  • W o o d w

    a r d A v e n u e

    H y d

    r o


    o r r

    i d o


    existing mixeddeciduous/coniferoustrees and shrubs. Lowquality vegetation andlimited topsoil throughparkland

    narrow view from road intopark with moderate gradechange up into parkland

    New Residential Area

    future entranceto park from newsubdivision

    existing trailconnection toHetherington Driveand UniversityHeightsResidential Area

    main entrance andvisibility is very limited

    future commercial/residential area

    Residential Area

    Residential Area

    open views tonew singlefamily residentialP a r

    k d a l e

    A v e.

    UnstructuredOpen SpaceParkland



    to main

    tain an

    d ench



    g trail



    D r i v e i n g t o n

    H e t h e r

    Residential Area

    existing vegetationserves as a buffer toadjacent residential lots

    parkland areaoutline

    existing hydrocorridor

    existing vegetation,main areas


    existing parkentrance

    potential parkentrance

    existingpathway linkage

    potentialpathway linkage


    Woodland AcresAnalysis & Characterization Plan L1

    May 2015

    JOB No: 15-09A


    The purpose of this plan is to identify existing opportunities and constraints to guide thedevelopment of a master plan for this Parkland Area.


    ? Mature Silver Maples and other deciduous trees and shrubs with some coniferous trees (Cedarsand Pines) provide existing naturalized un-structured Parkland

    ? Existing Trails could be upgraded and formalized to improve linkages to adjacent lands? The hydro corridor to the south can provide land for connecting pathways through the parkland and

    between communities

    ? A possible formal playground could be included within the Woodward Avenue view shed, withvisibility to and from the neighbourhood

    ? The naturalized character of the park could be preserved and enhanced to maintain natureappreciation opportunities


    ? There are few suitable locations for traditional park amenities due to poor visibility from adjacentneighbourhoods and roads

    ? Existing vegetative buffers to residential areas should be maintained and enhanced to ensure privacyfor residents

    ? Poor soil and vegetation limits the quality of the park experience? Park configuration limits use of land for active sports fields? pathway linkages to the south, east and west are under Ontario Hydro jurisdiction



    The Goal for this project is to undertake a site-specific master plan for theexisting Woodland Acres Open Space parcel to determine the preferred layoutand amenity level of the park.


    1. Connect to the new subdivision along Woodland Drive and existingUniversity Heights subdivision.

    2. Capitalize on the large easement associated with the hydro right-of way toattain active transportation goals of the Recreation Services Plan and offera connection to the Peterborough riverfront and Trent University.

    3. Provide opportunities for a pathway, small unstructured open space,playground and seating areas, landscaped amenities and/or naturalizedbuffers.

    4. Improve the park entrance along Woodward Avenue and formalizeconnections to new Woodland Drive Neighbourhood.

    0 1 5 10 20 50 100 200m


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