drawing board today we're going to cover: list building email marketing


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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Today we're going to cover:

List building

Email Marketing

San Francisco Sept 2007

Back to Basics

In order to have a list you need traffic

At all times remember List Building is the main focus !!!

Remember…Each new lead = $1 per month

We have spoke about the 80 / 20 rule

a number of times on this coaching

We hear the money is inthe list so often

From the time of that first $97 sale

I've been earning as I'm learning

We all started small,

in fact we all start with nothing

Things you've learned.

• How to plan • Create content• Build an automated system• Test system on a small scale,• Driving traffic,and more,• All this has been focused and based around one


Building a List

Simple process of building a list and make money from it ...

• Create good ebook• Create squeeze page• Set up on autopilot• Market the ebook• Build a list• Nurture the list• Make money from the list• Simple right ?

Business is easy

People make it hard


Keep It Simple Stupid

There are two sides to business

Results and Excuses

You can be so close to success…but not see how close

you really are

Pre qualify your list building traffic

Don't be annoyed !!!

My Tip

The quicker you create your own ebook

The quicker your list will grow (fact)

So its time now to RE-PLAN.

I had to grow at my rate not the rate Mike Filsaime was

teaching me, MY RATE!

Before I started seeing my list build I struggled to get it all set

up and running,

Fail forward fast!

Lets jump into the affiliatemarketing section.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

by Vincent Thomas ...

Work smart not hard

I know many of you feel overwhelmed


Do you know where your results have come from ?

What needs to be done?



The Process

• First i had to create ebook – One day mums dining room

• I made sure my squeeze page was set up (box basic)

• I made sure the system was automated and I uploaded my product to give away,

• Are you telling me that is hard ?

• That plan should be focus on giving value to your traffic

• Squeeze that traffic to your list

• Build a relationship with your list

• Sell to your list

You Are On Your Way To A Million Dollar Business

Traffic to a squeeze page = $

So we're going to jump into email markeing

side of the webinar now

Autoresponders vs

Broadcast Messages

What is a broadcast message ?

You have to remember - we are building a list to make money

from that list


Send a video of you to your list !

Setting up and selling in your A/R series

The one thing i like aboutA/R is the set it and forget

it mentality.

What Is A Triple Threat Affiliate?

** ME **

Drawing Board

Why I'm a triple threat affiliate ?

What does "value" mean its like a cliché

When email marketing,

the number one thing

what I recommend is to tell your story.

• Show an interest in your list, dont just try and hard sell them.

• in this day in age people get swamped• with emails,• so you need to ...• create the best subject lineso people open YOUR

emails• be personal in email and create story line• so people want to follow along• swipe other people emails• and see what works for them

• Some tips then the blueprint !!!• From now on when you read promo

emails• From other people,• Don't see what they offer - watch how• They offer it,• See who is doing a good job,

• Who do you follow• Who do you trust• Who writes good subject lines• Who's emails do you read• Who uses stories• Which emails make you click the links to

go to web pages