Page 1: Wirreanda Public School Phone:02 4982 8707 Fax:02 4982 8097 Wirreanda Whisper Term 3 Week 6 2019 Principal's Report It's not long

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Wirreanda Whisper Term 3 Week 6 2019

Principal's ReportPrincipal's Report

It's not long now until the school Spring Fair; thank you inadvance to the team of parents who are the driving forcebehind the Fair.

Bushfire SeasonBushfire Season

Bush fire season has almost arrived. It is urgent bushfire detailnotes are returned. Please don’t wait until it’s too late for us toknow the arrangements in place for your child’s safety. IfIf youyouhavehave notnot yetyet sentsent backback thethe note,note, pleaseplease dodo soso asas aa mattermatter ofofurgency.urgency.

Student LeadershipStudent Leadership

At a recent P&C meeting, the revised student leadership policywas discussed and ratified. A copy of the policy isavailable here.

Stage 3 Parent MeetingStage 3 Parent Meeting

Stage 3 will be holding an information session for parents andcaregivers of current Year 5 and 6 students on MondayMonday22 SeptemberSeptember 20192019. This meeting will be held in the 6F/6Jclassroom at 3:30pm. Information will be provided to parentsabout:

Enrolment Information for ParentsEnrolment Information for Parents

In the past weeks you may have read or heard reports in themedia about the school enrolment policy. I have attached acopy of the information for parents about the enrolment policy.In term 4 more information will be sent to families regardingWirreanda's cap and policy.

• Year 6 Farewell

• Year 6 Graduation Ceremony

• Joint Strike Force leadership program

• The school leadership program

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Page 2: Wirreanda Public School Phone:02 4982 8707 Fax:02 4982 8097 Wirreanda Whisper Term 3 Week 6 2019 Principal's Report It's not long

Have great week.

Kind regards,Kind regards,

Philippa YoungPhilippa Young

Deputy Principal's ReportDeputy Principal's Report

School GatesSchool Gates

A reminder to parents and students that at the end of theschool day all students must leave the school via the FerodaleRoad exit or the Brocklesby Road gate. These two exits leadonto supervised crossings and ensure the safety of ourstudents, if used correctly.

Only students who are travelling by bus or bicycle have accessto other exits.

Swim School 2019Swim School 2019

Swim School will again take place in Weeks 3 and 4 next term.

This valuable program offers places to students in Year 2 beforebeing opened up to students in Years 3-6.

If your child has not yet learnt to swim, this intensive swimmingprogram is a great place to start.

Mr Erickson will be coordinating Swim School and a note will besent home with Year 2 students this term.

Grandparents’ Day 2019 ‘Save the Date’Grandparents’ Day 2019 ‘Save the Date’

Families may like to ask their grandparents to put FridayFriday2525 OctoberOctober into their calendars. Grandparents will be invitedto Wirreanda on that date to see their grandchildren in theirclasses and also to take part in a special (secret) activity.

Father’s Day StallFather’s Day Stall

Once again the P & C will be holding a Father’s Day Stall thisFriday 30 August. All classes will have the opportunity to attendthe stall and to purchase a gift for dad, grandpa or a specialperson in their lives. All items will be reasonabley priced withlots to choose from.

Term 3 Reward DayTerm 3 Reward Day

The Reward Day activity for Term 3 will be held on the last dayof term, 27 September. Students who have not been in theReflection Room, this term, will take part in the planned activity.

Kind regards,

Sue Wilson

Principal's Gold Award WinnersPrincipal's Gold Award Winners

Congratulations to the following recipients of the Principal’sGold Award:-

Brodie Warner, Oliver Fraser, Alexis Cannings, Holly Olding,Ben Campbell, Calvin Ross, Luca Collard, Jack Lennox, HaileeSwanbrough, Sharn Peisto, Charlotte Green, Lilly Holliday,Pippa Conville, Cohen Wyatt, Maddison Hooper, Anna McKew,Katie Dingle, Kobie Clarke, Jessica Hooper, Lily O'Donnell,Emily Watson, Sofia McLeod, Abby Withers, LucasSadler-Barker, Madden Fleming, Lilly Morrison-Rumbel, RileyIrvine, Takarnee Kelly-Ruddy, Aizak Willis-Monk, DewaldKarsten, Hailey Price, Grace Higgins, Chelsea Curds, AbigailSillett, Zoe Molloy, Isabella Harper, Bronte Bohan, DaneMcKimm, Cruz Blayden, Milla Goodwin, James Young, TylerGoodreid, Caitlin Randall, Ella Grice, Bailey Kent, RubenPhillips, Sienna Morvell, Carter Morgan, Jack Taylor, TaylahDaniels, Willow Da Encarnacao

School CalendarSchool Calendar

Please see the link to the School Calendar

Sports NewsSports News

Hunter Athletics CarnivalHunter Athletics Carnival

This Friday, 30 August, 24 students will attend the HunterAthletics Carnival at Glendale Sport Complex.

Justin Blair- 100m , Long Jump and Senior Relay

Clara Bryce- 1500m and 800m

Zara Chapman- 100m

Zeke Hay- 100m and Junior relay


Page 3: Wirreanda Public School Phone:02 4982 8707 Fax:02 4982 8097 Wirreanda Whisper Term 3 Week 6 2019 Principal's Report It's not long

Owen Johnson- 1500m

Cooper McKenna- 200m, 100m, high jump and senior relay.

Curtis Mowbray- 800m

Amalee Peisto- 1500m

Hailey Price - 1500m, 800m and senior relay

Kayla Peisto- 1500m

Lachlan Webster- Shot put

Madison Marsh- Discuss

Grace Higgins- Discuss

Wilson Hall, Joel Smith and Jake Newman are the other boysthat make up the junior relay. Mitchell Hawes- senior relay

Lilly Morrison- Rumble, Paige Jones and Abby Withers are theother girls that make up the senior relay.

We wish all students the best of luck and can't wait to heareveryone's results.

Stage 1 Newcastle ExcursionStage 1 Newcastle Excursion

On Tuesday 27 August Stage 1 eagerly boarded the buses setfor Newcastle to explore the Newcastle Museum and watch‘Possum Magic’ at the Civic Theatre. First stop was a quickplay and recess at Stockton Park. Shortly after we took onthe high seas of Newcastle Harbour on the Stockton Ferryto Newcastle and glided through the CBD on the light rail toreach the Museum. At the Museum we enjoyed lots of handson fun! We then explored Honeysuckle and took a break toeat our lunch. All were then looking forward to sitting backand watching Possum Magic; a well-earned break after a hugemorning. Students had a great day and learnt lots to take backto the classroom. A huge thank you to the parent helpers, wewouldn’t have been able to do it without you. Also a big thankyou to teachers for the organisation of the day.

Canteen NewsCanteen News

We are desperate for volunteers! If you can spare a day weekly,fortnightly or monthly please come and see Sharon. Volunteersare our most valuable asset. We need volunteers to continueproviding lunches etc to the children. Mums, dads,grandparents, aunts, uncles are most welcome, the childrenjust love seeing a familiar face behind the counter.If your child/children are having lunch orders, please remindthem to bring their orders to the Canteen before 9:20am so thatthey can have their preferred choices. We may only be able toprovide a sandwich for late lunch orders.Term 3 Meal Deal "Wrap It Up"A salad wrap with bonus Weiss Bar $4.Everyone who orders the meal deal goes into the draw to win aprize at the end of term.The "Eat Fresh & Win" promotion is underway. Every timeyou purchase fresh fruit or vegetables from the canteen youincrease your chances to win prizes. Come and see us in theCanteen for details.FOREIGN MONEY, please tell your children that this cannot beused to purchase items. They get quite disappointed when theycan't buy something because its not Australian currency.BLACK FRIDAY!! (13 September) we will be having a themeday where we will have lots of treats available for purchase atrecess. Prices range from 40c to $2.00.

Defence NewsDefence News


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