dr. zielinski: hello, everyone! dr. eric...

©2016 Axe Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved. 1 Gut Health and Anxiety Guest: Trudy Scott The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. Dr. Zielinski: Hello, everyone! Dr. Eric Zielinski here, from DrEricZ.com. I’m excited to welcome you to this very special segment of the Heal Your Gut Summit. Together with Dr. Josh Axe and Donna Gates, we are absolutely committed to helping you experience abundant life health. And according to years of personal clinical practice and countless hours of researching the data, we have found that really abundant life health that starts in the gut. Today, my special guest is Trudy Scott. And we’re going to address the gut- anxiety connection. But before we do that, a little bit about Trudy. Food-mood expert, Trudy Scott, is a certified nutritionist on a mission. And this woman is dedicated, folks. She’s on a mission to educate and empower anxious individuals worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress, and emotional eating. Trudy serves as a catalyst in bringing about life-enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real, whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and making simple lifestyle changes. She works primarily with women. But the information she offers works equally well for men and children. And she also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all sorts of research and how- to steps, so they, too, can educate and empower their clinics and their patients.

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Gut Health and Anxiety Guest: Trudy Scott The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. Dr. Zielinski: Hello, everyone! Dr. Eric Zielinski here, from DrEricZ.com. I’m excited to welcome you to this very special segment of the Heal Your

Gut Summit. Together with Dr. Josh Axe and Donna Gates, we are absolutely committed to helping you experience abundant life health. And according to years of personal clinical practice and countless hours of researching the data, we have found that really abundant life health that starts in the gut. Today, my special guest is Trudy Scott. And we’re going to address the gut-anxiety connection. But before we do that, a little bit about Trudy. Food-mood expert, Trudy Scott, is a certified nutritionist on a mission. And this woman is dedicated, folks. She’s on a mission to educate and empower anxious individuals worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress, and emotional eating. Trudy serves as a catalyst in bringing about life-enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real, whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and making simple lifestyle changes. She works primarily with women. But the information she offers works equally well for men and children. And she also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all sorts of research and how- to steps, so they, too, can educate and empower their clinics and their patients.

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Now, the interesting thing about Trudy is she is not only the “Summit Queen” as we call her in our inner city, you can visit her at the AnxietySummit.com because she hosts. She’s already hosted three anxiety summits. She’s going to be hosting her fourth coming up this spring. But Trudy is the author of the Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and Cravings. So go to New Harbinger 2011, check out that book. And you can find her at AntianxietyFoodSolution and TheAnxietySummit.com. Trudy, welcome! Trudy: Thanks very much for having me. I think this is such an important topic. And I’m so thrilled you are hosting this summit. Dr. Zielinski: Well, first of all, let’s talk about you being the Summit Queen. I think this is a little fun because we met at the JJ Virgin Mindshare Mastermind. For those of you who don’t know, a lot of us, we’re really all friends. And this niche market, we get together once or twice a year. And we meet. We network. And we have fun. And Trudy was wearing this, what is it, a purple sash? And she was wearing this sash that said, “Summit Queen.” And I’m like, What’s that about?” Well, evidently because she hosts these awesome anxiety summits. And she’s a speaker, as this one, on several others. Who gave you that sash, Trudy? Trudy: Well, it was someone who did a summit on mindful eating. And she interviewed me. And after I interviewed, she said, “Could you give me any tips?” And I gave her some tips on how to get the message out and how to make this more available for people and just some general advice that I’d learned along the way because we certainly learn a lot as we do these things. And the next day, I got this beautiful sash in the post. And the interesting thing is my favorite color is purple. And it was purple. So it was just beautiful.

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Dr. Zielinski: That’s awesome. Trudy, I’m targeting you because I’m hosting four summits in 2016 with Dr. Josh Axe and some of our key friends. So I want to be the “Summit King.” So you and I could do the Summit King, Summit Queen. And we’ll just do appearances. Anyway, a little bit of fun, folks. Just know that Trudy is the real deal. She is an expert, an absolute expert at what she does. And I want to jump right into it because one thing I don’t hear too much about, and I certainly haven’t read too much about, is the connection between anxiety and gut issues. So how common is it to see anxiety with gut issues? And where is this connection? Trudy: It’s much more common than we realize. And think about this. You say, “I’ve got this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Or I can feel it in my gut.” And we often hear people say, “I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.” And that can actually be a physical sensation. And we don’t know which comes first. Is it the anxiety that affects your digestion? That’s very likely. Or is it the poor digestion, which it may be causing nutritional deficiencies leading to the anxiety or making it worse. And it’s often a mixture of both. And we need to address both of them, so really important to focus on the gut. And everything that people are going to learn about in this summit is going to give you so many tools on how to do that. But at the same time, we can try and eliminate some of that anxiety because when you’re feeling anxious, it’s awful. And we know that the higher levels of anxiety and stress can actually contribute to heart disease, increase your risk strokes. So we do want to take it seriously, even if it’s mild. If it’s very serious, then we’re obviously a lot more motivated to do something about it, especially if we are having panic attacks. But it’s really common. About a third of adults in America have some digestive

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issue, reflux, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome. And we often see that the anxiety and the depression going hand in hand with IBS, with food sensitivities. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, there’s a big connection there. And one particular study found that 50% to 90% of people with IBS who visited a doctor also had panic disorder, generalized anxiety, social phobia, and even posttraumatic stress disorder, and then the depression, as well. So very common. And with so much going on in our gut, we need to focus on addressing the anxiety. And I’ve got some amazing tools that I’m going to share today. The amino acids are very, very powerful for this, but then addressing what’s going on in the gut is so important, too. Dr. Zielinski: Trudy, one thing that I haven’t shared too often, because really the opportunity hasn’t arisen until now, I was a very, very anxious boy, as far as I could remember. I lived in a very high-stressed family. And I used to stammer so poorly, so badly that I went to a professional speech therapist ever since I was 5 years old, until I was about 12. And I have to tell you, the connection between anxiety, stammering, and gut health because you know what? I had horrible, horrible gut health when I was a kid: chronic indigestion, gas, wasn’t regular. And it’s dawning on me more and more as I started to heal my gut, my speech opened up. And it’s counterintuitive because what am I, a professional speaker? I host. And it’s really interesting when you think about that. But it was so hard for me to speak. And people who listen to my interviews, they could pick up. I’ll stammer on words still. That’s just my nature. And my father and my family, its genetic. And it’s very challenging. So that’s interesting. So I just want to make a point of that, too, because folks you don’t even realize

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the far-reaching effects of anxiety. And once you listen to Trudy, and I’m going to ask everyone to seriously take some notes, listen to this two or three times, and keep an open mind because what she’s going to share with you is going to be abundant life keys to helping heal at the root. And whether it’s wayward thinking, whether it’s stammering, stuttering, whether it’s whatever it might be, you’re going to find just relief and freedom in so many different areas, so a side note. But let’s get into the nitty-gritty, Trudy, because as you and I both know, Dr. Ted Dinan and Dr. John Cryan published a paper in late 2013, called “Psychobiotics: A Novel Class of Psychotropic.” Tell us what these psychobiotics are and the role that they play in anxiety and depression. Trudy: Well, this is just so interesting. And we’ve seen so much research coming out now about the microbiome and how addressing this can have such a big impact anxiety. And Dr. Ted Dinan is just forefront in the research. If you go to PubMed and you look for his name, you’ll see hundreds of papers that he’s published. I’ve actually had the wonderful opportunity to interview him on one of the anxiety summits. And the term, “psychobiotic” is defined as a live organism that, when ingested in adequate amounts, produces a health benefit in patients suffering from psychiatric illness. So basically this is a probiotic. And what they found is that from research, a lot of it has been done with animals. But now they’re doing some human studies. But they find that these bacteria that we have in our gut, that these good bacteria that we have—we obviously have bad bacteria and we can have good bacteria—but the good bacteria that we have can actually make some of our neurotransmitters like GABA, GABA aminobutyric acid, which is a common amino acid, a common neurotransmitter, serotonin. And this in turn can impact our mood and how we feel in terms of our

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physical tension. When we’ve got low GABA, we may feel more physically tense. When we’ve got less serotonin, we may have more of the ruminating thoughts, the negative self-talk, the worry and the anxiety in our head. But isn’t it amazing to think that having good bacteria in our gut can actually have an impact on these amazing compounds? Dr. Zielinski: It is. And it’s real. And we’ve experienced this: our clients, our patients, us personally. Awesome. You mentioned serotonin. Let’s talk about that. I really want to flesh this out. Not only am I interested in this, but I would assume a lot of folks don’t understand that out there, or they haven’t heard that, that are listening. So let’s talk more about this low serotonin and how it impacts both anxiety and the gut. Trudy: And I’m glad you said that a lot of people haven’t heard about this because often we’ll think of low serotonin and will think of depression. And we don’t make this connection to the anxiety part of the equation. And as I said, when you’ve got low serotonin, you’re going to have the anxiety where you worry and say simply you may lie at night awake thinking about things, reprocessing. You have this obsessive tendency. I was actually just working with a client earlier today. And she was just talking about how she’s totally obsessed about all of these things in her life and how she’s got to get everything done. And she can’t scratch things off. And she’s got to get it done. And she stays up late because she’s got to get things done. That’s one of the symptoms. We’ll often have digestive issues because we make so much serotonin in our gut. A great book by Michael Gershon called The Second Brain. And he talks about how we have over 95% of the serotonin that is actually made in the gut. The digestive system has its own nervous system. So getting our levels of serotonin up can make such a big difference.

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But going on to some of the other symptoms that we see with low serotonin, we may have PMS symptoms. We may have the depression and be more prone to the winter blues, getting more depressed in the wintertime. We may also have sleep problems. And then, as with all the other neurotransmitters deficiencies, we have the emotional eating component. And with low serotonin, we will often be drawn to carbohydrates in the late afternoon and the evening. So addressing the low serotonin’s going to help with the anxiety and then all of these other things that I mentioned. Now, I like to use targeted individual amino acids to help raise the neurotransmitter levels. And there are two that can help to raise serotonin levels. One of them is tryptophan and the other is 5-HTP. And there’s actually some research showing that some of these neurotransmitters can actually help heal the gut. So these amino acids can help heal the gut. And melatonin has actually been shown to help improve gut motility, which can often be an issue when you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. So great to use them, targeted based on your individual needs. I have people do a questionnaire, score their symptoms on a scale of 1 to 10. “Do you have the ruminating thoughts? Do you have the worry and the anxiety? Have you got digestive issues, sleep issues, and these carb cravings?” Try an individual amino acid. See how you feel within five minutes because if you do it in sublingually, you’re going to get results really quickly. And then, based on that, figure out how much you’re going to do over the course of the next week. If you’re getting results, that’s great. If you could do a little bit better, then you would bump up your dosages. Dr. Zielinski: That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. I’m going to ask you now if you’d like or later on. I really want to get a feel for how you walk your clients

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through this because unfortunately a vast majority of everyone on the planet…And I’m assuming most people listening on to this Heal Your Gut Summit have gone through the medical model. And it’s typically you go to the doctor. They diagnose you. They prescribe you something. That’s it. Yet, it’s not personalized. There’s no biochemical individuality. There’s no questionnaires. It’s typically like, “Oh, okay. You have a problem, here try this.” In a sense, I’m asking you to give us a freebie maybe. Like, what do you do? How do you really get into this? And how do you figure things out? That’s a struggle. A struggle that I have and a struggle that a lot of other coaches and doctors have is how to do we figure out exactly what to do for people. So in a sense, can you address the healthcare practitioners out there? And in a sense, that’s going to really help the lay folks, as well, because we are really the doctor. Does that make sense? Trudy: Yes. And that’s what’s so great about this. And I’m glad you mentioned how we are all unique. And we’ve got our own biochemical individuality because there’s no one size fits all. You can’t say, “Well, my friend took tryptophan. And she’s doing great. Therefore, I can.” And the other thing that’s an issue is the amount that you take. There are starting doses for each of these. For tryptophan, it’s 500 milligrams. For 5-HTP, it’s 50 milligrams. But there are some people that that’s too much. And I have this term that I use called the pixie dust plan. If you’re a pixie dust person, and you do well with very small amounts, you may need to open a tryptophan, and take a dab or two dabs, that may give you some results. So it is very individualized. But going back to your question about how do we do this. Firstly, I start people with the questionnaire. It’s a great tool to say, “Well, where do I need to start? Do I have low serotonin symptoms or do I possibly have low serotonin symptoms?” Because, as you know, with these questionnaires that we use

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with our clients, there can be overlapping symptoms in different categories. It may be something else that’s causing these symptoms. If you’ve got a sleep issue, maybe it’s not low serotonin. Maybe it’s high cortisol. So we start with the questionnaire. Then I’ll start them with a trial. So we’ll do a trial that first session if I’m working with him one on one. If I’m working with them in a group program, I’ll have everyone say, “Okay, this week, we’re just working on low serotonin. Do the questionnaire. And then do a trial of the amino acid.” And I usually start with tryptophan. And the reason I do that is 5-HTP can actually raise cortisol levels in some people. So if you’ve got high cortisol and you know it, then I would start with tryptophan. But with the starting dose, maybe 500 milligrams of the tryptophan, and see how you improve. “Did my ruminating thoughts and did my anxiety in my head go from a 10 out of 10 to an 8 out of 10? That’s great. But I could do a little bit better.” So do that for a few days, the starting dose of 500 milligrams. And the tryptophan is dosed mid-afternoon and evening. So do that for a few days. And then, say, “Well, maybe I could do a little bit better.” Then bump it up to maybe 2 and 2. And say, “Yes, now my anxiety’s gone from a 10. It went to an 8. And now, it’s gone to a 5. This is feeling really good.” And if it doesn’t get better, then you go back down. If you’re not getting results, then you look elsewhere. And that’s what the beauty of the amino acids are. You get results right away. And you don’t have to take them forever to figure out if they are going to work. Dr. Zielinski: That’s awesome. And one more question to add on to that is as an essential oil enthusiast, I have realized that not all brands are created equal. So not that I’m asking you necessarily to promote a brand. If you halve one that you just love, please do. Or if you have a private label, please share it.

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But what could people determine? When you recommend get GABA or tryptophan or whatever it is, how do people know if a product is good or not? Because again, supplementation, there’s a wide spectrum. Trudy: Yeah, this is a great question. And it is something that I feel really strongly about when it comes to tryptophan. And I’m not affiliated with the company. But I recommend a brand called Lidtke. It’s the one that I’ve had the best results with, the most success. And I’ve had a number of people come and work with me who’ve been on other brands or maybe have contacted me by my blog or Facebook and said, “The tryptophan just didn’t work for me.” And then when they switched over to the the Lidtke tryptophan, the results were really quite dramatic. So there is a big issue when it comes to quality. We know that tryptophan was pulled off the market a number of years ago. That was more of a contamination issue. But certainly, in terms of purity and strength, the Lidtke tryptophan I find to be very superior. When it comes to 5-HTP and of other supplements, just go for a good professional grade company. Make sure it’s gluten-free and doesn’t have additives or fillers. Dr. Zielinski: Awesome! Thank you so much. Folks, that is really gold. Meaning aka, just don’t go to GNC and pick whatever’s the cheapest. Please. I’ve found, and correct me if I’m wrong, Trudy, typically price is really a good indicator. At least in the essential oil world, if it’s the cheapest thing, you get what you pay for. And oftentimes, cost is very indicative of fillers and preservatives and you name it. It doesn’t mean you always have to pay the most, but just keep that in the back of your mind. Trudy: Yeah. Quality when it comes to food and quality when it comes to supplements really, really important. And I just wanted to add one more thing

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to this. Now, tryptophan and 5-HTP raise serotonin. And if someone’s taking an SSRI, which is an antidepressant like Zoloft or Prozac, that potentially, combined with the tryptophan or the 5-HTP can possibly be an issue. My training has made me give caution. When you are using an SSRI, certainly talk to your doctor. Let them know that you are wanting to try these amino acids. And then, the recommendation that I give is to do it six hours away from the SSRI. I have recently heard another naturopathic doctor, Dr. Peter Bongiorno, who I actually interviewed on the last anxiety summit. He works a lot with people with anxiety and the aminos. And he said he’s had no problem with people using SSRIs and the tryptophan or the 5-HTP. So I just wanted to put it out there that I’m just being a little bit cautious, but certainly always work with your doctor if you are doing some of these aminos or work with a knowledgeable practitioner could help guide you. Dr. Zielinski: Awesome. Awesome. Thank you for that. Trudy, you also, as I’m familiar with, you also like to use the amino acid GABA, which is an acronym-folks, if you’re not familiar with that—which is gamma-aminobutyric acid with your clients. So we often hear that GABA doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier. So it doesn’t work. So please share your thoughts. What have you found about that? Trudy: I think that is amazing after seeing so many people get such amazing results with it. Now, as with anything, it’s not going to work for everybody. And if it doesn’t work for you, then you look for something else. But if it is going to work for you, the results are dramatic. And when you have low GABA, you have the physical tension. So you may feel it in your shoulders. You may feel the anxiety more in your body. And a lot of people will feel it in their gut. So they’ll just feel this tension in the gut. And you’ll hear people say that, “It’s not going to cross the blood-brain barrier.

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Therefore, I shouldn’t take it.” I just say try it. And if it works for you and you get results and it calms you down, that’s what we’re wanting. We’re wanting results. And if it works, that’s a good thing. You’ll often hear people say, “Well, it’s only going to work if you’ve got a leaky blood-brain barrier.” And I’m not convinced of that. We know now that there are GABA receptors in many different parts of the body. We’ve got in the smooth muscle, in the female reproductive system, adrenal glands. You name it. We’ve got GABA receptors all over the body. And the fact that we’ve got these receptors in our smooth muscle, maybe that’s where we get this relaxation. Maybe it’s not working on the brain. Maybe it’s working on these peripheral tissues. So I just say if it’s working for you, that’s a good thing. We want results. And if it’s not, then look somewhere else. So that’s my feedback on that. I actually was a GABA girl myself. When I had my terrible anxiety and my panic attacks in my late thirties, it was GABA that gave me relief right away while I was figuring out all the other things that were contributing to my anxiety. I had gluten issues, adrenal burnout, issues with soy. I was a vegetarian. But right away, as soon as I got on that GABA, I got the calming effects. And that gave me the relief that I needed in order to start digging further to find the answers. So that’s why the aminos are so amazing because you get results right away. While, you have to figure out the deep-seated gut issues and maybe the food sensitivities and all of these other things that take a little bit longer to deal with. Dr. Zielinski: Hey, Trudy, how long do you usually recommend your clients to give a given intervention? A week, two weeks, a month, where are you in that spectrum?

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Trudy: You mean to give it a go to see if it’s working? Or how long does it take once it is working or both? Dr. Zielinski: Yeah. Trudy: I’ll do both, actually. Dr. Zielinski: Yeah. Really. Really. If you could. Thank you. Trudy: So that trial to figure out if it’s going to work, if you’re not getting results within a week, it’s probably not going to work. It could possibly be that it’s the wrong brand. So maybe you’re not using the right brand like the tryptophan. It could also be that maybe you’re not using enough. So I would go up and up and up, start low. Now, that being said, I do want to mention something about GABA because a lot of people will go and buy a GABA from a health store, which may be 750 milligrams. And that’s really a high amount. I start my clients on an over-the-counter product by Source Naturals called GABA Calm, which only has 125 milligrams. So keep in mind too much GABA can make you feel totally wacked out. It can make you really tired or feel spacy or even lightheaded. So start low and build up. But if you’re not getting results within a week to two weeks, it’s probably not going to work. And there is one other factor that can affect how effective the aminos are. And that’s thyroid health, so checking that out is important. And then we make neurotransmitters from all these cofactors. So at the same time as having someone add in the tryptophan and maybe the GABA, looking at other cofactors like zinc and vitamin B6, magnesium, which all help to make the neurotransmitter. So having some of those nutrients onboard is important. But you don’t have to be on the aminos for months and months to say, “Well,

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I’m not really sure if they’re working.” The other thing I’ve heard a few people say is, “Well, I’ve tried it. And I’m not feeling that great. How long should I persevere for?” And I always say, “If something is causing an adverse reaction, you want to stop it right away.” Don’t push through and don’t force yourself just because you think it’s going to work. They will give you results very quickly if you need them and if it’s the right combination that you need. Dr. Zielinski: I love that. And, folks, that is really key advice. I can’t tell you how many folks I have coached and helped over the years. And they have chronic GI issues. And they’re like, “Dr. Z, I’ve been gluten-free and Paleo for two years. And I’m just suffering.” And I ask them all really the same question. I go, “Well, could it possibly be something different? Maybe you shouldn’t do gluten-free and Paleo. Or maybe, let’s think about it because if you’re doing an intervention, if it doesn’t work, whatever it might be, then maybe it’s something else. Or maybe let’s start to play around.” So that is awesome. Don’t give something months and months and years and years because you’re ultimately going to waste your money and even put a metabolic burden on your body because your body has to do stuff with the supplementation that you’re taking. So thank you, Trudy, for that. I really appreciate it. You’re just a wealth of information. I am learning. You know what? I don’t even have to take notes because I’m going to go get the summit and listen to it later. I love it! Folks, take advantage. Take notes or buy the summit. This is awesome! Okay, let’s transition to another amino acid that I know that you’re really fond of and you have found to be extremely helpful for healing the gut and can also help with anxiety and sugar cravings. Which one is that?

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Trudy: Glutamine is fabulous. And the reason it helps with anxiety is it’s really great for helping to stabilize blood sugar. So if you have gut-sugar swings where you’ve got high-blood sugar and then it crashes, you are going to feel anxious. You’re going to feel irritable. You’re going to feel cranky. You could even have panic attacks from blood sugar swings. So adding in glutamine throughout the day…And all the aminos are taken in between meal. Glutamine could be taken first thing in the morning, midmorning, midafternoon, and even in the evening can help to balance the blood sugar. Of course, we also need to look at the adrenals because why have you got blood sugar swings in the first place? What is your eating like? Are you eating protein at breakfast and having a good breaking and eating protein throughout the day? So all of these things need to be addressed. It’s not just supplements. You’ve got to look at everything, as well. But the glutamine is great for providing the small amount to the brain to help control those blood sugar swings. And then it also helps with the healing of the gut. And if you’ve got food sensitivities or you’ve got a leaky gut and you’re therefore not absorbing some of the nutrients that you may need to help with your anxiety like zinc or magnesium or vitamin B6, the glutamine starts to heal the gut. And one interesting thing about the glutamine is if you have this intense desire for something sweet, and you open a 500 milligram glutamine capsule onto your tongue or you get the powdered form, it comes in a powder, as well, but you open that on to your tongue, it can stop those cravings in their tracks. So there’s no willpower required. And it’s immediate. If it is a low blood sugar thing, yes, that is really, really powerful. I’ve had so many people have benefit from this. And I love it. It’s just a very important part of my protocol. Looking at blood sugar imbalance is a

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really, really big part of anxiety. Now, I mentioned that the other amino acids help with the carb cravings, as well. With the low serotonin, it’s the afternoon and the evening. With the low GABA, it’s the stress eating or maybe drinking wine. And then with the low blood sugar, the glutamine is wonderful for stopping those cravings. Dr. Zielinski: Trudy, zinc, as you well know is a common deficiency, as well, in addition to vitamins and minerals and that people don’t recognize in America. Which is counterintuitive, because we think, “Well, we take all these multivitamins.” And in a sense, we’re causing deficiency because of the excess of vitamins in many cases. That’s a whole another topic for a whole another story. But what you found is that zinc is oftentimes low when someone’s anxious. Let’s talk about that for a minute. Trudy: Zinc is such a common deficiency and very often low in my anxious clients. And I’ll have them do a zinc challenge, where we use the zinc sulfate to determine if zinc is possibly low. And depending on how it tastes, it’s going to give you an indication of how low your zinc is. If it tastes like water, that’s a good sign that your zinc levels are low. If it tastes really disgusting, and you can’t hold it in your mouth, that’s a good indication that your zinc levels are probably good because we need zinc in order to make our taste buds taste things. And the zinc sulfate should taste really horrible and metallic. I also use a common marker that you’ll see on blood work called alkaline phosphatase. And if this is less than 70, that could be a clue that your zinc is low. And as I mentioned earlier, we need zinc for making serotonin, for making GABA. And then there’s a social anxiety condition called pyroluria, that is made worse by stress. We often have digestive issues with people who have

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pyroluria. But when you’ve got the stress, you dump zinc. You dump vitamin B6. And then you may feel more socially anxious. So it may be low because you’ve got this genetic condition called pyroluria. You may have low zinc because you’ve got leaky gut and really need it for anxiety. Dr. Zielinski: Interesting. So which vitamin B have you found is low that could be linked to digestive and mood issues, as well, because I think you found that. Right? Trudy: Yes, there’s a B vitamin called niacinamide or niacin, vitamin B3. And you often see the research on this ancient condition called pellagra, which is a vitamin B3 deficiency. And the three conditions that you have with pellagra are diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. Now, we also see anxiety and depression. What we often see is subclinical low levels of vitamin B3. And we need vitamin B3 in order to make serotonin. There’s a lot of research showing it’s really calming, as well. And then, of course, it helps with benzodiazepine withdrawal. And there’s actually some studies that show that it helps with benzodiazepine withdrawal. And benzodiazepines are the antianxiety drugs like Xanax and Ativan, which I’m really, really passionate about educating people about supposed to be prescribed for two weeks’ maximum. People are on them 10 years, 20 years, terrible, terrible addiction. Then they start to build up tolerance. And then, when they try and get off the benzodiazepines, life can be a nightmare. So if we can use some of these nutrients that we’ve talked about today to help prevent people getting on benzos in the first place, that’s great. But the niacinamide with the vitamin B3 can be very helpful in helping people get off the benzos. Dr. Zielinski: So, Trudy, we’ve talked a lot about supplementation. And that is absolutely key for people who don’t have a good diet. Yet, I’m curious. What about someone who has a really good holistic, GMO, local organic, GMO-free

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nutrient-dense diet? Do these people still need supplementation? Let’s talk a little bit about that. Trudy: Diets are important. And I talk a lot about the aminos and some of the nutrients. And those are so helpful. And there are some people that can get away with making dietary changes and feel great. Eating a good quality diet with quality animal protein, balancing blood sugar, getting off the gluten, getting of the caffeine, getting off the sugar. There are people who just make those changes, and they feel great. And I call those my level I clients. They just need the foundational work. Then, you’ve got level II clients who are a little bit more complex. And they may need to add in a multivitamin and maybe add in some zinc. Then you’ve got the next level who cannot get off the sugar, cannot get off the gluten. They may have SIBO, for example. So they can’t tolerate carbs. Those people need the amino acids to help break that addiction to help, so they’re not using willpower. So they’re not feeling deprived. And those are the level III clients. And they may need to be on supplements longer term. They may have MTHFR mutations. They may have some other genetic defects. They may have pyroluria, for example. So they may need to be on supplements. And I didn’t mention with pyroluria—this genetic condition that you experience with social anxiety in—when you have that, you need to be on their supplements forever because it’s a genetic thing that needs those supplements. And then you’ve got level IV clients who may have Lyme disease or heavy metals or toxic burden and other things going on. And then, they’re going to need more support, as well. So it really depends where you are in terms of your genetics and what you’ve been exposed to, your childhood, and many other things. But, yep, absolutely some people can do it all with food.

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Dr. Zielinski: Awesome. Awesome. Trudy, I want to give some folks some take home advice regarding whether or not they even need help. Because there was a point in my life, like I mentioned, I had chronic gastrointestinal issues. That was normal. I just went to the milk carton, drank my milk, ate my Wonder Bread with my horrible cheese. And I just had chronic issues. And I was just, “Okay, my normal thing. Let me pop a Tums.” So when it comes to this, what are certain things that someone can recognize is normal because we know there is a healthy stress response. We know that’s good. You see a bear. Your eyes dilate. You get blood rushing to your extremities. And you run like crazy. That’s a good stress response. But someone that’s chronically stressed, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, what certain cues should people be looking for to recognize, “You know, this might not be good for me.” Trudy: Well, I think the big thing is is it disrupting your life? Are you not able to function? Are you not able to get things done? Are you feeling this constant chronic anxiety? And that, a little bit is good. It makes us motivated. It makes us do things. But if it’s affecting your sleep, if you are feeling depressed, as well, if you are an emotional eater and you eat to calm down or you eat to comfort yourself, that’s a clue that there’s something that needs to be done. If you are having panic attacks, obviously I don’t think anyone needs to be told they would need to do something about that because you’re feeling so awful when you have a panic attack. It’s very, very terrifying. When I had mine, I just thought I was going to die. You have no idea what’s going on. So the obvious signs you would do something. The other thing I wanted to say, Eric, is that so many people have felt bad for so long, they don’t know often how good they can feel. And they just think, “Well, this is normal.” And certainly, if you’ve got pyroluria, this genetic condition, and you’ve got this inner tension and this social anxiety that you deal with and you push through and you cover up, and you’ve done this your

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whole life, you don’t know that there’s any other way. And I’ve had so many people say to me, “Oh, my gosh! Once I got on the pyroluria protocol, the zinc, the B6, the evening primrose oil, I just didn’t realize that I had this inner tension. And I was bottling up this anxiety. And I was pushing through all the time. I just thought that was normal.” And I’ve seen this connection between pyroluria and introversion. And we think of introversion as being a personality trait. “This is the way I am.” But people who get on the pyroluria protocol find that they no longer feel as introverted as they used to feel. So I truly believe there’s a biochemical component to a lot of these things that we think are just our personality and how we should live. Dr. Zielinski: That’s interesting. I appreciate that. I really do because there’s a lot of wisdom in that, especially that low-grade chronic issue. You just said you just don’t know what normal feels like anymore. And that becomes a new normal. I got to ask. We’re definitely running out of time. And I wish I could just keep on asking you lots of questions. And I know everyone listening would just want me to keep on asking you questions, too. But I’m just curious. Not that I want to pick on the medical doctor or the allopathic model. But in your opinion, is it possible for someone with chronic anxiety, gut issues to be treated and healed the allopathic way? Trudy: So is it possible for someone with anxiety and gut issues to be healed the allopathic way? You mean with drugs? Dr. Zielinski: Pretty much. Yeah, whatever it might be, whatever the doctors are recommending. It’s typically drugs. And there are certain things like psychotherapy and what not. Is there a hope for people to go that way? Do they have to go all natural? Can there be a mix?

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Trudy: There definitely can be a mix. And there are some people that do well with antidepressants. And some antidepressants are prescribed for anxiety. And some people do really well. I do feel that the benzodiazepine should not be prescribed. I definitely have a problem with those. Therapy is very helpful. And I think using a combination is great. Unfortunately, a lot of people will come to work with practitioners like you and myself when they’ve tried the medical route. And they haven’t got results. And what I really want people to know is that these options exist and try the nutrition and the nutrients, try them first, don’t think you have to try them last. I have a lot of people say, “Well, I’ve got terrible panic attacks. There’s no way nutrients and diet could make a difference. I’ll have to have the drugs.” And I disagree with that. There are many people who have serious panic attacks for many years, made some dietary changes, get on some nutrients, and have seen complete resolution. So you don’t need to think, “Well, if I’m more serious, I need the drugs.” So just feel hopeful that there are many approaches to this. Just be aware that with medications, there are side effects. And weigh up those as a possibility of getting those side effects and possibility of having withdrawal symptoms when you do once you get off the antidepressants. But just be aware of those. Even with nutrients, you can have some adverse effects. So just be educated. And that’s why summits like this, I think are wonderful because people are getting exposed to all these options. Dr. Zielinski: I know that was a tough question. I’m sorry for throwing that at you. It was like a curve ball. It is. It’s a loaded question because in my opinion, and if you were to ask me, in my opinion, I don’t see it possible for healing to occur. It’s a Band-Aid. The medical/allopathic model is a complete Band-Aid. And people that try to wean themselves off of the drugs, oftentimes

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find them going back to them. And to toot your horn a little bit, what you’re proposing and what you’ve done today is brilliantly offering people an opportunity where the body can heal itself because ultimately, I’m pretty sure you’d agree, we’re not recommending people to be on these supplements and GABA for the rest of their life. We’re looking at helping people heal from the inside/out, through the gut to really help with psychosomatic disorders so that way you could live. Live where you don’t need to be on these things forever. And so that is my thought personally. I was just curious. And one thing, Trudy, I really applaud you and value you for what you shared. I 100% agree about this whole, “It’s not all or nothing.” And again, my specialty is essential oils. I have found time and time again that essential oil therapy, included with any medical model, always makes the medical approach more effective. It actually helps the drugs to be absorbed quickly or more efficiently, whether it’s chemo, whether it’s antianxiety medications, whatever it is. Hey, folks, listen to this. Folks, if you’re taking or if you’re on any meds, any antipsychotic meds, just recognize number one, there’s no judgment. Oftentimes, folks need to go through this phase where you need a little extra support. So if that’s where you’re at, praise God, don’t judge yourself. Don’t allow yourself to be judged. But recognize two things. You should definitely be taking natural supplementation to not only help you function more properly, but make the drugs more efficiently, but also to help you wean them. And then once, you start weaning the drugs under the guidance of a trusted healthcare professional, you’ll be free. And that’s the information that Trudy gave today. Trudy, I just want to give you an opportunity to say goodbye to the folks, maybe a message of hope. I think you could do that. You’ve helped so many people all over the world. And there’s a lot of folks listening right now that are

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absolutely debilitated by panic attacks, depression, anxiety. Let’s give them just a shot in the arm of love and encouragement. Trudy: That’s perfect. And I’ll just say, going on from what you said, using the nutrition and the nutrients are addressing the root cause of the problem. And if you have anxiety and you’ve been battling and you’re not getting answers, just know that there is an answer out there. There is a root cause or there may be a number of root causes. And don’t give up until you find the answer because there is an answer. We should all feel calm and feel on top of the world all the time. We all deserve it. And it’s just a matter of finding what the cause of your anxiety is and then addressing that. And the nutrients and the food can go a long way to getting you feeling on top of the world again. Dr. Zielinski: That’s awesome. Trudy, on behalf of everyone listening, the tens of thousands of people all over the world, we just give you a virtual hug. We just kiss you on the cheek. Thank you for what you’re doing. I want to encourage you to keep on doing it, keep on hosting these summits, and keep on keeping on, girl. Folks, thank you again for joining the Heal Your Gut Summit. And according to research, we have found this. It’s very clear. Anywhere between 70% to 80% of your immune system exists in the gut. And as you heard from Trudy today, complete healing and reversing anxiety at the root cause all starts in the gut. So please, please, please, take this life-saving information home with you and share it with your loved ones. Just click on the banner beside or below. And just be empowered. And don’t forget, please visit Trudy’s websites at AntianxietyFoodSolution.com and also her summits, which are the AnxietySummit.com. Okay. You will not be disappointed.

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This is Dr. Eric Zielinski. And as always, my hope and prayer is that you and your family experience abundant life health. And remember, it all starts in the gut!