Page 1: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• WWII– Reparations

Page 2: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

WWII• The rise of Dictators

– Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation.

– Fascism – emphasis on the importance of a nation or ethnic group with a supreme leader.

– Stalin • Launched a five year plan towards communism

after Lenin’s death.• Created collective farming / the plan was a failure.• It created economic hardships• He pursued a policy of increased industrialization.

Page 3: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

– Stalin• He began a policy of purging ( a process of

removing the undesirables and enemies from power).

– Benito Mussolini• Believe that the Treaty of Versailles should have

granted Italy more territory.• Mussolini organized fascist groups throughout Italy• Italy’s economy improved under Mussolini.

– Hitler’s Rise to Power• Greatly disagreed with the terms of the Versailles

Treaty. • He joined the Nazi Party – “German nationalism &

superiority.”• He tried to overthrow the German government and

was sent to prison.• In prison he wrote the book “Mein Kampf,” (My


Page 4: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

– Hitler’s Rise to Power• In prison he wrote the book “Mein

Kampf,” (My Struggle).•“Mein Kampf” was an outline of Nazi

philosophy, his views of Germany’s problems, and Hitler’s plan for the nation.

•He blamed the Jews living within Germany for its defeat.

•He defied the Versailles Treaty.•He proposed strengthening Germany’s

military and expanding its borders.•He called for purifying the “Aryan Race.”

This eventually lead to the holocaust.•Hitler became Chancellor – “Head of the

German government.”

Page 5: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

– The Holocaust –The genocide of six million Jews•Anti-Semitism was the term used to

describe the hostility, discrimination, and often violence directed at the Jews

•Anti-Semetism was a continuation of the “non-Aryan” (blond, blue-eyed Germans).

•The Nazis created “death camps” to carry out the mass murders.

•The Nuremburg Trials an international military tribunal created to try Nazi leaders for the mass murder of the Jews.

Page 6: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

– Hitler’s Rise to Power• After the president died Hitler became president

and chancellor.• Hitler began building an army thereby causing

Germany to recover from the depression.• Hitler began his expansion policy.

• The Road to WWII– German troops entered the Rhineland, a

region that German troops were banned from entering by the Versailles Treaty.

– Britain & France did not react to this violation.

– In 1936 Hitler allied with Mussolini under an agreement called the “axis.”

– Japan joined and they became known as the “Axis Powers.”

Page 7: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• The Road to WWII

– Hitler invaded Austria– Hitler invaded Sudentenland– Later he took western Czechoslovakia.– The British prime minister tried to

appease Hitler but appeasement did not work.

– The Spanish Civil War•Germany & Italy provided planes, tanks,

and soldiers to the Nationalists.

Page 8: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• The Road to WWII– After the prime minister of Great

Britain gave in to Hitler’s demand six months later he annexed Sudetenland.

– The next month Italy invaded Albania.– Hitler signed a non-aggression pact

with Stalin of the Soviet Union– September 1, 1939 Hitler invaded

Poland.– Britain & France declare war on

Germany.– The German “Blitzkreig” was released

on Poland and they conquered Poland within one month.--

Page 9: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• The Road to WWII– April 9, 1940 Germany attacked

Denmark & Norway.– June 10th Hitler turned on France.– August 1940 Hitler attacked Great

Britain.– Japan joins the Axis Powers

• Japan saw Manchuria as an answer to its problems of land and resource scarcity.

• Japan’s army seized all of Manchuria and declared it a puppet state.

– America Chose Neutrality•America became more involved in selling or

lending war supplies to Great Britain.• Japan attacks Pearl harbor December 7,

1940•America Declares war.

Page 10: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• United States Declares War– In September 1940 (before Pearl

Harbor) Congress authorized the first peacetime draft in the nation’s history.•The Selective Service Act –required all

males ages 21-36 to register for military service.

•Nearly 1 m African Americans joined but they were limited to supporting roles.

– The war production efforts ended the massive unemployment of the 1930’s (The Great Depression).

Page 11: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• America Declares War– Financing the War

•Higher taxes•Bonds

• America Joins the War– In August 1941 President Franklin

and Prime Minister Winston Churchill met secretly and decided on eight principles to govern their alliance known as the Atlantic Charter •This charter formed the basis for the

United Nations

Page 12: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• America Joins the War– The Battle of the Atlantic December

1941•America and Great Britain had to counter

the attacks of German U-boats (submarines).

– The Battle of North Africa•Great Britain defeated Germany and took

control of North Africa

– Invasion of Italy – July 1943•U.S invaded Italy• Italy’s government surrendered in

September 1943•Germany’s army continued to fight but

was defeated April 1945

Page 13: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• America Joins the War– War in the Soviet Union

•Hitler broke his pact with Stalin and turned his attack east toward the Soviet Union.

•The battle of Stalingrad Germany was defeated.

– D-Day – Normandy (France) –– The Battle of the Bulge – the largest

battle in Western Europe during WWII. •This battle defeated Germany.•Hitler committed suicide.•May 8, 1945 Germany surrendered.

– The Yalta Conference -

Page 14: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• War in the Pacific (“The Big Payback”)– Japan attacked Pearl harbor

December 7, 1940with the intent of gaining military control of the Western Pacific.

– Japan attacks the Philippines April 1942

– Island Hopping – a strategy used to attack Japan’s territory.

Page 15: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• Island Hopping – a strategy used to attack Japan’s territory.– The Battle of Midway became the

turning point for Allied victory.•Americans sank four of Japan’s carriers.

– The Battle of Guadalcanal became the first offensive strike for the Allies.

– The Allies Retake the Philippines.– Iwo Jima & Okinawa– American gets closer and closer to


• The Manhattan Project

Page 16: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• The Manhattan Project – the development of the Atomic Bomb– Dropped on Hiroshima August 6,

1945– Dropped on Nagasaki August 9,

1945.– Japan surrendered September 2,


Page 17: WWII –Reparations. WWII The rise of Dictators –Totalitarianism – a government that exerts total control over a nation. –Fascism – emphasis on the importance

• War in the Pacific (“The Big Payback”)– Japan attacked Pearl harbor December

7, 1940 with the intent of gaining military control of the Western Pacific.

– Japan attacks the Philippines April 1942

– The Battle of Midway became the turning point for Allied victory.•Americans sank four of Japan’s carriers.

– The Battle of Guadalcanal became the first offensive strike for the Allies.

– The Allies Retake the Philippines

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