  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c




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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c




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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c





  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    ?ORGONE INSTITU~i!'RESS,'J; -',i 1

    PU.LI.HIH. HOU 0" TH. WILHI:LM 'CH ,.OUHDAT.ION. . . _ _ _ . ,. - - ~

    O. . . , .r,

    ~~.~ I!!!!!!~tor information and tiles~ ~ o r the Federal Buroau ot Invostigation.A' r ..... ~- '-.' '. ." . . . ..~_ :," ,. . . . . . .;:4:'~~the ~oore-Cottrell Subscription Agencios, Inc.Wo rth Cohocto n, H ow York

    .j ' : ~ ~. . . . . -Atten: L. iawleicn . - '-~Dear Sir:

    In rel:poaae to" your letter of )Jay 6 advisinr, ua that the ArmedFor oes llod ion l Li brar y, \, lashinr, ton25, D. C. ha ve r ocei vod no issuesot the ORGOm ; E ll ERGY B t.n ..L ET nJ s in ce V ol UJ ll tl, Jlo. 1 , 195u..Evory issue' ot th.....oRoo.1Elm RGY BUlL ET re for the 'P~ four yearR,and also the MAroh issue tor 1 9 5 3 , h a v e b e e n sent to the L r . c e d Forces

    We do not understand how it 1s possible that theBe publications hQVO not

    ~een received, aad we would like to know it there is a possibility thatabotase is involved. Many attemptshavo been made by the Red Fascistsn the USJ to impode the use of cosmic or~ono enerGY.,\ W e are ftendin~ another full set of Bulletins trom Volume 2, Lo. 2throu~~ Volume 5, Nos. 1.2 by Registered mail to the Armed ForceR ~edicalLibrary today to replace theBe copies not received. W e are a180 8~ndinga copy of' this letter to their attention


    ees J.r_d fore lI.dical Library,! ! a t l h i n g t o n 2 5 . V.C.P.S. P le al to l ot us know it you get any 1nro~tion on the abovo, either:.,;,~':r"1l in recard to receipt ot the ori gina l maiU nC8 or the Bulletin or as to whythe ciearly a d a r . s a o a _ Hi n e s wore Dot reeoivcd. /(/5-11'I~/-,:;; -.(

    f MAlL&O 2 , I tJ -t-: - .I ~ f M ~ Y 2 ,i1 9 & 3 ' 1 ' . ' . J '-~/V "1--J

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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    ,fhile I ~ould Itke to be oJ aervle., theIn/or.GtIDn available to the FBI co ncerning thlaI_otter doe. not rellect ,0 l1iolation Of anu Federal. 'lClw',.'t"in the Jur' ItHotton 0/ th i. Burfau. , ;.0...... ~. , _.~ .".. e:..,' .',' ",;".:" .' " ~ '.:. ~..'-......,...... ..~ "B'no,re1J/ l Io ur e, " - : . J : i . :1 .._ -ee - New ror1c~)D~th ..oop.y_ f ~ )rOtllng ..~ ~ ~;' .NOTE: Incsmuch' i. not' o8a1bl e to deter"tne the

    n'CtJlle 0/ the 'IOr1terol t~i a lette.rtlte !lutgoingia being... addressed to' the Orgone Institute. ~Bzi.t.f.le8 reflect. that~~11iam WaBhtngton worted part t~=6 on'research work lorthe Orgone Institute during 1949 while attending HarvardUniversity. Ee 8ubsequently lelt that emploYllent andDr. rtlhelm Retch, head of the Institute, felt that Washington's.activities should be inuestigated in uie~ 0/ the lact t ~athe had access to co nltdenti a1 re search aetters IDhile employeea t the In stitu te. The' Atomic E ne rgy C of tmtsst on an ezam tnat ton' 01 Rei ch '8 ezperiaent8 and a re view,_ 01, hi s scientific IOrittngs tndfcate that Retch '1 8 mentally... ' unfound "I.nhis ac1~nttl"c ctzperi!!ente. In v1ew 01 the .!Get. ~ - ~ . ' . > that the Orgont! I n a t t t u t e lDaB not performing CJnIlIDOr1r . r r ) r= :. \. the Un ited State. Go ve r'2i,nt~ po!>~n.~e&lItgation IDas con-..~ if ducted as requested . TJje inatitutli" ttl 19S3~ sent a

    ~ ... - ....: pictu~e oj Waahington t o " t h : . ~ f,~,n.e~~~JI (227-693) A cop11of:J,_ . :=:" 'tht. l.ttBr 'J.a;,bs1..ngaent I.t ' ? I e I D . - T o r . k , O/,/iee aince it~ = - = , . : ~ ~ . .1 a : , . J f ( . ' C ~ ." . r , ' l .h~~n~lt~,f[,~.~r~:~go:~A J ~b~ O J e ,infO r r u : tt0'.:-';~"':--t --..

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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    D".ONDN.ANt:~t:Y """Nt. "' .TEL ANGELEY .leptember1, 1 9 0 5 3.

    :-.~..jJ,.'-"*4e~~ -=.~:;e~~:::~on.~ Vuh1qtODt D.o .t:. ~'(&,"!)

    Dear 1Ir. Hoover.Due to Cll lUC1&l development. in 0llAlItJll r ea.rch, we

    , JIwould llke to remind )'OU of the Y1ll1 .. Ve.ah1ncton C&lewhich ... reported to 7OUl ' bureau 1D 1949/50. !I!he cue1. urcent. j. photograph of w.. -.n who 1. .1 ther aaChilophrenlo or a MoacowM o 4 J u IW. ... .ent '0 70U atfttl JDOnthsgo. V, would appreciate .pee~ & D 4 thoro~actlOD

    Sincerely JOUrs,


    I t c o H D c n . ' J ?i.V D fX D 7 r / /

    1 .~ . , . . .J l"cLA- I.~

    "", . . . .. .''''_ . . . . .". JL. ~ " ,,,_~ _,,_. .. . _ .. . , - . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . ,".. ---.-__.......-.-~r:-.~-- -- _ .._ .. _.. - ',- -.,.~ , _ . - . . . . - . - ~.. _ ... _ . . . . . ~..

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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    -o o.

    rtfCIJr".btJr 2. 19:":.' -!; "~:Inc.

    I ! 1 h tB t ! 1 ' 11 aclrnotl11tdOtl your l c't'trr ,'...'ter'l;ovc:-.har 1[J~..l9[~-:;.,1,/ tn the i'uturo 'n.ror.J.r~ion unu.: th:: _Jurtae'&cton oJ~tilts .Burcall OOl7lCS to your attentton,y ou nay vcat~e t o communtcate wtth me o r f u rntnh t~to the ~psc'al AGent 'n Charea 01 our no~ ton OJ/teethe arfdre:Js r 1Mfeh to I 100 lIilk :~1;rr.(!t, .t1o:J'ton. 0 "'bs:JQchu:Jott:1.



    stn ce rcly y o u r s,

    Joh n . J : r i f,U,. 1100 "E 1"F'rcctor

    .: l05-1lj01

    ----_.-. . ~- -~.):.: . J - . .. c ..... , . - . . - ._ . . . . .~

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    o oby the /oundatton ua,8 aeantngle88 terms, ,uch as "01"uon071lic,l"o ranur" Ilnd "orgon, '"''rgy,'' which QPptlr~ntly o'riginatedmith Reich and haue no scientific m4cning. !he AEC ha s~ , . ~ . 7 . . . . . { ~ I ~ ( ~ ~ 1 " m e dt hat Re ich's e zpe rtme nt s and .c'ent~~ ~rtttng8:.. """ Ire mentally unsound. The loundat ion ia n o t .pe r jo rmi ng. ' : ' f i . 4 n II IDork /0 r 1;/i.. U.S. Go"o rn..en1;. An 'n qu' r" lOQa conduct ec!

    _'~j. ,.~~. tn 1950 concern ing the /oundat ion fDhfch d '.closed it 18'~"W essentiallll a cancer r es ea rc h l ab or at or Il . 110.ubuers ive. ~ " f + . . . acwiv itiea were d isol o sed during the inqu t r y . .I,11




    NO identifiable data in Buliles on Bret Lee~Cullou9h. NO identifiable main files on Robert A .~Cullough. I n view 0 1 abou e in f o, the name r ou s se ereferences o n R obe rt A. UcCullough were n o t reviewedas it does nop appear 8uch review would be warranted

    I;~~~;,~o ' r ' ... . _ ':".-~:-:' .~~,- a .... . .-' - - - - - _ - . , - - - - . . . .-- . . . .~- . . . . . . . . . . _ - _ - --~---- - - - - - - ----.....-...........-.---- - - - _" - .

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    _ . - """ II-~ _~" O r-~-", '_~ T"_

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    "About the Reich Lab--I s it in t he town of Rangeley?What kind of buIldings?" How many on the .tafrf, Do lOU lIke 8 o m o o f t he m p er so na ll y?[ 4~a ""av n~ . D ' . ~ 4 A . ~ca.~ W V".-rl _aA _......... t What is the financial backing o t the In st itu te ?t Is the relationship between Reich and his assistantst c.o, rd ia l and trienctlOORDED r "S . /. t, .' J i . r'-f . / . ' f V" '!II' " ~7 ' ; ) - I I' - !-, .[ ';:ILd.}~ese q~estlons are ~t i~character for him, butI . ) , '1 ", are qu it e co nal at ant with the C. P. t ', 'I hev id en ce s tr on gl y'-j" . B e 1ndicates that be ill bOing ulled by a group of apies.,l !' ,.! ~~ b a c k g r ~ ! : d ~ g ~ ; : i . ~ - = : r ! : n ~ ; :! : ~ ~ C ; ; ! ~ ~ ; . ~ ~ o m 6 8 f o rJ ~ . a M r H. C. Morton's stable now at San Mateo, Cal1torla.'~:;~

    o I ,. -.. . ; . , rl !~~~~:J '1. . , ' : " -~~..,I' , IFOUNDATION . . . ." ~'7..;.....-


    ~L 0t"1"1Ct::0"00"0": - ; : c : f . , . .l l~. . L_....~!f" - '~ ,. . . .

    O.OONII ... TITUTE ItlUItCH L.A.olt"TOlUEl.h(~.i ' " ~ : , -w dI I" ., ',.. ~ = .DIJlX~JUUaK~~~~I-~"~~.'/.;...(t - . -',.';I r- ~ ." :~, . ..v .November 1 8 , 1 953 -.,

    M r. J. Edg ar Hoovertdrector, Federal Bureau of InvestigationWallhington, D. C., .r--!

    -'-. 'I , iI a m a reaearch biologillt engaged in vital naturalBcientific research with this toundation. Ihave beena8k'~d by Dr. Wllh.lm~eich to write you concerning oursuspicions regarding ~ uncle o t mine . He is t he b abb ling ,hail fellow well met type and ill qui te uncritical of his j ~,:choice o f friends. He 11 not scientificall, trained yet rT1he repeatedly asked lIuch q uestions as, "What holds the 1 - '~~~!:~s~~ a:;t!t;~1!~g:;~e~!~;nti;8i~~~;~o;ai:~e!r~~1: \X~,1t the following 11s t of questions: , 'l," 1 / t , _ .( i,f" . "


    . -

    .'~ .I am reporting this both tor your In1'ormatlon and tor&n'1 on how to proceed trom hero. ",t, - .....r> _(" I it I-~_ 7 ~i cere1:r ,.our~~ I -,,' . 'A.'~.~." ".:., .. ~, ,_ ,,(' ,_ ;;Yi,_, . ,1.'J~" ~ ". '" .. - J - ober A. McCullough" ~/.\..Aaailltant (\ ..

    . ' -."

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    lIu.rtle8 rr.fleet Q. number 'oJ c.ommuntcattons have been adr:r.;['.,I", to the Bureau by employees 01 t1l.e rilhelm Retch Foundatior~ Wilhelm. Retch claim, to be a ".D. and runs the Founri,ation . . . f l ' < - ~ . 11terature publf,hed by the .foundatton ares JIleaningl'e.s8 1;e~. -,_ , ~ c "i~ suet: a8 "0 rponom te." "oranu r" and "orgonc en e rgy, " ra n teh

    : . - " ! ' " " _ / . )~PJXT. rent1 J I ort gtnat ed lOtth Retch and ho ve no ,C ient t r j ~- ~ ~ A J ~ i t : / . afantng. Th" A -C;Chas 1n..orllled that Reich'a zpe'riJrtenta tftt:''I~;;__t''L'''' IIcfentt.!tc ror(tt1Jgs arc ntal1y unsound . "he .r01!ndattit1', :;:15 -.,:' not per.torm Ing cn .u fDO rk- ~ o r..,the U.S. 00 ve rnent. An (~q '"....... ~ ; : 1008 conducted tn 1950 conce t " :n " " . g the /o lUic lo t ton rnhic~ di, /;'I ~- 1~. cIa sed tt ..18 e.8ent1al,l 11a~'CIJ"flc(!r resc ro~leborat or~! ITo= = = = . .: 1 . ~~v~Je ac1;tvttt.e_J Jl!e!:~dcU,clo8ed cfur.'''.1i the inquirll . : ., ., .,_ r," Be I _. ~ r : 0/ 11-2!_)-:;,j. QUI .ressed to John f iT. 1'~1]n. _U.S. J,l I t : \:::"-'~INS A ns, ,Yermo~ cc:Dlrector, rBI. and the .Pres.t~(l". ....;;;;-...~f eS71~&.hwaB the. resul't\yllf -an Interview 'lith Rel:ch \f/!r""'~T.... ._.-: / o j ; ' Inn 0 ~ e prevt ou day_Th :an aJ).1l_arent.a.. emp- ' .to. 1..u-_ . 1 '~h.'_'R~BIstance ror the DIS Belch in hIS let s ru :.- ....,_ 'W "'Jc ~ o,lJ~ of no service to ~e u . S. Government, end -,g~l~!ln.l~v~IS h ~ 7 po lltA fa I movem!lJt.(!Bince il .2 rJ .hd_Of&ICh ll J . Je~ conttm+ ": 1 _ ' : " _ S n ~ ~ng ~n 08z~~oJ~dJ_.IM~c~_~~~!,m~al~. !I oai~a ~~f6~lI.tC[ef JJ.'

    _. -' . . .... -~--'.'. -;; ". ::.':.~.:; 0/lla11 received at the FedeNJlBur-eau ol jftl1t!sttgcrtlon whichC. addrea,":ed tolI'le. r'Jnly autJiori.ed eTllployee8 are per ...tttedto sign regCstered ~ail rcc~ipt8. ,.'. . .;;g- ~ MSincerely r!jOlJJ:.B,~ fJ'Is, Ec1gfl:! '~'ff~"' ' ' Cl'r~.,!,_ -

    John Edf;.oirLHoouerDt rectDr.~ _ - . : _ . 'I/~I~ " I ' 1 ."'.I I. 1 .I .rt,

    I_ . . .o c . .nx c " , _ ,

    MAiLED 0 I,;[-;'1;;1 9 5 3COMM.Ftll_ _ }. . ., . . .EABlsjr -: 7' :NOTr:: I)Jl t"!!-.LOF: . .

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    Ii" IIfII,IjI

    , .- o o ,t,. . .()

    THE WILHELM REICH f"OU,..OATION- - - - : : - . . ~ - '. -_ - - - - - - .'PenT. . . . . . , W X I ' . k J t I i C c~. O","~EO"OOMO", P.o. -:.,.,' 1 . ' . ' 1 1 7 _ _ . . . . . ,. . . , . . . . . . U" . . . . . . -, .. .f' ....u:. ''Its:-.:.~December " 19.5)

    Mr. J.Sdge.r Boo"Nr,Director7.deral Bureauof \ ~'V.ah1!1&ton. D.C.

    -On Im1l1ber 25th t 195), we baTe _i1e4 to 70Ucow ofa crucIal letter written b7 Wilhelm Belch to Hr. John J.'1nnof the V.S. I~~tlon and Baturallsatlon Service. a n e copyof tU8 letter .aa al.o eent to Prea14ent tieewaver. !lb.return :receipt of the COPT nt to you wu .lgned by MaryReld. M ay Ik you "hether th1. perloll waa enUtled toeign for a letter per.onall~ directed to you? We :repeat,Dr.Belch'. letter va. ot crucial importance.Sincerely ,ours

    . Ii'~j .\

    - ~ J .C U R D E D 3 2,.. .~ ~ : . : . . .

    --"( ;.c.:' ."

    .-::.' _ - , . . -

    . . . . . . . '"TT' .." ..T.. .'

    . . .I.: .~ . .-. . . . . ..~,. _ ...,

    t"-',."-t,.. .~~



  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c





    ,. I


    O f f i c e Mm. UNITED ~Al"'_') GOVBllNMENT. j/i"l'I.DATa: J an u ar y 25, 1954 ~II,r:J., ...'1Ir. NIchola Illy'JI.~d1. _OM':..,.~~~~'.~~\.. ..;.....". .:_ . .~ ..., . . , - . ~ . - -.~"r~'" .

    THE r.lLHE '1~ RE IC H FO UND A TIO NRA NG ELEY, J lA INELAT T ER AND iNCLOSURES DAT EDJAfUARY 20, 1954 4JVBy letter d o t e d Jonuaru 20~ 1954, llse Ollendorf/ ..clerk a t The r'lhelm Retch Fou ndation, f orwarded a cOPII 0/ Clcoamunication that fou ndation had received /Tom a Mr. Fr02ierof Pasadena" California. The enclosure dealt with IWterial .. , * .disseminated by The Wilhelm Retch Foundation and mentioned ,~:."The Orgone E ne rgy A cc um ul at or " and ;;The Oranur .c..zper'1Itew't. fI :t '.Also enclosed WQS copy 0/ a wire sent the Bureau January 20"1954, in which they aauised 'nstant letter and enclosu reswere being jorwarded.Files ref lect n umerous communications from TheWilhelm Reich )'o un da. "tio nand its employees. Literature puto u t by the group contained nume~OUB meaningless terms such .

    08 "orgonotnic;" "aranur ' and "or son en ergy ." T he Atomic1 Energy Commission has advised that these ter7r.8 tuxue no scienttfi'meaning and they report that the so-called e :rpe r'l,mentscr/orme(by t h i s louneation are unsound.:fire forwarded by T he JVUherm Re ich:Foundation onJanuary 201 1954~ n o t acknowledged.

    I\t f!;

    Io.;COWENDAT ION:, . _~.dc.ted Ja.nua.ry 20# 1954,'*be .acknowledged and tha'1;I t is recommended that letterland encl08ures from this f ou ndation no tno f u r t her cot t o n be t ak e n

    llPL:pa5 4FEB 8 1~S4~ , - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - _____ v__ ._ - - '."" "= . ~ .-- ,, ~ ,._1 , .... L .~ : . i r o . , . . . ~ .~ ~. . _ .~ .... " ~ ~ c .. . ~ . . .... . . ~.. . - . . . . . .. .- ........ '" . .~I .. ..,. ~ .. . .. " ._ . . ... , ........ I - .... -

    ..- ..~-,-.. ',..... ...., .

    ..~'~ . 'ry ..T..

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    . . .__- . . . - -

    OIlOO"! I... TITUTEItEIUIICH U.OIIATOIUE iNC._ Of'""'0".0"0..P.O....... OkLil:Yi~ i : , 1

    ,.~T. IAd,~ .. ... ... .""-).lr. Nlebo"f:. n"lmMl~r. Cl'ft-....G'''liD_nr. Harbo-__Mr. R " tfII'W I. -)Ir. Tr1'~"__IIr. )fobr.____, TroUer_rowd-

    Mr. J. Mga.r BooTer, DirectorJI.4eral. Bureau of Inn.tlpt1oll... h1nctOZl 25, D.C.

    A letter, Cf1J1T eneloa.d, ".. reo.1ftd 1004&7 JlI,r. at . . . . . . . ,-

    . ;_.' ,:t-

    . iidI!Dear Jir.Boover:

    Orgonoa. Ve would U1te to uree blmediate &etion, .incllI! the cona .... nc of W. lrre.ponalble procedure are notS1a.cerely Four.,

    ;~. ! predictabl.. .e do Dot know the wrlter.

    t ,q , / /3 ~ } . . I .I


    1 -COlOffice of the Pre.l4ent of the 11m tId State.i"1 . 1 ' " ' I..(" ,

    oJ. r ,H~ ( lpnm 8 2 r /. . . . . . . . - . . . . I .~ II

    .~==~ .----_----.-.-.~.~_.

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c



    u "J t." ; . 4 ,-... i;""_'. ' ......'.~ ,>'" " r --J. r ~~.

    "_-.- ;"_ ,.;

    . .r , . . . . ., .

    ~--- -~-~"-'--"'~------:--:::=""""","" ...:-::..~._.~.= _ c , . < - : - _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - . . .

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    #.-. ,,--....:_ . . ' O f f i c e M e u k I> UNITED s f " ;'OVERNMENTr!'I'/sr, NtOh~~rr-. .

    JI~.~it.f.7'' # 1 7 ' : " : ,~ ! J E " c : r ' I . E . ' ' ' ' ' " R ~ EFROM THE 1lLllJ:"U-.BElCJl FoUNiJA'J 'JO;'i;"- - ' O R G O N O N , _ lU _N G E!- ET, M A INE. t,._ . ; . ~- ." _ .

    TO DATal Janua ry 21, 19~. "- y ., ,~ "LnOM , 1> ,, f'~,


    \" . ".. ,1:I r;,II,f ,;,I!C. ' ,ult 1e 105- 11461 reflect. the Eureau has receiveda nuaber 01 co unicetionB Irom this Foundation end Iroauariou p10l/ee. working there. "ilhel~etch claim. to be 1:: ..

    G JI.D. and operate. this Foundation. Literature put out by UJ',this group contain's w,..,rOUB .eaning1e8' tera, such a'"orgonomic," "0ranu r" and "orgone en rsv" which appa rentlyorginated with Ret~h and which have no scientific meaning.The Atomic Energy Co i88ion has advised that Reich'. e zp e r im e n ~~and .cientt/jc IOrtttnga are unsound and an,n91e.8. ..RECO J Il.; 'E NDA T I ON :

    It t. reco_mended instant co unication not beacknowledged.

    BPL:gr. I i f G O R D S l ., I,' / ..'. . , . (/" I. ' ,./;{


  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c





    ' . ~""

    ~o r l"{-, 'T"l!'."'n_ '"fr. J~"_Mr. K::: 'l._Ur.]'1~..~~_!Ir.Ch~~_H::. n1.,.;'1 __Ur. 1 '-'> ''0 --- .:,1';:. r ...,...._Z l r . Tj~ .'~---

    :'f:~~k;~Q~IUU Df lilYESTl anonu . r. H ~ "S '! 'W F _N T O F .H I ST I~ l~ I C l T l D i S t E C T I O nI' ',.-

    JAN 20 19Y1

    WESTERN UNION Hr .. :1 ~\~r . _Mr, ,':i1:t,,!'_,:,, ..I.T! j~, r.......l -- __I [r, Ril :n:.r.n --,Ml" ";.n _:._..-t:;:.......=;;.---

    - R A N G E L E Y M E J A N 2 0 1 1 2 1 A M E'1 ' j"\ -~ A R . H O O V E R , D I R E C T O R. / F B I .

    JP L E A S E C O N T A C T H E N R Y ~ R A Z I E R." 1440 N O R T H A L L E N A V E N U E

    P A S A D E N A 7 C A L I F O R N I A M A T T E R U R G E N T S E V E R E O R A N U RR E A C T I O N 110 F O L D O R G O N E E N E R G Y A C C U M U L A T O RC O N T A I N I N G F I V E P O U N D S U R A N I U M S A L T S W A S S E T UP BYU N K N O W N P E O P L E T O I N F E S T L O S A N G E L E S A R E A W I T H O R A N U RS T O P C O p y O F L E T T E R P O S T M A R K E D J A N U A R Y 16 R E C E I V E DT O D A Y O N W A Y T O Y O Uc.THE W I L H E L M R E ICH F O U N D A T I O N , O R G O N O N , R A H G E W E Y . -

    . . - _ + ~~- - - . I \ , I " ) ~ ,M A l N E V \ :. . . .1 " . ( ,

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    From'J'HEA'J'TOllNEY GENEllALtoOOidal 1A4lcated"1~ by check mark. .

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    -_ . - _ .." . ~ .F

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    !Ihe' campla1ntuka that the detell4autl and all lndividual. and

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    -.... oel.tiona or corporatlcme vorklD&with them or tor tbem be enJoined trcm r e M I ; ~ ~ 1n4irectly 1DtroduciDi o r c&u1ins to be dellft~~ t o r iDtroduct1oninto interstate cClllDerce ezt IUch c1evice8, part. or acce or1e. or a 1 J l I .imilararticle. 1'be e:capla1nt al.o seeks an inJunction against & r J vr1tten or oralact wh1ch relUlt. in wch c1evicel be iDa m1sbr&Dded.


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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    dum UNITED_9_ I I rfitT O l a 0 1 l . f " : . , DATEl

    OVERNMENTr I ! ! . . t' ) O J ,Feb. 23, ~1954 II.7,1" '('"I'rII..... Gh


    Mr.ftOM I ,...r-~2 ~:I 1.H .

    $t-:..,..Wi,If _ ' .: .( \.'.\".


    L. B. Nichols': 7WILHELM REICH FOUNDATION- RANGELEy;)4KiNE~-----,._ - ~~)" ".I_., , .. J.

    Senator Marg~ret -Chase"Smith called for me today. IIwa s tied up a~. tb ~moment and she told one ~f ~he girls. in my office i~.~!.that a Mr. Asa icba rds on, an _orney at PhllllPS, aine, bad a story ~ d . "he wished to onvey to the Bureau; he had wanted to talk to the Directorand, she had suggested tc)"him the Director should not be disturbed on amatt'e, o~ thV type; that she would appreciate it ifIcould see him :nd.\ ~~ 7 " _and he advised me his . law {ir~'

    the Wi.~ht}l.~_!,~':l~~t.!!l;is a rather difficult person to deal with; is.~psychiatrist by professional training; was arrested by the FBI as' a~ alienenemy during the early part of World War II;he doubts Reich was .cooperative with us or with anybody else. Recently the Pure Food'. andDrhg Administration of the Deparbnent of Agriculture initiated an iJj..lndionproceedings against Reich restraining his transporting his wares in interstatecommerce. Richardson stated his client has instructed this motion couldnot be a.rgued in court for two rEasons, ncunely, the scientific and technicall aspects were too involved for the court to pass on and. secondly. national ;'security was involved in that his discovery paralleled the atomic energy )-,developments. Since national security was involved. according to hisclitmt, he thought he should come directly to us. In the first instance,pursuant to his client's instruction, he would like to get together with theJ agency of government concerned and. secondly, from a selfish standpoint.Iichardson wondered if Dr. Reich was the type of person he should become,involved with. even in an attorney--client relationship.

    I told Richardson I. of course. could not advise him onthis; that Iwould have to check to ascertain if we had any current interest

    ..,..;..l this matter. Richardson also stated he hal an appointment to see the- General COUDselof the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday. Itold-lalcbardlon we could Dot advile him as to what he should do with refe renceto the attorney- client relationship and Idid Dot know if the Bureau had any.ifttere.t in Dr. Reich and whether we would be intere:tGd = ."flt c.a~ing !ohim. Ladd t ..' SE 27 '/e~-~/II~?' i- 93-cc: Mr. ~[lJ,II'} Mr. Belmont 1\ti.;i",u.JW -101 ,~t ...AR 2' 85 4 II'. ~.C r ~N:M,P, 1 i 11. ~...... If 1 " : : "V"\:J .1 o - ..H,:Lt!'," . ,uUtu.JOl ViPrIl'" ...... I

    ,. . .~ . .

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    . . . . . . .



    o. .

    ,~ - . . ' .~~4- .....'.~~.~.L:9,.~~4eorrel~ondence and lome checks made on this person. He bcarrying on:t;ancer research and his research consilt. of a- Ipecia1ly built box wh~reinan individual Jaits in the box for a period of two hours and breathes theair from the inside of the box through a tube. Apparently Dr. Reichhas become lomewhat of a local problem in Rangeley and the Town Manager

    Iadvised in 1950 that Reich's writings were barred from the public libraryin Rangeley dnce he had advocated early lexual relations for children inthe treatment of cancer ., Senator Smith in October, 1950, furnishedinformation from a local constituent on her luspicion of the Reich FCIlndatio~.We aimply acknowledged this. ..


    I checked and ascertained we have had .coulderable

    We b.a.d checked with the Atomic Energy Commission onIIReich 's claims in 1951 and the Atomic Energy Commission stated they had'

    pooked into his project and described Dr. Reich as mentally unsound. TheJrnrnfgz atdon and Naturalization people have also been checking into Dr.Reich .


    I advised Richardson we had no current interest in Dr.

    JReiCh. and he might wish to check with Immigration and Naturalization.(Reich has been having trouble with IN&'Swho have been checking on him).I also advised him he might want to check with the AtoUlic EnergyIComm.i.8ioiir>:~. Richardson expre. sed hi. appreciation

    Since Senator Smith had atated she would like for me tor call he r , I did return her call. ~ told her .1:had seen Richardson; thatI we had no current interest in the--Reich Foundation; that I had told Rtcha rds,'he might want to check with the A~?"E~rgy- Comm.ission. IN&5 and hehad already made appointments to check with the Food and Drug Adminis-tration. Senator Smith stated Ihe was most appreciative of the courtesyJextended io Richardson. 5he conunented on my recent session with herwherein we had discussed the Bureau's activities and stated ahe had enjoyedthat .esaion and ahe hoped the next time we meet we could discuss a moreplea~ant lu_bje.ct~tt~r. that ahe had given an awful lot of thought to our

    .,. _.e.ll0n aDd. lne hopeC1we couid get better acquainted and we wouid find.. " _r .a very realonable peraon. I do not know exactly what this means.. .~ /..~ I ~~'V ' . /

    ,. " . .: . . . . . . . . . . ' . ... ._ . . . . . . ~ .. . . , . . . ~ 1 1 0 ~ --.":'". --4-:---:'-~~-~-:-- .. ---. _---. . . . . . . . , . . ~_ . . .. ." " ' . . . t o . . . . .

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    -.~- . ._ _ . . ,,-' . _ ... 0.Of f ice Mel1~,"". ,dum .~-\.o Ul~ITED STATES GOVERNMENT. .

    T, .lo.DAD, Jiarch 23, 19.54~e:

    7,1...;'. .~ .. ',,"" ..WILLIAM, 018E .ASSISTANT ~O -..,1JR . JILH ELJI REIC H,DlhECTOR OtLdRGONE INSTITUTE,BANCOC}{, JlAINE . .. . . ~ . . _ T .

    C l . . ..(.!, .fl.' .1 10 TA ...\""iT.v11:. I1,',t'2.:~;~; HDII:;t~\. IIi"

    t ,'. ! i J ' ~'!.r)~ .i :

    ._.There II n o POI,t've id en t' f yi ng do to in Buf'les concer:t he o bo ue -c ap ti on e~ individual. Ou r ltles r ef le ct, ho we ue r, thefollowing d a t a on individuals who _oIl or mall n ot be identical wi!:h " . :


    F1,les re/lect on e Jlo ise George Will iamB, IDO. William1 1 0 tBe ; Negro; 01 Chiccr.go;'in Januory; 19 47; o n pI e " o ! guilt!! fDOE.en~enced t o e i g h t y ea TS ' n c Chicago Olltce Thef t Irom Interstot'Sh 'pllent COBe. (1 5- 1 69 56 ) . In 1938 the Bureau h e d 1 ,.tted co r re s:ence with on e William L. Jloise, President, $oci(71 iSeruice Bureau ~.Atlantic City, r e a speech matter. ( 9 4 - 1 - 5 5 2 9 ) . Dies Committee ,report rellecta one Wi1:1i(lJ. L. Jlo1,e in 193? IDOB a state oIJj.cer(~!0/ American Leaflu e lor Peace and Democracy (ALP,). (61-7582-12ge,page 397). ALP~ i8 a cited organi6ation. .

    Wilhel~e1.Cht: ~~s arre s ted in December ~ 1 9 4 1 ~ un~er VI C u s t o d i a l DetentionVrogrom and released two roeets later. (100-1(([Be r u n s Orgone Institute which ostensiblll corries on ooneer re sec:fThe organization has been promoting espeoial1u built bOoTwherein "findividual BitB and breathea the air Irom the i n B i d e o/Ihe bozf'through a tube. Literature put out by th.e group oontoin8 nUlIlerOI,'meaningless term.B end the Atomic Energy ComrdsBion has advised tl.~c h' . wo r k ia u nBou nd e nd aeaninglela. AE e d e s c r i b e d Reich r sunaound. Bureau hOB had numerous cOltlnmicationB !roa the inBtltL.

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    ifJI1iI~). ~

    r. .I\


    J ) O - , /o~7~!!~~.Mr ler-01Nr. le 1IH 1n t. _ _ _Mr. C l . . . 1 1 1 , _Mr r llu ..o_ _ - ._Mr 0....... _

    . .



    U NIT SD IT ATtS D CMIIT H CN T O F JUlTC'Jla rch231 2954

    6:30PJI_M r.SA jn the Crh'6 ReeD r ds Mr. J"1l'~If.-i-n,.,-Section advtses t hat he tn te r- ~v'iewed JlR. FILLIAJI JlOISE and that T.le.Jlr. Jlotae has a. I u (tcase 0/ Mr.Mol10 n....._mat ertal co ncer ning a Fasctst and l ei .. 101_ ...__Co.ullun'lstlot agatnst the .,.. lOudT _, o r g_ o ne I n st l tu t el H on co ck # J /a tn e, --- ---01 whtch Mr. Moise i8 Assistant to Dr . WtlhelmRetchl t -he D -' tr ;e ct o ro f t he I n st t tu t e.

    Mr. J / o t s e stated that he I s u n de r o rder s 0/Mr . Re ich'tG deliver t he co nt en ts 0/ the Butt-cose to M r . H o over and to no o n e else. H t t -re!u~ed t o tu rA t h i s mate rial o ve r t o SAand state d that he will return tomorrow alO:30AJI so that he can give this suitcase tothe Dt recto rHe stnted that all he wanted t o d o was t u r nit over to Mr. H oover personally and thende~art. He wan~s to be su re the D tr ecto r knowsoj his mission.Unle~s advised to the co nt rary when Hr . Moisecalls at the t omor ro w ot lO:30AM hewill be a d v l s e d o j t he D ir ec to r' s absence andottempts will be made t o have htm speak to anassi~tant.J~. Motse calle d ~ t oday at 5: 25F* and whenadVised of t he Dlrector'a absence consented tosee an as~t8tant. Background aateriol attached.jpd

    B c o n D E r r _ ~ . " ,r ..~6t 0 A P R 2 0 ' " 1 9 5 4 ~_1~ ' ._ _ -, - . . . . .. . . . . . . ",.. . . . . . . . , -~ , ~ - - . . . . . . .. _ _. - .. _- . -1 ~ ,/1 "" ......... - .... '~ ,.. .... ,,..~.. ~~"" " - ~. ' .. - ~.. .'........ +. .

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    '_-"rf#r.c c

    ,, ' '::::--/r ,; , _/OFFIC r OF OIiECTOR // ,I , Y

    'UE'AL IURUU OF 'IVEST !GAT 1011 . / " .r. ' . ' 1 - dUI'TU ~rATu.!)~U!rKu.T Of JUSTltt '.. '....... ..I~~"f'-1.,. IN" c , _ -. , f j Mr 1 ", .. . _ _

    Jlerch 83. 19 ~A Timeli:2!JPJ/ Mr.81.,,1. _Date_.,...i_.....L_.k_.lJ_~_~_'f.,,..___ ..._.. ." .... ,., .... _IIlIr. ",11iaB Moiae, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,----ele MT; Ta.. ..._ _MT. _

    M". "0111' _Mr .Ion,_, _irir. _ini.rrowa_Tel.: .00 _Mr.lIol1o"lL-IIluMol .. , ..__"I.. Ge"d1 _

    , ~ ~ . o. __'EMARkS

    Mr. Not8~ o dvia~d ~hat the had j ust ar rived'n t own and had l o m e .atertal h~ wIshed ~ o t u r nOrJerto th e Director. H e IDaS adutsed o f th~DtrectQr's a bs e n ce f r o m t 1 e u j j i e e a n d a r r a n ge -me nts have been .ade f or hi m ~o come to theau this eve nIng t o be i ntervi e0ed by SAof the Crime Records Section.By wire on M a rch 22nd Mr . Moise a dv' ~ ed Ih~ the wou ld ar rive fn ~ashlngton at S: lSPM/~R~ayr equ es t ed a n a p P O i n tm e nt a s B O Dn a s possibleaft er his ar rtval. T hts Wire and also aba c k gr ou nd m e ~o a t ta che d.


    " ' : i ' ". " ~ . - . , .. '_ ~- .. :_ ,- : - r _ . ~ . , ' ! _ "' g ~ ' . ' . , . , , ; .._, _ ~ ~ . , ; . J ." .~ ", -' J.,- .Ir -0. . .-. 4. ...r, .. . .~ . .\' . . . "t

    '. . . , "

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    c -o

    . J1I~Ii

    - - - --r ){;;',~r/~ollo~/ ~ ~ ,olr~,( Mr. atc. . ..Jlr 1.'

    Mr. C1.I. '

    .. rsa=tDI=f! IC; OF D.,crot


    J/arch 24# 1954Mr.I.rll _Jlr. 'o ' . f t . " _Mr. Ta-.__ _JUi. :rILLIAJI 1I0I_SEI ABa t etinn t to Mr. Trac.r.~ __~r. I'tlhelm ReIChl Dtrect"r of Mr. MohrOr90n I n st i tute I Ran ge 1e 1I ~1/a tn e .#r. J U . : ' : : : : : : : : : : : :cal1~d al1d roas advised 0/ the Ifr.Wlnhrrowd_Director's absence trom the T.h 00,.... _o/Iice an d he co n8~nt ed to see Mr o1to"'~o ne r the D ir ect or '/ I csst stant s MI" lol_~\

    ~o turn over a Buitcase 0/ t M!'I.'lRd~cterial concerning a Fascist an d .'t _ " ( " ~ IIo mr . un ist plo t against the Orgone l~s~ltutc.A lt er che ck tn ~an ge me nt 8 were &ade Jorhim t o see SA . .. . . o f the C rime Reco rds se ct lo n .l I I I I I I I t a d u i s e a that lIoise t . o d a suitcase 0/~ l1Jhcn he said was prool oj' a "redTasci8t instt,ated plot" against argone l-n,sti":! t u t e as well ue ~he secu rit y 01 theUnited 8totes. ~advi3e8 the caseconta in s art tc le8 accumulated du r ilJy the last10 years against OrgJne. Bureau /lle8 showthat the pseudo-acientt/ic wor k o j the OrgoneI n st tt u te has been dtBcredited b y the At omicEnergy COlTmi8Sion and the Pu re Food QrJd D r u gAdministration. The A t to rn e y G e ne ral r eD or t edl~h e s a n injunction against them to prpvent theOrge ne I nst It ut e Ir om I nt e rstat e mailin9 ojde vices o n d 1its roture.ur .. J.!oise so td tho t Dr. Re ieh wanted theBur e ou to k n ow that he lee ls the commun ist sa r e trying to stop the u se 0/ OrgOI,e ...

    lJlr. J/OiBS assuitcase andCOl!le! not belie also told u r;

    lo r a receipt Jor theiBed him a receiptview 0 / Bureau po1icp.MoiDS there apppcrs to be

    R E C 6 B D E D . .2 1F , X 1 2 ; i__",."."'~R80.1~i.

    . .

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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c



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    CDu14 .~ ad.' No' oJ all~ aoIDO~ -:. t - . , . 011 th. 110-5.,.'01 '" ..h u'tOG ,..tu\ ".AAII a c ' * ' ' - . . . . . .

    --. ,. p,. .1J 4,.'ng a ... o,.onda 011 th.I ' ~ . INl1 o . G lett.,. ' / 0 , . 'til_ Dh.oto,.'.-.ig~ata". 4clllo~1.dg'ng r.c.'pt 0 . / til_aot. ,.'a 1. -

    J:l;fNl. ~ :04"""11_ ... __. ,. c . . . , ~ " _ _ . .

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    R E C M D E D - 2 IE X - 1 2 1

    --- ,, -_----

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    ii,. tjjI,tItft1


    ,.50. l 1 l 1 2 r ' ""~~',.t~," ~.,.~-:-.


    - -Mr. J.U&&r BooTer, DirectorJ'.de~ Dur eau of tav Ucatto.VaRi.i,:tOJl. D. C. . . . -Dear Kr. HoOTer (j/

    ___ _ __ TI han NC.tTe4 TOUr l.tter of March 15th. -Iwould like tOUD4er.core ~. m o t l T I for 8ending

    $hi. _terial to -70111 I ha.... , .. a pbT81c1an at the 81ckbe4of, .ent W terial tor ou 81nd.. HAlOn o D 1 7 z

    It prOT.. that coupirac7' relt. ODan emotloD&l oont-ac!OUIn of pathological behavior. It pro...... furlheraore,that ,he preaent-cky .. thou of 4ealinC with conaplrac7 ar&Iltltuat.4 &114D84ef1uat.. ! rhe thod. re,u1re thoroughreconlid.ratione

    - - -_ ..I 40 not k n o w the c h i l f conspirators.Your inter t 1n , h i . matter 1. creat1y appreciated.i 1 t i : d i u la~-Vllhel\ Well, lID.

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    _ _ o oJ ,. l"r"t "I\;r ~ " "Z~.".\......,1 . Jo r elOOR(-1(;~~~" " , ' I ' , ' 8 8 ' I X I 1 8 " " * I .. .. ~~~, .- -.-"I~ . ' .who are Dot ooucerD84 W1U1tachlll ,ruth, ht aolllTwith lnt.reltI of

    1O'ft,r,IIa'Yt DO.ooe.. '0 . 1\he~ the tac,'t&l ~t10D.1 JlO1' '0 tba taMe'"coPt.-no of _ atoUODal OonI:p1raCT. ti. 1. &zl .n\1M17 IIJIId aif. . ------l ' . . !hi. atta1r traDa&H all pU'7 lin v1\b ,hall' IIILZ'rovnt.r ta 0-O'.... "lilg. It i --,t.r of 111teraatloul latere.' to4aT. aD! .'Dotof ozwCO"QII. t ;J7; 'I' 'rauer &l.o _UoD&l ,.I'darllne., Jut .. LL ',1'.elf ,raugnal human borden aa4 trecUoD&l 11111_tiona. ttdthe n e w fan til tM It.,... of all of u. !b1. fact bu ~ CC-,. .

    iIf, t " .r,~, .'. t " ...: . : : ~ - ~. '"

    It1.ot , ; r e a ' iJIpOriMC' to "colDi.1 *be uot1ozel Ile.D.' ofconlpilaC7 .. ~ VUe bul. of 1'. -"17 poU'leal MD1t taUou '.OUOD, aa4 aot pollUc., t pr1-rJ' ~'10. of loel.tT nerywhor(

    JIro. 'hl. 1. t; foUow. that; Social Pqch1.'17 .erY" .. .ore bule ria. .0eletT than the 3oar4 of .1_*101. It 1. on. of the .av Jactl In c.11.,... that W. i. becoalnc m U l l ' B O W .V. bectll ' 0 ncop.1.e $bat tr.1utlcI nat flDll117.tlp outof t'l pre'.At... r t17 ', leg"":proc.4are. aD4 lDClub u.. JeN, ~ '-\loW. ,- fKhfl el'.At, .. 'h lr Yor41, thII J ' t I J l tWC:DTALmame ua4erlnac tH .a .tD l .tratiou of ; huu att&1ra, .. 0AlT creal .1-'1 ... ..,. able '0 pnotlc.'. ' . " - = - i ; 'IlI,..tofore. Ooaf1uZlC. tn ,,_'le. nat , .......... "" . -,

    ~,~ -~\ : :~; ' .",-~ - ...

    ~. . . ' .. _ ' . . . , . . . . . . ,. .. .

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    !b1. \1r4a.71 Yl.. alloa14be .tnc'lT a4lwn4 '0ill th. cOI1 .14 . er : : l~-o f , _ _ hrial ._ lOOIIPII101"'a "If l'nn ' 0 be h&D4l.4 fro. ,& _rei. . '.-{' political or1.,.u..t1c, fo~.Uc pca11l' of 'Ilft'i"lt i I a : r yell be ta:.;

    ~ :.~ ( tI- - - . I t , , , . ttala that Dl&r17 the 1 I J l O L Z at _ pOJItfLlfIa. IJI .. UB l WOULD JUVE :M " IlliLLD JII'OIII 0UUJt tS or JlJB!IClla tIM ,.... ... U .t eUIIlDaU.... ot _: ~ . t , : . ~ ~



    o o

    oouplnDC tro. our Uft ........ r pro .cutloJl of U J a -JozitT of .. . .populatloll t.UTero po. . lbl.. It 11 po.dbl., boW.ver. ' 0 a.p the u.

    - -Mcori vi th ~ bowle4&e.JJ.l 'bt. ...ipan of the : B IOLOG ICAL D ' fOLU! Icm ' 0 Yhlch all of h~

    ,fOUAd1'._If aub3-c'.4. Oftr tlw pM' t.. 4eea4il . .. I' 1. o\rr1ou .. , m a . . m . , , , t otiODal.17. ~, 1. bto-eurgeUc;

    .lck. Poll tlc. _4 'ow.r4.r1mkene anqllptou of W. .octal. U.eaaPo....~ are D O t u4 oazmot ". *he J u 4 & e 1 of powerd.r\mkane , jor11"1 tbift'H oaa. 'be 3U4PI of the aoc1al ill of We.e1"7; DOl' e l l . 1oD&l. lIIU"4.rerl be thI COUId.l. &lid J u . 4 c e . ot the .oc1al. 111 c .IlU Z '4.e r. a u.a n 111. beloDC' 0 the ' r U ' 1IDCbart" '_ ' real. ot lOCaL .I' 1. ~ lb.t!lclan. u4Mucaton, op8ratiac a' ~ IIOIUD or soon;-O&U hopeto . n . r a t _ , . W. 41..... in -.mer a4etua" to WI cr.n~

    It will b. po.dbl., 'but 1, V111Dot 'b e 7. to gap the poUt1~pov.r4rw:l lrazod -7 trOD \b8 CODfiD" of W k 'b y ou .1ragl., .1mpl'

    -" 11-- -- .- t tW i l l V O D L D tOO . p O L I t I C A L P O O R llila CR, A C 1 ' U A L L Y . J J . O T I lA L L Y J2 i'~aINItiD !DDMAIot'IODL SICIDSS 01 I'D J l . U ' O J I l ' Y ' aI P .IO Pl& ~1~ : ~ _ 4 _ ~. ."t~. .-'.Jl . '.-. ... ._':. r. ..L',j. p". ....: ' . " . ' ? 'Q . ' ..' , . . . . . . . "~;., .;( .; t " ;i ' - ~~ . .

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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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    R E G I O N A S P R E D I C T E D I N T E L E G R A M O F ) / 2 2 S T O P Y O U C A N N OL O N G E R E S C A P E R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y F O R D E S E R T D E V E L O P M E N T I NU S A S T O P W E S H A l l P U R S U E S U B J E C T O F D E S E R T D E V E L O P U E N TTO L A S T D E T A I L S T O P E V A S I O N N O L O N G E R W I L L W O R K S T O PO R A N U R W E A T H E R C O N T R O L W I L L H A V E T O W I N O V E R F O R C E S O F


    C H E M I S T R Y E V I L K I L L I N G P L A N E T A R Y L I F E S T O P U N Q U O T Et i O R G O N E I N S T I T U T E

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    '~~ ,J ;;. ~ r-:.~ " . IF .~ ;;3EARCH LA.90RATORIE8, INC. 1\'11Y,.~ -~~ ':RANGELET , J IA IN E \ ~ -" ~ ' i:"

    '. l7;o.RJ1~TI~N CONCERNf~~~ ' j - : : , 4 J " ' \ . . _ ! i ". n Tou will recall that on 3-24-54 William 8. Moiae~ repr~ntinrr . captioned individual turned over to .s,.t'_'o/ C.,.iaeRecord.s.:~ certain doculftents which Reich and Jloise ~"ool 0/ a "re t { " /aclt i~IIBti'4ted plot" against Orgone Institute. Jloise lIQintatned that 'the Bu;'.could not J)osBiblu arr tue at the conclusion that this lRaterial does notf irelate to a ~ l I IIGtter within. the Rureau's jurisdiction lOithout eramining~ :the IIIOterial!. On 3-29-54 . s A ' " rece"lved a registered package pom. N01.i conta in ing add itional 8.tlttlor JIIQ. terial.f . .\ " Files retl ect: that the work 0.1 this Institute has been dtscre;.;I by the Atomic Enerpy Commission and the rood arzd Drug Adlftirzistration rec e

    1, ' obtained an injunction to pre~ent them from diBtr'but"ng their literatureand aDparatus. A thorough re~iew 0/ the material lett bU Moise shows i t! :",ere111 a collection of the ar ttc le and letters IDhich nave been written, p~D08jng the Institute for the fraud that it is. It is, thereforel beinirecom:rr:ended that the JJIa ter ial be mail ed.. registe red I return receipt,"eque~:tedl back. to Reich, and letter so advising him has been pr=parea ,I / ' y(.J, ..........t / /tht-Bu~eau has also received a telegram dated 3...0-54 tram _J.~.:; ~1Ll6~dorl Of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation stating that the Bureau lOill Ckept i~for.ed of developments i n connection with the injunction against.( the foundation. In uiew 01 the background# it is not deem.ed advisa.blei tooclr.noroledge this o r similar communications " n the future.11 < itECOJl1!'INDA,T~~NS~hathe IIIIlter'al left bll J/oh. b. l"eturned "'0;" return recetpt requested, unde r se OG ru 1;e cCJver, and attollf letter SCJadviSing Reich .:be;88nt tOr~i ;,.., h\v-lI1i ('/ ~ ~t il ....~_,.'i JlLLI.erdt~ !--t2-r,..i 0 A P R 2 7 1 9 5 4 '.c/i -,-- _._-__"'_-- ----.- .--~ .... [ .. _ . . . . ~"'. . ~~ _ . ; .~. :. -: _ " ~ - ' ~.~.. . _ . : .t ' " . . ._ _ . . .~ .~

    . ~ - - ~ .~ ,. . . .t 0O ffic e M en ., .~.0,d um Ul'lITED S GOVERNMENT'

    '-_- ----- ----

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    II' .i,' : . . _ . . . . .

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    II. , fII1fI1III. (I,,t- }

    . .- - - - - .. C0fficeA 1el1 ..", ."., .d um, Mr. XiChOl~


    151 1954 ; ~ < :, II."J I . k ) n . J . ~ " , ; s.. . . c ~ ~ r ' ~ ' > I ; ' ~ :~ 1 - p c r , !f~!0~~~~,,~OUNDATION "~~~~.,..,. .... .n.lfu--"g.&.l ...... I _~......M M i l o ,. >. ,; 7~. IN~O RJ'ATIO N C O N~~RNIN(J_ .. ' .. ~ ,~./,I will b e recalled t hat on March 251 1954,r il l i am oi s e stopped at t he Bu re au t o pr e sen t UB witha great er oj d o c u m e n t s proportedly Bho~ing a conspirac~a g a i n s t the c a p ti o n ed f o un d a ti o n a n d the U n i t e d State8.These documents were r eu i e we d ~ an d i t wa s f ou nd that they! : ~ : a ; : ~ ~ T : : d n : ! h ; ~ :! ! ~ ~ : t t ~ ~~ r ; : ~ : : t ; ~ : ~ 8 : ! ~ i ! o n . The~f;~, , I._ IiS i n c e aboue fo u nd a t io n ia a pseudo-scientific

    organi6ation which haa b e e n d is c re d i te d by the Pur e Fo o da nd D r u g A d mi n i st r a ti o n a nd the A to mic E ner gy Co m~issio n,an e ar li er m em or an du m r e C O M m e n d e d that 'we n ot o c~n owle dgelu r the r commu n icatio n s /r o m them dealing wit h 6im11arRatters. T he r e c o a m e n d a t t o n was approved.

    DATI: April' . . OM.

    We haue no ~ r~ceiy ed f ro m MDise a 8tatementc o n c e r n i n g t he d eli ve ry b y him 0/ t h t s a a t e r t a l t o us. Hea l s o states a receipt wa s p ro mi se d. ActuallYI he w as. pe cilicall~ in f or med that no n e could be giuen him. Sincet h i s statement i s a carbon copy and t n view 01 the earlierr e c o m m e n d a t i o n , it i8 no t de e med a d vi s a bl e t o reply.RECOMMEND ; " T ION:

    I t is r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t the s t a t e m e n t I r o m Moisen ot b e a ck no wl ed ge d.r~, - . J,

    I ! L L : 1 I I . 8 : C p /

    L . , \ . . iV aR E C o R D fl J . . 431It1DfD43

    -".1' _ . ; i

    , < . ., . ~ ". - . . '.. ~ - , ......-_:; =.

    ,~ ". "

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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    f "--~$k~Mr. Ta . h o ' ; ' : ' ! ' yMr. ",on., _" . ~ . '~.~ . ...,I.,' .~ i?-.

    " ' " . ~ , . . i - : .- - o r!t' .

    Mr.8Izoo _Mr. Wlnterrowd_T.l loo _IiIr. "011011&n__MI.. Mol .. ,_MI.. ,.andy _

    J _ _ .'o r - : ~t'I!J f.'j.

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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    , -.. . . .~ . . . o o.&..~., '.,... . ~-~.~- ,~~.-~ --'. ,-I . - . .. I' /'. /. ' : ,

    io 'bom It lJay Concern

    . . . " ,and under th[~t I~.'.~ 8 t R t c ~ e n t 8 , e t c . o o n c e r n i n g t h e e ~ ot l o ll a l c o n sl

    , " -Ir .', d1 8cOT er~ of the L i r . Xne riY in sen era l a ndAcc umu lato r in par lcU lar . Ifurther C~~A4~U 1 \"&.8 Asked

    .. .. . .

    ~ .by Dr. '::111:& .aelcb on -rebruary 26~_;---.J;)a; :"101' 'e lyor deliyery to e. reepone ney of theUni ted Str~tes of AmerIca.

    ~e origiDul material" wasIfj!lrIt'1f t

    ':;;lrec tor10:4~ c'clod~ en tl.\.~ ! ! S t h , 1 9 ! " " 4 , - n drlaced In tra hands 'i'he

    t WCe prot .jflec!.

    Wil11:lr. Sidr.ey s :l i r . . n c c c l : ,: n tAr rl1 3r d, 1954

    ../.' . . . . /-/. . . . . . /.'

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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


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    J.,d"'nr Tfoovcr~e'err.1 ':"'urs>uof In-,esti,r:t'. tion

    25, D. C.

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    Mr, T)1r. i"fl'. ;'.!\fl'. 1'}'Mr. H"l \Jr. :-.: .!It r. !~.X,:1'11', 7Mr, f" .1 \1 ,'. ','Tr~,. 1."h.,FMi..! '

    . .-- .


  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    ~ " " " ' . . . . . . -0 o. .

    COr:m . IS I ' on~rFDod and Drug Adminl,trat'onP",,, "QAltn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . .DeptJ.,.'tllum~ 0/ a.al1iIl, Education and ii61J't..;,reFourth St.,. t Clnd Ind.p.nd.ncft .cvftnu,,~ SOj).!hr:J6trtWashington 85~D. c . . .From: Joltn Edgar :JoalJer - D'rcctor, J"e:! . ,? i*al Bur ec olInuastigat'ollSubjec t: ~ n < . ! a _ ' ~ E _I, fSl. ' I_rClTE l''?ESSf~LI_I: j_~I1i_(} _ J iI! U ~'~ ' 1 }1 - T ,-iE t 'Ii . .! .ELJ_- =srcs ioustur:


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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c



    POOl) AND DIilUG ADMINISTRATIONWMH1Ml'OH ... p o Co - - , _ .W...

    > " : : 1 1 -. ,

    . . t..--.. ~'.f../

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    " _ . . .. - ......... _-. ~ ._ . c

    THE WILHELM REICH FOUNDATION~~ . , _ . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . _ - - . . . . . . .LXT'ert1tion OroT' Desert T.l'.Route r . ~ox 2 r l'lUcaon, ArizonR ... __ . _E X P ED ll I V H O R O P D ES ER T r a4/7/Hlf ! =

    it{t l1~I

    I. ,IiI

    DeE'.r Sire:

    r: v'is~l to inform you thnt 'bro f'li1ir,rr..rrt of {)T~nl1r r .....--~trentei! nnr chp.nl3er. rfl.rittr.l , uBe~ by the Greone Institutein ex~erir:entrl ;'~eather control operp.tionl=! , hav e been~erop ited b:T t.he 0nu., Inc. Pot JfI,cnmbp. Cnl iforn j.n inthe cus tory of ;:r. \'111 infl'lYetchuT'l. '!'his OrFmur trep terlT~ril1n has been c1.e~osite(l in Cr-\lifornla for futurex'Perinentcl Orn.m1Tvea the r control o+er-rtIons ,Sincerely, d.~'v~':li11iur. .:0 is e3ecretf'.r;:Q.rcone In!"t itu te P.eaer r cb

    tRborr.tori er ,lnc.c o r y to: COJ:T.lanOerU.3. Air }~orceAir 'l'echnic:':tl Intell ir;ence CenterY:rir;ht - Pll.tterflon Airforce :('l.sC'D~.~ton,Ohio

    .------~---.-.-, -' . ~ J-__ .-4 ~. -

    _ .- .r.:. '

    of ,. ~- .



  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    D oDO-' .s , ~ % !:!:;:.~(I' ~.{r: II e hOt'~ : . . i 2 : :Nr. .1I1Ob~ .-.,.__

    Mr. lIarbo _Mr. Mohr _May 17, 1955 Mr. "arsollt_Attached is a copy of '!History :~: ~ : : e ~ nof the Discovery of the Life Hr. Jone

    Hr. SIzooEnergy, IIWilhel~ft~ich Mr. wIntarr _Biographical Material, Documentary Tel e. Roo. _Sunplement No. I,whjch was sent Mr. i fto the Direc,or by the Miu Press, P.O. Box 72, Miss 'andy ~- Village Station, New York 14, New York. '



    -Director and FBI mentioned on pages 22 and 31.hrr-b (1)

    "... ... , . . ", , .

    (I , . , t : />,I _.-. . . . .~~.~', . . . . . - - -

    G ~i""( :l4'- . t a s 5t -; . . . . ..~ . . .

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  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    '" o

    _......_ W. I L H ELM REI C ' H - .i:BiographicalM~terial.: ' : f -


    LIFE ENERGYDocumentary Supplement No. 1




    Orgonon, Rangeltr. Maine

    .' I J-'.. ~,I

    /, tI


    , ,



  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    Copyright. 1955Orgone Institute

    Printed and, distributed through the Orgone Institute Press, All rightsreserved, No -part of this book may be reproduced without permissionfrom the Orgone Institute. . .NOTE: This isa restricted public service publication, not for salt' on theopen book market. For scientific and historical use only. Use of thismaterial is not pennitted in any manner whatsoever without written per-mission of the copyright holder.

    Limited Edition

    No c .Printed in the United State&of America

    " . ' . . . . . ~ I , " , .'If,: .. .. ..J - ' ""; ~.:-'~ ~

    - ~ -_ . ~ ~ , - : = :- - : - : . : r : . : . . - . _ . - - - - . - _ . . : . . . _ _ . . , . . = = = : : : : = = = ; ; ; : ; ; : ; ; : : = : : ; ; : ; ; ; = ...----.~, - .- - ~ _ ~ ~ c ~ - . - ~ - < - - ~._ . . , . . . . , . . . _ .._ . - . . . . .. ' - ,_ - ' _ _ , . .I"~""4!-.,. ,

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    CONTENTSRC8IJOn' (!8 by WR in th e COllr.c of the FDA A.u(Ull t

    Onl), Formalities Count .Board of Social PsychiatrySupremacy of Basic Research:\dministration of Cosmic OR Energy


    onor EP

    46121 519

    \Varning:Letter to Subscribers to the Orgone Legal Fund"ohiJizin~ the Legal Situation

    28. $1:)2 .,

    " .~I,Letter to Dr. Silvert

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    . .~:~:':{'


    ONLY FORMALITJES COUNT(From Reich's The Murder of Christ)

    The closer the future victim is to th(> J.::jngdom of G o c . l with hisknowledge, the surer will he be chosen to be murdered by the pestilentcharacter. AU this goes ou with not a single sou]. not even the murdererhimself, being aware of what is happening. \Vh('n Bruno insists on de-parture, perhaps sellsin~ the malignancy of his murderer. ~t()c.'('uip;oeizeshim at night from his bed with the help of an Mann of the L:1W." Fromhere onward the machinery of the organized emotionul pla gill' of all agt'stakes over like a robot grindstone, never to stop until the victim !ssqueezed to a pulp. The envy and evil plotting of M()(''enigodoes notcount and does not even appear ilJuong the arguments in the protocols,The true motive of the murder is not even mentioned or even admittedto court at any time, neither in 159-2nor in 1952; neither in Italy nor inthe USA, nor in the USSR. The trot' motive of the cowardly killer isbanned from inquiry all over this planet. except where simpJt' TOutim'murders an.' COtu, never in CUSt'S of tIll" :\ll1rd('T of Christ. The Rtf."-ssociatiOIlS of all lands do not tolerate ('V('11 tlw discussion uf the muljvation of such killing, The judges who senteneeand the executioners !_!Ofree, no matter how innocent the victim. If,occasionally. after decades,the error can no longt"f be kept hidden. the victim, if alive, must say."Thank you very much: or, if dead, somebody kneels in prayer at hisgrave. But nobody dares attack the true killer.From now onward. it is of no importance whatsoever what fills theprotocols, whether it is forbiddt"n to have the Earth circle around the

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    .. -," ~ t i i": -, < -- t ~ : . .. . ._ ; - ' , , ,.

    SUIl or to believe in a Soul of the Universe or in Uuivena1 Lcn-e arwhPth~ one has lectured here or lectured there, whether ont' ba" beendecent all his life and committed only the blunder of meeting accidentally. pestilent sniper shooting from ambush. Nothing matters. since th e tmcmotin' is the murder of Christ who could actually accompJi...h the dreadedrealization of the Kingdom o f God on Earth, It does not matter whetherJesus actuaJJy proclaimed himself as the King of tht, Jews or not. ~t isJnt>rf"Jy a pretext, and everybody is aware of this; therefore, imho(1law is geared to('lemal I('f'killg of the Kingdom of God, but not to th" tillt/ill/.! of theKillgdolll of Heaven, not to the wars of Christ who knows tIn' WIlP of ., .tIl(' Kingdom of God . Only Formalities count. Every appeurnnec 'll-fairuf'ss and precaution not to commit a judicia] murder will be carefully~tardt'd in order to cosnmit the murder in the ~Jlrop('r. It~uf- ways,1\0 one-should ever be accused of Injustie, Th(' record of houor mu~tremain clean. Everybody knows what has been done, and nobody movesa fil1~('r.:\Juch later. when the victim w in have been Jon~ t l l 'ud , when hisscreams to heaven in the evocation of God w i l l have been silencedforever. when the myth of "justice done" will have ('\'aporab-u, historians wi l l dig out the facts, when all is fairJy safe; and itmight happenthat a Pope kneels on the grave of oue of the victims to reston' his post-humous honor. Thank you, Sir! we hear the victim whisper. And GodOnce more turns away from his 'Godlike creation, Man. and continuesto send his prophets to preach in vast, empty deserts. ~IOCt'niJ!;oisforgotten. Nobody mvestigated him. nobody eW'1) thought him guilty.though a few may despise him. More, there will be many that w i l ltell you that Christ bas been justly crucified, for he has acted as a commonrebel against established ~ovemml"nt. that he had unnecessarily pro-voked the scribes, that he would better have sat still and quiet and Jt'ftthe souls of men alone in peace to sit it out forever and ever after. And'books w i l l be written and read by the multitude, books that tell youhow to escape t h e - troth about the Murdf.'r of Christ, how to obtain peaceo f mind, Don't touch it. everl

    ..... . . . . _


    TH.\NK YOU, suu

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    The socially pathological acts of the Emotional Plague beJon!t be-fore a Boa rd o f So c ia l Psyc1l il l try. The criminal results of an ( "mo t i o na lconsp iracy belong before a Boanl o f Judice. Politicians, that is peoplewho are not concerned with [actuol truth but solely with interests of,wu:er, have no access to either the factual functions nor to the judicialconsequences of an Emotional Con.fpiracy. This is an entirely Hl'~lASaffair. This affair transgresses all party lines with their narrow in-terests of vote-getting. It is a matter of international interest today,ami not only one country, it trallsgT('.s.~e1inational borderlines. just asLife itself transgresses all human borders and factional limitations. Thisis the new fact in the lives of nil of us, This fact has far reaehing con-sequences.It is of grt'at importance to recognize the emotional element ofconspiracy as the true basis of its merely political manlfestatious. Hu-man emotion, and not politics. is a primary function of society every-where.

    From this it follows that the Board o f So c io l Pftyc1li f ltry serves nmore basic function in society than the Board o f Justice. It is one ofthe New Fads in our lives that is becomjn~ evident now. \Ve \It>ginto recognize that true justice must finally step out of its present, merelyformalistic, 1(>~ali5t ic procedures nnd include the llflman, t i l l ' emo t i ona l ,the foct l lol element, in other words, the FUNOAMENTAL element under-Jyin~ tilt' administrntion of social justiC(' in human affairs; only ~Tt~atjnstices were able to practice it heretofore. C.onfid('nce in justice must

    -,~-.~.,.~... .

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    IJ(>IIp~lc1. Tnlt' justk't' must never be a matter of chau(."(, or a matkrof the private opinion of judges or atterney generals.This birdseye view should be maintained in consideration of thematerial on ~CoNIP1RAc\--; jf it were to be handled from a merely poli-tical or.ltgalistic, formalistic point of view, it may well he certain thatn{'arly the ""HOLE OF nu,: p(WVLAnox OF THE V. 5. A. WOllLD "AVE 'IT) BE('~\u..ED St:FOro,: nu: ooonrs OF JUSTICE in pursuit of t lU ' elimination fromour lives of underhanded conspiring, - Prosecution of the' majority oftnt' population is not pOssihie nor desirable. \\'hat i.! possible, however,i: . to keep tht' law in accord with progress in human knowled!!:(._ - \ I J this is part of the BJOLOGlCAL JIE\'OLU1"JOX to which all of hu-manity finds itself 'subjected over the past few decades,

    It is obvious that humanity is emotionally. that is. bio-euergetically,sick Politics and Powerdruukeness are symptom!> of this soeial dis-ease: Power-drunkards are not and cannot be the judJ,tt's of power-drunkenness, just as little as thieves can be judges of the social ill ofthievery; nor can professional mass murderers be the counsels andjlld~l~Sof du.:social ill of mass murder. But cured power drunkards, c u r e dthieve-s and cured mass murderers may well become excellent ~l1id(sin Social Pathology.

    Human j ]1s beJolJg to the vast, uncharted realm of Socinl Path-olf1f.!.!I. It is only Physicians and Educators, operating at th~ SICKS ..:O OFSOCIETY who dare hope to exterminate this disease in a manner (,'001-mensurate with this great task of medicine and education.It will be possible, but it will not he easy, tokf't'p the politicalpower drunkard off the confines of this task by one sing]t', sjmpl{'question: "WHAT WOtILt) YOU, POLITICAl. rowan SEEK..:n, Ar:Tl'A1.V', ."ACT-l;ALLY IX} TO El.n,nr.:ATF. 1 ' 1 1 . 1 : : IIlfMAS EMOTIO]'l.;AJ. 51CKl'OESS01-' TIlE "'A-JORln- OF PEOPLE E\'ERYWHERE?" It can be shown that those who areout today to gain power by persecuting political foes would, once the-ythemselves WCTt' put in the place of their enemy, he forced to act exactlytht' same way as the conspirator has always done out of ignorant poli-tieiandom or out of malip;nancy.


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    By WILHEL).[ REICH, ~f.D.1I" i()f'{\j

    Introductionlowe my friends, coworkers and students, us well as all patientsconcerned, an explanation of why I did not appear in court as a "de-fcndant". I did not appear as "defendant" (of WIIAT?), because, aft~rhaving experienced the FDA for eight years, I knew their motivesand intentions, and I refused to be made a hutt of mahgnancy. I would

    have gone in any case of a bona fide struggle. StiJJ. 1 would not havepermitted Basic Research to be judged or adjudged in court and inabsence of discussion, in other words, b)' a Ilinden court dictate ofhidden "control" experiments. 1 would han! certainly dumnged thestanding of our science. And I would have, certainly, emerged as aualready "convicted" defendant under the suspicion of "fraud" with thethreat of a tllit for fraud following. In this manner, however, I havemaintained my honor, my work, I have not been convicted by "consent"or by "conviction", The ease was decided uiithout my l1orlicilwtion indlis unconstttuttonol act against truth; an act of aggression which wouldforce the public to believe that I have spent in cash. unpaid time, effortand risk as well as pain, some 400,000 dollars worth in 18 vcars for mydiscovery; that 1 have donated the medical use of the on eneregy forpurposes of research, only in order to ... commit traull which did not IKlyo cent. What utter, preposterous, stupid nonsense. perpetrated by IX"O-pIe unworthy to be caned public servants of the people, usin~ districtattorneys, judJ(e's and some few reporters.

    WHO ARE THE CONSPIRATORS BEHIND THEM?1 : . . s," '- "" " - _' II _~ ' -~ ,~" ' : ~ : " ~ ~ , ~ . : . :', i.:F -1 ;i-:" .. - - ;~ ' _. - -: ~


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    TilE PROCEPURES OF THE FDASummary o f the Clifford lniuncuon

    I am directing tbis communicatlon to all who know iny work andto those who, in the course of events, will learn to know about it. Thisis only Q survey of the factual situation; an extensive presentation willbe pubhshed at a later date.

    \Ve shan survey:A. The procedures of the FDA;B. The basic issues involved in the Clifford Injunction:C. The f~lctllal. Iegal and moral position of Orp;ollnllly.A . The Procedures of tile FDA1. From the historical material collected and printed in the VolumeA-XIJ-EP MCONSPIRACl'" MAli Emotional Chain-reaction", it emergesune-quivocally that the action of the FDA Originated not in a bona fide1mestigation of a' new medical remedy, hut from the he~inning. m; aprejudiced, mala lid.. persecution of a discovery, executeel on ]It'halfof powerful pharmaceutic interests, unknown to us because they op-('ratt' behind the scenes. Their intent was not only to kill the discovery,hut to get the discoverer into jail as .1 fraudulent person; marl well,all this was set bcjore t]ll' investigation carne under way inHJ.t7-1948. At that time the conspirators, mechanists in pathology andneuropsychiatrists, were in collusion to destroy Orgonomy with eon-spirators among politicians.2, This conspiracy on the part of pharmeceutic producers in theUS.\ .. IIsing slander and ealumni, developed like an emotional chain-reaction: it involved the A.~f.A't the Consumer's Union, several promi-nent newspapers .md periodicals; and otlwrs; it was .t trm' {'onflal-tm-tiou on the social scene. This conflagration rail its course on its ownpower. But, like a fOTest fire, It was started by a carelessly (or Ie-Iiberately ) thrown burning match; th i s match fell among tinder-drywood hrush. The match-thrower was the red fascist sniper, Ill' andhis followers had to do no more than throw the burning match. As intnt' affairs of the UN , here, too, the po]Wca)Jy organi::.ed emotional"ltI~IIC rode toward evil goals on the back of the unorganized emotionol"la~"c, ill dishone-st busine-ss, corrupt medicine. politic'llly biased per-50l!S, judge'S; attorneys, etc.3. Once under way in this manne-r thl' mala fide nature of tfw FDAilln,.tig~ltioll ('\'(,r since 1 9 - 1 7 had nil the earmarks of iIl-willl'(l, irratioll-ti l ndion. TIJis Was IihoWII. among other matters, in Slid. prot'toduresas followi:,.,':.:$}_ .;\~).~~"' . : '-14'~''-~~

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    ...~'~~".-:" _ " .. . . . . . , . , .. , . . . .. ~.;,:?::.8 SUPHE~IACY OF BASIC RESEARCH

    a. The)' carefully avoided to take into eonsideration any case tbatwas clearly !ipealdng against their preconceived plan to destroy Orgon-omy. (Sec cases by Dr. S. Tropp. Lung Cancer, and others.)h. They refused to cooperate with the discoverer who offert"dto introduce them into the new research territory. They intended, l ikeall bad government, to proceed on mere political authority.c. They started the investigation in 1947 with sexual defamation.This was stopped as SOOn as it was detected. by vigorous protests and

    withdrawal, of our cooperation. (See their behavior at Oruone 1 1 l ! > " t J ;tute Press, in CO]l;SPlltACL)d. They refused to Iearn what this discovery W~lS all about. Con-trol of discoveries c.mnot be carried out with soch emotional bilck-ground.e. They were doubtlessly pushed by some force in the backgroundwhich seemed to be interested in the lists of names, the kind of in-struments, the nature of the theory. (Who but tilt' political Modjuhoodlum would be interested in lists of namesj'}"

    f. Their argument of "Promotlona] ,"'rIJOs(,, !J'~ of om literature,easily disproved, was not given up, although they were informed ofthe fact that all income from the medical me of Orgom- Energy Accum-ulators was not going to private individuals, but was uset! for researchpurposes only.

    g. Their argument appeared in the AMA Journal uf January 8,1949, in an article by a chemist, Smyth. Thus, chemists behind theFDA, and dlcmil . - ts in the AMA were in eollusio. Every field officeof the FDA is directe-d by a chemist.4. The mala fide nature of thv procedures of the FDA has shown lipin t~e end in the character of the "Requests for .~dl1lissillllS" in tIll'complaint, in the following manner:

    a~ TIley did not mentiou the fact that more than t\VO dozen phy-licians, duly licensed here and abroad, were experimenting with themedical qualities and promises, as well as the dan~(rs. of the ORenergy,b. They heaped the experiences, gath('roo by tlu-st' physiciansin dll' f..'OurMnf 5011W 14 YCIU'Swork. Oil tilt' 5hllultlM's of mw man, .'\'1\,ill such IImanner that it now appeared ag if this ou,. physician. Wit haddaillwtl ('lIn'fl fur all kinds of ailm('ntl' which had lk't"11 f'l!bii5ht.'(1 over

    "_I __ ; _ . " ' t-It i l ('OmOlon pradkl' (If politicul ~.t'1 hoodlums ~hl lIitlt'1ar~. tD prl'llafCt i le ' liiijof fuliiff' chiliaD \ictim.' OJ ''Al'i.'uliOjj iiiiiii";; rill hi4~

    . .', . .

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    . . . .

    tilt rears br dozens of physicians and scientists. Thus thf1' tried to., en-ate in court the impression of deliberate fraud. .c. From about 900 cases over the years, 98~; of which were

    prt'M.Til>t.'t) by their physician, the)" picked 10 C;ll>PS for showing theirenusc, nine of these had applied on the basis of h .wi l l J t read the htera-tun-, and among them many with nou-mcdicol records. Some of thesewere outright FDA plants. The many positive cases they deliberatelyomitted, just as they left unanswered my repeated statements 0:1 theDon-curative, rxperimental nature of physiea] 01\ therapy.

    d. To the very end they avoid( ..l ('\'(>1'Y5injtlf' sUl'('('s~flln~ treatedcase: thus proving again that they acted i' l a cOIu .p iracy to de fraud the,,,,Mil' o f their rigllt to tl.e we of an importan: JiscovcnJ in mcclicine.

    Thus, red fascists who had thrown the burning match, Americanpharmaceutic mterests, the medical practitimu-rs d(>JK'tl(1in~financial-lyon the powerful and ruthless as wen as reckless drug manu facturers,medical societies and many others became involved.B. Tile &ulc l&IIc. InvolVl 'd1. Human irrationalism is acting as emotional plague on the social5('f'ne to destroy a discovery.2. It is mechanistic technological man, who acts.3. .I t is the fight between J"iIII ordial, pre-atomic, cosmic CfU.'r{!.1) (lifeenergy] and atomic (deDllly) energy-4. It is a showdown between the forces of LIFE, scientifically still em-bryonic and the forces of DEATH, powerfully organized.5. In Orgone Enf1'gy, cosmic functions including, teehnologjca! prob-lems of space trH\'t'] And spnc-e ship;; are invoked.

    ... .. -, ' ..,I (;. Tile Aloral Position of Orgonomy1. As a branch of BASJC NAnJRAL SClENCE, Org,ollomy dentes tile rlgllt

    If IallyorlC' to pau ;ucJgemcnt on matters of basic natural .cicntiflc re-It?orc;' eiti,er in court, or through OIly kind oi govenmteniO; trciiOIl ord e c r e e , This was expounded in the "Re s p on s e " to the complaint sent in.,.,11 confidence i n the ability of Federal Judgt> Clifford to realiU' thenature of the complaint as well as the nature of t l t t > Discovery of theLifl' Energy.2 . A ll mnu-mane low trn et ,wlitkol orl!.ollizntiOlI ,c~11>' orll!;unlly. ,m dlUI" "'.VflYS ",.'r(l. orl "'C' ('I,erlltiOl~ of tlu: IlImWII mi,.tl.fNt 1 1 . , , . 1 : 1 1 1 : : ', , 1mu t noture. A ll l IO ci al o~anjzation has rested antI wilt NIt l 1Omf'~ . - - .


    . '4 . . II- -- '. -- "_ . , . .. . ., ,. .. -- -- ~ ." " 'f "P f !4 A - . .. ,. .. .

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    10 SUPHE~fACr OF BASIC RESEARCHkind of natural philosophy, such as that of Plato, Locke, Hurne, ROUl\-seau, Marx, etc. Therefore, to concede the ri!!:ht to pass judgment 011matters of basic research and thinking to courts or political govern-ments that appoint judges ,w/iticol1y, would iJ)t'vitabJy amount to yiekl-ing authority on matters of human knowledge to the political powersthat he. AmI this t(;ouh1l1i('(l1I the end 01 (IllY chance for human frerdom, hal'l)incss and decelonnumt. This cannot possihly be conceded,Quest f~r Iwmel! bow!ec!gc is (ma !d!! lu ' E!lwemr, no matter howgreat the ephemeral political pUW('r to destroy th' searchers for know l -edge. The crimes perpetrated hy political or psychopathic hood l l l l1 t~of the B e n u type upon men like Bruno. Socrates, Calil(o. must finallybe stopped. The discovery of the Life Energy is here iu its rightfulplace.3 . E ve ry human be i ng or citizen m lls t IW I): ti le ri::}lt to CII00ie tllrtre a tm en t fo r d ise a se lu : like s I)e s t . He must not be coerced by well-hidden business interests to accept Dilly OtiC kind of treatment, dictatedb y commercial horsethieves,4. TI,e Cl i f ford Iniunction is fJlonifcNfly tlncomditufiPllu1. No 00(" inthe U.S.A. , including judges. has the constitutional right to order theburning of books or their destruction in any other way. Once this wouldbe permitted to happen, nny political influence could hI.' exerted uponjudges to burn anything that threatens competition. \VC compete f } yu:ay o f better occomplislnnenr, (mel not--cr;cr-I'!I 11;(/" of slander, COli-spiracy, 011(1politic(11 f o r c e . Not to resist this kind of procedure meansnhandoning ones responsfbilitic-s as it citize-n. TIli~ is ('x:wtJy what thl'black find red dictatorships suc-ceeded in forcing upon millions ofpeople.5. The unconstitutional nature of the Clifford Injuncnon also apl')(';lhin the fact that the complainant was represented by District Attonll'Y~fills, who. from 1949 to 1951 bad represented the Wilhelm Reich Foun-dation; he had not only functioned as its first 1l1!:nlclerk; he had alsoknown the founders personally. he had defended their affairs, and J wknew well that no shadow of suspicion of fraud, deliberate or IIOt.could ever fall on the men he had learned to know in those years.He was present, furthermore, at it meeting where the conspiracy of tl wFDA was discussed before physicians and an attorney-at-law.6. II is to 1)(' 11Isp('(.iNl -that thl' plmrm,u.'ClIlil' 'nd ..lIlry. incitt'd ttl.,,-t iu n h y (hl' r t' (l ( uS (_ 'i s t r oY lI l pat h il '. (' rs i n J9. J7 . and IIftrr tIFDA (',lUst'had been al~1h(lont>d in 1950, had revive-d it l1Udl'T the iufJuence of ~tr.., ~t, .,'~ . . . -

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    .... l.E_...~!'QUEST FOR JCNOWL~DGE 1~ SlIPHEMEWt't'ls, the Secretary of Commerce who, in the wry btoghmilt&of hiscareer, had tried to bludgeon scientists jntn submission. n-r" ofMr, Brownell is not certain, he probably acted in bona fiell ' , though ht,should have looked into such a matter of great nntionu! importancemore closely,However the background may be constructed, there can be nodoubt that this was a clear ease of criminal collusion.

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    REGULATION OF ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATORDISTRIBUTION. .according to declslons (I I the 3r(1"\"111101 'Meetin/! of the Hoard ( I f Trustc(*I.of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation. A1Igust 2 3, 1 95 2.1. It is necessary to distin~llish clearly the medical use from thenon-medical use of orgone energy.The medical use of the Orgont' Energy ..cannulator must he "'lllermedical ,,,,,crvisiou, and is defined as the lise of orgone energy, i.e ,

    l i f t > energy, for the treatment of spt>Cific,acute diseases, such ItS acutecolds, arthritis. rhe-umatism. shrinking biopathies, tote . For medical use,only rented accumulators for a certain, specified time. ~111 Iw used ,

    The medical use of the Orgone Energy Al'Cl1l1luliltor is royalty-free, donated by Wilhelm lleich to The Wilhelm Heich Foundation.Application for the royalty-free lise of the Orgone Energy ACC'1.I1nula-tors must be made yearly to the Orgone Institute, at the annual meetingof the Foundation,2, ThE' non-medical use of Orgone Energy is administered by theOrgone Inl'titutf' which, in certain case-s , can grant to tllt> Foundationthe right to use orgonc ('I)('rgy il l the non-nu-dlcal fidd. l':'l('h applk'a-tion for non-medical use must he accompanied by 8 statement from apltydcilJn tlUlt tile opplicant docs not mffer from an acute ,Uncss whichrequires medical ,,,pcfvuion,The non-medical use of orgone energy is to be compared w i t h life- R(1lrinh-d from THf; Ol lC:ONE ENEIIG\' lII:LLETlN, Vol. IV (4), O d () hc 'f . 1 95 2,

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    '- .' .


    i : ~ ~ I i i . ' " 'f 13....f....;~,.,.tnougtht'lling swimming or other sports, sun-baths, etc .. ,;J~. IUd)human acth'itiH 11 5 enhance the natural life energy mctabolisnl;1n dte.. -[,-~


    orga!llSm. . .';"Tht" non-medical use of orgone energy is mainly' preventive, justas are hixes,Sl'a resort vacations, etc.'The non-medical USf' of orgone energy accumulators shall, under no

    circumstances, be mbmitted to the restrictive practices of the medicalprofession.

    3. Procedure to obtain the m('f/irnl use of orgonc (u.:.rgy;a. Medieal report from appJicant's pllysician as to till' nature ormedically supervised iUnen.h. Decision of tilt' Orgone E f J ( ' ' 1 ! : Y Ilesearch CHnic whether or

    no t to ~rant the medical use of tht' OrJl:0IH' EJIl'~Y Ae-. enmulator.c. If the decision of the OEHC is positiv, tht' application "illb e - handled in the usual way, i.eafter receipt of notarized ap-plication and the initial payment for. th(' accumulator rental.the applicant w i l l receive the accumulator through the centraldistribution place. AU financial mutters such as billing, ete.,will be handled hy The Wilhelm Reich Foundatton ill It: lII~(>-ley. Medical users have to renew their application after twoyears' use.

    d. Iu cases where there is doubt a.s to whether till' accumulator iswanted for medical or non-medical \1S(>, the final decision restswith tht' Orgone Institute'.

    4, TIlt' 'income from the medical use of the Orgone Ent'tgy Aceum-ulators can be used onl~' for the purposes of basic natural scientiftc andmedical research within the framework of TIlt ' Wilhelm Heieh Foundation.

    :;~ The non-medical use of Orgone Energy i.c., Life Energy. is ad ..ministered bv tIll' Orgollt Institute. which can fOP)) accumulator devicesjust as well as rent them. However. till' n-nted d("'jee-s 1m' Jimitecl tilcertain periods of time, at the discretion of the Orgone Institute ."" .-It:illlinistrat;f.i(' Lore NeededThe responsible offiCf'T5 of Tht' \Vilhelm HE'ich Foundation ar ..keenly aware of the necessity to give the discovery of the Cosmic OrgrmeEnergy, and the devices which derive from this discovery, a practicabl eand approprinte le~aJ admuustrative fonn. How(,'cr. it ii i lwitlu"r JlOS-.ihle IIDr advisahle- to subsume d(wit'('s which operate accordill~ to prim-ordial 01' ent"JltY laws under the Food. Dru~ arK) Co"m ..ti,' IIt1 which

    ..-__ .~.~."",. ._~-_._.

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    .,-1=.qt~.ADM1Nl~"HATION O F ( , . b'ERC}'

    is admlnistered by theFood and Drug Admjnistmth~l. on energy isneither a food, nor a drug, nor a cosmetic, nor a device in the usualsense of the word as defined in the act on foods and drug.s.In order to reach a legal ly as w en as factually valid decision ir i thismatter, it is hereby submitted to ohtain a first orientation by compariugthe action of the Jayering of an Orgone Energy Accumlilator to thelayering of~an atomic pile. TIle energy at work is basically the 58DlC.In the OrgOl,f' Energv Accumulator, the cosmic ('JU''ln' acts in its original, primordial form; in the atomic pile, it acts .\5 secondary energy.after-;or liberated from-e-matter. However, the Intcr-aetiou of al- ~temative layers of organic and metallic materials is, in l)rincillle. thesame.Therefore, it is hereby proposed that a govenunent agency lvbicf ihas no power and authority over atomic energy as developed in theatomic pile, including its devices. should likewise.' have 110 power .lUIauthority over the primordial cosmic energy and tht' devices derivedfrom it. We ate dealing in both cases, in the case of the pr imord ia l ilSwell as the 8econcla"~aftermattet~nergy, with the same cosmic force,Should the Atomic Energy Commission not be designated as theproper agency to deal with the Primordial Cosmic OrgOl1l' Energy, wewould propose the creation of a new a~cu("y which would administer1I!n.4ull" -mll t" 'I"Io. At _nd devices ...a.rt'!:l~n.nn +.n. .1...0 ~~twuu,f'1:..1 ' r . l " W ! " - r n . : , . ... " ...... ~ ...... : _ ........ 'R .... 'Lo .D _ __ ._...... lr...,..... D ,'11"- ...u ....l(""" ..... ,.n'... ._ .~L ' " '" "VO Jl. .. , . . ..Orgone Energy.

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    . ~"


    February 25.19';4TIle Han. JudgE>CliffordFederal Court HousePortland, MameDear judge Clifford:I am taking the liberty of transmitting to you my ~H(.'SllOUS{"to tIlt.'

    complaint filed by thE> Food and Drug Administration f('~;lrding theOrgone En~y Accumulntor. My "Ilesponse" summarlzes mv standpointas a natural scientist who deals with matters of basic natural law. It isnot in my hands to judge the legal aspects of the matter.

    ~fy factual position in the case as wen as in the world of science oftoday does not permit m e to enter the case against the Food and Drug. Administration, since such action would, in my mind, imply admission. of the authority of this special branch of the government to pass judgmenton primordial. pre-atomic cosmic orgone energy.

    1, therefore. rest the ca se il l full coufidt'tlct' in your hands.Sincerely yours.

    Wilhelm Reich, M.D.RESPONSE

    RCllorrillifl 'lie RcqllclII (I f the Food ttltll1)",~ Atlmi"i8lnttio., (,.'DA) '0Eniotn " a t NOh,,.,,1 Sclentllic Acti,:itff'6 a f lVIlII('J", Rt;cll, ,\I.IJ.In order to clarify the f(tctfln! as well as the 1 ( ' 1 : ( 1 / litu.ltinn eonecrn-

    in~ tlK' l'fHnplnillt. we must, from the very begmmng, distin~ujsh eou-crete /Uct6 from lcl!.l,l "roc(~dur"to do [ustiee to tht' {llets.

    Factllol/y, ttlt' VPA is l\'()T "The US Covernment", It is 1Ik"f'C*I)'61Uof ill' allrninistratiH ug('ut'it'li (1cn1ing with Ioods, drugs ancI~.~t~~~.;7=~: : . : : h l : d c ~'.'''mlLase . ~tl.":~

    ~. -~ ,~~.,1 5

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    16ORCONO).f\ [see l1i/JIiOp,rol ' i ly on t i l C ' ntdory . n ! ( } r l ! tmom, t ) is Hbranch of BASIC NAnJRAL SCIEM.J::. Its central object of research iiielucidation of the Basic Natural Law.Now, in order to brjn~ into lille the )t'gal procedure with the above...mentioned facts. till' following is submitted:The common law structure of the Unlted States rt ' l>1s Original ly onNatural Law. This Natunll Law has heretofore been interpreted invarious ways' of thinking, metaphysically, rdigi{lUsly, mechanistically.It .has ,rever concretely and st'1entific."llly been 5uhj('d('{1 to naturalscientific j j l

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    -"'---"-0-". .;...,.

    ~ .. '. . ~. t.,~ "" \.i:f,.! , -BASICDILEMMA OF SOCIEn'Law. no o n e . no matter who Iw is, has t]1(' power or k~aJ~join:

    The study and observation of natural phenomena including Ufewithin and without man;The communication to others of knowh-dge of tht 'S(' naturul Illw-oomena so rich in the manffestarious of an existant, eoucrete, cosmicLife Energy;The Itir to mate in a n livings beings, including our maturingadolescell ts;The ~ergl.'IlCt of abstractions and final mathematical formulaeconcerning the nntural life force in tht" universe, and the ri~ht totlll'ir dissemination' mnong UI\("S fellow men;TIl(' handling, use and distribution of instruments of baslc n'S('.m~1in an); field: medical, educational. preventive, physical, bi(ll~ical.and in fields which emerge from such basic aetivfties and which,resting on such principles, must by all means remain Iree,Attempts such as branding acti\'ities and instruments of such lim I

    us "adulterated," in other words as fraud, only characterizes t i l { > nar-TOWlWSS of the. horizon of the eomplaiuant.No man-made law ever, no matter whether derived from tht past orprojected into a distant, unforeseeable future, can or should ever Ix'empowered to claim that it is greater than the Natural Law from whichit sterns and to which it must inevitably n-turn in the eternal rhythmof creation ami decline of all things natural. This is valid, no matterwhether we speak in terms such as MGO( r . "Natural Law", "CosmicPrimordial Force", MEther" or "Cosmic Orgone Energy".. The present critical state of internationnl human affairs requiressecurity and safety "from nuisance interferences with efforts toward fuii,honest. {Jt'tt'rmined darificatioll of mom's rr-Iationship to unfurl' withinand without himself; in other words, his relationship to the Law C INature. It is not permissible, either moran)" 1('gaUy or faetuully to fum.'a natural scitc"lltistto expose his scientific results and methods of hasieresearch in court. This point is accentuated in a world crisis wherebiopathic men bold in their hands power over ruined, destitute mul-titudes.To appear in court lU I a Ofdl1endllnr in mutters of baste natural re-fU.; lnhwlluld in itStif nppc'OlJ', to say thl' itilst. ('",1Tl1urtiinOlTY' it WClultlI'Ctluin' disclosure of evidence in snppert of the l)05ition of t lK ' oi5(.'O\

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c


    I H RESPONSE'fr)' of the Life Elwrgy. Such diselosun., however, wuuld ilh-nk(' nntohlcomplications, and lW&$ibly I l l i t ionol disas t er .Proof of this can be submitted at any time only to a duly t u t t l lOr;:c t lpersonality of the US Government in a high, responsible position.Scientific matters cannot possihly ever lx- decided upon in court.TIH'Y can only be clarified lsy prolonged. faithful bonn fide observationsin friendly exchange of opinion, never by litigntion. The sole purposeof the complaint is to entangle orgonomic bask research in endless.costly legal procedures a In Pnnmunjon. which wjIJ accomplish exactly'NonIlNG rational or useful to human society.

    Inquirym the realm of Basic Natural Law is m i t s id e tlu: ; ru!ic; l l ldomain, of this, or AN" annm ItIND 0." SOCIAL 4D!l.IJN1STnAnON ANYWlIEll1::ON nus GLOBE, 11'\AfIOYLA1'\D, NATION OR REGION.Man's right to know. to inquire, to make bonn fide errors, to in-vestigate human emotions must, by all means, be safe, if the wordFREEDOM should ever he more than an empty political slogan.If painstakingly elaborated and published findings over a periodof 30 years could not convince this administration, or will not be ableto convince any other social administration of the true nature of thediscovery o f the Life Energy, no litij;!ation in any court anywhere will

    ever helP to do so.I. therefore, submit. in the name of truth and justice. that I shannot appear in court as the "defendant" against a plaintiff who by his-mere complaint already has shown his ignorance in matters of. natural. science, I do so at the risk of being, by mistake, fully enjoined in allmv activities. Such an injunction would mean practically exactlynothing at all. ~Iy discovery of the Lift' Energy is today widdy knownnearly an over the globe, in hundreds of institutions. whether acclaimedor cursed. It can no longer be stopped by IUlyone, no matter whathappens to me.Orgone Energy Accumulators, the "device'S" designed to eoncon-trate cosmic Orgone Energy. and thus to make it available to furtherresearch in medicine. biology and physk'S, are being huiJt today inmany lands. without my knowledge and consent, and even without nnyroyalt} payments.0 u the basis of these considerntions, I submit that the ~l5(' uguin!it(~IMlOIn)' ht, tnkcll out of conrt ('Ompl,kl),.

    WILHELM HEICH. M.D. "Clmirmall uf Bask I\('I('J"'" '~. t:Dat(': February 22. 1054 of nu:WIUiU.M m:lcn...,.,x~: - ' : ' - " ' . ' ; , : .".':'.;

  • 8/3/2019 Wilhelm Reich - FBI Files 4c



    Directed by: WlLHEUI REJCH . : \I .D .Protoco! CompIled by: EVA REICH, M.D.

    INTRODUCTIONThe fo l loU:ing is all exact copy o f the original protocol riucn byDr. EVil Reich on OROP EP o f Marcil 22 and 23, 1954. OROP EP trasI)lmllled, executed and successfully concluded witl, ensuing. rainstormas I"edirted and designee! immediately after tile receipt o f till' MDecree

    of Injunction" handed doicn by Fetlcru} Judge Clifford of Porl/und,Maille, rcglmlin l! , the distrihution by tlu: U'RI" ;1 1 imerstatc COllllllr'rceof the Orgonc Energy Accumulators. This injunction IWY the filll" resulto f a conspiracy behind the scenes, engineered by Red Fascists ill 19-17.49,complied u:UI, und illstigfltecl by drug and cosmetic IIUlIIlIftlctllrcrs, fIIl-known to us, ;n collusto witll 80me neurologists 011(1 SlIr{!.t'"OIl$ o f the. New Jersey Neurological Association, 01$0 unknou:n to us. mltl executed, by indiciduals posing as bono f ie le inspectors o f tire Food (III(/ Drtu; Ad-ministration o f tlse [7. S. Government. '" R refllsed to be drugged infoand humiliated in court by 81lch criminal acts ofillll'('r1i'Il'IICl' and badfa ith . .

    The Orgone Institute ha denied li

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