCH: I was, in fact, made aware in a conversation that there are processes underway where they are, in fact, producing hybrids. [pause...] And it is just, inconceivable; we"re in the middle of a paradox as it is; we"ve got our own progeny making our paradox worse... [pause]...and we"re ADDING to it!

God only knows where this is going to lead to, simply because we"re proDUCING these, these, I don"t want to say monsters because I don"t know WHAT it is, to be very honest with you. I do know that we"ve taken the process of natural selection and thrown it out the

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window! [Dan is getting passionate now]. And not only have we done that, we"ve done so willfully and with negligence toward our own future! It"s extremely angering to me because I"m watching us.... (boy, I"m gonna hafta watch my language here!) I"m watching us muck our world up worse, with indifference....

BJ Wolf: and also with arrogance....

DR. DAN BURISCH: Or almost! As soon as you add 2 things together which are not meant to be together [here he turns to Bill and gestures with his forearm] It"s the old thing, if you want to go into the popular movies of dinosaurs and men being seperated by 65 million years of history, in that...that...Jurassic Park movie or whatever, the rape of the natural world, well by God he got it right! We"re raping her! [Dan is really impassioned now; you can tell this is what has gotten him so angry].....and damn us for it! Damn us for it!

WILLIAM HAMILTON: So, what do they hope to accomplish by producing these hybrids?

DR. DAN BURISCH: That they didn«t tell me!

WILLIAM HAMILTON: And what do they hope to accomplish by producing hybrids?

DR. DAN BURISCH: That they didn"t tell me. Not specifically....{ANANDA: grafting timelines through DNA intercalation, preventing the EBE/J-rod from vanishing in their timeline} I can theorize that what they"re doing is taking the Aquarius project and they"re taking it to the next step... the next level, if you will. Kinda like taking the atom bomb and turning it into the hydrogen bomb, no matter what evil comes out of it.

BJ Wolf: At the end of the Q94 document, you make some rather strong statements against doing exactly this....

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DR. DAN BURISCH: Wild types [at this point Dan"s demeanor becomes grim and passionately determined...] See the problem is this: we have viruses which are resident within our genome.

When you begin combining , cloning if you will, for lack of a better term, the retroviruses which are present in our genome – what we would say naturally – and god only knows what"s REALLY in there because of the reality with which we"re dealing... and those things which we know are NON-resident....what are we possibly going to release?

 {ANANDA: this is using the "ANU" Virtual Neuron Invarient Vehicle of our D4 DNA, to enroute the MANU Omni-D Life Semantics and Numinous Syntaxis, as a star gate. Or reality synthesizer portal junction. Floating "junk DNA" and triple helices are aspects of this culmination... The TIME GATE, is the public version of correcting the covert time traveling garbage, instigated by our Omni-Temporal and Extra-Temporal gender... AKA Ptah and co. From the Andromedian OT Eschaton. If Dr Burisch ever gets to read THESE notes, he just MAY have the right security clearance and "need to know" to read the MAJI files on our  "contacts", which will go back to at least 1986, from the Rudloe manor research team files, in England}

Can anybody tell us what the origin of viruses are? They tell us they are evolutionary archives; throwbacks from time immemorial in the evolutionary history of life on earth. "Really?" [Dan asks rhetorically]

I was asked about inconsistencies a little while ago about USN vs. USMC. I brought out a consistency having to do with my own birthdate... 1960 vs. 1964.....and I said "gosh gee whillikers, I was awful young then".

Well how young were we when life evolved on this planet? [at this point Dan is as animated as Bruce Willis

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at his most vehement] Or in fact was seeded? How young were we then? How do we know? We don"t. Thus is also... causes the resident danger within the project within which I am currently working.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Which is the Staarflower project...

DR. DAN BURISCH: It"s a subset of the Staarflower project. I originally.... it"s named the Lotus. Staarflower was the umbrella project above it.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Now I see that spelled two ways...Starflower and Staarflower.

DR. DAN BURISCH: The way I originally envisioned it was Star, and then you see it the way that "They" applied it, within the actual classification system which was Staar.

{ANANDA: Dan did not understand the etymological logic behind using "staar" instead of "star"... I can answer this plainly, in Sanskrit, star is also written staar. So this is the most ancient form of our word for the stars, emerging from the OT and ET components of the MANU (the Vesvedevas of the Manuvah: OT"s, and space gods of the Manu Devakasa: ET"s), and ANU-Nabi races, in holographic omnitemporal textile symbiosis with our life and cogniscent fabric, or scalar vector matrix}

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Does that refer to a group?

DR. DAN BURISCH: Well that in fact does, well... it"s a "beanbox". We refer to them as "beanboxes". I"m in a particular beanbox which is called Aquarius. There"s a Staar beanbox, and that group specifically deals with time issues, issues involving the larger millieu of extraterrestrial interactions, and with the historical issues involving the imprints of the extraterrestrials on

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civilizations past, and how those imprints affect us today. That"s as I understand it, but see that"s not my beanbox.

BJ Wolf: I"ve gotta go back to something before you started talking about STAAR....

DR. DAN BURISCH: (rooting around in his chair) We each get our own little funky....funky Aquarius uh....

BJ Wolf: I"ve gotta go back to something you said: "Terrestrial viruses are an archive". However, previously you had said that they had asked you to "manipulate non-terrestrial source material and.... lock it up with something that was terrestrial" so if we"re trying to tap a source material that is extraterrestrial and viral in nature are we going back into the extraterrestrial history to try to find an extraterrestrial ancient virus that we don"t know anything about the extraterrestrials now?

DR. DAN BURISCH: Well first of all I didn"t say that. First of all I have to correct you that viruses were evolutionary archives, I said that "it is currently thought that viruses are evolutionary archives".

Secondly, are we dipping into the primordial soup of the human genome and possibly going to capture other encoded retroviruses and activate them as a result of the present time-dipping of our ladle. [Here Dan is the deadly serious scholar with the forefinger punched into the temple of the ponderer].

Yes, possibly we are. Thirdly. [here he takes off his glasses, shuts his eyes in a dark grimace, resting his temple against his fingers...] Do we know for certain WHEN the certain percentage of the human genome, which we know as  virally and at some uh....uh.....other fragments Viroid fragments.... Do we know the percentage that came via natural selection ----micro-evolutionary change... I"m not going to have myself classified as a monkey"s uncle... [here both Bill and BJ

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are laughing] although I could accept it, if that is the ultimate reality, why not! If I can accept what I"ve seen already in my life I"d have to be able to accept that... Will we be able to discern between the two, I think is the question...

BJ Wolf: That is my question...

DR. DAN BURISCH: The answer is "NO", unless we are receiving more information from the Orion folks, (whoever the hell they are, truly)... we, the "spiritual" ascended beings or whatever... I don"t know, I don"t have any direct experience with them... or are receiving more information from the J-rods than to which I am privy, then the answer is, (if we"re not), the answer is "No, we don"t".

If we are, "possibly". I don"t know what the nature of the information would be that"s coming from them, because they"re not providing me with that information.

BJ Wolf:  What you get is compartmentalized... just exactly what it is they think you need to know [here Dan"s body language is saying "Duh!" "Of course!"]

DR. DAN BURISCH: Look. If it comes out that we are in the fix that we are in.... what is that going to do??? how is it going to help or hinder? Hell, I don"t know!!!

Would the collective mind of present humanity bring us toward a positive answer? Look at the state of the world! [here BJ is pacing back and forth behind the camera, and Dan follows her with his line of sight]

BJ Wolf: It couldn"t get much worse!

DR. DAN BURISCH: What are we going to do? Are we going to hand this to Kofi Annan and the United Nations??!!?? Hah hah!!!!! And I"m not meaning to belittle the man!, he"s an intelligent, wonderful man!

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[here Dan looks and sounds like Bruce Willis at his most earnest]... but what in the hell"s HE going to do with it??  What is the collective mind of humanity, given our present mentality, DO?!???

This may bring us to a faster demise by increasing more... fractionation of the human populace!!!

We haven"t even figured out yet that THIS god [points to the left] and THAT god [points to the right] and THIS god {again] and THAT god [again] ARE ALL PART OF THE SAME GOD!!!

So how in the hell are we going to figure out that problem?? No matter what you want to call Him, It, Her, whatever.... the beautiful thing from which we come!!! People want to own everything, EXCEPT the solutions. The thing which will free us, is if we own the solution, but "They" want to own the process of getting to it.

(Transcription note: There is a break here.)

DR. DAN BURISCH: The clean sphere would raise up through a diaphragm iris from the floor. They kept him (J-Rod) in a separate location – I don"t know what they were doing while he was being staged there before we came in. They never told me that, OK?

However, the 4-5 designation was given specifically to make him comfortable because of the addition of the two numbers, which is in fact why they built a 9-level base. And there have been a number of people in the past – Robert Lazar, I believe mentioned nine.

{ANANDA: scientist Robert Lazar came forwards on the 1989 Nevada Prime Time News with his testimony on Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) involvement at the S4, Groom Lake base, at the Nevada Test site, ergo Area 51. ARV"s are part of project REDLIGHT, and this project was extensively detailed in our 1991-92 Danish radio

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broadcasts. The 9 level base, follows the bee hive cone system of the Knight Templars and Free Mason"s, it is also featured in the film Resident Evil — where the Insignia of the base, is the Templar cross, and it is a 9-levelled beehive system run by an A.I. computer "Queen Bee". The Bechtel"s Dulce base, also was reported to have 9 main underground levels, by ultra C secuirity clearance officer, Thomas Castillo. However, both Dulce and the S4 base, have another 23 levels, in addition to the hive-9...

Major Robert O Dean, formally with the NATO SHAPE study called "The Assessment," on the alien presence, and serving 15 years in the Intelligence "black world" of FEMA, relayed to me personally, in September 1995, when we were scheduled to speak together at the same congress, Milan, Italy, that he was aware of the 29th level of S4, underground, which has the exotic "tunneling" transportation system. See our 1993 book THE ALIEN PRESENCE: The Evidence For Government Contact With Alien Life Forms}

But going in, there would be an entry team, usually a team of one when we would go into the clean sphere. We would be given a medical and suited while catheterized and plugged...

... (first words about degeneration of something are not clear) which was associated with a heat loss problem due to the peripheral nerves.

LINDA MOULTEN HOWE {EMMY AWARD DOCUMENTARY FILM MAKER}: Then how could J-Rod be in a very COLD hydrogen atmosphere?)

DR. DAN BURISCH: I was asked specifically to find out the origin of that problem having no idea at the time about this time paradox business and all of that. No clue whatsoever about it.

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I was basically just trying to help a fellow being. Finally, it was determined that the only way would be a cloning effort, or clone therapy, genetic therapy.

The only way to proceed with that therapy would be to produce hybrid associations between present genomes, human genomes - (very hard to hear) - a present human genome with their (J-Rod) present genomes. We tinkered a little bit with (says something here not understandable) fresh human medium - (I"m not going to get into the origin of that fresh human medium.) – so that we could by associating genetically the fresh human media with his medium, a partial alleviation of the peripheral neuropathy.

This then lead to the next level - that we were chatting about earlier - and it also lead to the end of the Q-94 document referenced earlier.


DR. DAN BURISCH: Sure. That"s not a problem at all. We speak in America freely. In 1986, I was told to "Be All You Can Be." (military slogan?) I was not told there would be a circumventing of the United States Constitution for me to be all I could be. I was not told there was a certain ???? of the United States Constitution in the group for which I worked. I feel a pressing need for freedom and having grown up in a reasonably free environment, having signed myself into the slavery that I now find myself within, it"s pretty easy for me to say, "Enough is enough."

Now, on to the higher values that people would probably want to say the real reason why I want out – (I just gave that"s a personal reason I want the hell out.

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DR. DAN BURISCH: They probably know I"m seated her today (room in Las Vegas, Nevada library). I"m sure they do. I"m sure they do. Now, whether or not they want this information evolved and are aware that I am sitting here, or they are just aware that I"m sitting here, I don"t know. I don"t know. That"s the big question: is what I heard was a project called PATCHWORK, which would be a spoon feeding of the people of the information, because I only know a certain amount. I don"t know everything.

Who is running the show? You asked who is running the show?


I"ve come to know a group – I shouldn"t say I"ve come to know the group. I"ve come to know of the group called the Committee of the Majority {MAJI}. This committee is built of thirty-three men. They are Masonic-based and they are people who set in the highest positions of privilege and power within the U. S. government and other governments.


DR. DAN BURISCH: As I understand, yes. It would be difficult for me to name names of people and I don"t know for sure are seated there. It would also be dangerous to the very cause that I set here for freedom (for myself.)


DR. DAN BURISCH: Majestic 12 is a group of scientists and scientific advisors who work for the Committee of

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the Majority. Now, I have had occasion when I was involved with Project Aquarius to have to send to the, so—called Majestic 12, the documents which you are privy, the leaked material from my deceased friends. And I had association with them on that level. One of the Majestic 12 – or I should say was alleged to be a member of Majestic 12 – was present at the clean sphere when I was in the clean sphere.

{ANANDA: From my research perspective, the above statements add credibility to Dr Burisch, since MAJESTIC-12 appears to harbour disinformation components, and are by and large another series of projects — they are not MJ12, MAJI-12 or MAJORITY-12, also known as MAJESTY-12, who give Majestic clearance... Dr. Burisch, thereby is not spoon feeding the disinformation project, par se, but is implying the deeper compartmentalisations involved... See our THE MAJESTY REPORT, 1992, and THE ALIEN PRESENCE, book, 1993}

I"ve mentioned his name before. This might be risking again my freedom because of the very problems we face now as a society. So, I"ve got to be careful about that whether or not that sacrifices my freedom.



DR. DAN BURISCH:  His first name is Zbigniew. That"s as far as I will go.

{ANANDA: Since our 1990-1992 radio broadcasts on the Alien Presence and global shadow government, in Denmark, we have repeatedly named and listed Zbigniew Breszinszki, together with Dr. Kissinger, Dr. Teller, and George Bush senior, as members of MAJI. Based on our elaborative and exhaustive research efforts of the early 1990"s, including military testimony... Burisch adds

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additional testimony here. Dr Henry Kissinger, briefed the Oslo Free Masonic mother lodge, on the alien presence, in 1989, a direct source informed me, whilst I  was giving a seminar in Oslo, August 1994}

I had personal experience with that man Zbigniew. He was in fact present at Sector 4 when I was involved with the J-Rod. Going out from Project Aquarius, I had come to a closer association by means of up and down the line, the conduit, with the Committee of the Majority.

I believe that the Majestic 12 group only associated with particular extraterrestrial projects that are going on that are going on within the community and not associated with the entirety of the scientific projects which are going on within the community.

The project we are currently working with, for instance, is not per se an extraterrestrial subject-based project. So, the fact that I"ve been told not to route things to the Majestic Committee of 12  concerning the documents that I"ve been producing is kind of indicative to me that they are only dealing within a certain subset of the scientific projects. More than that, I don"t know or can"t say. I would just be stabbing in the dark.


DR. DAN BURISCH):  Yes, is the umbrella group. Again, as I understand, they are Scottish rite Masonic based. I think they might be a little lenient with me because my grandfather was a (high ranking) Mason. Maybe that"s why the leniency. But I don"t see the leniency, I see the fuse running short, starting to run short with me and I - you know, you can hear the clarion call in the distance.


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BE ADHERING TO AND THE NEXT PERIOD COMING UP WOULD BE OF 2003 {ANANDA: This was the MIDPOINT of the TimeGate, and the Lotus pattern on the Sun, showed the extraordinary significance of this window}.



DR. DAN BURISCH: The only thing I know for sure is that their relationship with us is treaty-based.


DR. DAN BURISCH: As in the alleged Orion visitors and confirmed Reticulan visitors. It"s a treaty-based relationship. That treaty and negotiations for further cooperative work is due for re-upping and that re-upping is due in 2003.

Now, I"ve been kind of hurried up in the project in which I am currently assigned. I"ve been told to have a working model of this theory presentable by March 15 next year (2003)

{ANANDA: Iraq war, which Bechtel org, is now restoring... Like letting loose resident evil in Iraq, genetic research, new species emerging, whilst their Delta troops are in the Sumerian underground crystal computer portals — another story related elsewhere, with interesting testimony. TIME GATE 2003, was the MIDWAY of the entire 14 year Omni-Loop. The Lotus-AUM signature then appearing on our local star the Sun, was the perfect Phase-Conjugate signal to dePHIne such a Midway Congruencey}.

There might be coincidence having to do with those two dates, or it might be entirely coincidental. I"m not sure.

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Why are they letting this happen? I don"t know. I have not been able to move right or left without getting watched, that I know.


DR. DAN BURISCH: I don"t think they are doing it out of their good graces!


BJ Wolf: They had the classic look, the feel. They didn"t feel right. They were wearing black, they were wearing like a fedora (hat). It was terrifying. Instead of meeting Dan, I was met and I don"t know what these people were.


BJ Wolf:  No expression in their faces. It was terrifying. They spoke and it was like they had rehearsed what they were saying because they couldn"t speak naturally. It was wrong. The whole thing was wrong. It felt wrong. They walked wrong. They moved wrong. They were pale. I finally broke and ran. I was scared to death! I haven"t been able to go back to that park since. I can"t do it.

DR. DAN BURISCH: My experience – your description is consistent with gentlemen with whom I"ve had previous encounters. They would come in and observe what was going on. A few of them attempted to interact with me and frankly, I don"t care to interact with them. Like I said, it might look like a duck and it might quack like a duck, but if it ain"t a duck it ain"t a duck!

BJ Wolf: I was made to feel threatened. I was definitely made to feel threatened.

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DR. DAN BURISCH: Their presence is threatening and the reason why it is threatening is because you can – have you had the experience of being in the presence of a dead body?

BJ Wolf: Oh, yes, I have.

DR. DAN BURISCH: An animated dead body, isn"t that approximately the same – an animated dead body?

{ANANDA: Also the theme of the film Resident Evil, the Matrix projects of Dulce having engaged biological warfare agents with DNA engineering, and IBM cray Matrix/soul algerythms, of Tesla longitudal scalar vector matrix co-efficients, that are NMR summations of several organisms... The "zombie" animation follows similar lines, that uses exotic ELF and Tesla-L Maxwell corrected physics, together with bio-superconductivity, hyper-fractal octonian 8D equations and technological access, and cohorts... For this reason Santilli Hadron physics are black listed in the USA, since it is the covert above top secret science on that continent. Actually just simply the real Omniscience of the universe from the Manuvah Manufestation Manufactory}

BJ Wolf: Oh, my God, that is so close it is unbelievable.

DR. DAN BURISCH: It"s not – this is going to sound like something out of an idiotic horror movie, but it gives – to not overuse the word, it gives an "alien feeling." They sang me Happy Birthday one year, two of them.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: They are like ghouls.

BJ Wolf: That"s it!

DR. DAN BURISCH: I don"t know what the hell they are, to be very honest with you.

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WILLIAM HAMILTON: That (ghoul) is what we would think of.

BJ Wolf: Yes, it felt ghoulish. When they walked towards me, it felt ghoulish, it felt like they were thinking about each step they took. They weren"t moving normally.

DR. DAN BURISCH: They seemed out of place. Or maybe it is that we feel out of place being around them. I don"t know. But they seem out of place.

WILLIAM HAMILTON: Dan, we should start wrapping this up. Is there anything you would like to make a statement or something as if you were talking to like the large audience I was talking to up in the Bay area. What would you like to say to the people?

Besides the fact that I don"t believe the Queen of England is a reptilian?!

Yes! (laughter) Is there some kind of statement you would like to make?

DR. DAN BURISCH): I could sit here and be self-serving with a statement. But there are things which are much more important than my selfish nature. We are walking toward, at the moment, a time of human destiny. The decisions that we are making at present are enhancing the potential for the ill-fated decisions that we are supposed to make in our future to occur.

I hope and I pray that we make the right decisions. However, I have no idea what those right decisions are. The only thing that I can hold to personally, taking off the guise of the biologist, is being a human being. the only thing I can hope is that whoever He or She or IT is – we wish to call it Creator – that protective force that is surrounding humanity since its inception – I pray that He is listening to our weeping and pulls us back from a precipice made of our own designs.

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WILLIAM HAMILTON: I appreciate very much your giving this interview tonight and I"m not sure that you will be decorated or promoted for it. But ...

DR. DAN BURISCH: I"d like to know in whose armies?

WILLIAM HAMILTON: But I think we all appreciate it and whoever in the future listens to this and watches this tape, I think they will be given much food for thought.



° STAAR : Reportedly formed in 1958 at the height of the Cold War, the creation of STAAR was a direct response to the threat of armed alien invasion.

In the years after World War II, as US and USSR pilots continuously set new high altitude and performance records, an increasing number of strange aircraft sightings were reported near the boundary of Earth's stratosphere. After the infamous Roswell, NM crash in 1947, the Pentagon took these reports more seriously than ever before. Although the records are sealed, and most of the evidence and witnesses having disappeared, the Roswell incident is the first documented crash of an aircraft of extraterrestrial origin. The remnants of the craft, and the pilots (one of which was reported to have been alive at the time, EBE-1) were taken to a nearby Air Force base. Eventually, the wreckage and bodies were transported to Wright-Patterson AFB and EBE-1 to Los Alamos Labs, see our book THE ALIEN PRESENCE, for details and documentation.

As an Elite Strike Force and citing the need for extreme secrecy, President Eisenhower established the STAAR task force so that it would quickly respond to and counter alien threats. The strike force specialized in quick mobility and was trained to handle situations beyond the

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control of the conventional military. This was deemed vital to national security, since if it was ever learned there were extraterrestrials on Earth, the result would be widespread panic and open vulnerability to nuclear attack. Hence, tapping resources from the CIA, the National Science Foundation, and the conventional armed services, STAAR was born.

Standing for Strategic Tactical Advanced Alien Response, STAAR is composed of, at any one time, only a few dozen individuals who have been recruited from their own disciplines to form the nucleus of the team. Consisting of top experts in advanced computing, astrophysics, biology, cryptography, communications, diplomacy, explosives, hazardous materials, and intelligence. The team is also rigorously cross-trained in military combat skills (including hand-to-hand combat and small and heavy weapons usage) and survival. As technology has evolved and progressed, the level of sophistication of equipment allocated to the STAAR Team has remained a step ahead. Tied in to the massive quantities of data available from satellite networks, radio telescopes, and other monitoring sources, the STAAR Team stands ready to detect, respond to, and counter any signs of alien threat to Earth. While this much is known about the Team's charter, the locations and whereabouts of Team headquarters remain undiscovered.


alphabet: insider slang for a government agent, from the use of acronyms as titles of government departments

aDNA: ancient DNA

Area 51: Facility at Papoose Lake

BCW: Biological & chemical warfare

bird: insider slang for alien

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 crossbridge: A group of 32 cells (8 tetrads) formed from A GP which extends from the target cell to a secondary cell. The crossbridge is associated with a shiva linga

 CotM: Committee of the Majority. A Scottish rite Masonic based committee of 33 men operating with U.S. and other governments

 DCTP: Doctrine of Convergent Timeline Paradox. In this doctrine consequences of time travel are stacked in reality like a stack of cards

DMT: a hallucenogen. {ANANDA: HAL = holon/whole; Luce = light; gen = gender... AKA DNA-light holography reception = DMT + Pinoline/harmine. Molecules whose precise NMR resonance architecture are antenna"s for the DNA 100 UPS 200� – 900� coherent light signals and language: the "viSION" is DNA tell-a-vision par excellance, and is a quantum many world superspace switchboard, when in a cybernetic unit relationship, with bio superconductivity/M-field, and precise sound harmonics.

Since DNA and RNA fluorescence studies bear out that these two Pineal gland molecules are superior DNA and RNA intercalators, for Pinoline/Loturin/Harmine and DMT/5-MeO-DMT respectfully. The DNA exhibiting binomial co-efficient double Klein bottle symmetry and asymmetry (4D +); and RNA plane D4 Klein bottle morphology... The harmonic molecular frequency tuning of these molecules also plays a key role... However, scanning through the entire chat forums and thousands of pages on Dr. Burisch, none have as yet caught up with the science and advancement for detail in several chapters of our book THE SOMA CONSPIRACY... NMR 8hz = Ganese particle Laiason intercalatories}.

 Dulce facility: Facility at LANL east of Area 51. "My experience during the time I stayed there was horrifying. You know, when you hear human beings screaming in pain?" - DrB

EBE: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

GP: Ganesh Particle; emerges from an activated quatrz crystal and travels down an electromagnetic river to the target cell. Once attached, one end of GP opens up like a flower and the shiva linga

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J-Rod: A class of EBE from the Reticulum area. Chi' iielah -- the particular J-Rod associated with DrB --was housed in a pressurized hydrogen Clean Sphere at Level 5 of S4, and had a degenerative neurological condition. The appearance of the J-Rods is similar to that of the "grey" aliens recovered from Roswell.

Land of Enchantment: insider slang for the state of New Mexico

 LANL: Los Alamos National Labs

Lotus Protocol: A genesis mechanism associated with the Tree of Life

Lotus Project: a subset of the Starflower project

Maj12: A group of scientists and scientific advisors who work for the CotM

MJ: {ANANDA: Maj12. Majesty, MAJI, MAJI-C — Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence Control, as par the testimony of Navel Inteligence officer Wayne Terpstra. See our 1993 book THE ALIEN PRESENCE: The Evidence For Government Contact With Alien Life Forms}

Patchwork: The controlled release of information to the public.

Pearls of Brahma: a group of viruses emitted from the GP on the side offosite the shiva linga

Rancher: George W Bush

Raindancer: a compartmentalized project within the chemtrail project

S4: Sector 4 facility outside of Area 51

Section D: biological tinkering facility

Shiva linga: The tube that emerges from the opened GP to penetrate another cell

Starflower Project: A project which deals the effects of extraterrestrial interactions throughout history and today

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Sweetness: insider slang for the Dulce facility

T9 treaty: the reknewed alien/covert government treaty.

Vishnu Schist: Source of quartz crystal in the Frenchman Mountains, Nevada

 Voynich Manuscript: An encoded document written by Francis Bacon {ANANDA: the evidence linking it to Roger Bacon is better, in terms of logistics... The Andromeda nebulai shown in the text also features in other Roger Bacon "contact" tales... Friar Bacon catalogues numerous UFO flyovers passing his Friary... He also sought to burry into secrecy the clear sign posts of SOMA "the herb of grace", as the 7th Initiation, as being "to powerful" for the majority of mankind, and initiated the obscuring of the 7th level into Occultation... This is an involved story. Dr. John Dee, father of the Royal Society of Science, and Agent 007 for Queen Elisabeth, as well as being Sir Francis Bacon"s Cabalistic and Cryptographic tutor on the art of cipher and cryptographaeia par cryptologaia — was desparately trying to open the "star gate" portal to the sources his predicessors had access to, including, Roger Bacon, to a limited degree; the SION AOM order, like the Flammel"s and Blanchforts; and, to a limited degree, Monk Udolphus of Achen. Dr. Dee was aiming to the Pegassus Square, which includes one of the stars of Andromeda... In 1998 one of the TIME GATE PHI signals of the Gamma Ray post-Euclidian galactic net, emerged from Pegassus. Dr. Dee wa an inheritor of the legacy, who failed to gain full access to the Omni-Science and Omni-Cogniscent Numinal"s — OT and ET"s. MANUminal Omni-Temporal"s and ANUminal Extra-Temporal"s}

Watertown: insider slang for Area 51

Yellow Book: A book showing possible futures {ANANDA: started by the EBE"s from AV crash retrieval"s of the 1940"s — Krll, AFFA, and Alomaar continuing it, from the late 1950"s, and under Project Plato, physically from the 1960s. Numerous EBE offshoots, have contributed to the various Yellow Books, which are complemented by the Blue Book Report #13 and Operation Majority Report}


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{ANANDA: Let us now very briefly skim retrace this ancient genealogy, starting from the Manuvah creator god Manu Brata Vakaspati/Brahmanaspati. One of Manu Brahmanaspati"s son was called Marichi, who had a son called Kashyapa.

Kashyapa is also known as Manu Prajapati, "Lord of Creatures"—a very important character and root of the Christ Mythos. Kashyapa married thirteen daughters of Manu Daksha, another of Manu Vakaspati"s sons. Out of this marriage came most living forms:  man, demons, gods, animals, and all living beings. From one daughter in particular, Manu Savarna, came Manu Vivasvan the Oversoul Logos Sun god, who according to different accounts or calculation appeared in a span of 120 billion years, past, present, and future, as Manu Savarna is the anthromorph of Manu Salhvana (in Sarasvati Numi-jargon), only now coming into Manufestation 1998-2012.

In the Bhagavad Gita chapter 4, Verse 1, the whole history of the introduction and transmission of Kriya Yoga is explained, the embodied godhead relates "I proclaimed this imperishable Yoga to Vivashvan, the sun god... I was before creation came, and have countless incarnations in this universe."

Then further explains that this technique of Kriya Yoga was first given to Vivasvan, then Vivasvan gave it to the son of the Sun, Manu Vaisvata. Manu, just like Noah, survived a great flood, and also became the progenitor of the human race, in this Bhumi Loka dimensional loka-lity. The first three letters of Manu are man, which is a Sanskrit root meaning "to think". This is the same Sanskrit root that gave birth to the English word "man".

This Manu was the seventh Manu of a succession of 14 world progenitors, which marks the lifespan of one universe (i.e. one day of Manu Vakaspati ergo Brahmanaspati).

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Manu in Soma sacrifice Manufested as a female animation, Ila, the "daughter" who is his "mother." (Anthromorph). Manu Vaivasvata and Manu Ila had nine sons. One of them was Ikshvaku, founder of the solar dynasty. One of the representatives of the lunar dynasty was Pururavas.

Pururavas married an apsara, which is a form nymph race. Together they had three sons: Ayu, Amavasu, and Nahusha. Through Nahusha, he had one son Yayati. It is with Yayati that starts the lineage of the clans that will be fighting in the Mahabharata war, as an extension of the dimensional, time, and star wars.

Yayati had two wives: Devayani and Sharmishtha. With Sharmishtha he had a son called Puru. Puru had a son called King Bharata. Through this lineage of King Bharata came King Hastin. King Hastin later founded a city called Hastinapura. Hastinapura is very important in the Mahabharata war. It is where the Kauravas and Pandavas princes grew up together. This city is actually one of the main reason of the future war.

 Then through this same lineage came Samvarana who married Tapati. Tapati was a daughter in a long descent from the Vivasvan ANU sun god. Together they had a son called Kuru. With Kuru comes the famous lineage of the Kauravas.

 Yayati and his other wife Devayani had a son called Yadu, from which came the lineage of the Yadavas. The two main lines of characters: the Kauravas on the one side, and the Yadavas on the other side — it is the Via Media, the golden middle way of these two lines, that gives as the alchemical marriage of the Sun and the Moon: that time is now upon us, and emerging within our midmost depths.}

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MAJI, ET DNA & THE Doctrine of the

Convergent Timeline Paradox


{Additional Emmanuel material}

This message was a response by Dan to another member of the "Projects" and contains plain language about his work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, and his beliefs as a person and a scientist.


"Within your physical form, your DNA and genetics, is the store-housing of the collective unconscious of the universe. You contain all of the universe"s experiences. It is a complicated explanation, but your word format gives us no choice within the perception of duality. Therefore, in your genes, you have the entire universe, if that makes sense.

"Those individuals, therefore, who experience the transition into the astral or collective unconscious ocean, which has many densities and layers, will wake up to the living neurological systems of this planet, which is interconnected to all other planets and dimensions within this universe. Within those collective unconscious dream format one has the potential to create infinitely more dream realities...

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"The [Kala-Ran] Empire is used in the sense to gain more of the riches of the illusion, more of the dream, playing more of the game... They are playing a game and are enjoying that game, on physical planes, interphysical planes and spiritual planes."

—Emmanuel, Salvana, Sylvia, The Universal Harvest, January 1991 


This is recorded for posterity for it will be those who inherit the future who will discover the truth or falsity of these statements. 

The first information will be Dan's 'non-technical' statement about his work.


Quoted as dictated by Dr. Dan Burisch

"Dear Politically Prepared:

This question stirs memories of my best buddy (we will call him "Mike") and myself when strolling near the Old Chem Building, it seems not so long ago.  He met with me, between my having to attend a lecture and going to another session with a seasoned professor trying to straighten up my youthful "problems" at that time with my "melting point unit" technique--but that would be another story. :)  [I still hold that it was that particular damned machine's fault! ... :()...] Mike told me, between my over-eager questions about the blackops community I was preparing to enter, that a man of science, in our community, was only as good as his ability to explain himself: to his God, other scientists, and the non-science members.

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Thus far, I pray I have at least fulfilled the first two in the list.  I feel comfortable with the first (God), and given the support of the various National Laboratories and their quiet assisting scientists, okay with second. The third seems to be the greatest challenge.

If you have college preparation in political science, I am hoping that you have had at least some basic undergraduate preparation in biology.  If not, I fear that I will not have the time necessary to explain myself, before I am due to return to the Shady Rest. If I fail, I apologize in advance.

For so long I accepted the classical mechanisms that Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian Theory provide (together with other genetic/population dynamics data), and extended my science into their accepted belief system: the one that leaps from microevolutionary changes that result in speciation, to the dogma of the common ancestor which links the evolutionary path (albeit dated) of the earliest bacteria to the human. 

I laughed with my fellow theorists at the Creationist's "misinterpretation" that inanimate rock gradually yields life. I relegated the Creationist belief system to fanaticism and the Darwinian belief system as science and truth.

Frankly, my experience in "training" for Project Aquarius and the J-Rod extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) did nothing but enhance those beliefs.

As our future plays itself out (within the conditions I have read), the genetic divergence which caused the difference between we (now) and us (the J-Rod species, later) fit well within the same mechanism posited for our gradual development from a prehominid to the modern humans we see today. 

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The interrelations with the Neanderthals, and our current body shape also promoted me along the trail of Darwinism.  This, together with the psychological nature of the J-Rod (a future, evolved, logical, and mathematical/scientific

kind), made an easy fit with the dogma of modern evolutionary biology.  It was all good, and all my training seemed to match.  Then I became his friend.

 My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to suffer for his (and our) kind entranced me.  Was his willingness based on logic and/or the preservation of favorable characteristics?  Well, it could have been, and that was my supposition before friendship.

  His current state may have had sequences that drove him to the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made, I found that while he was aware that his nerve degeneration disorder could have a future treatment, that was not his major concern.  Rather, this logical being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to long to help set straight a series of errors in judgment and events that culminated in our being separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching for something lost, not being driven by something gained (a mutation). 

I had only really heard about the so called "Orion Beings".  He only inferred their existence and called (I presume them) as the "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that led to his peoples existence, and his "logical" processing of the need for rejoining because of "something" missing from his and the "Brother's" DNA; something not based in the sequences of the biomolecule...something he called the "joined resonance". 

EMMANUEL 1990 CONTACT: "There was such a group of civilizations that evolved within Orion, that were also becoming extremely enthusiastic with the

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exploration of physical mass and the using of technology. They became very enthused with utilizing the energy, or power, of the universe that was based on the chaos principal. This chaos principal gave them a drive in their mentality... that which we term the Empire. These are individuals who are God also. They are exploring unique aspects of mind and are very much wanting to gain power over many universes....

The contact with the civilization of Orion, who became based upon the planet Mars... occurred in the form of... wars, that took place deep into space utilizing light, laser and psychic technology and which involved some of the other bases on the other planets of the solar system of the Empire.

"And the brothers of the other dimensions, in the other planets, began overlighting the physical bases of the Empire, in order to try to transmute other individuals in them into a higher understanding...

Some of these bases were established upon the planet Mars; one of the moons of Jupiter known as Io, and one of the moons of Saturn known as Titan. There was a very large base upon the 13th planet which no longer exists but is an asteroid belt now, as a result of the wars... We are only offering suggestions here, but in the future, there will be points that will verify further [EMMANUEL here predict Dr. Burisch and others like Dr Michael Wolf].

"As the Intergalactic Empire had been given permission by some individuals and scientists... to have vast bases inside the Earth [archaic times]. These also had become multi-dimensional, because of the genetic research the Empire had done upon individuals of the solar system. For you carry physically within your genes the blueprints to multi-dimensionality. And, indeed, with some of the genetic experiments that were done within Atlantis, they had gained some of these keys, but had not gained the

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keys to the Paradise Universes, which were also higher dimensional forms very close to the Source."

—Unit Emmanuel, ATON RA 3, August 1990

EMMANUEL ON PLURALITY OF TIME & PLANETARY TIME ILLUSION: "Each of the planets are made, are projections, are frozen sunlight into unique vibratory frequencies that are held in time, in motion, by time. And time is the movement of a diversifying force. That which forces things to move in mathematics, and thus be calculated, divided, added unto, minused, timesed.

"Each planet and each dimension, has different time cycles. Each solar system has different time perceptions. These are codes of motion and are a very grand illusion... the beginning and the end, and all the bits in between, are happening at the same time. All dimensions are happening within the same point of light. All spaces are in One Point {¡}, and that is Love.

"Love is silence, is all vibrations united, and beyond that there is the sound of everything united, which is the everythingness, and there is the silence of nothingness. Love is the two united. In love there can be no polarity, none at all."



"Some individuals within the government, are being surprised. Even though those Alternatives have been put

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into action, they are discovering the great change and willingness of humanity to want to change and integrate into a Unified Whole.

They are discovering the illusions that they have gained in their own understanding. And, perhaps, in the years to come, will be forced to reconsider some of the Alternatives.


The blendings of the universal whole are vast with this planet. The universe, as a whole, wishes to succeed in unification. Therefore, at this time, the plan is very much willing to succeed upon this planet.


There are consciousness"s that are not willing to change yet. Much of this is based on fear. And that which creates fear is [the] "unknown. They have gone away from love, into mind. They have gone into a mind that is different than yours, into a kind of collective thinking, yet with individuals involved... Their very act of interacting with this planet and the consciousness, in fact is changing them, is causing them to feel. Although they do not understand some of the laws of this planet, and very much disregard the laws of free will, unlike the majority of those which you call extraterrestrials.

"In that process of disrupting the free will of this planet, of respecting the individual process here, they are being forced, in a sense, into the vacuum of learning to feel. For this planet represents of point of feeling, of love. And they are intrigued by that. In a very great sense they would like to overtake it, and be able to give this to their entire civilisation.

"But even as there is a few represented here on this planet, within their bases, it is simultaneously affecting

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all of their civilisation. For their genes, their DNA memory — which is part of the foundation of their consciousness — as that is changing, by the vibration, and molecular structures, and the electromagnetic field of planet Earth, is simultaneously connected, unified, wedded together with the DNA particle memory of all the rest of their civilisation and group, and those within the universe with a similar vibratory frequency.

{ANANDA "DNA particles" are mediating through the DNA hydrogen bound protons, whose 8 hz NMR is in resonance with 90% of the universe which is the same element H, with a phase velocity diference of 8hz between the hydrogen proton and electron, ergo a universal proto-brain. Omegon hadron sub-atomic particles comprising the proton, are vacaum fluctational aspects of what Emmanuel correctly, and astonishingly for me at that point, called "DNA particle memory"}

"So, in the very act, where they think that they are fighting against... they are changing themselves. They think they have the upper hand with their superior technology, with their superior understanding of technology and mind. But they know very little about emotion. And because of that, are actually changing themselves. The [shadow] governments have been greatly fooled. But there is confusion now within that. There are mixed feelings with those individuals involved. Even though there may be a foundation group, much of them will change in the years to come.

"Perhaps, as much of this information leaks to the public, their lives will be endangered. Their ideas will be outrageous to those [the public] and will cause many people, perhaps, to react violently and emotionally. And thus to act against them.

 {ANANDA: Emmanuel accurately predicts insiders who will be releasing the secret ET science. Milton William Cooper and Thomas Castillo were assisinated, numerous

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whistle blowers have had some of the hardest psychological attacks imaginable because of their testaments}.

"However, realise that the unification of the light of awakening through the feeling of Love, is simultaneously affecting all individuals everywhere. Thus, you are seeing the transmutation of structure, based on mindless thought, or emotionless thought, on old structures, when they no longer pertain to your time frame.

"There are so many individuals on the Earth who are dissolving their own barriers, are unifying their barriers. That, in itself, is unifying the collective unconscious. And as the collective that is the blueprint, the filter through which, light diversifies and creates this reality, and is broadcast onto this screen of life.

"So, therefore, the outside realities of structures, are breaking down, are being forced to unify. Even if the thought of your unification is to gain control over the world — which, indeed, could be taken advantage off — all peoples are being empowered by coming together, and having the opportunity to, indeed, be together, work together, learn to integrate the different social consciousness. That, in its sense, is a great power. Is the transmutation of collective darkness, collective unconscious, transmutation: the integration of all coloured modes. Which dissolves the cloud that is known as the collective unconscious, it dissolves some of the laws within DNA particle formats that allow the particles of light to be emitted, allow the particles of light within the physical body, the photons, to be realized  {biophotons increasing from 100 UPS in the 200-900�ngstrom range}. That allows the Sunlight {ANU} of physical matter to come about through unifying, through unification.

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"When barriers are unified, consciousness are unified. And that is represented inside as well as outside, naturally. It affects the whole...

"This planet is going through a transformation that is inevitable. It is inevitably going into that of a light particle structure. Which is to say a unified particle structure. A particle structure that is working in vibrational wave-lengths that have one unified field.

"This point of this planet is a marvel. For it signifies the complete combination and culmination of all universal explorations and experiences, within one point. And as this is represented here, and unified here, so it affects and transforms the entire universe.

"That is the beauty that each of you individually are part of and responsible for, in your actions, in your acceptance of your Self.


DR BURISCH: I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to him as one of two future species, in present time called 'Homo sapiens sapiens', and found humanity to be greater than the sum of its base pairs.  Could adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a single species?  Didn't the base pairs and the preservation of favorable characteristics through fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"?  I asked him.

He replied (paraphrased as best as I can remember):

'We are here in your present presence asking for help.' 

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This statement struck me dumb and made me numb.  If the answer was completely found in the material (handled through logical process and with technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves?  I reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess something unique together with the necessary technological achievement level, expressing itself from the spiritual through the material, and allowing us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life on earth.  He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed only while we are a fused being, with both material and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways, through the "joined resonance".  In an effort to assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain insight into the larger scale problem of the fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he knew of the genesis time.

The J-Rod rapidly approached me and grabbed me, knocking me to the grated flooring of the clean sphere.  For the next 20-30 minutes (until my fellow scientists could drag me from the clean sphere--they didn't have secondary suits ready to immediately enter...and we are all told before entering of the possible things that can go wrong!), he flooded my mind with moving images (like a 3D movie), thoughts and dulled emotions.  Some of the thoughts appeared more as metaphors than concretized reality.  He showed me the process of genesis from the perspective of his interaction with the "Brothers" {ANANDA: The Manu Deva Akasa civilizations}. [So, I guess you could say that it is some kind of extraterrestrial hearsay? :) ] 

The images, I later found, were close to the ancient mandala of creation, the Sri Yantra.  

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I saw a pearlescent lotus flower emerge from a near spherical crystal matrix, in which resided an object that looked like the Sri Yantra

Stills from multi-media animations by ANANDA, presentations on THE MANU Emmanuel Omni-Temporal intelligences [Ananda has been a contactee for

the last 19 years]

{ANANDA: This is the Manu Purusa MANUCLEOSIS we are presently documenting as the Manu-Script DNA Omnidimensional Code of the Rg Veda

The Sri Yantra Rg Veda code, through multidimensions and as biolife genesis, we already extrapolated in the last third of THE SOMA CONSPIRACY, Summer 2002 edition. The Meru Sheba, ergo the Sri Yantra Vehicle, as Vortexijah behind biogenesis, we have been presenting publically since 1995}. 

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Stills from multi-media animations by ANANDA, presentations on THE MANU Emmanuel Omni-Temporal intelligences [Ananda has been a contactee for

the last 19 years]

The Sri Yantra collapsed into itself through successive stages that looked like the platonic solids, and was carried along like a seed in a river of light to an oscillating drop of water.  It entered the drop of water.


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Stills from multi-media animations by ANANDA, presentations on THE MANU Emmanuel Omni-Temporal intelligences [Ananda has been a contactee for

the last 19 years]

The drop of water divided into 12 parts by pinching itself off into 12 separate locations while each location stayed in contact with the seed.  The seed divided (or 'budding'?) itself into each of the 12 drops. 

I was aware enough to count the parts and see that each parts' substance coalesced into what appeared as fully functioning prokaryote and eukaryote varieties {see THE UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUE}. 

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I witnessed one of the drops, with rapidly dividing cells, as it seemed to become covered in a dark red material.  The material pushed itself away and a looked into the face of a man {THE Manu Purusa into Manu Vaisvata}. 

He felt like he was there and I could swear I felt him breathe in. Was this the dawn of humanity?  I struggle with the potential and am torn in my soul, to this day, with the possible reality.  I didn't see the destiny of the other drops, but since that time of experience, my thoughts have been very fertile!

{ANANDA: Emmanuel relates our present New Universe experience is the unification of these 12 universal genesis seed mandalla"s}

For a few years I plodded along with the Serial Endosymbiotic Theory of Eukaryote Origins, (This is a cute way of saying that the so called complex cells are composites of simpler cells that once danced the minuet of "I'll eat you or you'll eat me"; then almost mystically agreed to remain one within another giving a competitive edge in survival.) and then posited a large virus which may have seeded the garden called earth. (Sound familiar?) 

{ANANDA: the Purusa hymn 10.91 Rg Veda, the root of Genesis, in DNA Source code}

The totipotent virus would necessarily possess a unique genetic package sufficient to be the forerunner of all earth life. 

I covered this research, as I was still engaged with the Maji in other pursuits and had not informed them of the content of the message from the J-Rod, within the framework of an endosymbiotic research project that was originally called "Mission Genesis", a staged logical next step from an endosymbiosis project with which I had been involved for a number of years.

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(In that early research I was originally looking for ways to extend lengths of time for bacterial and algal samples to remain alive after they had been engulfed as food by protozoa.  I was also conducting research into possible chemical signals being exchanged between the foodstuff and the hungry protozoa.)

During the early stages of Mission Genesis, I began looking into the data points and resultant statistics of that very early research project, which had become known as the FBM Project...or Fresh-Brackish-Marine...as salinity levels were employed as one of the variables (oxygen levels another). 

During that project, I found points at which the hungry protozoa began to behave unusually, that is "predictably", in their retention period of either respiring foodstuffs (for example a variety of bacteria) or phostosynthesizing foodstuffs (for example algae). 

I thought, "My God, have I found some kind of biochemical or behavioral trace to an original engulfment, which according to the endosymbiosis theory ultimately gave rise to mitochondria and plastids like chloroplasts?"  {ANANDA: see The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, Biochemical Spatialisation and The Office Of Creation chapters, detailing the DNA, prokaryot, eukaryot cell, and enzymatic genesis}

Looking further into the data, my team observed clusters of data points in areas that could be easily mathematically related to the Golden Mean/Phi Ratio (an important number in nature), the age of the earth as currently determined by science, and the incorporation/retention rates of viral strands in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes {ANANDA: As we shared with you in The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel}.

Mission Genesis was then moved forward to confirm the original FBM results and to further elucidate the data

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points.  Further, I determined that it may be good to test these hungry protozoa in the presence of strata of differing ages. I placed this subset of the project in motion just in case variance may be found amongst the behaviors of the hungry little protozoa, when they were in the presence of the minerals from rock of various ages. (Refer the data points relating to the earth's age!)

Frenchman's Mountain was determined a nice setting because of the availability of ages that range from 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million years (or so) before present.  The research was started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team members.

Soon after research was initiated, and small samples were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on video during a test of the rock's electrical properties.  As electrical current was applied to the rock, thin heat streams, emanating from that area were observed on infrared. {ANANDA: The 8hz AUM flower progresses up the binomial triangle scale to 8hz cubed, at 512 hz, where infrared and biophotonic IR, is a natural "bi-product" of the 8hz ANU/UNA Universal Unity. The 8 hz Lotus star flower to its cubation, engenesis the mandalbrot-like life seed forms. 8hz plus infrared = Manufestation of Life}. 

At that time, a heat target was also observed, nearby.  That area was destined to be the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics Unit...and the so called "Stargate" area that is responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP unit. 

The infrared streams interested me and I repeated the experiment using a great deal more electricity.  This test (May 31, 2001) resulted in a heat liberation I termed a "flare".

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Further tests were conducted using varying electrical pulse levels until the high limit was found that would be detected on infrared, but not visually.  That level was employed during microscopic analysis of the rock's crystals, in the presence of strands of algae.  (This ultimately led to the discovery of the so called "ganesh particle".) 

At that point, the Maji asked me '...just what the hell...' I had in mind with all of this and where did the idea come from?  I seemed too prepared for the results and was the one that had requested the massive infrared study be concurrently conducted during my early tests at the Vishnu Schist. From their viewpoint I seemed to be working a process with one stated framework, but really was engaging in something quite different.  Oops, I was caught! :)

A deal was struck, one that you will readily understand...quid pro quo, anyone?  In exchange for knowledge of the "big" interaction with the J-Rod, the day I saw the images, I would be placed in the need-to-know about the Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox (DCTP), something I was barely allowed to know about...and only because I had told them about some of his (J-Rod's) responses to my early questions. 

As I saw images, that day, of what looked like Inca City, Mars, but in its heyday...I wanted to know how all this figured together. 

The totality of my knowledge of the DCTP is known information within this community.  I doubt I could add anything of interest (save one aspect to come that could possibly utilize the Lotus to assist the J-Rods and "Brothers"). 

The thought that the gods of Sumer and other places, were the misinterpreted future humanity; viewed as magical instead of technological, strikes me deeply. What

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could have they been thinking, to tinker with the pulse of time and alter our genome and history?

{ANANDA: Kala-ran Empire, according to Emmanuel. No longer universal Anu-Nabi, but only logged into the dimensional forms of the Naga/Nagi, as the Anu-Nagi (Sumerianologist Christian O Brian, who worked with Sir. Wooley, at Ur, publishes the accurate spelling of ANU.NAKI as ANU-NAGI "shinning ones." The MANU genealogical lists from the Indus valley, list the Sumerians as just one set of families from the descendents of the MANU, which are in an Omni-Temporal arrangement and relationship with our planet... In other words in a "time traveling" relationship, for all the descendents of the 7 sons and daughters of Manu Vaisvatha and Manu Ila, proginitored with Manu Salvana and Manu Savarna, in the future, according to the Manu Veda paradigm... AKA MAJI"s DCTP. Dr. Burisch gives MAJI confirmation of what Emmanuel stated to us publically some 14 years ago:

"There was such a group of civilizations that evolved within Orion, that were also becoming extremely enthusiastic with the exploration of physical mass and the using of technology. They became very enthused with utilizing the energy, or power, of the universe... Some of these bases were established upon the planet Mars... , contacted in secret many groups and many civilizations over the world, which began to form secret societies. They would also pass on some of the technology... those who were known as the Intergalactic Empire had been given permission by some individuals and scientists... to have vast bases inside the Earth.  These also had become multi-dimensional, because of the genetic research the Empire had done upon individuals of the solar system. For you carry physically within your genes the blueprints to multi-dimensionality."

—Unit Emmanuel, ATON-RA III, August 1990}

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 I hope that my giving to you the association between what is now called Project Lotus and how I came upon the idea, satisfies that part of your request.

After the deal was struck, the research continued.  I had long felt and related that should a huge virus have been the progenitor of life on earth, that its artifact would be found in the strata as well as within the living cells.

The aforementioned data also leaned me in that direction.  The Ganesh Particle, under the correct electrical impulse levels, were observed being liberated from the crystalline rock.

It is currently believed that the Ganesh Particle is a dense collection of electromagnetism or a collection of electromagnetic waves, containing information, and floating in a river of less dense electromagnetism.

As each particle (dense collection) passes a nearby living object, the image of the shape of that object appears to bend over and onto the particle, giving the false appearance that the particle is actually such a prosaic item. 

When it nears its destination (the method of that target determination not yet known), it hovers above the target cell, then chemically communicates with it by spraying what appears to be chemical substances upon the target cell's surface.

It lands and instantly begins a rapid division process that ultimately results in a bridge of cells that connect the target cell to a nearby cell. 

The cells of the bridge stop their life sequences at particular points, offering some kind of frozen library from whence the target algae cells could be given necessary information to change and help them.

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A tube with a needle-like penetrating end, enters the nucleus of the target cell and the cell at the other end of the bridge. 

This tube (for purposes of name assignment called the Shiva Linga) winds all of the way through the bridge between the two cells (the target cell and the one on the other end of the bridge).

The tube can be observed entering the nuclei of all of the bridge cells between the target cell and the cell at the other end of the bridge.  After a few minutes, the bridge detaches and disintegrates. 

Biochemistry of the surrounding medium revealed no traces of the substance that created the bridge.  It is possible that the bridges are composed of some kind of condensed electromagnetism, taking the form of cells. Damaged cells were exposed to the particles.  The actions of the Ganesh Particles resulted in both partial and full restoration of normal cellular function. 

It has been recently determined that Ganesh Particles will attach to normal cells, use the penetrating tube to enter the cell's nucleus, but not form bridges to other cells.  The results of the communication between the Ganesh Particles and normal cells remains unknown.  The cells of the crossbridges are as tenuous and fragile as clouds.


"Scientists are being contacted... and then receive a data disk of this new information, or a bundle of energy that contains this information. A number are simultaneously contacted with the same or similar information. But only one or two of them will actually succeed to create something that will eventually influence the public as a

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whole. Scientists are beginning to get new developments, new breakthroughs.

"Many, of course, have had to be hush hush about it [top secret], once they have built the adequate machinery and if the time is right, it will go on public display. There is, of course, certain scientific equipment that has been created to full scientific glory, that has been withheld from public interest, and has only remained top secret.

"The space brothers and sisters... are involved in bringing in more physical energies, electric-magnetic energies, as we have said, over the planet, and give you scientific data which you may use. We also give more personal information to those who are open."

—Emmanuel, The Key Is Surrender. 16th February, 1989.


"You shall discover that there is another parallel dimensional spectrum... above your spectrum.

"Once you have discovered these dimension"s you shall learn how to change the molecular structures of the vehicles you will be travelling in. So you see that the light shines through molecules in very different ways, and you shall be able to take control of the molecules that will be surrounding you in a form of a shape.

"Via electrical signals you will be able to change their structure, so that they will change in shining the rays, and that way change frequency of vibration. Once you learn how to take control over your body molecules, you may go into that frequency band and colour [MACRO GANESH PARTICLE ASSEMBLEAGE. Hadron physics

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hyperplane/isodual-hyperplane irreversible hyperscription]...

"You shall discover that in your body, your molecules never end. How ever greatly you advance with material technology, you shall never find an end to substance in the microscopic scale, and indeed in the macrocosmic, you shall never find an end to the Omniverse.

"It is not only these multi-dimensions of colour spectrums and octaves in different scales in those octaves. You shall find, there are many areas which you cannot comprehend of now, so we can not teach you about them — these are only some.

—Unit-Emmanuel, Solar Energy, February 1987


"Many of those who have come from other reality dreams known as planets, have come and inflowed inspirational new formats for technological equipment. Preparing you for when you are ready to manifest these things. So that you collectively can participate in the use of them. At the same time, being in greater alignment with your greater true Self...

"There are many other areas of this nature which will be developed; housing systems that will be organically grown. As your consciousness becomes aware of Being the consciousness behind all manifestation, in the sub-atomic level, then you can become aware and able to create technologies that have consciousness within them. So that you live within a house that is a conscious being. That the vehicles in which you travel have consciousness

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and are conscious beings, and respond to your consciousness.

"As your consciousness, and your awareness, will be aware of being the underlying patterns of consciousness of that technological creation, known as a ship or a house. Therefore, you will not need to operate computers with hands. But you will be moving these [space] ships, and controlling these ships and every aspect of technology, with your consciousness.

"For you will be these ships in your consciousness. You can change and alter their form with your consciousness. Being individualised within them, and at the same time one with them. This is one of many aspects in which you may go... All these creations, again, will be signposts, will be stepping stones to you aligning yourselves, as beings, to that state of reality in which you are not beings, but are BEING. And we will not be seen as separate consciousness from you, but will be seen, experienced, felt and acted as you. We already are aware of being you, completely... And the time has come for that to manifest. As the light of awakening is beginning to infiltrate the depth of the inner dream, of the dream of creation — the very core is beginning to be penetrated by the light of awakening, that is coming through, in one way, or in one concept, as Emmanuel. I am as you, in you, for you. One as you in all, as all, forever. My call is your call."

—Emmanuel, The Art Of Being, 16th April, 1989.

"You can be that One Being which you really are, which the physicists will discover you all are."

—EMMANUEL& SALVANA, Explorations Into Oneness. February, 1989.

The restorative ability, ascribed to these particles, is being investigated as a possible treatment for the J-Rods neuropathy.

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To date, the Ganesh Particles have not been used in vivo, in J-Rods.  Theorists are also working on the possible uses of the Lotus (rock emission component + Ganesh Particle + cell interaction component) for everything from ecological remediation to how its use could reset certain aspects within the DCTP.  I remain opposed to any application until much more is known about it.

 The origin point of these particles has been determined.  It's quartz.  That is, the vibrating quartz crystal.  I am under direct order that "I am not at liberty to at this time announce the form of quartz or how the crystal may accomodate the liberation of Ganesh Particles.

{ANANDA: Si2, or elment-14 has an OCTAHDERON nucleus filled, thus the Octonian, 8 dimensional manufold has the perfect nucleus symmetry resonance personified in that element... This is just one component of the elemental charts equal temporing musical tunning omni-geometry scalaring of the All-Oneness Particle.... The PT elements in their M-State are an essential iso-symmetry key to this, emerging from the iso-symmetrical and iso-dimensional Meru Sri Yantra of the Lotus AUM}

That order also holds for known changes in the genome of the cells targeted by the Ganesh Particles." 

There are implicit weaponization issues that cannot be broached in this medium. Albeit this whole paper will be set for some kind of classification I am sure! :) 


{ANANDA: The 1998 Time Gate, when a perfect conjunction with the galactic center was at hand, also saw the emergence of Coherent Vortexijah/Dove-Phoenix

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signals coming from Pegassus and Cygnus (the gamma ray network of 24 tetrahedrons, pulsing concurrently over the galaxy, beginning August 12th 1994), changing the sun, and then manifesting as a global 1.618033 golden PHI signal over the entire planet, becoming daily after Time Gate 99, where we had been positioned by OT Ptah inside the Great Pyramid of Gizah, and the "Tomb of Osiris"...

These findings we already presented in public while they were occurring in December 1998, Diamond Body training we gave at the Tao Center in Thailand.

The Time Gate signals are taken as VERY serious ABOVE TOP SECRET security matters of the highest priority... Here the testimony of Dr. Burisch, we so hope and trust, should stimulate you to realize the importance of your public Sovereign work in the TIME GATES... They are of the utmost essential essence for the whole of mankind into Manuship...}

 The base pairs, decoded from a world-wide detection of Ultra Low Frequency emissions at 1.618033Hz, appear to match certain base strings found in the target (injured) cells while they are being repaired through the actions of the Ganesh Particle created cells of the bridges.

The strings, working in concert with resident viral components of the genome (what I will call the "Vishnu" part of the Lotus) appear to set in motion a rapid cascade of activation and deactivation gene switches that promote cellular repair.  I am not allowed to speak more to that issue at this time.  By the way, if you are from Sweetness or working for, or in cooperation with that unit, I won't help you anyway.

In nearly every paper I have authored about the Lotus, I have given a warning that the Ganesh Particle (what I believe could be the seed of life) is not to be toyed with.  Further, that it may play in the higher scheme (the Tree

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of Life and the Fruit of the Tree of Life), found detailed in sacred literature throughout many cultures.  My warnings have seemingly come true in a few instances.

{ANANDA: Dr Burisch"s warnings were not heeded, and the Flower of Life, Seed of Life, and Tree of Life, patterns were inaugurated in Dulce, in bio-experiments... TIME GATE 2001, in December, saw the emergence of the AUM Flower of Light, ergo STAAR Flower Lotus, appearing over the pacific ocean, from Midway island, and culminated in shock waves that interrupted experiments in Dulce, and the S4 base... [see the Time Gate 2003 web page for the radar regestration of these Lotus Star Flower patterns.... 8-fold flower pattern].

Regardless, MAJI continued to work on bioengineering, for the DCTP use of chemtrail materials to be put into the human system, in an attempt to control the DCTP and star gates to emerge, in Sumeria and elsewhere.... Things we have been relating publically at the time of the events [especially in the fluid nuance fluance of the small morning hours, the secret is always to give away the secret, in the hours of the sacred secretion].

As a result the MANU and Anu-Nabi civilizations Mind Diagrammed to the Manuvah [the 49 + 1 Omni-Numinous Manu = MaNuminous], activated the Lotus AUM Star Flower pattern on the Sun, thereby canceling the physics equations of the flower of life geometries used in the bioengineering efforts linked to the DCTP and star gates of Crowley"s Merkaba flower of life designs for the Philadelphia experiment, Phi Summum, Swivel and Phoenix projects and operations, and cohorts.

The Lotus AUM Star Flower, of the Manu Vortexijah appearance signal on the Sun, December 2002 and February through to the 26th Time Gate 2003 Peak, MIDWAY between the Alpha and Omega Time Gates (96-2010), has thrown the MAJI projects in complete disarray, and the complete lack of understanding of the

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vastly larger paradigm that the MANU are actually engaging is dawning on some therein... There is also a lot of discussion on a dissaray of MAJI themselves.}

Some attempts to use this project in manners that would immediately lead to an applied technology have resulted in bad things happening to those doing it. Reports of angelic beings, described in a manner very like how the Kerubim allegedly appear, have been detailed to me.  A noted occurrence at the Shady Rest resulted in physical injury to certain personnel and massive property damage. 

Other reports, centering around the Staar-Flower (originally called Star Flower by me...I guess they like their spelling better!) team at the Frenchman's Mountain detailed severe physical and emotional injury to personnel, and the loss of personnel altogether. 

The alleged beings have red-coal-like eyes, multiple (4) faces, and are dangerous to those not heeding warnings to give distance.  It remains unknown whether the Frenchman beings related to the Lotus or the alleged stargate.

The beings reported having done damage at the Shady Rest, were described in a way that could lead one to the belief that they are Kerubim, and such beings allegedly did directly announce that the Lotus is related to the Seed and Fruit of the Tree of Life. I say: be careful!  That's all I can say.  I am trying to be careful and respectful.

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Stills from multi-media animations by ANANDA, presentations on THE MANU Emmanuel Omni-Temporal intelligences [Ananda has been a contactee for

the last 19 years]

{ANANDA: The Lotus Star Flower surrounds the Sri Yantra and 3D Meru Yantra Pyramid... It is a result of the mantra AUM in liquid media and follows the Sierpinski triangle through 28 dimensions — see The Soma Conspiracy, Summer 2002, edition, for the equation on that. The Lotus/Vortexijah is the universal ANU mediator of the genesis of the Seed, Fruit and Tree of Life geometry... However, we should note here that the Hebrew/Meruba kabala is a primitive echoe of the Primordial versions that are far far older from the proto-Veda Manu Omniscience... Meruba/Hebrew [that is ancient Hebrew not the present 100 year old Hebrew], is a derivative in its entirety of the Sanskrit and proto-Sanskrit Sarasvati Manu-SCRIPT... The evidence for this is overwhelming, there is no solid defence for another alternative... The Jewish superiority complex is thereby phase-cancelled, whilst the core principles are extracted. It appears Dr. Burisch is unaware, or not briefed in the more arcane Omniscience before Sumeria, from the Indus and Sarasvati valley"s... However, many of his colleagues at Los Alamos National laboratories are, apart

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from the MAJI giving away their awareness therein, in the use of STAAR instead of STAR in their spelling the original Sanskrit root of that word.}

We have enlisted the assistance of a very professional remote viewer who is attempting to help us clear a sacred path that doesn't upset those seemingly in spiritual charge of this phenomenon. 

Results of the remote viewing exercises have assisted us in seeing the phenomenon from a philosophical, spiritual, and sacred geometry perspective. 

Some may conclude that such application (even in such an advisory capacity) isn't doing science.  That's fine with me.  We will continue to use it and hold its results in the right frame of reference. 

{ANANDA: Of course MAJI are also in control of the most advanced Remote Viewing projects that involve the highest technology, drugs, and techniques, co-developed by Major Michael Wolf Kruvant, AKA "the Threshold Technique"... See THE SOMA CONSPIRACY for details... Some contactees with the Manu and Emmanuel-like beings, have testified that their above top secret security clearance work involved MAJI forcing contact, by administrating ketamin hydrochloride, Harmaline, DMT, mesculine, and other entheogens, with the mind technology... This is a violation of free will and will back fire... It is guaranteed... Thanks to the testimony of some involved therein, we now have durther confirmation that these mind molecules, that are also involved in the Dark Room are taken with utmost serious research, for inducing neuro-star gates with our Omni-Temporal Manu Ancestors}.

As previously stated by me in other papers: the Cosmos, Life preceded the tool of the whim of man, called the scientific method.

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 In conclusion, I want to thank you for the request, and say that I hope I have in some measure answered to it.  I suppose when we arrived at our mutual destiny, we will know whether this project was of benefit. 

I seek a future not filled with the paranoia of such projects as the Rain Dancer, and its needless introduction of an agent to the sum of humanity.  In that vain and with those things of this project to which I have just (in the last few hours) been made privy and am sadly not allowed to say: I see a future filled with the "Fruit of the Light of Loving-kindness" and "Healing through Togetherness". Yours very truly,

Dan Burisch


Q; What happens to man and life on earth after the year 2000?

"EMMANUEL: There are still a number of choices until that year. But there is a definite cycle that has been occurring throughout the creation of this solar system, that does have an effect upon this system. After the year 2000, as you perceive it, depending on your choice, which thus synchronises you to the possibility mode which manifests into reality, when it manifests as the now — there will be a duality, a further separation of the densities and of the polarities.

"Much of the majority of humanity is still in between polarity choices, negative or positive aspect of the electrical spectrum of the universe.

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"...It is when the total synchronisation of energy is poured into this solar system, that activates the polarity choice, within the physical manifestation, neurological and electromagnetic fields of each individual. Therefore, each individual within their mind and their own inner choices, even if they have not fully chosen, within their own inclination, will be intensified in that polarity choice. So that many will become positively oriented and many negatively oriented, so to speak. Within that there may be possibilities that have been geared up...

"Those of the Empire have much in store, which indeed would appear to be very beautiful, if you are into technology and into hierarchy and into physical perfection of hierarchy in mathematical law...

"Those who choose and have the potential, if in resonance with the Unified Field, the Universal Christhood, through Love, to awaken their physical cellular mass, defrosted timeframes, to alter it, into a fourth dimension...

"There will be some individuals, through the intensification of the energy that is bombarded at the end of 1999 {gamma ray network became more intense, and daily PHI signals were active, effecting the DNA directly}, who will go straight to the 8th dimension, the Unified Field

{ANANDA: Octonian D8 Lie Algebraic Klein bottle link-ups to the quarternion Klein bottle DNA metamorphological continuum. The ¯8 mobius strip synthesis is called by the OT and ET Andromedian"s "The Platinum Universe." We did, indeed experience it anchoring into the corporal intensity at the end of December, and the ELFRAD PHI signals directly verified our experiences with the OT/ET Andromedians and the Manu, precisely at those times. During 1999, in Time Gate-99, this become part of a constant, the Platinum Constant. The DNA ¯4 mobius feedback loop became graphted to the ¯8 as a continaum, manifesting as the Platinum Body within the DNA architecture, in oversimplified jargon}.

"It is equally so of those who... are of a negative polarisation, who will also perhaps move to sixth, fifth, or fourth {D4, D5, D6 mobius metamorphological bio-anumation loop}, as their physical body and their electric, magnetic field is uplifted, is transformed, as a greater electrical surge is flowing through the entire nervous system and the neurological system activates the consciousness to be in the entire body, so that the entire body becomes a brain. It will be of both {ANANDA: having now done extensive research into the

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clandestine world, there are projects like Major Dr Michael Wolf"s "the Threshold Technique" which has attempted to activate this state of whole nerval-neural cognosis}.

"The year 2011 has been perceived as one of those gateways... The year 2000 is a symbol of consciousness. Some people right now are living within the year 2000 {stated in 1991}. It is a state of consciousness. Some people are living within the year 1965 right now, in this time frame, in this space. Some are living within the seventies or eighties, some in the nineties, some within the two thousands.

"The year is seen as a gateway of transformation, a synchronisation to an electromagnetic phenomena of cycles that the solar system spins and works towards, so that it is moving and has been moving into an electromagnetic synchonicity and field that intensifies the energy or electrical flow of this planet.

"You choose different future perspectives. 2011, 2013, is the state of consciousness, not necessarily the year, the state of consciousness when the dimensional gateway is opened to the possibility of resonating self to Universal Christ...

"It is likewise with that of part or parts of group soul structures, who wish, through the physicality, to experience the total unification with the Creator. For that which is the creation is the Creator. That which is the higher subtle bodies of universal Man has dropped out of the original explosion of the physical reality grid.

"It is only by all bodies on all levels being embraced that one gains the gateway that resonates one to the Unified Field of being everything, which is the Universal Christ, and then beyond that, into the state of Everythingness and Nothingness, which is the state of being God."

—EMMANUEL, The Universal Harvest, February 1991

"To awaken once more, into harmony, the nervouse system of Light, upon this planet. So that eventually its blueprint, which is frozen light, may be defrosted and it may join the Gateway of Transformation. From within the blueprint, or dream, of the universe, back to the awaked state of the All-Oneness of that which you term God.

"Planet Earth is the focus. For it is connected, by its positioning within the galaxy to a powerful magnetic grid system, of longitudes

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and different frequencies, that are electrical, both formed into the gateway.

"The transformation that takes place upon this planet and this solar system, affects, largely, all other planetary systems that are connected via this grid, as well as the natural principles of corresponding electrons {ANANDA: our new work from the Rg Veda galactic, atom, and molecular measure mathematics, whereby the Sierpinski grid of our surrounding interstellar domain has been extrapolated into a logical chartable science, that was given by the Manu, precisely, in the earliest Manuscript at the genesis of history, the Rg Veda Manual, enables a unversal cartography of all iso-scales. Thus a process of hyper-self similarity, fractal macro-micro scaling of the galactic elemental and radiation spectrum, into one hyper-grid, of synchronization, is now demonstratable... Emmanuel here are also intimating to the galactic gamma grid infomatic holomatic continuum that appeared, 2 years after this contact took place}.

"For there is such a balance — even though there may be a planetary system, far away, at the other side of the galaxy, its very core is influenced by this planetary system. There is a great focus at the moment, upon this planetary system. On many areas of this planet they have been able to have a Source awakened.

"There has been a great alignment of many places, as well as an equal counter-balancing of your dissolving the patterns that hold the dream, [which] cannot be done instantaneously, it would shock the beings. Therefore, an inbetween state is being activated, which, indeed has been termed "the awakening dream", as we say {MAJI"s DCTP is merely a shadowgram of the "awakening dream", "the Twilight Zone"}.

"There are those who say humanity is a product of the dream, this would be to keep you asleep, this is the language of sleep. You have come from the state that is total awake, and you have dived into the dream, bringing about this evolution/solution to awaken it — or the Creator awakening the Creator.

"There are those who wish to maintain you in the dream. For they have moved into the awakening dream and have found great new opportunities there of power, that appear to be of service, but the puppets have taken responsibility from the positive section in their expression.

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"Those who wish to maintain the dream have succeeded upto a point by being the masters in the awakening dream. However, much of this is changing, as many dreamers are beginning to stir from sleep, and wish to remember to feel that which is the Source of Awakening, for each is the All-Oneness — the path of awakening. And so this is taking place. It is taking place upon this point upon this moment now.

"...There are those who are operating within the awakening dream state, and there are those who are shepherds, who like to maintain the sheep asleep. And these, indeed, do present themselves in that which is your illusion, taking characters of sleep as their partial form.

"But there are those which are also taking the responsibility of the awakening dream, and choosing to expand the dream into the awakening dream. We have been involved in this process for billions of years. We have been involved consciously. But ultimately each human being in this universe, in one way or the other, is also consciously and partially involved, even though they may be forgetting. All individuals may become enthrawled, beginning to forget that we are One.

"It is the process of that you term Man, and that which is the Universal Christship, or the universal oneness with All-Oneness. Choosing to consciously unify infinitey, those of the timelessness, with that of the finite illusion of frozen light, by time. Such a process may not just involve this planetary plane, although primarily there is focus and attention on this planetary plane, for it influences the large majority of other star systems..."

—Emmanuel, The Maintainers Of The Dream, July 23, 1991

 EMMANUEL: T there are those extra terrestrials civilisations which are in contact with the government, and think that they are far superior to humanity. However, humanity"s energy is far superior to theirs,  [and] in many ways equal. And humanity is most definitely moving into a fourth dimension. That is why beings like us from the unified state, and other extra terrestrial beings, are quickly working with the unification and the waking up of the mass consciousness.

"Even though the governments are trying to prevent this information from coming out, it is being spread amongst the individuals of the world, most definitely, most strongly. So they are ready to work, to call, with the other individuals, with the other dimensional realities

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"The planet is, most definitely, now moving into a unification with the fourth dimension — the third dimensional consciousness is beginning to be pierced into the fourth dimension... Where the veils are being pierced, where the energy is moving in, very strongly, so that these gateways will be opened.

" We would suggest, those extra terrestrials who, indeed, wish to work in trying to overtake this planet, absolutely have no chance of succeeding. Maybe some individuals. Because this particular solar system is already, in the future, ascending into a Light plane. That is most definite this time {gamma ray network of 24 tetrahedron"s the Rg Veda paradigm calls the emergence of the galactic Light Body}.

They are trying to prevent it... And naturally they wish to try and keep the universe, and this particular planet in a frozen way. Because if this planet moves into a fourth dimension it is going to affect their dimension, it is going to cause a big transformation within their own dimension. It means they also will have to move home. They do not want to do that yet, those extra terrestrials.

"However, this planet is most definitely being transmuted... which is going to have a simultaneous affect upon this solar system; this solar system will move into a unification. This is going to spark off a total transformation and ascension of the whole universe, at this time, including all the other galactic layers and other galaxies, is going to have a simultaneous affect on those beings.

"So, those beings who wish to remain separate, particularly within this galaxy, are trying to prevent this process from taking place on Earth. But there is absolutely no chance. Perhaps, they have a few places, they think they have the power of the governments, but the governments are small in amount compared to the people.

Now we are, so called, reminding, waking up, the people. The light that is growing within the people will absolutely transform this planet.

{ANANDA: the global PHI signal that came from the galactic gamma net/galactic Light Body of 24 tetrahedrons in a phase-conjugate pulse-synchroneigty, is effecting the emergence of a triple helix in man, is turning on floating DNA (another very involved Light Body story), as the Lotus documents of MAJI relate, and is increasing the biophotonic coherent light being released from the DNA, at more than 100 UPS. It is precipitating the Ganese particle/ANU-Manu doming and grafting with our DNA signature, transcribing us into

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the Platinum Universe Living Language of the Manu. Amplifying all polarities in the process, so that the golden midway, via 8 Hz whole body cognitive phase-conjugation is realized. The resulting PHI-ordered coherence from the 8hz Lotus, is the Macro Process that Emmanuel is relating to being realised}.

"There is already enough individuals, who could be activated, into transforming this planet into fourth dimensional ascension, absolutely so.

"Those who are working with those extra terrestrials will, perhaps, experience catastrophes on Earth -- those who are working with the extra terrestrials who wish to remain separate. Or they may experience being brought up into those extra terrestrial ships and then taken to still a place which has not moved into the resonance of ascension. But the reason these extra terrestrials are trying to stop it is because they realise: as the Earth ascends, so does their reality have to ascend. This is the Key Note: that as the Earth note is increased, it is going to have a simultaneous affect on the entire universal system structure. They are trying to prevent that. But that is an impossibility.

" Now, the calling is to be in the state where we are, in Love, in complete unification with all dimensions. This is causing a unification of all colour spectrum dimensions, to meet in the centre point of combination, which is causing the Cause, through Love. And this planet, at this time, is the Key Note for that...

"Perhaps, they can choose now to move into another universal system. They are trying to get as many souls on the Earth planet and plane to join them, into creating this next universe. Where they will remain in separation for a little while longer. And then, eventually, will have to choose to ascend. Because they will, at one point, become satisfied with separation, and choose to become the God United state once more.

"However, it is going to affect the present governmental reality. They have got control of a number of galactic systems, solar systems, etc. They are, naturally, going to transform, within the heart core of it, as this Earth planet transforms... And, we suggest, those particular small groups of individuals who are working with the government, who think they have got complete control over the world, working with the government, will not fully succeed...

"And we would suggest there are those workers within the government, who are not just in contact with these particular extra

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terrestrial beings, but are also in contact with the light extra terrestrial beings. The governments in themselves are in confusion. Because they don"t know what is what. They do not know who they need to contact. So they are having confusion {ANANDA: Major Michael Wolf, of MAJI, confirmed this 10 years after this Emmanuel discourse. Major Wolf, as head of MAJI"s Alphacom, maintained contact with the dolpinoid greys, with Altair, and with a Pleiadian parallel universe group. He describes this type of confusion that Emmanuel here relates within the MAJI}.

"And they are constantly being mislead by the light ones, on purpose to confuse them about the dark ones, so to speak. Though there is no such thing as a "true" dark one. The "dark one" is just the actors clothes in which they are very much enjoying -- they play in that, in separation, in controlling. So, at this time, it is very important that this point of view is brought with it. And that the governments are not in such a unified order. Indeed, there would appear to be a resistance there.

". As individuals are, naturally,  also being guided to other choices and other opportunities: those who would appear to have gone under the hypnotic stage — where they have lost a few hours of their lives, and they do not know where, and then suddenly remember they were abducted, etc. — these individuals are also opened by the Self, to other opportunities of spirituality. And through those other opportunities of spirituality they can make the choice, which part of the particular next phase they wish to go away into...

"...We would suggest part of the information, and part of the dark extra terrestrial clothing, is to do with the collective unconscious. You see within the collective unconscious there is a tremendous fear that is blocking you from the light. It is like a cloud. Those dark watchers are able to be attracted here because of what is in the collective unconscious."

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Dr Dan Burisch Area 51 Microbiologist~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~


CONTINUED FROM UPDATES PART 22 DR DAN BURISCH ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Dr Dan Burisch Forums, Library, Updates

Dr Dan Burisch 1/27/2007 neweaglesforum (majestic 12 created forum)


MATEO Wrote, ... "I heard u say in a video interview that there was a recent "handing over of rings between two secret societies" or something to that effect, would you mind elaborating on that a little bit?"

Dan: No problem! I recently corresponded with another person on that issue...about the secret societies...so we'll start with a partial quote, from me, from that letter... "Actually, a secret society didn't spawn Majestic.

Majestic was created by President Truman, in concert with private negotiations for the National Security Act of 1947.

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I have to apologize, as I do know the actual origin of the name "Majestic," but I am under contract with Marcia not to reveal that piece of inside information until she captures it on film or in my biography, which people are hurriedly arranging...the more hurriedly, the sicker I become! ... ... ... ... ...

Majestic then became inculcated within Masonry as a result of President Truman's relationship within the elite of the Reformed Scottish Rite. They, the elite within Masonry (Scottish and York) were aware of the events of 1947 and then came to the realization that the creatures encountered in the early 1940's were actually time travelers, not aliens of non-human origin. Given his position as President, and his being within the "rite within the rites" of Masonry, the Masonic power structure naturally worked with him to pick members who were open, secret, or non-Masonic members of agreeable nature.

At first, it was nearly all military...as the restructuring of the American military was then in full force- post WW2 and moving toward S.E. Asia- and so the management of the ET issue was ensconced within close military circles, while the Masonic elite watched. Soon treaties became involved, and the Masonic elite wasted no time to become the central diplomatic players, as they had many connections (worldwide as well as historic ones in America)."Okay...here are the salient points, I think, from what RandB suggested from my previous comments, which I think cover the topic:

"3. What is the difference between the Maji and the illuminati?

The difference is found in the ratios of membership. The term Maji more applies to a specific group who were charged with the stewardship of the "e.t.-present human" coverup, as established by President Harry Truman, in 1947. The term Illuminati, as you are probably using it, is actually a misnomer (bastardized) for a group of wealthy (predominantly but not totally) Western Europeans, affiliated as a concretized business, political, familial version of Raubritters. They are dedicated to their own financial supremacy on earth, and many of which are elitist Luciferians.

That said...Since 1947, have there been such Illuminati within the membership of the Maji? Yes. Several, during the time of the Committee of the Majority (1963-2002/3...it dribbled for while before it died! ). My own (very short) sojourn as a numbered member of the 12 (ahem...MJ9...), came as a result of an Illuminati member (ahem...MJ9...) being exposed, and MJ1 and MJ2 conducting a bet...one that MJ2 lost. So, I was "technically elevated" to MJ9, until the naming of a new, permanent member. I am personally aware of at least one other Illuminati member who remained as one of the 12, until their adjournment in 2005. Will I name him? No. That would bode poorly for me...and besides they're adjourned.

During the time from 1947-2005, the core group (MJ12, a subordinate group to the Committee of the Majority, from 1963-2002/3...but the central group from 1947-1963 and from 2002/3 to 2005...)...was run/operated primarily by elitist members of the Scottish Rite . Such, was one of the secret provisions established by Harry

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Truman...60 years under Scottish Rite...then another 60 under the York Rite...ending with what they called a "Conference of Sacred Decision" (I have no comment about what that may mean...as that would bode poorly for me as well...)...on "the 15th of Tishrei, 5828."

The new group has a new name...it is not named Majestic. Do I know what it is named? Yes. Will I tell anyone? No. ...as that would bode poorly for me as well... "Ref stargates and the 'new body':

"What I do know is that the devices are in the hands of people who know when NOT to use them. Further, they are being transferred to the hands of people who have every intention of living long lives and handing their service off to their own children. My service ended, in that knowledge.

I suspect that may not give anyone a warm feeling inside, and it doesn't me either. The stargates are now in the hands of the new body, who will store them until such a time as the transition is completed and I understand until well after. Once done, I would expect they will hold long and hard conferences as to what to do with them. That's all I can really say.

They certainly won't be handed to people who might just want something negative to befall humanity." I would, just for the general purpose of it, also suggest reading "Reply #362 on Dec 20, 2006, 8:45 pm". Let me know if you have followup questions to what I have written. "I give you a heartfelt thanks on behalf of the cosmos on all your work and sacrifice. PEACE" Peace to you, too. God Bless you. "p.s. aliens are awesome" I'll never forget, that's for sure.

Dan Burisch a short time later replies :


" ... The NEW team, are they good guys or bad guys?" I haven't met everyone, yet. I found out, very recently (a couple days ago), for sure, that I would be meeting the new group of 12. The ones I have met, so far, are actually spiritually deeper, more reflective, and more introspective individuals than the majority of the former Majestic. (This should not be taken to imply...whatsoever...as a general description of any difference between Scots and Yorkies. My statement is applied to the individuals, neither the societies in which those individuals may find their membership, nor the goals of those same societies.)"Are they in effect now? "Mmm...they sure are. "And if so, what is their effect?" They have been having, from what I hear from others, positive effects on the relationship between the secret societies and governments, including bridging many gaps between the religious and basically secular societies.

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They have, so far, operated well from the meaning of the three basic Latin statements, of which most Americans are at least familiar: 1. E pluribus unum - One out of many 2. Novus ordo seclorum - New order of the ages 3. Annuit coeptis - He has favored our undertakings From my point of view, I am grateful to have (hopefully) had a small positive effect on the outcomes and present relationships, and insodoing, had an influence (no matter how small) on this Latin ditty: Ad astra per aspera - To the stars through difficulties ...

randb 1/27/07 (same page)

It was this from #362 I found very relevant: "I knew there had to be a reason why the life span of the human being (the biblical 120 years) was set into agreement between the two halves (Scottish and York rites)...for each to share a perfect 60 years (as 60 degrees of a equilateral triangle)...and this was it. Of course, I could have learned that directly, if I had taken the oath...which I refused." Max age (biblical and scientific) immediately hit when I first read the totaled split (120). The geometry connection makes sense, too. B.


abstract" ... The Chinese calendar moves in 60-year cycles, meaning the world will experience in the new year events similar to those that took place in 1947... "www.breitbart.com/news/2007/02/14/070215043912.onjqts5b.html

Mongrel news: 2/2/07


It's now about ten to ten in the morning.

Dan Burisch 2/3/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)

http://www.neweaglesforum.proboards107.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=ideas&thread=1170270679&page=3 [unedited quote]

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"Belimawr and everyone: Thank you! I have had a wonderful Birthday, so far...and more presents (the kind that don't come wrapped in paper) than I feel worthy to have received. One of them, which happened yesterday, really humbled me, and made me feel proud of the work I did, over the last 20 years. Here is a secret, just between you and me ( ) about secret societies: you need not feel like a rag doll around them. That appends to them more power than they have. But why? Aren't they so powerful? Here is the pearl: they run nothing...they only influence. That influence can always be legally overturned by the power of the people. How? Numbers speaking in unison and of one accord. Let's take an issue...say...DISCLOSURE. If you were to take a poll inside the so-called "ufo community," and ask a simple question: "Do you know what Disclosure is?" The vast majority (it has been done by the way...years ago...)...the vast majority will tell you "yes!" But...that's where the unison...that's where the speaking in one accord ends. (After I post this...give it a little while...and then if you dare ...watch other forums...and you will hear their self proclaimed experts telling you that what I have just said is wrong. Of course, they also believe that sending packages to Washington, DC, that are allowed to arrive, but are then covered with a truthful note of introduction before they are reviewed, is the way to go! )

Now...at once...just forget about what disclosure may be for a moment...and think just about that. They have people in their ranks...high ranking people...and lower ranking people...who will tell you that your single voice is worth nothing. Hell...some of them have so little self worth...they even tell you not to pray, or meditate about unity! Well...of course I disagree...but maybe we should redefine the question about that? Should a single voice...or the voice of a few who want something their own way...sway the course of the release of information which may impact everyone? The answer, coming from the Majestic well before they began preparations to adjourn was: no. The answer I came to, when I was given my last set of orders was also "no." The self righteous few...who proclaim this or that...define what disclosure is...whether they are from within "ufology," belong to religious cult, are part of a loose knit band of folks...or whatever...DON'T SPEAK FOR HUMANITY.

Neither do I! So...people who come to me and say...we need to do this...or we need to do that...you should speak this way...or you should concentrate that way...with the release of information which may impact the course of history...are simply full of crap! They aren't humanity asking for information...they are just a self righteous few or less...maybe even one or two...demanding their way...their vision...be that which rules the discussion. Those launching objections will say: who gave Majestic the right to rule the day...the right to rule the discussion? My answer: no one. Since when have they ruled anything? If Majestic, given its former power, was so determined to be the only voice, as the conspiracy pundits say, then why haven't the voices from the loud mouths who preach daily, and cause political cramps for Maj, been silenced? Was it my experience that Majestic had such a reach and force assets? Yes. Do you think they are afraid of you? How about afraid of me? Not at all. Majestic determined, long ago, that they (Majestic) didn't have the authority to speak for humanity.

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The careful decisions on the release of information about the extraterrestrial presence were made well before my birth! How?

Well...now comes the tough part...telling you something without saying it outright...Recently, I sat with Marcia and two friends and enjoyed an iced tea with them. It was the only nice moment in a very long and arduous day. During our conversation I mentioned that there were some questions that the "best of the best of the best" in ufology...the movers and shakers had either never thought to ask me...or decided to not ask...but in either case...some questions have never been asked of me. A nasty section in one treaty indicates something like (I would have to have it looked up to be precise) that representatives responsible for the information contained in the treaty are requested to answer truthfully, after they have made culturally accepted arrangements for testimony thereto (I suppose this means being subpoenaed and getting a lawyer), to questions posed by an authorized representative of a sovereign government conducting an investigation into the facts of that treaty.

Wow! Meaning...if an authorized (I suppose this means "duly elected" for American purposes) Federal representative was to broker the authority to ask me questions about the "Tau" (T9) and "Omicron Phi" (OF9) treaties and Majestic...I would be responsible to answer them truthfully and without evasion. .

Another section indicated that responsible representatives, in the due course of providing authorized information to the public, in an informal manner, must judge, for the well being of those with whom they speak, how information is presented. How have I taken the second bit of information? When ready, you'll ask. Can I immediately point to areas that have not been covered...in 3 YEARS OF QUESTIONS that I've answered? Yes. I will pose a couple, here and now, that have not been asked of me...and given that I am posing them...I feel it is inappropriate (for 'well being') to provide an immediate answer to them. Do I know the answers? Yes. I'll just leave them with you...for now...to consider.

1. On T2, after the future Orion beings leave earth for the Moon, then Mars, then ultimately Orion...then much later after the future J-Rods go from here to Reticulum......who is left behind on Earth, does anyone stay?...how does that impact the future of humanity on T2?...could a variant of that occur, without T2 happening?

2. Who originally suggested and pressed for the treaty system? Was it Majestic, or someone else? Those questions have been hanging there all this time...yet no one asked them? Because I have NO RIGHT to speak for humanity, and because I was almost required to show you examples...I can only conclude that the people weren't ready because they didn't ask. Please don't say you haven't had the time...because I have answered HUNDREDS OF QUESTIONS put to me. We have them all on record. (This is the cue for the petty princes and princesses to find a near question/answer. Hurry on!) Many have made the leap in logic, showing once again that we feel ourselves (now) so all powerful and so very interesting that it is obviously we who pressed for (or required) a treaty system. True enough...we wanted it... ...once we found out the truth...but...is that really all there is to be said?

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Many have heard or read the contents of the speech given to my team, last May...where I said something akin to "we are now quarantined most assuredly as the Soviets were in October of 1962!" Yet...no substantial questions about the word "quarantine" so...fine...for well being... ...it sets, too. Why? Why wouldn't this all come up from people who know exactly what disclosure is? Why, if they want Disclosure, why haven't they asked? Two reasons: (1) they have no idea what disclosure is, and (2) whatever it is they think disclosure is, it is defined by what they think it must be. In other words...if another's version arrives...it's not good enough for them. They have the spirit in them to want truth- but their own truths. This is why...and please don't miss the real pearl of wisdom here...this is why it has been done...is being done...and will be done...in a way which is sensitive on a cross-cultural...really a planetary...level.

Because the unilateral acceptance of authority has not been bequeathed to us from earlier incarnations of Majestic......(...whether it be the original 12, to the incarnations of the Committee of the Majority, or the later 12, or the final Maj 12...and even now with others...)......set into a sensitive system of dealing with the extraterrestrials of human lineage, whose information goes to the core of the destiny of humanity......NO INDIVIDUAL FROM OR INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENT HAS THE RIGHT OR AUTHORITY TO SPEAK FOR ALL OTHER SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS ON EARTH...BY DIRECTING AN OFFICIAL RELEASE OF SUCH INFORMATION....WHICH IMPACTS THE DESTINY OF HUMANKIND.

In other words...ladies and gentlemen...if you are waiting for...say the U.S. Government to hold a Grand Disclosure Briefing...whereby all the little "conspiratorial freakies"...can point fingers, wrap the nooses, and light the torches...you are waiting for......people who (a) know they haven't the right to do it, and (b) care too much to act like the people who are demanding it. Folks...disclosure is what you want it to be. The information is coming out...from numerous sources. What are you waiting for? Someone to make you the guest of honor at a party? We are all...already that...in the party of life. To those claiming they have the right to declare this or that...that they want this or that information...look around you...where are the numbers and where is the unity of accord? Do you feel so all powerful, so smart, that you have the right to speak for everyone to demand something which everyone owns and hasn't been defined by the larger population? Don't yell to me...I just released the amount of truth I was told to release...and now I'm retired. I'm just one guy. I am sure you feel yourselve's more than just one average guy or lady, but I know what I am not. How are you doing tonight...you 'speakers for everyone'? - Dan


A Rebuttal by Dondep of the above Dr Burisch Post Starting at:

Posted: Feb 04, 2007

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"Dealing With Dan's Diatribes -Part Reflection, Part Rebuttal" http://danburisch.forumup.org/viewtopic.php?t=106&start=390&mforum=danburisch

Dan Burisch ~ 2/4/07 responds to belimawr's questions neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


Info on the Treaties really quick.

I testified during my time where I was giving my debreifing to two sets of Treaties...one called the T9 and the other the OF9. These treaties have governed agreements between we and the human lineage extraterrestrials.

The T9 treaties were signed: 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003 (...placed into abeyance until 2004; this is the one with which I was involved.), and one scheduled for 2012.

The OF9 treaties were brokered in 1954, and signed 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, and one set for 2009. The OF9 treaties (called Omicron Phi, for their Greek Letters) involve the Present+52,000 years Orion's and J-Rod's (Federals) and us. The T9 treaties (called Tau, for the Greek Letter) involve the parties to the OF9 treaties + the Present+45,000 years J-Rod's. During the 1954 meeting, to broker the OF treaties, the diplomatic channels were initially suggested to be made open with the P+45's.

The treaties govern our relationships with the P+52 Orion's and J-Rods, and the P+45 J-Rods. The treaty system is presently under great scrutiny, as to whether it need continue, once the transition (rise into the rift / galactic plane) is complete. Dan

[Dan continues his response to belimawr]

Wow! A thinker! Finally! That's one that hasn't been asked before! I know the answer as provided to me by Chi'el'ah! The P+52 Orions engaged the P+45 J-Rods in discussion with the P+52 J-Rods. Prior to engagement, the P+45 J-Rods were unaware that the Orions had even survived. To them...it was an "alien" invasion when they were contacted by the P+52 Orions. Initially, hostilities broke out, initiated by the P+45 J-Rods against the P+52 Orions attempting to contact them. This is why the P+52 Orions engaged the P+52's J-Rods, to prove to the P+45's that we were all human. Once done, the P+45 J-Rods only reluctantly agreed to the engagement even with the P+52 J-Rods because after

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seeing evidence of their society, they felt that their own kind had been...ummm...if you will...watered down.

Given the hostility between the P+45 J-Rods and the P+52 Orions, the P+52 Orions and P+52 J-Rods jointly decided to press the P+45 J-Rods not to contact the P+45 Orions...so as not to cause another paradox. They (again) reluctantly agreed. This was a source of tension as diplomatic issues bantered back and forth within the P+45 culture included proponents for the eradication of the pre-P+52 Orions. Disputes have occurred...(or depending on how you view the paradox....could occur. ) The P+52 J-Rods have enforced that quarantine against the P+45 J-Rods. Great thinking! Bingo! You asked the right question! ...and to think...this is one of your first questions to me.

~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~[ UPDATE: ]

" ... Much to my surprise, when the question about abductions came up, Dan's presentation became far more forceful- much more forceful than I had anticipated.

He paused, darkly, then said that as a previously seated numbered member of the 12, even though he had no official authority to do so, he took it upon himself to apologize for the previously established treaty programmed abductions, citing that they were wrong on any account and that as he was a former "number," he had 'some responsibility to speak out in that regard'.

He said he used his short time as a "J" number to press for the removal of the abductions from the treaty process because it was wrong, and that the government (including Majestic in years passed) had been lying to the people of the world when dismissing their claims of abductions or et encounters.

It was a powerful moment. When the question about right and wrong was stated, Dan became angrily passionate that the removal of people from their beds at night could never be justified, and that he said,

'On behalf of Majestic and the Majestic 12, I am sorry, I apologize.' In the 60 years of Majestic, this is the only (or at least one of very few times) anyone from the seated 12 has ever said they were sorry for anything.www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart25Burisch.html

There have been individual people who have repeatedly asked me...it seems 500 like times..."Uhhh...what's the Illuminati???"...and you hit the "Bingo!" near first try! As for the Ganesh Particle...I have to be very careful here before certain publications and such come out...but I have concluded from reviewing the work of at least 2 others ( I HAVE THEIR MICRO-PHOTOS! ), that the Ganesh Particle (Class "A" 'Particle')...albeit named differently...has been previously discovered!

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The Class "B" (virus-like transmission 'particles'), Class "C" ('Selkie's' which act like acoustic crossing guards), and "portals" seem to be (as of today) our sole novel discovery. Give it about a year...and quite a bit will come into focus for everyone. We have things we have to do, which will come to fruition in about a year. Patience. Dan Addendeum so I am being wholly and completely correct and truthful: One of the images I have may show a Class "C" Selkie (a Platonic cycling form...however I have no comment at this time as to specifically what Platonic Form), but it appears that the scientist producing the photomicrograph did not realize its presence or novelty, as he did not detail it in the description of the objects in the image. So...the realization of the Class "C" 'Particle' existence still seems to sit in our favor. Once more...I am not out to make a discovery...we may have...but I am trying to describe a phenomenon in nature which may act as a direct conduit of natural forces which interplay in evolutionary processes.

If we are the first finders of some of the phenomenon that's great...but it is not of the greatest interest to me...pulling back the veil of nature's secrets is where it's at!

[Dan continues his response to belimawr]

"The Maji...and with a little help from me...have done everything possible to kick the legs out from underneath the Illuminati. There are some matters still to come...some "missiles" (only as a metaphor) which have thus far not landed...so I have to be careful with this conversation. Yes, they're afraid...yes...they have reason to be. If anything...that's what I see in many reactions right now...reactions slandering people, defamation of character...it's fear. I'm not afraid...and may just take a little more time out of my life...bring some assets to bear...to bring a few more demons into the light before my public time is over for good.

Why...some of it could even be happening...right now. Many of the Illuminati members have been life members...not unlike that of the Maji...but of a differing "ethic." One has to come to an understanding about free will, integrity, etc...before it becomes a real issue...and they try to breed that out of people, through successive generations of subservience. I am a blue collar worker's kid...a Los Angelino from the streets...a mutt of the same tradition as Mongrel...and...whether one is a net game player...a cultist...an Illuminati...or a former member of the Maji with bad intent...there ain't no training me.

Jerry Pippin's interview is coming at the start of March...I am retired...I have completed my last orders with honor, integrity, and truthfulness...but I am retired...I wonder what I am going to say? 2064...it hasn't happened yet...it's for us to make the best of it. Dan

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Dan Burisch 2/6/07 neweaglesforum (majestic initiated forum)


randb Posted: "On those chosen for Maji/Committee placement: to what extent were ETs historically involved in the selection process?"

Originally, they had neither active nor indirect involvement, when the Majestic was first formed in September, 1947. The 12 were military and military scientists.

The issue was first construed, from the early 40's until even 1947 (and the formalizing of the working group), as a military/defense topic. From 1947 until 1953 it basically remained as a military topic. Something happened (and yes it had to do with the 2 living J-Rod's from "Kingman" and Project Aquarius) in 1953...Aquarius...which the new project had become known was moved from USAF/OSI to IC control under Sigma Project diplomats. This is why the NSA side of the Ops...as opposed to the CIA side...have historically controlled the policies of the Majestic.

This was the real beginning of the group we have come to know as the Maji. Tensions on the diplomatic side of the CIA have wanted higher ET interactions with present humans read into the treaties...the NSA side opposed. (We should be careful not to just read-in "Illuminati" here, though.) Then, a year later, the brokering occurred for the Treaties. From that time, until in the early 1960's, the 12 was a U.S. composed and comprised group.

Then, during the early 60's the U.S. became aware that the P+45 Rogues were operating with the Illuminati elite, via handpicked liaisons. At the same time, our issue with the USSR cropped up, and India became involved in a shuttle diplomacy capacity...but also to their own advantage as they could leverage Looking Glass units due to their access. At the birth of the Committee of the Majority (CotM) 1963-1967...the international nature of Majestic...and the expanded number of total committee members (12 --> 33) enabled greater opportunities for both (a) the people who wanted higher ET interaction in present government and (b) those (Illuminati) who wanted our destruction (population culling catastrophe) via the Rogue's view of self-justification. (An operation as a specific working group of 12 was continued under the CotM, as a political maneuver by the NSA side to keep an active group in place...in the policy stream...should Illuminists succeed in taking control of the CotM.

Of course...many other justifying reasons were given than that! )(Side-bar: I came in during the height of the CotM's power...and my tenure ultimately ended just a few years after the height of the internal struggle between the 12 and the internationalized

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CotM...with the CotM's dissolution.) At that point...and somewhat until 2002...the ET's had their hands in things. They weren't free hands...though...as at every step, when an Illuminist or Illuminist influenced appointment was added to the CotM and found out...they were removed. The last confirmed Illuminist appointment, was he who was removed from the MJ9 position, which was temporarily sat by me, until a proper non-Illuminist replacement was chosen soon thereafter.

I should be clear that it has always been against the policies of the 12, the CotM, and the later 12...and with the new group...to allow ET's input into the composition of the group. Why? Distance. It doesn't matter how human we regard them...the fact that they are distant from us...our needs...feelings...motivations...that is simple enough to exclude them from the process. (There are other reasons as well.) No ET has ever sat as a member of the 12, the CotM, the later 12...or the new group!

If there was ever a signal of an intention to alter that relationship...the ramifications would bring all old operatives, including myself, to force of arms to prevent it. Lines of communication exist for that purpose, alone. Checks and Balances are a good thing. Historically, therefore, the only influence to appointments, the ET's have ever had, have been one of failed espionage. "To the point, I'm guessing the link created in '73 was designed in part to secure your influence with the (future) MJ1-and by extension the group-giving the J-Rods a (positive) constant of sorts?" You may have noticed that the third OF9 was signed in 1973? That was the same year I was abducted from Mae Boyar Park. How about the second one? I was born in 1964! Coincidences. It remains my firm conviction, less evidence showing otherwise, that I was picked up as a random sample...and by the luck of the draw...became associated with those of an extant Majestic family. As Chi'el'ah claimed to have been on board in 1973 (that gives me a paradox head-ache... ...as he also crashed in 1953)...and as I was promoted above others of higher experience, it makes sense to me that the person expected to have been inducted and become the lead scientist so many years later...would have been another person on that same craft. (We should not engage in a further discussion about that specific issue.) Dan

randb replied:

Dan: A very choice reply. Thank you. "...an extant Majestic family..." OK. So, was he (J) elevated to MJ1 following the incident, or did he already occupy it (in '73)? A short one concerning treaty names. Tau seems appropriate enough: the cosmic cross, the Ankh, sacrifice etc. What's the significance of Omicron Phi? B.

Dan's reply:

Oh...no, no, no...That position became occupied by that person around 2 decades later than that date. The "9" was set for numerological comfort for the J-Rods. Aside from OF standing loosely for "Orion's" and "Federal's"...those labels were basically added like

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how I understand the name "jeep" was first attached to the vehicle. The OF and T treaties symbolize the protection of Planet Earth. Dan

[images included at above URL]

mongrel ~ 2/8/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


Press Release of INTELLIGENCE Committee Rockefeller and Bond Announce Unanimous Committee Approval of McConnell to be the Next DNI ..."

February 7, 2007 WASHINGTON, DC –

Today Senators John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV (D-WV), Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, and Christopher (Kit) Bond (R-MO), Vice Chairman, announced that the Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously approved the nomination of John Michael McConnell to be the next Director of National Intelligence.

"Admiral McConnell is the right person for the job," said Rockefeller. "He knows how important intelligence is and he understands the threats facing our country. He is a serious intelligence expert, and I'm confident that he possesses the right amount of experience and dedication necessary to be an effective DNI. I think the country is fortunate that he is willing to take on this enormous responsibility." Vice Chairman Bond said, "Admiral McConnell is an outstanding professional whose experience will be extremely valuable to our country. His testimony before the Intelligence Committee gave all of us great confidence in his understanding of the challenges ahead, his leadership ability and his willingness to work with the Committee in the future." Last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee held an open hearing on the nomination of Vice Admiral McConnell to be the next DNI. The confirmation of McConnell is expected to come before the full Senate as soon as possible. http://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/record.cfm?id=268643 Transcript: Senate Hearing, Nomination of Mr. Mike McConnell as Director of National Intelligence 37 pages; PDF.The hearing took place in Washington D.C. on February 1, 2007. Source: Office of the Director of National Intelligence Comments are closed. http://www.dni.gov/testimonies/20070201_transcript.pdf

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Marcia McDowell 2/10/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum) ~


"Sweetness" the Dulce Facility

Hi, everybody! We have received an unusually high number of requests for information about the facility Dan visited in 2002 in New Mexico, called "Sweetness." Many feel this was the Dulce Facility, and I cannot comment on that.

Dan would normally comment but he is unavailable until after we visit Laughlin on March 3. Most of the questions are about the numbers and signs he saw and a few are about J-Rods. I will do my best to answer the questions all at once. Dan never saw a J-Rod at Sweetness. It is believed that a J-Rod was taken to the Los Alamos National Laboratory area, after the 1953 Kingman crash which also carried the J-Rod he later met at S4 (near Papoose Lake, in the Nevada Test Site). The craft carried 3 occupants: 1 P52 J-Rod (Chi'el'ah) and 2 P45 J-Rod "Rogues". One P45 J-Rod (Rogue) died at the scene of the crash.

The remaining occupants were taken to secure facilities: one to S4 and the other to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LNL). It is currently thought that the J-Rod Bill Uhouse met was the P45 which had been taken to Los Alamos. Dan only ventured two floors down, in Sweetness, and under close guard. He did not roam free at the facility, like he somewhat could at S4, later in his career. He never saw an extraterrestrial at Sweetness. Dan never saw a Clean Sphere at Sweetness, only at S4.

Dan was asked to work on a virus at Sweetness, to combine an unknown virus fragment with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Dan noticed that the label for the unknown fragment contained a "K" number which meant to him that the virus had originated from S4 as part of Project Aquarius. Knowing it was an ET virus fragment and believing the combined virus would be used for biowarfare, Dan refused to help them. (Dan was the only one who refused at that time. It is unknown if other men carried out the request to combine the viruses.) He was arrested at the facility by being locked in a room, then was evicted from the facility under armed guard by men dressed as United States Marines.The R4 sign Dan saw, on the way in to LNL, has been confirmed as Route 4. (See the maps below.) The FM1 sign Dan saw on the door entrance to Sweetness has been confirmed and deciphered by Bill Hamilton, from an insider contact. It means "FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1". They are using a "Facilities Maintenance" sign to mislead anyone about the door's importance.

This is a common technique used by blackops. Dan and I have located the exact locations for the entrance to Sweetness and where the T9-6 conference occurred at Bandelier

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National Monument (BNM), on Google Images. Being that LNL remains a National Defense Facility and the site in Bandelier may be reused, we have both declined to show the public that information. You may notice that R4 not only leads to where Dan entered Sweetness, but also the BNM entrance. I hope everyone is having a great day! Marci

ADDITION: Dan Burisch 2/8/07 ~ J-Rod names?

"Note to the public: I have had an email about the J-Rods, and an interesting thing came up in it...We discussed their names...I explained to the person writing that they DON'T call themselves...Zetas or Zetans...they designate by number, number location, and social group number. Their Planet is also designated by a number...and NO it isn't called Serpo! That's a reptile park in the netherlands. (Don't believe me? http://www.serpo.nl/rep_eng.htm )...They call their home world number and sound desigator, as established by the Sigma Unit: 4-18-20. Meaning-Planet 4, R-T (Planet 4, "Ert," Alt. Earth) Dan



The following text is copied from Bill Hamilton's website:

The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments:

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“With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode).

I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place.

When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of the Groom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. How could a videotape recorder, set to record what was right in front of its lens at that location gather any data on the Middle East if it were still stuck in the middle of the Mojave desert when it got to the future??? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it - a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world away.

To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. However, such an item placed into the injected atmosphere, might experience a different time, if only briefly. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. I was given to understand that the tilt or positioning of the electromagnets would allow different views or positions in the environment to be reflected in the gas column.

(I feel confident that at least two rings of electromagnets are employed and that the rest of the device is composed of a barrel and the gas* injected into the barrel. (Two different sources have indicated that these are the basic components.) These magnets spin in different directions, creating a charge of some kind. Then the gas is injected into the barrel. Depending on the direction of the spin (I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect) time

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space can be warped forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present. I have reason to believe that the scientists have completed a map of the exact positions and speeds of the magnets necessary to reach targeted times both forward and back.)

Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a teleprompter or crystal ball, for lack of a better example. But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move, or that mass is not affected. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. (I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected).

I wish I could offer you more information. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with some kind of gas [an independent source has stated that the gas concerned is argon. Project Camelot] ...these components seem necessary for LG to function as a viewing device. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space....I really don't know since my information sources would only tell me 'so much' about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.”

The following images were created and supplied by Dan Burisch.

Note: the unattributed image on Bill Hamilton's website is a movie prop from the the movie "The Time Machine".

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CONTINUED FROM UPDATES PART 21 DR DAN BURISCH ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Dr Dan Burisch Forums, Library, Updates

Dan Burisch 12/31/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


Yes, a peaceful and Happy New Year to everyone! I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the member(s) of the Golden Thread who apparently chipped in to send me (us) this wonderful spread, which arrived a couple hours ago by a delivery person.

There was no return or State address, and the only identifying message was that it was "From the members of the Golden Thread."There was a private message, attached, and I

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will keep the contents of that confidential as requested by the writer. Thank you...it means a great deal to me. I passed the message to Marcia, shortly after she got done eating with us... ( Forgive Cheezy, she wanted Marcia's dinner! ) ...and she (Marcia) wished to pass to the writer the message: "Thank you, I appreciate that very much! "May God Bless and keep each of you during this New Year, and my wish to everyone is: PEACE AND UNITY. Love, Dan P.S. I'm calling all the guys and ladies and we're going to pig out as New Year's arrives!

Dan Burisch 12/31/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


"My New Year's message to each of you folks, from the former Majestic, is best saved for when I see you in person...so that I may tell you directly what each of you mean to me. I wish to share with each of you, as well, messages we have received from all over the world...which I have been quietly holding for this night...the first (of a few) change of years in the Red Zone...so that you will all know what you (and your honorable service) mean to the wonderful people of this, 'the good earth. 'See you then! Love, Dan

Dan Burisch 1/2/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


enki wrote: 1/1/07

"I hope everyone had a great new years..."The year of publications" ? sounds good to me. Again happy 2007 to everyone... En.Ki "

Dan wrote: " Somebody other than myself actually coined the term...but thus far it is looking accurate.

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We have several items, including at least 1 more DVD from the debriefing (and with other folks) to be published as well. We are in hopes of Emanation of the Solfeggio, the newest Eagles Disobey Mars pub, and the Lotus DVD to come out during the course of the year 2007 Dan

mongrel 1/5/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/4443076.html Jan. 4, 2007, 5:05 PM Bush reshapes national security strategy Moves for McConnell, Negroponte come as president weighs new direction on Iraq

By KATHERINE SHRADER Associated Press WASHINGTON — President Bush has chosen a 25-year intelligence veteran, retired Vice Adm. Michael McConnell, to be the country's second national intelligence director as he reshapes his national security strategy with two years left in his presidency.

The current director, career diplomat John Negroponte, will move into the long-vacant job as top deputy to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Both nominations are expected to be announced by Bush on Friday, said a senior administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision was not yet public. The moves come as the White House weighs a new direction on Iraq, where a quick invasion has devolved into a bloody civil conflict. Part of the new course appears to be a renovation of Bush's intelligence and national security team... " " ... Bush also talked with McConnell about becoming intelligence chief, a position that oversees and coordinates the 16 U.S. spy agencies. McConnell spent more than a quarter-century as an intelligence operations and security officer and caught the attention of then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and then-Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell during the first Persian Gulf War. He regularly briefed the two as an intelligence officer for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and is known as someone who can distill complicated information into coherent presentations, said Matthew Aid, a historian who studies the National Security Agency. McConnell was tapped to lead U.S. eavesdropping efforts as director of the National Security Agency from 1992 to 1996. Aid suggested his record there was mixed... "

Owl 1/6/07 neweaglesforum ("majestic 12" created forum)

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Dan, this is for you - BC

(John M. McConnell & Bush)


Dan 1/6/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)



Having successfully shown her credentials and my own (as lead imager) to the State of Nevada, Dr. McDowell resgistered our research team.

Read the last portion very carefully: "Said registration was submitted with a description thereof and duly verified as required by law, and that the same is now on file and of

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record in this office." Now (look above) once more at the letters behind her name on the certificate. Why...here she is...with the registration...isn't it beautiful?

Very soon, Dr. McDowell will be placing a WARNING on our website, warning all those about the use of the now registered-trademarked name "EAGLES DISOBEY" against unauthorized use. We are taking the steps to protect ourselves. Take a guess what could happen next? It's in OUR hands and so is the timing. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Sc.D.International Co-Director, Project Isis Lead Imager/Scientist, Eagles Disobey (Tm) Research Team

Dan Burisch 1/7/07 neweaglesforum ("majestic 12" created forum)


I have been asked, from an important source, for a public comment on the nomination of the Honorable Adm. John Mike McConnell, by the President of the United States of America, the Honorable George W. Bush; to the ODNI. Dan---------------------Begin statement:

"I can think of no better, nor more qualified a person, to hold the title of Director of National Intelligence, than J.M. McConnell. I laud the decision of the President of the United States, to nominate this gentleman, as the gentleman's record bears true witness to a life of service, honorably dedicated to the people of the United States of Amercia, and the defense of our Homeland. During a time of necessary and right reliance upon Providence, the safety of the United States of America, and of the world, will be well stewarded by the assistive presence of this gentleman, in the ODNI. Danny B Catselas Burisch, Sc.D.January 6, 2007" End statement.

Dondep 1/12/07 danburisch.forumup (public created forum)

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The Media Begins Scrutiny of Dadmiral's Nomination This is extremely explosive........

"Officials believe White House chose new Intelligence chief in effort to darken Iran Intelligence Estimate, broaden domestic surveillance.""... (The below article reproduced at the above forum ^) ... .......www.rawstory.com/news/2007/Intelligence_officials_believe_White_House_chose_0108.html "

Dan Burisch 1/18/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


Marcia: Today, Thursday, is to be spent compiling the OLP Unit 1 data into electronic form. You now have possession of the entirety of Emanation of the Solfeggio, on your desk and in your electronic files. Enjoy the lathing process! It has been my sincere privilege to have assisted in the discoveries, and in the production of a piece of work which holds so much promise! I appreciate having been associated with you, in the research trenches, on that project. Just 6 years ago...I could have never foreseen where Lotus would go...or imagined that the universe of light and acoustic energy would be strewn before our simple presences in a gentle offer to do good.

Project Isis...jewelled with the power of the Cosmos...awaits! I pray that we shall be found worthy to offer our energies to the benefit of humankind, in service to both God and humanity. Dan----------------------------------------------------------------------

Now... ...in an ACT OF OPEN DEFIANCE to the wrong which was done to me in 1998......I once again set my eyes toward the Martian Highlands......and openly dare to say... { Photo at the above forum says: } " A heart felt messsage to the former defeated members of the Committee of the

Majority 'EAGLES DISOBEY' " .

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mongrel 1/20/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)




[ 2 minutes later]





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mongrel 1/22/07 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)





"My Son and an Alien! A True Story by Doreen A. Crain Mother of Dr. Danny B. Crain, Ph. D. AKA: Dan Burisch, Ph.D. Microbiologist at Area 51"


coasttocoastam.com ~ 1/25/07

Thursday Recap

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" ... During the 4th hour, George spoke briefly with Doreen Crain about her new book, My Son and an Alien!, which tells the story of her son, Area 51 microbiologist Dan Burisch.


UncleJohn 1/27/07 danburisch.forumup (public created forum)


Uncle John here: I finally found where to order Dodie's book. Strange that the link on marci's site doesn't work for me? (edit)www.rosedogbookstore.com/mysonandalien.html

"The truth about our son, Dr. Danny Crain, Ph.D., is that through his involvement with our Government Black Project, they have taken his brilliant mind and twisted it to their advantage. We are not allowed to see our son or talk to him. They have altered and twisted his mind in order to corrupt his past, present, and possible future. We have not seen Danny in thirteen years and pray that someday, he will remember his past and us. Maybe this book will enlighten him, if he is ever allowed to read it. All three of our lives have been threatened at one time or another."

UJ says: You would think that dan would have enough common decency to tell his mother and father an explanation of why he no longer wants to relate to them. He owes the public an explanation of this also.

You can plainly see that Dodie agrees with my mind control assessment. ... Wonder why marci is promoting this book?


(ADDITION:) This is quoted from the 1/22/07 interview with Dan and Mongrel

" ... Dan: An attempt, without my permission, to alter my memories with the use of experimental neuropeptides was attempted by Majestic. The attempt failed, miserably, and my memories were fully regained. I have fully assessed the accuracy of my memories against those of Marcia and a few others who have been close to me through the years. My memories, of past events, as either witnessed by those others or as they were recalled as having been iterated by me, during an earlier time, match completely. Dan: In other words, save those times I was unconscious, my memory is as intact as it has ever been...as clear and as perfect as I have ever had ... "

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Nov./2007 front page Eaglesdisobey.net

Red Dog Books withdraws Doreen Crain's book from publication due to defamatory statements made about Dr. Dan Burisch and others.

When Doreen Crain wrote her book we all hoped for the best, but unfortunately,  the facts she included about Dan being picked up, saluted, and whisked away to meetings due to his 'Black Ops" involvement were overshadowed by her determination to slander Dan and family, as well as myself.  If it was simply aimed at Dan and I, it wouldn't have been so bad, but when it was harming other people, including children, we knew something would have to be done. Our first conversation with the publisher of that defamatory book yielded the following results:

 Click ... to see the full page.  We are very grateful to Red Dog Books and Dorrance Publishing Company for their prompt attention to this matter, and their willingness to take steps to prevent a wrong from being committed against Dr. Dan Burisch, his family and myself.

Dan 1/24/07 "PLANET X" neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


" ... Dino, I'm with you on that issue, of questions, given a few of the louder voices...but I have a loud voice too...when I decide to use it. Don't come preaching to me publicly, and having the public hear you in that way, about "Planet X"...You are on the inside and you know full well the term "bogus" in relation to the real "Planet X issue"...is an act of hypocrisy!

"Planet X" as the hide-and-seek planet is not real! It IS a concept formed as a mythos from real history...and that is another matter. "Planet X" as an event (alternately, Nibiru) has occurred...and is beginning to occur now! The people have a right to know that! They also have a right to hear long standing traditions relevant to it! Especially since...we are in the time where the real event...not the mythos it has become...but the real event is upon us.

I have made promises that such long standing voices from history could be heard in our DVD's! We are making arrangements for them to be heard! The offers are made. That's

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all we can do. What are the arrangements? The public has to wait. (Why? Because there are characters out there who would hijack those voices to their own desires. That's wrong, and would be a crime against the authenticity of an ancient message.

The emotional drama that some of those characters bring to the podium drowns out the information which the people, en masse, need to hear from the real voices. If those characters think they can beat me...and the message of the real traditions...and thereby beat the authenticity into a tool of their own desires...they are barking up the wrong tree.)

Long standing doesn't mean one of those internet or other cults with a mixture of nonsensical garbage! Some of those voices may tell the people that catastrophe (on some level) accompanies change. It does. Look at the state of the biosphere and argue that a catastrophe (on that level) isn't in the offing for humanity? Look at the mass extinction underway and tell me we aren't raping life by our own arrogance? Our Grandmother, the Earth, is being harmed by her grandchildren! The spiritual system in place to protect her, in my view, will not allow us to destroy her...but we are allowed to destroy ourselves as an event of justice for the life we have not properly stewarded! WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET FROM HER. What are those voices going to say, if they offer a statement...those voices of long standing tradition? I don't know. But...given that their tradition is long standing...and one from wisdom...whatever they say will receive the protective stamp of Eagles Disobey...and it will go out unedited. If you attempt to stop or hijack that......well...we are both men here...so just plainly...if need be......I will stop you. Now...Please go to the TT2 and carry out the extent of your portfolio, as arranged. - Dan

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CONTINUED FROM UPDATES PART 20 DR DAN BURISCH ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Dr Dan Burisch Forums, Library, Updates

Dan Burisch 12/4/06 neweaglesforum (Majestic created forum)


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I HAVE JUST BEEN INFORMED......that the representative of another country, a country which speaks primarily one language (not English), has gone to the extraordinary effort to translate "TELL THE WORLD" into their language and has asked for permission to offer "TELL THE WORLD" for free download in that language. (We will tell everyone what country, soon.) The request has, of course, been granted...as the intention behind "TELL THE WORLD" has always been the information, not the price-tag. If any citizen of any country, which speaks a language other than English, wishes to make a like offer...we will accept it.Tell the world...Dan

Marcia and Holiday Toy Drive for Children of Domestic Violence and monetary donation to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Las Vegas.

Click to enlarge

Dondep 12/10/06 danburisch.forum (public created forum)


"... I think that on this issue as with others, Dan_B has been given misleading information as to the true nature of these things. I wish I could believe that Majestic was truly doing a good thing for us mere mortals, who look overhead occasionally and wonder from whence the strange cloud-trails. I wish we could see some evidence for the 'good' thing(s) these people were really engaged in, but I have yet to witness anything 'good' that's intended for this time, anyway. These are the same people who lied to Dan_B about the so-called "Butterfly Effect", who lied about the Cabrillo Bay operation (Project Preserve Mother), and who lie about the cause of the future 'catastrophe'.

Who knows; maybe some of them have been so lied to by their treaty partners that they too believe the lies now. It's possible; it would explain how otherwise good people can lower themselves to the basest of human endeavors, justifying it all the while in terms of "saving humanity". Saving us from what?


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Shady wrote: I find it humorous to say the least that Dan Burisch supposed microbiologist with Majestic is only familiar with just 2 (possibly three sub species of the Greys* and has only heard rumors of a multi dimensional being*.

{* refer to Part 19 "Oct 24" > }

And I find it scary, Shady. If one keeps in mind that Dan may have been carefully cultivated to know only what his superiors WANTED him to know, then it makes all the more sense.

If he knew of other ET races, then he would have to have something to say about them, too. Remember that he's only supposed to speak about what he knows, first-hand (and even then, a careful tap-dance as to what issues and questions are 'allowable'). Bringing in other races may lead to more pressing questions re the 'OTHER' treaty.

mongrel 12/14/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)



Dr. Danny B Catselas Burisch will be appearing live in the public at the Laughlin, Nevada UFO Conference at the end of February, 2007.

He will answer questions put to him by the public. Drs. Burisch and McDowell will be at the conference table of Paola Harris, noted Italian, international, journalist. Dr. McDowell will be GIVING AWAY (FREE) approximately 12 copies (first come, first served, only one to a person) of the original printed book Eagles Disobey: the Case for Inca, City, Mars to whomever wishes one! This was the book that started it all! Here's the coups people: Dr. McDowell has asked Dr. Burisch to sign each copy of the book, live in the public, for everyone. He said, "For you, Marcia, Okay." But that's not all: There will be a copy of the Q94 document, with each book.That's still not all:Dr. Burisch has been asked to sign his present name and his old name (DB Crain) just as he signed it on the Q94 document, for the first 12 getting there, inside the book (Eagles Disobey) and under his original signature on the copy of the Q94 document!!!!! Dr. McDowell has also agreed to sign every copy given out with her real name (Marcia A. McDowell) and with

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her original pseudonym "B.J. Wolf".The exact time of their appearance has not been set, but the public will be given sufficient advanced notice. Now he's been confirmed, so this is your chance to get a piece of history, for free.

Dan Burisch 12/15/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)



duckdodgers wrote:

....I have been doing a lot of reading and researching lately and here are my top three questions:

1. What is the message/purpose/reason for Dr. Burisch and Dr. McDowell to risk there lives and go public with what they know? 2. What do they know with 100% certainty that is important above all else for me to know? 3. What is the difference between the Maji and the illuminati?

Thanks, Ducky D.


Dan Burisch wrote: Thank you, Ducky...those sure are some questions! Allow me to humbly give you my take on them...one by one?

1. What is the message/purpose/reason for Dr. Burisch and Dr. McDowell to risk there lives and go public with what they know?

"Unless we are to consider what countergroups may have wished...that either being our demise or our being strangled from expressing the truth, as we were ordered, WE DIDN'T RISK OUR LIVES WHATSOEVER! You read right! We were (more properly "I" was) ORDERED to disclose the truth of what I had experienced to the public. Majestic sanctioned my disclosure. Following that order, I was even given a quaint timeline where I was supposed to have completed the aforementioned orders...and during which I was supposed to have exposed a certain number to the information, worldwide. We completed the orders, and I am now fully retired from my service, which lasted (in

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total) approximately 20 years. Here is what the orders (received and accepted on October 12, 2005) looked like: -> {The document is at the above URL; The affidavit; Comment at www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/UpdatesPart13Burisch.html "May 15, 2006" in indigo print.}

It would have been rather rude of them, don't you think, to cut me orders then kill me? But...in all seriousness...I am aware that such an unfortunate eventuality may have happened as well. (I am personally aware of such a thing happening in other instances...but that's not stuff that should be discussed here.) Know this...I would have debriefed unless expressly told otherwise, in any eventuality, but it wouldn't have come to the public as it did. If I had been told that for the good of humanity I should say nothing: I would have stood in silence. Truth be said...I was told that at one time...and did stand in silence...to the tune of staying in a back room of a couple's house (Alan/Sandy Gudaitis) secluded from the public...for the alleged safety of the public....while Marcia had a party thrown for her in the front of the house. (I found out later that they had lied...in a fight between policy decisions...and was released from my {really} self-imposed silence...only to later find that they then wanted me to tell the public. )

The saving grace, personally for me, is that they only ordered me to tell what I personally knew. This prevented numbskulls from tacking their mischief onto my account, as their mischief almost immediately stands off it like a sore thumb. It also provided a safe rubric for me to honestly tell what I knew...insulated from some of the folklore crap that abounds between the honest testimony offered by other individuals. Short of threat, the information is important because it speaks to both the history and destiny of humankind.

2. What do they know with 100% certainty that is important above all else for me to know?

Ducky, I am scientist. 100% certainty? From my best learning, our universe is constructed to express probabilities, that we only perceive, given the filters of our limited brains, as any certainty whatsoever. Given that I do not know what you know or do not know, I am unable to appropriately answer your question with the highest probability of usefulness.I will say this......for me...personally just speaking person to person...and I am not built with certainty either...as I am just a man...the MOST IMPORTANT thing I can advise you at this moment may seem quite simple:

But, you may find that there will be people who will even counsel you not to (from whatever your cultural background) pray, meditate on or think about unity for humanity. Why? No standards have been set? It's however you float your boat...do your thing...make your way...find your path...So...why? Because it's positive! You may easily define where people stand in their own lives and so they may even want for your life, rather quickly, when you hear their response to the above. We can all quickly know people's messages, when they volunteer continuous "death, catastrophe, destruction, despair, fleeing, hiding, snide negativity, separation..." versus unity, love, and peace. ...and it's such an easy and good thing...to think of such good things (unity, love,

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peace)...This is not to say appeasement...Oh...no. It is to say that a dividing line exists in the zeitgeist...some get it...and others don't. I didn't set up the system...so that's not my fault. We stand at a time, Ducky, where people ring their fists at Almighty God, deny that God even exists, even blame the Creator for our own failures, too willingly give themselves to war (as a concept)...and where some even see themselves as the sum total or apex of the universe...those without humility and understanding....and at the same time...we live in a world with such promise...promise on technological and scientific lines...spiritual paths...and the nexus between the two. It is at that nexus, I belive we will find Renaissance for the human species and perhaps all life on this wonderful planet.

CBS news is just now reporting that college students are turning to spirituality, in droves. Science may offer somewhat of a "how?" (and that is very important), but not a "why?" (which I predict is more important) ...they say...just now...(CBS) that nearly 80% of college students now report believing in God, and nearly 70% pray! Many are getting it. I see a Renaissance on the horizon...where science and spirituality work as complements (and compliments) to each other. From my philosophical take (and it is only my own that I can really speak to...and then only estimate my best about others)...that when undertanding (knowledge + intuition) works with wisdom (knowledge + right discernment)...I find (within God)...my right path...the Creator's Will...for me.

I see the future as such a combination of material understanding and spiritual "Knowing". But then again...I am told by a few (not that I listen too intensely when I hear it) that I am at fault when I see both male and female in the YHVH (Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey), as Y-HVH (Adam-Eve; Adam-Chavvah)...and so...my willingness to express unity is challenged on other fronts too. That's fine.

You are undoubtedly finding your personal struggles as well. You see, we're all even! Most important? Peace and Love.

3. What is the difference between the Maji and the illuminati?

The difference is found in the ratios of membership. The term Maji more applies to a specific group who were charged with the stewardship of the "e.t.-present human" coverup, as established by President Harry Truman, in 1947.

The term Illuminati, as you are probably using it, is actually a misnomer (bastardized) for a group of wealthy (predominantly but not totally) Western Europeans, affiliated as a concretized business, political, familial version of Raubritters. They are dedicated to their own financial supremacy on earth, and many of which are elitist Luciferians.

That said...Since 1947, have there been such Illuminati within the membership of the Maji? Yes. Several, during the time of the Committee of the Majority (1963-2002/3...it dribbled for while before it died! ). My own (very short) sojourn as a numbered member of the 12 (ahem...MJ9...), came as a result of an Illuminati member (ahem...MJ9...) being exposed, and MJ1 and MJ2 conducting a bet...one that MJ2 lost. So, I was "technically

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elevated" to MJ9, until the naming of a new, permanent member. I am personally aware of at least one other Illuminati member who remained as one of the 12, until their adjournment in 2005. Will I name him? No. That would bode poorly for me...and besides they're adjourned.

During the time from 1947-2005, the core group (MJ12, a subordinate group to the Committee of the Majority, from 1963-2002/3...but the central group from 1947-1963 and from 2002/3 to 2005...)...was run/operated primarily by elitist members of the Scottish Rite. Such, was one of the secret provisions established by Harry Truman...60 years under Scottish Rite...then another 60 under the York Rite...ending with what they called a "Conference of Sacred Decision" (I have no comment about what that may mean...as that would bode poorly for me as well...)...on "the 15th of Tishrei, 5828." The new group has a new name...it is not named Majestic. Do I know what it is named? Yes. Will I tell anyone? No. ...as that would bode poorly for me as well... I hope that gives you a pretty good idea of the reality...and the stench of their "tattered webs," of such I am now shaking off...as I have been lucky enough to live after leaving their company. Did I know when I swore in, in 1986? No. But...then again...we often don't know where our intentions will land or shipwreck us...do we? Ducky, May God richly Bless and Keep you, yours, and we all, Dan


Reference for "majestic 12" and "illuminati": www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/CastOfCharacters.html

Dan Burisch 12/19/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


enki wrote 12/18/06: "As you have said before (Dan) the deconstruction or total destruction of the Looking Glass technologies will cause the earth to travel through 2012 with the mental evolution of it's people... Will these technologies ever be used again? can they? It seems to me that such technologies would be dangerous in the wrong hands. So... who has the right hands? - En.Ki"

The upgraded technologies, along with the cylinder seals from whence they were originally taken, will undoubtably be used again. The deconstruction of the units, in each case (including the ones taken from governments by force*), was done methodically. The parts were stored.[*For instance: During the 2003 invasion of

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Iraq, Deborah (wife, Remote Viewer) actually supplied the location of one of the stargate units to military (with blackops) entering an area south of Baghdad. The raid was reported by the press as a suspected possible WMD area with a "ring-like device" they thought was a centrifuge. It was no centrifuge. Another ring unit was destroyed by coalition airraids.]

I'm not sure what are the right hands. My personal feeling is that those damned things should have never been built.

What I do know is that the devices are in the hands of people who know when NOT to use them. Further, they are being transferred to the hands of people who have every intention of living long lives and handing their service off to their own children. My service ended, in that knowledge. I suspect that may not give anyone a warm feeling inside, and it doesn't me either.

The stargates are now in the hands of the new body, who will store them until such a time as the transition is completed and I understand until well after.

Once done, I would expect they will hold long and hard conferences as to what to do with them. That's all I can really say.They certainly won't be handed to people who might just want something negative to befall humanity. Dan

Reference: www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/2012theSunStargates.html

Addition:From "notes" thread 12/19/06 (majestic created forum)

» ... I have received a few PM's...most this time aren't for public view...but...and I'm saving the best for last...(1) One person asked if there was any other person who could testify about the Looking Glass? Yes, in fact, DVD #2 will include the eyewitness testimony of Will Uhouse who observed the Looking Glass function in person. Further...there's more...much more...but I cannot comment on that at this time. The public will have to wait..."

Dan Burisch 12/21/06 neweaglesforum (majestic initiated forum)


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" ... The subject of this little post is part of the quote taken from the Operational Parameters of Project Preserve Destiny (Operation One People), a treaty authorized operation, not unlike an iceberg...much more immersed within the waters, than is observed above. Those who decided it just couldn't be so, and acted against what must be done, found their destiny both metaphorically and some in reality...as with those who fall asleep at the watch in the North Sea.

In just under 5 months...with much prep...we touched an estimated...well...several million souls. (The exact number is known...as the count was precise...but I am not sure I should publish it. The key is the word "touched." The human touch, the human embrace, the true kiss of peace, is still very important. It shows, it bestows, the act of togetherness and the gift of Lovingkindness from God.) For instance, take a look at this wonderful story...you see...you don't need to be a member of Majestic...to know what to do...during this time. Many are getting it. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2874839352749552222&q=free+hugs&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4829441087061838766&q=free+hugs&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8259783046912097790&q=free+hugs&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8232639538372700258&q=free+hugs&hl=en

The numbers we touched with the unity flyer and the wish for unity was quite an accomplishment...not for me...for the ones who did it.

I was just its strategist and figurehead. We lost our own during it as well. Some were lost by accident, others by virtue of spreading information in countries where such activities are forbidden. I have visited with each family, and when I came there (to them) with a broken spirit and heart...they surprised me...the dignity...the beauty in them was overwhelming. I came to say...well...I don't know for sure what I was going to say...I suppose "thank you," and that is how they greeted me. (My eyes...well...so let's move on... Indeed when that time passes, many will awaken and laugh and say they knew it would never happen, others will awaken and lament that it didn't, and I will awaken and "know." As a good friend of mine just wrote me, from Europe..."...the public is asleep.") Let's look at what was written, and ask ourselves whether there is academic basis, or whether it was written off the top of someone's head...I did the same, but long before the time of the October 16th affidavit.

{ -------------------------

Dr Dan Burisch Oct. 16, 2006 AFFIDAVITwww.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/images3/DanBurischAffidavitOct16.html

--------------------------- }

When the affidavit was actually being put together I was not well, due to a very bad seizure. I ran across the statement, during treaty negotiations for the Tau-IX:

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"During the time of the Cycles' Cross (a time to begin within a two year period before or after 1982 AD, with a middle danger point within a two year period before or after the Summer Solstice of 1992 AD, and ending within a two year period before or after the Winter Solstice of 2012AD), that the efforts of the militaries of the aligned nations, of the world, sealed by their representatives in the Tau-IX treaty, with the Future Potential Extraterrestrial Intelligences, would require that assistance deemed necessary by the ruling organizational body (Majestic 12) to avoid the time of the determined cyclic catastrophe."

What does this refer to? (The few who continue to sadly wish for disaster, while preaching care, haven't done their homework...and it shows.) Let's look at the meanings...

(1) "During the time of the Cycles' Cross" This is the period of the erection the Holy Cross...where we stand at the intersection of the Galactic Plane. The period we are now in...the one spoken about by the Maya. Here are two nice examples, I would humbly suggest to be carefully examined. http://www.lunarplanner.com/HCmovies/HCmovie300Frame.html http://www.lunarplanner.com/HolyCross.html #Construction of the Cross (2) "...(a time to begin within a two year period before or after 1982 AD, with a middle danger point within a two year period before or after the Summer Solstice of 1992 AD, and ending within a two year period before or after the Winter Solstice of 2012 AD)..."Where did they come up with that? The secret is found at the Cross of Hendaye, and the revealing information from a man sought even by the Nazi's...but was never found...an adept...Fulcanelli...a geometrician, and an initiate of a Holy Order, some call it an Order of Knighthood...who was handed the secrets leading to this time...and in turn had them handed down to selected individuals, even now alive...for passage to the "awakened."

Let's look at some of Vincent Bridges' work, about the Djed Pillar, Fulcanelli, and the Cross of Hendaye. This is another link I would strongly recommend all read. To those who can't, for whatever reason, and who are interested...read it to them, translate it, however. http://vincentbridges.com/?page_id=51 A passage..."All we had that first night back in '97 was a simple ephemeris calculated for midnight Greenwich universal time. From that, we could determine that Fulcanelli's interpretation of the monument's symbolism pointed to a twenty year or so span from the summer solstice of 1992, in which the sun and Venus were conjunct at the galactic antipodes, the cusp of Taurus/Gemini, to the winter solstice of 2012, when the sun is conjunct the center of the galaxy, the cusp of Scorpio/Sagittarius.

This "season" was clearly marked by its mid point, the fall equinox of 2002. (See star charts A, B, and C.)"As I said before...some haven't done their homework...and that's not about you...Scott...as you just want to learn. It's about a few others...the ones who speak the loudest. I am proud to be associated with people (like you) who just want to learn. You know why? I just want to learn too. I want to understand not only the "how's" but the

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"why's" and that can only be found in a synarchy of sorts between science, philosophies, and faiths. Bridges continues...

"Fulcanelli insisted that the cross, the Greek khi (x), has here the shape of an S, the snake, "and takes over its esoteric meaning." This Fulcanelli explains as "the heliocoidal track of sun having arrived at the zenith of its curve across space, at the time of the cyclic catastrophe."

Heliocodial simply means "the sun's curving track," and can refer to both the ecliptic path of the solar year, and the Great Year of Precession's backward motion along the same track. From the monument itself we could determine that the "season" of the catastrophe was the 20+ year span from summer solstice 1992 to winter solstice 2012. If this arc of the sun's curving path was, as Fulcanelli said, the season of catastrophe, then the zenith of the heliocodial track, the time of the "catastrophe" itself, or the most critical moment, could only be the fall equinox of 2002, the mid-point/zenith of the solstice-to-solstice arc."

We learned a little more with the Looking Glass...that the period of greatest danger (physically) wobbled forward just a tad...to 2006 and just beyond.

So...we mounted an effort of efforts...other efforts continue...but with the new body...I knew there had to be a reason why the life span of the human being (the biblical 120 years) was set into agreement between the two halves (Scottish and York rites)...for each to share a perfect 60 years (as 60 degrees of a equilateral triangle)...and this was it. Of course, I could have learned that directly, if I had taken the oath...which I refused. Oaths...especially after the one I took in 1986...were thence forth taken...well...only rarely by me... ... and I ascribe to the teachings of the Master who said of new laws..."...lest you become bound by them." The time we live in...it's all about SPIRIT, yet all about Physics...memorialized in ancient teachings...misunderstood by most, just as Adam and Eve are seen in the mind's eye running naked in a garden...or a giant rock playing hide and seek with the minds of men who demand knowledge, yet shun wisdom.

The only thing I say to everyone...is quite simple...and really asks nothing more...Pray for, think about, meditate on...however you do it...UNITY FOR HUMANITY.

It's quite simple...and contains all that I know...as it is about Love that the universe knows...for God is UNITY, so is love for each other and God.Have fun! Dan


Reference for "2012" www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/Links/2012theSunStargates.html>

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Dan Burisch 12/28/06 neweaglesforum (majestic initiated forum)


Okay...I have had to stop here...for a moment. Since Marcia's post I have been inundated with emails about the Ganesh Particle. (Thanks, Marcia! )... STOP! (To the person who asked me if I forgot how to shave? No. ) What Marcia wrote in her post is the absolute truth.

The facts behind that "truth," certainly enough to establish it as such, will be presented in the Lotus DVD, in 2007. (We will take great care with how the information is presented...as there are many scientists...worldwide...who are concerned with the possibility of being treated as we have been treated.

Having been witness to the antics of some, we maintain great empathy with such concerns. We will apply great care. We know how to proceed with most items and are in consultation with others, as to their work.)

Those who have been following our studies and history, those presenting themselves honestly, will admit that when we say something...we follow through (in every case where it is possible to do so) with what we've said. There will be no difference here.

The question with all such things is: how best to present it? Marcia and I are making decisions about that, right now. There's no debate (to me) that I have never deserved the beauty which I have been privileged to behold, since 2001. Yet...for some reason...we have beheld that beauty and I have tried, at every turn, to properly respect it. Have I failed in that respect? Have I failed to appropriately respect humanity while we have been observing it (Lotus)...and now while we are making decisions with respect to it? I don't know. I am doing my best with regard to Lotus. I am not able to make declarations as to how history will ultimately present the effort. Further...while I have rightly (and honestly) claimed to have discovered, in our research, a fascinating phenomenon which was termed "Lotus" by an act of my previous "Maj superiors," I have never once claimed to have been the ONLY person to have discovered it. Previous and parallel discoveries, apparently, may now be the actual case.

I think it's wonderful! With respect to my previous statements, I have made it clear that I believed the electromagnetic bundles we called "Ganesh Particles or Class "A" Particles," "Pearls of Brahma or Class "B" Particles," and "Selkies or Class "C" Particles" were probably at least associated with the ancient Hindu Pavitrakas. I can honestly say that I am certain that I will be the first one to embrace postive claims of replication, previous discoveries, etc.

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Until recently, I was totally unaware of such claims, save two which I was told about, but not as yet confirmed: one by an interviewer during the debriefing and another by a friend and associate. (Before anyone asks...the debriefing interviewer was not Marcia, Deborah, Ron, Alan, Sandy, Bill H., Bill R., Kerry, Will, Teri, Winston, Don, or Toni. The interviewer, about whom I speak, has been neither named by me nor Marcia, publicly. The friend/associate will not be named by me, publicly.) While I believe that the statement (from Marcia) is accurate, now comes the necessity to proceed with great care, in the evaluation of the information to which we are now privy.

There are two basic kinds of errors, in these situations: false negatives (a false exclusion or negation) and false positives (false inclusion or verification). Many of us have been witness to the former...with people tripping all over themselves and revealing various motives. If it would be not so serious to the destiny of their credibility, I would find much of it almost humorous. I am now charged, as the Founding Principle Investigator to Project Lotus, with preventing the latter variety of error (a false positive). I will carefully and accurately follow through, in that regard.

Concerning Project Isis or the subproject under Lotus (Tiamat)...I have no comment, at this time, save to reiterate that Marcia's statement is accurate. Dan P.S. I'll be back on Friday to answer pending PM's and make comments.

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…Totul s-a desfasurat în cinci pasi: la zece ani dupa teoria speciala a relativitatii (cea în care se stabilesc doua lucruri

absolut esentiale, viteza luminii ca viteza limita în Univers si echivalenta masei cu energia), Einstein elaboreaza teoria generala a relativitatii, care, pâna astazi, ramâne teoria standard a gravitatiei;

una dintre solutiile ecuatiilor lui Einstein, gasita de Karl Schwartzschild, descrie gaurile negre;

austriacul Ludwig Flamm realizeaza ca aceasta solutie descrie de fapt „un obiect” care leaga între ele o gaura neagra cu perechea ei „alba”;

în 1935, Einstein si Nathan Rosen publica un articol în care descriu în amanunt acest tip de punti care se realizeaza în Cosmos si care de atunci vor fi cunoscute sub numele de „punti Einstein-Rosen” (Einstein-Rosen bridges);

în 1963, matematicianul neozeelandez Roy Kerr descopera ca daca o gaura neagra se roteste, evolutia sa nu va atinge în final o singularitate punctuala, ci totul se va termina cu un inel care se roteste – un nou tip de singularitate. Cum însa gaurile negre erau înca privite la acea data doar ca o curiozitate matematica, la fel a fost clasata si descoperirea lui Kerr. Lucrurile au început sa se schimbe de abia dupa ce în anii 1970 primele gauri negre au fost localizate pe baza observatiilor astronomice…

Si iata ca, dupa mai putin de o jumatate de secol, tot ce însemna “simpla matematica” sau fantezie de autor SF devine subiect pentru cele mai serioase si, sa nu ne speriem de cuvinte, mai profunde contributii ale unor foarte mari fizicieni la… prefigurarea viitorului. Pasul al saselea a fost ideea lui Kip Thorne, urmare, cum spuneam, a întrebarilor pe care i le formulase Carl Sagan pe când scria un roman SF, de a cere celor doi studenti care îsi pregateau cu el teza de doctorat, Michael Morris si Ulvi Yurtsever, sa analizeze cât mai detaliat posibil comportarea fizica a… puntilor Einstein-Rosen-gaurile de vierme. Ocazie cu care se realizeaza ca acestea pot fi luate în consideratie ca mediul ideal pentru efectuarea deplasarilor în timp. Numai ca pentru a se ajunge cu adevarat la realizarea acestui vis, este nevoie de o adevarata inginerie, aceasta pe lânga înca si mai multa imaginatie. Cum se desfasoara de fapt lucrurile?

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Se creeaza (cumva!) o gaura de vierme. Se pastreaza una dintre extremitati stationara si se accelereaza cealalta pâna cât mai aproape de viteza luminii, dupa care aceasta extremitate este „adusa înapoi”. Este evident în aceasta structura a gaurii de vierme ca un obiect care intra în ea prin extremitatea stationara va iesi în trecut, fata de momentul intrarii. (Cum spune Kip Thorne, daca intram prin „gura”, prin extremitatea, apropiata astazi, iesim… ieri. Daca vreti si alte detalii, revedeti Dosarul nostru din 2005 dedicat Cosmologiei! Sau scrieti-ne pentru a va oferi date în plus).

Masina timpului este functionala! Însa, atentie: este o masina care ne poate deplasa în trecut doar pâna cel mult la momentul crearii sale. Avem si un bonus: aceasta explica de ce nu suntem invadati de turisti temporali din viitor!

Iata însa câteva aspecte care merita din plin sa fie luate în consideratie: Matt Visser, 1993: inducând o atât de puternica diferenta de timp (“de functionare a ceasurilor”) între cele doua extremitati, acestea nu pot fi (re)apropiate fara a se introduce efecte de câmp si gravitationale care în final vor face ca gaura de vierme sa se prabuseasca sau ca cele doua “guri” sa se respinga. Tot Matt Visser: “Stirea neplacuta” este ca daca vrem sa construim o gaura de vierme cu un diametru de 1 m, minimum-ul necesar pentru a face sa treaca prin ea un om, ne trebuie o cantitate de materie exotica de ordinul masei… lui Jupiter! În principiu, mici cantitati de asemenea materie, producatoare de energie negativa, exista si în lumea reala (vezi Stiinta si tehnica din decembrie 2005). Dar… În orice caz, daca si atunci când “turistii viitorului” vor gasi reteta producerii în cantitati suficiente a acestei forme de materie, ei vor putea construi masini ale timpului cu care sa vina la noi! Dupa cum se vede însa, nu au facut-o pâna acum… Dupa cum se spune si în acest dosar de câteva ori, o solutie pentru evitarea paradoxurilor este luarea în consideratie a accesului la universuri paralele – lumile multiple din mecanica cuantica, în care toate evenimentele pot foarte bine sa aiba loc, pentru ca ele se desfasoara în “istorii” care se exclud reciproc.


Asa cum desigur ati observat, acest dosar va purtat în permanenta între fizica „oficiala” si cea a literaturii SF. Iata înca doua exemple care, ambele, implica o colaborare – o interactiune, cred ca as prefera eu sa spun - între un mare fizician si un autor SF pe masura. Voi începe cu „perechea” despre care am mai vorbit, Kip Thorne - Carl Sagan. Totul a pornit de la faptul ca acumularea de energie într-o gaura de vierme este de asteptat sa duca în final la explozia acesteia. Dar: ce se întâmpla în cazul în care intra în joc gravitatia cuantica? Kip Thorne: …ei bine, în acel moment (momentul în care masina timpului este gata sa explodeze simultan cu actiunea noastra de a o activa), exact în acel moment, intra în actiune legi noi ale fizicii, cele ale gravitatiei cuantice, si calculele de pâna atunci, cele pe care ne-am bazat concluziile (inclusiv cele privitoare la explozia masinii)… nu mai sunt valabile! S-ar putea ca masina timpului chiar sa poata exista! Ceea ce a urmat acstei concluzii, spune Thorne, a fost o întreaga controversa cu Stephen Hawking, care era convins ca „institutia” (fizica existenta) are dreptate si ca masina timpului ar exploda cu adevarat „la urcarea noastra în ea”. Tot ce a putut Thorne sa obtina a fost… „o amânare”:

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trebuie sa asteptam pâna când vom avea la dispozitie setul complet de legi ale gravitatiei cuantice.


O schimbare interesanta de perspectiva este legata de o cealalta „pereche” autor SF-fizician, formata din alte doua celebritati: Michael Crichton si Michio Kaku. Michio Kaku tine sa reaminteasca un lucru evident: înainte de anii 1990, daca te considerai un fizician serios si te apucai sa vorbesti despre calatoria în timp, s-ar fi râs de tine si ai fi fost eliminat din comunitatea stiintifica. Cariera ti-ar fi fost ruinata. Schimbarea formidabila petrecuta în special în ultimii 10 ani a fost reflectata imediat de autorii SF, printre care Michael Crichton, în celebra sa Timeline (titlu neinspirat tradus în româna: „Prizonierii timpului”) Si apoi, Michio Kaku spune un lucru aproape neasteptat: „daca la început fizicienilor le revenea greaua sarcina de a demonstra posibilitatea calatoriei în timp, acum tot lor le revine sarcina la fel de grea de a demonstra imposibilitatea acesteia!”. De a demonstra, mai bine zis, ca exista o lege care sa o interzica.


Iata deci o întrebare fundamentala: este sau nu cazul ca fizicienii sa se preocupe (vedeti ca am grija si nu spun „sa studieze”!) de calatoria în timp? Pentru Michio Kaku este vorba despre o adevarata teorema care spune ca în fizica, ceea ce nu este interzis, este obligatoriu. Daca pretindem ca am ajuns sa cunoastem efectiv toate legile, atunci ar trebui sa stim sa raspundem la toate întrebarile introduse: de unde vine Universul? De unde vine Big Bang-ul? Ce este de fapt singularitatea aflata în centrul unei gauri negre? Exista multe încercari de a institui o ipoteza a unei protectii cronologice care sa interzica deplasarile temporale, dar nici una nu a tinut. Deci, spune Kaku, asta înseamna ca totusi nu cunoastem legile fizicii chiar atât de bine pe cât spunem. Marea speranta o reprezinta teoria stringurilor, care uneste gravitatia einsteiniana cu mecanica cuantica. Ne da însa ea într-adevar solutia? Da si nu: pentru ca ea ne ofera de fapt mai multe - foarte multe - solutii, fiecare din ele fiind o solutie a ecuatiilor lui Einstein. Teoria Stringurilor ne ofera nu un Univers, ci un Multivers.


Iar finalul interviul din Scientific American mai contine si un alt lucru cu totul special, cu care voi si încheia acest capitol. Pentru ca tot Kaku ofera propriul sau raspuns la întrebarea lui Fermi (si a lui Hawking, daca vreti): unde sunt „ei”? Un raspuns care ne aminteste ca în fata Universului, a Naturii, a Lumii, spuneti-le cum vreti, trebuie sa ne pastram la un nivel cel putin decent de modestie. De ce?


Daca mergi pe drum, spune Profesorul Kaku, si întâlnesti un musuroi de furnici, nu te duci la ele si sa le spui: „vreau sa va fac un cadou, va dau energie nucleara, tehnologie ADN... Nu, nu le spui asa. Ba chiar este posibil sa calci pe ele si sa le strivesti. Distanta

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dintre furnici si noi, din punct de vedere stiintific, este aceeasi ca distanta dintre noi si o civilizatie capabila sa manipuleze energia Planck (necesara pentru a explora distantele foarte mici si pentru a opera o masina a timpului). Suntem aroganti – spune Kaku - si egocentrici ca sa credem ca ei (ET, adica, sau orice alta supercivilizatie) ar fi interesati de noi si gata sa ne ofere tehnologia lor...”. Dar nu ezita sa încheie spunându-ne ca daca într-o zi ne bate cineva la usa si ne spune ca este stra-stra-stra-nepoata noastra, sa nu-i trântim usa în nas: ar putea veni dintr-un viitor în care masina timpului a fost, totusi, inventata!

The Einstein-Rosen Bridge  


By Samuel Joseph George






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In 1916 Einstein first introduced his general theory of relativity, a theory which to this day remains the standard model for gravitation. Twenty years later, he and his long-time collaborator Nathan Rosen published a paper showing that implicit in the general relativity formalism is a curved-space structure that can join two distant regions of space-time through a tunnel-like curved spatial shortcut. The purpose of the paper of Einstein and Rosen was not to promote faster-than-light or inter-universe travel, but to attempt to explain fundamental particles like electrons as space-tunnels threaded by electric lines of force. The Einstein-Rosen Bridge is based on generally relativity and work done by Schwarzschild in solving Einstein’s equations; one of the solutions to these equations was the prediction of black holes.

A black hole is a region of space-time from which nothing can escape, even light. It can be said that black holes are really just the evolutionary end point of massive stars. But somehow, this simple explanation makes them no easier to understand or less mysterious.

Black holes are the evolutionary endpoints of stars at least 10 to 15 times as massive as the Sun. If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion, it can leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant. With no outward forces to oppose gravitational forces, the remnant will collapse in on itself. The star eventually collapses to the point of zero volume and infinite density, creating what is known as a “singularity”. As the density increases, the path of light rays emitted from the star are bent and eventually wrapped irrevocably around the star. Any emitted photons are trapped into an orbit by the intense gravitational field; they will never leave it. Because no light escapes after the star reaches this infinite density, it is called a black hole.


The basic idea of wormholes dates nearly as far back as the concept of general relativity. Barely a few months after Einstein wrote down his equations, the first exact solution of the Einstein equations was found by Karl Schwarzschild. One of the remarkable predictions of Schwarzschild's geometry was that if a mass, M, were compressed inside a critical radius, rs, nowadays called the Schwarzschild radius (the farthest visible point), and then its gravity would become so strong that not even light could escape. The Schwarzschild radius, rs, of a mass, M, is given by:


Curiously, the Schwarzschild radius had already been derived (with the correct result, but an incorrect theory) by John Michell in 1784. The English geologist realized that it would be theoretically possible for gravity to be so overwhelmingly strong that nothing, not even light could escape. To generate such gravity, an object would have to be very massive and unimaginably dense. At the time, the necessary conditions for "dark stars", as Michell called them, seemed physically impossible. His ideas were published by the French mathematician and philosopher Pierre Simon Laplace in two successive editions

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of an astronomy guide, but were dropped from the third edition. In Laplace's 1795 edition, he put forward the following equation saying what the mass and radius would have to be to form a black hole.


The complete Schwarzschild geometry consists of a black hole, a white hole, and two Universes connected at their horizons by a wormhole. The name "black hole" was invented in 1968 by John Archibald Wheeler. Before Wheeler, these objects were often referred to as ‘black stars’ or ‘frozen stars’.

It was Austrian Ludwig Flamm who had realised that Schwarzschild's solution (called the Schwarzschild Metric) to Einstein's equations actually describes a wormhole connecting two regions of flat space-time; two universes, or two parts of the same universe.

A white hole (from the negative square root solution inside the horizon) is a black hole running backwards in time. Just as black holes swallow things irretrievably, so white holes spit them out. However white holes cannot exist, since they violate the second law of thermodynamics.

General Relativity is time symmetric. It does not know about the second law of thermodynamics, and it does not know about which way cause and effect go. However we do. The negative square root solution outside the horizon represents another Universe. The wormhole joining the two separate Universes is known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

The prediction of the existence of black holes did not trouble Einstein, but he found that the black holes contained a singularity at its centre; this is a point of infinite density where time comes to an end. At the point of the singularity, all the known laws of physics start to breakdown. For Einstein this was a very troubling thought and he did not like them, the idea that they were shielding from the outside world by the event horizon of the black hole was not enough for him and he did not like the “concept that if you can not see it then do not worry about it.”

So he went to work with Nathan Rosen and in 1935 they produced a paper that produced evidence for a bridge between a black hole and a white hole, this was called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.


Figure 1

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The purpose of the paper of Einstein and Rosen was not to promote faster-than-light or inter-universe travel, but to attempt to explain fundamental particles like electrons as space-tunnels threaded by electric lines of force. However science fiction took the idea of Einstein-Rosen Bridges and applied it to moving spaceships faster than the speed of light through what was now being called ‘wormholes’. So what Einstein originally theorised was now being used by science fiction writers to get around the problems with not being able to go faster than the speed of light that Einstein’s General Relativity had inflicted upon them. The diagram (figure 1) shows an Einstein-Rosen Bridge with a

spaceship entering the wormhole. However in the Einstein-Rosen theory the idea of objects larger than electrons being able to pass through a wormhole was not even considered and so the scenario that science fiction writers portray about the Einstein-Rosen Bridge is not correct.

The Einstein-Rosen work was disturbing to many physicists of the time because such a ‘tunnel’ through space-time, could in principle allow the transmission of information faster than the speed of light in violation of one of the key postulates of special relativity known as ‘Einsteinian causality’.

In 1962 John Wheeler discovered that the Einstein-Rosen bridge space-time structure was dynamically unstable in field-free space. They showed that if such a wormhole somehow opened, it would close up again before even a single photon could be transmitted through it, thereby preserving Einsteinian causality.

This work lead there to being two different classifications of wormholes: Lorentzian wormholes and Euclidean wormholes.

Lorentzian wormholes are essentially short cuts through space and time but they instantaneously close unless some form of negative energy can hold them open. It is possible to produce small amounts of negative energy in the laboratory by a principle known as the Casimir effect. However this energy would not be enough to keep open a wormhole.

A by product of Lorentzian wormholes would be that objects passing through them would not only be moved spatially but also temporally (assuming parallel universes exist).

Lorentzian wormholes come in at least two varieties:

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1)      Inter-universe wormholes, wormholes that connect ‘our’ universe with ‘another’ universe (Figure 2).

2)      Intra-universe wormholes, wormholes that connect two distant regions of our universe with each other (Figure 3).





Figure 2

Figure 3




Euclidean wormholes are even stranger given that they live in "imaginary time" and are intrinsically virtual quantum mechanical processes. These Euclidean wormholes are of interest mainly to quantum field theorists.

In 1865 when there was no relativity, quantum mechanics and modern cosmology Charles Dodgson wrote Alice in Wonderland a children’s story on the subject of parallel universes. There is a famous part of the story when Alice chases the white rabbit down a hole, this hole could now be described as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. In Wonderland the laws of physics in this universe no longer applied and so strange processes could take place. It is however important to remember that Dodgson would not have known what type of mechanism would allow this to happen. In fact this idea, of using a ‘wormhole’ to travel large distances was used by Sagan in writing a novel ‘Contact’ in 1985. In his novel he wanted a method of moving a character faster than the speed of light though not in a manner violating Relativity.

Unfortunately, worm holes are currently more science fiction than they are science fact. A wormhole is a theoretical opening in space-time that is the mathematical solution to general relativity. If one day this was proven it could be used to travel to far away locations very quickly. It has never been proven that worm holes exist and there is no experimental evidence for them (due to black holes being hard to detect), but it is certainly testing to think about the possibilities their existence might create.

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Introduction to Relativistic Gravitation, Rémi Hakim

Hyperspace, Michio Kaku

The Cosmic Frontiers of Relativity, Kaufmann

Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines, Jim Al-Khalili

Physics of Black Holes, Igor D. Novikov and Valery P. Frolov

Cosmological Physics, John A. Peacock

Black Holes: A traveler’s guide, Clifford A. Pickover

Lorentzian Wormholes, Matt Visser



In Physical Review 48, 73 (1935)

Contrary to popular myth, a black hole is not a cosmic vacuum cleaner. If our Sun was suddenly replaced with a black hole of the same mass, the only thing that would change would be the Earth's temperature.

This has a very important role in the verification of general relativity in the solar system.

Also known as the horizon.

Where G is Newton's gravitational constant and c is the speed of light.

Travelling at 186,000 miles a second.(300,000 kms-1)

The first episodes of Star Trek had been made before this, and contain the phrase "black star".

The second law of thermodynamics prohibits the construction of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind. Kelvin's formulation states that it is impossible for a system

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operating in a cycle and in contact with one thermal reservoir to perform positive work in the surroundings.

The diagram was taken from Hyperspace by Michio Kaku.

Wheeler re-christened as a ‘wormhole’.

Lorentzian wormholes are from general relativity and Euclidean wormholes are form quantum field theory.

The Casimir effect is a small attractive force which acts between two close parallel uncharged conducting plates. It is due to quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. The effect was predicted by the Dutch physicist Hendrick Casimir in 1948.

Diagrams from Lorentzian Wormholes by Matt Visser 

An English Mathematician under the name of Lewis Carroll

NOTE: Not responsible for commercials.

Dr Dan Burisch Area 51 Microbiologist~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~


CONTINUED FROM UPDATES PART 19 DR DAN BURISCH ~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<>~+~<>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

Dr Dan Burisch Forums, Library, Updates

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heartlove ~ neweaglesforum ~ (majestic created forum)

Re: Dan's Notes, Images, and Other Things

Oct. 2006 www.neweaglesforum.proboards107.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1159784667&page=2

I kind of promised that I would release something soon from Solfeggio.

The happenings of the last two days have been something else! Just because Dan is off his feet most of the time doesn't mean his brain can't work. He is naturally wired to find patterns as we all know. He found the answer that several have been wondering: why did the Catholic Priest (Monsignor at a University in Spokane WA, who was head of the mediaeval department) hang up on Dr. Puleo when Dr. Puleo asked him about the meaning of the Ut-Queant Laxis?

Puleo: "Can you decipher Mediaeval Latin?' Monsignor: 'Absolutely!' Puleo: 'And you know the musical scale and everything?' Monsignor: 'Absolutely! ' Puleo: 'Well then, could you tell me what 'UT - queant laxis' means?' Monsignor: 'It's none of your business' Then he hung up."

(from- Leonard Horowitz and Joseph Puleo, "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse," Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1999)


Dan has been resting for two days and in between staring at the Ut-Queant Laxis. I was there when it happened! He yelled "I have it! I see it!" Then he told Marcia and we are working it in to the Solfeggio! It's shocking and we have confirmed it and it will be published in the coming book!

We know the SECRET of why the Catholic Church says "It's none of your business!"

But they are wrong! It's EVERYONE'S business!

~ We will release the answer to the mystery to the researchers involved first, then as part of the Solfeggio book, then free publicly for anyone who can't afford the book (as Dan wishes).

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Here two are image that will be published too! Ann You can tell with this image how up close and personal Dan and Marcia are with their research subjects. -(refer to above URL)

{Solfeggio mentioned at Updates Part 10}

heartlove ~ Oct. 2006 ~ neweaglesforum ~ (majestic created forum)

Re: Dan's Notes, Images, and Other Things« www.neweaglesforum.proboards107.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1159784667&page=2

This is why evil bearers are coming out of the woodwork. Dan and Marci's goal for their Light Work is healing. This is why so much resistance is happening.

Dan and Marci are learning from Lotus rather than trying to use it. Those who grab at the fruit get themselves into (in Dan's humble words) "big trouble."

Dan and Marci are able to work with Lotus and learn from it, without grabbing at what's not theirs to own. The goal is learning and healing, not grabbing. When they grab at this fruit Dan and Marci talk about, they slip in over their heads before they know how they got there.

Ann These are the sound forms that look like angels to me. Aren't light beings supposed to be in charge of different parts of us?

This is the change from Uracil in RNA to Thymine in DNA. The real strange videos and higher science can't be shown by me right now.

A quote from the Horowitz/Puleo book, " Healing codes for the Biological Apocalypse" HISTORY OF MEDICINE 2000 BC - Here, eat this root.1000 AD - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.1850 AD - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.1940 AD - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.1985 AD - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic. 2000 AD - That antibiotic doesn't work anymore. Here, eat this root.2010 AD - That root is contaminated. Here, practice energy medicine.


heartlove 11/7/06 ~ neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


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~ "... On October 12, 2005, when Dr. Burisch received his orders to disclose what he knew to the world, he was told to tell it, but not how. The international operation which carried on from May 2006 to September 2006 was fully funded by Majestic. That portion of the operation was separate from the DVD's that Marcia has been producing. Part of the funded international operation was involved with the unity fliers and acted to counterop Illuminist influences who wanted to prevent a certain percentage of the population from knowing the truth. (The reasons behind that are very complex and not for me to speak about.) Dr. Burisch's debiefing actually began long before his orders were ever cut. He started debriefing at the Gudaitis residence in early June, 2005.

Dr. McDowell originated the idea for the debriefing in the first place! She originally intended, and still does, to have the debriefing for archival purposes, given Dr. Burisch's very poor health and the need to keep his life story for its historic purposes.

Technically, Dr. Burisch fulfilled his orders, once A) the international operation was completed, and B) he gave his testimony to Bill Ryan's and Kerry Cassidy's "Project Camelot" and gave the interviews to Jeff Rense. Both of those interviews are available for free. The call for a very complete and thorough record from Dr. Burisch, to go to the public, has been a request from the public, not from Majestic

The "Tell the World" DVD did not have to be done at all!

"...Dr. Burisch and Dr. McDowell are IN industry right now. Qualified Researchers and Professional Journalists have already been shown concrete evidence about who they are associated with and their backgrounds..."

"... Presently, Dr. Burisch and Dr. McDowell are selling DVD's worldwide, following a request from whiners and genuinely interested people to produce them, at their own cost. They aren't doing it because the whiners deserve it. They are doing it because it's a good thing to do. Presently, both Dr. Burisch and Dr. McDowell are in the "red" (money wise) on all their efforts concerning the public. Dr. Burisch has pledged that all monies he receives, once the red turns black that is, because nothing is coming his way at all right now, that all monies to him will go to charity. Dr. McDowell has pledged that "some" of hers will go to charity. She is taking her time, after the request by the public to produce the DVD's, to do them..."

"... Who is paying me for my services to assist Dr. Burisch and Dr. McDowell? Who is paying Owl, or Mongrel or T? No one. We are now on our own. Do I sound like Mother Theresa? If I do I'm not writing right. We care about what they are doing and the kind of people they are (sure she's my sis but) so we are helping in a committed effort to bring

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their research (Solfeggio, Eagles, Lotus) to the public. Some of their research may have applications in nontraditional medicine. So, we're helping.........for free..."

Dr. Marcia McDowell ~ 11/7/06 ~ neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


"... The truth is, I was told to price it at $19.99. Everybody thought I was nuts to put it out for $15.95. They told me I'd never even break even - given the costs and physical time it took to develop the DVD, the computer hardware and software necessary, the production and editing time, storage and production media, burning the copies on new media, labeling them, jacketing and packaging costs, and don't forget all the copies of the DVD and background materials I've sent out for free to researchers and journalists - all of which still costs to produce and distribute), and then there are the marketing costs and development efforts. You know what - they were right. I was crazy to price it as low as I did. But in my heart I just couldn't put it up any higher- so we are still working to get out of the red. Nobody's helping me with this. The Majestic folks all scattered once Dan accepted his orders, and are too busy looking after their own asse(t)s to spare a thought for any of us in the field. That's the way these things sometimes work..."

Dr. Dan Burisch talks with Mr. Will Uhouse engineer and physics specialist (son of famous Area-51 engineering scientist who worked with a J-Rod who consulted on scientific projects) talk candidly about what it was like to work in secret projects and interact with extraterrestrials.


heartlove ~ 11/13/06 ~ neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)

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"... Dan is feeling much better and has almost recovered the full use of his left hand. The muscle spasms appear to be stopping and I anticipate he will be near in full service soon. Whether or not the Think Tank will be reopened is up to Marcia. His physical therapy is ending in 2 weeks and I think that Dan will be able to start handling emails to his private address within about 1 month. This bodes well for Laughlin 2007! - Ann

Dan Burisch ~ 11/14/06 ~ neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their well wishes and even those who wished poor things to come of me.

(You read that exactly right! As God knows all, as well as those who wish poor things, the angels still receive the name of the person intended by the negative wisher. They change the negative to positive, by echoing love upward toward the Creator and so it becomes prayer for the intended person. The self defeating nature of such negative acts thus attaches as Karma to the person acting in such a way, and the intended person is blessed.)

The reports of my having suffered a severe seizure are true. My left hand typing (due to some left arm paralysis) is still suffering, but with all the thoughts out there of me, I can't help but become fully restored soon! Team, you continue to do an outstanding job, filling in where I cannot at the moment. I appreciate each of you so much! I expect that you will be needed to complete through the Solfeggio work, then I will take the next Eagles Disobey book under hand with Marcia.

Team, as to the negatives, leave them be, as they are their own worst enemies. Pray for them, positively, not that they will change their unwarranted attitudes toward me, but that their direction in life changes to the positive by seeing the Will of God in their own paths.As I can somewhat function...I will make public comments, when I feel, in the "Dan's Notes" thread. My private area, just for staff members will remain private. I intend

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on starting to take email on January 1, 2007. My private email address, that former Think Tank members and others have known, remains active. So, Marcia, please return that email to me on 01/01/07. Thank you so much for watching over it. My public email, [email protected] is no longer active. Public emails to me should be directed to [email protected]. I will respond to selected/necessary emails, via Marcia, from that address as of 01/01/07.

Specificially to Think Tank members: ..."...The question always is, and shall be, where I may be able to give the most service to everyone. So, we shall see where I should be. In the mean time (and for all time), continue to love each other. Love, Dan

Dan Burisch 11/20/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


"... Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am okay!

I also received a PM that just asked, "WHERE'S ALL THIS GOING? WHERE'S THE STORY GOING TO END?"

Answer to part 1 ("WHERE'S ALL THIS GOING?..."): I have absolutely no idea. I know where I want all this to go... 1. Finish Solfeggio...depending on them restoring power... ...as just before the seizure (but with no relation to it)...we had a little power accident inside my office... (My cat and bird are fine!) 2. Finish the next Eagles Disobey...with Marcia...which should be done sometime next year. 3. Finish the OLP (Original Lotus Protocol) with Deborah at the FMC (Frenchman Mountain Complex), and Project Sea Urchin with Marcia...both should be done by late Spring, 2007. 4. Do the first Lotus DVD next year...which is really an exciting proposition for me. 5. Continue working with Marcia as she cuts new DVD's and sends bulk tape material (as promised) out to researchers and others. 6. Move Lotus to its next stage...electromagnetic/acoustic applications. (We will not allow all the secrets of Lotus to be revealed...so it cannot be worked as a weapon...but we will use what we learn to apply for human good.) 7. Produce Relaxation/Healing music DVD's with Marcia, utilizing the tones. 8. Write my (humble) magnum opus.

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9. Continue with my industrial duties. 10. Go to some "exotic" locations to test Lotus principles. (More on that when the time is right.) 11. Get that TT back going!

Answer to part 2 ("WHERE'S THE STORY GOING TO END?..."): it's not a story, and given that it's not, I wouldn't want it to end. I know, one day, my personal one (as I am now) will end. I am good with that...and I am comfortable with my destiny. My life's account, from the past is "what it is" and has remained unaltered by the pressing deeds of others. Given it's not some story to be judged as fiction genre', it will not be bound and put on the shelves as such. My life goes on, and will continue to do so until the Good Lord calls me to my next. The secrets of the Lotus? The tones? Have they been handed to someone/anyone (presumed somebody young) who could carry it on, when Marcia and I pass? Yes.Unfortunately, there is no further information available to public about that issue. It's in fine hands. Dan P.S. God wiiling and the crick don't rise I will be attending the Laughlin 2007 convention, for the purpose of kibbitzing with a close friend (journalist) whom will have a booth there...and to speak with many fine people. As it stands, and while we have received numerous speaking offers (including one in England and one on the Continent) I do not intend to make any sort of speech at laughlin, 2007. Why would I? Marcia has some ideas as to what she wants to offer folks (read "free" here) who show up there...but...I am to await her making that public before I speak to it.

"Heal The Bay" Cabrillo Beach, California

Dr Dan Burisch11/25/06 neweaglesforum (majestic created forum)


Danny B Catselas Burisch, Ph.D. Directed: J-1, in and for the Majestic 12, Seated in Special Session (J2 {Dick Cheney} by proxy) re: August 29, 2004; Reply to Order, Dated August 14, 2004 Date: 01 SEP 04

Sadly, your hedging toward full retirement has been rejected at this time. You are headed in that direction but not until you SIR have fulfilled your destiny. You can't really expect an out prior, now can you? The politicians, military, and financiers among the members don't care what rubric you employ. The medical personnel are so far away from the basic

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science, governing at corporate levels for so long, they wouldn't have an idea so let us cut to the kidneys. To cover the monetary movement, we have to make a show.

That show will include continued massive support for the restoration programs already underway with "Heal The Bay". It will also include the assurance that the improvements to waste treatment, as outlined by currently scheduled programs for Los Angeles and Long Beach will occur. The material and arrangements for it will come from different sources, while the people will know none of it, but it WILL get done. In other words, we will not be simply having you clean the bay without having placed supporting technology. Further, we will insure that no other viable attacks to the EPA's ruling for permanent trash removal, for Los Angeles County, find themselves in Federal Court. We will muscle against it. Do what you must, short of the open deployment at first.

Then, your orders remain: do all within your power and give it the ole college try! There are many factors that demand we open areas of Los Angeles Harbor, factors that include our competition against the world, in a time of war. Yes, we want the oceans clean and yes we have gone too far with them. We need people like you to come forward and give to her the love that is in your heart, to heal her. Use that fire within you to come to the aid of our country and world, please. We expect your reply with 24 hours.


Dr Burisch: "... "May God Bless this process and as we travel near the "angel's gate" may we be ever reminded of our place as caring stewards to the Creator's earth and its living expressions.

"On August 14, 2004, an order was received on the desk of the Science Director, to (in part) "complete an applied test for ecological restoration, by means of the use of the Lotus Principle...at the Harbor of Cabrillo Beach, California, USA...by April, 2006." Following interpretations being issued by the representatives of the 12, and an Oversight Unit being assigned by them, a three phase methodology was applied ... " (continued at above URL)

(continuation) "... The entirety of the above was told to people now B.S.ing the public and saying that they didn't know. When will people get as tired of watching their disingenuous circus as I am of hearing about it? As I have said before, I have nothing to "hide." (Note: I won't expose certain data.) Alan, Sandy, Marcia, and myself witnessed the post-test positives and Alan stayed up through the night with me, while I did the pretests. He video and still photographed me through the long night hours and into the 0200 deployment hour. PLAY THE TAPES AND JUST LIKE WITH BOOMERANG, YOU FIND OUT THAT I AM TELLING THE TRUTH. (Furthermore, Marcia maintains

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audio tapes of discussions about these subjects.) Most of this material has already been exposed to the public, so I didn't mind. - Dan

An antithesis evaluation of the above post from a Dr Burisch forum, which is a

continuation of the "golden thread" started (10/2/03)

Dondep 11/28/06 Dan Burisch forum (public created forum)


 Post subject: Kitchen Science at Cabrillo Bay

"... Having had a chance to review the videotape of the kitchen science deployment at Cabrillo Bay in Feb 2005, and re-reading the email I received from COMMAJ17 a few weeks later, it appears that indeed all parties are agreed: nothing special happened on the beach at Cabrillo Bay that weekend.

Dan, Alan & Sandy, and COMMAJ17 have all said basically the same thing, which is that the shrimp 'deployed' were indeed clean shrimp and were NOT augmented with any crystalline powder or ground silica or any other form of 'crystal'. In fact, much of the first section of the video shows Dan carefully ensuring no "augmentation" had taken place by scrutinizing the shrimp through a microscope.

So why the big deal over throwing a bunch of clean shrimp - maybe a total of 5 lbs., certainly no more than 10 lbs. - into the polluted Cabrillo Bay area south of Los Angeles in the middle of the night? Perhaps COMMAJ17 was correct in his email, posted here, yet that would lead to only more questions.


Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 05:12:32 +0000 (GMT) From: nobody nobody To: dondepxxxxxxx Subject: Dr. Burisch

Once all data is brought out, Dr. Burisch's efforts will be clear, and his being duped will be as equally brought to crystal clarity, I can assure you. Dr. Burisch was advised that the oceans are dying and he was ordered to complete a test for ecological restoration. The data will bear out that he struggled with his working group for months to prevent a trespass onto that which he considers hallowed ground.

Page 331: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

In the end, unknown to "Blackbird", Dr. Burisch only allowed the application of clean shrimp to Cabrillo Beach, something of no harm to anyone. His attempt was designed to obtain data on what the shrimp would maintain, naturally, and would put out in the way of his ganesh particles. There was nothing more to it, from his perspective. He was manipulated right and left of centre, yet didn't move from his convictions. If he were British I would wish him knighted, and if still Catholic, sanctified! Unknown to Dr. Burisch, the evil plans of those attempting to manipulate him were put into motion ..." (continued at above URL) "... Dondep: "... So, if my current understanding is correct, what happened basically boiled down to this: Dan was told to prepare some kind of 'test' to deploy the GPs (Ganesh Particles) by Majestic. He then got wind of their intention to 'appropriate' the GPs he was to produce. He then decided to degrade the original concept to include only random crystalline shards, not the specially-shaped ones that would produce certain things relating to the Fruit of the Tree of Life. Still later, he decided to deploy only standard, clean shrimp.....infused only with good will and intentions.

Dr. Dan Burisch 12/02/06 danburisch.forum (public initiated forum)


subject: Re: MIRAHORIAN Tex Littlefield wrote: This may have come up here before...but it's the 1st I've seen of it ==========================



Un cercetator american [Daniel Catselas Burisch] a cerut protectie pentru ... (continues in Romanian)...

"... In Romania I have discovered the same thing as Daniel [Catselas] Burisch, PhD., a microbiologist who has worked in the 'black projects' that deal with extraterrestrial races and technologies.

Daniel [Catselas] Burisch, wants to disclose information of his classified activities to the US Congress

Page 332: Dr.Burisch End of World (Most interesting Interviews with  area 51 microbiologist)

www.greaterthings.com/News/ET/DanBurisch/essays/Michael_Salla040410.htm AFTER YOU HAVE READ THE MESSAGE OF DAN BURISCH PLEASE ENTER MY SITE www.danmirahorian.com and you will discover the same thing with different labels