drabrh lecture on klystron

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  • 8/9/2019 Drabrh Lecture on Klystron


    E-Linac Initiative: New ElectronDriver for RIB Science

    Design for MW SC linear accelerator driver for

    independent photo-fission production of RIBs

    Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF Accelerator PhysicistU. Victoria, 06 March 2009

    CANADAS NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICSOwned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a

    contribution through the National Research Council Canada


    Proprit dun consortium duniversits canadiennes, gr en co-entreprise partir dune

    contribution administre par le Conseil national de recherches Canada

  • 8/9/2019 Drabrh Lecture on Klystron


    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 2

    E-linac Talk Outline

    Introduction Motivation/Impacts

    Performance milestones

    E-linac Specification

    Superconducting RF Because

    Relation to TESLA/ILC ILC: voltage-gradient limited design

    E-linac: power-gradient limited design Baseline design

    High Power RF building blocks (2 slides)

    Layout functional & flexible

    Capitalize on existing equipment designs

    Activity in support of design effort (3 slides)


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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 3

    New Science: Nuclear physics with neutron-rich RIBs, and9Be(,p)8Li for -NMR studies in Materials and Molecular Sciences.

    Complementary & independent driver for RIB production.

    Implements strategy of multiple beams (e, p) to multiple users toaccelerate science output.

    E-Linac will operate through annual cyclotron shutdowns

    providing strong year-round RIB experimental program.

    Leverages valuable existing infrastructure:

    Proton Hall, shielded vault with services

    World-class RIB experimental apparatus (detectors)

    Builds further SCRF expertise base from

    (1, 100 MHz, 4K) to (=1, 1 GHz, 2K) -=v/c relativistic speed

    Prepares Canada for SCRF projects world-wide (ILC, CERN-SPL)

    Qualifies commercial partner (PAVAC) to build SCRF cavities.

    E-Linac Motivation/Impact

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 4

    What is photo fission?




    -rayphotons Multilayer Uraniumoxide, or carbide

    production target

    Radioactive ions diffuse

    out, are ionized, mass-

    separated, accelerated

    Production efficiency high: one -

    photon for three electrons (30 MeV)

    Photo-fission cross-section high for 15

    MeV due to Giant Dipole Resonance


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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 5

    Beam power (MW) 0.5

    Duty Factor 100%

    Average current (mA) 10

    Kinetic energy (MeV) 50

    E-Linac Specification

    Photo-fission productsdistribution using 50 MeV 10 mA

    electrons on to Hg convertor &

    UCx target

    Number of photo-fission /second

    versus electron energy for 100 kW

    e-beam on Ta convertor and U target.

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 6

    The requirement:50 MeV 10 mA

    = MW beam

    power eliminated

    on target.

    Bunch charge (pC) 16

    Bunch repetition rate (GHz) 0.65

    Radio frequency (GHz) 1.3

    Average current (mA) 10

    Kinetic energy (MeV) 50

    Beam power (MW) 0.5

    Duty Factor 100%

    E-Linac Beam Specification

    Bunch vital statistics (rms) inject eject

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 7

    High duty factor or continuous operation is inconceivable with NC

    cavities for 50 MeV, need 4-8 MW wall-plug power.

    With SC cavities need 1.5 MW wall-plug power

    - enormous operational cost savings!

    We chose Superconducting RF because:

    1.3 GHz @ 2 K is

    cost minimum

    Cost scales as Power/Length@ constant gradient =

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 8

    Enormous world-wide effort in this regime since the 1990s dedicated to

    TESLA at DESY and now to International Linear Collider (ILC).

    The Tesla Technology Collaboration (TTC) exists to promote, share

    and disseminate the remarkable results of the effort.

    With major impetus from TESLA, technology is now mature withgradients >20 MV/m routine.

    Projects now include: DESY X-ray FEL, Cornell Energy Recovery Linac

    (ERL), Daresbury ERL Prototype, KEK-Free Electron Laser (FEL). KEKand FNAL efforts for ILC, Jefferson Lab upgrade, TRIUMF e-linac, etc.

    TRIUMF joined TTC in April 2007.

    We chose 1.3 GHz, 2K technology because:

    1.3 GHz SCRF cavities have been in development for >30 years,starting with 27 m long 50 MeV SCA at Stanford.

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 9

    DESY single-cell and 9-cell cavities form starting point for many

    SCRF linac designs around the world

    ILC cavity module

    Commonality of ILC with Fission Driver stops here and does not

    extend to the cryomodule or High Power RF

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 10

    9 mA, 333 MeV energy gain

    3 MW beam power/cryomodule

    BUT ILC not c.w.

    1 ms pulse, 5 Hz9 cavity/cryomodule; 9 cell/cavity

    300 kW/cavity (peak power)

    Average current

    0.04 mA

    Single input coupler per cavity;31 MV/m gradient

    Average power 16kW/cavity

    2 HOM coupler/cavity Duty factor 0.5%

    ILC Main Linac cryomodule = 9 cavities

    poster boy for high-gradient, low average power

    But photo-fission driver will operate continuous wave (c.w.)

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 11

    ILC input coupler:

    16kW average power

    Fission Driver: 500 kW CW RF power has to propagate

    through input couplers and cavities to beam

    E-linac input coupler:

    60kW average power


    E-linac: design driven by challenges of 100% duty factor

    high-power CW input coupler & limited choice of klystrons 2 kelvin heat loads in CW operation

    Linear Collider:

    duty factor = 0.5%,design is limited by accelerating gradient (31.5 MV/m)

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 12

    130 kW klystron

    50 kW coupler

    50 kW coupler



    # cavities Beam energy Beam power

    300 kW

    10 mA 10 MV/m 5 50 MeV 500 kW

    20 mA 5 MV/m 10 50 MeV 1 MW

    5 mA 20 MV/m 3 60 MeV

    HP RF building block

    for e-linac

    E-linac RF unit =

    100 kW/cavity

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 13






    50 kW 50 kW



    25 kW









    50 kW 50 kW 50 kW

    50 kW 50 kW 50 kW

    50 kW

    50 kW




    50 kW

    50 kW



    One 130 kW


    E-linac in 2010-2015 plan

    100 kW, 25 MeV

    E-linac in 2015-2020 plan

    500 kW, 50 MeVE linac power distribution

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 14

    CW operation has other challenges:

    Higher heat load in all RF components: cavity, input coupler,HOM coupler/absorber, etc

    Limited choice of c.w. klystrons, c.w. couplers

    Fission driver,10 MV/m

    4 cavity

    ERL20 MV/m

    4 cavity

    TESLA TDR23.4 MV/m

    12 cavity

    RF Load (W) 41.6 166.4 4.95

    2K Sum (W) 44.4 251.5 9.05

    5K Sum (W) 29.1 34.5 15.94

    Input Couplers 713 265 80.9

    80K Sum (W) 717.6 601.2 183.02

    2K & 80K sums almost 4 TESLA values

    Beam powerrelated

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 15

    E-Linac Baseline Layout

    Thermionic gun: triode; 100 keV; 650 MHz

    Injector linac

    10 MV/m, Q=1010

    10 mA, 5-10 MeV gain

    100 kW beam pwr

    Two cryomodulesTwo 9-cell cavities/module,

    10 MV/m, Q=1010

    10 mA, 40 MeV gain

    400 kW beam pwr

    NC buncher

    SRF Injector

    Main linac

    Focusing & diagnostic packages

    Division into injector & main linacs allows:

    Possible expansion path to test-bed forEnergy Recovery Linac (ERL) e.g. 10 mA, 80 MeV

    Recirculating Linear Accelerator (RLA) e.g. 2 mA, 160 MeV

    (acceleration & additional bunching)

    Module #1 Module #2

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 16

    Bunch length 24 ps





    Output at 50 MeV

    from injector with

    2 single cell =1cavities in

    capture section

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 17

    DC gunbunchercryomodule

    beam dump

    beam lines

    Cornell ERL Injector serves as

    model for many components

    The path-finders for c.w. high-power, high-current linacs are

    the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) based light-sources,

    particularly their injector linacs (no energy recovery)

    of fission driver

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 18

    Use/adapt existing equipment designs wherever possible

    TTF/ILC 9-cell cavities

    Cornell/CPI 50 kW c.w. power couplers variant of ILC/Orsay coaxial couplers

    - Tested > 60 kW

    klystrons from e2V or CPI/Eimac?

    XFEL-type ceramic HOM absorbers

    C W Cryomodules

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 19

    Changes compared to TTF cryomodule:

    Increase diameter of 2-phase 2 K He pipe for

    c.w. cavity operation

    Direct gas cooling of chosen 5 K and 80 K

    intercept points with He-gas flow

    HOM absorbers between cavities

    Tuner stepper easily replaceable

    In-situ bake for input couplers

    Frontier c.w. for high duty or high-power, high-current linacs are driversfor FELs - particularly injector linacs for Energy Recovery Linacs

    Cornell ERL Injector forms existence proof for -MW capable

    cryomodule forms reference model for E-Linac design

    C.W. Cryomodules

    ILC ariant of Sacla

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 20

    ILC variant of Saclay

    lever/lateral tunerOr INFN

    blade/coaxial tuner?Tuner: Costing based on

    INFN blade/coaxial tuner.XFEL industrialisation

    makes Saclay/lateral

    tuner a strong candidate.

    Two candidates for NC single-cell

    1.3 GHz buncher cavity



    Rossendorf Cavity: Rshunt1.2 M, Q 1.4E4

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 21

    NIST/JLab electron gun donated to

    TRIUMF e-gun development station.Will convert from diode to triode.

    Vacuum pumps and HV power supplies

    on order.

    Emittance depends strongly on cathodesize, geometry, peak current, etc

    Need beam characterization effort.

    ILC: Photonic gun expensive, high maintenance, 10-11 torrFission driver: Thermionic gun inexpensive, low maintenance,

    pressure not critical (10-9 torr).

    RF modulated gun avoids chopping and 3 kW beam dumpat start of linac.

    Electron Source

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 22


    E-Linac is central component of the TRIUMF 10-year vision.

    The fission driver represents a major new RIB source provides

    complementarity to proton-driven RIB production.

    Suite of potential RIB applications

    Nuclear/astro physics

    Materials & molecular sciences

    Life/medical sciences

    Light source technology test bed

    L-band SCRF technology provides cost effective approach toMW-class fission driver and capitalizes on world-wide R&D

    There are cell, cavity, input coupler, HOM damper, tuner,

    klystron, IOT, cryostat and BPM designs all pre-existing

    eliminates substantial R&D & cost.

    Participate in ILC and other SRF projects world wide, e.g. SPL

    E-Linac is well-matched to the scale of the TRIUMF facility and

    its accelerator expertise.

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    Elinac Initiative - Electron Driver for RIB 23

    A brighter future? light source with photocathode and high-

    voltage gun

    Study compatibility of light source (e.g. IR FEL or Compton Source)

    beam parameters with e-linac design

    Final parameters at user:

    Bunch charge: 100 pC

    Bunch length r.m.s. 1 ps (approx 4 ps FW)

    Bunch emittance r.m.s. N 10 m

    Bunch repetition rate up to 100 MHz

    Gun type: photo-cathode (DC or RF? TBA)Gun voltage: TBA