Page 1: Wickford and Runwell Team… · for Christmas with the telling of the story. Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY)

Parish Magazine November 2015


Page 2: Wickford and Runwell Team… · for Christmas with the telling of the story. Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY)

Dear friends - due to the complexity of the task and its regular inaccuracies it has been suggested that we do not begin with a calendar . . . . let me know what you think!

Dates for each week can still be found on the pew sheets - and the year's dates are on the website.


Meet and make is EVERY WEEK on Tuesdays at 2p.m. to 4p.m so

please come and join us.

Don’t worry if you do not have a "project" going there is always something to

join in with, over refreshments, chat and laughter.

You can contact Val on 01268 732526, or Vicky on 01268 767440

Articles always wanted and welcomed

If you have enjoyed something, been challenged by something or noticed something . . . . then please write it down and pass it on to Jo (who assembles this wonderful magazine) and he will endeavor to make sure it is printed.

Supporting Basildon Women’s Refuge

Especially desired in December:

women's winter clothes; writing materials Due to lack of space; Please only take items to St. Andrew’s Church on the last FRIDAY (or as near as possible) of each month; then they can be taken to the refuge. If you are unable to take our offering to St. Andrew’s then please do pass it to one of your Church Wardens or your Priest.

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Advent – The Coming

How do you feel when you are reminded, constantly, of how many days there are left until Christmas? If you are one of the people who are superbly organised, have bought all their Christmas presents, written all their cards and have ordered all their Christmas food, it may not be a problem, but for those of us who haven’t done any shopping yet and who haven’t made any plans it can create pressure! Most of us do need to do a certain amount of preparation for Christmas but presents and food, whilst they can be lovely, aren’t the sum total of the Christian festival and they can distract us from the real meaning of Christmas. Advent is the season observed in the Christian church as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth (or Nativity) of Jesus at Christmas. The term ‘advent’ is derived from the Latin word ‘adventus,’ meaning ‘coming’ or ‘arrival.’ This time of ‘expectant waiting and preparation’ often comes with the implication that we should be settled, calm, relaxed, so that we are ready for the long anticipated arrival. Yet in this modern, largely secular and

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consumer society, it is hard not to get swept along with the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations. Perhaps we can get some consolation from the fact that, probably for Mary and Joseph, the preparation for the birth of Jesus wasn’t exactly calm and stress-free either. They had an eighty mile journey to endure on foot, with only a donkey to help them carry their possessions, and with nowhere to stay at the end. But it is important for us, at Advent, to try to make time to be disciplined enough to resist the materialistic current along which it is so easy to become swept and to re-engage with the Christian Christmas, a celebration which requires not fine gifts and great feasts and festivities but real reflection on the person of Christ and what following Christ means for each of us, our church and our community. Maybe if we really dwell upon that, it will be celebration enough.

A Still Centre

Be still and listen to the day,

touch the breeze with the quiet in your soul.

Let the turning turbulence of the hurly-burly rushing,

the busy dizzy people, pass you by.

God bless you

with a quiet whisper, which in all the day’s doing keeps a calm silent centre

in your being. Sue Mann

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Welcome Back!

We are delighted to be welcoming back the Revd Norbert Mutuku, after a long period of convalescence. This is good news for all of us, from all three churches, but particularly for St Catherine's who have missed his presence greatly. Norbert will be making a phased return to full ministry over the next few weeks, so please be a little patient as he takes the time to settle back. In his absence, St Catherine's have been cared for principally by Sue Mann, and they and all of us owe her a debt of gratitude for stepping into that role with such grace and aplomb.


St Andrew's - how the rot saga ended ...... and where the money came from.

We have settled happily back into the centre, with coffee mornings once again in their familiar place on Saturday mornings, and most of the groups who regularly used the space have returned to be part of the wider life of the church.

After all the efforts to raise the nearly £60,000 the work has cost, we thought you might like to know where the money came from, and how we now stand.

In round figures we received £20,000 in grants, mostly from Veolia.

A further £10,000 came, amazingly, in donations (including the church's share of the magnificent Mann family fundraising hike) £10,000 has been contributed as interest-free loans by very generous members of the congregation.

The remaining £20,000 is being taken from our regular income, the money we receive in giving from the congregation, from hire of the centre, and other donations. This means that we will only be able to pay a small part of our 'parish share', the money due to Chelmsford Diocese as our contribution to the costs of ministry.

We still face a substantial challenge with our finances, but are immensely grateful to everyone who has been generous and patient while we turned things around.


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9.30-12 NOON







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We will be holding a quiet reflective service during Advent.

There will be a mixture of readings, music and quiet.

St Catherine's Church Monday 7th, 14th & 21st December

8 pm It will be a time of reflection and stillness. It will allow you to stop and reflect on advent and give you an opportunity to take a break from the busyness of the season.

100 club winners

September 1st. A. Cordery 2nd M. Clark 3rd.C.Beauchamp October 1st. R. Feldwick 2nd M. Craig 3rd. L Boar

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Christmas Carol Service

20th December St. Andrew's Church

6:30 pm

We join together again for our annual service of lessons and carols

Come let us adore him,

Christ the Lord!

Join in with your community as we prepare

for Christmas with the telling of the story

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Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY) Group

Programme to January 2016


Sun 6 Dec 5 – 7 pm Christmas ‘Meal’ Meet at 8 Honington Cl

Mon 14 Dec 7.30 – 8.45pm Bible Study 8 Honington Cl

Sun 10 Jan 4 – 6 pm Dropzone Trampolining (c£9) Meet at Park

Mon 18 Jan 7.30 – 8.45pm Bible Study 8 Honington Cl

The church youth group generally meets on one Sunday in each month (afternoon /

early evening) for a social event and on one Monday evening in each month for a fun

but informative bible study, usually at Sue & Phil’s house.

Dates, times and activities may be subject to change. Precise details will be

confirmed at Monday meetings and by text nearer the time.

Please let Sue or Phil know in advance whether or not you and attend an activity so

we can plan transport, refreshments, etc., accordingly.

Sue & Phil Mann, 8 Honington Close, Shotgate SS11 8XB

Home: 01268 730972

Sue: 07758 354457 [email protected]

Phil: 07749 479998 [email protected]

The Youth Group is part of Wickford & Runwell Parish (Church of England). Leaders have been DBS/CRB vetted.

Our very own POP UP CINEMA!!

Come along to this in December with all the proceeds going to the

Gateway Foodbank Project.

Wickford Community Centre, Market Road, Wickford

20th December 2015

Under 2's are free of charge (sitting on adult's lap)

Ticket Price £6.50

Sounds like fun!

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Bettie's at St Andrew's This year's 'tea shop and bazaar' was, by general agreement, the best yet. St Andrew's was packed with eager takers for our waiter-service refreshments, ably provided by the youth group. 'Meet and Make' set up a stall which proved just how fast the fingers had flown over the previous months, Kitty appeared to be running her own version of Ascot just in front of the altar, and the tombola lived up to its promise of every ticket a winner. And when it came to winning, surely the most appropriate prize of all was the ride in the cab of a District Line train which went to Michael Rowan; thank you, Fred! And all to piano accompaniment from a sequence of talented musicians.

Warmest thanks to everyone who worked so hard beforehand and on the day, and to everyone who came along to enjoy the event.

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Wickford and Runwell Mother's Union

We welcomed Mr. Phil Norton to our evening meeting in St. Catherine's Hall, he spoke to us about his work as a volunteer Street Pastor in BIllericay. He was a most engaging speaker and kept our attention the whole evening. It was good to learn that prayer plays an important part in their work, as it does in the Mothers' we have something in common. Rhere Men and women Street Pastors, and you can become one when you are 18. They go out in pairs on Friday and Saturday nights to assist youn people who may be in difficulty. He explained in a colourful way how they went about their work. A very enlightening evening. The November lunchtime meeting was in a lighter vein with a Fish and Chips lunch. Fish is supposed to be good for the brain - our brains were buzzing for the quiz which followed . . . The Bring and Buy sale raised £20.24 Meetings for December Thursday 3rd. 12.30pm

The members who have booked will meet at The Downham Arms, for Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 16th 7.30pm

Lessons and Carols in St. Catherine's Church

followed by sausage rolls, mince pies and mulled wine in the hall.

There is an open invitation for members of our congregations to join us for this evening in preparation for Christmas, you will be most welcome.

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From our registers . . . .

At St Catherine's Church:


September 13th Amber Lee Joshua Woolerton

October 4th John Kelliher

11th Grace Jee 18th Oscar Peplow Daniel Jones


September 9th William Gilbert

October 16th Douglas Clark 22nd May Digby


October 10th Dean Pearce and Jessica Dixon At St Mary's Church:


September 13th Amber Lee Joshua Woolerton

October 4th John Kelliher

11th Grace Jee 18th Oscar Peplow Daniel Jones


September 9th William Gilbert

October 16th Douglas Clark 22nd May Digby


October 10th Dean Pearce and Jessica Dixon

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St Mary's Church, Runwell

Christmas Tree Festival

Admission free!

18th - 20th December

Open each day from 1 pm to 6 pm

Children's activities - tea and coffee

For more information or to create a tree . . . . . Val Harris (571933), Lyn Bear (421685) or Father Jo (732068

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Gwen Kemp 1921 - 2015

We were all sad to hear of the death of Gwen who lived a long and fulfilling life. Just how fulfilling and interesting we only learned at her funeral service on Friday November 13th at Basildon Crematorium where many members of her family and friends gathered to celebrate her life and say farewell.

Gwen had been a faithful member of St. Andrew's congregation taking a full part in all that went on ever since she moved to Wickford some 30 years ago. She was a regular sidesman, member of the Mothers' Union, served at coffee mornings and enjoyed the social events. What we didn't know was the really interesting life Gwen had led before retirement.

Gwen was born in Barking, the youngest of eight children. When she left school she was called up into the Barking Fire service during the war, working through the dark times when the East End was regularly being bombed. After the war she signed up to join the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and was sent to work in Berlin helping the many displaced adults and children looking for families and homes, a difficult and at times probably distressing task. After her UNRRA service she decided to spend some time travelling with friends through Europe and Scandinavia.

Back in England she got a good job as an archivist with the Hudson Bay company working on 14 volumes of their early history. While there she was presented to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. (Later, back at the Grange her niece showed us beautiful picture of the young Gwen with the equally young queen.)

When the Hudson Bay company relocated to Canada, Gwen took another interesting job with London University and stayed working there until well after retirement age.

Gwen was sad to leave her bungalow when her health deteriorated a few years ago but she was well looked after at the Grange, was still able to enjoy the company of friends and family, continued to receive communion, and remained a member of her church family.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory

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Paris, 13 November 2015

One of my abiding memories of ministry in East London is of the Sunday after the 7/7 bombings. The intercessions that day were led by one of our churchwardens, a regular commuter on the District Line, and she prayed, very personally and powerfully, for liberation, for deliverance, not from violence or from hurt, but from the suspicion which is bred by fear, the suspicion of every other passenger sharing the train carriage with her day by day, of the bearded young man with a different skin colour, the woman wearing a hijab, the ones with rucksacks and hold-alls.

One Friday evening in November, the violence which for so many people in the Middle East is a daily part of life came much closer to home. News of what happened in Paris brought profound shock, saturating media coverage, not (I hope) because European lives are more valuable than Syrian, but because the peace in which we believe ourselves to be living in western Europe was ruthlessly fractured.

So how do we respond? Security measures will be tightened in all sorts of ways, and travelling will be a little more complicated, the state even more watchful. Should this country be involved in further military intervention?

My heart says 'no', my head requires convincing that this would a route to the peace we so desire. But above all, we each have a personal response to make: to remember that it is the outsider, the Samaritan, who is the good neighbour; to continue to treat our Muslim brothers and sisters with care and respect and to challenge those who don't; to hold out our hands in hospitality to those fleeing from even greater atrocities in Syria and elsewhere.

And to pray. To pray for all victims of violence, and also for those who have been taught to believe in a violent and vengeful God. To pray for ourselves for the grace of God to deliver each one of us from the suspicion which is bred by fear.


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The Gateway Project

Our food bank in Wickford and Runwell

Hi Hope you are all well and looking forward to Christmas! Numbers have been increasing over the weeks and there is no sign that this is going to change. Just to remind you that we are collecting sweets, chocolates and selection boxes to hand out to our service users this Christmas. If you are able to donate please let me know We have been bless over the past few weeks with schools donating their harvest festival produce to our project. Many thanks to Alan Jones for sorting all the food out and his continuing support for the project. We are short of tinned fish, coffee, custard, tinned meat, milk and toiletries. Many thanks Paul Waldron Wickford Corps Telephone 01268 769761 | Mobile 07582 773420

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Youth Group Sleep Out!!

Members of the youth group, Sue and Phil Mann, Martha and Sian Simpkins will be spending a night in a specially constructed manger in St Andrew's Church this December, as part of the Church Urban Fund advent sleep out challenge.

The sponsor money they raise will go towards the CUF's wonderful work with some of the poorest and most marginalised people in England.

If you'd like to sponsor them, please see Phil or Sian, or visit

134 boxes of generosity

The Christmas shoe boxes for the Samaritan's Purse Charity were collected - thank you to the many who prepared a box . . .

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God squad

The first two verses of Psalm 42 make up the first verse of the hymn "as the deer pants" which was the starting point of our discussion.

The beautiful testimony that began the evening led us into an excellent time of soul searching and growth.

Printed here is the whole of the psalm (that was also read out) for your reflection.

As the deer longs for the water-brooks, so longs my soul for you, O God. My soul is athirst for God, athirst for the living God; when shall I come to appear before the presence of God? My tears have been my food day and night, while all day long they say to me, `Where now is your God?'

I pour out my soul when I think on these things: how I went with the multitude and led them into the house of God, With the voice of praise and thanksgiving, among those who keep holy-day. Why are you so full of heaviness, O my soul? and why are you so disquieted within me?

Put your trust in God; for I will yet give thanks to him, who is the help of my countenance, and my God.

My soul is heavy within me; therefore I will remember you from the land of Jordan, and from the peak of Mizar among the heights of Hermon. One deep calls to another in the noise of your cataracts; all your rapids and floods have gone over me.

The Lord grants his loving-kindness in the daytime; in the night season his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. I will say to the God of my strength, `Why have you forgotten me? and why do I go so heavily while the enemy oppresses me?'

While my bones are being broken, my enemies mock me to my face; All day long they mock me say to me, `Where now is your God?'

Why are you so full of heaviness, O my soul? and why are you so disquieted within me? Put your trust in God; for I will yet give thanks to him, who is the help of my countenance, and my God.

God Squad returns on 16th December at 8 pm in St Mary's Vicarage.

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Thanks to Fred Towler for this:

Dear Edward, Starting early in the morning, we took it easy and later picked up Jack Dawling and Ernest at The Bell Inn, Eton. Time passed swiftly, but rain on the motorway was a grave nuisance. After lunch I decided to hand over the wheel and steal an hour's sleep before reaching Ullswater at midnight, in gale force winds. Next morning onto Scotland, where our hotel was situated in as fine a Glen as I have ever seen, with rushing river at the bottom of the steep lover's lane. It is all that is now left of the old mill, but it is now renovated and very smart inside. There is no other one for miles around. In a boat that Eric rows, although awkwardly, gently leaving Anne to doze in the stern. The restaurant serves excellent food, but no good for taking off inches from the waist or keeping slim! Nothing is wanted except perhaps kilts and pipers.

Love from all, Ardelle

Now try this:

More birds to solve: e.g. Batman's sidekick - robin

1) Speedy 6) A dog does it. 2) Female sailor 7) Peace symbol 3) Corn remains, plus measure 8) Letter of the alphabet 4) Rotate 9) Coloured tool 5) Heavenly game 10) Royal angler

Answers next month....

A joke from Basil White:

The vicar called in the other day. He said that at my age I should be thinking about the 'hereafter'. I told him that I do it all the time. No matter where I am, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the garage, I always ask myself: "Now, what was I here after?"

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It's having someone there to help with big things and with small

Knowing someone I can trust with anything at all....

Feeling like a valued friend

And being trusted too, Knowing that I can return

The joy I get from you....

A feeling of encouragement at times when I am low

Someone who will understand things

No one else could know....

Sharing in each other's hopes fears and biggest dreams Closeness, trust and honesty

is what our friendship means. Janette Bentley

A Christmas cartoon sent in by both Clare Lissenden and Mike Tricker!

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Time to Talk 2

Over 90 people from across the Basildon Deanery gathered to reflect once more upon the challenges and opportunities presented in Transforming Presence (the bedrock for Diocesan strategy).

We were well represented and those who attended reflected upon the skilful facilitating and the careful planning. This enable those present to think through some of the complex issues and, sometimes simple, solutions that we face as the Church of England in Essex and East London - but particularly in the Basildon deanery and the Parish of Wickford and Runwell.

Those present filled in (faithfully) a sheet designed to encourage our future discussions at DCC and PCC.

On a side note the coffee was really good and the biscuit selection was fabulous!!

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After Easter we are planning to run two courses in the parish: a faith exploration course for people beginning to ask questions and think about the Christian faith and a SHAPE course for people within the Christian community who are wanting to discern more of God’s will.


This course will be run over a period of approximately 10 weeks and will be an opportunity for people, who are searching, to find out about the Christian faith, or for those who feel they are a bit rusty, to brush up on the basics. It will be open to all. But please do take the time between now and then, to begin to think and pray about whether there is someone you know who you could bring along.


The SHAPE course is a 6 week course designed to help people discern or affirm their God given gifts and think about how they might exercise these gifts in their Christian ministry. This could mean continuing as they are or trying something new.

We piloted this course a year ago and have made one or two changes to the course but, generally, those who attended found the course fun and beneficial.

If you think you might be interested in doing either of the courses, or

finding out more, then please do talk to Jane, Jo, Norbert, Sue, Matt or


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Friday 13th Quiz Night

Many, many thanks to John Skinner (with his glamorous assistant, Maureen) for yet another wonderful Quiz Night at St Mary's Church on, you guessed, Friday 13th November.

John patiently explains (again) the picture round

while one table looks stunned at the opening questions

The evening was unlucky for many, except Table 5, as they wrestled once more with the carefully planned and skilfully worked questions. You did need to know triskaidekaphobia as the fear of . . . . . (we'll leave you to look that one up) and that David Niven played James Bond in the first version of Casino Royale . . . .

A certain priest did the usual by assembling around him a winning team (should keep an eye on that chap) but the evening was stolen John's incredible humour.

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A cartoon that explains the angst that priests have to go through every Advent:

After a meal at the monastery the visitor noticed a priest call out "24" -

everyone laughed. Then another whispered "157" which was met with a

murmur of laughter than a loud hoot.

The visitor was puzzled as this carried on with different numbers being

called out around the refectory. Asking the friar next to him it was

explained that, as they had been here so long all the jokes had been told

and were now numbered .

In his enthusiasm at being with these hallowed brothers he asked if he

could join in. When given the go ahead he proudly called out "37". A

deathly hush fell in the previously joyful group.

Embarrassed and somewhat bemused he turned to the Friar asking what

he had done to offend the brothers.

"Oh nothing," came the reply "they didn't like the way you told it."

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Christ the King 22nd November

How many candles?

Many people have spoken about the worship and meal on this important "Team Sunday". Three times a year we collect together and worship in one of our three churches and, like other such days before, this was a gem!

How many clergy?

It was wonderful to see our three curates in action and to enjoy the Shepherd's Pie extravaganza in the newly re-imagined Church Hall. Thanks to all who enabled this, from Matt's eloquent sermon, to both of the Sues focussing us in the Eucharist; from Barry and Mary's adept playing to the seamless serving, bell-ringing, Sunday-schooling; from serving endless food to the gentle inclusion of all those who came.

Thank you for such a worthy celebration!

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Page 29: Wickford and Runwell Team… · for Christmas with the telling of the story. Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY)
Page 30: Wickford and Runwell Team… · for Christmas with the telling of the story. Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY)

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Page 31: Wickford and Runwell Team… · for Christmas with the telling of the story. Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY)


CLERGY Jane Freeman St. Andrew’s Church 734077 Norbert Mutuku St. Catherine’s Church 733147 Jo Delfgou St. Mary’s Church 732068 Sue Mann 730972 Matt Simpkins 765524 Sue Wise (available Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) 07941 506156 Reader John Knowles 735837 P.C.C. Vice-chairman Pam Petts 734183

Secretary Treasurer Yvonne Branson 458778 Electoral Roll Officer Pam Petts 734183 St Andrew's Churchwarden Val Bryan 561446 Churchwarden Marina Bayley 730571 D.C.C. Secretary D.C.C. Treasurer Mike Gibson 734293 Hall Lettings Reg Warne 766749 St Catherine’s Churchwarden Richard Feldwick 733362 Churchwarden Andrew Morl

D.C.C. Secretary Emma Houghton 07527 433286 D.C.C. Treasurer Steve Lissenden 763670 Hall Lettings Jimmy Salmon 732606 St Mary’s Churchwarden Val Harris 571933 Churchwarden Lyn Bear 421685 D.C.C. Secretary Coral Upham

D.C.C. Treasurer John Skinner 456892 Hall Bookings Alan Jones 765360 Linda Payne 732033 Mothers’ Union Enrolling Member Jeannette Cardnell 452309 Parish Magazine Editor Jo Delfgou


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St Andrew's 9:30am Sung Eucharist 6:30pm Healing Eucharist (on 3rd Sunday)

St Catherine’s 8:00am Holy Communion 9:30am Family Worship 11:00am Sung Eucharist 6:30pm Evening Prayer (Sung Evensong 4th Sunday)

St Mary’s 9:30am Sung Eucharist 6:30pm Taizé (2nd Sunday)


Monday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Catherine's Tuesday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Andrew's 7:30 pm Eucharist at St Mary's

Wednesday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Catherine's 9:30am Eucharist at St Catherine's 10:30 am Eucharist at St Andrew's 11:30 am Eucharist at St Mary's

Thursday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Mary's

Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer at St Andrew's Saturday 9:30 am Morning Prayer at St Catherine's

(on the first Saturday of the month)


St Andrew Saturdays 11:00 - 11:30am in the Church

St Catherine Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm in the Church St Mary Mondays 7:00 - 7:30pm in St Mary’s Hall

Articles for the next Magazine to the Editor by 15th of the month

Thank you - email: [email protected]

And our website:

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