
©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit

Your money story as told by your Chakra’s

Report by

Sarupa Shah

©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit

Introduction: All about Chakra’s

Chakras are energy centres located within your energy field surrounding your body. In

alternative and complementary medicine it is widely believed that chakras as energy centres

contribute to the health and well-being of each of us. This means healthy chakras = healthy


In this report I want share with you how your Chakras also contribute to your Wealth

Consciousness and can reveal where you your money blocks. Where your chakras are blocked,

congested or full of unresolved emotions it will negatively impact on your money flow!

Simply if you are not able to call in the money you need to live, survive, thrive or both then the

truth is you have a block to manifesting money!

Good news is there is something you can do about it!

How to discover which Chakra holds your money block!

Please do not miss out this step! More information on Chakra’s can be found later in this


Quieten your mind and relax your body like you would if you were about to meditate.

Imagine your Crown Chakra opening, (where you see the Halo on saints is also where your

Crown Chakra is) and ask the question:

Which Chakra holds my most significant Money Block?

It is important you take the first answer that comes to you!

If it feels like you are not getting a response, simply ask the question again and then go with

the answer that comes.

Well Done! Now you have the Chakra which has your key most significant money block!

The next page will reveal to you what it all means…!

©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit


The MONEY block : I am not enough and I am not good enough, everyone else is better

than me and I will not make enough money being me .

Your healing MONEY affirmation : I am good enough .

Your MONEY healing action : Ask for help and stop trying to do it all alone!


The MONEY block : Why would anyone give me money for being me!

Your healing MONEY affirmation : Money flows to me easily and effortlessly!

Your MONEY healing action : Get some assistance in getting your vision and value

really clear.

©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit

Solar Plexus

Your MONEY block : I am scared charging my worth will go against my spiritual principles

and make me materialistic; and God/Universe won’t love me.

Your healing MONEY affirmation : Everything including making money is spiritual.

Your MONEY healing action : Practice or learn how to stand in the power of who

you be at all times.

©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit


The MONEY block: I don’t deserve love/money, I deserve struggle, and I am nothing


Your healing MONEY affirmation: I love you and value you! (You have to say this

while looking at your reflection in the mirror!)

Your MONEY healing action: Go and treat yourself to something special and

indulgent, might be a holiday, might be a new coat, might be a massage or a session with a

coach, or similar but whatever it is do it because you are worth it!

©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit


Your block : Money doesn’t matter to me so I will bury my head in the sand, if I ignore it, it

will go away or just come to me, surely it will, won’t it?

Your healing MONEY affirmation : I love making money.

Your MONEY healing action : Turn your vision into a money manifestation plan!

Third Eye

The MONEY block : I am too scared it won’t work; I need to play it safe and stay small.

Your healing MONEY affirmation : I am supported in all ways to live my life fully

at all times!

Your MONEY healing action : Take some bold action in your business or career


©Sarupa Shah, 2011. For more information please visit


The MONEY block : I don’t really believe in money, I am rising above it, I wish it didn’t

exist and we could all just exchange service to service .

Your healing MONEY affirmation : Money is crystallised energy and I am calling it


Your MONEY healing action : Spend some time making friends with money, and

really make it your best friend!

©Sarupa Shah, 2011 – current day. For more information please visit

The 7th chakra, often referred to the as the crown chakra is located about 6 or 7 inches

above your head. It is associated with the colours, white, and sometimes violet. This is the

gateway which helps to connect you with your higher consciousness and to the universe.

This is where you feel your understanding and knowing.

The 4th chakra, the heart chakra is located in the middle of your chest. It is associated with

the colours, green and pink. This chakra is connected with the element Air. It is also in the

middle of the major chakra system and is very much related to balance, as well as issues of

love and compassion.

The 2nd chakra, often referred to the as the sacral or spleen chakra is located in the area

between the naval and the genitals. It is associated with the colour orange. This chakra is

linked to the element Water. This is the gateway is linked to freedom and abundance.

The 6 th

c hakra, also known as the third eye is located in the middle of your brow. It is

associated with the colour indigo. This is a centre for your imagination; this is where you

can see and feel your dreams.

The 5th c hakra, the throat c hakra under the Adam’s Apple! . It is associated with the colour

blue. This is centre fo r 2 - way communication and creativity. This is from where you can

have personal expression and connection.

The 3 rd

chakra, is called the solar plexus chakra is located around your belly button. It is

a ssociated with the colour yellow. This chakra is connected with the element Fire. This is

the gateway which helps to connect you with personal power.

The 1 st

chakra, known sometimes as the base or root chakra is located at the base of the

spine (coccyx). It is associated with the colour red. This chakra is linked to the element

Earth. This chakra connects us to the Earth and all that is physical.


©Sarupa Shah, 2011 – current day. For more information please visit

When thinking of the chakras think of them as spinning energy centres. The word chakra comes from

the Sanskrit for wheel or vortex.

They are not physical however they affect your physical life through being affected by your

environment, state of mind, thoughts, what you eat, wear, etc. They also relate to your consciousness

In order to live a healthy, balanced life it is essential that you have healthy chakra centres.

Malfunction within the major centres (there are other chakras, but the 7 listed overleaf are

considered to be the major ones), can often result in physical (including money), emotional, mental

or even spiritual ailments and issues.

©Sarupa Shah, 2011 – current day. For more information please visit

Are you ready for more money healing?

If you want a conversation about your next Money Healing

Steps and working with me then read on….

(And if you don’t take action then nothing can change!)

“My passion is YOUR success!” All you need to do is email

[email protected] and tell me:

• which chakra has the greatest money block for you


• how ready you are to ‘get over’ this block

• what it would mean to you to get this resolved


We will talk about your next steps and what you can do to

transform your money healing story!


About Sarupa

Sarupa Shah is The Celebrities Soul Agent and the owner and

founder of The Soul Agency which supports individuals in creating

global impact. The Soul Agency works with entrepreneurs and

leaders across the globe who want to put soul and spirit back to

where it matters and create a legacy of love for the planet.

To learn more visit:

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