
WOMENS FITNESS GROUP Come join us as we gather for a night of joining our mind, body and spirit together with a workout and fellowship. Day/Time: Weekly Monday Evening’s Location: River West Leader: Courtney Boubelik Phone: (619) 277-5577 E-Mail: [email protected]

FIND SILENCE IN THE NOISE This group will spend time seeking to hear the still small voice that so often gets lost in the noise of life. We will study various methods of meditation on our way to finding peace in the silence. Day/Time: Wednesday Evening Bi-Weekly Location: University Village / Little Italy Leader: Sarah Henkelmann Phone: (773-831-6684 E-mail: [email protected]


BOOKS AND BRUNCH We will be gathering together and enjoy brunch and discuss the book we are reading. Day/Time: Saturday Morning Bi-weekly Location: Albany Park Leader: Arianna Rivera Phone: (773) 308-4285 E-Mail: [email protected]

PAJAMA HANG OUT Women's Only group. Daytime slumber party of women supporting women with lots of coffee included. Day/Time: Weekly Monday Morning Location: Lincoln Park Leader: Sabrina Bias and Emily Smoker Phone: (330) 347-3248 E-Mail: [email protected]

LET ME BE A WOMAN This Life Group intends to study what womanhood is in the eyes of God. Each day we will focus on both physical and spiritual beauty, Ladies will come together as sisters to seek the heart and will of Jesus in beauty care, prayer, worship, Bible study, and communion. Day/Time: Thursday Evening Location: City Church Leader: Dori del Rio Phone: (787) 378-2257 E-mail: [email protected]

GOLD COAST GIRLS 24-30 something’s from all walks meeting to: connect with new faces, build positive relationships, and encourage each other as we walk with each other and Christ. Empowering women through women to love themselves, their sisters and their God. First meeting: coffee house or diner


Day/Time: Sunday Evening Weekly Location: Gold Coast/OldTown/NearNorth Leader: Melissa Stevens Phone: (419) 341-0337 E-Mail: [email protected]

SPEAK LIFE SPOKEN WORD A group that uses storytelling and poetry to extol God, express our love for Christ, and build our relationship with God and each other. We will watch and discuss Spoken Word videos of The Passion For Christ Movement (P4CM), study the book of Romans, and work in groups on spoken word project which will be presented at the end of the season. No experience is needed to be part of this group; come and have fun while we learn together. Day/Time: Weekly Thursday Evening Location: North Park Leader: Falilatu Ayo Lasisi Phone: (872) 203-2184 E-Mail: [email protected]

MILLENNIAL JOB SEARCH SUPPORT GROUP This is a job search support group for recent college graduates, expecting college graduates, and post degree millennial job seekers. The skills and topics discussed in this life group are as follows: 1. Investing time and money in your job search pursuit 2. Improving and updating your resume 3. Professional networking strategies and opportunities 4. Creating an effective online presence (LinkedIn) 5. Developing your elevator speech: effectively marketing yourself in interviews and in professional networking situations. You will meet various experts and seasoned professionals and receive valuable knowledge on a wide variety of job search topics while gaining professional


development strategies in real time. Please bring your laptop on specific meeting days as needed. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Thursday Evening Location: TBA Leader: Krystle Everett Phone: (773) 704-2552 E-Mail: [email protected]

GIRLS FITNESS GROUP This life group is all about getting spiritually and physically fit. Each life group session will start with a powerful prayer, followed by a 30 minute tabata inspired workout. The objective of this life group is to practice implementing a healthy spiritual and physical lifestyle. So let's commit this season to gaining those healthy habits we always set out to do in the beginning of every year! Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Saturday Location: TBA Leader: J&J Fitness Phone: (224) 544-0314 E-Mail: [email protected]

MOMENTS WITH GOD Becoming who God created us to be. Women's Only group, intended to restore, heal, revive, reveal, and connect women with God. For the love of God, because of God. Day/Time: Thursday 5-6pm Location: TBA Leader: Christina Smith-Whitfield Phone: (312) 241-5142 E-Mail: [email protected]


MUSIC: VOICE CLASSES Vocal masterclass, teaching ways to use your voice and music in a way that is healthy so you can glorify God. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Wednesday Evening Location: West Loop Leader: Nicole Kaufman Phone: (248) 860-1340 E-Mail: [email protected]

WOMEN IN PREPARATION Reading spiritually edifying books, doing fun activities, and discussion Day/Time: Weekly Tuesday Evening. Location: City Church Leader: Shakira Morrissette Phone: (773) 710-0887 E-Mail: [email protected]

DANCE AROUND CHICAGO Let them praise his name with dancing..." Psalm 149:3 We will be going to various studios throughout the city (Joffrey, Ruth Page, Visceral Dance, etc...) Day/Time: Bi-weekly Saturday Morning. Location: Various dance studios Leader: Jessica Rudman Phone: (601) 750-3290 E-Mail: [email protected]

THE WOMAN CODE In this group we will continue to concentrate on personal, spiritual, professional and emotional growth to fully become the women God want us to be. The Women Code: The 20 Powerful Life Strategies You Need to Navigate Today's Challenges book by Sophia Nelson will be our guide in our journey to become the best we can so that we


can fully and truly love and succeed in everything we do. Most importantly we will have fun doing so! Join us for great potluck style dinners, conversations, fellowship and laughs! Code #15 Be Brave and join us Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Thursday Evening Location: Wicker Park Leader: Karolina Begier and Marlena Begier Phone: (773) 744-1946 E-Mail: [email protected]

GIRLS BIBLE STUDY – Stephanie Bustamante We will be studying the book of James via a video series that is led by Francis Chan. The book of James focuses on how the faith fruit and w/o works it is dead faith. Day/Time: Monday Evenings Weekly Location: West Lakeview Leader: Stephanie Bustamante Phone: (773) 744-2054 E-Mail: [email protected]

THE POWDER ROOM Refresh, Relieve, & Recover. Through open discussion, scripture, and video streaming we will unmask ourselves, and redefine beauty to discover what it really means to be a lady Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Wednesday Evenings Location: West Loop Leader: Katrina Goodwin Phone: (630) 886-2718 E-Mail: [email protected]

GIRLS BOOK CLUB This life group will provide anyone the opportunity to grow closer in their pursue for God. We focus a lot on chasing the Holy Spirit fearlessly and adventurously. Flaws are welcomed, personal testimonies and a yearning for the truth. We love you already!


Day/Time: Every Wednesday and Thursday Evenings Location: Rodgers Park Leader: Rachel Uwase Phone: (517) 574-9323 E-Mail: [email protected]

CITY CHICKS City Chicks is a morning bible study of women who are for each other and not against each other. Day/Time: Weekly Thursday Mornings Location: City Church Leader: Pastor Alli Munsey Contact: Blair Burkholder Phone: (574) 354-2687 E-Mail: [email protected]

LADIES PRAYER AND FELLOWSHIP Meet to pray and encourage each other, come and hang out and have some fun! Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Tuesday Evenings Location: South Loop (Wells & Harrison) Leader: Lori Lorgeree Phone: (847) 269-1922 E-Mail: [email protected]

WOMENS WORSHIP AND PRAYER Come and join me as we gather together to worship, pray, and fellowship together. Day/Time: Weekly Wednesday Location: City Church Main Auditorium- 7pm Leader: Blair Burkholder


Phone: (574) 354-2687 E-Mail: [email protected]

BIBLICAL GIRL TALK We will be mixing girl talk with the reading of the Bible and some video series by Heather Lindsey! Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Monday Evenings Location: City Church Leader: Katie Justice Phone: (219) 488-4951 E-mail: [email protected]

YOGA LIFE GROUP Yoga Class with community time to follow at a coffee shop Day/Time: Weekly Monday Evenings Location: River North Leader: Sarah Wheeler and Midori Doumani Phone: (248) 520-1969 E-Mail: [email protected]

UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU ARE We will be going through training by Dr. Sanford Kulkin, an expert in the field who has spent the last 30+ years training thousands of individuals in the theory and applications of behavioral assessment. This course will provide a compelling look at DISC personality testing and how it can be used to understand yourself and anticipate the actions of others. Based on observations over thousands of years of human development, DISC has been used since the 1920’s to better understand people. Seeing how each of us is a combination of four basic human patterns, which reveals a great deal about what motivates us as well as what we fear and avoid. This information can offer a new perspective on why we do what we do. • Gain greater sensitivity to others around you


• Maximize personal strengths and minimize weaknesses • Resolve internal conflicts and power struggles more quickly • Enhance teamwork among an organization’s staff • Identify how and why people make decisions • Develop focused and motivated teams • Learn Compatibility of behavior styles Learn How to distinguish between a person’s mask and his/her core self Day/Time: Thursday Evening Weekly Location: City Church Chicago Leader: Sue Arambula and Nate Forse Phone: (219) 808-0091 E-Mail: [email protected]

PREPARING FOR HARVEST You reap what you sow. So what are you sowing? Proverbs 29:18 says that without vision, people perish. So what is your vision? Let's discover it together and then encourage each other to go for it and make 2016 a year of harvest! Day/Time: TBD Location: Loop Leader: Nancy Wai Phone: (217) 721-8460 E-Mail: [email protected]

PROVERBS & POTLUCK We will be meeting bi-weekly to fellowship over the book of Proverbs and enjoying food together Day/Time: Wednesday Evenings Bi-Weekly Location: Logan Square Leaders: Ashleigh Johnson and Tukiya Mwanza Phone: (301) 221-5527 E-Mail: [email protected]


LADIES, LIFE AND LOVE This Life Group is a woman's group inspired by the book "The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord". As women it is crucial for us to find balance in life and fulfillment in our hearts. It is my hope that through this life group every woman will be more patient with herself in her journey of life and love. Both single and married women are encouraged to join. Day/Time: Thursday Evening, BI-Weekly Location: TBD Leader: Tierra Moore Phone: (708)369-9967 E-Mail: [email protected]

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN WOMEN Young Professional Christian Women is a time to gather and discuss ways to shine God's light in the work place. And practical ways to draw closer to God as you're working at your job. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Saturday morning Location: Lakeview/Lincoln Park Leader: Samantha Flynn Phone: (717) 413-0370 E-Mail: [email protected]

WOMEN’S BOOK STUDY: SUN STAND STILL "The Sun Stand Still message is all about audacious faith. What happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible." We will study the book Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick and discuss the message of how to believe God for the impossible and how to take action steps towards the impossible. "Without the willingness to act you really don't have a vision at all for your life, you have a daydream."

Day/Time: B-Weekly Wednesday Evenings Location: West Loop


Leader: Hannah Kardux and Courtney VanDusen Phone: (563) 506-3441 E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]

LOVE BEYOND BARRIERS This group is intended to start conversation! I hope to be able to have conversation about various current events, social issues, and views and discuss opinions of the responsibility of Christians and the Church. We're also going to be hands on, visiting numerous locations such as Dusable Museum, Peace Rallies, and community efforts! All are welcome to share certain events you want to discuss, hear about or want to attend! Day/Time: TBD Location: Various Locations Leader: Jasmine Steele Phone: (773) 620-3393 E-Mail: [email protected]


CREATIVE CREATORS Writers + Spoken Word & Music Artist + Film Makers We create and produce content to inspire those who read, hear, and see it. We utilize our creative gifts to serve and glorify God. This is a life group for creative people who like to express themselves, tell a story, or deliver a message creatively through their writing, poetry, music, or camera. We will create and produce projects together and we will go out as a group to open mikes to perform, go to shows, concerts and plays. Day/Time: Monday Evenings, B-Weekly Location: Filter Café Leader: Tiberius Blackledge Phone: (773) 946-6573 E-Mail: [email protected]

GOD AND GAMES Men’s group, we will play card games, video games, and other various games. The group will lead with a time of fellowship and prayer, then onto gaming and eating.


Day/Time: Evenings, Day TBD Location: Goose Island Leader: Wale Shekoni Phone: (816) 204-7018 E-Mail: [email protected]

STILL MOTION "The best camera is the one you have with you" -Chase Jarvis. We are going to help you make and take better images - even if the only camera you have is your phone. This group is for photo enthusiasts, photographers and filmmakers. We call our group Still Motion because we believe that in all of life's movements it's important to practice God's Stillness in our lives and live in thankfulness for the Rest only He can provide. We'll do photo walks and work our way into making short films as a group. Day/Time: Weekly TBD Location: Logan Square Leader: Robert Robbins and Jose Navas Phone: (312) 420-3451 E-Mail: [email protected]

UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU ARE We will be going through training by Dr. Sanford Kulkin, an expert in the field who has spent the last 30+ years training thousands of individuals in the theory and applications of behavioral assessment. This course will provide a compelling look at DISC personality testing and how it can be used to understand yourself and anticipate the actions of others. Based on observations over thousands of years of human development, DISC has been used since the 1920’s to better understand people. Seeing how each of us is a combination of four basic human patterns, which reveals a great deal about what motivates us as well as what we fear and avoid. This information can offer a new perspective on why we do what we do. • Gain greater sensitivity to others around you • Maximize personal strengths and minimize weaknesses


• Resolve internal conflicts and power struggles more quickly • Enhance teamwork among an organization’s staff • Identify how and why people make decisions • Develop focused and motivated teams • Learn Compatibility of behavior styles Learn How to distinguish between a person’s mask and his/her core self Day/Time: Thursday Evening Weekly Location: City Church Chicago Leader: Nate Forse and Sue Arambula Phone: (724) 570-9309 E-mail: [email protected]

MENS BIBLE STUDY - "Good or God" We will be discussing and having a bible study focusing on the book, Good or God? John Bevere highlights that often good and God seems synonymous. We think it's pretty straightforward that everything that's good must be in line with God's will. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it? This book will challenge, convict, and empower us to engage God on another level that will change your life. Day/Time: Weekly Wednesday Evenings Location: City Church Leader: Harold Robinson Phone: (312) 513-7073 E-Mail: [email protected]

EMBRACE THE GRIND Men's Life group. 45 min open floor forum on Monday evenings that tackles a broad array of subjects that we as Men are challenged with on a day to day basis, and How with God’s Love we can embrace the challenge – and shine the light of The Lord in everything that we do. Day/Time: Weekly Monday Evening Location: Rogers Park


Leader: Nosa Eguae Phone: (817) 637-7079 E-Mail: [email protected]

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION Taking the baby steps to a new you. We are going to literally be taking the baby steps to a new you with a group that is all about walking. Day/Time: Weekly Various Times Location: Lincoln Park Leader: Asir Epanet Phone: (312) 626-7029 E-Mail: [email protected]

GUYS BIBLE STUDY – Cornelius Oludeyi Bible Study Group for guys. This is an opportunity to connect and grow together Day/Time: Thursday evenings Weekly Location: Loop: Near Water Tower Place Leader: Cornelius Oluyedi Phone: 312-493-0757 E-Mail: [email protected]

I LOVE ME. WELLNESS MINISTRY. Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well. Build a healthy temple in order to serve! Day/Time: Various Times Location: TBA Leader: Jim Lopez Phone: (312) 848-5668 E-Mail: [email protected]

MENS FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST We meet, eat breakfast, talk about God, and hang out


Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Wednesday Mornings Location: Various Locations Leader: Nick Bays E-Mail: [email protected]

SOLOMONS POSSE Studying the Life of Solomon, what he learned, how he loved God and gained the riches of wisdom Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Thursday Evening Location: West Loop/West Town Leader: Tony Jordan Phone: (708) 529-8669 E-Mail: [email protected]

MENS PICKUP BASKETBALL We will come together, pray, play pickup basketball, and pray some more! There is a good possibility there will be a small fee associated with playing - anywhere from $0 - 9. Day/Time: TBA Location: TBD Leader: Evan Wheeler Phone: (312) 909-8844 E-Mail: [email protected]

MENS TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY We will gather on Tuesday's before team night to discuss the bible, life, and anything else that you want to talk about. Day/Time: Weekly Tuesday Evening Location: City Church Leader: Andrew Malek Phone: (312) 841-9798 E-Mail: [email protected]


BREAK THE ICE & ROLL SOME DICE! Tyler and Tayler Culligan plan to stay warm this winter with hot chocolate, and fun board-games. Every hangout we will pray together, play table-top games, and plan tasty treats that everyone can contribute to. Both singles and couples are have their butts kicked! You won't be Sorry™! Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Thursday Evenings Location: Logan Square Leader: Tyler and Tayler Culligan Phone: (682) 225-0466 E-Mail: [email protected]

MARRIAGE MATTERS The focus of this life group will be learning to grow as individuals and as a couple in a Godly way. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Wednesday Evenings Location: Bridgeport - Pershing & I90/94 Leaders: Zach and Ashley Fosnaugh Phone: (815) 715-5868 E-Mail: [email protected]


WALKING AS JESUS WALKED We'll take a fresh look at Christ and see in His humanity a model of how God intended us to live life as we read the book individually and come together to discuss and discover Him more as a group. Day/Time: Friday Location: Albany Park (Lawrence & Kimball) Leader: Aaron and Robin Bass Phone: (773) 396-8961 E-Mail: [email protected]

BIBLE STUDY WITH THE ATTAWIAS This spring, we will continue our discussion on the book of 1st Corinthians. Our discussion revolves around the core themes found within its chapters. We normally hang out for about an hour, and then spend the rest of the time studying the word, encouraging and praying for each other. Day/Time: Thursday Evening Location: South Loop Leader: Akiwumi and Angel Attawia Phone: (630) 337-5484 E-Mail: [email protected]

CO-ED LIFE GROUP – THE ROMAN’S The Romans Life Group will be based on a book, tbd. We start our group with dinner, followed by the curriculum and then dessert. We love to have a good time and fellowship. Come hang out and play with Logi as well. Be aware, we have two cats, in case you are allergic Day/Time: Friday evening, bi-weekly Location: South Loop Leader: Steve and Vanessa Roman Phone: (219) 331-5569 E-Mail: [email protected]


SIMPLIFY Discover how to stop living at such a frenetic pace and begin charting a new course toward satisfaction, purpose, and significance. Join author Bill Hybels to discover the power of simplicity in your schedule, work, finances, relationships, and soul. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Thursday Evenings Location: North Center Leader: Evan and Sarah Wheeler Phone: (312) 909-8844 E-Mail: [email protected]

HUMP DAY HANGOUT Mike Mike Mike…..guess what day it is! Join us for some food, fellowship, and relaxation. During our fun hangout night, we’re going to be looking at the book of James. We are planning on providing a great time with bible study, discussion, and video teaching to build us all spiritually. Day/Time: Wednesday Evening b-weekly Location: University Village Leader: Kyle and Andrea Hammond Phone: (847) 863-5402 E-Mail: [email protected]

THE MALEKS: MARRIED/COUPLES LIFE GROUP Our group is all about those that are married or on the path to marriage. We spend time in fellowship, encouraging each other, having dinner together, and having a great time. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Friday Evening Location: Montrose and Monticello Leaders: Andrew and Jessy Malek Phone: (312) 841-9798 E-Mail: [email protected]


FLOW LIFEGROUP We are excited to open our home to get into this unique and challenging study series with others. It appears hipster and alternative, however this series provides a way to resolve our faith into action in our world. We live in a cosmopolitan city, we love other cultures, we're travellers, and want a bigger worldview of how our relationship with Jesus can impact our connection with our world. We see friends doing life together, and delving into God together. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Monday Evening Location: Bucktown Leaders: Emma and Luke Nichols Phone: (312) 887-1323 E-Mail: [email protected]


COLLEGE GUYS Each week we will take a look at a different man in the Bible. Through this life group we will learn what God wants, and doesn't want us to be as men. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Friday Evening Location: Humbolt Park Leader: Ian Kreml Phone: (630) 744-9152 E-Mail: [email protected]

JUNIOR HIGH GUYS On Sunday mornings we gather together, fellowship and praise Jesus. Day/Time: Weekly Sunday Mornings Location: City Church Chicago Leader: Braden Carson Phone: (901) 653-4722 E-Mail: [email protected]


JUNIOR HIGH GIRLS We gather on Sunday mornings to fellowship, praise Jesus and have fun! Day/Time: Weekly Sunday Morning Location: City Church Chicago Leader: Rachel Anderson Phone: (562) 237-2581 E-Mail: [email protected]

HIGH SCHOOL GUYS This year students will be engaging in a program called SLAM (Saving Lives through Athletic Ministry): SLAM is a high-energy sports and team-building outreach program that runs every Monday night. Throughout the year, hundreds of youth come to SLAM ready for an exciting evening of creative games, Christian hip-hop music, drama, video, Bible teaching, small group discussion, pizza, and lots of hugs. SLAM creates the perfect environment for our army of adult volunteers to start building meaningful, "life-on-life" relationships with our teens. Day/Time: Weekly Monday Evenings Location: Solheim Center at Moody Bible Institute 900 W Wells St Leader: Josh Jones Phone: (773) 606-6786 E-Mail: [email protected]

HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS This year students will be engaging in a program called SLAM (Saving Lives through Athletic Ministry): SLAM is a high-energy sports and team-building outreach program that runs every Monday night. Throughout the year, hundreds of youth come to SLAM ready for an exciting evening of creative games, Christian hip-hop music, drama, video, Bible teaching, small group discussion, pizza, and lots of hugs. SLAM creates the perfect environment for our army of adult volunteers to start building meaningful, "life-on-life" relationships with our teens. Day/Time: Weekly Monday Evenings


Location: Solheim Center at Moody Bible Institute 900 W Wells St Leader: Julie Droessler Phone: (563) 320-6686 E-Mail: [email protected]

COLLEGE GIRLS LIFE GROUP Life Group for College Girls ages 18-25 Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Wednesday Evening Location: Roscoe Village Leader: Miranda Birch Phone: (773) 332-1998 E-Mail: [email protected]

POWER OF THE PSALMS For ladies 18-24. You love Jesus but life still hurts. If that hits home at all, you are not alone! Join us as we dig into Power of The Psalms, a video guided study with author Alyssa Bethke. It’s easy to understand yet goes deep, and will help you read the Psalms with more clarity, excitement, and freshness as well as show you how they can meet you in your deepest need and hurt. Lets embark on this journey together! Day/Time: Bi-Weekly on Wednesday Evenings Location: TBD. Leader: Kaylee Schultz Phone: (734) 497-0762 E-Mail: [email protected]


CORPORATE PRAYER Join us for corporate prayer meetings every Tuesday from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the River West Auditorium. Be a part of something bigger than ourselves, as we meet to pray with purpose and passion, all together, standing unified in agreement for the will of God. Everyone is welcome, no experience needed! Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. Day/Time: Weekly Tuesday Evenings Location: City Church Leader: Elaine McNally and Caleb Bryant Phone: (219) 512-6308 E-Mail: [email protected]

LAW ENFORCEMENT PRAYER GROUP We believe that prayer changes things and prayer matters, we gather together and pray over our law enforcement officers. Day/Time: TBD Location: TBD Leader: Eric Wang Phone: (847)800-7721 E-Mail: [email protected]


TEAM WORLD VISION HALF/FULL MARATHON This group will be for anyone interested in running the Chicago Half or Full Marathons to raise money for clean water in Africa through Team World Vision Day/Time: Weekly Saturday Mornings Location: Either near the church or by the loop. Leader: Hayley Meadows Phone: (309) 261-4020 E-Mail: [email protected]

CITY CARE We are an outreach ministry team that goes out on street level to minister to those less fortunate on the west and north sides of Chicago. We also do outreach events with non-profits on special occasions including warm clothing drive in the winter. Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Tuesdays and Sundays Location: City Church Leader: Justin Heneghan Contact: (224) 425-3714 E-Mail: [email protected]

SELFLESS SATURDAYS This group will be participating in various community service projects throughout the Chicagoland area this Spring. The meeting time and location of the group varies based upon the needs of the community organization. A list of service project times and dates for the next upcoming Saturdays will be available soon. Day/Time: Saturday at various times Location: Community Organizations in various locations in Chicago Leader: Krystle Everett Phone: (773) 704-2552 E-Mail: [email protected]

EVES ANGELS We gather every other Wednesday to pray for women that are involved in the sex trade. We believe in covering them in prayer and providing support to assist women in


leaving this lifestyle. We also are involved in outreaches each month to go out and minister and pray. Day/Time: Wednesday’s Location: TBD Leader: Anny Donewald E-Mail: [email protected]

RELIEF FORWARD The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) estimates that there are 45.2 million people displaced in the world. Syria, Colombia, Pakistan, Turkey, Uganda, Somalia, Afghanistan – these countries are familiar news stories. Did you know that these people are arriving daily in our city of Chicago every day? For this life group we will have the opportunity to bring light into the heart of these "familiar" stories. We will become a part of the process of healing, transformation, and empowerment. Day/Time: TBD Location: South Loop Leader: Aurora Lucas Phone: (630) 335-1368 E-Mail: [email protected]


BREAKING FREE – WOMEN’S GROUP Do you want to know God and really believe Him? Do you want to find satisfaction in God, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence? Do you want to make the freedom Christ promised a reality in your daily life? In Breaking Free, Beth Moore embarks on a study of selected passages from the Book of Isaiah, drawing several parallels between the captive Israelites and today's Christians, in order to show how to make freedom in Christ a daily reality. Moore teaches readers to remove obstacles that hinder freedom by identifying spiritual strongholds in their lives and overcoming them through the truth of God's Word-truth that will set us free. DatyTime: Meeting Bi Weekly- Wednesday's at 7p.m. Location: City Church Chicago Leader: Elysia Norris Phone: (517) 706-1725 E-Mail: [email protected]

NEW BELIEVERS MENS GROUP This group will provide a nurturing environment for new believers and Christians interested in gaining a better understanding of the bible.


Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Wednesday Evenings Location: Roscoe Village Leader: Joshua Doumani Phone: (312) 785-8596 E-Mail: [email protected]

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIV. – WOMEN’S GROUP If you want to learn about how to build a budget, manage your money better and tackle debt so that you can live in financial peace, this is the life group for you! Day/Time: TBA Location: Hyde Park Leader: Jo Golden Phone: (312) 806-0609 E-Mail: [email protected]

BREAKING INTIMIDATION Countless Christians battle intimidation, which is camouflaged and subtle. Many feel the effects--depression, confusion, lack of faith--without knowing its root. Bevere guides readers below the surface to see the roots of intimidation. Readers will understand why it is hard to say no, why the fear confrontation and avoid conflict, and why they focus on pleasing others. Readers will learn to identify intimidation and know how to break its hold. Bevere explains how the fear of God keeps us from a life of ungodliness and produces confidence and boldness. Bevere advises, "Walk in your own God-given authority, or someone else will take it from you and use it against you." Day/Time: Bi-Weekly Monday Mornings Location: TBD Leader: Midori Doumani Phone: (312) 543-5614 E-Mail: [email protected]

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