
Why Mosquito Nets Are Effective

Why Mosquito Nets Are Effective?

Most of the people would have probably experienced being bitten by mosquito when they are sitting in a park or waiting for a bus or train in the station. Bangalores climate is being adorned by many from its neighbouring states. But, this city got infamous tag of being most polluted city. Hence, is a favourable place for pests to multiply and spread diseases.Mosquitoes have learnt to adapt with the pesticides and insecticides used on them. Its all human fault; we call ourselves the most civilized animal, but not literate enough to keep our surroundings and ourselves healthy. When you spit towards the sky it will fall back on your face.

Mosquito borne diseases -malaria, dengue, chickunguniya, yellow fever, encephalitis can be fatal. These diseases are infectious, and can spread to become an endemic malaise. These diseases are not prevalent only in India. In the year 2009, Hollywood actor, Ashton Kutcher donated a hundred thousand U.S. dollars to Malaria No More, a non-profit that aims to provide by 2010 nets for 600 million Africans at risk of malaria.

Points to prove Why Mosquito Nets Are Effective?Malaria spreading mosquitoes are active during night. Mosquito bed screens are an appropriate preventative measure against malaria.Dengue spreading mosquitoes roam around during daytime. So, to keep them out of your house, get wire mosquito mesh for windows and doors. These are usually available from hardware stores and home maintenance stores. You can visit stores of mosquito net for windows Bangalore.There are mosquito nets for cradle. They are available from all delicate outfitting stores. Some baby shops likewise stock them and they can be purchased online. Mosquito nets are safe until your child begins moving around.Various mosquito repellents are also available in market, but most of them either dont work on mosquitoes or are toxic for humans, especially children.Mosquito nets not only prevents from mosquitoes but also from other night loiterers like, lizards, rats, cockroaches, ants, etc.

There are different types of bed screens available in market these days to suit your comfort level and also to fit the bed size. Visit mosquito net stores to get good quality mosquito net to protect your family.

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