Page 1: Why Potential Customers Are Leaving Your Website?

Why Potential Customers Are Leaving Your Website?

Page 2: Why Potential Customers Are Leaving Your Website?

Problem 1 – No Clear MessageIf a customer can’t figure out

who you are they will be more likely to leave. Think about that for a moment. Makes sense, right? Nobody likes to feel confused and the more confusing your website or message is the more prospects you will lose to high bounce rates. That’s where the old adage of K.I.S.S. comes into play. This acronym used in many aspects of life stands for Keep It Simple Stupid and should be taken to heart online. Keep things simple! Make your headline clearly state what you do, who it is your help and how it is you do that.

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Problem 2 – Aesthetically Displeasing Website

Think about the last time you clicked on a website looking forward to its content. You entered a search into a search engine, found a website or business you thought was promising, clicked on the link and then…dud. Absolute dud. The website was old, outdated and difficult to navigate. You immediately hit the back button and perused elsewhere. The problem of having an old or out-of-date website design affects countless business owners and yet many are unaware of how many prospects they are losing.

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Problem 3 – Words, words, wordsVisual content matters. In

fact it has been shown that eighty percent of people visiting a website are just skimming and not reading. Not having excellent visual cues means you could potentially be losing eighty percent of site visitors and thus a significant number of strong leads and conversions. To fix this is once again simple. Make sure you illustrate key points with visuals while creating dynamic text content. This means using bold or italic text at times and varying height, weight and text size.

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Problem 4 – Page Load Speed

A…slow…loading…page…is…worse…than…having…to…read…these…slowly…progressing…words. Why is that? Poor page load speeds cause you to lose prospects before they even see your site. If your site does not load within three seconds, forty percent of potential prospects will already abandon your site. Done. That’s it. Goodbye business!

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Problem 5 – Too Many Options

Many business owners make the mistake of thinking that the more they offer the more they will sell. Too many options or messages overwhelm customers and those that visit your website, leading them to opt for nothing instead while abandoning a website they see as confusing and overcomplicated. To fix this problem make your website one that is easy to understand. Show the customer what it is you offer, how you can help their needs, and why you are the best source for doing so. Giving them a clear path is the best bet for online success.

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