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    Why is psycholinguistics studied?

    This page will be looking and the horrific case of Genie, a young girl from Arcadia, California, whos

    extreme and saddening case of social deprivation and contact with language can shed some light on

    of the mysteries of psycholinguistics. 

    Genie, which was a pseudonym for the girl for legal reasons, was a victim of severe social isolation

    most of the first thirteen years of her life. She had been locked inside her bedroom and strapped to

    potty chair during the days, and slept in a caged crib, confined by a straight jacket by night. To furt

    make Genie’s situation worse, her father would not allow her brother, the one tasked with feeding h

    infant food, to speak to her, and he himself would make growling dog like noises from behind the d

    keep her quiet, and when she did try to vocalize she would be beaten by her father. When she was

    at the age of 13, she had learnt from the beatings she received to suppress almost all vocalizations

    could speak very few words, and the ones she could tended to be negative, such as "stop it".


    Victim Of Domestic Violence


    Due to Genie’s extreme and horrific circumstances, she was of great interest to psychologists, lingu

    and neurologists who looked at her case, and could see the atypical development of her mind, and t

    of her language. This was an exceptional circumstance as this would never be able to be recreated

    experimental way due to the awful nature of Genie's treatment. Harlan Lane, who was a psychologi

    Northeastern University said that “It’s a terribly important case. Since our morality doesn’t allow us

    conduct depriva tion experiments with human beings, these unfortunate people are all we have to go


    In her case study, Susan Curtiss (1977) noted that many efforts were made in an attempt to teach G

    language but she never fully acquired linguistic competence. As such, Genie's case lends strength to

    argument that there is a "critical period" in a child's development which, after has been missed, lan

    will never be able to be fully acquired; a theory which was first proposed by Eric Lennenberg. Curtis

    also went on to develop a controversial hypothesis about how language learning affects the two

    hemispheres of the brain, and Genie has also stirred up debate about between language and other m



    There have been other cases such as Genie's. Anna, who was looked at by Davis (1940, 1947) who

    girl of around five years of age that had been found tied to a chair in a storage room of her farm h

    and had apparently been there since babyhood. When found, she too was unable to talk, and when

    relocated to a children's home, lay in a limp position, completely expressionless and was believed t

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  • 8/20/2019 Why is Psycholinguistics Studied_ - All About Linguistics - Original


    potentially deaf and blind. However, after nine months she was moved to a foster home and she be

    make improvements both cognitive and motor, after her foster mother gave her "unremitting atten

    After she left the foster home, and shortly before her death, she was located in a home for retarde

    children, and began to develop speech after living there for two years. This is possibly further evide

    of the critical period, as it took her so long to develop one word speech, a level which she should h

    developed much quicker had she had a typical upbringing.


    In Language Development in Exceptional Circumstances [2]  it is noted on page 115 that Luria (1973

    suggested that the brain develops differently if "one sensory modality is absent. As such, this mean

    in Genie's case, due to lack of communication, her auditory sense was under stimulated, and as suc

    brain would have atypically developed. This also links to more information on why psycholinguistics

    is psycholinguistics? - Atypical language development 

    Language Development in Exceptional Circumstances also outlines why it may be that children that

    been in these cases of social isolation have underdeveloped in the way they have. For example, it

    suggests malnutrition could be a cause, but this alone has not been. However, it also says that John

    Dobbings (1984) commented how malnutrition may produce "irreversible deficits and distortions... i

    growing brain." Other theorists also suggest that these cases show auditory-verbal stimulation and

    of opportunities for play can affect the development of the brain. Although it is impossible to say ex

    WHICH have contributed and how much to cases like Genie's, it would seem that they are fundamen

    the brain's development, and lack of them results in the saddening differences we see in these case


    [1]  Bishop, D., (1993). Language Development in Exceptional Circumstances. 

    [2]  Curtiss, S., (1977). Genie: A Psycholinguistic Study of a Modern Day Wild Child.

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