Page 1: Why does some pollen lack apertures? A review of inaperturate pollen in eudicots.pdf · Anthers were dissected from buds of various sizes and

Why does some pollen lack apertures? A review ofinaperturate pollen in eudicots


Micromorphology Section, Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW93DS, UK

Received May 2006; accepted for publication May 2007

Apertures are key characters of pollen grains with systematic importance in angiosperms. They function as sitesfor pollen tube exit, water uptake, transfer of recognition substances and accommodation of volume changes. Notall pollen has apertures; inaperturate pollen (lacking obvious apertures) characterizes many angiosperm groups,especially in early divergent angiosperms and monocots, but also eudicots. In order to expand our knowledge of thesystematic distribution, possible functional significance and development of inaperturate pollen in angiosperms,this review focuses on inaperturate and cryptoaperturate (with hidden apertures) pollen in the large eudicot clade,which comprises about 75% of present-day angiosperm species. It includes new TEM observations of inaperturatepollen from four exemplar taxa selected from different parts of the eudicot phylogeny. Two categories of inaper-turate (including cryptoaperturate) pollen occur in eudicots. (1) Sterile attractant or feeding pollen associated withfunctional dioecy has evolved iteratively at least six times in conjunction with complex breeding systems in the coreeudicots. (2) Fertile pollen has evolved numerous times independently throughout eudicots, though generally in arelatively small number of individual taxa. Notable exceptions are the petaliferous crotonoid Euphorbiaceaes.s., in which fertile inaperturate pollen occurs in c. 1500 species, and two subfamilies of Apocynaceae s.l.(Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae) with c. 2500 species with fertile inaperturate pollen in pollinia. Fertileinaperturate pollen is sometimes (but not always) associated with an aquatic habit, parasitism, insectivory,heterostyly, anemophily or pollinia. Most fertile inaperturate pollen has a thin exine, or the exine is largelyrestricted to isolated components (muri, protuberances, subunits) separated by thinner areas which probablyfunction as apertures. In cryptoaperturate pollen, the aperture is covered by continuous exine which probably hasa protective function, similar to an operculum. Developmentally, inaperturate pollen is not associated with anyparticular tetrad type or meiotic spindle orientation (unlike some apertures) due to the absence of a colpal shieldof endoplasmic reticulum or other organelles and hence is independent of microsporogenesis type. The lack of acolpal shield during the tetrad stage of development permits complete deposition of first primexine and then exinearound each microspore, possibly mediated by the action of the DEX1 protein. © 2007 The Linnean Society ofLondon, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 29–48.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: aperture function – cryptoaperturate – evolution – exine – functional dioecy –pollen development – primexine – systematics – tetrads.


Apertures are distinctive and often systematicallysignificant features of pollen grains. They function asexits for the pollen tube in germination, as sites forthe uptake of water, in the accommodation of volumechanges (harmomegathy) and as sites for the transfer

of recognition substances (Blackmore & Crane, 1998;Edlund, Swanson & Preuss, 2004). They affect theenvironmental vulnerability to desiccation, fungalinvasion and mechanical stress of pollen grains(Edlund et al., 2004). However, inaperturate pollen, inwhich an obvious aperture is lacking, occurs in somegroups. It is relatively common in early divergentangiosperms including the ANITA grade, magnoliidsand monocots, which are otherwise normally charac-terized by monosulcate (or monosulcate-derived)*E-mail: [email protected]

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 29–48. With 5 figures

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pollen (Furness & Rudall, 1999a, 2000; Sampson,2000; Furness, Rudall & Sampson, 2002b). Thisabsence of apertures is probably related to the rela-tively thin exine that characterizes pollen of theseearly divergent lineages; endexine is sparse or absentcompared with eudicots which have well-developed,acetolysis-resistant endexine and tricolpate (ortricolpate-derived) pollen (Zavada, 1983; Rudall &Furness, 1997; Blackmore & Crane, 1998; Furness,Magallón & Rudall, 2007). Virtually every majormonocot group includes some taxa with inaperturatepollen, indicating that this character has evolvedseveral times. In many monocots the presence ofinaperturate pollen is correlated with aquatic ormoist habitats, e.g. in Alismatales (aquatics: Furness& Rudall, 1999a, 2000) and Zingiberales (moist rainforests: Kress, 1986). Another possible correlation iswith the mycoheterotrophic habit, e.g. in Triuridaceae(Furness & Rudall, 2000; Furness, Rudall &Eastman, 2002a).

Furness & Rudall (1999a, 2000) described two cat-egories of inaperturate pollen in monocots: (1) func-tionally monoaperturate pollen, in which there is alocalized thickening of the intine for pollen tube ger-mination, although the exine is uniform, e.g. Pentas-temona (Stemonaceae: van der Ham, 1991); (2)omniaperturate pollen (sensu Thanikaimoni, 1978), inwhich the intine is uniformly thick and frequentlychannelled, the pollen tube may germinate from any-where on the pollen wall and the exine is often highlyreduced, e.g. Canna (Cannaceae: Skvarla & Rowley,1970; Kress & Stone, 1982). This type of pollen issometimes referred to as ‘exineless’. A third categoryoccurs only in eudicots: (3) cryptoaperturate (sensuThanikaimoni, 1978; Punt et al., 1994), in which thereis an endoaperture (an aperture in the endexine) thatis not apparent in surface view, because there is noectoaperture (aperture in the ectexine). This last typehas been documented in some Phyllanthus species(Phyllanthaceae: Meewis & Punt, 1983; Punt, 1986,1987).

The occurrence of inaperturate pollen both in basalangiosperms and in monocots, in which the pollen isnormally monosulcate (or monosulcate derived), andin eudicots in which the pollen is normally tricolpate(or tricolpate derived), is an interesting example ofconvergent evolution. Multiple pores distributed glo-bally over the pollen surface (pantoporate or polypo-rate apertures) have a similar taxonomic distributionpattern, and a few other aperture types, such asspiral apertures, also occur in both monocots andeudicots (Furness, 1985; Blackmore & Crane, 1998).Here I review the categories of inaperturate pollenand their distribution in eudicots in a systematiccontext using information from the literature andobservations. Data on inaperturate eudicot pollen are

often based on acetolysed pollen, and examination ofthe structure of fresh pollen, including the intine(which may provide clues to how these grains germi-nate), using transmission electron microscopy (TEM),is relatively rare. Here I examine sections of freshpollen or microspores from four exemplar taxa chosenfrom different parts of the eudicot phylogeny. Thesefour species all possess inaperturate pollen, thoughthey differ in other aspects of their pollen morphology,such as surface sculpturing. I also examine aspects ofpollen development, particularly early exine deposi-tion in the tetrad stage of one species, to investigatepossible reasons for the lack of apertures. One processthat has been described to account for the develop-ment of pollen apertures is the formation of anorganelle shield, typically endoplasmic reticulum (thecolpal shield), which blocks the formation of primex-ine and deposition of sporopollenin at the aperturesites (Heslop-Harrison, 1963; Sheldon & Dickinson,1983, 1986). Previous developmental studies of inap-erturate pollen in eudicots are relatively rare,although some have been carried out on Callitriche(Plantaginaceae) by Osborn, El-Ghazaly & Cooper(2001).



Eudicots include c. 75% of extant angiosperm speciesand encompass a wide range of morphological diver-sity, especially in the two largest subclades, Rosidaeand Asteridae. These comprise the ‘core’ eudicots,together with a putatively basal clade, Gunnerales,and several small clades (APG, 1998; APG II, 2003;Soltis et al., 2003). In addition to the core eudicots,there is a basal grade consisting of a few lineages thatare relatively species-poor. These lineages are termedearly divergent eudicots (e.g. Furness et al., 2007).


Pollen was examined from four exemplar taxa fromthree orders from different parts of the eudicot phy-logeny (Table 1). Each of these has inaperturatepollen (Table 1) though the pollen morphology is verydifferent in other aspects. Plant material wasobtained from the living collections of the RoyalBotanic Gardens, Kew (HK followed by accessionnumber): Nepenthes ventricosa Blanco ¥ inermisDanser (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae) HK: 1990-1685; Jatropha pohliana aff. var. subglaber Müll. Arg.(Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae s.s.) HK: 1980-282;Populus balsamifera L. (Malpighiales: Salicaceae)HK: 1985-8617; Matthiola incana (L.) R.Br. (Brassi-cales: Brassicaceae) HK: 1967-3305.


© 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 29–48

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Table 1. Occurrence of inaperturate (including cryptoaperturate) pollen in eudicots following classification in APG II(2003); placement of Rafflesiaceae according to Barkman et al. (2004), Davis & Wurdack (2004)

Family Taxa with inaperturate pollen References

EUDICOTSRanunculales:Berberidaceae Ranzania (or six-pantocolpate) Kosenko (1980), Nowicke & Skvarla (1981)Menispermaceae Disciphania, Tiliacora Erdtman (1952), Thanikaimoni (1968), Ferguson

(1975)Ranunculaceae Souliea vaginata Erdtman (1952), Wang et al. (1993)

CORE EUDICOTSDilleniaceae (unplaced

to order)Some Tetracera (female), also

cryptoaperturateKubitzki & Baretta-Kuipers (1969), Dickison et al.

(1982), Anderson & Symon (1989)Caryophyllales:Nepenthaceae Nepenthes Erdtman (1952), Ueno (1981), Takahashi &

Sohma (1982), this paper, Fig. 1A–FSantalales:Loranthaceae Atkinsonia Feuer & Kuijt (1980)

ROSIDSVitaceae (unplaced

to order)Vitis riparia (female), V. vinifera

(female)Kevan, Longair & Gasawski (1985)

Geraniales:Geraniaceae Balbisia, Wendtia Erdtman (1952), Bortenschlager (1967)

EUROSIDS IMalpighiales:Euphorbiaceae c. 1500 species of petaliferous

crotonoids including Baliospermum,Croton, Jatropha, Joannesia,Neoboutonia, Tritaxis

Erdtman (1952), Punt (1962, 1987), Nowicke(1994), Wurdack et al. (2005), this paper,Figs 2A–F, 3A–F

Linaceae Anisadenia, Reinwardtia, Tirpitzia Erdtman (1952), Sugawara et al. (2002)Malpighiaceae Digoniopterys (female), Microsteira

(female), Rhynchophora (female)Lobreau-Callen (1983, 1984), Anderson (2001)

Phyllanthaceae Some Phyllanthus cryptoaperturate Meewis & Punt (1983), Punt (1986, 1987)Rafflesiaceae Rafflesia, Rhizanthes, Sapria Erdtman (1952), Blarer et al. (2004)Salicaceae Populus Erdtman (1952), Risch (1960), Hesse (1979), this

paper, Fig. 4A–D

EUROSIDS IIBrassicales:Brassicaceae Some Matthiola Erdtman (1952), Rollins & Banerjee (1979), this

paper, Fig. 5A–F

ASTERIDSCornales:Hydrostachyaceae Hydrostachys Erdtman (1952), Straka (1988)Ericales:Actinidiaceae Saurauia veraguensis (female) Haber & Bawa (1984), Anderson & Symon (1989)

EUASTERIDS IIcacinaceae (unplaced

to order)Chlamydocarya cryptoaperturate?,

Pyrenacantha cryptoaperturate?,Stachyanthus cryptoaperturate?

Erdtman (1952), Lobreau-Callen (1972, 1973)

Gentianales:Apocynaceae Secamonoideae (c. 170 species), e.g.

Secamone; Asclepiadoideae (c. 2300species), e.g. Asclepias, Ceropegia,Cynanchum, Matelea, Stapelia

Verhoeven & Venter (2001), Vinkier & Smets(2002), Verhoeven et al. (2003)


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Anthers were dissected from buds of various sizes andplaced in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.05 M phosphatebuffer, pH 7.2, deaerated under vacuum and stored inthe glutaraldehyde at 4 °C. For examination usinglight microscopy (LM) and TEM the anthers wereremoved from the glutaraldehyde, washed in phos-phate buffer and fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 2 hat room temperature. They were washed again inphosphate buffer and dehydrated through a gradedethanol series. Anthers were embedded in medium-grade LR White Resin in gelatin capsules. Sectioningwas carried out using a Reichert Ultracut. Semithin(c. 1 mm) sections were cut using a dry glass knife,stained with toluidine blue and mounted in DPX.They were examined using a Leitz DMRB opticalmicroscope and photographed using an OlympusDP70 digital camera. Ultrathin (gold) sections werecut using a Diatome diamond knife and stained withuranyl acetate followed by lead citrate in an LKBUltrostainer. Sections were examined using a JEOLJEM 1210 TEM at 80 kV.



Pollen of Nepenthes ventricosa ¥ inermis (Fig. 1A–F)is shed as thin-walled tetrahedral tetrads (Fig. 1A–C). The exine consists of a homogeneous layer whichis probably ectexine with scattered spines on top(Fig. 1B, C, F). Some tapetal material appears to bedeposited onto the exine (Fig. 1B). Beneath the ect-

exine is a thin intine (Fig. 1F). The ectexine becomesthinner close to the junction of the grains where adarker, more lamellated layer is visible which contin-ues between the grains (Fig. 1D). This dark layer ispossibly endexine. The grains are joined by fusedendexines although there are some small gaps(Fig. 1E). There are also some intine connectionsbetween the grains (Fig. 1E).


Microsporocytes in Jatropha pohliana aff. var. sub-glaber (Figs 2A–F, 3A–F) undergo simultaneouscytokinesis, in which the two nuclei produced by thefirst meiotic division are not separated by a callosewall (Fig. 2A). There is a thin callose wall surround-ing each microsporocyte (Fig. 2A). After the secondmeiotic division tetrahedral tetrads are formed whichare enclosed by thick callose walls (Fig. 2B, C). Theanther locule is surrounded by secretory tapetal cells(Fig. 2B). Each microspore of a tetrad is completelysurrounded by a primexine layer which is depositedbetween the plasma membrane and the callose wall(Fig. 2D–F). Numerous vesicles occur adjacent to theprimexine which are visible all round each microspore(Fig. 2D–F). A colpal shield of endoplasmic reticulumor other organelles is absent. A lamella runs throughthe centre of the primexine, dividing it into two layers(Fig. 2E, F). Electron-dense sporopollenin elementscondense out of the primexine matrix (Fig. 2F). Bythe vacuolate microspore stage the callose has alldissolved and the microspores have separated(Fig. 3A). Each has a large vacuole, the cytoplasm is

Table 1. Continued

Family Taxa with inaperturate pollen References

Rubiaceae Cephaelis, Hymenocoleus, Palicourea,some Psychotria, some Rudgea

Erdtman (1952), Baker (1956), Robbrecht (1975),Jung-Mendacolli & Melham (1995)

Lamiales:Martyniaceae Craniolaria? Erdtman (1952), Bretting & Nilsson (1988)Plantaginaceae Some Callitriche Erdtman (1952), Osborn & Philbrick (1994),

Cooper et al. (2000), Osborn et al. (2001)Solanales:Solanaceae Mandragora cryptoaperturate, some

Solanum (female)Erdtman (1952), Diez & Ferguson (1984),

Anderson & Symon (1989), Zavada & Anderson(1997), Knapp et al. (1998), Zavada et al. (2000)

EUASTERIDS IIApiales:Araliaceae Polyscias pancheri (female) Anderson & Symon (1989), Schlessman et al.


TAXA OF UNCERTAIN POSITIONApodanthaceae Berlinianche Blarer et al. (2004)


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pushed to the outer edge of the microspore adjacent tothe wall, and the nucleus is also close to the wall(Fig. 3A, B). The microspores are spheroidal butrather irregular in shape probably due to compressionin the locule (Fig. 3A, B). The tapetum has becomeinvasive with tapetal cells invading the anther loculebut they have not fused to form a plasmodium(Fig. 3A). This is an unusual, although possiblyunder-recorded tapetum type. Interestingly, Pacini,Franchi & Hesse (1985) recorded both secretoryand plasmodial tapeta in Euphorbiaceae s.l. Themicrospore wall is composed of exine subunits

(Nowicke, 1994) forming a hexagonal or pentagonalreticulum (Fig. 3C, D). Neighbouring subunits arejoined at the base but the spheroidal heads are freewith gaps in between (Fig. 3C, D). Beneath the sub-units is a granular layer embedded in a matrix ofamorphous material which appears to be the remainsof the primexine (Fig. 3C, D). It is, however, unusualfor primexine to be retained this late in pollen devel-opment. This matrix also covers the granular layer inthe lumina of the reticulum (Fig. 3D). A lamella runsthrough the centre of the granular layer (as in theprimexine; see above) which indicates some of it may

Figure 1. Sections of pollen of Nepenthes ventricosa ¥ inermis. A, tetrahedral tetrads in an anther locule (LM). B, atetrahedral tetrad (TEM). C, part of a tetrad showing one pollen grain with a vegetative nucleus and generative cell(TEM). D, junction of two pollen grains showing wall layers (TEM). E, junction of three pollen grains showing endexineand an intine bridge (TEM). F, detail of the exine with a spine and the intine (TEM). e = exine, i = intine, gc = generativecell, tm = tapetal material, vn = vegetative nucleus and * = endexine. Scale bars = 50 mm in A, 5 mm in B, 2 mm in C, 1 mmin D, E and 500 nm in F.


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be endexine (Fig. 3E, F). Lamellae also appearbeneath the granular layer (Fig. 3E, F).


Late-stage vacuolate microspores with prominentnuclei were observed in Populus balsamifera(Fig. 4A–D). They are spheroidal in shape but areslightly deformed probably due to pressure in thelocule given that they lack thick rigid walls (Fig. 4A,B). The exines are thin and composed of a layer ofshort, irregular columellae supporting irregular pro-

cesses or granules (some pointed) forming a discon-tinuous tectum (Fig. 4C, D). There is a darker stainedendexine layer and beneath this a thin intine layer isdeposited (Fig. 4C, D).


Matthiola incana (Fig. 5A–F) pollen is spheroidalwith long columellae and a coarse reticulum (Fig. 5A,C). A section clipping the wall shows the reticulumwith large lumina between the muri which are

Figure 2. Sections of a microsporocyte and tetrads of Jatropha pohliana aff. var. subglaber. A, a microsporocyte after thefirst meiotic division with two nuclei (TEM). B, tetrads surrounded by callose in an anther locule (LM). C, a tetrahedraltetrad (TEM). D, vesicles adjacent to the primexine deposited around a microspore (TEM). E, primexine showing lamellaand vesicles (TEM). F, two-layered primexine with sporopollenin condensing out of it (TEM). c = callose, n = nucleus,p = primexine, s = sporopollenin, t = tetrad, tc = tapetal cell and v = vesicle. Scale bars = 2 mm in A, 20 mm in B, 5 mm inC, 500 nm in D, E and 250 nm in F.


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supported by columellae (Fig. 5B). Tapetal material(lipid) is deposited into the spaces between the col-umellae from the breakdown of the secretory tapetum(Fig. 5A). In vacuolate microspores, the columellaerest on an electron-dense endexine layer which isdeposited on lamellae (Fig. 5D, E). The intineis deposited beneath this. By the time the pollen ismature, a two-layered intine has been deposited(Fig. 5F). The endexine appears to stretch as thepollen expands so gaps appear where there is onlyintine (Fig. 5F).


Inaperturate (and cryptoaperturate) pollen in eud-icots falls into two distinct groups. First, complexbreeding systems have evolved in core eudicots andseveral records of inaperturate pollen in these lin-eages are associated with functional dioecy. In thesespecies, the inaperturate pollen is sterile feedingpollen, or serves as an attractant to pollinators, and isproduced by functionally female flowers. This system

Figure 3. Sections of vacuolate microspores of Jatropha pohliana aff. var. subglaber. A, vacuolate microspores in ananther locule with an invasive tapetum (LM). B, a microspore with a large central vacuole and the nucleus and cytoplasmpushed to the edge (TEM). C, the microspore wall consisting of exine subunits forming a reticulum with a granular layerbeneath (TEM). D, detail of the subunits, granular layer and amorphous material in the lumen (TEM). E, a lumen withgranules, lamellae and amorphous material (TEM). F, detail of E (TEM). a = amorphous material, e = exine subunit,g = granule, n = nucleus, tc = tapetal cell, vc = vacuole and * = lamella. Scale bars = 50 mm in A, 5 mm in B, 1 mm in C, D,500 nm in E and 250 nm in F.


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has evolved at least six times independently withinthe core eudicots (Table 1). It is absent from basalangiosperms, including monocots, and from earlydivergent eudicots. Secondly, fertile inaperturatepollen has also evolved numerous times indepen-dently within eudicots (Table 1). The detailed distri-bution of both of these types of pollen is discussedbelow.


In early-divergent eudicots, inaperturate pollenoccurs in three families in Ranunculales: Berberi-daceae, Menispermaceae and Ranunculaceae(Table 1). In Berberidaceae, there are records of bothinaperturate and six-pantocolpate pollen in Ranzaniajaponica, a monotypic taxon restricted to northernHonshu, Japan (Table 1). Other Berberidaceae havetricolpate pollen apart from Berberis and Mahonia,which are spiraperturate (Kosenko, 1980; Nowicke &Skvarla, 1981; Furness, 1985). In Menispermaceaeinaperturate pollen is restricted to two genera, Dis-ciphania (Tinosporeae) and Tiliacora (Triclisieae).Both have reticulate exines which are common inMenispermaceae pollen. Apertures in this family are

usually tricolporate, sometimes tricolpate (Black-more, Stafford & Persson, 1995). The monotypicSouliea vaginata (Ranunculoideae), a cryptophyteendemic to south-west China, is the only member ofRanunculaceae with inaperturate pollen. The exineis striate–reticulate with spines (Wang, Hong & Li,1993). Apertures in possibly related genera, e.g.Cimicifuga, are tricolpate and the exines are spiny,usually with perforations between the spines (Wanget al., 1993). Pollen of Ranunculaceae is diverse withapertures ranging from tricolpate to pantocolpate andpantoporate, or spiraperturate in Anemone, and thecolpi may be fused (syncolpate) or irregular (Black-more et al., 1995). Exine ornamentation is also vari-able but is most commonly a perforate tectum withgranules (scabrae) or small spines (microechinae)(Blackmore et al., 1995).


Non-rosids and non-asteridsIn core eudicots, dimorphic pollen occurs in someneotropical species of Tetracera (Dilleniaceae:unplaced to order; Table 1) that are functionally dio-ecious. In these species, male flowers have tricolpo-

Figure 4. Sections of vacuolate microspores of Populus balsamifera. A, vacuolate microspores in an anther locule witha degenerating tapetum (LM). B, a microspore with a small vacuole and large nucleus (TEM); C, the microspore wall witha granular exine and a dark endexine layer (TEM). D, detail of the wall showing exine granules, short columellae,endexine and thin intine (TEM). c = columella, e = exine, g = granule, i = intine, n = nucleus, vc = vacuole and * = endexine.Scale bars = 50 mm in A, 5 mm in B, 1 mm in C and 500 nm in D.


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rate pollen, bisexual flowers (functionally female)have inaperturate, or weakly aperturate pollen withendopores or thinnings where the foot layer is absent,which could be interpreted as cryptoaperturate. Thereare no other obvious morphological differences (inpollen size, shape or wall sculpturing) between thetricolporate and inaperturate grains (Dickison,Nowicke & Skvarla, 1982). The inaperturate pollen

probably represents feeding pollen offered as a polli-nator reward (Anderson & Symon, 1989). Other Dil-leniaceae have tricolpate, tricolporate or four-colpatepollen (Dickison et al., 1982).

In Caryophyllales inaperturate pollen is restrictedto the insectivorous genus Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae:Table 1; Fig. 1A–F), in which pollen is shed as per-manent tetrahedral tetrads and has a spiny exine

Figure 5. Sections of pollen and vacuolate microspores of Matthiola incana. A, a pollen grain with a coarse reticulumwith tapetal material (TEM). B, a clip through the reticulate exine showing the muri, lumina and columellae (TEM). C,vacuolate microspores in an anther locule with a secretory tapetum (LM). D, the reticulate exine of a vacuolate microsporeshowing the muri and columellae (TEM). E, detail of a columella resting on the dark, lamellated endexine layer (TEM).F, the pollen wall with columellae, a discontinuous endexine and two intine layers (TEM). c = columella, i1 = intine 1,i2 = intine 2, l = lumen, m = murus, st = secretory tapetum, tm = tapetal material and * = endexine lamellae. Scalebars = 5 mm in A, 2 mm in B, 20 mm in C, 1 mm in D, 250 nm in E and 500 nm in F.


© 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 29–48

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(Ueno, 1981; Takahashi & Sohma, 1982; this paper,Fig. 1A–F). Pollen in the closely related family Dros-eraceae is similar except that it has porate apertures;the pores have opercula in some species (Takahashi &Sohma, 1982).

The only member of Santalales with inaperturatepollen is Atkinsonia ligustrina (Loranthaceae:Table 1), a monotypic mistletoe endemic to south-eastAustralia. Mistletoes are hemiparasites whichcontain chlorophyll. Pollen is asymmetric, spherical toteardrop shaped with a granular surface, and anexine composed of a tectum, a thin granular layer, abasal layer (foot layer), and a loosely woven endexinewhich is absent in some areas (Feuer & Kuijt, 1980).This pollen is unique in Loranthaceae and is autapo-morphic for Atkinsonia. Most Loranthaceae havethree apertures which are syncolpate (colpi fused atthe pole) or diploporate (each ectocolpus with twoendoapertures), pollen shape is usually triangularwith concave or convex sides, and exines are granularor columellate often with a thick foot layer and athick endexine in polar areas which is thinner at theapertures (Feuer & Kuijt, 1980, 1985).

Early-divergent rosidsVitis riparia and V. vinifera (Vitaceae: unplaced toorder; Table 1) are functionally dioecious with dimor-phic pollen. Male plants produce functional sphericaltricolporate pollen, and females inaperturate pollenwith the same diameter which cannot fertilize. Theusual aperture type in Vitaceae is tricolporate(Erdtman, 1952).

In Geraniales, inaperturate pollen occurs in onlyone family, Geraniaceae, in which it is restricted tothe South American genera Balbisia and Wendtia(Table 1).

Pollen of both genera is coarsely reticulate witha columellate exine (Bortenschlager, 1967). Otherpollen types in Geraniaceae are tricolporate, panto-porate or tricolpate with reticulate, striate, verrucateor spinulate surfaces and columellate exines (Borten-schlager, 1967). Erdtman (1952: 189) commented, ‘Ifthe short colpi in Monsonia and Sarcocaulon shoulddisappear, a nonaperturate, coarsely reticulate pollentype, similar to that in Balbisia and Wendtia, wouldensue [cf. parallel features in Cruciferae (Matthiola)]’.

Eurosids IIn contrast, inaperturate pollen occurs in six familiesin Malpighiales, with the largest occurrence inEuphorbiaceae s.s. (Table 1; Figs 2A–F, 3A–F). Inap-erturate pollen characterizes a well-supported croto-noid clade mostly with petals at least in staminateflowers (Wurdack, Hoffmann & Chase, 2005). Thispollen occurs in at least 1500 species, a large group ineudicots with inaperturate pollen (Nowicke, 1994).

Pantoporate, tricolpate and tricolporate aperturesoccur in apetalous crotonoids (Nowicke, 1994;Lobreau-Callen, Malecot & Suarez-Cervera, 2000;Wurdack et al., 2005). ‘Crotonoid’ pollen is character-ized by a typical pattern of exine subunits. Accordingto Nowicke (1994) these subunits are raised ectexineelements, densely spaced or arranged in more openpatterns such as rings of five or six, sometimes more.Their surfaces are smooth, pitted or striate, and theirapices are pointed, rounded, flat or attenuate. Intangential section the subunits are triangular torounded-triangular and are attached to muri havingshort irregular or granular columellae. The foot layeris thin and discontinuous, as is the granular or lamel-lated endexine (Nowicke, 1994). Pollen of the remain-der of the Euphorbiaceae s.s. is very diverse althoughtricolporate apertures are common (Punt, 1962, 1987;El-Ghazaly & Chaudhary, 1993; Lobreau-Callen et al.,2000; Nowicke & Takahashi, 2002).

Inaperturate pollen is found in three small Asiangenera of Linaceae (Table 1). Heterostyly and associ-ated pollen dimorphism occur in Linaceae (Bahadur,Laxmi & Swamy, 1984; Sugawara et al., 2002). InReinwardtia indica inaperturate pollen of long-styledmorphs is significantly smaller than that of short-styled morphs and the verrucate and microechinateprocesses found on pollen of both morphs are shorterand less swollen but more densely packed in thelong-styled morphs (Sugawara et al., 2002). Pollen ofLinaceae is diverse; three-colpate, three-colporate andpantoporate apertures occur and the surfaces aregemmate, verrucate or reticulate (Saad, 1962; Punt &den Breejen, 1981).

Inaperturate pollen is produced by functionallyfemale flowers in three genera of Malpighiaceaefrom Madagascar (Table 1). Microsteira and Rhyn-chophora have male flowers with pollen with sixpores, and morphologically bisexual flowers withinaperturate pollen. Both types contain cytoplasmalthough the inaperturate pollen is larger in size(Anderson, 2001). Anderson (2001) concluded thatthe ‘bisexual’ flowers were functionally female andthe inaperturate pollen was feeding pollen offered asa pollinator reward as Malpighiaceae have no nec-taries. Inaperturate pollen was also observed in aflower of Digoniopterys described as female or prot-ogynous (Lobreau-Callen, 1983). She described anarea of thinner exine where the intine was thicker,which could represent a vestigial aperture in inap-erturate pollen in Malpighiaceae (Lobreau-Callen,1983). Other aperture types in Malpighiaceae aretricolporate, hexacolporate, syncolporate and panto-porate, and some genera produce out-crossing (chas-mogamous) flowers with normal aperturate pollenand self-fertile (cleistogamous) flowers with smallpollen grains with less well-developed exines and


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vestigial apertures (e.g. Aspicarpa and Gaudichau-dia: Lobreau-Callen, 1984). Lowrie (1982) describedseveral genera as polyporate but lacking ectoaper-tures, e.g. Bunchosia and Heladena, although hisscanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showporate apertures visible in surface view, so these arenot cryptoaperturate in the sense of Punt et al.(1994) (see Introduction). Halbritter & Hesse (1995)described unusual pollen in Malpighia and Heterop-teris with the exine divided into plates (clypeate)with operculate pores in the grooves between theplates. The intine is thickened beneath the pores.

Some African and South American species ofPhyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae, formerly included inEuphorbiaceae s.l., e.g. Webster, 1975) have cryptoap-erturate pollen (with endoapertures but no ectoaper-tures) and pilate surfaces (Table 1). These appearinaperturate using SEM as the endoapertures arecovered by continuous exine. Punt (1986) accountedfor the occurrence of these remarkably similar pollengrains in two continents as due to convergence pos-sibly related to pollination. In the African species atrend towards reduction in the ectoapertures can beseen from distinctly tricolporate (e.g. Phyllanthuspynaertii) to indistinctly tricolporate (e.g. P. polyan-thus) to three-endoporate (with endoapertures but noectoapertures, e.g. P. dinklagei) (Meewis & Punt,1983; Punt, 1986). This trend could, however, operatein the opposite direction and requires further testingusing well-sampled phylogenies. Phyllanthus, a genusof about 600 species (Stevens, 2001), has diversepollen; 3–11-colporate, pantoporate and clypeate (syn-colpate with an areolate pattern) occur, and thecolpori may be diploporate (with two endoapertures)(Punt, 1980, 1986, 1987; Meewis & Punt, 1983;Lobreau-Callen, Punt & Schmid, 1988; Sagun & vander Ham, 2003). Phyllanthus ¥ elongatus has unusualpantoporate pollen with polygonal exine shields (cly-peate) separated by grooves with pores with thick-ened intine beneath them located in the intersectionsof the grooves (Halbritter & Hesse, 1995). This issimilar to the clypeate pollen in Malpighia and Het-eropsis (Malpighiaceae: Halbritter & Hesse, 1995; seeabove).

Erdtman (1952) reported inaperturate pollen in theriver-weed family, Podostemaceae, using LM, but thishas not been confirmed by more recent studies usingSEM and TEM. These describe diverse pollen aper-tures in the family including tricolpate, tricolporateand pantoporate with tetracolpate, pentacolpate,hexacolpate, zono-aperturate and spiraperturatealso occurring (Bezuidenhout, 1964; O’Neill et al.,1997; Rutishauser, 1997; Osborn, O’Neill &El-Ghazaly, 2000; Passarelli, Girade & Tur, 2002;Jäger-Zürn, Novelo & Philbrick, 2006). Unusually ina eudicot, pollen in many species is dispersed as

dyads and these were shown to develop by successivemicrosporogenesis in Griffithella (Razi, 1949).Recently, it has been shown that simultaneous divi-sion occurs in Tristichoideae while both simultaneousand (unusually in a eudicot) successive division occurin Podostemoideae (Jäger-Zürn et al., 2006).

Rafflesiaceae, holoparasites lacking chlorophyllwhich produce exceptionally large flowers smelling ofcarrion, have recently been placed in Malpighialesbased on analyses of mitochondrial DNA (Barkmanet al., 2004; Davis & Wurdack, 2004). Pollen of thethree genera in the family is inaperturate (Table 1).Previous records of ulcerate pollen and successivemicrosporogenesis in this family are anomalous in aeudicot (Ernst & Schmidt, 1913; Schnarf, 1931;Takhtajan, Meyer & Kosenko, 1985; Furness &Rudall, 2004). Records of ulcerate pollen are incorrectaccording to recent data from Blarer, Nickrent &Endress (2004), and microsporogenesis requiresre-investigation.

All species of the anemophilous genus Populus(Salicaceae) have spheroidal inaperturate pollen(Table 1; Fig. 4A–D). The exine is thin with shortcolumellae and a granular surface (Fig. 4A–D). Thepollenkitt remains mostly in the anther locule, thereis only a little in the exine spaces and the tectum islargely free of pollenkitt so the pollen is powdery, anadaptation to pollination by wind (Hesse, 1979; thispaper, Fig. 4C, D). In contrast, the insect-pollinatedSalix has more elongated (prolate) tricolpate or tri-colporate pollen with a prominant reticulum and theexine is filled with pollenkitt which coats the outerlayer of the exine such that the pollen is sticky (Risch,1960; Hesse, 1979). Populus is the only genus inSalicaceae s.l. (Chase et al., 2002) with inaperturatepollen; others have mainly tricolporate apertures,although tricolpate, three- to five-colpate and tripo-rate also occur (Keating, 1973, 1975; Lu & Wang,2004).

Eurosids IIBrassicaceae (Brassicales: Table 1) have fairlyuniform tricolpate, reticulate pollen (Rollins & Ban-erjee, 1979). The family is stenopalynous, meaningthere is little variation in the pollen (Punt et al.,1994). Pollen of Matthiola incana examined herelacks apertures and is spheroidal with a reticulateexine (Fig. 5A–F). Erdtman (1952) described pollen ofMatthiola incana and M. tricuspidata as inaperturateand M. sinuata and M. tristis with weak apertures.Schizopetalon gayanum has three faint concavitiesinstead of apertures (Erdtman, 1952). Rollins & Ban-erjee (1979) described weakly formed or irregularapertures in Cremolobus suffruticosus, Mathewsiaperuviana, Matthiola incana, Pugonium cristatumand Schizopetalon biseriatum. The inaperturate or


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weakly aperturate pollen is more spheroidal in shapethan the usual tricolpate pollen, which is elongated(prolate).

Early-divergent asteridsIn Cornales, Hydrostachys (Hydrostachyaceae), agenus of aquatics from southern Africa and Madagas-car, has inaperturate microechinate pollen shed inpermanent tetrahedral tetrads similar to those ofNepenthes (Table 1).

Saurauia veraguensis (Ericales: Actinidiaceae;Table 1) has male flowers producing small functionaltricolporate pollen grains and morphologicallybisexual flowers producing larger inaperturate grains;these grains stain with lactophenol, indicating thepresence of cytoplasm, although they tend to collapse.The inaperturate pollen does not germinate and isprobably offered as a food reward to pollinating bees(Haber & Bawa, 1984). Other Saurauia species arealso functionally dioecious and in these the function-ally female flowers produce sterile, collapsed pollenlacking contents, which has weakly developed tri-colporate apertures (Soejarto, 1969). A similar situa-tion occurs in Actinidia chinensis (Actinidiaceae:Schmid, 1978) where functionally female flowers alsoproduce collapsed pollen with weakly developed tri-colporate apertures. Tricolporate is the usual aper-ture type in Actinidiaceae (Dickison et al., 1982).

Euasterids IErdtman (1952) described inaperturate pollen inthree species of Icacinaceae (unplaced to order:Table 1): Chlamydocarya staudtii, Pyrenacanthascandens and Stachyanthus zenkeri. Lobreau-Callen(1972, 1973) described Chlamydocarya pollen with sixpores in the endexine with the aperture membranesindistinguishable from the rest of the exine, Pyrena-cantha as cryptoporate with three to five pores, andStachyanthus with six indistinct pores. All have ech-inate surfaces. These observations indicate the pollenmay be cryptoaperturate, as in Phyllanthus (Phyllan-thaceae: see Table 1), although further work usingTEM sections is required to confirm this. Pollen ofIcacinaceae is diverse with three- to five-colpate,tricolporate, or three or more porate apertures, andpollen shape and surface sculpturing also vary(Lobreau-Callen, 1972, 1973).

In Gentianales, inaperturate pollen occursthroughout two subfamilies of Apocynaceae s.l.,Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae (Table 1).Secamonoideae are composed of nine genera with c.170 species, and Asclepiadoideae about 200 generaand c. 2300 species (Stevens, 2001). Unlike that ofother eudicots, pollen in both these subfamilies isshed in pollinia. In Secamonoideae, there are twopollinia (massulae) per anther locule (a total of four

pollinia per anther) composed of inaperturate tetradswithout an outer wall enclosing the pollinium, and inAscelpiadoideae (excluding Fockea) there is onepollinium per locule (two per anther) composed ofinaperturate single pollen grains with an outerwall enclosing the pollinium (Verhoeven & Venter,2001; Vinkier & Smets, 2002). In Fockea the polliniaare composed of inaperturate tetrads not coveredby a pollinium wall and are similar to those ofSecamonoideae except there are only two polliniaper anther (Verhoeven, Leide & Endress, 2003).Apertures occur in pollen of the other subfamiles ofApocynaceae s.l. Rauvolfioideae, considered to befirst-branching (Endress & Bruyns, 2000), have threeto four colporate single pollen grains, Apocynoideaehave three to four porate, occasionally aperturate orpolypantoporate single pollen grains or poratetetrads, and Periplocoideae have four to six poratetetrads, multiporate tetrads, or pollinia composed ofporate tetrads (Vinkier & Smets, 2002). The type ofpollinium and translator (which together form thepollinarium) in Asclepiadoideae was considered to bethe most advanced by Verhoeven & Venter (2001).This implies a trend throughout the family from aper-turate to inaperturate pollen. However, the position ofPeriplocoideae as sister to Secamonoideae plus Ascl-epiadoideae is uncertain and details of the evolutionof the pollinarium of the latter two subfamiles areunclear according to Stevens (2001).

Rubiaceae (Gentianales) are a large family withdiverse pollen morphology. Inaperturate pollen occursin five heterostylous genera in Rubioideae (Table 1).Heterostyly is common in Rubioideae (Stevens, 2001).Inaperturate pollen is found only in heterostylousRubioideae but not all heterostylous Rubioideae haveinaperturate pollen. Hymenocoleus is characterizedby inaperturate pollen with a granular surface and,as is usual in heterostylous plants (e.g. Reinwardtiaindica, see Table 1), pollen of the short-styled form islarger than that of the long-styled form, which alsoapplies to other heterostylous Rubioideae (Robbrecht,1975). Inaperturate pollen in Palicourea, Psychotriaand Rudgea has psilate, rugulate, reticulate, retipi-late or echinate surfaces (Jung-Mendaçolli &Melham, 1995). Tricolporate pollen also occurs inPsychotria and tricolpate in Rudgea (Jung-Mendaçolli& Melham, 1995).

In Martyniaceae (Lamiales: Table 1), the aperturesin Craniolaria are difficult to interpret and pollenmay possibly be inaperturate. There are unusual cir-cular ‘aperturoid’ areas scattered over the pollensurface surrounded by raised rings of ectexine(Erdtman, 1952; Bretting & Nilsson, 1988). However,the intine does not appear to thicken in these aper-turoid areas, although studies using fresh pollen arerequired (Bretting & Nilsson, 1988). The other


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genera, Ibicella, Martynia and Proboscidea, have cly-peate pollen with shield-shaped areas of exine(areolae) surrounded by the apertural areas (Bretting& Nilsson, 1988; Halbritter & Hesse, 1995).

Inaperturate pollen is found in Callitriche (Lami-ales: Plantaginaceae; Table 1). Both aerial and under-water pollination occur in this genus of around 50species and are reflected in the different pollen typesas described by Osborn and co-workers (Osborn &Philbrick, 1994; Cooper, Osborn & Philbrick, 2000;Osborn et al., 2001). The obligately submergedspecies, e.g. Callitriche hermaphroditica and C. trun-cata, have underwater pollination and inaperturatepollen with a reduced exine or exine is absent (exine-less pollen). The intine is thick but it does not appearto contain channels (Cooper et al., 2000; Osborn et al.,2001). Channels commonly occur in the thickenedintine of omniaperturate monocot pollen (see Intro-duction). Amphibious Callitriche species have pollenwith weakly defined apertures and well-developed,intectate exines. Pollination is by anemophily, typicalgeitonogamy or internal geitonogamy in which thepollen grains germinate within indehisced anthersand the pollen tubes grow directly to the ovules, C. heterophylla var. heterophylla. Terrestrialspecies are geitonogamous with tricolpate pollen witha well-developed exine, e.g. C. peploides.

Unusual cryptoaperturate pollen occurs in Man-dragora (Solanaceae: Table 1). There are no ectoaper-tures but a pattern of endexine thinnings orendoapertures divides pentagonal, hexagonal or sub-circular plates or shields of thicker endexine. There isa slight increase in the thickness of the intine belowthese endexine thinnings. The ectexine layer overliesthe whole endexine and is composed of fine gemmate-clavate elements interspersed with large, widelyspaced spines (Diez & Ferguson, 1984). This type ofpollen is not found in any other Solanaceae, whichtypically have tricolporate pollen. The most frequentoccurrence of inaperturate pollen in Solanaceae,however, is in functionally dioecious species ofSolanum (Table 1; reviewed by Anderson & Symon,1989; Knapp, Persson & Blackmore, 1998). Both maleand female flowers are morphologically hermaphro-dite although functionally unisexual. The males haveovules which never produce fruits or seeds and thefemales have pollen but while that of the males istricolporate that of the females is usually inapertu-rate. The inaperturate pollen functions as a pollinatorreward as the flowers are nectarless. Not all function-ally dioecious Solanum species produce inaperturatepollen. The female flowers of Solanum crotonoideshave tricolporate pollen similar to that of the malesbut the apertures have a narrow, pinched appearance,while S. polygamum does not produce any pollen inthe anthers of female flowers. The inaperturate pollen

usually has a thicker exine, with less differentiationinto sexine and nexine, than the pollen of maleflowers. Studies on pollen development have demon-strated that meiosis can be abnormal, aperturalshields can be lacking and no mechanism of apertureformation remains in the inaperturate pollen (Knappet al., 1998). The inaperturate pollen does not producenormal pollen tubes due to the exine acting as abarrier to the stimuli that initiate pollen tube growth(Zavada & Anderson, 1997; Zavada, Anderson &Taylor, 2000).

Euasterids IIPollen dimorphism associated with functional dioecywith inaperturate pollen (or pollen with poorly devel-oped apertures) produced by female flowers has beenreported in the New Caledonian endemic Polysciaspancheri (Apiales: Araliaceae; Table 1). The maleflowers have tricolporate pollen, as do most otherAraliaceae (Erdtman, 1952; Schlessman, Lowry &Lloyd, 1990).


The taxonomic position of Apodanthaceae (holopara-sites lacking chlorophyll) is uncertain although recentanalyses using mitochondrial and nuclear genessuggest they are related to either Cucurbitales orMalvales (Nickrent et al., 2004). Pollen of Berlin-ianche (Apodanthaceae) is inaperturate (Table 1).Other Apodanthaceae (Apodanthes and Pilostyles)have tricolpate pollen (Blarer et al., 2004).


Sterile inaperturate pollen produced by femaleflowers is a core eudicot character related to theevolution of complex breeding systems in these lin-eages and functions as a pollinator reward or attrac-tant (Table 2). Fertile inaperturate pollen has evolvednumerous times independently throughout eudicotsand in some it clearly has a functional significance(Table 2).


Inaperturate pollen has evolved in aquatic eudicots intwo unrelated families, Hydrostachyaceae and Plan-taginaceae (Callitriche) (Table 2). As in submergedmonocots such as seagrasses (Cymodociaceae, someHydrocharitaceae and Zosteraceae), a thick exine isnot necessary as the pollen is not subject to dehydra-tion but remains fully hydrated. In submerged Cal-litriche species, most of the wall is composed of intine


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and pollen tube germination can presumeably takeplace at any point. Although the submerged aquaticPodostemaceae lack inaperturate pollen, functionallysimilar spiraperturate pollen, in which the spiralaperture increases the area for potential pollen tubegermination (Furness & Rudall, 1999a), does occur inthis family. The ocurrence of inaperturate pollen intwo eudicot families of holoparasites (Rafflesiaceaeand Apodanthaceae) and one hemiparasite (Atkinso-nia in Loranthaceae) is reminiscent of the possessionof inaperturate pollen by mycoheterotrophic taxa inmonocots (Table 2). Reduction of pollen exine andaccompanying loss of apertures may be favoured inmycoheterotrophs and parasites due to the cost ofexine production and could be part of an iterativetrend towards morphological reduction in these taxa.Interestingly, the insectivore Nepenthes (Nepenth-aceae) also has pollen with a thin exine lackingapertures, which may also be related to resourceallocation in a challenging (nutrient-poor) habitat(Table 2; Fig. 1A–F). The areas close to the junction ofthe grains in the Nepenthes tetrad, where the ectexinethins and the endexine becomes apparent, may beweaker zones where the pollen tube could potentiallyemerge (Fig. 1D).

Inaperturate pollen occurs in several heterostyloustaxa although possible reasons for this are unclear(Table 2). Loss of apertures in Populus (Salicaceae:Table 2; Fig. 4A–D) is related to wind pollination andthere is a striking contrast with the pollen of Salix(see page 34). Dry Populus pollen does not need athick exine with large cavities for storage of pollenkittand the reduced volume of exine may make the pollenmore aerodynamic. It may be possible for the pollentube to emerge at any point through the thin granularexine so apertures are unnecessary, although this hasnot been documented. Studies of pollen germinationin Populus do not demonstrate from which part of thewall the tube emerges (Gaget et al., 1984; Gaget,Villar & Dumas, 1989; Zhu & Li, 1989). In monocots,thin exines and weakly defined apertures occur inwind-pollinated Cyperaceae pseudomonads, whereasthere is a shift to spherical monads with thickerexines and prominent ulcerate apertures in probableanimal-pollinated Cyperaceae such as Mapania(Simpson et al., 2003). Linder (1998, 2000) describedpollen characters associated with anemophilly: dry,smooth pollen, 20–50 mm in size, with circular ratherthan elongated apertures. Pollen of Populus has allthese characters except the apertures are absent.

Table 2. Distribution of significant or possibly significant characters associated with inaperturate (including cryptoap-erturate) pollen in eudicots


Aquatichabit Parasitism Insectivory Heterostyly Anemophily Pollinia

MenispermaceaeRanunculaceaeDilleniaceae +Nepentheaceae +Loranthaceae +Vitaceae +GeraniaceaeEuphorbiaceaeLinaceae +Malpighiaceae +PhyllanthaceaeRafflesiaceae +Salicaceae +BrassicaceaeHydrostachyaceae +Actinidiaceae +IcacinaceaeApocynaceae +Rubiaceae +MartyniaceaePlantaginaceae +Solanaceae +Araliaceae +Apodanthaceae +


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Covering the whole grain with a thin exine layer mayprevent excessive desiccation. It is not known if aper-ture loss occurred after wind pollination evolved inPopulus or if the pollen was preadapted to windpollination. Populus is a model organism whosegenome has been sequenced (Brunner, Busov &Strauss, 2004). This could provide insights into thegenetic control of these changes in the pollen.

Pollen lacking apertures also appears to be associ-ated with the evolution of pollinia (Table 2); in factthe greatest number of species with inaperturatepollen occurs in the two families with pollinia, Apo-cynaceae s.l. in eudicots and Orchidaceae in mono-cots. Pollinia, often with inaperturate pollen, arecharacteristic of many Epidendroideae, Neotioideaeand Orchidoideae (Orchidaceae: Furness & Rudall,1999a). However, pollen in pollinia may possess aper-tures, as in some Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae s.l.)with porate tetrads (see page 40), and some Epiden-droideae, Neotioideae and Orchidoideae with ulcerateor porate pollen (Zavada, 1983). Reduction of thepollen exine occurs in pollinia and the loss of aper-tures is possibly related to this. In Secamonoideaeand Fockea (Apocynaceae s.l.), the exine of the wallsthat separate tetrads on the inside of the pollinium(the proximal walls) consists of only a granular layer(Verhoeven & Venter, 2001). Pollen in orchid polliniamay be exineless, or exineless in the interior of thepollinium (Zavada, 1983).


Brassicaceae contains the model organism Arabidop-sis thaliana, which has pollen very similar inmorphology and ultrastructure to that of Matthiolaincana examined here (Fig. 5A–F) except that ithas tricolpate apertures (Owen & Makaroff, 1995).However, these apertures are not always used as exitsfor the pollen tube. Edlund et al. (2004) demonstratedthat Arabidopsis pollen tubes often break directlythrough the interapertural exine walls precisely atthe site of contact with the stigma surface. This maybe because after pollen imbibition the increasedturgor pressure of the grain or gel-swelling forces arefocused on an area of exine partially degraded byenzymes at the pollen–stigma interface, which thenruptures (Edlund et al., 2004). The thinner exine inthe lumen of the reticulum may be preadapted as asite for this. Although the pollen tube does not exitfrom the apertures in Arabidopsis they could stillfunction in water uptake before germination and inharmomegathy. However, the lack of apertures inMatthiola suggests that they may not be necessaryfor these functions. Water could ingress through thelargely intinous lumina walls, which may be flexibleenough to accommodate volume changes (Fig. 5F).

The situation in Brassicaceae suggests that aperturescould become redundant in some eudicots. Interest-ingly, a coarse reticulum occurs in other inaperturatepollen, e.g. in Balbisia and Wendtia (Geraniaceae).Similarly, in pollen with verrucate or microechinateprotuberances, e.g. in Reinwardtia indica (Linaceae),the spaces between the protuberances could take overthe function of apertures, and the pollen tube couldforce its way between the protuberances. These pollengrains are all spheroidal, which is probably the mostcommon shape for inaperturate pollen (see Figs 3A,B, 4A, B, 5A, C), and this may have harmomegathicsignificance as the stresses will be evenly distributedin a sphere.

Relatives of taxa with inaperturate pollen have adiverse range of apertures (see Systematic Distribu-tion, above). These include polyporate, clypeate andspiraperturate (as in monocots: Furness & Rudall,1999a), although aperture types not found in mono-cots, such as tricolpate and tricolporate, also occur.Loss of apertures and the transfer of their function toother parts of the pollen wall has occurred numeroustimes independently in eudicots and may be an itera-tive trend. However, generally the number of taxa inwhich it occurs is relatively low and is mostlyrestricted to a few genera or species in any particularfamily, although notable exceptions occur in Euphor-biaceae s.s. and Apocynaceae s.l. (Table 1).

The petaliferous crotonoid Euphorbiaceae s.s. com-prise a whole clade of some 1500 species character-ized by inaperturate pollen with a distinctive‘crotonoid’ exine (Table 1). Here the pollen tube canprobably emerge through the thinner exine, consist-ing of a loose aggregation of granules, in the luminabetween the exine subunits (Fig. 3C–F). This strategyis similar to that of Matthiola and is probablycommon in inaperturate eudicot pollen. Interestingly,Malpighiales contain more families with inaperturatepollen than any other eudicot order (Table 1). Thisrelatively novel taxonomic grouping, discovered usingmolecular sequence data, is highly diverse and inaddition to Euphorbiaceae includes some parasites,plus the wind-pollinated poplar (Stevens, 2001).


Cryptoaperturate pollen, with only endoapertures,has a restricted distribution (Table 1): in some Phyl-lanthus (Phyllanthaceae), possibly some Icacinaceaeand Mandragora (Solanaceae). A specialized area ofthe exine (the endoaperture) functions as an aperturealthough this is not visible on the surface since it iscovered with continuous exine. This is similar to,although structurally different from, functionallymonoaperturate pollen in monocots in which the aper-ture (a localized thickening of the intine) is also


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hidden beneath continuous exine (Furness & Rudall,1999a, 2000). Both these types of aperture are alsosimilar to, and may be related to, operculate aper-tures, which occur in both monocots and eudicots(Furness & Rudall, 2003). Here the aperture iscovered by a separate piece of exine, like a lid, whichprotects against desiccation and entry of pathogens(Furness & Rudall, 2003). The exine covering theaperture in cryptoaperturate (and functionallymonoaperturate) pollen probably has the same func-tion. Some sterile feeding pollen is also cryptoapertu-rate, e.g. in some female Tetracera (Dilleniaceae)flowers, and probably results from incomplete orabnormal aperture development.



Fertile inaperturate pollen develops from tetrahedraltetrads produced by simultaneous microsporogenesisin eudicots (Figs 1A, B, 2A–C). This microsporogen-esis type occurs throughout eudicots, although inap-erturate pollen can develop from either thesimultaneous (with tetrahedral tetrads) or the succes-sive type (with tetragonal tetrads) in monocots andbasal angiosperms, so tetrad orientation does notinfluence the development of inaperturate pollen(Furness & Rudall, 1999a, b; Furness et al., 2002b). Acolpal shield of endoplasmic reticulum or otherorganelles is absent in the tetrad stage of develop-ment of fertile inaperturate pollen (Fig. 2D–F). Insterile inaperturate pollen, e.g. Solanum, meiosismay be irrregular and apertural shields are absent(Knapp et al., 1998). However, in aperturate pollenthe position of the colpal shield is related to that ofthe microtubule organizing centres (MTOCs) of themeiotic spindle and hence to the tetrad cleavageplanes (Heslop-Harrison, 1971; Sheldon & Dickinson,1983, 1986).

There is no evidence to suggest that pollen aper-tures are correlated with particular tapetal types, andas expected, inaperturate pollen is not correlated withany particular type of tapetum, either in monocotsand basal angiosperms (Furness & Rudall, 1999a,2001) or in eudicots; this is confirmed by theoccurence of both secretory and invasive tapeta ininaperturate eudicots (Figs 2B, 3A, 4A, 5C).


The occurrence of inaperturate pollen in Populus, andin Matthiola, a relative of Arabidopsis, indicates thepotential for evolutionary–developmental studies onthe loss of pollen apertures. Evo-devo of pollen

lacking apertures could potentially provide valuableinsights into the genetic control of aperturedevelopment.

In inaperturate pollen, the presence of vesicles andprimexine deposition between the plasma membraneand callose wall is uninterrupted around eachmicrospore, due to the absence of a colpal shield inthe tetrad stage of development. The development ofthe patterned exine in Arabidopsis is controlled bythe plasma membrane and the vesicles found betweenthe primexine and the callose wall (Paxson-Sowders,Owen & Makaroff, 1997). In the defective exine (dex1)mutant, normal primexine development is disrupted,which affects the conformation of the plasma mem-brane and sporopollenin deposition so that sporopol-lenin forms large aggregates (Paxson-Sowders et al.,2001). The dex1 gene is essential for early pollen wallformation and the DEX1 protein is probably a com-ponent either of the primexine matrix or the endo-plasmic reticulum and is involved in the assembly ofprimexine precursors (Paxson-Sowders et al., 2001).Whether DEX1 is lacking or modified in areas des-tined to be apertures in wild-type Arabidopsis pollendoes not appear to have been investigated to date. Itwould also be expected that DEX1 would be func-tional during the development of inaperturate pollensuch as in Matthiola.


I thank Paula Rudall (Jodrell Laboratory, RoyalBotanic Gardens, Kew) for comments on this manu-script, and Kathleen Smith and Ashley Hughes(Horticulture and Public Education, Royal BotanicGardens, Kew) for help with obtaining material.


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