dr. dowling ha0 a narrow - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · lsa st o cabrbrbs. &d co. yau albanj s...

HOW TO CLEAR AWAY THOSE UGLY PIMPLES It is so easy to get rid of pimples and blackheads with Resinol, and it costs so little, too, that anyone whose face is disfigured'by these pests is foolish to keep on with useless cos- metics, or complicated "beauty treat- ments." See how simply it is done: Bathe your face for several minutes with Resinol Soap and hot water, then apply a little Resialnol Ointment very gently. Let this stay on ten minutes, and wash off with Resinol Soap and more hot water, finishing with a dash of cold water to close the pores. Do this once or twice a day, and you will be astonished to find how quickly the healing, antiseptic Resinl medica- tion soothes and cleanses the pores, leaving tho complexion clear and vel- vety. Sold by all druggists, Resinol Ointment, 50 cents and $1, Resinol Soap, 25 cents.--Adv Business Proposition. A boy who had done something to incur the wrath of his mother and then had taken to his heels was hotly pursued for some distance by her. Finding it was useless to continue the pursuit, and almost beside herself with rage, the old lady shouted at the top of her voice: "I'll give anybody a dime to catch that boy!" The boy instantly stopped and, turning round. shouted in reply: "Give me the dime and I'll come back." DON'T STOP WORK Because of Biliousness, Constipation, Headaches, Indigestion, etc. Just take one BOND'S LIVER PILL and go on with your duties. You will be well shortly and your troubles forgotten. Or, if you take one Bond's Pill at bedtime, you will wake up well with no unpleasant memo- ries. Send for free sample. Beware of imitations and the host of "new-fangled," "Just-as-Good" so-called "liver remedies" that crowd the news- papers and the drug stores. Stick to the HONEST and WELL-PROVEN BOND'S LIVER PILLS, Little Rock, Arkansas.-Adv. In the eleven years from 1901 to 1913, inclusive, there were 1,319 strikes and lockouts In Canada. Dr. Pieree's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated tiny granules. Adv. People never help a man to blow his own horn because they like music. Smile on wash day. That's when you use Red Cross Ball Blue. Clothes whiter than snow. All grocers. Adv. It's hard to keep up appearances and save money at the same time. Yo.e.Il Back? Whenever you use your back, does a sharp pain hit you? Does your back ache constantly, feel sore and lame? It's a sign of sick kidneys, especially if the lidnev action is disordered too, pas- sages scanty or too frequent or off color. In neglect there is danger of dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pills whichhavecured thousands. A Texas Case *(yg"ftk Mr. B. F. Ban- ag g y "son. Anderson Ave.. Houston, Tex.. says: ''T we operations failed to relieve mry kidney trouble. I bad hemorrhages of the kidneys and paused pure blood. The pain and su( fering in my back was terrible. I was nothing but akin sad bones. When I had given up hope. Doan's kidney Pills camne to my rescue and cured me. To- day I am In better health than ever before." Get Doe'. ast Asy Stru.w Sea B&z DOAN' S I,',!.?LW FOSTERMILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N.Y. Perlect Digestion depends upon the integrity of the liver. IF YOUR LIVER IS TORPID WIL WAKE IT UP AND YOUR SYSTEM WILL NOT RUN DOWN. P~Pi~ifhe8 Fioest Qusaty Largest Variety EDT tGE &b~ iil'rl&udrhg r d. keueis OaIL Bdise sd uealhbas hel.' sad 'sidsa bod ms., shines without rob. uaaer os sanadm 0. "Dandy am UmCK WHITE" oh liquid forn wlit uspagl ke lesas ad whites. &in eanves Abse. BABY ELITE easunaitiiom for seudtuse who aks UIIhih 5Ihav abs.ir , look Al. Rpsto,. color sad SrewblsAist bse.. Puihbitha b du h Ibordele1c. Eite 'aire2Sc. If yeor dualr dos mo eep the Liad you iant, aeed lsa O St CabrBRbS. &d Co. yau AlbanJ S Cambridge. Muss hrlr~lts.P I~t'Xdrb7r" DR. DOWLING HA0 A NARROW CALL PRESIDENT OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH FELL HEAD-FIRST INTO LAKE ARTHUR. Western Newspaper Union News Servire. New Orleans.-Dr. Oscar Dowling, president of the Louisiana State Board of Health, narrowly escaped drowning in Lake Arthur a few days ago. He stumbled on the pontoon ana fell into more than twelve feet of water. He was rescued with a hook by Dr. A. Miller, his companion. Dr. Dowling for more than a week had been doing inspection work in va- rious parishes in Southwest Louisi- ana . Hlie was in Lake Arthur and decided to go to Cameron. There is only one route, and that by boat. Dr. Miller, physician of Lake Arthur, of- fered to take the health officer in his speedy boat. Dr. Dowling accepted, and a moonlight trip was planned, Dr. Miller first lowered himself into the boat. W\'hen near the edge of the pontoon Dr. Dowling stumbled and fell headtirst into the lake. Dr. Mil- ler heard the splash and Dr. Dow- ling disappeared. He poked a hook out as the health officer came to the surface. As Dr. Dowling weighs 200 pounds it was a hard job to "land" him. Dr. Dowling went ashore and replaced the dripping clothes and re- turned to the boat. This time he was more careful. The trip to Cameron was made without further mishap. NEW ORLEANS NOT PLEASED WITH NEWS BANKING AND OTHER INTERESTS DISAPPOINTED OVER RESERVE BANK SELECTIONS. Western Newspaper Union News Senies. New Orleans.-The Associated Press dispatches stating that a regional bank for district No. 6 had been located at Atlanta, with New Orleans as a part of that district, and that district No. 11 has its bank at Dallas, Texas, with a part of Louisiana in that district, did not bring agreeable news to New Orleans. The banking interests and all the shipping and wholesale, exporting and importing interests of the second port of the United States were of course disappointed. They could not compre- heng how the greatest business cen- tir in the _South shoiuld' fail to be banking center of importance enough to have a regional bank. NEW ORLEANS INTERURBAN Mayor Behrman Makes Report on Re- turn From Washington. W'atrn Y"w'paprr T'ninn Ne.ws a'*rdter New Orleans.-Mayor Martin Behr- man, on his return from Washington, made a statement that the Commission Council will place no obstacle in the way of bringing into the city an in. terurban railroad provided a safe route for the Orleans-Kenner line is pre- sented. Mr. Behrman declared there was nothing official before the city authori- ties, and, therefore, any further com- ment would be ill advised. He had read it was the intention of the Or. leans-Kenner Railroad Company to present an application for a franchise embodying a route, but thus far noth- ing definite had been done. The mayor said he realized the immense impor. tance of an interurban line and he felt sure the commissioners shared his be. lief in the project, but at the same time care must be exercised in award. ing the right, Rayville's Big Celebration. Rayville.-The Louisiana State Con. ference of Methodist women that as- sembled here as the largest r'eliglous gathering that Rayville has ever en- tertained. More than one hundred delegates and visitors attended and many more would have been present if the weather had permitted. Postmasters Appointed. Washiugton.-Loulsiana postmasters appointed Monday were: George A. Petterson, Crew Lake; William R. Blake, Davis; William Winans Drake, Delta Bridge; Bernard Joseph Renaud, Logtown; William D. Martinlere, Not- nac; George W. Buckalew, Spaulding. No Rewards for Boot.leggers. Mansfield.-At the session of the Police Jury on Tuesday last, the law giving a reward of $26 for the convic- tion of each boot-legger was repealed, as the expense was greater than the parish could stand. To Vote on Courthouse Tax, Jenninga.-The Police Jury of Jef- ferson Davis. parish passed a resola- tion submitting a proposition to the voters to tax themselves $100,000 for a courthouse and $25,000 for a jail. The plan is to vote five mills for ten years. New Roads.-The meeting of the farmers and business men of Pointe Coupee.parish to get together on im- migration plans will be held here April 25. NEIGHBOR AISKED JTO FOR INFORMATION Its Which Was Promptly Disclosed and F She Lost no Time inProfit bee ing Thereby.Uri Miami, Okla.-"One of my neigh. e bors," says Mrs. Hannah M. TurleY, of ver this town, "came to my house last hal week, and said: 'Mrs. Turley, what ser did you take to help you so quickly' pr( I told her it was just Cardul, the ful woman's tonic, andshe said: I wish pr( I looked as well as you do.' I toh her if she would only get $5.00 worth of fri, Cardui, and take it, she would. So sec she sent her husband to town to get str the Cardul, and commenced taking it. bh She looked so pale and sick all the time, but is beginning to look better co already. als to how it helped me-I suffered we for about 5 years, with womanly trouI an bles, and became so weak and ner- th vous, and would suffer such pain frn every month, that I thought, at times, as I would die. Was in such condition se that I couldn't do my work half ot lo the time, and wduld have awful smoth- bu ering spells. q My husband bought me a full treat- ment of Cardui (6 bottles) and I can PC truthfully say that after I took the a last bottle I was well. Am enjoying se the best of health now, and am so th thankful to Cardui." tii Take Cardui for your trouble. You will never regret it. Begin today. Ask ci your nearest druggist. th N. B.-Warle to Ladies' Advisory cet~ chett a nooga Mediciae Co., Chattanooga ~TUEa t Spcctal In trmdlon,, and 64page book, nine~d t ment for Women" sent i plain wnIPW. anm request. Adv. Grape Seed Oil. II Oil from grape seeds has become a byproduct of the wine industry in por- tions of France, Italy and Wuertem- berg. The Bulletin of the American Association of Commerce and Trade, published in Berlin, says that the first pressing, obtained cold, is of edible. oil; that extracted by pressing and heating is dark and bitter, and is used ! for lighting purposes and in the mak- Ing of soap. It is described as a goIod substitute for the expensive oils used t in the textile industry. About .2 pounds of oil may be expresp$ ftOim the seeds of grapes yielding 26. lons of wine. FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES 214 Brevard St., Tampa, FILi- "Some three years ago I commenced to suffer from a rash on my face back. Before the pimples came on face there were a lot of blackheads; looked as it the blackheads to into pimples because after a ii while all of them were gone and face was covered with pimpies. Tb werare aaU .it .Jrst.n grew sad ?ight at thd o pimple it was all white. I careless picked them with my finger nai which made them spread, and I : discovered them on my back back was covered with pimples my face the same way. At night 1 could hardly sleep on account of tor burning and itching sensation thq caused. I did not like to go out bb- cause the pimples caused disfgu* ment. "Seeing the advertisement of Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment in* one of the magazines I sent for a sample. I bought some Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment, and I am glad to be able to say that I am entirely cured of pim- ples." (Signed) Jno. O. Darlington, Jan. 25, 1913. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free,with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post- card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."-AdV. Phones for Turkey. The Anglo-French Telephone com- pany which secured a concession from the Turkish government for Constanti- nople three years ago, has completed its installation, and the offical inaugu- ration of the public service has jost taken place. About 28,000 miles of wires have been laid. This includes eight submarine cables under the Gulf of Ismid. There are already 4,000 subscribers, The operators are all native girls-Greeks, Armenians and Jewesses, and even seven Turkish girls. Chesterton's Query. Commenting on John Galsworthy's recent arraignment of parliament for sins of omission and commission, in which the author decried the importa- tion into England of the plumage of birds "fo decorate our gentlewomen," G. K. Chesterton says: "This is a real wrong and a scandal. I am against gentlewomen being decorated. They have their rouged and their hair dye. Why cannot they be content to be disguised?" CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and chlldren, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 0-r. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris Probably Will. "Another Chicago woman has mur- dered her husband for treating her brutally." "That ought to be a lesson to him." !al m I. 1 iM 0 belausof thoes ugly. gfauly gray harlm. ses "LA OCREOLE" HAIR DREsUINO. PRICE. SIO. rtalL TOAD A VALUABLE SERVANT I ts Uses In the World Have Not Been Accorded the Recognition It Has Long Deserved. Few well-meaning creatures have DYS been more thoroughly misunderstood than the homely, meditative and re- tiring toad. Formerly the toad was considered a venomous reptile, but in our day its goo habits have been more carefully ob- muC served and Its great value to the ondi promologist and gardener has been of 'fl etbih cam fully established on account of its est propensity for destroying insects. a We should, therefore, cultivate the a friendship and assistance of the in- T is a sectivorous reptiles, including the eat striped snake, as well as that of ful birds. and land Every tidy housewife detests the aid cockroach, mice and other vermin. wel Two or three domesticated toads an I would keep the coast clear of these to I and would be found more desirably act than a cat, as they are wholly free rid, Sfrom trespassing on the rights of man wa as does the cat. The toad is pos- pa: Ssessed of a timid and retiring nature, ant Sloving dar-k corners and shady places, tee Sbut under kind treatment becoming quite tame. 77, Many instances might be cited of hai Spet toads remaining several years in pie a family and doing most valuable yet g service with no other compensation eel 0 than that of immunity from persecu- 77 tion. i u In Europe toads are carried to the tio k cities to market and are purchased by tio the horticulturists, who by their aid ne i are enabled to keep in check the mul- dry a tiplication of the insect tribes which an Sprey upon their fruits, flowers, etc. IF HAIR IS TURNING t a GRAY, USE SAGE TEA o Don't Look Old! Try Grandmother's oh Recipe to Darken and Beautify Gray, al; Faded, Lifeless Hair. le Grandmother kept her hair beauti- he id fully darkened, glossy and abundant or ed with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair tell out or took on p Dthat dull, faded or streaked appear- lit ed ance, this simple mixture was applied I .2 with wonderful effect. By asking at m any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and t lphur Hair Remedy," you will get a la ttle of this old-time recipe,' ready to iui for about 50 cents. This ai ES simple mixtureogn be depended upon D to restore naturdn color and beauty Sto the hair and is splodid for dan- I druff, dry, itchy scalp andylling hair. A well-known druggist sys every- body uses Wyeth's Sage anaoulphur, Q because it darkens so naturatY andt only that nobody can tell it hasten. t lied-it's so easy to use, too. ply dampen a comb or soft b ddraw It rough your hair, b o th application or two, i'. Is stored to its natural color and 1oo glossy, soft and abundant,.-Adv. Hygienic Baits for the Bath. t 1 A physician who believes in baths e as a tonic advises the use of Epsom or Carlsbad salts-preferably the for- mer-for a general invigoration. They re- should 1e used not more than twice a week. ztl- Take one ounce of the salts to a of pint of warm water for a sponge bath. I For a large tub bath use a pint ot it- salts to a tub of warm water. to Purchase the salts at a wholesale LI drug house. The usual price in quan- 'f, tities is four cents a pound. This salt water makes an excellent tonic. ild and carries off many impurities through the pores of the skin. it- '* Question of Height. Michael-Come quick! Patrick le ,m- stuck in a bog up to his ankles. om James-Don't 'worr, then, if he's ati. only up to his ankles he can soon get ted out again! gu. Mike--Ye., but he went in head ast first!-Pearson's Weekly. Ges RUB-MY-TISM the Will cure your Rheumatism and all 800 kinds of aches and pains-Nearalgla, all Cramps, Colic, Sprains,' Braises, Cuts, nd Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antisaptio dsh Anodyne. Price 25c.-Adv. Why She Sidestepped. y He-They say, dear, that people for who live together get in time to look in actly alike. She-Then you may consider my ro- fusal fnal.-New York Sun. Sof Sa at its Kind. "What sort of a game are they Led playing with the oyster question in l Annapolls?" to "I guess it Is some kind of a shell game." We Must Have It. p of Pessimist-The cost of living is ter- for rible. t It Optimist-But it's worth the price. - -Philadelphia Public Ledger. KIII the piles Now and Prevent gg disaske. A DAIBY FLY KILLER will do t. Kills thesasndad Ints all saon. Alldeslsn or sixsens express paid for 91. H. 60MEBB, 1510 De Kalb Av, Bruoklyn, N.Y. AdV. 'Ur- her Any man will leave his automobile in a mudhole to come over and tell DL" you how to get yours out. Good Cheer Aids Digestion of Food Dyspeptics Can Make the Rest of the Family flappy by Using a Laxative-Tonic. The temper of the family and the good cheer around the table depend so much on the good digestion of each individual present that the experiences of some former dyspeptics who over- came their trouble should be of inter- est to those now suffering in this way. The best advice one can give-but it is advice that is seldom heeded-is to eat slowly and masticate each mouth- ful carefully. However, if slow eating and careful mastication fail the next aid is one close to nature, Dr. Cald- well's Syrup Pepsin. This remedy is an excellent digestant, and in addition Pe to helping in the digestion of the food, or acts gently on the liver and bowels, bo ridding them of the accumulation of fai waste that should long ago have been alp passed off. It is safe, reliable, pleas- re ant-tasting, and results are guaran- teed. se Maj. S. Martin, of Joplin, Mo., now ta 77, thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin pil has helped him to a longer and hap- lli pier life. He has not felt so good in itt years as he has since taking this ex- tr cellent medicine, and in spite of his el 77 years he says he feels like a boy. th It is the ideal remedy for indiges- tion, no matter how severe; constipa- p1 tion, no matter how chronic, lblious- dr ness, headaches, gas on the stomach, in - drowsiness after eating and similar ct I annoyances. w Modern Morals. Senator Joseph E. Russell was talking in Washington about his bill I for the abolition of divorce. "The bill's object?" he said. "It's s i object is, of course, to reduce immor- ality, loose thinking, loose speaking." Senator Ransdell smiled and added: "Don't take it too seriously-but here is an episode that throws a light ton modern morals. A business man came home unex- a pectedly one morning and found his S, little son busy at his wife's dressing d table. Lt "'What on earth are you doing d I there, my lad?" he asked. a "'I'm mixing powdered quinine with Smother's face powder,' the youngster a answered. 'She's going motoring with n Mr. Smith. Won't she taste bitter?"' SSEARCHING THE COUNTRY. Y- The manufacturers of Ross' "Dead r, Quick" Spray are searching the coun- id try for an insect it will not kill. Write Ithem if you find one. If insee s are Ih in your home, on your p jg bery, vegetables, among facturing comr y, Little Rock, Ark. -Advt. France Honors American Artist. The French goevernment has pur- the chased for the Luxembourg gallery the am original painting by Arthur Rackham or- of "Jack Spratt and His Wife," one of Ley the series Rackham pictures now run- ea ning in St. Nicholas Magazine. This Is the highest honor that the French a government can confer upon a paint- th. ing by a living artist. Not until the ot artist is dead are his canvases eligible for the Louvre. ale an- An Agreeable Cure. his "If I ever have to choose a disease," nic, said Weary Walker, "I'll pick neuras- ies thenia." "Wot's good for it, Weary?" "Complete rest" Is Red Cross Ball Blue, much better, goes 1 farther than liquid blue. Get from any grocer. Adv. get Good people are supposed to be hyp- ad py, but their looks often belie it. Putnam Fadelesa Dyes will last un- til the goods wear out. Ad,. an A mal's good opinion of himself isn't going to fool St. Peter. MDhai Justa Word WitYou! Daughters ! ff.. " A woman's organism is s vry dlUct.t thin-It wry esily " Sgetb out of order-just like a delicate piec of machinery, it . requires more than ordinary cae and attenion. " Therearemanysiuwhhobi tpointtdiaordear,soehashedbanezeeoat. Sable pa ins arioaus parthof the bod ,ltlessesu , aervoueein,trritabnes, dimes. falntnes aeukeash, oss oJsppetite, depruslu mnd s n d ra Dr.Pierce's Favorite' ion basbeenthemeansof thoussadsoteafe o r womentoa al health S and strenth. For more than frt s a it bubeen seoeusully carrylag on S this Brett wo. Today it is own thr out t ngth andbradthof every laud. Woma everywhere look pon i as a hlpfutl friend. It it anpa . Sol Is NOW or taclW Roa b ate, orrl(IldiiaraestO ss * Dv.PlseevoPleasantPesllsbvsslatom .Saee l.Uvsea'd~we. .5~ 33 Es.wsE*. EUSEb UESu UEUEUUsuU UUU Saa We Lend Money on Liberal Tenrms to Planters and Merchants who hand Conarn. Coerpoomace aolcit" W A. . age & ei Capany, les. 8E.fl 101.111 Falls Belig aIphls, Timsssm. '1. p". Iyya MAJ. S. MARTIN You can obtain Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar, the latter size being bought by heads of families already familiar with its merits. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. When you use Syrup Pepsin you will see the fallacy of chewiing mints and tablets or of taking cathartics, salts, 1 pills and similar drastic medicines. Un- like these, Syrup Pepsin does not lose I its good effect, and by automatically training the stomach and bowel mus- scles to do their work. soon restores these organs to normal. Families wishing to try a free sam* pie bottle can obtain it postpaid by ad- - dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Wash- . ington St., Monticello, Ill. A postal r card with your name and address on it will do. SW.L.DOUGLAS SHOES oi Wou's 912.M 1 Mises,Uoye,OhIldrn $1.10$1t.78!212.*0 I: *rso Si.?S~ti.USr It s... Susmmi U 3t ****~to ,tste In the 0 sense-o 1 00 m,279 S... Theu b -s W to r ir U T *ls .iW*sa be 1 Mss *& SlA ao ewra ltk'swd135 llI asos k eawd soo and tkr th to shsowame. 0rr 1atratwb. t oIuW ,mg04Ott mosh kUsl11 hhb-fwpfl& om m TAKE NO SUSTITUTU.} x wd te~brribl L. It iss Than ounded Wr t n-r promtlyy Pdb iurpose and 7m mom'(rsl rk pur- will be promptly refunde am if Hnt's Cre fals to Cm aof Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm or any otbher mi un- Disease. c at your drbaggist's, or i mail his direct ifhe hasn't i. Maanfctured oTIO y 510Sum U Hn'rOmi frb al c ch Why | cr tchr, $|1,,i. comp oune fq ohr that ur-l willfhh~~rt Y wbe romptymud ed't nch &I IICHAR08 nDIE CO., swum rrw ,int- if Ht' Cu f ito A urD Ible A k blesfirables **** slshas Sish Worm weeor any otherSk. ..n* Tnh t you ils .have a specllo elect ea these ar, stimiastba the boewls, aive. re us , sad upurts lsgor tthe whols syti. resse seenL memest~ Ion gent whom ehr e m Il LEG &lf~~r~tk ~ tr ! an* cwNine fokL Thew of dP )I am to oerr IIp* yea II~rs i or o ass~rL eas rea elrr. The Cetltr Labuiursv. . er Chsage, iW n KODAK FINISHING B'.t?"' eaani.ese. YessPoemand Do. I Bromware P order. Moornney seii~riande i wrka ossaishe6 self Ias' whe sentr C..per, Dm344, L. aei W. N. U., LITTLE ROCK, NO. 1e-1914

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Page 1: DR. DOWLING HA0 A NARROW - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · lsa St O CabrBRbS. &d Co. yau AlbanJ S Cambridge. Muss hrlr~lts.P I~t'Xdrb7r" DR. DOWLING HA0 A NARROW CALL PRESIDENT OF STATE


It is so easy to get rid of pimplesand blackheads with Resinol, and itcosts so little, too, that anyone whoseface is disfigured'by these pests isfoolish to keep on with useless cos-metics, or complicated "beauty treat-ments." See how simply it is done:

Bathe your face for several minuteswith Resinol Soap and hot water, thenapply a little Resialnol Ointment verygently. Let this stay on ten minutes,and wash off with Resinol Soap andmore hot water, finishing with a dashof cold water to close the pores. Dothis once or twice a day, and you willbe astonished to find how quickly thehealing, antiseptic Resinl medica-tion soothes and cleanses the pores,leaving tho complexion clear and vel-vety. Sold by all druggists, ResinolOintment, 50 cents and $1, ResinolSoap, 25 cents.--Adv

Business Proposition.A boy who had done something to

incur the wrath of his mother andthen had taken to his heels was hotlypursued for some distance by her.Finding it was useless to continue thepursuit, and almost beside herselfwith rage, the old lady shouted at thetop of her voice: "I'll give anybodya dime to catch that boy!" The boyinstantly stopped and, turning round.shouted in reply: "Give me the dimeand I'll come back."


Because of Biliousness, Constipation,Headaches, Indigestion, etc. Just takeone BOND'S LIVER PILL and go onwith your duties.

You will be well shortly and yourtroubles forgotten. Or, if you take oneBond's Pill at bedtime, you will wakeup well with no unpleasant memo-ries. Send for free sample.

Beware of imitations and the host of"new-fangled," "Just-as-Good" so-called"liver remedies" that crowd the news-papers and the drug stores. Stick tothe HONEST and WELL-PROVENBOND'S LIVER PILLS, Little Rock,Arkansas.-Adv.

In the eleven years from 1901 to1913, inclusive, there were 1,319strikes and lockouts In Canada.

Dr. Pieree's Pleasant Pellets first put up40 years ago. They regulate and invigoratestomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coatedtiny granules. Adv.

People never help a man to blow hisown horn because they like music.

Smile on wash day. That's when you useRed Cross Ball Blue. Clothes whiter thansnow. All grocers. Adv.

It's hard to keep up appearances andsave money at the same time.

Yo.e.Il Back?Whenever you use your back, does a

sharp pain hit you? Does your backache constantly, feel sore and lame?

It's a sign of sick kidneys, especially ifthe lidnev action is disordered too, pas-sages scanty or too frequent or off color.

In neglect there is danger of dropsy,gravel or Bright's disease. Use Doan'sKidney Pills whichhavecured thousands.

A Texas Case*(yg"ftk Mr. B. F. Ban-ag g y "son. Anderson Ave..

Houston, Tex.. says:''T we operations

failed to relieve mrykidney trouble. Ibad hemorrhagesof the kidneys andpaused pure blood.The pain and su(fering in my backwas terrible. I wasnothing but akinsad bones. When Ihad given up hope.Doan's kidney Pillscamne to my rescueand cured me. To-day I am In better

health than ever before."

Get Doe'. ast Asy Stru.w Sea B&z


Perlect Digestiondepends upon the integrity



P~Pi~ifhe8Fioest Qusaty Largest Variety

EDT tGE &b~ iil'rl&udrhg r d.keueis OaIL Bdise sd uealhbas hel.' sad

'sidsa bod ms., shines without rob.

uaaer os sanadm 0. "Dandy amUmCK WHITE" oh liquid forn wlit uspagl

ke lesas ad whites. &in eanves Abse.BABY ELITE easunaitiiom for seudtuse who aks

UIIhih 5Ihav abs.ir , look Al. Rpsto,. color sadSrewblsAist bse.. Puihbitha b du h Ibordele1c.

Eite 'aire2Sc.If yeor dualr dos mo eep the Liad you iant, aeed

lsa O St CabrBRbS. &d Co.yau AlbanJ S Cambridge. Muss

hrlr~lts.P I~t'Xdrb7r"




Western Newspaper Union News Servire.New Orleans.-Dr. Oscar Dowling,

president of the Louisiana State Boardof Health, narrowly escaped drowningin Lake Arthur a few days ago. Hestumbled on the pontoon ana fell intomore than twelve feet of water. Hewas rescued with a hook by Dr. A.Miller, his companion.

Dr. Dowling for more than a weekhad been doing inspection work in va-rious parishes in Southwest Louisi-ana . Hlie was in Lake Arthur anddecided to go to Cameron. There isonly one route, and that by boat. Dr.Miller, physician of Lake Arthur, of-fered to take the health officer in hisspeedy boat. Dr. Dowling accepted,and a moonlight trip was planned, Dr.Miller first lowered himself into theboat. W\'hen near the edge of thepontoon Dr. Dowling stumbled andfell headtirst into the lake. Dr. Mil-ler heard the splash and Dr. Dow-ling disappeared. He poked a hookout as the health officer came to thesurface. As Dr. Dowling weighs 200pounds it was a hard job to "land"him. Dr. Dowling went ashore andreplaced the dripping clothes and re-turned to the boat. This time hewas more careful.

The trip to Cameron was madewithout further mishap.




Western Newspaper Union News Senies.New Orleans.-The Associated Press

dispatches stating that a regional bankfor district No. 6 had been located atAtlanta, with New Orleans as a partof that district, and that district No.11 has its bank at Dallas, Texas, witha part of Louisiana in that district,did not bring agreeable news to NewOrleans.

The banking interests and all the

shipping and wholesale, exporting andimporting interests of the second portof the United States were of coursedisappointed. They could not compre-heng how the greatest business cen-tir in the _South shoiuld' fail to bebanking center of importance enoughto have a regional bank.


Mayor Behrman Makes Report on Re-turn From Washington.

W'atrn Y"w'paprr T'ninn Ne.ws a'*rdterNew Orleans.-Mayor Martin Behr-

man, on his return from Washington,made a statement that the CommissionCouncil will place no obstacle in theway of bringing into the city an in.terurban railroad provided a safe routefor the Orleans-Kenner line is pre-sented.

Mr. Behrman declared there wasnothing official before the city authori-ties, and, therefore, any further com-ment would be ill advised. He hadread it was the intention of the Or.leans-Kenner Railroad Company topresent an application for a franchiseembodying a route, but thus far noth-ing definite had been done. The mayorsaid he realized the immense impor.tance of an interurban line and he feltsure the commissioners shared his be.lief in the project, but at the sametime care must be exercised in award.ing the right,

Rayville's Big Celebration.Rayville.-The Louisiana State Con.

ference of Methodist women that as-sembled here as the largest r'eliglousgathering that Rayville has ever en-tertained. More than one hundreddelegates and visitors attended andmany more would have been presentif the weather had permitted.

Postmasters Appointed.Washiugton.-Loulsiana postmasters

appointed Monday were: George A.Petterson, Crew Lake; William R.Blake, Davis; William Winans Drake,Delta Bridge; Bernard Joseph Renaud,Logtown; William D. Martinlere, Not-nac; George W. Buckalew, Spaulding.

No Rewards for Boot.leggers.Mansfield.-At the session of the

Police Jury on Tuesday last, the lawgiving a reward of $26 for the convic-tion of each boot-legger was repealed,as the expense was greater than theparish could stand.

To Vote on Courthouse Tax,Jenninga.-The Police Jury of Jef-

ferson Davis. parish passed a resola-tion submitting a proposition to thevoters to tax themselves $100,000 fora courthouse and $25,000 for a jail.The plan is to vote five mills for tenyears.

New Roads.-The meeting of thefarmers and business men of PointeCoupee.parish to get together on im-migration plans will be held hereApril 25.



Which Was Promptly Disclosed and F

She Lost no Time inProfit beeing Thereby.Uri

Miami, Okla.-"One of my neigh. ebors," says Mrs. Hannah M. TurleY, of verthis town, "came to my house last halweek, and said: 'Mrs. Turley, what ser

did you take to help you so quickly' pr(I told her it was just Cardul, the fulwoman's tonic, andshe said: I wish pr(

I looked as well as you do.' I toh herif she would only get $5.00 worth of fri,Cardui, and take it, she would. So sec

she sent her husband to town to get strthe Cardul, and commenced taking it. bh

She looked so pale and sick all thetime, but is beginning to look better coalready.als to how it helped me-I suffered we

for about 5 years, with womanly trouI an

bles, and became so weak and ner- th

vous, and would suffer such pain frn

every month, that I thought, at times, as

I would die. Was in such condition se

that I couldn't do my work half ot lo

the time, and wduld have awful smoth- bu

ering spells. qMy husband bought me a full treat-

ment of Cardui (6 bottles) and I can PCtruthfully say that after I took the alast bottle I was well. Am enjoying sethe best of health now, and am so ththankful to Cardui." tii

Take Cardui for your trouble. Youwill never regret it. Begin today. Ask ciyour nearest druggist. th

N. B.-Warle to Ladies' Advisory cet~ chett anooga Mediciae Co., Chattanooga ~TUEa tSpcctal In trmdlon,, and 64page book, nine~d tment for Women" sent i plain wnIPW. anmrequest. Adv.

Grape Seed Oil. IIOil from grape seeds has become a

byproduct of the wine industry in por-

tions of France, Italy and Wuertem-berg. The Bulletin of the American

Association of Commerce and Trade,published in Berlin, says that the first

pressing, obtained cold, is of edible.

oil; that extracted by pressing andheating is dark and bitter, and is used !for lighting purposes and in the mak-Ing of soap. It is described as a goIodsubstitute for the expensive oils used tin the textile industry. About .2pounds of oil may be expresp$ ftOimthe seeds of grapes yielding 26.lons of wine.


214 Brevard St., Tampa, FILi-"Some three years ago I commencedto suffer from a rash on my faceback. Before the pimples came onface there were a lot of blackheads;looked as it the blackheads tointo pimples because after a ii

while all of them were gone andface was covered with pimpies. Tbwerare aaU .it .Jrst.ngrew sad ?ight at thd opimple it was all white. I carelesspicked them with my finger naiwhich made them spread, and I :discovered them on my backback was covered with pimplesmy face the same way. At night 1could hardly sleep on account of torburning and itching sensation thqcaused. I did not like to go out bb-cause the pimples caused disfgu*ment.

"Seeing the advertisement of Cuti-cura Soap and Ointment in* one ofthe magazines I sent for a sample. Ibought some Cuticura Soap and Oint-ment, and I am glad to be able tosay that I am entirely cured of pim-ples." (Signed) Jno. O. Darlington,Jan. 25, 1913.

Cuticura Soap and Ointment soldthroughout the world. Sample of eachfree,with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-

card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."-AdV.

Phones for Turkey.The Anglo-French Telephone com-

pany which secured a concession fromthe Turkish government for Constanti-nople three years ago, has completedits installation, and the offical inaugu-

ration of the public service has josttaken place. About 28,000 miles ofwires have been laid. This includeseight submarine cables under the

Gulf of Ismid. There are already 4,000subscribers, The operators are allnative girls-Greeks, Armenians andJewesses, and even seven Turkishgirls.

Chesterton's Query.Commenting on John Galsworthy's

recent arraignment of parliament forsins of omission and commission, inwhich the author decried the importa-tion into England of the plumage ofbirds "fo decorate our gentlewomen,"G. K. Chesterton says: "This is a

real wrong and a scandal. I amagainst gentlewomen being decorated.They have their rouged and their hairdye. Why cannot they be content tobe disguised?"

CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy forinfants and chlldren, and see that It

Bears theSignature of

In Use For Over 0-r.Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris

Probably Will."Another Chicago woman has mur-

dered her husband for treating herbrutally."

"That ought to be a lesson to him."

!al m I. 1 iM 0belausof thoes ugly. gfauly gray harlm. ses "LA OCREOLE" HAIR DREsUINO. PRICE. SIO. rtalL

TOAD A VALUABLE SERVANTI ts Uses In the World Have Not Been

Accorded the Recognition ItHas Long Deserved.

Few well-meaning creatures have DYSbeen more thoroughly misunderstoodthan the homely, meditative and re-tiring toad.

Formerly the toad was considered avenomous reptile, but in our day its goohabits have been more carefully ob- muCserved and Its great value to the ondipromologist and gardener has been of'fl etbih camfully established on account of its estpropensity for destroying insects. a

We should, therefore, cultivate the afriendship and assistance of the in- T

is asectivorous reptiles, including the eatstriped snake, as well as that of fulbirds. and

landEvery tidy housewife detests the aid

cockroach, mice and other vermin. welTwo or three domesticated toads anI would keep the coast clear of these to Iand would be found more desirably actthan a cat, as they are wholly free rid,Sfrom trespassing on the rights of man waas does the cat. The toad is pos- pa:Ssessed of a timid and retiring nature, antSloving dar-k corners and shady places, teeSbut under kind treatment becomingquite tame. 77,

Many instances might be cited of haiSpet toads remaining several years in piea family and doing most valuable yet

g service with no other compensation eel0 than that of immunity from persecu- 77

tion. iu In Europe toads are carried to the tiok cities to market and are purchased by tio

the horticulturists, who by their aid ne

i are enabled to keep in check the mul- drya tiplication of the insect tribes which anSprey upon their fruits, flowers, etc.


Don't Look Old! Try Grandmother's ohRecipe to Darken and Beautify Gray, al;

Faded, Lifeless Hair.

le Grandmother kept her hair beauti- heid fully darkened, glossy and abundant ored with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.

Whenever her hair tell out or took on pDthat dull, faded or streaked appear- lit

ed ance, this simple mixture was applied I.2 with wonderful effect. By asking atm any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and t

lphur Hair Remedy," you will get ala ttle of this old-time recipe,'ready to iui for about 50 cents. This aiES simple mixtureogn be depended upon Dto restore naturdn color and beauty

Sto the hair and is splodid for dan-I druff, dry, itchy scalp andylling hair.

A well-known druggist sys every-body uses Wyeth's Sage anaoulphur, Qbecause it darkens so naturatY andt

only that nobody can tell it hasten. tlied-it's so easy to use, too.

ply dampen a comb or soft bddraw It rough your hair, b

o th application or two, i'. Isstored to its natural color and 1ooglossy, soft and abundant,.-Adv.

Hygienic Baits for the Bath.t 1 A physician who believes in bathse as a tonic advises the use of Epsom

or Carlsbad salts-preferably the for-mer-for a general invigoration. They

re- should 1e used not more than twice aweek.

ztl- Take one ounce of the salts to aof pint of warm water for a sponge bath.I For a large tub bath use a pint ot

it- salts to a tub of warm water.to Purchase the salts at a wholesaleLI drug house. The usual price in quan-'f, tities is four cents a pound. This

salt water makes an excellent tonic.ild and carries off many impurities

through the pores of the skin.it-

'* Question of Height.Michael-Come quick! Patrick le

,m- stuck in a bog up to his ankles.om James-Don't 'worr, then, if he'sati. only up to his ankles he can soon getted out again!gu. Mike--Ye., but he went in headast first!-Pearson's Weekly.

Ges RUB-MY-TISMthe Will cure your Rheumatism and all800 kinds of aches and pains-Nearalgla,all Cramps, Colic, Sprains,' Braises, Cuts,nd Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antisaptiodsh Anodyne. Price 25c.-Adv.

Why She Sidestepped.y He-They say, dear, that people

for who live together get in time to lookin actly alike.

She-Then you may consider my ro-fusal fnal.-New York Sun.


Sa at its Kind."What sort of a game are they

Led playing with the oyster question inl Annapolls?"

to "I guess it Is some kind of a shellgame."

We Must Have It.p of Pessimist-The cost of living is ter-for rible.t It Optimist-But it's worth the price.

- -Philadelphia Public Ledger.

KIII the piles Now and Preventgg disaske. A DAIBY FLY KILLER will do t.

Kills thesasndad Ints all saon. Alldeslsnor sixsens express paid for 91. H. 60MEBB,1510 De Kalb Av, Bruoklyn, N. Y. AdV.

'Ur-her Any man will leave his automobile

in a mudhole to come over and tellDL" you how to get yours out.

Good Cheer AidsDigestion of Food

Dyspeptics Can Make the Rest ofthe Family flappy by Using

a Laxative-Tonic.

The temper of the family and the

good cheer around the table depend so

much on the good digestion of eachindividual present that the experiencesof some former dyspeptics who over-

came their trouble should be of inter-

est to those now suffering in this

way.The best advice one can give-but it

is advice that is seldom heeded-is to

eat slowly and masticate each mouth-ful carefully. However, if slow eatingand careful mastication fail the nextaid is one close to nature, Dr. Cald-

well's Syrup Pepsin. This remedy is

an excellent digestant, and in addition Pe

to helping in the digestion of the food, or

acts gently on the liver and bowels, bo

ridding them of the accumulation of fai

waste that should long ago have been alp

passed off. It is safe, reliable, pleas- re

ant-tasting, and results are guaran-teed. se

Maj. S. Martin, of Joplin, Mo., now ta

77, thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin pilhas helped him to a longer and hap- lli

pier life. He has not felt so good in ittyears as he has since taking this ex- tr

cellent medicine, and in spite of his el

77 years he says he feels like a boy. thIt is the ideal remedy for indiges-

tion, no matter how severe; constipa- p1tion, no matter how chronic, lblious- dr

ness, headaches, gas on the stomach, in

- drowsiness after eating and similar ctI annoyances. w

Modern Morals.Senator Joseph E. Russell was

talking in Washington about his billI for the abolition of divorce.

"The bill's object?" he said. "It's

s i object is, of course, to reduce immor-

ality, loose thinking, loose speaking."Senator Ransdell smiled and added:"Don't take it too seriously-but

here is an episode that throws a light

ton modern morals.A business man came home unex-

a pectedly one morning and found hisS, little son busy at his wife's dressingd table.Lt "'What on earth are you doingd I there, my lad?" he asked.

a "'I'm mixing powdered quinine withSmother's face powder,' the youngster

a answered. 'She's going motoring withn Mr. Smith. Won't she taste bitter?"'

SSEARCHING THE COUNTRY.Y- The manufacturers of Ross' "Deadr, Quick" Spray are searching the coun-

id try for an insect it will not kill. Write

Ithem if you find one. If insee s are

Ih in your home, on your pjg bery, vegetables, among

facturing comr y, Little Rock, Ark.-Advt.

France Honors American Artist.The French goevernment has pur-

the chased for the Luxembourg gallery theam original painting by Arthur Rackham

or- of "Jack Spratt and His Wife," one ofLey the series Rackham pictures now run-ea ning in St. Nicholas Magazine. This

Is the highest honor that the Frencha government can confer upon a paint-

th. ing by a living artist. Not until the

ot artist is dead are his canvases eligiblefor the Louvre.


an- An Agreeable Cure.his "If I ever have to choose a disease,"nic, said Weary Walker, "I'll pick neuras-ies thenia."

"Wot's good for it, Weary?""Complete rest"

Is Red Cross Ball Blue, much better, goes1farther than liquid blue. Get from anygrocer. Adv.

get Good people are supposed to be hyp-

ad py, but their looks often belie it.

Putnam Fadelesa Dyes will last un-til the goods wear out. Ad,.

an A mal's good opinion of himselfisn't going to fool St. Peter.

MDhai Justa Word WitYou!Daughters ! ff..

" A woman's organism is s vry dlUct.t thin-It wry esily "Sgetb out of order-just like a delicate piec of machinery, it. requires more than ordinary cae and attenion." Therearemanysiuwhhobi tpointtdiaordear,soehashedbanezeeoat.

Sable pa ins arioaus parthof the bod ,ltlessesu , aervoueein,trritabnes,dimes. falntnes aeukeash, oss oJsppetite, depruslu mnd s n d ra

Dr.Pierce's Favorite' ionbasbeenthemeansof thoussadsoteafe o r womentoa al health

S and strenth. For more than frt s a it bubeen seoeusully carrylag onS this Brett wo. Today it is own thr out t ngth andbradthof every

laud. Woma everywhere look pon i as a hlpfutl friend. It it anpa. Sol Is NOW or taclW Roa b ate, orrl(IldiiaraestO ss

* Dv.PlseevoPleasantPesllsbvsslatom .Saee l.Uvsea'd~we..5~ 33 Es.wsE*. EUSEb UESu UEUEUUsuU UUU Saa

We Lend Money on Liberal Tenrmsto Planters and Merchants who hand Conarn. Coerpoomace aolcit"

W A. . age & ei Capany, les. 8E.fl101.111 Falls Belig aIphls, Timsssm.

'1.p". Iyya


You can obtain Dr. Caldwell's SyrupPepsin at any drug store for fifty centsor one dollar, the latter size being

bought by heads of families alreadyfamiliar with its merits. Results are

always guaranteed or money will be

refunded.When you use Syrup Pepsin you will

see the fallacy of chewiing mints andtablets or of taking cathartics, salts,

1 pills and similar drastic medicines. Un-

like these, Syrup Pepsin does not loseI its good effect, and by automatically

training the stomach and bowel mus-

scles to do their work. soon restoresthese organs to normal.

Families wishing to try a free sam*

pie bottle can obtain it postpaid by ad--dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Wash-

.ington St., Monticello, Ill. A postal

r card with your name and address on itwill do.


oi Wou's 912.M 1Mises,Uoye,OhIldrn$1.10$1t.78!212.*0I: *rso Si.?S~ti.USr

It s... Susmmi U

3t ****~to

,tste In the 0sense-o1 00 m,279

S... Theu b -s W to r ir UT*ls .iW*sa be

1 Mss*& SlA ao ewra ltk'swd135 llIasos k eawd soo and tkr

th to shsowame.

0rr 1atratwb.t oIuW ,mg04Ott mosh kUsl11

hhb-fwpfl& om mTAKE NO SUSTITUTU.}

x wd te~brribl L. It issThan ounded Wr t

n-r promtlyy

Pdb iurpose and 7m mom'(rsl rkpur- will be promptly refunde

am if Hnt's Cre fals to Cm

aof Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring

Worm or any otbher miun- Disease. c at your drbaggist's, or i mail

his direct ifhe hasn't i. Maanfctured oTIO y

510Sum U Hn'rOmi frb al cch Why | cr tchr, $|1,,i.

comp oune fq ohr thatur-l willfhh~~rt Y wbe romptymud ed't

nch &I IICHAR08 nD IE CO., swum rrw,int- if Ht' Cu f ito A urD

Ible A k blesfirables **** slshas SishWorm weeor any otherSk.

..n* Tnh t you ils

.have a specllo elect ea these ar,stimiastba the boewls, aive. re us ,sad upurts lsgor tthe whols syti.

resse seenL memest~

Ion gent whom ehr e mIl LEG &lf~~r~tk ~ tr !an* cwNine fokL

Thew of dP )I am to oerr

IIp* yea II~rs i or o ass~rL eas rea elrr.

The Cetltr Labuiursv. . er Chsage, iW

n KODAK FINISHING B'.t?"'eaani.ese. YessPoemand Do. I Bromware P

order. Moornney seii~riande i wrka ossaishe6

self Ias' whe sentr C..per, Dm344, L. aei

W. N. U., LITTLE ROCK, NO. 1e-1914