Page 1: Your commitment to local children can transform the future of individual students and the future of our community!  We will use Fair in

Your commitment to local children can transform the future

of individual students and the future of our community!

We will use Fair in a Box to create LocalFairName!

Schools have students … all of whom are blessed with curiosity and dream about the future. Unless they can finds ways the skills they learn in math, science and technology classes are used in the real world, how they can discover their potential to become our county’s next successful farmers, capable engineers, caring nurses and doctors, or skilled tradespeople?

WE have all we need to give them that opportunity. WE can make sure they have access to a local science fair. WE can use Fair in a Box to encourage kids to explore, to plan a simple event, and to gather the community to celebrate these great young people.•Do young people get together at schools? At 4-H meetings? In homeschooling co-ops? We have future scientists and engineers waiting to discover their potential! •Is there a Parents’ Night at school? A Court of Honor for scouts? A local library open an evening or on Saturday? Presto – we have a fair site where people can meet kids!•Is there a Rotary or Lions Club nearby? A business committed to the local community? A senior center in the county? We have people to invite to talk with kids about their posters or experiments!

Our local fair will access a 24-county network of resources plus a two-day science festival including a middle/high school regional science fair, a scholarship competition, a “science fest” with scientists and engineers hosting hands-on activities, a college engineering contest, even extra treats like meeting a Nobel Laureate face to face!

Use this network, and WE can make it happen for local students, even our own children!

Twelve of the hundreds of young people already touched by the work of the Ying TRSEF

Page 2: Your commitment to local children can transform the future of individual students and the future of our community!  We will use Fair in

Community Commitment Formfor the LocalFairName

Name of Individual or Organization _________________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________________________________

Town __________________ Zip ___________ Day Phone _________________ Email _________________ Primary Contact ________________________________________________________________________ Note exactly how your organization should be listed in all Science Fair Acknowledgements by our local fair.

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ I want to help with … (please check all that apply to your involvement.

_____ Site (provide the place to run the fair)

_____ Publicity (post notices and tell the papers and radio stations about your fair; take photos at the Fair)

_____ Student mentor (talk with kids about being part of the fair; help them with a project; provide student-safe access to the Internet to use The Archimedes Initiative and Science Buddies)

_____ Judge (at the Fair, ask students: “What did you do? What did you learn? What will you do next?”

_____ Fair Day (help kids set up their posters/displays, serve punch and cookies to close the event, take photos to post on the school website)

_____ Advancement (offer to chaperone or drive, arrange for a “sister group” such as a troop or church to provide free housing, put up box lunches for the trip to Syracuse)

Donation (e.g., large sheets of cardboard for posters, markers to make signs, certificates of participation for each student, ice cream coupons as awards, $25 for a student’s hotel room in Syracuse)______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Please return this form to:



For additional local information, contact:

______________________________________________________________________________________Our fair partners with the Dr. Nelson Ying Tri Region Science & Engineering Fair

604 Walberta Rd, Syracuse NY 13219 Email: [email protected]

Phone: 315.468.1025

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