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    30 Day Whole Body Detox Guide

    Table of Contents (for full guidebook)

    Welcome to Your 30 Day Whole Body Detox! 4

    Benefits of a Detox 6

    Tips for Detoxification 7

    Product Recommendations 9

    Your Daily Plan – Julie Boyer, Program Founder 10

    Your Successful Detox Plan – Linda Heredia 11

    Juice Up Your Detox 15

    Smoothies 19

    Juices – New for 2015 26

    Breakfast Recipes 32

    Lunch Recipes 36


    Salad Recipes –New for 2015 46

    Dinner Recipes 52

    Savoury Sides 63

    Dessert Recipes 68

    Simple Snacks 73

    Sources of Gluten & Dairy 80

    Weekly Preparation 82

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    Welcome to Your 30 Day Whole Body Detox!

    This is about you: paying attention to what you are putting into

    our body every day and how you treat yourself.

    You choose how closely you follow the plan, but keep in mind

    that the more closely you follow it, the more successful you

    will be.

    Things to avoid during the detox: alcohol, refined sugar,

    caffeine, red meat, dairy products and wheat & gluten foods.

    Things to limit: soy, spicy foods, corn, gluten-free packaged

    products and dark chocolate.

    Things to include: Fresh organic fruit and veggies, lean white

    meat and fish, nuts and seeds, and gluten-free whole grains.

    Find a great water bottle and keep it filled with distilled,

    reverse osmosis or alkaline water at all times. Add a slice of

    lemon for flavour. Try fresh, cold pressed juice this year!

    Move every day! Try yoga or Tai Chi this month to help

    detoxify your mind; it always helps to slow down for an hour.

    Walk outside daily; even 10 minutes can make a difference.

    This book will prepare and guide you through your 30 Day

    Whole Body Detox. There are many great experts featured

    throughout the guide, but make sure you reach out for help

    and advice as needed. As with all lifestyle modification

    programs, we recommend that you talk to a knowledgeable

    healthcare provider prior to starting the detox program.

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    Why Detox? – Olinca Trejo, ND

    Detoxification is one of the body’s most complex and innate

    functions. It is the mechanism by which we eliminate and

    neutralize toxins through our organs: the colon, liver, kidneys,

    lungs, lymph and skin. Our bodies are naturally equipped to

    automatically detoxify our body through these organ systems

    daily, however, this process is often overloaded by the

    demands of our modern lives. Due to air pollutants, pesticide

    residues on our foods, and preservative filled foods with

    chemical additives, we are exposed to absorbable and

    ingestible toxins daily.

    We are also regularly bombarded by toxins and acidity created

    by stress and negative thoughts. This results in a more acidic,

    toxic-laden environment that our bodies must deal with on a

    daily basis. Consequently, our detoxification mechanisms are

    overloaded and our body’s ability to effectively cope with and

    process these toxic loads is diminished. This accumulation of

    toxins not only radically jeopardize our internal balance in the

    short-term, but can lead us down a path to long-term

    deficiencies, inflammation, and eventually, chronic illness.

    Contrary to popular belief, detoxing is not all about

    deprivation and starvation – it is the opposite. Detoxifying

    works by giving the body a break from our toxic excesses,

    loading our detox organs with all of the necessary nutrients

    (which are often lacking in the typical Western diet) to get rid

    of the ‘backed-up’ wastes, and encouraging more healthy

    habits that contribute to a balanced and healthier life. Detoxes

    can be one of the finest tools we have to re-boost, re-vitalize

    and re-balance our physical, mental, and emotional health.

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    Benefits of a Detox

    Vibrant health

    Boosts your energy

    Improves your concentration and mental clarity

    More radiant, clearer skin

    Re-starts your metabolism

    Improves your digestion

    Strengthens your immune system

    Fights off inflammation and chronic disease

    Slows down aging

    Fights your “dirty” eating habits

    Allows you to reconnect with yourself and rebalance

    your mind, body and spirit

    Allows you to re-evaluate your connection to food, and

    to eat for nourishment and pleasure.

    As a Naturopathic Doctor, Olinca is dedicated

    to educating, guiding and empowering

    patients to achieve their optimal health and

    wellness goals. She focuses in combining

    evidence-based medicine with the art and

    wisdom of traditional medicine. Olinca has a general family

    practice in Toronto, Oakville and Burlington with a special

    interest in fertility & hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders,

    fatigue, sleep disturbances, and hair loss.

    Clinics: Burlington 905-336-9721, Oakville 905-257-9960,

    Toronto 416-505-6197

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    Product Recommendations

    In order to support your body during this program, we have

    put together a list of recommended products that will allow

    your body to enjoy even more benefits during the 30 days.

    Products can be purchased through the person who gave you

    this guide book. We recommend the USANA Health Sciences


    1. A pharmaceutical grade anti-oxidant and multi-

    mineral, that is taken in a twice daily dose: As your cells

    are regenerating throughout your day, you need 24 hour

    support from your multi-vitamin.

    2. A high quality, mercury free source of omega 3 fats:

    This can be obtained from fish sources or a vegan

    alternative, including flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin

    seed oil.

    3. A liver support supplement: This is a detox program,

    which means your liver needs support. Look for milk-

    thistle extract to help stimulate enzymes in the liver. Other

    helpful ingredients include green-tea extract, turmeric and

    alpha-lipoic acid.

    4. Probiotics: Very important to support healthy digestion

    and for immune support. Choose 12 billion colony-forming

    bacteria, in a powder form that is stable at room

    temperature for at least one year.

    5. Digestive Enzymes: These encourage more complete

    digestion and breakdown of cellulose and other


    6. Nutrimealtm Free: A gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free,

    fructose free, all natural plant-based protein for your


    7. Fibergy™: A fibre supplement that is also gluten, dairy, soy

    and fructose free.

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    Your Daily Plan – Julie Boyer, Program Founder

    *This daily plan includes the suggested supplements

    On Rising: Smile! Be grateful for another day. Add your

    probiotic to 2 oz. of water and drink. Enjoy a mug of warm

    water and lemon. Add a slice of fresh ginger or a splash of

    cayenne if desired.

    Breakfast: Choose one of the breakfast or smoothie options.

    After Breakfast: Take your antioxidants and minerals, your

    liver support and your omega 3 supplements. Fill your water

    bottle with water and add lemon or lime slices.

    Mid-morning: Choose one of the snack options. Refill your

    water bottle.

    Lunch: Thirty minutes before you eat, take your digestive

    enzymes. Choose one of the lunch options. It’s best to drink

    your water after a meal to allow your natural digestive

    enzymes to remain undiluted during your meals. Refill your

    bottle after lunch.

    Mid-afternoon: Choose one of the snack options. Refill your

    water bottle. Take a few deep breaths.

    Dinner: Choose one of the dinner options, with a side if

    desired. Enjoy every bite of your meal and savour the


    After Dinner: Take your antioxidants and minerals, your liver

    support and your omega 3 supplements. Bring your day to a

    close with a cup of herbal tea – peppermint, ginger, lemon or

    chamomile, are great choices.

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    A Note On Pregnancy

    This program is not recommended for pregnant women. If you

    are looking to become pregnant, please note that this program

    is not intended to increase fertility. However, it is a gentle and

    effective program that will prepare your body to function in a

    more optimal state by focusing on cellular nutrition. Please

    consult with your health care provider before beginning this


    A Note to Breastfeeding Women

    While milk thistle has been traditionally used in breastfeeding

    women, its safety is unknown and therefore we do not

    recommend using Hepa Plus outlined in the 30 Day Whole

    Body Detox program if you are breastfeeding. Please consult

    with your health care provider before beginning this program.

    Linda Heredia is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Life

    Coach, and Reiki Master with a Bachelors Honours in Health

    Sciences from the University of Western Ontario. She is also a

    member of the Canadian Association of Holistic Nutrition

    Professionals (CAHN-Pro). Whether she is coaching you one-on-

    one or teaching one of her many wellness workshops, Linda

    draws on her multidimensional skills to show you how you can

    reach your healthiest, happiest, most vibrant life!

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    New for 2015: All recipes are gluten-free and dairy-free.

    We’ve add simple labelling to help you know ahead of time

    whether a recipe is right for you or not.

    GRF – grain-free (or with a grain-free option)

    SF – *soy-free (or with a soy-free option)

    PF – peanut-free – note that many recipes contain other nuts

    and seeds so please read the labels.

    VEG – vegetarian (contains eggs)

    VN – vegan (contains no animal products)

    NEW – recipe is new for 2015

    *coconut aminos can be substituted for tamari in the dinner


    Many of the recipes recommend using organic ingredients. We

    recommend choosing organic whenever possible, especially

    during a detox program. If you cannot buy organic or it is price

    prohibitive, use a simple fruit and veggie wash to help remove

    some of the pesticides.

    For a list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 from the

    Environmental Working Group:

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    Gratitude Girl’s Morning Shake

    Yield: 20-22 oz (1 large or 2 small servings)


    400 ml water

    ½ frozen organic banana

    1 cup of blend of organic baby spinach and kale

    1 cup mixed frozen fruit: dark red cherries, blueberries &

    blackberries, for example

    2 scoops of Nutrimeal Free™ powder

    1 tbsp. Fibergy™ powder

    1 tbsp. fresh ginger

    1 tbsp. Optomega (vegan omega 3 oil)

    1 Probiotic stick pack


    Blend the first 4 ingredients until smooth. Add the two

    powders and blend again until smooth. Add the last 3

    ingredients and blend at a low speed.

    Julie Boyer is passionate about helping people create a healthy,

    balanced lifestyle, with the freedom to live out their lifelong

    dreams. Her life experience as an

    entrepreneur, coach, speaker,

    endurance athlete, and parent

    provide the foundation for her work

    with daily gratitude. Her first book,

    30 Days of Gratitude, is an Amazon

    Bestseller. Julie

    is also the founder of the 30 Day

    Whole Body Detox program.

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    Julie’s Simple Green Salad – GRF, SF, PF, VEG, VN (options)

    Choose your greens: romaine, spinach,

    mixed greens, kale or arugula.

    Add a protein:

    palm sized serving of grilled

    salmon, chicken or cooked tofu

    ½ cup cooked quinoa, beans or

    bean salad

    1 hard-boiled egg

    tuna (½ can)

    Add fruit: ½ ripe avocado, ½ tomato,

    grape tomatoes, berries, watermelon,


    Add veggies: bell peppers, cucumbers, green onions, radishes,

    and any other seasonal veggies.

    Nuts and seeds: walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, pine nuts or


    Balsamic Dressing – GRF, SF, PF, VEG, VN

    Yield: approx. 1/2 cup of dressing


    2.5 tbsp. aged balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 1 tsp. Dijon mustard 2 tbsp. pure maple syrup 1/4 tsp. sea salt 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil or Optomega oil Ground black pepper to taste

    Toss all ingredients into a jar with a tight fitting lid and shake it up! Store unused portion in the refrigerator for up to a week.

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    Julie’s Mushroom & Onion Brown Rice Bowl - PF, VEG, VN

    This is a healthy, vegan bowl, which tastes like a mushroom

    risotto. No leftovers with this one!

    Yield: 2 bowls

    Ingredients for stir fry:

    1 tbsp. coconut oil

    3 cups mushrooms (227 g), sliced

    1 medium red onion

    2 tsp. fresh thyme (1 tsp. dried)

    Sea salt & pepper to taste

    Build each bowl:

    ¾ cup of cooked brown rice

    1 tbsp. tamari

    2 tsp. olive oil or Optomega

    ½ tbsp. nutritional yeast


    1. Heat coconut oil in a medium

    frying pan at medium-high heat.

    Once melted, add mushrooms

    and onions. Stir to coat in oil.

    2. Cook approx. 7- 8 min until

    onions are clear and mushrooms

    have shrunk.

    3. Add thyme, salt & pepper to


    4. Build your bowls as directed, and

    split the stir fry mixture between them.

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    Thank you so much to our program co-ordinators, Olinca

    Trejo, Linda Heredia and Julie Boyer. These amazing ladies

    worked together to create a program geared to your success

    and to help you feel fantastic after 30 days. Creating lifestyle

    habits beyond the 30 Day Whole Body Detox is the true goal

    of this program.

    And a very big thank-you to all who contributed recipes:

    Dr. Libby Weaver,

    Dr. Erica Mattia,

    Leanne Jacobs,

    Elizabeth Rider,

    Laura Townsend,

    Natalie Dion,

    Tanya Fraser,

    The Green Smoothie Bar,

    Kelly Childs of Lettuce Love Café,

    and Kelly’s Bake Shoppe,

    Gorete Almedia,

    Lisa Quinney,

    Joanna Nikas, [email protected]

    Rebecca Reble & Dieter Staudinger

    Our design team: Cherlynn Moore, [email protected]

    and Julie Robinson,

    Visit our website, for even

    more info.[email protected]?subject=30%20Day%20Whole%20Body%20Detox[email protected]://

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    © 2015 Julie Boyer. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any written,

    electronic, recording, or photocopying without written

    permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be

    in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles

    or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted

    by the publisher or author.

    Although every precaution has been taken to verify the

    accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and

    publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or

    omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result

    from the use of information contained within.

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