
Quotes as Quotes as Supporting DetailsSupporting Details

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting DetailsSupporting Details

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Support your IDEASIDEAS,


and increase your essay’s


When using Quotes, When using Quotes, you should…you should…

When using Quotes, When using Quotes, you should…you should…

Make sure the QuoteQuote supports the reason.

Write Write On!On!Use a transitiontransition//explanationexplanation

sentence immediately afterward.

Use proper punctuation.

Identify the author if not widely known.

LinkLink it to the topic. .

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


A transitiontransition (or transitional expression) is defined as: A A word or phrase that shows word or phrase that shows how the meaning of one how the meaning of one sentencesentence (explanation) is related to the meaning of is related to the meaning of the the preceding sentence preceding sentence (quote).(quote).

AnAn explanationexplanation is simply rephrasing is simply rephrasing the quote in your own words.the quote in your own words.

The The transitiontransition//explanationexplanation is the sentence is the sentence immediately after the quote that begins with immediately after the quote that begins with a a transitiontransition and and has the quotehas the quote

rephrased/rephrased/explainedexplained in your own your own words.

A transitiontransition (or transitional expression) is defined as: A A word or phrase that shows word or phrase that shows how the meaning of one how the meaning of one sentencesentence (explanation) is related to the meaning of is related to the meaning of the the preceding sentence preceding sentence (quote).(quote).

AnAn explanationexplanation is simply rephrasing is simply rephrasing the quote in your own words.the quote in your own words.

The The transitiontransition//explanationexplanation is the sentence is the sentence immediately after the quote that begins with immediately after the quote that begins with a a transitiontransition and and has the quotehas the quote

rephrased/rephrased/explainedexplained in your own your own words.

Write On!Write On!

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


By incorporating a By incorporating a transitiontransition/explanation/explanation in your in your quote, you will show evidence of:quote, you will show evidence of:

Word Choice Word Choice – paraphrasing is a – paraphrasing is a wonderful way to exhibit Word Choice.wonderful way to exhibit Word Choice.

Sentence Fluency Sentence Fluency – starting a sentence – starting a sentence with a transitional element will with a transitional element will demonstrate a more complicated form demonstrate a more complicated form of sentence as opposed to the standard of sentence as opposed to the standard S-V-O sentence. S-V-O sentence.

ConventionsConventions – Remember that comma – Remember that comma after the transition! after the transition!

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


By incorporating a By incorporating a transitiontransition/explanation/explanation in your in your quote, you will show evidence of:quote, you will show evidence of:

IdeasIdeas – Rephrasing a quote illustrates– Rephrasing a quote illustratesyour ability to incorporate your ideas your ability to incorporate your ideas with with the information of others. the information of others.

VoiceVoice - Your personality can shine - Your personality can shine through when you rephrase the quote through when you rephrase the quote in your own personal style. in your own personal style.

OrganizationOrganization – Using a – Using a transition/transition/explanationexplanation sentence is a sentence is a logical progression from one point to the logical progression from one point to the next. next.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Each Quote should be followed by a transitiontransition:

Write On!Write On!


In other words


This means

We can conclude from this that

This tells us that

From this we can understand that

This statement showsIn translation

With this in mind To clarify

Keep in mind, this is only a sample Keep in mind, this is only a sample of transitions you can use.of transitions you can use.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Write On!Write On!

My grandfather used to always say, “The ultimate responsibility always lies within you, and the opportunities are the ones you create.” In other words, it is every person’s job to make the right choices and find ways to reach his or her goals.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


My grandfather used to always say, “The ultimate responsibility always lies within you, and the opportunities are the ones you create.” In other words, it is every person’s job to make the right choices and find ways to reach his or her goals.

Write On!Write On!

Thomas Paine once said, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Basically, having freedom of choice means having the responsibility of fighting for it.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Thomas Paine once said, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Basically, having freedom of choice means having the responsibility of fighting for it.

Write On!Write On!

Coach Johnson, the baseball coach, always encourages the team before a game, “You can’t choose your circumstances, but you can choose to overcome them.” In translation, no matter what obstacles a person is faced with, he or she always has a choice in how to tackle the problem.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Coach Johnson, the baseball coach, always encourages the team before a game, “You can’t choose your circumstances, but you can choose to overcome them.” In translation, no matter what obstacles a person is faced with, he or she always has a choice in how to tackle the problem.

Write On!Write On!

My mother is always saying, “We are our choices.” Specifically, the person we become is a direct result of the decisions we make.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


My mother is always saying, “We are our choices.” Specifically, the person we become is a direct result of the decisions we make.

Write On!Write On!

“I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them,” Herbert Henry Lehman once said. This means everyone is entitled to his or her own ideas, even if others oppose those thoughts.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


“I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them,” Herbert Henry Lehman once said. This means everyone is entitled to his or her own ideas, even if others oppose those thoughts.

Write On!Write On!

John F. Kennedy said, “One person can make a difference, and every person should try.” With this in mind, it is important to realize everyone has the power to initiate positive change.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


John F. Kennedy said, “One person can make a difference, and every person should try.” With this in mind, it is important to realize everyone has the power to initiate positive change.

Write On!Write On!

I once read a book that said, “When you are tempted to point a finger, lend a helping hand instead.” To clarify this somewhat confusing quote, instead of blaming someone for a problem, try to help solve it.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


I once read a book that said, “When you are tempted to point a finger, lend a helping hand instead.” To clarify this somewhat confusing quote, instead of blaming someone for a problem, try to help solve it.

Proper Punctuation Marks

If the If the authorauthor is stated is stated beforebefore the quote: the quote:

Doug Larson once statedDoug Larson once stated, “, “The reason The reason people blame things on the previous people blame things on the previous generation is that there’s only one generation is that there’s only one other choiceother choice.”.”

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Proper Punctuation Marks

If the author is stated after the quote:

“Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has,” Margaret Mead once said.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Proper Punctuation Marks

If the author is stated within the quote:

“If someone were to pay you ten cents for every kind word you spoke and collect ten cents for every unkind word,” my science teacher asked, “would you be rich or poor?”

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Personalize the author of your quote if the person is anonymous or not widely known.

People you can use:



Parents (Mom or Dad) Teachers




Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


If the person is not widely known, then If the person is not widely known, then identify identify how how you know themyou know them: Identifying someone in : Identifying someone in this manner is an this manner is an appositiveappositive which is defined as: which is defined as: A noun, noun phrase, or series A noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it.rename it.

SusanSusan, my best friend, , my best friend, always says, always says, “Anger is “Anger is only one letter short of only one letter short of danger.”danger.”

Mr. SmithMr. Smith, our school principal, , our school principal, said said on on announcements, “It is wiser to announcements, “It is wiser to choose what choose what you say than say what you say than say what you choose.” you choose.”

If the person is not widely known, then If the person is not widely known, then identify identify how how you know themyou know them: Identifying someone in : Identifying someone in this manner is an this manner is an appositiveappositive which is defined as: which is defined as: A noun, noun phrase, or series A noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it.rename it.

SusanSusan, my best friend, , my best friend, always says, always says, “Anger is “Anger is only one letter short of only one letter short of danger.”danger.”

Mr. SmithMr. Smith, our school principal, , our school principal, said said on on announcements, “It is wiser to announcements, “It is wiser to choose what choose what you say than say what you say than say what you choose.” you choose.”

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


However . . . don’t get carried away!However . . . don’t get carried away!MomMom, the woman who gave birth to , the woman who gave birth to

me, me, constantly states, “The one with constantly states, “The one with the primary responsibility to the the primary responsibility to the individual’s future is that individual.”individual’s future is that individual.”

NEVER – NEVER WRITE:NEVER – NEVER WRITE:A wise man once said, “The most “The most

important person to be honest important person to be honest with with is is yourself.” yourself.” Anonymous once said, “Do “Do not do what you would undo if not do what you would undo if caught.”caught.”

However . . . don’t get carried away!However . . . don’t get carried away!MomMom, the woman who gave birth to , the woman who gave birth to

me, me, constantly states, “The one with constantly states, “The one with the primary responsibility to the the primary responsibility to the individual’s future is that individual.”individual’s future is that individual.”

NEVER – NEVER WRITE:NEVER – NEVER WRITE:A wise man once said, “The most “The most

important person to be honest important person to be honest with with is is yourself.” yourself.” Anonymous once said, “Do “Do not do what you would undo if not do what you would undo if caught.”caught.”

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


After you have stated the quote and the After you have stated the quote and the transitiontransition//explanationexplanation, , you must you must linklink it to the topic. it to the topic.

The examples on the following slides The examples on the following slides linklink the quote and thethe quote and the transitiontransition//explanationexplanation to the the prompt.

Now write to present your opinion write to present your opinion to the reader whether unhealthy snacks and sugar drinks should or should not be banned from schools.

Many parents are concerned that candy and sugary drinks are contributing to an unhealthy lifestyle for students and want to ban them from schools. Think about whether you think this is a good idea.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


Schools should not ban the sales of snacks because every person is ultimately responsible for his or her own decisions. My grandfather used to always say, “The ultimate responsibility always lies within you, and the opportunities are the ones you create.” In other words, it is every person’s job to make the right choices. To this day, I think about his advice whenever I am faced with a difficult decision. This is especially important because I know I may be the only one with my best interests in mind, particularly when it comes to my health. As a result, students should be faced with difficult decisions as they grow. Schools can present options, but students have the ultimate responsibility of choosing whether or not to purchase snack in school.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Schools should not ban the sales of snacks because every person is ultimately responsible for his or her own decisions. My grandfather used to always say, “The ultimate responsibility always lies within you, and the opportunities are the ones you create.” In other words, it is every person’s job to make the right choices. To this day, I think about his advice whenever I am faced with a difficult decision. This is especially important because I know I may be the only one with my best interests in mind, particularly when it comes to my health. As a result, students should be faced with difficult decisions as they grow. Schools can present options, but students have the ultimate responsibility of choosing whether or not to purchase snack in school.

Identify the Link

Schools should not ban the sales of snacks because every person is ultimately responsible for his or her own decisions. Thomas Paine once said, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Basically, having freedom of choice means having the responsibility of fighting for it. So often, it is easier to sit by and let others make important decisions that can limit our freedoms. For example, many people believe schools should not sell foods considered unhealthy; however, I support having a variety of choices because I believe students should have the right to purchase the food they want.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Schools should not ban the sales of snacks because every person is ultimately responsible for his or her own decisions. Thomas Paine once said, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Basically, having freedom of choice means having the responsibility of fighting for it. So often, it is easier to sit by and let others make important decisions that can limit our freedoms. For example, many people believe schools should not sell foods considered unhealthy; however, I support having a variety of choices because I believe students should have the right to purchase the food they want.

Identify the Link

Schools should absolutely ban the sales of unhealthy snacks. Coach Johnson, my baseball coach, always encourages us before a game by reminding us, “You can’t choose your circumstances, but you can choose to overcome them.” In translation, no matter what obstacles a person is faced with, he or she always has a choice in how to tackle the problem. In this case, the obstacle is in schools which sell unhealthy snacks to students. In order to improve schools and the community, parents are banding together to have these machines removed from schools. Since obesity is a huge problem, I support parents in removing unhealthy options from school vending machines.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Identify the Link

Schools should absolutely ban the sales of unhealthy snacks. Coach Johnson, my baseball coach, always encourages us before a game by reminding us, “You can’t choose your circumstances, but you can choose to overcome them.” In translation, no matter what obstacles a person is faced with, he or she always has a choice in how to tackle the problem. In this case, the obstacle is in schools which sell unhealthy snacks to students. In order to improve schools and the community, parents are banding together to have these machines removed from schools. Since obesity is a huge problem, I support parents in removing unhealthy options from school vending machines.

Schools should absolutely ban the sales of unhealthy snacks. My mother is always saying, “We are our choices.” Specifically, the person we become is a direct result of the decisions we make. In today’s world, it is sometimes easier to make bad choices than good ones. Although choices can range from what shirt to wear to whether or not to attend a party, no choices are more important than those that affect health. Eliminating unhealthy snacks and beverages from school vending machines increases the likelihood that students will make responsible, smart decisions about the foods that they eat.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Identify the Link

Schools should absolutely ban the sales of unhealthy snacks. My mother is always saying, “We are our choices.” Specifically, the person we become is a direct result of the decisions we make. In today’s world, it is sometimes easier to make bad choices than good ones. Although choices can range from what shirt to wear to whether or not to attend a party, no choices are more important than those that affect health. Eliminating unhealthy snacks and beverages from school vending machines increases the likelihood that students will make responsible, smart decisions about the foods that they eat.

Schools should not ban the sales of snacks because every person is ultimately responsible for his or her own decisions. “I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them,” Herbert Henry Lehman once said. This means everyone is entitled to his or her own ideas even if others oppose those thoughts. Though good nutrition is important to me, many of my friends enjoy eating a variety of foods and beverages that are not very healthy. I may not choose to join them, but I respect their rights to eat what they want. As a result, I believe school vending machine offerings should not be limited.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Identify the Link

Schools should not ban the sales of snacks because every person is ultimately responsible for his or her own decisions. “I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them,” Herbert Henry Lehman once said. This means everyone is entitled to his or her own ideas even if others oppose those thoughts. Though good nutrition is important to me, many of my friends enjoy eating a variety of foods and beverages that are not very healthy. I may not choose to join them, but I respect their rights to eat what they want. As a result, I believe school vending machine offerings should not be limited.

Schools should absolutely ban the sales of unhealthy snacks. John F. Kennedy said, “One person can make a difference, and every person should try.” With this in mind, it is important to realize everyone has the power to initiate positive change. Sometimes, simply sharing a few kind words with someone down in the dumps can make a huge difference in their day. Other times, it is necessary to take on a larger problem. Since childhood obesity is an increasing problem in our country, it is important that I am part of creating an environment that encourages health. Therefore, I believe schools should not be allowed to sell foods and beverages that do not have any nutritional value.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Identify the Link

Schools should absolutely ban the sales of unhealthy snacks. John F. Kennedy said, “One person can make a difference, and every person should try.” With this in mind, it is important to realize everyone has the power to initiate positive change. Sometimes, simply sharing a few kind words with someone down in the dumps can make a huge difference in their day. Other times, it is necessary to take on a larger problem. Since childhood obesity is an increasing problem in our country, it is important that I am part of creating an environment that encourages health. Therefore, I believe schools should not be allowed to sell foods and beverages that do not have any nutritional value.

Schools must take on the responsibility of limiting choices provided in snack machines. I once read a book that stated, “When you are tempted to point a finger, lend a helping hand instead.” To clarify this somewhat confusing quote, instead of blaming someone for a problem, try to help solve it. Even though we all have our own issues to deal with, lending a helping hand to others ultimately leads to a better community and a better life for us all. Working to create a healthy environment is just one way we can improve the lives of those around us. Limiting the options for school vending machines would enable kids to make healthier food choices, and lead to a better quality of life.

Quotes as Quotes as Supporting Supporting


LinkLink the transition/explanation to the topic Make sure it supports the reason!

Write On!Write On!

Identify the Link

Schools must take on the responsibility of limiting choices provided in snack machines. I once read a book that stated, “When you are tempted to point a finger, lend a helping hand instead.” To clarify this somewhat confusing quote, instead of blaming someone for a problem, try to help solve it. Even though we all have our own issues to deal with, lending a helping hand to others ultimately leads to a better community and a better life for us all. Working to create a healthy environment is just one way we can improve the lives of those around us. Limiting the options for school vending machines would enable kids to make healthier food choices, and lead to a better quality of life.

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