
Your Employer Brand

Why are You the Best Place to Work? Are

You Attracting the Best Talent?


Your Employer Brand

Why are you the best place to work? Are you attracting

the best talent?

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Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

Today’s learning objectives:

1. Explain what an employer brand is and why it’s critical for

enterprise-wide success;

2. Identify the ingredients needed to develop a high-performing

employer brand;

3. Outline specific planning and execution steps to activating an

employer brand; and

4. Apply key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and maintain

a high-performing employer brand.

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The State of Talent

State of Talent

Unemployment is at a seven year low …

•But it’s taking 8% longer, and

•It costs 7% more to hire talent. Bersin by Deloitte, 2015

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The average cost-per-hire is $4,200 with increases in the high-tech,

financial and manufacturing industries. ERE, 2015

State of Talent

Signs of a storm coming?

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75% of full-time employed workers are actively looking or open

to new job opportunities. CareerBuilder, 2015

60% of job seekers are equally or more optimistic about job

opportunities. Jobvite, 2015

of job seekers are satisfied in

their current job, but open to a

new one. Jobvite, 2015


Millennials are twice as likely as 30-

somethings to leave a job after just three

years. Jobvite, 2015

State of Talent

Signs of a storm coming?

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50% of employed job seekers see their

current position as a placeholder. Jobvite, 2015

The percentage of job seekers who’ve said it’s harder to

find a job has decreased by 43% since 2012. Jobvite, 2015

State of Talent

Why they left.

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LinkedIn, 2015







Lack of opportunities for advancement

Unsatisfied with leadership

Unsatisfied with work environment and culture

Desired more challenging work

Unsatisfied with Comp & Ben

Unsatisfied with rewards/recognition for individual








Strong career path; more opportunity

Better Comp & Ben

More challenging work

Better fit for skills and interest

More ability to make an impact

Belief in company's overall direction

State of Talent

Why they joined.

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Organizations with 5K+

LinkedIn, 2015

State of Talent

Small is in: Professionals are moving to smaller


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Organizations with 5K+ ………………………………. Organizations with <500

LinkedIn, 2015











Better Comp & Ben

More challenging work

Ability to make an impact

Believe in company's direction

Better culture fit

People joining small organizations Global average

State of Talent

Why they joined small organizations.

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Organizations with 5K+

LinkedIn, 2015

State of Talent

The consumerization of talent.

•Talent has more choices than ever before.

• Talent will research a new employer the same

way they research products/services.

• Talent has a heightened experience expectation.

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The Targeted 24/7 Candidate

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Your talent is being targeted.

State of Talent

The consumerization of talent.

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If talent is behaving like consumers

when considering a career move, then

employers need to think – and act like

-- consumer marketers.

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What is an Employer Brand?

What is an Employer Brand?

Your story.

An employer brand is the story

of you as an employer.

But …

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What is an Employer Brand?

Your story.

It’s the story as told by what

your talent experiences, thinks,

feels and shares about you as a

place to work.

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What is an Employer Brand?

Your story.

Your employer brand is the

experiences of your people.

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What is an Employer Brand?

While it’s made up of many things, we see these

distinct areas of definition:

•Employer brand promise

•Employer brand attributes

•Employee value proposition

•Employer brand architecture

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What is an Employer Brand?

Employer brand promise articulates:

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• Your identity as an


• showcases how you are

unique; and

• inspires action.


Over 20% of employees under the age of 30 say that

they would accept a lower paying job with a brand they

believe in. (Interbrand)

What is an Employer Brand?

Employer brand attributes: The attributes of you as an

employer that connect people to your employer brand


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What is an Employer Brand?

Employee Value Proposition (EVP).

It’s the employment deal that is derived from the employee

experience – rewards, growth opportunities, supervisor /

leadership interactions, etc. It’s the foundation of an

organization’s reputation as a place to work.

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Career site and mobile

Social media


Everyday experiences

HR policies

What is an Employer Brand?

Employer Brand Architecture.

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Your employer brand

architecture is the

design of how your

employer band

promise, attributes

and EVP are

communicated and


What is an Employer Brand?

Why it’s important; employer brand impact.

•Lower cost-per-hire (by up to 50%)

•Reduced turnover (by up to 28%)

•More engaged workers (productivity increases up to 36%)

•Improved financial performance (up to 36%)

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LinkedIn, Gallup, Lippincott

What is an Employer Brand?

Why it’s important; employer brand impact.

Plus: Job seekers are less likely to buy from a

company …

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Careerbuilder 2015

69% if they had a bad

experience in

the interview │ 65%

if they didn’t

hear back after

an interview

58% if the employer

doesn’t respond

51% of employers believe if a job seeker has a bad

experience that it has little negative impact on the

company (31% say no impact at all)

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Activating an Employer Brand

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TDG Workforce Communications Practice

Employer Brand Approach

Employer Brand Journey

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TDG Workforce Communications Practice

Employee Lifecycle

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Employer brand for attraction Employer brand for retention

TDG Workforce Communications Practice

• Social Media

• PR/Publicity

• Employees

• Customers

• Careers site

• Talent


• Special


• Corp. site

• Mobile

• EE Stories


• Recruiters

• Hiring Mgr

• Process and


• Offer

• Alignment


• Collateral

• Initial


• EE comm

• Leadership


• Rewards

• Engagement


• Exit interview

• Social media

• Special events

Employee Lifecycle – Segmentation

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Messaging for each phase needs to be presented to each workforce

segment in ways that connect with brand promise, attributes, EVP

and drivers of engagement.

TDG Workforce Communications Practice

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KPIs and Measurement


For brand management endeavors, we think

measurement and alignment are essential.

• Is the overall marketing and communications

program aligned to our brand promise and


• Are we executing the marketing and

communications program effectively?

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For employer brand management, …

• Are the employer brand messages aligned to our

authentic story as an employer?

• Are we effectively reaching and influencing our

talent audiences, internally and externally?

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Specific measures might include:

• The number of applications (increase or decrease)

• The quality and skill alignment of new candidates

• Recruitment performance (time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, etc.)

• First to third year retention

• Voluntary turnover rates

• Employee engagement levels

• External press placements

• Employer-of-Choice awards

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Thank You/Closing

Please take a moment to complete your workshop survey

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Need more information on this topic?

N. Robert Johnson, APR Practice Leader, Workforce Communications

216.685.4486 ▪ 216.410.5258 (mobile) ▪ [email protected]

Employee and employer brand communication research and solutions.

Measuring employer brand strength.

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