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7410 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, [email protected]

Tel: 403.255.5300

Page 2: WIC Co-Curricular Handbook


Join an inclusive community of enthusiastic learners.

At WIC, the heart of our vision involves each student in unparalleled and diverse learning opportunities. You are encouraged to follow your passions, expand your creativity, and take on new challenges. You cherish the authentic relationships you make with other students and your teachers. You enhance WIC’s culture of caring, of commitment, and of community. You belong here just the way you are, in a place where discovery is achieved alongside your friends, family and the greater WIC community.

Participate in captivating, relevant and rigorous curriculum.

We are committed to preparing you for post-secondary studies through your six years of school, not only through our academic courses and timetabling but through our physical environment and student supports. We seek to inspire you each day to learn something new, grow a little further, take the time to play a little longer, all in a place where you belong. Whether you are learning a new song in band, understanding how to converse in French or Spanish, or biking the trails of Kananaskis during Outdoor Education, you will be captivated and challenged to explore your strengths, not only to prepare you for your future, but to inspire you for the rest of your life.

Feel camaraderie through teamwork.

Whether you’re on the court or in the stands, on the stage or in the audience, you will experience the collective pride we feel for our WIC teams. As a WIC student you will have equal opportunities to participate in athletics where you will be challenged to acknowledge your successes and your failures. You may take the lead role in the Drama production, you may pick up an instrument and learn to play, but all of this doesn’t happen alone; at WIC, teamwork is key. You are invited to be part of a team. Along the way you learn the value of working together to achieve a common goal. You will eat, laugh, win, and fail with your teammates. Your relationships will be strengthened by sharing these intimate and dynamic experiences together.

Be inspired by progressive thinking through innovation.

From our International Studies program and authentic student leadership opportunities to Outdoor Education and WIC’s Business and Health Sciences Institutes, you go beyond your comfort zone and discover what hands-on learning really means. You engage in off-site shadowing through the Business Institute. You investigate food pigments in candy, learn how to tape an ankle and see first-hand how students in post-secondary operate through the Health Sciences program. Whatever you decide, we know that discovering your full potential won’t be easy but it will certainly be worth it!

Connect your passion to purpose.

Your desires in life are different from your peers’; we recognize this. You have your own passions. We encourage you to stand out and reach for the top. Your time at WIC not only builds a strong knowledge base but inspires you to continue to learn, play, grow and belong for the rest of your life.

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West Island College’s extensive co-curricular program has something to offer everyone. According to the Conference Board of Canada, there are three main areas of employability skills: academic preparedness, teamwork skills and personal management skills. Specifically designed to prepare our students for a fulfilling life, our Co-curricular program has been designed to provide students with ample opportunities to develop their personal, team and leadership skills.

Our popular outdoor education trips is just one example where students learn to respect not only the environment around them but the diversities of their group. In these settings, students learn through new and dynamic experiences. Outdoor education activities are offered to all students in Grades 8 to 12 at various times throughout the school year.

WIC also has numerous athletic, creative, and intellectual activities. All activities are lead by qualified teachers or outside personnel, and take place both at the school and at other venues. The majority of the activities run in the morning, at lunchtime or after school, however, some do extend into the evenings and weekends.

This handbook provides you with information on each of the activities offered at the school.

OutdoorExperiential EducationInterscholasticSportsClubs /Activities

Todd LarsenHead of Athletics and Experiential [email protected] ext.290

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Outdoor Experiential EducationThe philosophy of Outdoor Experiential Education is apparent in its name: education via experience. Rather than learning through textbooks, lectures, or classroom simulations, experiential education aims to advance learning by directly involving students in new and dynamic opportunities. Experiential learning challenges students to make decisions and develop and apply their leadership skills. The goals for the West Island College Outdoor Education Program are that students will develop: an interest in outdoor living, travel and general recreation; the attitudes and knowledge required to participate in outdoor activities; and lifelong skills in leadership, teamwork, resiliency and decision making. September is a busy month for outdoor education. All of our senior students are involved in at least one preparation day, followed by three days of experiential learning. The objectives of these trips are to build upon the foundational skills learned in the lower grades, to foster leadership and team building, and for students to enjoy being one with nature. In Grade 10, all students participate in a backpacking trip which is tailored to their varied skill levels. Thereafter, in Grades 11 and 12, students are able to select from a wide variety of exciting adventures, which include: advanced backpacking, scuba diving, canoeing, mountaineering, sailing, mountain biking, and day trips.

In the late winter, the Grade 9s spend two nights and three days in Kananaskis Country learning how to cross country ski and developing an understanding of managing their winter environment. By the end of the trip, the students are all at least comfortable on the skis, and often have humorous tales of their adventures in the winter wilderness.

Later in the spring, the Grade 8 students are involved in a preparation day followed by two days in Kananaskis Country. Whilst in the mountains, they spend one day hiking and examining the environment, and one day rock climbing under the supervision of University of Calgary climbing guides. A favorite part of the trip for many is the overnight camping experience where their preparation and skills are put to the test.

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Interscholastic SportsAthletics at West Island College are an integral and valued part of the school cul-ture. Athletic competition plays a vital role in developing one’s physical, intellec-tual, social and emotional well-being, and WIC takes pride in exceptional student participation rates. Furthermore, the coaching staff is passionate about helping the athletes to develop a lifelong love of physical activity during their personal journeys to individual excellence.

WIC offers a wide variety of athletic opportunities from Grade 7 through to Grade 12. Interscholastic teams start at the end of August with golf and volleyball and finish in June with soccer, field hockey and rugby. Teams are of a competi-tive nature and try-outs are held at all levels. All teams have both practices and games, and some many teams also participate in outside tournaments. Practices are held at the school or at a nearby field in the morning before school, or after school. Games and tournaments are played both at home and away.

The Grade 7 boys and Grade 7 girls teams are open for tryouts for Grade 7 stu-dents only. The Grade 7/8 boys and Grade 7/8 girls teams are open for tryouts to any Grade 7 or 8 student. The main objectives of these teams are participation and skill development. Junior 8/9 boys and Junior 8/9 girls teams are open for tryouts to any Grade 8 or 9 student. These teams spend a lot of time on skill de-velopment and court strategies. The level of play becomes more competitive as the students progress through the grades.

The competitive senior teams are open to players from Grades 10 through 12. Teams often have the opportunity to participate in a competitive high school league and a variety of outside tournaments.

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Please find below a list of all the interscholastic teams offered throughout the year, in order according to season:



Cross Country ü

Senior Golf ü

Gr 7 Girls Volleyball ü

Gr 7 Boys Volleyball ü

7/8 Girls Volleyball ü

7/8 Boys Volleyball ü

8/9 Girls Volleyball ü

8/9 Boys Volleyball ü

Sr. Girls Volleyball ü

Sr. Boys Volleyball ü

Gr 7 Girls Basketball ü

Gr 7 Boys Basketball ü

7/8 Girls Basketball ü

7/8 Boys Basketball ü

8/9 Girls Basketball ü

8/9 Boys Basketball ü

Sr. Girls Basketball ü

Sr. Boys Basketball ü

Jr. Badminton ü

Sr. Badminton ü

Rugby [M] ü ü

Track & Field ü ü

7/8 Soccer ü

8/9 Soccer ü

Field Hockey [F] ü

Notes:* Students should listen at Morning Assembly for announcements regarding start dates and times. Information will also be made available on WIC TV.** Some sports may run into an additional term depending on league schedules.

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CLUB/ ACTIVITESWest Island College aims to develop the student as a whole, not just academically. As such, our students are encouraged to get involved in one aspect or another of student life. Participation in one or more of our many teams and clubs is not only personally fulfilling, but it also allows our students to get the requisite credit for the Headmaster’s List: each student is required to participate in a minimum of one school activity per term in order to receive credit.

Whether a student likes to be in the forefront of action or behind the scenes, WIC’s vast array of clubs has something for everyone. The clubs are all open to both gen-ders, although they may vary in terms of their target age groups. The majority of the clubs take place over the lunch hour, but many involve after school or evening commitments as well. Read our club descriptions below for more detailed informa-tion.

CLUB / ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONPeer Support Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

Peer Support is an interactive and dynamic group where students take the lead to initiate and participate in activities with other students. The aim of Peer Support is to promote aware-ness of social issues that young people face, and to provide young people with the opportunity to express their voice on issues that matter to them in the hopes that students and staff can work together to make the school a place that is accepting of all people.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Students’ Council Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

Students’ Council serves the interests of its constituency. It runs activities and provides voice to the community at large. The executive is elected in May and the Grade Representatives are elected in September of each year. This year’s council will be promoting theme days and dances, and fostering school spirit.

Time commitment: Meetings over lunch hour and some after school com-mitments

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Curators Club Grade: 8 - 12 Offered: Terms 3, 4

Any students wishing to help curate our Art shows and promote the Art program at WIC can sign up for this unique club. Curator responsibilities include: choosing pieces for the show/display, insuring art is properly tagged and hung, hanging the show and tear down of the show. Time commitments will vary depending on how much art is to be displayed and when we can begin work on the show. More infor-mation regarding dates and specific meetings times will follow.

Time commitment: Dependent upon specific projects throughout the year

Senior High Math Competition Grade: 10-12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4Students prepare for the University of Waterloo Math Contests and Mathe-matical enrichment activities.

Time commitment: One hour one to two days per week, over lunch hour

Graduation Commitee Grade: 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4The Graduation Committee will lead their class throughout their final year in various activities and events focused on giving back to our community and preparing for graduation.

Time commitment: Dependent upon specific projects throughout the year

Yearbook Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

Students work under a teacher’s su-pervision to produce the school’s year-book. They receive sessions from year-book professionals, and are involved in the photography, lay-out, editing and final production.Time commitment: One hour one to two days per week, over lunch hour; more time at the end of the year

Model United Nations Grade: 10 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3

Until the end of December, students prepare for the simulation of the United Nations, held at the University of Calgary in February. They do this by engaging in world issues debates, representing major countries, using Security Council and General Assembly formats. The team is selected from the club members to represent our chosen nations.

Time commitment: 1 hour per week, over lunch hour; more time commit-ment is required in February

WICAA Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4WICAA is West Island College’s Athlet-ic Association. This group of elected students is responsible for coordinat-ing and implementing house activities, pep rallies, intramurals, ski day, score keeping, house competitions and the year end awards banquet.

Time commitment: Generally one hour per week, but dependent upon specific projects throughout

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Intramurals Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

This is an opportunity for students of all ages to participate in specific sports and low organizational games. The objectives of this activity are for the students to be physically active, yet learning skills while playing in a struc-tured environment.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Investors Club Grade: 9 - 12 Offered: Terms 2, 4

Investors Club is a student initiative, designed for students who are inter-ested in getting to know the Stock Market. Though no real money is ventured, students follow stocks, make mock purchases and survey their earnings or losses weekly using com-puter simulation software and reading newspapers.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Reach For The Top Grade: 9 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3

Reach for the Top is an inter-school se-ries of trivia games involving questions from Geography, Mythology, Politics, Canadian History, Math and many oth-er subject areas. Four players in each of the teams (Intermediate - Grades 9 & 10; and Senior - Grades 11 & 12) will compete in a series of inter-school competitions after school.

Time commitment: One hour per week, plus after-school competitions

Roots and Shoots Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

Jane Goodall started this international organization to address issues of con-cern in the areas of the environment, community and animal rights: “Roots creep underground everywhere and make a firm foundation. Shoots seem very weak, but to reach the light they can break through brick walls. Imagine that the brick walls are all the prob-lems we have inflicted on our planet. Hundreds and thousands of roots and shoots, hundreds and thousands of young people around the world, can break through these walls. You CAN change the world.”

Time commitment: Generally one hour per week, but dependent upon specific projects throughout the year

Ping Pong Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4Ping Pong is offered on alternate days for Juniors and Seniors to allow more play time.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Drama Production Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: TBA

The Drama Production is an intensive theatrical experience. Students select-ed for the cast will learn to sing, dance and perform in a full-scale production. There are also a multitude of jobs available for students in the production crew, including painting, construction, and backstage crew. Students do not need to be enrolled in a drama class to participate.

Time commitment: TBA

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Service Club Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3

Service Club is an excellent way to give back to your WIC community. With the myriad of activities in this school, you will easily find a task for which you can volunteer. Activities include, but are not limited to, assisting in the following areas: School Ambassadors, facilitating school tours, Open House, score keeping, office support, Science Fair, Debate Tournament... the list goes on. Build some school spirit and show case what WIC is really about!

Time commitment: Dependent upon specific projects throughout the year

Business Studies Communications Grade: 9 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2

Students will get first-hand experience working as a student focus group to help shape the College’s communica-tions and marketing strategies. Stu-dents will also have the opportunity to learn about graphic design and web development using industry standard products such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft ASP.NET.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Business Studies Case Competition Grade: 9 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3

Students will participate in a high school case competition which in-volves teams working together to problem solve a company’s issues surrounding ethics, marketing, and ac-counting; this requires critical thinking skills in a real word application scenario.

Time commitment: TBA

Career Day Organizers GroupGrade: 11Offered: Terms 1, 2

This is a Grade 11 leadership group which meets in October to plan a Ca-reer Day which runs at WIC each year in December for the Grade 11 class. Although the group works under Mr. Rennie’s supervision, and takes advice from the leaders of last year’s event, the event is based on the work of the small committee of Grade 11 student leaders, who will select the day and time, and invite, tour and introduce the guest presenters who will speak about their careers and about attitudes lead-ing to success.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

GuitarClub Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

The Guitar Club will be casual in format: a venue to share and practice skills and a love of the instrument. A classroom will be designated for guitar club use one lunch hour, and students may bring in their own guitars or bor-row one of Mr. Rennie’s three guitars.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Canada’s Income Tax Program Grade: 9 - 12 Offered: Term 4

Students will have the opportunity to explore the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) on-line scenario which introduc-es High School students to Canada’s tax system and its history, and teaches them the practical skills of preparing an income tax and benefit return.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

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Business Film Studies Club Grade: 9 - 12 Offered: Term 3

Students have the opportunity to view a number of films and documentaries that deal with a wide range of business issues and engage in follow up dis-cussions. Students will watch videos dealing with issues surrounding the practice of market economies, credit card companies, Conrad Black, airline safety, sports and big business, oil and gas, international bribery, the recent U.S. recession, and the ethical aspects of a corporation.

Time commitment: One hour per week, over lunch hour

Fitness Club Grade: 10 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4A fit mind and a healthy body both contribute to academic success; this club is intended to assist students in achieving their personal fitness goals, and to realize their potential through exercising with a specific fitness pro-gram. Prior experience is not required; however students will be expected to create and follow a personal fitness plan. If students need assistance in choosing fitness goals or creating a plan, help will be available. Regular and consistent participation is key to successfully reaching fitness goals, and students should plan on attending at least two to three times per week.

Time commitment: two to three times per week; the weight room is open every day from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Concert Band Grade: 7 - 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

This intermediate level group meets every Monday morning to work on mu-sic that will challenge the 2nd or 3rd year band student; we will play fun and exciting music from movie themes to jazz favorites. It is a performance and rehearsal based club and participation in scheduled after-school band clinics and performances will be required. All Grade 7-12 students who are enrolled in instrumental music (band) as a course are welcome to join. Students who are not taking band as a class may audition in September. Violin and cello players are always welcome!

Time commitment: Mondays from 8:15 to 9:45 a.m., with additional commit-ments as required

Grade 9 Mentors Grade: 9 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4

Selected Grade 9s are mentors to our incoming Grade 7 students, to help make their transition into WIC as smooth as possible. Becoming a Grade 9 mentor is an ideal leadership opportunity for those students who enjoy helping others and are good representatives of the school culture. As mentors, they will be involved in the planning of the Grade 7 early entry day and Grade 7 orientation; they will also lead various activities for their buddies throughout the school year.

Time commitment: Mentors are select-ed in June, and will be required at vari-ous times throughout the school year

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Global Awareness Grade: 7 – 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4 WIC’s Global Awareness Club is made up of Junior and Senior students who are committed to bringing awareness of current global issues. Members of the club cultivate political awareness and educate for social justice in our school community.

Time commitment: Once a week throughout the school year.

Robotics Grade: 7 – 9 Offered: Terms 1 and 2 Students in Robotics Club work as a team to solve a problem provided by the FIRST Lego League which includes four skills of team collaboration, presentation, demonstration of programming and completion of the famous Robot Game. More information can be found at to lean about upcoming challenges and competitions.

Time commitment: One hour twice a week.

MathCentral Grade: 7 – 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4 Math Central provides students with the opportunity to drop in during the lunch hour to ask questions related to Math and work on assignments while being supervised by a Math teacher. Students are also able to participate in weekly math challenge questions that are available through Math Central.

Time commitment: (Drop in basis) Monday to Thursday during the lunch hour.

Fine Arts Council Grade: 7 – 12 Offered: Terms 1, 2, 3, 4 This student run council is a group of students dedicated to promoting the fine arts at WIC and in our community. As a multi-disciplined council, students organize social events and promote current events in the arts.

Time commitment: One hour per week during the lunch hour.

Improv Club Grade: 7 – 12 Offered: Term 3 This high energy club is full of extreme laughs as students take turns entertaining each other with improvisational performances. Senior students have the opportunity to compete at the High School Theatresports Championship in the spring

Time commitment: One hour per week during the lunch hour.

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7 8 9 10 11 12 I II III IV

Peer Support • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Students’ Council • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Curators Club • • • • • ü ü

Senior High Math Competition • • • ü ü ü ü

Graduation Committee • ü ü ü ü

Yearbook • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Model United Nations • • • ü ü ü

WICAA • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Intramurals • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Investors’ Club • • • • ü ü

Reach For The Top • • • • ü ü ü

Roots and Shoots • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Ping Pong • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Drama Production • • • • • •Service Club • • • • • • ü ü ü

Business Studies Case Competition • • • • ü ü ü

Business Studies Communications • • • • ü ü

Career Day Organizers Group • ü ü

Guitar Club • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Canada’s Income Tax Program • • • • ü

Business Film Studies Club • • • • ü

Fitness Club • • • ü ü ü ü

Concert Band • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Grade 9 Mentors • ü ü ü ü

Math Central • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Fine Arts Council • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Improv Club • • • • • • ü

Global Awareness • • • • • • ü ü ü ü

Robotics • • • ü ü

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