Page 1: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16










Page 2: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Learner Profile

At International College Hong Kong Hong Lok Yuen, we use the Primary Years Programme (PYP) as the framework for our curriculum. The Learner Profile is a central component of the PYP and IB and provides the foundation for the development of internationally minded learners. We use the attributes of the Learner Profile as our common language, and look for opportunities to develop them authentically in all of our students. Inquirers: they develop a natural curiosity that allows them to become lifelong learners. Knowledgeable: they explore ideas of importance and dig deep into its meaning creating a balance of their learning. Thinkers: they apply thinking skills that allow them to tackle complex problems in creative ways. Communicators: they understand and can articulate information in confident, creative ways, including a second language. Principled: they are honest, fair, just and full of integrity. They strive to solve their own problems and to take responsibility for their own actions. Open-minded: they understand and embrace other cultures. They recognize and celebrate their own backgrounds and learn tolerance for others. Caring: they actively care about others and participate in service for the benefit of the community. Risk-Takers: they are brave in the face of new challenges. They strive to take on new roles and to defend their own beliefs. Balanced: they understand the need to be emotionally, physically and mentally balanced. They strive for this in themselves and others. Reflective: they reflect on their own learning. They are able to adjust for weaknesses and strengths.

Page 3: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Essential Elements of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) In the PYP a balance is sought between acquisition of knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understandings, demonstration of positive attitudes, and taking responsible action. The five essential elements are used to achieve this balance.

Communication Skills Social Skills

Research Skills Thinking Skills

Self-Management Skills

From Function Causation Change

Connection Perspective Responsibility Reflection

Key Concepts What do we want the

students to understand?

Transdisciplinary Themes

What do we want the students to know?

Who we Are Where We are in Place and Time

How we Express Ourselves How the World Works

How we Organise Ourselves Sharing the Planet

Transdisciplinary Skills

What do we want the students to be able to do?

Attitudes What do we want the students to


Appreciation Commitment Tolerance Curiosity Respect Appreciation Empathy Creativity Integrity Independence Cooperation Confidence

Action How will students show evidence of their new

learning through action?

Choose the action. Carry out their action. Reflect on the process.

Page 4: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Curriculum Overview Learning at ICHK HLY incorporates a broad range of social, personal and academic skills that students use across different subject areas and aspects of school life.

Mathematics Number

Shape and Space Measurement Data Handling

Pattern and Function

Language Reading and Interpreting

Writing and Creating Viewing and Presenting Speaking and Listening

Social Studies Human Systems

Social Organisation Continuity and Change

Human and Natural Environments Resources and the Environment

Science Living Things

Earth and Space Materials and Matter

Forces and Energy

Personal, Social and Physical Education

Identity Active Living Interactions

The Arts Music

Visual Art Drama

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Page 5: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Units of Inquiry – Year 4

The school uses a transdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. It organizes Units of Inquiry under Transdisciplinary Themes. The Units of Inquiry allow the students to develop an understanding of each of the themes studied at this year level. The following information shares the content of each of the Units of Inquiry. These units provide the context for learning Science, Social Studies, and many aspects of Language, Mathematics, ICT and The Arts.

Who We Are

Central Idea: The choices people make can contribute to health and well-being Knowledge: Ways to maintain a healthy body

Systems of the body

Connections between body systems.

How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea: Development can change a community. Knowledge: How communities & organisations meet the

needs of people

Factors that influence community organisations

The purpose and impact of development.

Components of a community

Good & services within a community & the

impacts of any lack of good & services

Where we Are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Our perspectives of the past can be influenced by the information available to us today Knowledge: Purpose of examining & understanding

past events

How people learn about the past

Perceptions & representations change

over time

Individual perceptions &

representations influence what we


Page 6: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Units of Inquiry – Year 4

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea: Knowledge can contribute to people’s appreciation of artist’s work. Knowledge: Forms of self-expression

How people express their creativity Different techniques used by artists.

Sharing the Planet

Central Idea: Balancing people’s needs and the use of natural resources can support the planet. Knowledge:

Energy sources Renewable and no-n renewable energy. Energy conservation. Sustainability.

How the World Works

Central Idea: Energy exists in different forms and can be stored, changed, used and conserved. Knowledge: Effects energy choices have on our


Ways to conserve energy

Aspects of environment related to

energy production & use

Sun as a source of energy

Insulators & conductors

Electricity uses & sources

Simple circuits (including switches)

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A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.


Our mathematics program is divided in five (5) key strands of learning. Mathematical concepts, skills and knowledge are taught through the units of inquiry or stand alone, as appropriate. Students are taken through a process of learning in which they; construct meaning, transfer meaning, understand and apply.





Whole Number

Count, read, model, write & order 5-digit numbers

Round to nearest 10, 100 or 1000

Apply place value to partition, combine & rename 5-digit numbers (Ten Thousands, Thousands,

Hundreds, Tens, Units)

Identify value of a digit in a 5-digit number

Addition & Subtraction

Add/subtract 3-digit numbers using materials & appropriate strategies

Multiplication & Division

Model multiplication & division using groups & arrays

Recall up to 10x tables & related division facts

Solve multiplication & division problems using appropriate written & mental strategies


Read money amounts

Solve problems using purchases

Make the same amount using different combinations

Make change from $100


Read, write, compare & order fractions

Understand & use fractional language (eg: numerator, denominator)

Find fractions of shapes & numbers

Model equivalent fractions

Add & subtract fractions with the same denominator using materials & pictures

Model & compare improper fractions & mixed numbers

Compare in quarters, halves & thirds








Identify & define lines

Name, sort, describe, compare, label & analyse 2D & 3D shapes

Construct 3D objects from 2D nets

Draw 3D shapes with some accuracy

Identify lines of reflective symmetry in shapes & the environment

Position & Movement

Use grid coordinates

Transform 2D shapes

Follow cardinal directions

Follow directions on a map

Page 8: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.





Understand the difference between non-standard & standard units

Length, Perimeter & Area

Estimate, compare, order & measure length in millimetres, centimetres & metres

Estimate, measure, compare, label & construct perimeter & area in centimetres & square


Begin to understand that perimeter can change while the area remains the same (and vide versa)

Begin to convert units of length

Volume & Capacity

Estimate, compare, order & measure capacity using millilitres & litres

Begin to convert units of capacity

Understand volume


Estimate, compare, order & measure mass using grams & kilograms

Begin to convert units of mass


Understand angle as a measure of rotation

Compare angles & describe rotations

Classify, describe & compare acute, right, obtuse, & reflex angles & recognise them in 2D shapes


Use a calendar

Read & write time to 5 minutes on a clock (analogue & digital)

Develop a sense of time in context

Begin to convert between minutes & hours


Estimate & measure temperature with a thermometer accurately in Celsius

Begin to develop awareness of temperature landmarks


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Collecting, Organising & Interpreting Data

Collect, organise & represent data using bar graphs, line graphs, 3 ring Venn diagrams & Carroll


Interpret data & draw conclusions using a variety of scales

Describe the advantages & disadvantages of data representations


Describe likelihood of activities & events using appropriate vocabulary (eg; certain, likely)

Identify familiar events that are dependent & independent of occurrence


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tion Investigate, describe, predict & represent patterns using numbers & other symbols

Identify growing patterns

Identify a starting number & the constant multiplier

Use mathematical language to describe patterns

Build simple shape sequences

Identify rules for patterns to predict future events

Explore & describe patterns in multiplication & division facts including their inverse relationship

Identify & describe properties of prime & composite numbers

Page 9: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

Language (English)

Our English Language program is divided in four (4) key strands of learning. Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating. It is necessary to not only learn language, but about language and through language. These four strands of learning below are learned across and throughout the subject areas.




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Word Level

Use knowledge of word formation to construct

meaning of words in context

Grammatical Awareness

Read aloud with intonation & expression, taking

account for punctuation

Use knowledge of how commas, connectives, full

stops are used to join & separate classes to maintain


Apply knowledge of the different uses of apostrophe

to maintain understanding

Text Level

Understand how chapters & paragraphs are used to

collect, order & build up ideas

Make use of non-fiction features to assess relevance

Identify the features of different text types

Apply comprehension strategies: skim, scan, predict,

monitor, clarify, question, infer, retell, summarise,

make connections, visualise

Locate & understand direct & rephrased information

Draw inferences from sentences or short paragraphs

Retell main details of a text

Context Level

Understand narrative order

Track passage of time in narratives

Interpretation & Response

Identify & discuss issues, referring to text

When reading fiction:

interpret the effect of language choice

identify use of expressive, descriptive, figurative


respond critically to issues raised using evidence

evaluate author choice

When reading non-fiction:

evaluate specific texts

determine needs before locating relevant sources

distinguish between facts & opinions & recognise points of view

Page 10: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.








Write simple & compound sentences

Begin to use relative clauses

vary & strengthen sentences


Begin to use apostrophes for possession

Use commas to separate phrases & clauses

Use punctuation effectively


Consolidate knowledge of & secure use of nouns,

verbs, adjectives & adverbs

Purpose & Organisation

Use appropriate layout for non-fiction texts

Use setting & characterisation in narratives to

engage the reader

Maintain consistent person & tense

Vary openings, build-ups, conflict & endings in

narrative texts

Use paragraphs to construct narratives

Use details to create humour or suspense in


Writing Process

Use different planning formats & methods

Mentally rehearse writing & re-read

Make adaptations & corrections according to

audience & purpose

Begin to use ICT to publish

Language Effects

Use adjectives & adverbs selectively to create

variety & interest

Use powerful verbs to show character or add impact

Use language precisely & selectively in relation to

text types

Choose appropriate vocabulary

Use evaluative language

Use similes



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Speak appropriately & confidently with increasing


Adapt language & use a range of specific

vocabulary in different situations

Begin to argue persuasively, defending a point of


Add appropriate elaboration & detail to recounts

Describe events outside of own experiences

Retell stories of some complexity

Use questions to clarify & ask for further information


Organise own thoughts & feelings before speaking

Verbalise thinking & explain reasoning

Listening & Responding

Present own point of view & respect view of others

Listen to stories & identify structures & ideas

Listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations

Follow complex sets of instructions

Paraphrase & summarise content of others’ speech

Group Discussion & Interaction

Understand that ideas & opinions can be

generated, developed & presented through talk &

group presentations

Begin to understand that there is a purpose to a talk

& keep on track

Show an increasing aware of social conventions that

help group interaction

Language Awareness

Know that grammar helps make language clear &

supports intended meaning

Develop an awareness of rules of language,

realising that they can be irregular

Understand that figurative language has a purpose

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A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.



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Recognise & name familiar visual texts (eg: logos)

Observe & discuss visual messages, making

judgement about effectiveness

Use actions & body language to reinforce


Use suitable shapes, colours, symbols & layout for


Practice & develop own handwriting style

Understand that text & illustrations work together to

convey information

Use appropriate terminology to discuss visual texts

(eg: foreground, font)

View a range of visual formats & discuss their

effectiveness (eg: film, posters)

Understand that effects are selected to create

impact (eg: music, lighting)

Observe, discuss & evaluate visual presentations

Understand the audience & purpose of visual


Use a range of visual organisers

Page 12: Year 4 Curriculum Guide 2015/16

A vibrant and caring community developing creative, enthusiastic, confident learners who will take action in an ever changing world.

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