Page 1: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

Year of 1779

L-latalations of &c and R2&jd^+rjj

:a^ this ^^,. of 01a ^n Fernfandj o

Page 2: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

In the 1` U t^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ On the `^^^^^ ^^^

^ mo^^^ of ^^^^^^^ in the ^

^^^^^^^*r,d,r*,,, the AU' : 4a W


As and re^^^^^^^►,^

did gathor totether in the *OU"^OU ahambor to our

and ^"t-ow-for the Purpose of ^oldi^ ^^^ti^ns

for ^ . .. and .SiggrIs for

SUPOriO^ ^^46x Of the; lord gow _ ndant general of th-ooo

l.:^^^ri^^^ ^^vim" .

Pro^^^^ with ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^;o the

§„ gag,^ proposed the ^^^ whom he found ^^^^rU4 ^^^

^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ And (^^^ the vote was ^,

f^^^^^^^ " 'Al ^^^^^^^^ the highest number of ^^^^^^ ^^^ the ^^^^^^^^ ^ff^^^^ re^^^^^^^ely): d^n Tor.^bio

.a Fuentes f Irst-ran^.Ing , ga^.^ ^^ Salvador

iguez, ^^eond^ -rardarg gjgA.^,̂ t^ : Lta Ant-^^to 40

jpn Manuel Delga'^o,$

^nd IS;^ ,̂ ^JA J^^^6 Vlorwx # third; #JSW

do A^oeha;* fourt'a; Sa;1bador D,^ax;s fifth;

^^^^ ^ixth y : ^^^

^lbilgMggra"o , J.,^,^^ and Wjqr^^^ of this


that ^^^^ proceedings be

In ^^^P11antO with the above*-mentiones^ and ^*itod

^ the lord commandant ^aneral, ^^ ^^ctisw

;ava:^^^r of the province for his

Page 3: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

'^al.j, we thus deciesa // t.' ' =d,^ ix our "^*

naturoo,^ that His Lords4p,may 44jara ► to ^wjrj.^ ^the

,..*140^^^^^l at his ^^^^^^^^neow And we &.a°^ in our own

^^^^^^^ ^ ^^r

on t^hi^ ^^^"On

^^^^ , Thus we

-.k or a n*U^^^ ^^^^^^^ or

P"^`^ its no^

^^ ^ and


^^ue;l ^^ ^^^*ha(Au^riol

A _. ^4or . Do lawdo^^^^^^^j

J^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^)

Is avi^^^

^^^ ^^otm-emt Auba^^^^

^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^l

maroos do *L.^^^^(^^bkol

^^ ^^^ ^ ^^tinex

P) * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ 12/20/17790-1/1/IT841

Page 4: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ of ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ Bijar

V of Staln ftrnando,^ on the ^^^^^^^^^^ day

of the month of December of se " - ^^^^ ^^^^^^*nij*1,; ^,,,

#jgjj Domt- ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ne^ of the ^^^^ ^ftj"^.

^*V*rnor 444 cc^man&... ^ of a^^ of this provime of

^^ ^^^^ Its ^^^si^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ and ^^^^ti^^^^

tain of the cavalry o.-' - ^^ of the roy*;^ presidio

of stal^. An^tonijo d^ ^,^"P I^^

Militia ^^^^ and ^^ p^^^^^^^^ ^roOps, of the

VV c^^^^ by ^^^^^^^ by the lord Com- . ^^^^^

general Of the interior ;^^^^^^^ of this kingdom or

NOW Spain that " have seen the arore«^^oi ^^^c*

tion or 404A411 Of^^^*rs*# :. g-.',^ ^ $OO 1" .^gms V'^ ^^^Agr

and UZAIMM"Mmod by noblo

^^ the ^^o-voomen^`rion*4 ' to hold and '^^ral so,

^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 4uri---g the 400149 year ^ :^^^^

^ conform in all things to especially T, conformor.

to ^^^ ^^^^^ on which this ^^^^^^rship Is .^^undodi:

^^^^^ order was] ^^^^^ ^^^ this purpose ^^ the lord

**mMAd#LOt Ontaral of the Interior ^^ino^s of this

kingdom or New Spain on the ^^^^ or ^^^^^^ or the

^^^e pa:at year or I

In ^^^sequ*nc+^ th^rW I approve and confirm the

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 010010^^^ on the ^^^^^^^^ that ^^^^

^^^ no legal ^ped m:: ^t Whi^^ ought to ^^ Pft*

Page 5: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^^^4 the MOn ^^^IUd^d thOa^^^

said ^^^^^^ and ^^^^^^ *

tuaUdg,^1g), is to amend wi hout tat;

11 ' "11) , and as

%rot A,^ ^^^^^^^ to ^^^ short time of (the

in this X. . -^^^ and other reasoning

^^^^ ^^^^^ have ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ as to

^^^^^ ^^td" problems whloh might arive*

^^^^ted to



^^^^ they - ^^ be ^^^bW to adopt the ^^^^sary

x ratify- the obove* , . tioned elooti he most

+^^ ^orms *Q _ , Adi.^*--^^ it bOhOOV^S Me to O U

^ ^ and ^^^^ ^^sons

who ^^^ thrOi^^ this and it$ Juxisdiction to

^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ god" respect as (^uly 01 ted

U AQ fi'IdWrA ^ ^^ the po^^^^^^ pretE^rl^^

by law ae&U.,.: ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^oro^^^^oned

Torivio do . -^ ^^^^ as ^^^^^t-wrari

Ptodri.; ..s ^

And ^^ that the ^^^^^^^^*n*d order f" -... . the

04 6" .. .ral :-. Y be afford+^d its ^^^ ^^^

PliAA:^^* 10^ this eMfIr . "^^^I% be


whose ^ ^ ^^^^ inal.^^ her,

^^^) an the arst day - orth 0:^ ^^^^ene at the g,^^^ to

^ to ^^ ^^^^^^

^ cited tto ^^that the men

fteld,f that , ggla j^sil

Page 6: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

3^^^^ ooijo O. bel^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ general // wh:

I ^^^ ^ 04$ may ^^^^ ^^^" 14 p€^^^^^^^^^^ use, and

worcise of the ^^^^^^^ to which they have .^ ^^^^^


An^:, when 4,11 this, is dmo$ ^::^

4a^ of proAi^^^s fo:^lowed it installing the 4ro"*

^^^^*r*:^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ be ^^^^^ to US

propx^ato o^ in ^^^^ the ^^^^ of the ooa^^ are

^^O #,-

k^ ^^^^ be 91"A *Op1*Ss it ^^^^ ^^ ^V;


4" avidor^ ^^ovW; and the :^^^^oted

as is most in +^^^^rdance With tt*i-r ri tsi ^^^ ^

^^^^^de* o` mand and ^^fix m W a ' .^^^ $ In the p"zono

of ^^t ondozt Wi tnoozoo, With Wh" I ^^^ in the ^^s"0+^^

of a ^ote'ry-$' do ; ^^ on this ola.^^ ^^^^# as ; ....,

^^^^ ^ Is ^^^^^^^ ^ ft" I dortifyo


Page 7: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

the Of SOA V*M^^^ ^^PLUl Of the

^^^^^^^ of ^^ ^^^^ on ^^ ^^ra^ of ^^ ^ ry, in the

^^^^^^^ al^ty$ veo the o AX ^ // `' ^ "*

and ^ of the O^^^

^^^ ^^^^^^r in the ^^

our wont and. ^ut

J^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^rbelov fir

or ^^ ^^ov*. zent.^onod ^^^onan'^ ^ov^^-

com issi '^^ by ^^ ^^" SOV*rA+^r of the ^^^i*"#

00100" ggla ^^ o C0410* for the ^^^^^ Of in.

the 11P.Alft,^ . .

by ^^ tU. Ud2d& And ^OnftV d by the said :^^rd

^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ to the s"Ortor order$ is$O" by

the ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ Of ^^^^ t lAt*ri*r) _-_..:^ ^^OS444":^ thirteenth of ^^ proximate ^^ ^^^ year

or ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ the ^^^^^ ^^^

be ^^^^^^^ in this ^tUr#

Zn vi^wth±^^^ots fto a: pri^^^^^

^^^^ ^^^^^ the Aamineosj`**Ognj Toribio ,

. ^^

Rodri. *^. as ^^^on**r .. ^ ^

^^^^# as ^^^^^ [a


^^ ^40_: tO

^^^ joach:

^^ird; _ . ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ to# as ^^urth;


^^s* as fitthl . ^gu^t" do

Page 8: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

and AM XvUo:^o Calbil^oso .. _ ^

jMZgr': O ot this ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^t each onehad ot his O: n accord ^^^^^^^^ the ^^tlea to

^^^ he had ^^^ ^^^^^^^ and ^^"a^^o bOVO*

mentioned interim l^eu^ov*nt (,^^^ernor) pra^^odod to

InstOU" the ^fO^^*04004 ^n4 Xga'-; d^2M by

the ^ut^hor.^^^ ^^^^^^ (im..^) by the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

lord ^^^^^^^^^ TO this end ^ ^^^^^^^ the oaths of

the 4*0 in ^^e mmo ^^^

Ood Our ^^^ and ^^^^^^ the sign of the Holy O"^^

the ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^rib , b3v IAW. Under th^^ ^th . they

^^^^^^ that they S ^ . : to ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ing ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ to

^^ ^^^ob ^^^ attending to th^ ^blic ^^^^^^^^

to ^^^end the ^stOry of the Xost ^^ and ::.^^^^

^^^^^^^^ of Our 140thor . ^^^ ^^^^ the Most Holy V^^^^^

to obey the ^^^ ^ed^^ ^^^Hi^ ^^^^^ (God s*vehim) and the ^^perior , aorders of the lord oo da.^^

^^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^

as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^^

all and in

ful'^1l the *t.^^

^ ^^

^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^^^^^ to

^ot the offices) inwhich the

^oti^utod^ An^. when

.^^^si^^" lioc^^^^ ^^^ftIs had worm" ^^e

XWjU"A, j- Of the ^^^^^^^^ of their ^^^^^^^^^^ ^r*

Page 9: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^^^^^ ^ IMUtiod t. _ ^:. With the *#^.^ and virt^^

*"hority ^'rhe^"^ors givi-ag- the

thoi.^ ^^ " " s. bol^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ they ^^m to

OZOrd44* 404 P3A*iAg

AWSg44 in th'^lr #64to 44'^0rding to the^r r^s"10w'

^^^^^^^^ this at ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^#

-resO:^^^^ ^^ ^^fix, our ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 400: ^^

WUA"Ot,^ with ^^ we ^^^ in the obsom* of a w°^ry^

^^^^^^ or ^^^^ and on this ^^^n papor for ^^^ or

any Ot:Ped

Thorthlo de U Monto

^^^^^ ^^om^^^^^^^

or ^^^^C-RU.^^^^^

^^^^ ^ 44 so.^^^^^^Iftbr.^^^

^^^^^lph Ant[Ontlo^ ^^br

ROO^ ^

^OU01 -Del . .^.^Ol 0

"I to A.^^^^^^^^^^

^^ ^rmas

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^

^^^17T9* 84)

Page 10: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


day of the ^^^^^ of ^eem'^^ in the year ^^^^^^^^

^^^^y, '^ ^^^ Ulu. An4 VA ^`^ ^^

Sather topt:^^ to the ^^unoi:^ Oa^ ^^^^ is our ^^t

Ot^ ^^^ ^ %**ftr the ^^p*O of h^,;^d " ^^ 41-ooti: : ' _ for

for the 00^..^t" Y"r^ by 64p^ti"

^^^^^ of t" 10rd OW UOAt 60Ma^41 Of ^^^^^ ^^^^^ftO.

:^oot ding with the said *.^^^j*msO the

pr^^^04 04 o vbft he ^;"`^und qlwurw

^^^^^l 4ut.^^0^ ^^^ when the vote was ^^^^o, t " .-: ;^01**

lowi ma^^ ^^^^^^^ the bi- " ^^^^ Ouviber of ^^^^^ (for

he ^^^^ing Omooss roso"t^^^^^

Flor^$#, X"t,4-ra}3kIng " , ' ^^^ wr^^^ ^op: U*

^^^^^Ph ^^ ^A Unto , x"jft* , g, Y ' ^^u, ju

^^^ ^^^^^^ ^

third; W- I ntoislao *oto,, to sltstl4^^^^^; A[VJ& ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^*, sixth t

^"Ooh^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^br^*,* =jjUjU=

and .^^^^^^ of this

In^0000114. ;-:O with the ^bov*4^ontloned and tool'' :.....

order O:.;: the lord o . sat g+^..^rd4,, I^^truati ,

that on tomeember) t :: ^ tv^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^eedl:: ^

^^^^ to the ^^r4 ^^^^^^ or ^^^ ^^^^^^^ for his

pto"^ ^ we ^^^^ ^^^^^ and ^^z our si: t^" ,* W

Page 11: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^shlp . Y deign to ^oaftm ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ at

^^^ * And ^^^^ in our own ^^^^^^ ^ for

of a ^ottry^ pu^^^^ or ^^*I$ and on this ^^^so^^

^0 Tme su^^^ to ^^^^^^^^e,* Thus we


^^^^^^^ t9lubrid

^^^^^^r aodrl$^s

^^^o d^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ de ^^^^

^^^^^^^h -Ss.^^^^^^ D4s <^fa,do A ^

ye..., ^^^ ^^^ll^^^^^^^^^

5^*5v' P#*^ In R# 12/20j1779*X/IM841

Page 12: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

6^ ^jA or "n: ^`̀̂+^ w,^^^ and ^^^ ^""410

of ^^ ^^ ^ Aa^ ^^^ ^ de S4w^# on the tweaty*wthir^ day

of the :^^ut^ of ^-co^^^^ in the year ^^ovento" ^^ gh^^^

^W,a -. ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ of the ^oyal 4^^^^

^^^^^^^ and ^ ^^^^ of ^rm^ of the ^^^^^^^ ^/ or

^^s Texas, its miasians* ooaqoatso and frontlors;^ ^^^

^^^ of ^^^ ^^^alry om kxV of the ^^^al ^^^^oio of

^^ ^^^oao 40 .i: ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ general of the ^^^^^^a

torpo 40^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ of the said ^^^^^^

on ^^^^^^^^ by the'lord commandant general of

^^ Uttr^^^ ^viw^^^ of this la: of New ^^

^^^o that ^ have ^^^ the Ooro-go :.. election

^ounail ^a^^^^

and ^^ the

^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ to hold and ^^^^^^^

^ ^^^^^ ^^t"^^^ duri^ ^^ 00MUS year of seventeen

t . .;_ ^^^^

I -oo,^ : ; . in all W^ ^^ as, ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^

to the order on whiah this govea^^^^^^ Is founded,,

1whiah O. , O' wa^^ ^^^^ad for ^^^ ^^^^^e, by the lord

oo.:ond"t ._"ral of the In°^^rior :^^^^^^^ of ^^

AM or New Spain on the Oth or January Of

In : ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ I ^^^^^^^ and cona^

above^»^^^^Lon-red ol+^at-ioW;^ on the ^^ndi^^on that thore

Page 13: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

has ^^^ no ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ Whiah ought ^^ ^^^ ^^^

^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ included ^^^^^^ from being ^^^cted to^v

the, aAi:^ Otfi^^^ and 4010 .«. P^'Ar in ^^eh ^^^^ // 1.

tra such ol^^tior^ nua and void , now and ^^^^^

^^^ ^^^^^^

or ^^^^^^^^

01"^^^ ^^^^oi^^e for -^.. ^^^^^

the ^^^^ti 1601

^^^^^^bOd by '^^ mulaOipa1 U^^ Of ^^e" ^^^

^ ^tJO^ ^^^ro"O, andO.: ^ irm (the +^^^OU^^^ in

the most due ^^^^ it ^otwoveo so to

00_. ^^-all, ^^sident$,^ 0"l^^^^so ^ah4bi^^^^^ and

T On `: who Pass through this ^ and Its ^^^^

^^^^^^^ to have,s holdo ^^^ct-, and ^^oy,

^4u^^ el^4w) Undier the

^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ by ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^owi_:.:g iWIVt4"I

Flor^s's first09

the, ^^^^^^^Irja, ( .. `^ " , , .. ^ ^gja - c*^ ^^voo^ also

^ gpia josi de ^

^^nta ^^^n ArAris

^^^^^ magla` t,^ayt,.: 440 `^^^^^ AUdm

; ^ ^^s fturth; ^^^ ^^^^^^^a Leal^ fifth;

raos : ^^s do

^^^^ ^ ^br o, 'g " .,*X^^ ^_

^^^^^ from their ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

and this

And so that the ^bov . entloned ^^er f;^ tho

Page 14: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


1014 O. M' ndout s .^^^ ^^ be ^^orW its 4ue o. '^

^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^onti. . ^^^ ^..^. returned to the ^^^^o

*^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ or tKO p ' .^ that the ^^n

1&000 _.."+^^ 0^^1 inol^^^^ ^"In may to +^^^^^ ^ ^^

^^^^^ on the ^^^^^ ^^ ot the ^om4na : ^ ^ a ^^^ of "ma*

and oo^^us At the UU^ ^^ 00 h+^^^ ^ that I x y 014"

th*b In 0600"iono use, and ^^rois+^ of the offidOls

to : ^ ^^y have been ^^^^^^^ ^ the ^^ore mOntioWd

.^^ ^

And on all this U O.^^ this ^^nfi., . . .^^^^^

^^^^^ with the ^^^^ ^^^e". ^^ ^ followed in ino^

t-alli.:. the ^^^^^^^^^^^^ APP"Ved t 000ine

^^^l be added to ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ in, ^^^^h the

^^^^ of ^^:^^ _ g, ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ as due ^^^^^^^ ^ore#*.

^^^ and ^^^ ^^^^^^^ed tl ivi^ol^l Oall be give:^..^-

tov.^^^^ it, ^.^^ so ^^^^^^ as is ^ ^^ in ^^

^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ and ^^^

fix my siv. :ture.^ in the ^^^^^^^ ollattsaft: ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ I ^^^ ^^ tho *b ::. ^ or ^ notary,

doing soon this plain

^^^^ ^ ^^o 1 ^^^^^^^

o stamped to ^^il

I ::IOLL^^^ollpRubrit

Page 15: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^ ^ ^^ROT ^^

^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^o

sit.^^^^^t witness

Page 16: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^ ^^ of ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ the

^^^^^^^ Of, ^^ ^^^^^ On ^ ^^^^^ of ^^^^^ In the

we, the

and ^ ^^^ of the aoove«»mor^^^^^^ ^ ^

gather together In the council ^^ftl^er

&^^ ` a- tp., pr-lelided over by me$

+^nijo f:urbelo* in^^rim U^^^onant ^r

jai^sidned by the lord governor o^' the provinee3

Colonel Domingo ^^ell^, for the Pu^^^^^ of

,instal. , ':^ the ,' ^^ ^^^ el^^^^d

by this and confirmed by the said 10"

^^^^rnor, Ooo^eq^^^ to the ^^^rior ordea^^$ i^^uod by,

the lord ^om,ndant general of ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^ on January thirteenth of the pro: ..^^

yea:^^ of ^even°^^^ ^^^^ty-^i ^vni-; * the

hod ^^ ^# Obsi^^^^ in this matte.^^^

41" tI^^ro6ta finding ^^^^oa In the ^%=U

^^^^^ ^^^^ the ^Lov1^^^^^^^I ^'r+^^^aisloo Fl^^^^^

^^ra^^^^^^zevedao as s^cmdr-rol*ina

S"tao as 99AU'a''Ag ^^60

^^and ^ as t^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ft

fou,^th-o j(,^^ Fr*^^*"joo Montes, as fl^^^



It: ^^ Juan ^^^^^ ^,^^ *10 ,ooj„^^

J^thba 14041^ as sixth fr^ Aid ^ ^' * A[,^ & Marcos Kontos

Page 17: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


and us+^^^^ ^ore1^^ o as W Ugn. or jggggp

yjj- ^*sA4 (s+^eI^^ that 06,014

aaeoa^^ ^^^^^od the duties to ^^^

nd ^^^^irmo

;^^^^ ^^^^er^^^^

^^^^ ^^^^ ^^nd W^} .^̂1909

by the authority vested (" ^ ^^l NY the *r0;^e-ftntione+^

lord ^^^^^^^ ^ To this end I ^^^^^^^^ the oaths of

^ ^^ in ^ th^ name ^^j

God Our ^^^^. and ^^^^^^ ^^ sign of the Holy Croo.^:^

^^ the ribed by low» Under this oat,h they

^^ that they swore to exercise their offi

faithfully and legally, doing ^^^^^^^

law and watchfully att:^^^^ to the pUb:^

o defend ^^ ^^^^^ of ^^e MO:

^^^^^^^^ of Our Mother. and TA4

to obey the royal ^^^^^^ Of , His

him) and the^uperlox orders

^^^ of ^hose Interi^^^ ^^vinae

Holy Vis^gin,

rd ao ....^^t

of Now ^poi^^ as

those of this ^^rovincial.^ government, and by

a obliged rigorously to

^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ in which they

be Institute

^^^^^^ ^^

of the obligations of 10

^orted fi^^^"gift

ve offiees 2

Page 18: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

vested the

of the authority they are to exe

of, ^^ir4 the SI'' ' ALa^^^

Ol^ ^^^ ^^^VO-Montioned ,^^^ ^^

seats 400^^^^^ to their

^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^SI^ and ^^ the

absence or a ^^^^

^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ as

Thus we ^^^^^^ ^

Co ^^^^^^ub^^^^

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^ ^^ Is ^^ ^^^^^^^^^


^^^^^ ^^^ ^^brl^^

J^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^

[Rubr^a^Montos do 000



tRubrioqadalup* do ^^odi^

With the ^^^^^^ ^^ virtual authority ^^^^^^

^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^d,o. we thus A^^^^^

affix our ^^^^^^^^^^ before attendant

with whom we

[Rubric^^^^ witness


Abre-es do Z+^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^ ^^^^s do Ocs,(Rubric]

Jas^^ ^^^& d^ ^^^^^^^^^


5v ^^ #.* In 1-2/20/1779-:

Page 19: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


dsy a of Decombor In t,


did ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^mbor•^^ is our wont and oust. ` ^^

holding ^^^^^^ons for, ^ M-

^^^ing y"r of,


XULA,,,. ^^oposedtied ^^^ ^^

t 4 k*4.4 JOW aOi

►^^^ ^^ Isnumber of vot+^$ for first

^^^ing. .1 AIJ $ Or ^^^^

the twentieth".r $41"At .

^In the ^^^no^^

or the purpose

U&^ for the

^^^^^^ons^ the ^^^^^

^^^^ he found most ^^

(^^ ^.^ :.^ the vote ^^^Santa reaeltred the highest

r" : _' ft W`r^<1 « For '6000 dw

O`>_:;;^ t"Al proposedo 414)9,

M40&ri* : ^^^^ and ^^^ ^^^^ de ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

equal ^numbers or] V*to$* pot Ut : 40gL g.^^

^d*^ D01618140 (,^^^ei^^ ^^^ most vote*); for . ^pA, Jjj

^war.^ gg)a ^^o$ do otstro;, ^^^

^^^ ^^^^^161mi^ ^^^^al for $rd ^ ^^ ^^^^^41n, Frantoi.^^^^ ^^^^ for ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^

^^^^ for ^^^^ ^^^ ^: ^^so* ^^^ft 1--l for ^^^^ ^^^

^^^^ll 114varro; and for and

of this the a.^^^ogi^ YAAJA ^^^ FrAnItis^^^0

mtio^S we ^^^ ^^^^ ^

- ^^ti ..d day in t^^^pl^^^ with the superior

Page 20: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

the lord 00mandaUt gone-^^ ot t * Interior Prov:^^^^^^ ^

^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ With his ^^^^^ that on the ^^^^^y-w

it [^^^^ ^^^^^^ines] to 4"t to the lord ^^^^rno^

^ ^^ ^ ^.ndant of this ^^^^^ince,^ tor ^^^^^

^rdshipf a. ^ ^^^enieno OU 00 ?W and Of;^^ our

9 in our ^^ ^^^^^^e,-, With atton: ^ ^^

tor 140k of a no on this ^^^^i-Ostamped 14 aftiUble . Thus we ^^^ify.

^^an, cislao ^..^a^^^^^^^^


;;*^^^ ^^^^^^0

(^ub^^^)VVIM101.81,00 :^ ^^^ ^^ ^fta

Rorie]J^^ef Marcos do A ^^^I*



^^^o Flores^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^ ^^^^

^^^ ^ in V--

Page 21: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

in the r"Al pr^sif^^^ of St+^la ^^^^oni^o do b6a r

AV " ` Of +^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^naador^ on, the t^^^ty-th0dw^ day

the ^^^^^ of December in the ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^

^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ 00104-4144k , governor and, 10o . .^ ^ut o^ ^^^

^^^si, ns ^ ^^^^^^^s,,

ea.^^oz or the 0avalry 00"aw or the royal P.^am+^

^^^^^^ of the^^^^^^ ^^^^^ and ^^^^d".^ ^^^^^ or the said ^^^^^by, ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ by, the ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ftra^of ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ of this kingdom or Now

^pain, ^^^^^ ^^^^ I ^^^ so" the af^^^^go-in,_ ^^

tion ofA_ w1*^..^"*:^ by t^

1401 ° Wg, Of the *,b+^^^^oMwd ,° ^..̂JA, to ^^^^ OPA

^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ff^^^sj 4uriT . the ^^ mi g year

X a,^^^^^ In all ^^logs 40 expoota.^^ I ^^^^^

^ the ^^d"O oz^ ^hi^^ this Sove- wr^^^^ is ro- ^ ^^

^^^^^ ^ere] Is_o . for this purpose by, t ...:.

iord o::m ^ant ^gnara.^ of the ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ of

this urw .^: or NOW Spain* .

In ^^^^^^^^ ^^^rw I ^^^^^^ and ^^^irm

mentioned ^^^^^^^^^^ on the 404"t^^^ that there has

109%1 ^ ^^^^nt' which .. ^ ^ to have ^^^^ ^-,:^.

Page 22: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


the men ^^^^^^^^ therein from ^^^^ elected to the said^0

off^^^^ 444 duti^s., For in such case I declare // such

election null and void# now and ^^^^^^^^$ holding . .

Jectors x^^^moib,^e for vhatoVar damage or dw^og^

may ^^^^^^^ result from thoi.^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

the 004^^^ion VAt the +^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ and as

pre"r.'^^ by the ni^^"I laW^ of the" ki^dwa

^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ and *Onf: . ", (the +^^^^^^^) in, the most

due legal fm* And ^^^^^ as ^g)a *o'^^^^ Sftomo

and " ^" :. ^tin de O^n^:i^. have ^^ elaE^^^.`^ by^^•^ "

equal vQt*S as

that the election has ^^^^^^^ in a t^^^ I her-ebr

exercise the faculties O ^: ^ - 4404 to 00 by the .^y"

1:aws of these ki: 4me and do Ol.^^ and name ^^a

Wo.^^^^ Sa^brano, to ^xeftts^ ^^abo"^^ont.^or" fun

^^^^^ of ^^^^^^^^klAg And In view

foregoing 3: O ' nd--as it b0hoo"O me to O _.: A^

^sid"U0 - ^:^^^^^s,* ^ ^^^^^^^^^ and other pers" ns tiRtd

^ ^ ^ O U 4 9 h ^^^^ PrOS.^^^ and JUjA- to have, ^^^d,*

`^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^t,$ , and Ob:^ as (duly ^^^^^^)

under- "'^^^ penalties ^^^^ribe+^

by ^^^ ^ ^^ following indivit^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^0 .14

Sar^^j fi^^^^ra^^ a.AggIft j[.014 ^^^^^^ Sambr' :;^

^^^^^*ra^^^^ fUM ' I' - ial

A^^t,^^ De^.^^*^ X -- - ^.^^^

Page 23: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

11.0 4 " ^^MMUmi ^^i^o SOCOW ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ suo no, ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ou^^ ^^res^ ^^^^^b;^^a O. _ ^^^^^^oo Aro

m^^ ^ ^ *rl ; andf ^^^ ^^^ ^^l Xabarvo*

ISM304and 0AU99m^ or this ^

And 00 that the aft'room;^^^^on*4104 10^°̂°^ C- .."t .:.°^l Ma,

its 4" e pu^^ce, lot this oonti^ ti^ be ^tu n"

to the ato"00"^^^^d MOW ;^ of this %&" 'wV

the MM ^^^^^ ^^^^ AVOI ,^^^^^^^ ^^^^

^^ be ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^&O ^^ the first MAY Ot the cming

^^^^ or ^^^^^^ and ^^^^^ at the to be

^^^^^ to to ^^^^ in ^^^^^^^^^^ use, and ..^^^^Of the ^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ have been ^^o"d by theafoa^ m"nUo: e and confirmed by *

And ^atuso X find .^^elf ^^^^^^ly busy ^ttea^din .. to

various mattors involving the ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^

^ ^^ and ^^^^^ my ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^*h ^^^vent my ^^^^ in ^^^^^ to ^^^^^ ^^ their ^^^ctive

.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ who have ^^^ nominated and ^^n-

od in thes+^^ ^^^^tions* I c ission;^ ^^^lently

the ^xtent ^^^^^^^^ by ^^^ my lieutenant go^^^oi,,

^^^^ ^^^^oni)o to po

for me ^^ the first . , y Of the coming


^^^^ the ^us^^^y oath f [the ^^^^^ ^ so that

Page 24: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

M^ In this ^^^^ ^^^^ into ^^^ ^^^u4 ^^^^^^^^

of their ^^^poo°^^^ ^^^^^^^

And when all this is ^^^^

,^^^^ot With the Other P =.vfolla^6d

the 4v0v**mw4^^d wr ` " tn ^ ::aee.

0 app;^^^^^^^ book In'^ht^^ the ^^^^

^^^rOC as ^^^ev^^^^^^ ^^ore.^^;

v^^^^^ be St'^^^ ^^^^^^ if the

this ^onfin

as is most in ^^^^^^^^ ^-^ l^^^ their rtshts*


^^^^ ^

^^ ^^^^^^

^^ ^^^on ^ ^ witnesses, ^^^^ ^ I act to ^^ ^^^^^^

^^^^^ doing so on ^^^^^^ plain paper, as no"

.9 AV-41.1-a-blew. Thus I -^^^ti^^.

-°• [ ^ ^ ]* ^^elloj^^^^

Cr^t.011 sa^3si

^^i4o do MIMS^^

(Rubric^^^^ ^^ wit ^^

NO* Dias deltRubrio

lov in Z* 12/^^^^779^1^784^

^^^^^^^ ^ g.

be 444^d

f the -gjk^.,,dg,

Page 25: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


year seventeen

together in the ^^^^il ^^^^

in the

ad ... ^

kb-*V*^Ut1One4 X,' ^^ 414

r^^^^^^^ capital or the

Tous, on the fi^^^

^^^^^^o,, we, th.^ gUlIft

presi4ed over by ^*j,

Antfc^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^tenant ^^^^^^^^^^

His ^^^^^ ^^^ernor) for the Purj

,"a j Lme, the tWajft... ^^ ^^^LgA,, and

lae^^^^ by ^^^^ .4k4Ln , ^ ^^ ^ and ^^nf^^^^d 'b

Lord governor cc^^^^^^^^ to the superior ^^^^^^

^04 by the 10rd 00. 0d*,nt ^.^^^

(^^^^^^) Provinces to 13th of ^^^^^ in the

proximate [. past year of M8,0 00006r^ing the

%od to be Ob^^^^4 In this a*tter.

in 4^ ^^ereof. finding ^^^sen^ In the ^^^^^^

^^am-bar '^^^^ the d^ ^^ ^^^^^

^on.f'ir-mved as 3»^t-*ra^nking ` .^ V If^^ Ma"rjo,

sambftaoj as seconC^f --rani ^^d"

d+^ _^„g^Lg; g2jp. YAreo^ ^o Caot:^oj

^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ee-O^^ ^^6&IJU^ ^ j[9jn.^^^^^^ ^^^

40isl^o B. no,^^^r-08,^ as fourth; 9932

co Arocha, as rim;. #jgjq.

:Mejja 4nd

Page 26: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich



,f this ^ I&; F^'"+^^t0i2100 Firoz..

nd tsee:. g) that each one had of his "a sc^ord ao-

c+^^ted ^ ^^ duties to whi^^) he had been elected /

the ab±^^**^^^^I*a+^ ^^^er^m uout+^^

^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ to ^^^^^^^^^ the ^^^^^wn"ed

and ^a^^^ br t^.^ OU`^^.^r^.ty vested

by the


Made In 10W. ^a

^^^ ^^^ernor. To thi


Of ^^^ Holy ^r"s in the : MWr p$^^^^^^^ by ^^^^

^^^^^ this 00^ they ^^^e4 ^^^^ they ^^^ to ^"r-

ol.^^ their offi^^s fal^^^^y, and l^gallyp doing

just,^^^ ^^^^^^^^ to ^^ and ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ to

the pui^li^ ^^llo : _^ ^ ^^ defend the mystery of the

Most ^^t and U :^^:eo^^^^ Oo"tion of Our Mother and

lA^^^ the ^^^ Holy Virg.: := ^ to ^^^^ the royal ^^^ula^

^^^^^^ ^^ the ^^POA^^ orders of ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

nd"t ,^^^^^al of ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^s of Now

A* as well as those of thts [provincial^ ^^^^^

^^^^^ and by all and in all to be and remain s^bliged,

^^ous.^ to ^^^^^l the obligations lot the ^fft^^.a

in 'whioh they Were to be I^.^^^^^teC ^^^ ^h" 3:0 th^

:d co ::-i^si^ned lioutonont :^^^^valo, had ^^^^^ the

z"I9. 2 ` : - of the ^^tos of their ^^^^^^^^

^^^^^ them with the ^^^^^ and virtual

Page 27: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^^^rity t: o^^of$ giv -: ^ the fAj; 4;^ their :

of the authority they were to ^^^^^^^oo, /^^ *n4

plating a^^e-Ment'wMa SIM` IA., and ^^aldo^^

their ^st^^ ^^^^r4i^ to ^h"^ ^^^^^ti^e rozk*

Conside,^In,g this at ^^^^^^^^^ we thus ^^^^rejv^ o An^ ^ffft our SI. ^^06# : before

^^^^^^^^ ^ with Whom we , S:^^ in the ^^^^^^

^^^^^^ or ^^^^^ and on t

^ StAMP+^ ^ Thus we C.Orti:

110 ^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^ ^ ^^^



cos.^^ ^^^tro^^^^

^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^ ^^

^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^d" wi^^^s

^^^^^^^^^^lmd SeSUIA


^^^^ wabarrotaubriol

^^u lar

Page 28: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


^^^In the XU" ?^ of StaInFora^ an^ lo

si+^^^ of SIO)a Antj^^^^^ ^o Bixar.;} on

the month of ^^^mber, 1782,


d royal pr^^

20th ^ay of

the ..l` ,^^

together in our SXMj^,̂ AM, 2, $9 ^amber-^^

,for ^^^ purpose of ho3^^^ ^^^^^^^

a our

^^^ ^^^j§gML for the oc^^ ^ year of (sever



Proceeding with [the el±^^tic^^^^ ^ the ^^^er E-Wgidog

proposed the men whom he found most qual^fied for the

d ot^^^eso (And when the vote was ^ak^^^ the ^ol*

^ived the highest number of votes ^ ^^^

^ol:^^^ing +^ff^^^^^ respeCtivelys

Delgado* first*ranking #12)^ ^^^^ ^ oni^ ^ ^^

fustiln Armes, second

Just ► Florec, ^hirdg #12j^n^ Estanisa^^^

^el Oalbo'n:fourth; ^^^

^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ and►umdo Dias, g.^^t^ad,^m,^, tS'.XAj and

, of this the . Abov+^^^entioned

seoand*-^^^^ingi [Uggldg

ations we ^^e hold on this the above-

day In compliance with. ^^* S^^^ri+^^ order from

the lord co: : ndant ger^ral of the ;Cnto:rior Provinces.

Page 29: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

cc^^liance with his order) that on the ^^^^

^ ^^ December ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ina4l the lord

governor and ^omand^^^ of this j provinc^) for oonfir-

^^^^ at His ^^rft^^^ venience* we thus o. a^

affix our signatures

with attendant ^^^^^^^^s$ for

on this Ip-^ain) paper, as ^non,

Thus we *+^rtify.

in our ^^ presence,

of a ^^^^^^^

^^^ is available

0; ^^^^^ SambranoRubric

Juan ^^^^^^^^^^^^

^ co ^^^^^(Rubria

Angel ^^^^^^^^^^^^.40001,P4 Toxeda

dant witness em

ftbrio)^^o d^ ^^^il^^


tI3,S. ^ 12r^-l^l p^ ^ ^ in S. 12/20/1779-:

Page 30: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

royal ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ sexar

San Fernand^^ on the twenty-thi.^^ day ^^

^^^ ^ ^^ of December to the year ^ev^^^^^^ ^^^ty"two*.

..^,^^ -Domf g,) 0 C&bel3^^ 001on+^^ of the royal armies}

governor and commandant of arms of the province of Los

^^^^^^^ ,O and frontiers,, captain

^aysary c - :^ of the royal ^^^^^^^^ of ^^

^o,n,i,,)a^ ^^ ^^^ and inspector general of the militia

corps and presidial troops of the said ^^^vinoe by +^^^

^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ by the ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ general of

the Into:rior; ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^th^^ kingdom Of NOW SPaiAP

[state t:t^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ the af^^-^oi:r^ election of

^eil offleers-L1,,,̂ ►1"w, ^;^^^u,^;;,r,,̂,,,^,^^;

^nAMOd by the

Ur- : the coming year of seventeen e^^^^-

^^^^^^^^^^d X1.111. to hold and exercise It.^^^o

onf^^^ In all thi. - _s as

the orders on ^^^^^ ^hisgoverr^^^^hip is ^^^nde^^

^^^^ orders were] issued for this ^^^^^ by the

lord co m. . andan^ general of the ^^^^^^^ ^^^inoes or

this kingdom of New S

In consequence thereof I approve and confirm the,

SbOV+^*jnentia^^^^ elections, on the ^on4.^ti^^ that ^^^e

has been no ^^^^^ ^^^^ment which ought to ^^^ pr

Page 31: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

vented the men included ^^^^^ ^ram being -, elected to^^

said Offices // and duties. For in such ca:^e# X

4001&r+^ such ^^^^^^ons ^^^l and VOW, now And hen+ae-

th* hc^^^iag the eloe^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ for wtatovtr

damage or detriment may possibly result from, their ill

:tlon* But [on ^^^ 00441t3.oA that the elections

^ legal and as prosari^^^ by the municipal laws

^^^^ xined^^^^ I ^^ifYs ap`^^^^^^ and confirm (^^^

eloatit^^^ ) In the most -d^e legal fc^rm* ^n view ^^ere4i,

a : :^^^ ^ ^^-**as it ^^^^ve-,$ me to t_ ^^-oall re.^^^^^tsm

t.^^bItants, and other persons who Passthrough this prosid1o and ^^ ^o havo* hol+^^

^cknowl^dgo# r+^^^^^^^ and oboyat Iduiy


the penalties ^^^^^^^^d

A.dua:^^ ^ J ak

of the fi,^^^ rank., and ,^^ h.

s^ ^^^^^^nkin I-C : -


.ramondf, a, ffa^:^ An aw; .9,9j 'a A,^^^^^

^^ ^^^^^ second &I&^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^

^otar^^^^^ ^rochs, fourth; AJS). X.^^" Calbin#

^^^ Rodriguez,

o4i Salbador ^^az^ ^ZWMggE_^^a M'rAgma of this


that the ^^^^o---^montiorod order from

Page 32: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

afore*J6'^med lord c 3'dl4ant aen+^^l may be afforded^^^

due ^^pl^ance,, // l^^ ^^ confirmation be ^^^

^d to the, ^^^re-^ent;^^^^^ MjgM or,

the men ^^^^^^ ^^^a a^^^ ^^^^^^ed ^^^^^n

may ^^^^^^^ on ^^^t 4a^r of the

^^^^ month of January and convene at the ^ak ^^^

to be held,. to be placed in .^^^^^^ion, Us.$a. and 03

*^.s* or the offices to W^^Oh t^r have ^+^^ ^^^^

by the afore,*me.ntioned ^ ^ $.* and confirmed

by ^^ ^ ^ b^ca^^^ ^ find ^^^^^^ extremely busy at-

to various matters involving the ^^^

^^^^ demand and require my ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

^^^ PrOV^^t my going in person to install in th+^^^

^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ have ^^^^ nomina°^^^

and 4 in, these ^^^^tionelz I o .^.- ssio^^ ^utw

ficient:^ to ^^^^ired b;


MY lieutenant ^^^^^^^^

^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ to ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ Ins^^^^^

^^^^^ ^^^ zo on the ^^^^^ ^^^ of the coming year,

491 the ^^^^^^^ oath from f the .^inees]that they ^^ in this ^^^ enter Into ^^^ use and

^^^r4^^ of their ^^^^^^^^^^ 4auto *

And when all this is, ^^^^^ this ^^^ ^ ^^^n'.

tosethe; other ^^^^dure^

^^^^^^ approved t a

4d*4 to the appropxUtO boo ^, in

Page 33: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^^^^ as due ^^i4^^^^ ^^^^^^^; and the.4^UAint^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ be ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ It they

so ^^^ue^t

Thus I provide

atoordanco with their righ.ts.^^

$no, affix ^ si "t^^

^^^^ ^^^^^^ of attendant ^^tness*e$ botc^^^ ^^^ ^

^^t in the ab^^^^ *f a ^^^at^p doing so on this 014in.

^^^^^ as none ^^^1 3AbI+^ ^ ^^^^ify*

Dom(i.^ ^^ ^^llb

Icross)Josi izi4o do ^^6n

^^^^ndst^^^ ^^tnesm

Pedro Dit^. del Castil;^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^nt, witImss

^^ ^ ^► in S4 12^20/1779*1'MS41

Page 34: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

in of

^^^^^^^ of 14'^ ^oxas

^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^

first of ^^^^

year ^^^^ntoon , Olghty-t"oo, ^$ the .alldl

and ^ ` ,-,.w of the abo'^^^^^^^nod

000mil t. " ' "Or or OOV

Pr:^V1404 over bV me, ^4a 444 A-^^^^^^^^^

^oftnt b

^^^^ ^^^^^^ar*j for the p^^^^


M, t";

^rwoo, l;^^^^


Ing the _ ^ ^ ^altz:^ ". and jj ' gwj. aleatoA by the

and ^^^^^^^ by the: sol^:: ^^^^ ^^^ernor consequent to

the ^^^rlor Or^.^r) IsS-^^^ by the ^^^ coma,^^^

^^^^^^ of ^^se ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ on the 1^i"^^ of^^^^^ in the proximate past ^^^^ of 1778^ ^^^

^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ be ^^^^^^^^ In this ^tte

'In ^^^^vow ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^os^^^ in the ^^^^^^

^baftOor fall the ^^i1w*Sj*^^2ja Kwn fuell D ^^^^^

^^tm ,:.. as ls^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^lo

do 146 : ^^enas.^ as ^0,0044^^^^^ina al^ll ;

voa^^^^^^o Se . , a -, as ^^; JA;l€('^^^ ^ 40 Aro*ba,, as, Al U^^^ ^ ^^^ At

^^^^^^ do ^^^^^^ as ^^^^ ^^^ ^^L ,j^^^:; : :

^^r" ^ as ttdrd, if ala Saftasl;^^ ^roct^s as ^^^rth ^

^^^ ^^U61 ^lbins as fif^^; 112ja Fa^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^ as ^^x-th

11:40 a and ^^^^ ^^ tU

Page 35: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

$a1vador 4 tset^^^^ that each one had

rd WoCep"^^^ tthe fttiea to Whi^^ ]he h been

016^^^^ ^^ ^onfi^od, ^^ the ^^^^^^^^^ti^^4 i^^^^^

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^04"d to institute ^^^ ^^^^o-.

by the ^^tho^

^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^*n& .^rd ^^^^^^^^

his and ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ of the

&# m"O in ttho = 4" ^^^ ^ Our Lord. and.

withl the " . or ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ in the ^^^^^

law^^ Under -this. oath they ^^^^^^ that16

Y they ^^^^ to exercise ^^^^^ offices ta^^tully

and io , .. ^ ^^in& 4^^^^t a^^^^^^ to ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^

^^^On4;^^^ to the puWL*I:^*bOi , to ^^^^^

the ^ ^^^^^ or th^ most ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ 0000^^ti^^^

^r Mothe:^ and ^^^^ ^^^ Most ^^ ^^^^^^ to obey

^^^ ^^^^^^^ Of, His ^ .. ^^^^^ ^^^ the superior orders

of the lord to - and.^^^ ^^^Oft^ or ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

^^^^^o" or so Spa^^^ as ^

vim iai^ ^^^ernment,

and ^^^^ 01,104 rigarous;

tions tot the o"^^^I In vdd^^ to blo In*

stitu d^ And . when I, ^^ said a: . i^si^^^

tenant 6600.^al"t had info:^^d the z+^ ^ ^ ^

^^^^ Of ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

them with the ^^^^^ and ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

those Of this

all and in all to ^

^^^^^ the

f the ob-

Page 36: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

g i v i n g the A W ;L their Vero$ as s,^^ou ^^ ^^

^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ to ^^^^^^^es, and.V14o: . the ^^^^^^

^i*nad and ;^ in their ^^^^ ^^^

^^^^^^ to their ^speetive .^nk*

And *Ouoider .^^ - this *at 0044lu+^od, we thus

^ee,14r^, r*SOIVO,, and &MA O:^ ture$, ^^^^^

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^s With ^^OM We, aOt in the absOMO

notary., and on ^^^ ^^^in^ paper

^ ^^^^^ ^ Thus ^^ ^^^^^^ ^

^^^^^ ^^ ^^^t ► Ourtol^^ ^^^


o ^^ ^^^^^^^

^^^^^I ^^^^^^^

^ ^^^^11tubrio

Agust,^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^

^h Flore:^^^^ikc.1:

o RodriguesfAi^bNo3

;t twitnegs

^^ ^roaha,(RUb^^^

^^ ^^iva^^^ as^^^^^^I

,Tosi :^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^

attendant witno$o

Page 37: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

/^17 In '" XUAA^ or ^^n pe n:.-:. ^o and ^^al ^^^^^^^^

of San ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ on the 20th of ^^^^^^^ ^^ . .

he S.&XI14g,, "gjWj^ and - S_ Lmjg,,g o^" I . h.-..-:

did ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ in our ^^^^^ll ^^^^or

wc^^^ and ^^^^^m**ftr the purpose of ^^^^^^

t and ^xid^^^

the ^ ^ ^^:^ ^^^^^ of 117184^^^oo"414 with ^ ^^^ 41"ti. : ^ ^ ^ the elder

^ the men ^^^^ he ^oWd most qualified for th.^

said ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ was ^akeAxlowing ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^e highest - ^^ of votes (for

r^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^a Pra.^nolslao

Myle.^ Rodr4- oz;^ ^irst-;^^ ^ SlAl` .̂g, Alpjp. Ju^^^^^^^^ s"t^^^-ranking (4144" " ^ ggjn. Luis

Ro±^^igues,, arst X"L,S", Oj;^^ Jul'*] ^^^^^^h Montesssecond VAL ^^ I&E^0. J"^^iil 14"'t third; AJA):

^^^^^^ IWMO,^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^n 40

^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^h,-* and

^^ S064",, ^. ^a#^ ^of this : ^►

^^^^e "Oetions we h&VO ho.^^ on this the abovo*

menti-^^^ 4441

from. the ^o"

Il^^^^ With the superior Order

At general of the Interior

^^^^^^^ * And [in c. 34anee with his ord^^] that

Page 38: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

t" e 21st [o:^ December the^^ ^^^eedings) be sent

the .^^^^ ^^^^^^r and oormandant of this (province11V

for O, firmouOn // at Ri^ ^^^sKV04 ct^ve^eno^;*

th" eomo*n^ and affix out sienature;^, acting in

our own ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ witness

^^^^^^ ^^ on this ^ ^^^^

is M^^^^^^^ Thus we ^^^^^^^^#

Manue^ ^ri

^^% ^ ^^^ ^^^^tftbr.ic

:^^^^^^^^ ^^ ArmasPubr i^

^^^^ ^^^^falabri0i


^Osi yanasio 40 u ^^^


^^^^^:^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^f1wabrio

fD*- S*.^ 17-«17tr ^^^ in R. 12/20/3,-779-2


Page 39: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


the ^^^^ ^^^sidlo, of Sfaln Antloalo do :^^^

and ^ Of Stai^ ^^^ ^^^^ on the twenty-fourth day

month of ^^^^^^ In ^^^ year ^^^^^^

^,qjp. ^I inglo 404116, colonel ^^

^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ and 0 =:.^ ^^^^ of a=$ of_ the provw.

Tuas, its m,^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^

in of the ^^^^^^ company of ^^^^^ ^^^o

an^: inspector go or the Milit,^^ ^^^^

and ^^^^^^^^^^ troops of the sal province by *:: i^^

Sion ^ont by the loza oo. .^ant ^^nera^ of theIn'^^^or Provinces Of this ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^)

have soon the afore.-going election

laga^ as' ' a .agaMa^^^ z"

&jwAJZjL n:" ^ by ^^

mea^^^on+^^ to hold and Oxero3o.

during the. ^^^ year of 1784w

council off,iaar:^^^

to, or the alb^^^^

^^^^ offices

a X ^^^^^^

^ ^^^^ on ^^ ^^^Ornorthip is fo_ +^

^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^Md for this ^^^^^ by the18

lord ^^and^^^ ^ersort^ of the ^^ of the 1 W Interior

Provintes of thi:^ ^^^^ of New Svala.^

^^^^ ^ I ^^^^ve and ^^^^ the ^^

^^^^^ ^ on, the *oz

tl i_.:: ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ug)


^^ been no

^^ the,

^^^^^^^^ therein from ^^^ ^lootec^ ^^^ ^^^ said OMOOt

Page 40: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

and ^^^^^^ ^ In each ^^ ^ ^^^^ such 0100^^^^ ^^^

and ^^^^ now and ^^^^^^^^^ holding the e^^^^^^s

r^^^^^^ble for ^haUver damp or detrimea^t may ^ft^w

otb^^ result from their i^ ^^^^ti^^. But on the ^^^^

^^^ the ^^^^^^OM 'a") l.^^^^ and as pr"Orl`^^

municipal laws of ^^^^o kingd^^ ^ ^ ^^^IX',Y.^ a;^^

^^^^^^ and ^^^IrM Ji^^^ 01^^^^^ In the, most ^U*

^agai rbrm. in view tho"Or I it behoov^^

me to tommad# ► 1411 ^01-4040, dvollers,, ;wh^^^^^^

and other persons who pass ^^^ ^ ^ h this y ,^ ,an4 itsJurls4:^^^^^^ to have,^ ^old,^ ^^^^^^eftej respect, and

obey as ^ 404 eleated) P: ^^^na^^^^^ ^^^^^^ibed by . ::^^^ ^ ^bo folloW . g in4^Vi^^^^ t)

^^^ ^^^^ Xavier ^ ^^^^^ as ^^^^^^^ank

^d^(11 t^ 'g



^^&jU" ^^^^ ^^^^^^ as second XPA19^ . AWS


QC^^^ ^ also LUI^v,^ riA^o X$ACh4*&,j as gjWgj.1

Salvador Rodrt&*S t as

joaq^^^n zeai* as l^ ^^^^ ZjajAgE ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^ de ^^^ as fourth ^^42Z ^^^ ^^1014.

^^^ahs, as ^^^^^ r-m" ^gr; -4

Ah and as ^^^^^E

W thi^^ Al

And so that

a^tl. go $00fa -

ab4'^^^mOntloned orde3


lord Oo^^^ant ^^ftr^l a: ^ be afforded as 4" cm-

Page 41: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


^^^^^'s lot this Conf^rmation be r^turn+^

mentioned Of this Vjjlj , the(whose moos are) included herein may b

Tj on the first day of the co

^^^^ at the uUM+^ to ^ ^old^

^^^^^ uses

have been elected by the w

and ^^nf: ft^^ by me^

the V^


the ^^^^^^

the men

:ed in posses-

^s to whieh they

Oed a;HALWI^

find ^^^^^ extremely

attending to various matters involving the r:^^^^

,viet which demand and a^^^^^^o my pex^^nal attention

and ^^^^h my soi:-^^^ ^^ person to in

their respective offices those ^men who have ^^^^)

nominated and confirmed in these elections, I +^^mmi&

10^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ AS req^^^^^ by ^^^^ ^^^a bft"Ol

eleAdo, the .^^cumb+^^^ fi^^^^^^^ing

said to in^^all them

^^^^ offices and ^^^^^^^ from them the

so that they may in this manner1-0

^'and -exe^^^se of their ^^tio;


^^tomar^ ^^th,

into the use

And when all this Is ^^^^^ this con

together with the ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^s fa ►l1^^^

^^^^^^ Of the afore-menti:^^^ ^^^es,

the appropriate book to which the a^^s

re roea^^^4j. as ft_^ evidence ^^^^or'; andt

Olvid.^^^^ shall be given Copie^

Page 42: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

^^qu"t, as is most in *ooor ^^- oe with their ri ; ts,

And ^^^^ It two ow. toto my attention that the

of this Xu a: +^^ety Yi to serve

in 40^il om^^^ some bwon 4 , most of the time,

^^^^^^VO ,* fail to .^*rVO,^ and do not ^^^^^^^^

the duti^^ ir ^ffit*.^^ ^ ^^ it 1*0088:^ to

^^^^irO thft in the ^^tU" to, ^ to ^^^^^^ ^^^^o

WOO- : who will Per, f0rft ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ that by this

^ ^ ^^^^^ Will be ^^^^ Of the detriment ^^^^^*4 in

the O- 01^0.4t3,^ Of ^U01100 4^.^ the ^^^li^ ^OU^bein-,^

such ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ore] e .^.._^^^^^^^ ^^ the, 41sta^^^u*-

tion of Wto and the ^^OnSW# or briftse* j^^^

the ^^^^^^ ^ as a ^^^^^ ^^ the ^^^^^^^^^^^

and the nea . g+^^^ or th^191V

g "" l , j. in not su"was the necessary h+^^pt

^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ For ^^^^ reason I requi.^^ of them

that ^^^ ^^oral:^* the greatest ^^ ^^ ^^ bon- .

of ^^se ^^^^^^^ with ^^^ ^^^^^nd^ that, if they

k^ tuMU their du°^^^^^ I sball make the ^Og-

(,^^^ ^^) ^^^^ 11 say to ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ and ^^^^^^^ ^^^^yo, for t . ir

0 ._41^.^ and affix my si. ^ure,*

p'^^^^^ of ^^^^^a" *^t-n*^S*8,X b*f'*.r-* Wh*M ^

In ^^^ ^^^^^ of a ^otaryo. ^^^^^ so on this plAin

Page 43: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich

Mors as 0 .. _. s'^^^ v0d ^^ai:^tio w Thus 1. oe": fy*

, .',^^ ^^ Cabe^^^

^OS, 44, .^


^^^^ ^ ^^


Pedro ^^s del ft.01^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^ ^04-08.5

^:^v.ol-gv p^. ^,. in X,^ ^.2/2C^`^^^g^^^^7 ^^I


Page 44: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


in the y1jIg of °^n vor1"ando' capital of the prov-

of ^^^^^^ on the

seventeen +^^^^ghty-faur„

the ^^^^^^^ Id i11a did

gather together in the council c^^^^r of our Ug';^;P^^^.,,en

provid^^^ over by me

the g&.vi.1 ojj-jgi^a*

tel De.lgadps

19sae commissioned by the, lord governor

ovince for the purpose of.^^^^alli^ the a a'l s

prdi ria

the sups;

t of January in the year^^

sued by, the lord commandant

general of this province t :^e` on the thia^te+^^th of

the, year 1778., concerning the method


In vf

hamber [a

nd ,^^^ ^^^^^^^ by this ^^^^dlwtg

w^ by the said ^ord. governor a*n'8+^^^en.^ to

this matter.

of,, fin"1

ri^^^^^ ^onfi^^d as first-rarAi:

^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ as ^^



,*r^nking aM d

9wnaha@a# as 1 <Lta .'E 11' ; if«;^ a sa^vador

.^odrigues, as [ u. ^ ^^^uo;#j.ojaJu.^^^^^ ^^^^^^ph ^^te^^

cond I S ^, 3.^" j

^hird, ^^^^^1hin;f eislco Montes, as fourth; 11.0ja

Ju1iin do Arocha, as fifth; as sixth (r„ '' Wox

Ohin Flores ; and as gMSUOjgj :a a-- and

.,^I,1,^^^^ Of this V111,4 ^^^ Santiago SO$^^^^-aAd

Page 45: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich


^ ^^^^^^ that each One had Of his own accord accepted

(t.hh^ duties to which) he had been elected and ^^no, -

^^UIs the 4bOVS- ►^^^tiOne4 commissioned L0 .t41;

proceeded to install the *for*-ra^ed and

LULJpZtI* by the authority vo-ated [ir^ ^^^ by the said

lord governor. To this end I received the oath^ of

the ^^ made in the name of] God Our

Lord and ^^^th) the sign of the Holy Cross, in th^

they swore to exercise their offices faithfully

^^^^^^ibed by 1*,w.. Under thi^ oath they ^^^^^

nd ^ogally„ ' doing Justice according to law and watth.

fully attending to the public well-being,$ to defend^^^ry of the Most Pur?^ and ^:.culate Con:^^tiqri

of Our Mother and lady, the Virgin Mary,, tooh^^ the

00-du^^ -of His Majesty and,th^ superior orders of the

^^^^^ Provinces

of th;

and in all to be and


air^ ^bliged

the +^bli$atI^^ lof the offices]

^^^^^^^^^^ # And when

said commissioned. . fir:^^^^4n]

the ^^^rge of the oba


t^ informed

one of their ^^spec,

UvO duties and offiees,^ I invested them with the

authority ther+^of, giving the , , , ,^^4 mbo:^^ of the authority they were tovOrgos as

Page 46: Year of 1779 · ^^^^^ of ^tWS^ interior Ptovinoos or new ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^^ of this (^^^^^l Vvea^^^^^ all and in ful'^1l the *t.^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ obliged ^^^^^ to ^ot the offices) inwhich





and ^laoing the SboVe-MOUtifted 110 & and

Inthei1" seats 40+^ording to their ros^^^


And ^on^id thus 40,01-ares

r^so^^^^ ^ nd, and ^ff^^ our a i^..^°^^ros$ befc^^e

tendant witnesses, With whom We ^^t in the absence of

4 notstky, and on this ^^^-auil papor^ as there is nom

Thos we certify

'^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ridl

Frar^^ oisloo Xavier Rod^iguez' ^alvador Rod^^sueo

Luis MariaEftbrial

n Joseph do Montes de OcaRu#ri(

I t^^^^^Joachin ^^^^^^



^^^^ Leal ^^^^^^^^riel

tio ^^^os ^^ ^^


^l^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^

Santiago ^^^^[^^^^^^^

v»^^ ^^ ^ * in Z. 12/20/1779,,-1/1/178,47



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