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Why Time Management?

Time is a scarce resource. You cant

buy time

save or store time

add time

TM helps you to

sa atingi obiectivele propuse sa stabilesti prioritati sa iti creezi o privire de ansamblu asupra sarcinilor remember things

sa scoti mai mult din timp (get more out of your time) comunici mai bine cresti creativitatea delegate

keep your life in balance

sa gestionezi schimbarile din viata increase your quality of life

CE/CUM ESTE TIMPUL? O resursa economica






Are o singura directie

De neinlocuit


Fiecare persoana are nevoie de o vedere in ansamblu pentru a detine controlul.

Aceasta este o conditie necesara pentru a mentine energia, pentru a evita stresul si frustrarea si pentru a se folosi de capacitatea maxima a creierului.Golden Rules for Time Management

Set up fixed daily routines (stabilire rutine zilnice fixe) Do things that require maximum brain capacity when you are in your best condition of the day.

Fix deadlines for all jobs and stick to them.

Dont postpone important matters which are unpleasant. They will block your brain.

Put off everything that is not important. Many so-called problems have a tendency to solve themselves if you ignore them for a while.

Fix definite times when you dont want to be disturbed.

Make dates with yourself; use these planned occasions to make yourself unavailable to other peoples manipulations.

Go to bed one hour earlier and raise in the morning when you are still undisturbed to plan your day.

Reward yourself when you accomplish your goal.

Light up every day of your life by doing something that brings you (and others) joy.

Balance your work and do something besides (sports, recreation, etc.)

Group similar activities.

When you start a piece of work, finish it. Dont split it too much or you lose the overview and waste time warming up every time you start again.

Set your breaks at times that you cannot work efficiently anyway.

Be selective with what you undertake. Learn to say NO. Ask yourself whether you are the right person for this job.

60 - 40 rule: plan only 60 % of your time available and leave the rest open for unexpected events.

Add 50 % more to every task than you would think it takes.

Leave some flexi time between the planned work blocks.

Time Management Matrix (General Eisenhower)importantplan itDO IT NOW

not importantforget itdelegate

not urgenturgent

The three main steps to efficient time management are:




ORGANIZING:Ideally, you should make a list each night or each morning of everything that you want or need to do for that day. At this stage don't plan out every minute. Don't even think about which jobs are most important - just write down everything you can think of. You might want to list your tasks every 5-7 days, so you can plan longer projects (i.e., more than one day) better. Also, you should allow for your own imperfections. There are going to be days when you forget or just don't feel like doing some things. Giving yourself more than one day at a time gives you more flexibility (and more room for error!).

PRIORITIZING:the next step is to rewrite your list in order of priority, with the intention of doing the higher priority tasks first and working your way down the list. A lot of your prioritizing is done for you if you keep in mind the due dates for the different assignments, projects, events, etc. you are working on. You should also consider how important that item is to the success of the whole year. A small assignment or event may be lower priority than a final exam or a large fundraiser. How you prioritize is up to you. No one can tell you what is most important to you; just be responsible with your priorities.

SCHEDULING:Now that you've got a prioritized list of everything you need and want to do, you should look at your school and AIESEC schedule to fit your activities around what you already have scheduled (the givens). Again, you might want to do this for a few days at a time rather than every day. Remember to let your schedule be flexible. Don't get overly ambitious - there's no need to plan out every minute of your day. Make a reasonable schedule which you can be sure to stick to. Leave room for breaks, socializing, and those little things that tend to pop up.

Time thieves

phone ringing all the time

unexpected visitors keeping you from doing your work

meetings - too long and disorganized

unclear or missing priorities

lack of delegation

procrastination - postponing big or unpleasent tasks


Internet Surfing

lack of structure, organization

AIESEC office during lunch time

technical problems which you dont master

not able to say NO

10 Things to do to improve Time Management:

1. analyze your time spent

2. evaluate time expenditures

3. relate time to purpose

4. delegate authority

5. use a planning device

6. make a daily list of priorities

7. make immediate decisions on small matters

8. periodically evaluate progress

9. save time for emergencies

10. retreat but never surrender

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