
Why the stars shine so bright in the midnight sky

By: Jenna

A long time ago, their was a small town in Georgia named Blacktown. Where do you


It was no ordinary town. The people in the town were as mean as a rat, as black as a bottomless pit, as boring as a talk about the periodic table, and as lifeless as a town can be. Is your town lifeless? Think about it.

They didn’t share toys or talk to each other. Would you share toys or talk to each other?

One thing was about to happen. Something so incredible, something so exciting……….. CHRISTMAS! No one cared. Would you care about Christmas?

Mean while, God was watching them from above. He was angry, very upset. “How could any one hate Christmas? It is my sons birthday. Presents, Santa, I truly don’t understand. I must do something!” he announced. What do you think he will do?

God sat down at his bench made of polished oak and took out his chewed pencil and his old paper he had bought a long time ago. The list started with eggnog. “No. Eggnog is just a drink. I have to think bigger than beverages,” he said. What do you think he can do?

“What about presents. That is a good idea indeed, but they will open it and won’t be excited at all. What else?” God made a big list. He finally came a up with a wonderful idea. “What about Christmas lights!” How do you think God will possibly give them Christmas lights?

So God took the stars from above and filled them each with Christmas lights. On Christmas eve, Blacktown was not so black anymore. They drank eggnog and laughed with a smile. They cuddled next to each other and watched the stars. That is why the stars shine so bright in the midnight sky.

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