drafting textual analysis

Drafting Textual Analysis

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Page 1: Drafting textual analysis

Drafting Textual


Page 2: Drafting textual analysis

Front Cover

Masthead- The masthead will be the logo of my magazine ‘CRASH’ so that it will signify a standard for my magazine and look more professional which may encourage people to purchase my magazine as they may respect it more. The masthead will be the largest text on the page to connote it’s importance and to help the name get more recognition. Linking to the Hypodermic Needle Theory; people are more likely to embed information if it stands out and looks bold, hence why the size will be enlarged to dominate the page. The font will be sans-serif so that the logo is segregated from other typography on the page which will denote it is the logo to the audience and reduce confusion. To my target audience, if I use a sans-serif font for the logo, it may look more visual and appealing to them so they are more likely to read the print as it connotes creativity and may differ from things they usually read, for example, text books. Due to this, they may pick up an edition of my magazine as a distraction from educational reading ( relating to the Uses and Gratifications Theory). The logo will also be in red to suit the conventional rock palette where they use dark, sinister colours. Therefore, the colours will instantly indicate to the audience the genre of my magazine. Red also connotes sex and violence which will suit my teenage audience as it signifies the need to experiment and teenagers can relate to this desire and my magazine may give them a chance to express their identity. The name of my magazine ‘CRASH’ will denote the genre because ‘CRASH’ suggests something loud which is usually rock music and this message will make my magazine seem fun and exciting. ‘CRASH’ is also suggests something has gone wrong which suggests there may be an incentive that you don’t have to be perfect to fit into the rock society. Marxist’s would believe this is demolishing the ideas of Capitalism by not excluding individuals, thus, it will create a mass target audience if it is open to everybody.

The date and price will be located at the top of the page so it is easy to see and this will reduce customer satisfaction if they can find it. The date will denote the relevancy which will appeal to my target audience as my magazine will look modern. The price will be at £1.50 which will make it accessible for everyone and reduce exclusion, thus, all kinds of people can become rock fans.

Plug- The plug will be located next to the main image so it can be easily spotted by the audience. It will be in a white circle so as a juxtaposition to the dark background which will also make it stand out. The text within the circle will be a competition which signify to the audience that they can become involved, thus, by using the word ‘WIN’ this will make reader’s feel they can achieve something. This may link to the Dyer Star Theory because teenagers may feel they could live the rock star life if they win a competition as they will both share success. This will add a fulfilling feeling the audiences when they read my print. Cover lines- I will have a few cover lines on my front page so that my magazine will look full of content thus readers will think it is worth the money. It will assure them that they will be entertained when reading as this is one of the key uses of consuming media as shown in The Uses and Gratifications Theory. The cover lines will be written in yellow and orange so bring colour to my front cover and prevent it from looking dull because young people may find this boring and they may not be interested. I will not make the yellow and the orange too bright as it may look too childish which also will not suit my target audience as the magazine would be too immature. The typography will be in a serif font so that is legible for my audience as key information such as artists names will need to be recognised so they are more memorable. The cover lines will include features such as exclusive interviews and from the word ‘exclusive’ this will make people feel special. I will also include gigs and the charts as in my Survey Monkey Questionnaire on my target audience, these were the features that they expected to see the most. Linking to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, people will feel there needs are being met if the features they expect to see are evident.

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Front Cover Main Image- The main image will be the background to signify the importance of the artist and like the masthead, if it is large , people are more likely to idolise the artist in the image as they will appear more successful. This could influence large fan bases to form which would benefit my magazine because they may want to repurchase my magazine to follow the artists life. If the image is large people are more likely to remember the artist too which will help him gain more recognition and build his success, this is evident, for example, in NME magazine, they published an interview with Justin Bieber about his new album and his personal life and it helped him to gain more promotion for his new album. Leading on, the main image will be a male because men are a conventional symbol of rock, for example, ‘Kerrang’ magazine mainly features males on their covers because they connote strength and masculinity and it could have a Dyer Star Theory as men may aspire to look like the model in the image through male-gaze, thus, teenagers may copy their hairstyle or clothes. To reduce accusations of sexism, in my cover lines I will feature female artist names and also on my contents page to reduce opposition groups such as Feminists who could possibly campaign against my magazine. My image will be edited to look dark so that it follows the main convention of darkness and it may make the artist look mysterious. This will anchor the readers attention and make them curious about the musicians life, therefore, encouraging further reading.

Pull Quote: The pull quote will be in the centre of the page so it instantly draws the readers attention. To ‘pull’ the audience in the quote will include a hint about an upcoming album or song which will build excitement for the reader as they will want to be first to find out this information so they can share it to their friends. This will have a Two- Step flow effect as a group leader will share it to their peers and then they will purchase my magazine and make my magazine more successful. The pull quote will be written in white text to contrast against the bright typography in the cover lines and the dark image so that it is bold, thus, people will pay more attention to the main feature which is another way to gain more recognition.

Banner- The banner is an edition that will assure the audience that my magazine is full of information so it will reduce the chance of people being dissatisfied. The banner will include less vital information such as fashion editions however it will still appeal to people that are reading the magazine to find out more about rock culture. The banner will be black so that it blends in with the background and the text will be a contrasting colour to make it easy to read. This will suit my target audience as they are less patient with reading and absorb images better, therefore, it signifies how we cater to their needs.

Barcode- A simple convention that every magazine follows as it is a signification that my magazine must be purchased. This will reduce social issues such as theft as teenagers will be aware the print is for sale.

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Logo- The logo will reappear on the contents page to allow readers to become more familiar with the look and sound of it. If it is easily remembered people are more likely to pick it up on the shelves as they will recognise the logo. The logo will be placed on top of a triangle shape because it makes the contents page look more visual as this breaks up the page and stops it from looking as structured. If the contents page looked too basic, it may remind my young target audience of text books, thus, they may not enjoy the reading experience. The shape is black because it will connote continuity in my colour palette which will ensure that when content is read, it flows and this will mean content will absorbed better by my audience. The black is a conventional colour of rock so it will also signify the whole of the magazine is based around rock music.

Date- The date will also reappear on the contents to remind the audience of the relevancy and will also make the print look as though it fits which will make the print more enjoyable to read. It then will encourage readers to repurchase if they enjoy it and this will maximise the success of the magazine, allowing it to develop further, for example, featuring ‘A list’ stars. This could have the Dyer Star Theory effect as readers may feel this would give them the chance to become closer to their idols. Masthead- The masthead will be ‘CONTENTS’

because the purpose of this page is to inform the reader so it will make it obvious that this is the page in which they can find specific features and information. If the contents page is obvious, it will reduce impatience which could be a barrier to readers purchasing the magazine. The masthead will be in a larger font in comparison to the logo because the contents holds more important and I want this page to look clear to reduce confusion. It will also be written in a serif font so that is legible and easy to read and it may look more mature which my target audience will appreciate. It is placed at the top of the page because this is where the audience will first look so immediately their needs will be met. This links with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as if an individuals needs are met, they will have maximum satisfaction and this will make them more likely to enjoy reading the magazine and encourage repurchases.

Layout- The layout of the images is in an ‘L’ shape, next to the margin. This will make reading easier for my target audience as it is natural for us to read left to right, so it will require less effort and may make their reading experience more enjoyable. This layout will also mean that the rule of thirds convention can take place; meaning images can be separated into three different parts which will mean they will remember the artists and may search their music once they have read the magazine. This will give the chance for rock music to gain popularity. The variety of images will create a standard for my magazine because it will connote our links with musicians in the industry and this may build a climax for the audience as they will be curious to see what other musicians may feature in my magazine. The text is moulded by the images and is on the left hand side so it will look more interesting and visual and people are more likely to read the typography. The page numbers are in the centre so it will easy to identify certain pages for the reader too.

Images- The images on my contents page are going to be a variety of shot types with different genders to make my magazine look connote variety which will make the reader excited for what features the magazine will contain. By having a mixture of male and female artists, it will signify equality and reduce opposition groups such as feminists who may use the two-step flow effect in a negative way. Image 1 will be the largest image in proportion to the others as this will be a long shot of a female model which will ensure her features and style can be captured and this may make the audience interested in her look. Again this could have the Dyer Star Theory effect because the audience may want to copy her style to feel they share a common interest. This will encourage readers to return because they will want to catch up with the musicians life and follow the latest trends. This is crucial for my target audience because they will want to follow pop culture so they fit into society. This will allow groups to form and they may attend rock gigs and festivals!

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Text- The main content will be situated on the right hand side so that it is surrounded by images which will make it more appealing to teenagers because the typography will not dominate the page so it will look less overwhelming to read. Linking to the Uses and Gratifications Theory, this will give young people a break from text-heavy contents and therefore may allow them to relax when reading. In this text it will include the main content and features so it promotes the most interesting parts of the magazine which are mostly likely to anchor the readers attention, therefore, the most vital parts will be highlighted in a bright colour as an emphasis on this point. Page Numbers- The page numbers will only go up to 80

maximum as the magazine is only £1.99 , so the magazine will match with it’s value which will allow my magazine to make enough profits too. By doing this, my magazine can gain more success, for example, by spending money on better locations for photo shoots to help make my magazine look more professional. Despite, this 80 pages is still enough for an individual to enjoy and to take up a large proportion of time for people to spend reading, this will then make people feel as though they are getting their money’s worth. This may have a Two- Step Flow effect if someone tells their friends about our low price magazine then their friends will go out and purchase it, which will introduce a mass target audience. The may also link to the Uses and Gratifications Theory, by encouraging social solidarity as groups will share the same interests.

Page 6: Drafting textual analysis

Masthead- The masthead will be the artists name to help promote their music and help them to get recognised in the industry. This will influence people to listen to their music and attend their concerts which will boost the success of rock musicians and connote that the genre is not ending. The masthead will be the largest text on the page because it will create a puff for the artist and make him seem prosperous which will make fans more attracted to their fame.

Logo- The logo will be placed in the corner of the magazine, on the page of the full image. This is again so that the logo becomes recognisable to audiences so that when they see it on the shelves they are more likely to pick it up if they recognise the name of the magazine. Placing it on the photograph page means that if people rip off the page and put it on their wall, they will remember the logo and may buy another edition so that they can build a collection. It could possibly have a two step flow effectif their friends see the images too. This is because they will want to joinIn with their friends, therefore involvement is the main attractionfor teenagers as they all want to sharesimilar interests.

Main image- My main image will involve the same model which featured on my front cover which is another way I will connote continuity which will give my magazine a style which people will recognise as soon as they pick up an edition. This will make my print look more unique which will suit my target audience as they are always prepared to try something new. The main image will include my model playing a guitar, which will reveal part of his life, thus, allowing the audience to learn about his life on a personal level. This links to the Dyer Star Theory as it will allow audiences to feel closer to their audiences which will break the barrier of fame and symbolise equality. Therefore, people would be more equal to reading my magazine. The main image will also include a level of sexuality, for example, he will be wearing conventionally dark clothes which are flattering and create a sense of mystery which will make the audience curious about their life, thus, they will want to read the interview. His style may also link to the Dyer Star Theory because it may have a male-gaze effect as young boys may want to have the same clothes as him to feel they share something in common. This is why I will include a fashion feature as their expectations will then be met. Female gaze will happen through using an attractive male, therefore, ‘fan girls’ may form who follow their lives and attend gigs. This will make rock music more successful.

Pull quote- The pull quote will include a quote from the interview and in comparison to the pull quote from the front cover which focuses on music, this pull quote may reveal personal information which will make the reader feel special. For example, it may include that the musician is single, this would have a female-gaze effect as it would raise hopes for teenage girls and make him more appealing if he does not have a girlfriend. It is conventional to include comments on their love life because it anchors the readers attention to find out the artists' interests so that the reader can match them. This will reveal a lighter side to their personality and will drift away from music which will connote diversity in my print which will maintain the interest of the reader.

Main text- This will be an interview which will connote accuracy in my magazine as each word will represent what the artist truly said. I will not manipulate the interview as I want to express the validity of the interview to reduce accusations of invalid accusations which could give my magazine a negative reputation and bands may not want to work with us. Interviews are informal so it will add a relaxed vibe to my magazine and people may read the magazine to escape from everyday stresses (The Uses and Gratifications Theory).