Page 1: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Assessment and Feasibility Study Limited Renovation Project Assessment


Prepared by:

Baltimore County Public Schools

With assistance from:

Architect: Rubeling & Associates, a JMT Division

Structural Engineer: Columbia Engineer, Inc.

M/E/P and Fire Protection Engineer: JMT Engineering

Estimating: Lewicki Estimating Services, Inc.

February 18, 2016

Creating a Culture of Deliberate Excellence

Page 2: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot


Baltimore County Public Schools Table of Contents | Page 1

Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2

B. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 4

C. Limited Renovation Assessment

1. Structural Systems .............................................................................................................. 8

2. Mechanical Systems ......................................................................................................... 12

3. Plumbing Systems ............................................................................................................. 23

4. Electrical Systems ............................................................................................................. 23

5. Fire Safety Systems .......................................................................................................... 27

6. Conveying Systems ........................................................................................................... 28

7. Miscellaneous Systems ..................................................................................................... 29

D. Site Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 34

E. Educational Enhancements ............................................................................................................ 37

F. Schedule and Phasing ................................................................................................................... 46


Appendix A ................................................................................................................................. SITE PLAN

Appendix B ............................................................................................... EXISTING UTLIZATION PLAN

Appendix C ............................................................................... EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT PLAN

Appendix D ................................................................................................... STRUCTURAL ISSUES PLAN

Appendix E ............................................................................................................. FOOD SERVICE MEMO

Appendix F ........................................................................................................................ COST ESTIMATE

Appendix G ................................................................................................... ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT

Appendix H ...................................................... LIMITED RENOVATIONS PROJECTS MEMORANDUM

Appendix I ............................................................................................................ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Page 3: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot


Baltimore County Public Schools Introduction | Page 2 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study


Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

building consists of three story classroom wings and three-story Auditorium and Gym wing and a two-story

Technology wing.

The original building was constructed in 1961. A classroom addition was constructed in 2002. The

Auditorium was renovated in 2011. A variety of small scale repair and renovation projects have taken

place. These projects include science room renovations (2004), roofing replacement (1991 and 2014),

replacement of gym lockers (1998 and 2008), replacement of gym floor (1999 and 2008) and bleachers

(1999), and phased window replacement (1989 - 2014).

Individual classrooms are smaller than the recommended state square footage of 750 sf. with the average

class size of 30-35 students per class. Woodlawn High School is currently home to an Advanced Path

program. A future vision from Woodlawn administration is for an Early College program.

A team visited the school to evaluate the existing conditions and reviewed the educational spatial need

based on BCPS spatial standards. These standards were used to identify curricular standards and areas of

programmatic deficiencies. As part of this study, we have evaluated the site, architectural, structural,

mechanical, plumbing, and electrical, fire safety, conveying systems and miscellaneous systems such as

telecommunications, security systems, and ADA systems.

Benchmarking the school’s need to the state rated capacity and allowable square footage per student (150

sf per student) indicates the following:

The current enrollment of 1,412 students is below the state rated capacity of 2,129 students.

According to the state formula, using current enrollment of 1,412 students x 150 sf/student =

211,880 of allowable square footage.

Baltimore County Public Schools 2014 Annual Report of Student Enrollments and School Utilization

updated March 2015 projects enrollments at Woodlawn High School to be:

SRC 2014


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2129 1412 1387 1401 1398 1448 1487 1530 1582 1621 1651 1653

As part of the analysis, we have identified needed Educational Enhancements to the existing school to meet

current programmatic requirements as well as the need for additional instructional and support space.

To meet the programmatic needs identified by the school, we project to renovate approximately 25,500 sf

of existing space for ADA upgrades and compliance.

Woodlawn High School should be considered for Limited Systemic renovations and Educational

Enhancements in order to create a 21st century learning environment for its students within the 55 year old


Major costs associated for Woodlawn High School will be for Limited Renovation Upgrades including

providing air conditioning and sprinklers for the entire school as well as Programmatic Enhancements. Due

to the age of the original building and the lack of major renovations in these areas, new work will disturb

Asbestos Containing Materials.

Page 4: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Introduction | Page 3 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

This report is organized around the Systems for Limited Renovation identified as the priority for the study.

The assessment also focused on applicable codes, life safety and ADA compliance concerns. As part of

the study, we met with school representatives to identify and prioritize educational needs to establish our

scope of work.

The determination of priorities will be evaluated and finalized in context of multiple schools being funded

during the time period.

Page 5: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot


Baltimore County Public Schools Executive Summary | Page 4 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study


The following potential scope items, and the costs associated with them, are all of the deficiencies found at

Woodlawn High School during the facilities evaluation for the Feasibility Report. The proposed scope has been

established based on the estimated costs for these items and the budget available for this ‘limited renovation’.

A ‘limited renovation’ allows for additional systemic work that could not be done during the ‘limited

renovation’ to be eligible for state funding in the immediate future.


Site Improvements (exterior work will be limited to supporting interior work and exterior building repairs)

Upgrade of water service to the building for new sprinkler system (price included in fire protection).

Replace existing ADA ramp at Tech wing.

Replace sidewalks at main entry (Under entry canopy to support canopy column repair).

Revision of Handicapped parking at main entrance and gymnasium.

Architectural (Interior)

Replace, modify or install handrails and guards at all stairs steps and ramps to meet IBC and NFPA life

safety code requirements.

Remove interior fire doors.

ADA modifications to the existing administrative areas where non-compliant.

New classroom casework.

Fire separation walls at stairs.

New security vestibule in front lobby.

Install new ceilings in classrooms.

Replace classroom VAT flooring with VCT flooring.

Structural (Interior work)

Concrete repairs at corridor to auditorium.

Repair spalls in Dox planks.

Structural (exterior work)

Concrete repairs at bridge to Tech-Ed wing.

Repair concrete column covers.

Limited tuck-pointing and brick replacement around building.

Work with rusted lintels, scrape and repair.

Mechanical Systems

Provide new heating, ventilating, air conditioning and exhaust systems throughout building. Modification of existing boiler equipment as required to support new work.

New or Reprogramming of the control system.

Replace kitchen exhaust and add make-up air unit.

Page 6: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Executive Summary | Page 5 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Plumbing Systems

Replacement of domestic water system (including hw, cw and vent).

Select replacement of plumbing fixtures (sinks, water closets, urinals, drinking fountains).

High pressure washing of underground sanitary and storm water piping.

Electrical Systems

Modify existing switchboard as required. Existing service entrance equipment will be reused.

New distribution panel boards where required (approximately 50% to be replaced the remaining are included

in Add Alternate #3).

Replacement of the existing branch circuit panel boards where required.

Provide new LED lighting interior and exterior applications.

Provide new code compliant interior lighting controls.

Replace the public address and intercom system.

Fire Protection Systems

Install new Fire Suppression system through the original building.

Upgrade water service to accommodate fire service requirements.

Update Fire Alarm system to accommodate new sprinkler system.

Security Systems

Upgrade and replace to meet current BCPS standards.

Elevator/Conveying System

Install new elevators (3 max) to increase accessibility.

Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements (ADA)

Install ramp at entrance lobby.

Modify cafeteria ramp.

Remove and replace non-compliant stair railings.

Replace bridge railings.

Modify classroom entrances, increase width to ADA standards.

Renovate select toilet rooms to ADA.

Provide ADA signage

Information Technology (Add Alternate #4) Technology upgrades including new teachers wall in all teaching spaces and library to support short throw


New MDF room.

Educational Enhancements

Relocated Health Suite.

Renovation of Administration Main Office area, including Guidance.

Renovate faculty offices (original building).

Renovate Kitchen.

Replace cafeteria/kitchen equipment.

Renovate Locker Rooms.

Replace Locker Room lockers.

Renovate TV Studio.

Page 7: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Executive Summary | Page 6 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Renovate Special Education.

Renovate new Art Classroom in existing building.

Replace chalkboards/tack boards with new marker boards.

Renovate portions of Tech-Ed classrooms.

Interior Aesthetic Issues

Clean and repair terrazzo flooring throughout corridors, lobbies and stairs.

Clean and reseal existing concrete floors.

Replace corridor lockers.

Remove/infill glazed clearstory.

Repair and clean glazed CMU portions of walls.

Clean and repair ceramic wall tile in corridors.

Clean and repair ceramic tile on walls in classrooms.

Paint all interior spaces after systemic renovations including exposed interior structure.

Note: The italicized tasks are those that are anticipated to be included in the scope of work to be accomplished within the proposed budget.

Page 8: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Executive Summary | Page 7 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study


Site Improvements ........................................................................................................................................ $22,000

Architectural & Structural Systems (Interior) .............................................................................................. $87,000

Structural Systems (Exterior) ..................................................................................................................... $281,000

Mechanical Systems

Air Conditioning Systems2 ........................................................................................................ $18,933,000

Other than for installation of AC ..................................................................................................... $64,000

Plumbing Systems .................................................................................................................................... $1,624,000

Electrical Systems .................................................................................................................................... $1,193,000

Fire Protection System ............................................................................................................................ $1,754,000

Security Systems ......................................................................................................................................... $965,000

Elevator/Conveying System (3 elevators) ................................................................................................... $500,000

Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements (ADA) ........................................................................... $1,926,000

Modify classroom entrances, increase width to ADA standards ................................................... $450,000

Renovate Program Space (minor) ................................................................................................... $49,000

Educational Enhancements

Relocated Health Suite .................................................................................................................... $64,000

Renovate Administrative Main Office area including Guidance ................................................... $328,000

Renovate Faculty Offices ................................................................................................................. $74,000

Renovate Kitchen ............................................................................................................................ $81,000

Replace cafeteria/kitchen equipment ............................................................................................. $884,000

Renovate Locker Rooms ............................................................................................................... $273,000

Replace Locker Room Lockers ....................................................................................................... $16,000

Renovate TV Studio ...................................................................................................................... $219,000

Renovate Special Education ............................................................................................................ $77,000

Renovate Art classrooms ............................................................................................................... $320,000

Replace white boards/tack boards (select) ................................................................................... $627,000

Interior Aesthetic Issues (non-essential) ............................................................................................... $1,473,000


1. Add emergency generator.............................................................................................................. $402,000

2. Add replacing all remaining doors (public corridors doors are in base bid) ................................. $437,000

3. Add upgrade electrical panels, select branch circuit device and wiring ...................................... $525,000

4. Add cost of technology upgrade .................................................................................................... $402,000

Original Estimated Construction Cost .............................................................................................. $26,400,000

Complete Estimated Project Cost (Design, Construction and Other costs) ....................................... $32,100,000

Limited Renovation Construction Cost (just those italicized tasks) ................................................. $26,760,000

Full Renovation Construction Cost (all tasks included) .................................................................... $34,050,000

Note: 1 Includes wage rate adjustment, G.C. overhead and profit, bond, contingency, escalation. Note: 2 Upgrade cost inclusive of all related costs to Air Condition the building: Demolition and replacement of all existing HVAC equipment,

temporary classrooms, roof, exterior windows, terminal equipment, ceilings, light fixtures, all casework in classroom, replace classroom VAT

flooring with VCT flooring, associated electrical work. Total air conditioning upgrade includes multiple systems; HVAC, ceiling, lighting, millwork, flooring, roofing, and windows.

Page 9: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot


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Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study



The existing systems that are part of the Structural component category include roof, walls, floors, ceilings,

windows, and doors. These systems and the building configuration have been evaluated with the following


IBC 2015 and International Existing Building Code 2015

NFPA 101, 2015

Americans with Disabilities Act 2010

Baltimore County Public Schools representatives surveyed the school in September 2015. The following

is a list of structural conditions observed during the survey.

Woodlawn High School was constructed in 1961 and has had two major structural additions, the first in

1969 and the second in 2002. The original building is composed of 6 wings labeled A-F consisting of

adjoining three story classroom wings, a two story technical education wing, a one story cafeteria wing, a

one story music wing and a two story gymnasium wing. The addition in 1969 consists of an auditorium

addition adjoining the gymnasium. The addition built in 2002 consists of a three story classroom wing

south of the original classroom wing. This wing includes a satellite cafeteria and gym. The music and band

rooms are currently located in this addition.

The high school is predominantly a steel framed structure with concrete floors and an insulrock fiber or

gypsum roof. The structure is also composed of various other structural materials and systems including

masonry bearing walls, Dox-Plank, framed concrete slabs, composite steel framed slabs at the 2001 addition

and structural steel trusses at the auditorium addition and original gymnasium.

Roof Structure

The roof deck of the original building consists of a 3” thick insulrock fiber deck. The insulrock fiber deck

is supported by steel joists, wide-flange steel girders, wide-flange steel columns and tube steel columns.

The steel joists are generally spaced at 48” on center maximum and long span steel joists are utilized at the

music wing in area F. The roof of the gymnasium is composed of 3" insulrock deck supported by bulb tees

and wide-flange steel sub-purlins spanning between structural steel trusses. The trusses are supported by

wide-flange steel columns.

The roof deck of the auditorium addition is a 2” thick lightweight concrete fill over a 2" insulating gypsum

roof deck between bulb tee purlins and wide-flange steel sub-purlins. The sub-purlins are supported by

steel trusses and wide-flange steel columns.

The roof framing of the 2002 three story classroom addition consists of 1 1/2" corrugated steel deck

spanning between steel open-web joists or wide-flange steel beams. The joists are at 6'-0" on center

maximum and span between wide-flange steel girders. The framing is supported by wide-flange steel


Page 10: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Limited Renovation Assessment | Page 9 Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Second and Third Floor Structure

The second and third floor of the original classroom building is of a 2 1/4” thick concrete slab on corruform

deck. The slab is supported by steel joists at 24” on center maximum and steel wide flange girders. The

girders are supported by steel wide-flange columns. The second floor of the support spaces and the

mechanical mezzanine at the end of the gym are Dox-Plank and Rapidex plank slabs with a 1 7/8" to 2"

thick concrete topping slab supported by steel-wide flange beams, girders, and columns or masonry bearing

walls. The second floor framing at the two story technical education D Wing is constructed the same as the

original classroom wing.

The elevated floor structure at the auditorium is concrete slabs of varying thicknesses supported by masonry

bearing walls or wide-flange steel framing. At one end, the concrete cross-over slab between each side of

the auditorium is a 6" concrete slab supported by steel tee shaped beams and angles which are hung from

the roof structure. The catwalk at the auditorium is composed of a plywood deck supported by steel angles

which are hung from the roof structure.

The second and third floor structure of the 2001 classroom addition is a 3" thick lightweight concrete slab

over 2” composite metal deck. The slab is supported by steel wide-flange beams, steel wide-flange girders

and wide-flange steel columns.

First Floor Structure

The first floor framing of Wings A,B , and parts of C is constructed of varying thicknesses of Dox-Plank

with a 2" thick concrete topping over dirt floored crawlspaces. The Dox-Plank bears on masonry walls. The

floor of the boiler room in Wing C, the first floor of Wings D and F and the Auditorium and 2001 classroom

addition are concrete slabs on grade of thicknesses ranging from 4" at the original construction to 5" at the

auditorium and 2001 additions and 6" at the boiler room.

The main floor of the gymnasium is an elevated slab. The basement slab below is the aforementioned 4”

thick concrete slab on grade. The elevated slab is 8” Dox-Plank with a 2” thick concrete topping. The

Dox-Plank bears on a series of interior masonry bearing walls and steel wide flange beams supported by

steel tube columns. The Dox-Plank is supported by an exterior concrete basement wall at the north, west

and south sides and steel beams and columns at the east side.

Foundation and Walls

The foundation system for the entire building including the additions is spread concrete footings founded

on natural soil. The foundation walls are a mixture of masonry and cast in place concrete which vary in

thickness. The above grade exterior walls are a combination of brick veneer with in general concrete

masonry unit back up or curtain wall. The interior partitions are generally concrete masonry unit walls.

Lintels over punched masonry openings are a mixture of steel channels, steel angles, steel wide flange

shapes, and precast concrete beams. The north wall of the boiler room in Wing C is a concrete counterfort

buttressed wall below grade. The foundation wall on the south side of the boiler room is a cantilevered

concrete retaining wall. The southern half of the 2002 classroom addition has a soil bearing capacity

reduced from 3,000 psf to 2,500psf. The north side of the 2002 addition is buried one story below grade

and supported by a concrete retaining wall.

Page 11: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

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Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Site Observations and Existing Conditions

Woodlawn High School was visually surveyed in September 2015. Columbia Engineering, Inc. was able

to access most of the major structural components during the visit. As expected, the accessible structure

corroborates the information contained in the original structural documents made available to the design

team. Below is a list of structural condition issues which were noted during the survey.

Primary and Interior Structure

The primary steel structure appears to be in good condition. It appears to be free from signs of

deterioration and structural distress.

At the crawlspace below the cafeteria and kitchen, there is extensive cracking and spalling of the Dox-

Plank with associated rusting reinforcement.

At the crawlspace of the C Wing adjacent to the boiler room, contrary to the existing drawings, the

floor slab is constructed of Dox-Planks spaced at 40" on center supporting 1"x3" wood slats supporting

a gypsum board form. The concrete slab above is assumed to be at least 2" thick.

There are cracks at the interior corners of the stair tower of B Wing.

In the boiler room, there is evidence of water penetration through the south wall and cantilevered slab.

There are a large number of cracks in the terrazzo floor finish at various locations. These cracks are

likely due to the initial shrinkage of the topping slab on the Dox-Plank.

The majority of the interior masonry walls are in good condition with minor cracks present and not

unusual for a building of this age.

Exterior Structure

The brick veneer is also in good condition for a building of this age. Some cracks in the mortar and

brick veneer were noted. These areas were generally near the walls corners which is likely due to the

lack of control joints in the walls.

The exposed concrete cover of first floor framing at the east side of the gymnasium has spalls and rust


Cracked and spalled concrete of the columns and floor beam cover is present at the east side of the

technical education D Wing.

The perimeter concrete beams and columns of the bridge between the original classroom C Wing and

D Wing have extensive cracking and spalling. The bearing support angle on the west end of the bridge

is severely rusted.

Page 12: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

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Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

The concrete covers at the bottoms of the Wing C south columns outside the boiler room have severe

spalls and cracks. There are some cracks in the concrete covers of the first floor framing in the same


The concrete cover of the first floor spandrel beams at the overhang on the south side of the C Wing

has cracks. The concrete slab on grade has settled approximately 3".

The northeast and northwest corners of the cafeteria cantilevered first floor slab has spalled exposing

the rusted reinforcing.

The concrete stairs on the north side of the cafeteria have rust stains and exposed reinforcing.

Recommendations for Exterior Structure

The majority of the deteriorated conditions noted above are due to the age of the building and for

exterior issues, long term exposure to the elements. The issues can be grouped into three main material

categories – masonry, Dox-Plank, and concrete. The masonry issues are mostly cracked or worn

mortar. The Dox-Plank issues, particularly at the first floor of the cafeteria, require a significant amount

repair to the spalled underside of the planks. The concrete issues tend to stem from corrosion of the

internal steel reinforcement. All of these issues are not unusual for a building which is over fifty years


An area of discussion is in the crawlspace of the C Wing. The floor slab was constructed differently

from the original drawings by spacing the Dox-Planks at 40" on center and spanning the clear space

with a concrete slab. This seems to have been done when the building was constructed and has not

adversely affected the use of the building.

Another area of discussion is the bridge between the original classroom Wing C and the tech Ed Wing

D. It is likely that the reinforcing is corroded beyond repair and the bridge should be replaced.

The following items are recommended as part of the renovation:

Repoint cracks in brick veneer where necessary. Also, repoint cracks in the concrete masonry units.

Repair spalls and corroded reinforcement in concrete cover elements by removing loose concrete,

squaring up all edges, cleaning reinforcement of rust, and patching area with a concrete repair

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Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

mortar. These areas include the concrete column covers at the gym and Wings C and D, the

concrete slab at the cantilevered cafeteria slab..

Exterior steel lintels that have rusted should be scraped and repainted.

The primary structural concerns associated with renovating the existing building are as follows:

The existing contract drawings indicate that the roof structure was designed to support a uniform

live load of thirty pounds per square foot. Building codes used at the time of design of the existing

building did not require the engineer to consider the effects of drifting snow. The International

Building Code now requires that the designing engineer consider snow drifts at roof elevation

changes and against roof obstructions, such as large mechanical units. The existing building has

areas with roof elevation changes where drifting snow load may exceed the original design live

load. The International Building Code does not require the existing structure to be analyzed and

strengthened unless additional superimposed dead load is placed on the structure or the structural

framing is altered. Consequently, it is important to limit the installation of new roof top mechanical

units to avoid costly structural rehabilitation. If roof top mechanical units are used, it is important

to avoid locating them in areas prone to drifting snow. Locating mechanical units in these areas

could result in the need for widespread reinforcement of the structure.

The 2001 classroom addition will conform to most of the current code requirements.

Relocation of masonry partitions at elevated floors will require an analysis of the floor structure.

It is unlikely that the structure is capable of supporting heavy masonry wall loads without

rehabilitation, so any new partitions should be constructed using light weight materials.

At the time of the design of the original building, codes did not typically require a lateral analysis

for low-rise structures. The addition of new superimposed dead loads on the structure, including

heavy mechanical units, may require that a structural analysis be performed and a new lateral

resisting system may need to be introduced. Also, modifications to the existing lateral resisting

structural elements should be avoided. The interior and exterior masonry walls typically act as the

primary lateral system for this type of building. Therefore, relocating, modifying, or removing

masonry walls could result in the need for a new lateral resisting system. Introducing new lateral

resisting systems into existing buildings is often intrusive and costly.

New floor or roof penetrations will require an analysis of the existing structural system. New steel

frames will need to be installed around large penetrations to support the existing floor or roof deck.

Openings should be limited to the space between main steel members to avoid costly structural

reinforcing of the floor or roof.


Criteria for Feasibility Study

The existing mechanical systems have been evaluated for safety, code compliance, life expectancy,

and capacity for expansion in accordance with the listed codes and standards.

International Mechanical Code (IMC), 2015

International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), 2015

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ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010

ASHRAE/Industry Standards for Equipment Life Expectancy

Maryland State Department of Education Standards

Baltimore County Public Schools Facility Standards

Estimated Life Expectancy (ASHRAE/Industry Standards) – ASHRAE is the industry organization

that sets the standards and guidelines for HVAC equipment. The following Equipment Life Expectancy

has been listed for the following equipment:

Boilers (Fire-tube): 25 years, assuming proper water treatment and thermal shock prevention

Boilers (Cast iron): 30-35 years, assuming proper water treatment and thermal shock prevention

Burners: 21 years

Air Handling Unit coils (DX, water, steam): 20 years with proper filtration to prevent clogging on

the airside of coils and water treatment to prevent scaling on the water side of the coils.

Fans (centrifugal): 25 years

Fans (ventilating, roof mounted) 20 years

Chillers: 20-23 years

Air Cooled Condensing units: 20 years

Air Conditioner window unit: 10 years

Terminal Air Conditioner, split package: 15 years

Fan Coil Units: 20 years

Unit Ventilators: 20 years with proper filtration to prevent clogging on the airside of coils and water

treatment to prevent scaling on the water side of the coils.

Unit heaters (hydronic): 20 years

Fans: 15-25 years

Pumps (base mounted): 20 years

Pumps (pipe mounted): 10 years

Pumps (condensate) 15 years

Electric motors; 18 years

Temperature Controls: 12-20 years, depending on technology improvements and technical support

from manufacturer and service technicians

Mechanical Piping: 30-35 years with proper water treatment

Diffusers, grills, registers: 27 years

Ductwork/Dampers: 30/20 years

Insulation: 20-24 years

Mechanical Systems Existing Conditions


Woodlawn High School was originally constructed in 1961 (including classroom wing, tech-Ed wing,

cafeteria wing, music wing, and a gymnasium wing), with two additions that followed in 1969

(auditorium addition) and 2002 (3-story classroom wing including a satellite cafeteria). Mechanical

renovations that have occurred include a boiler rooms renovation (2004), science room renovation

(2002), and in 2009 mechanical renovations occurred in the Auditorium and Gymnasium.

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Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

The 2004 boiler room renovation included installation of two (2) new 3-pass fire-tube natural gas-fired

boilers and a set of hot water circulation pumps. The central heating hot water is circulated via supply

and return piping running inside pipe tunnels and crawl spaces below the floor leading to the Cafeteria

on the west side and the Gymnasium/Auditorium on the east. A domestic hot water gas-fired vertical

water heater was also installed as part of this renovation.

The 2002 2-story Addition to the building is being served by heating water piped from the main boiler

room. Although there are two new cast iron boilers located in the mechanical room on the second floor

of the new wing that have not been used. The new wing has multiple air-handling units with

heating/cooling coils, and variable air volume (VAV) boxes serving each space.

In 2014, the ventilation air-handling unit serving the 3-story classroom building failed and was replaced

in kind.


In the 1961 building, the central heating plant comprises the boilers and heating water circulating pumps

located in the boiler room. This heating water is circulated to all school spaces, including the Tech-Ed

wing, Cafeteria, Auditorium and Gymnasium to serve the perimeter radiation heating and various air

handling units, ventilating units, cabinet unit heaters, unit heaters. At this time this heating water plant

additionally serves the 2002 addition, although at present time a project is underway to energize and

re-valve the 2002 boilers as initially designed.

Two (2) natural gas-fired, 400 HP Burnham fire-tube boilers (2004) provide more than adequate heating

capacity for the entire facility. There are primary circulating pumps installed to serve the 1961 3-story

building, Tech-Ed, Gymnasium, and the Cafeteria. Two secondary sets of pumps currently serve the

2002 addition. There are three original vertical expansion tanks with compressed air connections and

an air compressor required for charging. These tanks appear to be in good condition and appear to have

another 10 years of service life. There is a third boiler (cast iron, oil fired) which had been abandoned

after the previous boiler replacement. This boiler is not functioning and is not required for heating

water. It is currently piped into a new hot water system header to serve as a backup for domestic hot

water, although it is simply additional redundancy. This boiler is taking up space in the

boiler/mechanical room, which will be needed as equipment required for air conditioning is added. All

original pumps will need to be replaced as they are well past their life expectancy.

Woodlawn High School is served by multiple heating systems that include: suspended hot water unit

heaters; fin tube radiation along perimeter walls; cabinet unit heaters in toilet room ceilings, wall

hung/recessed cabinet unit heaters in stairwells building entrances and lobbies, and heating coils in

various air handling units, unit ventilators, ventilating, and make up air units. In the 1960 building all

original mechanical equipment has outlived its expected service life and should be replaced. Most of

the original equipment appears to be deteriorated, with bent, clogged fin-tubes and heating coils, noisy

fans, and drives. Although operational, the performance and certainly the control, has deteriorated over

the years affecting the operational efficiency and the occupant comfort.

The piping to circulate the heating water runs in the crawl space serving the ground floor and in ceilings

of the first and second floors, serving each respective floor. Piping to the Cafeteria and Tech-Ed

wing/Gymnasium wing is routed through partially excavated crawl spaces under the building and

below-grade pipe tunnels. Most of the old piping is not insulated as it has been partially removed in an

asbestos abatement.

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Recommendations for Heating

The perimeter fin-tube radiator heating system should be demolished and replaced with an

entire new means of heating each space. All mechanical equipment including suspended unit

heaters, recessed and wall mounted unit heaters, fans, coils, air handlers, etc. should be replaced

as they are over 55 years old and have well outlived their expected service life. As most of the

mechanical equipment is being

A portion of the piping to the first floor science labs has been replaced during the 2004

renovation. All piping, insulation, valves, strainers, gauges, and all appurtenances will need to

be replaced in the 1961 building. Only the heating water piping serving the 2002 addition can

be retained as it has a separate chilled water system.


The 1961 3-story building and the Tech Ed annex has no central cooling. The general classrooms and

common areas such as the Cafeteria only have heating and ventilating, no cooling. The 2009 systemic

renovation added an air cooled chiller and air handing units to provide heating, ventilating, and air

conditioning into the Gymnasium and Auditorium.

Several areas such as the Media Center, computer classrooms, faculty lounges, and the majority of

offices are cooled by window air conditioners or packaged through-the-wall air conditioners. The

Media Center workroom/office as well as a computer room are served by Trane system (2001), with a

ceiling hung split system fan-coil and a roof mounted condensing unit. These units are in fair condition.

One data equipment room is served by a Sanyo Pac-1 split system (2008), with a roof mounted

condensing unit and a wall mounted indoor fan coil unit.

A partial renovation to the Health suite in 1984 added a cooling via a ducted ceiling recessed fan coil

unit with DX cooling and roof mounted condensing unit. This unit is at its expected life expectancy.

First floor Administration areas such as the main office, assistant principals’ offices, accounts, guidance

offices, are served by window air conditioners. The faculty room is served by a window air conditioner.

The second floor Principal’s office, Dean’s office, Guidance and Counselors offices all are served by

window air conditioners. These units are in good to poor condition dependent on the age of install.

The 2002 addition is centrally cooled via a split (with remote condenser) packaged central water chiller,

located in the second floor mechanical room and roof respectively. The chilled water is circulated to

the air handling units located in the addition’s mechanical room. Electrical and data equipment are

served by multiple DX split system units with remote condensing units on the roof and indoor fan coil

cassettes suspended in the ceiling.


In the 1961 building all original mechanical equipment has outlived its expected service life

and should be replaced. This mechanical equipment needed for heat has deteriorated and is

non-efficient energy wise. Additionally, noisy antiquated window air conditioners as well as

faulty, mal-functioning pneumatic temperature controls need to be replaced. The

recommendation is to provide a new dual temperature (2-pipe) system, including seasonal

central chilled water, for the entire original school building. This will replace the perimeter

heating, decoupled ventilation system and the window air conditioners with an entirely new

engineered system. Not only will this provide will better management of the heating/cooling

system, but achieve adequate controlled ventilation to meet the current Indoor Air Quality

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(IAQ) standards recommended by ASHRAE. This includes the Cafeteria and the Tech-Ed

Wing that is presently only heated and ventilated. It is proposed a new packaged air cooled

chiller be installed external to the building, in order to supplement the smaller chiller added for

the gymnasium and the auditorium. During the schematic phase of the design project,

engineering consultants will run HVAC “loads” and analyze the cooling needs for the building.

New dual temperature piping, pipe insulation, valves, hangers, and appurtenances will be

required. New terminal equipment will be required in all spaces, including the classrooms.

In the 2002 addition, the mechanical equipment is within expected life service expectancy and

is in good condition. No recommended changes are itemized in this part of the building.


Outdoor air is supplied into occupied classrooms in the 1961 building, through an air handling unit in

the boiler room, which transports the air via ducts into each classroom using corridor side high wall

grilles. This air handling unit was replaced in kind, after the original 1961 unit failed. This ventilation

air is heated only at present. There is no means to dehumidify the incoming outside air to remove

humidity. The air handling unit is a constant volume unit, serving each space with air whether or not

the rooms are occupied. A set of duct risers prevents over pressurization by relieving the air to the

outside through roof mounted ventilators.


Although the air handler was recently replaced, it will need to be evaluated with the new HVAC

system designed. The present air handler at this time has no means to cool/dehumidify

incoming outside air which is critically important. All capacity (cfm), insulation, valves, etc.

will need to be replaced. Ductwork will need to be resized and reinsulated. This will be

investigated as part of the upcoming design contract.

Exhaust systems

All of the toilets, lockers, shower rooms, and the equipment rooms have exhaust fans or are connected

to common ducted exhaust systems in the 1961 building. The systems are presently operational, but

some of the exhaust grilles have clogged over and most of the fans and motors have outlived their

expected service life. Current Code requirements have changed from the initial year of design, and it

is to be expected that the toilet room ventilation and general room air changes will need to be increased.

Some of the science labs, prep rooms, and adjacent storage rooms do not have separate exhaust systems.

The 2002 renovated science rooms have been provided with ceiling exhaust grilles that are ducted to

the outside.

The kitchen has a large double island hood arrangement, which is in use as this space operates as full

cooking kitchen. The installed hood does not meet current code. A large two-speed exhaust fan serving

the kitchen hood is located above in the penthouse of the roof, along with other exhaust fans for the

dishwashing area and staff toilets. The kitchen utilizes steamers and ovens.


All exhaust systems for toilet rooms, storage rooms need to be evaluated for current code-

mandated air changes per hour. The existing fans, ductwork, dampers etc. should be replaced

as they have outlived their service life. The new exhaust fans and ductwork may need to be

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resized. New systems will be provided with DDC controls to enable control during

occupied/unoccupied hours.

The current kitchen hood is functional and in fair condition, although it does not meet industry

expected design standards. It is recommended to replace the hood, the exhaust fan, and install

a new make-up air unit to serve the kitchen.

Specific Area Analysis

Administration Area

The Administration offices along the exterior walls have perimeter heating and window air

conditioners. The internal spaces as the main office and workrooms are ventilated and heated by the

central ducted system. The interior offices become overheated in winter and stuffy during the spring

and summer, as there are no windows to open.

Recommendations for Administration Area

This entire area should be evaluated for a central heating, cooling, and ventilating system.

There are many options to evaluate including Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) with Dedicated

Outdoor Air System (DOAS).


The auditorium HVAC system was replaced in 2009, and is in good condition.

Recommendations for Auditorium

This space should not be replaced.


The gymnasium HVAC system was replaced in 2009, and is in good condition.

Recommendations for Gymnasium

This space should not be replaced.


The cafeteria is served by multiple floor mounted heating only unit ventilators. Outdoor air is being

brought in from the roof to the unit ventilators through fresh air intakes. Air is relieved through roof

relief openings with dampers and louvered penthouses.

Recommendations for Cafeteria

All unit ventilators should be removed along with all heating water piping and pneumatic

controls. The area should then be served by an air handling unit (possible roof top location).

The supply and return ducts should be run above the ceiling to distribute conditioned (heated,

cooled, filtered, dehumidified) air into the space utilizing ceiling mounted diffusers. The new

space thermostat and all mechanical controls should be connected to the new building DDC

automatic temperature control system.

General Classrooms

All 1961 classrooms including some of the specialty classrooms such as Cosmetology and Life Studies

have existing hot water fin tube radiators installed on the exterior walls. Although this heating system

is still functional, the temperature control does not work. Occupant comfort is compromised by non-

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distributed heating, only along the wall. These rooms also tend to overheat and the occupants leave the

windows open to compensate. The classroom ventilation system as stated previously is a central air

handling unit located in the boiler room.

Technology Wing

The HVAC systems in the two-story wing are comprised of perimeter radiation heating in the upper

level classrooms and ducted ventilation air handling unit ventilation in the lower former shop spaces.

The former shops also have suspended hot water unit heaters. The former wood working shop has a

dust extraction system. Storage and other support spaces have exhaust systems. One of the classrooms,

used as a computer classroom, has a window air conditioner. Another classroom has had a unit

ventilator installed.

Automatic Temperature Controls

The 1961 building has pneumatic automatic temperature controls. The system is comprised of an air

compressor/receiver unit and refrigerated air dryer that are located in the boiler room, and several

control boxes in mechanical rooms around the building. Although the system is operational, several

pneumatic actuators are disconnected and no longer in use. Some of the room thermostats have leaky

connections, evidenced by hissing sounds of escaping air. The boiler room controls, as well as the

gymnasium/auditorium controls have been converted to direct digital controls (DDC). It is

recommended to replace all pneumatic controls with fully integrated DDC system. This will allow

remote access to building management systems via a local link as well as over the internet. The DDC

system with graphic interface are easier to operate and can be specified with self-diagnostic capability

for troubleshooting. As it is proposed that the majority of the mechanical equipment needs to be

replaced, the replacement of DDC controls and new actuators and valves will be very beneficial. The

controls added in 2009, are in good condition and may remain.

The 2002 building has entire DDC controls, which have been interfaced into the existing building’s

pneumatic system. No additional work is required in this addition.

Mechanical Systems Proposed Modifications

The objective of BCPS is to provide cooling to all portions of Woodlawn High School. At least three

options will be analyzed by the design consultant during the schematic design phase. These systems

will be analyzed for feasibility of providing code compliant cooling and ventilation capabilities. Option

1 is a Fan Coil Unit and Dedicated Outside Air System, Option 2 is a Variable Refrigerant Flow and

Dedicated Outside Air System, and Option 3 is a Variable Air Volume Rooftop Air Handling Units.

Each of the options developed concentrates on the classroom spaces due to ventilation requirements.

Option 1

Fan Coil Unit and Dedicated Outside Air System (General Discussion)

This system includes adding a chiller to the central plant of the 1961 building to produce chilled water.

A dual temperature fan coil unit would be installed in each classroom, in lieu of the perimeter fin tube

radiators. Ventilation would be provided by a packaged self-contained air-cooled Dedicated Outside

Air System (DOAS) with hydronic heating. There are many benefits to decouple the outside air in its

own system.

Heating Water Plant: The existing heating water plant has sufficient capacity to provide heat for

the terminal equipment. A heating water plant boiler controller would be installed to interface the

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heating water plant with the Building Automation System. Heating water pumps would be added

to create a primary-secondary pumping arrangement.

Chilled Water Plant: An air-cooled chiller would be installed to produce chilled water for

distribution to terminal equipment throughout the school. The chiller would need an engineered

acoustical enclosure to minimize noise proliferation and to protect the chiller from vandalism.

Within the boiler room chilled water pumps would be installed for a primary-secondary pumping


Hydronic Distribution: Not only is the existing piping and insulation in poor condition it is also too

small to accommodate the chilled water flow rate required by the terminal equipment. The

distribution pumps would be replaced to create a primary-secondary pumping arrangement.

Fan Coil Unit: The terminal fan coil units would have a dual temperature coil. The fan coil units

would receive chilled or heated water from the central physical plant and associated distribution

piping. The fan coil units will not provide ventilation to the rooms. They will be sized to

accommodate the room envelope and occupant load only (no latent load).

Dedicated Outside Air System: The Dedicated Outside Air System (DOAS) provides code

compliant ventilation air flow for each room while simultaneously exhausting all of the rooms to

prevent over-pressurization in a code compliant manner. The DOAS equipment will be packaged

stand-alone units connected to the hydronic system for heating only. The DOAS will be equipped

with a hot gas reheat coil. The hot gas reheat coil allows the unit to reheat the chilled, dehumidified

air to a room neutral temperature which will help to prevent overcooling of the spaces and also

complies with building codes for energy recovery. The DOAS equipment will be connected to the

dual temperature hydronic piping network, but will be configured to use only heating water.

Remaining Spaces: The remaining spaces will be conditioned using hydronic Air Handling Units

(AHUs) or Roof Top Air Handling Units (RTUs) connected to the central plant. Spaces requiring

12 month cooling will include also include a DX coil. The AHUs /RTUs will be variable volume

units with the capability of modulating supply air flow as needed to condition the spaces.

Option 2

VRF and Dedicated Outside Air System

This system replaces fin tube radiators in each classroom with a refrigerant based fan coil unit, and

ventilates with a DOAS system. Some perimeter heating system may be provided as supplemental heat.

Heating Water Plant: The existing heating water plant has sufficient capacity to provide heat for

the terminal equipment. A heating water plant boiler controller would be installed to interface the

heating water plant with the Building Automation System. Heating water pumps would be added

to create a primary-secondary pumping arrangement.

Hydronic Distribution: The existing piping and insulation is in poor condition and would be

replaced to serve the terminal equipment. The distribution pumps would be replaced to create a

primary-secondary pumping arrangement.

Chilled Water Plant: This solution does not include a central chilled water plant.

VRF: The Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) system is a way of providing cooling to terminal spaces

while eliminating the need for a major hydronic distribution system. The VRF system uses multiple

pieces of terminal equipment connected to a refrigerant piping network and a single outdoor

compressor unit. The refrigeration circuit modulates as needed to increase efficiency and optimize

thermal comfort and can utilize a heat exchanger to minimize energy usage.

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Dedicated Outside Air System: DOAS provides code compliant ventilation air flow for each room

while simultaneously exhausting all of the rooms to prevent over-pressurization in a code compliant

manner. The DOAS equipment will be packaged stand-alone units connected to the hydronic

system for heating. The DOAS can be equipped with a hot gas reheat coil. The hot gas reheat coil

allows the unit to reheat the chilled, dehumidified air to a room neutral temperature which will help

to prevent overcooling of the spaces and also complies with building codes for energy recovery.

Heating would be accomplished using the hydronic heating water system.

Supplemental Heating: To supplement the heating capabilities of the VRF system, a perimeter

heating water finned tube system would be installed. This system would be a backup system to the

VRF for normal operation and could also be used to implement a heating season setback schedule

that would be unfeasible to achieve with VRF alone.

Remaining Spaces: The remaining spaces will be conditioned using direct expansion Air Handling

Units (AHUs) with hydronic heating. The AHUs will be variable volume units with the capability

of modulating supply air flow as needed to condition the spaces. Hot water reheat will be provided

for spaces on an as-needed basis.

Option 3

Variable Air Volume System

This system removes the unit ventilators from all of the classrooms and uses Variable Air Volume

(VAV) Rooftop Air Handling Units (RTU) to supply the room with conditioned air and ventilation.

With this system the central chilled plant is eliminated. The units use direct expansion (DX) cooling

and hot water heating. The hydronic piping infrastructure would be replaced.

Heating Water Plant: The existing heating water plant has sufficient capacity to provide heat for

the terminal equipment. A heating water plant boiler controller would be installed to interface the

heating water plant with the Building Automation System. Heating water pumps would be added

to create a primary-secondary pumping arrangement.

Hydronic Distribution: The existing piping and insulation is in poor condition and would be

replaced to serve the terminal equipment. The distribution pumps would be replaced to create a

primary-secondary pumping arrangement.

Chilled Water Plant: This solution does not include a central chilled water plant.

VAV ACU: The VAV ACUs would be installed on the roof. Ductwork would be routed to the

ceiling spaces of the classroom wings. The quantity of ACUs would be determined by the

maximum ductwork sizes that can be installed in the corridor ceilings. Cooling capabilities for the

units would come from either a remote or integral condensing unit depending on whether the indoor

or rooftop option was selected. The heat source for these units would be a hydronic heating water

coil connected to the central heating water plant.

VAV Boxes: Parallel fan-powered VAV boxes would be installed in the classrooms to control the

air volume and temperature as needed for each room. The VAV boxes would be provided with

reheat capability in order to provide sufficient zone temperature control.

Remaining Spaces: The remaining spaces will be conditioned using direct expansion Rooftop Units

(RTUs) with hydronic heating. The RTUs will be variable volume units with the capability of

modulating supply air flow as needed to condition the spaces. Hot water reheat will be provided

for spaces on an as-needed basis.

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Proposed System Analysis

To evaluate each of the systems, each option will be analyzed for the criteria of constructability, system

performance, and long term operation.

Option 1

Fan Coil Unit and Dedicated Outside Air System

Constructability: The fan coil units will generally be installed in the same location as the existing

unit ventilators. Dual temperature hydronic piping will follow the existing pipe path in the corridor

ceilings. The only feasible location for the DOAS units is on the roof. The ductwork distribution

system would be located adjacent to the deck in the classroom spaces visible to the occupants. With

the multi-floor construction of this building, ductwork routing would have to pass through the third

floor to the second floor, to the first floor. This creates a need to phase the construction vertically

in some cases. The project would have to be phased with the concentration on the central plant.

The chiller and the central plant modifications would need to be near completion prior to initiating

operation of any of the hydronic cooling equipment. Once cooling is available then individual

DOAS units and fan coil units could be brought online.

Performance: The DOAS unit would be configured to assist with the room cooling requirement, in

order to optimize selections for FCUs. With the DOAS system assisting with the cooling

capabilities of the room, the thermal capacity of the fan coil units would be minimized. This system

will be highly reliable and robust with redundant systems for heating, cooling and hydronic

distribution. The fan coil units are reliable with low failure rates. The DOAS units have a potential

of losing cooling capability since each unit relies on a compressor. But since the fan coil units are

using the chilled water system, a loss of a DOAS unit would not result in a system failure. If the

central chiller plant fails, the DOAS unit will provide some cooling capability allowing the school

to continue operations.

Operation: This system will require filter changes at the terminal equipment. Fan coil units will be

floor mounted for easy access and the DOAS units would be on the roof easily accessible for

maintenance. School operations staff would have to periodically maintain the boilers and chiller

and central plant equipment with major repairs requiring a system specialist. Strainers and belts at

terminal equipment would have to be periodically maintained by school operations staff.

Option 2

VRF and Dedicated Outside Air System

Constructability: Indoor units will be floor mounted similar to fan coil units, with outdoor units

being roof mounted. Refrigerant lines would be routed above the ceiling with pipe drops occurring

at the perimeter walls near the terminal units. The DOAS ductwork would be located adjacent to

the deck in the classroom spaces visible to the occupants. With the multi-floor construction of this

building, ductwork routing would have to pass through the second floor to the first floor. This

creates a need to phase the construction vertically in some cases. This system offers the greatest

flexibility of the proposed options for phased construction. Without a dependency on the central

chilled water plant, any portion of the school could begin construction at any time. Phasing would

not be dependent on the HVAC system, all HVAC systems could be modified to accommodate

building operations and phasing.

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Performance: With the ability to make each classroom a separate zone, this system offers individual

room occupant comfort as the system can provide independent means of heating and cooling to all

spaces. Locations would have to be established for branch selector boxes. The DOAS system would

be sized to assist with room heating and cooling capacity. Finned tube would be used to maintain

space temperature during unoccupied heating and to recover the building after temperature setback

operation, and to provide backup heating should there be a VRF system failure in heating. BCPS

has installed many VRF systems in administration/guidance/health suites to much success in

occupant comfort.

Operation: This system will require filter changes at the terminal equipment. Fan coil units will be

floor mounted for easy access and the DOAS units would be on the roof easily accessible for

maintenance. A VRF specialist and DOAS specialist would be needed for performing maintenance

of the outdoor units. School operations staff would have to periodically maintain the boilers and

central plant equipment with major repairs requiring a system specialist.

Option 3

Variable Air Volume System

Constructability: The quantity of Variable Air Volume boxes would be dictated by the maximum

ductwork size that could be installed. Duct work mains for the air handling units would be run

through the classrooms adjacent to the deck visible to the occupants. The VAV boxes would be

tapped off of the mains with the piping package also visible to the occupants. Linear slot diffusers

would be installed near the perimeter wall to minimize temperature stratification across the room.

With the multi-floor construction of this building, ductwork routing would have to pass through

the second floor to the first floor. This creates a need to phase the construction vertically in some

cases. The ductwork for this option will be considerably larger than the other options. This system

would have to be phased with a focus on the Rooftop Units. Only the rooms being served by an air

handling unit would need to be disturbed.

Performance: With the ability to serve each room with a fan powered VAV box, this system offers

individual room occupant comfort. The fan powered boxes for each room have a potential of

creating fan noise in the space since there is no ceiling to conceal the equipment.

Operation: This system will require filter changes at the terminal equipment. VAV boxes will be

mounted in the classrooms adjacent to the deck which limits accessibility for maintenance. The

Rooftop Units would be on the roof easily accessible for maintenance. School operations staff

would have to periodically maintain the boilers and central plant equipment with major repairs

requiring a system specialist. Any repairs to the pressurized refrigerant of the Rooftop Units would

have to be performed by a specialist.

Life Cycle Cost

During the schematic design phase, a life cycle analysis will be performed by the engineering consultant

to evaluate the systems above. These results will be discussed with Baltimore County Public Schools

in great detail. The life cycle cost for Woodlawn High School will be calculated with the aid of

computer load computing software. Based on a combination of the analysis of the design criteria and

the life cycle cost, recent results often indicate that Option 1: Fan Coil Unit with DOAS has the best

life cycle returns. This solution is a robust system that has a combination of a central plant concept as

well as a distributed concept. This hybrid system does not allow failure of a single piece of equipment

to disrupt school operation. The engineering consultant will also look at utilizing a VRF system for the

administration/guidance/health areas.

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Criteria for Feasibility Study

The existing mechanical systems have been evaluated for safety, code compliance, life expectancy, and

capacity for expansion in accordance with the listed codes and standards.

National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC), 2015

Maryland State Department of Education Standards

Baltimore County Public Schools Facility Standards

Baltimore County Health Department Standards

Existing System: The domestic hot water heater was replaced in the 2004 Boiler room systemic. The

remainder of the plumbing system, including the piping, fixtures, sanitary and vent lines is original to the

building. As the pipes have aged, discolored drinking water has been identified if the pipes have not been

properly flushed.

Recommendations: All domestic hot and cold water piping and associated insulation in the 1960 building

should be replaced. These systems have exceeded their life expectancy and also run in locations where the

ductwork and piping distribution systems of the proposed HVAC systems have been identified. Fixture

modifications would be performed on an as-needed basis to accommodate an ADA bathroom renovation.

Water fountains will be replaced with ADA compliant water coolers requiring associated power, on an as

needed basis. The sanitary system will not be replaced in its entirety. Sanitary will only be disturbed as

needed to accommodate restroom renovations. All toilet plumbing fixtures will be replaced and will comply

with ADA requirements.


General Information

Most of the lighting fixtures, power receptacles, panel boards, feeders, and branch circuit wiring in the

original 3-story building were constructed in 1961. The lighting fixtures seem to have been retrofitted with

electronic ballasts and T8 lamps approximately 10 years ago. The exact date of this retrofit work could not

be determined. During the construction of the 2002 Addition, electrical service for the entire school was

upgraded. Presently, the building has 4000 amp, 480Y/277 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire service, but BGE electrical

service to the school was not upgraded and is still rated for 1200 amp. Entire electrical distribution system

(feeders, transformers, branch circuit wiring, etc.) for the original building is more than 50 years old, as

construction in 1961. The fire alarm system for the entire building was also upgraded around the same

time. The renovation of the Auditorium and Gymnasium as well as partial renovation of other areas was

completed in 2011.

Main Electrical Service (Normal Power)

Main electrical service for the school was upgraded in 2002 and is 4000 amp, 480Y/277 volt, 3-phase, 4-

wire system. Peak demand load history for the past few years was collected from BGE. Peak demand

history indicates that the highest peak demand recorded for the service was 1435 KW. This is

approximately 1920 amp on a 480 volt, 3-phase, 4-wrire system with a 90% power factor. This means that

the switchboard can accommodate substantial future loads. The existing switchboard is only 6 years old

and in very good condition.

The 4000 amp switchgear does not have a main disconnect switch. There are only three (3) – 1600 amp

circuit breakers with each circuit breaker serving a 1600 amp, 480/277V switchboard. There is only one

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space in the 4000 amp switchgear to accommodate new 1600 amp circuit breaker. NEC Article 230.71(A)

allows maximum of six (6) disconnecting means in any switchgear without main disconnect means in the


The service conductors from BGE to the switchgear consist of only four (4) sets of 500 Kcmil (aluminum)

in 4-way 4 inch duct bank. It appears that in 2002, although the service equipment was upgraded, the

service conductors and the duct bank for the electrical service were not upgraded.

Recommendations for Main Electrical Service

The switchgear is only 6 years old and it is not recommended that it be replaced. It is recommended

that a new 4000 amp main circuit breaker section with BGE CT cabinet and metering be added in

the other room (near the existing electrical room) of the building and a new 12 way -4” duct bank

be provided from BGE transformer to the new 4000 amp main circuit breaker. Then the existing

4000 amp switchgear be back fed from the new main circuit breaker by providing 4000 amp feeder

wiring and raceways. Existing 1600 amp BGE service to the existing 4000 amp switchgear shall

be disconnected and removed.

Stand-by Emergency Power (Generator) and Distribution System

There is no emergency power generator in the building. All emergency lighting fixtures and exit lights

have individual emergency battery packs, which are not reliable when needed in emergency.

NEC requires a dedicated automatic transfer switch (ATS) to serve life safety loads such as emergency

lighting, exit lights, fire alarm, etc. all other miscellaneous loads such as mechanical loads, security system,

telecommunication, and others shall be served via another dedicated ATS.

Recommendations for Stand-by Emergency Power (Generator) and Distribution System

It is recommended that a new 350KW, 480Y/277 volt, 3-phase, 4-wrire, diesel engine emergency

generator to be provided. New automatic transfer switches, 480Y/277 volt and 208Y/120 volt panel

boards and transformers, and feeders shall be added to meet the NEC requirements. All life safety

loads shall be separated from the existing panels and shall be connected to the dedicated panel for

life safety loads. All mechanical loads, telecommunication loads shall be connected to the other

emergency panels. It is recommended that the following equipment shall be connected on the

emergency generator with the approval of BCPS.

Life safety building loads such as night lights, exit lights and exterior lighting in the path of egress

(mostly on the exit doors from the building), fire alarm system, boilers, hot water pumps, circulating

pumps, ATC panels, selected telecommunication equipment, selected refrigerator loads in the

kitchen, and any other loads desired by BCPS

General Lighting

All lighting throughout the entire school utilizes T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Most of the lighting in

the 2002 Addition building is 2x4 recessed lighting fixtures that is in good condition. General classrooms

and offices have 2x4 acrylic lens fixtures. Computer rooms have 2x4 parabolic lens fixtures. Most of the

lighting in the original 1961 school building has suspended type fluorescent lighting fixtures which utilize

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T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Old fixtures were retrofitted with new ballasts and T8 lamps

approximately 10 years ago.

Some spaces have incandescent fixtures, such as in the boiler room, crawl space and storage spaces, Some

classrooms and laboratories were renovated in 2004 which old suspended fixtures in these areas were

replaced with 2x4 recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures. None of the spaces in the school such as

classrooms, science labs, offices, restrooms, have been provided with occupancy sensors.

Exterior Lighting at the main entrance to the building is in poor condition and does not meet the BCPS

standards. The parking lot lighting seems inadequate for security purposes.

Auditorium and Gymnasium lighting were upgraded in 2009.

Recommendations for General Lighting

It is recommended that all lighting in the original 1961 and 1964 school buildings shall be replaced

with new LED lighting fixtures. It is further recommended that occupancy sensors with dual

technology be installed in most areas (such as classrooms, offices, storage spaces, restrooms, and

other areas). This feature meets ASHRAE 90.1 requirements that are required for LEED

certification. The lighting in the 2002 Addition building can remain and will be upgraded or

replaced where required. All classrooms, offices, labs, toilet rooms, etc. in the entire building

should be proved with occupancy sensors.

Due to increased security demands, it is recommended that new exterior lighting be provided. New

surface mounted fixtures and parking lot lighting with the correct color spectrum for security

purposed should be provided.

Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting consists of two types of fixtures: battery-packed wall mounted twin lamp fixtures and

exit signs. Exit lights operate continuously, but batter packed lighting fixtures come on only in the event

of loss of normal power in the area. Presently, all emergency lighting fixtures and exit signs use emergency

battery packs and are costly to maintain. The battery packs may not work when needed in case of

emergencies, if not maintained on regular basis. It was also observed that almost every room, including the

smallest offices had been proved with battery-pack emergency lighting fixtures.

Recommendations for Emergency Lighting

It is recommended that all the battery-pack emergency lighting fixtures be removed and selected

regular fixtures in the path of egress in each space be connected to emergency power circuits.

Similarly, all exit lights with battery packs should be replaced with new LED-type exit lights that

should also be circuited to the emergency power distribution system.

General Receptacles

Most of the classrooms have only two receptacles on the front wall and two receptacles on the back wall.

Very few classrooms were observed to have receptacles on the common walls to the corridor and the

exterior walls. Most of the receptacles in the science rooms are not GFCI type. Current BCPS Standards

require that all receptacles be ground fault protected. Most of the science rooms had emergency shut off

switches for turning off the power to all student stations. However, there were no emergency shut-offs

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observed for the lab gas as required by State regulations. Corridors do not have enough receptacles. Some

corridors have none at all. The cleaning staff reportedly uses extension cords from classroom receptacles

to operate vacuum cleaners, floor polishing equipment, etc.

Some of the receptacles in the original 1961 building were randomly opened to check the condition of

wiring inside. None of the receptacles had any grounding conductors. Receptacle outlet boxes were not

grounded. Most of these receptacles are not grounded. An open ground condition is dangerous and could

pose a shock hazard to students and staff.

Recommendations for General Receptacles

It is recommended that all receptacles in the classrooms should be supplemented by adding more

receptacles in each classroom to conform to today’s demands. All lab receptacles should be

replaced with GFCI receptacles. It is recommended that new manual reset type emergency shut

offs be provided in all the science classrooms to simultaneously cut off the gas as electric power to

all lab stations.

It is recommended that more general purpose receptacles be added in the corridors.

It is recommended that all branch circuit wiring for all receptacles, lighting and other branch circuits

(except the receptacles for computer/data wiring) be replaced with new wiring with proper green

conductors for equipment grounding.

Computer Receptacles

Power receptacles for data wiring that were installed throughout the building in 2002/2004 are in good


Recommendations for Computer Receptacles

It is recommended that additional receptacles should be added in the new computer rooms/labs,

classrooms, and other academic areas to meet State requirements for all renovated areas and new


Panel Boards and Feeders

Most of the panel boards and feeder wiring in the new 2002 Addition are manufactured by Square D and

in good condition.

All panel boards and feeders in the original 1961 building are original equipment back from 1961. Most of

these panel boards are manufacture by General Electric (GE). From the outside, most of the panelboards

appear to be in fair condition, but when opened randomly to verify the condition of panels, feeders, and

branch circuit wiring, it was observed that most of these panels do not have any green (equipment)

grounding conductors installed with the feeders, and there is no grounding bus inside the panels. This is

true for all except for the panels installed in 2002/2004 for computer wiring upgrades.

Recommendations for Panel Boards and Feeders

It is recommended that all panels and the feeders in the original 1961 building be replaced with

new panel boards with grounding buses, and new feeders with grounding conductors for the safety

of the students and staff.

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Branch Circuit Wiring

Most of the branch circuit wiring in the new 2002 addition building has green grounding conductors and in

good condition. Similarly, the branch circuit wiring the computer systems installed in 2002/2004 have

green ground conductors and in good condition.

In the original 1961 building, very few branch circuits have green (equipment) ground conductors, It

appears that these few grounding conductors were added within the last few years with MC cables,

whenever any new branch circuit wiring was added. Receptacles (checked randomly) were found to have

open ground, meaning even the boxes are not grounded.

Recommendations for Branch Circuit Wiring

It is recommended that all of the branch circuit wiring in the original 1961 building be replaced

with new branch circuit wiring with green equipment grounding conductors for a grounded system

for the safety and protection of students and staff.

Fire Alarm System

The entire fire alarm system in the building was upgraded in 2002 and is in good condition. The existing

fire alarm system is a combination of voice evacuation system (speakers and strobes) in the assembly areas

of the building such as the Cafeteria, Gymnasium and Auditorium. The rest of the building has horns and


Recommendations for Fire Alarm System

Any area being renovated and any new addition provided will require relocation of fire alarm

devices and/or additional horns and strobes to meet the National Fire Code requirements. New fire

alarm system devices (speakers and strobes) will be provided in the auditorium and gymnasium

areas, currently being renovated.

New fire alarm system devises (duct smoke detectors) will be provided in all new mechanical units.


A technology upgrade shall include modification to MDF and IDF rooms as well as dedicated cooling and

emergency power.

Intercom/PA/Master Clock Systems

The Intercom (Telecenter 21) can remain but the original wiring and speaker/phones should be replaced.

The unit should be relocated out of the main office area and the enclosure removed to give more space to

the office. A cover will need to be installed for the existing wiring from the new building. School has had

a new Master Clock (Sapling) system installed in 2014. Local PA Systems - Gymnasium needs to be

replaced. Auditorium PA system may require the modification. Cafeteria PA was upgraded in 2015.



Criteria for Feasibility Study

The existing fire suppression systems have been evaluated for safety, code compliance, life expectancy,

and capacity for expansion in accordance with the listed codes and standards.

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National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code, 2012

Baltimore County Fire Protection Code, 2013

Baltimore County Public Schools Facility Standards

Fire Prevention Code, NFPA 1, 2013

Fire Suppression System

The 1961 building currently has no automatic fire suppression. The original school does have an active

standpipe system. The 2002 addition was constructed with a full automatic fire suppression system and a

standard pipe system.

The existing building has limited sprinkler system piping serving only the trash room and portion of the

boiler room. The 2002 addition is a wet pipe sprinkler system and the fire connection has blanked off

portions that appear to be sized for connection to the original building. This system is provided by its own

6” water connection to the building. The 2002 addition is separated into 3 zones, one per floor. All areas

of the addition are classified as light hazard except for storage rooms, mechanical rooms, and electrical


NFPA requires 65 psi at the top of the sprinkler standpipe; this would require a fire pump, however most

jurisdictions will allow a waiver to this policy proving there is enough flow for the sprinkler system. The

2002 addition did not include a fire pump and did not meet the 65 psi requirement. The sprinkler zones

should be coordinated to match the fire alarm zones.

The auditorium is part of the 1961 building and is not sprinkled. The stage was built before smoke control

ventilation was required and therefore may not meet the current requirements. This will be investigated as

part of the next school renovation.

Recommendations for Fire Suppression System

The existing domestic water service line is not large enough to accommodate the water demand of a full

coverage automatic fire suppression system. A fire flow test will need to be performed during the design

phase to develop the parameters. Once the water service upgrade is complete, the automatic fire suppression

system can be installed to serve the entire facility.



The building has two existing elevators. One is a part of the original building. The other is in the newer

addition and is in good condition.

Recommendation for Elevators

The original elevator should be upgraded with new finishes, machinery, and controls.

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Roof Systems

New built-up roofing was installed on the entire building in 2014.

Recommendation for Roof Systems


Exterior Walls

New windows, curtainwalls and exterior doors were installed in the original section of the building in 2014.

Recommendation for Wall Systems

Minor masonry repairs are needed, mostly at corners, due to lack of control joints.


The original building corridors and stairs have terrazzo flooring. Cracks have developed in several

locations. The terrazzo in the stairs is in poor condition. The treads and risers are very worn and pose a

safety hazard.

The original building has 9x9 floor tiles in the classrooms and offices. Some classrooms have had 12x12

tiles installed. Asbestos reports indicate that both 9x9 and 12x12 tiles and mastic contain asbestos.

Recommendation for Floor Systems:

All stair treads and risers (except in newest addition) should be replaced.

All vinyl flooring should be abated and replaced during a renovation project. The tiles were in poor

condition in numerous instructional areas.

Terrazzo floors need minor repairs.

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The original ceiling tiles are 12x12. They are in poor condition and most likely contain asbestos. They

should be replaced with an acoustical tile ceiling as part of the air-conditioning project for the school.

Recommendation for Ceiling Systems

All classroom ceilings in the original building should be replaced.


Partial window replacement has occurred in 2014 and 1999. Numerous window air-conditioner units

penetrate the curtain wall windows and panels. These will no longer be needed with the new air-

conditioning project.

Recommendation for Window Systems

Select replacement of damaged and deteriorated window wall system.

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Existing interior doors are in poor condition. They frequently incorporate louvers, wire glass, and hardware

that does not meet ADA guidelines. Double doors with center mullions into stairwells are too narrow to

comply with code requirements. These door assemblies do not have any fire rating.

Classroom entry doors do not provide proper clearances to meet ADA guidelines. One entry into most of

the classrooms in the original building will need to be expanded. This expansion will require the removal

of masonry wing walls and lockers adjacent to the construction work area. Classroom door hardware does

not provide the most current security lock-down functions as required for BCPS.

Doors in the 2002 classroom addition meet fire and ADA standards. Existing classroom hardware does not

have a special classroom lock-down function.

Exterior doors are FRP and in poor condition. Double doors are too narrow (each leaf) to comply with

ADA guidelines.

Recommendation for Door Systems

Replace existing doors and provide ADA hardware. Classroom entrances should be renovated to

provide width clearances that will comply with ADA guidelines.

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Existing interior casework is original and is in poor condition. Science rooms were renovated in 2004 and

the casework is in good condition.

Recommendation for Casework

Replace existing casework in the original part of the building.

Building Entry / Security

The existing main entrance to the building is under a canopy from the bus loop. The only security is at the

exterior door, where a visitor needs to be buzzed in by the office staff. Once inside the door, they are asked

to enter the office; however, they have access to the corridors of the school.

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The lobby is at a lower level than the main corridor. Currently, there is not a ramp or lift to allow a

wheelchair to gain access to the corridor without going outside or through the main office and navigating a

steep wooden ramp.

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1. Site Assessment


Woodlawn High School occupies approximately 56.2 acres in the west-southwestern region of the

County, bounded by 2 County public roads and 2 streams. Woodlawn Drive lies on the west side of the

property and contains the main entrance and secondary entrance to the playing fields. Gwynn Oak

Avenue lies on the east, near the track field. Dead Run lies on the north side of the property, while a

tributary to Dead Run lies on the south side of the property. It is situated in a mixed site mostly

comprised of detached single family residences, commercial businesses, and industrial areas. The site

contains 5 baseball / softball diamonds, 3 multi-purpose fields, one football / soccer / lacrosse field within

a 400 meter running track, 4 tennis courts, and an outdoor basketball / hardcourt. The original school

building was built around 1961, an addition was constructed around 2002, and the fields were built about

1961. There are 2 large parking lots, the larger, original lot is on the north end of the building and a

smaller one on the south end adjacent to the addition.

Site Grades

The lowest portion on the site is at the south end along the stream and Gwynn Oak Avenue roughly at

elevation 330. As you move north toward the school building, the elevation quickly rises to a peak of roughly

385 which represents the first floor of the school building, and then the site drops in elevation toward Dead

Run roughly at 335 elevation point. The school building is perched in relation to the surrounding areas of the

site, which include the playing fields and parking. There is a significant elevation drop from the building to

nearly all of the playing fields, thus the site was not ADA accessible when constructed, and very few site

improvements have been made to update the exterior site to current ADA codes.


Soils from actual boring reports indicate surface layers of sand, clay, and mica, which vary from 2 foot to

20 feet deep, with disintegrated rock beneath those soils.

One storm water management surface facility exists just south of the southern parking lot. Another storm

water facility exists on the north end, below the large parking lot on the northern side of the property, near the

library. The remainder of the site is traditional inlet and storm drain construction, including roof runoff piped

through the building to the closed pipe system. Portions of the property located along the streams are within

floodplains and stream buffers, and cannot be developed further.

A footbridge did exist on the east side of the property crossing Dead Run and connecting the school property

with the community at Englewood Avenue and Dogwood Road. This footbridge was recently removed by the

County DPW due to its age and condition.


The site is surrounded by traditional surface inlets and curb inlets. There appears to be an adequate

number of drains for the site. However, the condition of the inlets, head pieces, and boxes is poor, and

many need repair or replacement.

Vehicle Circulation

Vehicle circulation is adequate at this site. Bus and car traffic share the same entrance / exit driveway, but

they are separated at the bus pick up / discharge areas. There is a maintenance access from the southern

parking lot to rear boiler room area and shop wing. This maintenance access does not connect to the north

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side of the building. There is another access off the northern lot to the cafeteria area. A fenced area with a

large shed resides off the northern parking lot for Grounds maintenance equipment. The concrete sidewalk

leading to the track / field has been widened with asphalt, and this serves as a maintenance vehicle access to

the lower fields and track.

The condition of most of the paving is poor. The curb faces are only exposed 3 to 4 inches in some areas,

most concrete gutter pans are not exposed, indicating the asphalt has been overlaid at least one time. The

paving has indications of age with signs of light cracking to small holes in some areas. The curbs in some

areas are completely disintegrated, and do not exist. Other curbs are mis-aligned and severely worn. Many of

the storm drain inlets need replacement. Some of the concrete sidewalks are in poor to fair condition, with

indications of heaving and cracking. Some exterior concrete stairs are deteriorating, and show signs of

previous repair attempts. There are several administrator parking spaces along with a few spaces indicated as

ADA in a small parking section off the bus loop, and closest to the main entrance. However, the parking

spaces indicated ADA are not in compliance. In fact, there is an insufficient number of ADA curb ramps that

restrict access to the indicated parking areas. Improvements are desperately needed on the site to bring the

school up to accessibility code requirements. There does not appear to be direct ADA access from Woodlawn

Drive. There are very few ADA access areas to the building.

The exterior pole mounted lighting in the parking areas is represented by two different styles. Most of the

poles and foundations were installed 50 plus years ago. The fixtures have been replaced, mostly within the

last 20 years. These fixtures throw light outward rather than directly down. The spacing between poles varies

and at times exceeds 120 to 160 feet. Some poles are surrounded by trees, creating a lack of uniformity in

foot-candle levels.

The useful life of concrete foundations, underground conduit and wiring is 50 years, while the fixture life is

20 -25 years. Based on the age of the components of the system, these lights should be replaced with the new

lighting providing LED type fixtures which reduce energy costs while achieving increased lighting.

Pedestrian Circulation

While the front and main entrance to the school is relatively flat along a portion of the bus loop toward

the auditorium and contains a nice concrete plaza area without steps to the front door, the ADA

accessibility to the school is extremely poor. The ADA parking spaces are not configured to current code.

There are very few, and in some cases zero, curb ramps at driveway crossings. One curb ramp exists at

the front door, but does not provide complete access to parking as other ramps are necessary.

Accessibility to the playing fields and courts is also restricted. With the building perched at the high point of

the property and the fields all built at the perimeter and lower elevations, the change in elevation in some

areas is too severe to create ADA accessibility without the installation of a series of switchbacks, or a new

road path to the fields with an attached dedicated ADA parking area. The foot path from the school building

to the track field is not ADA accessibility compliant. The footpath to the ball diamonds is not compliant as



The running track has a latex rubber surface, but is showing signs of age and wear. The playing field inside the track is synthetic field turf in good condition, with gooseneck style football goals.

There is bleacher seating within the track / football field area, capable of holding several hundred spectators,

including ADA seating capacity. However, there is no permanent public rest room within the bleacher area,

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and without portable toilets on site the bleachers would not be ADA compliant. It is unclear where the ADA

parking for the bleachers is located on the site.

The tennis court and hard court surfaces are in need of resurfacing.

The court fencing is rusted and should be replaced.

Most of the ball diamond backstop fencing is corroded as well.

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The existing building has a number of educational deficiencies that involve room size, program proximities

and current programmatic standards. Most of the building instructional spaces (except in the 2002 addition)

are not air-conditioned.

Administration and Main Entrance

The front doors are controlled with a remote strike that must be released by office staff when a visitor

buzzes in at the entrance. Once admitted into the school, there is no security vestibule to limit access into

the building. Also, the entrance is on a lower level and does not provide ADA access to the main building.

The main office and guidance suite do not provide adequate space for security and operations for a high

school. An existing ramp in the Guidance area is not ADA compliant. Staff toilet rooms are small and are

not ADA compliant.

Recommendations for the Administration and Main Entrance

New security vestibule at main entrance.

Renovate area to provide ADA accessibility.

Renovate toilet rooms for ADA accessibility.

New casework, floors, ceilings, and lighting.

New interior doors with ADA hardware.

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Science Rooms

The science rooms were renovated in 2001 and 2004 and are in fair condition.

Recommendations for the Science Rooms

Two Biology science rooms would be moved to the ninth grade academy (currently Art Room

locations) and two art rooms would replace these science rooms.

No architectural upgrades are planned for these rooms.

Art Rooms

Currently located in the ninth-grade academy wing, two of the four art rooms are needed for ninth grade


Recommendations for the Art Rooms

Two Art rooms would be located in the main building where two science rooms were moved to the

ninth grade academy.

New casework, floors, ceilings, lighting, IT infrastructure and ADA accessibility.

Replace chalkboards/tack boards with new marker boards.

New interior doors with ADA hardware.

Music Rooms

Music rooms are located in the ninth grade academy addition.

Recommendations for the Music Rooms

No architectural upgrades are planned.

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Media Center and Support Rooms (Computer Labs)

The Library and adjacent Computer Lab are in fair condition.

Recommendations for the Media Center

No architectural upgrades are planned.

Health Suite

This space does not meet current BCPS spatial and privacy requirements. The toilet facilities are not ADA

accessible. Access with a stretcher would be difficult without navigating stairs or steep ramps.

Recommendations for the Health Suite

Renovate to meet BCPS standards.

Provide ADA accessibility.

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Home Economics Room

These rooms are original and in poor condition. Casework and appliances are dated. Ventilation is not

provided at the cooking stations. Electrical outlets are inadequate for current requirements. Complete

renovations should be considered.

Recommendations for the Home Economics Rooms

New casework, floors, ceilings, lighting, IT infrastructure and ADA accessibility.

Replace chalkboards/tack boards with new marker boards.

New interior doors with ADA hardware.

Industrial Arts Rooms

These shops are located on the lower level of the technology annex. One shop is used for Bio-Med Project

Lead the Way. Two shops are used for Science Tech-Ed curriculum. Shop equipment is limited but dated.

ADA access is not provided to this level of the building. Internal circulation requires passing through

adjacent shops unless the person goes up the stairs to the upper floor and down another set of steps to the

shop. A central corridor with ADA access would be recommended.

Recommendations for the Industrial Arts Rooms

No architectural upgrades are planned.

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Typical Classrooms

At approximately 750 square feet, many classrooms are too small for 32 students per class. Most

classrooms use chalkboards and projectors are portable units on carts or stands. Entrances to the rooms are

not ADA accessible. Door hardware is not ADA compliant. The existing casework is mostly original and

should be replaced. Existing flooring and ceiling tiles contain asbestos. Lighting levels are inadequate.

Electrical capacity in the classrooms is inadequate to meet the demands of the users.

Reconfiguration of the classroom entry is required. Door louvers will need to be eliminated when air

conditioning is added. To provide ADA accessibility, adjacent lockers will need to be eliminated at new

recessed classroom entrances. Removal of glass transom panels above the lockers in the corridor will be


Recommendations for Typical Classrooms

New casework, floors, ceilings, lighting, IT infrastructure and ADA accessibility.

Replace chalkboards/tack boards with new marker boards.

New interior doors with ADA hardware.

Ninth Grade Academy (2002 Addition)

As configured, does not contain any science classrooms within close proximity. Currently, students need

to use the general science labs in the main building. The Art rooms for the entire school are located in this

wing of the building. It is proposed to renovate these rooms for ninth grade Biology science classrooms.

Recommendations for the Ninth Grade Academy

No architectural upgrades are planned.

Two Art rooms from the ninth grade academy would be located in the main building where two

science rooms would be located in the ninth grade academy.

Page 43: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Educational Enhancements | Page 42

Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Special Education

Currently all spaces are located in the classroom addition. Spaces should be dispersed throughout the

school. Life Skills needs a residential kitchen and washer.

Recommendations for Special Education

No architectural upgrades are planned.

Faculty Learning Space

Currently, there is no large group assembly space available for faculty learning.

Recommendations for Faculty Learning Space

No architectural upgrades are planned.


This space is air-conditioned. The auditorium meets ADA guidelines. The only means for a handicapped

audience member to get on the stage is to leave the auditorium space and re-enter from the corridor adjacent

to the stage. The Advance Path program is located in space under the auditorium and is not ADA accessible.

Recommendations for Auditorium

No architectural upgrades are planned.

Page 44: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Educational Enhancements | Page 43

Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study


The gym is air conditioned. A chair lift allows handicapped access to the gym level. The floor was replaced

in 2007 and is not included in proposed renovations. Boys and Girls Locker Rooms are located under the

gym. They are not ADA accessible. A Weight Room is located above the gym lobby and is not ADA


Recommendations for Gym, Locker Rooms, and Weight Room

No architectural upgrades are planned.

Faculty Offices

Currently, all faculty offices are located in one location. It would be preferred to have offices dispersed

throughout the school.

Recommendations for the Faculty Offices

New casework, floors, ceilings, lighting, and ADA accessibility.

New interior doors with ADA hardware.

TV Studio

This space is outdated and does not meet current BCPS requirements.

Recommendations for TV Studio

No architectural upgrades are planned.


Doors are not fire rated and individual door leafs are not ADA compliant. Drinking fountains are not ADA

compliant. The concrete floor in the walkway between the main building and auditorium/gym has cracked

and settled significantly. This creates a tripping hazard. The exterior bridge between the main building

and technology wing is exhibiting signs of severe rusting of steel lintels. Railings do not meet current

codes. Widespread use of wire-glass no longer meets code. Existing lockers are original and should be

considered for replacement during a major renovation.

Page 45: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Educational Enhancements | Page 44

Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Recommendations for Corridors

Clerestory glass above lockers will be removed and replaced with opaque walls.

New interior doors with ADA hardware and accessibility.

New classroom entrances will be ADA accessible. Adjacent lockers will be modified.

Repair rusted steel lintels and spalled concrete.

Repair concrete slab between main building and auditorium/gym.

New ceilings and lighting.

New ADA drinking fountains.


Stair treads and nosings are in poor condition and pose a safety issue. Railings are not ADA compliant.

Recommendations for Stairs

New fire rated doors and walls.

New stair treads and nosings.

New ADA compliant handrails and guards.


The elevator in the main building only provides access to the three classroom floors and the upper level of

the mechanical space under the classrooms. It needs to be replaced to meet ADA standards. Two additional

elevators and a vertical chair lift are needed to provide ADA access to the numerous different levels

throughout the school.

Recommendations for Elevator

Provide new chair lift and two elevators to provide ADA access to most areas.

Upgrade existing elevator.

Page 46: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot

Baltimore County Public Schools Educational Enhancements | Page 45

Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study

Toilet Rooms

Except in the classroom wing, toilet rooms are original to the construction of the building (1959) and are

dated, worn, and are not ADA compliant. Complete renovations would be recommended.

Recommendations for Toilet Rooms

Renovate toilet room with new finishes.

Replace fixtures and accessories to be ADA compliant.

New ceilings and lighting.

New interior doors with ADA accessibility.

Page 47: WOODLAWN HIGH SCHOOLWoodlawn High School Feasibility Study 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. The 317,325 square foot


Baltimore County Public Schools Schedule and Phasing | Page 46

Office of Engineering and Construction February 18, 2016

Woodlawn High School Feasibility Study



An outline of key milestone dates are shown below for information purposes only. This schedule is

approximate and subject to change.

Design Phase January 2016 - October 2016

Construction Documents Complete October 2016

Contractor Procurement November 2016 – February 2017

Notice to Proceed March 2017

Substantial Completion August 2019

Final Completion October 2019


The final determination of the types and extent of building systems included in the limited renovation and

the quantity of educational enhancements implementation will impact the design and construction

schedules. The duration of construction phasing will be impacted by the limited renovation and the

quantity of educational enhancements final selection for this project. It is anticipated that the project will

require phasing to allow three full summers within the duration of the construction.

Construction phasing to accommodate the educational enhancements for Library/Media Center, Art

Classroom, Technology Classrooms due to size constraints are usually require a duration exceeding the

limited eight weeks available for summer construction and will thus require relocation of these

educational enhancements in a large double wide relocatable. It is anticipated that the limited renovation

will require six to eight temporary classrooms and one large double wide relocatable. It is also

anticipated that cooling will not be on line until substantial completion.

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