  • 8/20/2019 William Calvert - Pistols and Sword


     illiam J. Calvert








  • 8/20/2019 William Calvert - Pistols and Sword


    Copyright © William J. Calvert (2015)

    The right of William J. Calvert to be identified as athor of this

    !or" has been asserted by him in a##ordan#e !ith se#tion $$ and

    $% of the Copyright& 'esigns& and atents #t 1*%%.

    ll rights reserved. +o part of this pbli#ation may be

    reprod#ed& stored in a retrieval system& or transmitted in any

    form or by any means& ele#troni#& me#hani#al& photo#opying&

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    4irst blished (2015)

    stin a#aley blishers /td.

    25 Canada 6areCanary Wharf 


    71 5/8

    rinted and bond in 9reat ritain

  • 8/20/2019 William Calvert - Pistols and Sword



    4irst and al!ays than"s to ary my !ife for her help proofing

    the boo" and ptting p !ith me !hile !riting it.

    - !old li"e also to than" hilip Collins& 'ire#tor of arometer 

    World /td& for his "indness and help on my visit to erton and

    otheridge in 'evon.

    7n#ompass Training W /td 9reat otheridge erton 'evon for "indly giving my !ife and - a private tor arond !hat !as left

    of 9reat otheridge.

    at Winterbrn& and my sister nn for their en#oragement.

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  • 8/20/2019 William Calvert - Pistols and Sword


    /ist of illstrations

    age :

    age :

    age :

    age :

    age 11*

    age 11*

    age 11*

    age 11*

    age 120

    age 120

    age 120

    age 120

    age 1:%

    age 1:%

    age 1:*

    age 1:*

    age 1$0

    age 1$0age 1$1

    age 1$1

    The la#" 3orse 9reat Torrington

    Source: W. J. Calvert.9reat otheridge in 201& the srviving !ing of 9eorge

    on#";s mansion& soth front

    Source: Potheridge W.J. Calvert 

    Source: Charles Harding Firth, ©1894

    The White 3art& #orner of 9eorge treet and 4ore treet&

    bensala,,o itti (4loren#e)?

    Source: eorge !illiers, 1st "u#e o$ %uc#ingha& '


    The 1st @is#ont Wimbledon (i#hiel Jans,. van

    iereveldt& 1:1)

    Source: +d*ard Cecil, 1st !iscount Wi&ledon '


    7arl of 'enbigh (pronon#ed ='enby?)

    Source:  +arl o$ "enigh htt(s:))en.*i#i( ir /e!is t"ley

    Source: -e*is Stu#le ' htt(s:))en.*i#i( 

    ir John rroghs or =orogh.?

    or#eA ir John rroghs B httpsAen.!i"

    nthony shley Cooper& 1st 7arl of haftesbryor#eA nthony shley Cooper B httpsAen.!i"

    ir John 9lanville the yonger

    Source: John lanville 'htt(s:))en.*i#i( 

    ir rthr 3aselrig. or#eA B Sir /rthur Haselrig 


    9ildhall& 7Deter& 'evon Source W.J. Calvert 

    3igh treet& 7Deter& 'evon Source W.J. Calvert 

    t etro#" Chr#h& 7Deter& 'evon Source W.J. Calvert 

    >ogemont Castle& 7Deter& 'evonSource W.J. Calvert 

    Chapel of the 3oly Trinity& /and#ross& 'evon

     Source W.J. Calvert 

    t. John Chr#h eeth& 'evon Source W.J. Calvert 3atherleigh& 'evon Source W.J. Calvert 

    7Deter Cathedral& 'evon Source W.J. Calvert,%201st%20Duke%20of%20Buckingham,%201st%20Viscount%20Wimbledon,%201st%20Duke%20of%20Buckingham,%201st%20Viscount%20Wimbledon

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    Map of Cadiz 1625

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    The old 9eneral made his !ay over to the 4ren#h style

    !indo! of his private 6arters in his magnifi#ent Tdor 

    ala#e of ealie& 1 7sseD. 3enry @--- had boght the lands

    and the hose from Thomas oleyn.


      3e demolished thehose and rebilt the beatifl pala#e that no! stood in its


    -t had on#e been besto!ed on

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    -n the distan#e& he #old see several men. oldiers of his

    old regiment men !ho had served him !ell for many years&

    throgh his military #ampaigns as an offi#er in the 7nglish

    Civil War  and as the 9overnor 9eneral of #otland.

    ea#e had no! retrned to 7ngland& those traitor;s& the

    rebel leaders of the parliamentary prising& !ho had signed

    the death !arrant of Fing Charles - in 1:* had either died&

     been eDe#ted or rn to grond and assassinated by agents of 

    his son and heir Charles --.

    The rebilding of /ondon !as !ell nder !ay after t!o

    great disasters. The 9reat lage 5 had ravaged the #ity. The

    9eneral had been informed that one >ebe##a ndre!s !as

    the first to die on 12th pril 1::5. y eptember 1:::& some

    siDtyBeight thosand people had died in /ondon alone.

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    manageable logs and !ere strggling& slipping on the no!

    #ompa#ted sno!.

    3e smiled to himself as they tried to lift the logs onto a

    #art before ta"ing them a!ay to fel the fires of the ala#e.everal thoghts ran throgh the 9eneral;s mind& abot

    his #hildhood years at otheridge in 'evon& his family;s

    an#estral home. -t !as a rndo!n #ob and std& that#hed&

    medieval manor hose. 3e #old only remember spending

    little time there as a #hild& bt !hat time he did he still had

    fond memories.

    The previos year& he had ordered the hose to bedemolished to ma"e !ay for a ne! stone bilt mansion that he

    had #ommissioned to be bilt.

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    =Well& let me see& Gor 9ra#e. - mst have Ioined yo Ist

     before Crom!ell #rossed the border from er!i#" into

    #otland in late Jly 1:50. iver T!eed& !ith /ietenant Colonel

    >oger 4en!i#";s 9 >egiment that - !as.?

    ddi#o#" "nelt do!n by the hearth& #areflly pla#ing the

    "indling in the grate then began to rb his flint and steel

    together. 3e loo"ed p and s#rat#hed his head.

    =The Colonel& Gor 9ra#e& had ordered the mster of the

    regiment in mar#hing order early one morning& on a pie#e of 

    land sre it !as& otside the to!n !alls. The offi#ers !ent

    throgh the ran"s tapping men on the sholders and telling

    them to retrn to their 6arters. The morning mist had Ist

     bro"en !hen those !ho !ere left sa! him standing there on

    the !all !ith his offi#ers& loo"ing do!n on s they !ere.?

    The "indle fli#"ered into life& the 9eneral #old see

    ddi#o#";s fa#e in the glo! of the flamesE it sho!ed the tellB

    tail signs of an old soldier& !eathered and po!der brnt.

    =3e pro#eeded to tell the one thosand men assembled

    that he had re#eived orders from Crom!ell to give p half his


    4ive #ompanies it !as& and to send them to a Colonel

    on#"& one of Crom!ell;s ne!ly appointed offi#ers no! at

    the to!n of orpeth.?

    3e noted a slight lagh in ddi#o#";s voi#e.

    =3e !asn;t too happy abot that& Gor 9ra#e.?

    The 9eneral mrmred.

    =-f - remember rightly& Gor 9ra#e& Colonel 4en!i#" had

    #alled his offi#ers together earlier the day before& sre it !as.

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    ddi#o#" #areflly pla#ed a fagot on top of the "indle

    then loo"ed p at The 9eneral& !ho !as no! standing beside


    =ir rthr 3aselrig10

      did the same yo "no!& Gor 9ra#e. When he re#eived the same orders at +e!#astle so he

    did& one of his men& !ho !as billeted in my tent at the

     bivoa# at orpeth had told me& so he did.?

    The 9eneral strggled as he !al"ed arond the room !ith

    the aid of his !al"ing sti#"s. ddi#o#" had !hittled them ot

    of an old pi"e and an antler horn that he had fond in the

    gronds of the estate. 3e #old hear the fire start to #ra#"le as

    the flames too" hold and started to shoot p the #himney.

    =The morale of >odger 4en!i#";s regiment at that time

    !as forlorn so it !as yor 9ra#eE !e !ere so pleased to leave

    that pla#e so !e !ere. There !as barely enogh food left in

    the !arehoses and on the do#"s to feed s& there had been no

     pay for !ee"s.

    /ife !as hard !ith no money in or prses to be sre.

    There !as nothing to entertain or minds& and there !as

    nothing bt drin"ing& fighting& and forni#ation inside the to!n


    We !old !ait daily on the !aterfront for the ships to

     bring food and the money o!ed to s& bt nothing arrived at

    the do#"s. The Colonel #alled s a rabble of ra! border 

    ras#als so he did as !e mar#hed a!ay from er!i#"& the

    drms beating& fifes playing. We sang along to an old battlesong to the annoyan#e of the Colonel and all those men !ho

    !ere staying behind& in that #esspit of a to!n.?

    The 9eneral smiled as he remembered sitting astride his

    o!n horse at the side of

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    Crom!ell had promised him Colonel right;s regiment&

    !hen he signed the #ovenant& the oath of allegian#e to the

    Common!ealth& on his release from the To!er of /ondon.

    everal !ee"s earlier& before his arrival at orpeth. Themen of right;s regiment had refsed to serve nder him on

    a##ont that they had foght against him. They had #aptred

    him at the battle of +ant!i#h& !here many of their friends had

    fallen at his hands.

    The Fing had given Colonel on#" a #ommission to ta"e

    over i#hael Warren;s regiment at +ant!i#h. t he had

    arrived late on 25th Janary 1:& too late to ta"e it over as its

    #ommander. o he Ioined the regiment as a pi"eBman and

    foght !ith the rest of the men on the front line. The battle

    !asn;t going !ell !hen they fond themselves #t off on the

    opposite ban" of the river. There !as a sdden tha! overnight

    and the river rose& #asing eam ridge and the ferry to the

    north& to be s!ept a!ay by the flood!ater.

    The Colonel lead from the front and set abot rallying the

    men and leading the #harge before being srronded and#aptred by ir Thomas 4airfaD 11 and his men and sent to

    3ll to be imprisoned.

    3e loo"ed over at ddi#o#".

    =- had the same thoghts that day& +athaniel. When - sa!

    yo all for the first time& strggling over the hillside to yor 

    ne! #amp& yo !ere badly led& yor #lothes !ere in tatters

    and yo !ere poorly armed.?

    They both loo"ed at ea#h other and bro"e into laghter as

    ddi#o#" pla#ed another log on the fire.

    =Than" yo& +athaniel& !hen yo have finished !ith the

    fire& !ill yo find 'r. 9mble 12 and as" him to attend me here

    in my 6artersH?

    =Ges& Gor 9ra#e& that - !ill& is there anything else - #an

    do for yoH?

    =+o& that !ill be all& +athaniel& than" yo.?

    The 9eneral strggled over to the large !indo! again&

    sing the edge of his des" to spport himselfE age had not

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     been too "ind to him. 'amn it& he thoght as he felt the pains

    in his legs& he loo"ed throgh the !indo! on#e more. -t had

    started to sno! again& the estate !or"ers had already left !ith

    their horses and #arts. The sno! by no! had filled the tra#"s

    the #art had left leaving no sign of their toil.

    The 9eneral;s mind Iorneyed ba#" again. -t !as in

    Janary 1::0 deep sno! !as lying on the grond !hen his

    small army set forth from his head6arters on the #ottish

     border. -t !as the start of the long mar#h soth at the head of 

    his o!n regiments of horse and foot. +e!s had rea#hed him

    !hilst at 7dinbrgh that John /ambert 13 had arrested William

    /enthall& 14 the pea"er of the hose& for days previosly.

    The 9eneral had !ritten and made it be "no!n to

    /ambert and his spporters. That if they prevented the sitting

    of the >mp arliament& or if he #reated an interim

    government& then he !old have no #hoi#e bt to #ross the

     border and mar#h soth on /ondon.

    The 9eneral had no #hoi#e bt to #ashier all his senior 

    offi#ers of his army in #otland that parliament had infiltratedinto its ran"s. 3e then #alled the mster of his o!n regiment

    nder the #ommand of his ne!ly promoted Colonel& 7thelbert

    organ and Colonel John 3bblethorne& !ho had been given

    the #ommand of Thomas Talbot;s >egiment (the la#" 

    Colors). They assembled in the 3igh treet at 7dinbrgh&

    then he mar#hed !ith them do!n to an open spa#e near to

    9rey 4riars Chr#h& !here he informed the offi#ers and menof his intent.

    =9entlemen& - am resolved to ma"e the military po!er in

    /ondon sbordinate to the #ivil government. - have sent ir 

    John /ambert and ir Charles 4leet!ood a letter& stating my

    displeasre at !hat they do and !hat my intentions are in this

    matter. - no! hear& gentlemen& that /ambert is mar#hing

    to!ards me at this moment and he says that he !ill do battle

    !ith me. - have eDpressed my thoghts to Colonel JohnWil"es& Colonel >alph Cloberry& Captain;s Jeremiah mith&

    Thomas organ& and Thomas 9mble and !e are all in the

    same mind.?

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    great roar of approval erpted arond the #hr#h& at the

     possibility of going soth to meet /ambert.

    =9entlemen& - have !arrants here in my hand for the

    arrests and #onfinement of the follo!ing offi#ers& here in the#astle.? The 9eneral ndid the bttons on his Ia#"et& and

    !ithdre! a pie#e of paper and started to read ot a list.

    =Captains ar"er& 3at#hman and tone& /ietenants Carter&

    Wells& Wilson and /indon& and any other of those

    meddlesome nabaptists. lso& those other bastards that

    arliament sent to meddle and #ase nrest in my army.

     +obody !ill es#ape my net. Warrants have also been sent to

    the other garrisons nder my #ommand.?

    nother great roar of approval erpted as these offi#ers

    !ere arrested then tied p and gagged. The nabaptists !ere

    not poplar amongst the ordinary soldiers of his army.

    The 9eneral raised his hands.

    =9entlemen& go and prepare yor regiments& "eep yor 

     po!der dry& raise yor #olors and ma"e ready to mar#h to the

    to!n of Coldstream on the border.?

    iver T!eed& !e #ross into 7ngland this day& and -

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     pray to 9od to "eep yo and the army and the Common!ealth


    There !as a strong smell of brnt !ood from the

    #ampfires of his army s#attered arond the to!n& as he !al"edover to inspe#t his regiment. The 9eneral #alled ddi#o#" to

    ta"e his horse to the rear. fter the inspe#tion& he then ordered

    the drmmers to beat the pa#e as he mar#hed ot of the to!n

    at the head of his small army& five thosand infantrymen and

    t!o thosand horse.

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    The 9eneral;s thoghts !ere interrpted as the old #arved oa" 

    door s6ea"ed as it s!ng open. ergeant Jennings& the ne!ly

     promoted sher to 3is 9ra#e;s hosehold& prodly !al"ed

    into the room.

    ='r. 9mble& Gor 9ra#e.?

    =ho! him in& ergeant.?Thomas 9mble !al"ed into the room. 3e removed his

    large& bla#" brimmed hat adorned !ith a fe! bla#" feathers.

    The 9eneral;s Chaplain !as a short man& dressed all in bla#" 

    !ith a broad !hite la#e #ollar arond his ne#". 3e !as a

    #leanBshaven man& !ith #ollarBlength bla#" hair& brshed ba#" 

    from his forehead& a man of the #loth.

    3e loo"ed a#ross at the 9eneral& !ho !as still standing

    ga,ing ot of the !indo!. 9mble al!ays thoght that he had

    the loo" of a #omely person& bt no! in old age his

    #ontenan#e !as very maIesti#& yo #old see that his body

    !as on#e that of a robst man. 3is 9ra#e trned and !al"ed

    to!ards the des" nearly tripping over the fraying edge of the

    floor #overing. 9mble #old see the pain and the s!elling

    arond his eyes as he trned and #aght hold of the #hair. 3is

     bla#" sholder length hair and mosta#he !ere starting togrey.

    3is fa#e& bro!n and !eathered by the sn and

     po#"mar"ed !ith gnpo!der brns& gained in his many

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    #ampaigns as a mer#enary soldier& fighting in the lo!

    #ontry;s and pain. The years had not been "ind to the old

    9eneral& 9mble thoght. 3e re#ognised a small boo" open

    on the des"& titled 7i"om asili"e a boo" he had often seen in

    the 9eneral;s hands& !ritten by Charles -.

    =Go sent for me& Gor 9ra#e&? 9mble en6ired.

    =h yes& Thomas&? he spo"e !ith a sigh. =- hope - haven;t

    ta"en yo a!ay from anything important.?

    =+o not really& Gor 9ra#e.? 3e pased a se#ond. =Well

    maybe& Ist the '#hess;s daily instr#tions to the hosehold

    staff.?=- hope it !asn;t too demanding& Thomas& - have al!ays

    dete#ted that there is no love lost bet!een yo and my +an.? 1

    =Ges& Gor 9ra#e& she still #rses the servants lodly and

    very #olorflly if - may say so.?

    They both loo"ed at ea#h other and smiled. 9mble;s

    opinion of the '#hess !as that she had the mind of a

     bla#"smith;s daghter and the moth of a fishmonger;s !ifeto mat#h. 3e "ne! not to say too m#h& after all& no matter 

    !hat the 9eneral says abot the '#hess& he still dotes on her.

    =lease ta"e a #hair and !arm yorself by the fire&


    The 9eneral pointed to a #hair by the fire& he pased

    a!hile to let him get #omfortable before spea"ing.

    =- have a proposal to ma"e to yo& Thomas.?

    9mble;s eyes follo!ed the 9eneral& as he made his !ay

    over to the large oa" !aist#oat #hair by the firepla#e&

    steadying himself !ith his sti#" as he !ent. 9mble loo"ed p

    at the large bla#"ened firepla#e !ith the royal #oat of arms of 

    3enry @--- above it.

    The 9eneral loo"ed over at 9mble for a moment& then he

     bent for!ard to pi#" p a log from a pile& that !as sta#"ed beside the firepla#e by ddi#o#". 9mble #old see that the

    9eneral !as strgglingE he rose p to help him.

    =/eave me - #an manage.?

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    3e remembered !hat the 9eneral;s physi#ian 'r. "inner 2 had said to him several !ee"s before& abot his #ondition.

    =The dropsy& Thomas& in the 9eneral;s lo!er legs and

    feet& !ill ma"e it hard for his 9ra#e to !al" !ithot the se of !al"ing sti#"sE he mst be en#oraged to ta"e it easy.?

    The 9eneral thre! the log onto the fire& distrbing it.

    par"s shot ot in all dire#tions. 3e then pi#"ed p an old

    #ottish #laymore from the side of the hearth& one that he had

    a#6ired on the battlefield at the battle of 'nbar. 3e& leading

    his regiment from the front& pi"e in hand.

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    sight. The eDpression on 9mble;s fa#e !as noti#ed by the

    9eneral& he !as abot to spea" !hen the 9eneral raised his

    hand and stopped him in his tra#"s.

    ='on;t loo" so srprised& Thomas& don;t yo remember !hat - sed to tell all my offi#ers. Ta"e heed;& - sed to say to

    them& of those spies of yor enemy& !hi#h yo mst

     presppose yo have in yor #amp.?

    =Ges& - do remember& Gor 9ra#e.?

    The 9eneral lifted his head and smiled.

    =Thomas& - #an still remember the day yo arrived in

    7dinbrgh !ith the Commission sent from /ondon& and - alsoremember !hen yo #ame to the #astle !ith letters from

    Crom!ellE it !as at the end of fiftyBfive. - thoght then to

    myself& !hy !old Crom!ell send a prea#her from Chipping

    Wy#ombe as Chaplain to the #ottish CommissionH?

    The 9eneral #oghed again& spitting the phlegm into the


    =-t immediately arosed sspi#ions in my mind and it prompted me to ma"e several en6iries. - !as informed that

    yo !ere on#e a oneBtime vi#ar of that pla#e. ,ealos

    Common!ealth man and a friend of Thomas #ot 3  the old

    spymaster. Whom - believe yo !ent to see at the To!er of 

    /ondon the day before the Fing had him eDe#ted& for ta"ing

     part in his father;s eDe#tion& - thin" that he !as yor master.?

    The alarm bells soon started to ring in 9mble;s head.The 9eneral stood& he held on to the pillar at the side of 

    the inglenoo" firepla#e& he plled a plg of toba##o from his

    leather po#h and began to #he!.

    9mble #old see the pain in the 9eneral;s !eathered

    fa#e again.

    =Go #ame to 7dinbrgh and to 'al"eith to treat !ith me&

    and 6ite fre6ently bring ne!s from /ondonE - #onsideredthat yo had al!ays given 'r. ri#e 4  and myself& good

    assistan#e& Thomas.?

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    The 9eneral shoo" the po#h at 9mble offering him a

     plg. 3e refsed& not having embra#ed the habit himself.

    =Go #areflly gathered s#raps of information to pt in

    yor reports ba#" to Crom!ell. Thomas& it;s all right& - "ne!that Crom!ell had sent yo to spy on me.?

    9mble #old feel the beads of s!eat& forming on the

     ba#" of his ne#"E he !ondered !here this #onversation !as

    going. The 9eneral stopped at seeing the dis#omfort on

    9mble;s fa#e. =Thomas& my friend& - thoght yo "ne! that -

    inter#epted all yor #orresponden#e. -t !as a pleasre reading

    yor papers. Go have al!ays had a good !ay !ith !ords and

    eD#ellent deDterity at spiriting a good #ase.?

    =s yo #an see& Gor 9ra#e& - had no idea.?

    =-t !old appear that my men mst have done a better Iob

    than - thoght& in #on#ealing the fa#t.?

    The 9eneral pased again& spitting the bla#" tar into the

    fire. -t distrbed a log that sent spar"s p the #himney. -t

    reminded him of the many #ampfires that he had sat arond&!hilst on #ampaigns.

    ='id yo also "no! that - had yor rooms sear#hed in

    7dinbrgh& ThomasH?

    =+o& - didn;t& Gor 9ra#e.?

    =Well - did& and on a reglar basis if - may say so.? 3e

     pased again. =- see by yor demeanor& that !hat - have said

    trobles yo.? The 9eneral pased then #leared his throat. =-digress too m#h& Thomas. 'eath stands "no#"ing at my door&

    and is !aiting to enter. 'r. "inner says that my health is

    deteriorating and that - !ill be l#"y if - srvive the neDt

    !inter. - need to start ptting my hose in order. Go& above

    all people& "no! more abot me than anybody else and only

    yo #an s6ash any lies that my enemies !ill tell of me !hen

    - am gone.? 3e pased again. =Thomas& yo have given me

    good servi#e over many years. - believe yo to be an eD#ellentman of bsiness and that is !hy - trsted yo !ith many of 

    my deli#ate #ommissions and for that reason& - !ant yo to be

    my biographer.?

  • 8/20/2019 William Calvert - Pistols and Sword


    9mble tried to #hange the flo! of the #onversion.

    =- have as"ed yo before& Gor 9ra#e& abot ma"ing a

    !ill and abot yor plans for setting p a home for eDB

    soldiers.?The 9eneral !aved his hands.

    =Ges& yes& Thomas& - "no! yo have and - have negle#ted

    it. 3o!ever& - no! hear that the "ing has it in his mind to do

    it.? 5

    The noise #oming from the anteroom& bro"e the

    #onversation someone had arrived. There !as a "no#" at the

    door& the door opened and Jennings the sher entered.=The Fing;s messenger is in the anteroom& Gor 9ra#e&

    do yo !ant to see himH?

    =Ges& send him in& Jennings& send him in.?

    The yong offi#er entered the room redBfa#ed& and sno!

    falling from his hat and niform as he salted. 3e plled a

    sat#hel from behind his ba#" and too" from it a leather !allet.

    3e handed it to the 9eneral.

    =Than" yo& Captain. Wold yo por him a large

    !his"y& ThomasH 3e loo"s li"e he #old do !ith one& and of 

    #orse por another one for me and yorself.?

    The Captain too" the drin" !ith sha"ing hands.

    =Go mst be #old& Captain. 9o to the "it#hen& !here yo

    #an get yorself !arm& and the #oo" !ill give yo some food.

    pend the night here before yo retrn to 3ampton Cort if 

    that pleases yo.?

    9mble !at#hed the Captain as he dran" the !his"y and

     pla#ed the glass ba#" on the table.

    =Than" yo& Gor 9ra#e. - !ill ta"e food& bt - mst

    retrn to /ondon.?

    =Then before yo leave report ba#" to me& these letters

    may need a reply.?

    The Captain salted then he trned and left the room.

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