

"Don’t excite love… until you’re ready.” -Song of Solomon 2:7 (The Message)

Don’t Rush into This Relationship

We all want to be loved and appreciated for who we are. And when it doesn’t happen on our timetable, it’s tempting to rush into another relationship hoping it’ll make everything better. When we feel hurt and rejected there’s something inside of us that wants to prove we’re still worthy and desira-ble; as a result we can jump into the next relationship too quickly. Just as an infant doesn’t go from crawling to driving over-night, there’s a process involved, and if you try to circumvent it you’ll end up back at square one, wondering what had hap-pened. One author says, “A new relationship won’t success-fully heal you, avoid aggravating inflicted wounds, or instantly clean up a mess. Regardless of the temporary bliss, sooner or later you’ll end up faced again with your old stuff. If this is your situation, do things the right way. Take your time. These things can’t be feigned… rushed or… pursued. They’ll be given to you when you’re ready, and not a moment soon-er. You want the real deal this time… and [GOD] wants to be your filter, so in order to reach the treasure of your heart, a person must first pass through Him.” Solomon writes, “Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up until the time is ripe – and you’re ready.” Don’t be in such a hurry to take the edge off your pain that you run ahead of GOD. It takes time for Him to make you into the person He wants you to become. While He’s working on you, He’s preparing the heart of the right partner to show up at the right time. In the meantime, there’s a way to fill the emptiness inside; work on developing a closer relationship with GOD and He will “fill you with… joy and peace” (Romans 15:13). ********************************************************************* "No one who drinks the water I give will ever be thirsty again." -John 4:14a


In this issue













Greater Little Zion Baptist Church ZION TRUMPET

Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2014

Editor: Deaconess Diane Reese

[email protected]

2014 Vision: Vision With Expectation Hosea 6:1-3

Reaching the unsaved with the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20

Submit articles to: [email protected]




Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr., Pastor

Rev. Estelle Chandler, Associate Minister


Bro. Anthony Bazemore

Sis. Terri Bazemore

Sis. Janie Doctor

Bro. Calvin Parson

Bro. Alphronzo Moseley

Bro. Don Newton

Sis. Diane Reese

Bro. James R. Reese, III

Bro. Ned Roper

Bro. William Windley

Sis. Geraldine Woods



A Gift Of Love: Reflections For The Tender Heart

Pastor and Bible teacher Charles Stanley invites us to experience, accept and share GOD's intense love for us. He wants us to accept GOD's gift of love-His son. Ultimately, he encourages us to share GOD's extraordinary love with those around us. In three distinct sections (GOD .. The Giver of Love, Jesus Christ .. The Gift of Love, The World .. The Recipi-ent of Love), Dr. Stanley shares solid in-sights with related scripture verses. Each brief reading contains nuggets of sound

guidance and inspiration and offers easy-to-understand biblical principles for life application. A prayer is included with each passage.


Author: Dr. Charles Stanley

Register today Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Washington, DC

If you are a walker, the Cancer Support Team Ministry has an amazing opportunity to share with you! A life changing weekend – in 2 days and 39 miles, yes, that would be the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer coming to the DC area on May 3-4, 2014. There is great satisfaction in knowing that you can make a difference in the life of a woman or man living with breast cancer with every step you take. This year the Cancer Support Team Ministry will pay the registration fee only for 2 members of our congregation if you register for the walk by February 7. Not ready to register by February 7? You will be able to pay your own registration fee after that date and sign up to register for the event as an individual or a team. As a walker, you must commit to raising a minimum of $1800 USD to participate in the event. The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Washington, DC would not be possible without the help of hundreds of dedicated Volunteers. The Washington, DC team is looking for Event Volunteers to help out at a Cheering Station on May 3-4. To learn more on how you can register or volunteer for the Avon Walk, please visit their website at Remember the more of us who walk the more of us who survive. – Avon motto



"Above all… guard your heart… it is the wellspring of life.” -Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV)

Your Heart Condition

Heart disease will kill you. If you don’t detect it and treat it in time. That is true both physically and spiritually. It’s why the Bible says, “Above all… guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Wanting to look your best is commendable. It can enhance your sense of self-worth and improve your prospects in life. But it’s a big mistake to dwell on your appearance and neglect your character. When all is said and done, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1Sam 16:7). This is where the Bible comes into play. It’s like a mirror; it shows you the condi-tion of your ‘heart’ at any given moment. So, how’s your heart today? What kind of thoughts have you been entertaining since awakening this morning? Are you constantly comparing and resenting? Do you get easily upset? When you hear gossip do you silence it or do you spread it? Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8). In other words, when you start to see things God’s way you will act differently. If the water in the well is polluted it will make you sick. Indeed, if you drink enough, it can kill you. What’s the point? Simply this: it’s not enough to try to change your bad habits; you’ve got to go to the ‘heart’ of your problem – which is the problem of your heart! The Psalmist realized this so he prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O GOD; and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps 51:10). If you want GOD to prosper you, get your ‘heart’ right. ************************************************************************************* "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we con-fess our sings, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all un-righteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” 1 John 1:8-10 (NKJV)


Celebrate Black History Month! History Makers

Change Agents Trailblazers Pacesetters



Editorial Thought


Deaconness Diane Reese

Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Was the best thing I've ever Ever done, oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes

Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Was the best thing I've ever, ever done

In His arms, I feel protected In His arms, never disconnected, no, no In His arms, I feel protected There's no place I'd rather, rather be

Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Was the best thing I've ever, ever done

In His arms, I feel protected In His arms, never disconnected In His arms, I feel protected There's no place I'd rather, rather be

Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Was the best thing I've ever, ever done

In His arms, I feel protected In His arms, never disconnected In His arms, I feel protected There's no place I'd rather, rather be There's no place I'd rather, rather be There's no place I'd rather

There's no place I'd rather be There is no place, there is no place There is, for there's no place We'd rather be, Lord For there's no place we'd rather be

Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Falling in love with Jesus Was the best thing I've ever Ever done, I've ever done

I really love this song because it is the best thing I have

ever done! I love Jesus, and Valentine’s Day! No, not because I expect any gifts or chocolates-that by the way, is my weakness-

but to once again express to those that are dear to me, how much I love them. It also gives me an opportunity to reflect on

Who really holds my heart. Now, don’t get me wrong, Reese has

my heart, but like in the movie, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, this is where GOD dwells. So, Reese is protected-the way I see

it. If he is where GOD dwells with me, then he rests in a good place. I don’t say this just to be saying it, but I truly mean it.

John 4:13-19 tells us: “By this we know that we abide in Him

and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the

Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of GOD, GOD abides in Him, and He in GOD. So we have come to

know and to believe the love that GOD has for us. GOD is love, and whoever abides in love abides in GOD, and GOD abides in

Him. By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confi-

dence for the day of judgment, because as He is so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out

fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because He first loved us. I

am striving to abide in Him because I certainly want Him to abide

in me. I want my heart to overflow with His love, so that others will experience this overflow.

Yes, falling in love with Jesus is the best thing that I have ever done-and then there was Reese and then my girls! It is an

everlasting love. To all of you that are in love with Jesus, here is a Valentine that you can give to Him.

Happy Valentine’s Day!





Matthew 22:37-39

Jesus replied: “Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great-est commandment. And the sec-ond is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”




E L B M U H T I A F E C A R G S L E G N A M E H E A V E N R A E Y O J N E C C H E R I S H I S P A T I E N C E F R L M G N I A G E M K A N I E H U A U T S S O M A N D C F L C F R A S T T S P L E I F H L L P R L U E O P E S S U U Y O O L I P S R R E R N S G P S W T E A I E E I L A G D P D B S H H G H J D E O N E A N O T H E R E S G N S O C H E V I G I S A N R O E L S E I B A B K P R O T O O T C A R I N G O D T G S L W D O O F E L B I B R O T H E R Angel Gentle Kindness Animals Give Laugh Babies GOD Longsuffering Bible Good Marriage Brother Gospel Meekness Caring Grace One Another Cherish Guidance Pastor Clothes Happy Patience Each Other Heart Saints Enjoy Heaven Sister Faith Helpful Stories Fellowship Hug Temperance Food Humble Tender Friends Jesus Worship




Fannie Lou Townsend October 6, 1917

Fannie Lou Hamer (born Fannie Lou Townsend; October 6, 1917 – March 14, 1977) was an American voting rights activist and civil rights leader.

She was instrumental in organizing Mississippi Freedom Summer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and later became the Vice-Chair of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, attending the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in that capacity. Her plain-spoken manner and fervent belief in the Biblical right-eousness of her cause gained her a reputation as an electrifying speaker and constant activist of civil rights. Ms. Hamer was an honorary member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Source:






February is Heart Health Awareness Month

Heart Disease Facts

America's Heart Disease Burden

About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1

in every 4 deaths.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than

half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2009 were in men.

Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing more than

385,000 people annually.

Every year about 715,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of these, 525,000 are a first heart attack and 190,000

happen in people who have already had a heart attack. Coronary heart disease alone costs the United States $108.9 billion each year.

3 This total includes the cost of health

care services, medications, and lost productivity. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most ethnicities in the United States, including African Ameri-cans, Hispanics, and whites. For American Indians or Alaska Natives and Asians or Pacific Islanders, heart disease is second only to cancer. Below are the percentages of all deaths caused by heart disease in 2008, listed by ethnicity.

Knowing the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack is key to preventing death, but many people don’t know the signs.

In a 2005 survey, most respondents—92%—recognized chest pain as a symptom of a heart attack. Only 27% were

aware of all major symptoms and knew to call 9-1-1 when someone was having a heart attack.

About 47% of sudden cardiac deaths occur outside a hospital. This suggests that many people with heart disease

don't act on early warning signs. Heart attacks have several major warning signs and symptoms:

Chest pain or discomfort.

Upper body pain or discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or upper stomach.

Shortness of breath.

Nausea, lightheadedness, or cold sweats.

Sources: &

Race of Ethnic Group % of Deaths

African Americans 24.5

American Indians or Alaska Natives 18.0

Asians or Pacific Islanders 23.2

Hispanics 20.8

Whites 25.1

All 25

The fact is: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. That’s approximately one woman every minute! But it doesn’t affect all women alike, and the warning signs for women aren’t the same in men. What’s more: These facts only begin to scratch the surface. There are a several misconceptions about heart disease in women, and they could be putting you at risk. The American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement advocates for more research and swifter action for women’s heart health for this very reason. In this section, we’ll arm you with the facts and dispel some myths – because the truth can no longer be ignored.



Radical Welcome by Dr. Charles Stanley, Bible Study, taken from InTouch Magazine-February 2014

Judgment and favoritism may be natural human behaviors, but they have no place in God’s house.

A church historian recounts a tradition that emerged among certain early Christian fellowships. Whenever a

member of the community entered for worship, an usher would greet him and tend to his needs. However, if a stranger walked through the doors (and even more so if he was a poor stranger), the bishop rose from his seat and swiftly made his way to the entrance, offering a gregarious welcome and demonstrating friendship with the one typically consigned to the fringe. Though we don’t know how widespread this particular practice was, the motivation behind it emanated from the core of Christian faith. Take a look at the book of Acts: woven through its wild stories of Christianity’s inexplicable explosion is the persistent theme of how the church existed as a counterculture in stark contrast to powerful, ex-ploitive societal norms. Those who were easily discarded in Jewish or Roman culture (the poor, the sick, the weak, the outsider) were welcomed enthusiastically into the community of Jesus’ followers. The theme continues throughout the New Testament, where we find the church enacting Jesus’ insistence on friendship to the poor, the stranger, and the outcast.

READ: James 2:1-13

This gospel imperative explains why James was so profoundly disturbed when word reached him that in some of the churches, the rich were given preference over the poor. Church leaders doted over a person wearing “a gold ring and fine clothes,” but when a “poor man in dirty clothes” entered the assembly, he was dismissively pushed aside (vv. 2-3). Sadly, this scenario has been reenacted throughout human history: the poor are diminished while the rich amass more power, more deference. This is why Scripture, from Old Testament to New, announces that GOD lifts up the poor. He seeks out those who are impoverished, the ones left to fend for themselves, and the ones who have been oppressed. The LORD is truly a friend of the poor (Ps. 140:12; Luke 4:16-21). This is good news for all of us because everyone is, in some way, poor. James certainly had the financially destitute first in mind, but the word poor carries a broad meaning in Scripture. In a world fallen from the goodness GOD intends, there are limitless ways we are impoverished. We may feel wrenching grief, pain, or guilt. We may be stuck in the pervasive grip of loneliness. We may worry about how to feed our children, or we may fear we will never have children to call our own. No matter how you are poor, receive this gospel word: GOD has chosen you. As James 2:5 says, “GOD [has chosen] the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him.” Since GOD enacted a radical welcome for all of us who are outcasts, and since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ binds together a new humanity, James could not understand why judgment and favoritism continued in the Christian community. The church is where our external distinctions are no longer barriers to relationship—and where GOD welcomes us all together in Christ. For James, this reference to “Christ” was crucial—it’s a royal title (v. 1). Essentially, he’s asking us, Do you remember that the LORD is in charge here? How can you play favorites when Jesus is King? This question cuts to the core because favoritism was an explicit denial of Christ’s authority and His “royal law,” which decrees, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (v. 8). The church is the place where outsiders are no longer strangers but friends, where all are welcomed and eve-ryone finds connection. There, the lowly are lifted up and the destitute given plenty. And those who have been pushed aside find themselves pulled right up to a prime seat at the King’s table.

REFLECT ♦ EXPLORE Reflect on the following insights from supporting scriptures. If you have the time, explore the suggested passages and journal your responses. • One antidote to condescension and exclusivity is the recognition that we are all in a similar position: in

need of God to meet us in our broken places.

Read Matthew 5:1-12, the opening lines of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Note the many kinds of struggle,



The mission of Greater Little Zion Baptist Church is to lead everyone to a full life of development in Christ.

Luke 4:18-19. Reaching the unsaved with the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20

Worship Times: 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

Prayer Service: Wed, 7 p.m. Bible Study: Wed, 8 p.m.

helplessness, and vulnerability—the passage is a litany of ways that people need GOD’s grace and healing touch. Which areas resonate with you?

• Reread Matthew 5:1-12. On this second pass, pay attention to how GOD intervenes for each person. What might it mean to be “blessed”? What are the implications for us when we realize all broken individuals are blessed by the same GOD and find hope and healing in His loving rescue?

James reminds us that the Lord breaks down barriers and creates an inclusive new community.

Read Acts 2:42-47. How do you see this gospel of friendship and belonging—without barriers of ethnicity, class, or gender—exhibited among Jesus’ followers?

RESPOND Answer the following questions, journaling your thoughts if possible.

• Where do you see relational barriers (such as favoritism, prejudice, or fear) at work in your life? Ask GOD how He wants the power of Jesus, the King of our lives, to break down those barriers.

How might the LORD be calling you to step into relationship with another person? Where are you to love another as yourself?

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