
Wiki: samskriving og kunnskapsproduksjon

FUP, tirsdag [email protected]


• Elever og lærere (vgs)

• Lærerstudenter i praksis (8 uker)




= transformert aktivitet

• Fokus på oppgaver aktiviteter vurdering


Product Characteristics Tasks

MediaWiki Encyclopedisk a) How we perceive the USA (2 u)b) Build a typical British town (1 sem)

XWiki Hierarkisk + presentasjonsverktøy

a) Impact of Anglo-American culture (2 u)

Confluence Prosjektorientert a) En kollektiv immigrasjonshistorie (4 u)b) Argumentasjon under den kalde krigen

(2 w)c) Kontrafaktiske versjoner av WW1 (2 u)

WikiSpaces Online ”hotel” a) A collectively written account of ESL student teachers’ placementexperiences (8 w)

b) ESL student teachers’ collectivelyproduced and annotated resources (2 sem)

Collective cognitionA dynamic concept, emerging when two or more people reach insights that neither could have reached alone, and that cannot be traced back to one particular individual’s contribution, i.e. cannot be reduced to the sum of individual contributions (Stahl, 2006)

– Sociology (Durkheim 1898, Moscovici 1998)

– Philosophy (Rousseau, Levy 1997)

– Social psychology (Hutchins 1995, Valsiner & van der Veer 2000, Sawyer2007)

– Linguistic/Dialogic (Bakhtin 1979, 1986, Allwood 1997, Tomasello, 2003)

– Computational (Heylighen et al 2004)

– CSCL (Stahl, 2006)

– Educational (Mercer 2000, Hargreaves 2003)

– Economics/Organization (Tapscott, 2006, Sawyer 2007)

– Neuroscience: ”Mirror neurons” (Rizzolati, 1995, Ramachandran, 2006). Alter-centric participation example ;-)


Fra masseproduksjon til massesamarbeidaboration

• Linux (” Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world”)

• Wikipedia (<10m articles, <230 languages, social surplus of <100m working hours)

• takingITglobal (" is the social network that connects you to the global issues that affect us all")

• InnoCentive (” Open Innovation allows many people from different disciplines to tackle the same problem simultaneously and not sequentially”)

• CAMBIA (community of researchers and farmers, biology&ecology)

• IDEO: 3000+ products; 40+ industries. “Bright ideas for dark times”. “The space remembers!”

• MySpace, YouTube (Mike Wesch!), Skype, Flickr, Diigo,…



• Interaksjonsanalyse (Jordan & Henderson, 1995)

– Aligning talk and classroom activity (audiotape/videotape) and artifact levels (emerging wiki content and negotiations)

– Aligning microgenetic (individual, moment-to-moment) level and sociogenetic level (the social/institutional construction of knowledge)

– Unit of analysis: episodes of mediated action

3. praksiser

1. Verdien av det vi ikke vet, men som vi kan signalisere…

Are you new in [[Funkytown]] or are considering going there? Well, you have nothing to wait for, this is the opportunity of your life! With our great bars, such as [[Old McKinleys]] (see picture) where they serve pints for under a [[duun]]! Stop by for a chat with our local bartender Inga Magnusson (bartender to the right on picture)! Not here for [[drinking]]? Then we have the perfect solution for you and your partner! [[Old McKinleys]] presents a bar show, every Saturday night! It’s simply a must for tourists!

Utdrag (bidragsmodus)

2. Verdien av kollektive kommentarkulturer

Elevstemmer:• I like this because it is a win/win situation. To help

others and get help back is nice. Co-operating is very important in our daily lives and our future jobs!

• I like this because we so easily can compare and share information on what we know and what we do not know about the American way of living

• We never worked alone, and many helped me with my work

• It doesn’t matter if it is yours or others. This way it is possible for people to argue and discuss

• Because then I don’t have to be afraid of making a mistake ‘cause there will always be someone there to clear it up!

• Someone can change what you have written, even when you know what you have written is correct

• My texts got deleted• You socialize… in a weird way


May: “(…) Jeg mistet elevene (….) det var vanskelig å sporedem, for meg som lærer, som hadde bidratt med det, og jeg følte at jeg mistet elevene, jeg visste ikke hvor jeg skulle gå for å kunne veilede dem (…) fordi, som regel er det ikke noe stort rom for en lærer (…) det blir en separat verden (…) de [elevene] har en tendens til å forsvinne inn I sin separate verden og det blir vanskelig for meg å veilede dem og holde på min rolle som kunnskapsformidler (…) Jeg vet ikke hva som er sluttproduktet, hva jeg skal vurdere til slutt”


Funn• Epistemologisk re-orientering: individuell/kollektiv produksjon

• Nye artefakter med potensial for å transformere sosial organisering og kunnskapsproduksjon

– Community of Practice ≠ Collective of Practice

– Lindkvist, L. (2005). Knowledge Communities and Knowledge Collectivities: A Typology of Knowledge Work in Groups. Journal of Management Studies, 42(6), 1189-1210.

– Lærere ser mulighetene, men de kolliderer med deres institusjonelle ”accountability”

• Omfattende produksjon, men...

1. Revisjoner må initieres

2. Kollektivt ansvar for språk, sjelden revisjon av andres innhold

3. Svært krevende å relatere lokal produksjon (individ, par) til kollektiv produksjon

• Ativitetstyper som krever nye typer oppgaver og vurderingskriterier (Lund, 2006; Lund & Rasmussen, 2008)


“a task in which no single individual processes all the resources and no single individual is likely to solve the problem or accomplish the task objectives without at least some input from the others in the group”

(O’Neil, Chuang, & Chung, 2003, p. 366).

(Kf Kollektiv kognisjon)

Group task

To nye kriterier

• Hvordan forholder ditt eget bidrag seg til oppgavens overordnede spørsmål? Vis relevansen.

• Hvordan forholder ditt bidrag seg til ett eller flere av dine medelevers bidrag? Vis sammenhengen.

The increment from

the last version to

this version is

displayed here.

Teachers or peers

can comment on the

contribution here.

Wiki i LU

• Students in the course 2007 – 2008 tested a wiki during their long term placement.

• Welcome to the English Idea Bank! A wiki set up and managed by the part times students 2008 – 2009.


• Spenninger mellom epistemologier og eiendomskulturer

• Verdien av det vi ikke vet, men som vi kan signalisere…

• Verdien av kollektive kommentarkulturer

• Behovet for å tenke nytt om oppgaver og vurdering

• Læreres plass i samskriving/kollektiv kunnskapsproduksjon


2 persons, 1 relationship

Add one person 2 more relationships

Metcalf's law: number of links between people = n(n - 1)/2

Examples a) with 12 people b) class

a) 12(12 – 1)/2 = 12 x 11 = 132 / 2 = 66 possible linksb) 30(30 – 1)/2 = 30 x 29 = 780 / 2 = 390 possible links

According to Surowiecki (2004), these key criteria separate wise crowds from irrational ones:

Criteria Description

Diversity of opinion

Each person should have private information even if it's just an eccentric interpretation of the known facts

Independence People's opinions aren't determined by the opinions of those around them

Decentralization People are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge

Aggregation Some mechanism exists for turning private judgments into a collective decision





Well, uh…

”Conversation – the driver of group genius” (R. Keith

Sawyer, 2007)

References• Allwood, J. (1997). Dialog as Collective Thinking. In P. Pylkkänen, P. Pylkkö & A. Hautamälin (Eds.), Brain, Mind and Physics (pp. 205-210).

Amsterdam: IOS Press.

• Bradley, L., Lindström, B., & Rystedt, H. (2010). Rationalities of collaboration for language learning in a wiki. ReCALL, 22(2), 247-265.

• Durkheim, E. (1898/1974). Individual and Collective Representations (D. F. Pocock, Trans.). In C. Bouglé (Ed.), Sociology and Philosophy (pp. 1-34). New York & London: The Free Press.

• Hargreaves, D. (1999). The Knowledge Creating School. British Journal of Educational Studies, 47(2), 122-144.

• Heylighen, F. (1999). Collective Intelligence and its Implementation on the Web: algorithms to develop a collective mental map. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 5(3), 253-278.

• Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in the wild. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

• Lantolf, J. P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Lantolf, J. P., & Thorne, S. L. (2006). Sociocultural Theory and the Genesis of Second Language Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Lévy, P. (1997/1999). Collective Intelligence. Mankind's Emerging World in Cyberspace (R. Bononno, Trans. 1 ed.). Cambridge, MA: Helix Books, Perseus.

• Lund, A. (2006). WIKI i klasserommet: individuelle og kollektive praksiser .Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 90(4), 274-288.

• Lund, A. (2008). Wikis: a collective approach to language production. ReCALL, 20(1), 35-54.

• Lund, A., & Smørdal, O. (2006). Is There a Space for the Teacher in a Wiki? In Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym '06) (pp. 37-46). Odense, Denmark: ACM Press.

• Lund, A., & Rasmussen, I. (2008). The right tool for the wrong task? Match and mismatch between first and second stimulus in double stimulation. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(4), 25-51.

• Lund, A., Rasmussen, I., & Smørdal, O. (2009). Joint designs for working in wikis: a case of practicing across settings and modes of work. In H. Daniels, A. Edwards, Y. Engeström, T. Gallagher & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.), Activity theory in practice: promoting learning across boundaries and agencies (pp. 207-230). Oxon, UK and New York: Routledge.

• Lund, A., & Rasmussen, I. (2010). Tasks 2.0: Education Meets Social Computing and Mass Collaboration. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. McFerrin, J. Price & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 4058-4065). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

• Mercer, N. (2000). Words and Minds: how we use language to think together. London and New York: Routledge.

• Moscovici, S. (1998). The history and actuality of social representations (G. Duveen, Trans.). In U. Flick (Ed.), The Psychology of the Social (pp. 209-247). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Ramachandran, V. S. (2000). Mirror neurons and imitation learning as the driving force behind "the great leap forward" in human evolution. Edge.

• Sawyer, R. K. (2007). Group genius: the creative power of collaboration. New York: Basic Books.

• Stahl, G. (2006). Group Cognition: Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

• Tapscott, D., & Williams, A. D. (2006). Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything. London: Portfolio/Penguin.

• Tomasello, M. (2003) Constructing a language. Harvard University Press, London

• Valsiner, J., & van der Veer, R. (2000). The Social Mind. Construction of the Idea. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 31

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