
Why Vote for Theodore Roosevelt???

Elections We strive for more presidential

primaries. We want more money for

campaigns. We believe in direct elections of

Senators Not by state legislatures.

Business Issues We believe that

government should take a role in business to make it more responsive to public needs.

We want to regulate trusts rather than dissolve them.

We want stricter regulation of industrial combinations.

We sympathize with laborers and


Social Reforms and Domestic Issues We want to clean up

corruption and make things work fairly.

Regulation of food and drug industry.

We believe in economic welfare of the underprivileged.

We do not believe in child labor.

We believe in a progressive income tax.

We want to up teachers salaries.

We will clean up slums of the cities.

Foreign Policy We want to

secure the Caribbean.

We will put the U.S. in a leadership position.

We believe in expressed territoriality.

We believe each country should do their part to maintain peace and order.

Foreign Policy We will invoke

force in pursuit of national interest.

We believe we hold the right to displine countries which do not “behave”.

We believe that the U.S. holds the responsibility to be the “World Policeman”.

Voting Issues We believe women

should have the right to vote.

We believe that we cannot be a true democracy if we deny political rights according to sex.

Government and Leadership

Education: Harvard College

Graduated 1880

Experiences: Lawyer Governor of New

York Police Commissioner

under Mayer Strong Member of


Roosevelt the Republican Became a member of the

Twenty-first District Republican Association in New York City

1881- Elected as a member of Legislature

Reelected next two years

Put on Committee of Cities

Governor of New York Secured reenactment of

Civil Service Law Secured mass of labor

legislation Increase number of

factory inspectors Create a Tenement-

House Commission Regulate and improve

sweatshop labor 8-hour day and

prevailing rate of wages

Regulate working hours for women

Protect women and children from dangerous machinery

Reduce hours of labor for drug-store clerks

Registration of laborers for municipal employment

Railways equip freight trains with air brakes

Governorship Cont. Enforce good scaffolding

provisions for workmen on buildings

Provide seats for the use of waitresses in hotels and restaurants

Tried but failed to secure an employer’s liability law and the state control of employment offices

Got an improvement in the law and administration of Tenement-Housing

Bill for the 1st State Hospital for Incipient TB

Laws for the farmer Prevention of

adulteration of food products

Laws helping the dairyman

Forest preservation Protection of wildlife

Secured better administration and improved the laws themselves

Other Successes Franchise Tax Bill

Presented himself Opposition

collapsed and bill went through both houses

Why Vote for Theodore Roosevelt???

Reason 1..Teddy shows compassion not just for his family, but for the American Workers

Teddy worked hard for you, the American People

-Cut long hours -Made better meat

regulations -Stopped the

Railroad Monopoly

Teddy also increased

-Pay for hard workers

-Put aside national forest, land and water so that your children can use and see them

Reason 2…Teddy shows HONESTY

Theodore promised that he would run the government for the American People….and Teddy did..

Teddy always does what he says and never gives up until it is done

Teddy promised the American People less hours and more money…and he did..

Reason 3…Teddy speaks to the American People to give what they WANT…

Teddy showed America during his time in office that he gives them what they want

Teddy showed this when he represented Bill for the 1st State Hospital for Incipient TB and the Franchise Tax Bill

Teddy also speaks for the American people to Congress and other branches of the Government

Remember to VOTE for THEODORE ROOSEVELTon Election Day

“He WORKS for you”

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