  • 8/17/2019 Zhao Jin Xiang - Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong




  • 8/17/2019 Zhao Jin Xiang - Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong


    hinese Soaring rane Qigong

    by Zhao Jin Xiang

    Translated by Professor hen Hui Xian et al

    Copyright © 1993 1997byQigongAssociation of America

    2021 NWGrant AveCorvallis OR 97330

  • 8/17/2019 Zhao Jin Xiang - Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong



    This translation comes to you through the efforts of many people. Those of us ñnishing it don teven know some of those that started it. My apologiesto those we have left out. lt was translatedby Chen Hui Xian. Pan Rui and Yanling Johnson. It was edited by Judith Haber Dean JohnsonBen Mausand Claire Johnson. Kyle Johnson painted the cover.

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    Table of Contents


    Point Locations

    The Five Routines

    Routine One: Gathering Qi from the Six Directions

    Routine Two: Penetrating the Sky and the Earth

    Routine Three: Crane s Head Carrying Qi through Du Mai and Ren Mai

    RoutineFour: CraneTouching Water

    Routine Five: MinglingVWththe Source of All Qi

    Standing Meditation

    The Remedy Routines

    Routine One: Discharging Turbid Substancesfrom the Liver

    Routine Two: Touching Acupoint to DescendTurbid Substances

    RoutineThree: Directing Qi into Lower Dan Tian

    Routine Four. Gathering Qi into Lower Dan Tian from the

    Eight DirectionsRoutine Five: CollectingYang Qi Four Times from the Left and Three

    Times from the Right

    Routine Six: Drawing Qi from FiveAcupoints into Lower Dan Tian

    Routine Seven: Methodof Lowering HighBloodPressure

    The Crane Walking Steps

    Questions and Answers

    l. Basic Knowledge About Qigong 1-8

    Il. Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong 9-17

    lll. The Curative Mechanism and Effect 18-31)

    lV. Common Sense On Qigong Exercises 32-45)

    V. Reactionto Qigong Exercise 46-73)

    Vi. The Spontaneous Movementsof Standing Meditation 74-90



















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    visible movements. This is called the inner movement of the qi. When the qi reaches some partof the practitionerthat hasa blockage it causes outermovements -visible movements. Theouter movements serve to helpthe qi get through the blockage. Then the qi can ow through thechannels and allow natural healing to take place.

    These outer movementswill occurvery quickly. We call them spontaneous They are mild andsimple to begin with; they develop into complicated and more vigorous movement according to thenature of the illness present in the practitioner. As the Openingof the channels and the healing ofthe illness progress the movementswill becomeslowerand milder and at last stop leaving onlythe inner qi movingwith no outer movementsat all. When there are no outer movements thepractitioner is healed.We must lookat this outer movementfrom a scientiñcpoint of view. Weshould neither be afraid of it nor force it.

    It is important not to neglect either the tive routines or the standing meditation and itis importantnot to abandon the practice of either, even after the channels are open and good health has beenachieved. Continuing the practice when there is no further health reason for continuing leads oneto a higher form of non-physical healing. I

    There are some people for whom this kindof qigong is not suitable, but we are stillworkingto nda form that willbeneñt them as well. For the time being, however, people withserious neuroses orthose who are mentally ill should not undertake the study ofSoaring Crane Qigong.

    This book is about the ñrst levelof achievement possible through the pracüce of Soaring CraneQigong. The second book, descn bing the second level, was published in Beijingin November1987. The thirdand higherlevelswillbe taught only to those who are properlyprepared.

    Practice has proven that when you are doing standing meditaticn and y0ur mind is on wei Iuandthe pendulumhanging fromweiIu,then the genuine qi the qiyou were bornwith)is stimulatedinto activity to adjust the goveming channel, called du mai, and the receptive channel, called renmai.Ren mai runs fromthe acupointcalledchengjiang locatedbelowthe lowerlipand above the

    chin) down to the acupoint called huiyin. The goveming channel du mai), runs fromhui yin upthe back, over the head, and down to the acupoint beneath the nose and above the upper Iip.Thisacupoint, called yinjiao, is located where the esh inside the upper lipjoins the gum. <


    Although Soaring Crane Qigong is a way of overcoming disease and promoting health, the highestlevel of its development is ñrmlybased in highmoraldevelopment I speak here oftwo kinds ofmorality. The rst kind implies being in hannony with the Iaws of the Universe and with Nature -the Tao. The second relates to one s activity in society. Both of these aspects must be properlydeveloped in the practitioner of qigong.

    Traditional Chinesemoralityincludespatriotism family loyalty lial piety diligence simplicitymodesty kindness courtesy justice truthfulness self respect and respect for others. While weinherit the traditional skill of qigong we feel we should also be developing our traditional Chinesemorality.

    Why this emphasis on moralitywhile we practice qigong? Because qigong practice is govemedby a very special law. To receive the full benetsof qigong which include health increasedintelligenceand psychic power you need to be able to let go of the concems problems and selfinvolvement that have been buildingsince your birth so that your pre-birthconscicusness canreappear. High purpose and sincere desire are pre requisites to learning qigong. When these aremet the practice of qigongcan cause the desired return to pure conscicusness. Onceyour pre

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    birth consciousness has been developed,you needa good environment to nourish it and goodmorality to maintain it.

    Here are some suggestions:

    1. Be seless. Do not spend your life pursuingfame or money, but rather in activities for thebenet of others Do not debase yourself with low pursuits Do not concern yourself withunimportant inconveniences, but keep your heartgrateful and forgiving.

    2 Be moderate Let positivefeelings leave no roomforthe negative Accept things as they arebeing satised withyour gains and being able to accept loss and suffering One who suffers fromchronic illness should take an active part in regaining his health rather than feeling sony forhimself Worry and grief are a bad inuence

    3. Qigong practitioners must have positive ideas,because positive ideas bring positive qi Positive qi brings about positive gong fu, Gang fu refers to psychic development.) The universe isñlledwith qi if you have positive ideas the negativeqi will have noway to invadeyou Shouldyousee something frightening during your practiceof qigong, you don t needto ñghtwith it to get rid of

    it; just bring in more positive thought forms Good ideas actually are forces They affect peoplehelping to release their grief and pains and worries. Bad ideas also haveforce and bring harmtopeople

    4 Relationship between teachers and students: Students should respect teachers; teachersshould lovestudents In the past qigongmasters used to pass on theirskillsto the best studentthey selected and they thoughtthey wouldnever pass on their skillsto unworthypeople Theywould rather have the skilllost than pass it on to the unworthy Nowthere has appeared a newkindof relationship between qigong masters and their students so we should have mutual respectand mutual love

    Qigong teachers are different from other teachers; they can not only pass on the qigong skills and

    knowledge to their students but also treat their illnesses and help them to relieve their pains andgrief So if a teacher has done hisbest to lovehis students and be a goodexamplefortheirbehavior then the students willlove himfromthe bottom of their hearts So all teachers shouldworkto improvethemselves morally not onlyto improvetheir skill

    Among practitioners not all can reallywork at a high level Some peoplewho are just beginnersand knowvery little think they are very skillful and start to teach others This is very dangerous tnot only brings harmto the reputationof qigong but such a one can also lead himself and othersastray by bringing in strong spirits of negativity.

    Qigong teachers should show modesty, not only in front of their own teachers but also to theirstudents. They should share the students worries and help them wholeheartedly.

    There was once a qigongteacher who often helpedhis students. One day while hewas teachingqigong the students were doing the standing meditation. lt began to rain but one of the studentcould not stop his spontaneous movement The teacher opened an umbrellaand held it over thestudent, following where hewent until the student nished. Someqigong teachers have even leftsick family members to go to the parkand teach their students. They never misseda class inspite of their difñculties at home. When students have faced life-threatening emergencies,teachers have rushed to their aid without protectingtheir own genuine qi also referred to as lifemessage). These teachers are excellent examples of what is best in Soaring Crane Qigong.

    A qigong practitioners words and actions shouldretlect a beautifulinterior The practitionershouldbe someone of high public and private morality devoted to service


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    We now have many millions of people practicing qigong f they all embodythese ideals they willcreatea potenttransfonnative force

    * This kind of qi willbe explained a littlelater on.

    Notes For Soaring Crane Qigong Practitioner s

    1. Proper motivation for the learning of qigong is the guarantee of good results. Our purpose is toprevent disease, release disease. recover health and prolong lifeto make a greater contribution tosociety. Qigong should not be learned either to satisfy curiosity er to bring material gain.

    2. The essence of qigong practice is to achieve real serenity. To guarantee this serenity we musthave highmorality,selliessness, generosityand nobilityof mind. These qualitiessafeguard usagainst woridlyworries.

    3. Allthe instructions inthis book must be adhered to strictly. None ofthe movements ofeitherbody or mindare accidental; all have been carefullydesigned for specic functions.

    The quality ofthe results has a direct relationship to the degree of mastery ofthe skill. Accuratemovementand correct mindhelp to clear out the channels. Wrongmovementand wrongmindwillcause blockages inthe channels. Therefore, practitioners must have a thoroughunderstanding of the exercises and must practice them repeatedly, exactly according to theinstructions.

    Always keep in mind the followingtwo principles:

    A. When doing the tive routines, use your mind to guide the movements.

    B. When doing the standing meditation the principle is to have your whole body and mind

    fullyrelaxed so you can consciously experience what happens to you whilealways preservingthe conscious abilityto controlitifnecessary). Shouldyour movement seem too Violentto you,tellyourselfto holdbackand slowdowna bit. Whileyouare doingspontaneous movements,holdin mind some thought ofyour dan tian.

    4. You must practice qigong in a quiet and clean place, free from interruptions and disturbances.There should be fresh air. When the weather is bad rain,fog, thunderstorrns) avoid doing qigongoutdoors. Alwaysdo your qigong practice facing South.

    5. Itis advisable to practicethe veroutines, whichtakes about halfan hour) once or twiceaday. The standing meditation should be done once a day for no more than half an hour.

    6. When practicing qigong. wear loose clothing, neither too warm nor too light. Remove eye-glasses, wristwatches and alljewelry. Itis advisable to wear shoes withcloth soles.

    Do not practice on a fullstomach, but also do not practice when you are very hungry. Use thebathroom before you start

    Duringthe standing meditation besureyou donot makeanything happen;simply let ithappen Othewviseyou could bring harm to your health and it could be misleading

    8. A regular lifeand a healthy diet are part of your qigong practice.

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    9. Those who have a natural likingfor qigong practice willbenet the most from it. The effect ofthe mind on the body has been proven. Contidence that your disease can be healed greatlyaffects the healing.

    Some people tend to quitwhen the diseased partsofthe bodyare beingattackedby qi - whichcan bringunbearable pain. So completefaithinthe healingby qigongis required.

    10. Forbidden: Psychotics and seriously neuroticpeople may not study Soaring Crane Qigongnor those with a familyhistoryof psychosis.

    eople in danger of hemorrhageshould not practice eople in the acute phase of a diseaseshould not practice Very timid peopleshould not practice

    Peoplewithacute hepatitis or active tuberculosis should not practice in a group but may learn orpracticeprivately

    People who are very fatigued and people who are in a state of grief or anger should not practiceqigong untilthey have calmed down.

    Pregnant women must not practice qigong. Menstruating women should not practice qigong.

    ` Noone should try to learn Soaring Crane Qigongwithoutthe guidance of a certiñedteacherespecially the standing meditation.

    Those starting to learn Soaring Crane Qigong and those receiving healing treatment from aSoaring Crane Qigong practitioner should avoid all sexual activityfor 100 days. Moderation inyour sexual lifeis recommended always.

    Do not practice any other kindof qigong at the same time.

    There are six key words for the practice of Soaring Crane Qigong1. Round. Movements should be round and smooth.

    2. Far. Your mind should travel far. but you must be able to bring itback also.

    Soft Movementsshould be soft and tender

    Continuous Both the movementsand the mind should tlow without pauseor interruption

    5. Slow. The movements should be done slowlyand evenly. Onlythen can mind qiandmovements be combined intoone.

    6. Happy. The halfsmilehelps bringyou into a calm state. This also makes itpossible forthesaliva to Howfreely. Saliva is the material that can most easily be transforrned intoqi and itis asource of qi.


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    Point Locations

    ba ihu i szo)l

    t ian mu

    f“. chengjiang CV24

    :- \ /T qi hu sr13) da zhui Gv14)ha zh cv17

    _/ \ _ °

    sn orm ) dumai GV)

    . renmai CV)

    qi zhong CW) ming men GV4)\/› IaooonslPCB)

    xue hai SP10)

    .J da d u n LV1)

    Ren Maiis a channel that goes up the front ofthe body. lt is also known as the conceptionchannel or conception vessel CV). ltStartsat the perineum huiyin)and goes up to the base ofthe tongue.

    Du Maiis a channel that goes up the back and over the head and meets the Ren Maiinthemouth. Itis also known as the goveming channel or goveming vessel GV).

    Cheng ling GB18 is located about 3 ñngersout from bai hui.

    Shenshu BL23 is located about 3 ngers out from mingmen GV4 .

    The numbers listedabove correspondto those taught inAmericanacupuncture schools.


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    Point Locations

    Zhongmai with

    ,N upperdan t l an4 -

    i i \I“ bås; H... \\

    `middle dan tian

    lower dan tian

    yonq M KH

    Zhong mai is also known as the central channel.

    The lowerdan tian is located 3 ñngers downfromthe navel and 7/10of the distance fromfronttoback.


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    ROUTINEONE:Liu Fang He He Gathering Qi from SixDirections --North, South, East, West, Heaven and Earth).

    Part 1 . PreparationStand with your feet a bit wider apart than your shoulders, toes turned in a little, knees slightlybent. Let your shoulders relax. Allowyour hands to fall at your sides naturally.

    Place the tip of your tongue on your upper palate just behindyour teeth Relax the root of yourtongue. S̀mile slightly; this increases the ow of saliva. Try not to swallow during the exercise.

    Keepyour eyes level-and open, thinking of nothing. Relaxyour head, yourneck, your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists, your ñngers,your Chest,yourstomach, your back, your waist, your hips, your knees,your ankles, your feet,your toes.

    Gather qi into lower dan tian. Concentrate your mind on lower dan tian for alittlewhile. Seeñgure1

    Direct qi from lower dan tian down to hui yin sea bottom), then back and upalong du mai goveming channel) to da zhui. Atthis point,split meqi intotwostreams, direct itthrough the middleof the shoulders, and downthrough thearms to Iao gong.

    Part 2. physical bringing up the wings)

    Turn yourpalmsto the rear. Use yourshoulders as pivotsto raise your arms to shoulder height parallel to the ñoor),

    withpalms downand as wideapart as yourshoulders.Raise yourñngers up 90 degrees; push yourpalms forward. See ñgures 2 and 3)

    Relax the wrists and let your hands come back downto a45 degree anglefromthe ñoor.Gentlydrawyouramts inand push them back out three times as follows:

    To draw in, relax lirst your shoulders, then your elbows andthen your wrists, until your forean ns come up to a 45degree anglefrom the oor.

    When pushingforward, push ñrst your wrists, thenthe elbows and then the shoulders, withyour ñngers

    _p 90 degrees and palms forward. See gures 4and 5Part 2. mentalWhile liftingyour wings arms), keepyour mind onyour two Iaogong While drawing in keepyour mindon your shoulders.While pushingout, keep yourmindon your two Iao gong

    4. Bad

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    The Five Routines

    Part 3. physical spreading the wings

    Relax your wrists and bring your hands downto a 45 degree angle from the ground Spreadyourarrns apart to the sides

    Put your hands up to a 90 degree angle fromthe groundand push out your palms. Figures 6, 7and 8

    6. Spreadannsapart 7. PalnstptoSOdegreesandwshM B. Drawhyouannstoüdegmes

    Relaxyour wrists and let your handscomedownto a 45 degreeangle Softy draw in and pushoutyour anns three times as follows:

    Draw in by relaxing ñrst yourshoulders then your elbowsand thenyour wrists untilyour forearms are 45degrees from the oor

    Push out with your palmsleading and your ñngers up90 degrees from the oorfollowed by the elbows andthen the shouldersFigures9 and 10 9. Pushoutyowpalngnpeattlmtines

    Part 3 . mental

    While drawing in keep your mindon your shoulders While pushing out keep your mind on yourtwo ao gong

    Part 4. physical closing the wings

    Bring your hands downon a straight linewithyour arms Relaxyour shoulders Bring botharmsslowly down to your sides stoppingwhen they are at a 20 degree angle to your sides

    Turn your palms to the rear Keepyour anns straight and pushthem backwards 45 degreesbehind your body, while slowly Iifting your heels and putting your weight on the balls of your feet,with your body leaning slightly toward. Donot bendyour waist or relaxyour knees see ñgures11,12 and13 .

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    Routine One

    11 BriigarmsdowntOZOdegrees 12 Pdnstorna

    Part mental

    Keep your mind on your two Iao gong.

    Part 5, physical folding the wings

    Drawyour hands from their position behindyour body upto your armpits as follows: Keepyourshoulders and upper arms relaxed. Startingwith the little linger gather your ñngers together untilthey almost touch, while turning your wrists backward keepthe lingers straight . At the sametime drawthe ñngers upyour sides to your armpits. Avoid raisingyour shoulders as thoughshrugging them.

    Then throw your hands forward while slapping your upper arrns against your sides.

    When you make the throwing out motion to get rid ofdirty qi your nger tips should look a bit likethe mouth of a trumpet withthe tingers equidistant fromeach other . This throwingmotionshouldend with the mouths of the trumpet pointing slightly to the sides rather than straight in front of yourbody. Be careful that when you gather yourñngers together, you foldinthe base ofthe thumb. sothat clean qi does not escape through Iao gong.

    As you slap your arms stampyour heelsto the oor.

    15. Drawuptosides 16. Thmoutdirtyoi

    To recap There are three simultaneous movements

    1.Arms slap sides

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    The Five Routines

    2. Fingers throw out dirtyqi

    3. Heels hit the ground See ñgures 14, 15, and 16)

    Part 5. mental

    While turning your wrists and folding your wings bringing ñngers upto armpits , keep your mindon your ten ngers While slapping your upper anns against your body and making your throwingout motion, visualize that you are expelling spent qi through your ñnger tips.

    Par t 6 . physica l rai sing a bal lof q i to the top of your head )

    Relax your ten tingers. Straighten your arms in front of you as far apart as the width of yourshoulders palms up. Holda ballof qi in yourhandsand usingyour shouldersas pivots raiseituntil your Iao gong are facing your bai hui Beamthe ball of qi intobai hui

    Openyour chest by opening your elbows out. Relax your wrists and form a hexagon consisting ofyour two hands, two arrns and two shoulders, and hold this position for a few seconds. Figures17, 18 and 19)




    17. Slraightenannsinfront 18. Raiseabaldüi 19, Opmdiest.formahexagon

    Part 6. mental

    While Iifting the qi keep your mindon your Iaogong Then direct the qi into bai hui While you arein the hexagon position, continue to feel the qi entering bai hui.

    Part 7. physical gathering yang qi from heaven)

    ringyour handstogether over your head lace your ñngers togetherand then turn your palms upto heaven.

    Use your cervical vertebrae neck bone as a pivot and move your shoulders as follows: relaxyour left shoulder, bring your left elbow forward,down, and back to its starting position. Keeptheback of your right handover the top of your headas you do this.

    Then relax your rightshoulder and repeat the motion on your rightside. Stretch your cervicalvertebrae by pullingyour chin ina bitwithbaihuistraightup. Push your palms up slightlyto help

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    relax the neck. With your mind on your thoracic vertebrae the portion of your spine that runsfrom between your shoulder bladesdownto your waist repeat the motions above. Then raiseyour shoulders a bit toward heaven, helping stretch this portion of your spine one vertebra at atime and then relax them

    Finally, concentratingon your lumbarvertebrae the portionof your spinethat runs from yourwaist down to your tail bone), repeatthe circular shoulder motionagain. As you ñnish this motion,raise your shoulders up and squat slightiy at the same time, with the ideaof stretching your spinalcolumn. Relax. Seeñgure20, 21 and 22.

    2 Circleyou leftshwlder

    Part 7. mental

    Whilemovingyour shoulders withyourcervicalvertebrae as a pivot,keep your mindon yourcervicalvertebrae. Whenstretchingyourcervicalvertebrae, thinkof your cervicalvertebrae, yourbai hui and yourIaogong, inthat order.

    After makingthe circularshoulder motionwithyour mind on your thoracicvertebrae, as you raiseyour shoulders up slightly,thinkof your thoracicvertebrae, bai huiand lao gong, inthat order.

    fter makingthe circular motionwith your mindonyour lumbarvertebrae asyou raise upyourshoulders and squat down, focus your mind on your lumbar vertebrae, your bai hui and your Iaogong, in that order.

    Part 8. physical collect yin qi from the earth)o- -o

    VWthyour palms still up,ñrst straighten your armsover your head then straighten your legs. Keepingyour head between your arms tingers still laced

    together, slowly bendto the ground. Do your best totouch the ground betweenyour two feet, relaxing yourwaist. Now try to touch the groundin front of your leftfoot and then in front of your n ghtfoot, relaxingyourwaist each time. You are reaching downthree times,collecting yin qi from the earth. See tigures 23, 24and 25)

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    The Five Routines

    Part 8. mental

    While bending down, keep your mind on your two Iao gong.

    As you try to touch the ground between your feet. your mindshould go through

    your Iao gong intothe earth.When you touch the ground in front of your left foot, your mindgoes throughyour two Iao gong and your left yong quan into the earth. 25. Tcuohtho ground

    When you touch the ground in front of your right foot, your mind goesthrough your two Iao gongand your rightyong quan into the earth.

    Par t 9 . physica l turning your hands to shape a ball)

    hift your weight to your right foot eparateyour two hands ñngersdangling naturally.Turn your hands and shape a ball as follows:Separate your hands, placing your left hand infront of and between your knees. Moveyourright handacross your left handand a littlebeyond, about 12 inches in front of it. Whenyour right hand arrives in front of the backofyour left hand raise your body slowly and turnup your left palm to face the right palmtoshape a ball 12 inches in diameter. This ballshould be held in front of your lower dan tian 28. M M I t hha 27< W m m . “ 8 Nsee gures 26 and 27 .

    Part9. mental

    While shaping the ball of qi, your mind is alwayson your two Iao gong.

    Part10. physical drawingin qi from the East

    Stepfomard with theleftfootat a 45 degreeangle. Keepyourtoespointed down to the ground as you take the step. Whenyour left foot ison the ground, your left knee must bend so that your lower leg isperpendicular to the ground and your right leg is straight. Figure28

    At the same time pull the ball of qi apart with your hands as follows:Bring your right hand in a gentle arc back to your right groin do nottouch your body with your lingers relaxed and curving. Then turn yourright palmslightly up to guard your lower dan tian.

    At the same time, your left hand moves up in a larger are so that its Iao 28. S MW ata45°an9l°gong is above your eye level. Ifyou ve done itright an imaginary line drawn from your wrist toyour shoulderwillbe at 45 degrees fromthe ground.

    Your eyes should follow your left Iao gong as it is comingup butyour head shouldremain level. eepyour eyes onthis aogonguntilyoufeelthe qi in it Thenturn your headbackto face for ward south again.

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    The Five Routines

    inches away from it

    Let your hand continuedown your body coming closewithout touching it Keepyour thumb open `and your Iao gong facing the oor, guiding qi down from bai hui through zhong mai to lower dantian. See gures 30, 31 and 32

    Part11. mental

    While pushing out your left hand 12 inches from body, your mind is on Iao gong. While turning it toguard the lower dan tian your mind goesto your lower dan tian

    As you raiseyour right hand and lookat Iao gong your mind is on your right Iao gong

    While beaming qi into bai hui visualize it going fromyour right Iao gong into bai hui

    When allowing your right hand to descend haveyour mindfollow the qi down your zhong mai middle channel to lower dan tian.

    Part 12. physical shou gong -nishAs your right handarrives at the level of your navel turn your right foot forward by pivoting on theball of your foot, then shifting your weight to your right foot Slowlydrag your left foot into positionnext to the right foot, describing a small are on the way see gures 33. 34. 35 Turn your leftpalrndown the same as the right relaxing your ngers

    Pushyour handsgently away fromyour bodywith the

    back of your hands ngled ittowards the body

    t the same timepush your tail bonebackwards as iftosit k p yourupper bodystraight_ Be sure Lanpamdown 4 Pushhmdsout 5 Palms imard embraceaballofqi 6a Beamqi intodanrianyour nose is in linewith your navel. Turn your palms in to face your lower dan tian, nger tipspointing slightly down Embrace a ball of qi in front of your lower dan tian and relax your shoulders Use your mindto contract your hui yin sea bottom . Draw yourtwo handstoward yourlower abdomen and whenthey are an inch away fromit move your hands alongyour hipsand sides andthen let them fall naturallydownwhile at the sametime straightening your legs see gures 36 through 39

    aa H an ds fd ln al ur al ly 9 S tr ai gh te nb gs

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    Part 12 mental

    While pushing your hands away from your body and embracing qi into your lower dan tian keepyour mind on your two Iao gong.

    While relaxing your shoulders visualize that you are collecting qi in the upper body and directing itinto your lower dan tian

    While drawingyour two handstowardyour lower abdomen visualize that you are bringingthe ballof qi slowly into your lower dan tian and then keepthe qi ñnnly there

    Explanation of Routine One


    Pushing your heels apart relaxes your hips and wei lu This starts the ow of genuine qi

    Relaxingthe knees relaxes the lower legs

    utting the tip of your tongue onyour upper p l te bui|ds bridge th t connects ren m i nd dumai so that the genuine qi beginsto ow through the small circuiation

    Keeping your eyes level balances the two sides of your brain lf your eyes are looking up yourbody weight will move backward and the qi will llow up If your eyes look down qi will ow downWhen your eyes are level your body is steady and balanced and genuine qi can ow through thebody without block ge

    Gathering qifromthe six directions means fromthe North South East and West and Heavenand Earth

    Bringing up the wings pushing palms forward and drawing your arms in three times is meant toopen your Iao gong and minglethe qi inyour bodywiththe outside qifromthe South When youpush out the movement is tight when you draw in it is relaxed

    Spreading the wings pushingyour palms out and drawingyour arms inthree times is meant tominglethe qi insideyourbodywiththe outside qi fromthe East and West When you push out itis tight when you draw in it is relaxed

    Closing the wings and pushing them behind your body mingles your inner qi withthe outer qi fromthe North

    Lacing your ñngers turning up your palmsand pushing upward mingles your qi with that fromHeaven

    Bending down to the ground serves to mingle your qiwiththe qi from the Earth

    You have now gatheredqi from the six directions and you are in the middle; your body is at onewith the Universe

    Opening and Closingyour acupoint such as Iao gong isjust like inhaling and exhaling throughyour nose You bring clean qi intothe body like oxygenand exhaledirty qi like carbondioxideThe clean qi you inhale through the open points has several kinds of highly beneñcial materialwhich help to promote blood circul tion to r ise met bolism to incre se vigor nd to developwisdom and psychicability.

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    ROUTINETWO: Zhu Di Ton tian Penetrating the Sky and theEarth

    Part 1. preparationStand with your feet as wide apart as your shoulders and pointingstraight ahead, knees slightlybent. Let your shoulders relax. Allow your hands to fall at your sides naturally. Place the tip ofyour tongue on your upper palate just behindyour teeth Relax the root of your tongue Smileslightly; this increases the ow of saliva. Try not to swallow during the exercises. Keepyour eyeslevel and open, thinking of nothing.

    Use your mind to relax your head, your neck, your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists, yourknees your ankles your feet your toes Gather qi into your lower dan tian Concentrate yourmind on your lower dan tian for a littlewhile.

    Direct qi from your lower dan tian down to hui yin sea bottom , then back and up along the du mai goveming channel to da zhui. At this point split the qi into two streams and direct it through themiddleof the shoulders, down through the arms to the Iao gong.

    Part 2. physical bringing up the wings

    Relax ngers. Using your shoulders as a pivot, bring yourarrns up slowly to shoulder height, with palms facing eachother. You are raising a ball of qi and feeling your Iaogong pressing it. See ñgures40 and 41

    Part 2. mentalWhile bringing upthe wings arms),your mind is onyour two lao gong, as if you were holding a ball betweenthem.

    Part 3. physical spreading the wings - .Turn palms downward. Extend index and middle tingers; 31:51:80*

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    The Five Routines

    singyour neck bone as the pivot draw in the left hand by relaxingrst the shoulder then theelbow, and ñnally the wrist, until the forearm is45 degrees from the oor. Push it out again bystraightening ñrst the wrist, then the elbow and then the shoulder. Just as you begin to push outthe left hand, draw in the right hand in the samefashion. Then just as you beginto draw in the lefthand again, start to pushout the right hand. Dothis three times in all, ñnishing by pushingout theright hand. Be sure that as you extend your armsthe eshy pads of your extendedñngertips areleading your hands and are not pointing down see gures 45 and 46 . Then placethe tip of yourmiddleñngerjustat the baseof the nailof yourindexnger. Thisformsa crane shead.Restthisway a few seconds. Seegure 47

    4 5. P us ho ut tl i ele ft han dwh ile pul l l igi mh er ig m 46 . P us ho mt her ig ht han dwh iap im ht he ie ft 4 7- F or mac “ s he ad

    Part4. mentalSend qi fromthe drawn inñngertips to the extended ngertips, keeping your mind on the qirunning back and forth between altemately extended ngertips. Beconscious of itpassing throughda zhuien route. Whenyouformthe crane s head, putyourmindonthe crane s head.

    Part 5. physical looking at the sky)Relax your hands, palms down. Leanyour bodyforward a bitraising your heels off the oor. Then lean back, holdingyourchin in, keeping your heels off the oor, not bendingyourknees. At the same time turn your palmsup as if you wereholding a big ball Openyour chest as wide as possible form alarge arc consisting of your two arms and your chest Lookupto the sky, being careful to keepyour chin nearyourchest butdo not raise your shoulders see ñgures 48 and 50). 45 Pamsdm. h m m s Wr- r is WS

    49. Lembackmimpalmsup 50a. Openmeonnnalægeachookm 50b. Sideview


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    Part5. mentalAs you relax your handsandturn down the palms, keepyour mind on your two Iao gong. Whenlooking at the sky, visualize holding a very large ball of qi.

    Part 6. physical closingthe wingsAfter looking at the sky for a few moments,bring your body up to its original position,still keeping your heels off the ground.Bring your arms slowly down to your sidesuntil they are 20 degrees away from yourbody see gures 51, 52).

    Part 6 . mentalKeepyour mind on your two Iaogong.

    Part7. physical folding thewings 5 W MV W “ f “ W ”W 52 “m F m * ” WTurn your palms to the rear. Drawyour hands upto your annpits as follows: Keepyour shouldersand upper arms relaxed. Startingwith the little nger, gather your ngers together until theyalmost touch, while turning y0ur wrists backward keepthe ngers straight . At the same timedraw the ngers upyour sides to your armpits avoid raising your shoulders as though shruggingthem . Then throw your hands forward while slappingyour upper arms against your sides. Whenyou make this throwing motion to get rid of dirty qi your ngers should resemblethe mouthsoftrumpets, pointing slightly to the sides rather than straight in front of your body. Be careful thatwhen you gather your ngers together you fold the base of the thumb in, so that clean qi does notescape through the Iao gong As you slap your arms againstyour sides stamp your heelsagainst the oor.

    To recap: There are three simultaneous movements.

    1. Armsslap sides2. Fingers throwout dirtygi3. Heels hitthe ground

    See gures 53, 54, 55 and 56

    55. Dmuptoarmpi ts 56 . Tlvoawtdi ttyqi

    Part 7. mentalWhile turning your wrists and folding your wings“ bringing ngers up to armpits), keep your mindon your ten ñngers. While slapping your upper arms against your body and making your throwingmotions, visualize that you are expelling spent qi and illness through your ñngertips.


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    The Five Routines

    Part 8. physica l taking back the qiRelax your ten tingers. Straighten your arms infront of you and hold a ball of qi, then raise yourarms in front of your body with the shoulders as pivots and lift a ball of qi to your forehead. Directa ball of qi into tian mu Open your chest byspreading out your elbows with palms down and

    ñngertips pointing at each other. Let your hands descend down the front of your body, close tobut not touching the body pushing the b ll of qi slowly down through the middle ch nnel into yourlower dan tian. See ñgures 57, 58, 59 and 60

    57. Stmightenanns 58. Beamaballofqi 59. Openyourchest 60. Directtheqidwnward

    Part 8. mentalWhile holding the ball of qi keepyour mindonyour two Iao gong To beamqi into tian muvisualize it movingfrom your Iao gong into tianmu. As you direct the qi downthrough the middlechannel into your lower dan tian your mindfollows the qi as it descends

    Part 9. physical bringing qi into your chestUsing a motion like the breast stroke in swimming, spread your arms to your sides. shifting your

    body weight onto your right foot and then turn your body lett by45 degrees Step forward withyour left foot bending your left kneea bit and straightening your right leg At the sametimespread out your arms to form a straight line ngersrelaxed each ñnger a bit apart from the nextpalms turned to the rear Cheststuck out andstomachcontracted Then using your shoulders aspivot, turn your arms and Iao gongto face forward and close your ñngersnaturally to form twocupped hands see gures 61, 62 and 63 . Turn your upper body 90 degrees to the rightwhilebringingqi with your left hand toward your right qi hu. not touching your body; your right armnaturally follows your turning body. Then turn your upper body left by 90 degrees, while bringingqi with your right hand toward your left qi hu not touching your body Your forearms will now becrossed in front of your chest Bring down your shoulders and elbows a bit. Hold this posture fora littlewhile see ñgures 64 and 65 .

    51 S preadmnstosides stepforward 62 R otatopainstothetrom 63 F onnmppedhands tum90°totheright


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    Part 9. mentalWhile spreading out your arms keep yourmind on your two Iao gong While bringingqi with your left hand, keep your mindonyour left Iao gong; as you bring it to the rightqi hu, visualize it movingfrom your leftIaogong intoyour right qi hu

    While bringing qi with your right hand keepyour mindon your right Iao gong s youbring it to the left qi hu, visualize it movingfromyour right Iao gong intoyour left qi hu

    Part 10. physical penetratingthe sky and the earthLoweryour lefthand and then turnyourpalrnupwardas ifto support the righteibow, but fourinches beneath. Then separate your two arms inopposite directions withyour lefthand movingup along the rightforearm and continuingup to 6 inches above bai hui;simultaneously move yourright hand ñrst downward then backward to under weiIu. Then turn your left palm up and rightpalmdown at the same time, so thatthe back ofeach hand faces the backof the other. Keepyour body straight and holdthis posture for a few seconds, sending qi fromyour two Iao gong farout intothe boundless sky and the bottomless earth see gures 66 and 67 .

    Part 10 mentalWhile drawing your lefthand downward as ittosupport yourrightelbow,keep your mind on yourleft Iaogong Whileposturing withyour left

    palm facing the sky andright palm facing theearth, visualize that yourqipenetrates theboundless sky and thebottomless earth.

    es m e m w o w 671. Ld thandup righthanddown en mm

    Part 11. physical bringingqi into your chestShift your body weight to your left foot, and, using the toes as the turning point, turn your right heelinward until the right heel is pointing at the left heel. Shift the bodyweight to the right foot, andusing the toes as the turning point, turn your lett heel outward. The body turns accordingiy by 180degrees Bend your rightknee a bit and straighten yourleft leg. While turning thebody, bringyour left handdownand right handup to thesides to form a straight line.Then turn your paims fonivardwith your hands cupped seeñgures 68 and 69 . Turn theupper body left by 90 degreeswhile bringing qi with yourright handintoyour left qi hu vTurn Your bOdY ight by 90 se m m m i w m m m s m m 69 Righthan dtolettchest bodyiumságmso


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    The FiveRoutines

    degrees while bringing qi with your left hand into yourright qi hu and cross your two forearrns in front ofyour chest bringing down your shoulders andelbowsa bit Holdthis posture for a little while. See ñgures70and 71.

    Part mental

    While turning the heels and spreading your armsrelax your shoulders and visualize that you aredrawing qi from the boundless sky and thebottomless earth back into your two Iao gong lettingit come into your body through your arms. VWIilebringing qi with your right hand, keep your mindonyour right Iao gong while directing it into y0ur left qi hu visualize it liowing from your right Iaogong into the left qi hu. When bringing qi with your left hand, keep your mind on your left Iaogong; when bringing qi into right qi hu visualize it movingfrom your left lao gong into right qi hu

    7 Relaxthe shoulders

    Part 12. physical penetratingthe sky and the earthDrawyour right hand downward and turn your palm upward as if to support the left elbow, fourinches beneath Then separate your two arms in opposite directions with your right hand movingup along the left forearrn and continuing to 6 inches above bai hui; simultaneously move your lefthandrst downward then backwardto under wei Iu. Then turn your right palm upand left paimdown at the same time so that the backs of your two hands are pointing at each other Keepyourbody straight and hold this posture for a few seconds see iigures 72 and 73 .

    Part12 mentalWhile drawing your righthand downward as ifto

    support your left elbow,keep your mind on your

    right Iaogong Whileseparating your armskeep your mind on yourIao gong While posturingwith your left p lmf ingthe sky and n ght paimfacing the earth visualizeth t your qi penetr tes the 72. Ha m m en Mboundless sky and thebottomless earth

    Part 13. physical shougong nishShiftyour bodyweight onto your right footand turn your left heel inwardretuming tothe starting posture direction Shift yourbodyweight to your left foot and slowlydraw back your right foot describing asm ll r nd nishing with your feetparallel to each other At the same timepush your wei Iu backward as if to sit, andkeepyour upper body straight. Be surethat your nose is in linewith your navel.Simultaneously ñatten out your cupped 74A “MWL“m a n g yo ms om 75. Draw M to m danb anpalms and bring your right hand down and


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    left hand up, drawing your two handstoward lower dan tian ñnger tipspointing toward each other.

    Holda ball of qi infront of your lower

    dan tian. Then relax your shoulders anduse your mindto contract hui yin seabottom . Draw your two hands towardyour lower abdomen, bringing qi intoyour lower dan tian and hold it there.Then moveyour hands across your hipsand along your sides, and drop them

    down naturally along your sides. At the sametimestraighten your legs see ñgures74, 75, 76. 77. 78 and 79

    Part13. mentalWhile turning your feet and drawing qi bad

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    The iveRoutines

    hand facing the earth continues this qi on downfrom wei Iuthrough Iao gong to minglewith the qifrom the earth

    Visualize that you are connecting qifromthe boundless sky withthe qifromthe bottomless earthallowingthe qifrom the Universe to clean out the channels and then to circulate continuously

    through them so itcan nourishthe inner organs and the tissuesPenetrating the sky and earth works also on the mind creating a feelingof having gigantic statureand indomitable spirit inthe practitioner


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    ROUTINETHREE:He Shou Tang Guan Crane s Head CarryingQithrough Du Maiand Ren Mai )

    Part 1. PreparationStand with your feet parallel the width of two lists apart knees slightly bent. Let your shouldersrelax llow your hands to fall at your sides naturally Place the tip of your tongue on your upperpalate,just behindyour teeth but not touchingthem. Relax the root of your tongue. Smile slightly.Keep your eyes level and open thinking of nothing.

    Use your mind to relax your head your neck your shoulders your elbows your wrists yourñngers

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    The Five Routines

    Part 4, physical (taking back the qi)Turn your palms forward and using your shoulders as pivots raise your arms holding a ball ofouter qi inyour hands then beam it into tian mu Openyour chest by spreading out your elbowsVWthpalms down and ñngertips pointing at each other your hands descend in front of your bodywhile the qi descends through the middlech nnel into your lower d n ti n

    , , o `

    86. Palms forward.anns up 87. Beam qi mintian mu

    Part 4. mental -While holding outer qi keep your mind on your two Iao gong While bringing qi into tian muvisualize qi movingfrom your Iao gong into tianmu. As you direct the qi throughthe middlechannel into lower dan tian your mind guides the qi as it descends.

    Part 5. physical(separate hands to guide qi into ming men)Whenyourhands descend to the levelofyournavel, turn your ngertips slowlydownwardand withpalmsfacingoutward, moveyourhandsseparater alongdai mai (the beltchannel). When your hands reachthe back of your waist, press your outer Iao gong (theback ofthe hand) tightly against shen yu (kidneys),ñngers relaxed and slightly bent. (See ñgures 90 and91)

    Part 5. mentalWhile movingyour hands backward keepyour mindon your two Iao gong. While pressing your outer Iaogong against shen yu keep your mind on your twoshenyu.

    Part6. physical relaxingwaist and rotating hipsRelaxingyour waist joints rotate your hips clockwisethree times and counter clockwise three times. Keepyour upperbody and legs straight while rotatingyourhips. See gures 92 and 93

    Part6 mentalWhile rotating your hips keep your mind on ming men.


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    Part 7. physical rotat ing knees)Cover your Iaogong with your thumbs and bring your handsdown along your buttocks and then forward to the front withpalms facing down aiseyour hands in front of your bodyuntil they are in linewith the forearms and then squat down

    and slowly let your palms fall onto the kneecaps. Releaseyour thumbs to press on the insides of the knees. Seeñgures 94, 95 and 96) Bring your two knees together androtate them in a parallel motion clockwise three times, thencounter-clockwise three times. While rotating. your solesshould not leave the oor. The purposeof rotatingthe kneesreally round- is to exercise the hips, knees, and ankles. Seeñgures 97 and 98 Separate your knees and rotate them in 94 95 ” m s m m m scontrary motionoutward three times and then inwardthree times Each knee rotates in asemicircle to form a circle whenthe two kneesare brought together. Seeñgures99and 100

    96. Kneestcgethm 97. Rotatedcdrwbe 90. mm 99. Rotterdam 100. Rometo nside

    Part7. mentalWhile lowering your hands onto your kneecaps, keepyour mind on your two Iao gong. Whilerotatingthe knees, keepyour mindon your knees.

    Part8. physical pushing qi through the jointsUsing Iao gong as pivots, rotate your palms so that your ñngers point inward without Ieaving thekneecaps . Relaxyourngers,p ress the insides of the knees withthe fourt ingersand press xuehai withthe thumbs. Keeping the upper body straight, raise and lower your body three times.Keep your eyes level and bai hui upward, and never straighten the knees completely or lowerthehead. Return to the starting posture by unbending the knees completelyand straightening up thebody see gures 101, 102, 103).

    101a. m u h t á ” 101b. Sideview 103. S W e n up


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    The FiveRoutines

    Part8. mentalWhile rotating the palms keep your mind on your two Iao gong While Ioweringyour body keepyour mind on your knees While raising your body your mind directs the qi from the knees to theyong qu n

    Par t 9 . physica l tak ing back the qi)Turn your palms forward and using your shoulders as pivots raise your arms holding a ball ofouter qi in your hands Beamthe qi into tian mu Open your chest by spreading out your elbowsVWthpalms down and ñngertips pointing at each other let your hands descend in front of yourbody, guiding qi down into your lower dan tian see gures 104. 105, 106, 107 .

    I `.x

    104. Raise enns 105. Beamqiintotian mu 106. Opendiest. paths down

    Part 9. mentalWhile holding the outer qi, keep your mindon your twoIao gong. When bringing qi into tian mu, visualize thatyou are beaming qi from your Iao gong into tian mu. Asyou direct the qi through the middle channel intoyour

    lower dan tian, your mind guides the qi as it descendsinto your lower dan tian.

    Part 10. physical shou gong -nish)As your hands come down to the level of the navel,relax your ñngers and bend them slightly. Push yourhands gently away fromyour body withthe back ofyourhands angled a bit towards the bodyat about 45degrees. Atthe same time,push yourweiIubackwardas if to sit keeping your upper body straight. Be sure your nose is inline withyour navel. Turnyour palms into face your lower dan tian, tingertips pointingslightlydown. Embrace a ball of qi in

    106. Push hands om 109. Turnpalms nward


    11 a Embraoaaballotqi 11 b Dmhandsinward 112 Handsfallnaturally 113 Straightenegs


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    front of your lower dan tian and relax your shoulders. Use your mind to contract your hui yin seabottom . Draw your two hands towardyour lower abdomen unt l they are an inch away from it.Move your hands along your hips and sides and then let them fall naturally while at the same timestraightening your legs. See gures 108, 109, 110, 111, 112 and 113

    Part 10. mentalWhile pushing your hands away from your bodyand embracing qi into your lower dan tian, keepyour mindonyour two aogong While relaxingyour shoulders visualize that you are collecting qifrom your upper body and directing it intoyour lower dan tian. While contracting your hui yin,visualize that you are collecting qi in the lower bodyand directing it into your lower dan tian. Whendrawing your two hands toward your lower abdomen,visualize that you are bringing the ball of qislowly into your lower dan tian and then keeping it t rm there.

    xplanation of RoutineThree

    The major function of routine three isto pushthrough du mai and ren mai and have qi run in acircle through these two channels that connect to form the small circulation.

    Ren mai starts inthe lowerabdomen going downto hui yin and comingup along the middlelineofthe abdomen. chest neck and chengjiang. Ittravelsaround the lips to yinjiao and splits intotwo streams that go up just under each eye. Itpasses through 24 acupoints altogether.

    All yin channels meet in the ren mai, which is the head of all yin channels. lt adjusts the functionof all yin channels. Because it starts in the lower abdomen, it is associated with gestation.

    Du mai starts fromthe lowerabdomen and goes downto hui yin. lt comes up the middleof theback up the middle of the neck and up the middle of the back of the head to a point above thehair linecalled fong fu. Here it enters the brain and then goes up through bai hui and down theforehead to the bridge ofthe nose where itgoes insideand then downto meet ren mai at yinjiaopassing through 28 acupoints along its way. Dumai linkstogether 6 yang channels at da zhuitherefore dumai serves to controland adjust all the yang channels inthe body. Dumai has aclose relationship withthe brain and withthe spinat uid.

    Ren mai and du mai are the majorchannels inthe body. There is also a networkofsmallerchannels throughout the body connecting allthe organs. the joints blood nerves muscles andtissues. They owintoren maiand du mai liketn butaries intoa river. When you push throughren mai and du mai it is said that you have opened the small circulation. lt then becomes easy toopen the large circulation which means all the other channels as well. VWenthe small circulationand the big circulation are formed the genuine qi willtravel uninterruptedly along a specic routeinthe body. Therefore the rstthingto achieve inSoaring Crane Qigongpractice is to open theren mai and the du mai.

    Stretching the neck and swaying the head imitate the movementof the crane s neck and thecrane s headwhen the crane is walking. These movements exercise the head the neck and thebody, and open the two main channels. When you imitate the movements of the crane. youshould also incorporate the character of the crane-that is to say, you shouldfeel quite calm andsoft.

    While “touching the water by stretching your neckdown you bring qi down through ren mai.When you bring back your chin you bring qi up through du mai The repetition of thesemovements adjusts ren mai anddu mai by bringingdown the yin and bringing up the yang to formthe small circulation. When this small circulation is forrned, the more chronic diseases will begone


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    The Five Routines

    How can you judge whether your small circulation is formed ? There are six Iayersthrough whichyou must pull qi They are skin muscle tendon bone blood vessels and the inner organs

    After practicing Soaring Crane Qigongfor a short time you will feel better but will not really becured. When the qi reaches the second and third layers that is, the muscles and the tendens),you will still feel it working on the diseased part Sometimes you will actually feel as if the diseasehas returned but the period of this suffering will be shorter than before and aftenivards it will bereally healed It is especially important not to quit at this time or you will lose all the benet ofwhat you have beendoing. After a time, somepeoplewill havetheir bai hui openedand they willfeel a pulse there or the scalp may itch as though ants were crawling in their hair

    Practicing for a time also developsyour middlechannel zhong mai Although in the preparationfor each of the tive steps you are told to direct qi from bai hui downthrough middle channel infact you do not havea middle channel when you begin the practiceof Soaring Crane Qigong ltis formed through your practice bit by bit When the middle channel opens you will feel the qipouring through it in different w yth n whenyou just visu lized it goingdown

    Touching the water and bringingback the chinalso exercises the spine and guidesthe yang qi up

    Swaying the head should not be done mechanically, but should show happiness and liveliness through your movements You are actually bringing your qi through your spine your neck and

    your head in the formof an S up to bai huito minglewith the yangqi. This keeps your cervicalvertebrae healthy

    Relaxingthe waist and rotatingthe hips exercises the pelvis,bladder. rectumand small intestineto increase the vitalityofthe dan tian. lt alsoexercises the hipjoints,the spine and weilu. ltopens your belt channel. Exercising wei Iupumps qi up along du mai carrying sexual energy tonourish the brain, increase intelligence and cultivate psychic ability.

    Rotating the knees pushes the qi through the hips, knees and ankles. This retards aging. A

    person ages from the legs rst; this is usually the rst place he loses exibility. This exercise alsoheals rheumatism and arthritis very efciently.

    Bringingqi through the joints is especially important inthe knee joints because when you squatyou accumulate qi inthe knees and when you straighten up this accumulated qiwillpush throughfrom the knees to yong quan, the sole of the foot and the toes to mingle with yin qi from theearth. Some of this yang qi pushes up to bai hui, which helps greatly in the opening of bai hui.This-movement also helps to improvedigestion.


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    Routine Four

    fashion. Then just as you begin to draw inthe lefthand again, start to push out the right. Qi ismnning from the ñngertips of one hand to tingertips of the other. Do this three times inall,ñnishing by pushing out the right. Be sure that as you extend your arms, the eshy pads of yourextended ñngers are leadingyour hands and are not pointingdown.

    Place the tipof your middlengerjust at the base ofthe nailof your indexlinger. Thisforms acrane s head. Rest thiswaya fewseconds see gures125,126).

    Part 4. mentalWhile making the crane step, keep your mind on your two Iao gong and leftyong quan. Whileshaping the ñngers and raising the leg, keep your mindon the qi running back and forth from theextended ñngertips on one side to those on the other side. Beconscious of it passing through dazhui en route. When you form the crane s head, put your mindon the crane s head.

    Part 5. physical spreadingthe wings and touching the waterRelax your hands, palms down. Using the shoulders as pivots, bring the arms up and down totouch the water gently three times. (While touching the water , keep your upper body straight andwhen the wings come down, use the strength of the waist to bring the body down slowly, keepingthe original posture of the right leg,and allowingthe right toes to touch the groundgently. At thesametime relax your shoulders and use their strength to bring downyour arms, no lower than thenavel. While the wings arecoming up, keep the right legin its original posture and usethe strength of your waist tobring the body up slowly,while simultaneously usingthe strength of yourshoulders to bring your armsup, no higherthan theeyebrows. See ñgures

    127, 128)

    Part 5- menu 127. P m m m m w m n m 125. BringyotxbodyandarmsupslowlyWhile touching the water,keep your mindon your two Iao gong and right yong quan. While bringing your arms down to yoursides after touching thewater, keep your mindon your two Iaogong.

    Part6. physical bringing up the wings and touching the waterBring your arms slowly down to your sides until they are 20 degrees away from your body, andturn your palmsto the rear, always keepingyour right leg in its original posture (see ñgure 129).Using your shoulders as pivots, raise your arms infront of the bodyto shoulder height While touching the water, keep your upper bodystraight and while the wings are comingdown, feel that your waist as well as yourleft leg brings your body slowly down,allowing the right toes to touch the groundgently. At the same time, relax yourshoulders and use their strength to bringdown your arms, no lower than the navel.Then use yourwaist aswell asyour left legto bring the bodyup slowly, whilesimultaneously using the strength of yourshoulders to bring your arms up, no higher

    129. Armsdoumto sides, paths to r e n 130. Raisearms, legforward


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    The Five Routines

    than the eyebrows). (See ñgures 130, 131, 132)

    Part 6. mental ` iWhen bringing up the wings and touching the water. keep [your mindon your two Iao gong and right yong quan.

    Part 7 physical cranestep and bringing qi fromngertip to ngertip)When your hands come up to eye level for the third timepull in your arrns a bit and then push them fonivard again.Spread your anns out to the sides parallel with the tioor. When spreading the arms relax your ñngers turn yourpalms outward and then spread the anns back as if 13 - W r m m m 132- WMswimming, with chest sticking out and abdomen held in.) At the same time, stretch your right legto make a crane step (raise yourrightlegslowlyand step forwardin an arc; afterstretchingtheright leg let your heel fall to a position six inches infront of the big toe of your left foot). Then shiftbody weight to your right foot and raise your left leg with the sole facing back, toes pointing to theground. The toes ofyour leftleg willbe 2 inches behind your rightheel and about 4 inches abovethe ground. (See gure 133)

    Turn palms downward. Extend index and middleñngers; catch the n ngñnger and the little lingerwithyour thumb. (see ñgures 134, 135).

    133. Spreadarms.snpforward 134. LehlegupJonnsworüfngers 135. Dæwmlehandbyrelaxingshoulder

    Using your neck bone as the pivot, draw in the left hand by relaxing ñrst the shoulder and then theelbow and then the wrist untilthe forearm is45 degrees fromthe iioor. Then push it out again bystraightening ñrst the wrist, then the elbow and then the shoulder. Just as you begin to push outthe left hand, draw inthe rightone in the same fashion. Then just as you begin to draw inthe lefthand again, start to push out the right. Qi is mnningfromthe ñngertips of one hand to theñngertips of the other. Dothisthree times inall,tinishing by pushing out theright. Be sure that as youextend yourarms, the lieshypads ofyourextendedñngers are leading yourhands and are not pointingdown

    Place the tip of your middleñngerjust at the base of the

    136. P æ h a n w m m m m m m m 137. Pushmnüleñghlhandwhilepullinginmeleñ


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    Routine Four

    nail of your index ñnger. This forms a crane s head. Rest this way a few seconds see tigures136, 137).

    Part 7. mentalWhile makingthe crane step, keep your mind on your two Iao gong and n ghtyong quan. Whileshaping the tingers and raising the leg, keepyour mind on the qi running back and forth from theextended ñngertips on one side to those on the other side. Be conscious of it passing through dazhui en route. Whenyou form the crane s head, put your mindon the crane s head.

    än.Aftertouching the water, allowyour leftfoot 14°_ 9 , . , m m . , M ,M b m w “ , 4 1 , p m “ , m,to fallhalfa step to yourleftside. Atthesame time, relax your shoulders, and bring your arrns slowly down to your sides until they are 20degrees away from your body see gures 140,141).

    Par t 8 . physica l spreading the wings and touching the water )Relax your hands, palmsdown.-Usingthe shouldersas pivots, bring the anns upand down to touch the water gentiythree times. Whiletouching the water ,keep your upper bodystraight and when the wingscome down, use thestrength ofthe waist to bringthe body down slowly,keeping the original postureof the left leg, and aliowing 133_ p m m m m m m mmthe lefttoes to touch the ground gentiy. Atthe same time relax yourshoulder and usetheir strength to bringdown your arrns, nolower than the navel. Whilethe wings arecoming up, keep the left leg in its originalposture and use the strength ofyour waist tobring the body up slowly, while

    simultaneously using the strength ofyourshoulders to bringyour an ns up, no higherthan the eyebrows) see ñgures 138 and139)

    Part8. mentalWhile touching the water, keepyour mind on two Iao gong . \ `and left yong quan. While bringingyour arms down to yoursides after touching the water, keepyour mindon your Mo 73.,[ a v gong

    Part9. Physical takingback the qi 1 Turn your palms fonlvardand using your shoulders as pivots, .raise your arrns while holding a ball of qi in your hands and , i . then bearn the qi into tian mu. Open your chest by spreading ,,out your elbows. VWthpalms facing down infront of yourbody, guide qi down the middlechannel into your lower dantian see gures 142, 143, 144, 145 .

    142. Raise anns 143. Beam qi i nto t ian mu


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    The Five Routines

    Part9 . mentalWhile raising the ball of qi keep your mindon your twoIao gong While beamingqi into tian mu visualize thatqi beamsfrom your Iao gong into tian mu. As youguide the qi through the middle channel and into yourlower dan tian your mind follows the qi as it desoendsand goes intoyour lower dan tian.

    Par t 10. physica l shou gong -nishWhen your hands reach the level of the navel, relaxyour ñngers and bend them slightly and push yourhands gently away fromyour body with the back of

    your hands angled a bittowards the bodyat about 45degrees. Simultaneously, push your wei Iubackwardsas ifto sit; keep your upper body straight. Be sureyour nose is inline withyour navel.

    i“. Openchest. palmsdown 145. Descend in front

    Turn your palms in to face the lower dan tian ñngertipspointing slightly down. Embracea ball of qi infront ofyour lower dan tian; relax your shoulders. Use yourmindto contract hui yin rawyour handstowardyourlower abdomen and when they are an inch awayfromit move your hands along your hips and sides andthen let them fall naturally. At the same timestraighten your legs see gures 146 147 148 149150,151 .

    Part 10 mentalWhile pushing your hands away from your body and embracing qi into your lower dan tian keepyour mind on your two Iao gong While relaxing your shoulders visualize that you are collecting qiin the upper body and directing it into your lower dan tian. \M1ilecontracting your hui yin visualizethat you are collecting qi in the lower body and direcüng it into your lower dan tian. While drawingyour hands toward your lower abdomen visualize that you are bringing the ball of qi slowly intoyour lower dan tian and then keeping it t rm there.


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    Routine Four

    Explanationof Routine Four:

    The mainfunction of routine four is to further openthe channels and points in the upper and thelower body and to exercise ming men and the kidneys so that genuine qi will beadded to the body

    and vitality will be increasedPoints are the mostactive parts on the channels A dan tian is formed at each point after a lot ofpractice As they are all interconnected exercising even one will affect them all Points are pathsof entry and exit for messages sent to and receivedfrom other entities which is why many qigongpractitioners who haveworked to open their points have also cultivated their psychic abilities andcome to understand more than most about the natureof life

    The movements ofroutine four are an exact imitationofa crane inight The motions ofa craneinight are smooth soft and light After practicing this step people feel light in heart and bodyThisisoneoftheessences of Soaring CraneQigong

    Bringing up thewings and touching thewater is designedto exercise the shoulder the elbow thewrist the waist the hip the knee and the ankle so that the circulation of the whole bodywill beimproved This motionalso brings upthe yang qi to helpopen the bai hui While touching thewater you are exhaling spent qi through your Iao gong When you are raising the wings you areinhaling qi through the Iao gong The repetition of the movementshelps mingle the inner qi withthe outer qi

    While you are touching the water the tension and relaxation ofyour waist helps to open ming menMingmen is the door to life so exercising this pointwillbringyou greater energy fast reexes andimproved memory and willdevelop wisdom Opening ming men also helps open the mainchannels in both the upper and lower body Yong quan is an important point through which spentqi is discharged lt also mingles innerqi withqi fromthe earth Touching the water helps openyong quan


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    The ive outines

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    ROUTINEFIVE:Hun Yuan Gui Yi Mingling With the Source ofAll Qi

    Part 1. preparationStand withyourfeet as wideapart as your shouldersand parallel to each other, knees slightlybent. Let your shoulders relax. Allow your hands to fall at your sides naturally. Place the tip ofyour tongue on your upper palate just behind your teeth but not touching them Relax the root ofyour tongue Smile slightly Keepyour eyes level andopen thinking of nothing Use your mindto relax your head, your neck, your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists, your ñngers, your chest,your stomach, your back, your waist, your hips, your knees,your ankles, your feet, and your toes.

    Gatherqi into your lower dan tian. Concentrateyour mindon your lower dan tian for a while.

    Direct qi from your lower dan tian down to hui yin sea bottom , then back and up along du mai goveming channel to da zhui. Atthis point, splitthe qi intwoand direct itthrough the middleofthe shoulders, down through the arms to Iaogong.

    Part 2. physical taking back the qiTurn your palms fomard and using your shoulders as plvots, raise your anns holding a ball ofouterqi inyour handsandthen beamtheqiinto tianmu. Openyourchest by spreadingoutyourelbows With palms down and ñngertips pointing at each other let your hands descend in front ofyour body guiding qi through the middlechannel intoyour lower dan tian Your mind guides the qias it descends into your lower dan tian. See gures 152, 153, 154, 155

    .W ”X

    153. Bournqiirmüanmu 154. Opmdæapalmsdmm

    Part 2 mentalWhile raising the outer qi, keepyour mindon your two Iaogong. While beamingqi into tian mu,visualize it owing from your Iao gong into tian mu. As you direct the qi through the middlechannel into lower dan tian your mindfollows the qi as it descends and moves into lower dan tian

    Part 3. physical balancing yin and yangWithout moving your feet turn your upper body to the left about 90 degrees with your headturning further back to the left almost 180 degrees , keeping the eyes level while looking over theleft shoulder. At the sametime, moveyour lett handbackwardand pat mingmen with the back ofIao gong ñngers slightly bent while raising your right handup in front of your chest turning yourp lmupw rd nd pl cing it overyour right shoulder ñngerspointing b ckw rd nd slightly entroot of the thumb sticking upto avoid having Iao gong face the ear. Press your right arm againstthe right side of your chest and stay this way for a few seconds. See ñgures 156, 157, 158


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    The FiveRoutines

    156. Lefthandtomingmen 157. Righthandtoshouder

    Turn your upper body right about 180 degrees headturning back to the right almost 360 degrees, keeping

    the eyes level while looking over the right shoulder. At

    the sametime moveyour right hand backwardand pat

    ming men with the back of ao gong palmfacing outiingers slightly entwhile r ising your left h nd upinfront of your chest, turning your palm upwardandpl cing it overyour left shoulder iingers pointingbackward and slightiy bent root of your thumb stickingup to avoid having v gangface the ear Pressyour leftarm against the left side of your chest and stay this wayfor a few seconds. See ñgure 159

    1 5 9 ; Tunrightso- 1590;. Rurview

    Turn your upper body leftand rightaltemately three times each way, six times inall. Afterthe lasttime, turn your upper body forward to return to the starting position.

    Part 3. mentalWhile turning left, keepyour mindon mingmen and your right Iao gong. While turning right, keepyour mindon ming men and your left aogong

    Part 4. physical rotat ingfoot to carry yin and yang)Put your hands akimbo on your waist, thumbsat the back, and then lift your left leg keeping thethigh at 45 degrees from the oor with the shank hanging straight down ankle relaxed Then kickout leadingwithyour toes so that your leg is straight See gures 160,161and 162

    Turn your left toes up and at the same time pull back your shank a bit and then kick out 45degrees leadingwith your heel. see tigure 163

    160. Littlettleg 151. KeepWat45 162. malwithyourtoes 163. K ickomwühyotrhøel

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    Routine Five

    Usingthe left ankle as the pivot rotatethe left foot counter-clockwise three times and then clock wise three times. Then movethe left leg back to its original position and put it down. See ñgures164, 165, 166 and 167

    åå64. Roma water-dode 165. WamThen lift your right leg keeping thethigh at 45 degrees from the oor andthe shank hanging straight downankle relaxed Kick out leadingwithyourtoes so that your leg is straightTum your right toes up and at thesame time pull back the shank a bitand then kick out 45 degrees leadingwith your heel. See ñgures 168 169and 170

    Using the right ankle as the pivot,

    rotate the right foot clockwise three 163. w n u a - 169. mmmmm 170. m w m m m ltimes and then counter-clockwisethree times, and then move the right leg back to its original position and put itdown. See ñgures171 l72 |73and I74

    II..171. Rotatadockwise 172. Rome mm 173. Movelegback 174. Hmmmsides

    Repeat these movements altemating feet three times.

    Part4 mentalWhile Iiñingyour leg keepyour mindon the yong quan of the raised leg. While kicking outleading with your toes keepyour mindon the instep While kicking out leading with the heel


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    The FiveRoutines

    keep your mind on the heel While 2 ;x rotating the ankie keepyour mindon `the ankle While putting down thefoot keep your mind on the yongquan of the foot being put down.

    Par t 5 . phys ical (mingleyoursel fwiththe source ofall qi)

    Raise your arms slowly to the leftside the left hand a bit lower thanthe shoulders and the right handatshoulder level ñngers pointingto the left and Palms turned degrees 175. a i s e m s i o m o i e n 17s. Dmaäâåmmtmsforward see gure 175and 176 .

    Using the waist as the pivot, drawa circle clockwise three times (up right- down left). (seegures 177 178 and 179

    , t o - a - ...o-o-.I ” , ::`: `` , ` ` ol l, \ i .o l / |` V \I: . a g `| I 0 g6 u v 5I I. 7 l êf : c : 1

    .: 5 i g . o 3 3: g | 0 I1 I 3 I 2 g3 3 : I : 3I 0 Q O: I 2 3I 0 Q 0 l. .. x . ..o I 0B t to |` \ i\ 1\\ I.: . I.:

    ` /0 ` , 0` ..0Then, using the waist as the pivot,draw a circiecounter-clockwise three times (down -right- up -left). Then let the anns fallnaturallyat the sides (see gures 180,181,182,183,184 and 185).

    . ...OOOa

    `›- 4152. Totheñâm80. CircleMer dødtw se s ta rt ingontho bit


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    Routine ive

    184. Armsfallblhesides 185. Tunpalmsforward

    Part 5. mentalWhile drawing circles, visualize you are extending the qi fromyourñngertips as far as your mind

    can reach and drawinga round circle. Besure that you pullbackthe qiyou have extended beforeyou go on to the nextmovement

    Part 6. physica l (taking back the qi)Turn your palms forward and using yourshoulders as pivots raise your anns holding a ball ofouter qi in your hands and then beam the qi into tian mu Openyour chest by spreading out yourelbows With palms down and ñngertips pointing at each other let your hands descend in front ofyour body. guiding qi down middlechannel into lower dan tian. See ñgures 186.187.188 and 189)

    I `

    186. Rniseanns 187. Beamqiirlob anmu

    Part 6 mentalWhile holding outer qi keep your mindon your two Iao gong While beaming qi into tian muvisualize that qi ows from your Iao gonginto tianmu

    As you direct the qi down through the middle channel into your lower dan tian your mind followsthe qi as it descends and goes into your lower dan tian

    Part 7. physical (shou gong -nish) hen your two hands come down to the level ofyour navel relax your ñngersand bend themslightly and push your hands gently awayfrom your bodywith the back of your hands angled a bit


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    The Five Routines

    towardthe body at about 45 degrees . At the same time,push your weiIu backward as ifto sit, keeping yourupper body straight. Be sure your nose is inlinewithyour navel.

    Turn your palms in to face your lower dan tian, tingertipspointing slightly down. Embrace a ball of qi in front ofyour lower dan tian; relax your shoulders. Use your mindto contractyour hui yin sea bottom . Drawyour handstoward your lower abdomen and when they are one inchaway from it, move your hands along your hips and sidesand the let them fall naturally, while at the sametime ›straightening your legs see gures 190,191,192,193,194 9° us“ “ W “ ° * 1 9 “ ” Wand 195 .

    Part 7. mental

    hile pushing your hands away from your bodyand embracing qi intoyour lower dan tian keepyour mind on your two Iao gong

    While relaxingyour shoulders, visualizethat you are collectingqi inthe upper body and directingitintoyour lower dan tian. While contracting your hui yin, sea bottom , visualize that you arecollecting qi inthe lower body and directing itinto your lower dan tian.

    While drawing your hands toward your lower abdomen,visualize that you are bringingthe ball ofqi slowly into your lower dan tian and then keeping it nnly there.

    xplanation of Routine Five

    Before the Universe came into being,and before there was a distinction between heaven andearth, there was qi, which was the all; from it heavenand earth and all life were born.

    In the Universe that has been formed, there are both yin and yang. Everything changes all thetime; lifebecomes death, death becomes life. The human body is like a small Universe. lfwepractice qigongaccording to the lawof nature, persistently, we can have all our points open andchannels unblocked so that yin and yang can be property balanced. The genuine qi inthe bodywillreturn to the form inwhich itexisted at the beginning of everything.

    ln routine 5, balancing yin and yang is designed to exercise the spine, open and clean da zhui andming men and all the channels in the arms, to promote the small circulation.


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    The ive outines

  • 8/17/2019 Zhao Jin Xiang - Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong



    The Standing Meditation ofChinese Soaring Crane Qigong is an exercise to clear the channels,balance yin and yang, regulate the functionof qi and blood and improve health. Designed toenhance the therapeutic effectiveness of Soaring Crane Qigong,the standing meditationis taught

    after the Five Routines. Students must lirst of all learn the FiveRoutines wellbefore they go on tothis stage. They should have practioed the Five Routines for at least 40 to 50 hours and have hadthe sensation of numbness, fullness,warmth Or ooldwhichproves that their mainpoints - say Iaogong, yong quan and bai hui - are openand theirmajorchannels are clear. Thenthey may learnthis standing meditation

    ln learning the standing meditation, itis of the rst importance that you should be able toconcentrate intensely. Byconcentrating your mindyou will cause the qiinyour body to naturallyfollowthe mind. Therefore your mindis actuallyguidingyour qi to where it should go.Occasionally some people have hallucinations inpracticing qigong and the things they see areusually extraordinary. Some may be pleasant to the eye, and some not. These hallucinations donot come from your imagination; they are information from the Universe. When you have

    hallucinationswhich are pleasant and whichmake you happy, accept them. But ifthehallucinations are unpleasant, you just refuse to accept them.

    When doing the standing meditation. use natural breathing. That is to say, you do not have tothink about how to breathe but just let your respiratory system work naturally.

    Instructionsfor the StandingMeditation

    Part 1. Preparation:Stand withyour feet as wide apart as your shoulders, toes turned in a little,knees slightlybent.Let your shoulders relax llow your handsto fall at your sides naturally Place the tip of yourtongue on your upper palate just behindyour teeth Keepyour eyes level and open thinking ofnothin

    Use your mind to relax your head your neck your shoulders your elbows your wrists yourtingers your chest your stomach your back your waist your hips your knees your ankles yourfeet and your toes ather qi into your lower dan tian concentrate your mindonyour lower dantianfor a littlewhile

    Direct qi from your lower dan tian down to hui yin sea bottom), then back and up along du mai goveming channel) to da zhui. Atthis point,splitthe qi intotwo streams and direct itthrough themiddle of the shoulders down throughthe arrnsto Iao gong

    Part2. Taking backthe qi:Turn your palms fonlvardand using your shoulders as a pivot raise your arrns while holding a ball

    ofouter qi inyour hands, then beam itintotian mu.

    Open your chest by spreading out your elbows. With palms down and tingertips pointingat eachother your hands descend in front of your bodyguiding qi down into your lower dan tian. seeñgures 196,197,198,199)


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    Standing Meditation

    196 Raiseaball 157 Beanintob anmu

    Part 3 Holding a ball of qi:When your two hands reach the level of the navel, relax your iingers and bend them slightly andpush your hands gently away from your bodywith the backs of your hands angled a bit towardyour body at about 45 degrees. Turn your palms in to face your lowerdan tian. Embrace a ball ofqi in front of your lower dan tian. see ñgures 200. 201, 202

    MA l loldaballofqi

    Part 4 Keepingyour head straight:Keepyour head straight as if your bai hui were connected to heavenby a string, and visualize thatyou are holdingan object on the top of your head. In this way your upper bodywill be keptstraight and your head and neckwill bevery steadyso that you will not easily fall onto the ground

    Part 5 Relaxing your spine:Raise yourshoulders up a littleand then inhalethroughyournose and exhale throughyourmouth Atthe same time relaxyour spine bylooseningeach ofyourvertebrae

    Part 6 Holding in your chest:Take inyour amts a bit to enable the qi inyour lungs to ow unimpeded but not so much as topress against the innerorgans Be sure to relaxthe area aroundthe heart;onlyinthisway canthe inner organs be reiaxed

    Part 7 Relaxingyour shoulders:Raise your elbows outwardly a bit as if you were holding a tennis ball under each armpit andrelax your shoulders


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    Standing Meditation

    Part 8 Hangingdown your elbows: ngdownthejoints of your elbows bit ndyouwill feel qi tlow downfrom your rms to yourforearrns immediately.

    Par t 9 . Relaxing your wrist s:

    Keep your mind on shen men the points on the inside ofthe wrist and relax your wrists a bit andyou will immediatelyfeel the ow of qi into your ten tingers.

    Part 10. Smoothing out your tingers:Relax your ñngers and bend them a little as ifyou were holding a ball of qi in each palm. Thenvisualize that you are minglingthe two balls of qiwiththe qiinyour lowerdan tian to form one bigball,twothirds ofwhich is outside your body infrontofyour lowerdan tian, and one third ofwhichis inyour lower dan tian

    Part 11 Relaxingyour waist:Use your mind to relax the section of your spine from lumbarvertebrae to sacrum and then pushyour tail bonebacka bit as if to sit, beingsure thatyour knees are not further forward than yourtoes The whole bodyshould be completelyrelaxed andeveryvertebra especially should beloose.

    Part 12 Relaxingyour hips:Take inyour hipsa bit and rotatethemonceor twice and then the hipswill be fully relaxed.

    Part 13. Hanging down your wei Iu:Wei Iuis a point at the end of the tailbone. Wsualize that there is a pendulum hanging downstraight from wei Iu to 4 inches above the ground. This forms a triangle, withyour feet as the othertwosides.

    Part 14. Adjusting the feet:Letyour feet be at on the ground, toes fullyrelaxed. Use your mindto direct qifromyourshoulders, hipsand ankles to yong quan. When you feelthe qi inyour yong quan, use your mindto direct itdownto the earth toconnect withthe qifromthe earth. Your feet willthen be rooted.

    Part 15 Gathering qi into dan tian:Bythis time your whole body is completely relaxed. Now use your mind to mingle the qi in yourtwo hands withthe qi inyourdan tianto form a big,round ballof qi. Concentrate your mindonshen men, mingmen and yong quan so as to relax them. Visualize that you are minglingthe qi inyour upper body with the qi in your lower body and mingling the qi outside your body with the qiinside your bodyso that you are inthe middleof a ballofqi.

    Part 16. Bringing down your eyelids:Use your mindto withdraw the spiritual light this is hiddenin the eyes from far to near slowly untilyou have taken it completely back Lower your upper eyelids and look at the end of your nose you mayeither close your eyes or just leave a crack but never squeeze them shut . Look downthe nose inwardthrough shan zhong and along zhong mai into lower dan tian. Then keep yourmind on dan tianwithout thinking of anything else

    Howto Finish The Standing Meditation

    Part 1. Slowly coming to a stop:When you feel that you need to stop or you feel too tired to go on with the standing meditation,you tell yourself that you want to stop. You say the following words silently Hao Iiao qi gui dantian. lt means, let all the qi gather into dan tian; I am ready to nish. ) Gradually your


  • 8/17/2019

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