
PowerPoint Presentation

Winneshiek Co. Birds & Where to Find Them

Coon Creek is mostly dense woods, but about 1/4th of the area is cropland or grasslands.

Coon Creek is found in far eastern Winneshiek County. There are over 1700 acres to explore here.

Coon Creek is maybe the best place to find ruffed grouse

Wild turkeys share woodland habitat with ruffed grouse.

Pileated woodpeckers are our largest forest woodpecker.


Pileated Woodpeckers are about the size of a crow and have a flaming red crest.

Pileated woodpeckers are about the size of a crow and have a flaming red crest.

Pileated woodpeckers are about the size of a crow and have a flaming red crest.


Pileated woodpeckers are spectacular sights in flight.

Male yellow-bellied sapsuckers have a red cap and a red throat, with a yellowish wash on their belly.


Female yellow-bellied sapsuckers have a white throat.

Eastern towhees are pretty but secretive woodland birds. This ones a male. They nest at Coon Creek.


Eastern towhees scratch around on the ground like chickens, hence the common name ground robin

Female eastern towhees look washed out.

The Eastern Towhee sings Drink your Tea

The eastern towhee sings drink your tea.


The hermit thrush comes back earlier than other woodland thrushes, typically in early April.

The hermit thrush does not have a heavily spotted breast.


Unlike the wood thrush, we can only hear the hermit thrush singing in spring and fall.


The Gray-cheeked Thrush is another confusing cousin.

The gray-cheeked thrush is another confusing cousin.


Compare the Gray-cheeked Thrush, right, with the Swainsons Thrush, below.

Compare the gray-cheeked thrush, right, with the Swainsons thrush, below.


Swainsons thrush has a buffy eye ring.


This wood thrush is a real robin cousin.


Note the big spots on this wood thrush breast, not unlike a baby robin.


Wood thrushes may have the most beautiful bird song.


Heres a veery. They sound like theyre singing into a well.


The veery can be distinguished from other thrushes by the lack of an eye ring and a buffy breast.


Ovenbird note speckled breast and orange head stripeOvenbird note speckled breast and orange head stripe.


Ovenbirds are often found on the ground, blending in with the brown fallen leaves on the forest floor.


The ovenbird sings teacher teacher teacher.


Coon Creek is a trout stream that flows through a wooded valley here.

Northern waterthrush likes wooded stream banks too.


Louisiana waterthrush note wider supercillium

Louisiana waterthrush note whiter supercillium.


Scarlet tanagers have a chick-burr call note.

Female scarlet tanagers are comparatively plain-colored.


This sparrow-like bird is a female indigo bunting, not necessarily a beautiful bird.


Male indigo buntings are much easier to identify.


Indigo Buntings are the only birds in the woods that are completely blue.

Indigo buntings are the only birds in the woods that are completely blue.


Indigo buntings sing sweet-sweet, sweet-sweet.

American redstarts often nest near water

American redstarts often nest near water.


American redstart - female

American redstart female. They are common summertime residents.


Golden-winged warblers have that golden wing swoosh.


Golden-winged warbler note that striking facial pattern.


Golden and blue-winged warblers hide in forest clearcuts

Blue-winged warblers do indeed have bluish wings.


Lawrences warbler golden-winged X blue-winged cross.


Canada warblers wear a black necklace above their bright yellow belly.


Canada warblers are late migrants, to the end of May.

Kentucky warblers have black sideburns on their face.

They prefer old-growth deciduous woods here in northeast Iowa, where they forage down among the ferns on the forest floor.


Listen for Kentucky warblers to be singing on territory in early June.


Where to look for Kentucky or cerulean warblers.

Cerulean warbler note all the blue color.

Like Kentucky warblers, cerulean warblers live in remote mature timbers, but they occupy a different space.


Cerulean warblers are found high up in the forest canopy.


Cerulean warblers like the tree canopyCerulean warblers, like most colorful wood warblers, need pristine forest habitat to survive & thrive.


Notice the blue-gray gnatcatchers long thin tail and white eye ring. They are found in the forest canopy too.


This little olive-brown bird is an eastern wood pewee

This little olive-brown bird is an eastern wood pewee.


Eastern phoebes look similar to eastern wood pewees, but they typically wag their tails while perched.


Eastern phoebe arrive in early April but stick around all season. Listen for their plain phoebe call

Eastern phoebes arrive in early April but stick around all season. Listen for their plain phoebe call.


The largest flycatcher in the woods is the Great Crested Flycatcher

The largest flycatcher in the woods is the great crested flycatcher.


Great Crested Flycatchers are quite colorful for a flycatcher. They say fleep fleep

Great crested flycatchers are quite colorful for a flycatcher. Note the yellow belly and brown crest. They say fleep fleep.


Chipera Prairie is found in SW Winneshiek Co. near Jackson Junction. There are 80 acres here.

Chipera Prairie is a mix of grassland and brush habitats.

The prairie here is attractive to grassland nesters. Prairie blazing star blooms in August.

Eastern meadowlarks are expert at hiding their eggs.

Eastern meadowlarks are very melodious.

Eastern meadowlarks are very melodious.


Bobolinks reliably nest at Chipera Prairie too. Look for them in June and July.

Male bobolinks have very bold distinctive colors.


Male bobolinks often sing on the wing.


Sedge wrens arrive to nest in June.

Sedge wrens sound somewhat like a house wren.


Henslows sparrow has faint chest & facial streaks.

Henslows sparrows are only rare summer nesters.


White-throated sparrows whistle Oh sweet Canada Canada Canada where they spend the summer.

White-throated sparrows have a pure white throat.


White-throated sparrows also have a little yellow spot above and behind their beak.


White-throated sparrows like this brushy habitat.


White-crowned sparrows wear a bright white crown.

White-crowned sparrows visit us in the springtime from down south & during autumn from farther north.


White-crowned sparrows have a gray neck that sets them apart too.


Fox sparrows pass through the area in spring and fall.


Fox sparrows have a pleasant whistling song.


Fox sparrows are big for a sparrow, with rusty red backs and red streaked chests.


Harris sparrows show up in spring and fall migrations. Note the pink bill and black face mask.


Young Harris sparrows lack the black face mask.


An old farm grove at Chipera is always an interesting area to check out too, especially for migrating warblers.

Orange-crowned warblers forage low to the ground (fall).


Yellow-billed cuckoos have a half-yellow bill. A nester.

Yellow-billed cuckoos have a creepy tropical call.


Brown thrashers live in the same thicket habitat as cuckoos. They have a rusty red back and tail.


Brown thrashers also have a bright yellow eye.


Brown thrashers are related to mockingbirds and repeat every varied note they sing.

Brown thrashers are related to mockingbirds and repeat every varied note they sing.

Gray catbirds share brushy habitat with brown thrashers


Gray catbirds are mostly shades of gray, with a reddish rump that only shows off when they lift their tail up.


Gray catbirds are great singers and can imitate a mewing cat.


Ring-necked pheasant roosters are handsome fellows. Notice his white neck ring. Native to China.


Ring-necked pheasant hens are boringly brown.


Lake Meyer Park near Calmar is 150 acres. Theres a 35 acre lake and some nice timber too.

Ospreys could be considered half-hawk and half-eagle.Commonly called a fish eagle.


Ospreys have that distinctive black stripe through their eye, and often hover in place over open water.


The diverse forest habitat here at Lake Meyer is home to most nesting NE Iowa tree dwellers.

Downy woodpeckers are the most abundant woodpeckers around here

Downy woodpeckers are the most abundant woodpeckers around here.


Dad Downy woodpecker has a little red spot on the back of his head.

Dad downy woodpecker has a little red spot on the back of his head.


Mom downy woodpecker is only black and white.Downy woodpeckers are slightly larger than a sparrow.


Hairy woodpeckers have stouter beaks than downy woodpeckers. Note the pure white outer tail feathers. too.

Theres probably six downies for every hairy flying around in the forest.


There are about 6 downies for every hairy woodpecker flying around in the woods. This females lacks any red.

Red-bellied Woodpeckers are bigger than Hairy Woodpeckers. I call them the Zebra Woodpecker because of their striped backs. Males have a red cap running from the back of their neck right up to their beak.

Red-bellied woodpeckers are bigger than hairy woodpeckers. I call them the zebra woodpecker because of their striped backs. Males have a red cap running from the back of their neck right up to their beak.


Notice how moms red head strip gets cut off halfway to her beak.

Mother shows why theyre red-bellied woodpeckers.

Northern flickers are a little different, being mostly brown woodpeckers.

By the way, this is a female northern flicker, since she doesnt develop a moustache.

Notice the male northern flickers black moustache.Northern flicker sometimes says its name flicker flicker flicker.

Brown creepers are very tiny and creep around on tree bark like a woodpecker would.


Think of the white-breasted nuthatch as the upside-down bird as they can see insects missed by brown creepers and woodpeckers.


Black-capped chickadees are cute little gray forest birds too they say their name.


While hiking the trails at Lake Meyer in spring, summer and fall, you might also spy these birds.

Blue jays are the woodlands watchdogs.


Northern Cardinals whistle What Cheer, What Cheer, What What What

Northern cardinals whistle what cheer, what cheer, what what what


Mama northern cardinal cant brag about her bright colors, but she still has that characteristic crest and seed-crushing beak.


Baltimore orioles posture a black & orange color scheme.


Orchard orioles are chocolate-colored instead of orange.


Rose-breasted grosbeaks sound like a robin thats taken singing lessons.


Female Rose-breasted Grosbeaks look something like giant sparrows sitting on a limb.

Female rose-breasted grosbeaks look like a sparrow with a big beak.


Oak timbers at Lake Meyer attract many warblers in spring migration during May.

Ruby-crowned kinglet note light eye ring too.


Golden-crowned kinglet note gold crown.


Pine warblers are rare but regular around mid-April.


Look for pine warblers at suet feeders

Look for pine warblers at suet feeders.


Yellow-rumped warbler male with diagnostic yellow rump

Male yellow-rumped warblers sport yellow shoulder stripes too.


Black & white warblers are a case of contrasting colors.


Blackpoll warbler male note black cap & pink legs .


Palm warbler

The palm warbler wears a rusty cap with lots of streaked yellow below.


Chestnut-sided warbler note yellow cap

Chestnut-sided warblers return in early May and some stay to nest.


Bay-breasted warbler male has a dark face

Bay-breasted warbler male also has a dark face mask.


Cape May warbler male note brown face patch

Cape May warbler male note brown face patch.


Blackburnian warbler

Blackburnian warblers are arguably the most beautiful warblers.


Wilsons warbler

Wilsons warbler wears a black cap.They migrate through in early May.


Northern parula warbler male note yellow bib

Northern parula warbler males wear a bright yellow bib.


Black-throated green warbler note black bib

Black-throated green warbler flaunting that birthright.


Tennessee warbler note eye stripe

Tennessee warbler note that dark eye stripe.


Nashville warbler note the obvious eye ring.

Birdhouses at Lake Meyer always attract attention during the summer nesting season.

Eastern bluebirds are always looking for a nice new birdhouse home.


House wrens love to live in birdhouses.

Tree swallows like to nest in houses located by the lake.

Winter birds are attracted to feeders at Lake Meyer Park.

Winter finches can be found at thistle feeders.

American goldfinches are sometimes called wild canaries. They call tea and perchickery.

Pine siskins look similar to goldfinches and often show up in the winter.


Look for the pine siskins streaked belly.


Common redpolls resemble pine siskins, but with a red forehead.


Purple finch male showing rosy tinge around the head.


Purple finch females arent purple & can be confused with sparrows.


House finches can be confused with purple finches.


Female house finches are brown but lack the white head stripe seen on their purple finch female counterparts.


Dark-eyed juncos show up in October from areas way up north and stay here in Iowa until April. Think of juncos as true snowbirds.


Decorah Fish Hatchery

The world-famous Decorah eagles live there.

Trout Run flows from the hatchery and offers birds both food and cover found on stream banks.

Chipping sparrows sport a black eye stripe & red cap.

Chipping sparrows have a rapid chippy call.

Trout Run Trail extends from the Decorah Fish Hatchery along Trout Run stream to the east.

American tree sparrows winter along the trail here.

Decorah Prairie, planted beside the Upper Iowa River, is another good spot to see birds in Decorah.

Field sparrows show a noticeable white eye ring.


Male Brown-headed Cowbirds have a brownish head a black body.

Male brown-headed cowbirds have a brownish head a black body.


Female cowbirds look like brown, blackbird-size sparrows.


Common grackles often feed on our lawns.


American crows have that characteristic caw call.


Dunnings Spring is a scenic spot to search for birds.

Winter wren note tail, habitat type & drab color.


Tufted titmouse

The tufted titmouse is a cousin to the chickadee, but has a sharp tuft on its head.


Tufted titmouse sings peto peto peto

The tufted titmouse sings peto peto peto.


Twin Springs is another Decorah birding hotspot.

The tufted titmouse sings peto peto peto.


Red-eyed vireos do indeed have red eyes. Common nesters.

The tufted titmouse sings peto peto peto.


The blue-headed vireo wears white spectacles!

The tufted titmouse sings peto peto peto.


Yellow-throated vireos are uncommon summer nesters.

The tufted titmouse sings peto peto peto.


Palisades Park is a pretty place to go birding on the bluffs beside the Upper Iowa River.

Unlike sharp-shinned hawks that only show up in winter for the most part, Coopers hawks are year-round residents.


Sharp-shinned hawks are a slim-profile hawk species.Look for them to arrive in Winneshiek Co. in the fall.Mourning dove size.

Renowned bird hunters, sharp-shinned hawks have been called little blue darters.


Turkey vultures return to Iowa in March after wintering in warm areas like Texas.

Turkey vultures return to Iowa in March after wintering in warm areas like Texas.


Turkey vultures are sometimes mistaken for eagles.Vultures wings spread to 6 feet, a foot shorter than eagles.


Turkey vultures always bend their wings up in V-shape, whereas hawks and eagles hold their wings horizontal.


Cardinal Marsh is a real birding hotspot. There are 1200 acres of public hunting land on this property.

Greater white-fronted geese & snow goose on Mar. 16.

Trumpeter swans on Mar. 16. Waterfowl starts flooding into Cardinal Marsh as soon as open water appears.

Diving ducks arrive quite early in the spring too. Redheads and ring-necked ducks are resting and feeding on marsh segment 3.

Puddle ducks like these blue-winged teal pile in later. 15 waterfowl species might be seen in a single day.

American coot, northern shoveler drake & pied-billed grebe on April 10, 2015. The coot and grebe may stay to nest during the summer.

Mallards, greater white-fronted goose & sandhill crane.

Sandhill cranes are a prize find at Cardinal Marsh.

Canada geese are common summer nesters.

If water levels are low in May, shorebirds will stop by to feed on the exposed mudflats. Same scenario in August.

Semipalated sandpipers & dunlins are among the many shorebird species that might be found here then.

Red-necked phalarope, stilt sandpipers, lesser yellowlegs & greater yellowlegs are feeding together.

A spotting scope is helpful for positively identifying shorebirds since they are usually some distance away.

Semipalmated plovers are a small and cute species.

Wilsons snipe have long bills for probing down in the soft mud for different worms to eat.

Were more likely to hear a sora rail than see one.

Ring-billed gull on Mar. 15. Surprisingly, gulls are a rare find at Cardinal Marsh.

Black terns dont swing by until mid-May.

Belted kingfisher female found from spring until fall.

Green herons slowly patrol swamp shorelines.

Great blue herons are fond of leopard frogs.

Great egrets look like albino herons when they stop by.

American white pelicans are always a nice surprise find.

Peregrine falcons show up to hunt ducks and other birds


Merlins do the same, but typically target songbirds. Find them in spring & fall.

Northern harrier juvenile could be found year-round.

Rough-legged hawks are uncommon winter visitors.

Northern shrikes are another uncommon winter bird of prey. They hunt for small birds and meadow voles.

Cedar waxwings may be seen at any season.

Eastern kingbirds are common summer nesters. They feed on flying bugs, primarily bees.

Willow flycatchers nest in willow thickets.

Yellow warblers also like to nest in those willow bats.

Marsh wrens nest in dense cattail stands.

Common yellowthroats can nest in cattails too.

Yellow-headed blackbirds call Cardinal Marsh home.

Red-winged blackbirds like cattail stands too.

Seed Savers Exchange encourages people to come out to their farm and enjoy nature along their nature trails.

Birds can be found around their gardens, woodlands, streambanks and orchard area.

Burr Oak pond by Bluffton is worth checking out for waterfowl and shorebirds when in the area. Private.


Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoPhasianidae59856.0eng - XC21080 Andrew Spencer. Windsor, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, United States, ?m, 09:30h, 19-06-2008, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", calls, calls from a female near her young, these calls made in response to playback of the previous track. When giving these sounds, the female would raise her ruff and spread her tail, and strut around much like a male in display.. also: Red-eyed VireoYellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoPicidae30792.0eng - XC31302 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Wagner Lake , United States, 300m, ?h, 27-06-2008, N44.33'12" W84.9'31", Call. also: Blue Jay, OvenbirdEastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoEmberizinae46184.074eng - XC13417 Chris Parrish. Sewanee, Franklin County, Tennessee, USA, 580m, 05:40h, 12-05-2007, N35.13'3" W85.55'19", song. also: Wood Thrush, Carolina WrenHermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoTurdinae23849.873eng - XC14208 Chris Parrish. May Lake, Yosemite NP, California, USA, 2700m, 19:35h, 28-06-2007, N37.49'58" W119.29'27", songs, Note the alternation of louder and softer songs.Gray-cheeked Thrush (Catharus minimus aliciae)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoTurdidae14915.846eng - XC53400 Mike Nelson. Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 100m, 7:30amh, 16-05-09, N35.51'32" W84.5'41", Song, One of four birds here on migration for two weeksSwainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus)A. Bennett Hennesseyxeno-cantoTurdinae22726.582eng - XC2853 A. Bennett Hennessey. Serranas Beu & Chepete, Piln Lajas Biosphere R., La Paz, Bolivia, 750 - 1450m, 9:15h, 30-11-1995, S15.5'59" W67.31'58", Song, cd: also: Collared Trogon, Gray Antbird, Long-billed GnatwrenWood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoTurdidae59664.0eng - XC33467 Andrew Spencer. Steel Creek, Buffalo National River, Madison Co., Arkansas, United States, ?m, 07:35h, 26-04-2009, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songCommon Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoIcteridae20140.4eng - XC16905 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Lake Erie Metropark, USA, 175m, ?h, 12-03-2007, N42.4'40" W83.11'58", Calls, Some partal song. also: Ring-billed Gull, Canada Goose, Red-winged Blackbird, European StarlingVeery (Catharus fuscescens)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoTurdinae34037.766eng - XC17122 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Waterloo SRA, USA, 280m, ?h, 06-07-2007, N42.21'41" W84.11'26", Song, Traffic noise in background. also: Yellow-throated Vireo, Swamp Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Common Yellowthroat, Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla)Darrell L. Petersonxeno-cantoParulinae35970.727eng - XC6854 Darrell L. Peterson. Chesterfield, VA, USA, 100m, 06:30h, 22-04-2006, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songNorthern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis)Don Jonesxeno-cantoParulinae17632.588eng - XC16552 Don Jones. Nesowadnehunk Tote Road (south of Nesowadnehunk Field), Baxter State P, USA, 440m, ?:?h, 09-07-06, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: Least Flycatcher, White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed JuncoLouisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoParulinae31817.402eng - XC13580 Chris Parrish. Tremont, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Tennessee, USA, 390m, 07:06h, 17-05-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song, Loud stream noise filtered out.Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoThraupinae38373.867eng - XC13162 Chris Parrish. Sewanee, Franklin County, Tennessee, USA, 580m, 07:26h, 02-05-2007, N35.13'3" W85.55'19", Song., After playback.Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoCardinalinae16666.035eng - XC17148 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Monroe County, USA, 185m, ?h, 18-07-2007, N41.56'0" W83.32'59", Song. also: American Robin, American GoldfinchIndigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoCardinalinae16666.035eng - XC17148 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Monroe County, USA, 185m, ?h, 18-07-2007, N41.56'0" W83.32'59", Song. also: American Robin, American GoldfinchAmerican Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla)Darrell L. Petersonxeno-cantoParulinae18337.91eng - XC6853 Darrell L. Peterson. Roanoke, VA, USA, 650m, 07:30h, 16-06-2006, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songGolden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoParulidae17592.0eng - XC49217 Andrew Spencer. Fayette Co., West Virginia, United States, ?m, 10:40h, 06-05-2010, N37.56'13" W80.57'25", song, unusual song types from a phenotypically pure bird; the rate at which is switched song types is also unusualBlue-winged Warbler (Vermivora pinus)Robin Carterxeno-cantoParulinae20062.031eng - XC5768 Robin Carter. Great River Bluffs SP, MN, USA, 250m, ?h, 24-5-2002, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: Northern CardinalCanada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoParulidae13008.0eng - XC31133 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Petersburg SGA , United States, 250m, ?h, 22-05-2008, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", Song. also: Common Yellowthroat, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Gray Catbird, Ring-necked PheasantKentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoParulidae17423.604eng - XC53842 Mike Nelson. Windrock rd, Oliver Springs, Tennessee, United States, 120m, 10:15amh, 06-08, N36.4'8" W84.19'58", Song, Interval between songs shortened.. also: Wood ThrushCerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoParulidae29160.0eng - XC31029 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Waterloo SRA , United States, 250m, 11:00h, 23-05-2008, N42.21'41" W84.11'26", Song. also: Yellow-throated Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Tufted TitmouseBlue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)Robin Carterxeno-cantoPolioptilinae11676.709eng - XC7641 Robin Carter. Congaree NP, SC, USA, 30m, 00:00h, 23-03-2002, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songEastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoTyrannidae26932.393eng - XC17132 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Waterloo SRA, USA, 285m, ?h, 06-07-2007, N42.21'41" W84.11'26", Song. also: Indigo Bunting, White-breasted Nuthatch, Yellow Warbler, American RobinEastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoTyrannidae13766.475eng - XC52451 Mike Nelson. Windrock rd, Oliver Springs, Tennessee, United States, 200m, 10:30amh, 05-08, N36.4'8" W84.19'58", Song. also: Kentucky Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Great Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus)Robin Carterxeno-cantoTyrannidae14053.817eng - XC1381 Robin Carter. Sesquicentenial SP, SC, USA, 100m, ?h, 13-08-2001, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call, call note repeatedEastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)Robin Carterxeno-cantoIcteridae20192.646eng - XC7702 Robin Carter. La Ensenada, Costa Rica, 10m, 09:00h, 02-07-2006, N10.8'36" W85.2'34", song, includes call also (not scored). also: Red-billed Pigeon, Black-headed Trogon, Tropical KingbirdBobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoIcteridae39168.0eng - XC48268 Andrew Spencer. Beech Run Road, Preston Co., West Virginia, United States, 630m, 10:40h, 02-05-2010, N39.33'25" W79.40'44", song, first strophe from a flying bird, the remaining from a perched oneSedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis)Manuel Grosseletxeno-cantoTroglodytidae20088.154eng - XC6277 Manuel Grosselet. La Cima, Mexico DF, Mexico, 3000m, 8:30h, 17-06-06, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: House Finch, Northern FlickerHenslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoEmberizidae39120.0eng - XC31157 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Port Huron SGA , United States, 250m, 8:00h, 19-06-2008, N43.3'0" W82.35'34", Song. also: Bobolink, Willow Flycatcher, Eastern Meadowlark, Song Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoEmberizidae26070.332eng - XC54762 Mike Nelson. Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 100m, 9:30amh, 05-08, N35.51'32" W84.5'41", Song, Last migrant before heading north, lawnmower in the backgroundWhite-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoEmberizinae15490.531eng - XC16994 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Pte. Mouillee SGA, USA, 175m, ?h, 01-05-2007, N42.1'21" W83.12'17", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Brown-headed CowbirdFox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca iliaca)Don Jonesxeno-cantoEmberizinae29048.36eng - XC16551 Don Jones. Nesowadnehunk Tote Road (north of Nesowadnehunk Field), Baxter State P, USA, 414m, ?:?h, 09-07-06, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songHarris's Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula)Paul Driverxeno-cantoEmberizidae31216.572eng - XC70460 Paul Driver. clay center, nebraska, United States, 600m, ?h, 22-3-2008, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", calls and songOrange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata celata)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoParulidae31190.45eng - XC54117 Mike Nelson. Sharp's Ridge Memorial Park, Knox co, Tennessee, United States, 200m, 7:30amh, 11-04-10, N36.0'0" W83.56'52", Song, Moving through on migration. also: American Robin, Eastern TowheeYellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus)Robin Carterxeno-cantoCuculidae17919.941eng - XC7840 Robin Carter. Congaree NP, SC, USA, 30m, 08:00h, 17-06-2006, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call. also: Red-eyed Vireo, Acadian Flycatcher, Mourning DoveBrown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoMimidae34194.492eng - XC13184 Andrew Spencer. Two Buttes SWA, Baca County, Colorado, USA, ?m, 07:45h, 30-04-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: Mourning DoveBrown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoMimidae34194.492eng - XC13184 Andrew Spencer. Two Buttes SWA, Baca County, Colorado, USA, ?m, 07:45h, 30-04-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: Mourning DoveGray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoMimidae22204.121eng - XC16962 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Port Huron SGA, USA, 200m, ?h, 18-05-2007, N43.3'0" W82.35'34", Song. also: White-breasted Nuthatch, Canada Goose, Common Yellowthroat, Red-winged Blackbird, Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)Don Jonesxeno-cantoMimidae4022.8555eng - XC1235 Don Jones. Sheep Pen Hill Road,Burlington County, NJ, USA, ?m, ?h, 26-06-1994, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song, scolding mewsCommon Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)Todd Wilsonxeno-cantoPhasianidae5877.566eng - XC97310 Todd Wilson. Vernon Marsh, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States, 237m, 09:00h, 2012-03-24, N42.54'14" W88.18'56", Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)Don Jonesxeno-cantoAccipitridae13113.423eng - XC18374 Don Jones. Bayview B&B, Matlacha, Florida, USA, 0m, ?h, 19-1-2008, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", Repeated calls seemed to be given as mate or another bird approached the nestDowny Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoPicidae22073.506eng - XC16880 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Metro Beach Metropark, USA, 175m, ?h, 21-02-2007, N42.34'33" W82.48'31", Call. also: American Tree Sparrow, House FinchDowny Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoPicidae11112.0eng - XC33614 Andrew Spencer. Steel Creek, Buffalo National River, Madison Co., Arkansas, United States, ?m, 18:00h, 25-04-2009, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", drumDowny Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoPicidae22073.506eng - XC16880 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Metro Beach Metropark, USA, 175m, ?h, 21-02-2007, N42.34'33" W82.48'31", Call. also: American Tree Sparrow, House FinchHairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoPicidae13531.376eng - XC13675 Andrew Spencer. Cottonwood Canyon, Las Animas County, Colorado, USA, ?m, 07:20h, 29-04-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call, agressive call from a male during a male-male interaction. also: Brown-headed CowbirdRed-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoPicidae23405.781eng - XC16875 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Oakwoods Metropark, USA, 185m, ?h, 09-02-2007, N42.6'21" W83.18'59", Calls from male. also: Black-capped ChickadeeBlack-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)Jonathon Jongsmaxeno-cantoParidae38582.836eng - XC86760 Jonathon Jongsma // Carver Park Reserve, Carver, MN (44.882, -93.683), United States // 300m // 08:50h, 2011-08-28 // call // scolding. On a walkway through tamarack bog // also: Blue Jay, American GoldfinchTCOP2011 Jonathon JongsmaWCOP. Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)Chuck Davisxeno-cantoCardinalidae51068.72eng - XC56227 Chuck Davis. La Porte, Texas, United States, 4m, 07:04 CDTh, 31-05-2010, N29.38'56" W95.0'50", call, normalized; . also: Carolina Wren, Northern Mockingbird, Downy Woodpecker, Blue JayOrchard Oriole (Icterus spurius spurius)Robin Carterxeno-cantoIcteridae25312.764eng - XC7798 Robin Carter. Aiken Gopher Tortoise HP, SC, USA, 120m, 11:00h, 29-05-2005, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: Northern CardinalRuby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula)Don Jonesxeno-cantoSylviinae16754.412eng - XC1217 Don Jones. Hawkins Road, Burlington C., NJ, USA, ?m, ?h, 11-04-1997, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songGolden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa)Don Jonesxeno-cantoSylviinae4702.0415eng - XC1216 Don Jones. Helldiver Pond, Adirondacks, NY, USA, ?m, ?h, 08-06-1999, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songPine Warbler (Dendroica pinus pinus)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoParulidae10187.751eng - XC54327 Mike Nelson. Kyker Bottoms Wildlife Refuge, Maryville, Tennessee, United States, 200m, 8:45amh, 03-09, N35.36'10" W84.7'22", Song. also: American Robin, Mourning Dove, Carolina Wren, American GoldfinchYellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata coronata)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoParulinae24947.041eng - XC17028 Allen T. Chartier. Ohio, Crane Creek Sp, USA, 175m, ?h, 02-05-2007, N41.37'16" W83.9'39", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Nashville Warbler, Mourning Dove, Tree SwallowBlackpoll Warbler (Dendroica striata)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoParulidae20871.846eng - XC51862 Mike Nelson. Talledega National Forest, Munford, Alabama, United States, 125m, 9:45amh, 10-05-09, N33.26'38" W85.53'6", SongPalm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum hypochrysea)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoParulidae2377.1433eng - XC54140 Mike Nelson. Sharp's Ridge Memorial Park, Knox co, Tennessee, United States, 200m, 9:30amh, 04-08, N36.0'35" W83.56'52", SongChestnut-sided Warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoParulidae22896.0eng - XC31036 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Port Huron SGA , United States, 250m, ?h, 29-05-2008, N43.3'0" W82.35'34", Song, Two males singing within 10m of each other. also: Indigo Bunting, Gray Catbird, Brown-headed CowbirdBay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea)Daniel Lanexeno-cantoParulidae9743.676eng - XC101909 Daniel Lane. Garret Mountain Reservation, Passaic Co., NJ, United States, 100m, 11:00h, 2012-05-16, N40.53'56" W74.10'55", song, One natural song from a male about 10m up in a chestnut oak.. also: American Robin, Wood Thrush, American RedstartCape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoParulinae7366.552eng - XC17040 Allen T. Chartier. Ohio, Crane Creek SP, USA, 175m, ?h, 02-05-2007, N41.37'16" W83.9'39", Song. also: Yellow Warbler, Red-winged BlackbirdBlackburnian Warbler (Dendroica fusca)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoParulinae25809.102eng - XC13764 Andrew Spencer. Gunflint Trail, Cook Co., Minnesota, USA, ?m, 08:10h, 12-06-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song and calls, song type more typical of birds in the eastern part of their range. Calls in between song strophes.. also: Magnolia Warbler, Least FlycatcherWilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoParulinae17972.188eng - XC14193 Andrew Spencer. Routt County, Colorado, USA, ?m, 06:50h, 22-06-2007, N40.30'59" W106.59'2", song. also: Lazuli Bunting, Lincoln's Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, White-crowned SparrowNorthern Parula (Parula americana)Stuart Fisherxeno-cantoParulidae30824.727eng - XC54777 Stuart Fisher. Jekyll Island North, United States, 1m, 17:15h, 29-05-2010, N31.6'3" W81.24'39", Song, There are 3 males singing in this recording, all with slight variations in their song. also: Northern Parula, Royal Tern, Northern CardinalBlack-throated Green Warbler (Dendroica virens)Darrell L. Petersonxeno-cantoParulinae23904.0eng - XC7479 Darrell L. Peterson. Mount Rogers, Virginia, USA, 1700m, 08:00h, 02-05-2002, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song, highest mountain in VirginiaTennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina)Don Jonesxeno-cantoParulinae25521.748eng - XC16555 Don Jones. Nesowadnehunk Tote Road (south of Nesowadnehunk Field), Baxter State P, USA, 440m, ?:?h, 09-07-06, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song. also: Swainson's ThrushNashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla)Steve Pelikanxeno-cantoParulidae19752.0eng - XC44428 Steve Pelikan. Tanglewood Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 160m, 10:00h, 04-05-2008, N39.11'31" W84.33'18", song. also: Northern Cardinal, Carolina WrenTree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoHirundinidae9586.943eng - XC54455 Mike Nelson. Concord Park, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 75m, 7:30amh, 15-05-08, N35.51'57" W84.7'33", Song?, Close to a nest boxAmerican Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoFringillidae21812.275eng - XC17119 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Waterloo SRA, USA, 280m, ?h, 06-07-2007, N42.21'41" W84.11'26", Song, calls, Score for songPine Siskin (Carduelis pinus)Nathan Pieplowxeno-cantoFringillidae17057.88eng - XC12121 Nathan Pieplow. Cameron Pass, Jackson County, Colorado, USA, 3000m, 18:45h, 30-03-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call, Scores for the rising burry trill. Most other calls are also Pine Siskin.. also: American Crow, Dark-eyed JuncoCommon Redpoll (Carduelis flammea flammea)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoFringillidae31776.0eng - XC30884 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Kalamazoo Co., Pavilion Twp., United States, 200m, ?h, 07-03-2008, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", Call, Feeding flock. Two call types, 'chit-chit-chit' and a siskin-like gurgle. Score works for both.. also: American Goldfinch, Tufted Titmouse, American CrowPurple Finch (Carpodacus purpureus)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoFringillidae24999.287eng - XC13636 Chris Parrish. Rivire ternit, Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, 15m, 07:02h, 21-05-2007, N48.17'39" W70.20'30", songDark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis caniceps)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoEmberizidae12982.8125eng - XC52404 Mike Nelson. Crested Butte, Gunnison co, Colorado, United States, 2500m, 11:15amh, 21-04-10, N38.52'11" W106.59'9", Song/Short range Song, Two birds here. One singing the loud rattle the other singing the quieter mix of jumbled notes. The rattle was from a pine the whisper song was from a bird on a snow pile close to the ground.Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina passerina)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoEmberizidae16248.071eng - XC52371 Mike Nelson. Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 100m, 9:30amh, 06-09, N35.51'32" W84.5'41", Song. also: Carolina Wren, American Robin, Cedar WaxwingAmerican Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoEmberizinae22282.49eng - XC16908 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Oakwoods Metropark, USA, 185m, ?h, 23-03-2007, N42.6'21" W83.18'59", Song, Songs interspersed with calls. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Northern Cardinal, American Robin, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)Robin Carterxeno-cantoEmberizinae7366.5425eng - XC1379 Robin Carter. Newton Hills SP, SD, USA, 500m, ?h, 20-05-2002, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song, typical songBrown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoIcteridae19931.416eng - XC20549 Chris Parrish. Roark's Cove, Franklin County, Tennessee, United States, 310m, 19:25h, 13-05-2008, N35.14'25" W85.54'41", callsCommon Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoIcteridae20140.4eng - XC16905 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, Lake Erie Metropark, USA, 175m, ?h, 12-03-2007, N42.4'40" W83.11'58", Calls, Some partal song. also: Ring-billed Gull, Canada Goose, Red-winged Blackbird, European StarlingAmerican Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)Paul Jaszczakxeno-cantoCorvidae21028.584eng - XC10197 Paul Jaszczak. Greenville, PA, USA, ?m, ?h, 00-05-2005, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", callsWinter Wren (Troglodytes hiemalis)Andrew Spencerxeno-canto9221.234eng - XC13759 Andrew Spencer. Stony River Road, Lake Co., Minnesota, United States, ?m, 06:20h, 11-06-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songTufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)Tayler Brooksxeno-cantoParidae27742.207eng - XC59158 Tayler Brooks. Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, New London Co., Connecticut, United States, 3m, 10:00h, 8-5-2010, N41.20'24" W71.52'33", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)Tayler Brooksxeno-cantoParidae27742.207eng - XC59158 Tayler Brooks. Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, New London Co., Connecticut, United States, 3m, 10:00h, 8-5-2010, N41.20'24" W71.52'33", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)Tayler Brooksxeno-cantoParidae27742.207eng - XC59158 Tayler Brooks. Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, New London Co., Connecticut, United States, 3m, 10:00h, 8-5-2010, N41.20'24" W71.52'33", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)Tayler Brooksxeno-cantoParidae27742.207eng - XC59158 Tayler Brooks. Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, New London Co., Connecticut, United States, 3m, 10:00h, 8-5-2010, N41.20'24" W71.52'33", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Blue-headed Vireo (Vireo solitarius)Chris Parrishxeno-cantoVireonidae20924.092eng - XC13632 Chris Parrish. Baie Sainte Marguerite, Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, 30m, 08:40h, 24-05-2007, N48.15'14" W69.57'30", songTufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)Tayler Brooksxeno-cantoParidae27742.207eng - XC59158 Tayler Brooks. Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, New London Co., Connecticut, United States, 3m, 10:00h, 8-5-2010, N41.20'24" W71.52'33", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)Daniel Lanexeno-cantoAnatidae23327.412eng - XC28264 Daniel Lane. Talon Landing Rd, Cameron Parish, Louisiana, United States, 3m, 17:21h, 11-01-2009, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call, Flyover group of about 25.Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)Tayler Brooksxeno-cantoAnatidae11180.39eng - XC41300 Tayler Brooks. Grays Harbor Co., WA, United States, 40m, 8:40h, 13-12-09, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", Call, Flock taking to the air.Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors)Richard E Websterxeno-cantoAnatidae15934.606eng - XC21436 Richard E Webster. San Isidro, Rio La Purisima, Baja Sur, Mexico, 100m, 09:00h, 16-03-07, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call taking off, wintering bird near GPS 26 12.864 112 01.556. also: Belding's Yellowthroat, Song SparrowSandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)Robin Carterxeno-cantoGruidae9118.386eng - XC1392 Robin Carter. White River Wildlife Area, WI, USA, 250m, ?h, 16-05-2005, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call, typical callSemipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoCharadriidae14208.0eng - XC92084 Andrew Spencer. Damon Point, Grays Harbor Co., Washington, United States, 0m, 12:00h, 24-12-2011, N46.56'20" W124.7'4", call, calls from a small group of birds flushing; sounds of people walking in the sand in the middle of the cut.Wilson's Snipe (Gallinago delicata)Robin Carterxeno-cantoScolopacidae16535.42eng - XC11712 Robin Carter. Santee National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina, USA, 30m, 14:30h, 27-03-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", flight call, calls from a small flock just flushed. also: Common Yellowthroat, Northern Cardinal, Wood DuckSora (Porzana carolina)Mike Nelsonxeno-cantoRallidae25991.963eng - XC64553 Mike Nelson. Bayou La Batre Ponds, ACBT 50, Bayou La Batre, Alabama, United States, 20m, 7:30amh, 17-10-10, N30.24'10" W88.16'8", Rattle Call, Close rattle called triggered a Virginia Rail. also: Virginia RailBlack Tern (Chlidonias niger)Paul Marvinxeno-cantoLaridae204792.0eng - XC283012 Paul Marvin // Lostwood NWR, Burke County, North Dakota (48.5982, -102.4547), United States // 700m // 12:29h, 2015-05-29 // call, flight call // the first 2 minutes and 15 seconds were mostly three perched birds with more flying in background, after that it was mostly flying birds over lake / / bird-seen:yes / / playback-used:no // also: American Cliff Swallow, Red-winged Blackbird, Franklin's GullTCOP2015 Paul MarvinWCOP1 Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon)Robin Carterxeno-cantoAlcedinidae13137.505eng - XC1363 Robin Carter. Congaree NP, SC, USA, 30m, ?h, 11-04-2005, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", call, typical callGreen Heron (Butorides virescens virescens)Stuart Fisherxeno-cantoArdeidae20532.246eng - XC35849 Stuart Fisher. Big Creek, Cumming, Georgia, United States, 311m, 08:15h, 03-06-2009, N34.10'16" W84.12'6", alarm calls. also: Northern Cardinal, Tufted Titmouse, Mourning Dove, Common Grackle, Great Egret (Ardea alba)Sjoerd Mayerxeno-cantoArdeidae13583.62eng - XC2778 Sjoerd Mayer. Close to Trinidad, along road to San Javier, Beni, Bolivia, 125m, 19:00h, 19-02-1997, S14.48'0" W64.54'0", Calls, At the roost. cd: White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoPelecanidae21916.768eng - XC36292 Andrew Spencer // Riverside Reservoir, Weld Co., Colorado (40.3334, -104.2617), United States // ?m // 06:20h, 2009-06-27 // call // calls from a young chick still completely covered in down. I was unable to record any adults over the cacophony of California Gulls. // also: California GullTCOP2009 Andrew SpencerWCOP1 Falcon (Falco peregrinus)Renan Campos de Oliveiraxeno-cantoFalconidae18912.617eng - XC46392 Renan Campos de Oliveira. Londrina - PR, Brazil, 600m, 16:51h, 02-04-2010, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", Alarm Calls, Falco peregrinus reaction to a couple of Polyborus (Caracara) plancus flying by.Merlin (Falco columbarius richardsonii)Ian Cruickshankxeno-cantoFalconidae6984.582eng - XC65982 Ian Cruickshank. Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada, 450m, 09:00h, 10-05-2009, N52.12'0" W105.7'12", Call, Calls from adult, while perched near nest.. also: House SparrowNorthern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)Paul Driverxeno-cantoAccipitridae17658.71eng - XC71028 Paul Driver. Clarion, PA, United States, 500m, 14.00h, 30-5-2009, N41.10'29" W79.24'43", calls, pair flying overhead, whistles by male, louder calls femaleRough-legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus)Stein . Nilsenxeno-cantoAccipitridae17376.0eng - XC106027 Stein . Nilsen // Vard, Varanger peninsula (70.4052522614675, 31.069267273997), Norway // 50m // 07:00h, 2012-06-24 // Call // Zoom H4n Telinga Stereo PIP handheldTCOP2012 Stein . NilsenWCOP1 Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)Ezekiel S. Jakubxeno-cantoBombycillidae19464.0eng - XC75741 Ezekiel S. Jakub. HOME/BACKYARD - 43 Wildwood Ave, Greenfield, MA, United States, 670m, 0956h, 12APR11, N42.36'27" W72.35'1", CallEastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoTyrannidae5590.218eng - XC13607 Andrew Spencer. Tamarack Ranch SWA, Logan Co., Colorado, USA, ?m, 18:30h, 23-05-2007, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songWillow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii adastus)Andrew Spencerxeno-cantoTyrannidae28552.021eng - XC13881 Andrew Spencer. Routt County, Colorado, USA, ?m, 10:40h, 20-06-2007, N40.30'59" W106.59'2", song. also: Warbling Vireo, MacGillivray's WarblerYellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia erithachorides)David Bradleyxeno-cantoParulinae20453.877eng - XC2609 David Bradley. Galeta mangroves, Colon province, Panama, ?m, ?h, ?-5-2005, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songMarsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)Steve Hamptonxeno-cantoTroglodytidae18233.492eng - XC39926 Steve Hampton. Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, Yolo County, CA, United States, 6m, 16:30h, 21 March 2009, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", songCommon Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)Allen T. Chartierxeno-cantoParulidae35568.0eng - XC31227 Allen T. Chartier. Michigan, St. Clair County , United States, 250m, ?h, 03-06-2008, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", Song. also: Red-winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Rose-breasted GrosbeakYellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)Don Jonesxeno-cantoIcteridae15464.535eng - XC1292 Don Jones. Pawnee Grasslands of Colorado, USA, ?m, ?h, 20-06-1991, 0.0'0" 0.0'0", song, a most bizarre song

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