dr szalai elek angol tesztek es fogalmazasok a b tipusu kozep es felsofoku nyelvvizsgara


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Dr Szalai Elek Angol Tesztek Es Fogalmazasok a B Tipusu Kozep Es Felsofoku Nyelvvizsgara


Page 1: Dr Szalai Elek Angol Tesztek Es Fogalmazasok a B Tipusu Kozep Es Felsofoku Nyelvvizsgara
Page 2: Dr Szalai Elek Angol Tesztek Es Fogalmazasok a B Tipusu Kozep Es Felsofoku Nyelvvizsgara

Dr. Szalai Elek





Lexika Tankönyvkiadó

Page 3: Dr Szalai Elek Angol Tesztek Es Fogalmazasok a B Tipusu Kozep Es Felsofoku Nyelvvizsgara


A feladatgyűjtemény ezer tesztfeladatot és negyven irányított fogalmazásvázlatot tar­talmaz. Valamennyi tesztfeladathoz megoldó kulcs készült. A fogalmazás témáit a nyelv- vizsgabizottság előzetes tájékoztatóin közölt tananyagok alapján állhattuk össze. A váz­latokon kívül további húsz témát soroltunk fel, melyek az oxfordi nyelvvizsgák (English First Certificate) anyagát képezik. A z első tíz témához mintafogalmazásokat szerkesztet­tünk, hogy a nyelvvizsgákra készülök az egyes gondolati egységek arányos elosztását, a szövegek terjedelmét és a levelezésben hasztiálalos keltezést és egyéb kifejezéseket tanul­mányozhassák. A középfokú nyelvvizsgákra valamennyi témát levél formájában kell ki­fejteni (17-18 sor). Néhány téma kidolgozása lehet m ás formában is, m int ahogy ezt a felőfoku nyelvvizsgákra Irt fogalmazások is jelzik. Itt a szövegek terjedelme 21-25 sor.

A tesitfeladaiok célja a kommunikatív készségek fejlesztése, a fontosabb nyelvtani struktúrák tudatosítása és elmélyítése, valamint a szókincs gyarapítása. A középfokú nyelvvizsgákon a nyelvtani ismereteket ellenőrző feladatokat kell megoldani a jelöltek­nek, míg a felsőfokú nyelvvizsgán a lexika lesz a meghatározó. Tudatosan ezt a kétfa jta nyelvi ismeretet ellenőrző feladatsort nem választottuk szét, hanem folyamatosan követik egymást. Ebből következik, hogy a feladatok nehezebbek, mint a középfokú nyelvvizsgás tesztek.

A nyeltani ismereteket ellenőrző feladatok sokrétű és változatos gyakorlatokat tartal­maznak. A nehezebben elsajátítható nyelvtani struktúrák, mint a szenvedő szerkezetek, feltételes és óhajtó mondatok, igeidők egyeztetése, utókérdések... gyakran ismétlődnek különböző feladatokban. A kontra,uúvitúst szem előtt tartva válogattuk össze azokat a feladatokat, melyekkel az igevomatok, a prepozíciók és az igekötők helyes alkalmazását kívánjuk elősegíteni.

A felsőfoka tesztfeladatokban a szinonimák, kifejezések és a köznyelvben használt fo r ­dulatok gyakoroltatása az elsődleges cél.

A feladatok megoldásához kitartó m unkát és eredményes nyelvtanulást kíván;

Dr. Szálai E lek

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1. The German plan to make violent demonstrators pay for "misuse" of policetim e-........... the burden fall on the taxpayer - is being studied by police officers.A) better than leave B) mote than makeC) rather than let D) sooner than allow

2. Since he didn’t want them to see that he-was angry, h e . . . . his anger with a smile. A) closed ■ B) concernedC) disguised D) expressed

3. My sister got a promotion and w a s ........... the department.A) placed in charge o f B) paved the way forC) put at ease with D) pushed her luck in

4. Excuse me, sir, is this the nearest way to the post office in Royal Street?A) I can’t tell you. I ’m afraid. B) 1 don’t mind, I'm afraid.C) I wouldn’t worry, I ’m afraid. D) I can’t speak to you, I’m afraid.

5. After 15 years of working in an office, she b e g a n ........... . t h e old grocery storeafter her father’s death.A) doing B) makingC) performing D) running

6. A holiday on the dude ranch costs about $25 per person a day............. on the ranchyou select.A) depended B) dependsC) which is depending D) that is depending

7. The FBI is the only US police force that is not restricted........... state boundaries.A) on B) uponC) to D ) ............

8. Have you caught a cold, Mary?A) Yes, I 'm afraid I have. B) Yes, isn’t it?C) Yes, i ’ve caught it. D) Yes, I ’m having it.

9. When I asked hirti yesterday, he said the letter to Miss Johnston ..............postedthree days before.A) has been B) had beenC) was being D) had being

10. Only after her husband had agreed t o ...............the housework in their home inTaunton, Somerset, could she start to look for a job.A) deal B) divideC) part D) share

11. My brother hasn’t been feeling at all well lately.A) I didn’t too, I’m afraid. B) I 'm sorry to hear that.Cl So have I, I’m afraid. D) Neither do I.

12. They w en t............A) by bus B) by the carC) by a bus D) by street

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13. You should try to be serious for once, S to p .............A) asking for trouble B) acting the foolC) backing a loser D) being hen-pecked

14. Are you going to England for your holiday next year?A) I don 't think. B) I don’t think so.C) I don’t think that. D) I 'm not thinking so.

15. If you want workers to do their job well, you have t o ........... them with the pro;tools.A) engage B) finishC) provide D) require

16. I cannot find my book............. it?A) did you see U) didn 't you seeC) have you seen D) haven't you

17. When Trooper Low stopped to assist a motorist, he was con fron ted ...............pistol.A) with B) byC) towards D) on

18. We offer you an unforgettable............... in one o f the most beautiful hotels iScotland,A) attendance B) holdC) life D) stay

19. Remember to visit John when you're in London.A) Yes, I certainly did. B) Yes, I certainly will.C} Yes, I remember. I'm sure. D) Yes, it will, I'm sure.

20. Y o u ........... when you started to talk about her private life.A) held the candle to her B) kept her nose to the grindstoneC) hit her below the belt D) jumped down her throat

21. Hello, old chap! I haven’t seen you for a long time.A) Hello, Fred! How are you? B) Hello, Fred! How do you do?C) Hello, Fred! How does it look? D) Hello, Fred! How is it?

22. The delay was due . . . . . . an accident.A) because of B) upC) to D) for

23. Only in the last few y ea rs ........... done to help the poorest of the Indians.A) anything has been B) has anything beenC) is anything D) anything was

24. As she w a s ........... cash last year, she decided to spend her holiday at home.A) cut from B) hard ofC) run out o f D) short of

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25...............have you read this book?A) WhenC) How many times

26. I m u s t........... home.A) coming C) to go

B) What D) How much

" "B ) be going D) be come

27. You can 't disturb him at the moment. H e’s watching a football match on TV, - Oh, is he? Well, I didn’t know that he’s su ch ........... football fan.A) declared B) a delightedC) an enthusiastic D) an excited

28. P o in t........... Miss ReeslA) on B) toC) for D) upon

29. During the first few days o f our trip, we had some trouble with the steering o f the- boat, but after a while w e ........... all right.

B) maintained D) operated

B) More than I needed, D) As much as I could.

B) got to D) got trough

A) handled Q managed

30. How many did you buy?A) As I could pay them C) Sincc I need them very much.

31. ”Do you want to go to the theatre?”’’No I have . . . . . . study.”A) got C) got up

32. Business firms or other organizations which pay the costs o f radio or TV programmes for advertising purposes are ca lled ............A) aids B) backersC) commercials D) sponsors

33. Henry Ford II said he was confident............ the automobile would continue to bothe favourite mode of travel for most people.A ) ........... B) in thatC) on that D) on the point that

34. My daughter told me she’d been shopping in town and had met a school friend ........... her own A-levels.A) who just finishesC) who will just finish

35. Everybody knows I ’m leaving. You .,A) jum ped down everybody’s throatC) laid my cards on the table

B) w hn 'd just finishedD) who is finishing.

B) let the cat out o f the bagD) Jet it all hang out

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36. While American waiters usually expect a tip o f about 15 to 20 per cent, Europ restaurants o f te n ........... the tip in the bill. ' • 1A) carry. B) declareC) give D) include

37. She’s so happy. Sh'c’s . . . . . „A) beaten them to it B) looking the other wayC) walking on air D) making up her mind

38. At the end o f the four weeks without TV, the children - all four o f them - wvery irritable. They told us they would never again agree t o ..............the TV

such a long time.A) cu tup B) failC) let away D) give up

39............... (o Manchester from London early in the morning, what is the earliest tnI could get?A) If I have to travel B) If to travel"C) If travelling D) If have been travelling

40. Why don’i you h e lp ........... the fiat?A) her clean B) her with cleaningC) her for cleaning D) her to clean

41. A bit of alcohol now and than is certainly not dangerous, but large amounts alcohol w ill........... damage your health.A) definitely B) determinedlyC) eagerly D) reasonably

42. I believe i t ............that he got a fine of £ 4000.A) serves him right B) sends him packingC) sells him down the river D) sees fit

43. My nam e’s Burton. Fred Burton. How do you do.A) How are you, Mr Burton? B) How do you do, Mr Burton.C) Very well, thank you, M r Burton. D) Very nice, Mr Burton,

44. She will go to his office immediately after........... in London.A) arriving B) she will arriveC) she’ll be arriving D) has arrived

45. In difficult times, the production o f the things necessary for life h a s .............ovithe production o f luxuries.A) order B) placeC) presence D) priority

46. In many of the poorer countries o f Europe, people cannot always live in decei conditions.A) quiet B) religiousC) suitable D) humble

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47. W e ........... being in Durham.A) have to B) wantC) like D) have

48. "Before I settled in Lake Havasu City,” she said, ” for my vacation for about six years.”A) I ’d he coming here < B) I ’d been coming here *C) I’d coming here D) I ’d come here

49. Liverpool Football Club had t o ........... to beat Bayern München.A) rash their fences B) rise 10 the occasionC) rule with u rod of iron D) set iheir teeth on edge

50. H e’s always the f irs t........... if something goes wrong.A) complaining B) for complainingC) complains D) to complain

51. Some expens say that watching a lot o f ............ on TV is bad for (he developmegto f young people.A) detection B) forceC) panic D) violence

52. Which o f y o u ........... Peier last week?A) did see B) has seenC) saw D) was seeing

53. "hold the line, please" m ean s............A) call again in a few minutes B) the person you want to speak to is

busyC) wait a minute, don’t hang up D) get hold o f somebody

54. Would you like to come to the party next weekend?A) I ’m afraid I can't. B) I ’m afraid I wouldn’t like.C) Sorry, b u t ! don’t. D) Unfortunately I won’t.

55. Typical! Nobody wants to take any responsibility. They just want t o .............A) send everybody packing B) ring [he curtain downC) puss the buck D) save on things

56. How m u c h ........... if I buy a large bottle o f shampoo instead o f two small ones?A) am 1 saving B) is savingC) were I saving D) would be saving

57. It would be nice to spend a vacation on a dude ranch, a ran ch ............was built forguests.A) - B) thatC) what D) who

58. P lease........... her the newspaper she asked for,A) remember me sending B) remember me to sendC) remind me sending D) remind me to send

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59. ...........Anne now lives in London, most of her school friends arc still in Brighto;.A) Although B) But ' iC) Since D) Thus

60. If you want to give up smoking, it is a good idea to change your ea tin g ......... ..A) habits B) kindsC) means D) uses

61. "mind your own business’’ m ean s............A) keep out o f things that do not concern B) open a business o f your own youC) see that your business makes a profit D) have no business to do it

62. It was dangerous to travel across the trem endous mountains in the west.A) hostile B) hugeC) snow-covered D) steep

63. W hat’s the weather like?A) I don ’t like it B) I like rain, too.C) It looks like rain. D) I hate weather such.

64. If you try to talk to Annette about her problems, she gets angry. I t’s ju s t ...........A) asking her another B) airing one's grievancesC) adding fuel to the flames D) bucking a laser

65. After thinking about the problem for a while, she was able t o .............. with aivinteresting idea.A) come up B) cut inC) start out D) take up

66. I know that I cannot rely on him when I need help.A) count B) pickC) rest D) focus

67. John? Oh yes, I know him quite well. He’s an unpleasant chap, I must say.A) employee B) fellowC) friend D) worker

68.Peter m u s t........... if he wants to pass his test.A) burst into flame B) bottle up his angerC) bend over backwards D) bum the midnight oil

69...Although he’s m ad e ........... to give up smoking, he hasn’t succeeded.A) a case B) an effortC) a measure D) a point

70. They say she was there yesterday afternoon? But that’s impossible. She couldn’t have been there, s h e ........... customers at the time.A) had visited B) has visitedC) was visiting D) visited

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71, It took them about a week t o . . . . . . how much damage had been done to the car.A) appoint . B) deteimineC) impose D) search

72. I ’m so sorry. I think I ’ve broken one o f your new glassesA) D on’t mind, please,C) Never worry.

73, Shouldn 't you be in the clinic?A) Yes, I'm supposed.C) Yes, I suppose I will.

74. A lot o f boo k s........... here every day.A) are buyingC) have bought

"B) Neverm ind,D) That’s nothing.

BJ Yes, I supposed.D) Yes, I ’m supposed to be there.

B) are boughtD) can buy

75. Wc expected the h o u se ........... before we came home from our holiday.B) to be butít D) to build

B) to have cut your hair D) had your hair cut

B) is being serviced nowD) of which driver is comming now

A) be built C) to be building

76. You had better.............A) to have your hair cut C) have your hair cut

77. The c a r ........... is my brother’sA) being serviced now .C) what is serviced now

78. I shall wait here until y o u ........... ready.A) would B) areC) shall be D) will be

79. ' ........... call him for you’?"Thank you. That will be a great help to me.'A) Must 1 B) Will IC) Will you D) Shall I

80. Come and meet Mary. She is a good friend o f ............A) our B) usC) Betty D) Betty’s

81. He has h ard ly ........... money left in the bank.A) a little B) anyC) much ’ D) some

82. You needn 't say anything, it’s ........... I can do fo r you.A) the least B) the lessC) a least D) theleastest

83. Janet’s c a r ........... after the accidentA) touched rock-bottom C) turned over in its grave

B) turned up trumps D) was written off

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84. "W hat is h i s ............in the army?” 'H e 's a captain.”A) position D) regulationC) salary D) rank

85...............you make a real effort or there is no real chance of your passing the examA) Neither B) EitherC) Nor D) Or

86. T o ................. as a doctor, you must study for seven years and pass sevenexaminations.A) become B) qualifyC) take piacé D) be

87...............can make me forgive you,A) Nothing what you do B) Nothing which you doC) Nothing that you do D) Nothing you to do

88. When a man grows old, his hair often goes a b i t .............A) slim B) thinC) bare D) bald

8 9 I met him just outside the station, o r 1 should never have known that hewas going away.A) It was lucky that B) By ail meansC) By an accident D) By good fortune

9 0 entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.A) At B) WhileC) On D) In

91. He asked them if they had done m an y ............that day.A) works B) workC) job D) jobs

92. H e ........... the cap of the bottle so tightly thai 1 couldn’t undo it.A) knocked in B) put downC) wrapped up D) screwed on

93. I haven’t got much money on me. I can lend y o u ........... £ 5.A) mostly B) the mostC) by most D) at most

94. "take your time” me a n s . . . . . .A) hurry up, it's urgent B) look at your wutchC) use as much time as you need D) work against time

95. Maiy i s ........... Susan,A) a lot pretty than B) a lot prettier thanC) much more pretty then D) much prettier than

96. He always writes very carefully, He is v e ry .............A) thorough B) thoughC) through D) throughout

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97. I alw ays........... the f ish .............in the shop.A) g e t........... cleaning B) h a v e ........... cleanedC) m a k e ........... cleaned D) h a v e ........... to clean

98. Do you think you co u ld ........... to see what time the film starts?. A) check in B) check up

C) check out D) check through

99. I’m afraid Bob was so angry that h e .A) made him self fool B) made a fool o f himselfC) made a fool for himself D) made fool o f himself

100, People who can’t hear well are said to b e ........... of hearingA) short Bj hardC) uneasy D) difficult

101, After the accident the police ordered ihe crowd t o ............A) keep off B) keep backC) keep on D) keep out

102. Jim never tells anyone what he does for a .............A) profession B) livingC) position D) work

103. l ie d idn’t move in until th e y ........... the painting.A) had finished B) would finishC) did not finish D) were finishing

104, He used very bad language, . . . . . . was very impolite.A) which B) thatC) what D) there

105............... he had no money, he ordered a large car.A) Even though B) HoweverC) In spite o f D) Provided

106. I hope help comes soon, Julie. 1 don 't think we c a n ...........much longer.A) holdback B) holdoverC) hold in D) holdout

107. With his accent he could easily passA) for B) byC) on D) about

108. He didn’t k n o w ........... or go home.A) to wait B) if that he should waitC) if to wait D) whether to wait

109. It goes w ithou t........... that you must be our guest.A) saying B) explanationC) telling D) excuse

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If you tell him he is a fool, you w ill........... him.A) angry B) complimentC) offend D) protect

He left town at 11 a,m„ so w e ----- -- Iám at 2.15 p.m.A) accept B) exceptC) expect D) wait

"they set out early this morning" me a n s . . .A) they became tired vety soon this B) they started on their trip at an

morning early hour this morningC) they stopped work early this morning D) they set at ease this morning

A) Both o f them B) Both themC) Both they D) The both

You must m ak e ........... that I’m too busy.A) him to understand B) him understandC) him understood D) understand him

W e would have helped you if w e . . . . . . you were in difficulties.A) knew B) have knownC) were knowing D) had known

We can’t .............We must vote for one thing or the other.A) shut the door in their faces B) sit on the fenceC) sit pretty D) stand clear of it

Do you think you co u ld ........... the cleaner’s on your way home tonight?A) call down on B) call in atC) call away to D) call out to

. If you want to see the doctor, you must come at th e ........... time.A) busy B) presentC) talking D) proper

. There were a lot o f ........... in the harbour sheltering from the storm.A) barrels B) bucketsC) trunks D) vessels

. The advertisement didn’t say how bigA) the flat was B) had the flat beenC) was the flat D) is the flat

. D on’t astf for another book until y o u ......... . this one.A) don’t finish B) have not finishedC) have finished D) finished

. The last t im e ........... to the library was last week.A) Í have gone B) I have beenC) I was D) I went

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123. I object t o ........... left there.A) the ca r’s being B) the car that isC) the car that was D) the car being

124. There was a p re tty ........... o f birds and flowers on her dress,A) pattern B) showingC) picture D) sample

125. Suppose the train ............late tomorrow, we'll have to take a bus.A) is B) will beC) would be D) couid be

126. When he was questioned by the police, he den ied .............A) going there B) to go thereC) to have gone there D) being going there

127...............like ice-cream.A) Every children B) Every childC) All of children D) All childre'n

128. I bought a new watch yesterday; my old w atch......... ..A) couldn’t repair B) couldn’t be repairedC) didn’t repair D) hadn’t repaired

129. He was f in e d ........... 50 pounds for exceeding the speed limit.A) - B) forC) with D) of

130. D on’t eat c h e e s e - i t 's ........... IA) gone away B) gone outC) gone off D) gone down

131...............he does his work, I don’t mind what time he arrives at the office.A) So far as BJ So long asC) Incase D) Meanwhile

132. We don’t need it. I t ............A) ought to sell B) should be sellingC) need to sell D) should be sold

133. They want the j o b ........... by the end o f the week.A) to do B) doneC) did D) to be doing

134. The notice on the door says that p eop le ........... not enter.AJ will B) mightC) could D) may

135. He doesn’t like dogs, a n d ........... his wife.A) so does ■ B) neither likesC) neither does D) either does

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136. The criminal begged the judge f o r .........A) favour B) gratitudeC) mercy D) sotty

137. The sh irts ........... when the machine stopped.A) were washing B) were being washedC) have been washing D) have been washed

138. W hile he was walking along the top o f the wall, h e ........... and fell down.A) hesitated B) overbalancedC) overdid D) undid

139. Lucy, I do wish y o u ........... so much.A) shouldn't smoke B) don’t smokeC) d idn 't smoke D) aren’t smoking

140. W hat’s wrong with him? H e’s ........... pains in his chcst.A) getting B) hurt byC) feeling D) becoming

141. W hen I ........... in France I found the people very friendly.A) have been B) liveC) left D) was

142. He stared at P a u l,........... to communicate something.A) as though wanting B) although he wantedC) as if willing D) as if he wants

143. When friends "come round” they . . . . . . .A) are recovering consciousness B) surround the houseC) are giving a party D) come on a visit

144. W hen children identify with famous heroes th ey .............- A) copy them B) arc exactly the same as them

C) are angry with them. D) recognise them.

145. F o o d ........... much more expensive in Britain since they joined the EEC.A) becomes B) becameC) has become D) was becoming

146. "she got a lift into town” m ean s...........A) she had trouble with her car on her B) she managed to get into town

way into town very quickly C) somebody offered her a ride into town D) she managed to get away in a c a t

147. I had a reply from Roger this m om ing.U c says he doesn’t mind lending us the tent provided we return it by 3rd August.A) even if B) unlessC> incase D) as long as

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148. If someone is terrifying, h e ............A) frightens other people B) is frightened by other peopleC) is always afraid D) is not very well

149. " I 'm sorry I can’t do the shopping today.” ”OK............. then,”A) I ’m going to do it B) I ’ll do itC) I ’m doing it D) I do it

150. A t minus 50 ' nobody can touch metal with their bare h an d ........... some skin.A) if he does not lose B) unless he losesC) without the loss o f D) except losing

151. H e’s a good guitarist, but he plays the piano .............A) quiet well B) too hardlyC) very good D) much better

152. Although she tried hard, she could n o t........... the work.A) cope with B) cope upC) cope up with D) crop with

153. I don’t suppose he has anyone to talk to about his problems..............is a pity.A) that B) thisC) what D) which

154. Do you think you co u ld ............your books, please, John? I want to lay the table.A) put off B) put awayC) put down D) put up

155. "easily hurt" means ............A) bad-tempered B) damagedC) sensible D) sensitive

156. Thank heaven I managed to get on the train. It seem s........... now.A) to leave B) that it leavesC) to be leaving D) that it will leave just

157. the lion is a member o f the cat family.A) Like the tiger B) Alike to the tigerC) Liking the tiger D) It is like the tiger

158. Mr Smith has a three -........... son.A) year-Dld B) years oldC) year’s old D) years’ old

159. He had such a strong accent that it was very difficult t o ...............what he wassaying.A) m akeup B) make outC) m akeover D) make for

160. "Demand as a right” m eans...........A) claim B) earnC) insure D) owe

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161. I have a . . . . . . paper in my desk.A) lot B) littleC) loss D) little of

162. "W ould you like a cigarette?” "No thank you. I ............ a cigarette since the pricewent' up last April.’’A) haven’t B) d idn 't haveC) d idn 't light D) haven’t lit

163. "W hen ........... ?” ”In ten minutes time."A) did you board C) are you boarding

164. I didn’t want to hurt him so I .............A) thought something proper C) told a white lie

B) have you boarded D) were you boarding

B) threw it to the dogs D) threw a tantrum

165. Laughing B o y ........... second in the 2.15 race at Ascot.A) came in B) came byC) came down D) came over

166. Before you go to bed don’t forget t o ............all the lights,A) turn up B) turn overC) turn away D) turn out

167. When people talk about their ’’rights” they imply that they . . . ___A) are always right B) want to change certain lawsC) have certain legal freedom D) know what is right

168. Not o n ly ........... but he was arrested as well.A) he had gone there B) he went thereC) did he go there D) he had been going there

169. She accidentally knocked a lam p ........... her dressing-table.A) ofC) off

170. If a product is pre-packaged it is .A) packaged before it's made

C) much more expensive

171. I ........... a fool if 1 said that,A) will beC) will be being

172. I didn’t know at firs t ......... ..A) who you were talking aboutC) who about you were talking

B) overD) away

B) wrapped up after you have paid for it

D) packaged before it is delivered for sale in the shops

B) will have beenD) would be

B) who were you talking aboutD) about whom were you talking

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173. Take an um brella ........... it rains,A) in any case B) incaseC) because D) perhaps

174. "She has a nervel” me a n s . . . . . .A) she gets nervous. B) she certainly isn’t afraid.C) she gets on people’s nerves D) she is all right

175. W hen I was a child I really believed in fairy stories, so I would never let any gikiss me in case I ........... a frog!A) turned into B) turned outC) turned back D) turned on

176. ”He's w ell-off’ means . . . . . .A) he’s reasonably rich B) he's luckyC) he’s healthy D) he was ill

177. "Have something to do with” m eans.A) concern B) connectC) help D) work

178. Jimmy has been a fanner since h e . . . . . . the Army,A) has left B) had leftC) had been leaving D) left

179. I ’d rather youA) have your hair dyed ■ B) have dyed your hairC) had had your hair dyed D) had your hair dyed

180. My sister has a daughter who is a successful surgeon...............A) what pleases my parents __ B) which pleases my parentsC) that pleases my parents D) and which pleases my parents

181. W e’ll go to Italy in August , . . . . , . It isn’t too expensive.A) except B) providedC) so far as D) unless

182, One o f the bones in which (he teeth are-setA) chew B) jawC) muscle D) gum

183. If only h e ......... .. what I tell him, but I’m afraid he won’t.A) had done B) will doC) has done D) would do

184. If I ............your boss, I’d tell him,A) see B) had seenC) would see D) saw

185. There is no money to repair the road, so we must p u t .............A) up with it B ) i t up withC) up it with D) with it up

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.186. Jolin won’t be arriving until later, I 'm afraid. His (rain's b e e n ............A) held up B) held offC) held back D) held in

187. They’re ihe p eop le ........... car was stolen.A) what B) whichC) who’s D) whose

188. "put into a liquid" m ean s...........A) dip B) pourC) sink D) wash

189. You can borrow my n o te s ........... that you give them back to me tomorrow.A) if B) onlyC) in case D) on condition

190. It’s amazing how quickly bad news g e ts ........... in this town.A) about B) alongC) off D) ahead

191. The troops were d raw n ........... in front o f the Parliament.A) out B) upC) across D) down

192. When people set out to learn a language............A) they travel abroad B) they make up their minds to leam

itC) they go to a school or college D) they sit for a long time to study

193. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work, his w ife .............A) slept B) has sleptC) was sleeping D) has been sleeping

194. This new information w il l ........... the whole case.A) drive something home ín B) throw a glance atC) throw light on D) turn up trumps on

195. If h e ........... spent so much money, he 'd have some left now.A) didn’t B) doesn’tC) ludn’t D) wouldn't

196. The best w orker........... has worked for them for twenty years has just left them.A) - B) thatC) he D) in fact

197. I made h im ........... what I had told him.A) repeating B) that he repeatedC) repeal D) to repeat

198. I ’m not surprised that Tom and Julie h a v e ............. They were never really suited,were they?A) broken down B) broken offC) broken up D) broken out

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199. His car i s ......... .. mine,A) the same the B) similar toC) alike D) as

200. W e w onder........... his next step is going to be.A) that what B) howC) what D) that how

201. Tony: I 'v e got a nasty cold,Stan; Then go to bed with a glass o f hot lemon juice and honey.That a lw ays......... .m y colds.A) prevents B) improvesC) upsets D) cures

202. If I had not called a doctor, your frien d .............A) would have died B) will have diedC) will die D) has died

203. Seeing the couple walking hand in h a n d ........... memories o f his own first love.A) brought up B) brought backC) brought out D) brought on

204. That’s the h o te l........... last year.A) where we stayed at B) where we stayedC) which we stayed D) at which we stayed at

205. i wouldn’t, sell my old clothes, I 'd rather give th e m ............A ) out B) offC) away D) over

206. The children had great f u n ........... fireworks.A) letting out B) letting inC) lelting down D) letting off

207. I t .............a lot o f sense to test new medicines under laboratory conditions beforeselling them to thepublic.A) has B) doesC) gets D) makes

208. '7 wouldn't take it for granted." m eans ______A) I ’d prefer to pay for it. B) I wouldn’t assume that it is all

right.C) I wouldn’t accept it at any price. D) I don’t trust it.

209. Oh, Miss Jones, would you mind . . . . . . these figures again, please?A) going by B) going intoC) going over D) going after

210. I wondered if h e ........... a lot o f money.A) will earn B) earnC) h^s earning D) earned

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211. Mr. Hart (on the phone): Can 1 speak to Mr Bentley please? Mr, Bentley;A) I am that. B) He speaks.C) Speaking. D) Here am I,

212. I must get a new pair of boots. I ’v e ______ my old ones .1A) worn off B) worn downC) worn out D) worn away

213. Have some sweets.A) Yes, I do, thank you. B) Yes, I have, thank you.C) Yes, I will, thank you. D) Yes, I would, thank you.

214. D o you k n o w ......... . a cake?A) to do B) to makeC) how to do D) how to make

215. I must stay here. You go ahead ........... me.A) by B) withC) without D) after

216. You can’t .............whatever you do.A) make him do it B) get him do itC) make him to do it D) make him doing it

217. The lo rry ........... at the traffic lights.A) pulled off B) pulled upC) pullet! out D; pulled through

218. Will you lake a seat, please?A) Yes, I will. B) I do.C) Yes, I shall. D) Thank you.

219. Do n ' t . . . . . . me, Mother. I’ll be home very late.A) look out on B) come in forC) wait up for D) get on for

220. border made of wood or other materialA) boundary B) outlineC) frame D) ring

221. I ’m w aiting ............A) for the weather clearing up B) the weather to clear upC) for the weather to clear up D) that the weather is clearing up

222. ”It says here that ther&aren't many palm trees in the Himalayas.”"I'm not suiprised. I thought........... at all.”A) there weren’t any B) there aren’t manyC) it weren’t any D) it wasn’t any

223. Last Sunday. . . . . . thousands of people on the beach.A) it was B) there wasC) they were D) there were .

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224. I 'm not surprised you are afraid o f him, h e ; ..........A) is so strange-iooking B) is so strangely looking'C) hus so strange looks D) is looking out strange

225. All last night the gas pipes were .............A) mending B) having been mendedC) having mended D) being mended

226. I prefer to w o rk ........... rather than with other people.A) by my own B) for my ownC) by myself D) on myself

227. My doctor advised me to get some exersicc, so I'v e decided t o ........... tennis.A) take up B) takeoffC) after D) take on

228. "ask too much money for something" m ean s...........A) bargain B) overchargeC) price D) prize

229. "W ould you like some more coffee? There’s s ti l l ......... . left."A) a little B) littleC) a few D) few

230. We . . . . . . here since the beginning o f the month.A) are B) had beenC) shall be D) have been

231. Why did you install a new heater?........... to have constant hot water.A) For B) BecauseC) In order that D) So as

232. Rose is delighted........... the Cowers sent her,A) of B) byC) with D) from

233. "to tow a car away” meansA) to pull it by using another vehicle B) to drive it awayC) to get rid of it. D) to crash it in an accident

234. When I lived in the country I ........... for long walks.A) was often going B) often wentC) had often been taken D) was often taking

235. There was an expectant hush from the audience as the leading a c to r ........... stage,A) came into B) came acrossC) came on D) came by

236. I can’t find the book.............A) nowhere B) everywhereC) anywhere D) somewhere

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237. Mont Bl anc , . . . . . . we visited last summer, is the highest mountain in Europe.A) which B) whereC) (hut D) what

238 . usually made of wood.A) Furnitures ate B) The furniture isC) Furniture is D) The furnitures are

239. I must h a v e ........... at least five dresses before I found one that fitted me,A) tried out j B) tried forC) tried out for D) tried on

240. The dashboard o f a car i s . . . . . .A) the glass at the front . B) the place where you put cases.C) the place where the driver can check D) the part under the doors

his instruments.241. He was such a nuisance. I w ish ........... him to come,

A) I didn’t ask B) I wouldn’t askC) I hadn’t asked D) I shouldn’t ask

242. D on't interfere with other people’s liv e s ............A) make yourself at home B) make the gradeC) live and let live D) meet your match

243. She told me s h e ........... late for the meeting today.A) can be B) is beingC) shall be D) would be

■ 244. They will all be back by 9 ......... .. mistaken.A) unless I am B) i f i amC) had I not D) unless I am not

245. I w onder......... ..A) that what they want B) when is he comingC) what he is after D) where did they put it

246. Sarah i s ----- -- worried about the examination to eat her supper.A) very B) tooC) so DJ such

247. ”1 am fed up with it" m eans...........A) 1 agree with it B) I have had enough o f itC) i ’m quite satisfied with it D) I disagree with it

248. D on’t be offended. I only said i t , . , , .A} in a fun B) as funny thingC) in fun D) to make a fun

249. Í don’t want t o . , ----- him over a little thing like that.A) get on with B) fall out withC) go in for D) go through with

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250. 'ITie prisoner angrily ........... to see his lawyer,A) demanded B) insistedC) required . D) denied

251. Have a piece o f cake, everyone. There should be enough t o .............A) go down B) go alongQ go round D) go over

252. I like that hair style. It rea lly ........... you.A) fits B) matchesC) suits D) goes with

253...............because I can see that it is too big for you.A) This coat cannot be yours B) It must not be yoursC) You are no! allowed to have one. D) You ought not to wear it.

254. The judge let h im ........... with a fine.A) out B) downC) on D) off

255. If th e y ........... football so much they would have been able to pass their finals.A) wouldn’t play B) didn’t to playC) hadn’t played D) had played

256. He won’t be long; he’ll be h e re ............A) in short B) in short timeC) after a minute D) shortly

257. Julia was rather exhausted.............A) since a month B) from December till JanuaryC) for the last month D) from December

258. All these debts 1 have a re ........... like a black cloud.A) getting the upper hand B) giving a dirty lookC) have the edge over me D) hanging over my head

259. In stead ........... for a few minutes, he went home right away,A) of waiting B) to waitC) waiting D) from to be waiting

260. I t’s no good complaining. L et's go on! W e've got to ............A) take something in hand B) take it with a pinch of saltC) take the bull by the homs D) talk over his head

261. The k e y ........... is missing.A) that opens the office B) which the office opensC) opens the office D) it opens the office

262. The Prime Minister had difficulty i n ........... his message to the nation.A) getting about B) getting throughC) getting across D) getáng out

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263. . . . . . . I get a curious pain ín my leg, doctor.A) Time by time B) At timesC) In tim é D) At a time or two

264. Before her death -last year, Peter’s rich aunt decided that s h e .............. leave herhouse to Peter.A) can B) wouldC) may D) shall

265. I don’t really . . . . . . . ray new boss.A) get up to B) get on toC) get on with D) get away with

A) If B) UnlessC) When D) Since

267...............I don 't know is how much it’ll cost.A) That B) WhichC) The thing what D) What

268, Nobody else has been told he’s com ing ,......... .?A) is he B) have theyC) has he D) isn’t he

269. I . . . . . . this duck for two hours and it’s still not tender.A) have been grilling B) am grilledC) am grilling D) been grilled

270. ”he’s in charge" m eans...........A) he’s very angTy B) he’s to blameC) he's responsible D) he’s accused

271. He was talking abo u t.............A) having central heating put in B) to have central heating put inC) having central heating to put in D) to have central heating putting in

272. Would you mind keeping a(n) . on our house for us while we are away?A) hand B) lookC) eye D) view

273. She m ad e ........... the whole story to explain why she was late.A) without B) offC) in D) up

274, I ........... my car repaired.A) made B) let ■C) got D) needed

375. You should do as y o u .............A) have been told B) is toldC) would tell D) would being told

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276. H o w ........... does it take you to get to the office?A) far B) many timeC) long D) time

277. W e were so tired that we couldn'tA) go about B) go throughC) g o o n D) go round

278. In a sh o p ........... customers,A) it is important pleasing B) it is important to pleaseC) there is important pleasing D) there is important to please

279. Everyone is exercising more nowadays, the young, the m id d le - ..............elderly.A) age B) agesC) aged D) aging

280. They have g o t ........... in their home.A) a beautiful furniture B) beautiful furnitureC) beautiful furnitures D) some beautiful furnitures

281. If e v e r y b o d y w e could hold the meeting tomorrow.A) agrees B) was agreedC) will be agreed D) would be agreed

282, W e ........... in the town by the time you return.A) have lived 8 ) will leaveC) will be living D) are leaving

283. Nobody iikes working here, . . . , ,?A) do they B) does heC) does she D) doesn’t he

284, We arrived ........... July 21st.A) at B) inC) on D) to

285. If i t .............I would have gone-.A) had rain B) rainedC) rains D) hadn't rained

286. I ........... the paper o f news o f the proposed strike, but didn 't find anything.A) looked over B) looked intoC) looked up D) looked through

287, We watched carefully........... the houses.A) during she walked against B) during she walked towardsC) while she walked against D) while she walked towards

288. D o come in, Fred, there i s ........... for everyone.A) place B) roomC) sandwich D) seat

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289.1 don 't like the French but I ........... Francs,A) do like B) care ofC) mind D) please

290. It was walking home in the rain that must h a v e ........... your cold.A) brought up B) brought onC) brought out D) brought in

291. The guide . . . . . . was only about ten years old.A) who took us there B) who took thereC) he took us there D) took us there

292, I ............to meet him,A) avoided B) postponed0} happened D) insisted

293. Most o f th em ........... over a hundred years.A) have been dead B) were deadC) have been died D) are dead

294. Spring flowers are ............to the eye.A) a delight B) funC) delightings D) delighted

295. ’’They are constructing a giant dam.’’' m ean s...........A) A giant is constructing a dam. B) A dam is being constructed by a

giant.C) A giant dam is constructing D) A giant dam is being constructed

296, She'd have helped y o u ,........... she?A) didn’t B) hadn’tC) shouldn’t D) wouldn’t

297. The teacher gave me a pile o f books and asked me t o , , , . . . . .A) hand them over B) hand them onC) hand them out D) hand them down

298. H e ........... thoroughly before the doctors decided to operate.A) has been examining B) had been examinedC) has examining D) is examining

299. M a ry ........... be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour ago.A) mustn't B) isn’t able toC) can’t D) may not

300, "C in 't you read?” Mary sa id ........... to the notice.A) and pointed angry B) pointing angrilyC) angrily pointed D) and angrily pointing

3011 She is the woman ............A) that we are talking B) about that we are talkingC) that we are talking about D) which we are talking about

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302. H e ............football professionally since 1969.A) has been playing B) is playingC) played D) plays

303. "O ur daughter . . . . . they said.A) was bom since three years .... B) is born for three years ago C) was bom three years ago D) has been bom sincejhrce years


304. Stie had an accident a n d ........... to hospital.A) was brought B) was takenC) had been taken D) had to be carried

305. Do you want another cake? No, thank y o u ,.............A) 1 still have got some left B) I 'v e still got some leftC) 1 still have some ones ,D) I have stiff some ones

306. We are too late, the shop over th e re .............A) was closing B) had been closedC) has got to close D) is just beings closed

307. If you don 't k now ........... to say, don’t say anything.A) how B) thatC) what D) -

308. I think the police a re ........... with their present enquiries.A) bothering their heads B) burrowing in the pastC) brooding over problems D) barking up the wrong tree

309. If you do not have ready cash, you can always buy the article o n ........... purchase.A) rent B) hireC) lend D) borrow

310. He was alw ays............a n d ..............A) lik es ........... trusts B) lik e d ........... trustedC) being lik ed ........... trusted D) lik ing ........... trusting

311. She has been engaged........... him for a year.A) with B) inC) to D) into

312. They had to sell most of their goods........... a loss.A) at B) underC) as for D) from

313. I ’d say this development w a s ..............A) to be expected B) to expectC) to be expecting D) to have expected

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314. Can I help you, madam?A) Yes, if you don’t worry, B) Yes, o f course you might.C) Yes, that’s awfully good. D) Yes, tjiat would be very nice.

315. "what’s he up to?" m eans............A) why did he stop? B) what did he say?C) what are his intentions? D) what did he do?

316. P lan ts ............refresh the air by changing carbon dioxide into oxygen,A) continuous B) continuouslyC) rarely D) seldom

317. Thank you very much for your help.A) That’s fine. B) Thank you, too.C) The same to you. D) Not at all.

318. If the employees in the service industries earned enough money, tips couid be ,

A) done away B) eliminatedC) knocked D) repealed

319. After 1 told him 1 was going out with his girlfriend h e .............A) laid waste to me B) led me Into troubleC) licked his wounds D) looked daggers at me

320. Can you recom m end........... a good restaurant in London?A) fo rm e B) t o meC) me D) as for me

321. Careless driving is a m ajor cause o f highway accidents.A) deadly B) importantC) spreading D) big

322. J u s t .............. T think the year’s supply of shocks must be exhausted, my fanusually pull another one out o f the bag,A) if B) likeC) then D) when

323. Y ou’d like to know where I was last Saturday,........... ?A) don’t you? B) hadn’t you?C) wouldn’t you? D) shan’l you?

324. "that’s out o f the question” m ean s.............A) Shat question can ’t be answered B) that’s quite impossibleC) that wasn’t the right question D) that was a bad question

325. Isn’t it a lovely day, John?A) Yes, by no means. B) Yes, I'm sure.C) Yes, it certainly is. D) Yes, certainly. ;

526. Could you give me that catalogue, please.A) Certainly. Never mind. B) Certainly. Here you are.C) Certainly, Please. D) Certainly. Y ou’re welcome.

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VÁLASSZA k i a h e l y e s m e g o l d á s t i 33

327. They were not interested i n ........... part in the experiment.A) being B) doingC) having D) taking

328. "W hat were you doing when I wanted to see you last night7” I .............. to theradio."A) must have been listening . B) must listenC) must be listening D) must have been listened

329. I am glad you persuaded me to change my mind.A) convinced B) engagedC) required D) taught

330. I hope you have left none of your belongings in the hotel.A) clothes B) jewelsC) possessions D) suitcases

331. H e ........... his wife home by six, but she d idn 't in fact a rriv e .............half past.A) waited , . . till B) awaited . . . tillC) looked forward t o . , . until D) expected. . , until

332. He was worried. H e ........... a call telling him his father was ill.A) has just received B) had receivedC) received D) became

333. I learnt t o ........... a bicycle when I was six years old.A) drive B) rideC) guide D) conduct

334. So far sh e ........... in England for as long as she studied in France.A) didn’t study B) hasn’t been studyingC) doesn’t study D) isn’t studying

335. She told the court that her husband would often become very violent and on one occasion h a d ........... most of the furniture in their living-room.A) broken down B) broken intoC) broken out D) broken up

336. He was told his proposal........... due attention.A) would give B) will giveC) would be given D) would have giving

337.A) They fond of each other. B) They love one another very much.C) They fond o f one another. D) They’re fond each other.

338. W e have hot and c o ld ........... water in our bathroom.A) fluent B) flowingC) running D) pouring

339. The bed was empty. I t ........... in.A) had not been slept B) was sleepingC) was slept D) is slept

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B) offD) from

B) Bill to come D) Bill come

B) so important ihat D) as important so

340. Please protect m e ........... my enemies.A) o f C) beside

341. Please a s k ........... and.see me.A) to Bill to come C) to Bill come

342. W omen’s jobs a r e ........... men’s,A) that important as C) as important as

343. He wishes h e ............to the lecture last night.A) would have gone B) had goneC) went D) was going

344. Can this cam era........... good photos?A) make B) to makeC) take D) to take

345. If the pain in your leg becomes worse, get i t ........... at once.A) to sec B) seen toC) seeing to D) be seen to

346. Everything goes well............. ?A) does it B) didn’t itC) neither D) doesn’t it

347. You mustn’t drink alcoholic drinks w h e n m e d i c i n e .B) getting D) eating

B) don’t think there is D) reckon it been

B) He D) That

A) taking C) having

348. I ........... an easy solution to that problem.- A) think there aren’t

C) think what isn’t/

349...............was Peter who won the race.A) It C) There

350. Their children are com pletely ............ because they give them everything they askfor.A) overdone B) hurtC) damaged D) spoilt

351. 1 don 't see why I ........... help you.A) would B) am going toC) should D) am willing

352.! I ........... him in with the front-door key,A) allowed B) permittedC) let D) left

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353. He was given instructions and he knew w h a t .A) he was to do C) he has to do

B) he had done D) he was to be done

354. You can have this book when I ........... reading it,A) have finished C) shall have finished

355. He was afra id ........... home late.A) o f us to get C) that we got

356. He was an artist to his finger.............A) ends C) prints

357. I ’m fed up with it.A) I ’ve had enough to eat.C) I ’m tired o f it.

358. 15 people lost th e ir ........... due to the accident.A) life B) livesC) lifes D) live

359. To travel from England to Wales y o u ........... a passport,A) haven’t got B) needn’tC) mustn’t have D) don 't need

360. I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the line;'! can’t seem t o .............

B) shall finish D) will finish

B) us getting D) that we would get

B) nails D) tips

B) I ’m full up. D) I’m worn oat.

B) get through D) get over

A) get down C) gel out

361. How m u ch ........... from this account?A) has been drawn C) is drawing

362. She’s got her diploma. T h a t........... her level of motivation.

B) was drewD) will extract

A) speaks volumes forC) throws the book at

363. "He has a say in the matter” m eans.A) he has said something about it

C) he wants to say something about it

364............... is becoming less widespread.A) French languageC) The French language

365. My aunt put m e ........... for the night.A) inC) up

B) turns to accountD) works overtime on

B) he has some influence in the matter

D) he is well informed

B) The FrenchD) Both A) and C) correct

B) toD) by

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366. Which year are y o u ........... at school?A) at B) inC) during D) on

367. He couldn’t ........... the tension examinations caused.A) used to B) get used toC) got used to D) accustomcd

368. The station? Take the second turning. . . .A) to left, then go straight on B) to the left, then go straight onC) to left, then go right forward D) to the left, then go right forward

369. If you leave m e......... . , lost.A) would be B) might have beenC) should have been D) I 'll be

370. Our boss is still in the office, h e ............A) doesn’t leave B) hasn’t leftC) isn 't leaving D) hadn 't left

371. C o m e........... ! We m usn't be late for lunch.A) with B) alongC) tome D) up with

372. I . . . , . . him playing the piano.A) taught B) listenedC) heard D) enjoy

373. Will the train leave on time?A) It always has done. B) Yes, it always had done.C) It must have to. D) It ought to have left on time.

374. I 'd like t o ........... the house before I decideio rent it.- A) look over B) look into

C) look for D) lookout

375. H e ........... in his project.A) would assist B) ought to assistedC) should be assisted D) must to assist

376. The crowd was so angry that they threw stones........... the players.A) on B) atC) to D) toward

377. No sooner........... steep than the doorbell rang.A) had he gone to B) he went goC) did he go D) had he fallen to

378. On one hand you have four fingers and aA!); joe B) heelC) thumb D) nail

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379. There was hardly anybody in the shop............. 7A) wasn’t there B) was thereC) were there D) wasn’t he

380. He looked up at the house as if h e ,A) would wander B) would wonderC) was wandering D) were wondering

381. Boys and men a re .............but girls and women are not.A) adults B) malesC) masculines D) fellows

382. My s o n ........... to become an actor ever since he saw Hamlet on stage.A) wants B) wantedC) has wanted D) had wanted

383. She crept down the stairs a n d . . . . . , for the door.A) made B) didC) managed D) attemted

384. He entered university.............A) when he had 18 years B) when 18 years were his ageC) at the age of 18 D) at the age of 18 years old

385................in the water he showed himself to be a good swimmer.A) once B) enteredC) going D) after

386. When he saw the house he couldn't help w ondering............A) how much cost it B) what was the price of itC) how much did it cost D) what it cost

387. This f ilm ........... before.A) has been showing B) has been shownC) has shown D) was showing

388, I didn’t k n o w ........... him or not.A) if 10 help B) whether to helpC) to help D) if that I should help

389. After you have paid a bill you are given a ........... to show that you have paid.A) cash B) receiptC) reception D) recipe

390. T here ........... in the room.A) were hardly any furniture B) was hardly any furnitureC) weren’t hardly any furniture D) were hardly any furnitures

391. This i s ........... such a tiling.A) my first time of seeing B) my first time to seeC) the first time I have ever seen D) my first time I have ever seen

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392. Why d idn’t you tell me you could lend me the money7 I ........... it from the bank,A) didn’t need to borrow B) needn’t have borrowedC) didn’t have to borrow D) shouldn’t have t>orrowed

393. I don’t like my children going to parties. You never know what young■ p eo p le ........... these days,

A) get on with B) get up toC) get through to D) get in with

394. He was suffering........... toothache.A) for B) fromC) o f D) under

395. A person who talks t o ........... is not necessarily mad.A) himself B) oneselfC) yourself D) itself

396. ’’What shall we do on Sunday morning?” ’’Let’s ......... .. shall we?”A) make an excursion B) go to an outingC) go swimming D) go to sport

397. The b o y ........... lost his book is waiting in the office.A) what B) whichC) who D)

398. He w a s ............o f all his money last night.A) robbed B) stolenC) taken away D) stolen away

399. Did you h e a r ........... Julie said?A ) what B) thatC) that what D) which

-400. She doesn’t have anything planned this weekend. S h e .............A) is dead on her feet B) is quick on the uptakeC) bears no likeness D) is at a loose end

401. If you are not careful, it m igh t........... your lungs.A) affect B) effectC) accept D) insult

402. They surrounded the enemy and forced them t o ............A) give in B) give outC) give up D) give away

403. How did it c o m e ........... that you were there at that time?A) to "* B) -C) on D) about

404. Open the window, p lease,........... ?A) do you B) don’t youC) will you D) w on't you

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405. W hen he was a child, h e ........... only lo his mother.A) would speak B) will speakC) is speaking ■ D) has spoken

406. These old buildings will so o n ........... down.A) pull B) be pulledC) have pulled D) being pulled

407. Well, 1 went up to the man and pointed out it was my umbrella he was carrying. H e ........... and handed it over, and that was that.A) complained B) pardonedC) apologized D) gave up

408. His bad behaviour w a s ........... an unhappy childhood.A) put down to B) put back toC) put off to D) put away for

409. The new Prime M inister.............open the new hospital, but, unfortunately, he gotill.A) would B) was toC) will D) wanted

410. ' I t ............ How do you know ?"The roofs are wet.'A) has been raining B) can rainC) will have rained D) is rained

411. This can do a lot o f ........... to a person’s character,A) harm B) damagesC) benefit' D) profit

412. D on’t leave your shoes on the table,A) Put off them! B) Take them off!C) Pick them off! D) Pick up them !

413. She chose some p re tty ........... paper for the present.A) covering B) involvingC) packing D) wrapping

414. ITie children m a d e ........... after they had broken the window.A) o f B) offC) away D) away with

415. He has arrived la te ............A) as usual B) like usualC) as usually D) like usually

416. Although he had been ill, he s til l ............A) smoked further B) smoked any moreC) went on smoking D) went on to smoke

417. Hello? Is that the Grand Hotel? Could y o u ........... the manager, please?A) put me up with B) put me on toC) put me in for D) put me through to

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418...............they disliked thespeeeh, they should have kept quietA) Even B) HoweverC) Moreover W However much

419, The proposal........... nextmonih.A) supposed to be debate B) is supposed to debateC) is supposed to be debated D) supposed to debate

420, His c a r ........... stolen if he hadn’t left it unlocked.A) can't have been B) shouldn’t have to beC) mightn’t have been D) needn’t have to be

421, She always b u y s ........... my birthday.A) anything nice to B) anything nice forC) something awful to D) something awful for

422...............English takes a lot o f time.A) Study B) The studyingC) Studying o f the D) Studying

423. The d river........... sharply at the traffic lights.A) pulled up B) ran throughC) made out D) put in

424. 1 will have cleaned the flat by the tim e .............A) you are going to come back B) you'II come backC) you come back D) you had come back

425. They could cooperate despite the fact that they didn’t ........... well,A) get round B) get onC) get away D) get through

426.......... .... friendly you are towards him, the more often he will come to you.- A) Most B) -

C) More D) The more

427. Y o u ........... here much earlier but you were late again.A) ought to be R) must Iil-C) needn’t D) should have been

428. T h ey ........... al! the dresses before we got there.A) have sold B) were being soldC) had sold D) had been selling

429. Can I ........... some money from you? I’ve lost my bag.A) borrow B) hireC) lend D) rent

430. The three prisoners w h o ........... jaii last weekend have finally been recaptured.IÁ) broke away from B) broke out inC) broke in on D) broke out of

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431. He didn’t want to go to school, but after a lot o f g en tle ........... from his mother, hewent.A) influence B) reasonC) persuasion D) temptation

432. 1 was just about to overtake the bus when it suddenly ..............If I hadn't brakedhard I ’m sure I would have bit it.A) pulled off B) pulled downC) pulled away D) pulled out

433. He has many spare-tim e............; he swims, paints, plays the violin, and so on.A) actions B) activitiesC) acts D) exercises

434. No sooner........... than the rain began bucketing down.A) the match started B) the match had startedC) had the match started D) had the match start

435. 1 sometimes have th e ............to visit Birmingham on business.A) opportunities B) possibilityC) occasion D) chance

436. S h e ........... working hard every evening making dresses.A) uses to B) used toC) is used to D) was used

437. When you see the road sign ”No stopping” y o u ........... stop.A) needn’t B) wouldn'tC) mustn’t D) don’t have to

438. James is threatening to resign, but I don’t think he’l l ........... it really.A) go on with B) go in forC) go along with D) go through with

439. Industry is lik e ly ........... the environment,A) to blame to pollute B) blaming to polluteC) to blame for polluting D) to be blamed for polluting

440. He asked h e r ............A) for not leaving him B) not leave himC) don 't leave him D) not to leave him

441. Y ou’re too late. The performance is already.............A) out B) overC) round D) up

442. I ’ve heard some bad new s............ very upsetting,A) They are B) It isC) I find them D) Some o f them are

443. S to p ........... this fuss, will you?A) make B) makingC) to make D) with making

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444. He didn’t thank me for the present. That i s ........... annoyed me.A) which B) thatC) the thing what D) what

445. Does your father like her?A) If only he ought to! B) I fonlyhemay!C) If only he did! D ) If only he might have!

446. Right. W e’ve been arguing for ten minutes. Let’s .............A) carry the day B) catch our breathC) call it quits D) come a cropper

447. There will be only two of u s , ........ ?A) will there B) won’t itC) w on’t there D) won’t it

448, She’s bought some lovely , , to make herself a dress.A) material B) clothingC) costume D) pattern

449. I ’ve looked everywhere for the letter but I still can’t find it.I must h a v e ...........while I was tidying up yesterday,A) thrown it up B) thrown it outC) thrown it over D) thrown it off

450. D on't huny, the exhibition . ., . , , this very moment.A) is being opened B) will soon be openingC) has opened ■ D) is getting open

451. It’s q u ite ........... .from what he says that he intends to go, no matter what vA) clear B) straightC) right D) easy

452. W hat tim e........... up?A) are you usually waking B) do you usually wakeC) have you usually waken D) were you usually waking

453. Something happened to h i m , , n

A) didi t B) didn’t itC) did they D) did something

454. I wish you bad done i t ........... i mother way.A) on B) intoC) in D) onto

455. When Bill was told o f his transfer to our Birmingham office, he simply . .A) refused B) dissentedC) denied D) rejected

456. W ould M r James please go to the information desk where th e re .............him?A) an; B) are someC) is a D) is some

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457. It’s not important, w e ___ __ finish the work until tomorrow.A) don’t need B) mustn’tC) needn’t D) needn’t to

458. As the doctor arrived to attend to the girl who had fainted, the crowd movedone side to .............A) let him off B) let him throughC) let him down D) let him out

459. W h o ........... him steal the money?A) seed B) was seeingC) saw D) sees

460. By the time the police arrived, the th ieves.A) hide B) had hiddenC) are hiding D) will have hidden

461. ’’She’s always on the move” m ean s............A) she goes to the cinema very often B) she likes to have flats in several

citiesC) she’s always changing her flat D) she’s a changeable person

462. H ow long have you been w a itin g ?"A) Since four hours. B) Since I ’ve finished work,C) For the whole morning. D) For I was thirsty.

463. What are y o u .............I wonder.A) up to B) about toC) about doing D) knowing

464. Let’s ............... the subject o f nuclcar war. I t 's beginning to make me feel vedepressed.A) get by B) get offC) get over D) get through

465. Tim sat near the f i r e ........... warm.A) for to get B) fo rgetC) to get D) forgetting

466. Yes, I thought they a l l ............ the same as young children. But now they all !oquite different.A) look B) lookedC) don’t look D) didn’t look

A) How long there is B) What a long way it isC) W hat distance is there D) How long is

468. We do hope they have a l l ........... arrived by now.A) well B) safeC) surely D) safely

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469. Although we used to go to the same school, I . . . . . . his surname.A) forget always B) always forgetC) never remind D) always remember

470. LSI be back soon; I’m just going t o ........... my new bike.A) try for B) try outC) tty over D) try on

471. D on't say anything before y o u ........... our.letter,A) are getting B) getC) will get D) got

472. IIow did she co m e ........... those beautiful diamonds?A) to B) up toC) by D) into

473. W e haven’t got a record player. L e t 's .............A) to borrow the M ary’s C) to lend one of Maiy

474. I'll be back in no time.A) I 'm never coming back.C) I don’t know when I ’ll return,

475. Each student read a sentence............A) at the moment C) in turn

B) borrow Mary’s D) lend Mary’s one

B) I won’t be away long. D) I ’m falling down.

B) in the time D) in their order

476...............at the moment. I ’ll go to the shops.A) For it doesn’t rainC) For it isn’t raining

477. I ........... learn how to cook.A) got my wife toC) asked my wife

478. How long did you wait?A) Before lunch time.C) Until six o’clock.

B) As it doesn't rainD) As it isn’t raining

B) made my wife toD) knew my wife

B) As soon as he comes.D) Since this morning.

479. I can’t help thinking about it.A) Nothing I do will make any difference, B) I wish I could forget it, but I can't.C) It would be more useful if I did


480. Nothing happened to h e r ,............A) didn’t itC) neither

481:,; ’’he’ll be here shortly” m eans___A) he’!! be here in a few minutesC) let's hope he’ll come

D) I wish I could keep my mind on the subject.

B) d id itD) nor did it

B) he’ll stay a few minutes onlyD) he'll come short o f it

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482. No one really believed it when the news came that the Titanic h a d ............ on hermaiden voyage.A) gonp away B) gone downC) gone by D) gone up

483. She made herself........... carefuily as she wanted to look her best.A) after B) onC) out D) up

484...............crossing the street, he was knocked down by a car.A) By B) ForC) At D) While

485. "It's a pity you haven’t seen the play.” ’’But I have, I ........... it last month.A) have seen B) had seenC) saw D) was seeing

486. They rang the bell a n d ........... in.A) was shown B) have been shownC) were shown D) had shown

487. "Y ou’ll be all right in the long run.” m eans............A) You’ll all be on the same side when B) Ali of you will prove to be

it cumes to the point. correct eventually.C) In the end you’ll have no need to worry. D) Y ou’ll do well in the

long-distance race.

488. He asked me what I ........... if I’d been him,A) was saying B) had saidC) would have said D) said

489. I was feeling rather tired, so I didn’t rea lly ........... what the teacher was saying.A) take up B) take inC) take over D) take away

490. If you’re not listening to the radio, then . . . . . . .A) turn it up B) turn it outC) turn it off D) turn it away

491. We were told h e ........... on.A) can be relied B) will be reliedC) would be relying D) could be relied

492. It seems that J i l l ........... in her marriage to Tom.A) is hitting the mark B) is laying it on thickC) is having a rough time D) is letting off steam

493. There were n o ........... of the Sunday papers because of a printers’ strike.A) publications B) volumesC) editions D) periodicals

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494. Where has he gone? I have notA) told B) being toldC) been told D) betold

A) I ought teli B) Sorry to correctC) D on’t you mind my correct D) Can I correct

496. Did you rem em ber........... ? They might need it!A) to bring a raincoat B) bringing a macC) to carry a raincoat D) taking a mac

497. Is the te a ............?A) so cool for you' to drink B) too cool that you can drinkC) coo! enough for you to drink D) enough cool to drink

498. She doesn’t have to be there until six, ........?A) doesn’t she B) does sheC) hasn’t she D) has she

499. Y o u ........... right. It’s forbidden.A") hadn’t to turn B) m ustn't have turnedC) didn’t lmve to lum D) shouldn't have turned

500. Did you answer the invitation? No, IA) had to B) ought to haveC) should D) must have

501. Your mother might b e ........... to you now.A) write B) writingC) writes D) written

502. Somebody goes to see her every w eek ,........... ?A) doesn’t he B) does heC) don’t they D) did he

503. The g ir l ........... house he visited was Elizabeth,A) o f which B) of whomC) which D) whose

504. My new flat is nice and warm. It . . . south.A) faccs B) is lookingC) overlooks D) is directed

505. I w a s ........... leave when I heard tHe doorbell ring.A) rather to B) about toC) on the inlenűon of D) around

506.1 The old lady had shut all the doors , . , , she usually did.A) what B) likeC) as D) that

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507. The airport is five milesA) away from here B) from here awayC) far from here D) far away from here

508. Are you interested........... tennis tomorrow?A) in playing B) for playingC) on playing D) to play

509. Y o u ........... go now. It’s getting late.A) had rather B) would ratherC) would belter D> had better

510. They were absolutely fascinated . . about your trip.A) when heard B) to hearC) heard D) with hearing

511. What he did w a s ........... üie letter.A) open B) to openC) opening D) that he had to open

512. There was nobody on the beach......... ?A) wasn't there B) was thereC) were then: D) weren’t there

513. Y ou’ll have to work hard if you are going t o . . .A) make to B) make up toC) make up for D) make up with

514. W ould you mind paying for the tickets........... ?A) in advance B) forwards .C) primarily D) now and ihen

515. I think w e ...........better go home.A) had B) wouldC) must D) will

516. This method has been used for many years, i t . .A) should improve B) ought to improveC) should be improved D) ought to he improving

517. The notice on the bench said:’’......... Paint."A) Damp B) WetC) Fresh D) New

518. I wouldn’t wear that lie if I were you, Charles. It's the wrong colour. It just doesn ' t . . . . . . your suit.A) go off B) go forC) go oil D) go with

519. That old lady can’t stop m e ........... the tennis match on my radio.A) to listen B) listeningC) listen to D) listening to

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520. We wish w e ........... trees in the garden of our present house.A) had C) will have

521. H e’ll know why h e ........... there.A) would be sendingC) was being sent

522. You don 't expect........... that, do you?A) me believeC) me to believe

523. W e told him n o t........... about the tickets,A) worryingC) to worry

524. Excuse me, I ........... if you could help me.A) thinkC) mean

525. You could have come to the party,' A) It was possible, but you didn't.

C) You came to the party.

B) haveD) to have

B) Is being sentD) will be sending

B) that I believeD) that I should believe

B) worryD) be worrying

B) believeD) wonder

B) You were able to come.D) You did, but it was unnecessary.

526. Tom: Shall we go home now?Reg: No, let's carry on. Now w e've got so far we . . . . . . finish the job tonight.A) might willingly B) would at leastC) could rather D) may as well

527. The organizers are worried th a t ............ be no more than a very few spectators fortoday’s boat race if it keeps on raining.A) (here might B) they could

_ C) it will ‘ D) perhaps may

528. He thinks of nothing but money. H e 's ........... for all he can get.A) in B) outC) up D) down

529. You can have this book when I ........... reading it.A) have finished B) shall finishC) shall have finished D) will finish

530. I’m on edge.A) Things are getting on my nerve^.C) Ifm going to cut it.

B) I'm going to fall.D) I live outside the town.

531. W e intend t o .........with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.A) do up B) do awayC) do down D) do in

532. I w on't be finished in tim e ........... I work all night.A) also when B) althoughC) even if D) even when

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533. Come to my party..............?A) won't you B) shall youC) isn’t it D) don’t you

534. I think I’ll go to bed, I can feel a headache............A) coming up .... B) coming overC) coming out D) coming on

535. The two gangsters were arrested for robbery b u t........... any jewels in his bags.A) none carried B) neither man carriedC) neither was carrying D) neither men was carrying

536...............anything at the lime?A) Did he carry B) Had he carriedC) Was he carrying D) Had he been carrying

537. Luckily the bomb didn’t g o .............A) up B) offC) out D) on

538. I was in the middle of phoning Pam when we were suddenly .............A) cutof f B) cutoutC) cutup D) cut in

539. I ’ve been afraid of dogs ever sincc a large A lsatian........... me when I was a child.A) went for B) went afterC) went with D) went to

540. T h e ........... o f Japan is the yen.A) money B) cashC) coin D) currency

541. A) I knew the girl last night, at the disco, B) I ’ve met the girl at a party onSunday.

C) I got to know the girl at the local disco D) I know the girl last night, at the last night disco.

542. My husband w ill .............A) the fridge have repaired B) have the fridge repairedC) make the fridge repaired D) the fridge make repaired

543. She likes a good laugh, she is v e ry .............A) cheerful B) livingC) laughing D) moody

544. I wonder if you’d help me t o ................ some anti-nuclear power leaflets thisweekend, Peter?A) give out B) give upC) give over D) give in

545...............you are happy, it doesn’t matter if you haven't got much money.A) Meanwhile B) A siongasC) During D) As for as

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546. It w a s ........... T hursday.............the holiday really began.A) on . . . , when B) ~ . when C) on . . . . that D) - ___ that

547. Did y o u ........... the change you were given?A) control B) checkC) think over D) look over

548. I’ll have t o ........... now, I'm afraid; there's someone at the door,A) hang about B) hangonC) hangup D) hangout

549. Do you mind if I open the window?A) Yes, please. B) No, o f course n o tC) Yes, I mind. D) 1 don 't think.

550. He pretented that he was English, but his accent gave him . . . . . . .A) up B) off

out D) away with

551. Mary w on’t be long. In other w ords;.............A) She’ll come in a minute B) She w on’t grow any moreC) She w on't be very tall D) She won’t have any wishes

552. A carpenter must b e ........... o f using his hands.A) possible B) strongC) able D) capable

553. H o w ........... it?A) will I say B) lo sayC) shall I put D) to tell

554. I t’s over five years n o w ........... I la s t .............you,A) s ince . . . . saw B) f o r . . . . sawC) since. . . . have seen D) f o r . . . , have seen

555. She said she didn’t like G erm an............A) cooking B) costC) eating D) kitchen

556. Mary; Who do you think will succeed Morgan as managing director? Stephens or Ryan, or perhaps Holst?Liz; I cou ldn ’t ca re less.A) I don’t care for iL B) I've no idea at all.C) It's no business of mine. D) It's all the same to me.

557. He was at th e ........... o f leaving when the phone rang.A) moment B) pointC) intention D) direction

558. Was that true o r did y o u ........... 7A) make it up B) make it outC) make it over D) make it off

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559. I wonder how the new wife wi l l . . . . . . her mother-in law.A) put B) put with ':C) get up with D) put up with

560. W henever you come to visit me, I ........... giad to see you.A) always am B) have beenC) will always be D) ’dalw ays be

561. ”I ’ve lost my wallet.”"It serves you right; y o u ........... in thai small pocket.”A) didn’t have to keep it B) shouldn't have kept itC) needn't have kept it D) hadn 't had to keep it

562. I don 't think industry can become more e ffic ien t............... the whole economychanges.A) despite B) withoutC) unless D) both

563. That’s not likely.A) It's possible. B) It isn 't necessary.C) It probably won't happen. D) It should happen, but it won’t.

564. "Did you rem em ber........... the gate?""No, I didn’t. I ’ll go back and do it.”A) having locked B) to lockC) locking D) having locking

565. I w an t........... postpone all other programs for tonight.A) that you to B) you that toC) you to ’ D) to you to

566. It didn’t seem w orth ........... such an expensive picture.A) to buy B) itC) buying D) buy

567. I’m becoming increasingly.............. Last week I locked myself out o f my housetwice.A) oblivious B) mindlessC) absent D) forgetful

568. My brother g o t........... almost as soon as he had dialled.A) up B) inC) off D) through

569. Do you think yon c o u ld ..............these figures for me, just to make sure they’recorrect?A) check over B). checkoffC) check out D) check up

570. He will stay here until y o u ........... him to leave.A) don’t tell B) w on’t tellC) will tell D) tell

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571. Let’s go to the cinema! I suggest........... to Star Ware,A) going B) to goC) go D) that we went

572. The existence of the planet Pluio was n o t , until this century.A) invented B) exploredC) discovered D) identified

573. He r a n ........... a dog.A) ín B) backC) over D) up

574. I think it’s a lot more difficult t o ........... children nowadays than it used to be.A) bring out B) bring offC) bring away D) bring up

575; Did you see the photographs........... in Cairo1!A) I took B) I look themC) that I took them D) took

576. How many bridges are there........... the Danube?A) on B) aboveC) through D) across

577. I was surprised when I got to the station to find that my friends’ train had arrived........... just a few minutes before.A) in time B) dead on timeC) about time D) by the time

578. By ten o ’clock tomorrow, I ........... the contract.A) signed B) have signedC) shall have signed D) had signed

579. If you had wanted to avoid any trouble at the road block you ought to h av e ........... to be a doctor.A) said B) pretendedC) imagined D) insisted

580. I have read the b o o k ........... you lent me,A) what B) whomC) that D) whose

581. In court last week, Mr Williams was accused ............... some shoplifting in theCutprice Supermarket.A) o f having done B) withC) that he had done D) of his doing

582. Do you know how m u ch ........... ?A) is it cost B) doss it cost

, C) it cosied D) it costs

583. W here........... yesterday?A) went you B) was youC) have you been D) were you

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584. They a re ........... to ring the police if they don’t know where you are.A) possible B) probableC) probably D) likely

585. W hen he arrived he asked .............A) what late he was B) if he’d been laterC) if he was late D) if had he been late

586. This is n o i ........... question .............the one discussed before.A) so im portant........... as B) more im portant........... asC) such an im portant........... as D) such an im portant............than

587. Did she really do i t ............?A) lonely B) o f her ownC) on her own D) her own

588. I don’t think you will have ........... difficulty in obtaining a licence.A) a great deal B) muchC) many D) a little

5 89, He prefers driving h im self........... by someone else.A) to be driven B) rather than being drivingC) rather than driven D) rather than being driven

590. This vegetable soup tastes v e ry ............A) well B) goodC) finely D) badly

591. Will you Stay if they offer you more money?A) Even i f f stay. B) Because I have to leave.C) Unless I get more money. D) Not unless I get a car as well.

592. Take your clo thes........... the suitcase and put them away.A) into B) inC) from D) out of

593. It’s too h a rd ........... what makes me laugh.A) saying B) sayC) to speak D) to say

594. This is the second time I ........... him.A) saw B) seeC) have seen D) can see

595...............of the three boys got a prize.A) Both B) A fewC) Each D) Every

596. Who . . . . . . have you shown these pictures to?A) also B) elseC) more D) other

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597. D on’t w orry.A) we have lots of times B) there’s lots o f timeC) there’re lots of times D) theie’s a lot time

598. H e’s used t o ............in public.A) bespeaking B) the speakingC) speaking D) speak

599. We g o t ........... the car and went for a drive.A) out off B) out ofC) out D) back

600. He i s n 't ........... to reach the ceiling.A) so tall B) as tallC) enough tall D) tall enough

601. The hou se ........... is very old and . , .A) what I w a n t . . . overlooks B) I w a n t . . . look over

, C) I w a n t , . . overlooks D) what I w a n t . . . looks over

602, Do you like my new dress? I ........... it last week.A) bought B) buyC) have bought D) was buying

603...............the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.A) As B) ForC) Bccause of D) Since that

604. By the way, I’ve just heard that Sally and Chris h av e ........... their engagement.A) broken up B) broken downC) broken away D) broken off

605. He was h it by a stone, so that he now h a s ........... on the head.A) a break B) a bunchC) an egg D) a lump

606. ” Oh, what a beautiful dress! Where is it from?" ...........A) German B) DaneC) Norway D) French

607...............go, you're hurting me.A) Leave me B) LetC) Permit D) Leave to

608. W hen you see a policeman you drive carefully.A) need B) shouldC) ought D) would

609. was a well-known fact,A) That their team was weakC) As their team was weak

B) That their team being weakD) Their team as being weak

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610. The headmaster told üie p u p il........... inside.A) that he came B) to comeC) shat he wili came D) coming

611. He put six rings on the table and ioid her so ........... she one she liked best.A) pick off B) pick outC) pick al D) pick over

612. They travelled........... speed of 55 mph,A) with She B) by theC) at a D) with a

613. I ’ve juss heard that John P a rk e r- you remember, the man who murdered that little j;ir'[ a lew years ago is being ........... this weekend.A) letdow n B) let inC) let out D) let through

(>14. By llie lime you gel hack Lo fiurope, i ............ in the bank .util you can ecuiteamJsee me there.A) shall have worked B) am workingC) work D) shall be working

615. The student........... book I still have can come and take it after the lesson.A) who B) whoseC) what D) his

616. John isn’t here yet. H e ........... abous our meeting,A) should have forgotten B) could forgetC) had to forget D) must have forgotten

617. The medicine i s ........... to be iaken three times daily.A) needed B) meantC) worth D) ought

618. Y ou’ll have to sit here until h e ............A) will telephone B) will have telephonedC) has telephoned D) has not telephoned

619. H e’s lived in London.............A) for some time B) since he is bomC) since a long time D) since some time

620. 1 tried t o ........... everything he said, but he spoke so quickly that it was impossible.A) get up B) get overC) get away D) get down

621. I am sorry I couldn’t s to p ........... to you in the street yesterday. 1 was in a hurry.A) talking B) talkC) to talk D) speaking

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622. I don’t really think I’l l ............the. exam this summer. I haven’t been working hardenough.A) get through B) get away withC) get up D) get in

623. I will show you my article after i t .............A) will be published B) will have been publishedC) has been published D) publishes

624. She is a very . . . . . . typist: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.A) affectionate B) effectC) efficient D) shorthand

625. I suppose it's time we called it a day , . 7A) didn’t we B) isn 't itC) don't we D) isi t

626. Mary was v e ry ........... when she found that her dress was tom,A) ashamed B) amusedC), crying D) sorrow

627. It was so dark that we could only see th e ........... of the mountains againts the sky,A) headline B) imageC) outline D) plan

628. The cork seems to be stuck. I can’t ........... the bottle.A) get it out of B) get it back toC) get it away from D) get it through to

629. I wish y o u ____ _ to our party tomorrow. ^A) will come (jS ) were comingC) come D) are coming

630. My friend had not put enough stamps on his letter to me, so I had to p a y .............postage,A) increased B) plusC) exceeding D) excess

631. S h e ........... the cinema, but her husband doesn't go with her.A) used to go B) usually seesC) often goes to D) visits sometimes

632. The government may be hiding the facts now, but they’re bound to . . . . . . sooneror later,A) come back B) come inC) "come out D) come up

633. Can I count on you all to be there?A) Yes, you definitely count. B) Yes, you definitely can-

f . C) Yes, definitely count on us, D) Yes, definitely can count on ns.

634. I 'll be 13 tomorrow............. 7A) a m i B) aren’t IC) w on’t I D) will I

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635. The manager made him the job again.A) to do B) do0) be doing D) to be doing

636. Most schools in England........... at the end o f July.A) break up B) breakdownC) break off D) break with

637. AM the children compiitined......... .. pains in their stomachs.A) ft#)® 11) o fC) for D) because

638. She has been a teacher for fifteen years, so she has a lot o f ............A) experience B) knowingC) experiment D) science

639. I a m ........... meeting you.A) expecting B) longingC) looking forward to D) waiting to

640. The bank manager agreed to lend me 5000 pounds, on condition , . .within a year.A) that 1 payed it B) ip a yC) that I will pay D) that I ’d pay

641. He died cancer.A) for B) fromC) of D) by

642. Mr Hopkinson has told me about all the things you’ve done in my absemust say I ’m m uch obliged to you.A) very grateful B) very touchedC) very pleased D) veiy honoured

643. There was a house a t ............A) the mountain foot B) the foot o f the mountainC) the feet of the mountain D) the mountain’s foot

644. The policeman asked the driver t o . . . . , to the side of the road.A) pull out B) pull inC) pul! through D) pull round

645. ............we bought a new house this year, we cannot afford to go on holidA) Yet B) SinceC) When D) After

646. I ’m sure we’r e ...........the right track.A) in B) overC) on D) reaching to

647. I ........... to see you here next week.A) approve B) expectC) think D) look forward

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648. I can’t understand........... all this is about.A) which B) thatC) - D) what

649. If you don 't let us in, w e 'l l ........... the door!A) break off B) break downC) breakthrough D) break out

650. This argument is between Charles and me,, so I 'd be grateful if you’d . , .A) keep on at B) keep out ofC) keep in with D) keep away from

651. They are reluctant........... any changes.A) to make B) to be madeC) doing D) will do

652. She doesn't be lieve ......... . showing her feelings.A) at B) byC) in D) on

653. The docks have to be , , . , , back an hour next Sunday.A) made B) doneC) placed D) put

654. Poor little Johnny’s leg h a s .............A) been broken B) be breakingC) he broken D) being broken

.655. How long have you been there?A) Since I was a child. B) Until I was twenty.C) When I was young. D) Before I went to school.

656. Sally didn’t put i n ........... water.A) no B) so muchC) enough of D) few

657. Even i f i ........... the money I wouldn't have given him any.A) had B) have hadC) had had D) would have

658, In the next ten years he .,.........in and out o f prison at least three or fourA) will be going B) will have beenC) will have been going D) may be going

A") How far B) How longC) How long away D) What distant

660. Who was the first personA) spoke to you B) you spoke toC) you spoke D) whom you spoke

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661. I 'm sony I stepped on your foot. I didn't do i t ........... purpose.A) by B) forC) on D) with

662. S h e ........... her pullover on inside out.A) took B) hadC) made D) set

663. I enjoyed the b o o k ........... you lent me.A) what B) thatC) it D) when

664. He was out o f ........... from climbing the stairs.A) air B) windC) breath D) oxygen

665. The boxer is sa id ........... two teeth knocked out in last night’s match.A) lo have B) that he hasC) to have had D) that he has had

666. Do you think we earn enough money t o ........... lhat flat?A) hire B) lendC) let D) rent

667. On the other hand, he may be right.A) On the contrary, what he says is correct. B) H e’s correct firom another point

of view.C) But it's also possible that what he says D) Not at all. H e’s the most suitable is correct. man for the job.

668. Give me so m e........... tea, please,A) much B) littleC) less D) more

669. Excuse me, I ........... if you could help me.A) think B) believeC) mean D) wonder

670. H e ........... quite a lot o f money when his parents died.A) cam cover B) came downC) came into D) came on

671. Your room w a s ........... for the library.A) appointed B) mistakenC) elected D) held

672. ’’Can’t you see this bag is heavy? ........... . will you?”A) Give me a helping B) Give me otherC) Give me a hand D) Give me your hand

673. The meat I ’m eating ........... nice.A) is tasting B) tastedC) has the taste D) tastes

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674...............it’s raining, w e’ll stay at hofne.A) As B) LikeC) How D) Because of

675. Arthur assured me that he was going to come, but he hasn’t ........... yet.A) turned in B) turned upC) turnédon D) turned round

676. S h e ........... him to go to the bank.A) refused B) remindedC) remembered D) forgot

677. He was really angry and would have hit the man if we hadn't managed t o ............A) hold him up B) hold him backC) hold him out D) hold him off

678. The reason ........... his accident was because he drove into a lamp-post.A) by B) forC) o f D) to

679. It was all very interesting, but not q u ite .............A) what we had expected B) that we expectedC) that we had expected D) which we had expected

680. She was very generous,........... her efforts to save.A) however B) althoughC) nevertheless D) in spite of

681. Luckily the la s t . . . . . . is not so steep as the rest.A) route B) stretchC) way D) bent

682. This restaurant lias a ............menu. Every day there are several delicious dishes tochoose from,

”A) variable B) variegatedC) varied D) various

683. All she wants i s .............A) getting thin B) to get thinC) that slic should thin D) eniing

6B4. The date "8 February" reads:............A) cifilith o f Fchnimv !)) Fcbnsnry Hglil(!) the clliltl of I'ehmnry I)) I'ebmury I Ik* rij'.htll

685. W h a t's '. .........matter with you?A) - B) thisC) a D) the

686. Are they open on Tuesdays?> < i Í i> *A) I doubt not, B) I don’t hope so.C) I suppose not. D) They don 't seem so.

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687. "He got fired,” meansA) H e got burnt. B) He was shotC) H e got hurt. D) He got the sack.

688, John had my book last week. I wonder whether M a ry ........... it now.A) having B) is havingC) has got D) had

689. Give my love to your parents!A) Yes, I do. Thank you, B) Yes, I ’ll give it to them.C) Yes, 1 will. Thank you. D) Yes, please. Thank you.

690, When they realized that they had a lo t----- , they decided to get married.A) similarities B) in commonC) alike D) similar

691. We m u s t........... so fast.A) stop him drive B) stop him to driveC) stop him driving D) prevent him drive

692, Not m u ch ........... about pollution in the 17th centuty.A) were speaking B) was knownC) has been known D) were'spoken

693. I think people should get fair wages so that there would be no need . . .A) of' B) toC) for D) -

694. You don 't know? Well, th en ........... someone before you make a mistake.A) you'd better ask 8 ) you’d better askingC) you’d better lo ask D) -

695. A button has come -------- my jacket.A) away B) offC) down D) from

696, He said I could ta k e ........... book I wanted.A) which B) whatC) whichever . D) such

697. He had no sooner put down the receiver, .A) when B) thenC) than D) before

698. W ould you get Shis drawing . . . . . . ?A) to photocopy B) photocopyingC) been photocopied D ) photocopied

699. Will you take t h i s t o the chemist’s, please.A) receipt B) recipeC) prescript D) prescription

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700. "have as a guest” m eans:. A) to employ C) to hostess

B) to entertain D) to visit

701. It looks as if the weather is beginning t o ........... at last.A) clear off B) clear outC) clear away D) clear tip

702. W e ........... the door open,A) did B) intendedC) pushed D) put

703. I wish h e ........... louder: I can’t hear what he is saying.A) will speakC) is speaking

704, How did he look?A) Because he was ill.C) Though he was ill,

705. I don’t w an t............A) that anybody saw meC) that anybody sees me

B) speaksD) would speak

B) As he was ill.D) As if he were ill.

B) anybody to see meD) anybody see me

706. The two children immediately liked the boat, but my wife was le s s ............becauseshe was thinking of all the work.A) delightful C) enthusiastic

707. D octors........... cure every illness.A) may not haveC) can't

71)8. "they get on well together" m eans. . .A) they are both feeling belter nowI ' ) l l i r v U t l l l l ' l t t l l l l l l l I ' lH 'lt * Ml i n

I t t in i1 m u i IH h i l |> M iv r I In m n t l ' i , l u l i l r

A) im n'lisvs C) increased

B) enjoyable D) engaged

ft) don’t know toD) aren't able

B) they like to I ravel togelher [)) 1111■ s' iin* tun* Invi'tf*

II) w im ill hk'tt'iise

D) had increased

710. I was just getting out o f the bath when the lights, A) went up C) went away

711. He never speaks E nglish,........... ?A) nor he C) does he

712. May I open the window?Á) Not at all.C) Please, no.

B) went off D) went over

B) never doesD) doesn't he

B) I ’d ratheryou didn’t.D) No, thank you.

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713. I am confident such m istakes........... in the future.A) wili be avoided B) will avoidC) wiil be avoiding D) will have avoided

714. ”F1J put yo u ........ in a moment” said the telephone operator.A) with B) toC) together D) through

715. Mont Blanc............. we visited last summer, is the highest mountain in Europe.A) where B) whichC) that D) what

7! 6. Brenda likes going to tbe theatre a n d .............A) so do I B) so go IC) so I like D) so I am

717. W e have something in common. ■A) We’re partners. B) We’re both ordinary.C) We like each other. D) In one way, we’re similar.

718. "They might arrive any moment now.” He said th e y ............A) might arrive B) might arrivedC) might have arrived D) may to arrive

719. We found little snow there, as most o f it seem ed........... blown off the mountain.A) it was B) that it hadC) to be D) to have been

720. If I ........... that chemistry was such a difficult subject, I ............. it up.A) had known; wouldn’t have taken B) would have known; hadn’t takenC) would know; wouldn't take D) knew; didn’t take

721. . . . . . . a pity I didn’t see you.A) W hat’s B) There’sC) That's D) It's

722. The moon is not a p lanet........... the planets in many respects.A) resembling B) which resemblesC) but resemblance to D) although it resembles

723. They say that it takes smokers longer to ........... a cold than non-smokers.A) get across B) get offC) get away with D) get over

724. ”If only I ........... travel when I was young!” my mother said.A) could B) would be able toC) would have been able to D) had been able to

725. I don 't really know Frank all that well. H e’s just a ( n ) ........... acquaintance.A) random B) accidentalC) haphazard D) casual

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726. The m ilk ........... sour.A) felt C) got

B) grew D) turned

727. "She's leaving the country for good” m eans............~ - A) she'll be away for a very long time B) she’U be away for a while

C) she w on't come back D) she’s gone

728. All the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a village.............A) close to C) neqr

-- -729. Is the co ffee . . . . . . 7A) hot enough that you can drink ll C) enough milky for you to drink it

730.. At one time I ........... a lot o f sports.A) used to play C) will be playing

731. H e ........... such a good speech last night!A) did C) told

B) neighbouring D) nearby

B) too hot that you can't drink it D) hot enough for you to drink

B) shall play D) have played

B) made D) spoke

732. The sea is about 10 kilom etres........... from here.A) far C) away

733. H o w ........... is it from here to Berlin?A) long way C) far

7 3 4 ^ ........... 1 need is a drink.A) The thing what C) What

735. I know you’ve got it - so come on, . A) hand it onC) hand it down

736. H e’s bound to agree.A) He will be forced to agree.C) He has signed an agreement.

B) long D) apart

B) long D) much far

B) That D) Which

B) hand it outD) hand it over

B) H e’s certain to agree.D) When he’s tied up, he’ll agree.

737. If we Were to miss the 10 o 'clock train, we wouldn’t get there till after lunch. A) If we had to m iss . . . . . . ' B) If wo m issed ...........C) If by any chance we m issed......... .. D) W c might m iss ............

738. Y o u . . . . long if you leave early on Sunday.A) should have, stay C) ought have stayed

B) needn’t stay D) shall have stay

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739. She m ay have caught the bus.A) It was possible, but she didn’t. B) It is possible; we don’t know.C) She was allowed to catch it. D) Both A) andB ) are possible.

740. Y ou'll get cold without your coat.A) Take on it! B) Take it on!C) Put on it! D) Put it on!

741. H e ........... a book when I walked in, so he didn’t see me.A) has been reading B) has readC) read D) was reading

742. It w a s ........... that he couldn’t finish it alone.A) a so difficult work B) a so difficult jobC) such a difficult job D) such a difficult work

743. There was so much noise the speaker couldn't make h im self............A) hearing B) lo hearC) heard D) being heard

744. He will co m e ........... a lot of money one day.A) into N B) inC) wish D) to

745. He was caught by the police, but he managed to g e t ............A) down B) offC) over D) away

746. Would you m in d ........... me with these cases!A) to help B) helpingC) help D) of helping

747. Aren’t they friends........... ?A) o f yours B) of youC) to yours D) so you

748. You'll have to get a new television licence, I’m afraid. This one isn’t valid. I t ........... two weeks ago.A) ran up B) ran outC) ran off D) ran through

749. Some chapters of the b o o k ........... by the author.A) are being re-written B) have to writeC) must be writing D) should write

750. I’d like you So meet my wife.A) Hello. B) I ’m pleased.C) Good day. DJ It’s fine meeting you.

751. He had better go hom e,........... ?A) didn 't he B) did heC) hadn’t he D) had he

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752. You shou ld ........... his advice.A) get B) giveC) take D) hold

753. After tw o ........... silence he a d m i t t e d t h e paintings from the museum.A) w eeks. . . that he take B) w eek . , . that he tookC) weeks’ . . . having taken D) week's . . . he took

754. H e jum ped . . . . . . the roof of the shop below.A) o f B) from offC) off D) out off

755. To drive a car safely it i s ........... good brakes,A) essential with B) essential havingC) essentia! to have D) essential have

756. W hat is your favourite line in French poetry?A) I haven’t one, B) I haven’t got.C) There isn’t, D) It isn’t,

757. Do you k n o w ............o f the river is?A) what the deep B) what deepC) how deep D) what the depth

758. I wouldn’t r e ly ........... him if I were you.A) to B) forC) on D) in

759. The c a r ............after the crash but fortunately no one was killed.A) turned up B) turned downC) turned back D) turned over

7 6 0 .. _ in my class likes the teacher._ A) All persons B) All pupils

C) Everyone D) All people

761. How can y o u ___ __ after a presentation like that?A) save face B) speak off the cuffC) strike a balance D) speak out o f turn

762. The hou se ........... he lives in is the biggest one in the street.A) where B) whatC) whose D) -

763. Tom is w aiting . . . . . . the doctor.A) to see B) for to seeC) for seeing D) for see

764. I cannot come at the tim e............you suggested last week.A) when B) whoC) what D) -

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765. If you don 't know what the word means, you’d b e tte r........... in the dictionary.A) look it over B) look for itC) look after it DJ look it up

766. Spanish people usually speak ........... than English people.A) quicklier . .. B) more quicklierC) more quickly D) more quicker

767. He is entirely taken ........... his work lately.A) with B) afterC) up with D) down with

768. I ’m sorry I can 't answer your question, I ............A) wasn't listening B) haven't listenedC) don’t hear D) wasn’t hearing

769. John can ’t go away with his friends because he’s ........... with the flu.A) down B) outC) up D) through

770...............people came than I expected.A) Other B) FewerC) Another D) Few

771. It was six m onths........... that he was in Paris.A) before B) sinceC) for D) ago

772. I 'm afraid i t ' l l ........... me some time to find it.A) need B) be necessaryC) take D) use

773. The police will certainly be able t o ........... this matter.A) take n crack at B) take potluck withC) throw light on D) tear a hole in

774. You said he’d died in a car accident..............7A) would he B) did heC) didn’t you D) wouldn’t he

775. I ........... to spend my holidays at the seaside.A) enjoy B) longC) regret D) use

776. One m ilitiam an........... in yesterday's fighting.A) has killed B) has been killedC) was killed D) was been killed

777. I won’t be finished in tim e ........... I work all night,A) also when B) althoughC) even if D) even when

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778. It’s as cold a s ........... in here.A) snow B) winterC) ice D) fridge

779. John, would you mind ............. things for a while? I've just got to go andCarter.A) looking for B) looking upC) looking at D) looking after

780. It took us nearly half an hour t o ........... the hill. It was so steep.A) get on B) get upC) getaw ay D) get through

781. Let’s go to the cinem a,........... ?A) do we B) don’t weC) let’s not we D) shall we

782. I thought he might lose his tennis match today. H e ............A) was out o f sorts B) beat his head against a stom

• C) grinned and bore it D) acted a part

783. He made m e .............A) angry B) be angryC) to be angry D) that I got angry-

784. My sister was very cruel when she was a child. She used to catcha n d ........... their legs one by one.A) pull up B) pull awayC) pull off D) pull out

785. A close-fisted man is someone who is:A) very strong physically B) mean on money mattersC) always afraid o f something D) always ready to fight

786. His proposal rem ains........... o f by the company.A) to be approved B) be approvedC) have appravred D) approving

787. Is this your brooch, Jennifer? I ........... it when I was cleaning this morning.A) came over B) came acrossC) came into D) came down

788. You must t r y .............A) making him to understand B) inalce him understandC) to make him to understand D) to make him understand

789. I haven't got a c h a ir .........A) to sit B) for to sit onC) to sit on D) for sitting

790. That yellow carpet looks horrid........... . the purple settee.A) before B) side by sideC) as D) next to

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791. H e still l iv e s ........... his mother.A) at B) byC) to D) with

792. If y o u ............by the morning train, I 'd have met you at the station,A) had come B) cameC) would come D) would had come

793. Because of possible bomb threats, the Queen has decided t o ............ her proposedvisit to Northern Ireland next month.A) callout B) call awayC) call up D) call off

[ don 't l ik e ........... ui me.A) them shouting B) them shoutC) their shout D) that they shout

I ........... him cutting the grass.A) made B) noticedC) sent D) let

796. She didn’t enjoy reading that novel because it h a d ........... ending.A) so sad an B) a so sadC) so a sad D) such sad an

797. The teacher says that M a ry ........... woric hard next year,A) will have to B) has betterC) would rather to D) had rather

798. All entries for the competition must b e ........... by the 19th.A) sent up B) sent inC) sent over D) sent across

799. I quarrel a lot with my children. I w unt........... tidy.A) be them B) them beingC) them to be D) being them

800. I ’d help you i f l .............A) would be able to B) canC) could D) I’ll be allowed

801. He is a v e ry .............writer: he is always writing about journeys to the moon andsuch things.A) imaginary B) imaginativeC) imagined D) realistic

802. I hear they're going t o ........... the old Variety Theatre at the end of George Street.A) pull away B) pull outC) pull up D) pull down

803. The postm an........... by Mary.A) could see B) has seenC) was seen D) was seeing

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804. I ........... I knew which team will win the match.A) only B) wishC) hope D) wanted

805. W e would have arrived two hours a g o ........... the traffic jams,A) but B) exceptC) excepting D) except for

806. You can’t go to the d isc o ........... all your homework.A) until you haven’t done B) until you 've doneC) before you did D) if you don’t

807. I'm v e iy ........... to you for your help.A) grateful B) agreeableC) pleased D) thanks

808. 'T ake great pains" m eans.............A) be in groat pain B) make a great effortC) dislike pain very much D) suffer

809. She leapt from the edge of the pool into the water.A) tell B) jumpedC) slid D) strolled

810. Has he g o t ........... his illness yet?A) on B) outC) out o f D) over

811. W hat a sight! You look as if somebody h a s ............A) called a spade a spade B) done an about-faceC) beaten you black and blue D) driven something home

812. The book ’Travels w ith a Donkey” . . . . . . by hundreds o f schoolchildren.A) is reading B) has been readC) has read D) are read

813. This f ilm ............about.A) has spoken B) is much spokenC) will much speak D ) has to speak

814. Did you listen to the w eather........... this morning?A) prediction B) forecastC) warning D) reporting

815. I don’t see much chance........... the game against the team from Reading.■ A’) o f us to win B) o f winning

C) that we win D) in oder to winn

816. I ........... to go home.A) asked B) imaginedC) suggested D) told

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817. While his w ife ........... in the kitchen, h e .............the rooms.A) co o k s. . . . . . has tidied B) was cooking. . . . . . was tidyingC) has cooked........... tidied D) was cooked............has tidied

818. We must learn to use the natural resources of our country.A) inventions B) materialsC) principles D) structures

819. "Cope with something" m ean s............A) be able to handle something B) have trouble with somethingC) think about something D) decide on something

820. Let’s s to p ........... and come to the point,A) calling a spade a spade B) beating about the bushC) doing an about-turn D) eating our words

821. This portrait is sa id ........... by Rembrandt.A) that it was painted B) to be paintedC) io be painting D) to lyivc been painted

822. They have put the bird in cage t o ........... it from flying away.A) prevent B) resistC) avoid D) hinder

823. I've decided to g iv e ........... smoking on my next birthday,A) through B) upC) in D) off

824. Before any new drug is marketed, it is essential that extensive tests a r e .............A) carried on B) carried forwardC) carried through D) carried out

825. W e .............at about seven o 'clock this morning and we eventually arrived at halfpast four.A) set in B) set toC) set up D) set out

826. In some countries children normally g o ........... bikes.A) to school on B) to the school onC) to school by D) to the school by

827. The owners appointed.............A) him that he was manager B) him of being managerC) him manager D) him to manager

828. I can’t ........... the address, it has been written so badly.A) make out B) make offC) make up D) make to

829. If we don’t pay last month’s bill within three days, our supply will be c u t .............A) out B) offC) down D) away

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830. Three people called to see y o u ........... you were oat.A) since B) duringC) while D) in time

831. He will not pass the te s t ........... he tries.A) however hard B) so thatC) except that D) in spite of

832. "moisture on skin” means .............A) damp B) evaporateC) sweat D) water

833. Y ou’ll never succeed because it takes you too long t o .............A) lifta fm g er B) learn from experienceC) make a bargain D) make up your mind

834. It’s not important, w e . . . . . . to finish the work until tomorrow.A) don’t need B) mustn’tC) needn’t D) haven't

835. Birthdays seem to - . . . . much quicker nowadays than when I was a cA) come up B) come over _C) come out D) come round

836. H e ......... .. his English, if he was given a place in the University.A) must be improved B) must have improvedC) must to have improved D) must have to improve

837. These shoes n eed .............A) mending B) mendC) that they should be mended D) to mend

838. There's something wrong with the table. Yes, I canA) feel it that it's moving B) touch its movesC) touch it moving D) feel it moving

839. Hurry up o r else you’ll b e .............A) leaving B) left downC) left behind D) left

840. You are one o f m y .........A) old friend B) oldest friendC) oldest friends D) older friend

841. You’ll have t o ........... i f you want to keep your job.A) pull the wool over your eyes B) put on airsC) pull yourself together D) put the screws on

842. The Council are planning to build four 20-storey........... in the area.A) blocks of flats B) blocks o f fiatC) block of flats D) block of flat

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843. I wanted t o ........... for being late.A) apologize B) excuseC) pardon D) sorry

844. I thought she was being serious, but she was only hav ing............A) me up B) me onC) me over D) me round

845. Remember to a s k .............A) questions from him B) questions himC) him question D) him questions

H'Ki. We ijitin'1 ........... lluil you Inul leli.A) mink It) ninet'J notice IJJ R’yurd

847. The lecture was loo d u ll .............A) that we couldn’t listen to it B) to sit through itC) to sit through Dj to listen to it

848. "The wedding’s off." m eans.............A) The marriage has been cancelled. B) The marriage ceremony has

started.C) The bride and bridegroom are off on D) They are going lo get a divorce,

their honeymoon.849. It is said that F rench ........... in Hungary.

A) was talking B) is talkingC) is taught D) was much use

850. He had three daughters, a i l ........... became teachers.A) of which B) whichC) o f whom D) who

851. The notice over h low door says: “ ...........your head."A) Lower B) NodC) Put down D) Mind

852. I hope to see her i n ........... time.A) few days B) a few daysC) a few days’ D) a day

853. "W e fe e l........... after al! this typing,”A) terribly tired B) myself terribly tiredC) terribly bad D) myself terribly badly

854. He might have serious........... . like opera.A) interesting B) likeC) interested D) interests

855. They treated m e ........... a king when I won all that money.A) as B) as lo beC) like he was DJ like

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A) The moment I am B) At the moment I amC) At the moment I ’ll be D) At the moment being

857. 1 won’t tell them anything, a n d ............A) neither anyone else will B) so will nobody elseC) neither will anyone else D) anyone else won't, either

858. "leaving out" m ean s............A) exit B) going awayC) forget D) omission

859. I really must go to Birmingham on Tuesday. Nothing will k e e p ............A) me from leaving B) me to leaveC) my leaving D) me of leaving

860. I'm too old to marry, I ’v e ............A) mended my ways B) missed the boatC) missed the point D) minced my words

861. S h e ........... be Canadian because she’s got a British passport.A) can't B) isn’t able toC) mustn’t D) doesn’t need .

862. W e arranged t o ........... at the station., A) meet B) meet each other

C) meet ourselves D) meet us

863. I ’ve just fin ished ........... my shopping.A) to make B) doingC) to do D) making

864. He couldn’t be prevented .............A) from speaking B) to speakC) that he spoke D) to be spoken

865, The police caught h im ........... a house.A) to break into B) break intoC) break his way into D) breaking into

866. He wanted to k n o w .............A) that when it would be over B) that what time it would endC) when it was going to end D) when was it ending.

867. I wanted to know how often . . . . . . .A) do the buses run B) have the buses runC) run the buses D) the buses ran

868. T h e y ........... him very happy.■ A) called B) considered

C) described D) held

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869. Jane d ia lled ........... wrong number.A) the B) aC) - D) some

870. Like any top athlete s h e ........... train verv hard when she was competing.A) had to B) mightC) should D) must

871. There were so many people leaving the hotel at the same time as us that it took nearly an hour to . - . . .A) checkup B) checkoutC) check in D) check through

872. I ’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso, I t’s only a copy so it’s .............A) princeless B) invaluableC) unworthy D) worthless

873. Nevermind.A) It doesn't bear thinking about. B) D on’t be upset about it.C) It’s none of your business. D) You needn’t remember it.

874. L et's go by bus, shall we?A) I prefer walking on foot. B) No, we don’t.C) We shall let. D) Yes, let’s.

875. The prisoner was m ad e ........... stones.A) to break B) breakC) breaking D) that he broke

876. He used bad language when he spoke to his wife - means that:A) He used swear-words. B) He used gramatically incorrect

structures.C) His pronunciation was poor. D) He didn’t say what he meant to.

877. During the argument Peter lost his temper and began t o ............A) set the scene B) send him on a wild-goose chaseC) serve his time D) show his true colours

878. That’s a ridiculous idea!A) dangerous B) interestingC) crazy D) new

879. Here are two keys. W ill............o f them fit this drawer?A) any B) eachC) either D) none

880. I 'm broke, and my husband hasn’t got much m oney ............A) too B) eitherC) neither D) nor

881. The policeman said, 'Switch off th e ___ .. . and get out o f the car,'A) motor B) machineQ engine D) clutch

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882. H e’s been very illA) finally B) lastlyC) lately D) newly

883, I spent most o f my lim e........... reading in the library.A) by B) withC) on D) -

884. That would be far better.A) It would be a great improvement. B) It’s not right here.C) It would work better at long distance. D) The further away it is, the better.

885. I have talked to h im ............A) much time B) many occasionsC) several times D) much times

886. It's very hoi in here. Would you mindA) open B) to openC) me open D) opening

887, Dinner will be read y ........... but we have time for a drink before then.A) currently B) presentlyC) lately D) suddenly

888. No wonder she’s fat. S h e ............A) eats like a horse B) makes mincemeat o f itC) eats her fill D) saves her bacon

889. I’m busy because my sis te r........... tomorrow.A) get married B) will marryC) gets married D) is getting married

890. My co ffe e ........... rather too sweet.A) turned to be B) seemedC) felt D) looked

891. We need a .............A) few days’ rest B) little days’ restC) few days rest D) little days rest

892. There’s nothing we can do to change their decision. We’I! just have t o ............ tlbest o f the situation.A) have. B) makeC) give D) take

893. I waited for my girlfriend but she didn’tA) put off B) take placeC) turn up D) appear up

894. When a fire ................at (he National Gallery in London, at least ten pricele:paintings wore completely destroyed.A) broke out B) broke offC) broke down D) broke through

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895. Police will fine d rivers............the speed lim itA) to exceed C) who exceed

B) which exceed D) to exceeding

896. I like Pinter's dramas..............I have read three of them,A) To now "" B) Till nowC) Up to now , D) For now

897. If y o u ........... it I’ll turn up the volume,A) aren’t hearing C) are heard

898. T h e y ........... to see York Cathedral.A) thought C) advised

899. When you talked about my former wife like that y o u ............A) touched wood B) wiped out old scoresC) touched a sore spot D) wrote it all over my face

900. She is s o ........... that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died,A) sensible B) sensitiveC) sensual D) touched

B) can't hear D) can be heard

B) suggested D) preferred

901. It has been a g e s ........... you.A) that I can’t see C) since I saw

B) that 1 didn’t see D) for being seen

902. I have always h a ted ............balloons - ever since one burst in my facc when I wasonly four years old.A) blowing away B) blowing offC) blowing up D) blowing across

903. To win yesterday’s competition h e .............a lot o f time preparing himself but hedidn’t.A) would have had to spend C) would have to spend

904. The c a r ,........... was a blue Ford, crashed.A ) which C) what

905. Thatik you so much for all your trouble,A) Don’t mention it.C) It’s not worth it.

906...............speaking, I don 't like television.A) Chiefly C) Mainly

B) would spend D) has had to spend

B) that D) -

B) Gladly done. D) No matter.

B) Generally D) Mostly

907. D on’t trust Janet. She’ll cheat you. I ........... with her.A) lay myself open B) know what’s whatC) am left in the lurch D) let her stew in her own juice

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908. Should he come before 5, tell him to wait.A) H e ought to come . . . .C) If he happens to co m e.

B) He mast co m e ...........D) H e’s expected lo come .

909. 1 w a s ........... him while I was on leave, but unfortunately 1 didn’t have time.A) meeting B) to meetC) to be meeting D) met

910. The meeting has been cancelled so y o u ........... at all.A) didn’t have to come B) needn’t have comeC) hadn’t got to come D) oughtn’t have come

911. For the first t i m e ..................large portions o f the universe can be observedsimultaneously.A) since history C) history began

912. He w a s ........... as reliable.A) found C) taken

B) in historyD) o f the beginning of history

B) declared D) regarded

913. If I were you, I ............down on smoking.A) had cutC) will cut

914, She w on’t g o . ......... you call for her.A) whileC) except

B) would cut D) must cut

B) evenD) unless

915. I ’m afraid there isn’t enough tim e ........... to him.A) for me to talk B) that I can talkC) for talking D) that 1 talk

916. If you need a loan, you’d ........... your bank manager.A) better see B) rather secC) rather seeing D) better to see

917. H e prom ised.............A) for being early B) be earlyC) his being early D) to be early

918. The liv in g ........... in prison are terrible.A) comparisons B) conditionsC) relations D) situations

919. We took a tour th a t ........... five weeks.A) took B) heldC) lasted D) kept

920, Public transportation in most of the nation is expanding.................... t h e use ofsubways and buses is declining in some metropolitan areas.A) Nevertheless B) ConsequentlyC) Despite the fact D) Although

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921, He spent all of Sunday .............A) and read B) for readingC) reading D) to read

922. Help me with this exercise, please! You a re ........... clever,A) so B) suchC) such a DJ as

923. I used to have fo u r .............but now I have only two,A) pair o f trousers B) pairs o f trousersC) pair o f Houser D) pairs o f trouser

924, Why is th e re ........... traffic on the streets in February than in May?A) less B) fewerC) few D) little

825. You’ll n e e d ........... books to do the homework,A) both B) both ofC) the both D) the bqth of the

926. I ........... as soon as I saw your face,A) read the riot act B) ran rings round youC) read your thoughts D) rapped your knuckles

927. The countty is facing serious........... problems.A) economic B) economicalC) finance D) monetary

928. As your d a ta ............ the new system works properly.A) are proving B) provesC) is proving D) was proved

929. That’s a chance w e’ll have t o ............A) use B) makeC) abuse D) take

930. After the accident, she was rushed to the emergency room o f an Arizona hospital where the doctors........... in saving her life.A) arranged B) managedC) succeeded D) were able

931. "She's in high spirits" m ean s.............A) she’s bad-tempered B) she's in a very good moodC) she's extremely angry D) she’s a sprite

932. It’s no u se ........... to learn a language just by studying a dictionary.A) to try B) tryC) in trying D) trying

933. ”How are you going to have your hair cut7”I 'd like to have i t .............‘A) cut short B) cut shortlyC) shortcut . D) shortly cut

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934. I ihink I 'm expected to pick him up..............?A) aren’t I B) am not IC) are you D) don’t I

935. If I ........... unwell, I’d have enjoyed oar holiday farm ere.A) were B) weren’tC) hadn’t been D) had been

936. Can you pass me the paper when you . . . . . . reading it?A) will finish B) would finishC) finished D) have finished

937. A) W hat do you think how long they B) How long do you think they arehave been married? married?

C) How long do you think they have D) What do you think how long been married? have they been married?

938. Everything depends........... his answer to my letter.A) by B) fromC) of D) on

939. John's work is very good. It is w ell........... the average.A) above B) beyondC) over . D) past

940. I’m not sure which restaurant.............A) to eat on B) eating atC) to eat at D) for eating

941. Every time she meets me in the office s h e ............A) blows hot and cold B) brings it to a headC) bites my head off D) bends my ear

942. Careless drivers are a menace to public safety.A) difference B) disappointmentC) tension D) threat

943................people will be there because he invited only his best friends.A) A few B) LittleC) Few D) Some

944. There are always some difficultcs..............7A) don’t they B) aren’t thereC) isn’t it D) isn’t there

945. At last we have a h o m e ............A) for us B) o f our ownC) of ourselves D) to our own

946. i’ftfe’ll get home much quicker if w e ........... this field.A) cut across B) cut downC) cut up D) cutout

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947. The homestead Act o f 1862 ........... to acquire land at a small cost.A) made possible B) made it passibleC) made the possibility D) possibly made

948. Since her husband died she h a s ............A) taken a pinch of salt B) tom her hairC) talked of the devil D) taken to drink

949. Most o f his earlier books were banned in Boston.A) forbidden B) publishedC) repealed D) written

950. I don’t know where Mrs, Griffin is. She isn’t in the office, so s h e ............. in theother building,A) must work B) must be workingC) has to work D) needs to work

951. It’s impossible to. work here now. The child ren .............a lot o f noise in the otherroom.A) have made BJ makeC) were making D) are making

952. We must go o n ........... ail we can to save them.A) making B) doingC) to be making D) to be doing

953. Thousands f led ........... only a few belongings,A) carried B) carryingC) was carried D) were tarried

954. When they finished building th e ............. the voyage from Europe to Asia becamemuch quicker,A) canal B) channelC) ditch D) river

955. I had no idea y o u ........... so soon.A) would leave B) were leftC) will leave D) have left

956. Let my fjiend a n d ........... in the next game.A) I play B) I to playC) me to play D) me play

95 7 people who can’t stop gossiping that I can 't stand,A) There is B) There wasC) It is D) There has been

95 8 I‘m talking about is a huge Victorian house.A) That B) WhatC) W hich D) -

95 9 clever idea!A) How a B) HowC) W hat D) What a

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960. Can y o u ........... with the personnel manager?A) pull your socks up B) play it by earC) pick and choose D) put a good word in for me

961, You should try t o ........... as soon as possible.A) let your car repair B) get repair your carC) get your car repaired D) lei your car repaired

962................no one was sure who discovered America.A) As a matter o f fact B) As the matter o f factC) As a matter o f course D) As matter of fact

963. I may look half asleep, but I can assure you I’m ........... awake.A) broad B) wideC) full D) well

964. We decided t o ........... early to avoid the rush-hour traffic.A) set down B) set onC) set back D) set out

965. It was a very difficult problem - one which no one could see a way o f ............A) getting through B) getting outC) getting over D) getting round

966. It’s extremely generous o f you, but you really . . . . . . such an expensive present.A) shouldn’t have bought B) mustn’t have boughtC) wouldn’t have had to bring D) didn 't need to bring

967. The customs officer was particularly.......... .an d insisted on searching every itemof my luggage.A) desperate B) officiousC) busy D) attentive

968. I ’ve tried very hard to get the book, but it seems to be out o f .............A) order B) dateC) print D) sight

969. Only if you send a deposit........... reserve a room for you.A) shail we be able to B) we'll be able toC) we can D) were we be able to

970. Be careful with the bomb! The slightest touch m igh t........... !A) set it up B) set it offC) set it out D) set it back

971. "Why haven’t they arrived?'T h e y ........... the plane.'A) may have missed B) can have missed

j C) may have lost D) can have lost

972. I don’t know w here ............A) the lavatory to be B) is the lavatoryC) be the lavatory D) the lavatory is

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973. It's a great party: Mike in particular appears........... himself.A) to enjoy B) to be enjoyingC) to entertain D) to be entertaining

974, I see your clock is working again: you m u s t r e p a i r e d .A) have had it B) have itC) get it D) had it

975, I nearly fainted when my dentist told me that he’d have t o ........... two of my teeth.A) pull off B) pull awayC) pulldow n D) pull out

976. A) Who do you think is going to get B) Do you think who is going to getinto the second round? into the second round?

C) W ho you think is going to get into D) What do you think who is goingthe second round? to get into the second round?

977. D o n 't ........... while I’m away.A) let anybody in B) let somebody come inC) let anybody to come in D) let that they come in

978. By next September s h e ........... the piano for three years.A) will have been learning B) had learntC) will learn D) has been learning

979. A) Never have I heard of such a thing. B) I never have heard o f such a thing.C) Never I have heard o f such a thing. D) I have heard o f such a thing never.

980. Some people are tough enough lo go on a camping trip in winter.A) foolish B) skilfulC) strong D) tense

981. How long have you been waiting here?A) As soon as I came at 8 o'clock. B) For about 8 o ’clock.C) Since 8 o'clock this morning. D) Until 8 o ’clock this morning.

982. D a v id ............ the "No smoking” notice on the carriage window and proceeded tolight his pipe.A) disbelieved B) rejectedC) ignored D) avoided

983, He doesn't yet know whether he will take to the job. This means that he doesn’tyet knowA) whether he will accept the job B) whether he will keep the jobC) whether he will like the job D) whether he will provide

equipment for the job

984. I ’m afraid I can’t give you an answer straight away, M r Green.I 'd like t o ........... for a day o r two.A) think of it B) think it upC) think it over D) think it out

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985. W e wül be glad when the o th ers , A) will comeC) would come

986. H e ........... all day yesterday,A) used to sleepC) has slept

B) will have come D) have come

B) would sleep D) was sleeping

987. If you do this again, I .A) must !oC) shall have to

. report it, I 'm afraid.B) shouldD) must have to

B) something D) some other

988. It’s no use trying to study now, it’s ............A) too late B) also lateC) late enough D) much late

989. I'm sure he h a s ........... up his sleeve.A) some things C) somewhat

990. I can 't help thinking about it.A) Noihing I do will make any difference. B) I wish I could forget it, but I can’t. C) It would be more useful if I did D) I wish I could keep my mind on

something. the subject.

991. No sooner........... than the rain began pouring down.A) the match had started B) the match had startedC) had the match started D) had the match start

992. What time did y o u ............ last night? It must have been quite late because when Iphoned you at 11.30 your mother said you were still out.A) getaw ay B) get inC) get by D) get down

993. H ed idn ’t want to do that, but h e .............A) had to B) mast have doneC) ought to D) had better do

994. Tom is a v e ry ........... character, he is never relaxed with strangers,A) self-confidentC) self-satisfied

995...............they got married,A) EventuallyC) For the time being

B) self-conscious D) selfish

B) At the end D) For five years

B) to dance D) dancing

996. Do you feel lik e ........... ?A) fianceC) tó dancing

997...............with the size o f the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high atall.A) W hen compared B) Compare themC) If you compare D) A comparison

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998. He tried lo do his b e s t........... he would get the job.A) so that B) as soC) so to D) for

999. I’ll telephone you immediately if w e ........... a cancellation of a seat.A) shall have B) will haveC) should have D) wiUget

100(1. Toscanini was a ........... conductor.A) notorious B) noticeableC) noted D) notifiable

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Születésnapjára fogadást szeretne rendezni, de kicsi a lakása, és a szomszédok is nehezen viselnék a lármát. Kérje meg levélben barátját, hogy nála rendezhesse szü­letésnapi ünnepségét!.1, Kéije meg a fenti szívességre barátját!

2. Hivatkozzon a lakáskörülményeire, a szomszédokra!

3, Sorolja fel barátja lakásának előnyeit!

4. Említse meg, hogy a zenehallgatás is jobban megoldható!

5. Kéije beleegyezését!

írjon levelet barátnőjének, amelyben megköszöni a születésnapi ajándékot!1. Köszönje meg X együttes hanglemezét!

2, Fejezze ki tetszését!

3, Számoljon be a születésnapról!

4. Érdeklődjön barátnője új munkahelyéről, új barátjáról!

5. Javasoljon egy találkozást Budapesten!

frjon levelet férjének (feleségének), aki nem vehet részt hivatalos elfoglaltsága mi« att az adriai üdülésen!1. írjon a csodálatos, napfényes időről! (lebarnultak)

2. Milyen benyomást tett Önre az Üdülőhely? (vonzó)

3. Milyen u tengert (sziklák, tengerpart, víz)

4, Milyen utazást tettek a közelben?

5, Hogyan élvezik a gyerekek az üdülést7

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írjon egy rövid beszámolót barátjának a kis sarki élelmiszerüzletek és a szuper­marketek jövőjéről!1. Miért előnyös a szupermarket? (nagy választék, kedvezd árak, nem kell sorba állni)

2. Miért hasznos a kis filszerilzlet? (közel van, barátságos a kiszolgálás)

3. Melyiknek van nagyobb jövője?

4. Miért kötődik érzelmileg a kis üzlethez?

írjon egy rövid reklamáló levelet a Diadal kft-nek, mert a könyveket helytelenül csomagolták, és nem a kért könyvet küldték meg.1. Milyen célból írja a levelet?

2. Sorolja fel, hogy miért marasztalja el a könyvkiadóiI

3. Küldje vissza a nyelvkönyvet, és kérjen újat!

4. A helytelen csomagolás miatt Ön tanári kézikönyvet kapott, kérje helyette a tanulói nyelvkönyvet!.


„A társadalom véleménye megváltozott a dohányzásról” címmel írjon beszámolót!(felsőfok)1. Hogyan vélekedtek az emberek 40 évvel ezelőtt a dohányzásról? (nem tartották ká­rosmik, férfiasság szimbóluma, mindenhol hódolhattak e szenvedélynek, népszerű sztá­rok dohányzási szokásait utánozták)

2. Hogyan változott meg a társadalom véleménye az antínikorinisia reklámok és figyel­meztetések hatására?

3. Mozi, közlekedés és egyéb intézmények reagálása,

4. Próbáljon toleránsán állást foglalni a kérdésben mint nemdohányosl

5. Mit javasol?

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7.Szám oljon be b ará ta in ak egy szép svájci utazásról!1. Miért utazott Svájcba?

2. Kivel és hogyan utazott?

3. Milyen volt az idő?

4. Milyen nevezetességeket és városokat néztek meg?

5. Milyen élményei voltak?

Gratuláljon barátjának eljegyzése alkalmából, és próbálja lebeszélni arról a veszé­lyes sportról, amelyet eddig űzött!1. Fejezze ki jókívánságait az eljegyzés alkalmából!

2. Nem érte váratlanul, hiszen tudta, hogy barátja régóta jár ezzel a lánnyal.

3. Beszélje le a sárkányrepülésről!

4. Félti a barátját, mert tudja, hogy veszélyes, és a menyasszonyát is aggodalommal tölti el.

5. Javasoljon más, kevésbé veszélyes sportágat, és kívánjon sok boldogságot a jövőre!

Milyen hatással van a hóesés az emberek életére? írjon róla tudósítást!1. Milyen nehézségekkel kell megküzdeni?

2. Hogyan fogadják a gyerekek?

3. Mit éreznek a téli sportok kedvelői?

4. Milyennek találja a téli tájat?

5. Hasonlítsa össze szépségét a többi évszakéval!

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Számoljon be Ismerősének arról, hogy mit jelent a zene az életében!1. Mindenfléle zone érdekli,

2. A hangulatáról függően hallgat vidáifi vugy szomorú zenét.

3. Milyen az a zene, amit nélkülözne, és miért?

4. Hol és milyen alkalomból hallgat zenét?

5. Általános konklúzió.


írjon egy találmányról, amely megváltoztatta nz emberek életéti (felsőfok)1, Milyen volt az élei » gőzgép feltalálása dűlt?

2. Milyen változások következtek be a találmány után? (meggyorsult a közlekedés, vá­rosok alakultak ki, gyárak, tömegközlekedés)

3. Melyik korban szeretett volna élni?

4, Indokolja meg, hogy mién?


írja meg barátjának, hogyan érkezeit haza Frankfurtból (Budapestre) repülővel!1. Fejtse ki, miért szerel ill. nem szeret repülővel utaznil

2. Mi veszélyezteti manapság a légi utazás biztonságát?

3. Milyenek voltak a szolgáltatások?

4. Hogyan érezte magát a fel- és leszállásnál?

5. Szeretne-e egyszer pilóta ill. légikisasszony lenni?

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Németországban, Angliában szeretne üdülni. Kérjen felvilágosítást néhány dolog­ról!1. Fejtse ki, miért éppen Németországai szeretné üdülése helyéül választani!

2. Érdeklődjön, milyen feltételek melleit vehet részt egy szervezett utazáson!

3. Milyen földrajzi tájegységeket tekinthet meg?

4. Gondoskodnak-e megfelelő idegenvezetésről, szakmai programokról?

5. Mi érdeleit különösen, milyen m ái elvárásai vannak az utazással kapcsolatban?

14 ...

írjon levelet barátjának egy szabadtéri vagy más .színházi előadással kapcsolatban!1. Melyik előadást látta és hol?

2. Milyen benyomásokat szerzett?

3. Milyen volt az előadás légköre, szereposztás, színészi teljesítmény?

4. Hogyan fogadta a közönség az előadást?

5. Miben maradt el a várakozástól?


Számoljon be barátjának levélben a magyarországi nyelvoktatásról!1. Milyen nyelveket tanítanak az iskolákban?

2. Milyen más nyelvtanfolyamokon vehet részt?

3. Mi a véleménye a nyelvoktatásról?

4. Hogyan tudná könnyebben elsajátítani a nyelvet?

5. Milyen helyet foglal el a német/angol a tanított idegen nyelvek között?

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Miért választotta a német/angol nyelvet?1. Világnyelv (szép dallama i s ritmusa van)

2. Szereti a popzenét.

3. Német/angol irodalom és a TV műsorok szerepe.

4. Ism erősük, Imrdíok, levelezés.

5. Idegenforgalom szerepe.

Számoljon be levélben arról, hogy miért nehéz Magyarországon egészségesen-élni! (felsőfok)i, Az egészséges táplálkozás megszervezésének nehézségei, (drága, gyenge a kínálat, hagyományokhoz való ragaszkodás)

2, Rendszeres mozgás hiánya.

3. Túlhajszolt élet, kevés pihenés, kikapcsolódás.

4. Mennyiben írható mindez a romló életszínvonal számlájára?

5. Milyen tanácsokat adna az egészséges életmód megtartásához?


í r ja meg barátnő jének , mi a véleménye a divatos öltözködésről!1. M it gondol a modem ember öltözködéséről?

2. Szeretne-e és tud-e lépést tartani a változó divattal?

3. Milyen ménékben oldható ez meg konfekciótermékekkel?

4. Milyen előnyökkel jár, ha tud valaki a családban varmi?

5. Fontosnak tartja egyáltalán a divatot vagy sem? Indokolja állítását!

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Tudósítson arról, milyen intézkedéseket kellene hozni a környezetvédelem javítása érdekében! (18 sor)1. Tudatosítani kelfene fontosságát a nevelésben!

2. Levegő védelme, (korszerűtlen gyárak, gépkocsik üzemeltetése)

3. Környezetbarát mezőgazdaság, (talajvédelem)

4. Folyók, vizek védelme.

5. Az állatvilág megóvása.

Számoljon be barátjának levélben új munkahelyért!!, annak előnyeiről) (20 sor)1. Mi a foglalkozása?

2. Miért volt szükség munkahelyének megváltoztatására?

3. Hogyan van megelégedve új munkahelyével, milyennek találja új főnökét?

4. Hogyan telik egy napja az új munkahelyen?

5. Nem fél a munkanélküliségtől?

21.M ondja le b a rá tja m eghívását, mivel váratlan események jö ttek közbe! (18 sor)1. ltja meg, hogy nagyon sajnálja, hogy nem vehet részt a lakásavatőnl

2. Hangsúlyozza, hogy milyen szívesen elment volna!

3. Részletezze a kifogásokat!

4. Fejezze Ifi jókívánságait!

5. Fejezze ki reményét, hogy hamarosan pótolhatják a találkozást, s szóban majd bőveb­ben kifejti a közbejött eseményeket!

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22.írjon köszönO levelet annak a házaspárnak, aki meghívta vacsorára, amikor Ber­linben tartózkodott! (17-18 sor)1. Köszönje meg a meghívást!

2. Számoljon be arról, hogy érezte magát a családnál!

3. Térjen ki a bevásárlásban nyújtott segítségre!

4. Arról értesült a leveliikből, hogy hivatalos Ügyben Magyarországra jönnek.

5. Hívja meg őket, hogy viszonozzák a látogatást!


Köszönje meg egy baráti házaspárnak a születésnapi ajándékot levélben, akik sze­mélyesen nem tehettek eleget a meghívásának!1. Dicsélje meg és nevezze meg az értékes ajándékot!

2. Fejezze ki sajnálkozását, hogy barátjuk megbetegedett!

3. Utaljon rá, hogy a születésnapi ünnepségen gondoltak rá!

4. Fejezze ki bizakodását, hogy mielőbb viszontlátják egymást!

5. Küldje üdvözletét a többi ismerősnek is!

24.Egy újsághirdetésre pályázzon meg állást!í . írja meg a hirdető cégnek, hogy milyen munkát szeretne vállalni!

2. Iskolai végzettség.

3. Miért érdeklődik a meghirdetett állás iránt?

4. Miért gondolja, hogy az új munkakört sikeresen el tudná látni?

5. Milyen lehetőségei vannak a szakmai fejlődésnek?

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írjon egy rövid életrajzot!1. Személyi adatok (családi is röviden).

2, Iskolai végzettség, (ált., közép és felsdfokű tanulmányok)

3. Nyelvtudás szintje.

4, Szakmai képzettség.

5. Szakmai tapasztalat.

26.írjon balcsefjclentfet a biztosítójának! (18 sor) Jelentse!1. Mikor és hol történt a baleset?

2. Milyen tfpusú és rendszámú gépkocsik között történt a baleset?

3. Hogyan történt?

4. Beismerte a felelősséget a baleset okozója?

5. Érdeklődjön, mikor becsülik fel, és hogyan történik a kár megtérítése!

27. • .

Számoljon be levélben külföldi Ismerősének arról, milyen közlekedési problémák­kal kell megküzdeni városában!1. utaljon a szűk, elavult útrendszerre, ami túlterhelt.

2. Az állandóan növekvő gépkocsik számára.

3. Hol a legsúlyosabb a helyzet?

4. Mik a csúcsforgalom következményei?

5. Mennyi ideig tan, amíg eljut a munkahelyére?....... f:.................................

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írja meg külfüldi barátjának, hogy miért van ilyen sok elavult gépkocsi Magyaror­szágon!1. Korszerű, hazai gépkocsigyártás hiánya.

2. Elavult gépkocsik importjának kényszere- (KGST).

3. Beszerzés korlátéi (gazdasági válság, adósság, valutahiány).

4. Az árak magasak, a fizetőképes kereslet alacsony.

5. A korszerűsítést csak a kocsipark jelentős lecserélése oldaná meg.

29.írjon levelet barátjának, melyben beszámol családja mindennapi életéről! (18 sor) 'Szám oljon be B kővetkezőkről!1. Mutassa be családjának tagjait röviden!

2. írjon egész röviden a lakáskörülményeiről!

3. Mennyi időt tölt a családjával?

4. Milyen házimunkákban segédkezik?

5. Hová járnak együtt szórakozni?

30.Számoljon be levélben barátjának lakóhelyéről, csináljon kedvet ahhoz, hogy egy­szer (t is eljöjjön, és meglátogassa lakóhelyén! (18-20 sor)1. Milyen városban/faluban lakik?

2. Hogyan és honnan közelíthető meg legjobban?

3. Melyek a város/falu nevezetességei, mi a vonzereje?

4. Milyen a városban/faluban a közlekedés, milyen vásárlási lehetőségei vannak?

5. Miért szeret itt lakni? (kedves emberek, rokonok, barátok, környezet)

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ír ja meg barátjának, hogy családi házba vagy egy nagyobb panellakásba költöztek! (17-18 sor)1, Milyen a háü vagy a lakás környezete, környéke? (kert, park..,)

2. Milyen előnyökkel jár, ha nagyobb lakásban vagy kertes házban Iakik7

3, Miért érzi jó l magát a nappali szobában? (kényelmes, nagy ablakok..,)

4, Milyenek a bútorok?

5. Hogyan oldotta meg a fűtést? (Milyen a fűtés a nagyobb lakásban?)

Panaszkodjék ismerősének arról levélben, hogy a iakáskérdés szinte megoldhatat­lannak tűnik családja számára! (20 sor)1. Miért találja emberhez méltatlannak mostani lakáskörülményeit?

2, Milyen lehetőségei kínálkoznak az önálló oithoníerem lésre?

3, Milyen anyagi nehézségekés korlátok nchezílik ennek realizálását?

4. Menyiben segítenek a szociális kedvezmények?

5. Miért látja kilátástalannak a jelenlegi helyzetet?

Újságolja el nyugaton élő barátnőjének levélben, mennyire megváltozott az élete, amióta megengedheti magának, hogy gépesítse a háztartását! (IS sor)1, Miért volt a házimunka nehéz ezelőtt?

2. Mi tette lehetővé, hogy megkönnyítse ezeket?

3, Milyen új háztartási gépeket tud alkalmazni a főzésben?

4! Mi volt a legnehezebb munka, s hogyan gépesítette ezt?

5, Milyen űj gépekkel szeretné tovább könnyíteni a munkáját?

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34.írjon levelet ismerősének arról, hogy véleménye szerint miért van olyan sok civilt család Magyarországon? (18 sor)1. Csekken az életszínvonal, nehéz a megélhetés.

2. ÖnzőéIí az emberek.

3. Sivúr érzelmi élet.

4. Családi nevelés hiányosságai, alkoholizmus,

5. Hogyan lehetne a családok meghitt légkörét újjávarázsolni?

írjon levelet ismerősének arról, hogyan látja az egyenjogúság megvalósulását ott­hon és a munkahelyen?I , Miért vállalnak munkát a nők7

2. Minden munkaterület nyitva áll-o előttük?

3. Egyenlő fizetést kapnak-e azonos munkáért?

4. Jobb lenne, ha otthon dolgoznának?

5. Hogyan valósul meg az emancipáció a családjában?

írjon levelet ismerősének arról, hogy milyen az idős emberek helyzete Magynror.szágon! (20 sor)1. Milyen problémával küzdenek az idős emberek manapság?

2. Mién érzik magukat magányosnak?

3. Mi az, ami helyzetüket még elviselhetetlenebbé leszí?

4. Mennyiben felelős a család és a társadalom gondoskodásukért?

5. Milyen előnyei és hátrányai vannak tübb generáció együttélésének?

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37, 'írjon levelet egy ingatlanügynökségnek, melyben kéri, hogy tegyenek ajánlatot egy háromszobás családi ház megvételére! (18 sor)írja meg igényeit!

1. Lakás fekvése.

2. Kinézete, külső, belső állapota.

3. Pince, kert szükségessége.

4. Tegyen árajánlatot!

5. Tájékoztassa az ügynökséget, hogy milyen fizetési feltételeknek tud eleget tenni!

Barátai ajánlására szabadságát egy osztrák panztóben szeretné eltölteni a hegyek­ben. írjon közvetlen, személyes hangvételű levelet a punziú tulajdonosának!1. Milyen szobát, esetleg lakást szeretne bérelni?

2. Mikor és menyi időre bérelné ki a szobát/lakást?

3. Milyen lehetőség van az étkezésre? (önellátás vagy olcsó étterem)

4. Milyen más szolgáltatások vehetők igénybe?

5. Mennyibe kertll a szállás? Milyen szórakozási lehetőségek vannak a közelben?

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1. What are the advantages and disadvantages uf using public transport?

You will need 120-180 words.

2. Write an account o f a music festival or performance that you attended.

You will need 100 words.

3. Which is your favourite season o f the year, and why?

You will need 120 words.

4. Write an account o f a sporting or other success that you have had.

120-180 words

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of people getting married and having

children while they are still young?

180 words

6. Write a letter to complain about a journey that went wrong.

120-180 words

7. Write an account o f an important recent day in your life.

120 words

8. Write a description o f a person who has influenced your life or thoughts.

120 words

9. You are planning to travel round the world by motor-bike. Write a letter to

motor-bike company asking them to help pay for the trip in return for the publicity

you will give them.

180 words

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10. You are telephoning on insurance company to insure, three o f your most valuable

possessions. You have to describe each object and say how much it worth. Write

down what you would say.

11. Write a story beginning: I was woken up in the night by the noise. It sounded like

breaking glass.

120 words

12. You are studying abroad and have run out o f monay. Write a letter to your parents

explaining why you have no monay, and asking them to send some more.

12 words

13. You want to persuade a friend of yours to go and see the film that you have enjoyed.

Write down what you would say to him,

120 words

14. Write an account of a birthday you have had which you will never forget,

120 words

15. You have been in your new school or college for a few weeks. Write a letter to a

friend, giving some information about the place, and saying what you have been


120 words

16. Describe a person you least enjoyed sitting next to on a long journey,

120 words

17. Write a story that ends with the words, „When it was over, I promised myself that I

would never do anything like that again."

18. Some British friends have just arrived lo stay with you for a month. You are

showing them round the house. Write down wltat you would say to them.

120 words

19. Describe a place in your country you would recommend to a foreign tourist.

20. What are the advantages and disadvantages o f spending a year abroad before

starting your career7

180 words

21. Everyone should be allowed to own a gun. „do you agree.”

120 words

22. „H oliday Jobs in England” is a company that specializes in finding summer jobs for

pdople in hotels, restaurants and on farms. Write a letter telling them about yourself

and indicating what sort o f job you would like.

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I. c 44. A 87. C 130. C2. C 45. D 88. B 13}. C3. A 46. C 89. A 132. D4. A 47. C 90. C 133. B5. D 48. B 91. D 134. D6. C 49. B 92. D 135, C7. C 50. D 93. D 136. C8. A 51. D 94. C 137. B9. B 52. C 95. D 138. B

10. D 53. C 96. A 139. C11. B 54. A 97. B 140. A12. A 55. C 98. C 141. D13. B 56. A 99. B 142. C14. B 57. B 100. B 143. D15. C 58. D 101. B 144. A16, C 59. A 102. B 145. C17. A 60. A 103. A 146. C18, D 61, A 104. A 147. C19, B 62. B 105. A 148. A20. C 63. C 106. D 149, B21. A 64. C 107. A 150. C22. C 65. A 108. D 151. D23. B 66. A 109. A 152, A24. D' 67. B 110. C 153. D25. C 68. D 111. C 154. B26. B 69. B 112. B 155. D27. C 70. C 113, A 156. C28. B 71. B 114. B 157. A29. C 72. B 115. D 158. A30. B 73. D 116, B 159. B31. B 74. B ' 117. B 160. A32. D 75, B 118. D 161. B33. A 76. C 119. D 162. D34. B 77. A 120. A 163. C35. B 78. B 121. C 164. C36. D 79. D 122. D 165. A37. C 80. D 123. A 166. D38. D 81. B 124. A 167. C39. A 82. A 125. A 168, C40. A 83. D 126, A 169. C41. A 84. D 127. D 170. D42. A 85. B 128. B 171. D43. B 86. B 129. A 172. A

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173. B 216. A174. B 217. B175. A 218. D176. A 219. C177. A 220. C178. D 221. C179. C 222. A1 BO. B 223, D181. B 224. A182. B 225. D183. D 226. C184. D 227. A185, A 228. B186. A 229. A187. D 230. D188. A 231. D! 89. D 232. C190. A 233. A191. B 234. B192. B 235. C193. C 236. C194. C 237. A195. C 238. C196. B 239. D197. C 240. C198. C 241. C199. B 242. C

,200. C 243. D201. D 244, A202.- A 245. C203. B 246. B204. B ' 247, B205. C 248, C206. D 249. B207, D 250. AJUH, 11 751. ( '209. C , 252. C210. D 253. A211. C 254, D212. C 255. C2 Í3 ;. C 256. D214. D 257. B215. C 258. D

259. A 302. A260. C 303. C261. A 304. B262. C 305. B263. B 306. D264. B 307. C265. C 308. D266. A 309. B267. D 310, B268. B 311. C269. A 312, A270. C 313. A271. A 314. D

272. C 315. C273. D 316. B274. C 317. D275, A 318. B276. C 319. D277. C 320. C278. B 321. B279. C 322. D280. B 323. C281. A 324. B282. C 325. C283, A 326. B284, C 327. D285. D 328. A286. A 329. A287. D 330. C288. B 331. D289. A 332. B290. B . 333. B291. A 334. B292. C 335. D293. A 336, C2'M. A :ü7 . ii295. D 338. C296. D 339. A297, C 340. D298. B 341. B299. C 342. C300. B 343. B301, C 344, C

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345. B 388. B346. D 389. B347. A 390. B348. B 391. C349. A 392. B350. D 393. B351. C 394. B352. C 395. A353. A 396, C354. A 397. C355. D 398. A356. D 399. A357. C 400. D358. B 401. A359. D 402. A360. B 403. D361. A 404. C362. A 405. A363. B 406. B364. C 407, C365. C 408. A366. B 409. B367. B 410. A368. B. 411. A369. D 412. B370. B 413. D371. B 414. B372. C 415. A373. D 416. C374. A 417. D375. C 418. D376. B 419. C377. A 420. C378. C 421, D379. B 422. D380. D 423. A381. B 424. C382. C 425. B383. A 426. D384. C 427. D385. A 428. C386. D 429. A387. B 430. D

431. C 474. B432. D 475. C433. B 4^6. D434. C 477. A435. C 478. C436. C 479. B437. C 480. B438. D 481. A439. D 482. B440. D 483. D441. B 484. D442. B 485. C443. B 486. C444. D 487. C445. C 488. C446. C 489. B447. C 490. C448. A 491. D449. B 492. C450. A 493. C451. A 494. C452. B 495. B453. B 496. A454. C 497, C455. A 498. B456. D 499. D457. C 500. B458, B 501. B459, C 502. C460. B 503. D461. C 504. A462. B 505. B463. A 506. C464. B 507. A465. C 508. A466. B 509. D467. B 510. B468. D 511. A469. B 512. B470. B 513. C471. B 514. A472. C 515. A473. B 516. C

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517. B 560. C 603. A 646. C518. D 561. B 604. D 647. B519. D 562. C 605. D 648. D520. A 563. C 606. C 649. B521. B 564. B 607. B 650. B522. C 565. C 608. B 651. A523. C 566. C 609. A 652. C524. D 567. D 610. B 653. D525. A 568. D 611. B 654. A526. D 569. A 612. C 655. A527. A 570. D 613. C 656. B528. A 571. A 614. D 657. C529. A 572. C 615. B 658. B530. A 573. C 616. D 659. A531. B 574. D 617. B 660. B532. C 575. A 61'8. C 661. C533. A 576. D 619. A 662. B534. D 577. A . 620. D 663. B535. C 578. C 621. C . 664. C536. C 579. B 622. A 665. C537. B 580. C 623. C 666. D538. A 581. A 624. C 667. C539. A 582. D 625. B 668. D540. D 853, D 626. A 669. D541. C 584. D 627. C 670. C542. B 585. C 628. A 671. B543. A 586. C 629. B 672. C

-544. A 587. C 630. D 673. D545. B 588. B 631. C 674. A546. C 589. D 632. C 675. B547. B 590, B 633. B 676. B548. C 591. D 634. C 677. B549. B 592. D 635. B 678. B550. B 593. D 636. A 679. A551. A 594. C 637, B 680. D552. D 595. C 638. A 681. B553. C 596. B 639. C 682. C554. A 597. B 640. A 683. B555. A 598. C 641. C 684. D556, D 599. C 642. A 685. D5 5 Í B 600. D 643. B 686. C558. A 601. C 644. B 687. D559. D 602. A 645. B 688. C

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689. C 732. C690. B 733. C691. C 734. C692. B 735. D693. C 736. B694. A 737. C695. B 738. B696. C 739. B697. C 740. D698. D 741. D699. D 742. C700. B 743. C701. D 744. A702. C 745. D703. D 746. B704. D 747. A705. B 748. B706. C 749. A707. C 750. A708. C 751. C709. B 752. C710. B 753. C711. C 754. C712. B 755. C713. A 756. A714. D 757. D715. B 758. C716. A 759. D717. D 760. C718. A 761. A719, D 762. D720. A 763. A721. D 764. D722. D 765. D723. D 766. C724. D 767. C725. D '768. A726. D 769, A727. C 770. B728. D 771. D729. D 772. C730. A 773. C731. B 774. C

775. B 818. B776. C 8J9. A777. C 820. B778. C 821. D779. D 822. A780. B 823. B781. D 824. D782. A 825. D783. A 826. A784. C 827. C785. B 828. A786. A 829. B787. B 830. C788. D 831. A789. C 832. -C790. D’ 833. D791. D 834. A792. A 835. D793. D 836. B794. A 837. A795. B 838. D796. A 839. C797. A 840. C798. B 841. C799. C 842.. A800. C 843. A801. B 844. B802. D 845. D803. C 846. C804. B 847. C805. D 848. A806. B 849. C807. A 850. C808. B 851. D809. B 852. CBIO. D 853. A811. C 854. D812. B 855. D813. B 856. A814. B 857. C815. B 858. D816. A 859. A817. B 860. B

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861. A 896. C 931. B 966. A862. A 897. B 932. D 967. B863. B 898. D 933. A 968. C864. A 899. C 934. A 969. A865. D 900. B 935. C 970. B866. C 901. C 936. D 971. A867. D 902. C 937. C 972. D868. B 903. A 938. D 973. B869. A 904. A 939. A 974. A870. A 905. A 940. C 975. D871. B 906. B 941. C 976. A872. D 907. B 942. D 977. A873. B 908. C 943. C 978. AB74. D 909. B 944. B 979. A875. A 910. B 945. B 980. C876. A 911. B 946. A 981. C877. D 912. D 947. B 982. C878. C 913. B 948. D 983. C879. C 914. D 949. A 984. C880. B 915. A 950. B 985. D881. C 916. A 951, D 986. D882. C 917. D 952, B 987. C883. D 918. B 953. B 988. A884. A 919. C 954. A 989. B885. C 920. A 955, A 990, B886. D 921. C 956. A 991. C887. B 922. A 957. C 992. B888. A 923. B 958, B 993. A889. D 924. A 959. D 994, B890. B 925. A 960. D 995. A891. A 926. C 961. C 996. D892, B 927. A 962. A 997. A893. C 928. B 963. B 998, A894. A 929. D 964. D 999. C895. C 930, C 965. D 1000. C

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Flat 317, Bimbó utcaBudapest18th April 19-

D ear Tamás,I ’m writing to ask you a great favour. As you know, it’s my birthday on May 10th

and I 'd like to give a party to celebrate.However, my flat is very small and, unfortunately, my neighbours always complain if

1 make too much noise. So, do you think I could possibly use that big room at the back of your house where you held your last birthday party?

Also, I was wondering if I could borrow your hi-fi system as well, as it’s much better than mine.

Could you let me know as soon as possible if it’s all right? Thanks a lot.




74, Felhő utcaPécs19th July 19-

Dear Anna,Thank you so much for sending me that A -ha LP for my birthday. As you know, I

love their music and this latest record is really great.I had a very nice birthday, met some friends in the evening and we had dinner at an

Italian restaurant to celebrate. Afterwards we went to a disco where we danced until about 2 o 'clock in the morning. I was very tired the next dayl

Anyway, how are you? Do you like your new job? It sounds vety interesting. What about Peter? Are you still going out with him? I’d love to see you again. How about meeting in Budapest one day7 Why don’t you phone me when you’re free?

Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

With love,Szandra


15, Tito űtKotor16th August 19-

Dear Péter,W hat a wonderful time we are having down herei The weather has been kind to us

and I don’t think there has been a single day when the sun has not shone. We are all as brown as berries.

I had no idea Koior was so beautiful. The red cliffs and sand and blue sea shining in the sun, make a picture it will be difficult to forget. You would love the bathing and the

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scrambling among the rocks ’exploring’.On Friday we went into Split, and al the end of this week we are going to pay a visit

to Omis. We went lo Split by train, and in places the line passes very close lo the sea ; it reminded me of the time we all went to Edinburgh by the east coast route. D o you remember?

Peter has been doing a lot of boating since we arrived - in fact it is hard to drag him away. He says he will write to you, but you must expect his letter when you get it.!

Sonja wants me to come and play tennis, so I will say good-bye to you for the present. Wc shall be glad to hear from you if you have time.

W ith love,Piroska


In a good supermarket we can buy nearly all the things we need. Prices arc reasonable, and we don’t have to wait a long time to be served. We can park behind the store and load up our trolley or basket with the things we want and, usually, we have a wide choice.

Sometimes, however, we may forget something in the supermarket, or, perhaps, we suddenly run out of sugar or coffee. Then it is very useful to have a com er shop near our home. If we go there regularly, the shopkeeper is pleased to sec us and the atmosphere is very friendly.

In the future, I think that supermarket will become bigger and bigger and, often, be situated outside the centre o f the big cities. I believe that the comer shop will survive however. It has an important part to play in the life of the community.


The Manager, 21, Kökény utca,Diadal Ltd, Moha,4, Duna utca, Fejér megye.Budapest. 2 0 ü i M a y l 9 - .

Dear Sir,I'm writing with regard to the text-book which I received from you this morning, 1 am

sorry to have to complain, but I feel I must return it to you for two reasons.Firstly, the text-book was damaged in the post, which, in my opinion, was due to bad

packing. Secondly, I odered a teacher’s book, but, instead you have sent me a sludenl's book.

Therefore, 1 am returning this book to you, and would be grateful if you would kindlysend me the correct one, properly packed, as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully.Szabó Sándor


Thirty Jr. forty years ago, people were unaware of the dangers o f smoking. You could smoke almost anywhere and no one objected. In films, the hero and heroine often smoked and people identified with them and copied them. Men thought il was manly and women thought it was sophisticated.

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However, nowadays attitudes have changed due to the publicity and warnings about smoking. Smoking has now become a dirty and antisocial habit. It not only makes you ill, but shortens your life as well. Smokers are encouraged to give up and young people are discouraged from starting. Smokers must sit in special areas on planes and in many cinemas, and, in some places, smoking is completely banned.

I ’m a non-smoker, but I hope 1 am-fairly tolerant towards people who do smoke. I think it is very dangerous habit and a waste o f money, However, i f people want to smoke, I think they should be alloved to, provided they don’t disturb non-smokers.


Some weeks ago a friend and I spent a very pleasant holiday in Scbwitzerland. We travelled by train to Zurich and were able to find a cheap hotel in the old part o f the city. It was September, but the weather was still warm and sunny.

W e bought special rail tickets so that we could travel by train to different places every day. I remember one splendid trip we made 10 Schaffhausen, where we visited the famous Rhine Waterfall. W e took a lot o f photographs. Another day we went to St Gallen. That day it poured with rain, but we didn 't mind.

Switzerland is a beautiful country and one day I would like to go back and visit the Italian part.

8.14, Zrínyi út,Miskolc,18th October 19-.

Dear Feri,Congratulations! I was very pleased to hear about your engagement to Eszter. 1 must

admit that the news didn’t come as a complete surprise because you’ve been going out with her for quite a long time. She's a lovely girl, and I think you’re very lucky! By the way, when's the wedding, or haven't you decided yet?

I know it's none o f my business, but do you intend to carry on hang-gliding when you’re married? You must admit it's a terribly dangerous sport and, quite honestly, it doesn’t seem very fair on Eszter. It must w ony her a lot. D on 't you think you ought to consider giving it up? There are lots o f other sports you could do instead. It’s your decision, of course, but if I were you, I’d think about it seriously.

Anyway, I hope you 'll both be very happy, and 1 shall look forward to the wedding.

All the best,



Although the snow always looks attractive in pictures, most people do not really like il when it falls. Il makes life very difficult. People are late for work because the buses and trains are held up. Driving is dangerous. People often slip on icy pavements and hurt themselves, and everyone worries about frozen pipes.

On the other hand, children usually love the snow. They can build snowmen in the garden and have snowball fights as well. They enjoy sliding downhill on their toboggans or skating on frozen ponds. Not only children but skiers, too, are pleased to see the

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snow. It means they can go skiing at weekends.Personally, I like the snow when it first falls, The streets are white and silent and

rather mysterious. I enjoy walking through fresh snow where no one has w alked before. However, it soon becomes veiy dirty and unpleasant. Than I waai it to disappear and life to return to normal,


I don 't think I have a favourite type of music, because I like a lot o f different kinds. I ’m not only interested in pop music, but in classical music as well, Sometimes I prefer music which makes me want to dance, and sometimes I’d rather listen to music which is quiet and sad. It depends on how I feel at the time.

On the other hand, there is some music I really don’t like, I’m not very fond of serious opera, for example. I find it rather boring. I really dislike electronic music and I can’t stand listening to it. In my opinion it’s not really music. I ’m not very keen on modem jazz either, but I don’t really understand it.

I enjoy being able to listen to music whenever I fe d like it. Sometimes I listen just for pleasure. Sometimes I listen just lo pass the time, like when I ’m driving to work for instance. So, I think music is quite Important in my life.

11.In the middie o f the eighteenth century James Walt invented the steam engine, and

this changed people’s lives. Before the steam engine, most people used to live in villages or small towns and had to work on farms. People used to ride horses o r in carriages pulled by horses, so travelling must have been very slow.

However, the invention o f the steam engine meant that people built factories and started producing goods in large quantities. As a result, many people moved into the towns, which soon became cities. In addition, railways were built and, consequently, people were able to travel long distances by train,

I am interested steam engines and I am sorry they have almost disappeared. I think it must have been very exciting to have lived when they wens first invented.