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SPECIAL BONUSES PACK value over $21.000

A brand new software WP Clickster is able to handle all of the hard work for you so that

you can pump out your sites quickly to make money quickly. Let's see how powerful WP

Clickster could do for you. Moreover, you will discover the secret features that there're no

any software out there could do like WP Clickster...

Page 2: WP Clickster review in detail and massive bonuses included

WP Clickster Review - WP Clickster Overview:

Homepage: WP Clickster Official site

Product Name: WP Clickster

Type of Product: WP Plugin

Authors: Bramantya Farid

Target niche: Wordpress Site Set Up - Wordpress website optimization

Page 3: WP Clickster review in detail and massive bonuses included

Official Price: $47

Special Discount: 45%-OFF Discount! (Limited Only)

Bonuses: Yes! You will get 2 extremely giant bonus packs. Click to

see $12700 Bonuses pack and $9700 Bonuses pack!

WP Clickster Review - WP Clickster Pre-Intro:

Have you ever considered you’re wasting so much time when setting up a wordpress site?

If you’ve been wasting so much time with all boring, tedious tasks to set up wordpress site,

things are about to get wayyyy easier for you.

Now, there’s no doubt in my mind

You know how you’ve been trying to set up google ready site as fast as you can, but still….

not working like you want?

As you know setting up a new WordPress google ready site is not easy.

There are certain time-consuming tasks that MUST be done. Spending hours and hours to

complete all the settings and pages needed for a site to be Google ready is SUPER BORING,


Install and activate plugins one by one,

Delete the hello word posts and sample pages,

Change the permalink structure to be seo friendly,

Create about us, contact us, privacy policy, legal pages,

...And the list goes on...

If you consider time as valuable as money, will you continue doing the old way to set up

wordpress site?

What would it feel like to be able to crank out sites within SECONDS…

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And you can move 50 times faster than your competition with this huge time saver plugin...

Finally there’s an easier way! A much better way!

These boring time-consuming tasks can be done in ONE CLICK using this powerful new

software. It's WP CLICKSTER

WP Clickster Plugin Demo In Action


WP Clickster Review - WP Clickster Features:

As far as I concerned, In the marketing world there seem to be a lot of so called plugin

solutions out there promising you the world but falling flat on their faces… causing you to

lose time, money and probably even some hair.

And it’s true… in just a moment you’ll discover the ONLY proven method I know that

enables you to quickly and easily install the essential wordpress plugins and legal pages that

every website needs before it can be approved to sell anything on them.

Having necessary plugins and legal pages will save you tons of heartache, time and earn you

more money in the long run.

A brand new software WP Clickster is able to handle all of the hard work for you so that you

can pump out your sites quickly to make money quickly.

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With this brand new software, you’ll now be able to:

Install all of your favorite WordPress plugins with ONE single click!

Create complete legal pages whatever you need – Earning Disclaimer, Affiliate

Disclosure (FTC Statement), Amazon Associate Disclosure, Copyright / DMCA

Notice, Anti SPAM Policy, Medical Disclaimer

Create pages that Google loves to see (About, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Contact

Us, etc).

Adjust permalink settings to give your site a boost on Google (and other major search


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Disable those annoying WordPress notifications that constantly bombard your email

inbox with spam.

Create multiple categories and blank pages quickly.

All of these boring tasks can take hours to complete. But with WP Clickster, it takes just

one click :) So you can imagine how much time can be saved when working on multiple


WP Clickster review - Now You Can Set Up Your Wordpress Site In Seconds

No more "grunt work" Wordpress tasks - ever again...

Now you can spend just a few seconds setting up your sites. NOT HOURS.

Click one button and BOOM - Your site is completely set up and ready for the search


What would it be like to be able to crank out sites within SECONDS? Would that

increase your earning potential?

How awesome would it be to get on page 1 of Google with just a few clicks of the


Now you can move 10 times quicker than your competition and focus on more

important tasks for your business.

WP Clickster - No More Nonsense Wordpress Tasks...

No need to make any HUGE investments (of both time and money).

No need to setup your Wordpress site manually - ever again.

Never again do you have to do boring Wordpress tasks yourself.

No hair-pulling tech skills required.

No more repetitve (and time consuming) grunt work.

...And no complicated training material that has you wondering what the

heck to do next.

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WP Clickster Is Easy As 1-2-3!

One Click Software: If you can select a few check boxes and click ONE button (yes, ONE)

then you'll be off to the races with this powerful one click software.

100% Wordpress Automation: Now you can finally let WP Clickster automate the

entire Wordpress setup for you. Or if you want to give one of your existing sites a "fresh

start" then WP Clickster can do that too (with just ONE click!)

HUGE Time Saver: Never again do you have to waste anymore of your precious time on

mundane tasks. Let the power (and simplicity) of WP Clickster save you a TON of time!

Step By Step Training Included: The training that we're including with this software is

very step by step and over the shoulder. That way you aren't scratching your head

wondering what to do next..

Scaleable & Repeatable: Want to repeat and scale your efforts over and over again using

this software? No problem! The sky is the limit here (especially when you grab the

Unlimited Site License).

100% Newbie Friendly: They really built this plugin with the intention of allowing

anyone (yes, anyone) to use this software and start saving an enormous amount of time with


WP Clickster Exclusive Bonus:

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Over The Shoulder Training/Installation Video (VALUE: $27)

In this step-by-step video, we'll walk you through exactly how to install WP Clickstar onto

your website.

It's almost as if you're in the room looking right over our shoulder. We walk you through not

only how to install it, but also how to get the very most out of the WP Clickster.

After watching this video, you'll be up and running within minutes.

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FAST ACTION BONUS #1 - Recently Viewed Plugin (VALUE: $47)

With this simple plugin, you can reduce your bounce rate, increase your page views, and

give readers the EXACT information that they want to see every time they vist your site.

How does it do it?

It creates multiple "related" posts for you so that your visitors can't help but stay glued to

your site ;)

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FAST ACTION BONUS #2 - Hi-Lite & Share Plugin (VALUE: $47)

With this powerful plugin, you can now create compelling "click to share" quotes right from

your post editing screen.

Not only that, but it allows your readers to choose their own text that they'd like to share

from your site.

In other words, when something grabs their attention, they can quickly spread the word.

This is probably one of the best ways to get your readers to take action and share your links

on today's biggest social media platforms.

Page 12: WP Clickster review in detail and massive bonuses included

You will be able to get 2 super exclusive bonus packs if you get PROFESSIONAL

LICENSES of Leadsnaps!

But it just limited to the first 20 fastest people!

Don't waste your precious time! Take action right now! Right Here!!

Click here to see more detail of:

1. Giant Bonus Pack at $12700

2. Special Bonus Pack at $9700

Three simple steps to claim these massive bonus packs!

Step 1: Press (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) Or Clean/Delete all cookie and cache of your

internet browser.

Step 2: Click Here to WP CLickster

Step 3: After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at this

contact page!

You will receive 2 bonus packs (Giant Pack at $12700 + Special Pack at

$9700) within 20 Hours.

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