
Team BuildingTeam BuildingTeam BuildingTeam BuildingTeam BuildingTeam BuildingTeam BuildingTeam Building

Residence Life Resource ManualResidence Life Resource Manual Wilfrid Laurier UniversityWilfrid Laurier University

Coming together is a beginning

Staying together is progress

Working together is success - Henry Ford

Table of ContentsTable of Contents Skittles and M&Ms

Inside Outside

Fun Fact Bingo

Who Am I?

Meet Your Neighbour

Mingle, Mingle, Mingle

Two Truths and a Lie

Sword and Shield

Person to Person



Create a Link

Leaky Pipe


Walk Sitting

The Counting Game

Eggs Away!

Frozen T-Shirt

Step Into the Circle

Secret Buddies

Show and Tell

Quotation Quest

Remembering Greatness

Favour Exchange Great Because...

Three Secrets

How Sharp Are You?

Toxic Waste Dump

Buzz Word

Cross Roads

Line Up

Gossip Time

Big Safe Island

Four Corner Traverse

Hole Tarp

Infinite Loops

Helium Stick

Hidden Maze

Consensus Ropes

Key Punch

Human Overhand


Activities progress from “get to know you” style to “building stronger teams” style.











































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Skittles and M&MSkittles and M&M Materials: a bowl full of Skittles, M&Ms, or some other coloured candy

Duration: 15-30 minutes (depending on the number of people)


1. A bowl of candy is passed around the group. Participants close their eyes and pick a piece of candy.

2. Each colour corresponds to a different question.

Eg. Red = tell us about an embarrassing moment

Green = tell us something you are really proud of

Blue = tell us about where you live

3. The bowl is passed around until all the candy is gone.

Inside OutsideInside Outside Materials: none

Duration: dependent on number of participants

Participants: 10+ (even numbers work best)


1. Have everyone get into pairs. They must decide that one person is the “inside” and one person is the


2. Once decided all the “inside” people make a circle facing outwards.

3. Their partners stand facing them, and form a larger circle on the “outside”

4. The facilitator will then ask a question.

Eg. What is your favourite movie?

What is your dream job?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

5. Each person has only 30 seconds to tell their answer.

6. After 1 minute, the outside circle moves one place to their right.

7. The facilitator asks another question, and so on.

8. The game continues until everyone has returned to their original partner.

Fun Fact BingoFun Fact Bingo Materials: photo copies of pre-made bingo cards

Duration: 10 minutes

Participants: 10-50


1. Cards can be made with or without previously knowing the facts about the participants.

2. Instead of having call numbers, the squares contain random facts that may or may not

apply to the participants.

Eg. Can speak another language

Has a tattoo

3. Participants have 10 minutes to mingle around the room and try and find people who fit the facts in their

bingo squares without name duplication.

4. Try having your group play this game again at the end of the year from memory and knowledge they

have learned about their group members.

Who am I?Who am I? Materials: Pre-made cards with names or pictures of pairs of different famous people

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Participants: 10-25+


1. The facilitator tapes one card to each participant’s back, without allowing the

participant to know who they are.

2. The participants must then walk around and ask “yes” or “no” questions about


3. Once the participants have figured out who they are, they must find their “match”

Eg. If you are Aladdin you are looking for the Genie of the lamp

4. Once all the pairs have found each other they must find out 3 things about their partner and then intro-

duce them to the group.

Meet Your NeighbourMeet Your Neighbour Materials: none

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Participants: minimum 10, no maximum


1. Tell the participants that without speaking they must get into a line.

2. Assign beginning and end points.

Eg. From birthday of January 1st at this end of the room, to December 31st at the other end of the room.

3. Everyone in between must find their place without speaking.

4. Have them call out in order their birthdays and see if they were able to correctly line up.

5. This can be done with room numbers or ages as well.

Mingle Mingle MingleMingle Mingle Mingle Materials: none

Duration: 2-10 minutes

Participants: minimum 10-15, no maximum Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual 4444


1. Participants mill around singing “Mingle, mingle, mingle” to the Conga Line melody (Eg. Homer Simp-

son’s “you don’t make friends with salad”).

2. After a while the facilitator instructs participants to form groups of people who are born in the same

month as you, or who have the same favourite food as you, or who speak a same language as you ...

Anything goes!

3. Repeat this as many times as you want with as many different categories.

4. This game is a great way to divide up a large group into smaller teams for subsequent games (Eg. Get

into groups of 4, now split into 2).

Two Truths and a LieTwo Truths and a Lie Materials: none

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Participants: no minimum, maximum dependent on time


1. In a circle, have each participant tell 2 true statements about themselves and 1 lie, but not necessarily in

that order.

2. After each person, the group guesses which statement they think is false.

Sword and ShieldSword and Shield Materials: none

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Participants: minimum of 8


1. You need a large space where you can run and move around for this game.

2. Each participant is instructed to secretly choose one person in the room to be their “sword” and one per-

son to be their “shield”.

3. No one should reveal who they have chosen.

4. The object of the game is to keep the person who is your shield in between you and your chosen sword.

5. The facilitator counts down from three and the madness begins.

Person to PersonPerson to Person Materials: none

Duration: 10-20 minutes

Participants: minimum of 8


1. There are two ways to structure this activity. You can have participants line up opposite

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each other in lines, or mingling around the room. Everyone should be partnered off.

2. The facilitator yells out “foot to elbow” at which point everyone must find their partner and put one per-

son’s foot to the other person’s elbow.

3. This game can continue for as long as you like with different body part combinations.

ThreesThrees Materials: none

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Participants: 4-5 minimum. Doesn’t work well with multiples of 3


1. Participants form a circle.

2. One person says “one”, the next says “two”, and counting begins, travelling around the circle.

3. Anytime a multiple of three (3, 6, 9, etc.) or a number with a three in it (13, 23, 31, etc.) is reached that

number must be skipped over.

Eg. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, etc.).

4. The goal is to see how high the group can count.

PenniesPennies Materials: a bag of pennies from random years

Duration: 15-20 minutes. Dependent on number of participants

Participants: Any number


1. Ask each person to take two pennies.

2. Have each person share a story from their life that happened during the year that penny went into circula-


3. Make sure the pennies are from years when your participants were born!

Create a LinkCreate a Link Materials: 4 strips of coloured paper per participant

Duration: 10-30 minutes

Participants: Any number


1. Ask students to write on each of their coloured strips:

Red = one word to describe how they feel about the team / floor

Yellow = one thing they are excited about

Green = one thing they will contribute to the team / floor

Blue = a quote that inspires them

2. Once completed, have the students share their thoughts

and attach them together to create a link. Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual 6666

Leaky PipeLeaky Pipe Materials: five foot lengths or PCB tubing closed on one end, drilled with many small holes a ping

pong ball

plastic cups

access to water

Duration: 10-20 minutes

Participants: minimum of 12


1. Participants are given a section of PCB tubing.

2. The pipe is held up and a ping pong ball is placed at the bottom of it.

3. Plugging the holes with their fingers, participants must work together to fill the pipe with water and re-

move the ping pong ball from the pipe without touching it.

4. This can be played as a race between two teams, or as a group initiative racing against time.

Soaked!Soaked! Materials: a bucket and access to water

Duration: 10-20 minutes

Participants: minimum of 4 per group


1. Participants lie in a star shape with their feet together in the middle.

2. They all lift their legs and create a platform with their feet.

3. On this platform a bucket full of water is placed.

4. The goal is for the participants to remove their shoes without dropping the bucket and getting soaked.

5. For an added challenge, once the shoes have been removed, ask teams to remove their socks as well.

Walk SittingWalk Sitting Materials: none

Duration: 10 minutes

Participants: minimum of 8


1. Participants form a circle standing very close to one another.

2. Everyone in the circle turns to face the same direction.

3. Slowly everyone sits on the lap of the person behind them.

4. The goal is to maintain this fine balance while walking together around the circle.

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The Counting GameThe Counting Game Materials: none

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Participants: minimum of 10, maximum of 30


1. The goal of this game is to have the group count up to the number of participants, with each participant

only saying a number once.

2. Participants stand in a circle facing outward.

3. The facilitator starts by saying number “one”.

4. Then someone else must jump in and say “two” and so on.

5. The group is not allowed to start a pattern, it must be random, and is all about


Eggs Away!Eggs Away! Materials: eggs (1 per group)

newspaper (1 per group)

masking tape (1 roll per group)

garbage bags (2 per team)

balloons (2 per group)

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Participants: 10+


1. Place people in groups of approximately 5.

2. Give them supplies and tell them you must make a container to keep their eggs safe.

3. Give the teams a pre-determined amount of time to build their containers.

4. Place any rules that you wish, such as a portion of the egg must be visible from inside their container.

5. Then have fun dropping the eggs from various heights, building each time until you have a winner.

Frozen TFrozen T--ShirtShirt Materials: an X-Large t-shirt for each group

Zip-lock bags for each shirt

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Participants: minimum 5, no maximum


1. Prior to the day of the event, fold each t-shirt nicely and place in a Zip-lock bag with

approximately 3 cups of water.

2. Then place them in the freezer and let them freeze solid.

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Step Into the CircleStep Into the Circle Materials: none.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Participants: minimum of 8.


1. Note: this activity works best with a group that is comfortable sharing things with one another and

knows each other fairly well.

2. Participants stand in a circle.

3. A facilitator leads the group, saying “step into the circle if…”

4. And finishes the sentence with a statement like:

“ dislike a part of your body”

“ have ever been discriminated against”

5. Anytime something is said that is true for you, you step into the circle, pause there and then return to

your place.

6. After a while participants can offer their own suggestions.

7. Be especially careful not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, and ensure that participants understand

stepping into the circle is entirely voluntary.

3. Place people in groups of approximately 5 people and give them each a bag with a still frozen t-shirt.

4. Announce that whomever can get one team member in the shirt first wins.

5. They can do whatever they want to get the shirt thawed … depending on your location this challenge

may prove more difficult.

Secret BuddiesSecret Buddies Objective: This is an inspiring, simple game in which students secretly observe one another, focus-

ing on positive, admirable aspects of the character and work of the “secret buddy.” The game

builds camaraderie and helps team members to see the best aspects of each other.

Materials: an index card for each participant

Duration: 5 minutes for setup, 20-30 minute debrief


1. Set an observational time length, or the amount of time each person will have to collection information

on their secret buddy (typically the length of time between meetings).

2. Hand out the index cards and have each participant write their name in the top left hand corner of the


3. Collect the cards and shuffle them face down. Then randomly redistribute the cards back to the group.

Should anyone get their own card back, trade it in immediately.

4. Tell participants not to show anyone their cards and not to tell anyone who they have.

5. Explain that their task is now to secretly observe this person and to use the card to write down as many

positive traits of this person as possible.

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6. The traits should be things about their work habits, character, or personality.

7. Inform them how long they will have to complete this task.

8. Upon reconvening have each person tell their secret buddy what they observed. To make it more mean-

ingful, participants should read, “I saw that you…” instead of “he/she …”.

Show and TellShow and Tell Objective: Participants each present something that is currently very important in their life.

This game achieves three ends: it keeps your group informed about each other’s lives, it encourages a

supportive environment, and it gives people an

opportunity to share their lives.

Materials: none

Duration: approximately 5 minutes per person


1. Prior to the day of “show and tell” you must inform participants of the activity in order to give them time

to prepare.

2. Explain that you would like each person to bring something meaningful and important to their life at this

point in time.

3. Participants should also prepare a short presentation or handout to go along with their “show and tell”.

For example, if their special something is a teddy bear they have had their entire life, perhaps they would

bring a handout on the history of the teddy bear to share with the group, or small teddy bears for each of

the group members.

Quotation QuestQuotation Quest Objective: Students read partial quotes by famous leaders and try to come up with the miss-

ing words. This fun, often comical, game is an ideal conversation-starter that yields interesting in-

sights about students’ perspectives.

Materials: photocopies of the handout (found in the appendix of this manual)

something to write with

Duration: 10-15 minutes


1. Break group into pairs or smaller groups of 3-4 and give each group a copy of the


2. Tell them to make their best guess as to what the missing words are in each quotation.

3. If there is more than one word missing, they will see more than one blank space.

4. The length of each blank is the same, however, regardless of the length of the missing word(s).

5. After about 7-10 minutes ask each group what answers they came up with before giving them the correct


6. Debrief by discussing what logic they used to come up with the answers. You might also ask which quo-

tation is their favourite, which they think are most true, who authored the quotations, etc.

7. An expansion on the debrief portion can be done with a little bit of preparation on your

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Remembering GreatnessRemembering Greatness Objective: Students recall a favourite leader from their past—teacher, coach, mentor,

manager, friend —and describe why that person left such a lasting and

favourable impression on them. This game gives leaders valuable insights into what

leadership styles and action have deeply inspired and affected them.

Materials: none

Duration: dependent on number of students (approx. 5 minutes per person)


1. This can be done with preparation or as a spur of the moment activity.

2. If preparation is required have students prepare a short presentation, or just ask on the spot for them to

close their eyes and think of a person who inspired them and left a strong positive impression on them.

3. Tell them to think not only what this person did, but also how it affected them and why it was so memo-


4. Have each person present their inspirational person to the group.

5. During the activity you can create a list of the attributes people mention in their

presentation. Take these words and post them on a bulletin board in your community to remind your

floor to strive to be an inspirational person.

part. Come up with a mini-presentation on each of the inspirational leaders from whom

the quotes came. Or, assign students a leader and have them come up with 3 tid-bits of

information on that leader for your next meeting.

8. You might ask a few members of your community to create a bulletin board where

anyone can regularly post inspiring quotes.

9. Answers: 1) decisions; 2) learning; 3) empower; 4) responsibility, trust; 5) vision; 6)enthusiasm; 7)

nothing, advantage; 8) going to do; 9) sight; 10) small, world; 11) right; 12) change; 13) illusions, live;

14) questioning; 15) words, silence.

Favour ExchangeFavour Exchange Objective: Improve the morale of your team, and bring them closer as a group

Materials: dependent on the deed, none for you

Duration: one week


1. At a group meeting have each member of your team secretly draw the name of another group member

from a hat.

2. For each day of the week, they will do something nice for the other person. Suggestions could be send-

ing them a card, bringing them a coffee, etc.

3. This activity can also be done in a pay-it-forward style, where the group goes in order and only pays it

forward once. Eg. Sally does something nice for Brian, Brian does something nice for Jill and so on

through the group until everyone has participated and had a nice deed done for them.

Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual Team Building Residence Life Manual 1 11 11 11 1 Great Great Because... Objective: Improve team morale

Materials: pre-made sheets of paper (or plaques to write on)

Duration: 15-20 minutes


1. Create sheets for each member of your team with “NAME is special because...” in the middle

(substituting your team members names where NAME is).

2. Pass the sheets around at a meeting, or post them on a wall in your lounge or on your floor. Have every-

one complete the sheets by writing something nice about the person.

3. This can also be done with different statements:

Eg. “I admire NAME because...”

“What I will miss most about NAME is...” (at the end of the year)

Three SecretsThree Secrets Objective: Help your team grow closer as they learn random things about each other. A stress

reliever that generally ends up being very comical.

Materials: printouts of the random facts

prizes for the winners

Duration: 15-20 minutes


1. Prior to your meeting have each member of your group secretly give you 3 completely random facts

about themselves. They should be things that no one else in the group knows, and they should be sure

not to share them with anyone else.

2. Create lists of the random facts (without attaching names) and post them up around the room where you

are having your meeting.

3. Give your students approximately 5-7 minutes to mingle around and attempt to guess who the random

facts belong too.

4. After 10 minutes tally the answers and award small prizes to the people with the most correct answers.

5. Allow students to share their stories as the random facts are discovered.

How Sharp Are You?How Sharp Are You? Objective: To help team members be alert to tiny details and assumptions that hold the key to

success. Help teams that struggle academically before midterms/exams.

Materials: handout or chart paper of the questions (found in the appendix of this manual)

Duration: 10 minutes


1. Present the group with the “How Sharp Are You?” quiz and set a very strict time limit (ie. 3 minutes) to

answer the questions.

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2. Before you present the correct answers to them, ask how many had the wrong answers for each.

3. Points for discussion may include: what factors caused you the err?

How might those factors affect your performance in class?

What can you do to control these factors?

4. Answers: 1) 1 hour and 45 minutes; 2) 11 months (all but February); 3) 7 pigs lived; 4) 157 (3x50, +7);

5) 10 (9 fielders + 1 batter), 13 (9 fielders + 1 batter + 3 base runners) also add 1 if you count the on-

deck batter; 6) two hours (now, + 4 half hours); 7) the match; 8) they aren’t playing against each other;

9) “misspelled” is misspelled.

Toxic Waste DumpToxic Waste Dump Objective: To provide an opportunity for planning and experiencing teamwork. To provide a

live forum for analyzing, planning, prerequisites, processes, and consequences. To focus the

team’s attention on how members work together to accomplish


Materials: instruction sheet (found in the appendix of this manual)

2 coffee tins or equivalent size tubs

enough popcorn kernels to fill one fan about halfway

6-8 pieces of 7.5 foot rope

a large sheet of plastic (table cloth sized)

a rope ~50 feet long

1 bicycle tire tube

NOTE: depending on the size of your team, you may want to break them into

smaller groups and duplicate the activity for them. This will help increase group participation,

and allow for more discussion.

Duration: 20-45 minutes


1. Mark off a circle (approximately 8 feet wide) with rope.

2. Distribute the instruction sheet to teams and start timing.

3. Enforce the rules very strictly.

4. Possible discussion questions:

Was your team successful? By what measures? What did you do that helped it succeed?

What did your team members do that caused it problems?

What did you learn from this exercise that you can apply on the job?

5. Note: Most groups accomplish this (after discussion and planning) by folding over the tire tube into a

smaller circle, tying 3-5 shorter ropes to various sides of it, and stretching it to fit over the toxic can. The

plastic sheet underneath the circle makes cleanup easier when/if kernels spill.

Buzz WordBuzz Word

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Objective: To demonstrate intra-team cooperation and planning. To practice team problem solv-

ing, and to explore behaviour needed for creativity in a team setting.

Materials: flip chart paper

Cross RoadsCross Roads Objective: To demonstrate the importance of team communication and help teams think out-

side the box when problem solving. Also demonstrates inter-team conflict and how conflict can

reduce a team’s resources.

Materials: flip chart paper and markers

nine large squares made from newspaper sections or large pieces of cardboard

masking tape (to hold down newsprint/cardboard squares)

Duration: 30 minutes


1. Set up a floor plan of nine newspaper sections or pieces of cardboard as shown below:

standard dictionary (for reference)

calculator (for scoring)

paper and recording markers for each team

masking tape (to hang lists)

Duration: 20-40 minutes


1. Divide your community into smaller groups (3-6 people per group).

2. Distribute paper and recording markers to each group.

3. Each round the set of 5 “buzz letters” will be written in large letters on the chart paper for each group to

see. Chose the letters wisely. Remember, things like the letter Q is virtually useless without a U to go

with it. Giving teams at least one vowel to work with is also important.

4. Explain the rules:

Each team will have two minutes to form words of three or more letters using only the letters on the

chart paper. After two minutes, your word scores will be tallied and points will be earned for the follow-


five-letter words earn 17 points

four-letter words earn 10 points

three-letter words earn 5 points

5. After two-minutes of play, stop the teams and go through each list of words to double check the team’s

point tallies.

6. Play as many rounds as you like, time permitting.

7. At the end of the final round, total each team’s points. Declare the winning team with the most points.

8. To spice up the game, select words of special importance to your team that can be formed from the as-

signed letters. Inform players that if a team forms the secret buzz word during play they will receive 25

points for that word. Reveal the secret word only during scoring.

9. Feel free to alter scoring however you like.

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2. Have the group select 8 players. The rest of the group will act as observers and judges.

3. Define the task:

This game requires four sets of two players to cross to the other side of the road.

One players stands on each section, leaving the center space open.

All players line up facing toward the center space

4. Make sure the following rules are posted on chart paper in the room:


- A player may move into an empty space in front of him/her

- A player may move around a person who is facing him/her into an empty space

- Only one player may move at a time


- A player may not move backward

- A player may not move around someone facing the same direction as he/she is (meaning if a player is

looking at another player’s back, they may not move around them)

- Two players may not move at the same time

- Two players cannot occupy the same space at the same time

- No player may step off the game

5. Instruct teams to meet for 5 minutes to plan and then begin crossing.

6. This exercise is usually frustrating for the participants until they hit on the solution.

Focus on having a good process, if the process is good, the solution will come.

7. The point of this activity is to show the team how it can become stuck in a certain mode of operation and

that by changing that mode of operation it can find new perspective.

8. Teams may become frustrated and some people may start to drift away from the

activity. Remember to address everyone’s roles during your debrief. It can tell you a lot about your

team dynamics.

9. SOLUTION (for facilitator)

start sequence for players: end sequence for players:

1) The horizontal line (5, 6, 7, 8) crosses to the opposite side in eight moves:

2) The ver- tical line (1, 2, 3, 4) crosses to the opposite side using the same sequence.

3) The key to solving the puzzle is that teams alternate movements.

10. The game can also be played with larger team sizes (3 players to each side of center).




7 8


6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8 6 5

7 8





6 5

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Line UpLine Up Objective: To demonstrate communication and cooperation, while practicing problem-solving


Materials: flip chart paper

masking tape

Duration: 30 minutes


1. Create a grid with 9 squares on the floor in masking tape. Make the squares large enough that people

can comfortably stand in them (approx. 2’x2’).

2. Have the team select 8 players to fill the grid (leaving the middle square empty).

3. Two other players will act as coaches and guide the players through the movement.

4. One player will be the designated recorder and will keep track (on paper) where each move happens.

5. Display the rules and end player sequence to your team on chart paper:

A player may only move into an open space (no space sharing)

A player may only move horizontally or vertically. No diagonal moves are allowed.

A player may not move outside the grid.

Player starting sequence: Player ending sequence:

6. Call time at the end of 15 minutes, or when the team has

achieved the final sequence.

7. SOLUTION (for facilitator)

#7 moves to

All outer players #7 moves from center Com-

pleted square

center space move clockwise one to bottom middle

step until they line up

8 7




3 2 1

1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8


5 7



3 2 1

1 2

4 7



6 8


5 7



3 2 1

1 2




6 7 8

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Gossip TimeGossip Time Objective: An activity in which participants share fun or complimentary gossip about each other

and then try to guess who said what. Participants will learn new and

interesting things about each other. This may prompt stronger personal ties and a

greater appreciation of each other. Use this when you are dealing with a group that has a comfort-

able trust with one another and know each other well.

Materials: scrap paper


Duration: 10-15 minutes


1. One person volunteers to be the first target.

2. Everyone else must write one thing about the target on a slip of paper. It should be complimentary or


3. Collect the statements, and randomly select one to read aloud.

4. The target gets one chance to guess who wrote it.

5. If the target guesses incorrectly, read the next statement. Each time a statement is read, the target has

one chance to guess its author.

6. Play continues until the target can correctly identify the source of a particular


7. When the target correctly identifies the author, that author becomes the next target, and another round

begins from step 2.

8. Play as many rounds as time allows or until energy for the activity dissipates.

9. Tips:

Keep the mood light and fun. Protect the group from mean or inappropriate comments.

Don’t let the target read the paper, they might be able to distinguish the writing.

Big Safe IslandBig Safe Island Objective: Use cooperation, communication and teamwork to get your team to the big safe is-


Materials: One 4x6” index card per person

3 small buckets with handles

9 yardsticks

one roll of masking tape

one 40’ section of rope (to make the Big Safe Island)

3 short sections of rope (10’ long each)

Duration: 20-60 minutes, plus debrief


1. Make a circle on the ground in the center of the room with rope. The circle must be large enough in di-

ameter for all the participants to stand inside but no bigger. This circle will be referred to later on as the

“Big Safe Island”.

2. Using three short (10 feet) sections of rope, create 3 additional “islands” which surround the Big Safe

Island (found in the appendix of this manual). The small islands should be

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located at X distance from the closest edge of the Big Safe Island where X = number of

people on the small team x 2 feet (Example: if there are 8 people on a small team place

the small island 16 feet away from the closest edge of the Big Safe Island).

3. Each small island is provided with a small bucket. Place the bucket on the ground between the small is-

land and the Big Safe Island . Measure out 6 feet from the small island (towards the Big Safe Island ) and

place the small bucket on the ground. During the game, the small bucket will be retrieved using the three


4. Divide the large group into 3 equal and diverse teams. Each team then moves to their designated spot.

Each person gets a 4x6 index card. With a marker, write in big letters (on one side) one of the best attrib-

utes you bring to your team.

Eg: creative problem solver, hard working, dedicated, funny, etc.

5. Next, have each person share with the rest of their small group the attribute they chose and a sentence or

two as to why they chose it.

6. Each small team will then place all of their index cards in their own small bucket and then stand behind

their line and wait for further instructions.

7. Finally, provide each team with the following:

3 inexpensive (flimsy) yardsticks

3 feet of masking tape

One set of printed directions (found in the appendix of this manual)

8. Ask each team to start.

9. The objective is to get EVERYONE on/in the Big Safe Island . Hopefully the teams will help each other

by sharing resources such as yardsticks and cards.

10. One very cool variation is to give one group only two yard sticks (rather than 3) and for another group

you can move their bucket further out so it needs 4 yard sticks to

retrieve. Move one of the small islands further away (10 extra feet). This will force teams to share re-

sources and if they choose not to share resources they will get very


Four Corner TraverseFour Corner Traverse Objective: Use teamwork and cooperation to switch places with the team diagonally across from


Materials: stepping stone (6-inch carpet square or equivalent) for each person

boundary marker (rope or tape)

Duration: 15-30 minutes


1. Divide the large group into four smaller equal size teams.

2. Create the playing area by making a large square on the ground (use tape or rope). The number of people

in the small team determines the size of the square. For example, if there are 5 people in each small team

then the square is 5 paces long on each side. If there are 6 people in each small team then the square is 6

paces long on each side, etc.

3. Evenly spread out the Stepping Stones inside the playing area. Note that the number of Stepping Stones

is equal to the total number of people playing the game.

4. Place an additional Stepping Stone outside of each of the corners (found in the appendix of this manual).

5. Each of the four small teams is to stand at one of the corners.

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6. Provide each team with a set of directions (found in the appendix of this manual).

7. Variations include:

- To make the game harder, supply 2 or 3 fewer Stepping Stones than there are people. The group

will typically move slower due to planning.

- Add more spots than there are people (people will tend to waste them).

- Provide a limited amount of time to complete the challenge.

Hole TarpHole Tarp Objective: Work together to make the ball travel around the holes without falling through a hole

or off the tarp.

Materials: One tarp with random holes cut in it for each group

1-3 tennis balls per group

Duration: 15-45 minutes


1. Between 8 and 20 participants surround the tarp spacing themselves out evenly holding on to the tarp

with both hands, creating a table top effect. Supply the group with one tennis ball.


1. If the ball falls off the tarp or through a hole, the game starts over.

2. Participants must hold onto the tarp with both hands throughout the activity.

3. The tarp must be stretched out so that it remains flat (like a table top).

4. The tarp must be held so that it remains at its maximum size (the tarp may not be “gathered up” around

the edges to be made smaller).

5. The group must hold the tarp in the air (i.e. not laid on the ground).

6. If the ball starts to roll off the tarp, participants can use their body like a “bumper” to keep the ball on the

tarp (hands may not let go of tarp though).

7. Tarp holes may not be blocked. Should a ball fall through a hole, it may not be knocked back through the


8. The tarp may not be altered.


1. Provide the group with a time limitation.

2. Require no verbal communication.

3. To make this easier, cover some of the holes with paper and

tape. As the group improves, uncover holes.

4. Have the group to circle the holes in a specific order.

5. Start the group off with only one ball then have them graduate

to completing the same task with 2 then 3 balls simultaneously.

6. Have the group identify the top 5 things that hold them back in

some way and write these top 5 on 5 removable stickers. Now

have the group write their first names on a tennis ball. Then sup-

ply the group with the Hole Tarp and ask them to apply the stickers next to the holes. Now ask the group

to complete the basic challenge (described above). To debrief this exercise, ask the group to find strate-

gies that promoted success on the tarp (i.e. how to avoid the top 5 pitfalls) and identify which of these

strategies can be translated to avoiding the same pitfalls in real life.

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Infinite LoopsInfinite Loops Objective: Work with your partner to find a strategy to become disconnected.

Materials: loop ropes (1 per person)

Duration: 15-60 minutes


1. Each person is issued one section of rope (found in the appendix of this manual).

2. Get a partner.

3. Pass your hands through the loops of your rope section so that you and your partner are connected by

your ropes.

4. A great activity to lead with small groups (4 people) or large groups (400 people). This will get people

working closely together and you’ll usually hear lots of laughter as people

contort themselves into all kinds of positions as they try to solve this human size puzzle.

5. This is a great activity to travel with because it’s so small. This could even be done by two people sitting

next to each other in a van or bus.


1. Your wrist loops must stay on your wrists throughout the entire activity.

2. The rope may not be cut (in any manner).

3. The knots may not be untied.

4. If partners get tangled up it’s allowable to take hands out of the wrist loops and start all over again.


1. Instead of placing your hands through the loops, place your feet through the loops.

2. Each person is supplied with 2 sets of Infinite Loops – placing one on their hands and the other on their


Helium StickHelium Stick Objective: As a group lower the stick to the ground without anyone losing contact.

Materials: Helium Stick (10 foot long tent pole or piece of 1/2 diameter PVC pipe)

Duration: 20-60 minutes


1. Divide your group in half and then have them create two parallel lines facing each other. Stand 12 – 18

inches apart across and shoulder to shoulder next to them.

2. Once the two lines are formed, everyone holds out their index fingers at waist level.

3. The facilitator then announce to the group that you will be placing a tent pole on top of their fingers.

THIS PART IS IMPORTANT - - when you place the tent pole on their fingers, do so from behind and in

the middle of one of the lines ALWAYS KEEPING YOUR HAND ON TOP OF THE POLE to prevent

the group from raising the pole in the air. Apply enough pressure on top of the pole to prevent the group

from lifting it up.

4. Finally, with your hand on top of the tent pole (the helium stick), you will give them the following direc-

tions: “Your directions are as follows…as a group, you must lower this tent pole to the ground without

even a single person on the team losing contact with the pole. Should someone lose contact with the pole

you must start again.” Then, release your hand from the tent pole.

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5. This is a VERY CHALLENGING activity. Do not do this with groups in serious conflict.

6. Here’s what typically happens in this activity: When you (the facilitator) give the

directions and then release the pole, the group will often times RAISE the pole (not lower it)! The group

will usually laugh and find this somewhat strange. Its likely to take several attempts to just keep the tent

pole steady (not lowering or raising).

7. This is a communication intensive activity where each person must be absolutely

committed to doing his or her part. People will likely

get frustrated and it’s common for some blaming to


8. The group will likely throw out many ideas on how to

solve this challenge. What it usually comes down to is

the entire group focusing, doing their job with the di-

rection of one leader. Groups that have the most diffi-

culty are usually all talking at once.

9. You may have to stop this activity several times mid-

stream to help the group process how they are ap-

proaching this activity


1. No one may lose contact with the pole. If anyone loses

contact with the pole the entire group must start again.

The starting position is with the pole at waist level.

2. Both index fingers must be used and only the index fingers may be used. The index

fingers must be placed below the tent pole. Nothing else is allowed to touch the tent pole (other than the

ground at the end of the activity).

3. Index fingers much remain rigid.

Hidden MazeHidden Maze Objective: Your team must successfully solve the established yet hidden maze route and get as

many team members through the maze before time runs out.

Materials: masking tape to create a 6’x9’ grid of 1’ squares

Duration: 20-30 minutes + debrief


1. Select the “Maze Map” (answer key) you plan to use with the group and create the maze grid on the

ground with masking tape. Have the group stand at the side you would like them to start on) and present

the directions to the group.

2. The directions allow the group to talk only during the planning phase of this activity. Once the first per-

son steps on the maze, verbal communication is NOT allowed. The group is allowed to use non-verbal

communication (ex. pointing).

3. As team members move through the maze, your job is to match their movements with those of the an-

swer key (maze map). If a participant steps on the wrong square, you will say, “BEEP”. The person who

was “beeped” must get off the maze and let the next

person go (the beeped person goes again when it’s their turn).

4. Once someone makes it through the maze successfully, they do not have to go through again. They

should now focus on helping everyone else get through.

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5. If the group violates any of the rules you can penalize the group by taking away activity time (ex. 1 in-

fraction of talking during the activity = 1 minute less time to complete the activity).


1. Your team must begin and end the Maze at the areas specified by the facilitator.

2. There is one route through the Maze and the instructor has a “map” of the route (answer key). The group

must establish a sequence and each person must attempt the route in the established order. After each

person in the entire group has made an

attempt, the order starts over.

3. There can be only one person on the Maze at a time.

4. If a correct square has been stepped on, there will be silence from the instructor. If an incorrect square is

stepped on, the instructor will make a “beep” sound. When an

Individual hears the “beep”, they must leave the maze and wait for their turn again.

5. When the first person on the team steps onto the Maze, no further verbal

communication will be allowed. The team must notify the instructor prior to the first person stepping

onto the Maze.

6. Team members may only keep mental records of the Maze route (no marking the route or drawing of

maps, etc.).

7. The Maze may not be altered in any way.

8. Violation of a rule may result in a penalty (time may be reduced, some one might have to wear a blind

fold, etc.).

9. Time Allotment: Your team has 25 minutes to complete the objective.


1. One way to make this activity easier is to allow the group to talk freely if they all move away from the

Maze and meet in a “special” meeting area (ex. inside a rope circle). During this time you can stop the

clock. Doing this encourages problem solving and sharing of ideas.

2. A fun and challenging variation is to divide the group in half and ask the two small groups to travel

through the Maze in opposite directions. Will they help each other?

Consensus RopesConsensus Ropes Objective: To work as a team and determine a consensus

on which rope is holding all ropes together.

Materials: one set of ropes

Duration: 5-15 minutes


1. Create smaller groups of 3-6. And place a set of ropes on the

ground for them.

2. The rope may not be touched or moved during the

decision making process.

3. The group must reach consensus as to which rope is

holding all the others together (like a key ring holds a group of

keys) prior to touching the rope to determine if their choice was correct.

4. Variations: have fewer ropes; spread the ropes out; use ropes of different colors.

5. For a wild variation that can challenge a bigger group use really long ropes (200 feet) spread out over a

large area.

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Key PunchKey Punch Objective: Problem-solving initiative, that is much more challenging to accomplish than it seems

from the instructions. Teams must work together and trouble shoot to solve the task.

Duration: 45 minutes +

Materials: one boundary rope approximately 50' long

30 rubber spots (or carpet squares or paper plates) numbered from 1-30

one cone/marker


1. Before the group assembles, form a rectangle on the ground with the boundary rope.

2. Spread out the numbered spots within the boundary rope so that consecutive numbers are spread far apart

from one another. To the casual observer, these should seem to be placed in a seemingly random fashion.

This will form your keypad.

3. Place the cone/marker as a starting/ending point approximately 10 meters away from the keypad.

4. With your group assembled and standing behind the starting point, explain that a

terrible computer virus has infected the main computers at the university and that this group of computer

experts has been hired to disinfect the system.

5. In order to disinfect the system, the team must enter the "restricted area" (anywhere beyond the starting

cone, press the keys (spots) on the keyboard in sequential order from 1 to 30, and get out of the

"restricted area" in less than 30 seconds.


1. There may only be one person actually contacting the keyboard (i.e., the spots and/or the spaces between

the spots, anywhere within the rope boundary) at any one time. Should two or more individuals be con-

tacting the keyboard at one time, the board is "fried" and the group must begin again at number one.

Time, of course, continues.

2. Keys must be touched in order. If any keys are touched out of order, the board is "fried" and the group

must begin again at number one. Time, of course, continues.

3. The group has a total of four attempts to disinfect the computer, time for each

attempt beginning when the first person in the group moves past the starting cone on their way to the

keypad and ending when the last person arrives back at the cone.

4. At the end of 45 minutes, the computer will crash irrevocably with the terrible

consequence (make one up). You get the picture - the group has a 45 minute time limit from NOW.


1. Instead of writing numbers on the spots, write out the alphabet. Supply your team with a word or phrase

that they must spell out by touching the correct spot (letter) in order.

Facilitator Notes:

1. The first attempt will be much longer than 30 seconds as the group has not even seen the keyboard up to

this point. Successful groups often use either the first or second

attempt to study the situation while letting the clock run.

2. Key turning points for the group: they realize that all can be involved rather than just one person; that

they can touch the keys with hands as well as feet; most significantly, that they can slow down and use

one of their attempts to study and practice. (Don't tell them this).

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Human OverhandHuman Overhand Objective: Your group must possess the vision to create a human overhand knot in the

middle section of rope without anyone releasing their ropes.

Participants: Small groups of four; as many small groups as your space and skills can handle.

Materials: 4 foot sections of rope (1 per 2 people)

Duration: 30-60 minutes


1. Distribute the ropes, and demonstrate an overhand knot (the kind that you start tying your shoes with ...

half of a square knot ...); have the group practice the knot with you a few times to make sure that they

understand what an overhand knot is.\

2. Now instruct the group to face you and grab on to the end of someone else's rope so that they form a

connected line - not circle - with a rope connecting each person. To truly belabour the point, the human

configuration should be person-rope-person-ROPE-person-rope-person.

3. Why the caps in that center ROPE? Because that is the rope in which the group must tie an overhand

knot without anyone letting go of the ropes that they are holding.

4. Simply instruct the group to tie an overhand knot in the center rope without anyone

releasing the ends that they are holding and step back.


1. Ask them to tie a figure-eight knot in the center rope.

Facilitator Notes:

1. This activity is challenging - people will ask you several times if there are any "tricks"

involved. And there aren't any. The "trick" if you will is simply for the group to consider themselves as

one long rope, to get a clear picture of how an overhand knot is tied, and to follow through based on that

vision and understanding.

Learning QuestionnaireLearning Questionnaire

This is a questionnaire to help you find out how you learn best and how your group learns best.

There are no wrong answers and answer the questions quickly.

If you agree strongly, choose A. If you sometimes agree, choose B. If you disagree, choose C.

1. Once I hear a song, I can recognize the tune the next time I hear it.

2. I recognize a voice on the phone very quickly.

3. I understand the person speaking if I watch them closely.

4. I enjoy watching others dance.

5. I pour and carry full cups easily and do not spill.

6. When I climb stairs, I look ahead rather than at my feet.

7. I think a diagram or picture is better than an explanation.

8. Noises from outside interfere with my ability to concentrate.

9. If an article is illustrated with pictures, it helps hold my interest.

10. When riding a bicycle, I can look to the side without turning the handlebars in the direction I am looking.

11. I can walk in the complete dark and not bump into anything.

12. When I dial a telephone, I notice if there is an unusual ring.

13. I am very aware of the fine-tuning and colour on the TV.

14. I decide that my hair needs washing by the way it feels.

15. I can easily remember faces.

16. I do well on a test if it is about information we have talked about in class.

17. Good sound quality is important to me when I listen to the radio or stereo.

18. I enjoy going barefoot and walking on sand or grass, if it is safe.

19. I can remember a license-plate number long enough to write it down an hour later.

20. The texture of the material is important to me when I buy clothes.

21. I would rather receive a phone call from a friend than get a letter.

You tend to learn by….

DoingDoingDoingDoing ListeningListeningListeningListening


Ques Letter Score Ques Letter Score Ques Letter Score

Q 5 Q 1 Q 3

Q 6 Q 2 Q 4

Q 10 Q 8 Q 7

Q 11 Q 12 Q 9

Q 14 Q 16 Q 13

Q 18 Q 17 Q 15

Q 20 Q 21 Q 19

Total Total Total

Learning QuestionnaireLearning Questionnaire (continued)(continued)


Quotation Quest

How Sharp Are You? Quiz

Toxic Waste Dump Instructions

Big Safe Island Setup

Big Safe Island Instructions

Four Corner Traverse Setup

Four Corner Traverse Instructions

Infinite Loops Instructions

Hidden Maze Diagrams

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Quotation QuestQuotation Quest Instructions: work with your group to fill in the blanks of the following famous quotations.

1. “Be willing to make _______________. That’s the most important quality in a good leader.” -

General George S. Patton Jr.

2. “Leadership and _______________ are indispensable to each other.”-John F. Kennedy

3. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who ______________ others.” -Bill Gates

4. “Few things help an individual more than to place ______________ upon him and to let him know you

______________ him.” -Booker T. Washington

5. “Leadership is the capacity to translate ______________ into reality.” -Warren Bennis

6. “Nothing great was ever achieved without ______________.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

7. “______________ gives one person so much ______________ over another as to remain always cool

and unruffled under any circumstances.” -Thomas Jefferson

8. “You can’t build a reputation on what you’re ______________ ______________ ______________.” -

Henry Ford

9. “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has ______________ but has no vision.” -Helen


10. “Never doubt that a ______________ group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the

_____________. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

11. “Real integrity is doing the ______________ thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you

did it or not.” -Oprah Winfrey

12. “You must be the ______________ you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

13. “Don't part with your ______________. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to

_______________.” - Mark Twain

14. “The important thing is not to stop ______________. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One can-

not help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure

of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.” -Albert Ein-


15. “In the end, we will remember not the ______________ of our enemies, but the ______________ of our

friends.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

How Sharp Are You?How Sharp Are You? 1. Being very tired, a child went to sleep at 7:00 o’clock at night. The child had a piano

lesson, and therefore wound and set the alarm to ring at 8:45. how many hours of sleep could the child

get before the alarm rings? ______________

2. Some months (like October) have 31 days. Only February has precisely 28 (except in a leap year). How

many months have 30 days? ______________

3. A farmer had 18 pigs, and all but 7 died. How many were left? ____________

4. Divide 50 by 1/3, and add 7. What is the answer? ____________

5. What is the minimum number of active baseball players on the playing field during any part of an in-

ning? ____________ Maximum? _____________

6. If a physician gave you five pills to start taking immediately and asked you to take one every half-hour,

how long would your supply last? ____________

7. If you had only one match and entered a cold, dimly lit room where there was a kerosene lamp, an oil

heater, and a wood burning stove, which would you light first? ___________

8. Two women play checkers. They play 5 games without a draw game and each woman wins the same

number of games. How can this be? ______________

9. What word is mispelled in this test? ______________

Toxic Waste Dump: InstructionsToxic Waste Dump: Instructions Setting: A can of highly toxic popcorn has contaminated a circle approximately 8 feet in di-

ameter. The toxic area extends to the ceiling. If the poisonous popcorn is not transferred to a safe

container for decontamination, the toxic popcorn will

contaminate and destroy the population of the entire city. The popcorn is

estimated to have a safe life of exactly 30 minutes before it explodes.

Obviously, there is insufficient time to contact authorities and evacuate the city.

Therefore, the lives of thousands of people are in your hands.

Inside the circle you will find two cans. One (unsafe) container is about half full of

the toxic popcorn. The other (safe) container is available for decontamination.

Team Goal: You must find a way to safely transfer the toxic popcorn from the unsafe

container to the safe container, using only the materials provided to you.


1. NO member may cross the plane of the circle with any part of the body. If this occurs, they must be

taken to the hospital immediately (removed from play) and they may not participate in any form from

then on. The group is responsible for the safety of all its members.

2. NO member may sacrifice himself or herself to aid in the transfer of the popcorn.

3. NO spills are allowed, or the popcorn will explode.

4. Members may ONLY use the materials provided. However, they can be used in any way desired.

5. The popcorn will not spread its toxicity to the safe can, the ropes, the tube, or the

instruction-giver. The members have no protection inside the imaginary cylinder created by the 8-foot

diameter circle.

6. The safe container may move anywhere in or outside of the circle. The unsafe container must stay inside

the circle, and not be moved more than one foot from its center.

7. Remember, the popcorn must be transferred within 30 minutes, or there will be a

tremendous disaster.

Big Safe Island: SetupBig Safe Island: Setup

Big Safe Island: Team InstructionsBig Safe Island: Team Instructions Situation

Your community lives on one of three small islands, which surround a larger island known as

“Big Safe Island”. Your island is in imminent danger of a volcanic eruption. The only safe place to be is on

Big Safe Island .


Get everyone to the Big Safe Island (the center island) before time runs out (the

volcano explodes).

Time Allotment

30 minutes starting the moment the facilitator says “Time has begun!”


1. The water (ground between your small island and the Big Safe Island ) is shark infested and you may not

touch the water. You can use the 4x6 index cards as stepping-stones to cross the water. CLARIFYING

POINT: A portion of your foot can touch the water (ground) while standing on / using a card (stepping

stone) as long as a portion of that same foot is stepping on at least part of the card.

2. When retrieving the bucket which contains your cards (stepping-stones), you must follow these rules: A)

the bucket cannot be dragged across the ground (water), B) you may only utilize the resources you’ve

been supplied with to retrieve the bucket, C) Cards that fall out of the bucket during the retrieval process

will result in a penalty.

3. Once the cards are in your possession (i.e. you have successfully retrieved the bucket), the cards must

remain in physical contact with a person or persons at all times. If a card ever loses contact with some-

one, it will be taken away.

4. When a card is placed on the ground as a stepping-stone, it may not be moved again.

5. Cards may not be altered (example: torn into smaller cards).

6. The boundaries (ropes, etc.) may not be moved.

7. Violation of a rule may result in a penalty.

Four Corner Traverse: SetupFour Corner Traverse: Setup

Four Corner Traverse: RulesFour Corner Traverse: Rules 1. Use the carpet squares as Stepping Stones to travel to the corner opposite yours and then exit the playing


2. Your foot is allowed to touch the ground inside the playing area as long as part of your foot is touching a

Stepping Stone. NOTE: There is no limit to the number of people that can touch a Stepping Stone at one


3. Enter the playing area by first stepping on the carpet piece outside of the square at your team’s starting


4. When you exit the playing area at the corner opposite you, your final step must be onto the carpet piece

outside of the square.

5. Before someone can exit the playing area, EVERYONE (from all 4 small teams) must be inside the play-

ing area.

6. Once you exit you may not re-enter.

7. Once a Stepping Stone is touched (stepped on) someone must remain in physical contact with it at all

times or that Stepping Stone will be removed by the facilitator and not


8. Should someone step on anything other than a Stepping Stone inside the playing area that person must

start over.

9. Two Feet In The Air Rule: If anyone has two feet in the air at anytime (example: jumping) the game

stops and everyone returns to their original corner and the game starts over.

10. The boundary and Stepping Stones may not be moved.

Infinite Loops: How ToInfinite Loops: How To To create your loops:

Starting Position

Ending Position


Hidden Maze: TemplatesHidden Maze: Templates

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